6 OMAHA DAILVT BEE-COUNCIL BLUFFS , TUESDAY , ' JULY 1 , 188 * . I THE DAILY BEE COUNCIL BLUFFS Tuesday Morning. July 1. suDscmrrioN . Rr Cimlct - - - - - - - nenU pcr.ww . . . . . Bj-Mall - - - - - 10.00perjc ornoE : Ko. 7 Pearl Btreot , Near Broadway. MINOR MENTION , See J. Rcitor'a spring goods , See Brackott , 224 and 220 Broadway ' for fire works * quarrel 01 There was a neighborhood Sixth avenue near the Northwestern track yesterday. Thociiy council had no quorum last night , and adjourned until three o'clock Ihia afternoon. The Young Men's Bhino and Logan club will moot at the skating rink one week from to-night. Harry Hanson is to have a hearing bo- fere Justice Vaughan to-day on the charge of horao stealing. . Some of the mud holes , on Broadway wore being filled up yesterday. Bettor four weeks behind than not at all. The Bavarian band goes to Walnut this morning for two days , to Papillion the Fourth , and to Milliard the sixth. There Trill bo a quadrille party on the Fourth under the auspices of the mem bers of the St. Francis Xavier at the skating rink. The Union Pacific car repairers wore yesterday notified that there ia to bo a reduction of 10 per cent in the wages on and after to-day. At the mooting of the board of health a resolution waa passed urging the citi zens to clean up the Alloys and collars and use limo liberally. Last ovonlng there fraa no session of the Educational Association. The loo- tnro of Air. Sabin waa postponed until 10 o'clock thin morning , in addition to the other programme. Win. Brix has complained of Martin Bowpr for threatening to giro him a pair of black oyos. Justice Vaughn has placed Bower under $100 bonds not to do the threatened blacking. Thomas Tostovin , the connty survey or , has moved his ollico and now makes his headquarters in the oflico of the county auditor at the court liouso. Frank J. Ashton , who is on hia way to "Frisco on his bicycle , will give an exhibition at the roller skating rink this evening. There will bo skating for these who wish to exercise themselves. ( Thus far about seventy-five have ex pressed their intention to go with the G. A. R. excursion to G Ion wood on the JTourth , and this number will doubtless l > o largely increased. Still Bates , J. W. Law , John 0olllns , Bob Richardson , John McDonald and James Riley wore assessed yesterday the usual amount for tarrying too long 'at the cup. There was a Sunday night boor garden racket , and yesterday Billy Smith , 0. Hooton and J. Scott paid the penalty. O. Wheeler , who was arrested aa ono of them , was discharged , and John Boll'o case was hold under advisement. Thomas Thompson , the young man charged with collecting a small bill of Mr. Winans under the false pretense that lie was in W. T. Braun'a employ , had his case continued again yesterday , It .being sot now for Wednesday. Jacob Sims is to deliver the oration at on the Fourth. Council Bluflis supplies a number of places with oratory this year , 'but Harlan's selection IB ono of the wisest. 'The people there may rest assurrod they will have something worth listening to. Among these brought before the police court bar yesterday , there was an un usual number of Scotchmen five in all. Judge Aylosworth , as ho wiped the Bwcat of ! hln brow , remarked to-day is a fcotch-cr , " and then fainted , overcome by the pun-y effort , The funeral of the late Chris Schwong * cr took place yesterday under the aus pices of Humboldt lodge I. O , 0. F. , of which ho was a member. There was a largo attendance of the order , headed by the Bavarian band , and many other friends joined in paying duo tribute to his memory. V Jack Rosewood and Jim Clark were ar rested for fighting in an alloy back of a flsloon. They explained that they wore old friends from Utah , and this being such a peaceful city and they notjhavlng had ach&nco to exorcise their mmclo.lhoy worosimply indulging in a friendly boxing match. The excuse waa taken at par and the men discharged. The entertainment at the Y. M. 0 , A. rooms this evening will consist largely of music , vocal and instrumental , with a sprinkling of literary selections. La dies , as well as the gentlemen , are invi ted tonight , and it is expected that the entertainment will bo ono of the best , and perhaps the best of the season. lira , Falvin Clark has- just received a Coaly finished portrait ot > her late hus band , dona in crayon , by the celebrated artists , Mealier & Murxson , of Chicago. ft < It is enlarged from one left there by Mrs. Clark on her way cast u few weeks ago. Mr. Marxsen is one of the finest workmen - men in crayon in Chicago. i Platte Overtoil on the excu ioiTto Spoon Itko discovered a nott out of which darted snmo thirty or forty snakes , a regular community of them. If it had been toino men who had reported euch a find , ono 'might think the snakes came out of their bpjU , or thtt it was all in their eye , but with Hallo AS an. Inform ant $ ho statement is intitlod to belief. James Gray , who is employed in th Chicago & Northwestern shops , ha made another miniature blacksmith ou of copper. It is n perfect figure of r blacksmith resting from toil , ono fee upon the anvil , and his tools in hi hand. The whole is only about an incl in size , and shows rare skill in the maker. A few days ago 0. W. Hani had r suit of clothes and n watch stolen from his room over McAdam's saloon. Yesterday torday nflornoon Ofllcor Motcalfo , who had a description of the suspected thief spied a young man on the strcoVanswor ing , as ho thought , the description , am arrested him , lie proved to bo the one wanted , and will have a chance to ox [ > lain in court to-day , T. llussoll Tate and Warren While iavo formed a partnership and propose entering upon the practice of law hero Mr. Tate is a graduate of the high school , and has boon away completing his law course. Mr. White was formerly book keeper for J. M. St. John & Co. , of this city. Both young men are highly spoken of , and if wishes of friends are of any avail they will moot with rich success. II. S. Smullin , who formerly lived icro , and who , since his return , has been erving as opecial policeman at the driv- ng park , has received word that his wife in driving to the depot at Shenandoah - doah to take the train for this city , was hrown from the buggy and seriously in ured , her thigh broken and spine hurt , inullin started at once for that place. Justice Vaughan yesterday examined nto the cnso of Ed. Smith , charged with nticing away a nine-year-old daughter f Ed. Whlto'aon circus-day. It appeared : iat Smith promised to buy the little ; irl some candy and a ring , and thuo getter tor to go with him , and ho was found oading her away when arrested. Ho \ras hold to answer to the grand jury , nd not being able to give bonds was edged in jail. By a change which wont into effect ostorday , emigrants for the west arriving lore in the morning , instead of waiting 11 evening , now go out on No. 3 at oou. Thoao will also bo sent out on To. 1 at 8 p. m. , as before. By this ow arrangement there will not bo the cod , as before , for emigrants to take ooras and rest at the Emigrant houao at 10 transfer , BO that the change will pro- jably cut into the business thoro. Tony Gorspachor , as deputy marshal , was yesterday gathering up stray cows nd taking them to the pound. Ono ndignant owner , who had two cows in 10 herd , dashed in and got thorn , scat- orinx the othora in all directions. Gors- mchor gave the man chase , and in try- ng to jump oil his horao to arrest the man , his foot caught in the stirrup , and 10 foil to the ground , his foot still langing. Luckily the horse stopped , otherwise the rider would doubtless have > eon injured. Ho got his man just the amo , and this morning the court trill xamino Into the matter. Harry Woatlako waa before the justice ourt yesterday on a 'charge of stealing saddle and bridle from S. Goldstein. t happened that ho broke into Gold- loin's barn and there got the saddle , and n trying to sell it got into Mr. Gold- tain's own store , and there offered it for ale , which led to hia arrest. By some ort of an arrangement with the proso- uting attorney and court , Wostlako was ostorday allowed to plead guilty to petit arcony , and waa sentenced to only ton ays in jail , on condition that ho ahould eave the city for the city's good at the ni of that timo. Ho has boon caught n several stealing scrapes before , and it s to bo regretted that ho could not have ) oou sent across the state this time , in tend of being allowed to slip away so asily. Bushnoll solla railroad tickets cheap to all points. ' 1'JSllSONAU 3 , W. Ferguson hnu rolurnud from his trip. A , Nlonotodt , of Clarindn , Iowa , ia tit the Ogden. J , B , Christian , of Hamburg , visitwl the ty yesterday. J. P. 1'illsbury , of MonmouUi , Ilia. , is an Ogilon houBo guoat. W. O. Colllor , llacino , Wis. , wa at Joclitolo'a yesterday. Kd. Bockhill , of Kalamazoo , [ arrived ot iochtclo'a jcsterday. B. W. Carlisle , of Or is weld , Iowa , was at 10 1'nolGo yentordny. Hurry Hunter , the city editor of the Kon- mreil , otill Hen aide at lii room at the Pucilla IOUEU , but it h thought now the fever U trokun mid that ho ia on thu way to roctn ory. 1'rof. 1' . L , Johnson , who has been teaching n the public schools liuro , hna ROMO to his old lonm in Contorvillo , Iowa. JIo has just re- urnetl from n trip to Nebraska , In company with Prank Cook ano Charles Person. I' , J , KIcliolc , gupoiintundt'iit of tha Union 'aclfiio railroad , and William H. Burns , in liurgo ot thu freight transfer and tupoiintond- nt of etreot railroad , weru yesterday taking a ookat the Union Pacifioi ronorty in thh city. Hoiiicthlnj ; fur Nothing. Until further notice wo give to each woiitloth customer his purchase , what ever the price or value of the eauio may > o , Our cashier will keep an accurate ecord of 'every transaction , and when lie twentieth ealo of any amount Is made ho purchaser will bu presented with the amo. Wo have adopted for the present his system of advertising because it ; ives our patrons instead of the newB' mporti the five per emit , vhioh it cost is , Clothing retailed nt wholesale it ices. Hats retailed at case prices. i'urninhinf * goods , trunks , bags , umbrel- s , etc. , oto. Every twentieth customer ircBontod with his purrbino. Buos. Sweet potato plants largest ( stock in iia west by W , H. Foster , Council llffiu. Send for price list. PLEASURE DEIVES , IMans IlcltiR Perfected by Whlcl Council BltifTa Will U vo Even More of Them , The drives in and around Councl Bluffs have already won much pralso on account of their beauty and shade , am have been among the features of th city which have made it known far am near. Plans are now being considered by which there will bo still moro o these drives. The plan consist in opening up Oakland avonu through the cemetery to the ridge along which there 10 * , a milo stretch of groum as level as n flour , and a beautiful shad ; drive can bo made at little expense , anc at so nigh an elevation that from almos any point along the entire distance ex tended views of the surrounding countr can bo had. It is also proposed to connect noct this with Grand avenue , which i ono of the most beautiful drives in thi vicinity , it being the road in the opening of which Colonel Sapj took so much interest , and the succosafu completion of which was so largely duo to his exertions , that it is by many known as Sapp'a avenue. It ia also planned to connect it witli otho. ' . drives , the plans providing in all for eight or nine addi tional drives. Alderman Mynator is Diking hold of the matter with consider able enthusiasm , and it is said that the ) lana moot with the approval and sup- > ort of others. It is to bo hoped that consider- ng these improvements for pleasure driving that the claims of Falrmouut park will not be overlooked. The city has in this park a rich treasure , Chicago or any other largo city would give millions foru wrk of ouch natural beauty , and millions nero to imprdvo and still further beautify t , and it sueins as if Council Bluffs could > y the expenditure of a few thousand del ars annually , inako this park in a few roars known from ono shore of the cunti- tout to the other. Council Bluffs ias in this park and in the latural drives about the city , a wealth of > oauty which it shall develop. Every struugor visiting the city is charmed with ts beauty , and yet many of the citizens themselves seem to bo unmindful of how iohly nature has blessed them. Council Slulld has n chance to lead in its drives and parks , and load no easily and so far ahead that no * city in this part of the country can over catch up. mi * KEEP ON CONDEMNING XhoBoard ot Health Should Now Forbid the UBO ot. the Court House , The action of the board of health in condemning the Broadway Mothodisl church , and forbidding the holding oi any moro meeting there , on 'account of lie unsafe condition of the building , has called forth much comment. Opinion oema divided as to whether the building s any moro unsafe now than it has boon for a long time , and whether it ia unsafe'at all or not. Some of the Methodist folks say that they consider the building safe , > ut that it npodod repairing , and that a ow months ago they got estimates as to ho cost of a now roof and some radical changes in the structure , but the arclii oot , who rather expected the work , made .ho . figures so high that they concluded it wouldn't pay to make over the old hurch , but that they had hotter build anew now church. They then thought they would send to Philadelphia and got a ogular church architect to got up plans. ? his sending away from Council Bluffs Is aid by them to have started thu howl about the old church. Rev. Mr. Armstrong in his Sunday light's diacourao in the opera house , took occasion to touch up the city ofliclals for heir condemnation of the church. Ho aid it was evident that they preferred to ese politicians rather than Christians , or the old court houao , which had , by mblio sentiment long since boon con demned , was allowed to bo used right dong , and great political gatherings wore icld there , where stamping of foot and other uproarious conduct waa had , and utill the city otlicials did not get alarmed tbout the danger to political ! ? . There is a good deal sense in ( ho sug gestion. The Methodist church build- ng was condemned as unsafe , before hero was a great outcry against it , but hero has been for a long time a howl about the court houao and its unsafe con lition. The people tried to got the coun- y to build a now ono. Committees bund great cracks , which have boon described at length by the reporters. The ; raud jury has ollhially condemned thu ail , In fact there is but ono opinion about the old court houao. Suppose the iity board of health uses its powers to o condemn the old building and forbid ts use. Even the Methodists would then orgivo them for condemning the church , THE BOOK AND TH EOD. l Iho Educational Conten tion and I'roKraiuuie lor To-l ) j- . The sixth annual mooting of the South- voatorn Iowa Educational aesociation ponod yesterday afternoon at the Bloom- r building with a rnthor small nttoud > nco , but with prospoots for a much argor ono before the session' is over , riio following is the nrograinmo for to * day : 8:30 : a. in. Opening oxcrclsoa , I'uper "J'Mnctttlonal literature ; Its infhi- lieu un the iirofeanlon , " 8ui > cruteiideiit ! S. K. Vilsou , of 1'ugu oniiiity , DUciiBsion by 1'iofc'Bior V. . J. Doard , Ham rg. l' lie "Hocosj , or no recess , " Mra. 0. 11 Uyt , vf Alton. ] ) | BCH | OU by 1'rofi'uor A , J. AVoods , /luriudn. Iiucturo "I'lmiilont Garfiuld ns a teaclicr. " uparliitundeut H , M. Jnuiiu , Omitba , Is'cb- uakiu The prograinino for to-morrow after. ooa and evening is as follows : 130 p. in. Fappr "Minion of the high cliool. Professor L. 1) ) , A\ery. Oimwa. DUcutulou by I'rofuitor II. o. Snilf , Dun- an. JniKr ; ' 'Bchool room economy , " Supcriu- cinlontV. . M. Mooiu MilU county. IUnim i-n by Hunonutcudent J. J , McCou- dl , Atlantic. l'i\icr "IncMcntal Instruction " \ | , Snperln- oudunt Jann'tf McNaughtuii , Uouucil llulT ) . Gonvrnl Jlkcu'islon. 8.00 p , in. Lfoturo "History of inluca- ion in Bouthuottern Iowa , " I'retldeut , M IJroobi , T bor college. An Open Ixittcr , To the Editor of THE BEX. In Sunday morning's Nonpareil an article > ticlo appeared commenting on my open * ing in COS Broadway , Saturday evening , which said the milk woa "highly colored" and "freely guzzled. ' I ask the fonl- mouthed scribe for what purpose ho has made such an assertion. I defy him or any other conceited dotoctlvo to find any high colored drinks in my place , No. 503 Droadway. I do not go behind the screen of a proscription case to avoid suspicion. MIKI : NOLAN. COMMKUGIAIj , COUNCIL J1LCJT8 MAI1KET. Wheat-No. 1 milling , 75@80 ; No , 3 C5@ 70 ; rejected DO. Corn Local piirposnn , 40 ® 15. Oats For local purposes , 33@40. llny-$10 00@ia 00 per tonj baled , 60@CO llye 40@45c. Cora Meal 1 30 per 100 pounds. Wood Oood supply ; pricoa at yards , 0 00 ® 700. 700.Goal Delivered , hard , 11 50 per ton ; soft , 5 00 per ton Lard FalrbanVs , wholesaling at OJc. Flour City flour , 1 C0@3 30. Brooms 2 95@3 00 per doz , LIVE STOCK. Cattle Butcher cows .375 ® l2o. | Butcher stoora 4 50@5 00. Hogs 1 00@4 25. rnoouoE AND rnuiTS. Quotations by J. M. St. John & Co. , com * mfasion merchants , 538 Broadway. Live Poultry Chickens , C@8o ; turkeys , lOo. I'cachoa-Jl bus. bcx , 1 00. Oranges 5 00@0 00 per box. Lemons 5 00@G 00 per box. Bananas 3 50 ® 1 00 per bunch _ Butter Creamery , 20c ; rolls , choice 9@10c. KggB 13o POT dozen. Cherries 850 per busliol. Vegetables Potatoes , 360@450 ; onions , 75c ; cabbage , 4 cents per pound ; apples none in market ; Beans , 1 50@2 25 per Inishol. J. K. TATE. WA11UEN TATB & WIIITK , I'ractlco In State and Federal Courts. Collections promptly attended to. Itoom 9 , Sclmgart's Building , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. ICE ! IGEI ! ICE ! ! ! For pure river Ice patron lie the blue wagons eat- sfaction guaranteed. Leave orders at No. 45 South klaln street. Telephone No. 84. MULIIOLLAND & NICHOLAS. A.C015 SIMS. K. P. CAD WELL SIMS& CADWELL , COUNCIL BLUFFS , fOWA1 Office , Main Street , Rooms 1 and Shngart & Me- Unhon's Block. Will practice la SUto and edertl xmrto Mrs , HJ , Hilton , M.D. , PHYSICIAN & SURGEON , 222 Middle Broadly , council BluSa. SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE. SpocUI verttacmenta , MO M Lett , Found , To Loan , For Sale , To Rent , Want * , Board- In jr. etc. , will ba Inserted In thli column at the low rate of TEN CENTS PER MNE ( or the flrit Insertion and FIVE CENTS PER LINE ( or each subsequent n < Bcrtlon. Ltave advertisement ) at our offloe , No. Pearl Street , near Broadwar WANTS. WAMTKD Plt hundred places o ( Drstcla s iccond hind carpet and two hundred beating ttorcs. A. J , MANDKL , 326 Broadway. OLD I'Al'KUS-For Bale at DBI office , at 2S conU a hundred. WANTED Etery body In Council Dlufldto take TniBim. DcllrcroJ by carrier at onlj- twenty cents a week. PUNY l'ICTUnES-Boj and plrls RO to Barko's Excelsior ( Hllcry , 100 Main Street , and get pho tographed on the Shetland pony's back , A DENTS Ladles and gentlemen can make first -iXcl.vw wages by tolling the "Champion Bosom Strccthcr and ronlug Hoard. " ReUlls at 81.00. Any lady can do Up n flno ihlrt without a wrlnkls and gloss It as nicely as the bcstlaundrlcscan.AddrcEO ( or paitlculars 0. B. 8. & L Co. , Bun , office , ( or one month. WESTERN IOWA NORMAL -SCIENTIFIC AND- OOMMEKOIAL COLLEGE , COUNCIL BLUFFS . . . lOtVA. Will Open THE 23rd of JUNE 1884. A complete course for teachers and those desiring a higher Kngllnh education , a full business course , with training In actual business practice and gener al correspondence , short hand , ornamental pcnixnn- ship , elocution , German and music. Splendid rooms , large , light and well furnished , charges very moder ate , cost of living reasonable , society good , experi enced teachers. For further particulars. Inquire ot 11EAUDSLKY * PAULSON , Council Ulutfa , Iowa. ICE CREAM PARLOR. Taught by PIIOP. SCHNOOK Tuesday and Friday evenings from 8:30 : to 10:30 : o'clock. BlifK FOK RENT AT $15.00 TEU NIGHT. I 43TLARCEST FLOOR IN TOWN. P. H. MARTENS , Prop'r. R. Rice M. D. or other tumoro removed without Iho CANCERS , knlfo or drawing o blood. CHRONIC DISEASES Over hlrty ycarsfpractlcal experience Office No. Fear ttrcct , Council Ulufls. jtjrConcultatlon Irco I n.l. ! . _ For cure of Kervonj I fr6SCriPtl01lUfc > 'il"r. = ao8tmau. . W.M.Uamilbui1riB Cocnvt Stjans. . Mo. Opera House BAZAR We have begun this week a Special Sale o Children's Dresses. To close this stock out we have marked them 25 per cent less than Regular Market Prices. You can buy n good Scotch Gingham Dress , well made , fast colors , from 75 cts. up. The stock consists of Gingham , Chambray , Seersucker and Linen Suits , made in the Latest Styles and Cheaper than the goods alone can bo bought for. Towels ! Towels ! Towels ! Hosiery ! Hosiery ! Hosiery ! Good alt Linen Towel , ICC , worth JOo. This week cheaper than over. Come and look at the Good all Linen Daurnik Towel , 12iooith K\c. \ stock and convince joursclf that wo nro offering Good all Linen Iluck Toncl 20e , worth SOo. the greatest bargains in hosiery over shown Oood all Linen Honey Comb25e * , worth 40c. Council BIulK Good all Linen Iluck Towel 25o. worth 40c. Our line oi Gents' Ooods la complete and cheaper than the Bamo goods can bo bought west of Chi Oood all Linen Oat Meal Towel 25o , worth 40o. cago. . Good all Linen DatnisV Towel , to lnhej lone and 24 lions' and Days' Shirts with reinforced llucn bosom , Inches \\ldoat S6o. Thia towel would beery cheap linen bands , and well made , Me. dents' Lisle Thread Shirts , Gents' Ralbrlggan Shirts. at COo. Coma early and get some ot them before ' . Quilts' India Gauzq Shirts , SCO and up. they are all Rene , as uo cannot replace the goods. GciHb' Socks , Collars , Cuffs , Tics , and Ilandkcr 3rcat bargains In Table Caters , Nackhu and Stand chiefs. / Handkerchiefs ( rom 2io aplcoo up. Fast colon. A Covers , Tablu Covers in Hcd , Qorman and Damask , good colored bordered handkerchief So. A good beautiful patterns , \ardalong and 2 > arda wide , colored bordered hauderchlcf , 100. 92.10 , worth double the money , We have a pure llr.cu Ladles' Handkerchief , hem- ilarpalns l' > lied Bpreadii. Btltchod , fast colors , 150. , and the best handker A ( ull line of Ladles' and Hisses' Rubber Circulars , chief ever sold ( or Ma. ( torn fl 26 up to the > cry beat goods manufactured A ( uii line of Coarl Outtons In sires ( rom 18 up to 23 , by the Sterling Rubber Co. ( rom 6 to 10o per dozen , These buttons are o ( Laulca' Dusttni. oed clear pearls and not chipped. WE RECEIVE GOODS DAILY AND OFFER TEE at llie Lotesl Prices ! dOOEE & MORGAN , NEW OPERA HOUSE BAZAR. ON IMPROVED FARMS IN LOWEST g < W < & 00 , , GRE8TON HOUSE EVEUYTIUNamSTCLASS. . NTos. 217 and 219 S. Main St. , - - COUNCIL BLUFFS OE OREAM , WATER IOES A TNI"n JiJDill 07 * o 4C4 Ilroidnay , 1 { MetU at all Hour * . Council Dlufla./ \ rartlciSp Ualtr. H. H , HORNE & CO. , _ _ _ _ _ WHOLESALES DEALERS IN Fine Cigars * Wo make a specialty , at our EASTERN factory , of FINE HAVANA Mulr YARA 01GAIIS. All Oigara sold by us are of our own manufaoturo and warranted as represented. OPERA HOUSE CIGAR HOUSE , 652 Broadway , H. H. HORNE&CO. , COUNCIL BLUFFS , - - IOWA. IB. STOOIEIIEilRT SB OO -MANUFACTURERS Of CAUrETS , CURTAINS , WINDOW FIXTURES , and REPAIRING xtoxiox33ooor.tvtloaa.r5i io.xi.c3. NO. 309 BROADWAY . f ' . COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA A TOMjER , Agts , LEADING MERCHANT TAILORS 7 and 0 Main street , CorjNoir , BLUFFS , IOWA. The undersigned is paying the highest market price for Rags. S. GOLDSTEIN , ; ' 540 Broadway , Council Bluffa urtalns , In Lace , FHk , Turcoman , Etc. Oil cloths.lMattlnga , Linoleums Eto hoicest and Best Selected STOCK in the WEST , [ otno and bo convinced that wo are headquarters for all Roods in our line Ihoapost place to buy CARPETS , Curtains and House Furnishings in tha C.'ty. Nos. D , 7 and 9 MASONIC TEMPLE - - COUNCIL BLUFFS Mail Orders Filled Promptly and -with Care. < ETSDJIE OF Perfect Fitting , Beat and Cheapest. Flno Linen Collars and Cu0s. STo. 71 Fourth Street Council Bluffs , Iowa. NEUMAYEB'S HOTEL ON THE THEPlan i Furniture and appointments all now. Nos. 208 and 210 Broadway , Council Bluff i. J. J. UOOD. Waves 95c , Ooquetts 25c each. Switches S > lto $2 Oaaoh. j Hair ornaments at COST. All kinds of hair work _ m promptly attended to , Waves made of Ladies' combine/ * at 50c per inch , 7 ALL KINDS'OF { ! IVIFJS. J. J GOOD 29 Main Street SZPZESOX-AJLi -ON HIS WEEK. { MRS. S 105 Main Streo . , J. NORRIS , COUNCIL BLUFKJ , WA 504 Main Street , Council Bluffs. MANUFACTURER OF TRUNKS , VALISES , AND SATCHELS SAMPLE CASES a specialty. Shawl , Tourist , and Trunk Straps. Twenty Years Experience. Repairing Neatly Executed WHOLESALE DEALEUSJN nnd 344 Broadway , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOW MAYNE & PALMER , DEALERS IN AND WOOD , BULK AND BAnnd , L11IE , tOUlSVJLLE AND PORTLAND CEMENT , UICmOAN rLABTEB.IUIB AND BEWKIl I'lTK. No , OS9 Broaaway , - OODNCH BLUFFB , IOWA. Ventilated Three Inch Part , ON VEGETABLE LA.OE , Only Seventy - Five Cents \ \ Coquotts , 12io each. Switches , ( all long hnir ) 82.00 84.00 , $8,00 and upwards. Hair Ornaments Given Away. ' ' MBS. D. A. BENEDICT , \ N"o. 337 Broadway Council BlulJ UNDERTAKER AND EMBALMER ! Metalic Caskets ' < nd Wo D.I in Coffins of all Kinds. 'j ' rELEQIUPH ORDERS PROJll'LY ATTENDED TO. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT ! | XCTo. 1 TO" . IVTrt-ixx f3t. . Ooxxxxoil 331xi fia. 7 7T. I T. 3It