Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 28, 1884, Image 1

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The Political Hews of Host Moment ti
Sanguine Democracy ,
The Arrangement Oommitteo Preparing -
paring for a Long Siege ,
Owine to the Probability Nomi
nees Will Not Walk Away ,
Cleveland's Ohancos Not so Unan
imous as at First Supposed ,
Tildon Eoported Seriously to be
Tonaoiously on the Traok ,
While California Inclines to GetUp
Up a Boom for Dana ,
Kelly and Butler Supposed to
Hold Demooraoy's ' Destinies.1
3roccctllngH In Congress Various
Political Matters ,
CHICAGO , Juno 27. The Biib-commltteo of
the national democratic committed held mi-
other session to-day , but beyond deciding up
on certain minor changes in the arrangement
of the hall , by which Beats can be provided for
territorial delegates in the main body of the
hall , no action of importance was taken.
CHICAGO , Juno 17. The possibility of a
longer session of the National Democratic con
vcntion than has been expected has caused the
sub-committee of the national democratic com-
initteo to take steps to-day for emergencies.
The commltoeo mot at the Palmer house this
morning , there being present Committocmun
Gaudy , Kelly , | ViIa , Brown and Hnm. Tht
only ono absent being W. D. Scott , of Penn
eylvanla. The question of printing tickets
came up. Mr. Goudy said it was impossible
to tell how long the convention would last ;
hence it was difficult to decide how many
sessions should bo printed on each ticket. Kel
ly thought that tlio convention would not hold
Brown said that everything depended upon
Now York. If that stnto came hero n unit for
the candidate the convention wotdd bo brief.
otherwise it would be long. It was decided
that preparation was necessary for the emer
gency , and that the subject of the number of
admissions should bo further considered. It
was discovered that in making plans for seat
ing the delegates calculation had been made
on the basil of 802 , thus counting the eightenn
delegates from thn ten itories out of seats. It
had been thought the territorial delegates
could bo seated among the alternates , but Mr.
13rown revived a resolution passed by the na
tional convention in Washington giving them
seats on the floor of the convention , and it was
decided that the number of delegates' Beats
should bo increased from 803 to 820.
which the committee seeks to prepare for
is that the convention may bo prolonged by a
failure to agree on a candiu to. If Now York
has not decided on n , man , ono of the committee -
too said , it was probable that the west would
endeavor to name him. A long battle would ,
in his judgment , bo provoked , and Tildcn
would very likely be nominated.
CHICAGO , Juno 27. The following dispatch
was sent to-night. The signatures are those
-of the democratic judges of the courts of this
county , and leading democratic business men :
CHICAGO , Juno 27,1881. To Daniel Man
ning , chairman , democratic state committee
of Now York , Albany , Now York : The un-
dorsignud , democrats of Chicago , wish to ex
press to you and others of the same patty in
.New York , their sincere convictions that the
Interests of the country and the success of the
national democracy require the nomination of
Governor Cleveland for projidont by the con
vention to assemble hero on tno 8th prox. , and
this they believe to be the opinion of a largo
majority of ths democrats of Illinois.
Signed by James 15. Waller , Samuel A.
Moore , M. F. Tuley , .Tno. G. Kogers , T. A.
Morau , Henry G. Miller , Iloraco A. Hurlbut ,
Marl : Kimball , Henry W. Kogers , John A.
Markloy , Anthony A. Seeberger , G. S. In-
graham and Cbas. S. Waller.
1J.OTXAND , Juno 27. Congressman Luke
1'oland's letter declining n renomination in
the Second Vermont district , is printed in the
Holland Herald. Ho has been overworked he
says , 300 pension cases and other matters out
side of tha legitimate duties of legislation hav
ing been thrown upon him , All these things
would bo cheerfully attended to , ho continues ,
Jut his health and strength will not allow of
t t , and ho must giyo eomo time to his own af
fairs. In conclusion ho says :
" I am quito uwaro how seldom it in that
old men , who hnve held much public oflico ,
willingly quit publio life , and even when
obliged to give way to younger mid more
vigorous men , how apt they are to bo soured
niul to feel that the people are ungrateful , I
am troubled by nona of these feelings , I have
had a largo share of the honors and burdens of
uflicial life. I feel deeply grateful to the
people of my native state for the trust they
have shown , and the many honors they have
conferred on mu , and feel that I have received
all I have merited. I do know better than
you do how often I have failed to accomplish
measures I desired in publio ; but I can truly
.say that I have faithfully endea
voured to fulfil every duty , and I
humbly , trust that the work of my
public life has not been without benefit to the
fltatu and country and good to my fellow-men.
I do not think you will find a successor who
will bo more faithful aud diligent or more
watchful of your interests than I have beon.
You will easily find ono of greater ability ,
tl'he residue of my yearnwhether few or many ,
I hojx ! to spend Initotly among the jicoplo of
the state vtiiera I wa > born mid with whom
my llfo has o far been spent. I have delayed
this announcement until the holding of the re
publican national convention. If the result of
that had been otnctlr what was desired by tbo
republicans of Vermont , I might have felt it
my duty , subject to your approval , to Iwo
remained In Congress for another term ,
Special Dispatch to THK UKR.
NKW YonK. Juno 27. A story is cropping
out hero and tlicro in iwliticalcirclcs , ami find
ing more or less belief , that Samuel Tilden , not
withstanding his letter of withdrawal , intends
to make a play for the nomination for the
first place. A perusal of his letter of diso.llna-
tion will show that the Sago of Gramerey has
not said , in so many words , that ho will no'
accept if nominated. The story goes thai
Dan Manning , chairman of the county d <
Jnoeracy , was afraid that Flower , with tho. nl
of Tammanyi might set control of the Sara
toga convention , and set about to prevent If
that ho practically forced that letter fror
Tilden by telling him that Power intended t-
got control of the state convention and pectin
the passage of a resolution declaring Tilden'
nomination out of the question , owing to hi
physical weakness , that is Cleveland Imd bcoi
able to secure control of the state convention
Tildcn would lm\o remained oil the track , bill
that , seeing Cleveland wading in deep water ,
mill the danger of losingtho , stnto to the re
.nibllcans , Sauunv has decided to step In run
work for the first place. It is not behoved tha
ho can get It cow unless with llotulricks a
vice , and it is not beliocd Tildcn will cousor
to that.
Special dispatch to THE Una.
WASHINGTON , Juno 27. Kvery day's dove
opemont strengthens the belief that congrcs
will adjourn before the meeting of the demo
cratic convention , not that it has accomplish
so much that it is ready to adjourn ; in fact th
amount of work actually performed is ver ;
small. The increase in the size of the housi
occasioned by the remit of last census ccemi
to have decreased its ability lor work , and it ii
probable that no session of this length has ova
seen less actual result.
Gilbert A. Poirco , of Illinois , governor o
John F. Kinney , of Nebraska , agent of th
Indians of the Yankton agency.
Postmasters George B. Mills , Astoria , 111. '
Jacob Rtcord , Iowa Citv , In. ; diaries 11'
Perkins , Onawa , la. ; Winfield Ii1. Scott ,
Mapleton , In. ; Milton J. Hull , Edgar , Nob.-
Charles C. Wilson , Sterling , Nob.
BISHAIICIC , Dak. , Juno 27. Tlio appoint
ment of Colonel A. G. Pierce , of Chicago , as
governor of Dakota gives great satisfaction
Col. Lonisberrylio had been a candidat
for the position , and is ono of the leading met :
of the territory , says that , under the circum ,
stances of the bitter sectioual fight botvt cor
north and south Dakota , the president did
the wisest thing in appointing an outsider ,
Pierce will bo welcomed by all.
SAN FIIANCISCO , Juno 27. General Clunip ,
delegate nt largo to the democratic nationa
convention nt Chicago , says that now Tilden
has declined the nomination , Dana , of tin
Sun was his first choice for the presidency ,
The Call to-day states that a number of othe :
California dolcKatoi will nupport Dana shoul
ho be placed in nomination.
NEW YORK , June 27. A conference of col
orcd democrats , representing different states ,
was held here to-uisht , and delegates wen
appointed to the national democratic convention
tion at Chicago to endeavor to secure repre
sentation for the colored democratic voters o
the country.
Nuw YORK , Juno 27. The indoponden
republican committee met to-day. Various
reports and letters were read declaring the
anti-lilaiuo feeling growing. The call for a
conference is receiving a greater number of
signatures than anticipated ,
Tlio Cholera in Franco.
Special Dispatch to the BFE.
PARIS , Juno 27. The post-mortem examin ,
Uion of two bodies was Toulon this
morning. In each cato tlicro wcro unmistak
able signs of Asiastic cholera. The heart was
shrunken and without vosciclcs ; the blood was
drawn Into the lungs ; the peritoneum was
contracted , The interior "tomach was con
tracted and sunken ; the kidneys were badly
affected , but the liver was intact. Spots of n
yellow hue were found on the intestines.
Fires were kept burning on tlio streets of
Toulon all last night. 1 Vigorous efforts are
being made to purify the city. There wore
ten dentils from cholera yesterday , Twelve
Bew cases were taken to the hospital. Tlicro
were four deaths uji to noon to day. A rclgn
jf terror prevailed in the stricken city this
morning , 'The post-mortem examinations
lavu increabod the alarm , Hundreds are
ilcolng from the plague and carrying with
ihem the germs of the scourge.
Kcports from Marseilles say tha cholera has
made its appearance there. Two eases are
mid to havu manifested themselves last night
rhe public fete of July 11th has been abandon-
; d. News from Toulon creates great alarm
n this city and through nit the entire conn-
, ry. The authorities everywhere are doing
heir utmost to minimize the mortality , should
.hey . hate a visitation of the plaguo. So far
, hosu who have nod from Toulon are not
cnown to bavo propagated the disease olso-
vherj. This fact has a tendency to allay the
growing uneasiness.
Franco nnil Clium ,
PARIS , Juno 27. It is reported that Ad-
ntral Courbett has been instructed todemaud
i public apology of China , as well as an indom-
uty for the violation of the treaty by the Chi-
iesa at Langson. In case China refuses , ihu
'rench fleet will bombard Chinese cities.
Tno Egyptian How.
CAIRO , Juno 27. General Gronfill arrived
md goes Immldlatoly to Assouan. The rebels
ire massing near Abou Hamed , There was In *
ireased firing at Suakira , las' ; evening , The
( onduct of the Egyptian troops was good ,
What Their Reckless Haniiinlalions arc
Compelling Tlici to Do ,
The Northwestern Forood to Buy
the Entire Blair System ,
The Missouri Pacific Proolaiins a
Diyoroo From the Wabash ,
The Officers of the Former to bo
Separate From the Latter , ;
And the Missouri Paoifio to Ooni-
pete Where it Oan ,
Tholinttor Iicnsos n Uliio From Quln-
oy to St. Joseph , Mo.
The Nortlnvcstoru Purchases the
Itlnlr Systoin.
NE\V YOUK , Juno 27. The oflicial an-
noiincomcnt was mndo in the stock exchange
to-day that the Chicago & Northwestern pu
chafed the Ulalr system of road ? . Thu com
pany , it stated , will issue SM,7f > 7,000 of its
common stock at any time after 30 days from
dato. This stock will bo delivered nt ro-
cpriml , in payment of the arovo railroad and
rentals , and charges now paid tho'o lines will
ccaso to bo a charge against thu com puny.
The Missouri 1'nclflc.
ST. Louis , Juno 27. The announcement
made that on July 1st all heads of depart
ments of the Missouri Pnclfio railway wlioso
jurisdiction , has been extended over th
Wabash , will retire from that mad , nud tin
lines comprised tn the Wabash system be
operated Independently of thu Gould system
proper , nnd under n now set of ollicera. Thlt
was discussed In Now York last wcok bj
Messrs. Gould , llaycs , lloxio and Humphries ,
aud the above action decided upon. The
road will bo operated by a much smaller force
than now. The officers will probably b <
general agent , general manager , superintend
cntof transportation , general freight agent
and general passenger agent. Thu position ol
general agent is already occupied by Jos. F ,
ilowo. The other ollicers have not yet been
determined upon. The general mauagerahli ;
haa been offered to A. A. Talmage , but de
clined. Rumor places Thomas McICfssocl <
and Mr. Chappull , of the Chicago and Alton ,
with it , but nothing definite is known. The
officers of the Wabash are entirely separated
from those of the Missouri 1'ncllio hero and
elsewhere. All agents of the former will bo
instructed to compete with the latter , thosamo
as any other road.
A Quincy and Sr , .Too Uno.
ST. Louis , Juno 27. The Wabash flail
road company have entered into nuagrcemoi.t
with a syndicate of capitalists not yoc named
by which the latter take off the hands of tin
former ho Quiiicy Missouri & Pacific railroad
extending fromQutncy , 111. , to Trenton , Mo. ,
with all attaching obligations. Tlio object of
thu syndicate is said to bo to operate n road
from Quincy to St. Joe , Mo. , in opposition to
the Hannibal & St. Joe. To do this they will
construct a now road from St. Joe to a near
point on the Rock Island & Pacific , leaving
the track of tbo latter , and run thence ovei
their own line to Quincy. This route will In
seven miles longer than the Hannibal & St.
Joe , and is to bu in complete operation within
n year.
Tlio Whlaky Pool.
CHICAGO , Ills. , Juno 27. The western dls
tillers hold a mooting here to-day , nud decided
upon a basis for the now pool , which provides
that distilleries shall run at 28 per cent ot full
capacity. The now pool will go Into offocl
August 1st , subject to the co-operation of nl
alstillora. The meeting adjourned to ascer
tain whether united action was possible with
these conditions.
Of the 33 present 12 refused to sign the
agreement at thoproscnt ; claiming they wcro
not allowed sufficient capacity. The presi
lent of the association thinks theruis litth
: hnnco for reviving thu pool.
" \Vlfo Murder nt BlnUoon.
MATTOON , ILL. , Juno 27. The body of a
Mrs. Cook was found at the bottom of a well
'rom which eighty feet of water had been
lumped. Her throat wus cut from ear tear
> ar and Iron weights were tied to the victim's
'cot. Her husband , Dan. Coolers supposed
o bo the guilty party and in now under arrest.
Simon Johnson , supposed to bo an accomplice ,
3 also under arrest , A great crowd has tmr-
oundod the city hall building where the
nquest is In progress.
"Western Itoada In Trouble ,
WALL STUKIIT , Juno 27. Officials of
ho Denver and Km Grande
efuse to make a statement about
bo July Interest , or give any outline of the
uturo plans. President Harris of the North-
rn I'adfia states If the Northern Pacific can
ooso the Oregon Navigation at a profit wo
hall do so , I do not care to say whether
lot negotiations are on foot for the lease of
ho property.
WASHINGTON , Juno 27. The homo proceed
d to the consideration of private business and
ills nero passed to relieve certain mildiers of
liolato war from the charge of desertion , and
: > r the relief Myrft Clark Galnos ,
Mr , Valentino , rising to a question of prhl-
: gu , said thateomo daya ago thu gentleman
rom Nuw York ( McAdoo ) had taken occasion
3 print ns part of his remarks , a very long din-
ate ! i from this city to Now York , It con-
lined thu names | of Homo of our natho
md monopolotr , saying that n full list
'ould fill every page of the paper. In the list
f immei printed in thu Record to-day ap-
eared the name of Senator Logan as ownini ;
D acres of land. Logah had called his ( Yal-
ntino'a ) attention to It to-day , and had do-
red him to say to the house that , so far as it
3lated to him , the statement wai ubnoluttily
line ; that the only land ho owned wan a
ttlu homestead in Illinois. The gentlemen
f Now Jersey had taken occasion , while ho
an landing soldiers'land , to HUb ono of the
rightt'st and mout pliant of thosu xoldicrs.
fjoud applaiuoon the republican nida.l
Mr , Cot ( dom. N , Y. ) in order to enow , as
o exjiri' se < l It , how the gentlemen on thu
thcrbido attempted to utraiii at _ a gnat and
ad Bwalloucd n whole menagerie of camels ,
noted from a speech printed by lirower , ( N.
J , ) upon the tariff , in which that gcntlcinni
made n very lengthy extract from lll.iino'
"Twenty Year * In Oofcjrros' , " the speech iu
fast conMiting almost wholly of the extract.
O'Neill ( Mo. ) migfttoted that the litlo of the
book bo nddoil i > y ndduiff the words "and tat
tooed nt last. "
McAdoo explained the circumstances \\hicl
load to his obtaining leaver to print , nnd ho dc
si rod to say ho tl Id not rutrnct oua unnl o
MoAdoo said ho accepted the authorship | |
its entirety. Ho did not consider for on <
moment that ho had violated any ru tts o
cqurtcsy , wrmty or jnnnlincsg In its publics
tion , Ho had done what frequently Ind boot
done ; ho had Incorporated in his uprcch n
nowspnpor nrtlclo without comnicnt thai
had boon published lost Jftnuaryj had l > oei
copied from Elaine to California , nud thnro
had not boon a line of contradiction from tins
supersfltiMtlvofienatorior his frioniR
Mr. Cannon na d thn Kocord did not show
thu gt-ntloman from Now Jersey had nbtaltipil
leave to piiut , aud therefore the lU < conl on Its
face niHlod the house nnd the country.
Mr. MoAdoo , continuing ; said : " Tlio Ren-
tlcman from Illinois ( Cannon ) eayg ho brought
the matter U-foro the house because the had been violated , The gentleman
know better than that. It was simply because
the gentleman had found thn name of .lohii A.
ogrtii in thu list. So far an the question ol
ho Hecord was concerned , ho bolinvcd the
gentleman himself had not delivered his tarlll
Cannon "Now is It printwl in the Kt-
conl ? "
McAdoo paid that in the record of April 23.
lie found the following : "Cannon nddrecsed
the commtttco. Ills remarks \\ill npiiear
ereafter. " "Did the lU-cord lie ? "
Cannon said ho would rtplyinhis own time.
McAdoo * aid ho might aik thu dehuled
soldiers what they thought of souator
who in his greed to absorb territory which bo-
'onged to nctual sottlora or land which was
made for independent freeholders , small farm
ers , went , "wider the cover of his brothor-in-
law to Now Mexico , nnd tried to liro-cmpt the
most valuable land , nnd wat only stopped by
a publio 8ur\oyor , ulio found it belonged to
another clas * . that ho professed the greatest
friendship for. Itumorn Imd it that no had
Indiin blood in his M-ins that ho
was trying to steal from his own kith and kin
hundreds of thousands of acres , and was tak
ing them from the unfortunito savage * \\lio
werounablo to protect thoimehes. until ni )
honest secretary of the interior had thu sur-
% oyorto take back the land for the Xunis.
[ Loud npplareu and laughturou the demo
cratic side. ]
Cannon was on Ilia feet to reply to Me-
Adoo , < when the liotir of D o'clock arrived , aud
the speaker declared the house in recess until
8 o'clock.
Mr. Hale , from the committee on npproprin.
tions , reported tlio general dofioloncy ulll with
amendments ; . Ho will call it up tn-morrpw.
The unfinished business was then laid before -
fore the Bonato , bolnc the bill tiro\idlng for
the forfeiture of thu unearned lands grouted
the Atlantic & Pacific railroad.
A long debate ensued , nnd filially n motion
to go Into executive session prevailed. Ik-fore
tliodoorsclosod , howuvcr , lm\ley called the
attention of the monuto to tlm statement in
the Record that Senator Logan owned 80,000
acres of laud. This statement , ha said , was
untrue. The gentleman referred to is only the
owner of thu land on which his f nther died , and
to which ho has added n little iu his own state
of Illinois.
Alluding to the same matter , Logan safd :
"Tho statement is utterly false. I do not in
tend to give n schedule of my property to any
body , but tha pioperty I do own U in the state
of Illinois. I do own eomo twbor three tracts
of land , but all put together it would not
make a hundredth part of what.thoy . charge.
After executive session , adjourned. "
French. AffalrtL.
PAHIH. June 27. Prince VJi hon wrltnil
a letter to Joliboia , in oxplnnatlon of his pros-
ontpositlou. Ho says ho has profound respect
for his father , Prince Jerome , but was obliged
to loa % o the paternal roof since ho had a right
to think for hinuolf. His only line of conduct
was ono enjoined by Napoleon I'lrst and Nn-
poloonThlid. Ho will maintain intact his
great inheritance. Ho cannot consent to take
part in acts contrary to his political opinions
and lias resolved to withdraw from all * com
promising connections. Henceforth ho
will reply to no more attacks but maintain
silence befitting his position.
Hanoi advices of the 20th hist state the
fighting near Langton between the Chinese
garrison nnd French forces continued two
days. Ton rronchmon were killed , 33 wound
ed. Two steamers have gone to Book thu
wounded. General Momrior joined tlio French
columns near liaklo and Is awaiting further
orders. The Chinese gonoralu Vuon , Gly and
No Ny have ton thousand regulars between
Baklo and Langson.
The Tenth Nebraska Judicial.
Special Dispatch to TJIB UKR ,
KKAIINKV , Nob. , Juno 27. The republican
committee for the tenth judicial district met
hero this afternoon and selected Kcarnoy OH
place , and Anviist 13th as thu time for hold
ing the convention to nominate candidates for
judge and district attorney ,
Fatal Holier IJXnloiilon ,
STJUICKII , Ohio , Juno 27. A boiloroxplosiou
at Von Duhron & Slmfor'u sow mill to-day In
jured eleven men , piobably some fatally.
Hood's Sarsapar/7/a
Combines , In a manner peculiar to Itself , the
best blood-purifying and strengthening reme
dies of the vegetable kingdom. 'You will ( Ind
this wonderful remedy effective where other
medicines have failed. Try It now , It will
purify your blood , rrgulnto the digestion ,
and give new llfo nnd vigor to the entire body.
"Hood's S.irsnpnrlll.'v did mu great good.
I was tired out from overwork , and It toned
mo up. " Mim , ( ! . K. BISI.MONB , Cohocs , N , Y.
"Isuffered llireo years from blood poison.
I took Hood's BurH.iiiarllU nnd think I am
cured. " JIJIB. JI. J. JAVI , Urocltport , N. Y.
iho mood
Hood's Barsaparllla Is cbarartorlzol by
thrco peculiarities : 1st , Iho combination ut
remedial adonis ; 2d , Iho proportion ; ad , the
process of HecurlnB the active medicinal
( liiallllea. The result laa ; incdlrlno of unusual
fitrcneth , effecting cnreu Idlhorto unknown.
Bend for hook containing additional evidence.
" Hopd'H H.irsaiiarlll.i tones up rny system ,
purifies my blood , nharpt'iisinyujiiiiutlui , anil
necnin to iiialio mo ovur. " ' . r. 1'llosii'HON ,
Keglster ol Deeds , Lowell , Mast.
" Hooil's S.-irsnp.irllliv bouts nil otliern , and
Is worth Its wulijlit In KplU. " I , HAJUUNUTON ,
Jao Hank Btrccf ; Now York City. '
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Bold liy all druggliits. ? I ; six for $5. Made
only by O.I.HOOI ) Se CO , , Lowell , Maw ,
I BOO ° Doso3Ono _ Dollar. <
A Thrilliog Shipwreck Off Bamcgat
City , N.J.
The Solioonor L , & A , Baboook n
Total 'Loss ,
Together With Most of Orow and
Passengers Aboard ,
The Whole Tragedy Transpiring
in View of the Village.
The Horoio Struggles of the
Mate's ' Wife for Life ,
Fonrsthnt Other Wrecks Have Tnlc-
cnl'lnco The llcnoh Slrcnvn
With Drill.
AT CITV , N. J. , Juno 27. Ono'of
, ho most thrilling ship wrecks scon on this
coast for years occurred yesterday afternoon.
The schooner L , aud A , llabcockbnachcd near
lent , and although the life saving crow nr *
ivod In time to shoot a , line over to the \cswl ,
.ho ciewero so weak from working the
lumps that they could not draw the ropes
.hrough the suif. In onu hour after the vessel
> ut n lot of broken pieces of timber , The
irtt person logo from the \ cisul WAI Mrs.
Scarborough , nllo of the mate. She was
truck by n falling spar while being held by
icr husband , mid was knocked from his arms
nto the sea , The husband immediately
sprang after her , and was iiftoi ward plcKott up
on the bonoh unconscious. A Swede Hiuman
swam ashore. The captain , the mate's \\ifo
and three Ruamon were drowned. Tlicuimto's
vifo had borne up bravely fiom the time of
ho springing of the leak until the going to
0 pieces of tlio vusssl when
feared other wrecks had taken placi1 , as the
> each was strewn with drift and viiginia pjnu
vood. The storm was terrible cars Htanding
in the narrow giuigp road woio blown o\or
md no boats left at oilhor this iilaco or Itnnch
1 a vou to connect with the rnilrnade. Many
icoplo watched the vessel go to plncos , ,
Hovcii Men Drowned.
Nisw YORK , Juno 27. Seven laborers were
Irownod at Carson's Inlet , Now Jersey , yes-
crday's storm upsetting their boats.
Washington Special to the Chicago Tribune.
WAHHINOTON , Juno 27. The great and
growing uncertainty among the democrats ns
o their presidential candidate Is perhaps best
llustratcd by the fact that the "resurrection-
at" is abroad , and that now and curious com-
jlnatlonsnro mentioned. In despair at the
threatening complications In the patty BOIHO
urn turning buck to Tildon , "and Uio'actlon ol
; ho Ohio convention in this respect is possibly
riven inoro significance than it deserves. The
atest ticket suggest is
The ono which best illustrates the growing
desire to avoid a break at Chicago on the lariff
picstlon Is Itandall and Morrison. This tick
et is seriously suggested by a few.
iVom the Washington standpoint the oppo-
ition to Cleveland seems to bo growing. Air.
ilorrison , of Illinois , who has boon favorably
lisposod to Cleveland , Hays : "It begins to
ook nsif Cleveland would not bo an available
andldato. Wo are likely to bujn a good
ical of dilflculty on account of our ticket.
hat have contributed the most hero to create
he impression that Cleveland is not available ,
are Bon Uutler and John Kelly. It seems
Icar that these gentlemen nro In political
urtneuhip. The tttrength of Cleveland has
leen the boMcf of his friends that ho can carry
STo\v Yoik and that ho would command the
upport of the Independent element In Massu-
husetts. It is this confidence that the oppo-
tents of Cleveland are trying to break down ,
As for Now York state , they point to John
Colly , and us for Massachusetts they turn to
Jen IJutler. Butler's threats
mvo their Influence. The fate of Clove-land
vill turn upon thn result of the inquiry that is
low bring made vl"Will Tammany enp-
> ort Cleveland t" If Now York Is united
jloveland will bo the nominee. That IH thn
inchallungcd opinion of all the ovperioncml
bsorvcrs in Washington. Doubts as to the
incniity of John Keilly In the event that
Cleveland should bo nominated would bo fatale
, o tlio proHtiects of the latter. Tlio Houthern
urn aio vtlillug to leave the whnlu question as
i ) candidates to Ihu doubtful stutoH-rNow
Yorl ; , New Jersey , and Indiana ,
tut. IIAYARD'H rmc.vnH
iavo taken xoino oourago from thu Mtuation ,
Itliougli the fact that John Kclluy is ru-
lotted to favor liayaid can Imidly give that
ontlomun greater Ktrength among the classes
ii whom ho has been iicciiKtoined to look for
upport. Mr. Bayard , for limtanco , would
lot make a very uucccHsful march along Bca.
con 11111 with John Kelly at the head of the
irocoHsion itnd Bon Butler ut the rear. It ii
t fact that Homo of Mr , JUndall'ri friends 010
lopcful that ho may bo succuiHful , and they
Knt ! to n supposed deniro for hnnnony on thu
aiiff an n basis of their expectation * ) .
vhen ho heats thu name of Handall euffgCHted
u n [ HiBWlblo coinpromiHo randldalo on Ihu
nrlir. A di tinguiHhed loutheni senator , who
xpccts to bu ut Chicago , Bald to-dity that
whatuvor iiilluciico ho pos eniiod would bo ex
ited to his utmost ability In influencing dale
rates to pay no attention to Mr. John 'Cully ,
nd ho intended toinyto Mr , Kelly that ho
hould huvn no place in democratic commits ,
lit said the whole political career of John
\elly showed that ho wax for hiiuKulf llrulund
ho jmrty next , and nothing thut cumo fiom
iltn rhnuld have the least weight In lit tei mill-
UK the nominee.
A Hold Jlu. . , . . .
Jouur , 111. , Juno 27. A nwisatlon was
craitul hero to-day by thu nnuat of Adam
Wllllaitm in tbu act of passing counterfeit
niunoy , Wllljaws in the ton of n prominent
farmer , mid llvrs three milex nouth of the city.
At hit house dies and other tools lor the tuanti
facturn of spurious dollars and half dollars
\\cro found , Williams and nnother were taken
to Chicago to-night by the United States
( illlccn. Jloh brliorod to bn the leader of n
gang. Other arro U nm anticipated.
DKTRoiT.lunol7. ! W. H CrawforJ , inan-
ngt'r of J. I. CA O'S .Tay-Mye-Seo , Is in the
city to-day , attending the nxwi. trpon being
qiiostioiieil relative tn the .Iny.Kjo-Seo ohal-
lengo , niul the ground taken by Vandi-rbllt In
relation thereto , ho naidi " 1 don't eo why
Vanderbilt accepted thn challenge an address.
I'd lo him , for neither M aud H. nor Cllngftono
or their owner's names wcro nu'iitlonctl Cnso
has not peon his hews for two months , and
know nothing of the challenge , which was
tnoroly an pcn letter , accompanied by n
? 5000 fotfoit , an earnest that Jny-Kva-Si'O is
ready to trot any horxo , im ntntrd , It Is
quito aimnmg that VruulorbiU should bo sur >
pricd at th inipuilQiico which proniptod us
to Kend our vhallengu , and tut ho atscrU ha
liuu'r trots hU hoi-so lor inouoy , Maud S , han ,
silico phu has been thoropcrty \ of Vniidonlilt ,
trotted at loist n dozen Union rigalnxt the bent
horses , and on the ) best tracks in the country ,
nnd eAch Instance for money , aud her uirn <
Ingn lm\o been considerable for her \\ner ami
inanagor. "
Unnn Hnll ,
At Cincinnati Cincinnati ; Metropolitan ,
At Toledo Toledo , 0 : Hrooklyn , 1.
At lloslon Unions , Cincinnati ; Huston ,
At Baltimore Unions , Baltimore , S ; Chica
go , ; ! .
At Chicago Vrovidonce , 0 ; Chicago 0 ,
At Louisville Loulsvillos , 11 ; Washington.
At Columbus Coluiubup , ! ; Alh'ghany , 1.
At Cleveland CloMiland. 0 ; Now York , -I.
At Boiton Boston , 15 ; Detroit.1. .
AtMllwmikeo Milwaiikoo , Ii Quincy , ( ! , | ]
At Kast Sasinaw Snginaw j l''t , Wayne , '
At Indianapolis liulianapolin , 7BivHiinoro ; ,
At Washington Union-Nationals , 7 } Kau
nas City , 8.
At St. Louis St. Loufo , I ; Athletic , 1 ,
NEW YORK , Juno 'J7. The Yale dofoatoil
, ho Harvard to-day In a bnso bnll ( jamo I to
\ and thoiubyls \ \ thu intor-collogiato cham-
iioushiii ,
At Duiralo-llnfmlo ) , Thiladolphla 7.
At I'hilaih'lphia Koystimo Unions itj St.
Utuis 0.
At Cirand lai { > ids Grand Itapids 3 ; Bay
City ( i.
BITHI.KIIIM : : , Va. , iluno i7' ! A hundred-
van ! foot-race liero .between I'Viul ' lloger ,
rronton , and Harry Whoatloy , Canada , for
mo thousand dollars was won by Itogora In
) J seconds.
Tlio GlovoP.
NEW YOKK , Juno 27. ClmilcsMIlcholl , the
mgilist , telegraphs from Long Blanch : "Kn-
, iroly recovered , Will box Sulllvnii M'onday
night mire , "
" \VrcHtlniK.
" CiNciNNA'i i , ilnno 27. Thu mixed wrestling
match to-night between HUBS and Muhtoon
was won by the former.
Cowloye ,
. „ „ . „ , , . 'j.
LA\VIU ICE , Kan. . Jinlo 23. * On'July 4th the
cowboys atf"mlgo City , n town thrcn linndnx
miles west of hero , noted nil over thu country
for its lawlnaHiicss , will hold n big tournament
incldingn Spanish bull light. Mexicans havu
bei'ii engaged and the combat will bo of excit
ing interest. Thousands will bo in attendance
From KauciiH , Colorado , Texas mid New
Moxic" . As n sporting ovant it will bo ol
great importance , being the first bull light
over held In the United States.
Insurance KcocIplH.
CIUOADO. Juno 27. The statement In thosn
lisiiatchoi last night that the superior court
iad rendered a duciiion suttainlng the validity
of the city ordinance levying n tax of two per
cent on the gross receipts of insurance com-
lanies whoso headquarters arooutaido the utato
if Illinois , was incorrect. The decision is the
re\orso , holding that the tax cannot bo col-
ectod under the ordinance. The city has
okon nu npix'al.
KHcnpoil Inwa Convicts Killed.
OIDAR : JtAi'itw , Juno 27. Two convictH
I'leenmu and ] ' 'ui'inur ) escaped from the
\nnnioHiv ppnituntiiiry to-day , They were
urrouiided in thu woodt near hero and a
ight ensued , in which Freeman was mortally
and I'lirmiT dangeroiiHly wounded ,
A SnuLSnvcr Btrluken by
WiNNii'Ka , Juno 27 A thundiir Btoriu of
rroat vlolonco visited tliji city this inoriiiiiK.
'Im ovangellst Gaynor was killed by lightning
n bod. Otticr metnbeia of the family wuru
njiired in the same room whilu asleep.
StOOGa , CSven
Ifnlmn or liny Injurious fiihUaiiui'sciin ) < o found
In Andrews' i'eavl JKikliiB 1'owdor. Js !
lively pi ) RE , jlclng emlorted , nnd tiHlrmonlals
reu'fvcdTnim siiuli uhcinUtsasH , Dunn IIiiyH. llos >
tout M. Delufonliilne. of UhlciiKo ; ami Uiutuv
Dodo , Jllluuukco. Never hold tn bulk.
iMka 287. Ii Water 8 ,
The Other Sinn BciDg ; Principally
That Dealt in at Chicago ,
OnoofWhiolT is' Wheat Whioli
was Unsettled and Nervous
Oorn Drops a Fraction OatsJ
Holds its Own in
Oattlo Weak all Throngh'-HogE
in Bettor Demand ,
Wall Street Stooka Ho Verjf
Fevorishi 2
A Drive In VnmlcrbiltB \ pi , Pull ?
of Trouble , but Rlnklng
M. AV. Absorbs Illal
Special Dispatch to THK BEB.
A I.ULt , IN TUB 1'UI.I.
CiiiCAno , Juno 27. It is only on rare occa
sions now that markets on 'Change ' are stirr
ed into grvat actiIty. . The present ranjro of
pi Icei is deemed very low , nnd the bear ele
ment ia disinclined to attempt any mid , and the
bulls remain nuiot. In vlow of the unsettled
condition of affairs In Wall Street , any icr-
ous chanpo in the wheat outlook might cauio
.hut market to spring into activity , but in
: ho inenutimu the Bituatton is very Intorcst-
ngin n Rpeculativo "ni"1 : ofiow. .
n store is being Hhtjii out in rather largo
limntitloii , the luke char torj nlono during tlio
iatt Rovondays calling for 050,000 bushels ,
vhlch , If entirely filled , would reduce the
tmonnt in Btoro herd to nb nit four niillloti
nwheln , or about two millions less than at the
.11110 period lait year. Wheat was unsettled
nnd nervioiiH to-day , July nt onu time selling *
at 851 , nnd Auirtist nt 87 | , but rallied nnu
closed on thu regular bo.uil nt 85 | for July ,
nnd 87V for August. On the nftornoon board
ho maikctni easier ngain , July closing nt
8T > 1 , August at 87J.
again attrnctod cousidcrnblo nttcntion , nnd
nilod lower. The fmo cropi prospects brought
about , free offerings , nnd this , added to the dis
quieting news from Wall street , cnuscd a
decline of ( J to Jc. as companxl with yesterday ,
Tidy touched 62 | , dosing nt B2if to 55g on the
rngular board , and on the nftcrnoon board
cloHod nt 52j for July , Kl lot August on
was steady ns compared with the other inar-
kotH. Juno and . ) lily closed nt 31. } , August at )
273 , ni"l September nt 20 .
rnovisioNs ) .
Pork was again dull but firmnr. The latest
figures were 10 DOe for July , 18 7Cc for August ,
17 75c forSoptnmbor.
Lard ranged lower , uloslngnt 7 lOo for July ,
7 27&o for August , and 7i'Jo for September.
The trade opened 'rather elow , nnd thn
market wan generally weak from fi'st t9.Jast.
Bcht , fancy , Una nnd finished corn-fed cattle
held their own , but all other aorts wcro lOa
lowur. Taking etlllors as thu standard , the
best corn-fed nro n strong 15a lower than n
wo'k ago , and other sort" , half fat , grassy nnd
unflnixlied stock , are a htrong 20 to 25a lowur.
Some of those sorts have been sent back to
the country , us they could not bo fold h rf ,
except at n , ruinous coat. AN compared with.
previous days of the wcok , there is little erne
no change on natlvo butchois' stock , but all
aorts are lowur than last week. Texas cattle )
were in light supply to-day , nnd are about lOa
lower than the first of the wcok ; making 3 ! )0 )
to1 7A for fair to best ; good to choice shipp
ing , 1,200 to 1,3T > 0 Ibs , 6 'JO to G10 ; common
to medium , 1,000 to 1,203 Ibs , 5 IB to 5 00 ;
Brass Texans , 700 to 875 Ibs , 3 70 to 4 70 ;
corn-fed Texans , 850 to 1)50 ) Ibs , D 00 to 5 75.
There was a better demand this morning- ,
md prices ruled a idiado firmer , but not quota-
jly higher. The market closed rather qniet
with n good many left over. Sales at 8I.U1) ) to
31.50 for skips ; SI.UO to 35.25 for assorted
ight , nnd 3 1.OU to S5.35 for heavy packers nnd
shippers ; light. 180 to 210 pounds , SI.GO to
The In Wall Street ,
Special Dispatch to Tii | : BIK. :
NKW YOIIK , Juno 27. Stocks have been
lot find fu\erish to-day , but no failures wcro
reported. It Is thought that there nro far
nero failures tn come , nnd that they will con-
inno to touch supposed Hafo places , nnd that
u the next twenty-four hours people will hear
of some of tem unices _ the limited trading
irovus a help. Hutltu'ss in volumu ha ? been
: oniparativiily small to-day , but prices hnvo
Ruffprud , A big dilvo this morning was made
on Vandorbilt" . which sold down ( JJ per cent
'or ' Michigan Central , subsequently recovering
J per cent. Canada Southern broke 14 , and
fjako Shore ! ! § ; Lake Shoru later sold up
about 2 per cunt , from the lowest figure. * . Nuw
York Central sold off 2 per cent. ; Western
Jnlon broke , but wits shoved up sharply , and
ho final prices were nbout 2 pur cent , abovu
net night. Missouri Pacific shows a nimllar
ipwanl movement , nnd all of this sort ol
, hliif ( fioos to show that it ia
which nro shining lights for the boars. Gould
s loaded , nnd can bold his stocks ifho must ,
nit it is tv matter of general Ruggustion on tha
itruot that ho hnu made heaps of money on tlio
joar lido in the pnut , os his Mocks havu not
luoiiHintalneil no odd timesand aio to-day BO
michlottur that thu prayers for outside help
ii ro not heard by the few spectators left. Thu
Union Pacific told off from U.J.J to 293nml
closed vury weak. Tha wi'nknesj of thu Van-
clcrbilts Is attributed to the very poor showing
if the companies nt their staled mooiing yes
terday. The Northwestern directors nt thole
meeting to-day decided to
nt a cost of $1 1,000,000 issue of common stock :
It is figure * ! that thu rental * of thU additional
eyutum will mora than offset thu cost of thn
now Block. Lackawnnna was engineered , nnd
the price put In 2 per cent from the lowest.
Hock ronuwals generally wore f@i | percent.
or SCO pur day for the u o of 100 almreu. Gould
IIIH been Inlluencod by JJcacon White , thu
L'lymouth chinch leader , to-day nnd ban
"wnlkixl up" bin Mlsrtouti Pftciac.