THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. FOURTEENTH YEAK. OMAHA , NEB. , TUESDAY MORNING , JULY I , 1884. NO. 11 RATIONAL AHD POLITICAL Closing Proceedings Yesterday in Both Honses of Congress. % The Prohibitionists y Moot at Pittsburg as if in Earnest , The Indiana Englishes Endeavor to Explain Their Bribery , Indiana's ' Candidates for President Looming up for Other Offices Gresham and Drummond Being Named for the Judiciary , Vnaloiis Political Matters of National ami Political Importance , FORTY-EIGHTH CONGUESS. HENATK. WASHINGTON- Juno SO. Mr , Slater from the committee on public lauds , substituted n report to accompany the bill forfeiting the unearned lands granted the Northern 1'acifio railway. Tha report , ho said , WAS not twain- inous , and the minority would submit its > iows. Mr , Morgan , from the committee on public lands , reported adversely the bill to survivors oi the Mountain Meadow massacre. Kir. Morgan said the committee was satisfied that if a valid claim existed against the Rovarn- mcnt rising out of tha massacre it not that their claim should bo compensated with public lands but In money. Calendared. Mr. Cameron ( rep. Penn. ) called tip his resolution heretofore submitted .discharging the finance committee from further considera tion of the bill for the retirement and recoin- age of the trade dollar. On n motion to agree to the resolution , Mr. Merrill called for yeas and nays , which result- txl : Yeas 21 , nays 23 , so the resolution was nol agreed to. The secretary of the senate was directed to ask the recall upon the kouso of the bill to grant the right of way to the Southern Kansas railway company through the Indian terri tory. tory.Mr. . Cameron , (1'enu. ( ) , introduced a joint resolution directing the secretary of the treasury to purchase not to exceed ten million trade dollars , at.faee value , paying therefore standard silver dollars , providing the pur- .chase bo made prior to September 1st , 188 i. Merrill objected to present consideration ana the matter went over. Mr. Coke , from the committee on commerce , reported favorably to bo acted upon licit sos- lion , the bill to provide for the improvement of the channel between Dalvoston harbor and the Gulf of Mexico. Adjourned. HOUSK. Mr. Washburn submitted the conference re port on the bill authorizing the construction of a bridge across the Mississippi at St. 1'aul , Agreed to. Mr , King introduced a bill appropriating $200,000 to prevent the introduction of cholom ante the United States In the contested election case of Fredericks vs. Wilson , the house committee on elections , by a vo'te of C to 5 , decided to report in favor of Fredericks. Mr. Randall introduced a joint resolution providing that all appropriations for thoneces- sary operations of tha government under the existing laws which shall remain unprovided for after Juno SO , Ig&l , shall be continued , and made available for the period of fiveycars from and after that data , unless the regular appro priation bills now pending shall have been previously enacted. Passed. Tha house went into committee of tha whole on the fortification bill. After debate the committee rose. Kosociaus presented a conference report on the bill to provide for the disposition of the abandoned and _ useless military reservations. Agreed to. Adjourned , WASHINGTON NOTES. NICAKAODA. 'WASHINGTON. Juno 29. The opponents of the up propriation of ? 250,000 for the Nicara gua concession are renewing their activity as the bill is taken under conaldor tion in con ference. They now allege that the 8250,000 In point of fact is a corruption fund designed In indirect ways to secure a renewal of con cessions which have lapsed from the Nicaragua - , gua government. Friends of the appropriation ay wry emphatically that all of its opponents .nro interested either in river canal schemes erIn In a nan railway concession across Guatemala , and that the government can now sccuro for 9250,01X1 something which it lias been for fifty years endeavoring to secure without auccess. THEBUNflBV BILL. There will bo much opposition to the sundry civil bill in the senate. It propoioj imino useful reforms , among them one forbidding the use of revenue cutters except for public uses. There Is ono provision which it is claimed would have the effect to close the bureau of eugraung and printing In tha In- tereats of private bank-noto companies. This is being strongly opposed by the bureau of engraving and printing. There is a very sharp differencn 'of opinion { n the cabinet on the Fltz John Porter caso. It is said that Frcllntrhuyson and Browpter are the only members who favor signing tha bill , and that Chandler , Lincoln , Teller , and Greslum aru especially hostile to it. The friendship of BiowBtcr and Frelinghuyson to Porter h attributed to local Influences , and the president is paid to bu in a quandary what to do. The last day for the consideration of iho subject will bo Wednesday. Owing to a misunderstanding of the opera tions of the newspaper law , the postmaster- general has found it n ce > > * &ry to IBBUO tlio fol lowing additional circular : Tim act approved Juno 9 , 1881 , provides that the rate of postage on now epaparj and periodical publications of the second elms , when Bent by othera than publishers and iiows agents , shall be ono cent for each four ounces , or fractional part thereof , and shall bo fully .prepaid by postage stamp affixed to such mat ter. Thin act in nowise enlarges the rights of piibllaheru or iiewn agents. All persons not of these glasses are entitled to ncnd through themailij , without regard to place of mailing , dostjnation , or distance , newspapers and pe riodical publications of the second class , weighing not more than four ounces , by affix- leg thereto a ono cent postage stamp , Til 13 niSMOOKAO Y. Tlir NEW VOHK COUNTY CLAN , NEW YQUU , Juno 30. The county democ racy resolved to-night to eond450 member * the Chicago convention. They start Kilduy next , by tha West Hhoro road. The Palmer house will bo their headquarters , TH.DEN AND TIIOUUAN .and the anti-monopolists resolved to form a national'antl-monopollst league with branches in every city in the union , Theodore 12. Tom- llnson made a speech advocating the nomiiia tion of Tildon andThurniMi , at the Chicagi convention. The Jcffcrsonlan democrats , o Brooklyn , will send sixty members to the dem ocratlo national convention at Chicago. They lea\o Saturday noxtj their headquarters wil bo tit tha Lolaud hotel. TIIK PROHIBITIONISTS. rnosrEora ron TUB NATIONAL CONVENTION. PirrsDURa , Pa. , Juno 28. Ucportsrecelvei at the prohibition headquarters indicate that the national convention which will assemble in this city the 23rd of July will ba ono o ! the largest temperance gatherings over holt in the world. Over 1,000 delegates arei "x- peeled to bo present. The convention will bn hold in Lafayette hall , where the first national republican convention was hold. Arrange ments are being inado by a committee of 200 local prohibitionists. Tha expenses will bo met b > private subscriptions. The local leaders talk most extravagantly of the prospects of the party. Many firmly believe that the con vention will name the next president of the United States. Secretary Swoger said in an interview to-day : "Wo contend that OHIO AND MICHIGAN ara already pronounced Prohibition states , and that in calculations of the present domi nant political parties they should bo left out. By nominating such n man as Clinton 1 ! . Fiiko , of Now Jersey , I believe that Now York , Now Jersey , California , Kansas , Iowa , Pennsylvania , Massachusetts , and some of the southern states will give their electoral votes to the prohibition party. " The canvas for the nomination is quite animated. Gideon T. Stewart , of Norfolk , O. , Is probably the load ing candidate , and will coma to the conven tion with n very strong support. In this lo cality however. Clinton B. Fieko , of Now Jer sey , is the loading favorite , and in Methodist circles is being strongly and elloctivoly urged. H. 11 , McDonald , president of the Pacific bank of California , is urged by the western and Pacific-slope prohibitionists , and \\ill coma into the convention with the unanlmou * support of the delegation from California. Gov. St. John , of Kansas , will have the sup port of the delegation from his state. Thcro are- other names mentioned , but Fisko for president and John Russell , the veteran pro hibitjonist of Michigan , for vice-president Bccms to bo a very satisfactory combination , THE ENGLISHES. Tim FATHER TK3TIKYIKO FOIl THE SON. WASHINGTON , Juno 30. W. n. Knglish , of Indiana , appeared again to-day before the special house committee appointed to investi gate the charges inado against him for using Improperly the privileges lof the house floor while the Peoll-Knglish contested election case was pending. English said before the committee on elections made Its report in that cose , ho called at the homos of Turner , Cook , Converse , and Lowry , members of the com mittee , and talked with them on the subject. .Elliott , another member of the committee , ho saw at ono of the city hotels. Ho also had interviews regarding the case witli other members of congress , including Springer , before the report was made. In his conversa tion with these gentlemen , ho tried by fair arguments to influence them in favor of his HOU , and to get them to use their influence in his behalf with the committee. Queitton Did it occur to you that any action you might take before the case was re ported was improper ? Answer It did not , I honestly believed my son was fairly elected , and that there was no Impropriety In my merely presenting his side of the case. Springer was called to the stand. Ho satil Knglish requested him to see Cook and have him consider the _ caao in favor of his eon , WitnofB did not thiuk Cook was present when the vote was taken , and did not know whether or not ho was paired. Cook said Springer and a dozen members had spoken to him in regard to the contest , but such was the com mon practice in election canes. Springer's interest , ho said , was personal , as ho had been intimately connected with English. Indiana Statesmen. CRESHAM AND DKUHMOND. WASHINGTON , Juno 29. Indiana republican statesmen hero manifest considerable anxiety that Postmaster General Grcaham should suc ceed Judge Drummond. Indiana republicans are troubled with an excess of great men , par ticularly in view of the fact that the eUto is carried pretty often by the democrats , and thus they have a chance to decide the offices not moro than half the time. Harrison , Now , Porter. Dudley and Calkins had uomo trouble n finding scats in the party omnibus , aud wbon Judge Greeham loft the bench and en tered the political world it became painfully apparent that somebody would have to stand up. All of these gentlemen were talked of FOB Tllli GOVERNORSHIP , md each of them , except Calkins , is supposed ; o bo wondering how ho would look in the lonato if the legislature elected this fall would 19 republican , and if that legislature should iloct him. Furthermore , the admirers of Jresham and Harrison had rather a warm time at the Chicago convention trying to decide - cido which was the favorite son of Indiana , md could settle the question only by deciding Jiat the state had no favorite son. Now CALKINH HAS BEEN TAKEN OAI1E OF , md if Groshaui retires from politics , and goes jack to the bench , the friends of Now , Por- .er . , Dudley , 'and ono or two other IloosiorH vill feel moaa comfortable. Dudley was a eng time making up his mind whotne to on- , er the huts for governor or not , and when ho lecided to entur , Calkins had been there for omo time and had been doing effective work , tfaw Is euid here to bo recognized at homo as an excellent political manager , but ia not on- iccially popular. Gov. Porter is said not to JO vary aggressive , and while ha would not lecline the scuntonjhip is not likely to make a trong fight for It. Dudley is a good politl- : ian and personally very popular , and has ju n supplementing his military record with a course as coirminaioimr of pensions thatU calculated to endear him to the soldiers. If ho uuxt Irgialaturo should bo republican. Jommiusioner Dudley la eqpectod to succeed Senator Voorheea. MAINR. A RESIGNATION , LOWISTOH , Maine , Juno 30. 0.15. lioutclle tan resigned from the republican utato com- aittee. l /VHUONEI > FOlt HIS COURAGE. How a Plymouth tilfu Convict Scour- oil JJIu Release. PJ.YWODTH , Juno 30. While n gang of weuty-livtvconvicta wore at work , ono of the number throw a largo utone at the solitary rardeu , which struck him in the head , Inflict- ng a stunning bloir , Thu untjro gang then rushed for him. A life convict named Slov ens out-stripped the others , selrod the war don's rillo and ammunition and fired uponlthc advancing convicts sKof whom _ ho pctionsly wounded. When the ammunition was ox haustcil , Stevens clubbed five others with a rifle , and when iwistanco nrrlvod wai completely plotoly exhausted , Details of the affair were promptly reported to the governor , and the homo secretary gave orders that Steven * bo immediately released from prUon and reward ed. When the good news was luftdo knowi to Slovens ho famtod , AlOllUOW , To Bo Brought Before the General Court Martial. WASHINGTON , Jtmo 30 , Lieutenant Cobne Albert P. Morrow , of the Sixth United States cavalry , will bo brought to trial bcforu the general court martial appointed to assem ble iu the city of Washington , September 10th. The following is the detail of the court : Major General J , M. Schotiold , Urigadlor General W. 1 $ . Rochester , Brigadier General S. 1) . Ilolabird , Brigadier Ucnnral ( tobert Murry , Brigadier General John Newton , Col onel 0.11. Smith , Nineteenth infantry. Colonel - nel K. L. Andrews , Twenty-fifth Infantry , Colonel M. P. Bradley , Thirteenth infantry. Colonel H. U. Ayer , Second artillery , Colonel U. S. Otis , Twentieth Infantry , Colonel II. M. Black , Twenty-third Infantry , with Major A. B , Gardner judge ndvocate. CHEATS BY TI1E CHU11OH. Uo\v a Will's Terms are Said to Have Boon Severed by a Prlcbt. CHICAGO , Juno 30. Suit was brought to-daj by Mrs. Aimio L aiming against the Kri lr Kovcrend Patrick Terry , ptstor of St. Patrick's Catholic church of this city. The complain ant alleges that her uncle , Kiphnrd Lnnning died 20 years rgo , leaving a will bequeathing a portion of hli estate to her ; that Father Terry Las concealed this will over since , aud thai estate went to her as the uncle's hcirs-at-law She nays Father Terry but recently told her o the bequest. Father Terry says when Lannlng was voiy ill 33 years ago , ho attended the sick man , that them was a will then ; that Lannlng recovered and lived 13 years ; that he ( Father Terry ) went elsewhere and does not know whether the will existed at the time of Lan mug's death or iot. FINANOIAMjY FINISHED. A Banlcrnpt Boole Frm. CHICAGO , Juno 30. Fairbanks , Palmer A , Co. , the book publishers , were closed by the sheriff to-day. The failure is duo to the failure uro of G. W. Borland & Co. , whoso paper the firm held to the extent of $12,000 , Liabilities. ? 10,000 ; and assets for nearly the ful amount. A Dry Goods Fall nro. MOXTREAI , , Juno 30. II. n. Merill , dry goods dealers , have assigned. ' Snlo oCAVahaBh Property in St. Ijonln. ST. LOUIB , Mo. . Juno 30. The Equitable bnildlnp , in which all the Gould and Wabash railroad general officers wore located , was pur chased to-day by the Equitable Lifo Insurance company , of Now York , froin the Mercantile Trust company , of the same city. The price is ntated to bo between $375,000 and § 400,000. The building was formerly owned the Equit able Lifo Insurance company. The AVcathcr To-IJay , WASHINGTON , Juno 30 For the upper Mis sissippi valley : Slightly cool nnu partly cloudy , with local ahoAtors ; light , variable winds. 1'or the Missouri valley : Generally fair weather preceded , in the southern jwrtlon local rains , variable winds , probably shifting to north east and south east , cwler weather in southern portion. Stationary barometer. A IJoulBTlllo & NoshTllIo Resignation. LOUISVILLE , Juno 30. Mr. Bradford Dun- ham to-day resigned as general manager of of tlio Louisville & Nashville railroad , the resignation to take effect July 1st. Mr. J. A. Harahan , gonbral superintendent of the south ern division , has been appointed to succeed Mr. Dunham. The Cholera , MAIWKILI.H , Juno 30. The Peninsular and Oriental Steamship company will discontinue running vessels to London and Bombay for the present , owing to the outbreak of the cholera. The Money Wo Make. PHILADELPHIA , Juno 30. The coinage ox ccuted by the United States mint during Juno aggregated 31.77M25 , including 1,1W,000 silver dollars , 200 half dollars , 2CO quarter dollars , and 250,000 dimes. Killed at u Plcnlo. DynUQUK , Juno 30. At a Catholic church picnic near Little Port , in Clayton county , on Sunday , a man named Sheclo was killed by a man named Cowloy. 9 EA LBAKiNOPOWOE ITAMOOUKOTQRiaC > UKE CRI&AM TAPITAR , S1OOO. Given . f alum or aiiyjnjurloua tubt.luiicea cuu l < o founa ' " ' " ' - * ' - - nAn ivi-l/l . eccfvi-J _ . . . . an ; M. Dulafontalnc , oft'hlcuKo ; ami Ciiutuvug Soilc , illluaulieo. Never kolil In bulk. , 837. to'J it Wl K. Water fet , OUR SPECIAL MARKETS , The "Bee's" ' Dailjf Reports from Chicago cage as to Grain aM Stock. The Pine Weather Has n Dopros- ing Effect on Oeroal Prioosi Wheat Drops Several Oonts--- Heavy Deliveries , Corn Follows the Leading Grain in Prioooand Ooureo , Hess Show but Idltlo Favorable ChaiiRO Other Market Matter. CHICAGO IirAUKKTS. lUTHKn UVKI.Y. ClIIOAao , Juno 20. The mnrkcUsold down rapidly to-day , cash and No. 1 ! spring wheat touching 83J under the inlluonce of the fine weather for growing crops and the incroaset : receipts. Trading wai on a fahly ncthc scale , but there was the usual great scarcity ol now orders. WHEAT opened with the closing figure ! ) of Sa urdaj fairly unstained , except in near deliveries , Ki\rly transactions made the best ligure ol the morning session , Heavy olferincof July , which woto in such quantity as to force dales nn a declining market , caused a steady dropol about 1J , the lowest quotation of the mnrntnp being current about ton o'clock. The genera' ( liapostlon was to close out small holdings nnc get even on the market before delivery day. It may bo statin ! with considerable certainty that ttio deliveries of wheat to-morrow will bo very heavy. On the afternoon biurd pricon wcrq again depressed ; July cloeos at 83J , August at SO , and September nt S7J. CO UN followed about tha same OOUHO , and wai sub jected to the same influence * . Tha markal opened weaker , rallied go , then bccamo weak again , and declined about lu for July , tfa for August and September. On the afternoon board the market continued weak , Juno am July closing 51c , August , > 2io ; September 03J. OATrt ruled lower , closing at 30 for July , 2GJJ fol August , 25jj for September , rout was\ory dull , showing little change , closinf at HADO for Juno and July , 1'J 0 for August 17 70 for September. fAIU > , weaker with the latest quotations 7 10 foi Juno and July. CATTLK. The large percentage of fresh arrivalx wore Texans. There was n" fair demand for besl corn fed and grass nativss at about the same ns last \\eok. Stillera were again lower , soiling - ing at 0 ' 1'1 to 0 CO , showing a depreciation o 20 to 250 during the past ten or hundred days , About 2,600 Texas on sale , part of which ar rived late Saturday afternoon. They sold nt 3 00 to 5 30 , largely at 4 00 ti 180. Tliodoninnd _ was strong and prices ful ly-IJoas highaH at any tii-io. There were t few excellent droves , and hey inado equally us high figuroj ni grass nhi' > naHomo Toxnt oxen sold ns low M 3 Oft Thcrif were nt sock era or feeders on sale , and ecarroly any buyers. Common and low prades of butchers stock continue to sell at very low pricea ; goo < to choice shippincr , 1,200 to 1,200 pound ? , 0 OC 0 00 ; grass Toxaus , 700 to 900 pounds , 3 25 to C05. noes. There was a fair , steady demand for best heavy from packer * and shippers aud those sorts sold at steady prices , namely : C 00 to 6 CO. Light wore rather neglected , tha few Hulcd inado , howo\er , eliuu-1ttio ! or no change as compared with Saturday , the raugo show- lng-1 'JO to O'SO forcommon to choica lignti 180 to 210 pounds 4 00 to 5 30. HAII/WAYS. Thf ? Missouri Paulflc. GOULD'S I'Er I'lioi-KitTV IK A I-IIUDIOAUKNT. 'New Yonic , Juno 2 ! ) . Tlio Herald prints the following to-day : "Tho position of Mr. Gould'u pot property , the Miisonri Paclflo railroad , is exciting A great deal of intercut In financial circles. In Ucw of the recent depj- siou of the United Status supreme court , It seems likely that the road will bo taken from Mr. Gould aud restored to the stockholder * of ild cor oration , from uhom It wna captured > y Mr , C. 1C. Garrison eight years ago. If the 'orecloeuro under which Air. GarrU'on obtained the propeity declared VOID nEOAUSK 0.K 'rilAUD ' , , ho ? 51,000,000 of pecuritioa issued upon the roj > erty by Mr. Gould will bo worth only .limr weight an waste paper , while ho and his directors will bo Jiablu for oil the earniiiBrs of , ho road during the past eight years , inclini ng the dividends paid on the 930,000,000 of stock. The opinion of the miprcmo court ac companying the decision , and written by Mr. histico iilutchford , has vary much depressed Mr. Gould and his friends. It wax Judge J. 1' . Dillon , in tha United States circuit court , vho Issued the decree of foreclonure , It wax 10 who Hubswiuontly denied the appeal of Hjo atockholdera for a hearing , and it wa he now 'etlred from the bench and acting an counsel 'or the Gould roads who oppourd the appeal which has just been decided by the eupromo : nutt. Thin decision places the nocuritles usued upon the property of Mr. Gould on such A rnxoAiiioim fOOTiKa fat speculator ! * and inventora alika have laiitened to got rid of them , AH for the utocJt , Mr. Gould is credited with holding , > ractically , the whole of it , Moro than it 'ear ago no Hworo tliat ho held nearly half of t , and it in Hujiposed that in order to steady ho etock market hu lias boon coiiHlantly ac quiring It ever einco that tlmo , and moro par * icularly ninco the deoinlon referred to was rendered taut month , That nearly all the tock is In hlxhaudu Is ehownin various ways. ) no morning lout wecV , when the general nurkot wan "ulialcy , " he marked the prlcu up rom S'JOn nharo to 8'J. In half an hour , and in the next HAlo to 9100. The very next raniactionummado at 5W and the follliw- ug ono at 1)5 ) , The proceeding wax KO I'ALI'AIH.Y Aliri JOIAI , , md showed no clearly that th utock wai In ho haiuU of ono niftn , that | M > rnoiis carrying t on lonns to Gould's brokers hastened to do. nand their money1 and uurnmder the danger- JUD collateral. Several of tha most Important banks and bankers down-town now rofuro to lend n dollar on Missouri Pacific ftccuntlca. tock-commls < ton houtot refine lobuy or ell thorn on margint for customers , and the bar- dull of carrying the vat mans of bond * M \\o\\ \ \ ns stocks is being rapidly concentrated tnuin the pliouldcrsof Air. Gould and hU Immediate agent * . " NKW YORK , Juuo SO. Tlio Missouri Pacific hnn nrrautrrtl with the Marcantilo Trust com- iwny for tlio ole of the New Orleans fc Pacific baiuU and will hold them uncaueoltcd subject to redemption. OUI.KIUIAT10N- . The ClmrniluK of the Chlhlron ol Uninaolln by tholMcil Piper. LONDON , Juno 30. The citizens o Bolln , Dnmswlck , Germany , celebrated with much pomp and parade the GOOth mmlorsary of the Charming of the Children of Hamdolln by the "Pied Plpor"yostonlay. Bandi parad ed all morning and there was a general jollity preceding the principal event of the day , width waa the procession after the general scmhlflgo at two o'clock In front of the old houseIn which the Piper lived and who lured the children into a cave and disappeared with them out of ro\onpo because the town authori ties refused him n reward of 1000 crowim for luring away the rats. Hundreds of children dressed In tlio costume of six conturica ngo led the procession following Urn strains of the mi- ciontptpo to the ftpot oil Koppolborg whither tlio legend iloclarei the plod charmer disappeared \\ith those that followed him , The niioctaclo wan oNCoodlngly pretty , iiolmul the children followed chariot * drnun by mottled horeos after the style of the rude vehicles of tha plod pipers' tlmo. Kntghti In armor , men In louft luwo and buff gherkins , women in graceful robes and finally all the handicraftsmen of that time wielding their primitive tools , made up tha rest of a pea- Koant seldom rivalled In thia generation for historic ] Interest and plcturosquoness. The Dnatlly M'AIISKIU.KH , Juuo IKi. 1'lvo deaths from cholera last nlRht. Capt. ISollot of the navy , whoso wife was seized with cholera , committed - ted Biilcldo , M. Itochord , chief ot n nava health department , declares the cholera wan not brought to 1'ranco by any transport with troops for the oast. AlADIlIP , Juno 30. Minister Foster has re turned. lie arrived In Spain in time to es cape the quarantine at frontier. Troublesome Western llnllroads , Ni\v YOHK , Juno 80. The olllclala of the Denver & lllo Grandorofuso to state nhotlior Interest < 4i the company's bonds duo tomorrow row , will bo paid or not. The Oregon naviga tion aud Northern Pacific negotiations stand 03 follows : Oregon navigation inado n propo sition to the Northern Paclllo to lease its road the latter to guarantee the Oregon naviga tion I ! per cent Ion stock for two yearn , 7 per cent for three yearn , and 5 per cent thereaf ter. TliOHO terms have not yet boon ngrootl upon by the Northern Pacific directors but - ! ! ! bo considered thin wouk. Down With the Fcncoe. CllETOl'A , KB. , Juno 30. There Is great con- etornatlon among stock men having ranchen In Indian territory , The sheriff of Cherokee nation , with n squad of Indians , have boon taking down all wire fencing that en closes longer tracts thun fifty acroR. that being the limit allowed by the acl of the Cherokee council. Tin xhoriff confiscates Ml wire ho taken down The sheriff bngan work south of CofToyvllli and IB talcing It down clean as ho comoa east Thousands of miles of fencing" hhvo alroadj been removed. Tlio Indiana eobih to meat business , BEACH , Domino or the Dlnllnjjuialicd Advo cate. Nnw Yonif , Juno 23. William A. Beach , tha distingiiiHlud advocate , died thin after noon of heart disease at bin liouuo In Tarry- town. IIo had been Hufforlng from the disease fc'overoly of late , but no Immediate fatal term ination waa looked for. Mr. lieach was born in the village of Bal aton Spa , Saratoga county , December II ) , 1K01' ' . His earliest legal practice waa confined to Sar atoga and in tlio spring of 1851 ho removed to Troy , where ho remained until 1871 , Among the important cases in which ho engaged was the defense of thr state agent and others , who under Gov. Soymotir'H administration were uimmoiiod before a military tribunal at Wash ington upon a charge of tampering with nol- diora' vetcH , The jofanso was Biicceasful , anJ ended in the dlHcontiimauco of thin sort of mil itary Inquisition , Mr , Donch defended Cole on the Colo-lliucox murder trial , and uocured his acqiilttnl on the second trial on the ground of emotional insanity. He defended Canal Commissioner Dorn before the court of Im peachment In 187i ) . Dorn waa acquitted. Ito- moving to thin city In 1871 ho appeared for the defendant in JCrie'a 9ri.000,0)0viiit ( againxt Comtnodora Vamlurbllt. Ho W H imposed to O'Conor In the Jtiinel litigation , and WOK on- { aged for the people on the Kocnnd tn'al of 1C. S. Stokes for the iiiurdr-r of James l-'Isk , Jr. [ fo assisted I'Vunlc ' Wulworth , who wan a ( irandson of Chincollor Wai worth , of .Saratoga { pringi ) . and who killed his father , Mansfield Tracy \Vidu'orth , ill tha Sturtovant IIOUHO. In ho'lilton agahiKt.lJoocher case ho waa lend- ig ) counselor for the plaintiff. THE ] GHANI ) AHMV , the Nutlomil Kricainp- inont Mi bo Hold In BlInncuiK- Us tlio Iia'tvr 1'urt ol July. MlNNBAi'OMH , Junu 2'J. Public Inlorot and attention la now being directed to the nation al grand army encampment tu open July 22d and to continue to the 2Cth , Tlio committee laving charge of the arraniramoiita are ox- iocting30,000 grand army men to bo present , md are boxing preparations nn that number. About 830.000 hoH already been mibHcribed oward defraying OXPOIIBOH , and fully 810,000 nero in to bo secured. Tno programmu au outlined to the Tribune corrcupomlwit to-day , t at follows , Comrades will arrive .Monday and IHJ assigned to quarters. Tuesday at 10 a , in , there will no t public reception , with speechoH of wolcoma ly tlia governor , mayor and othern , followed n the evening by n general camp-fire at which .hern will ba vpoocliotf hy Home of tlio moHt irllllunt oratorrt In tlio order , u recitation by Mrs , Kliiabeth Mansfield Irving of an origi nal perm , written for the occasion by MTH. ICato ll.Hlierwood.ot Toledo , imislo by bands , Kingof the old time HOtiga by the com- Wuduwday mornloK the grand parade nllltakoidace. rw..rtod by Uio two roslmcnt * of the SiinniNoU National . ' -Jnnrd. Thocn < campmcnt will bo called > order at 12 o'clock in. t the Colliot M'lWixltiM ' - day Menlng thn PInmbonu club , coim-owl ol lucmliera oflhc Grand Army of T < Mx > ka , Knj. , \ \ \ \ \ glreonnof tlu-ir exhibition- fireworks while iinrchlnir. The location of l"ho camp IIM not Ut'ii ilccidtd on. Two place " > ' . " > dor coniiderntlon. Ono in the un Ucrtity grounds and the othrr the fair prnundn. Jioth i > lacc nro in the city limits. Comrade * * I uo expected to bring n blanket each , * nd meals will bo provided t .15 cents for ct wtt lircakfast or nuppor , and Rl ) cents for while mnny of the i > oit propone ll the roads iimnhig Into Mln - noaiiolinill RIVO rntss of ono fara for the round-trip to Grand Army mm * . The annual lounlonof tlu < I'lrxt Mimicxota regiiuontill occur un the tint day i > f the oucampiucut. Droxvncil la tlio Special Dispatch to the DEE. OAKLAND , Neb. , Juno 30 , Sunday nbout 11 o'clock a. m. , fovoral young mm were bathing - ing In the crock near town , when Fred Fagcr dove in and pushed himself along with hi * feet until he ronchnd n deep hole recently washed out and of which lie no doubt .had 110 Knowl edge , ns ho could not swim. Ho beg.tu uplash- Ing hi the water and POOH Rank and did not rise again , Those who saw the HplaMiingnup- posed It was douu purposely until it was too ate to save Ida life. Diving \\nt immediately legun but the water was HO deep In the hole as to renilerRraphlingjiecossary , and the body was not rccoveii'd until about 2 p. m , The deceased waH n laborer In tlio employ ol Ins. Askwig , of this place , aged 21 yearn ami unmarried , WOH a native of Sweden and hail 10 relative * in thin country excepting ono mithor. Tha bnrrlal took pliico nbout sun- ilowu of thu same day and without an Inquest. KPAI US. Kuropo niul the Gholora , VlKNS'A. Junn 30. The livenintrPoit s.iya the nowa from 'I'oulou and Maraolllos. in re gard to the cholera , leaven no doubt but it ia . < > ulatlo cholera. Tliepiipcr statoa Unit Aus tria and Hungary have been ordered to main tain the minutest Inspection on all arrivals from the south of Franco aud Algiers , The Peat also iuys that arrangement ) * are making for the medical inspection of ratlw.iy'tia\eleru and for the fumigation of hoggngo. .I.M. Juno 30. No deaths hero from from cholera between the hours of 1) ) n , in. , and ( ! p. in. DALUXZO , Juno 30. A workman from Lyons > \ as Boizod with choloia hero audnoou died. TOULON , Juno 20 , At 7 o'clock this even ing one death from cholera occurred tlnce 11 a , m. TOULON , Juno 30 , It Ia generally admitted that the worst of the choleru crlms in o\er. One feature of the disease linn boon the short- IIOHH of the tlmo between the duizurn anddnath. This would indicate tout tha malady in Asiatic chalet a. The KiiBllMh MnrkctH. LONDON , Juno 30. The Mark ! Lane Kx- prcsH , in iU weekly ro 'lew of the corn trade , nays : "Tho weather continual favorable for improving the strong and helping weak cropu. The wheat markcta generally are weaker , although the scarcity of ] CngH n wheat cmisen ocoaBional locul advance , Tlio ralna ef ling- llsh wheat laxt week were i > U,305 quarters at 37a. 'Id. against 41,4' ' < > 9 mmters at 42n ild for the corrtHpoudiug week lust year. For eign whuat l greatly dopa-sned , heavy ro- cetptH causing unusually low rateu , In the oil coast trudo a largo portion of tha over duo upply has been received. Twentythreo car BOH have arrived ! ton worn told , eight with drawn , and eight remained. TwontjMllnc cai gos nro now due. Flour oxccediiifly dull : Maiza is weaker , Jiarlnylirmer. French Kloclloiilllotfl. MADKIIIA , June 30. The elections in thli Island for inomborH of the chamber of deputies resulted in a victory for the government candidate didateItiotlng occurred dnring the voting , and novon peraoiiH were killed , ALQIKUH , Juno 80. The rlota continue , The committee of Spanish residents threaten all SpanlnrdH who took part in the expiileicn ol thoJowH. Troojis occupy various paita of tha city. _ _ _ _ _ _ French Politics. tiH , Juno 30. In the chambcrH of depu ties to-day Prima Minister Furry opposed the amendment defining tha rovieabhi point H in the constitution without binding the chamber to tu action to these point * , on the ground that , ho govornmunt projiosals for the rovisiou wiiro an onsuntial uart of the programme of iho miniKtry , who would bo unable to continue n ofl'ico if they lacked confidence. The chain- icr then rejected the amendment 2'JO to 23D , Pnrlliiinondirr LONDON. Juno 30. Three motions to ml- ourn were inado in the cimunona by connorva- lyu memborn and rcjuctcd. Sir Charles ) ilko censured the ojipoHltion for their nt- empta to obstruct business when the loader ef he opposition did not Hympathlzo with Huch iiotlouv. Hold GtiDtlvohy the ICiiliJnli. LONDON , Juno 30. Thu British nloop of var IVgamias ban boon orderul to prucd'd rom Smgapan to Achocn with iinivision and hithlng for the crew of thu ] ! iitlnh ttuumor iscro , wicckcd December lust off the Achoen oaut and Htill hold captive by the llahjah. A 1'nntlllcul Itoxu , Jiuiiii W ) . Count Sodcrln and Hone , of Pliiladt'lphla , wore mnrrlod to-day , Cardinal Jacobltii , the pontifical secretary of ) f otalo , olllclating , lho(1Voto ol'CoiiHiiro" Inild Aslilo , LONDON , Juno 30. In the commoiiH Glad- Htonu moved the vote of censure of the gov > iriimonlV ICgyptlau policy bo given precedence iver all other bu incH > . Defeated , 1UO tu I'lO. The German Navy , lliau.lN , Juno SO. It ! M aiinouncdd that at thu next session the government will Hub- nit to the rriclmtiig u scliemo greatly enlary- ng the navy. Moro OraiiKO OntruitCB , 8r. JoilNH , N. F , , June 30. AK ueonsland larbor four southern vessels took rcfugo from hu Houtlnvott gale , and the floating hild ice. 'ut'Hilay lait thd Orangmon attacked tlio raws when on bhorn , maimed them brutally md punmcd them t their veaaloo with largo ullait MtoncH , umaehing the comiaiilon | duoru , kyllKhts , cabin , utoven and furniture , break- tiff the bulwarkH and forcing the vcHxclri to uuh out into the storm. A. Cuban Conflu/rrutlon. / HAVANA , Juno 30 A tire nt to lay destroyed three warehoused , 1,700 hoga- lo.ul of migiir In the buildings burned , and ih- OSH reported ia 91150,000pai ; tially Insured , o A FISTIC FARCE. Between Snl- and MiichBll , It Doesn't ' Oonio Off Before 6,000 and 6,000 , Popnln. Sullivan Appears in td runken Condition to Ape IT : oi Mitchell Makes a Foils , marks , Eeooivod with Srj m , Other 5'lntlo and Sporting liters ot , flloroICoal .Uesil ' * i . SPRING SPORTS. Vistlo. BIJ.LIVAXU MrrcilKLT. NKW YORK , Juuo 30. Between 5,000 nndl 0,000 people Including hundreds from Boston and Philadelphia , and largo delegations from Baltimore nnd Chicago went to Madison Square gardens Uvnlght U BOO tlw glove con i test arranged to take place between Jolin L. Sullivan and Charles Mitchell. The storloj circulated thu lost few days concerning HULLIVAK'B D11U.NKKNNKS3 AND JlIT01IKLI'l did lint xliako the belief of the good usturod publla that the man meant to have n boua ( idu and exciting contest. In the cnrly evening it was reported that both boxeni were iu good condition. The first part of the nlght'a pro gramme , in which appeared covoral inemborH iif tlio "Sullivan Combination" and others , paused elf pleasantly , the npeclatora giving hearty encouragement to parrcrd. A fo\V minuted bofoio 10 THU ( HIKAT JOHK L , SULLIVAN In Btroot costume , staggered up the step ? , * loading to the platform , accompanied by Billy O'Biien and another man , who was said to bo Dr. W. 11. Vaiidat-pool , ; of the Ashland house. O'Brien annoimcod too the anxious crmul lint the doctor had positively stated that "Mr. Sullivan waa to ill to spar. " JIc- Hftld that rather than have the people disap- ' iiolniod , Domlulck M , Catfroy would spar Mitchell. O'UIUBN WAB HOOTBB ; thun the great Sullivan inado his way to tha edge of the ring mid tmpporting himself bv the ropofl , he made a few rcnurica IIo looked like a "terrible exmnplo , " his hat was un- brushed a\d hia clothea soiled , lie waa HLOATKI ) IN EOUY AND VAOE. and features were led and distorted almost : beYond recognition. Standing in i ho attitude of n lounger at n bar , ho mid in n hoarsa voice , that could ba heard but a few foot awnjv "I can not spar to-night. I am too sick. Von may think mo drmik , but L ain't. Tni sick. I ( lout think it fair to ( thii you a. ftiomlly set-to with M r. Mitchell , for jou didn't como to too that. " , 81 Then tlio renowned "Mr. Sullivan" .was heartily hisiud. Mitchell , who had ascended the iilatform while " M'r. Sullivan " was Hpe\kiug , now came to thu ropes nnd had his 'little Bay. " looked pomowhat jtalo. nnd thin , nnd were swollen and coro-looklnf ? . The KngIUh man said t ' ' I'm in no condition to spar myself - , self , I have liad it very' had with malarlaT and ! don't think It would bo fair to Mr , Sul ; llvnn to have this match , nn I am feeling pretty good to-night , and I came hero to do the best I could , That la all there in In it. " TUB I'KOI'LK oniHD " IIA IEl" and hiescd and _ dhouted ' 'Sullivan , youv'o lost your reputation ) " nnd then slowly and sadly left the building. It is estimated tha > $1-1,000 was taken in by the management and that $3,000 coven all expanses , HO the Sulli van nnd Mitchell combination have $12,000 to divldnan the result of their much talked of aud extensively odvortiiud combat. Snildlofoaus nnd Sulkoy. CLOHUllACEH. ClIIOAao , Juno 30. The Ins t day of the run ning inoetlng of the Chicago driving ? ark : FirHt race , Belling purse inllo dash StarkH won , Troublor second , Niuiblo l'ootv . third ; time , 1:11. : \ Club purBO threo-quarter mile Dudley' Oakit won , llolianthua xi'cond , Pastor third ; time , l:15j , , t Snmmor handicap milo and one-eighth Vallet won , Ascender vacond , Topsy third , v" ilino , 1:651. : ? Coiipolatlon iiurHO milo dash Sweeney i ? * won , Boatman wcmul , Pilot third ; time , 1:1.1 : . Hurdle nice milo and a half Athelstiiro won , Ciilt ICdge Kccnnd ; time , 2:50 . Half mile dwh Premium won , Blue-bird necond , P. D. Q. , third ; time , -I8J. CONEY 1HI.ANI ) COUllhl : . SllKiii'HiiicAi ) BAV , June SO. Sweepstakes , hrco voaiH old , three-fourthu milo JCxllo won , Theodore Hecoml , Lulu third ; time , , oil ngCH , mile Aranza won , iiiglo Ki-cond , Marklo third ; tlmo , 1:4 ! ) . QAUEH. ' At Chicago Providence , 4 ; Chicago , C , At Baltimore Unions , Baltimort-B , llj Chi- At Mlnncaoplls Gnmo poHtponed ; rain. At Bay City Bay City , 14 ; MtiBkcgous , C. At Toledo TolodeH , : t ; Alleghonya.1. . At Cleveland Now York , 0 ; Clovelands , 2 ; At Philadelphia-Uuiom ! , St. Louis , 0 ; Koyetonos , 0 , At Chicngu Pixjvldonco , 4 ; Chicago , C , At Olovelujid New York. Oj.Cloveland , 2. At Detroit Boston , 11 ; Detroit , 2. At Buifalo-Buifalo , 10 ; Philadelphia , 7 , At Detroit Bostons , 11 ; Detroits , 2 , At ( ) ulncy Quincy , 11 ; Pcorias , 8. At Buffalo-Buirufos 10 ; Philadelphias ; 7. At Boston Unions liobtons , 10 ; Cinciu- nattiu , 0 , The Thuinpors. A TIlUMPEIl Ky OOKE1) OCT. NEW YoitK , Jimo 30. "Bill" Kugland , the Knglish pugilist who carao here a Bhoft tlino ago to try to make n match with John I * . Sullivan , WPS given a benefit this afternoon. Jlia sot-to witliQeoi-go KooVo showed Hugland to bo no match fur bulllyan , as Itooko fought him all over stage , dialing him n numbur of shipping blo\\B. 1'our lounda lined up Knf { land. FlrcH In Canada , ' QOKUKO , Juno 30. Three h'eavy buhh fires iu tha Sugui'iiav district , Keurtoeti house * wore burned at Bale St , Paul. ' - CA&1 lls&Osiss ! j mftwsn-w l wrnmuiftl ' Mitiis ± * aiUi * . aiUis \ \ ll-l ive : B