OMAHA DAILi BEE MONDAY JUNE 30 , 1884. A Dangerous Case. nocnrsirR.Junel , 18S2. 'Ten Yean afro I vat attacked with the mnt Intense and deathly r > alni In my back and Kidneys , "Extending to the end of my tees nnc my bruin I "Which made mo doliriousi From agony. 'It took throff mon to hold mo on my Txxl at timtat "Tho doctors tried in vaintoroliovo mo But to no purpose. "Morphine nnd ether opiates "Had no ofTectl "After two months I was given up to die. die."When "When my wife hoard a neighbor toll what Hop Bitters had done for her , she at once got and gave mo oorno. The first dosp oaaod my brain nnd scorned to go hunting through my system for the pain. "Tho second dose cased mo so mucli that I slept two hours , something I had not douo for two months. Before I had used five bottles , I was well and at work , as hard M any man could , for over three weeks ; but I worked too hard for my strength , and taking a hard cold , I was taken - ken with the most acute andpainfulrhou- matism all through mjr system that was over known. I called the doctors again , nnd after several weeks , they loft mo n cripple on crutches for life , as they said. I mot a friend and ( old him my case , and ho said Hop Bitters had cured him nnd would euro mo. I hooped at him , but ho was so earnest I was induced to uao thoin ngain. In less than four weeks I throw nway my crutches nndwont to work light ly and kept on using the bitters for five weeks , until I became as well as any man living , and have been so for six year since , It also cured my wife , who had boon so for years ; and has kept her and my children , well and hearty with from to to three bottles per year. There is no need to bo sick nt all if thesobittors nro used. J. J. BERK. Ex-Supervisor. "That poor invalid wife. "Sis tori "Mother ! "Or daughter ! "Can bo made the picture of health ! "With a few bottles of Hop Bittoral "Willyou let thcmsujfcrf" For 11/mgh , Chapped and Ol'y ' Rklu Blackheads , and Skin Blcro libei.uso CutlouraHiap ivocz * o3Ei.T-aL.asrT PILEPSY ! Spasms , Eclampsy and Nervousness arc RAMOALLY CURED BY MY METHOD. The Honorariums nro duo only after success. Treatment by Correspondence PROF. DR , ALBERT , Awarded the first claw gold llodal for illstlnKUlthod merits by the "Socletlo Bolentlflqno francalso , " ( the French Scientific Hoclcty. O , Place du Trono , , 1'ARIS. mio wcdinat GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY. LlirBSpnYSICAl1 M-VOU8 * Debility GENITAL 1,083 \OF \ 1IANLY VIGOR , Siwrmatorr Slimoetc.when all other rcmo- Jdlos fall A cure guaranteed. " 81.60 a bottle , largo uottle , tom a 1 times the quantity. (5. By ex press to any address. Bold bj a * I alldruRglBle. KNQL13H MEDI- CAT INSTITUTE , Proprietor ! , 718 Olive Street , Ot. I raU.Mo. "I have gold Sir Aitloy Cooper's Vital Restorative orvec-C Every customer speaks highly of It I nheiSUtInglycndorBO 11 as a1 remedy , o < true merit "O.T GOODMAN , Drugpls eh.l ISM " ' VOLTAIO BELT end otheKi.nt-n < in fj ArrMAKCKa nro lent on 1X1 Daya' Trial TO hEN ONLY. VOUNO Oil OLD , who are suffer ing from NEHVOOS Dr.nn.rnr. LOBT VtTAUTr. WAITIHO WEAKNESSES , nnd all tnoio dUeaicn of a I'HRSO.-UI. . NXTTJUE. resulting from Annacs and OTHER CADERS. Bpocdy relict anil complete/ / nwtoratlon lo HEILTII , Vtaon and MAHIIOOD uUAnAHTEPD , Bend at once for Illiutratcd Pamphlet free. Aaareu ni. . VOI.TAU1 EI.T CO. . Bturahnll. Mich. DR. TANNER. PILES and FISTULA A Radical Cure Guaranteed. mffirtCB.iTrOTTI . > Tn 1VTEW . "hpnrosuf. vaaB&C \J\JJM\X J.U-EJI * fOCjnK ( mm * * * "W" tiio errors of youth , cauiliig uorvoiis rtobllltr , etc. , and MUDDLE AGED MEN who Imvo ln't'ii nnd nru troiilncJ wlltin toofroquvntili'tlrutiiorncuato thn liiuddur , with iirnllhout n liurnlni ; ( irmniirlliiK nnd uvTi-nkcnliiK < > rthu nvflcm Inn frluhtful muiinur , would do wi'll touvnlf tlii'iiiKDlvpHiif lliln upportun * llr. fir. Tunner vrlll forfeit WU for ovcry ca o of hcmlnal n ciiUnosfl or prlviitu illnuaiiu of mi ) ' kind or rhnrnctor which liu iindi < riaki > mid fnlU to euro. ItADV ATTKNIIAM' Kill I'KMAt.ll JIRKAKK.H. Sfilcillcliic'S nont every whi'ru. Hcnd for llftof l\H'ttlnn , mid aildruM nltli runup , Dr. 'I'lilllicT , Cor. T.tli Ht.nnd C'upltol AvtCrouUBu'o llluik , Uuiubn , Neliranka MPHOVEO SOFT ELASTIC SECTION warranted to wtnr longer , fit 1 p form ntAlcr , OIK | KJTU lictU" tlit ctlon Ihati any other Oorit : : " 15 ! . ' .n..klltPr.Vr.'e ' P' ! * . " ! vrusoiulD. juN'i-i'ii turcn , aiiTa ! iii" " < joi-twitr J. H. P. Science ot Life , Only $1,00 , BY MAIL POSTPAID. KKQW THYSELF , A GUBAT MKDIOAlj WOIHl , ON MANHOOD J.ih aatea VlUlllr , KerTOiu nd PbT l l Debility , P em-.turoDecUo fnU ji. Kironof VcutU.on the untold tolaerlM e ulUng from indiscretion * or fxiwet. AbookforeTer/min , younj , inlddlo-tgeJ , "dold. HcpntolntliSprtucrlntloni ! cale jndobronlc dlw * c eichono of which U luvtluable 80 found br the Acthor , whoio eiperlenoo for S3 ye ri It aucb Mprob lly never befoie fell to the lit o ! nr ph-Bloan 800 pajee , bound In beautlfo ITrencliuiudlD moo eaoo ruiUe < l o be finer work n every wnia6cu nlc l , lit- r ry n < l prOfOBtJonaJ-th n any other work io\d \ In tfalt conntrr for fS.CO , or the moooy m De refunded p ld. illa tr Uvejn.le6o } nti , ' Hen uow. ' Oed rsedAl ftwudaltbe author by the National Uodlcal Anoeiatlon , to the oflloen of which he leferi. TbeBdeuMOf Ufethould be rudbr tne jmnx Inttructlon. and by the anicUd for it\S's. it wtll beoeai * JL London Unott. There ! DO member ot locltty to whom The So ) . cao vf Uf nil ) cot be tueful , whether youth , iur- cot , Kuarilui , lottruotororclet vniAo. Argoniut. AddreM the Peabody Uedloal InMltuU , or Or. W. It Parker , No. i Dulfloch Street , Bo ton UMK. . who nay r > e consulted on all dUeaMi roqulrlnit ( kill and iparteno' . Cflroolo audobttluatedu ai itbat have UiKed the U11 ot all ether phj . M P ft I dani a K-wl Jtyi guea ti > * l 4 lacocM-ilCnt- -"lout aalBtUai * fallute. TUVCPJC THE PIiAY MAK1U3T. TliosoVlio Buy Drnnian anil Tlioso \Vlio Write Them. Now York Journal. There are four or five pretty good or pretty fair nctroases now in America who have the fixed idea of becoming stars , and there are just as many managers who would bo willing to undertake their business if they had the principle thing that is wanted outside of talent that is to say , n play. This is the great difllj culty. Even actresses whn nro Troll placed find it almost impossible lo dupli cate their old successes in now plays. So true is this that most of our celebrat ed people who have merited n niche in the temple of fame nro identified with one part , outside of which they are llttlo remembered or known. The name ol Sothcrn always suggests Dundreary ; that o ! Matilda Ilcron , Camilo ) Florence , IJardwoll Sloto ; Magpie Mitchell , Fun ction ; Jo JclToraon , Rip Van Winkle ; Uooth , Hamlet , and so forth , not to go through the entire list of our popular stars. All these people lutd long boon known on the stage before they struck the invariable nccidontial successes with which their fame and fortune became identified. These successes have always been moro a matter of luck than of choice. They had fished about until they were tired before they drew out their big fish. fish.It may easily bo conceived , therefore , that to seek to bo a successful star at ono bound is very nearly next toi impossible. In fact it may bo said that it has never been done outside of the legitimate or standard plays. Some actors have poggc J away at these until they enforced recognition. When they have started out with now plays written expressly for them they have never failed to como to grief. It appears to bu the most dillicult ihing in the world to fit oa the stage the diosyncraslos of any person and ally to , hem a plot which shall bo interesting. Dftcti oven among actors ono hears the exclamation , "So and so was splendid In such and such a part. Why doesn't somebody write a play up to that charac- or and take him starring'11 It has boon riod scores of times and never success * ully , to our knowledge , and mainly rom the reason that many people who can play a distinct part well in support of somebody find when the sketch is ongthcnod out into a drama the somo- hing or ether that made the small part ntorosting is wanting and it always falls lat. This has boon shown in the case of specialists over and over again until the story is too old to toll. Writing playa for such people is un- { ratoful work at the best. Should a play > y any chance bo successful , the star , of course , arrogates all the merit. Was it not for his unquestionable merit that the > lay won written ? If unsuccessful then , ho author must boar the whole brunt ) ccauBO , with a line clearly traced for lira , ho was not able to write anything ho public would have , and then ho is called a swindler and a cutthroat for laving demanded some price for his labor n a certain sum dovrn. All these people want ulays , but they hate "like lire" to make any payment except conditionally on the success of the play , against which ho chances arc as a hundred to ono , for ho very reasons stated. It would seem jut fair that when an actor's vanity must bo tickled ho should pay for the tickling. In several instances of recent data Mr. A. B. Cazauran , the upholsterer and joiner of the Union Square theater , has boon unsuccessful in this sort of work. Ho can ( urn a French play so as lo make it acceptable to the stock company of that theatre , and to the public. In this system of literary carpentering ho lias always been most successful. But ho cannot write an original play that will > rove successful ; at least ho never has. Mr. Fred Marsdon appears to bo the author who by all odds does the host vork of this sort. His labors have boon mainly in the direction of suiting already successful stars. Ho has n knack of catch * ng hold of tbo idiosyncrasies of the actor and building about them an interesting ) lot , Ho has boon the dramatist of Lot- A for many years. In all her wander- .ngs , though she tried hard , nho could never got anybody to suit her excepting Marsdon. Ho wrote for her "Xip , " "Musette , " "Bob" nnd a couple of oth ers , none of [ which failed. lip received from her ยง 5,000 for a play which it usu ally takes him six months to writo. Ho never will gimrantoo to deliver n play complete in loss tiinu than that. But lie has boon equally successful with other stars Mr. Joe Murphy , for instance , to whom ho furnished "Kerry Oow,1' a ro- mnrkably good play of the Irish class , and "Shnuu Rhuo , " another ; to Miss An nie Pixloy "Zurn , " a bettor piucu tlmi "M'liss , " nnd to J. 0. Wi11lnin > ' "Yncup , " Hwhioh has boon forgotten. Lot us not lorgot "Cheek , " too , with which ho made the fortune of llohud llocd. Maradon's income is about $12,500 a year , the largest sum inndo ? > y any American playwright purely ns a playwright. The moat popular dramatist of nil Americans is Mr. Bartlcy Campbell , who will no longer furnish stars with plays ox * copting nt a very heavy price , IIo long ago niado up his mind that it was not mlllciont in America to bo n dramatist lie must also bo the apoculalor in the work of his brain. Mr. Campbell , therefore , no longer simply writes ho managonaud during the regular season has two or throe combinations on the road playing liis own pieces. For the past few seasons Mr. Campbell cannot have made less than forty or fifty thousand dollars a year. Six years ago ho was penniless , then de pending upon managers to produce and to pay him for his playa. Now ho is worth a good-sized fortune , and It has boon made by indomitable couracco and a vast amount of imagination. His plays have not many literary qualitios.but they are picturesque and entertaining. His best work is probably "My Partner. " He is also engaged on a play with which to open Uio next regular season of the Union Square theatre , having boon by all odds the most sucocsiful of the American dra matists who have written for that house in " " "Separation. Mr. Branson Howard appears to do very llttlo nowadays. After hi success with "Tho Banker's " Daughter , hero nnd the success of "Brighton" ( otherwise "Saratoga , " produced originally by An. gustln Daly at his first theater ) in Eng. land ho became ono of the dramatists a la mode. Ho manicd the sister of Charles Wyndham , and since a few years back ho has resided in London , whcro ho has a comfortable house. About n year ago and when "Young Mrs , Winthrop'1 had proved to bo ono of the most at tractive plays produced by the Madison Square , thuy ordered another , which has not. yet been brought out , or , indeed , finished. Sidney Rosonfelt ] , who has written a musical burlczquo called "Gilbert and Sullivan , " in which these two are ttio principal porconagos of the piece ; Charles floyt , the joker of ( ho Boston Post , whojio "Bunch of Keys" und "Hag Baby" have boon unusually successful ; Leonard Orovcr , and half a dozou other adapters , arrangers and compilers compvlto the list of mon who will write for the coming season. But among them all there is nothing written to fit a star. Moit of the prominent stars like John McCul * lough and Maggie Mitchell vow they will never try anything now again , their ventures In that direction have been so unsuccessful. Ex-Speaker .Tninns AV. llnnlcd , of tlio Now York Jje UliUure. MAKES A FEW KEMAHKR. "You did not go to Florida for your couph and cold , wyou proposed ? " "Nol 'I found the necessary ozone and pine aroma in four Allcock's Porous Plasters , two on my back and two on my chest. I was quickly cured ; they proved n perfect shield against pneumonia. These plasters also cured my son of rheu matism in the shoulder , which for months defied medical skill. I have found thorn very quick to cure and absolutely pain Icsi. In bruises no external icmsdics can bo moro effective. " "Alicock's" is the only gonuirjo7JJrows Plaster ; buy no ether and you will not bo cheated. ! . GUESTS. Tlio People Who Glvo the Hotel Glories tlio Mont Trouble. From the Washington Star. "Tho most troublesome guest in the world , " said n well-known hotel clerk tea a Star reporter , "is the now congressman from the rural district. Ho will como on hero and order a suite of rooms for his family , an office for himself and rocopt ion-room for his constituents. Ho will then ask the prlco , and when ho finds out that it costs him something , ho Trill final ly condescend to take a back room on the fourth floor or go to a _ boarding house. The trouble with him is that ho don't < now that ho is not so big a man hero as : io is at the Four Forkp cross roads. So is the samp individual whenever never ate a dinner of , courses in his life , and don't know how to live like a civilized being. Ho comes hero and gorges himself on rich food , guzzles whiskey and wino , and then , when ho becomes sick , ho curses the clima'o of Washington. There is another class al most as bad , who are not used to travel ing and who do not know good faro or pod service when they got it , and are continually finding fault with the ser vants , the location of their rooms , with this , that and the ether , and in nearly ivory case thcs people are these who iiavo nothing at homo. The commerci al traveler is exacting , knows what ho wants and when ho gets it , and ho will ; akp every privilege ho can but as n rule 10 is easy to manage , because ho shows low to take care of himself. Ho is unu- ally a bright man , jolly and good natured - turod , and makes the best of everything. As a class Now England people are the nicest gucsta. wo Imvo. They are self- reliant , quick , understand themselves , are accustomed to traveling , and are neither too familiar nor too backward to ward the ether guests. The bridal couples nro the easiest to attend ; o , for usually they nro too inppy to realize tlio difference between ; oud food nnd Indifferent. They all want .ho best rooms , though , and are mostly willing to pay for them. The old plan of a bridal chamber has played outaa it was a little too conspicuous , but an old hotel clerk can spot a bride ana groom , as far as ho can BOO thorn. There is something in their mariner that an experienced eye can catch at once ; it suggests a lack of experience , a want of knowledge of how they should carry themselves , and many youthful couples give themselves away by andoavoring to appear independent and by overdoing the matter. A common ; rick of a bridegroom is for him to tclo- raph ahead for a room or a suite of oems for himself and wife , and when ho : oinos ho will negloot to register proper- y. Then ho gets rod in the face when .ho clerk tolls him of his error , and sometimes ho squares the matter by say- ng , 'lot's have n drink on that. ' " "Aro hotel thieves active ? "Yes , in deed , and wo have to keep a constant watch for thorn , but the increased wisdom of travelers , who have learned to leave tholr valuables at the oflico instead of in their rooms , prevents many losses which would otherwise occur. You can't pre vent a smart thief from seeing chances to enter a room , but you can prevent his finding anything portable when ho docs got in. The dead boats are numerous , but the hotel proprietor's association is on its cuard all the time nnd the skinner don't hnvo a chance to jump moro than two or three board bills. The hotels of the country nro now much bettor than they were ton years ago and nro con stantly improving. Wo have , I think , the most luxurious and elegant hotels in this country that there nro in the world , and the tnblo faro is far ahond of that which is found in the usual European hostelry. " At this point n guest stopped to nsk Boino questions of the clerk and interrupted the fiow of confidence which gave the Star reporter a glimpse of the woild from the hotel clerk's point of viow. A CARD. To all who am uitTcrlng from c'rrr * and Indiscretions ot youth , nononsua1ness , caily decay , lusa of manhio.1. . etc. I will tend a r-cli-o tint will euro jou , I'HKKOFOIIAliai : , This etcat rem edy wai ( Hooinorud by a lulitlonery In South Ameri ca. Bond volt addrowtod cnvclont to lltv , JONWM T. IKUJ.N , btatlon D. New York. ily o in & coil Good Work lor Itlnlno nml Logan in Wisconsin. MILWAUKEE , Wis. , Juno 27. Rarely , if over , before has the work of the cam * [ ) aign boon in so good shape in this State so early as is now the case at the head quarters of the republican state cen tral committee in this city. Everything Is arranged in the most perfect and com * iloto state. Arrangements are being made for tnaas meetings and stump ipoechos at uvory point of importance in Jiostato , and a brilliant array of eloquent ipoakers have boon secured. A full : orco of efficient clerks and secretaries is constantly at work. Campaign literature of the b-st kind is sent out dally. The officials at headquarters are in constant correspondence with good workers. Al- ihough the republicans have no doubt .hat the state will bo carried for Blaine and Logan , they propose to make assur ance doubly sure and to roll up a mag * lificont majority for the republican ticket. The Interest and enthusiasm unused by the central comraittoo in bo * iialf of the national ticket will have a . great influence lit doubtful and demo cratic congressional districts , and it is liopod and expected that there will bo a material change in the political complex ion of the coimrossional delegation from Wisconsin. Word is received to-dav that a largo and enthusiastic Blaine an'd Logan club has boon termed in Eau CIniro , with the following officers : Pros * idont , 0. B. Shaw ; secretary , J. A. Hume ; treasurer , W. K. Coffin. " 100 Doses Ono Dolinr" is true only of Hood's SarBaparilla , and It is an un * aiuwcrablo argument as to strength and economy. ANCIENT A1W , Irnporfnnt DlRcorcrlcs nt Homo Dig Up Grcolnn Trcnsnrc. In the excavations which are being prosecuted actively by the government ! at the forum nnd elsewhere , there fro * quontly occurs fresh "finds" of ancient art , and a few days ago n veritable trow * uro wns discovered , says n Homo letter to The Philadelphia press. That was the most exquisite statue of Appollo , but tin- fortunately , as is almost always the case , it ismutilatodonoof the arms being gone1. There are strong hopes , however , that the missing portion may bo found in the vicinity , and an active search to that end is being made. If this statue can bo re stored from the original piece , it is asserted od that it will rival , if not excel , the far- famed Appolo Bolvidoro. In this con * nection it may bo mentioned that there has recently died in Homo an old man whoso talent and dexterity for restoring mutilated statues were scarce short of magio. Ono of the finest marbles in the museum of the capitol was recrea ted by him out of the 143 frag- menU found embedded in the masonry of the wall of a house recently demolished in the now city improvements. This old man had a mania for personal obscurity even his very name is unknown and he passed his existence hunting around among the ruins for broken pieces oi sculpture , which ho seemed to fit instinc tively , bit by bit , ono to the ether , until from n shapeless moss of broken mnrblo ho frequently succeeded in producing statues of wonderful beauty. In the forum excavations they have uncovered the hpuso of the vestals , and discovered therein many traces of the religious character of its occupants. A jar , her metically sealed , was unhoarthed , after its long repose of some sixteen hundred years , and this jar , when opened , was found to bo full of a viscid substance , which , on examination , proved to bo oil , doubtless for the use of the temple - plo lamps and for the distribution of the sacred iiro to the various sacrificial altars of pagan Homo. The largest and finest theatre in this city is the Costanzi. It was built by a man who had amassed a modest fortune first as a courier , and then In the hotel business. Being seized by the demon of ambition , ho decided that a sura way to gain fame and honor would bo to erect a theater in Rome of such size and mag- niticonco ns would equal , if not eclipse , my other in the world. In carrying out bis project ho found , long before its com pletion , that his entire fortune was swallowed up. but , in digging the foun dations for this theatre , the workmen discovered many interesting relics of ancient ciont Rome. Ono in particular , an admirable - mirablo statute of Hermaphrodite is con sidered , with the exception of the Venus of Milo , the most perfect specimen of Greek nrt extant. The figure is recum bent , of lifo size , and would bo almost priceless if unimpaired ; but unfortunate ly it has bocn mutilated. Still , as it is , with half of ono log gone , it has been taken eagerly by ono of the Costanzi creditors at a valuation of $10,000. It is really wonderful , the mine of art treasures lying some thirty foot under the soil of Homo. The splendor of the Impe rial city must have boon something beyond yond the grasp of our prosaic imagination of to-day. Hero are seen the glories of antiquity opposing their colossal ruins to the hard asceticisms of the middle ages ; the railroad depot , with ito hissing loco- comotives , side by side with the walls of Sorvius Tullius ; triumphal columns and arches incongruously surmounted by stat ues of saints ; obelisks from Egypt with indecipherable hieroglyphics crowned by the cross ; a comic'theater established in an ancient tomb , and the palace of the Orsini princes planted ia the very midst of an amphitheatre , orst the arena for [ gladiatorial combats , whoso huge stone battlements tower over and frown down on its impudent parasite. In every llttlo lane and byway , in the peasant's hut as in the noble's palace , there are to be seen fragment * of statuary , rich bits of cornices , tablets , bas-roliofscinerary urns and so on , ad infinitum. Even in the forum itself , under the old regime in its stupid animosity to pagan traditions , a limo-klln was established , and the col umns , statutes , and marbles of antiquity were broken up and consumed therein to furnish whitewash for the innumerable convents both inside nnd outside the city wnlls. Still , even with oil this van dalism , enough treasures remain to give an idea of what Homo of the Ctusars must Imvo been a materialized "Golden Jerusalem , " with what might bo called a population of statues. The glory ot a man is his strength. If you nro weakened down through excesulvo study , or by early Indiscretion , Allou'u Drain Pooa will ] ) oriiiauently restore all lost vigor , nnd strengthen all tha uuisulcH of Brulu and JJotly. 81 ; (5 ( for 83.- - Judaism In Now York. The Jewish papers are quito sprinkled with complaints at the meager attendance of the Hebrews at either n Sabbath syna gogue service era Sunday lecture. In dued , it seems to bo the impression that , however small the number of Jews who formally , or in any sense , embrace Chris tianity , Judaism itself is exhibiting signs of decay , nnd the faithful among them are studying diligently the problem of n revival of the ancitmc faith. | | The Now York Herald has boon mak ing observations of the Jews of that city , and reaches the conclusion that Jewish homes are full of gentle usages and ideas. It has marked two distinct Judaisms that of "tho rich with grand temples and little religious zeal , " and that of "tho poor with the reverse. " T ho intermedi ate J udaism , which combines the wealth of the former with the zeal of the latter , it finds to bo restricted to a small class , descendent from old settlers from Eng land and Holland who originally came from Germany and from Spain. This class ia recruited to some extent from these who wore poor and have acquired wealth , and at the same time have es caped thpsoct demoralization which wealth in most instances brings into social lifo. The class that is the most prominent is the mouoyed class. With the exception of the temple at the oornor of Fifty-fifth street and Lexington avenue , the wealthy tomploa have few worshippers. The mon food at restaurants where food is not cooked according to the Jewish rules , the women shop en the Sabbath , and the children attend dancing school or take their music lessons. Among the poor .Iowa and the humbler temples the regard for the Sabbath and the attendance upon worship are moro nearly orthodox. Fortunately for Judaism these hum bler citizens are to the materialistic Jews about as two to ono. They hold fast to the Jewish law , and although in many ways affected by modern thought , are on the whole , loyal to their religion. It re * mains true , however , that UO.OOO , or ono * third of the Jewish population of Now York , are regarded as pretty thoroughly infected with gentiloism. Whether Judiasm ia going to decay or not , in ono particular the Juwa outshine all the other sects. The per capita amount &cd by thcai iu Now Yo.-k for various religious and charitable purposes is considerably greater than that of any Christian denomination. Their nov orphan asylum , perhaps the largest ant best endowed institution of the kind on this continent , is a monument of Hebrew philanthropy. AUE YOU GOING TO EUltOP E ? In nnothor column will bo fonnd th o nouncoment of Mown. TIIOS. COOK & SON Tourist Agents , 201 Broadway , Now York , rolAtlvo to the very complete arrangement * they have made for tours In Europs the coming Spring and Summer , "Cook's Kicur- slonlat , " containing maps and full particular * , will bo mailed to any address on receipt of 1C enta _ _ _ _ _ _ - . Gould and Vnmlcrbllr. NEW YOUK , Juno 23. According to The Herald , Mr. Jay Gould is very angry against Mr. William H. Vandcr * btlt. It says : "His feelings have boon deeply wounded by Mr. Vandorbilt's re fusal to help him out of the financial hole into which ho hoa wriggled himself. As the story goes in Wall street , Gould's hack some weeks ngo became very sore from carrying the mans of stocks which ho has boon forced to acquire during the past two years , but ho confidently ex pected to unload a portion of his burden upon Mr. Vanderbilt as soon ns that gentleman should get back from his trip to Europe. When ho cabled an enthusi astic message to Mr. Vanderbilt , nt Lon don , tolling him stocks were selling too cheap and that now was the time to buy , the reply was marked by such an unre sponsive and indifferent tone ns to some- whnt cool Gould'tnrdor. Still , ho ex pected that when Mr. Vanderbilt got back ho could bo talked into buying stocks. Mr. Vanderbilt seems , however , to have "WITHSTOOD HIS BLANDISHMENTS , and dovotcd himself to his own affairs and let Wall street nlonp. It is understood that when Gould tried to talk of railroad chromoa Mr. Vanderbilt began to talk ol his paintings by Bougnroau , nnd to all Gould's bull talk ho responded with horse talk. This conduct would naturally jrri- tatp a person of Gould's sensitive nature. It is not. then surprising that the Wall street daily paper , which is accepted as the vehicle of Mr. Gould's view , should lose its temper and indulge in mild abuse of Mr. Vandorbilt. A remarkable feature of to-dny's tirade was a complaint of the harshness with which Mr. Gould Is spoken of by the public and press , and of the leniency with which Mr. Vanderbilt is treated. The article concludes with n throat that unless Mr. Gould is speedily given a helping hand ho will play Samson and PULL DOWN THE PILL/LHS / of the financial temple upon the heads of Mr. Vanderbilt and the public. Thus , if the present state of affairs continues much longer , wo will not bo surprised to see Mr. Gould take the bear side , and , if so , many who have recently condemned him ior sustaining the market will have occasion to regret their courso. Ho does not tight an adverse general current long. Ho can make just as much money or moro on the bear side of the market ns an the bull side , and if people really want lower prices and still further liqui dation and demoralization ho can doubt less gratify them beyond their wildest expectations. GTTho Voice ot the People. No fam ily Dycavcro over BO popular as the Diamond Dyes. They never fail. The Mack is far su nerior to logwood. The other colors are bril llant Wells , Kichardson & Co..Burlington TI1B FASHIONABLE .FOOT WOMEN , A Sudden and itadical Change for tlio Better In Its Shape. Baltimore American. Speaking of personal appearance the fashionable foot of women has undergone a sudden and radical change. Only a Cow months ago it was wholly artificial in shape , and as unnatural in size as squeez ing could make it. The tees were brought to n sharp point , and the appar ent heel was directly under the instep , while the real ono projected beyond the liigh support , You are familiar enough with that kind of pedal distortion , because - cause it was for several years in fashion , and a majority of linoly dressed women submitted to its torture. It did not per mit of natural walking , but gave rise , of leccessity , to that mincing gait which wo layo almost como to regard as character istic of femininity. But at the point where further remodeling of the foot would Imvo nearly approached the Chin ese kind of disfiguration , there came a reaction , and the foot of the Now York belle to-day is set flatly and squarely on the ground. The reformation has boon produced by the vogue into which athletic sports have como with the ordinarily all-too-gentlo sox. Pcdestrianism has struck populari ty , with our city young women , and lazy opso is for the time in disfavor. Exercise - ciso afoot was found to bn hardly a div- oration in the high heeled and narrow- toed ahods , end , therefore , a change was wrought in n few weeks which physicians and dross reformers could not have ef fected in a century of argument. The shoo of 2884's summer has a heel of less khan an inch in height , and placed where it belongs. The too is round and wide. The entire outline is not quito that of a natural human foot , but as nearly BO as previous condition of compression per mits. The material is not the inolastio zlnzod stuff long in mo , but soft calfskin of tht same kind used in men's shoes , The make is mas culine , oven such details as beveled soles uid yellow stitching , and especially in the fact that the surface is not to bedaubed daubed with a black , shiny varnish , but blackened with pigment and brush , iu the way heretofore distinctly and oxclus- vely male. The exception in this later - : or respect is the shoo made of rogulav mitatlon crocodile skin , reddish yellow n color , and making the wearer look as : hough on her way to a base-ball match. An artist friend , rapturous on the tub- oct , declared that an era of naturalneis lad at last begun , and that uncontricted waists would bo the next happy attain ment on the part of our fashionable girls. Tlrod tiniiKuld Dull , Exactly expresses the condition of thou sands of puoplo at this season. The do- [ > rossivo effects _ of warm weather , and iho weak condition of thn body , can only bo corrected by tlio use of a reliable tonic and blood purifier like Hood's Sarsapa- rilla. Why suffer longer when a remedy is so close at hand ) Take Hood's Sarsaparilla - parilla now. It will give you untold wealth in health , strength and energy. DISEASES OF THE EVE ! jRy . / 7. ARMSTRONG , M. B. , Until offices are repaired from result of fire , offl with Pi. r rk r , lloom i , Cici hti > a Uock lith StlRtTN.OT01L.IOWA. . . WORK , WltHT u * Mas NOTICE TO Growers of Live Stock and Others. WM CALL YOUR ATTENTION TO Our Ground Oil Cake. KIslho b t md cheapest lood ior'itock ot ny Idnd. Cno pound ti eco l to three pound ! ol ooro lock Jcl with Qtound Oil Cake la the FM1 and Winter. Ingieatl of running down , vrill Increase In weight and be In good marketable oond.tlon In the ( prlne. Dairymen. M veil M others , who n o It can kstlfy I. Its morltl. Try It and Jadgt fur yourulref. Price t2B.OO per ton : no charge for nicks. Address WOODMAN LINSEED Oil , COMPANY , Om ha Neb. . jaCX'STESIO. db . . DEALERS IN Hall's Safe and Lock FIRE MD BTJEGLAK PEOOF * ti J. A. WAEEFIELD , WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN u SASH , DOORS , BLINDS , MOULDINGS , LIME , CEMENT , PLASTER , &C- STATE AGENT FOR MILWAUKEE CEMENT COMPANY. Near Union Pacific Depot , - Omaha , Neb , H. B. LOCKWOOD ( formerly of Lockwood & Draper ) Chicago , Man ager of the Tea , Cigar and Tobacco Departments. A full line of all grades of above ; also pipes and smokers' articles carried in stock. Prices and samples furnished on application. Open orders intrusted to us shall receive our careful attention Satisfaction Guaranteed. AGENTS FOR BEN WOOD NAILS AND LAFLIN & VAND POWDER CO PERFECTION IB only attained by using CHARTER Stoves and Ranges , WITH WIRE GAUZE OVEH DOOR Fci sale by HILTON ROGERS & SONS OMAHA' 0. M. LEIGHTON. H. T. CLARKE , 3 SUCCESSORS TO KENNAltD BROS. & CO. ) -DEALERS IN OMAHA , NEBRASKA. Milwaukee . , Wis , s. QOTTHEE & CO , , Sole Bottlers. .HELLMAN & CO. , 1301 AND 1303 FARNAM STREE1 COR. 1STH &IA.HA . SLOMAN BROTHERS , RECENTLY FROM FREMONT , NEB. WHOLESALE LEATHER , SADDLERY SADDLERY HARDWARE , HIDES PELTS FURS TALLOW WOOL. , , , , . . WE PAY THE ? or Hides , Wool , Pelts , Etc. , nnd consignments made to us will receive- prompt attention , for which immediate- returns will be made. IStii Street , Bet , Dodge and Capitol Ave , , - OMAHA , NEB ( SUCCESSOR TO FOSTER & QUAY. ) Office and Yard , 6th and Douglas ts , , j *