Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 28, 1884, Image 3

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    The Nebraska National Bank
Paid Up capital . . 300,00
surplus rnna , HOT. , loss 10.00
H. W , YATE3 , President , forj many' year
Cashier of the First National Bank of Omaha
A. E. TOUZALIN , Vice President , Boston
W V. MORSE , of W. V. Mono A ; Co.
JOHN S. COLLINS , of Q. IL & J , & Co
Ing ,
J , M. WOOLWORTH , Counsellor and.'Atto
nay at Law.
Ii. S , REED , of Byron Rood & Co.
K 1C. HAYDEN , Assistant Cashier.
THIS BANK opened for business April 27
ERS ara among the leading business of Oma
ha , and Its business is conducted with cspccln
raforonco to the best and increasing into mi
1U mercantile patrons ,
COLLECTIONS rocolvo special attention
nnd charges lowest obtainable here or else
INTEREST allowed on tlmo deposits upon
avorablo terms and upon aosounta of banks
And bankers.
Bonds and .County and Olt ysocnritloa bough
and sold.
NEW Yonit , Juno 27. Money Easy at
< § 4 per cent. ; closed 2 per cent ,
* * v Pnmo paper D@C per cent.
Sterling Bills-Weak at181J ; demand
Governments Lower ; very light demand.
Hallways Heavy ; stocks opened strong fo
Chicago , Burlington & Quincy ; Hock Island
Lacawanna , Lonisvilla & Nashville , Missouri
Pacific , Northern Pacific , Pacific Mail , Union
Pacific , and Western Union ; weak and lowe :
for Vanderbilts and Kansas & Texas. Van
dcrbilts rallied J to $ per cent , but subsequent
ly Lake Shore was freely pressed for sale and
broke 3jjo to CTjJe. Michigan Central dropped
CJ to Oljc , Now York Central H to 02i , and
Canada Southern Ig to 21J , . The break wai
ascrled to "bear" attacks. The general Us
was weak and unsettled , in sympathy will :
rumor at 1 p. m. , that the Yandcrbilt party
had negotiated 'a sterling loan caused
some buying "for short account. Mich'
jgan Central rallied to 51 ; Canada Southern
to 26J ; Burlington & Quincy to 1 OS ? ; North'
western to 43 ; St. Paul to COJ ; Lake Shore t <
G9.J ; How York Central to 90J regular and 97
cash ; under the rate , Union Pacific preferred
38 , and Union Pacific to 31J. Near th
close Union Pacific re-acted down to 293 o
report that the company would default on its
interest. Northwestern returned to 82J or
the announcement that the company
would issue stock to take up the "bear"
tern roads. The market closed irregular.
After business hours , telegrams were re
ceived from Boston contradicting the report
that the Union Pacific company would not
meet its interest charges.
1J'a Coupons HO ]
TJ. S. now , 4' 118
Jadtto6'uof ' 95 123
American Express
Burl. , Cedar Uapida & Northern , .
Central Pacific
Chicago & Alton
do do pfd
Ohl. , Borl. & Quincy
do pfd c
Fort Wayne Chicago
Hannibal & St. Joseph
do do do pfd
Illinois Central
Ind , , Bloom. & Western
Kansas& Texan
Lake Shore & Michigan So
Michigan Central i
Minneapolis & St. Louis
do do do pfd
Missouri Pacific
Northern Pacific
do do pfd
do pfd
Now York Central
Ohio & Mississippi
do do pfd
Poorla , Decatur & Evansvlllo
Bock Inland
Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul. . .
do do do pfd
St. Paul Minn. & Manitoba
St. Paul& Omaha
do do pfd
Texas Pacific
Union Pacific
Wobaah , St. L. & Pacific
do do do pfd
\7 < tern Union Telegraph
CHICAGO nionuoK.
CHICAGO , .June 2i. ( Flour Dull and easy
winter wheat 6 00@5 CO ; spring wheat ! 00@
4 50 ; Minnesota baker's 4 20@6 00.
Wheat Kegular nervous and fairly active ;
opened steady , advanced go , declined le , ral
lied and closed J@c below latest figures on
call yesterday ; cash 8585J } ; Juno , 853July ;
Corn Active and \cry unsettled ; opened
ntcady and imiroved go , broke IJc , rallied
slightly and closed quiet at g@J under final
quota'.iona on call yesterday. ; cash nnd Juno ,
62h July , S2J@52i5 ; August 53J ; September
63Y@G31 ; rejected 40.
Oats Dull for cash , which improved Jc
early , but subsequently reacted ; Juno and
July ranged g@gc above yesterday' " closing ;
deferred futures improved but slightly ; cash
331 ; Juno , 311 : July , 316 ; August 273 Septem
ber 2GJ year 20i@20J.
Rye Quiet at C3c.
Barley Nominal ; GOo.
Seeds Timothy Inactive ; good to prime
1 ! M@1 20. Flax , dull at 1 55.
Pork Quiet and 25@75o higher ; cash nom
inal ; June and July 10 50 ; August 18 75 ; Sep
tember 17 70@17 76.
Lard Actlvo and irregular ; advanced 6 ©
lOo , reacted 12i@lBc ; cash , Juno and July
71ftJ(5i715Augu8t ( ; 7 27i@7 30 ; September
7 40(37 ( 42J ,
Bulk Moats -Shouldew , 5 7CJ@5 "CJ ; shoit
ribs. 7 30 ; short clear , 7 70. >
Whisky Unchanged at 110.
Butter-Quiet ; choice creamery , 18@10 ;
fancy dairy , 15o.
Cheese-1Steady and quotations unchang
ed.Kffgs Easy at 15@151.
Hides Dull and unchanged.
Tallow Unchanged.
CALLO BAUD-Wheat June , nnd July | o
lower ; A ugu t and September , Jo lower.
Corn Juno and July unchanged ; August | c
lower : So plumber Ju lower.
Oats Juno and August unchanged ; July
and September Jo lower.
Pork July and August unchanged ; Sep *
tomberCo higher.
Lard July 2J lower ; August and Septem *
lr unchanged ,
TOLEDO , Juno 27. Wieat Quiet and
steady : No. 2 , 9QM&11 ,
. Com Steady ; No. 2 , spot Juno 55J.
Oats Easy ; No. 2 spot Juno and July , 32
NEW YOIIK , June 27. Wheat Lower ; No.
2 Milwaukee. 97J ; No. 2 Chicaifo , 1)5 ) ; un
graded red G8J@110 ; No. 3 red , 'J3 ; No. 2
red , l)8@'J8i ) lu store ; August closing at 1 OOj. [
Corn < tii > ot lower , lecsactive ; options closed
heavy ; ungraded 62@C2 ; No. 2 , ( XG1J ) ; Au-
gnat closing at C2j ,
Oats-Steady ; ini od western , 31@30 ;
white , 80043.
B-S'gllSJ. '
Pork "Dull ftnd lower ; old mess 15 75.
Lard Active and lower ; western
spot , 7 40@7 45
Butter Dull and weak ; 8S21.
LtVEnroot , , Jnno 27. BroadstutTg Dull :
Wheat Spring , 7s 2d@7s 4d > winter , 7 Cd
@ "g 10J.
Corn Cs 6d ,
KAK3AS crrr.
K.VS3AS CITY , Juno 27. Wheat Lower ;
71J bid caih ; 73 July ; 7I74J August.
Corn Cash , steady j options , lower ; cash ,
425 , July : 43J@ I IJ August.
Oats Lower , at 20 .
CINCINNATI , Juno 27. Wheat-Fair de
mand ; fso. 2 red O.'fSPOJ.
Corn Quiet and ! steady ; No. 2 mixed , 65J.
Oats Dull and lower " at 331@34.
Pork-Quiet and firm at 15 75(5110 ( OD.
Lard Dull and nominal , at 0 90.
Bulk meats Dull and unchanged ; shouldcsr
fij , short ribs 7 < .
Whisky-Steady , atl 07.
PKoniA , Juno 25. Corn Quiet ;
hllth mixed , 53J@5lc : No. 2 mixed , M
Oats. Steady ; No.2 white , 33J.
Jive Quiet at OH@G2o.
Whisky Unchanged ; 81 03.
BT. ixuia rnonncE
ST. Louis , Juno 2G.Vlieat Closed
under yesterday ; No. 2 red , 1 05 cash , 92
@ ! < 2 } July : OOi August : 91i September.
Corn Lower ; D2J@53 for cash ; 51@51 |
for July ; Clg@52 for August ; closing nt In-
aide price * .
Oats Slow ; 32@32l for cash ; 293 for July ;
251 August.
Ilyo Slow , at 67.
Butter Unchanged.
Kpgs Unchanged.
Hay Unchanged.
J-'hx seed Nominal.
Corn mcal-2 90.
Whisky-1 08.
CALL BoAnn Wieat Txiwcr ; 92J@92 |
July ; 901 August : 91jj Soitembor ,
Corn I'asio/at CO July ; 01 J August ; 51 g
Oats Nothing done.
NEW ORLEANS , Juno 27. Corn Quiet.
weak ; mixed , G8.
Oats Quiet ; choice , 42.
Corn Meal Fair demand at lower rates ,
315.Pork Quiet , steady ; 18 00.
Cheese Unchanged.
Lard Firm ; tierce refined , 8 25 ; keg , 9 00.
Whisky Steady and unchanged.
Kyo Dull , nominal ; No. 1 , 04.
Barley Dull and lower ; No. 2 spring ,
September Gl
BALTIHOHB , Juno 27. Wheat "Western
more active , closing lower and weak. No. 2
winter red , sx > t , Juno 97@97J.
Corn Western active , closlnp ; lower and
weak ; mixed spot , 50i { .
Oats Frm ; western , white , 39 ® 11 ; mixed ,
Uyo Quiet at GS@70.
Kegs : Lower at 1G.
V iVhiskov Steady at 114.
MILWAUKEE , Juno 27. Wheat Quiet ;
No. 2 , 85iiJune ; , 85 ; July , 80 ; August ,
88 ? .
Corn Dull , nominal ; No. 2 , 64@55.
Oats Quiet ; No. 2 , nominally , 31J ,
Uyo Dull , not fresh , G1J.
Barley Dull ; No. 2 spring , 57 ; September ,
KANSAS CITY , June 27 , Cattle Weak
5@10c lower natives , 4 85@G 20 ; fair to good
native cows , 3 2o@4 00.
Hogs Weak and slow , lOo lower ; 4 70 ©
500.Sheep Nominally : natives , 3 25@3 00.
CHICAGO , Juno 27. Drover's Journal llo-
ports : Hogs brisk and firmer , rough
packing , 4 8G@5 05 ; packing and shipping , 7 50
light. 4 GOS5 ( 20 ; skips , 3 00@4 CO.
Cattle Weak ; lOq lower ; oxportsG 30G Go ;
common to choice shipping 5 10@G 40 ; inferior
to good cows , 2 30@4 50 ; atockera and feeders ,
3 00@5 25.
Sheep , Steady ; Inferior to fair , 2 50@3 CO
per cwt ; medium to extra , 3 C0@5 35.
ST. Louis , Jnno 27. Cattle Dull and
weak ; exports G 50@G 80 ; common to choice
shipping. 5 40@G 50.
Sheep Scarce and low ; low prudes dull at
2 2o@2 25 ; good dull at 3 C0@4 00 ; good lambs
5 G0@5 25.
llotfs Active and lower ; Yorkers , 500 ®
510 ; packimr , 4 80@5 05 ; heavy 5 10@5 25.
OHIOAOO , Juno 27. Receipts and ship
ments of flour and grain for the part 48 horns L
have boon oa follows
Receipts. Bhlp'ts.
Flour , bbls G.OOO 8,000 2
Wheat , bushels 10,000 134,000
Dora , bushels 111,000 107,000
Oats , bushels 178,000 148,000
Rye , bushels 8,000 3,000
Barley , bushels 2,000 1,000
NEW Yonn , Juno 27. Receipts and
ihlpmonta of flour and groin for the post 24 hours
liavo been oa follows :
Rocolptu Bhip'ta ,
IThoat , bushels 174,000 7,500 1
3orn , bushels 78,000 02,000 ;
3ati , bushels 130,000 . . . . ?
OHIOAQO , Juno 27. Receipts and ship , )
nonta of live stock for the past 24 hours have
icon aa follows :
Rooolpta , Bhip'ta. 2
3attlo 14,000 . . . .
flogs C.200 . . . . K
Jhoop 2,400 a
KANSAS Oirr , Juno 27. Receipts and
ihlpmcnts of live stock for tha past 2t hours
mvo boon an follows :
Recolpta , Bhlp'b. '
3attle..r . 1,400 .
Hogs . 10,000
3hoop . 1GO . . . .
ST. Louis , Juno 27. Receipts and ship- (
nent' of live stock for the past 24 hourn have
teen as follows : . '
Receipts. Bhlp'to.
Mlle . 500
Jhoop . 600
"Wholesale Prices.
Ounov 09 TUB OMAHA BOB , 1
Friday Kvenlnpf , Juno 27. (
The following prices are charged retailers
y jobbers , wliolesalesaleni and commission
nerchants , with the exception of grain , which
s quoted at the ptices furnished by the elova-
an and other local buyers ;
Grain ,
Wheat-Cash No. 2 , C7J(2G7c. (
Barley Cash No. 2 , 45@50c.
Uyo Cash , No. 8 , 43@45c.
Corn No. 2 , 3'J@401c.
Oats-No. 2. 82r@34c.
Iiivo Btook.
BTKEBB-4 25@5 60.
VAT Cows 3 00@4 00 ,
Hooo-4 00@4 to.
HHBEF 3 60 ® 100.
CALVES 0 00@7 00.
Wool ,
Light fine 14O17. SIB
Heavy fmo 10@13 , B
Medium 14(217 ( ,
Coario 10@ia. 2 ! !
Burry 2 to Co off ,
General I'roflcco. 4
Buvu Receipts light and demand good ,
24 d picked navy , per bu , 82 CO : mHlluzn ,
J00@225 ,
BEESWAX In good demand. Choice blight
per lu. 2G < ( $28c ; common to good dark per Ib ,
BUTTEII. Receipts of the past week show n >
markablo decrcuu , A food deal of butter U
doubtless held In the country to bo put on the
market with bettor price * later In the eaion.
Prices don't show nny improvement and the
general frollng continues wo k and dull. Best
table is quoUblo at 833100 , with 67o for in
ferior trndp.i , and 10jjllGo ( for croiunory ,
Cir Klt-"Ohio" bbl 57.00 " '
> - per , ; "YorkStato'
per bbl , $8 00 ; per J bbl , SI 76 ; condensed per
gal , 85o. Crnb apple , per gal. 85o.
OltKtsi Full cream , western , 10G811 | WIs-
consln now 11J : young American l"13c.
OOOOANUTS Per 100. $4 7C0 00.
Eons Receipts started in heavier this
week , and the demand for cases from the
country indicates that n good many eggs may
bo expected for the next few dnys. and al
though prices may bo loss firm , It is not
thought that a decline will take placo. Sales
to-day Ma for fresh candled ,
FoiiKiaN FHUITS MotMna orancos , per
box , SO 60. MosMna lemons , per box , SI r > 0
@ 5 00. Bananas , per bunch , $3 00
Figs , Ib. . IGo. Dates , In frails , 7ic ; dates ,
fard , In bones , 12o.
FnotT BtrrtKRS Apple butter , In 30 Ib
pnlls , per Ib , 7a Plum buttnr. 74c.
Hay BMod , S&00fa)10.00 ) ; loose , $10.00 ®
JKLIT In 20 and SO Ib mils , C@7o ; lu 2 Ib ,
nrs , per doz , $1 CO ; ossoNo tumblers , per
dot. SI 20 ; schooncra , per dozen , ? 3 00.
MAPLK SUGAR Puro. In bricks , per Ib , IGc ;
Ohio , 13c ; small cakes , 12Jc.
ONIONS Now Southern per Ib. 3 ( ! 3ic.
Poi'CORN- Rood demand nt iifl opor Ib.
POULTRY Receipts of old chickens heavy
and prices considerixblo lower , Bales today ,
S300@3 25 per doz. ; spring chickens in good
demand at $2 75@5 00 accord ! g to size.
POTATOK3 Market stocked heavily with
both old nnd new. The latter arc offered to-
: lay at S 70 ® 1 00 per barrel , and will probably
lie down to § 1 per bushel this week yet , which
will stop the demand for old ones altogether.
PRESERVES ( In 20-lb polln ) Stnwborry ,
rnspborry , blackberry , per Ib , ISc ; peaches
cheirlcR , plums , apricots , figs , porlb , 12o ;
cranberry sauce , tier Ib , 80.
PROVISIONS Ham , 13o ; b. bacon , 12Jo
c. 8. bacon , llc ; d. B. Bldos lOJc ; short rib
sides , lOJc ; shoulders , 8Jc ; moss pork , per
bbl. $18.50. Dried beef , Klo. Lard , 9@10o.
VEOETABLKS Spiuacli , per bbl , S2 00 ; now
cabbogo , per doz 80@100 ; lettuce , per
doz. , 'Joe ; rodishcs , per doz , , 25c ; turnips
per bu , COc. boots , per bu , 7Cc ;
cucumbers , per doz. , 61 00 ; Pip , plant
per Ib. 2o. cauliflower per doz. $100 ;
now carrota. per Ib , , So. Tomatoes , I
i bu. box , 75@1 00 : .croon pees per tmiliol
box , Sl.Ofl : string beans per bushel box , 52.00
SHAM , Fi UITR Strawberries , per21-quart
case , S3 00 , Black raspberries , S3 00. lied
raspberries , per 12-quart case , 3100. Gooseberries
berries , per bushel , SI CO. Wild plums , per
case S3 CO. Now apples pur box 60@1 00 ;
Peaches 1 00@1 CO.
EASTERN CnunuiKS Plentiful and che.i | ) .
AH kinds of packages are sent to market , Bull
ing at the ratu of about S3 00 per bush.
DrTGoofl * .
BROWN HnKKTiNos Atlantic A , 74o ; Atlan
tlo P , Gc ; Atlantic LL ; OJe ; Brunswick , 7ic ;
Beaver Dam LL.Olc ; Lawrence LL , CJc ; Pucl-
fie H , 7o ; Royal Standard , 8c ; Indian Head
A , 80 ; Wauchusott A , 7Jo.
FINE BROWN SiiitETiNas Argyle , 7jo ; Pop-
porell R , 7c ; Salisbury R , GJc.
BLEAOIIKD COTTONS -Ballon 4-1. GJo : Bal ,
Ion 7-8 , 5Jcj Ciunborland 4-4. 80 ; Davoll DD
S c ; I'ttirmount , 4\c ; Fruit of the Loom 4-4'
9c : Glory of the West , 8Jc : Golden Gato.SJc ;
Hill 7-8 , So ; Hill 4-4 , 9o ; Lonsdalo SJcjNow
Vsrk Mills , llio ; Wmnsutta , lOJc.
DUCKS ( Colored ) Boston , 8 oz. , lljc ; Boston -
ton , 10 oz. , l-ljc ; Boston , 9 oz. , 14o ; Fall
River , 8io.
DOCKS ( Gray ) West Point , 8 oz. , llo
West Point , 10 oz. , llo ; Boston Boar , 8 o * . ,
TICKINGS Amoskoag. 14c ; Continental
Fancy , 9c ; Cordis , love ; Pearl River , Ho ;
York , 12jc ; Hamloton Awnings , 12lo.
DENIMS Amoskoa ; ? , 14o ; Beaver Crook
AA , 12c ; Beaver Crook BB , llo ;
Beaver Crook CO. 10 : Haymakers
8c ; Jaffroy D & T. 12Jc ; Jaffroy XXX. 12Jc ;
Pearl Kivor , 13e ; Wnrrsn AXA ( brown ) ,
12c ; WarronBB ( brown ) , lie ; Worron CO
( brown ) , lOo.
OAIUJRICS Fifth avenue glove finish , Cc ;
Keystone glove finish , CJc.
CORSET JEANS Amory , 774c ; ! Hancock , 80 ;
Kearsayor , 81c ; Rockport ,
PRINTS AllonsClcAniorican,5So ! ; Arnolds ,
Gc ; Cochoco , Gc ; Harmony , 4c : Indigo , 7Jo ;
Indigo 7-8 , Hip ; Indigo 4-4,12 c ; cheap ealo
"c ; Charter Oak , 4Jc.
PRINTS SniRTiNQH American , Co ; Cochoco ,
5c ; Glouccator.uc'.Soutlibrldgo , 4Ic ; Wavorlys ,
4Jc ; Rosodale , 4Jo.
GINOHAMS Ainoskaag staples , 8lc : Bates
staples , 81c : Lancaster staples , 80 ; Plnnkot
plaids , 9c ; Hudson chocks , 8Jc ; Amoakoag
Persians , 9c.
DRESS GOODS Atlantic alpocca , 9Jc ; Per-
slano cashmor , 23jo ; Hamloton cashmere ,
15lc ; Hamloton Fancus , lljc ; Hamloton bro-
caaosj ICc ; Arlington brocade , 18o.
lilqnorn ,
ALOOHOL 188 wine alcohol , 2 20 per vine ]
gallon extra California spirits , 188 proof ,
112 par proof gallon ; triple refined spirits
187 proof , 114 per proof gallon ; re-distilled
whiskies 100@1 CO ; fine blended , 1 C0@2 CO ;
Kentucky bourbons , 200@700 ; Kentucky
and Pennsylvania ryca , 2 00@7 00.
BRANDIES Imported , 6 00@1G 00 ; domostlo
40@4 00.
GINS Imported , 4 CO@G 00 ; domestic , 140
© 300.
HUMS Imported , 4 50@G 00 ; Now England ,
00@4 00 ; domostlo , 150@3 CO.
CIIAMPAONE3 Imi > ortod per caao , 2800 ©
34 00 ; Amoticanpor : case , 12 001G 00 ,
Qrocors Lint.
OANNCTI GOODS Uystora ( Standordpor ) CAHO ,
70@3 80 ; Btrawborrlos , 2 ll ) , per case , 2 CO ©
210 ; raspberries , 2 Ib , per case , 2 90 ; Bartlett
poara , per case , 2 40 ; whortleberries , per case ,
10 ; ojrj ( plums , 2 Ib. per case , 2 90 ; ( rreou
ago3 , 2 Ib , per caao , 2 90 ; plno apploa , 2 Ib
or case , 4 80@5 CO.
Rorc Sisal i inch and larger , Die , g Inch , ;
cS : i Inch , lOjc.
O iNDira Boxes , 40 Ibs , 16s , 15c ; 8s , IBc ;
JOXOH 40 Ibs , 10 oz , . Gs , IGo ,
MATCHES Per caddlo , 85c ; round , easoi ,
55 ; square cases , 1 70.
SnoABS Powdered , 8c ; cut oaf , 84c ;
rranulatod , 7fic ; confoctlonors * A , 7fc | ! Stand-
ird extra 0 , Cjo ; extra O , Ggc ; suodlum yol-
ow. Glo ; dark yellow , c. >
COFFEDJ Ordinary grades , 12@12Jcf fair IS
gllHlc ; good , 14c ; prime , lC@lCj o ; cholco ;
LG@17c ; fancy green nnd yollov7li@lG5o ( ; old
rovornmont Java , 20@2Gc ; Lovorlng'a roaatod.
.7c : Arbucklo'a routed , IC c ; MoLauglilln'c
XXX roasted , ICJo ; mltatiou Java , 10i
2il8c ; Clark's Aurora , lOJc. !
RICE Louisiana pnmo to cholco , 7o ; fair !
Jc ; Patma , OJc.
FISH No. 1 mackerel , half brig. , S CO ; No L
mackerel , cits , 11C ; family mackerel , 1ml
jrls. , 7 00 ; family mackorol. kite , 95c ; No. 1
vhlto fiah , half brls. , 8 75 ; No. 1 kltn , 115.
BTRUP Standard Com. . SOc , bnls ; Standard . ,
lo , 4J gallon kcga 1 85 ; Standard do , 4 gallon .
coca 137.
BODA In Ib papers , 8 80 per caao ; keg per Ib ,
PICKLES Medium. In barrels , 8 25 ; do * '
n half barra's , 4 75 ; small. In barrels , 9 26 ; do
n half barrels , 5 26 ; gherkins ] in barrels , 10 25 ;
lo In half barrels. 5 75.
TEAU Gunpowder , peed , 45@55c ; cholco GO 8J
% 75c ; good Imperial , )0@13c ) ; choice , GO@G5o
ITonng Ilyaon , good , 3G@50o ; cholco.
iScl 00 ; Japan , natural leaf , 8Cc ) Japan ,
iholco , G0@76c ; Oolong , good , 3540c ; Oolong , :
holco , 40@C5c ; Bouchong , good , 8540c ;
iholco , S5@45c.
WoonENWARK Two hoop palls , 185 ; . ,
hroo hoop nails , 210. Tuba , No. 1 , U 00 ; PIo- ?
leer washboards , 185 ; Double Crown 2 90 ; °
BOAPU Kl'rk-H Savon Imperial , 8 45 ; Kirk'n f.a
atlnet , 3 GO ; JUrk's standard , 8 70 ; Klrk'H " '
7hito Ruinlan , 525 ; KIrkB ontoca , 215 ;
Clrk'a Pralrio Queen , (100 ( caliea , ) 40c ; Kirk's
nagnolla , doz. ,
POTAHH Pennsylvania cans , 4 cage , In case , It
185 ; Babbitt , ! ! ball 2doz , mease , 190Anchor ;
jail , 2 doz. In case , 1 CO.
CANDY Mixed , 1218c ; [ stick , He ; twist
VINEOAB Now York npplo IGoj Ohio up-
ile. ISc.
SAW Dray loads , per bbl , 170 ; Aahton , In
aclcs , 8 CO ; bbla dairy GO , Ga , 8 80.
STARCH Pearl , 4c ; Silver Gloss , 8c ; Com
Starch , 80 ; ExceUlor Gloss. 7c ; Corn , 7jc.
Hi'iora Popper , 17c ; alhiplco , ICe ; dovoa ,
5o ; cassia ICc.
LTE American. 8 40 ; Greenwich , 8 40 ;
Yostorn , 2 76 ; North Star , 2 00 ; Lowh1 lye ,
165 | Jewell lye , 2 76.
Ptua TODAOOO Climax , COc ? Bullion COo ;
loneahoo , COc : Star , COc : Ruddy , 45o ; Her-
eya ' , 40c : Black , 88@40c.
FINB COT Common , 20@80os Rood , 45 ® <
0o ; Rosa Loaf , 70c : Premium , 6Coj Diamond
, C5c ; Sweet Hlxtoan , COc.
SMOKINO O.8. , 22o ; Meerschaum , 30cj Dnr
ham , 8 oz. , 65o > Durham , 4 oz. , C7o ; Durhair
2oz. , C5o ) Seal of North Carolina , 8 r * . , Cfc
Seal of North Carolina , 4 oz. , C7o ; Seal o
North Carolina , 2 01. , GOo ; 0. K Durham , 4
oe. , 2& > j O. 1C Ihiiham , 2 or. , SOcj Unol
Nod , i't 25o ; Tom nnd Jerry , 23o.
DRUOS AND ClIRMIOAM-Acld , tarbollc , 8. > C
add. tartarlo , 65o ; bal am capabia , per lib
6T c ; bark _ sassafras . _ , . . . per _ , cut . _ 12c . ; . calomel . , 1'Util
% * / \ *
76o ; clnohonhlla , i > or oz. , SO.G5 ; chlorofoni
l > or Ib. , $110 ; Dovors jwvdor , per Ib. , 81.2 :
owom salts , i > or Ib. , 8Jc ; glycerine , pure , po
Ib , , 28c ; load acotalo , per Ib. , 21c ! ; oil , cattor
No 1 jor gal. , 81.05 ; oil , castor , No. 8 po
gaI.S1.40 ; oil , olive , per gal. , SI. 10 ; oil orl
ganum , COc ; opium , S4.50 ; quinine , P. & W
und R , A S. . per oz. , $1.40 ; potassium ,
lodlno , ixjr Ib. , 81.50 ; sallcln , per oz. , 40c ; mil
nlmtoof morphluo , per oz. , S3.CO ; nulphu
flour , per ; strychnine , per oz. , $1,83.
Oak * ole , SSc@42o ; hemlock flolo23c.13o
ion lock kli > , SOo to 1 00 ; numor G5o to 80c
icmlock calf , 85c to 100 ; hemlock upper , 22
to 24c ; oak upper. 2lc ; alligator , 4 Ou to 5 CO
calf kid , S2@35 ; Grclnon kid , 2 CO to 2 75 ; oak
dp , SOo to 100 ; oalc calf , 1 20 to 1 SO ; French
kip , 110 to 1 C3 ; French calf , 1 2ii to 2 00 ; ros
sots. 6 CO to 7 CO ; Unities , G 00 to 8 50 ; top.
) lngs , 0 00 to 10 CO ) B. L. Morocco , SOo to Sflc
) obblo O. D. Morocco , 85c ; simon. 2 CO to 3 00
HARNESS No. 1 star oak , 87c ; No 2 dor
35c ; No. 1 Ohio oak , SI3 ; No. 2 do , 83e ; No
1 Milwaukee S4a : No 2 do 33t.
No. 1 Pitts oak bar , 37c ; No. B Pitta oak
bar , SSo.
Pnlnto.Ollo anil Varnlshci.
OILS 110 carbon , per ga'Ion.lSJo ; 160 °
headlight , per gallon , 14 Jc ; 175 ° headlight
per gallon , 18o ; 1BO ° water whlto , 17c ; lln
seed , raw , ; pr callon.G3c ; linseed , boiled , per
gallon , G2cLaru , winter str'd , per gallon , 80o
No. 1 , 70oNo ; , 2 , GOo ; castor , XXX. per gal
Ion , 1 GO ; No. 8,1 , 40 ; Bwoot , per gallon 100
si > onn NV.B. , per gallon , ICO ; fish. W , B. ,
porgallon. 65e : noatsfoot extra , per gallon , 90o
No , 1 , 76o ; lubricating , toro , per gallon , 30c
summer , ICe ; golden machlno , No , 1 , per gal
Ion , 85o ; No. 2 , 28o ; sperm , signal , pnr gallon
80c ; turpentine , per gallon , 4Sc ; naptlm 7-1 °
per ration , IGo.
PAINTO m Ort Whlto load , Omaha P. P.
0o ; whlto load. St. Louis , pure , Gc } ; ManoilloA
green 1 to 5 lo cans , 20c ; French zino , grooi
eoal , 12oi French rlno , rod seal , lie ; Frond
zino , In varnish asst , 20c ; French zinc. In1 ot
n.-ut , ICe ; raw and bunit umber , 1 Ib cans , lOc
raw and burnt Sienna , lOc ; vandvko brown
13o ; refined lampblack , 12c ; coach black , ant
ivory black , IGo ; drop black , IGo : Pnisalni
blnn , iCa ; ultramarine blue , 18c ; chromo green
L. M. & D. , IGc ; blind and Bhuttor green , L
M. & D. , IGc ; Paris peen , ISo ; Indian red
ICe ; Venetian rod , 9 Tuscan rod , 22o ; Amor )
can Vormllllon , L & P. , 18c ; chroma yellow
L. M. , O. & ] ) . O. , ISc ; yellow ochre , 9c
golden ochre , IGo , patent dryer , 8c ; gralninf
colors , light oak , dark oak , walnut , choitnul
and ash Itkj.
Whlto load , 80 ; French zino , lOo ; Paris
whiting , 2Jcwhiting ; gliders , l cvhlting ;
com'l lie ; lampblack , Germantown , He ;
lampblack , ordinary , lOc ; Prussian blue , CCc ;
ultramarine , 18c ; Vandyke , brown , 8c ; umber
burnt , 4c ; umbor. raw , 4c ; sienna , burnt , 4c ;
sienna , rt. * , 4o ; Paris green , gonulno. 25cj
Paris green , common , 20c ; chroma green , N. Y. ,
20c ; chromo poon. K. , 12o ; vermillion , Eng. ,
70c ; vermillion , American , 18o ; Indian rod ,
lOc ; rose pink , 14o ; Venetian rod , Cooksou's ,
2Jc ; Venetian rod , American , Ijfc ; rod load ,
7jo ; chromo yellow , gonuluo , 20c ; chromo yellow -
low , K , , 12cochro rochollo,8eochro.Fi-onch ; ,
29c ; ochre , American , 2c ; Wlutor'a mineral ,
2Jc ; lohlgh brown. 2jo ; Spanish brown , 2Jo ;
Prlnco'a mineral , Sc ,
VARNISHES fiorroh. poj gallon : Furnl
turo , extra , $110 ; furniture , No. 1 , 81 ; conch ,
extra , SI 40 ; coach , No. 1 , SI 20 ; Damor
extra , $1 75 ; Japan , 70c ; lunhaltum , oxtraS5c | ;
shellac , $3 510 : hard oil fmleli SI CO.
Hoavr Harilwnro Iilot.
Iron , ratoa , 2 CO ; plow stool apoclal cant , Go
cruclblo , 7c ; special or Gorman , ! > c ; cast too ;
do , 1C@20 : wagon spokes , sot , 2 25(33 ( 00 ; hubs
per Bet , 125 ; foflooa eawod dry , 1 40 ; tongues ,
each , 7085o ; nxloa each , 75c ; cqunro nuts per
1I > , 7@llc ; washon or Ib , 818o ; rivets , per
Ib , lie ; coil chain , per Ib , G@12o ; malleable , 80
Iron wedges , Go ; crowbars , Gc ; harrow tooth
4c ; spring tool , 7@8o ; < 'Rurdon'8horsoUooa \ 70
Burden's muloshoes 5 70.
BARRED WIRE In car lota , 4 85 per 100 ,
NAILS Rates. 10 to GO , 2 G5.
SHOT Shot , 185 ; buck shot , 210 : oriental
powder , kegs , G40 ; do. , half kogo , 8 48 ; do. ,
quarter kegs , 188 ; blasting , kegs , 8 85 ; fuoo ,
per 100 feet r > 0c.
LEAD Bar , 1 65.
COAL Cumberland blacksmith , 10 00 ; Mor
rls run Blossburg , 10 00 ; Whltebroast lump ;
5 00 ; Whltobroost nut , 5 00 ; Towa lump , 5 00
Iowa nut , 5 00 ; Rock Spring , 7 00 ; Anthra
dto , 1125@il 60 ; Canon City , 7 00 , per ton
Wo quote lumber , lath and shlng oa' , on oars
at Omaha at tha following prlcra :
JOIST AND SOANTLINO 10 ft. and under I
22 00 ; 18 ft , 23 CO.
TIMBERS 16 foot and under. 22 00.
TIMIIER AND JOIST 18 ft , 23 CO ; 20 ft , 23 CO ;
22 ft , 2G CO ; 24 ft , 2G CO.
FENOINQ No , 1 , 4 and G lo. , 24 00 ; No. 2 ,
SHEETING No. 1 (2d ( common boards ) , 20 00 ;
No. 2,18 00.
STOCK BOARD'S A , 45 00 ; B,40 00 ; 0 , 35 00.
FLOORING No. 1,40 00 ; No , 2 , 85 00 ; No ,
SmiNO , cloar-27 00 ; No. 2 , 25 00 ; No. 3 ,
OKILIN < J & , 37 00 ; fl. 25 00.
SHINGLES , bast 1 50 ; standard , 3 CO.
LATII 3 25 per M.
LIME Per barrel , 125 ; bulk per bushel , 35o ;
jomnnt. bbl , 2 25 ; Iowa planter , bbl , 2 CO ; hair
> or bu. COc ; Tarred felt , 100 Jtis , 3 50 ; straw
joard,8 CO
Bcof Cattle , 100 Ib. C C0@5 75 ; droisod 9 50 ;
g975 : sheep 4CO@550 ; hogs , live , COO ©
CO ; drosaod 7 00@7 25.
Hides. Dry Flint , lll@12c. ; green 4@5o.
rocn calf 8@10c
Tallow. C@Ga
SVooI. Colorado ll@15o. ; Now Mexico 7 ©
lOc.FiouH100 lb , 185@2 25 ; patent , 100 bs
8C@3 25 ; Graham , 100 Ibs , 2 00 : rye , 100 Ibs
2C@2 45 ; buckwheat , 100 Ibs , 10 00 ® 10 CO ,
iran , ton , 12 00@14 00 ; corn meal. 100 Ibn.
4CS)175. ( )
GRAIN Wheat , 100 lbn , 1 40@1 45 ; corn , in
lacks 100 lb . 1 08@110 ; oats , 100 Ibs , 1 80
gl 45 ; barley. 100 Ibs , 1 401 55.
HAY Baled , 20 00@20 00 ; straw , 11 00 ©
.2 00.
BUTTER Finest , 21@2Goj Nebraska dairy
iholco , 1115c ; common , G@8c ,
EaaH Frcuh , lC@17c ; ranch , doz , fresh
CIIEEHE Full cream , 1415o ( ; Lhnburger ,
80 ; Hwles , imported , 32o ,
POULTRV Llvo , chickens old , doz,5 CO@G ; 00
pring cliickoiifl. 3 5o@l 60 ; drossodlb,18lo. ! )
PoTATOKS-Grooloy , 100 lb , 100@1 lOjNow
176.VEOETAIILEH Onions , now. 100 Ibu , 2 C0@
75 cabbage , now , 100 Ibs , 3 00 ; beota , 100
bs 7Cc@l ( X ) ,
FRUITS-Orango Mcstlona box , 000@0 CO ;
omens , choica Messina. 375ICO ; apploa ,
California , bbl , 4 00 ; bananas , bunch , 2 00 ©
100.MEATH Ifarns , Ib , 13i@14c ; bacon , break ,
ast , liiV@itc : : lard , lu tlcrcea , Ib , lOc ;
Iry Bait bldoo , 9i@10a.
Vim Mackerel , Nol , 1 GO , kit , family ,
7C2 25 ; California salmon , half bbl , 10 CO ;
folland herring , koir , 1 GO1 76 ; trout , per
b. 17@18c.
Western Cornice-Works ,
till Pou tM BU OmU , Ncli.
Oalvamzeo Iron Cornices ]
IrirDormcr AVIndqwi , FliiUlt , Tin , Iron nJ Slito
tooting. Hpucht'1 I' t nt ItcUlllo tikvlL'ht , Pfttvut
lju tixl lutclict Itor nuJ Jlmckct bfi ( > lvlri | ( , I ftm
ho Kcneral bgont ( ur the abore Una of uoodt. Ire
[ Railway Time Table.
In Effect Jun 1 .
All r tru mire M ml ilqntt from Omihn o
CentrU RtAmlnnl Tlm , which U S < mlnuto * fMlt
thMi lun tlmo.
t Kxccpt BalurJay , Kxrvpt StimUj , J Kiocrit Won
day ,
From Union ] 1'nolUo Dop .Tontli St
. P. R. n. , MAINIU
IKlUtu ) Kip..lla : m I Atlnntlo Kin. , . ,7W : it m
r cina Kn | > . sss : pm I SUM na Kin..4 :
Mnooln r.xp..lS:55p : m | Lincoln Kip..11:65 : p n
tc vo Om hfl.40 : , 8:00,9:00 : : , tOWll:15 : : m. , ioo :
5.-00 , :00,4:00 : : , B:00 : , O.OO , 10M : n. m. On SumUyj
0:10,9:00,11:16 : : : . m ; 1:00,3:00 : : , 6,00 , fl:00,10S5p : : n
Attire ttt n ( < > rloiHt IS minutes Uter ; Bro dw y
dci > ot , Conn oil llhifT , JO minutes | tcr.
IftV6 Council Hluffii , Uroftdnay depot , 7:20 , RSO :
8.30,10:30 : , ll40 ! .m. ; 130 , 2:80,8.SO. : 4:30,6:30,0:85 : : : On RumUyi : 7:20,0.SO : , U40 ! . m.l:30 ; :
3:30 : , 4:30 : , 8.35,11.-05 pm. Attlvo t Tt n fer 1 tnln
utos Uter.
I * vo Oonnoll Bl ft Tnvnufor depot : 7S5 , B37 ;
B.37.10.S7,11:17 : h m ; 1:37 : , SS7,0:37 : , 4:40 : , 6:37,0:45 : :
11M6 p > lu. Attlvo Omtrm 13 mluntot l tor.
r vNo. S 8:16am : No. 61..0:45 : an
0..8.63 A tn ' 3.,1li6ft : n
n 61 10:05 : ft in 1 15.U' : pm
4 46 : pm 1 I ) 7:35 p m
8 :10pm : 1 1 8u : v
10 8:65 : pm
l ) v.
Mull * . lOMnmlOiinhi Kii > . . . , eM ; m
St. I.ouls lap , , . ,3.35 tun Mult * . , . ,0.60 n m
B. o. fc r. lu ii.
w n 0:10 : in I fit. Kip. . . IMS m
St. I'AUl Kip , .6 65 | > in I Mill. 7:33 : P U
0. , It. I * 1' . U , R.
DctiMolncg Aco".0:40 : n m niprroit R:4J : n n
UMi * 8:10 : km li < Molnei AM'.0:50 : p m
Ki ] > . . . . . , , : ! pm mil- 7:35 : p m
0. * N. iv. n. it.
WAT * .
U' S:16km : Riproeot D:4Eam :
, Mull' . . 7:35 : pm
0. , 11. & tit. P. 11. U.
8lS ! rn Pnrino Ript. . . . 0:45km :
Atlantic Kit 4:25 : p m Htllb Kip7:35 : pm
O. , 11 fc li U. U. > Ilk Council niuffaO
Mall 818 ; m Ktprosa 0:45 : m
Ciprrei 4,16 p m M1 7:35 : | i to
( Koto. ) Tlio 0:00 : m nmlfcOOpm ihuiiniv trains ivlw
\vltlicnBt-bouiultralnn , luitoucloeo tlmo.
WAnABii.sT. jama & I'Acino.
ir.\v , I AUUIVK.
Cannon UtiUl:00pm : Cannon Vnll 8:60 : pro
E. 0. , UT , JOH ft O. U. ( tinCouncil Hinds. )
MMl 0:00 : n ml Hsprmit 7M : m
Exirc33l | 0f : > 5p m | Mall. . . 7:35pn :
DtulnR JimoHatuttlay , BunJi\ymnl Monday Chicago
trains \ \ 111 rolnto na lullOH n ;
Batunlay mcnlnc trains lcav Jinio 14thI.A 0. M. &
8tJJ Juno 7th ntui cstli \ In tha NotUi-\Ycstcrn ; Juno
SliT ln tha I lock Inhiul Arrl\a In tha
onlcr the Monday follow Ing ,
Sunday morning tralim ilcjutt ami Bumlny orciilni ;
trains nrtlvo Juno Ifitliln the Hock IftUnd , Juni
l > tnni)2.tiI'\lnthoKortli-WciitcrunmlJuni ) > 8th anil
20th tin the Oil &Ht 1 * .
From B , & M. Depot ; Tenth Street.
Omulia. . . . fllopm : 7:60 : am 7:00 : pm 10:06 : nm
AshUnd , . . 8:27 : pra 10:09 : nm 4:52 : pm 8:12 : nm
rjnooln. . . 10:00 : inn 12fo : tn [ 8.60 pm 7S am
Crcto 11:17 : pm 12MOpm : 2ll : pm Sot : nm
IlaitlnRU. . 5:15 : am 4:16 : pm 11:66 : nm 10:60 : pm
lloil Cloud. 8:00 : nm O.OJ jim 10.25 am 8:29 : | im
JloOook..10:65 : nm 915 ; pm C.I 6 am 4:10 : inn
Akron. . . . 3:45 : pm 8:10 : nm 12:60 : nm 11:05 : nm
UouTor. . . . 7:25i : > m 0 15 nm B.25 pm 7:30 am
I.v. Omalin nt 7:50 : , nnd 8:45 : n in ; 4:50,0:10 : : , 7:15 : p m
Ar. Omalin tO:25 : , 8:40 : mid lou5 : a in ; 7:00,7:30 : : p m
0. U. & Q. R. ItIn ( riikttsmouth. )
IKAVR. I Armun ]
Kiutcrn Kxp..8:45 : a m OmnhaRxp 8:40n : in
Chlcngo ixp..4M : : p m I Western Kip.7SOp : m
K. O. , ST. J. & 0. II. ( Ua riaUsmnuth. )
NM 8:46 : a m Hiprcant 0:25 n
Kxprcsal 7:45 p m I Hall 7:30 : p
From O. St. P , St. & O. Depot , 1-1 th and
Webster Strcow ,
O. , St. P. M. fe 0.
No 2 I'asaontror..R.M am I No8 lllici ! 10:30 : am
No 4 JIliocl 8:30 : nm | Not 1'asaongor. 6:30 : pm
Hundava Excoptod.
opening ana Cloning of Mallo ,
lonri or . OLMI.
.m. p m. , in. p.m.
o * N.w.c.n.r.&p.o.n.
& Q. , 8k l' ul & Sioux Clty.ll:00 : P:00 : 7:03 : 8:16 :
B. O. & I' . In Iowa 0:00 : 6:40 :
Wnbasli locnl 4:0011:35 : :
K. 0. , St. Joe & O. a 0:90 : 7:03 0:60 :
Mluoutl I'nolflo 7:30 : 8:00 :
aSt. P.M.&o 0:00 : 0:00 :
Union Taclfla 8:30 : 6:0511:0) : : 7:00 :
O. & Hqmbllcan Valley 1:31) : 11:351 :
II. & U. Kiprom 8:00 : 7:09 :
) . & If. pouch mall ( or Athlnnil \ ) .
Bonil , Lincoln cto. 11:00 : 4:30 :
Olllco open SuniUys from 12:00 : m. U 1:00 : p. m.
O K OOOTANT I'oBtm tot
And your worlc is done for nil time
to conio ,
to produce a more durable material
for street pavement than the
Sioux Falls Qranilo.
Slled promptly. Samples sent nnd
estimates given upon application ,
Sioux FullsDakota.
: tf"FB ife 1
OovtTlwt : IjOutxriian
Until olHccu are tepulrod Jtcin rcBiilt of flio. offl
with Ui , 1'ttkor , Uoom ( , CulgUtou Mock 15tb
o M.
Tlio Largest Stock in Omaha andOMakes the Lowest Prices
Just rooolvod tm nsaortmont far ourpasslng Anything In this market , comprising
too Intoat iuut most tasty designs mauufaoturod for this spring's trade and covorlnJ
a mngo of prices from the Ohoapost to the most Expensive.
Parlor Goods
Now rendy for the inspection of cns- Complete stock of nil the latest
tomora , the newest novelties m styles in Turcomnn , Madras and
Suits mid Odd Pieces. Imco Curtains , Etc. , Etc.
Elocant Passenger JBlovator to all Floors.
1206 , IS08 nnd 1310 Fnrnmu Street , - - - - OMAHA
I. H. MILLAI D , President. WM. WALLACE , Cashier ,
Capital and Surplus , S45O.OOO.
Fire mid Bunrlar Proof Safes for Rout at f i m C5 to 850 per annum.
03 "
1409 and 1411 Dodge St. , I } Omaha , Neb
. . i
i x gr TB < ' * ! WM mm v - w - - - j
103 BRADY ST. , DAVENPORT , IOWA , U. S. A. EstabHohod 1878 Catarrh ,
Deafness , Lung and Nervous Dinoasos Speedily nnd Permanently Onrod. Pationti
Ourod at Homo. Write for "T B MEDIOAII-MISSIONAKT , " for the Pooplo.
Oonsultatlon and Oorrosnondonco Gratia. P. O. Box 202. Telephone No. 20.
HON. EDWARD RUSSELL , Postmaster , Davenport , nayn : " Physician ol
ttoa ADlllty and Marked Suocosa. " CONGRESSMAN MURPHY , Davenport ,
nritoic "An tiontirahln Man. Fine Suocons. Wonderful OuroB. " Houra 8 to C.
Dormer \Vlmlo\\a , Flnlnli , Window fap ! , Iron Orcutlnzs , Motalllo Bky-llBtits , io , Tin , Iron and Elite Iloof
ern , 310 South J2th Street , Ora lia , Nobrnaka.
Williinnntic Spool Cotton is entirely the product of Homo Industry
nnd is pronounced by exports to Lo the best Bowing machine thread in tut/
for aalo by HENLEY , HAYNES & VAN ARSDEL ,
m&o Omaha , NOD.
1MBmd UtO tltnur Bttcot and JC H. ltthCtl ! l . |