OMAHA JUAJLJUX MUiNJLJAl 0 U1N JiU , 100 * . THE OMAHA BEE Onrnbn Office , No. 010 Famfim E . Council BlunViOnico , No. 7 Pearl St. Btrcct , Ncnr Broadway. Now York Ofllco , lloom 05 Tribnn Building. _ ranllabed n-ornlng'ereept Snnd1 Tb A UUUVUCTA ererT u t'lu.Lif | on ! ) Mend j mornloR d llj- HUt IT MAIL. On8 Te . . . . . . . . . . ( Three Uonlhs..JS.C > SIxHont&l. , K.OO | Ono Month 1.00 Per Week , 2R Cents. rabra rosiTAiD. DIM Tear. . . . . . . . , . . $2.00 I Three Montbj , . . . , , . ( BIzMonths. . . . . , , . . 1.00 | One Month. . . . Ainarlcan Kewi Company , Bolt Arontf , Kairsdea rt In tb * United Btatas. OOUKMKIXBIICX. AM Commnnlcatloni relating to Kcm andKdllotla milters thould ba oddrcaaod to tht Enrroa or Tni BIT. ( CBtXXM'LtmU. Aiinra1ne tetter * lind Remlttaneei ihouldfb a.ddrr Fd to Tm BXB Pcrnutnixo OoxriKT , nxirti Dratts , Chockii and Postodlca nrderi to bt mada kbit to tha order of tha company. -TDE BEE PUBLISHING CO , , PROP'S ' ' C. ROSEWATBR , Editor. A. TI.FlUh. Manager Dilly Circulation P. O. , Box 4S3 Omaha , Ktb. _ MoAooo , the fresh young congressman from Now Jersey , has made much ado about nothing. ALASKA now has a governor. There will now bo a chance fur corner-lot apocu latora in locating the capital. THE Wnbaah and Missouri Pacific have applied for an unconditional divorce , the grounds being failure to provide moans of support. It is quite evident that many of our eminent statesmen now in the national legislature are going back on their Con grcesional llccord. NEBIIAHKA CITY will hold a ratification mooting when the commission of John F. Kinney , as agent of the Yankton In dian agency , is roceivod. GOVERNOR ELI MURRAY started from Utah under a cloud for Chicago. Ho died there with his boots on. Ho will return this week from Washington with his commission as governor. Eli got F thoro. Fv v WITH picnics , base ball , brass bandit , I "sacred concerts , " street parades and sensational sermons Omaha aflords a va riety of Sunday entertainments unexcelled - celled by any other city this side of Gin- dnnati. PLAIN Dr. Smith , of Sioux City , lias bcon heard from. Ho bobbed up serenely at the Cobdcn club banquet in London on Saturday night , and laid in a full sup ply of frco lunch as n practical proof of the progress of free trade doctriuo. Tin : ropub'icrum ' have a magnetic man as their candidate for president , and the democrats are now looking for an olectrio candidate with a magnetic "bar'l. " The leading olootrio mau of the democracy has shut off his connection , and the prob lem at present ia to find a substitute , WHEN last hoard from Church Howe had reached Washington. With his proverbial vorbial modesty , Church does not want anything at present. Like the grass hopper , sitting on the fence , with his oyoa on tlio promised land , ho is content to got his reward in this wheat , by and by/ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ WHEN the council forms itself into a court of impeachment this morning , a moasago will bo received from his abdi cated excellency stating that under the advice of the court physician ho cannot at this critical juncture join in the foitivitios , owing to indigestion. Whoii the devil WOH sick , Thu ilovil a monk would ho , AVIion the duvil got well , Duvll a monk was ho. Tui : redoubtable StovoElkinu , who haa boon swimming in a sea of pslitical glory for the last throe weeks , has suddenly found himsoU involved in a controversy about n small pasture , embracing a trill9 of 800,000 acrcn , in Now Mexico , which Stuvo acquired in the course of hii hw practice at Santa Fo. Steve will hardly allow himself to bo disturbed by such trifles , Ho has too much presence of mind. Steve Doraoy will probably fix matters for him. Wi : have had all sorts of conventions of late , and addrosaos and appeals from all classes of the discontented , but the most striking appeal of all is the recent address of the Now York atato colored democratic association to the colored voters of the ctupiro atato , representing that the griev ances of the negro against the republican party are not merely "on account of a nig gardly distribution of patronage , " but as a of deep-settled conviction that the ropuhli. can party is controlled by "an iniquitous combination nf conspirators , whosa con tinuance in power will imperil our pros perity and oven our liberties. " This ia a harrowing tale , which cannot fail to arouse the roost intense indignation in is every well regulated barber shop. It in simply barberoua to treat colored oillco- aooken in such a niggordly manner. IK , u it ia generally believed , that at Mayor Chase is shamming and play , ing sick nun , tbo council should not dillydally with the trial of the charges that have been preferred against Mm. It is not necessary for the mayor to attend the trial in person. His at torneys can conduct the defense without a Iiim , and the council has full authority to conduct the trial without the technicalities or restrictions that are imposed with jury It trials in the criminal courts , The ques tion for the council ia to simply ascertain whether lib habits , mentally and phpsi- cally disqualify him from thu efficient performance of las duty. If , for instance - stance , he was mentally doranqod and it uuflt to transact business , it would not bo expected that the council would post- p one for any indefinite period the pro ceedings whereby the oillco c&u bo legally vacated. j d THE MEXICAN PENSION DILL The Mexican pension bill has at las passtsd the senate by a vote of 37 yeas to 27 nays. It is oitimatcd that thla bil will add to the yearly expenditures o the Rovornmont nil the way from $12 , 000,000 to 350COO,000. The bill now goes to the house of representatives fo concurrence or non-concurrenco in the senate amendments. It i providcdii | the Dill that the secretary of the intorio shall place on the pension roll the names of surviving ofllcars and enlisted men of the military and naval services wh actually served fourtojn days in Mexlc or were on the coaits or frontier , or on route to Mexico , or were actually in i b ttlo in the Mexican war and were hon orably discharged ; and suoh officers , sold iora and sailors M may have boon person ally named in any resolution of congrosi for spocifip cervices in that war , and sue ! of their widows as have not remarried provided such oflicor , enlisted man or widow bo or become sixty-two years o ago , or subject to disability or dependen cy equivalent to some cause recognized by bho pension laws of the United States as sufficient reason for the allowance of pension. No person ia entitled to the aonofits of the bill who does not como within the rule of aga and disability , or who incurred such disability while volun ; arily engaged in the late rebellion. The pension is fixed at $3 per month 'ayablo only from the passage of the act 'or and dnring the lifo of the beneficiary , or during the continuance of the disabll- ty. Pensioners already receiving $8 n month are , however , cut off and these receiving leas than $8 simply got the dif- orouco between $8 and the amount they mvo boon heretofore receiving. All porous ous laboring under the political dis abilities imposed by the fourteenth con- tltutional amendment are excluded rom the benefits of the act. The bill also gives a pension to every loraon who for three months served on bo union side in the war of the rebel- on , who has an honorable discharge , nd ia or shall become disabled from any auaonot the roault of his own gross caro- oaancas , disreputable conduct or vicious mbita and is dependant on his own lab- rs for support , The amount of his pen- ion ia to bo proportionate to the degree , f disability and to commence from the ate of filing the application. The high- at rate allowed under this section is $2-1 month , which amount ia made divisablo or loss dogrooa of disability. No person an , however , claim the benefit of this onsion who already receives a pension lighor than $21 a month. Applicants laving claims now pending , or who may al loroaftor file claims , may oloot to prose- ale ute their claims either under this act erie ! io general pensions laws. . The bill also increases the pension of [ U widows or minor children of Boldiora nd sailors who are now receiving § 8 a month to $12 a month and extends the in- to all suoh who hereafter roaso may ap m ply who under existing laws would bo entitled to $8 a month. It also provides > hat if an invalid pensioner whoso disa- > ility was contracted in service and in ho line of duty haa died , or when ho shall hereafter die , leaving a widow or cc minor children under sixteen years of ci ago , or both , they shall bo entitled in the cib rdor of succession named to an original > onsion in their own right under existing awa without being roiiuirod to provo that be lie death of the husband or father was uo tb hia military or naval service. It lao continues the pensions of minor hildron when they become of unsound mind or physically helpless. The bill urthor prnvidos that in considering the hums of dependent parents , after prov- ng the fact of death and its cause , and , hat no widow or children nro loft , it ,1H hall only bo necessary to provo that the H wrent is without other means of comfortable , iibi able support than hia or her own man- bi mi labor or the contributions of others bidc lot legally bound to support him or her , 11 um nuoh dependent parents shall horo- 11ni niui uflor bo entitled to § 12 a month instead ui of § 8. cr DAKOTA'S ' jVA'ir GOVJWNOR. The now governor of Dakota , Colonel Giles A , Fierce , has for uomo time past ot boon connected with the editorial ntail'of the Chicago Ntiwa. Ilo has an excellent military nnd civil record. Colonel Pierce wont into the army as lieutenant of the Oth Indiana infantryi aud was soon after made quurtormustor of the regiment. Ho p was promoted to captain and than brigade quartermaster , afterwards to lieutenant- c colonel , and finally to colonel and ch cj quartermaster-general of the department j the Rulf , From 1807 to 1872 ho waa m financial clerk of the United States Bonato , which ho loft to takx > the editor ship of the Chicago Intcr-Ooenii , His connootion with that journal continued vl until 1880 , when ho became chief edi vlDi torial writer on the Chicago News , Ho Din the author of several works of fiction , > c and is a man of moro than ordinary h ability and accomplishments. Colonel o Pierce was ono of the Arthur managers the late Chicago convention. Ilia ap pointment as governor of Dakota will probably glvogpnoral satisfaction to the o people of that 'territory , who have long \ needed an able man as their chief execu e tive. The appointment was a complete eh er surprise to Colonel Pierce , aa ho was not h candidate for that or any other peal > > i tlon , and was not aware that his name f was under consideration for any placo. fa is , therefore , a ( Uttering oxprosiion of ni President Arthur'x confidence iu Colonel Pierce , Whether ho will accept the f o position is not known , but for the sake of the people of Dakota , win hive long f boon in want of a good man for governor , is hoped that ho will take thoforornor- ship , and at once enter upon the dis T ( charge of his duties , U Tun Sprlriefiold , Mass. , characterizes the proceedings against 'no ' Mayor Ghaso and Marshal Outhrlo ns a ahMn and a farco. The action of the court * and city council does not warran such a conclusion. JUS1IGK AND OLKMENGY. Ever ainco the grand jury , in compll anco with Ha sworn obligation , has returned turned criminal Indictments against May or Ohasonnd Marshal Outline , a dispoai tion haa boon manifested in certain quarters tors to crento public eympathy for these dishonorable and disgraced officials. This tendency to aympathizo with men who are in trouble ia very natural , bu upon reflection it must bo repressed b ; the commanding sense of public morality It Is true that the stream never rlac above its aourconnd the pcoplo of Omah being the aourco of power , are primarily responsible for placing a moral nnd phy sical trrock at the head of the city govern mont. But at this stage it Is entirely ou of place to interpose sympathy in behalf o mercenary officials who have corruptly connived with the keepers of low don and brothels , exposed our homes to robbery bory and pillage by burglars , made ou thoroughfares unsafe for citizen ant wayfarers , and converted this boautifu city into n paradise for thugs and crooks In the light , of the ordeal to which ou people have boon subjected for morn than fifteen months wo T ould ask is not thin maudlin aym pathy premature if not entirely out o place ? Thcro will perhaps como ] n time when clemency may bo intorposec without affecting the .public welfare or encouraging dishonesty in public places. When that time comes wo will join with rionda of the indicted in lightening the lurdon of their dingraco. Meantime lei no. < man who desires honesty , sobriety and enforced decency in the administra- atI ion of our city affairs throw obstacles in .ho way of purification by lamenting over the judicial prosecution of Chase 01ai and Guthorio. We have boon nskod to atato through the editorial columns of TUB Ben whether 01 our city attorney has the right to 01di lofond city officials indicted for accepting diw ribos i nnd levying blackmail. In other words < , has Mr.Connoll the right to act aa ho attorney of Guthrie and Chase ? So far no wo know , there ia no law or ordinance that would prohibit Mr. Con 01m nol from appearing in court as nttornoy or indicted city ofli'jiah. But while the city attorney violates no law in appear ng in the criminal courts as attorney dco [ ofoudini ; indicted city officials , such n ourso ia , to cay the least , of question able propriety. of Omaha is a orporation in law aud in fact , and the Ity 1 attorney sustains the same relations 1a a the municipal corporation that salaried attorneys of railroads , telegraph and ox- iroaa companies sustain toward these bartered corporations. Now , suppose ho general superintendent or traffic manager of the Union Pacific railroad or libi manager of the Pacific express had bi eon indicted for accepting bribes and bio ovying blackmail upon the patrons of tha railroad or oxprooa line , could Andrew J. ? opploton appear in court as defending counsel of t o indicted corporation offi * ciala with any dogrooo of propriety , oven hough ho was under personal J obliga- iona to either of them for hia own np jointmont. Would not Mr. Popploton o in honor and duty bound to assist the iroaocution ? Would not Mr. Pop iloton regard his obligation to the cor toration that employs him paramount nd above personal obligations ho might lave as n man toward the official who by is corrupt conduct has violated the riminal code ? City Attorney Council's obligations are primarily to the municipal orporation that employs and pays him. lo cannot consistently with this obliga- ion , defend a mayor or a marshal for ribcry any moro than ho could lofond the city treasurer for embezzle ment or the city engineer for con < Diving with contractors in fraudulent meas urmont. While the duty of prosecuting criminals devolves upon the district at- ornoy Mr. Council should , it Booms to is , always hold himself ready at the " request of the city council to aid in the oroaccution of any city official , high or ow , friend or fee , who da implicated in obbory or accused of bribery. CITY WALKS AND TALKS. "Tho street car company ought to tut on moro open cats , " said a lady the other day as she was riding out to Han- coma park , with her two children. "I hink the open cars afford a delightful ido , about the city. I frequently take ny children and ride from ono end of lit ) town to the other , and it ia really tiuito a treat to us. " # SJ * K" "If the democrats nominate a man vho can boat Blaine , " mid Captain Sutler , chief ongineur of the fire dopart- nont , "I shall bo satisfied , for ho muat o a miuhty coed man that can defeat ho Plumed Knight. Su far aa I am con- ornod I shall vote for Blaine , oven if all iio papers in the country oppose him. " at * a # # "You ought to take a trip into the ountry , " remarked a gontlemau , who md just returned from an extended tour over the state , "You have no idea how joautiful the country looks. The crops If of ro in splendid condition , particularly ho corn. Wo are going to have another ' ig ( year in Nebraska. Quito a number eastern men have recently boon look- over the atato , and have purchased a number of improved farms , The buai- try nou of Omaha , most of whom go every- here except over their own state , ought take a vacation and go into the rural to egions of Nebraska nud DOO the wealth the country. " * * * my ' "It la about time that the cottou- rood-trooa in this city should bo thinned ut , " said an old settler , "They are old and-marka , it ia true , but wo can got d ilong without them , When they wern planted hero in thn early davs , wo hid trcua , and wanting trees th&t would grow up in almost no time , wo sot on cotton-woods. Many of us thought , too that no other trees would grow in No braaka. This idea , however , has long since been proved to bo a mistake , a almost anything will grow horo. W now have a fine variety of shade frees in Omaha , nnd wo c | n spare the old cotton wooda. " V "Thcro are many beautiful homo in Omaha , " observed a stranger , "but amt surprised to BOO so few fountains especially as you have such a good system of waterworks. Nothing adds so mud to tlio boautv of a yard as a fountain , on in some of the yards artificial lakes as wo' as fountains would add an attractive fca turo to the grounds. " "Book agents are thick enough a any season of the year , " said a well known man , "but they are thicker jus now than I have over seen them. I hav been bored nearly to death with them First came the Blaine book agent ; then followed the agents of throe dilTorent sots of encyclopedias , each claiming that hi was the latest and best. Thcro seems k bo a run on encyclopedias this year Next the agent of eomo art work introduced ducod himself and showed mo a list o prominent men who had subscribed , few days after the Chicago convention along catno an agent of the lifo of Elaine and Locan. Ho , of course , will bo fol lowed by an agent of the lifo of thi democratic nominees. Mr. Butler's agon will also probably soon put In an appear * * * "Thoro is no place like homo , nf tor all , " said an old timer the other day "I nm led to-mako this remark , " con tiuuod ho , "by a litllo incident tha recently occurred. Old Peter Hugus who haa lived here for so many yoara determined to sell his homo here and go west to lira with his son. The old homo was sold , and the family started on their long trip over the Union Pacific. TW.O days afterwards I was surprised to see Mr. Ilugus on the street. His reappear ance mystified mo , and I inquired of a Friend what the matter was. Ho said that Mr. Ilugus immediately after leav ing Omaha became homesick , and the further west ho got the moro homesic < c bo grow. Finally ho determined to return - turn to Omaha on the next train , ant lover leaVe it again. And back tc Dmaha ho came nuro enoughnccomprmiec by his wife and daughter. Although baring sold hia house , ho proposes to purchase another , and pass the remainder . ) . f his days in Omaha , to which ho has Docamo eO much attached. " "I am now located at Colfax , Washington Territory , " said Hon. W. H. Doolittio , formerly of Tccumsoh , No araska , who ia in the city on a visit. Willis Sweet , who formerly lived in Dmaha , and married a daughter of Ilsv. Mr. Copeland , is alee out there. He is practicing law , and is meeting with great IUCCC33. " The little breeze between District Attorney Godwin and Lawyer Baldwin n the trial of the Guthrie case is ono of ; ho principal topics of town talk. Judge Neville has decided to withhold his pun- shment for contempt of court until the close pfr the , trial. The cpi- sodo has revived among tno lawyers the story about Charley Greene's contempt case of last term of court. Greene had aeon hold in contempt by Judge Noyillo for some cause 6r/vpthor / it doesn't ' matter - tor now what itwas and ho imposed a 3no of $100 upon Greene , and entered the decree upon , the docket. "Mr. jlreono , you are fined 9100 for contempt of court , and it Wo sentence will bo at once executed unless you apologise , " said the Judge. "Your Honor , ' this is a case,1' replied Greene , ' 'in which the at court wholds four aces against a bob-tail flush. I apologise. " The ready wit of Greene rather tickled Judqo Neville , who accepted the apology. Such ia the story that the lawyers uro now tolling. The source from which it comes must , how ever , bo taken into consideration if anyone ono cares to question the voracity of the story. CONFIDENTIAL. The True Inwardness of tlio PoIUIn cal Situation , lly Ono AVho al "Was There. at The following "confidential" letter , which has been hauded us for' publica < > tlon , will bo road with a good deal of interest - inK terost by the many friends of the versatile - tile ex-consul to Ohomnilz : li liii KANKAKKK , Ills. , Juno 21 , 188 , Dcar iin "Touiist , " Your siulilon dup.uturo frnm the n outnkhts of the ChtcaiM convention left mo with un antold ntory wliicli 1 have preserved for thu nuxt uexalou , which I hope wilt bo in Chicago during thu democratic coiuontion. I thu Jlon. Jin. K. lioyd at largj from iih NobiaHkft him cortuinly a box fur such early ; h applicittta an you , nud I could , poihapH , gut Jn n firo-tiudo neat from Morton but in that irnwd 1 want protection. wio _ I had a. pjsa nud scat in the recent prohibi o tion coineiit'uii hold In this state , tut did not 10 nvnil myself of thu courtesy uxteuilcd. \ 1 have had no word from llUine , direct hlncu our work at Chicago in hii behalf Lut fwi nin told undliclally thnt Klkins , Honoand Dortoy Haulou aud Hawca have given him a pointer or two , and tlmt you nra to receive > propjr recognition by ttiu tondur of some high placu , and us It ia probably thu only place you aeok , not having been there and not likely to get any higher in the hereafter , I infer it Is tu beMin I'len. , Knvoy Kx. totho mouth of crater on Mount Popocatepetl in Mexico. The volcano host will bo good for your rheumatism s you know ( Signoretta attendant * the highest jilftco Mount K > ercat , 29,000 above BOQ level in tlio IliiniUynj goca to Brooks , of liniil nillln , Fred Njo sncretarv ) . I ! , William Cuttis , of N. Y. , IMS filed pro- toit asainatTliur ; toii Sen last No. liar per'B calling Nubra ka delegate to timu. l.ogau wired mu to 660 you about front room Shopokna ( or Hhoshouo ) fulls for the season o > you raid you wore going eaut , I suppojo hu huntud you up and made hia ovrn deal , The democrats. I understand , are going to advertise forcaiullilaU-B. They are etill saicll- iag around thn old ciphorgrani rat hole , but I . gueea those remnrks ho nmdo last meant the hole to bo plugged.'ith his hand on tlio bung hia barrel lit ) commends hinmelf to his Uod. they gut the distribution of thn olllciu I hope you continue favorable In tholIon.Cha * . o Urown'd oyoa na against Modlclna Miller. I 'hall have Mayor Chaie write lion Duller to forestall any mcundlary Action nsitnt you ihould h' ' contingent como to tlio front , [ I told Dr. U. you were CDiniug and after t ward npnlogizoil for lying to him. Remarking way of ojit-ning exercise tlmt you had ud- ileiily been called to the Soudan to confer with Chtneto Gorduii about the atrtiggla bet noon o the nlggarsaml tliwArabj , Aiau inducement a ' ECO you July tith on bank * of Lake Michi- g4u I ulll glvo yini # 10 to bo used by you an d uecoiuity may euem to demaaii , I will wear u w clothes , Have bo n over In town but onca alnco I came hoino , tliruovoelct ago. My place blooms with fruit and vegetables , oii'l ' I just cimu in from n cherry tree t ccA elf and put In the on iifteon iniunteu with the foregoing disconnect 1 [ hi obaervatloua. If you co Oon. 1'rodrlcks ln. y to him I Rot hU lull ( S > ) for a hut. It' * I is orroot , tell him , nd I ill remit by you when I esoyqu. V.ry Uu'y yjur Vornl. ! ' L. U UnoraBr , ' . . . - * rt > L CAPITAL OLATTEE , Sorao of the Blna nml Sensations of Nebraska's Stnto Scut , OUtt LINCOLN liETTEIl. TUB Br-ATTOIlNBY OP STATB. Special Correspondence ) of the DEE. LINCOLN , Juno 29. The er-nUornoy of the utato And present alderman of this city J. R. "Webster , is still tearing up things generally in this community. The more his political peccadillos ore exposed the moro daring ho becomes. Not satis- God with endeavoring to mulch the coun ty to the extent of several thousand dollars lars for services never rendered , ho now comes forward and wants to manip ulate the $00,000 water works wo nro to have in Lincoln. Should this body poli tic allow J. II. W. to Imvo the manage ment of anything connected with shin ing gliders or copper coins it ought to bo placed in those regions where they say a Plutonian pcrsonago has a slight diatasto for holy water. Only last night this man Webster , ncpus ran IIEFUNUKJI , attempted another of his mean tricks. You who have over boon in Lincoln know the grand artesian wall bjWlf of the post office building , whcro the super-sea strong saline water comes from1. Wollj' Air. linholT , of the Commercial , who is always at the head of enterprises for the benefit of Lincoln , desired id got an ad ditional flow of this water 'for his bath rooms. Accordingly ho made' on agrrjb- mont with the city to lay certdlh"pfp"es from the well , and at the same time arrange culverts , which would bo of necessary benefit to the corporation. In consideration of a stipulated amount , and the value of the riPE-LAYINO Mil. IMUOFtf would do for public purposes the per mission was granted. There it was that Webster saw a chance to tap the pipes ind the pnckots of the community. Ho las a fine block on Eleventh street some pur or five blocka away from the arte- lian well , and bath rooms are to bo cs- abliahcd there soon. Consequently on Friday night , the execution day of the ye ok , ho attempted to execute a nice ittlo game on the public. Ho eot men : o work to use ImhofTs operations tor its own benefit , and with Injustice to the city and the aforesaid proprietor of the Commercial , ho endf nvors to got the aa- iuo stream to flow into his block with ) ut slight cost. Fortunately parties in nter/)3t ) were aroused in time , and Web ster was STOPPED IN HIS LIQUID LAKCENY. It coat him SCO to continue the work. low the dear good taxpayers hero would Bst to see this Webster bag and baggage standing on a through-going train for Alaska this very moment. It would bn money in the city's pocket to cxilo and jonsion him at the same timo. How con soling ; it would bo to hoar hia farewell speech with a poetical wind-up : Cho : eud has come , the farewell must bespoken ; 1'rom your dear and fnv'rito city I inuie part. Jut notcr , never shall the'spell bo broken ; Its memory I take , and leave my heart. AOTI-WEA\ . Since the congresaional committee hold its session here last week and Pear- nan , of Otoe , and Fred Nye'a proxy 'Juniper John , " ate political apples to gether the anti- Weaver sentiment has bo- : omo very strong. It scorns pretty cor- ain that Whoedon , of this city , is going o knock the nomination persimmons al- .hough there nro some of the knowing ones who think General Cowin , of your city , can get the honor of congressional lamination if ho desires. I think the xouoral remembers the treachery of pro- nnded friends in the last senatorial fight , p jump too hastily at flattering conclu- ions. His real adherents dcsiro him ccptfor a moro favorable opportunity and a higher placo. OTHEIt CANDIDATES. Captain Humphrey , of Pawnee , is also coming up as a strong man in the coming ? addock , and the solid men hereabouts ipouly cxprosa the opinion that Algernon Sidney ought to have the nomination if 10 deserves it , for ho would bo credit to o the district and the state aa ho has icon heretofore. At any rate the polit- cal thread ot Weaver is ingloriously on- angled. The warp and warfare busted , and ho may aa well hio himself to polit- cal covontry. Of course , the railroads are sharpening up their political nxoa , and they hava already determined to. OAJIVU VALENTINE'S NAME on the gubernatorial chair , the lachry mose appeals of Davis to the contrary lotwithetnnding. Captain Phillips , of ho It. & M , land department , is making limself too "frequent" altogether in poli- ics hero now. Ilo has the primaries all narked out aa minutely as the different on ectiona of railroad land ho has under ric ontrol. Ilo ia endeavoring to have hein at just such places and at just such itnea aa ho dcsirea. Thu consequence ia hat Mr. Courtnay and the county committee - mitteo of which ho is chairman , are watched pretty closely , Courtnay is ox- ocdingly popular here now because ho ias boon doing fine work in exposing the Vcbstor frauds and such like doplotious f the public pocket. If ho keeps cu ho tvill WEAK POLITICAL DIAMONDS. ut the staunch republicans here dcoiro litu to show some back bono in this iriirmry business and give Captain Phil- pa a cold shoulder. Lot Courtnay now the B , it M. land man that there a cloud on his title to the possession of bo political machinery of Lancaster ounty and the voters thereof will say amen. " Harrison the middle aged "boy preach * r"is running a successful revival hero ow. They say ho will have the whole ommunity before the week Is over and ought to on n salary of 650 per night. Mniost any good Ulker would do the rork in a very acceptable manner on the atno tnrms. If ho succeeds in getting 11. Webster to trim his .lamps , and ease money changing in the municipal omplo and prepare his harp for honest armonio strains then , Lincoln can afford give Harrison an appropriation. SUAKDAL. I am happy to say that the frequenters scandal lane have been lesj numerous late in the city than heretofore TUB UK circulates too largely. There are overttl that will soon have to bo attended cr if the judicial tribunal is cognizant of own personality , which it thinks it ia. 'ho roault of the revival has to bo watch- , however , and if the pulpit fails in its ork of reformation then the press will ave to take n hand in , There are too inny chances at present for Lot's wife to azo on Salt Creek in this vicinity for tke era I morality of the community , but bore may be a good time cominc. Lot hope there is. QUID Nu.vo. K . " SEAL of Ncrlh CaroUna Tcbicco is the iwt. ' TUrty Tear * Bwwra. f * * i. * % . . ! ; * vA,7cross ; s-ya By the ni of UWa fty ? AIA ' 'JT * ; . too atom- i > * ' i > 13EABK3f"t' * - „ OP , Vjf/ ! peedllr wealnUieuf / stranicth , and th \ bUcxl 1 purined. | Ilia pronounoed by ) XJVEB.i -J hundrfdj of the best ( dooton to bo the OK * ) AND I Z.T OUni ! for all kind * ol Kidney DU- eues. 4 CROAKS It Is pnroly rese- OnAVEI.\ table , and ourefl when . other medicine * falL , DIABETES It Is prepared ex- BIUOHT'O prOMly for thceo dls * CMCB , and has never PAIN3 been known to fall. Ono trial will 0011. Tnc vlnco yon. Tor sala by all drucrgUts. Bond fo * i Pamphlet 10 INinivotra of Toetl- DISEASES moolali. HUNT'S' ' t ] oil REMEDY ' y oyJUTrjm TIOIT CO. , OP 4 ProTlclfneo , It. I. IN BOTTLES. Erlanger , Bavaria Culmbachor , Bavaria Pilsner ' . . .Bohemian Kaiser t .Bremen DOMESTIC. Budweisor St , Louis A.nhauser. . . . . . . . . .St. Louis Best's . ' Mil'-vaukep Schlitz-Pilsnor. . Milwaukee Kruc'a Omaha Ale. Porter , Domestic and Rhin Wine. ED. MAUKBR , 12131'arnamSt An < z llrct tpr t lujCtoBlJ f3qult ! C Torni ) weaoTeTltli tol. vorlj. CHT.I l > Jfy-i | ) . . . , PitrrLv Feffr BUd AKV . ui-l til Jion.r , > f tt > . Dirrilir. Urrtit. fcwdropAlnritrt.flclUlaulUTor 19 . KU of clunp.219 * ad to .11 nmia.r drlakl Iry It. ni Uv.t. .f rouot * 'tfu. Alk jour cro r r < ) ruril.trut Ut iiuArturtdl ! > rI > K.O U bltatHTlhO > S. J. W. VTUPPZEaANlT , COLS AQE1TT , RED STAR LINE Belgian Boyal and U.S. Mall Steamers SAILING EVERY SATURDAY , BETWEEH NEW YORK AND ANTWERP TheHhine , Germany , Italy , Holland aiid France Steerage Outward20 ; PropalJrora / Antwerp , tig Excursion , $31) ) , Includingbcddlntr , etc , 2d Cabin , 350 Round Trip , $90 00 ; Excursion , $100 ; Saloon ( ram { 61 to 890 ; Excursion 110 to 2100. X3TFctor Wright & Sons , Don Agents. 5 Bread way N. Y. Cildwell. Hamilton & Co. , Omaha. P. K. Clod man & Co. , 203 N. 16th Street , Cuiaha ; D. K. Kim bill , OumlmArontti. mftn cod-ly Ul no JIanKOof Desert. Itlsc.vlly ptcparcdli i ( ewroinutcs , nnd can ho used with or with ou > milk , lioclpus ( or both uaj'e for lilano neu olid forCustardi . .ildlnRa , eta , aroom uany eacli can. 1(1 ( Ipo L fooj la put up in tin cnni ) , four elzcs , ritall tnd 81.76 by all Drug lsobj manyUcLi-tra. WOOLlilCII & CO. , ii uvcry label. 1'or parrphlots&c. , addrcsa Wool rich & Co. 1'almcjr GIVEN AWAY ATTENTION , SMOKERS ! All contestants for the 25 premiums mrrce at- ing above amount , offered by IlUckvrcll a In ir- hara Tobacco Co. , must observe the following conditions on which tlio premiums are to bo awarded : All bags must bear our original Bull Durham label , U. 8. ICevcnue Stamp , and Caution Notice. Tbo baca must be done up securely In a package with name and address of sender , and number of bags contained plain ly marked on the outside. Charges must bo prepaid. Contest tloietKavemberSOth , Allpack- ages should be forwarded December 1st , and must reach us at Durham not later than Decem ber Ifth. No matter where you reside , send your package , adrlsc us by mallthnt you hava aone so , and Btatc the number of bags eenr. Names ofiuccccsuil contestants , with nuwbpr of bags returned , will bo published. Dee 22. in Boston. Herald : New York , lleratdl I'hlladel- phla , Timeit Durham , N. U. , Tbtero Want ; New Orleans. Tlmei-Vemocrat t Cincinnati. An- vuirer : Chicago. Dally Kevti Ban 1 ranclsoo , Chronicle. Addrc s , _ ILACKWEt.l. ' DUrtHAM TOBACCO CO. , DURHAM , N. C. Every genuine package has picture of Dull. .W-See our next annoUncemcnt/TEa VTheu lnuro I af uuunein iuernr'0' tItottaudrtcaMv. therreturn , I rilcuro. I h T ruaJ tlw illiexo of HITe , Kl KAWJNOOICKNM * i " ' " "S ' < " > } . I wi "ncd- to cur. Iho wont . . U } i i olUri i uon for . . nowrtetlrlneacan. A victim ol e rly Iraprujcnce uoilriglicryau9 ftblllty. prero&tura d .r y. tta. litrtse , tn u iu TtlQ every known remedy , hiu dl coTcitd ; tlmpla rneann of tolf-curo. which bo will ecud 1'KUli ' to * sllpwHiulcrora. Aadresl , X U. UKlt VKH. " * < tb ro 8U. New Vorfc JT" these nBerlngfroruto * "eels ol rputhful fror , . . . . _ . ' Bln lvr kn .r rljrd . " nhooatc. , ' DOCTOR WHVTTIER G17 St. Chnrlcs St. , St. lords , Ho. A molir if < r " Vidltil Cell < r < i , bntpt \ , lonr tnrtred la th pfel ltr ttm tl r Cnorr , i. Bin * Ot3 BLO Ii i "tti > nr th r rhrltl , u eltr rttri ihw fcndftllold r il6 aiilio * . Nervous Proilrallon , Debility. Mental and Physical Wtakncct ; Mercurial nd tther Aflee * lions ol Throat. Skin or Bonct , Dlood Poisoning , old Sores and Ulcers , t it.titd HH cnrtr iuic4 purpfvti OB ittrit * f ( tlfit pilnelrif . HfcWr , rrlT t ly. Disease * Arising from Indiscretion , Excess , ' Exposure or Indulgence. Meh promote Mm r tfe WlowlBj efleetit BtrtotiDHf , dtbllilr , dltnntit or tlcht na deftctltt m mory. rlrapl" en the t , pkj.lnl < l c r , ferilentotba i l ly f rtntUi , eoofnnUa or Idtti , tUL. rendering MarrUe. Improper or unhappy , r pcrmtormllr cored , riupbltl(3t ( r M Onlb D T , Pent U t le < l tnttlepe , fr e la > ij tddrni. Coonlutlon lcl- Ie6 rbyi lirrfeudlnvllt < l. ITtlu forqunUeni. A Positive Written Guarantee ( Htti la til canbl * f n . Mtdlelat i > e > l tTtrjwhtr * . mphl t . JCnltllih or Oerrnon. 04 ptgei , d * . riblOB above dfi.M i , la mala or fomalt , rium. MARRIAGE GUIDE ! KM r ff i. Hot Illnlratcl In 4loik 4 | llt MoJInr. tO , ii aej.r | > . * UC ; l n .J > F e. .r , , tie , Tbli bwt eonuln. all the eunom , doubtful or IMOMUM wut ty knew , X took > t tr t l t r l la ill , ilMlli , Dully , Ji n < in ii art [ rcntuJ IT tu aarltt. T. MANUFACTURER OF GALVANZ ! CORNICES. WINDOW : CAPS , FINIALS , ETC. OMAHA . SS" . NKBBASKA AlONQ TUB LINK OF THE ) Chicago , 'St , Paul , Minneapolis aod OMAHA RAILWAY. The Dew extension ol thla line from Wakeflold op Iho BEAUTIFUL VALLEY of the OAN through Concord and Coleridge TO 3BCua.3EnrI3XrcS-T03Xr , Reaches the best portion ol the State. Special ex cursion rates ( or land teekora over this line to Wayne , Norfolk and II rtlngton , and Tla Blair to all principal polrU on the SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC RAILROAD Trains orcr tht 0. , St. P. If. & 0. Railway to Cor ngton , Sioux City , Fonca , Ilartlngton , Wayne and Norfolk , C9oxa.X3.oot fit 3Sl vlxr For Fremont , Oalola.o , Kellgb , and through to Val entino. tSTFor rates and all Information call on F P. WHITNEY , General Atront. EAMBUKG-AMERIOAN DIRECT LINE FOH ENOLAND , FnANCU AND GEIUIANY. The stcntmlilpg of tblt well-known line are built of Iron , In water-tight compartments , and are furnish ed with o\ cry requisite to make the passigo both eafo and agreeable. They carry the United Slates and European mails , and b.-uo New Vorka Thurs days audaaturda\ for Plymouth ( LONDON ) Cher bourg , ( PAUIS ) a d UAMllUlla. Kates : First Cabin , $85 , $70 and $30. Steerage , $20. UcnryPundt , Markllanscn , F. E. JIoores.M. Toft , egcntoln Omaha , Oroncwlcg&Schoentgcn , agents In Council Bluffs. 0. B : KICHATID & CO , Don. Pasi Agts , 61 Broadway , N. Y. Cba * . Kozmlnskl & Co- General Wcstcun Agants , 107 Washington St. . Chlo ? 0,111. f ' Agents wanted for authentic edition of his life. Published at Augusta , his home. Larg est , handsomest , cheapest , best. By the renowned historian and biographer , Col. Conwell , nhosolilo of Gnrfleld , published by us , out-fold the twenty others by 00,1.00. Outsellsevery book over publNhcd In this world ; many agents are selling fifty dally. Agents are ma&Ing fortunes All new b pinners successful ; giand chance for them ; $4S.Ocuindo by a Udy agent the flret day. Terms most beral Particulars free. Better send 23 cents or p.tagu , cto.on free outttt , now ready , tnclud- ng largo prospectus book , and eave ahiable timo. jo lU-lw ALLEN & CO. , Auiruita , JIo. NOTICE TOOATTLE MEN 600 CATTLE FOR SALE. 600 Cows and otters , oo One-year Steers. The above described cattle ara tall well bred , na- th a Nebraska and Iowa. . These cattle will bo sold in Iota to suit purchaser. For further particulars call on or addroae. L. W. PLAN Albion. Neb. Tha mo ot tha lorm " Shot Une" in connection with th corporate name of a prcntroad , conveys an Idea of ust what required by tha traveling pub lic a Short Line , Quick Tim * and tha best of accommoda tions all ot which are lorn. ehoJ by the greatest railway In America. ILWAUKEE And St. Paul. It owns tnd operates over 4,600 miles of Northern Illinois , Wisconsin , Minnesota , Iowa Dakota ; and as to main linen , branches and oonnae * Ions roach all the great business centres ol the Northwest and Far West , It naturally answers tto description of Short Line , and Best llouta between Chicago , Milwaukee , fit. Paul end Minneapolis. Chicago , Jillwmiltce , La Croe o and Wlnona. Chicago , Milwaukee , Aberdeen and KlemlMo Chicago , Mllnaukeo , Uau Claire .tnd btlllnatet' Chicago , Milwaukro , Wausau and Merrill. Chicago , Milwaukee , Beaver Dam and Ochkosb , Chicago , Miiuaukce , Vr'oukoslia and Oconomoiroa , Chicago , Milwaukee , Madison and Prairie du Chi3. ! Chicago , Milwaukee , Onatonnn aud Kclrlbault. Chicago , Boinlt Janes\l'lo and Mineral Point. Chicago , Elgin , Itockford and Dubnijue. Chicago , Clinton , Rock Island and C/odar Raplda. Chicago , Council Bluffs and Omaha. Chicago , Sioux City , Sioux Fall * and Tanktoa Chicago , Milwaukee , Mitchell andChimbcrUUn. Hook Inland , Dubuque , St. Paul and Minneapolis. Davenport , Calmar , St. Paul and Minneapolis. Pullrran 8 copers and the Untet Dining Card In he world are run on the main lines of the CHICAGO , HLWAUKKE AND RT. PAUt JtAIIjWAY.andeverr ttcntlonls paid to passengers by courteouscniplovun ( the Company. i. B. MERRILL. Oen'I Manager. A. V. II OAUPENTEn , Gen * Pass. Agt .T. CLARK , Oon'lSJPt. QEO. U. 1IKAFFOKD , As-i't Qcnl. Pass. Agt , ron xraj CTOB OP ALT , DISEASES op i FOH TWENTT VEAH3 IIuroiilirrYt' llomco. fslhlc Vclrrln.nrv Sprcillo.fiavo tarn u " l lJ fnrmeri , btock Ilrpederi , Llyrry MnMe ami i'lirfninn , llorio llnllrondi , Mnnnfarjurer * . fcoul MlneCoinpanlM.TrnT'K IllPiiodromrf nnI Mi-iinx-rlm. , and others lianuIillE ItOCl. Ulth perfect sucveM. * lluniihravi > ' Vcterlnnry.Bfnniiiil. OM pp , l-nt fr.xi by mall on receipt of price. Niccnta Czrramplilcu aenl free ou application HUJII'IIIIKYS HOMEOPATHICMEU.COV 109 Fulton filrcct , Kcw Yortt , 1 NERVOUS ' Vital Wttiknesj nnd Pro * HUMPHR' tratlon from over work or IndUcrotton. 11 onaproniptlyl | _ . . * w. Been In USB 3) ycnri , CDC HI Ii tbo rnrxt iiicccuuflUl fill remedy known. l'rlcoipr , - _ largo vial of powder for t' . mt post free euro Cflut or price. Humphrey * ' llnmro , IMrd , < kj , 'Uiut. dauaoguu ff eo. ] I U ! ) V ultuu tit. . N. V.2 ST , LOUIS PAPER WAREHOUSE , Graham Paper Co. , \ , 117 and 10 North Ualn St. , St Louis. WHOLESALE DKA1KIIS IN OOK. K VELOrE9.CAuD EOAKD AUD EIHTEH'S STOCK WCMb ptU lor 1URJ ol al