T OMAHA DAIL\ BEE SATURDAY JUNE 28 , 1881. COUNCIL BLUFFS. ADDITIONAL LOOAL NEWS. SPEEDY SPORT. \ Some More fl Races at the DM j * Park. To-Day's Programmo the Best Ever Offered in Iowa. Ycstordny'8 "Winner. The weather TTM fnvorablo to the racoa yeatordoy. Tno track was dry , there being but ono soft spot in its entire length , and that not of any consequence. The attendance was very good and there was the largest number of carriages over aeon on any day of any meeting hold hero. hero.Another Another noticeable feature was that nearly all complSmontarios wore tossed aside , these who had boon thus favored with these bits of pasteboard paying their shining halves for admittance in accord * anco with the suggestion made that in view of the heavy losses that had fallen on the association , everybody should do what they could to swell the receipts. Directors , oflkials , all , with but few ex ceptions , instead of using their compli- inentarios paid the hard cash. The first race of the afternoon waa the threo-minuto class. There wore thirteen entries , but only six starters , which drew places aa follows : Star W. , Nuggotf Annie T. , Texas Jack , Ned Powell , Mark Time. There was a good deal of trouble get ting the start , Texas Jack acting out of humor , and considerable time being given up to scoring , on account of his monkeying. In the pools Hark Time sold aa first choice and Star W. as second. On the first quarter there waa a regu lar corn-popping , every horse going off hia foot. Star W. caught herself quickly , however , and then steadily kept down to business , leading so easily and with so much daylight between her and the rest that she could easily huvo distanced them all , but hold up so that all skipped the flag , except Annie T , , who was distanced. Nugget came in second , Hark Time third , Texas Jack fourth , Nod Powell fifth. Time , 2:31. : Tne next heat caused a flurry among the drivers. On the first quarter Texas Jack was crowded out of his place by an evident foul and canio near to cutting down Nod Powell The tangle was soon cleared away and from the half to the finish it was a pretty race between Hark Time , Star W. audg Texas Jack. The heat waa won by Mark .Time , Star W. gaining second by a spurt at the finish , Texas Jack third , Nugget fourth and Nod Powell distanced. Time 2:35 : | . In this heat Texas Jack showed very steady work , ho being the only ono who trotted from wire to wire without a break , and though the whip was applied pretty liber ally ho stood it well. In the third boat the horses broke badly. Texas Jack doing the most steady work. Hark Time led from the start. Texas Jack did good work to the half and kept second place , Star "W. then speeding past him. Mark Time won the heat easily. Star W. second and Nuegot and Texas Jack coming in close together , Nugget getting third place , and Texas Jack fourth. Time , 2:33 : | . Before the starting of the third heat the judges announced that they had boon informed that the driver of Star W. had been urged to pull her , and that they would let Kirby drive her this heat , and that if she was not driven fair the heat would bo declared off , and a now driver put in the sulky. This evidently reflect ed the sentiments of the crowd , most of whom had boon convinced by the previous heats that Star W. could have easily won , especially the first heat , where it seemed she could have distanced the field. This little lecture of Hancock's seemed to have the desired effect , a pretty start was had and Star W went to the front and stayed there. To the half Mark Timefollowod , with thotwoothors chang ing off third and fourth positions. At the finiah Star W passed under the wro sev eral lengths the winner , Nugget uecond , Hark Time third , end Texas Jack despite the whip and a run , got shut out. Time 2:30. : 2:30.The The pools at the beginning of the next heat wore about even on Star W. as against the field. On the start off Nuggott got Into a pocket , Mark Time cutting in ahead and taking the polo. On the next quarter Star \V. went to the front , while Mark broke up. Star \V. kept the lead to the finish , winning the heat and the race in 2:32 : , Hark Time second , Nugget third. TUB SUSIMAllV. 3:00 : CLASH , ruiiHE ? GOO , Thomns & Kirby , Jer eyvlllo , III. , Star W. , b ni 12211 M. H. McIIonry , Odnoaeo , 111. , Mark Time , b. s 31131 S L. Caton , Cleveland. O. , Nufc'cet , ch. a 2-1323 ICatou W Parson , Martinsvllle , Intl. , Texnn Jack , p. K 4 3 4 din. Fayette Smith , Maryvilie , Mo. Nod , Powell , br , g 5 dis. Taniiipsan liros , , Atlantic , la , , AnulriT. , B. in din. Timo-SS1 ! : , 2:351 : , H:334 : , 2:30 : , 2:32 : , The next event was the 2:29 : class , with Eevon starters placed aa follows : Jc D&vis , Harry Pulling , Coupon , Mollic Belle , Maggie H , , Freestone , and Urbana - bana Belle. Jo Davis was the favorite in tbo pool. There waa necessarily nome delay ii : getting a send-off with such a sea ol horses. On the first quarter there was t general breaking up , but soon they gel down to business. Jo Davis took the lead , wont oil his feet , foil back , and thur came to the front again and kept them winning the heat in 2:201 : , Urbana Bclh second , Molllo Bellu third , Froestom fourth , Coupon fifth , Harry Pulling sixth , and Maggie II. , distanced. In scoring for this heat , Joe Davis , b } n sudden whirl , sprung the wheels of hii aulky , and in making the heat there wai an anxious watching , fearing that tin sulky would como down , but it pulloi through all right. In the second heat there was the prettiest tiost start of the whole meeting. Joi Davis kept to the front to the half , tin second place being hotly contested be tweou Urbana Hello and Coupon. T hoi Belle puahod ahead , and gave Joe Davi a close push for winning , the lace bcin a snug ono down tbo stretch , but Jo Davis passing under the wire the winnoi Urbana Belle lapping him by bein pushed , while the winner was movin cae'ly ' , Freestone came in thir , Coup * fourth , and Mollie Belle and llarry Pull ing distanced. Time , 2:24J. : The third heat was , as expected , the finishing ono , and was won easily bj Tno. Davis , who could , as in the othoi lioat , have shut out the whole of the party had ho desired. There was n , litth brush for second place botTf eon Urbant Hello and Freestone , on the third quar ; cr , while Coupon hadto run to got in , Urbona Belle came in second , Freestone third , and Coupon distanced for running , Time , 2:27. : SUMMARY. 2:2'J : CLASS ruiisK $ COO. Gco. Gtimcs , Uock\illo , Iml < Joe Da\i9 , br g . Ill JohnW. Itron , Urbarm , 0. Urbftna Bello. bin . 2 3 2 Andrew Bros. South Bend , Ind. 1'roo- atone , b g . > . ' 3 . r : . 13. Kckcr , KnusM CltjMo. . Con- pon.dg . 5 4 il C. Lelawl , jr. , Troy , Kansas , Mollie Hellobrm . 3 ll V. S. Olnoy , MinnontioliB , Minn. llarry Pulling. b . . . 0 u Time , 1:251 ! : , 2'J4J : , 2:27. : , „ The next event was the race for the 2:38 : class , in which there were cloven ntrios , but six starters , placed as fol- owa : Kittio Strador , Theodore , General Lee , Frank H. , Dutch Girl , Rowloy'a lattlo. , _ The race was conceded to General L.OO before the start. Frank II. being named a the favorite with the general barred. There was considerable delay in scor- ng , Theodore especially acting badly. The first heat was a surprise party. The horsca started off in a snug bunch , hen General Lee wont to the front , but > oforo the half was reached Little Dutch Girl crept steadily up , and as she wont to 10 front the crowd cheered. It was upposod that as usual she would lot own , but although she did somewhat , ot not so badly but what she passed un- or the wire the winner , with Frank H , lose upon her. General Lee who broke > adlycamo in third , Rowley's Rattier , ourth ; Kittio Strador , fifth ; Theodore , ixth. Time , 2:31 : , In the next heat the horses started off n a snug bunch. Dutch Girl got to the rent and kept there to the half , while 3enoral Lee , getting up from third to ocond place , commenced to crowd her. ? ho little mare began to weaken , and enoral Lee just before the turn , roko , then caught , broke again , and got nto his foot again , and passed her on 10 homo stretch. Dutch Girl evidently id not have staying qualities sufficient , > ut she made her milo without a skip or break. Frank H. , as she lot down on 10 homo stretch , passed into second lace , leaving her third , Theodore fourth , iittio Strador fifth and Rattler sixth. imo 2:28. : On the start off of the third heat Dutch irl got badly off her foot , the first ttmo n the race , and came nearly to & stand- ill before getting down again. She len showed good mettle and speed and cept creeping up , but could not make up 10 loss. Her driver claimed that Frank [ . by running crowded her over and irow her off her foot. General Lee lushed up well from third to second lace on the third quarter but wont off lis feet several times , catching himself asily though. Frank H. came under 10 wire first , but a free-for-all run of alk was had at the judges stand , and 11 told their stories. The judges then ; ave their decision in accordance with 10 vray the horsea came in , Frank H , irat ; General Leo , second ; Rowloy'a Rattler , third ; Kittio Strader , fourth ; Theodore , fifth ; Dutch Girl , sixth. Time :31. The fourth heat was ono of the _ nicest ttlo racoa of the whole mooting , it being nock and neck , nip and tuck contuse otwoen Frank H and General Leo , rom the start to the finish , the General winning , with Frank H lapping him , Rowley's Rattler , third ; Theodore , ourth : Dutch Girl , fifth , and Kittio trader , sixth. Time 2:31. : It was nearly dark when the fifth heat waa trotted. It proved the deciding no. Frank H. pressed General Leo > retty snugly , it being nock and nock o i good share of the tray around. It was laimed that General Lao made by run- ng , but the heat and race was given lim. Frank H. second , Dutch Girl lird , Theodore fourth , Rowley's Rattler fth , and Kittio Strador sixth. Time , :31 : | . THE SUMMAKY. 2:38 : CI.AHH , riwiK § 000 , Win. Russell , Spencer , Iowa , General Leo , H. s . 31211 13. K Eckor , Columbus , kan. , Frank IF. b. s . 22122 15. W. Paxaon , Martinsvillo , Ind. , Dutch Girl . 13003 Foyetto Smith , Muryvllle. Mo. Theodore , b. R . 04544 C. Rowley , Atlantic , Iowa , Uowley's Hattler , . 4G336 GIcldings&McCoy.DesMomcs , Kittio Strader , . 0 5 4 GJ > Time 2:31 : , 2:28 , 2:31 : , 2:31 : , 2:31J. : To-day's programme promisea even more sport than was given yesterday. In ace the programme is 'the beat over pro- onted in Iowa , and considering the field ast and noted horses , it would bo hard o present a hotter programme any whoro. The races are the 2:33 : class , the froo-for- 11 pacing , the 2-18 : class and the free- or-all trotting , the purno in each class oing § 000. The ontiioa are : 2:23 CLASS $ ( > 00 PUBSE. Groy Henry ; g , g. 11. 0. 1'adfield , lU-ck tilaml. 111. Nellie Grant , ch. in. , M. 15. Molfenry , " , 111. Flora H. , ch. m. , Ilobert Porter , Davcn- ort , la. Prichnnl. ch. g. , II. S. Slmltr , Mobile , Ala. Bertha Clay , blk. in. , P. V. Johniwn , Trai > ozo , ch. in. , 1'uyetto Smith , Maryvillo , Mo , Secret , b m. , S. L. Canton , Cleveland , O. Princeton , b , g , , N. Ilelland. KvanHtou , 111. Nellie K. , b. in. , Will IJodford , Kvansvillo , nd. Laura 0 , , ch. in. , W. K.Wiley , Carbontlalo , lUack Tom , blk. g. , Win. Laws , Boulder , Chan. G , JIayns , br. B. , Colby & Brown , , la. yjlKK KOII ALL , I'ACISO 5COO PUIISK. Frank W. b g. W. J. Wlngert , Dixon , III. , Lorono , blk in , Wada Gary , Council ItlnirB , TCh rley K , b K , O. N. Kiucry , Beatrice , Limber Jack , b p , B. N. Montrose , Sarinnw , Midi. _ , .Sailor Boy , r g , A I. Cmnmlngs , Hams { " , Kt B. J. Johnson , Crcston.Ia Clicstnit .Star , ch , Isaao Mime , Noblea Vliclio"l ! > , B g , Will Bedford , ] 5vaimille , Winder , ch g , Perry Johiwra , Leadvillo Nellie Shaw , d in , T. A. Shaw , Ft. Scott Kau. I'tWSK. 2i48 CLAHH-C'IMO St. Nicholas , b. h. , A. Uobor , Omalu , Neb Jack , . g. 15. W. Paxtoti , Maitins ville , Indiana. , Hex , b. | f. , J , O. Igon , Uurbana , Ohio. Dora G.l'r. in , , 11. H. ShuU , Mobile , Ala aqoscarilla , b. m. , 8. D. Caton , Ck-veland OlliO. Ringloton' * llambletonian , br. e , , li < T n Wilcnxen , Luwiston , Illhmi * . Nellie L. b. in. 1' . V. Johnson , Chlcagc Gecl j'owo'.l , br. g. , Fayotto Smith , Mary villo , Miuouri. _ , NmOuau , ch. g , KlUlm IJawson , Troj Old , , f 'Famous , b. g. , P , I'Unnigun , St. Loui Missouri , . , , DrnUl Poblo , b. g. Jnmos A. Bell , Denver Colorado. Star W. , b. m. Thompson k Kitky , Jersey Ullc , Illinois. WKK KOn AtT , THOTTIXa SCOO rUMR , Don , g p , A. K. Scott , Lcatlvillo , Col. Kulng , b g , J. F. Studebaker , South Bend , Kittio Van , b m , P. V. Johnston , Chtcago , Wlllia Woods , bg , J. L Owens Green- c-vtlc , Ind. , UlgSoap , bg , Uw Glenn , Mt. Pleasant , "wostmont , b s , Mat Cohln , Kauiai City , ' Will Cody , b g , W. II. Homer , Knights- tonin , Ind. _ . . . Handy Cap , g g , A. J. Coldron , Bradford , LongtollowWhip , bin , J.D. Spoon , 111. Soinothinc for Nothing. Until further nollco wo glvo to each twentieth cuatomor hia purchase , whatever - over the price or value of the same may bo. Our cashier will keep an accurate record of every transaction , and wlion , ho twentieth sale of any amount is made ; ho purchaser will bo presented with the sumo. Wo have adopted for the present Jiis system of advertising because it gives our patrons instead of the news- inpora the five per cent , which it coat is. Clothing retailed at wholesale > ricos. Hata retailed at case prices , 'urntfthing goods , trunks , bags , umbrol- as , etc. , oto. Every twentieth customer irosoutcd with his purchase. MKTCALF Bnos. Donrt Olvo Awny. The tirchlu to thq niill-pond goes. And llko a i > orooi o swims and blows llo's happy there beyond n doubt ; Ho homeward sneaks at cltwo ol day And blindly gives the thing away Because his shirt Is wrong-siilo out. The Barrel , Of all the campaign Bongs nnd chants , Which hopoa of candidates enhance , There is no sweeter carol , Nor any melody moro dear Unto the hungry heeler's oar , Than the ballad of the barrel. PEETTY POLLY ALDEN , Lawyer Aid on was not a success , In the uancial aspect ; infaot , ho waa n most omploto and sorrowful failure. But for 11 that ho was a gentleman and ho lived n a country whore gentle manners and a ; oed strain of blood count for all they ro worth , and aomotimca for moro than hey are worth. Ho was a Virginian , lia fortunoa woro'not equal to hia hospi- able inclination or ho would have made merry world of it for all of us. Ho had ot boon "ruined by the wah" like moat f the impecunious southerners.his ; down- all had como slowly through bis inclina- ono for the cup. Some little property they atill hold bo- , woon thorn , ho and hia daughter Polly > roperty wisely secured beyond the power if alienation by either of them , through , ho dead wife who loved and waa beloved > ut yet had enough of the old Virginia > ride in her to worry herself into an early ; rave over the misfortunes of her family. She know both father and daughte veil enough to perceive that neither ould deny the other anything and ao to ceop a homo for them , she , on her dcath- ) cd , placed her own scant inheritance in , tust for their use and in fco to their loirs. The property consiated mostly of unconsidered wild landa and the Httlo ilaco near Winchester called Daisy Doll. It was a pleasant fashion they once had n Virginia of giving fanciful nnd senti mental names like the above to their lomos. That was in the old lazy days of lavory , before the war , when life had till about it the picturesque t'ngo ' of ro mance. Polly Alden waa a child when Win- hosier was the center of the great Btrug- lo between the forces for the possession f the Shenandoah valley , and when jtho ity in the fortunes of war exchanged maters twice in a single day. But these were times when children matured early ndcr the terrible experiences to which lioy were exposed. Now Polly wna a woman , very sensible , very soft-hearted oward her father and quite sub-rosa ory well up in some departments of edu- ation. Lawyer Alden waa ajbrokon-down man , with all self confidence gene and moat of lis self-respect cloao behind it : but in his own poor homo nothing of thia waa vial- > lo. His daughter , and an old noqro ouplo , husband and wife , who lived in quarters in the lane , having formerly > eon slaves , the property of the wife , roatcd him with aa much respect as if 10 had boon governor of the common wealth. In his youth ho had received a college education nnd waa a man of line tastes. The child who lovoU him and of whom 10 made a companion got the benefit of his at a time when there wcro no schools ipen in Virginia. She was taught the classics nnd French and music , and n littlu mathematics ( aa nuch of the last as a Virginia gentleman thought it desirable for a lady to know ) , and 1 believe the old man limbered hia own rheumatic joints to practice with her rather than see his own beloved Polly como up totally ignorant of dancing. WhutoN or may bo said of the humbug n Virginia character on the subject of 'ainily pride , and their pretensions to ) cd ) > roe , that they always valued fine Breeding and fine education is not to bo denied. And though Polly's inheritance was meugor , she could hold her head up among ladies and gentlemen anywhere ; 3ut among the Virginians no ono waa ever denied social poaitioii on account of lack of wealth. She and her father had the , 'ontroo of the boat circles in Winchester , and lot it bo said there waa not on the Amorcan continent at that time a moro elegant and exclusive society. Now , Polly had a second cousin whoso lifo was by no moans restricted for want of moans , ono of these lucky women who marry the right man at the right lime and have him die and 'cave ' thorn in n delightful widowhood , while their beauty is yet froah and their ambition atill keen. Such waa the lot of second-cousin Ma. rion. Mrs. Colonel Ilolden , She had bearded the conqueror in his tent , in oth er words she had captivated tlio heart ol Colonel lloldon while hia regiment wa camped on hia father's farm. Her daili , her freshness , her courage , her fine rid ing brought the Colonel to his knees ant she married him out of hand and prompt ly. Aa the Colonel waa a union ollicer of course oho could expect no quarter ii Virginia society after such u going ovoi to the enemy. She wont north and did not communicate municato with her relative * for aovera years. Meanwhile the color ol had died Inav ing her the full poaaebioa of hit ampli fortune and uuincurnbercd with chil dron. She vra : a .roman f jracd to ccj : y tu : ! freedom , being a natural born coquette nnd she soon made overtures to her f m ily , who nothing loth to receive a littl help on their mortgages , welcomed lie with open arms and endeavored to giv as much eclat ns possible to her return turn to the scones of her wild ant wayward girlhood. Scones now forovot hallowed by the blood of the brave who foil in that fratracidnl struggle. She lavished her money in having the old homestead restored and kept in the finest order. She liked to bo apokon of as a Virginian , and hat\ the shrewdness to take vouchers for every cent expended as well as also to retain her house In the north. She must have company , as aho was not A rording woman what coquette over was ? ao she made un to second cousin Polly Alden , who had the singular merit for n poor relation of being in abettor better position socially than horaolf. She laid poor old Lawyer Aldin under pecuniary obligations to herself , and then look his daughter awny from him. She was not n stinpy woman- but she wanted the value of her money , and she gener ally got it. If iiho bought her pretty lit- lo cousin Polly dresses , she expected icr in return to fill the homo with the air and the bravo of Winchester , and make her summer on the old homestead a continuous round of gaiety. It was n quid pro quo that Polly could render without trouble. She was to toll the ruth , very happy with Mrs. lloldon for time. Every day she waa able to drive vor to Daisy Dell and lookjjiftor her athor , and being young , she was by no moans averse to nay society herself. Now Polly had on admirer , a bravo and youthful rebel who owned a fine estate , indoratood to bo heavily encumbered , in ho adjoinincr county of Clark , and vrho , laving received no other pay for hia aor- ices in the Confederate army , won the itlo of Brigadlcr-Gonoral at the grand distribution of honors that took place ust previous to the surrender. General Dplaplano , at the conclusion f the war , like a sensible man , settled down to thonraotico of lawat Winchester nd wisely laid himself out to make all lint was to bo made off the horde of Yankee landaharka that ruahod to Vir ginia on the cessations of hostilities. 5y solf-douial and prudence ho had Icared oil' some of the heaviest mort- ages that had encumbered his patri- tony already. Ho aold the overhasty speculators largo rncta of these 'blue slnto lands just to tie east of Winchester without compeu- tion. tion.Ho Ho put old Alden in the way of mak- ng a little money which waa exceedingly orvicablo just at that time. Indeed , rom the time that Dolaplano found that Melon had an interesting daughter , the Id man uover lacked the moans of sup- tlying his little family with comforts. ) olaplaino had too much nice fooling , of ourao , to offer money without a conaid- ration. . Alden , though broken , had too nuch spirit loft to accept aid in that way , mt ho found himself associated in a ; raot many small casca as advisory coun- 10 ! with the handsome young brigadier , vhonho wasproudtoobEorvOihad a fond- OBS for his darling Polly , and ho either was or appeared to bo entirely unconclous liat ho received all the fco while the > rigadior did all the work. Dolaplaiuo waa much older than pretty 'oily Alden ton years , Ho had in his allow days boon a gallant to Polly's DOC- nd cousin , Marion , before she deserted otho enemy. Waa anything in the vorld moro natural then than that ho hould bo ono of the first and constant visitors at Mrs. Colonel Holdou'a when ho came to the old homestead , especially inco Polly vraa never to bo found nny- where but at her cousin's ? Dolaplano , two years before , had taken ? olly with him ono Saturday afternoon when ho drove homo to spend the Sunday rith his mother , and oven as long ago aa hat occasion ho had begun to slip his rm around pretty Polly's waist. Old Mrs. Dolaplano was delighted to observe hat her dashing young brigadier , of whom she was both fond and proud , laving no ether child , had got his flections anchored at last , and to uch a completely unobjectionable girl to such on entirely loveable girl as Polly. Once she had , while in the garden , said , o Polly , "When you take my place hero , ly dear , I wont you to still look after ny roaoa ; thia rose walk has been my are and my consolation over since I amo to Grape Orchard. Why , the Yan- coca planted cannon right hero in this ; ardcn four years ago and trampled all ny bushca down , but I raitod them and lurscd them , and BOO how fine they are gain. " "Polly had blushed very prettily at the uggcstion of her being ti'iatrcss ' of Grape Orchard , and exclaimed , "Oh , Mrs. Dola- daunt'1 with such pretty confusion that ho old lady put her arms around the girl and kissed her. And thnro were tears n the oyca of both when they looked inch other in the face , and the old lady twisted , "Yes , my dour , that is what 1 lope for. " She waa a little ahead of her bravo > rigadicr , however , for though ho had iut his arm around Polly in tlio carriage oo had not proposed to hor. However , our pnttty girl waa satisfied of his iuton- ions and never put his arm away any noro. She lot her sweet directions take lioir course , feeling herself safe in the eve of a bravo and chivalroua man. She waa no coqnetto , our dear Polly waa not , and wo should not love her any better if she had been shrewd and calculating enough to fetch her lover to the point of i formal propotal before aho showed her ovo. That might have rendered her nero prudent , but could wo have loved icr any hotter could wo have loved her aa well ) Ah , these awoot daya to Polly , .liouo proud and happy days to Hugh. Did not everybody in Winchester admit , lmt the handsomest , bravest , and most Brilliant young bachelor in Virginia had secured the dearest and sweetest oi girla'f But all was changed now. The ( loot of her love hatl como to the rock oi which so many hearts are broken rival " ip. Everybody said that it was a shame that Hugh Delaphono should trillu witl Polly and make love to her rich secant cousin , Some said ho was avaricious , aomo suit fickle , some uaid ho waa crazy to bo governor ornor of Virgniaund ! wanted the widow' inonpy to help him thia last by hia dua political friends. It was clear that the widow was vor ; far gene on the liandsomo nnd distin guislicd brigadier. If ebo know anything of poor Polly she did not rogad it. Sh told our dour girl all tlio chivalrous ant confidential nothings that Hugh suid tc her and alas far moro than oil ; Bhooftin lied ii3 women like her will. There wa ono thing Polly could no. do , ulio oouh never learn to ridu well. Now most Vir ginia girls do ride well , and Polly was Uiorefoio , at a disadvantage. It waa tli ono thing that couain Marion did vritl peculiar excellence. Very few even o the many dashing cavalry officers \vh ( lived about Winchester could hold thai own with her. Moreover elio had th finest lioreo in the country , an ariima mount. So it transpired that in nil thcl excursions and picnica during the summer mor , the widow managed to arrange fo saddles instead of carriages , and tlui she had our little pusa of n Poll at a dis mlvnnlni'o , Hugh always rode by hot side , and our little dear wna lef to aomo of the boys who could no rlclo woll. Ah. thoywuro a handaomo pair , am nobody ndmirod them moro than Polly , for demon of jealousy had notyotontorcc her breast. Indeed , Hugh's mother took the alarm long before anybody oleo. A mother la ao quick in such things. There is a tradition among the servants at Urapo Orchard , former family slaves , nnd therefore admitted to a familiarity tow Northern people can conceive , of a storm niul a coolness between mother and son. son.Sho had boon hoard to any , "My son , rou must not oxpoot mo to receive that woniAn , who married a Yankee , aa a laughter. I cannot do it , I should have o go away , rather than oiuluro such a nortitlcation. The whole county ia talk ing of your infatuation. My eon , 1 have endured the sacrifice of the war without a murmur , because I could still hold up ny head na a proud wife and mother any- vhoro ; but I cannot endure thia , it is dis- ; raco. I ahnll go away. " "What is disgrace ? " demanded the son , coloring hotly to the temples. . "Your treatment of that sweet cliilds Iiigh , everybody is saying , the servant oil mo , that if her father liad n grain of pirit ho would bo perfectly justified in calling you out. " Polly had at last nwakonon to the Linger of losing her lover. Her eyes nice opened olio saw a great deal. Though her heart was breaking , cho had oo much spirit to cry out. Her couain waa simply treacherous , but hat did not compromia Polly. She enow her couain , and neither undor-vnl. uod nor over-valued her , but took her as ho was , a selfish woman , who cared only o gratify horsolf. _ But Hugh was a raitor , a deserter in the face of the nomy. She had meant to control hor- elf and hide her pain. She succeeded , aa what Virginln girl rould not succeed when her pride waa nvolvod , but at the laat moment aho ) roko down and apollod her plan of hid- ng her chegriu , her hoartncho. It waa the iiifjht of the laat dauno ; the vrldow was leaving , to spend the autumn t Newport. Polly assured horaolf it would noon bo vor , and aho bhould have her lever all to icrsclf again. So she drcsaod that evening with os- > ccial care , and indeed was sweater than ivor. Shu would not spoil the party by ppoaring to notice Hugh's neglect. The widow was radiont , Hugh was laiidsomo , Polly was Bwoot and pretty , nd all were gay. It was perhaps eleven o'clock , and Iioro waa n cessation of dancing and a ; onoral atampcdo of dancers to the vor- npaha for a moment's rest. Polly and ono of the younger boys had un out to the roao qardon , and now with inndfula of fresh ilowora tlioy were com- ig into the hall by the back way. 'hoy heard voices an the stairs. The mil was dark , and for mischief , they tolo in on tiptoe. "No man carca to have a girl thruat tor allectiona upon him. " It wua Hugh' olco. Polly equpcxod the arm of her ttcndant to indicate silunco , and aha teed frozen to the opot. ' "Oh , but you will not break the heart f my little cousin now when I am gene 'ou will not do that General. She ia luch an affectionate little pusa and she adores you. " "Marion" how 'tender his voice loomed 1 shall marry , when I marry for pvc , 'or some other rational conaidora- , ion. I shall never have any ono thruat pen mo. " The widow's appeal for her cousin had comod the ahorcat mockery. Hugh's oico was bitter. Poor crushed Polly drew back , fol. owed by her boy gallant , who understood 11 , and , nothing loath to comfort her , aid , very tenderly , "I would not euro a tr.iw , Polly , there are ether followo that eve you. " Ho would have indicated moro particu- arly who ono of the "other follows" waa f aho had given him time , but she put lim back nnd stole away among the trees , lolding her dear soft hand to her dearer nd softer heart , and vainly trying to uppross her sobs. A half hour later old Aldino , who won mokiny hia pipe at that Into hour on his jorch and enjoying the moonlight , saw a , nm and dr.ngglod figure wet with dew , coming up the path. "Wny , bless my noul , Polly what is " t ? "Oh , papal" aho cried and fell upon lis bosom , nobbing. She had como acrcna the fields , and icr gauzy drcus was in tattora from the > ri\rH. The old man waa startled , but 10 soon bocumo indignant. LI in pride vauup. "Hia dear Polly thrusting her affections on any maul" When the guests at Mrs. Col. Holdon'a were called together far refreshments and Polly waa missed tliero was alarm. But Polly's companion took a malicious delight in increasing their fours , by do. ailing before the whole company what md occurred to her. " It's my opinion hat if she haa not gene homo to her athor'o you will find her in the bottom of the pond. " " You dunce , " exclaimed Hugh , an grily , rising with great haste to begin the carcli , "do you moan to say you loft a ady to go out into the night without escort , that you did not odor to protocl lor ? " " I don't moan to explain my conduct at all to you , General Dolaplano , but i will Bond a frlonct of mine to you tomorrow row , " replied the lad , with great haught- inoaa , which quite deified him in the eyoe of the ladies , who nevertheless exclaimed with ono accord : "Oh , inorcy , an an affair , " and prepared to faint. "Forgive mo my dear boy ; I bog your pardon , " said the Brigadier , offering hia hand , which the other quickly accepted , at the same time admitting that ho had followed Polly at a little dfstanco till ho saw her in her father's arum. There was a murmur of approva from among the girla , who regarded tin boy aa a here , the General aaabrulo , am poor , dear and pretty Polly aa a martyr "thrust her affections upon him , in deed I the conceited man I" They all ro aentcd the idea ; they thought Polly the most modest and reserved girl in Virgin ia. It waa a perfect slmmo tlioy thought the way Blio had boon treated. "Thoj wouldn't stand half as much. " Blcs them , of course they wouldn't ; over ; young man knows that. Hugh's position was certainly painful The widow nlono laughed and made ligh of it. There was but ono courao for i Virginia gentleman to pursue ; it ia i place whcro any. slight to a lady ia ro aoniod aa an insult to society. 'J'lii ' handaomo follow who had often faced tli cannon without flinching , waa in n coiuli tlon approaching tears when ho sprati ; from the taddlo and knocked at lawyo Aldon's door. "rfir , " Haul the injured futher.whfm lu saw who stood before him , "I havi como , " said Hugh quickly , nnd doprccat ing with a motion of the hand the apiri in which the old man received him , "Sir 1 have como ( pray cxcnso the hour ) t < beg your permission to offer my hand t < your daughter , and ask her formally tc become my wifo. " The old man swung tho'doorwiclo opoi and with characteristic delicacy sUjppcc out on the path saying , na ho pointed tc his little , crushed , tear-stained darling , " 1 accept your proposition as honorable , and 1 w ill make myself no obstacle to r reconciliation , if my daughter desires it.1 "Papa , do not Inavo me , " cried Polly , springing to her foot with a surprlainc amount of spirit , and Hinging her head proudly back , "General Dolaplnno , pray do not nllliot mo with any formalities what are formalities besides earnestness and truth ? Do you think I respect my. self so little ? 1 toll you if you were the last man in Virginia 1 could not marry fou , for my confidence ia gone and my heart no , sir , my heart is not broken. " She looked very much as if it were , though , and Hugh stood apooohloss and stretched hia arma out toward hor. Ho could not nttor a word. Her eye flashed proudly ; she looked strong in her purpoao nnd scornful. The old man took the lever by the hand kindly and said : "Not now , Hugh ; no moro to-night ; that ia the Alden pride. You two will apoil your livoa if you do not go away at wonco. " Ho waa half way to the gate when a wild exclamation Trom the old man turn- 3d htm. "Doadl" She lay prone upon the floor. Poor little Polly's spurt of pride had nearly killed hor. Hugh pick- Jtl her up tcndorlyand carried her to the 'rosh air ho oven carried her clear clown o the old spring , for the old man was oo much flustered to find any water iliout the house. Hugh dipped up water n hia hand and bathed her fnco , "Only a swoon , " ho said , as ho aaw signs of re viving. "Ah , I had nonrly killed my ittlo Polly. " Her head fell on hia > rooat , her plump white arm banning over hia shoulder. Her hair , so simply illod with roaoa , hung in confusion about tor and mingled with his board. The old man went away to tlio houno. Ah , who shall toll thoawootncaa and com- ilotoness of that reconciliation ? Lot us eave thorn. Ho is sitting by tlio big ina- ilo that ovorhnngs the spring. Ho ia aiming her with hia hat. Her arm ia ightoning aroundhia nock aa aho revives , mt does not recover consciousness ; she ia linging , clinging to lifo that noonts slip- tiiiR away from her ns her breath comoa n long gasps. Big tears are falling on icr awoot face from somewhere lot ua eave them. "Mother , " aaid Hugh , when ho drove lomo the next afternoon , "put the house n ordnr at once ; I am going to marry 'oily in October. " WOUIiU Nor ULUFF. A. ClrouR Man AVlio linn n Western Minor ami a Blx Bliootcr. ! ntto 1 nterMountain. . Just before the Cole ciroua perform ance opened , n few days ago , an old ninor , who looked ns though ho might mvo como here in the spring of 'GO , ap- > reached the lightning ticket seller and , hrow down a twenty dollar gold piece. Cho ticket seller looked at him , put him up for a chump and pasted him n ticket and novon dollara. The minor counted , ho money and than said : "Sou here , stranger , you'vo made a mistake. " "Go off. I'm in " the n hurry , waa re ply."Well "Well , I ain't in no hurry , " said the old prospector , as a dangerous gleam ap peared in his oyo. "It's my gun , not mo that'll go ofT. " As ho jpoko ho pulled his navy and ovolod it at the ticket man , who quickly counted out § 1 ! ) and handed it over. "Novor mind that. Givu mo my wcnty back and keep your ticket , " said .ho old chap'I ; don't patronize robbers. " L'aking hia money and shoving his gun in iis pocket , ho quietly walked away , to ho uroat relief of the ticket man who iroathod a sigh of relief that Bounded iko a young hurricane. " 100 Doses One Dollar" ia true only of Hood's Sarsopurilla , and it ia an un answerable argument aa to strength and economy. How Gladstone -mm Hissed , ijVom a London Loiter. Gladstone ia too honoat a man to pro. 'caa indillorenco. Ho looked surpriaci ] and. chagrined ; nnd , aa the hoatilo ntti < tudo of the majority bocumo atill more manifcat , hn appealed to bo thorough ! ; scared. "Gordon ! Gordonl" wna yelled in his onra i ; ain und again. liappllj tliKBO are tiinen of pence , and the sight- sccn-a wcro content to lot their cngor and indignation subnido , although , after the ceremony of opening had been perform ed for the Prince of Walua by the Duke of Cambridge , thcro waa another out burst. Gladstone's nanio , whenever it is men tioned in public , ia unfavorably rocolvud. There waa an instance at Guildhall ; CB < tor-Jay , when a largo mooting of the oloctoru of London waa held in the Guildhall to consider the London gov < eminent bill. Thia particular gathering waa ono , and perhaps the largest , of r series which have boon hold in the different ont wards of the city to condemn the propoaala of the measure. The historii Bulldhull was crammed with councilors aldermen and deputies who had unitce together to protest againat their dlaaolu tion. Gog and Magog the giants- from their lofty pedestals in two of UK four corners , never looked down upon i moro unanimoua crowd , banded by thi ties of common interest , Tlio opposi tlon could not gain n hearing , and thol representatives apoko in dumb-show Ono of thorn lot out that powerful influ encca had boon brought to bear upon i gentleman on the platform who had vol untcprcd to make an appointment , bu had withdrawn. On being prctaod fo the name ho stated that it waa ono o the ahoriiui. As a spectator I noticed that prior t < this incident the Lord Mayor had had i very heated altercation with the ahoril in question and that ho lost command o himself to an extent that , at noluy time during the meeting , bo delegated hi chairtnan'u duty of keeping order to * i colleague. Lord Mayor Fowler hai coma armed with a hugo stick , but _ In found no uao for it , although an oxcitoi gentleman , who shouted out "It's Ho/ was ttumiuurily ejected. To Hrtwk till ) Solid Soutli , Cincinnati Commercial ( Hop , ) It is the temper of the IJluino army ti t" try to carry the solid South by utorm and end the shotgun sovorignty once am forever , or innlco it manifest for the hat red und horror of allciyilii'.ed _ men. oi' N , 0. Tobacoo fir o : fin tli land. SILOAM MINERAL SPRINCS. We vuiuantco the euro of the following named dlic wsftwa , or no pay ) Ilhoumdtlsm , Scrofula. Ulcers , C t rrh , all nfood and ikln dlwatfs , Drtpepal * , Liter Complaint , Kidney ami Dladdcr Diseases. Gout , Nert alffla ami Adhma , Thcsu Sprlnjrt are the faTOtlta ctott Of the tlroil an.l debilitated , and are the KKF.m.K LADIKS mar FRIEND. Oood hotel , livery and bathing accomodatlon both winter and lummcr. Locality highly nlcturemuo and healthy. Aocewtblo hy WaDMh railway. a > KTonaprC.a& Q. , at Albany. Corretpondeno. solicited , IlEV. U. II. THOU I'SON. Albany , Slloam Springs , [ Gentry Co. , Mo. ANALYSIS. Sped Ho Gravity i.ocrt Hofictlon . , , . . . . . . .Neutra Carbonto Acid Oas SB In. nor gallon Carbonftto Calcium . . . . , , . . .35,021 Grain Carbonate Iron 7,041 1 < Sulphate Magnesia. . . 8S8fl " Sulphate Calcium 1,140 "I ChlorldoSodluin , , . .7,500 * siuica uco ; Alumina . . . . ,0,018 Organic and Volatllamatter and loss. . . . . 1,469 " klolldi per gallon. , . 07,174 " Chemists N. SCHURZ , i Justice of the Peace. OFFIOK OVER AMERICAN EXfllBSS. COUNCIL BLUFFS. - IOWA. BOOQE'S SIOUX CITY HAMS. J. Y , FULLER , Commission Merchant Ni > .89 1'oail Strcot Council Illuds , Iowa , Justice of tlie Peace , Omaha and Council BlnlCr. teal estate collection gency , OJJ Follows llloct o\er Suvlngs Biink. Connell Blufli Established 1858 Dealers In Foreign nd omcstlo Exchange n Ilrnw Bccurltl An tlioro are many So-Oalled Veterinary Surgeons In this city , ulio nro practicing their quickcty on our pcnplo , I ilocm It but Justice to lay that I doly any o ( them to prcdocoa diploma , or crcdontla'a , lullcnttng tlmttliey ara Riailuatoa of any \ otorlnarjt netltuto , and I do hereby caution the publljagalnt ) moll quacki , a ] I am the Only Known Gtaduaie IN WESTEltN IOWA. Office & 125 ' Pharmacy , B'dway , AT 111AJE 11AHN. T. J. CADYMD.V.S. GASH TALKS ! At the well-known Establishment OF J. P. FSLBERT , 20 ? ) Upper Broaawny , the Ot Council Dlufls. Notloo our reduced Price Lint. Wo gtvo 16 pound * Kitra 0 Buffar ( or SI 00 11 pounda Granulated Huirar. 1 00 25 poumla Cholco Oatmeal 100 26 pounds Navy Deans , , 1 00 20 pounds lli > it Ilullt Btarch 1 00 12 poundn Carolina lllco 1 00 12 jioundu Clioico I'ruiuu 1 00 2D ban Uuflalo Soap 100 Kxtra Lalco ' 1'rout , per pound i . . . 09 Lorrllianl'u I'liitf per Ib 40 1 dozen Mackerel IS Colorado Flour , Winter , per cwt 2 DO 10 pounda dinner Onaps 1 00 40 pounda h mloy 100 fipallon keg Uyiup 1 70 Wlilto Fish , per kit 60 ilnckorel , per kit. . , . . B& Dc.tea , pur pound 10 10 R pound cans Stindard Toinatocn ,1 00 All klnda California Kriilti ! < pound LnuU'u .Standard t for 1 00 All trades , according to quality , IBo to SOo per pound. Wa al90 carry n full line ot Ston'n , Ladles' and Jhllilren's line tihocn and llcn't Fine lloota at very uw prlcai. Also K full line oi Tlawaro and goni-ral merchandise. Call on na and bo convinced thai you can nave monny ky doallni ; with ua. Clooda delivered fruo In any partoi tlio city , In word , wa are bound to tell and challenge all audaulo competition lu thia county. J. 1' . FIMIKHT ! 201 u .or Broidwav Railway Time Table. COUNCIL BLUFICS. The following are the times of the arrlrnl and departure < parturo of trains by central standard time , at the local depots , Tratnw leave transfer depot ten iuln < u.ua earlier and arrive ton minutes later , OIUOAOO , eOBUKOfOM AHD 0UUICT. LlAVI. iBRIVB. 6:55 : pin Chicago Exproea' 0.00am 0:40 : m Fast Hall. 7:00pn : > 6:46 : a m I'Mall and Express , 7pin : 12:30 pin Accommodation. At local depot only. KAxiiaciTT.BT. ; o AND council , nurrre. 10:06 : ft in .Hall and Express , J7.-05 p m 8:06 pro 1'aolflo Express , 6:60 : pm CUICAOO , HILWAUEII AMU 8T. TJiVl. 6:26 : p m Express , 0:06 : a ra 0:16 : a m Express , 0 6 p m CIIICAdO , ROCK IILiND AKD FACWIC. 6SO : p ro Atlantla Express , 0.-06 a m a:26nm : W y Express , 8:61 : p ra 7M : u m I'Dos Uolnes Aooommodatloa. 0.06 p m At local depot only.- " fVABAHlI , BT. LOUIS AMD PACIMO. 0:60 : n m Mall , 4:46 : p m 4:00 : pu > Cannon U 'l ' 11:15 : a in At Transfer enl CIIICAQO and NORTUWMTUIH. 6:30 : p m Express , 0:60 : pm 9:23 : a m Taclllo Express , 0:06 : a m OIOUX 01TT AMD PiCIfJO. 7:49 : p U > bt. 1'nul Express , 8:60 : a m 7:20 : a ni Day Express 0:60 : u in 'UNION ricirio. 8:00 : pro Wenteru Exprets , 8:36 : a , m 11:00 : urn 1'aclflo Kxpress , 4:43 : p u 7:40 : a m Local ExprCBS , 0:54 : ru 12:10 : a m Lincoln Kiprueu , At Tranifer ouly. DDUMT TSAIMB TO OUAIIA. tavo-7:23-3:80-0:30-10:3a-ll:10a. : : : : : m , 1:30-2:3 : : 8:30-4:80-6:30-6:30.11:06 : : : : p. m Bundoy OiSO-lllio a.m. l'JO : 8:30-6:3Ml:30-llc5 : : ( : : p. m. AnUo 10 mlu to bcioro Iodine t line H. PHILLIPS , , His ouo ol the largest and finest usortmetit of I Sprlug and Summer Goods for Bultlopi and Trowaor. I lius. All g rm nU tuaiuntcxd to nt and trimmed , Jwllh the lUntTrlrnmlnox MVI'HIOBI AHf I/ > WEll i ttiwt.