Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 28, 1884, Page 5, Image 5

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_ Thirty EndonM
Te n accord.
"I " *
i !
< % "Jty the uj of thla
ALI. , HEIJEDT , the Btonv
JHSEAMEJ f aohnndBoxrola'
> . OF , ' epcedily KEftln their
tronffth , and thoi
blood 1 purified.
_ It la pronounced
i " j by/ /
UVHl < . „ hundred * of the boat
BLADDER ' doctors to ba the ON-i
AND H ! * .OTTIIB for all
klndi ot Kidney Dii. ' ,
It la purely vosro.
DROPSY- table , anlourea when
OHAVETj > other medicines fall.
DIABETES It U prepared x.
muanr-a proMly for these dta.
\ DISEASE casei , and hag never
4 TAINS boon known to fall.
, IN One trial will oou.
' , THE vlnco you. For ula
t , BACK by nil druejlsU.
on Bend for t
' SIDE Pamphlet j
DISEASES monlals.fa
CO. , > ? < 5
OP * '
Providence ,
U. I.
Health andjappiness.
Are your Kidneys disordered ?
"Kldner Wort brought m from mr grate , a lt
were , after I hud IwnRlTtnu br 11 belt docton In
Detroit.1 M. W.Dereraaz : , , ileclianlc , Ionia , Ulcn.
Are your nerves weak ?
"Kidney-Wort cared me from neirout weakn
Ac.after I wan not f rtxyted to llvr. " Mrs. M , II. B.
Goodwin , Ed. Christian Monitor. Clcyeland , O.
Have you Bright's Disease ?
"Kidney-Wort eared me when HIT water was just
llku chalk and then Ulco blood. "
Frank WilsonI'eiboJy.Mt
Suffering from Diabetes ?
"Kidney-Wort Is the most euecctutfulremedy I hare
over used. Gives nlmot Immediate
Dr. ruilllp c. Eallou , Monkton , Vt.
Have you Liver Complaint ?
"Kidney-Wort cured mo o chronla LlTcr Diseases
after 1 prayed to die. "
Henry Ward , lute Col. 3th Xat. Guard , If. Y.
Is your Back lame and aching ?
"I3dney-Wort , (1 ( bottle ) cured mo when 1 wasio
lame I had to roll out ot bed. "
O. M. Tallrnase , Milwaukee , Wla.
Have 'you Kidney Disease ?
* 'Kldnej- \ ort made mo pound Inllver ixnd kidneys
after years of unsucers ful doctoring. Its worth
JW a box. " Sun'l llodecs , Wllllauutonn , West Va.
Are you Constipated ?
"Kidney-Wore causcn cosy evacuations and cured
mo after 16 years uno of other mfdlclnefl. "
- Kclxm Katrcluld , St. Albany Vt.
Have you Malaria ?
TCIdnty-WorC has done better than any other
remedy f hayo eter used In mv practlei- . "
Dr. It. K. Clark , South Hero , Vt.
, Are you Bilious ?
"KIdneyAVort has done me moro good than any
ether remedy I have erer token. "
' " vMrs.J. T. Uollowny , Elk Flat , Oregon.
Are you'tormented "with Piles ?
"Kidney-Wort rxrmanmtlu ctirtd IUB of blccilluc
piles. Dr. w. c. Kline recommended It to me.1 *
Oeo. U. Ilorst , Cathlcrll. llank , Jlycrntown , To.
Are you Bheumatism racked ?
"Kidney-Wort curert mo , after 1 was glren up to
die by physicians and I had tufTered thirty > ears. "
JJbrldgo Malcolm , West liath , Maine.
Ladies , are you suffering ?
'Kidney-Wort cured me of peculiar troubles ot
ereral yearstanding. Many friends u e and pralso
It. " lira. li. lAmoreauz , Isle La Jlotto , Vt.
If you would Banish Disease
i and gain Health , Take
For Hough , Chapped and' OOy
skin Blackheade , andBUnBlcm
l be , use CuiUimBoap
Spa ras , Eclampsy and
Nervousness are
! The Ilonornriums are due
only after success.
Treatment by Corrcspondonco
Awaiilcd the flret cla n cold M U1 ( or ilUtlDKuUhod
lEcrlta by tlio "SodcKo Bclentlflquo fiaucaibo , "
( the KrtndiSdcntlfloHooloty ,
0 , Plrtco clu Trone , 0 , 1'AltIS.
i weiltsnt
- BELT nil other KLDoimo
ArrUA cM nro gen em W Dayi' Trial TO
N OKLY , TOUKO OB OLD , wh ar Batter-
from NIRYOCS D Ix > r YrriiJTT.
BTISO7r.AKrnr.wrn , nd all thoia dlaeaies of a
J'ciiBOKit. NiTunn. re > iiltln < from ABCBW a d
Oruin Ulusxs. ttpeedy relief and complete
( eotoratlon to TIEAITR , Viooa and lUNnoon
t/Oin NTKr . Bend at onoo ( or Illtutrated
ramphlel fre . > d4ret
TOIjTAIOnBX/PCQ. , MttrahHll.
and MALARIAf : . ' ,
' from tlicsa eonreoa nt lao tlirea.fonrlha of
tlio diseases of the human race. : , Thcea
i ymiiU > nMlnairfttotholrorlBtcnceiT.o o <
.Aniietlte , IJenrel * costlre , W'cR ironil-
laclie.fiillueii narreatliitf , aversion to
Biortloii of liofly or nilnil , Kmetittloit
ot fooa.JrrltAblllty of temper , " to\v
iiptrld , A feeling of Jmrlnpr ncglcetccl
niHfl tintTi I izdnesiiFlutterriff ftt tlio
f Heart , Hoti before tlio yeihlghl3reol-
' sred Urine , COJVKTIPATIonr , Bnd tie-
mamttliousoof a roraotlythnt acta directly
ontUo Llvor. AsnUvermoaiclneTOTT'a
l'ir.r.8 Jmvono 0411.11. Their actlonon the
JCWnoya nnd Skin la also prompt j removing
nil Impurities UiroiiRh tlieso thrco cnv-
-nBrri of the aritcin : , , ( ' nppe-
tlUi.Boantldlsostlon i.rcKtilnrttooli , aclrar
' , . Pints
OKinmiuiiTiBoruus uuuj. * * -
catiso no nausea or crlplng nor lutcrfero
tvlth dally work anil are a iiisrfoct
TfiSTT' l Hi
B SI 8 D Gi . , M.
GHAY HAIH oit WMSKEUS chnnKna u-
ttniitly tonUunasr BU.CK byufli elo BP-
plication of this PTK. Bold liy Dueirf't
opBentbyoiiirceseiiirocelptof el , '
- Omoo , llurray Btrcot oworir. .
KH3 KAS1.1.1. cr'j'r.' : : rr.:4
An AfljonrnBd Mecling Held Yos-
terflay Morning ,
Tlio Treasurer Directed to Turn Over
tlio Liquor License Money to tlio
Itonrtl of Kilucatton TUo
Proposed Tnx liovy ,
An ndjounicd mooting of the citj
coiincll vna hold yesterday , the follow
Ing mombora being present : Andersen
Bochol , Bohm , Furay , Knufiaann , Hod-
field , Thrnno , Woodtroith , nnd President
From Acting-JInyor Murphy Approv
ing nn ordinance declaring the uocossitj
of changing the grade of Ninth stroo' '
from Jouoa to Loavonworth , nnd provid
ing for the nppointmont of appraisers
also , approving an ordinance ordering the
gradihg ofTJalifornia street from Twenty'
second to twenty-sixth , nnd alloy in
blook 43 ; also , approving an ordinance tc
amend section 2 , of Ordinance No. 032 ,
entitled , 'An Ordinance Designating Hack
Stands Withih the City of Omaha , ' and
prescribing a penalty for the violation of
this ordinanco. Filed.
From Acting-Mayor Murphy appoint
ing Charles E. Squires , John Groves and
Daniel Konnistou as appraisers of dam
ages atlslng from the opening and oxton
Bion of Seventeenth street. Confirmed.
From Acting-Mayor Murphy appoint
ing William Coburn , N. A. Kuhn and
Thomas F. Boyd as appraisers of dam
ages arising from the change of grade of
Ninth street , between Jones and Leaven-
worth. Confirmed ,
From Acting-Mayor Murphy appoint
ing Vonzol Kuboc as policeman vice
Matza , resigned. Confirmed.
From B. Molqulat & Co. , claiming
SSOQ.damagcs owing to a washout , lie-
From Sophia Lowe , Charlotte A.
SmyUio and Fred B. Lowe , protesting
against the manner in which the curbing
is being done opposite their property on
Farnam street , claiming that it is not In
accordance to plans and specifications.
Referred to committee on paving , curbing
and guttering.
From numerous citizens protesting
against Swartz's packing housonearB. &
M. railroad and Spruce street , and de
claring it a nuisance. Referred to com
mittee on police.
By Redficld : That the committee on
finance and claims bo instructed to in
quire whether the tax for the present fiscal
year on the oust half of lot 3 , block 21 ,
belonging to St. Barnabas church society
should bo cancelled , and the personal tax
of Louise Hilloko for the same year be
reduced. Adopted , and the city treasur
er was instructed accordingly.
ByJ. B. Furay : That the gas com
pany bo instructed to place the lamp
posts to bo erected on Cuming street ,
west of the 'military bridge as followu :
; then follows a list of the locations. ) Ilo-
ierrod to committee on gas.
An ordinance was passed directing the
city treasurer to pay to the board of edu
cation the liquor license moneys now in
liis hands , and all such moneys hereafter
paid into the treasury.
- The council considered the tax levy for
the next year , but took no definite action.
The proposed levy is as follows : General
fund , .012 ; sinking fund , .001 ; water
rent , .004 ; sewer fund , .001 ; judgment
fund , .002 ; school fund , 004 ; school
fund , .002 ; library fund , .OOJ ; fire nnd
police , .005 ; paving , curbing and gutter
ing , .003 | : total , .038.
The council adjourned , and was then
immediately called to order as a board of
equalization , and will sit two days.
"What causes the preat rush nt Schroter &
Bocht'a Drug Storo1 ? The free distribution
of Bainplo liottlos of Dr. Bosanko'a Cough nnd
Lung Syrup , the most popular remedy for
Roughs , Colds , Consumption and Bronchitis
now on the market. Kegular size CO cents nnd
CoiiRrotiBlonnl Committee ,
LINCOLN , Juno 20,1881.
In pursuance to call the republican
central committee of the First Congros-
lonal district mot at the parUrs of the
Commercial hotel last evening , nnd was
called to order by the chairman , Hon. 0.
A. Holmes , of Johnson county.
The roll being called the following
counties wore represented :
Douglas Fred Nye , by J. n. Salhor ,
Gage 0. G. Dorsoy.
Lancaster S. B. Galoy , by D. G.
3ourtney prosy.
Johnson 0. A. Ilolmea.
Otoo Lot Brown rind Major Poarman.
Sarpy Wm. Robinson , by J. II. Sah-
er proxy.
Suundora John Stpon.
Cftss , Nomaha , Kichardnon nnd Paw
nee were not represented.
The following named gentlemen being
present were asked by the committee to
represent their respective counties in this
mooting : A. B. Todd , ol Casa , 0 , Casey ,
of Pawnee , T. J. M joriof Noirmlm , andY
\Y , A. Gardener , of Richardson.
On motion the republican -convention
was called to meet at Beatrice , Nobraika ,
at 8 o'clock p. ra. , Wednesd y , August
20 , 1884 , representation to bo based upon
the vote cast for J. M. fliatt , regent of
the university , giving ono delegate nt
largo and ono for ever 100 votes and the
major fraction thereof.
On motion it was recommended that no
proxies bo admitted to the convention ex
cept such as nro hold by persons residing
In the counties from which proxies are
On motion the committee adjourned.
JOHII STEEN , Secretary.
Detectives nnd I'rlvAte Officers
Usually wear their badges of Authority con
cealed tinder their clothing , but Dr , Thomas'
hctielric Oil wears itx badges In the Conn of
printed labels attached to usch nud every bot-
lie , so that nil may know itn mUsion , It In
; iven full and complete authority to nrreut nil
ichea and pain * , nud does ita duty every time ,
fiacrwl Ilonrt Commencement.
The second annual commencement ox-
ercisea of the Sacred Heart school took
place on Thursday afternoon. Among
the visitors were Bishop O'Connor , Rev.
Father ShaflVl , Very Rev , Father Zea
land and Fathora Lambert , Kelly , Cola-
Glauber , nnd Gnrlland. The following
was the
Kntreo . March from "AtdMlo1
Misses M. St. Clolr , 11. Jones , II. Crelghton ,
M , IJoutos.
Sftlutntory . Miss 11. Orofrg
"Tho Spider nnd the I'ly" . IJuotto
MUsM 1' . Lowe nnd M. Nash.
"Choval do Uronr.a" . Auber
Misses McCroary , Dollono , K. Sclicrb , M.
"Gone by God's Mall" . Hocltotlon
Miss McXnmnrn.
Operetta , First Scouo Misses C. Crolghton
K. Croiehton , II. Ixirimor , II. .Tones , 13
Schcib , S. Nash , K. Howls. M. St. Clntr. M.
Bouros , .1. Orcpg , M. Danpliy , L. Delano , w.
lx > wo. M. Nash , K. CrclRlitou , McNninnra
L. Pundt , 1Lowe. .
Interlude . , . . . . "Lo Kovoll do Oieoftux'
Misses Creighton , Nash , Tandt , Lowe.
OpcrotU. Second Scene ,
Marclio Triouuhnlo . Carlo
Misses Dollono and Nanh.
Distribution of premiums.
The exercises throughout were of n very
interesting character , the pupils acquit
ting themselves in n manner that did
credit to themselves and their instructors.
One of the most pleasing features of the
programme was the operetta. Bishop
O'Connor , nftor distributing the premi
ums , made n brief address to the pupils ,
complimenting them upon the progress
that they had mndo during the year.
Onuses ABtonlHhiucnt ,
"Completely prostrated for days with Indi
gestion and bilious fever- The clfccta of two
bottles of llurdoek llltxxl HHitri astonlshod mo !
visible Improvement right olT. " Mr. Nonh
Hates. Elmlra. N. Y. _
Kcal Estate Transfers.
The following transfers were filed for
record in the county clerks olllco Juno 2G ,
nnd reported for the Ben by Ames' real
estate agency.
M S. Bartlett and wife to OttoBnuman
lots 3 , 4 , C , G , nnd 7 , blook 1 , Omaha
View , w. d. § 1,975.
jloo Wilkins to Otto Bauman lots 17
nnd 18 , block 4 , Omaha View , w. d ,
§ 700.
J. E House , trustee , to Herman
Kountz , lot 3 , block GO , Uma'ia ' , w. d. ,
§ 1.00.
Herman Kountz and wife to GooE.and
Joseph Barker pt lot 3 , block 00 , Omaha
w. d. , § 1,500.
Caroline Stuckor and husband to Joseph -
soph Porchal , w d , part lot 40 , Hart-
man's add , $400.
M. W. E. and E. A. Purchase to Wil
liam Hopper , w d , ei of nw J , section 22 ,
township 15 , range 10 , § 1000. *
Edwin Welch to Arthur J. Howe , w
d , lot 12 , block 3 , D wight & Lyman's
add , § 225.
E. B. Knox nnd wife to Wm. L. Me-
Cnguo , w d , ai lot 55 , Nelson's add ,
§ 1100.
H. A. McAlistor to G. A Stoitzo and
T. H. McCnguo , nod , lot 1 , block 4 , E.
V. Smith's add , § 1.
Augustus Kountzo nnd wife to Thomas
O'Donnoll , w d , lot 11 , blook 10 ,
Kountzo's 4th add , § 350.
Thos. B. Patterson and wife to Caroline
line Boindorf , w d , lot 37 and 38 , Terrace -
race add , § 2300.
Tlio Traveling Salesman
[ a an irrosistablo follow , brim full of stories ,
ekes , courngo. self-assurance and Rrit. IIo is
very takingwithal. . Jim-dock Jllooil Hitters are
a very taking medicine ; they take everywhere
and are sold everywhere.
SONNOLLjY In thU city , Juno 2G , John ,
son of 1'atrick and Cecilia Connolly , aged
13 years , G months nnd 10 days ,
Funeral will take place to-day at nine
o'clock n. in. , from the residence , Davenport
street , between Tenth nnd Eleventh streets ,
; o St. Philomona'a cathedral. Chicago papers
> Ioaeo copy.
Xho KiiulWo Like.
The medicine wo most Hko Is that which
does its work quick nnd well. Jlnnlock lltood
'litters ' are the quickest kind of n euro for dye-
mpsiu rud liver and kidney nlTootions ,
J. D. Sparkd , of Indianoln , is at the Mctro-
W. IF. 1'iircoll , of Lincoln , Is at the Metro
Goo. L. Fleming , 1 registered at the Met-
M. S. Davis , Wnyno , Neb. , is at the Metro
Chas. Harding , of Ft. Robinson , is regstored
at the Metropolitan ,
William Lnvcolctto , of O'Ncil City , Is ttop-
> ing at the Metropolitan.
1' . L. Haywnrd , of St. Joseph , Mo. , is in
, ho citv utopping at Metropolitan.
D. C , Davis nnd wife , of Missouri Valley ,
nro registered at the Metropolitan ,
C. IF. Parmalee , Plattsmouth , P. I. Few ,
Jrt'te , K. D. Itigolow , Blair , were nt tlio Mil
ard yesterday.
James Brown , with the Falconer establish-
nont , will leave to-day for the east , to bo
nbaent nbout two wooks.
Victor CAldwell arrived homo from Yale
oolleg" , yeBterday to attend the funeral of
Js father.
Messrs. Goo. 0. Ames nnd Marsh Konnnrd
eava this evening for a ( lulling trip in Minno-
ota and northern Iowa ,
lion. W. 31. Doollttio , formerly of Tecum-
oh , Neb , , and for two or throe years assistant
Jutted Stafos district attorney for Nebraska ,
s In the city on a viiit , IIo Is now located at
'olfux , Washington Territory.
0. S. Lucas , Central City , W. C. Shodkoy ,
Tort Calhoun , Hon. Charles O. Wliedon ,
incoln , Andaman Hoot , Plattsmoutli , S , P ,
Anderson , Beatrice , IF. II. Chillburg , W hoe ,
" . A. JJdnoy , I'uirinount , wcri ) gueits of the
'oiton yesterday.
0. K Bessyprofesiorof Botany In the lown
agricultural college , at Ames , Iowa , was In
ha city yesterday , on his way to Lincoln , IIo
ias just boon circled to the professorship of
> otany In the Nebraska state university , and
s going there to look ever the field before ac
cepting tliu poHltlon , IIo is an able man , and
t is hoped ha will conclude to accept the
> lace ,
Iho proof it the pudding Is not In chawing
ho string , but In having an opportunity to
e t the article dhect chrotcr& Bucht , the
DiwgUtH , have a free trial buttla of Dr , Bo-
sanko a Cough and Lung Byrup fur each nud
every otiu wno Is nlllicted with Coughi , Colds ,
Aisthiaa , CoiiKumptlou or any Lung Auoclioii.
With Durkoo's Salad Dressing there i
no waste or 'disappointmont. You uro
certain to produce a good naiad. It coats
ess than homo inadu , and is , besides , a
superb table sauce.
Hammocks , Croquets , Lawntenuis ,
Baes Balls , etc. , at Max Meyer & Cu.
oldo ol the I'oopln. No fam
ily Dyox were ever so popular M the Diamond
lyes. They never fall , Tlio "Black Is far BU.
> erior to logwood. 'Die other colors are brll.
Unt , Weil , lllclmrdaon k Co. , Burlington
U , P , vs. DELMONIOO.
Omnlm Scores 7 to 1 Against the
Yoslordny'fl game between the Union
Pacifies nnd the Dolmonlcos of Alchison ,
was the boat gnmo played hero since the
departure of the Rook Island club. The
run-getting of the visiting club was kept
down to ono score , but ngainat the U.IVs
load from the beginning of several runs
they kept up their courage and contcetci
ororything to the finish ,
HockwoU pitched raoro than an extra
ordinary game , if auch a thing can bo , not
a base hit being made off him. Only
three errors were made by the homo
team , ouo by v high throw of Dwyer to
first , ono by Jamison to Dugnn and the
third by "Whitney in the lost innings
missing an easy fly. The catcher of the
Atchison nlno was laboring with n sore
hand and in the second innings retired to
the out field. Carroll , Hockwoll and Jam
iuon carried off the fielding honors , Car
roll also led in batting.
rt-ATsna. it u ro A K
McKolvoy,2b . 0 1 1 a 0
Handle , of . 2
Dwyor.s H .
Whitney , 3d b . 1 0 Jl 2 1
Carroll , rf . 1
llockwoll p . 0 1M li 0
Saulsbury , , If . 0 0 . 2 1
Jamison o . . . . 0 0 0 3 1
Total . 7 0 'J7 10 II
riAYKns. . n mt ro A K
Uurko,2b . / . . . 1 0 a -I II
Doglow , rf and 3b. . . 0
llubcr , of . 0 0. 1 0 1
Leonard , 3 b and o. . . . 0
Smcad , BHamln . 2
Idshor , Ib . 0 0 10 0 1
Kico , If .
Warden , p nnd SB. . . .
Lovctt , c mill 2 p . 0 0 It 2 2
Totals . ' . . ' . 1 0 27 18 11
Imilnga . , . ,1234 00780
Union Pacific . K. a 0 2 0 1 1 0 0,0-7
Atchlson . : 1000000,09-1
runs None. " " '
Two-base hits Dugrin.
Double plays Dugan unsistcd.
Passed balls Lo > ott 'J , Leonard 2.
Wild Throw-s UmonJ'ncsfio 3 , Atchison 0.
Left cu bast's Union 1'aclCo 3 , Atuhiinu
TIme of game 2 hourH.
Umpire FunkhouHor.
Union Pacific. Positions. Atchisou.
MoKolvy . Pitcher . . . Warden-
Uugnn . Catcher . Lovott.
llockwoll . First bate. . Iflilior.
Bandlo . Second base . Burke.
Whitney . j . Third baso. . . . Leonard ,
Dwycr . Short atop . Smcad.
Jamison . Loft Hold . Kico.
Snulabury . Ccntio Hold . Ilubor.
Carroll . Hlght field . Deglow.
Tiino Is Money ,
Time and money will bo saved by keep
ing Kidney-Wort In the houso. It ia an
invaluable remedy for all disorders of the
Kidney , Liver and Dowels and for all
diseases arising from obstructions of
those organs. It has cured many obati-
unto cnocB after hundreds of dollars had
been paid to physicians without obtaining
relief. It cures Constipation , Piles , Bil
iousness and all kindred disorders. Keep
it by you. _ _
Adams and Ames Ooinin ? ( o Omaha
Charles Francis Adnras and Frod. L.
Ames are expected in Omaha next
wook. They will remain here a few days
; o attend to Homo Important Union Pacific
jusinoas , and will thou niako a trip overlie
; lie main line and branches.
The Ohicago Times of. Thursday says :
A now batch of Union Pacific rumors was
current yesterday. What truth they
may contain has not boon ascertained. It
is said that Prosidcnt Adams will hold
the position but a short time , the origi
nal intention being to giro the nlaco to
Hugh Iltddlo , who has boon invited by
Mr. Adams to accompany him m a trip
over the road. The fact that S. 11. Calla-
way also haa an invitation to join the
party has given riao to the report that ho
is soon to succeed General Manager Clark ,
whoso ill-health may compel fih retirement
mont from active Bcrvico.
Seine of tlio Improvements and Now
Business 1'jiitorjii-lno.
Corrraondcnco | ) ofTllulJi : ! ! .
OAKLAND , IOWA , JcNa2-t. Oakland
was never BO prosperous as at the present
timo. Tt lias boon ono continual boom
for the last two months. Ono of the
marked improvements in the now opera
liouse , ! ! 200 , which will bo completed by
Julyith. This hall lias boon built by a
| oint Block company of about twelve of
Oakland's best business men , and IH a
credit to their enterprise.
Durlim the last few -weeks two largo
mercunulo firmu have been permanently
jstublishod hero. Ono being Air. Mo-
[ Jinney from Hancock , and the ether
tiolne Plillllps & CrcBsoy , who formerly
did business in Avoca.
Ono week ago II. Stephens , also from
Avocacame here and completed arrange *
nonts for moving a largo stock of geode
; o tills place ,
J. H. Arnold trill open in a few days a
stock of clothing in the building formerly
> ccuplod as a hotel. A number of dwell-
ng houaos are being built , and lovoral
moro will bo erected this fall.
John T. Baldwin , of Council BlulTo ,
ms the lumber on the ground for a flour
and food itoro , which will bo under the
supervision of W. H. Fanroll.
A grand time ia expected here the 4th ,
It will bo an old time celebration. J ,
M. Pueoy , of Council 131uff0 , will bo the
orator of the day ,
W. II. Freeman returned on Saturday
'rom a business trip la 1) . T , , and his
Brother from Wisconsin is visiting in
3ikland for a few daj'fl.
Tlioro was a very pleasant gathering
Saturday evening at the residence of
Judge Fioter , it being in honor of his
laughter May , whr > has just returned
rom attending cullugo in the eastern
) art of the state.
F. L. Hood is east buying goods for
the firm of Batcu & Itecd. J , T.
Good Crnumlu ror n IJonanza.
'ittaburf ; Cbromcio ,
' "J'olk ' about reolostato boinR high I"
said JJogg * to his wifo. "Why , If you'd
inly bo uliltlo aavini ; with the stuff that's
eft in the bottom of your coflbo cupa you
could own a lot of your own in a ahort
time. "
SEAL of North Carolina Tobacco is the
Superstitious Mexicans Iton llnR the
Yo r ofl'lnguo
the City of
Mexico ,
Matamoma 8 ( > ccftl ! to Chicago Tribiino.
Tliero ha not boon ft death from nnv causa
in this city for throe daya pant , but tlio
weather U McMcdlncly hot. Xows of an out-
brcAk of Asiatic cholera nt Toulon , Frnneo , N
received hern \ \ llnunrchcn \ ioni , not from
ftnyfeArtfclutleru reaching this ilhtnnt port
of ( ho VotM , but tybccawo the cutironntivo
IKiimUtion > uior tltiou < lr believe tlmt certain
> -cara nro " | iAr ( o year . " The Mo.xicMts nro
nlunya looking out for signs of coming ) ) psti-
Irncv. The Imiulu riling at Toulon warns the
btgotod Mexican tlmt nnotlicrilrcddoil "lOitguo
year" hu arrived ; ho known that Icrnblo
yellow Jack" la nlrendy nt hU door In an
incipient form , The next two month * \\ill
bo a period of fear nnd urayvr at
Matamorns ntul nil Mexican count towns ,
Quarnnttno matten hero ami nt Itanvnmlllo
contlnno in ttntu quo. Qnvernor UuolUr hai
not yet drclnrod the twenty tlaya' quixrnullnu
nt linRtUd. The Morgan stoninor J. O.
Harris , from Now Orlcantla iinlveton , was
detained yesterday by quarantine olliccm lint
nftor iho cronmul lira ton Santtign liar , who
haa aboard ono Mutlcnlt i > M nger , whoso
preseuco cunsod the detention. Intenao excitement <
citomont prorniled nt Drownnvillu nnd In thii
city when it was known that the Harris could
not land nt either city , lioth cities are thereby
cut oil from Now Orleans.
Irccnto Xamorono , the man who shot nnd
wonmleil lUfnvl Mornlcs nt Koslta on Mon
day night , ia n noted murderer nnd killed nor-
vrnl men , the liut of whom wait Chriatnbcl
llerntuler , foreiunn nn the Mntamorns nnd
Montgomery rnilumd , whom hu nninloicil nt a
ball , Hnfnel Moralos , who is tlvinpf of hit )
wounds , was in yonra part a noted ilcxperndo.
How ninny men ho killed no ono known , hut
Homo yonra are in Una city , ho ntHnithmtod
two men , stabbing ono of them to the heart
while In tlio net of embracing him niipnrently
in n friendly way.
Lnto Down from the City of Mexico brings
information that a mont remarkable chnnRU
has boon mndo in the povcrunient ot tlmt city
by the fcdcrnl district governor. All the
gnmblora havu been oliliged to close up their
places and leave , nnd the prostitutes nro to be
t-eut after them. The gamblcra nro trying to
get a license from the governor of the ntatu
of Mexico , and , If HO , will erect "vlllaa do
jolo" just outsiilo the federal district.
A number of bold robberies hnvo been re
cently committed nbout the city.
Humor cunnccts the nnmo of a prominent
military man with the recent Kynnn minder.
Gen , Majois , whoso son was murdcroil in
tlio streot-car fracas on Tuesday last , in the
City of Mexico , iavoll nnd favorably known
hero. _ It ia currently reportoil that youur ( Ma-
joia was murdered by the son of 1'roHulent
Gonzalez. Young Gonzalez ia military ntu-
( lout nt the government iustltuto. Ho hai hnil
su\ oral oucouutniu Tlio ncconntn of thin mur
der state that Military 1'rofcsaorGnrzakllleil
Cadet Mnjois for attacking young Gonzalez
\\ith murderous Intent , lint for nome reason
the people prefer to believe the pretidnnt'a non
guilty of the murder instead of tliucool-headcil
A l < 'iital Full.
UENSIAIIK , O. , Juno 28. The dead body of
Frank Drown wia found In thorivor nndor the
railroad bridge lust evening , nnd near him ,
almost llfelca * . the romnlna of Kdwin I'illiimn.
Tha latter revived snlliciontly to Rtato that ho
ntul Drown lived in Montocollo , Iowaand hail
fallen from n freight train to the ground , over
70 foot below.
The Wrntlior To-lMy.
WASHINOTON , Juno 27. Vor the uwior
Mid i Hippi valley : Slightly warmer nnd fair ;
cast to Bonth wiiuh in northern portion ; noith-
jant tu Bontheast wluda in nouthorn portion ;
lower barometer.
For the Missouri valley : Fair ; Blight rl o
in tcmpcraturo ; eouthorly winds , becoming
variable ,
A I'ionlo for tlio 1'IoiiH.
FlllLADiarillA , Juno 27. The will of Mrs.
Kliza Cody , who died recently luavingan estate
valued nt SIGO.OOO , , w s admitted to pro
bate. She bcquenthu 3100,000to Cuthollo
IliiHliicna Fnlluroa
NKW Yomc , Juno 27. President Sloan Bayn
, ho IjAckawauna , dnrliifr the ( junrtor , oainud
ubovo two per cent dividend , declared to-day.
L'alluroa fur EOVOU dnya VJ'J , ngaluat " 05 lust ;
Acquitted of Killing OrAngcinon.
ST. JoiiNHi N. iF. , Juno 27. Nineteen prlH-
oncrs , charged with the murder of HvoOraugo-
neu on St. dtcihen'u | day , were nil ncimitted
, hi evening amid intense excitement.
How IIo "Wnu Hurt.
rilladelphia Call.
"Poor fellow ! poor follorl" murmured
a sympathizing old lady at the Broad
street station , as the form of a man all
wrapped in bandages was berne in a lit
ter from an incoming train to an ambul
ance. "Poor follow ! IIo sooinn to bo
very much hurt. Do you know how it
happened ? "
"Nomum , , " answered n polite station
hand ,
"Maybo it was in a collision , " suggest
ed the old lady.
"There lias boon no collision on the
road that I know of. " was the reply.
"Could ho liavo boon run over'/ / "
' Ho 13 not hurt enough for
that. "
"True. I fin limbs scorn nil ri ht.
The hurta cem to have como from
bruises or blows , " added the old
"Vo3 , mum. Looks like it. "
"But can't you guess how it happened
penod ? "
"J don't know , mum , unless ho tried
.o take up a presidential vote. "
She Would Uravo Her M ,
Jan Francisco 1'osf.
3 , On an Oakland boat the ether day
liuro was a couple that the most suporli-
: iul observer would sot duwu as spoony.
1'ho young man drew from his pocket a
Binull juvtolry case , and pressing the
spring displayed a handsome diamond
ring."This is for you , dear , " ho said.
"Oh , my , " she replied , "how pretty
md how kind ; but I really can't accept
t. What would mu say ? "
"Oh , but you must accept It. I
jought it for you. "
"But , eli , George ! really , you know ,
low can I ? Ma doesn't allow mu to take
iresonU from gentleman. "
"All right , then ; it's of no use to mo.
I'll give it to Mirandy"
"What ! Mirandy Kmitli , Iho horrid ,
rod-headed thing ? llathor than she
should have it 1"J1 bravo ma and ac
cept. "
"Wouldn't that gal make a good Til.
den if she was a man , " remarked ono of
.ho deck hands who had overheard the
I'hllruleljihlii's Pretty I'ollooinon.
Wellington Hopubllcan ,
Philadelphia is happy in the possession
of the handsomest equad of policemen in
; ho world. They are stationed on 0/iost- /
nut street , and are diucribud as taing
Tiodols of human loveliness. Their uni
forms dazzle with brass buttons , and in
> I co of oapa tliero are helmutn. The tig-
y club lias gone , and each olllcer uwings
n his whlto gloved Imud a polished will-
tutcano. Tiioy wear buttonhole bou-
( uots and perfump their seven dollar silk
mndkorchiefu with the hnest cologne ,
L'hoir dainty foot are en CUB cd in patent
eathor nhoes with French hoelti , anil they
icbo ou utroot oornora. They are loiirn-
ng to wear their hrlr long and ( o suioko
The Flrccrnokor Atuhitlon.
A little rod firecracker lay in n deal
er's window bemoaning ita fate.
"Why so melancholy ? " asked a pinwheel -
wheel ,
" ! Bad "
jt" am ,
"Yes , Pro noticed often that when n
follow is melancholy ho is sail , "
"Do not jest ; I am in no mood for it. "
"Hut what alls you ? "
"Fato seems to have decreed that I
should bo A moro nobody. I have ambi
tion for something bolter. "
"What would you bo ? "
"Orcat , I would have my name re
sound from polo to polo. " 1 would bo
feared for my great power. I would r
"JNoiiBonsol UOTT you talk ! A little
squib like you prating of such things ! "
"All , but if were only in England ! "
"And what would you do there1'
"Do ? I'd attract the attention ot the
whole civilized world. "
"How ? "
"Why , ever there I would pass for n
gigantic infernal machine , and when I
exploded the news of n wonderful dyna
mite discharge would bo telegraphed
around the world. "
Many medicines now on the market
ewe what virtue they possess to the pres
ence of powerful and poisonous drugs.
HUNT'S [ Kidney nnd Liver ] HIMKI : > Y is
purely vegetable and will not injure the
feeblest nnd moat dolicnto person.
TO LOAH-Monov.
ONKYlmneil on rrmttelt , notes liounlit , cut rota
M ticket * tM. A. rorman , SIS S. ISlli St.
03 ! ) 1m
IONKY Loantxl on chut Id inurlKitRO , l > y U. H.
M Wooltcy , room S0,0milia NntlonM llarm.
- rM < 9 o ! latciett
MONEVTOtOAN-Tholaircit Dourla , SBJ-tl
] \TON1Y TO LOAN Iniunu ol (300. nd upward
1V1 0. r. l)4\-la auil Oo. , llool K t to and Loan
AgonlB. lliOS Farnam Bt. 83S-II.
Vl/'ANTKl ) Olil tar Roneral homework , m ll
Itinlly ; oocil w Rcs. AmilyMrs. a. l\ Mono ,
812 oulh IStli street , 4th house noutliot Leaven-
wottli , or at oulco ol llorto'a Dry Ooixli ! itoro. 10-27
D DlnlnR room gltl at lloiton Ilcstaur-
\ \ ant , 1114Uauglaii > troct. 192-SOp
WANTED Three tlrst-clm illnlnir room girl )
Doiibaum'i rcstiurant 1513 Dodje St. 2 SO
TTE7 ANTKD Two coed Rlrll , ono for kitchen and ono
V t for nursery , lira. Aug. 1'ratt , corner r rk nnd
Pujipleton acnuci. . Ui-l-SOp
W 'ANTKD-rjooddlnlnB room girls at the Metro
politan Hotel. 221-30
w 'ANTKD Oooil RliUt r.mmot House , lllh , bot.
Fnrnam and Ilarnoy , SSS-Sp
WANTKO Help atllio Nebraska Btcam Laundry ,
109 anil 103 8.Hth St. 238-SOr
ANTKD-alrlforKfiiom ) homo work In
family , No. li15 ! N. lOtli SL 230 SOp
WANTBD Qlrl to wixih slhcr tlirco tlin'M iwr
liny ( or board nt MutropollUnllotcl. 2'1'2-M
W IANTI'.D A IltPt clasa ( IrcHsmakor , luiiniilUtvly ,
at ; 1617 Douglas itrctt. iOl-Sfp
WAirrKD Oooil taunilroei nt S.V. . car. Iturnoj
ami 10th utruuta. Wa oi $1,0 } per \\uok.
V17ANTKD Younjf innn to trxl.uouro of prhato llv
VT cry anil tin ( 'Oncrnl nor It. i ; < | ieilvnco noccnn >
ry. Huferonrcd required. Atldrcsaby letter "U , " Dee
oillon , 1U8-1
Wi ANTED - Goodlrl ( for Konoral homework 000
South 17tli utrout. 215-1:7
Dlnliij- room girl at 1'lantcr's Homo ,
10th am ] DoJh-o St. 13 S7p
" \A7ANTKD Ulrl for ironoral linuia work earner
VI OaMwoll and 1'lor bU. , ono block \\vat of Saun-
dorn St. ilra. Ultclilo. 28:2Sp ] :
' . ) A Klrl for lenoral homo work , at 1017
CasiHt. Jniiulroof S. Ixiluiiaii , 1108 r'nnmm
ITTANTKD Atonco. ngooj liltdit'ii ( 'lrlandaKooiI
V r nccotidRltl nt nortlmcBt corner acd 1'lor Btriotn ,
north Omalia. ! ! lfl-27 | >
W "ANTED Oltl for hotito work In a small family ,
17 Uotiglai ilrcot , 02-27p
ANTKU Girl at I'adfla Homo , Tenth mill Dav <
W cnport. ; 173 tf
W ANTii-A : Idtclion and dining room Rlrl at tlio
Uoildanl Homo , Slicrnmn ave , 100 27p
'IXTANTED Affditalor Kopulilciui and Damocrallo
VV Campaign Itiotfrftphlcs liv illitliiUl | lie < l rciro |
nontttthcH. lully Illiiitratoil. Clot tlio luit. tifnil fiOcta
or Prospectus tu liorcaily two dujiattur nominations
Klg Wagca Quick eilci. John Hums Tub. Co Ht.Lonlu.
160 SO
\\7ANTKI-I < ADIEgOIinNTrElliN-Inoltyor ] :
II country , to ttkonlco , lleht onilploanarit work at
; liclr own linniui ; 92to $5 n day easily and iUlttly |
node ; work eciit by mall ; no cntiva lnir ; no etamp
for rciily , 1'loaio addicag Itollalle JIan'lV Co. , I'lll-
aUoliililt , Pa. 140 Imo
WANTHD Pedlcrs to Boll a ( 'Ood | > aylni ; artlolu
with ( -ood rrollt. Cull at 028 Plurco M. . ( rom
8 to lOa. in. or D to7 p , in , 157-27p
\'i ANTI'.D Flrntclaiia ulrl for itcnoral house-work
V Apply Mr. J. It. Blirovo 108 25th itriwt.
W ANTKD-A baibcr , TOO U. lOtti ttreet , Omaha.
Oil ) MI >
Atnin : alrl orgcnoril h U8 , work 217 north
10th Kt. ] OU-3p
' Olrl at 1D1U Uhuruiati a > unuo. Mm.
WAK'IKU . C4S tl
JD-Olrl ( or liouguuork at 2227 Dodge Ct.
D Kltuutlon , by a young nun , of any
liliid. Will oil ucatuj , Salary no object. Ad-
diem " / , " llco vlllcu ,
WANTIJU A iltiiatlon by a young man as nuka-
inau. linn hnd oxporlcnco. ( loocl rdircncrs.
Addroaa "it. M. " lloo ollli'c. _ 221-I8p
"Xx rANlTO-Bltuatlon tidmccoiid work by Gorman
YV girl In piltutu ( amlly , 020 fioutliZOth itrcot
WAN'fKD-blliutlon nsolllco liny or ether llghl
work , by a boy 13 yearn old. Oood liuljlta ,
living with purintD. "A. 11. " llco olllco.
WANTKD-I'twItloiiM city nalcvmanaml collector.
Ililtronccu Klvon. AiMrcug" . ! " care of llco
Olllco. ! C&-27p
WANTKU-Bituatlon by youiiKKl'l tq do chanber
work. Api'ly ' at 2113 llnnmy Ht. B8'J-27p
l ) A ( I tuition l > y n oiiporlcuocd IIOUHO-
keopcr , Oood rcforoncon. AJJroia tlrn. C. 0.
Bcclyo. KrLinont , Neb , 12l.27i |
ouug iiuniwl limn Hauu miimuon M uuo > .
A keeper , In wholoialo titabllihuiont lo Omaha.
AddrcM"U , " caru lleo. 6&fl-tf
The uio of the term " Hhor
IJne" Ui connectlou wltlttbt
corporate name of groalroad ,
convey ) an Idea ot uit what
H I III f rwulred | ty the traycllnif imb.
I I Hfl ( L "o-a Hhott Line , Quick tliui
LB BV ll fcn(1 ( tha bl > l > t ° ' Kccommodk'
Em I HI HosM HoiiB- of which aio luru-
lh d by tba f roitent railway la America.
And St. Paul.
Itowni and oporattn ever 4,600 mlloacf
Northern JIUiiole , Wlnconolo , lllnuosot * , Ion *
> aLota ; and M tu main Ilnci , braniho * and oouuec.
Ion ) i each all tbu great btuhicaa control of the
forthirott and Far W t , It naturally autwora tbg
dvnerlptlon ol Short Uno , and Uuiit llouto botweoa
ChlwKO , MUwkiikco , Ht. I'auland Minneapolis.
0)ilcnKOMllHaukoo , IA Crosta and Wluoria.
o , UUtraukoe , Abordoeu and Kllendal *
O , MilMaukoo , Kau Claire and BtlllwuUr ,
o , Kllluaukov , Wauuau and Merrill.
O , Milwaukee , Heaver Uam and OuhLob.
Ohicago , Milwaukee , Waiikiuba nnd Ooonomowoa.
Ohlcogo , Mllwuukoe , Madlwn and 1'ralrlodu Chlcx
Ohlcaeo , Mllvinukce , Uwatouna and falrlbault.
Chicago , Bolot | JancHvlUn and Wiucrftll'olul.
Oliloni'O , K\ga \ ( , Hock ( or J and Uubiirjuo.
L'hlcaKu , Clinton , Itock Inland and Uodtr Iliplda.
Clilcigo , Council Illutfg and Oinaba.
o , Kloux Olty , Hloux K&llg and Yanktoa
o , Milwaukee , alltt hill and CharubrrliJa.
Itook I Jand , UubU'iue , Bt. Paul and UluncaiioUl
I > ft\oaiort | , Ualrair , lit. Paul a .
Pullman 8 ccjiern and ( be ( lurtt Dlnlnit Can In
the w or M are run on tl.onuilnlinoiuf tlieC'HIOAUO ,
llir\VAUKKr. AND KT. PAUL ItAlLWAy.tndeurv
uttcntlonl * paid tu paujougord by couituouncinnloycH
of tlii. Ooni } Dy ,
B. t ) . IIKIU'.ILI , , Qen'l MautKer.
A V , II OAKI'liNTKlt , Oon' PaM. Agt.
J,71 , " ' A"C. 'lit
( ICO. U. U&mvill ) , At't. Qcn'I , J'wu. A jt ,
For Neuralgia
For Neuralgia
For Neuralgia . *
For Neuralgia
For Rhoumntism
For Rheumatism
For Rheumatism
For Rheumatism
For a Lame Back
For n Lame Uncle
For a Lame Back
For n Imme Back
Doctor Thomas' Eclectric Oil
Doctor Thomas' Eclectric Oil
Doctor Thomas1 Eolectric Oil
Doctor Thomas' Eclectric Oil
At Lincoln ,
1884 , at 1 O'Clock p. in.
I will soil 45 head of > err cholc" well bred Shorl
Home , ( rom my own honlof Nciiraskft bred cattle ,
rcarrtl on NebraHVa graum.
ANH , a. HHIlOrailllti : , of I ciburg , Kentucky ,
ono of tbo oldest Kentucky brccdon * . mil loll with
mo IB head of superior animal ) o > high brooding 7
lomalo ) and 8 bulln. We c.irncitly tollolt the cnttlo
lirrodcru and farnien ot Nebraska and vicinity to In-
rpcct this lot of cattle , M wo think , their superiority
will commend them to your ( avor.
SHy offering ! onmlttt In 35 ( omaloa and 10 bulls ,
rcprofentlng the following famllU > :
l > Msle , ( by Itarnaby ) , Ituby'l. Lady EHrabeth'l ,
Adelaide Matlbla't , Prlnc liic Jane's , Zollo'ii tady
Bale id , with other * . Cattle will be at the Checkered
Darn , Lincoln , Nell. , from the 20th day ol Juno , to
thoXCth , day of gale.
Korfurther pirtlculan , addrosi Frod. IT. Wood ,
or O. .M Druco , Lincoln , Nebraska , or Wm. Ually ,
Pom , Mob
I * V. MUIlt ,
jo ll-wiUW ji 16 to 25 oed Auctioneers.
nnd I'UUl/lllV , . HI
mil TWKXTV YEAHS IlnmplirryV Ilninpo.
ptttlilc Vclprlnnrv Bprclllc * liavo been cd b *
[ 'nrniorn. Block llrprjiiTn. I.twrv MnWo ixnU
I'lirlmiMi , llorso Itnllronils. Mitniifiiclnreni.
C'onl Mine CoinpnnirH , Trnv'B llliinndrnniri
niul Mi > nmi > rlr . uml others 1-uudflug stock.
. . . _ _
llnmiilirrvu' Vclerlnnry.Klanunl. ( S
lout f rro 07 mall mi receipt ot price , wi crnta
rWl'niHplili'18 cent Irco ou npjilloallon
100 I'ulton Htrcet , Now Yorli.
Vital Weakness nnd Proj.
trntlon from orer-worlc or
Inri-oMul ot powder for $5 , ont post-frro on ra
tvljitotirlre. Iliililplirryu' llnmro , illnlo. !
JII > ut , Cutnlocuo two-11UU i/utluu dl. . Al. Y
Chicago , St , Paul , Minneapolis and
The now extension of thlu line ( rom Y/alicflold up
through Coiioonl anil Oolorldga
TO ECja.3 = 5.'SC > I3XrC3-1Z'C 3Jirf
Itcaclits tlio bout portion ol the State , Spoolal ex-
curnlon ratou ( or Uiul lackora over thla Una to
Wnyno , Nor/ollc and llartlugton , and via lllilr to all
pilnelpal poli.ts on tlio
Trains ever Hit 0. , St. I * . U. & 0. Hill way to Oor
tigton. Sioux Olty , I'onca , llartlngton , VVayoo ani
Norfolir ,
Ooxa.xi.oot .t 3E5Xia.lx-
For Kioinout , OaUJa.c , Ncllgh , and through to Val
tSTVot rattg and nil Information cell on
F 1' . WlllTNUY , General Agent ,
3E , olxot Ooxxxjonziy.
Tlio iteamnhlp ) of thU well-known line are built of
Iron , In watertight oomputmeuts , and are furnish
ed with every requisite to make tUo pauifa both
lafo and agreeable. They carry the united States
and European mails , and leave New York ! Tbun.
daynand oatnrdaja/or I'ly mouth ( LONDON ) Cher
bourg , ( PAUIS ) and IIAUIIUSIO.
JUtcj ; Flint Cabin , MC , $70 and tSO. Steerage. 0.
Henry Pundt , llark IlAnneu. K. E. Monre > , M. Toft ,
agontlln Omaha. UrouonlcgcSchoentgcn.agenUlii
( X > uncll DIuMi. 0. II : UIC1IAUD t CO. , Oen. I'OM
Agin , Bl llro dwav , N. Y. Cba . Kozmlnskl to Co-
Uencral Wc teJu Agouti , 107V lilimton HL , Chlca
0 , 111.
A Itadlcal Cure Quuruntecil.
' wboorosuf-
U UIX UT JXl-CJXM tertnir from
tlio error * of youth , cauiluu uurvoua
wild buvo IWCH nnd.uro .
tioulmil wllliu loofrequciililc lroloevacu .to tbn
bluildnr. with or Hlllioiit u bunilut ! ortinartliiK anil
unrnkt'iiliii ! " ' tbu ryiiti'iii In a trlxlntul luaiuior ,
noulU ilu null tu uvnll tlicuuolvos of this opportun
ity , f/r. 1'uniier will furroll { 'A ) for utcry cusu or
M'lnliiul nt'iikiii'iM or prlvnto nlMuasoof uny kind or
i Imnictur wliluli liu uudurtuliim nnd fall * tocurv.
rV"JU llclni' wilt cvcnrwui-ro. Henil f or list of
iuc | lliii . unit nildritiii ) with Hump. Or. ' 1'unner , Cur. Sit. itnU Cupltol Avu. , Crouueo Uloik , Ouiaha ,
THIS IlUtTorlteeenra-e
tor li made oipiauly far
the euro of derangement !
\ of tha generative organs.
lll > raUnoinltlako alwul )
Jthli liutrumcnt , tha con.
tluuous ctrum of KU-X2-
.TKIOITY pofmcaUn ; ;
] throuv-b the parts mint rwi <
I tore them to healthy action
Do not confound \ \ wilU
. - - , . . _ _ . . _ . Electric Bolt ad\ertUedW
: ure til aJU front head ia oe , H U for tbaONU KIXO
Mopurpoiio. 1'or olrruln giving ftillilnforuuitlon ,
, , . n.a , . * ! . .j. , .1.3