OMAHA DAIL * BEE TUESDAY JULY I , 1884. $11,950 IN CASH GIVEN AWAY ATTENTION , SMOKERS ! All contestants tor the 25 premiums nggregftt- ing above amount , offered by Diackwcll s Dur- liam Tobacco Co. , must observe the following conditions on which the premiums are to bo nwnrdcd : All bags must bear our original Dull Durham label , U. B. Kcvcnuo Btamp , and Caution Notice. The tines must bo done up securely In a package with name and addrcu ofecndcr.nndnumberofbae * contained plain ly marked on the outside. Charges must bo prepaid. CbnlettetoiuKovemberSOth. All pack- nges should bo forwarded December 1st , and must reach us at Durham not Inter than Duem- IxrlKUi. No matter where you reside , send your pAckage , ml visa us by mall that you have Jlono BO , and state- the number of bag * sent. Names ofsuccc < anil contestants , with " " "vYr ofbftgs returned , wllllrc published , Deo. 22.ln Boston. Herald : New Vork , Heralrli rhllndcl- plila , Ttmct : Diirharn , N. C. , "Kbaeto ftnnl ; New Orleanx , Tunri-Pcmoeral ; Cincinnati. JM * Wtlrer : Chirac" . Dally A'cutt Ban Irancuco , Chronicle Address , ni.AcKWEM.Vi nnmiAM TonAcco Co. , DURHAM , N. C. Every genuine package has picture of Hull , 47-Sco our next announcement.- ® * DR. BYE $ I I1EI.T and otlir KLECTHIO jrnt on CO Dan' Trial TO Inn fronT tnvocs DsniUTrJ LOST VHMUTT , Wirnno WRiKHEiuEg , anil all the o dl/iranpg of n rxnfiOMAt. NATUHT. resulting from ADDHEII and OTHER CAUBK * Spwdy relief and rnmplcto rutoratlon to HEALTII , VIOOK nnil MANHOOD JUAIUKTKCD. Bond at once ( or Illu tra ! d I'amphlct free. Addrcm TOI.TAIC Ur.I.T CO. . MitmhnH. Mich. I CURE FITS. ? tfhen 1 nftrturo icir nut mean merely to topiupm fuf - irotron rornnt now recairinf enr i troatli and A Frca Dottl * or m . Jlrt Expntt and rmt Offlco. It r fnr a trial , nj t will cure rn. * - * . . nr. II ( I unnr i * P rlRt. < MiNHOOD RESTORED. A Tlctlm of tail ? Imprudence , canning nenroai ( epllltr. praroatnro decay , etc. , barlnit inni < n ram OTcrr known reraedr. has dlMOTornd n nlmplo aeana of Mlf-curo , which ho vtill Bond 1'llUK to DR. TANNER. PILES and PISTTTLA A nadlcal Cure Guaranteed. Bil Bc xOUJMO' IVlIliJM furn8 | from J" * * the errors of youth , cautlng nervous debility , etc. , nnil MIDDLE AGED 3MEN who hnvo boon niul are troubled with a too frcnuont dcslro to ovacimto tlio Jlnd(1or.wltlKir without nburnliiK nrinianliiR and nncnkcnlnKiif the urstom In a frlKhtful innnnur , n-ouia do well to nvnll tlii-mnclyoii at thin opiiortun ; Jtr. r. Tannorwlll forfeit VtV for every cnsoof remlnnl ncnknosn or prlvnto illscnuo of niiy kind or chnrnctor which ho unilertnkim uiid falls to cure. JAHV ATTKN1IANT VOll KBMAI.D 1JI8KABKS. ( VMnllclniM ncnt avcrywhero. Hcnil forlHtof quotloiiii. niul nildrcKn with ntuuip , Or. Tanner , Cor. Ii.lli Ht. and Ca | > ltul Avo. , Cruuusu'o Dlock , Umaba , Ncbrnnka IIMPROVED II MPROVED SOFT ELASTIC SECTION It varranteil to vrcur lonsrer , fit itho form ncntcr , ( ui > i irlru bett ' satliractlon than any otuorCorec ? mUfl In ttin mnrlcot. or lirlco palil wll , 'Aar ' tx > refunded. Thalndanivnieiitiui * Chlcaro'ii bi-et pnTfllcloro , nccon : : hconet I'rice , licit Hnlcen J nn , 1'ostage l.r o. > * V rounnciTJtfint fortheziipi MCr jfJIOJIILTy , JlIrtKI'll Jb C * . J. H. F. ( iTo thoBo Baflerlnff from tnu MANHOOD of jouthdil errors , HiinviiaBBwrw KJsanilnal weaknitM , earlr < 1 - or , lost manhood , eto. , IwtllMndrounartlonlariof a elmplo and certain innoD" of Bolf trore , freoof charito. HendToiiriMldpiMtol/1 / O. IfOWX.UH. Moodug. Conn IN BOTTLES. Erltinger , Bavaria. Culmbachor , , Bavana. Pilsner Bohomian. Kaiser . .Bremen. DOMESTIC. Budwoisor St , Louis. Anlmuser St. Louis. Beat a. . . . * . . .Mibvaukop. Schlitz-Pilsnor Mihvnukoe. Kruc's Onuiha. Ale , Porter. Domestic nud Rhino Wine. ED. MAUHER , ISlSFarnamSfc. r lnl n > nr. tan. Hook in * ° Chartered by theStateofllU. Unoln ( or the express purnone vorclvlnclmmcdlatc rellelln , - , chronicurinary \ \ and prl- Evate dlcecces. Qonorrhoca , ftQIcet aniiSyphills In oil their ' complicated forms , alia all dlicnies of the Skin and Ulood promptly relieved and pcrmanentlycured by rcme- . diestcitedlnaJ''uri/lVrir pijiecfall'rac r ' . Seminal "Weakness. NiplTt Losses by Dreams , Pimples on thel' ccLost Manhood j'us/Mi'f/t/ciircU.T/icro / < iiioexperltnrnHmi > The appropriate rc.r.edy taut once used In each case. Consultations , per- aoaal or by letter , sacredly confidential , Med icines sent by Mall and Express. No marks on pauiee to Indicate contents or sender. Addrcsa jHUAMES.No. 204Waihlngton SL hleago. ! ] ! , Science ot Life , Only $1,00 , BY MAIL POSTPAID. HHOW THYSELF- A GREAT HBDIOAIi WORK ON MANHOOD r.Nonroui and PbTsleal Debllliy. MtnauieDodlneinMao. Eirorsof Youth , an the untold mUeries e ulUDg ( rom Indiscretions or * x. * * . A book f or erery man , youuf , mlddle-aied , * ndoM. ItoonUlDslUprewrlptlons lorall acute siod chronlo diseases each one of which U Invaluable 80 found by tha Author , whose oipetlenDc for 3 yean Is such uprobably over before fell to the let rt anr physic an 800 pags , bound In beauUfu JTrtncb muallo m ooas doovers , full gtlt. gruaruteed o be a finer work n every seoxe , tneounloal , lit- wary aod professional , than any other work sold In Hhli country ( or IX.60 , or the uionoy will be refunded In erery liuUnoe. trios only 1.W by mall , post- psld. lUnstratlreaampltCMuU. Bend now. aod catdal awarded the author b ? the National Uedlcal AwwUUon , to the offloen of which fas refers. TbeBcteuseof Life should be read by th * reneE TbM * U no member ol toalety to whom The 8d- MM of Life mil DO * be uwful , whether youth , fu. Bl , ( rturdUs , loetruotoror olerifrman-Arion [ uL Aodrew the Faabodr MedJml Institute , or Dr. W , H , farkcr , No. 4 Bjltlneb Street , BMtoii M.M. , wbo Malted oo all disease ! > equlrJie > klUbod - 'inroalo and oVHlaate dlteav * that have . . Buoo UwUd aolaHute Wt ( ir. THYSELF - t The Number of llld "Slilncs" Dolcr- mlnctl tjf tbo Wcntlicr. Now York Timos. "Ploaso , Mister , rend mo the wonthor nordltion , " pleaded a dfminutivo bootblack - black , dancing along beside n gontloirmn who strode across City Hall park with a newspaper before his oyea yesterday morning. "What do you wanl with the nignal service prediction ? " asked the gentleman in amazement. "Clear weather , with light , 'shotvors that's to-day's weather , "llaor , elilno 'em up and toll mo your little game. " "No game at all ; HWrnightbiz , " said the boy , unlimbering his box and falling to work with a will. "You BOO , I work only on Saturdays and after shool hours. I ro to school , you knoT. Mam wants mo to. She makes pants for a store no , trousers she makes mo say and nho gets a dollar and a half a dozen. Then there's Jimmy that's my brother ho work * in a printing'Ofllco. He's 14 , and ho makes four dellars and a half a week. There's ono little follow he's too little to doany thing. I had a sister once , but slio's dead , you know. Mo father ? Oh , ho's dead no , I moan ho don't live with us any moro. It's about the same thing , ain't it ) no used to bo an ironsmith in Brook lyn. Ho-mado big wheels and things in a big shop. IIo used to boat mo when ho got got when ho had boon taking too much liquor. I don't euro if ho never conies baok. "Wo have moro to oat now , and mam don't cry any moro. I guess wo can got along if mam don't ' got sick again. Wo live down on Koosovolt street. I chnrgo only 5 cents , mister ; hero's your change. Keep it ) Thanks. I'll giro the extra to little Kill. " " But , BOO here , " said the gentleman , as the business waif began to look for another customer , "how about that signal service report ? " " Oh , yes. Well , every morning I got the \roathor , and then I can toll how manyjflliincs I will havo. If it'o showery , like to-day , I do well ton or twelve shines but on sunny days or rainy days I won't got but five or six. You ooo , the weather fools 'em. A gent I moan a gentleman gets hla boots muddy in the rain , and when the sun comes out ho ROM 'em blacked again , Thou , if there's moro rain , ho has to shlno "em up again. On a day like that I hire a boy to help mo. IJgivo him half what ho makes , or rent him a box and brushes. That's what I want the weather perdition for. Hey 1 Shine ? " and with a shrill whoop the future alderman disappeared bonoatli the overhanging avoirdupois of a big man tvho had emerged from an unsuccessful encounter with Broadway mud. CONVINCING. Iho proof jt tlio pudding is not in chawing tha string , but in having an opportunity to test the nrticlo direct. Hclirotor & liocht , the Drwglstn , hnvo n free trial bottle of Dr. Bo- eanltoH Cough and Lung Syrup for each and every ona who In afllictod witli Coughs , Colds , Asthma , Consumption or any Lung Affection. Kxtrnordlnay Surgery. N. Y. Commercial Advertiser. A Gorman medical journal , comment ing upon an experiment in the trans- plataliou of akin recently performed in ono of the hospitals of Vienna , compli ments the surgeon on the darlngurigal- ity of his operation , and then proceeds to discuss some of the strange issues of soionco raised by it. The operation which or German contemporary regards as origi nal consisted of the dissection of a con siderable area of skin from the body of a parson who had boon dead four hoursand its transfer to the excoriated surface of a living patient. The scientific questions raised nro no doubt as interesting as the operation is revolting ; but the Gonniin savant is in error when ho speaks of the latter aa original. The first attempt to transplant tho'skin or any other tissue from the dead body or 'tho living was performed in Bellevue Hos pital in Now York city , some months ago , by Dr. Gordnor , a young surgeon connected with the institution , who has since made his mark in experimental studios of the action of aniusthotio agents. The patient was a boy of fourteen whoso arm had been denuded by a stroke of lightning , which exfoliated tho'alt in from the shoulder blade to the elbow , so that it came oil' in an unbroken shoot. As not only the cuticle , but the dermis itself was removed fionx this largo area , and the latter is not reproduced iu the heal ing process , the boy's arm , whou cured , would bo covered with a hard , purple , irregular contracting scar , which would render movement of the muscles painful , uncertain and diflicult. It was this con sideration which led the young surgeon to contemplate the daring and original , but revolting remedy. The body of a Gorman who had committed suicide was brought in and transferred to a slab at the morgue just as Dr. Gordnoi was examining the injured arm. Tlio suicide was a young man of twenty-five , in excellent health apparently. Proceed ing to the dead room , scalpel in hand , Dr. Gordnor carefully dissected from the hip of the dead mam a aufliciont section of the skin to roplaoo that which the lightning stroke had exfoliated. This ho cut into small squares , which ho applied like a tessellated pavement to the in * flamed surface. The daring oxporrimont wassuccessful ; circulation in the dead tissue was ro-oatablishsd ; its nerves and glands resumed their functions , and the skin of the injured arm was restored ; only two or three of the small squares failed to take , and these interstices filled by granulation. Curiously enough no busy reporter stumbled on a clew to the facts , and it was loft for a Gorman our goon to undertake the operation and ob tain the credit that really belongs to an American. Durkoo's Salad Dressing. A readymade - made , rich and delicious dressing for all salads of moat , fish or vegetables. Ohoapor and infinitely bettor than home made. Unrivalled as a sauco. No Ilncc.Couraca in Texas. From the Houston ( Tox. ) Pout. Two years ago the levers of noble a sport had a holiday in Texas. Houston inaugurated a spring and fall season of horse-racing , and was followed by Gal- vostou , Dallas , Corsicana , Qalnsvillo and other cities. IS obi o stooos and gaily clad jockeys frequented the tracks , clubs were organized to encourage the sport , H and visitors flocked from far and near to witness the equine sports. What has bo * como of the steeds , the jockeys the track the clubs and the visitors ? All gonu. The Post believes there is no moro en thusiastic lover of sport on the face of the globe than tha average Texan. Ho takes a keen delight jn every physical ox- I orcieo , in the display of physical excel lence by man and boafet. It was not long > ago when sporting journals iti the north a wrote with delight of the gigantic hunt * ing contest between the Hutchlnsoa and Talliaforro corps of huntsmen , It is said that oven in the halcyon days of hunting such a magnificout contest could not hnvo been rivaled. It was also ( aid tLat the tcoth of the norlhorn hunter aUnd o edge when ho thinks of the gloriou chnncoa of n Texan brother to indulge i noble port to his heart's content. Bu here , on the sconu of the battle-field , w cannot as much npprociato the poculia fascination of sport as the Northmot Our country abounds with game , one Toxns containing n nation of marksmen the desire for perfection and dislinctiot is not an pronounced nn in ho north. I might bo that the selfsame lack of nppro ciation has boon the cause of the disband niont of the jockey clubs. The average Texan is an export horseman , and his on portunitiosfor Booing and riding nobu and ilcot-footcd animals arc so many tha the celebrities of the raco-courso have no fascination for him. AVI i at Tlirco Application ! ! Jlilf "I wai troubled voty much with ere _ foot Thrte ajipUtationt of Thorna1 Kclcclric Oil entirely tiroly cured thorn. Nothing bettor In the mar koL" Jacob Butler , Heading , 1'a. 8OI1MIT AND BUCKM3Y , The AdrAnco Gnnrcl of the Dome cratlu IIostH from tlio Slope. Chicago Herald , Juno 27. The advance guard of the Pacific coast delegates to iho Democratic convention arrived yesterday morning over the Rock Island. They wore Matt Canavan , a burly minor of Nevada , and Maurice Schmitt , a lively little party , five foot or more in height , of San Francisco. Mr. Schmitt doesn't weigh much , but is said to own a cable street road in SanFrancisco Iho incomn of which is about $0,000 n month. Mr. Schmitt io generally called "fllauriso ; " first , because Unit , is his name , and next because ho would rather bo called "Maurico" thnn Mr. Schmitt it is moro high sounding. Maurice Schmitt is ono of the few men of San Francisco whom Flood , Mackoy and the othora who wiped out raining specula tion did not quito "down. " Starting from a poor boy , a clerk in his father's broker's olllco , then a curbstone broker , then n member of the "hoodlum board" a term of contempt bocauao that board waa "littlo"Mr. Schmitt advanced until ho paid the highest figure over given for a seat in the regular stock board of San Francisco. That \ras $40,000. Ho is a shrewd , keen , vriry speculator , and at the height of the "Sierra Nevada" speculation six years ago was worth per * haps $000,000. The break came , but "little Mturicu" was not loft. Out of the general wreck of mining speculation , ho probably lias to-day $200,000 outeido of his cable road. lie placed his finger alongside of his nose , yesterday , jn talk ing to the Herald man , and said , "I'm going to have all the fun your town af fords , and I guess the cable road can foot the bills. Politics ? You musn't talk on that because I don't know where wo do stand. I'm going to take my wito and babies to Now York to-night to stay while I am here helping to make n president. Have you soon Cris. Buckley ? " Oris Buckley is the great California Boss.1 His arrival yesterday at the Grand Pacific was a genuine surprise to these who know anything of Pacific coast politics. Buckley is the blind lead er in what some people delight to call a blind host. Ho controls the democratic party on the Pacific coast , and alms to bo on the Pacific what John Kelley and Tammany are on the Atlantic. Mr. Buckley , however , aims too high. Ho comes nearer being the Mike McDonald of Chicago than the John Kelly of Now York. Mr. Buckley keeps a valoon , and not a very fashionable ono. His sMoon , though , is n political headquarters , and from that iesuo the ukases which govern the party in California. Buckley fa the head nd front of the opposition to Justice Field in California. A week or 10 before the republican convention mot Buckley had his ward clubs in San Fran- nsoo declare against Field. Every ono did it. Frank Pixloy , editor of the Argo naut , who was here at the last conven tion , said boldly : "That is a sell-out \ jamo. That , " said ho , "moans that Buckley want to bo 'soon' by Field's managers. Mark my words , now , " ho idded , "yon Trill BOO 'Oris Buckley on lioro , hunting for a sack of money. Buckley loy controlled the late state convention. That instructed also against Field , and to a certain extent , bought the democra cy of California into prominence , because it was the first instance known where in structions wore given by any state against ono of its own citizens. " "When Buckley arrived in Chicago yesterday torday the Harold man remembered what had boon said. Buckley is accompanied by Ills wife , and a hired man whoso busi ness it is to load him around. "I am on my way to Now York , " said Mr. Buckley , "but hope to got back by Wednesday or Thursday next to receive the rest of the boys. " Mr. Buckley is a young man of not moro than thirty-six. Ho is slender , very genteel looking , dresses nobby , and evidently cultivates an air of dignity , "What are you going to Now York for ? " asked The Herald man. "To consult an oculist and BOO if any ' thing can ho done formyoyos. " As Mr. Buckley has boon blind for ton years and nil oculists gave him up long ago , the spirit of mischief led the scribe to say. "There is an excellent oculist down in the old Washington Hotel Building , on Lower Broadway. Cyrus W. Field is his name. " "Oris" winced just a trifle , but his face was calm and placid. "Indeed , " ho said. "I hoard of him. " "There ia another , " said The Herald man "His brother , David Dudley Field ho is up town somewhere. Both of thorn nro line oculists , and both have had wonderful success in treating your peculiar form of disease. " ' Oh ! you go to the devil , " said Mr. Buckloy. "I know not what you are driving at. I know you. Eicuso mo I'ro got to go to dinner. The train loaves for Now York at 8:30 : , and I've got to hunt upMaurco } ! Schmitt , who has my posses , They Had Mot Before. Now York Bun. A young man who had boon following lady through Thirty-sovontl\ \ ( root draw alongside of her at Fifth avenue , lifted his hat and observed : "Haven't I mot you some where before St fore ? " "Once , I think , " answered the lady. "I know it , " aaid the young man , with self-satisfied smile ; "and you'vo boon in my thoughts ever alnco. " "I thought , you had not noticed mo particularly , " said the lady. "I mot you two weeks ago at your wedding. Your wife la my cousin. The Trftvollni ; Salooniiin * on irreafctablo fellow , brim full of Btorlca , jokea. courage. Hclf-mnurnnco and Brit. Ho U cry taking withal. Jlunlocl : Jiloal Jlitten ore very taking inoJicIuoj they take everywhere of nud ore Bold everywhere. Scrofula diseases manifest themselves no in the warm weather. Hoods Sawnpar. ilia cleanse * the blood and removes every taint cf scrofuh. - > List of t/cttors Remaining In the office at Omaha , JUDO 18SI : OBXH.EUK.I'fl UST. Aaganl J 2 Armstrong T 2 Adams F * Abbott Wit Austin 13 Archer P Burt L- Brooke O W Baler J G Billings J P Babon.I Benton W V Bridges W Bare WII Byres W N Burvoort W H Bralard T H Bower V Burrows F J Bowers L A Bowels Ii BrunsinH I < Brown J Beckwi'h 0 D Burd C H Blunt O K Band G W Bonewlty IJ Baitatllo Mr Bennett RO Brandt H O BradS Chancy J ColaD J Cucelins J C/iryA / Cnivlngton A Church A Clincr J : W Oorry O Bliicluhono J Corson M Chatoron W M Carpenter II W Coolittlo & Co Davidson D Dunlap J J Dearborn 0 II DickO Denny T Dougherty IIL Drcnnon & Work Devote S Donakoy M B Engstcad IIG Extinguisher Fire BdoKrwino B Klbourn O W Fisher & Lust Fink J U Fifteen Fourteen Bias Dreoman 0 D Fringor O Kishor O Fraser 0 M Finloy K Foley M Fischer 0 Freeman O F Frey S Fancheon H Grimm L W Green W IT Grconup W J Gramlich J 3 Goodnight J Green J Grapp O Garliclis II Gunn G Gordon G P Hildrodth W A Hamilton F Hart W Haley J Ilurstlno J Hanksma 1C Homer J Hocksteinn 0 HounN HorUtick II A HanHon A Hamilton E U llosolo D Hnvory A HolTman N HnAikins G W Horshlnger G Hanson F IIowoll II 0 Jacobean O Jackson A Jensen S Johnnon 0 Judge M Kcnlm M F Keene O 2 KcnnodvJ ICoanio F Krol J E ICnowlton Co Knag E ICoarka F KeltonTF Kldder 0 D KraK W Keene O Larson P Dittlofiold P Larson E 2 Languor J Lehman H Lewis A Lofilngwoll A S Lewis D jovoland 0 15 Mio.ondorf Tj HOP or T Mason O A MooroENS Montgomery E II rlalno EII McCoy D ilormrm M Mason M ! ilorgan P Murray P lurray P McCloud R Iclnorny & Co McKea J E rlurray J MalloyRL Martin PM Mangino D G JcCullough T Miller F W J Muonch G Miller H Montzon II MooroB Murry F Moody A II Merion F Nelson P- Newmark S Norton W A NIchell T Nowmnnn II Nutting H S Nowcomb F S O'Brien M H OshoaJII O'Aorron J O'Brien J Oman G . Ott G O.Connoll T Plath P Parrisii M W Paulson P O Pcdorson R Paladin O Prothoroo S Botorson II Parker J AI Pottorson F Pedersen C Piftlarns C Kitchio 0 ? n Roe E J RohrorMF Radloy RF. Rollins C A Riddle S Ruby T Rood S II Rogers S-C - Rovon G C Roavis J Reuse F E Itutlierford F P Rosonfoldt J Hoed C F Konatrom N Slbel E H 2 Smith 00 SngerOBS Strong N B . Smith N SnydorRM * Stewart J Sword J O k Smith J Sully JJ * -i " SayorsK Smith W R' " Stakomilloj S Stautou W G Sederlind G Skiver O II Schmidt G P Scott OS Seavey S Shanty U B Schflford H. K Sangwin II Sheets A L Smart B Stewart J W 3towart 0 E Sweeney J J ripaydoogea Tolbort R J. rhomas R Tower P H Poaaum H Thomson A O I'hointxs A J Twisa G laylor O E Towlo C W lowel J D Williams E. D \Veydomans P Williams R H Woodward RE Williams Til Wliolnn T W T Williams W P Williams J W 'Wampfler J Wltnmn II J Woods H C Whitney O Wells C B Wnlls A Wilson O Warliold 0 II Woods J Wehror J L Wils m J WcstcottJII Woods E R Young M E CLASS MATTEll. laser O . Spcckham E 1'erry 0 L Crnry Mrs B D Mulllghan J J Patter W C LADIES LI3K. Lndorsou Mrs J Arwin Mrs E II Irmatroiig Mra E Abrahams Mrs G irooki Mrs B Burke Mrs F lourkoMraM Boaonhonu Mra N Jrown Mrs O Brown Mrs S ilauclmrd Mlsa N Burke Mies N jalrcaon Misa I Clark Mrs L J 3amol MlnaJj Couclow Mlsa J lament Mrs , T Carbon Mies 0 Calkiua Mrs C Chinborgo Mrs Clark Misa G II Durlin Miss J Davis Mra 0 H Dillon Miss C ) lssot Miss T Donniia Mrs S Javla Mrs R Erlckson Mrs E C Ivorott Mrs M Felt Mrs A T 'ftuchonott Mra J A Finch Mrs E M ? oorgo 1'j Gould N ! omlring Mra J. Granting Mrs A 0 iroonloaf Mrs J HoisMi sK Inulbart Mlsa J Uardwidks S Inrpor Mlsa J F Huusen M loward E Hull E W lubbard Mrs 0 W lough Mra E Jocofsou II 'ouaou ' MisalC Johnson Misa A 'olmaon Mlsa C Johnson A M Colly Mlea E ICnluo Mlsa 1C Cellolon Mlsa M Krogh Mra L -ohiiiann Mm 0 Lowla Mra F II .ItelMrsJ Lola jowlss MIesM A Lansing Mlsa M jomlliiH Mlsa A Montgomery Mrs J ilulcaby Mrs N MillhauBunMlsaO Milton Mrs II McGowen M ilcCord Mlsa M MbGarvoy A ilcCabo Mrs O Murphy Mrs M ilurray Miss M Nelson Mrs O v'ollauy Mlsa Nichols Mrs 1C tystroin Mlsa A Nlckorson Mies IIE burthen Mrs U NIelsen Mra P Novak MUs A Oliver Mlas R O'Jleilley E Osbarn Mrs J Ottwoll Mra E Phllpott Mra G 1'heltoaton Mra II W Powell Mra G PohlMra MV Peterson Mra II ( easel Mra M ' Roah Mra J Uusson Mlsa A Illugstrom Miss C Corhyo Miss J 2 Roach N fallal * Misa M Kuam Miss U Uorden Mra M Rucl U llnclatr Mm E Smart Mlsa F Imith Mrd Y4 Swoboda Mrt A ivobmlova Mlsa J Sylvester Mhl M itewart Mrs Ij Swonson Miea D Itophens Mra J Stanley A Glair Mra G BtovonsouMrs HD Smytho Mw 1C Simpson Mlsa J 'unmlon Mm 1 ] J Tompklns Mra 1C Billion Mlsa 1C Taylor Mrs II Jhl Mra U Vaukoylor Mrs G E Vogt Mlsa I Wethen Misa 1C Veils Mra SV Walters Mra E Valborn MUs N Wynatis Miss A L Vork Mra A B Wilson Mrs R VovaltA Wlggers Mra L Viklund Mra E A 0. 1C , GOUT ANT , Postmastnr , BXOlTMMBNr. "What causes the great rush at Bcliroter & Becht'ii Drug Storo'r The free dintributlon eainnlo bottled of Dr. Ikwanko'a Cough and lAing Byrup , the moat i > oular remedy for Coughs , Colds , Consumption nud Bronwltli w on the market. Regular slzo CO cents and 800 SEAL of North Carolina Tobacco is the wt , A Kobbor n the House , Atkansaw Traveller. The clock struck " 3 , " two of the chil dren awoke with "squalls" and Mrs. Mickson , turning ever with n flounce , called to her husband , who was lying in an adjoining room : "Potorl" "Well. " "I believe that there's ' a man in this house. " "Yes , I'm ' horo. " "I don't moan you. I small a cigar. " "Whoro did you got it ? " "I haven't got it , you greenhorn. I moan that I smell cigar smoko. In know that somebody has slipped into this house , and you needn't say there hasn't , " and she arose and looked under the bod. "Who do you think it isl" asked her husband. "It's a robber , that's who. " "Do you think that a robber would como around a man's house and smoke cigars ? " "It makes no difference. I smell cigar smoke , " opening the closet door. "I smell cigar smoke , too , " said the husband. "I have boon smelling it for some timo. " "Got up and help mo look for it , " "What , the smoke ? " "No ; the man. " "Como on , and I think wo can find him. " "Airs. Mickson entered her husband's room and found that gontlomau lying on the bed smoking a cigar. "I don't believe you have good sense ! " indignantly exclaimed the wife. "Why iidirt you toll mo that you were lying tioro smoking like a fool1' ? "Because I am not smoking like a fool. " "Oh , you think you nro smart , " and the lady went back and tumbled into bod. Detectives nud Private Ofllcors Usually 'wear their badges of authority con cealed under their clothing , but -Dr. Thomas' Kclcctrie Oil wears its badges in tlio form of printed labels attached to each and every hot- tlo , so that all may know its mission. It is given full and complete authority to arrest all aches and pains , and does its duty every time. TEST TODR BAMS POWDER TO-DAY ! Brands ndrertlrvd as nbsolutclj- pure THE TEST : ri co can top down on . Lot stoTo nntllheatfd.tno remove tha corer and amell. A chemist will not bo r - detuct the presence of ammonia * DOES NOT CONTAIN AMMONIA. T3 HULT11KLNES3 HAS NEVER In a million home * for a quarter of a century it lia * toud the congtiniera * roll ft bio test , THE TESTOFTHE OVEN. _ _ PEICE BAIQNG TO VDER CO. , DP , Price's ' Special Flavoring Extracts , TliefttrongrttttDOitUetlctou * Hud ntturilfltvor known , ud 9r. Price's Lupulln Yeast Gems I'or Llclit , Ilealthy llrcait , The Best Dry llop Yeast In the World. FOR SALE BY GROCERS. CHICAGO. " ST. LOUIS. OF SUPERIOR At Lincoln r\ieb. , \ . , THURSDAY , JUNE 26TH , 188'Jr , at 1 O'Clook p. in. I will eell IS head of \ crv cholo" ell bred Short lorns , from my own her J of Ncqraskn bred cattle , cared onNobrnnka gi&ifca. ANS. 0. BHUOl'SIIIIti : , of Lccsburff , Kentucky , no of the oldest Kentucky brmlcra , will soil nltli uol5 bead of superior animals 01 high breeding 7 cmalcs and 8 bull * . Wa earnestly Bollc't ' the cnttlo ircodcrs anil larnicra of Nebraska and Uclnlty to In. pect this lot of cattle , ta wo think their superiority vlll commend them ta jour favor , olfcrln9 | consists Ia 35 females and 10 bulls , ejircmitlni ; the folloulng ( auillks : talslo , ( by Ilarnaby ) , Huby'u. Lady nizabeth's , Adelaide JIatllila't ) , rrlncciBcs Jane's , Zelle's Lady lala 2il , with other ? . Cattle uill bo at the Checkered Urn , Lincoln , Nob. , from the 20th day ot Juno , to be 2 < ! th , day of Palo. ' Forfurthor imticuUrs , address Fred. U , Wood , or O. M Druco , Lincoln , Nebraska , or Wm. Dally , 'cru , Neb Fiir.D. jr. WOOD , L. 1' . MUin , ] o Il.w2t d Jo IS to 23'OOU Auctioneer ! . BRUNSWICK & CO. Billiard , Ball Pool , Carom , AND ALL OTHKIl OAHINO TA11LK3. TEN 1'Uf 11AI.L8 , CHECKS , KTO. a South Sil Street , Bt Louli , 411 Delaware Btrcet KauBU ) City , Mo. , 1S21 Douglas St. . Omaha , Mob. HENRY HORNBERGER , Agent. Wrlto ( or Catalogues and Prloe Lilts. i OLD RELIABLE THE BRUNSWICK , BALKE , COL- F LENDER COMPANY , ( SUCCESSORS TO THE J. it. D. & 1) , 00. ) I MONARCH The uioit extensive uanufacturen of JN THE WOULD. 09 S. Tenth Street , . . . . . OUAHA.NEa of Dllllnl anil Tool Tablet acd ruitorlali UU JI , l .tiJU. MRttNflTOHl IjfEMiWIftflhOBWflBKS , ENGINES , WORK , BOILERS , Ptiiait 'Ctrl ) .Sf , jlierS SPECIAL NOTICE TO Growers of Live Stock and Others. WE CALL YOUR ATTENTION TO Our Ground Oil Oak © . His Iho besti and cheapest lood or > tocfc ol . anjr ktBd.ECne pound Is eqti * ! to throe pounds ol oorn stock tel with around 01 Cake ID the Fall d Winter , Instead of runnlnc doin , will Increase to weight and bo to good marketable oond.tlon In the sprini. Dairymen , , . . as well M others who UDO It can testify t. Its merits. Trj II and Judge for younelrof. Pifco 925.00 pet ton : no charge for sacks. Address WOODXfAN LINSEED Oltj COMPANY , Omaha Nob. . 33Q"5TJEiE : : . cfc DEALERS IN Hall's Safe and , Lock Comp' ? JPfjy HBE MD BD1GIAB PEOOF J , A. WAKEFIELD , WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IK SASH , DOORS , BLINDS , MOULDINGS , LIHE , CEMENT , PLASTER , &C- STATE AGENT FOR MILWAUKEE CEMENT COMPANY. Near Union Pacific Depot , - - . Omaha , Neb , STEELE , JOHNSONS 00. , H. B. LOCKWOOD ( formerly of Lockwood & Draper ) Chicago , nger of the Tea , Cigar and Tobacco Departments. A full line of all grades of above ; also pipes and smokers' articles carried in stock. Prices and samples furnished on. application. Open orders intrusted to us shall receive our careful attention Satisfaction Guaranteed. AGENTS FOR BEN WOOD NAILS AND LAFLIN & * RAND POWDER CD Heating and Baking IB only attained by using CHARTER © , ASC Stoves and Ranges , WITH WIRE ME OVER DOOR Fci sale by MILTON ROGERS & SONS OMAHA11 0. M , LEIGHTON. H. T. CLARKE. LEIGHTON < & CLARKE , SUCCESSORS TO KENNAUD BROS. A CO. ) DEALERS IN Paints- Oil ® . OMAHA , NEBRASKA ' Milwaukee , Wis. QUNTHEE & CO , , Sole Bottlers. M , BELLMAN & CO , 1301 AND 1303 FARNAM STREE7 COR. 13TH MA.HA . t . SLOMAN BROTHERS , RECENTLY FKOM FREBIONT , NEB. WHOLESALED EATHER , SADDLERY SADDLERY HARDWARE , HIDES EELTS FUES TALLOW , , , , WOOL , WE PA ? THE- For Hides , "Wool , Pelts , Etc. , nud consignments mnd.o to us will receive prompt attention , for which immediate returns will be made. 13th Street , Bet. Dodge and Capitol AVB. , - - OMAHA , NEB ( SUCCESSOR TO FOSTER & QUAY. ) LlfttE AND CEHIVIENT. Office and Yard. Glli and Douelas ts , ,