6 OMA1IA DAILY BEE-COUNCIL BLUFFS , SATURDAY , JUNE 28 , 1884. THE DAILY BEE. COUNCIL BLUFFS , Saturday Moraine. Juno 28 , SUBSCRIPTION luira. ny Oinlct - - - - - - -20 "onts pcrtwctk DyJI&il - - - - - - - - JlOOOperjcir orncB : No. 7 Pearl Street , Hoar Broadway. M1NOK MENTION , See J. Roilora spring goods. The track yesterday wns in fine condi tion. tion.Main street was being cleaned yester day. , See Brackott , 224 and 220 Broadway , for fire works' Did you go the races 1 will bo the question asked to day. Work on the over-flow sewer on North Main street , progresses smoothly. Walnut is considering the advisability of being connected with the hollophono. ( ) The streets yesterday afternoon up to six o'clock wore moro quiet than on n Sunday. The N. W. and Q. roads nro the only roads out of the city for the eaat this evening. Iko Smith , of Omaha , had n spill at the driving park , a wheel of his buggy being taken oil in n collision. It is reported that the gong In No. 4's houno has not sounded in a week. How would No. 4 bo notified of a fire ? Yesterday was a great day in the his tory of this city , not a national holiday or Sunday cither Pat Lacy'a ' place was closed. Some sneak thief has entered the room 0. W. Hunt , over McAdams' saloon , and got away with a suit of clothes and a watch. A mooting of the Alumni Association of the high school , is called for this evening - ing in the Bloomer school building. A full attendance is desired. At the driving park yesterday Mr. Bell , of Denver , Bold "Bud Doblo" at auotion , Mr. Holly , of Denver , being the purchaser , the price being $050. The sad news reached hero yesterday from Iowa Olty of the death there of the mother of Mrs. Schoontgon , Mra. Clay Plainer and Mr. Jo Kontz and Will Kontz. Yesterday Gent from Missouri Valley : "What will your saloon men do after the Fourth ? " THE BEE man : "What's yours ? " G. F. M. V. , "Wo only have two , and they'll close. " TUB BEE always did "size up" the Glebe as being several days behind time , but yesterday the supposition proved true , when the local column of the Globn showed by ita heading to bo "Monday Nows. " At a mooting of the temperance people at the Y. M. 0. A. rooms , the only business transacted was the appointment of a committee to report a constitution and byo-laws to the next mooting , which will bo hold at the same place Monday evening , at 8 p. in. There will bo n mooting of the Lin < coin Post G. A. R. this evening , to complete ploto arrangements for going to Glen- wood on the Fourth. Special railway rates of ono faro for the round trip have boon secured , and it IB desired to learn Low many is going. The veterans , their wives , families and friends are invited to participate. Mattie ITarlo , the promising little pacing mare of Ool. Daily's , proves no : to have boon injured by the storm through which she passed at the driving park. She received only a few scratches and the report that she was seriously injured proves to bo without any found' ' ation in fact. A bible study for young men will beheld hold in the rooms of the Y. M. 0. A. this evening at 8 o'clock. All young man are invited. They will find this the most profitable place to spend on hour of social study. The gospel services will bo hold on Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock. Both ladies and gentlemen are most cordially invited to bo present. In the parlors of the Kiel hotel at uooi yesterday , Mr. J chanson H. Ithodo , n prosperous young farmer of Mills county living near Mlneola , was united in mar riage to Miss Augusta Grath , of the same placo. The nuptial knot was neatly and expeditiously tied by Mayor Vaughan in his usual eloquent style. A number o : invited gucsta witnessed the ceremony. Prof. J. J. Slattory yesterday starlet for St. Louis , whore ho will spend a portion tion of liis vacation. Under Ills churgo St. Joseph's academy has progressed finely during the past four years , and during the past term ( hero has been IOC scholars in daily attendance. Ho has boon engaged for another year , ns ha also his assistant Miss Maggie Ooyno Much of the success of the institution duo to Prof. Slattory and his assistant. Yesterday morning , of tor arranging hii toilet , Dr. W. II. Parsons , of Glenwood who is stopping at Boehtolo's , started for the dining room to breakfast. Afto reading { ho morning BKK the doctor concluded cludod to take a Jook at his watch and to Lia surprise learned it was not in hi pocket. After a short deliberation ho remembered that ho had left it in his room and proceeded there but could find no trace of the missing watch and chain , Dr , Parsons places considerable value on the loat articles and ho ii of the opinion that some ono entered the room shortl after lie loft , quietly taking out with them the missing articles , Bushnell tells railroad ticioU cheap t all poiuU. / ALDERMAHIC ANTICS. The DOJDES of the City Conncil Yes terday. I'otnta About T A mooting of the council wao held yes terday morning , at which the Mayor a nd Alderman Gciso , Keating , James , Myn- stcr and Siodontopf wore present. The city attorney reported in favor of the city engineer's report in regard to the estimates of paving Main street between - twoon Fifth avenue and Tenth avonuo. The city attorney concurred in the en gineer's opinion that the paving at Main and Pearl streets was the same as intersection and must be pdd for by the city in accordance with the estimate mado. The city attorney reported that J. A. Churchill a property at the juncture of Main and Pearl streets was liable for the paving done about it , but the pro portion must bo adjusted by the city. Those reports wore concurred in and the clerk instructed to notify Mr. Churchill or his agent. The estimates were then approved. The amount duo Rogan Bros , for pav ing intersections up to date was $13,920 , and a warrant was ordered drawn for that amount. There is expected to bo cash In the intersection fund very soon. If it was there now it would savp the city five per cent of the amount , quite a snug littio sum , the contract providing a discount of five per cont. for cash. Alderman Siodontopf made a kick about the delay in getting put the bonds , as it was time they were in the market. Alderman Siodonlopf and Alderman James were instructed to prepare at once a circular setting forth the nature of the bonds. Bids worojthon opened for the relaying of the sidewalk on Lower Broadway , be tween Seventh and Eighth ntroots. Re ferred to the committee on streets and alloys. A. L. Olough was fjivon the contract for laying a BIX foot sidewalk on Fourth avenue between Eighth and Ninth streets at sixty-live cents. Alderman Siedontopf brought up the matter of a fountain at the corner of Broadway and First avonuo. In behalf of citizens ho requested that as good n fountain be put in there as at the corner of Bryant and Broadway , as it was a prominent place , and the first ward had boon snubbed all the way around. The committee on streets and alloys , with Alderman Siedontopf added , were em powered to act in the matter as Boomed best. best.Aldorman Alderman Mynstor said that there was a demand for a bettor fountain at the in tersection of Main and Pearl streets , and a littio park made thoro. Thn question of the removal of the scales at the intersection of Main and Pearl streets \ras brought up. At a previous meeting the petition of citizens asking for the removal was granted , but no order issued. Aid. Soidontopf moved that the city marshal notify the owners to remove the ocalos within five days. The motion was carried , Aid. Goiso and Aid. Mynstor voted "no. " ThonAU. Jamea changed his vote to "no. " Then all Hopped about and voted "ayo , " and it was de clared unanimously carried. Mayor Vaughan called attention to the ordinance licensing all sorts of snap-games on the streets , lie had stopped such games , and had boon told that ho had done wrong about it. ITo wanted the council to give its opinion. Alderman James brought up what ho doomed was the most important matter to bo considered at this time , the open ing of the crook so no to give aomo show for the $ -10,000 Boworago that was being dono. The sewerage committee and city engineer were instructed to proceed with securing a right of way for the crook and report at the council at as early a date as possible. Inquiry was made by Aldorraan Sio- dontopf , as to the survey of the crook lately made by Mr. J. n. Armstrong. The city engineer flurried up , and said that the work although done by Mr. Armstrong was done under his direction , and that ho had the report in his oflico. Ho had delayed the presenting of the re port until ho could hoar from Engineer Williams , of Chicago. The clerk had taken in § 350 for such licenses on circus day , but the follows had taken in three times that amount from the citizens. Aid. James said ho npvor had boon robbed in that way. Aid. Siodontopf thought that if men were fools they ought to pay for it. The matter was then dropped. The mayor also called attention to the dangerous condition of the streets in the Fourth ward , and the liability of law suits and damages , On motion it was decided that Alder men James , Keating and MoMahou ex amine all streets south of Fifth avenue and west of Main atacot , and Aldermen Siodontopf , Golso and Mynstor examine the other streets , and report at the nox mooting. Adjournment was the taken until nox Monday ovoning. OAPTUBE OF A OKOOK , Bcavrlolc HUB n Jjlvoly Clinso After Win First , Sheriir P. W. Ohantland , of Fori Dodge , was hero the other day hunting for n man named Herbert Crandall , who was passing under the numo of Lan Morgan , The follow traa wanted for breaking jail , where ho was being hold on a charge of burglary to await his trial , While hero the shcrill got O. K , Boswick the cx-nollco ofllcor to help him hunt thq the follow. It was learned that Orandal was at work for n farmer nonr Oakland. and when Bcswick reached the farm the follow sprung onto a mule and away ho wont , Boswick after him. IIo finally got oil the roulo and took to the fields and brush. After a four milo chase , the follow , hot and thirsty , stopped at a spring and so filled up with water that ho could n t run fast enough togot away and was captured. The sheriff started back with his prisoner from hero yesterday morning. Oonvon tlnn. The republicans of the ninth congress ional district will moot in delegate convention vontion at 11 o'clock a. m. , August 10 , 1884 , at Atlantic , la. , for the purpose o placing in nomination it candidate fo congress for said district. The basis of representation will bo oni dclf Qdto from each county , and ono dole gate for every two hundred rotes , or frac- ion thereof , exceeding ono hundred votes cast for Huron R. Sherman for gov ernor at the election In 1883. On this basis the counties will bo on- Hied to the following number of dole- ; atcs , to-wit : Andnbon connty - 7 7.1B3 county 11 2rnwfonl county. < ' 'rermnt county. . . . ° fnrriaon county 11 ilontgomery county. } j ilills county. 'oltnwatamlo county. > 1" Shelby county u By order of the committee , A. JJ. KINO , Clmirmftn. MKIIO. WWMTFII , BecroUry. WRECKED WALLS , Broaflway MeWistClnircli Walls Pro nounced Unsafe , No Moro Meetings to bo Hold There , Other Orders oftho Uonrdof Health. The aldermen mot at as a board of health yostorday. Mr. Mynstor called attention to the insafo condition of Broadway Methodist ihurch , which had boon injured by the itorm , Mr. Maxon , the architect had ixaminod the building , and found , lmt the roar end wan crooked from op to bottom , and out of plumb. The bearings of the floor were so settled that the floor was liable .o give away. In fact the bulding was so ackod that while ho did not doom it .iablo to tumble down at once , yet it was not safe , especially for a largo audi- inco , and heavy thunder , or ono of the itormo might cauan the wall to fall. AlderrrmnJSiodontopf moved that the jhurch bo declared unsafe , and that the rustees bo notified to place it in a safe condition within fifteen days. Carried. The trustees were also ordered to hold no further meetings in the church until It was declared safe. N. M. Pusoy was notified to fill the illoy in the roar of his residence , also the est of the alloy was declared a nuisance , and ordered cleaned up. The board then adjourned until Mon day night. There were many citizens who took a look at the church yesterday , and there Doomed to bo but ono opinion in regard to it , and that was that it looked ehaky Indeed. The Bocioty has boon planning for sometime to build a now church and it is probable that the present condition of of the old structure will causa the now enterprise- bo pushed now to a speedy completion. . FEUSONAlJ. L. Ifricst , of Cincinnati , is nt licchtolo'e. Alderman Keating has returned from the > ost. ost.Cap't. Cap't. n. F. O'Ncil , oE Detroit , Is ot the Ogdcn. . II. 13. Jncquoj , of Chicago , is registered at' ' the Ogden. ' I8 M. Khvanngb , of DCS Moines , \\aa In town | ycstordny. Q. H. Whitman , of Carroll , was in the city yesterday. G , t < l. Miller , of Stuart , is a guest at the Pacific housu. K. A. Patrick , of Dunlap , arrived at the Bcchtolo yesterday. Alex. Campbell , Griswold , registered at the Pacific yesterday. I" . R. Wallace , of Atlantic , was ( n the city on a flying trip yesterday. .T. L , 13udd , of Ames , nnd II. A. Bushncll , of Milwaukee , are at the Pacific. 0. S. Lucas nnd 13. W. Orrasby , of Central City , nro in thU city for a few days' visit. liugono A. Street , of Denver , returned hereto to his old homo yosfcrday for a short atop , i JJfl Leonard Kirsht , Jr. , returned yesterday from St. Louis , wliero ho has bcoii to Bcliool , W. II. Fftrroll , 11.1. Scott , Free Pain mid Phil Pickering were up from Glenwood yiic torday. Trunk WIckhnm/.Tolm J. Dohany and Mar tin Hughes'sou arrived from Atchlsou JIB- terday. Clara liubington In among the Ecliolara who have returned to their homo to upend their school vacation. Miss Allio Ynnllorn , of Chicago , is hero visiting bur coutlni * , Mrs , J , 0. Bennett mid Miss Junniu Wright. John If. McShuno and D , T. Mount , of Omaha , took dinner nt the Ogdcu yesterday , niul nUomk'd tlio races. Mr. Chria. Schnongcr was yesterday atill lying In u very low condition , bin dinth being expected nt u > cry moment. Mr , Kilgorc , who mot with such a serious nccldontnt liloom & Nixon's hall , in able to bo out again , but is not fully recovered. Charles and Henry 1'iwclml returned jcs- torilay morning from Notre Dame , Ind. , u'licro they lia\o bcon attending college for the l > a t year. The boys will enjoy the relax ntlon of xicntion nt homo , and will return next fall to pursue thtlr coureu. Sweet potatojplants largest 'Block in the west by W. II. Foster , Council Blflfus. Send for price list. COMMKHOIAlA COUNCIL BLOWd IIAUKKT , Wheat-No. 1 milling , 7B@80 ; No. 3 65 © 70 : rejected 60. Corn Local purpose * , 40 ® 15. Unto Kor local purposes , 35@40. 1 lay 810 00@1'J 00 per ton ; baled. 60@GO llyo 10@45o. Corn Meal 1 30 per 100 pounds. Wood Good supply ; prices at yard * , 0 00 ® 700. 700.Goal Goal Delivered , hard , 11 60 per ton ; toft , 6 00 par ton Lard Falruauk'a , wholesaling at OJc. Flour City Hour , 1 C0@3 so , Urooins 2 U5@3 00 | > or doz. LIVJ ! 8IOOK. Cattlo-Ilutcher cow .3 7B@ 1 25. Butdier iteors 4 60@5 00. Hogs 1 00@4 25. ruonucH AND riiuiis. Quotations by J. M. St. John & Co , , conv mission merchants , fi-18 Broadway , Live Poultry Chickens , C@8cj turkeys , lOu. lOu.reaches - ? , bus. bcr , 1 00. Oraugoa-0 00@i ( 00 per box. heinous 6 OOCaO 00 nor box , liananos 3 60 © 1 00 per bunch liuttor Oroamory , 20o ; rolls , choice 9@10o , 13o | > or dozen j tcarcxi. Htrawbonloa 1'uiicy homo gronn , lie per quart. Cherries $3 00 per bushel. Vegetables Potatoes , 360460j onloni , 7fici cabbage , 4- cents per pound ) apples none in market ; Beam , ] 6032 Uo per biuhol. SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE. SpccUl vtrtbementi , sno M l > ott , Found , To to n , For 8 Ie , To Rent , Wtnts , BoardIng - Ing , eta. , will ba loierted In this column l the loir rtt of TEN CENTS PKR LINE ( or the first Insertion And FIVE CENTS TER UNI ! for each subsequent n- Mrtlon. tears Klrertlsoments t oar office , No. Pearl Street , near Broidwav WANTS. FOIl IlENT. tarjre furnished room with buy win dow , lso large , outh room , 220 Sixth street * WANTED. Two ( rtrl . ono to polish , good wages , I/anndry. 721 DronUay. WANTtU-A Ootxt Olrl , at the K. O. House Council IllulTi. WANTED Five hundred rlccts ct flrstclva second hand canxt and two hundred beating sloven. A. J. MANOF.L , 325 Broadwa ) . f\lD PAPKUS-For ialo at BM office , at 25 cento V7 Jk hundred. WANTED Every body in Council Bluffs to take TniBRR. Delivered by carrier at only twenty cent * a week. AGENTS ladles and gentlemen can make first clan wages by selling the "Champion Bosom Btrccthor and ronloL' Hoard. " Retails at tl.OO. Any lady can do up a tine shirt without a wrlnkls and KOM ! It as nicely u the bcstlaundrlcscan. Address for particulars 0. B. S. & L Co. , BIB , office , for one month. For cure 1 or Ncrronj FREE I Prescription , , , ! lost man * bowl. W.U.Uliiillon'VS Uxstw * Bt E. Eice M. D. or other tumors removed without the j knife or drawing 6 blood. CHRONIC DISEASES < * k" " Cher hlrty years | practical experience Office No. Tear Itrcet , Council Bluffs tSTConoultatlon tree ACOB B1MS. E. P. CADWELL QIM3& . CADWELL , COUNCIL BIiUFFS , IOWA' Office , Ualn Street , Rooms 1 and Shugart & Wo Slahon's Blook. Will practice In State and cdcrtt xurto Mrs , H , J , Hilton , M. D. , PHYSICIAN & SURGEON , 222 Wlddlo Broi-V iy. Council Bluflo. ROLLER RINK ICE OREAM PARLOR. Taught by PROF. SCIINOOR Tuesday and Friday evenings from 8:30 : to 10:30 : o'clock. RINK FOR RENT AT § 15.00 PER NIGHT. iiTLARCEST FLOOR IN TOWN , F. H. MARTENS. Prop'r. WESTERN IOWA NORMAL -SCIENTIFIC AND- COMMEROIAL COLLEGE , COUNCIL DLUKF3 . , . . lUffA ! Will Open THE 23rd of JUNE 1884. A complete course for teachers and those desiring n higher Eoellsh education , a full business course , with training In actual business practice and gener al correspondence , short hand , ornamental pcntrnn- ship , elocution , German and music. Splendid rooms , large , light and veil furnished , charges very moder ate , cost of living reasonable , society good , experi enced teachers For further particulars , Inquire of BEAUDSLKY & PAULSON , Council Uluffs , Iowa. Nebraska Cornice AND UANUFACTimEllS OF GALVANIZED IRON CORNICES FINIALS , WINDOW CAPS , TIN , IRON AND SLATE ROOFING , PATENT METALKJ SKVUOHT , H r 0 n Fencing ! Crosttnzg , Balustrades , Verandas , Office and Bank Knifings , Window and Collar Guards , Eta. DO O. ANDCth STREET LINCOLN NEB. -X2XT- Having just purchased in Eastern Markets very cnoice stock of Spring and Summer Dress Goods , Ginghams , Table Linen , Crashes , etc. , wo are prepared to offer , an excellent selection of beautiful fabrics , and shall do so at TTMTT JjUW T These goods have just been opened from the manufacturers , and comprise the latest designs and novelties of th e season Note below a few of the MANY BARGAINS we are offering : Summer silks , 35c ; Summer silks , 50c ; Summer silks , ? 5c. These are special bargains and cannot be duplicated. Good black silk at 50c , worth 76c. Choice black Eadzimer silk , SI.00 , usual price , $1.80. Black Gros Grain silk , 80c. Pure Silk Ottoman at § 1.75 , worth $2.25. Heavy Cloaking Tuniscinno at 81.75. All grades of the famous Lyons Silks J. C. Bonnet & Co. , and AntoineGuinet &Co. , at Lowest Prices. I Good plaids at 5c , worth lOc. . Brocade dress goods at 8c , worth loc Choice colored cashmeres at 30c. Figured suitings at 30c. Very fine all-wool suitings , double width at 75c , and never sold for less than 31.00. Also beautiful combination suitings at very low prices. Good all linen table at 30c , Good all linen table at 40c. Choice nil linen table nt COe. Very fine nil linen table at 81.50 , worth 82 60 Table crash 5c a yard. All linen towels at lOc each. All linen towels nt 12c each. Good Bleached Muslin5c. Good unbleached muslin , Gc. A fine assortment of beautiful spring Shawls nt "popular prices. Full stock of Domestic Paper Patterns. [ [ "Catalogues free. Prices reduced on Ingrains , Tapestry nnd Body Brussels , Velvets , Moquettes , Axmiustcis , &c. , to reduce stock. Call and got prices before elsewhere. 401 Broadway COUNCIL BLUFFS. WHOLESALE HarflTOe , Cutlery , T r' ' $ Stocl , Etc tSTSpeclal attention to orders by mall. COU.NCIL BLUFFSi IOWA. Ventilated Three Inch Part , ON VEGETABLE LACE , Only Seventy - Five Cents ! Coquetts , 12o each. Switclics , ( all long hair ) $2,00 $4.00 , $8,00 nnd upwards. Hair Ornaments Given Away. , MES. D. A. BENEDICT , No. 837 I3jondw y Council Bluffs. H. H. HORNE & CO. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Fine Cigars Wo make a specialty , nt our.EASTERN factory , of FINE HAVANA * nd YARA CIGARS. All Cigars sold by us are of our own manufacture and warranted as represented. OPERA HOUSE CIGAR HOUSE , | C52 Broadway , \ H. H. HORNE & CO. , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. CO -MANUFACTUnERS OF CAnPETS , CUni'AINS , WINDOW FIXTUnES , and KUPAiniNO ioaoi A Specialty. NO. 309 BROADWAY COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA SMITH & TOJjLEK , Afits , LEADING MERCHANT TAILORS 7 and 0 Main street , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. The undersigned is paying the highest market price for Bags. S. GOLDSTEIN , ; - - - - 540 Broadway , Council Blaffa urtalns , in Lace , " El'fc , Turcoman , Etc. Oil clothsMattings ( , Llnolouma Eta hoioest and Best Selected STOOE in the WEST , jomo nnd bo convinced that -wo are headquarters for all goods in our line , heapest place to buy OAEPETS , Curtains and House Furnishings in the C-'ty. Nos. G , 7 nnd 9 MASONIC TEMPLE - - COUNCIL BLUFFS Mail Orders Filled Promptly and with Care < ET SOME OP Perfect Fitting , Beet and Cheapest. Flno Linen Collars and Cuds. 71 Fourth Street Council Bluffs , Iowa. ' X \ Jh Furniture and appointments all now. Nos. 208 and 210 Broadway , Council Bluff1 74 * -V j Waves 95c , Ooquetts 25c each. Switches $1 to $20aach. Hair ornaments at COST , All kinds of hair work $ promptly attended to. Waves made of Ladies' combings / \ at 50c per inch , / \ ALL KINDS OF MRS. J. J GOOD 29 Main Street f/letalic / Caskets and Woodin Coffins of all Kinds. TELEGRAPH ORDERS PRO AITLY ATTENDED TO. OPEN DAY AND NIGH07 ONTo. 3--a 3KT. HVCAixa. < 3t. . C3o-u.xa.oil EVEKTTIIINa jfJUSTCLASS. Nos. 217 and 219 S. Main St. , - - COUNCIL BLUFFS ICE OREAM. WATER ICES C , toioxto Tlxo Droodnty , \ Meal * it all Hours. . Council HlulTa. I I'urtlea SpecUlty. 220 South Main Street , Countil Bluffs , . Wo gunrantoo our work ns first-class in over manner and style at low pricoa Wo make a specialty of Groupes , Families , nnd especially children , which * wo take quicker than a wink. COME AND SEK US. SCHMIDT & RILEY printers SIPIEOX-AX. ! -ON HIS WEEK. { MRS. S. J. HORRIS , ( fea , IO\VA 601 Main Street , Council Blufis. MANUFACTUEER OF TRUNKS , VALISESriD SATCHELS\ m. .iAMv.B CA ESa specialty. Shuwl , Tourist , and Trunk Straps. T Twenty Years Experience. Repairing Neatly Executed WHOLE3ALJ DEALERS IN HATS , GAPS BUCK GLOVES , and 314 Broadway , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA.