Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 30, 1884, Image 1

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PC Connnurni That Agitates Demo
cracy as to Candidates ,
Ion , Not Principles , the Wedge
iWhioh is Now Dividing Them ,
fSutler's f
Sutler's ' Spook Looming up Wit !
la Life-Like and Wicked Leon
[ The Irish World Will Support no
[ Other Democratic Candidate.
( Horatio Seymour Eises to Remark
That Cleveland is Good ,
tJDtlior Political Matters The Pro
gramme for Congress.
M * "
1 Special dispatch to Tin : BKK ,
Pj JiaillNOTON , Juno 29. It is beginning to
Vlawn upon the minds of the democrats thai
General Butler will bo a disturbing clcmcnl
'atXJhlcago. Hitherto they have disposed ol
hLuwith n contemptuous snilf whenever hi
. name lies been mentioned. Feu- have been
over willing to admit ho was over a remote
, . possibility , or that bis namn would come ba-
f fore the convention at all. It is evident that for
Bomo time past that Butler's forces have been
Quietly organizing with the intention of mak-
ins a determined effort to the nomination.
Tup general himself is n delegate and will
doubtlosB bo there in person to direct thu
'scheme. This is
' ' Kl TIIB 1IIDlous rotrriCAii Hi'OOK
\tliot' is terrifying the democrats , They
dent ] want Butler ; nothing can bn moro cor
'tain"than that. The question is , is ho to bo
crammed down their throats , whether or no ?
'It is claimed that Massachusetts will present
Butler's name , and that ha will bo backed by
.tho entire delegation from that state. Now
comes the Irish World with an editorial do-
.claring that unless Butler ia nominated , that
.paper will do its utmost to promote thu
selection of Blainc. It accepts no democratic
'candidate besides Butler. This is not the only
newspaper with n purely Irish constituency
. 'that gives utterances to such sentiments.
Such bold declarations seriously affect the safe-
ty.of the democracy , for
' in'Now York has boin its sheet anchor in all :
political storms. All oycs are lifted to Tildcn
'vasv the great and only Moses who can lead
t'j thom out of the densa and tangled wilder-
1"ness , bnt there is so much uncertainty connected -
" { nected with him , they are utterly confounded
Rand know not what to do. So far as the
Stariff is concerned , they have straddled that
before , and can do it again , and doubtless
twill , bnt the question of candidates is driving
Ithom to distraction.
Special Dispatch to THE BEIT.
Tonic , June 29. Ex-Governor Horatio
Seymour , democratic candidate for president
fin\1863 \ , stands higher than any man except
jjBamuelJ. Tildcn in the esteem of the Now
jfprk democracy. While the recent contest
Sin'this state was in progress hi refrained from
[ speaking for either side , as did Tilden. To-
jjday the Now York World publishes an inter-
jrtiovv with Governor Seymour , in which ho
Jjsays : " Tlio contoit made by Mr. Flower
jfi aliows him to be a roan of energy and capacity ,
x > and'that he was well likodby thu democrats
.where he is known. But it seems from such
reports M reach me that Governor Cleveland
is the wiae choice of the New York delegation.
IT regard him as a man of great strength in
this statu. Tno elements of opposition to him
in the state are not such , in my judgment , as
irould fail to support him after his nomina
tion It will bu remembered that Governor
Tilden carried the state in 1870 , although a .
much moro formidable combination opposed
his nomination at St. Louis than will oppose
Governor Cleveland at Chicago , Governor
Cleveland's course has been an admirable onu
for the best interests of our state , and com-
_ > mauds thu approval of all fair-minded men ,
without regard to party , and in the present
/condition of the republican party m Now
" York ho would be voted for by many repub-
] ) tm.EIl's HANI ) AT CHCIACiO.
% NKVV YOHK , Juno 28. The anti-monopoly
organization of tills state will bo represented
Sj'ot Chicago during thu session of the democrat-
[ fie convention by one hundred mun , to bo yet
j.'immo'.l , when , according to a circular , will
* make , "such iunorablo effort as ehall seem to [
I'them best toHecuru the endorsement of the
' ! j action and nomination of tlus organization at
' ' its national convention at Chicago on May
] ' ' 1'lth , by thu nomination of the candidata they
" ' selected by it as the candidate of thoilemocra-
virfcy. " The circular adds : "This ( anti-monop-
, &oly ) vote > s led aud represented by Goaerul
ji Buiijamln F. Butler , of Ma sachusetts , who
| B will , under any circumstances , with or with-
Bout further emloruomo"t. receive its full force
Jon November for president. "
WASHINGTON , Juno 28. The house bill was ,
ficportod favorably , granting a pension to the
[ widow of General James B. Htoadman. ,
ll'laccd nn the calendar.
The ganeral deficiency , bill was then taken
I tip
I A proviso that no part of the money appro-
Ipriated for district attorneys and their assist
iantri should be used to pay special counsel fees
f-wtsagrctd to.
| Un motion nf Mr , Sherman an item of S3-
' 05U was added to enable the secretary of the
[ treasury to ro-imlurs thu nmount paid for the
< 'xpe'min of thu cominieslon appointed to go
to Louisiana in 18'7 ,
An item was tdJed authorizing thoattorney
general to pay Chas. H. Hood for services uu
count-el for the late Charles J. Guitoau such
sum as ha may deem just , not to uxceoJ $3,100 ,
The river and harbor bill was then taken up ,
After executive session the sonata adjourn
The Hcnata amendments to thu legislative
Mil were non-concurred In.
Tito ppeaker.uUted that the regular order
was the question of privilege coming over from
yesterday , and prwoiited by the resolution
offered by Mr. Cannon , that the record bo so
amended as to ( show that the speech purpott'
ing to have been delivered by McAduo , in
which allusion is made to Senator ! jOftiui- was
not actually delivered by him.
THE l UObllA.MMI ? .
WASllIXOToy , Juno 29.--Tha fortification
bill , the last of the annual appropriation Mils ,
will bo taken up and disposed of by the house
to-morrow. The sundry livil bill'tho only
mcttRtuo before the scnnto cotmnittea appro
priation ? , will bo disposed of to morrow
night , leaving the comuiitteo in readiness for
the fortification bill Tuesday. Both those
measures out ot the way the two committees
can dovotu their time to conference
The nrmy , postollico , navy and Indian ap
propriation bills have each been ono in con-
terencc , resulting in a disagreement , and now
await further ncti n by the two houses. The
legislative , consulai ] and diplomatic aud de
ficiency bills had been passtd by both houses ,
nnd awnit the action of the conferees upon th
hcnato amendments.
While , however , the work congress is thu
being arranged with a view to u resolution
paised by the house some time since , fixing
to-morrow a1 * the
it has not boon taken up by senate , and vvil
not be until the appropriation bills are out ol
the way. The points of dllfcrenco between
two houses are numerous , and in respect to
Homo of them it will bo n work of difficulty to
reach n common conclusion. The differences
upon the consular and diplomatic bill are
soriou' , among them _ being the question of
reducing the p y of miulstors and consuls , the
house having made very wwceping reductions
in thu compensation of a largo number of thotu
ollicers , and the ( pjestion fur appropriating
money for tha Nicaragua caual project. "
Titn LEOiar.ATivi : DILI ,
will probably prove the most dilllcult ono In
the list for tlio conferences to deal with. The
senate made 270 amendments to the bill ,
among them beiug those relutiug to reductions
aud the consolidation of thu interim ! revenue
and custom districts , and a provision for pri
vatu secretaries to senatora.
Although the sundry civil bill has not yet
been reported to thu senate , it is known the
committee will strike out the Springer pro
vision substituting salaries for fees to United
States court oliiciids.
will probably bo passed by the senate tomorrow
row , and it is the present intention of the
comuiitteo on appropriation to bring up the
sundry civil bill Tuesday , if possible , but at
any rate Weduetday.
In thu house , after the ratification bill is
paHsed to-morrow , the Indian bill will bu
called up and may bu disposed before ad
journment. Should the time of the house
[ luring the week not bo all taken up in the
discussion nad pissago of the npprooria-
tion bills , the Mel herson funding bill nnd the
bill to forfeit the Northern 1'acifialand grants
u-o more lllo.v than any other to receive atten
tion. Aside from thu appropriation bills , tbu
low in conference are the Mexican pension
jill and the doctoral count bills. Should thu
vork upon thu appropriation bills not bo eub-
itantlally concluded by next Friday night the
icsslon will proba'tily not end before tha 15th
> r20th of the month. It is not expected a
luorum can bo retained in either house dur-
ng the progress of tha Chicago convention.
First Day of the Egyptian C'onforcnco ,
LONDON , Juno 29. At n mooting yesterday
> f the conference of the Egyptian question ,
jranville briefly stated the financial propos
lid to bo considered. The conference then ad-
ourned to allow finance experts to oxamiuo
ho proposals. The data of the next meeting
ms not been fixed. The Observer believes
liu proposals have in view tht ) reduction of in-
erest on the unified 4 per cent debt and the priv-
loged debt , each to ono half the present rates ,
rho domain loans at 5 per cent and the Daira
Sanied loans at 4 to 5 per cent are to bo left
is at present. If the revenues are insufficient
a pay the Daria interest , the Egyptian treas-
iry only is to bo called upon vo make up the
tmouut , less ono half per cent , The sinking
unds belonging to thu privileged and unified
lobts aru to bo suspended. The interest
iCgypt pays on the Suez canal shares , held by
England , is to bo reduced from ono half to
.lirco quarters , as advisable for I'higland to
id van co or guarantee to Fgypt , this luan tnlo
ng precedence of all existing loans. Tlio pro.
losals have also in view a reduction of taxes
n J'-gypt from three to four million pounds
iterliiig. _ _ _
Gladstone's Gonlus tiavcs Him.
Special Dispatch to THE BEE.
NEW YOHK , June 29. Smalloy's cable from
London states that n complete change has
lomuovcr the political sky alncu Monday ,
rho ministry , which last week was believed in
imminent danger , and in hemUtion whether to
lisHolvo or resign , emerges triumphant for the
nomcut from amid thu most pressing peri H
Fho jKgyptiaii crisis , though not over , post
poned , Gladstone * ! ) genius for parliumentaiy
itrategy has made his worst niUtnku nbrod
jut saved him at home. His agreement with
' 'jance , as described by himself , proves to em-
) ody nearly every concession to French BUS
: eptlbilitles and every dcfeneu of L'ogllHh
ipmlon which had been foretold. It is his
istuieucss In aop aratiag the tu'o halves of his
) ollcy which qlvca his premier his present
Dynninlto I il lit in Pranlcrort.
Special Uispatch to the BEE.
LONDON , Juno 29. The dynamite fright
1113 taken full possession of the officials of
' 'rankfort-on-the-Main , Tlio police of that
ity say thu place is a nest of consplratorx ,
nd Is , In fact , thu center of the toclallutic
> ropaganda of all Germany. They claim that
ho Niedcrwald conspiracy , the JCIborfelt plot ,
nil other attempted outrages which have ro-
eutly startled Germany have all been hatch-
id at Frankfort , and that they are making
lesperatu efforts to locatu and capture the
onspliatom. Domiciliary visits are made
lightly , nnd the residences of somu of the
nest eminent citizens have beea Invaded
without warning.
Jcriiiany and the Egyptian Agroc-
Iiicnt ,
Special Dispatch to THK BKI : .
LONDON , Juno 29 , A sensation ia caused
lero by an editorial in thu Cologne Gazette ,
vhich often rpcaks by authority , and in IK > -
lovcd to Imvo donu so thin timo. It asserts
hat the understanding reached between Kng-
and and Franco on tha Kgyptian question ix
luo to thu mutual hatred ol Germany ; that
Cu(5land ( wants to rule , and hopes to have the
iid of France. It iuHlnuatcH that Kngland.'ti
mrry in calling the Egyptian conference isl
iluo principally to her fears that Germany inny
rcopon tliL > question of the Dutch micctsslun ,
and her desire to secure a Kuroju-an partner
ship which may bo extended to the Dutch
question If It cornea up.
The Vote of Constiro In Parliament ,
Special DUpatch to THK 1HK. :
LONDON , Juno J9. Much ipcculation ! in *
dulgcd In ai to the coureo [ 1'arnellita mem-
bcra will pursue in the debate Monday , on the
vote of censure ngainst the govi > mment for its
ICgyptian ncn-cment , inovcil by Sir Stafford
Nortncoto , uolioviil to bo ngalnst the govt-rn
input. Thu leaders decline to say how they
will volo. _
Tlio Qiiarantlno Against Cholera.
MADIUD , Juno 29. The authorities will
quarantine against nil Knglish shipping nnlcsi
I'.nglaud adopts precautions against the epreat
of cholera.
UOMK , Juno 2i ) . All overland passengers
from Franco arc subjected to live day * ' quar
MAUSKII.I.KS , Juno 29. There were twt
deaths from cholera in the Si IIOUIH nndlng a' '
( i o'clock this ovuning.
St. l'ctor'8 Day in Homo.
HOME , Juno2 ! ) , 1'nonuouscrowds attendee
thu celebration of St. l'otcr' day. Man }
policemen w ere on hand but no disturbance
A Ooitplo of Itlouiitntu lIorflo-TIilovcs
Klilo oO'V/ltli KlKlit. Anlinalu
n Stnuo Company.
HELKNA , Montana , Juno 2S. On Thurfday
night Ed. Owens and Si , Nickoraon , stol
eight horsea from the Benton ! c Billings Stngi
company's Hock Springs station , 100 mllei
northwest of Helena. John Davis , aui > erin
tendeudent of thu stagu line , pursued then
down the Muscle Shell river. Wlion fifty
miles below the station , ho was told by som
cowboys that the thlovua had passed with thu
liorsos a few hours before. Fifteen cowboys
volunteered to follow thu trail.
The thiovcs wore overtaken on Thursday ,
about thirty miles north of Black's ranch ,
and attacked. The cowboys weio driven back ,
beint ; armed only with revolvers , while the
horsu-thlovcs had rifles , Men weru Bent to
thu camp for guns and the fight renewed , Kd.
Nickel-son was shot dead , and Kd. Owens
wounded , captuiod , and hung , Wm. Jones ,
Tim Dovlln , cowboys , were wounded. On
Thursday , three men. names unknown , etolo
seven horses forty miles southeast of Helena
from Boulder valley ranchmen , while the
owners were absent on a " rouml up. "
The tlieft was a boldono. committed in broad
day light and witnessed by overal. The
horses wcra driven up into thu mountains
where the thieves camped for the night. The
men on the ' 'round up" were notified by a
mcsnengeraiul and they armed themselves and
followed , coming to the camp at 1 o'clock on
Friday morning. The thieves were oidered to
throw up thoirhnndts bnt refused , and nftor
firing nt thu ranchmen lied into the thicket ,
ono being badlv wounded by a return volloy.
All escaped. There were no ranchmen hurt
and the stock was recovered. Thoru is moio
horse stealing In Montana than over before.
The Banquet of that Body in Tiomlon
Gnrringfortl on Fruo Trade
Jn America Dr. Smith , of "
Sioux Olty , Iloplica.
LONDON , June 28. Lord Carllugford presided
sided at thoCobdcn club banquet this oven
ing. Ho made a speech In which ho said that
when America realized the benefits to bo derived -
rived from free trade her power and influence
would increase enormously. Hn hoped the
cattle act , while excluding diseased
cattle , would not interfere with tbq importa
tion of healthy animals. Ho believed that
before the next meeting of the club a commer
cial treaty between England and Mexico
would bo concluded ; such treaty , ho thought ,
would result In largely increased duulingx
with Mexico , Ho thought Cobden would
havoapproved England's policy of concord
with I1 ranee , Carlingford Instanced as a re
sult of arbitration among nations , the settle
ment of the Alabama claims , which prevented
war between two great and friendly nations
Dr. Smith , of Sioux City , Iowa , replied In behalf -
half of the United States to the toast "Our
Foreign and _ Colonial Guests. " Ho said he
was a plain man , not given to making speeches ;
all lip would Bay was that revenue teform wai progress in America , and that
Cobden club would probably hoar news of that
progress within the next six months.
A Septuple Drowning in Oregon ,
Special Dispatch to THK BEB.
PORTLAND , Oregon , Juno 29. Yesterday
two boats capsized at thu mouth of thu Colum
bia river ou ing to the rough weather. Capt
Olson , iv prominent pioneer of Astoria , Sum.
Blair , James Craig , and four others wore
Jrowned , and all swept out to HUH , except two ,
Craicranil O'son.
Beware of Scrofula
Bcrofula la probably moro general than any
other disease. It Is Insidious In character ,
nml manifests Itself In running sores , pustular
eruptions , bolls , swellings , enlarged joints , '
abscesses , sere eyes , etc. Hood's Sarsnparllla
expels all trace of scrofula from the blood ,
leaving It pure , enriched , and healHiy.
"I MM severely afflicted with scrofula ,
and for over a year hml two running sores
on my neck. Took five bottles of Hood's
Sarsaparllla , and consider myself cured. "
C. K. LOVKJOV , Lowell , Mass.
C. A. Arnold , Arnold , Me. , had scrofulous
Bores for seven years , spring and fall. Hood's
Barsapurllla cured him , [
Salt Rheum
\Vnilam Bplcs , Klyrla , O. , Buffered greatly
from crytlpclas ami salt rheum , caused by
handling tobacco. At times his liaiiUi would ,
crack open and bleed , Ho tried Tarlous prci > -
aratlons without nld ; finally took Hood's Sar
saparllla , and now says : " 1 am entirely well , "
"My son liael salt rheum on his hands and
on the calves of his legs. Ho took Hood's
Barsaparllla and Is entirely cured. " J. B.
STANION , Jit. Vernon , Ohio.
' Hood's tSarsaparilla i
Bold by all druggists. 8t i MX for $5. Made
only by 0,1. HOOD & CO. , Lowell , Mass. ,
IOO Dosos.Ono , Dollar.
The Central and Union Pacific Roads
in Considerable Trouble ,
The Boston Directors of the Union
Pacific Hurrying to Omnhn ,
Dexter and Oallaway Already 011
the Ground Investigating ,
Olainis that the Eoad is to ho Put
in a Eoooiver's ' Hands ,
Mrs , Oolton's ' Flank' ' Movement on
OoHtral PaoifloHuntington ,
And < lmt $ : noOOO Boiitlicrti 1'nclllo
Collateral is to bo Wrongfully
DIOllOBCll Of.
Special-Despatch to The Moo.
CuiCAiio , Juno 527. Mr.Doxtor , ono of thu
lioston directors of the Union Pacific , arrived
here yesterday rather unexpectedly , on his
way to Omaha , lie lofton ; the noon train
taking S. 11. Call.way with him. It in stated
that other eastern directors' will come west
next week on flio same errand. The cause for
th ( now Investigation , just after President
Adams and F. L. Ainoa have examined the
company's affnirs has not trans ; ire'd. It is
quito evident that something now has turned
up and that Bomo decisive action Is soon to betaken
taken by the directors. It la claimed by Bomo
that the intention is to have the road placed
in the hands of n receiver , and that before
taking the stop the directors wish to person
ally examine the affairs of company nnd see
if such action Is actually necessary. There
are some , however , who claim to bo posted
in Union Pacific affairs , who liwist the road
cannot bo placed in the hands of n rcceivor
so long as it can pay In tor oat on its bonded
indebtedness and there are no indications
that default had to bo made.
HuiitinRton JJnrd Up ,
'AND mis. COI.TO.V AITEII inir.
Special Dispatch to TUB BKE.
SAN FnANciaco , Juno 29. The Htatement
was made yesterday that Mrs ; Col ton had ap
plied to the court for the appointment of a
receiver for the Central Pacific railway. The
statement ia somewhat incorr-ct. A docu-
montwlll bo filed at Santa HUM no.\t Tues
day. The application will bo for n receiver for
thu stocks and bonds in custody of thu Central
tral Pacific. Mrs. Colton will assort her bo
liuf that the Central Pacific company is on thu
verge of bankruptcy , on account of recklcwi
management , nnd that n movement is on foot
to send out all stock and boo.In involved in
litigation , and that alroadyKhrea nnd a hulf
millions of SimUipraPaolffX4 ! > ) | j fund bonds
have been forwarded to O. P. Irunttngton , of
Now York , to bu negotiated ; theuo charges are
very grave Thu xtuiy gooi that lluntlngtun
has been very hard pressed for sumo time , and
has been railing on tbu San I'VancIcco ' ollicii ,
and that finally , on Saturday , instructions
weropivunto telegrajih Iluntington that S3-
500,000 Southern I'a.ific bonds had been for <
waidcd. This camu to plantilf's ! ears , henuo
this suit ,
Tlio "VValiash System Schemes ,
ST. Louis , Juno 28. The special master to
whom was referred thu petitions lately tire
Rented to the United Staten court by the
receiver of the Wnbash railway has not yet
made a report , but it is expected ho will do to
in a day or two , and that lie will advise the
payment of the Internet falling duo on July
1st on nil eelf-sustaluing lines uf the system.
This wijl incl do 5210,000 on North Missouri
first mortgaRo bonds. $1)2,500 ) on'Chicago and
Strawn lirut mortgngo and S18.7SO on St.
Louis , Council Blulfj and Omaha ; total , $311-
380. The $311,00) duo nt the amo time
on bonds of iion-p.aylnc ; branches
will ] ) robably bo defaulted. When
thu buidensomo branchcx nro finally
lopped oil thu Wabash Hystum will still have
through lines from St. Louis to Kansas City.
St. Jon , and Council Illulfd on thu west , aud
Chicago , Detroit and Toledo on the east , with
feodcrj to all important points horctofotu
reached , while this will reduce tlio gross reve
nue to only a slight degiec. It is oxpect-.d
that the oxponHPH nnd interest chargeH will bu
cut down 1(0 ( to10 per cent , and that thu ruvo-
nuo In the future will yield a uurplus over all
The general manager for the eyatom is not
yet dutermined on , but it is thought that ( .
\V. Tilly will bo general freight agent , with
J. T. llipluy au nmi tant.
Spaciul Master Allen made a long report to
thn court this nfti'ruoon In relation to mutters
rofuir d to him , the chief point of which is
Lhat ho ndviHUH thu payment of intf rest on thu
'clf-HUHtainiug roads , duu July 1st , but makes
10 lecommendation in regard to non-pay'iift
irauchoB. It in theicfuro probable ) that thu
nlerunt on thu bonds of tlieao roads will bo do-
'uultuil. '
_ _ _ _ _
A Child Killed nt Franklin , Neb ,
Special Dispatch to THE HEU.
VIIANKLIN , Neb , , Juno 28. A Bad and fatal
tccidcnt labour town to the eon' of Mr. and
Mrs , Johiadia Worth , aged three years au fol-
OWH : John Fiudley , HOII of Dr. Findloy , was
driving rapidly through thu"strcet Boated on n
load of hay lan over tholittlo one as ho wan
iltylngon thu utruet , the neck yoku firnt strilc-
ng him and the front and hind vhocls panning
iver his head , Ho was carried into JJr ,
Uyurly's drug Btoru , whoru hobrathed ! bin
list. The casualty leaven thu poor mother al-
mat distracted M the fntlu'r WAS nt his place
if businoBu iii Wutwlck , Kas. Mrs , Worth
vaH bora visiting friends. They have thu
ivmputhy of thoontiro nclghboihood , as Mr ,
iVorth wai late of tlio firm uf Loptt it Worth
if this plauo.
, CniintfrfulturH Cupturoil ,
Jor.iKT , 111 , , Juno 20. 'JVo othum of tliu
rang of cuuntcrfelturH woru arreUed yostor *
Iny Cliarloa Currier , n moro yputli , and a
> lacksmith named Joseph 1'nttorBnn , in whoso
IOUHU a lurgo amount ot counterfeiting implu-
nonts were found , Heclaima to Imvo lourrud
hu art of counterfeitinir from a colobnitod
oiiuterfeite'r ! who nerved a term in the pe-ni-
untliiry hero , <
Crnut Wnrd'H
NKVT YOIIK , Juno 28. The rofcrco uf Hnm
ilton , Cole .t Co. , continued taking testiinoii )
to day , in the caio of A. ( 'ood\\ln agnin *
Hraut k Ward. From the ti'stlmnny o
Goodwin nnd ( Jcorgo Rponcer , book-Koopo
of-tho firm , It appeared that in 1882 ( Joodwii
ilttMUti the firm to i urchavo for his accoun
00 dhan-s Woatoni Union and 00 Anieticai
Crtblo tock , which they n > | ircK toil they
bought , lioodvvingiwo thonnn mni > ; ! ii 18
ihariM of tithor cable etix'k IIWIUH ! by him
A f w monthi later Im ordered thorn to bu >
somu Colorado impnivomont Co.'s certificates
which they dclivetvil to him. He doposiU-i
100 additional shares of eablo tXk ) M mar
Riii ! > , auihngavo Ilelt Line railroad bond
nnd Toxai Inipmvomvntcompitny certificntci" .
Spenet-r testified that the firm luiver Ixmgh
Wi-Mtprn Union or cabin dtockx , but it wn
fiitcnxl in thn books by Ward n purchaned
The tirm hypothecated all the stock dpposltoi
by ( ! oud\\ln ns iinrgin , nnd tlili ( Somhvii
seeks to recover , claiming that the fraud in
the part nf Ward puts him In the iKnUinn o
n mnitilo depositor and not ns n principal ii
thu stock transaction : ! .
Suit AKniiiHt. Untile Directors.
Spclal Dispatch to THK HKK.
( JniiKK HAY , Win. , Juno 2i. ! Thu creditors
ot Strong's btokt'ti bank have brought suit
against the directors , oilicera and nharoholdom
They alle'gn that the ollicers know of the in
solvency , but continued to pay unoatm-d" div
idends to the ttockholdi'rs. nnd that President
StroiiKConvortulo\er8l)0OiOof ( ) thu bank'i
fund * to his own nso , rt-pl icing the minui will
woithlosi oocurltlM which wuro reporti-d ii
thu Btntomcul ] nt full face value.
Tonosro , Juno 28. 1'Vrboj ' and Lownn
brough , bunkers , Imvo etuppoil payment am
ai-o preparing n utatomciit to bo smimitttul to
thojrcii-dltorson Moiulny , Imtthev will nol
nKsigii till WcdnpHday , when itwillboE > conhov\
federal b.iuk matters will go. It Is ruportei :
that Ingram has resigned thu management ol
the federal bank.
A AVlscoimlu immtior l-'nlluro.
MII.WAUKKI : , Juno 2 ! ) . A Mcnaika dis
patch rays : John Strantrc , lumber ilaaler ,
has gonu into bankruptcy ; liabilities , $10,000 ,
niuots 520,000. Tlio suspension is caused by
thu depression in the murkots.
H1 button factory at Milford.Conn. ,
burned Saturday , Loss , S70.000.
The deaths from yellow fevnr at Havnna
the pant week numbered twenty-fivo.
Humors nro current nt Hanoi that llio
Krench licet has been unlercd to bombard o no
of the Clilm'bo ports.
Heavy rjins invi < stern North Carolina dam
aged thu milroiulu and crops to thu uxtunt uf
suveral hundred thousand dollars.
A boy natiu'd Lawsou , ] . ' ! yonrs old , was
flruvvnvil in thn DCS Molnctt river nt Dea
Moiiie * , Saturday night while bathing.
At Cincinnati on Saturday , Joseph Palmer ,
arcoinplicu of Win. Jicrncrln thu iniirdcr oi
Win. II. IClrk , was Honteiiced to bj hanged
October 10 , 1881.
A committee of bankers find thu Pedoral
bank , of Toronto , entirely snlvnut , and K. W.
Yager , of thu bank of Montreal , has boonchos
en General Manager.
The argument nt Ciuobuc , in the caiuof Uno ,
ox-pre-sidont of the Mecond National , bink oi
New York vvna concluded to-day , Judgmciil
is with hold until Saturday ,
The man found dead near thu DcxMolnos
river , at DCS Moinrx a week ago , was idontl
lied by a gentleman from O ngo , Kaunas , ns
Henry Charles Scott Jones , of that place.
Stuphons. thu bicyclist who in makinga trl |
acniss the continnnt , arrived in Invcn ) > ort
Saturday. Hu left San 1'ranci.sco April 23 ,
and exiiects to urrivu in Nu\v York in four
A despatch to thu Paris Temps , from Hal
Phong , says thu hostilities against .Laiigeon
hnvu been resumed. A river transport huu
been sent to bring the wounded to Hanoi and
Hal Phong.
Sunato confirmatiiiiiH Saturday : I'll ' ! II. Mur
ray , of Louisville , ICy , , governor of Utah.
PoxtinastoM Jacob Kfcord , Iowa City , la. ;
Winlield K Scott Uapletou , Ia. ; Chan , G.
L'orkins , Onawa , Ia ,
On Saturday , Secretary 3''ruliiighuy cn ra-
solved a cablu mesaago from Cnnmil Aluaon , at
MarHcillcH as follows : "Fuor deaths in Tou
lon to-day. Thu cholera han ruachod Mar-
jellies and nix death * have occurred theru up
to Saturday noon. The weather Is very warm ,
A. general uxodus from the city has begun. "
ThuHub-commilco of thu democratic national
: ommitteo in chaiyo uf thu prusn arrange-
incuts , nnnonnua that all nowKpniirra assigned
Lo places on thu reporters' stand would bo no-
tilled on July 1st by luttcr , nnd tickets and
badges will bo Issued on or after July 7th by
thu rommittcii from iU headijuartors , parlor
"T , " Palmer house.
Captain John A. Stevenson , formerly n
well-known htcaniboatnmii , Inter n prominent
merchant nnd moio recently one of thu largest
planters of the utntc , ami rapublicnn randlduto
for governor at the late olecticn , died at his
homo on Claiborne plantntlon , _ IbcTvlllo par-
ixh , LouiMnnn , last Saturday night , of conges-
Lion of tlio bruin. He was ( iO years uf age ,
A trifling fire In tht Philadelphia nmtcli fac
tory , on Hucond nnd Green Htnvts , Saturday ,
. nusud a pinlc among Ilia employees , nnd it
ivas with dllliculty that iiimlmr of wuuiijn
ivfru restrained from leaping from thu win-
dnwH. Onu girl jumped from thu third Htory
ind was caught In thu arms nf a man nnd was
jnly slightly injured.
Major Allen , the Picgan Indian agent nf
lortlioru Montana , re-ports the L'iogans dying
'ant ' from scant food miiply | , Tliu iigoncy car-
icnter 1ms furnlHliud Unity burial boxes in the
imut month , I ut it is beliuved that thu dcntlm
, vuro twice that number , ax thu Imlinni have a
'rent dialiko to burying theirdwd , profeiilng
.lio old ciiittom of planing the liodics In trees
) r In xtono pllcn or on high hillM.
Wing Chung , a young Chinaman , was nr-
c ted at Waco , Ttixus , on Saturday , on BUS-
licion of crookodncBj , On his peison WAS
'uunil n draft for twunty thoiuand dollars ,
mrpnrting to bo drawn by thu Clniinda
National bank of Clnrlnua , In. , ( in ( ho l < 'ir t
NTutloiml bank of Chicago , and Indoiwid in
L-'liung'a favor. I'liirniiring te'K'i'ranis indicatu
.lint the draft Is a furgory ,
A mounter republican ratification meeting
indrr thu auspices uf thu Linuuln club , thu
argent and mint Inlhu'iitlid organisation In
Colorado , Was hold in tliu Tabor opera IIOIIHU
it DUIIVIT , .Saturday ovoulng , Tlio luiiwo
vdu uvprcrowdcd ami n meeting of 5,100 bo-
ildes wan hold In the street in front of the St.
Jamus hotel. Thu must prumincut Bpoakoni in
bo state Hooku and imiiiviiHu untbuxla iu was
nunifeatud ,
Thu jHMtufllco department has been Informal
> y the Italian governniont , thut in viuvv if the
vcent outbreak of Amtio chulum In Krancu ,
ath fnmi tniH country intended for dnllvorj
in Italy , mint bo Inclo'cd in turn'd nacltr ,
This precaution bocomi t nece ssary becaiuo the
1 tnllan mails from thi < country JWM through
I'jiigland and l < 'rnnn > . The po tmaitcr at New
York hat boon instructed ncconlliiRly.
A Madrid dlspfvtcli of the 2Sth nayK ! The
two lllcots guilty nf denrrtlon nt Santa Colo-
main April , who the culiinrt council yc t r-
day decided rliould bn ohut immcdinlofy , wort )
Hliot to-day. The vliip Vcnma , at llarcolona ,
wai draped , and thousand * as i-mblcd in front
tf Ihn pn-ornor's bousn in Harcoluna ahd cum-
polled him to tclcgr.iph llio BovonimontasklDg
for couunutatiou.
The HliuoN Wntch comnnny , Springfield.
111. , has cloned down , Ihruvving 1,000 omployei
out of work. The olllclal notlcu nnnounccs
that the Mip3iii | < Hmniihl last until the lot uf
Soptemlier , hut It is Riven out that then- may
bo a tosumptioii by the iniddlu of Auctint.
riii'ro nto tworcawnn for the mispemion over
production nnd Urn nn cssity of nmking omo
repairs nnd ndditloni to tha machinery.
It is understdtxl that Hcpivscntntlvu Calk-
in hcniitMl n delegation which called nt thou
u Into hnuno Saturday to endeavor to Imlncn
the president to nlmmlon thu court-martial
ngnhut Judgii Advoc.vtu ( Jen. Svvniiu. His
reported that thu president wn.i firm in hin n > -
final nnd uxnrcssed Hiirpriju that an ollicer in
Gunernl SwaimV poxltlon did not in ist upon
n trial , Thu ilctiil of the court will bu an
nounced without dolny.
The majority report of the lumen committee
on nppropiintioni nppropmto.i § , ' ! 270,000 fur
furtilicationa nnd the miiiotlty irport , siKiiod
bv nil the democrats of the eomnutteu uxcopt
KllUrmd Hnncock , S.W,0)0. ) The minority
glvo iw a ronson for thu small appropriation
nrndfl that it will bo uielosa to waslu the
inonuy tt > outer upon thu construction or
nltuintion of foitilicntions in nilvanco of n
tti termination ivs to the exact character and
nrinnment to bo provided for them.
The Piotcatnnt mission nt Cclnca. roxlcp ,
on thu Central railroad , wns attacked by a
mob vvho i1ontruyi < il the lurnlturo and olfccts. ,
Unv. A.V. . Groenmnn nirl uthorH otcupud to
n neighboring house. They were purRuuil and
Hied on , ami roturninp the fim they killed ono
nnd wounded several of the mob , which then
dispersed. The mlitfion p.irlv wns then pro
tected by federal noldier . Grcenman is now
nt the Ameiicnn legation in Mexico city The
mayor of Celeca encouraged thu attack and
refused protection.
The awarded to Miss Jvato She-Hoy
by the Iowa legislature for horolo bravery In
saving n Northwestern pissonpor train from
being wrecked and thoiuby many lives from
destruction , a couple of yunrs a o , nnd whueu
fnmo has beuiimo almestnitlniiul , will bo furin-
ally presented to lior nt Union on the Kourtk
of July. It wai Intended nt first to have tlio
modal formally presented t-i her during tli
session of thu legislature , last winter , but shu
wo * extremely avorsj to that plan. The pre
sentation will bo made by Governor Sherman ,
If ho can ho present.
Accounts of damapu by storm continuu to
roach liiiltimoiu. Thu break in the Clies.-i-
poaku and Ohio cunnl , near Harper's ferry ,
whom Mivoral culvetU nnd tliu bank for three
Inmdred feet are washed away , will probably
bu thu most serious slnglo los , ns navigation
will bu suspended and transportation of cnnl
stopped until repairs can bu made , prub.ibly
rcipurin buvoial weeks. In Cecil county thu
lamugu ia very great. Thu village of Itovv-
landHvillu is alnuHt entirely Kwept away , mid
with McCiillnugh's iron company's works , thu
principal industry of thu place , involving n
Eosi cstinmtud nt 810,000.
Tliu committee _ appointed by thu IIOUBO to
nsccrtuin if the Hon. W. H. .Knglish had uKiul
improper means on the lloor of the lmu o to
inllnuncu momboiB to vote to sent his son as a
iiiuinber from Indiana , hnvu decided to ro-
oiiou thu KMii. When ftnTMillnrd nsft'eil Kn-
gljsh ( luring his iixnminntion -foru > the com-
mittPu , if hu had gene to iricmliew at thulr
linmua to urge them to vote for his son , objec
tion wai made and the question waa ruled out.
After tliu case hud been closed , 'tho ( leinocrats
thought thu matter wax over nnd decided that
failure ) to nnstvor thu question would bo looked
upon as mi admis-ion that thu accusation was
: rue , and it would bu an injnsticu to Mr. Kn-
; ll h not to let him icplv , so to-day tlio cauo
vlll bu ro opened , nnd English will bu put on
ho Htnnd.
V DlirnoiiIoiiH ICHcapo In a Oar Ca
LYNcmnuiio , Va. , Sunn 20. On account of
ho failure of the air brakes to work thu Vir-
tinia Midland express ran nt an unaccoimta-
ilo speed on to a brldeo over tbu Jiimcs river ,
L'liu Wasliington and Nmv York sloopurs fell
hrough into ton fcut of watur. The passim-
: orn wcru taken through a holu cut in the von-
llntorn In thu tnp of the card , There were
about forty pa'sougura , who were nil saved.
After the water had covered thu top of the
vindowH , Mrs. Karden pushed her two
non tin old child through the window and
leld It above water until rescued. Thu moth
er was then rciiciicd.
A Flro In KIIHI , Hi ,
Sr. IxiuiH , Juno 2 ! ) . This morning a fire in
hu saloon of Hugo lauene/.a , corner of Mis-
ourl avenue and Third stii'ul , M mt St. Louis ,
i largo warehouse filled with agricultural ini-
iliments , wagons , utu. , ovvnuil by KliiKinitn &
> < > . , niMiufuctuois of Pi'oiin , III , , and two ad-
( lining loslilenceH were h'irned. ' Kingmnn &
'II.'H loss Is reported nt C .10,000. Iiuurml fur
" 2D.OOO , other lojsos about if7,000.
Franco and Clilnn.
BEKI.I.V , Juno 28.A telegram at the for
eign ullico from Tclnton , states that LI Hung ,
hint viceroy of Potchlll , dooa not consider thu
Killlklon bHwuen the Chinese nnd Vronch near
inngsat , us a broach of the rocunt Krnucu
ylilnuiu treaty. No blamo. ho snya , can at-
uch to China , whoso buna fide , In making and
carrying out the May tioaty , Is beyond doubt
A Terre Ilmito DlnMllory lrntroyoil.
Timu : : HAUTK , Juno 2 ! ) , At two o'clock
his uftornnon I'oiib.inlt ( t Diicnweg'i ) di till-
cry caught nro , Thu distillery and it poitlon
of thu cattle pens burned. The cattle got out ,
I'lftvon thonsind gallons of high wlnus weio
nirned. Thu dlttillery's cujiiclty \ four
housand buxheU a day , Thu IOHS is S100JOO. (
lirturanco Si.r ( ,000.
Ait IiiHiiller Hhfit.
KT.LOIIIH , Juno 2'J , Samuel JCiuinort , n
armer living near Nameoki , 111 , , dhot and
illlud 11 negio named Isano. yesturduy. The
alter had made an insulting proposal to
Cmmert'H vvlfu , and when wliot was in the not
f draw ing a weapon. Kminort surrendered
i ) the nntliuritlea but won released whou the
iietH of the case wan diucloiicd nt the coroner's
Bfurdorcd I > y
NKW Youit , Juno , 2'J. ' The coronur inadi | ,
n mitopoiy to-day upon the body of Mrs. A.
J , Warner , a wealthy ludy of SUty-fourtli
treot , wild wnn mppased to liavo boon mur-
ered. U was found uho had died of llrigbt'b
Ournd of Ciitar/icl , Tnrnu Onlliollu.
I'AIIIH , Junu 28. - It in announced that Sarcy
ho well-known French crltio , proprmo ] to join
ho Catholic order uf St. Joan Do Dion , having
men cured of cataract in a luupital managed
> y thu older ,
, i * .
A Scfltcli Cfiampion si" " His Caster
to Singer siilliyan.
And Will Bos Him To-Night if
Mitolioll Fails to Appear ,
The Now Thumper Also Ohal-
longos Doniiniok MoOaffroy (
The Oivil Eights Bill Violated in
a Negro Pri20 Fight ,
The Oolorod Mon Not Allowed
to Thump Like White Folks ,
A Fonr-lloiiutJ Draw nt Plillmlolphli *
BloCoy vs. Kltbrnln Other
Juno 28. , Tohu W. Hennlp. ,
champion heavy weight athlete , offers to take
tin plnco of Chn.1. Mitchell , and box Sullivan , "
at Mndlson siiunra garden on Monday , nimn
any teims Sullivan may agrco to. Ho dial
ongus Dumiulck McCnlfrdy , middle weight *
champion of America , to box four rounds on
Inly1th , and odors to give any man in Amor-
cv $500 to box him four rounds in August.
iullivau hns accepted , Itunnlo j-'taudt f > foot
i .J , weighs 220 pounds and is ox-nmatour
champion boxer uf Scutland.
cot.oni : cLTKKiw.
NKVV YORK , J uno 28. A gh > vo lig ht for the
lolorcd heavy weight championihu > to-night
letwusn Muilunry Johnson , of Now York ,
intl William Wilson , of Boston , wai Htopixxl
iy thu police nt the und of thu second round
ind thu hull cleared on account of thu Ixmtur-
m and disorderly character of the spectators.
jix rounds were to have been fought and the
contest was declared a draw.
Tllll.ADr.l.rillA , Pn. , Juno 28. The four-
round glovu contest between Jimmio Mitchell
and Jack Keenan this ovetiinjr ivsulted in a
draw. Neither of the combatants received
very sovoru piiniahmunt ,
iiAiii ) < H.OVIM.
35osTO.v. Juno 28. P tu McCoy nnd John
ICilbrnln have agreed to fight in privatuvitb
lard gloves , six rounds , Maiipils Qiieonnbury
rules , for $200 a side.
Hnno Itall.
At Indianapolis Ualtimoro , 8 ; Indianapo-
is , 1 ,
At Toledo Brooklyn , D ; Toledo , It.
At Minneapolis Mlimonpolls , 8 : St. Paul , -t.
At Detroit -Boston , ( ii Detroit , 0.
At Columlms Cohimlms : Alleghany , ' 3.
At Cincinnati Cincinnati , 8 ; Metropolitan ,
At Cleveland Cleveland , fij Now YorV , 10.
AtLouisvillo Ilouiavilles , 0 ; Washitiglloii
go,3. . - . - ' . '
At St. Louis St. Louis , 12 ; Athletic. , . - ?
At Philndolphia-Koyatoncs , 10 ; St. Louis ,
i O .
At Qnlncy Qnlnoy , 11 ; 1'oo'ia , C.
At WaNhlngtuu Unlou-Nntioiinlv , 13 ; Kau
nas City , -I.
At Hullalo-Bufr lo , 12 : Philadelphia , 1.
At Stlllwator , Minn. Stillvvator , 0 ; Mil-
vvnukco .
At liustun Unions , Cincinnati , ! ; Benton ,
! .
At Grand Ilapids Grand Jtapids , (1 ( ; Bay
City , 0.
At Milwaukee Milwaukee , 3 ; Terre
Hunton , 7.
At Chicago Chjcagng , 4 \ Providence , 1-1.
At Chicago Chicanos , 4 ; 1'rovidenco , 3.
At KnatSivginnw Soginow , 20 ; 1't. Wnyno ,
At IndinnaiHlis Indianapolis , A ; Brooklyn ,
At Cincinnati Washington , 0 ; Cincinnati ,
10.At Louisville , ICy. AthlotiojlLonlsvillo ; C.
At Columbus Metropolitans ; Columbus ,
Al St. Louis Baltimore , 3 ; Ht. Louis , 8.
Ijnylor er llcato Ten Eyclc.
liOHTON' , Junu 28. The throo-inilo Bciilling'
natch fur ? K10 n side , between James Ten
Cycle , of Puokskill , Now York , nnd
Nicholas Layburgor , of Wheeling , West Vir
'inla , was ruwod over the Charles river course
.his afternoon. The contest was a line ono
rein start to finish , and wan witnofBud by
onio 6,000 or 11,000 Bpoctatow. It wan won by
< U ll HJ * ' f ' * * ' P XMJ V * 4
iraliimoriinylnjiirloiis tubitancesca ! ! U ) tomiel
In Androvvii' Ponrl Baklnu Powtlor. Is JHW-
lively P III ? H. Jlolngontlorftcd , and testimonials
recelvwl irom sncli cliumlsHnsB. Jana llays.lloa.
ton ; M. DolafonUilne , orciilenuo ; nnd UusUivi
lloiloitllttimkco. Novel kolil.Inl.ulk. .
ouHere recognizes ! .
t"o 5