Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 02, 1884, Image 2

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Tickets only $5. Shares In ProporUonta
V - -
"tf'etlo hereby certify that uttupervite the at
rangementt for alt the Monthly and Semi-Annual
Drauingt of the Louitiana State Lottery Company ,
son manage and control tnt Drauinffi
themtfvti , and that the tame art conducted ititt
) wntjt/Saimeii. ] and in goodfatth toward all par
liet , and ttt authorize the company to ute thto ttr-
tlKeate , uithfat-tdnilrt of our rigniturei altaahei
in ill aaetrtuementl , "
Louisiana Stale lottery Company ,
Incorporated In 1883 lor J5 yean by the IctrtaUlnrt .
or educational and charitable purposes wllh cap.
Ul 0(11,000,000 ( to which * rcwrve fond ol orel
660,000 has slnos boon added.
By an overwhelming popular vet 1U hanohles
wu mada , part ol the present it te constitution
adopted December ! d , A. D. 1875.
The only Lottery over voted on and en
dorsed by the people of iray Stato.
It never scales or postpone * .
Ita grand single number drawings will
takt place monthly.
A splendid opportunity to win n Fortune ,
Fifth Grand Brnwlng Clang G , In the Academy -
omy of Music , Now Orlonng. Tuesday , July
IGtb , 1884 170th Monthly drawing.
CAPITAL PRIZE , 875,000.
100,000 , TlckoU nt Flvo Dollars Koch , frac
tions , in Fifths In proportion.
1 CAPITAL PH1ZE . . . . . . . | 7tOCO
1 do do . Zf,00
1 do do . 10,000
s FRIZES OF toooo .
6 do 000 . 10,000
10 do 1000 . 10,000
20 do WO . 10,000
100 do 200 . 20,000
800 do 100 . EO.OOC
COO do M . 25000
1000 do 26 . 26,000
9 Approximation prim ol
Q do do 600
g do do SM
1097 rriroa , amounting to , . . . . 1265,609
Application ( or rates to clubs thould bo road onlj
to toe offloo ot the Company In New Orleans.
For farther Information writs dearly giving fall
ddron. UakoP. O , Money Orderi payable and
Address Registered Letters to
New Orleans , La.
Postal Notes and ordinary letters by Mall 01 Bz
press ( all sunu ot 15 and upwards by Kxprcsa at oni
expense ) to
orM. A. DAUPHIN , New Orleans La.
607 Sorenth St. , WMh'ngton , D. C.
Spasms , Eclnmpsy mid
Nervousness nro
Mr | lho Honorariums are du <
only after success.
Treatment by Correspondence
Awarded the flrst claw cold Medal tor illstlnRuliho
merits by the "Sodotio Bclenttllqui ) trancalso , "
( the Fnnch Scientific Hoclcty.
O , Place la Trono , O.-1MJ11S.
m&o wed&sat
Chicago. . St. . Paul , Minneapolis an
The new extension ol this line from Wakofleld \
through Concord and Colorldga
TO 3QC 3LXl. < 3XlNrGb-a7OXO
Reaches the bert portion ol 'the State. Special i
curclon rates for land loekors over this line
Wayne , Norfolk and Hartlngton , and via Illalr to
principal poliits on the
Trains oror tht 0. , St. P. U. & 0. Hallway to C
nfton. Sioux City , Ponca , Ilartlngton , Wayne s
Norfolk ,
OoM.3d.OOt tit DESlAlXT
for Fremont , Oakda e , Nellffb , and through to \
3TFor rates and all Information cell on
F P. WHITNEY , General A Rent.
Agents wanted tor author
edition of his lllo. Vubliil
BLAINE at AutrusU , his homo , I/a
mmr mmm mm m m ctt , handtomettt , clieapi
t > o t. Iy ) the renowned historian and blngrapli
Col , Conwcll , wlioaollto ot Qarllclil , pulillshod by
out sold the twenty others by GO.IOO , Outsell * m
Jiook over publlilivd In this world ; many agents
Kslllmt fifty dally. Agents are mating fortunes
now b glnncrs lucctstfol ; giaud chance for tin
S48.CO < > made by a lidy agent thoflrttday. Til
inott beral Particulars free. llctUr Bend 25 cc
or p tage , eta , on free outfit , now ready , luc !
UK largo prospectus book , and eave valuable tlmi
jo 10 1W ALLKN & CO , , Auiiuita , 111
The me ot the term " H
Line" In connection with
corporate name of a irreatrc
conveys an Idea ol ut whi
* required by the traveling 11
I I U L Uo a Short Line , Quick T
r and the bout of accomnu
kill tlons-all ot which are It
bet by the greatest railway In America.
And St. Paul.
II owns and operates over 4,600 mllMof
northern Illinois , Wisconsin , Mlnuoeota , Iowa
Dakota ; and as U main lines , branches and com
lions reach all the great business centres of
Horthwest and Far West , It naturally answers
description of Short Une , and Best lloute Irtlwe
Chicago , Milwaukee , 8t Paul and UlnneapoUs.
Chicago , Milwaukee , La Croese and WUiona.
Chicago , Milwaukee , Aberdeen and Ellendals
Chicago , Milwaukee , Eau Claire and Btlllwatsi'
Chicago , Milwaukee , Wauoau and Merrill.
Chicago , Milwaukee , Beaver Dam and Oshkosb
Chicago , Milwaukee , Waukntha and Ooonouow
Chicago , Milwaukee , Modlooa and Prairie dn Oh
Chicago , Milwaukee , Owatonna and ralrlbault.
Chicago , Belolt Janesvt'le ' aud Mineral Point
Chicago , Elgin , llockf ord and Dubuque.
Chicago , Clinton , Hack blond and Oedar JUpldi
Chicago , Council Uluffs and Omaha.
Chicago , Sioux City , Sioux Falls and Tanktoo
Chicago , Milwaukee , MltchoU and Chamberlain.
Hook Island , Dubuque , St. Paul and Mlnnesnoll
Davenport , Colour , at. Paul and Minneapolis.
J'ullttin S eepers and the Finest Dining Can
the world are run on the main lines of thet'llIOA
tUotlouls paid to puueugirsby oouiteouivuplc
Of tht Company ,
fc. a MEIiniLL. Genl Manager.
A. V , II. GAIU'&iTER , Ota' Pass. I
3. T. OLAIIK , Ocu'l S JDt.
OEO. II. llEAFFOltD , Aw't. Qcul , Pass. 1
Coo Cow * and elfers. oo Otie-yoar Bte
Tlie above described cattle are all will bred ,
tlte Nebraska and Iowa ,
Tiuoeeattlt mill be soil in lots to suit purchi
Xw furtbw inrUcularn call on or address ,
Albion , Neb ,
What the ConscuncnccWillBGinFall
Funds of the Spinners' ' Union Ex
hausted by the Long Strikoi
Pictures or Destitution How the
Utnuk List AVorkfl ,
Fall RIver Special to The Boston Globe.
"God help us if the mills shut down ! "
A pale-faced woman rocked to an fro ,
striving to pacify a fretful baby. The
room was one of the ordinary kitchens
which in the great mill tonomonU eorvo
for parlor aud living-room as well. The
walla were ornamented with simple de
votional pictures , illustrative of the
Catholic faith. Oror the mantel hung
a faded motto in a cheap frame. It
road :
children played on the bare floor.
The oldest was 8 years old , the youngest
perhaps not moro than 2. The infant
m the woman's arms oponou its eyes with
a ataro of surprise , aa it looked at the
stranger , and then dropod into the peace
ful sloop which only an infant can Know.
Tfeo long strike of the Fall River spin
ner , has ended , but the outlook for the
operatives is moro than ever full of
gloom. The words uttered by the palo
faced woman are the thought of many
anxious minds to-day. While the spin
ners and weavers have , as a rule , return
ed to work , there are yet some who are
neither at work j nor are likely to bo
at work for a long time to como. Those
are mon who have boon "black listed" on
account of their participation in the
"Thoro are fifty of thosospinnorsthuBun-
dor the ban , " said Secretary Howard.
"Whon ono of thorn applies for work at a
mill ho is asked as to where ho worked
lust. If ho 'gives his true name ho is at
once known as being on the list. If , as
has often boon the case , ho gives a false
name and mentions a mill which has not
boon in the strike , the telephone is used
to ascertain the truth of his story. If ,
doapito of the prosecutions , ho succeeds
in getting work , but n day or two passes
before ho is detected by a spotter and
compelled to give up his placo. Hero Is
a man who worked m ono of the mills
for eight years , a steady , good operative
but ho canno t got work to-day. An out-
of-town man has hie place. These who
are at work wont with the promise that
their wages should bo equal to what they
were before the strike ; but there is not
only a reduction of 11 per
cent but there are allowances , formerly
granted but not now permitted , which
makes the reduction equal to moro than
20 per cent. The work is hard and the
wajjos poor scarcely worth working for. "
"Tho union is not able to give much
assistance ta these who are out of work. "
to speak of now. When the mon wont
in wo sent out word that the strike wtve
ever , and that further aid was not need
ed. Wo have toward the last been pay.
ing only § 2 a week to a single man , S-.5 (
to a married man and his wife , and twon
ty-fivo cents for each child. This is no
enough to buy ilour , lot alone paying tin
rout , and as a consequence some of thosi
mon have boon evicted from their homos
In ono case , where a man refused tc
move , they took away the doors of thi
house to compel him to find anothoi
"I know of a number of cases of sat
f oring among those who are out of work
Ono man , with five children , was mot thi
111 other day , starting out to look for work
Ho had his dinner pail with him , and h
it were two half slices of dry broad. Tha
was all ho had , and ho had loft his famil ;
without any food In the houso.
"Another man , who is the father c
several children , including twins ban
after the strikehas boon to mo time afto
IXto time in his search for work. Once h
all to came with a child on each arm. It was
sad sight.
"Tho worst case is that of another ma
ov who has five children. ' His wife came 1
nil mo last Monday and said , 'Wo have fiv
children , and something must bo don
for us. Jim started this morning to lee
fal- for work without having a mouthful i
break his fast. ' She was crying and sai
the did not have n mouthful , oven of di
broad , in the house. "
Secretary Peter Lovdon of the Wei
vors' Union gave a moro hopeful nccoui
itio of the operatives coining under his supo
vision. The black list does not apply 1
at icr , , the weavers , and , with a few exception
us , all have employment at present.
cry In the short time at my disposal to-dt
are All I endeavored to verify the statomoi
) in ; made by Mr. Howard as to the cases <
rms destitution of the
nt * among some spinner
ud- I called at the tenement occupied by tl
family whom ho had mentioned as boil
most in want , but was uuablo to BI
either the man Jim or his wifo. 1 mai
inquiries of a woman in the same ton
hoi inont and she K VO mo a very sad stor
tht "Yos , it's all trun , " she said.
iub- and aha has goiio out somewhere. Tin
Irat have sovoii small children. Here n
xlo- three of them. Look at the poor thing
uo <
how bad they need clothes. Their mot
or has not a shoo on her foot , and be
IE rows mine when she goes out. The
father has boon to Rhode Island aft
work , but ho couldn't ' got it , and now 1
has gene to Lawrence.
"Cannot their frionda help them ? "
' Friends ! What friends have th
wbp are able to help them ? Ho has
Deaths brother who is ar poor as ho is himsol
these I don't know what they will do if !
so doesn't got work. I am afraid ho w
make way with himself. "
Such extreme cases are , of course , 11 .
common at the present time , but lar
numbers , oven of these who have wor
Ita. 00. are struggling under the debts incnrr
by them during the atriko. They c
live , but have nothing to spare and not .
ing to give to their less fortunate nolg
bars. The long ; strike made poor i
who were engaged in it , and many
these who were not among the strike
gave all they could spare to help the ot
00 i In , era. Now all are poor aliko. If work
the mills continues the operatives can ( J
a living. If the mills are shut down t
a time , as some say they will bo , the i
suit will bo great destitution among tl
Igt. many thousands of operatives. Und
ordinary circumstances , the tired workc
would bo glad of rest during the J
weather , but now they have no choii
they have no resources to fall back upc
To work moans to ox tot ; to rest moans
starve. With this state of frets there
a terrible significance in the words of t
pale-faced woman , "God help us if t
era. mills shut down ! "
Ij ian and tlio Southern Sold lor ,
Mss ! ! ijji Crusader ,
During the dark doyi of roconstru
Ion , wo think it was in 18C8 , the month
of Juno , three gentlemen sat on the porch
of a private boarding-house on Michigan
avenue , Washington city. As they sat
together In a low and earnest conversa
tion , an old man in wornbut once res
pectable garments , lame and bobbing on
n crutch , paused directly in front of the
trio1 and glanced searchingly in the faces
of all three , There wan an expression
in the upturned countenance of the old
man too readily defined a look of weari
ness nn air , in fact , of present poverty ,
that could not ba misunderstood by the
"Can I do anything for you , my man ? "
asked the senior of the trio , attsntlvoly
regarding the stationary figure in his
"I think not , sir , " was the quick ro-
uponso ,
"Whoro did you got that lame leg } " in
quired the first speaker.
"At ChiokamauRa. "
"On what side7 ? '
"Your aide , if you are a Southerner , "
rejoined the oldman | , loaning wearily on
his crutch.
"Not mine , friend , , " said the gentle-
man. I belong to the other
side. "
"That makes a big difference , " remark
ed the crippled stranger. "I was about
to ask you a favor , but tyou live on the
wrong side of the house. "
"What can I do for you , old man ? '
still urged the gentleman with quiet
"I may as well tell you as any ono else.
I am a stranger in this city and trying to
got out of it. I have a homo in the far
south and enough to live on when I got
thoro. I ran out of money in Baltimore
and was brought hero by the kindness of
the conductor on the train. "
"Havo you no money now ? "
"I expected a remittance of $25 from
homo when I reached this place : but it
has not arrived. "
"Well you shall not go homo on your
crutches if I can help it , " and the gentle
man produced his pocketbook and count
ed six $5 bills in the palm of the strang
er."It is too muchl I dislike to take ill"
exclaimed the old man , grateful and as
"Keep it you are welcome to it"per
sisted t ho gentleman.
"I thank you a thousand times 1"
said the old man. "Whon I got homo I
will return every cent of it. Your
name for I want to remember it and
honor it aa long aa I livo. "
"Novor mind that , old man. If you
have enough , as you say , to live on in
your far-away southern homo , and if you
should ever moot in that homo a boy in
blue in such trouble as you are today ,
just hand him the little amount I give
you now and say no moro about
It. "
The man who sent ono of our own
dear boya-n poor confederate on his
way rejoicing was Hon. John Alexander
Logan , noted if some of our exchanges
are to bo his judges , for merciless treat
ment of southern soldiers I
Very lllcli Bleu as Borrowers.
Hartford Cournnt ,
A curious illustration of the danger oi
doing business with very rich men is now
furnished by the situation of the Wabasli
affairs in Now York. It is notorioua thai
to float the Wabash stock , especially the
preferred , in the market dividends were
) paid on the latter. ( You have to hav (
two dividends , because the first ono can
t not bo announced as the "regular" or tin
"usual , " etc. ) While paying these dividends
donds tho'company was borrowing money
and it is demonstrated that the dividend !
were only earned as "a matter of book
3 keeping , " and not as a matter of fact
t \ The stock being floated BO well , the
blanket mortgage , of course , sold easily
By-and-by , ready money growing
scarcer , the company was in worse strait !
until at last it has lately had to go intc
a receiver's hands. But the money thai
had boon borrowed had come from th <
banks uon the company's notes indorsee
by Jay Gould and Russell Sago.
When the crisis came the notes wore
protested and Gould and Sago blandlj
declined to pay up as endorsers. T <
two sorts of men only is it given ti
stand at bay in that situation the bank
rupt and the millionaire. Tlio man win
has no property but his homo , the mai
who ia "comfortably fixed , " oven th
ordinarily rich man , has to stop in am
pay when the note is protested that h
has endorsed. Many a case of ruin ha
como from this cause. But the man wh
is BO rich that ho can defy courts , i
they can't do anything worse with thpn
can calmly decline to honor his oblige
tion , and ask instead "what are you gi
ing to do about it ? "
In this case it is said receiver's cortlf
catea either have boon or will bo issued I
take up this protested paper , the certil
catos to bo , by order of the court , a ho
on the property superior to the actu ;
mortgages. A performance like this
frightfully demoralizing and in no sinn
way dangerous. It just so far vitiati
the bond that each holder of the mor
gogo supposed ho possessed , nnd It r
liovos the common indorsera aUogothe
at the expense of the fundamental croi
itors of the company. The story that tl
certificates have boon issued is not yi
confirmed , and it seems scarcely crodibl
if only from the standpoint of polic ;
The strain that too many such trausa
oy tions must bring upon the machinery >
ro our financial system is too severe. Soin
rep ; thing would liuvo to break. The law
h. to maintain the rights of property ar
ir- not its wrongs.
lir This is a striking and a suggestive bi
or still a typical case to illustrate what son
ho shrewd bank mon have spoken of befoi
the danger of trusting a very rich ma :
It is paradoxical but it isn't funny ,
oy is a serious business when a bank d
oya clines to discount paper , or to make
If. loan , because the borrower is too rid
ho Ho might refuse to pay , they sayf ai
ill then what should wo do ? The possibil !
of long law-suits , compromises , heavy o
.ot ponsos , the ill name of being in such
.ote scrape , and the other adverse clrout
e stances suggest themselves , and in mo
od than ono case , it is said , bankers have r
an fused to make loans to mon whoso a
an.h nuul income could buy out the whc
hall .hh bank. Even among the money change
all there is dilToronco between a good nar
of and great , that is very great , riches.
irs h- Tlio lloiuanoo of a Boston Sclioi
in nui'ain ,
; ot Sommlllo Journal.
'or A pretty Boston school ma'am and
ro- youth of mien sedate were parting in t
lie evening beside the mirdou gate ; Ills ha :
lor and heart he'd offered in a grave a :
> rs sober way , And she , with quiet dignil
tot had named the happy day ; Uo linger
at the gate with her , and said , in accoi
in. low : "Thoro is a little favor I would n
to before I fjo ; Afavsr never asked bofoi
isho owoot maiden it is this , A lover's pr ;
ho ilogo , that ia all a sweet bothrotl
hoot kiss. " "If tou'll wait , " the maiden wh
pored , with her color rising high , " 1
I remove my spectacles I'll willing
comply. "
Iloaton bis bean famous for bolting o1
ot- hluco It played that tea trick on the lirttiili
Shot ) > y Indians , 8 R veil , and Killed by
nn Accident.
Sun Francisco Call.
Benjamin 0. Scott , of Brooklyn , Cal. ,
who died at Toombstono , A. T. , Juno 14 ,
1884 , was a native of California , having
been born in Placer county in 1858.
In 1878at twenty years of ago , ho
wont to Arizona , and in December , 1883 ,
while in the employ of the Now Jersey
and Sonora Reduction company , engaged
In transporting mining supplies from
Tombstone to tlm company's works , ho ,
in company with a Mr. Bonnet , when
about twenty-five miles from Fronteros ,
in Mexico , were attacked by a band of
Apache Indiana lying in amb'ush near the
road , who , almost without a moment's
warning , fired upon them as they sat in
thnir wagons. The first shot struck Mr.
Scott in the right arm , wounding him
severely , shattering the bono between the
shoulder and elbow joint. Mr. Bonnet
received two shots , ono of which was
fatal , and from which ho died on
the following day. Notwithstand
ing they were armed their
sudden Burpriso made resistance useless ,
and being overpowered by numbers ,
their only safety was in retreat , and Mr.
Scott , with true bravery , guarded his
fatally wounded comrade as well as ho
could with his gun and loft arm while ho
crawled to the underbrush , then retreat
ing himself , with his wounded arm dang
ling by his side , still under fire of the
savages , but without receiving any fur
ther wounds. From their place of con
cealment they witnessed the plunder of
the contents of their wagons by the
savages , who appropriated whatever of
value they could carry off , including all
of _ their animals , and , aa a fitting termin
ation to their robbery and outrage , they
destroyed what they could not carry
away by igniting some CO pounds of
Horculca powder ( of which the supplies
in part consisted ) , blowing the wagons ,
mining utensils and all oho that re
mained into the air with a terrific explo
In their terrible dilemma they hold a
consultation as to what they should do ,
and Mr. Scott decided to start back to
Frontoras for help at dark , which ho did ,
on footbeing compelled to leave his com
panion fatally wounded , helpless and
Ho reached Fronteras'tho next morn
ing and Bennett was brought in that day ,
but died soon after his arrival. Notwith
standing the severity of Mr. Scott's
wounds , and the fact that being nearly
100 miles from Tombstone no medical as
sistance could bo obtained for several
day , yet , by the skill of Dr. Willcs , his
arm was saved.-
But the star of ill-fortune seemed de
termined to hover ever him , for the first
act which ho performed after his arm was
sufficiently restored , and th ono which
proved to bo the last of his life , was as
follows : Ho had boon to Frontoras
and made an unsuccessful effort to obtain
permission from the Mexican authorities
to remove the body .of his comrade Ben
nett , and have it ro-intorrod at Tomb
stone , upon American soil , and while re
turning on the 13th of Juno , with the
empty casket in the wagon , in passing
over a rough place in the road his gun
was accidentally discharged , the contents
passing through his left arm , entering his
body and breaking bis eighth and ninth
ribs , producing a fatal woundfromwhioli
ho died on th < f following night , A singu
lar circumstance proper to bo mentioned
hero ia that ho is the lost of three children
dron of the same parents , all of when
came to their death by accident.
The body was embalmed , forwarded tc
San Francisco and will be interred in th <
Masonic cometey.
A SpcoinI Invitation.
Wo especially invite a trial by all thosi
sufferers from Kidney and Liver com
plaints who have failed to obtain rolie
from doctors. Nature's great remedy
Kidney-Wort , lias effected cures in man ]
obstinate cases. It acts at once on thi
Kidneys , Liver and Bowels , cleansing thi
system of all poisonous humors and restoring
storing a healthy condition to those im
portant organs. Do not bo discouraged
but try it.
A "Womlcrlul Workman Rolis Him
self of the Credit a Tall
Boy Gave Him ,
Chicago News.
A toll boy , dressed in a grimy blnus
and overalls , stood in a long shod u ;
Canal street pumping air into a little pa
of blazing charcoal. In his left hand h
hold a pair of nippers which ho used t
manipulate a rod-hot iron bolt lyin
among the coals. Presently the bolt grei
whito. Then the boy lifted it out of th
Dro with his nippers , shook it in the ai
to detach from it the clinging bits c
blazing charcoal , and ran with it to a bi
boiler where two workmen stood leanin
on heavy iron sledges. Ho placed his b
of iron in ono of a row of nolos drillo
through f wo overlapping plates of boilc
iron. Tlio workmen fell upon It wit
their sledges and boat it with altornatin
blows until it presented only a conic ;
head of cold iron. Then the mon lai
down their sledges and between thoi
drank the contents of a tin pail of wnti
which the boy brought them.
"There's something strange about thi
man , " said the boy to a Daily News n
porter who stood in the doorway. 11
pointed to ono of the mon loaniu
against the big bailor. "You wouldn
think ho could strike straight , woul
it Why not ? "
" 'Cause he's stone blind. Ho got h
in ono of his eyes by an iron splinti
about five years ago and it made him lei
the sight of both of them Ho hi
x- kept Ion pounding rivets ovi
xn since , just the same as if nothing hi
. '
n- happened.1'
nro 'How doea ho know where to strike ? '
roe "Ilo says the wind from the blows i
nile - the hammer of the man who works wil
ilo him guides his strokes. Ho always striki
rs exactly where the other man struck tl
no struck the second before. I shonldn
think ho could do it , should you ? "
"Hardly. "
"But you saw ho can hammer straigli
and " *
now -
"John , " called the blind1 man ju
then , "tend to your fire bettor. Y <
a haven't blown it a dozen times
head the. " five minutes I've boon watehii
cd you ,
John blew the fire steadily and atopp
sulTured intensely , I was induced to t
ro ; HUNT'S [ Kidney and Liver ] REMEDY , ai
IVml before I had used two bottles I was o
ml tiroly cured. Richmond Hcushaw , Pro
' idonco , R , I.
Notorious I'rlKoneru At Trenton.
New York E\onlog 1'ost ,
tor In the Btato prison at Trenton are ti
bauk preeidents , two receiving tcllei
four bank cashiers , n county treasurer
and a city auditor serving out long eon-
toncea for ombozzolmonU nnd robberies.
They are accused of having stolen in the
aggregate $2G70000. | The bank presi
dents are John Halliard , of the Me
chanics' and Laborers , bank of Jersey
City , ana Garret S. Boico , who. with nis
son-in-law , Shaw , and his clerk , Bench ,
cleaned out the City National bank of
Jersey City and thpn announced the sus
pension. Ex-Sheriff Lavorty , the keeper
of the states prison , says that Bench con
fesses that the two gathered together tlio
funds of the bank and put thotn in their
pockets before closing the inatutution ,
"Wo didn't know the $1,200 found In
Oho of the drawers after our arrest was
" remarked "or it
there. ho frankly ,
wouldn't have remained thoro.1
Sheriff Lavorty is of the opinion that
the young mon profited chiefly by the
transaction , and that they load Boico into
it. Beach , whoso wife lives in n fash
ionable boarding house in Now York ia
the only ono of them who sooma to have
any money. Mrs. Boico and her family ,
including Shaw's wife" , earn their living.
Mrs. Shaw teaches music and sings in n
church ; ono of the Misses Boico , who is
an accomplished artist , paints , and Mrs.
Boico does noodle work.
Baldwin , the wrcckor of the Mechanic's
National bank , of Newark , is book keep
er in the rubber factory. It is said that
that bio ( .friends hold the contract , and
that they provide for Baldwin's family.
Sheriff Latterly saya that Jarrad , the
Middlesex county collector , who em
bezzled § 30,000 , is in excellent health.
"I do not believe , " the sheriff adds ,
"that ho over committed the forgery of
which ho is convicted. Ho admits the
embezzlement , but denies the forgery.
There are eight lifo prisoners in the
state Prison. The only woman among
them is Llbbio Garrabraut , who killed
her lover in Patterson some yeara ago
with slow poison , The sheriff says she
is incorrigbly bad.
Ladles , attontlont In the Diamond
Dyes moro coloring is given than in any known
dyes.mid they eivo faster nnd more brilliant
colors , 10cnt nil uruggista. Everybody praises
them. Wells , lllchardsoti & Co. , Burlington ,
Couldn't Stand Being Tortured by n
"How did this trouble occur ? " asked
Justice Footo of Albert Jones , a barber ,
who had had Charles Meoch , a nervous
man , arrested for assaulting him. .
"I was shaving the man , when ho sud <
denly. without a word , struck mo in the
face , and then jumped up and continued
to belabor mo. "
"What have you to say in defense1 ?
asked the court turning to Mooch.
"Tho man is right. I struck him , ant
and I-think I was justified in doing so. '
' How's that ? "
{ 'Well , judge , when I sat down hi
managed to spill powder all over m ]
shoes ; but I didn't care for that. Thei
bo lathered mo over the face , and wasn' '
satisfied until ho .had filled my moutl
with soap. "
"That wna very aggravating , " said thi
court , now thoroughly interested.
"I stood that , judge , but my bloo <
commenced to boil. I might have struul
him when ho drooped a corner of th
towel in my eye , but I was afraid of hi
razor. Then ho stood up and shaved m
like ho waa cutting weeds. Ho tore th
hair out by the roota and shaved againe
the grain , and "
"Well , well , " interrupted the com
with sympathy marked on every feature
"I stood all that , judge ; stood it an
Buffered like a hero ; but when ho ononei
his mouth and commenced to tell me th
weather was cold , and that wo'd hav
snow next month , and that the woatho
clerk must bo dead , why , judge ,
couldn't stand it. I struck the villia :
and I don't regret it. "
' Poor man ! 1 can sympathize with yo
boon there myself ; but the majesty e
the law must bo maintained. Five do ]
lars and costs , " and the court wiped
solitary tear'from his eye.
"I'm willing to pay it , " said the prii
onor as ho left the dock.
ABInglo Fact is Worth a Slilp-Loni
of Arijnmeiit. "
Mr , W. B' Lathrop , of South Boston , Masi
under date of Jan. 7,1881 , says : ' 'My fath (
had for years an oatmg cancer on his undi
Up which had been gradually growlnp won
until it had eaten away bin under lip down I
the gums , and was feeding itself on tbo Insic
of his cheek , and the surgoorm paid n horrib
death was soon to come. Wo gave him nir
bottles of Swift's Specific and ho has boon 01
tiroly cured. It bos created great oxcitoino :
In this section , "
Treatise on blood and skin diseases irmile
uu.THK SWIFT SPECIFIC Co. , Drawer 3 , Atlai
ta , Ga. , 150 W. 23d St. , N. Y. and 12 (
Chestnut St. , Phila.
Milk In Hot "Weather.
vMr. Roberts , the Hartford ecaler , giyi
an explanation of the taint of milk whic
is cfton noticad after being taken fro
the ice. "Most people put the milk c
top of the ico. The cold current descent
and cornea up on the other aide , after b
ing moro or less heated. On the secor
trip the air loaded with the'sconto of tl
different nrticloi , goes directly into tl
milk and stays there ; because the impu
Hies will be attracted by moisture. No
place the milk under the ice and yc
will see that odors of the difloront fooc
will bo loft on the ice , and the milk wi
bo as pure from bad small or taste i
when put thoro. I have placed a glass i
water on ice in ono sidp of a rofrigorati
and a box of strawbesrios in the otho
In three hours the water was colorc
from the impurities of the berries , This
It illustration of poii
is clearly a good my
or on milk. Milk is ono of the greatest al
30 sorbing liquids , and it should never 1
as loft in the alck room or whorpvor the :
or are unhealthy scents. You will notice
id a greasy soum on water loft in your aloe ;
ing room over night ; that comes fro
the impurities of everything in the roe
of being attracted by the moisture. I alwa ;
plauo a glass of water in my room bofo :
08 retiring.
A HtK Salmon Trout.
Montreal ) Canada ) Witness , Juno 20 ,
Lately Capt. W. H. McLeod , who
running ono of the fishing boats bolon
ist ing to Mr. D , McLood , an extensive fin
istU dealer in Southampton , caught on ir
in monso salmon trout weighing 80 pound
measuring from the point of its nose
the end of its tail 5 foot 2 inches , at
cd around the thickest part of ita body !
inches. The head was 10 inches
lonqth , and the width of the tail , fro
point to point , was 12 inches. This
ry the largest fish of that species ever caug
nd in tV > at section. The monster w
n- packed in ice and consigned to Mr. Fur
IV of-Woodstock , where it is now held , I
exhibition ,
Purify your blood , tone up the aystoi
aud roRulato the digestive orcana 1
taking Hood's Sanaparilla. Sold by i
A Danccrous Cane.
nociiMTmJuno 1,1882. "Ten
Years ago I w&SKlttckod with the most
Intense ami deathly ri lni In my back And
Kidneys ,
"Extending to the end of my toes and
my brain I
"Which made mo doliriousl
'From agony.
"It took three mon to hold mo on my
bed at times 1
"Tho doctors tried in vain to relieve mo ,
But to no purpose.
"Morphino nnd other opiates
"Had no effect !
"After two months I waa given up to
"Whon my wife
hoard a neighbor toll what Hop Bitters
had done for her , she at oncogot and gave
tqo aomo. The first dose cased my brain
and seemed to go hunting through my
system for the pain.
"Tho second dose cased mo BO much
that I slept two hours , something I had
not done for two months. Before I had
used five bottles , I was well and at work ,
as hard as any man could , for over three
weeks ; but I worked too hard for my
strength , and taking a hard cold , I was ta
ken with the most acute and painfulrhou-
matism all through my system that was
ever known. I called the doctors again ,
and after several weeks , they loft mo n
cripple on crutches for lifo , as they said.
I mot a friend and told him my cna.o , and
ho said Hop Bitters had cured him nnd
would euro mo. I hooped at him , but ho
was so earnest I was induced to use them
again. In loss than four weeks I throw
away my crutches and wont to work light
ly and kept on usinc ; the bitters for five
weeks , until I became as well as any man
living , nnd hnvo boon BO for six year
since , It nlso cured my wife , who had
been so for years ; and has kept her and
my children , well and hearty , with
from to to three bottles per year , There
( s no need to bo sick at all if thesobittors
are used. J. J. BERK. Ex-Supervisor.
"That poor invalid wife.
"Or daughterl
"Can bo made the picture of health !
"With n few bottles of Hop Bitteral
"Will you let them suffer t"
\ sudcrcr ( rom chron
io diarrhoea , writes : "I
tried various propane
tlonsjlut even the slni'
pleat cruel causodpaln
at night. Commencing
nlth nidgo's Food , I
found lull satisfaction
to the appetllu and It
was never attended
* 1th the lightens
: omort m digestion ,
To test Its efficacy , th
r , iupncr was changed
a tow times , but amajs with a return of distress in
the night. Sold by Druggists. 4 sizes , 35c , die ,
J1.25 and $1.76. WOOLH1CH & CO. , I'almor , Mass ,
on every label.
OF MANLY VIGOR , Spormatorr
hoca , etc. , when all other rcmo
dies fall. A cure guaranteed.
SI.EO a bottle , largo bottle , four
times the quantity. $6. By ex
press to any address. Sold bj
- , = . all druggists. ENGLISH MEDI
CAXiINSIITUTE , Proprietors , 718 olive Street , St. .
touts , Mo.
"I have sold Sir Aetley Cooper's Vital UcetoratiT
orynsrs. Every customer speaks highly ol It. .
nhesltatlnglyondonso It aa a remedy ol true merit
"C. F GOODMAN , Drudpls
etr. 1 1882 vtg.m&ct
, . . , . . . . . . .
Aa tscclltnt appftlilnctonia i iw * .vw .v. - -
tol. worlJ. m. . Iljip.p.,4 , l nh qu l.F.t uil * ri' . " > * " >
llKJtJ.t , ot Ibi IHmtln Afe dropi torart .tlclo l T rte
to a tluicf CDkupKav , and la tit uo.oi.r drlnki . Try II. i I
Ur. . -f c.unl.VIU.k T ur ror r erdninlltfol . ! Lt (
Hllcl > , uuiviIutandbrDIl./0 B rjliaEKTOiOIS.
* N. r.
RED STAR LINE Boyal and U.S. Mail'Steamcrs
The Rhine , Ocrmany , Italy , Holland and France
Steerage Outward20 ; Prepaid ( rom Antwerp , tig ;
Excursion , $39 , Including bedding , etc , 2d Cabin , $60 ;
Hound Trip , $90 00 ; Excursion , S100 ; baloou from $50
to $90 ; Excursion 110 to 8100.
tyPetor Wright & Sons , Qen , Agents. 65 Bread.
( jCaldwell. Hamilton & Co. , Omaha. P. B. Olod
man & Co. , 203 N. IBth Strctt , Omaha ; D , E. Kim
bill , OmuhiAvould. mto ood-ly
o- Is warranted to wear longer , P.I
oid tlin form ricivtcr , ami Klvo bettc1
trtUnfactlon than any other Corse :
iff In the market , or prlco paid will
O refunded. The Indorsements ol
10 _ Calctgo't best pbyelclac : , accots
10r ) Jiy e h Comt , Price , licit Natceil Jcou , portage
r- 81 Ml. Auk your merchant for tlii-ia.
rw . w rnsoiiiLn , JOMII-JI : a , < * > , ,
w b > ? iiiMlurin , SiU cS im tuuidolpli St.C'fltaigP.
3s J. H. F.
r r if in. Quick , ur. , , r . nook mi.
us CIlUl. inncj , ISO Fullou 81. , N w York.
Jl r.d Imported Beer
itb Erlanger , Bavaria.
bJO Culmbaclier , . . .Bavaria.
ro Pilsner * Bohemian.
reP Kaiser , . , , , . . . - . . . . . . . .Bremen.
m Dudwoiser St. Louis.
? " Aiihausor. . . . St. Louis.
ro Best a. . . . Milwaukee.
Schlitz-Pilsner Milwaukee.
Kruet's ' Omaha.
Ale , Porter. Domestic and Rhino
Wine. ED. MAU11ER ,
1213 l < 'arnara St.
to tos Helical bfititulo
Chartered by theStateoflUi.
id nois for thecxprcsapurpoEe
34 ofglvinglmmcdlate reliclla
in alcliranlcunnaryandpri- |
inm , vate dhccjcs. Gonorrhcra ,
m 'Gleet andSyphills In nil their
is complicated forms , also all
isht diseases of the Bkln and
Ulood promptly relieved and
as pcrmanentlycurcd by reme
diesteatedln at'artyl'eart
ey _ , - t > i > fclall'ructlcr * Seminal
or Weakness. "ightlUosseaby Dreams , Plmplea on
the Kacc.Lott Manhood , J'oiKd't/y cured 'riert >
< * iio 7 > < TfmriiHii Ths appropriate < Jy
ta .t once used In each case. Consultations , per-
lonal or by letter , sacredly confidential. Med-
'xlaca sent by Mall and Express. No murks on
pacxsce to Indicate contents or sender. Address
Owing to the increase
in our business we've
admitted to the firm.
Mr. Edwin Daviswho
is well and favorably
known in Omaha.This
will enable us to han
dle an increased list
of property. We ask
those who have desi
rable property for place the same
with us , The new firm ,
will be
213 South 14th St. .