Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 27, 1884, Image 7

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    OMAHA DAIL\ BEE---JU\RIDAY JUNE 27 , 1884.
W trUMkntte the core of the ( ollowtnir nimwl ill -
Marug.orno ry : Hheumntlsm , Scrofuli , Ulcer ) ,
CaUnh , ill Blood kndiklndlKMM , Dv i < pel , Ur l
Ootcplalnt , Kidney &nd Bladder Dltcucs. Gout , Netf
& \ gknd \ Atthmit , Thesi Spring re the f TOrit <
wort ot the tired n.l deblllutiul , ml re the
Good hotel , livery ind buthlng Mcoraodttlon both
winter ml rummer. Locality highly picturesque
and healthjAcormlbla by Wabun r llwny , *
Kvon .or 0. , B. Ji Q. . fct Albany. CorroponJcno
olldted , REV. U. U. THOMPSON.
Albany , SUoam Springs , .Gentry . Co. , Uo.
flpcdflo Gravity . . . 1.002
Iteactlon . . . Neutra
Carbonlo Acid Oa . . . .Z9ln. p r frallon
CaibonaU ) Calcium . & .D21 UrMn
Car bonAte Iron . 7,041 !
Sulphate Mairncsla . S.ttfl "
Sulphate CaTdara . M 0 "
Chloride Sodium . 7,180
SlUtca . i . lf > M "
Alumina . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 , . 0,018
OrcanlcanJ Volatile matter and loss. . . . . 1,459 "
alolldi per gallon . 67,174 '
Justice of tie Peace.
I * . I Commission Merchant
No .30 Pearl Street Council Bluffs , Iowa.
Justice of the Peace.
Omaha and Council BlafTr.
Itc&1 egUto collection igcncy , Odd Fellows Block
orcr String ) Dank.
moo. omen , n. H. rnsrr.
Council Bluffi
Establishea 1856
Dealers In Foreign and omostlo Kichango an
As thcro are many
So-Oalled Veterinary Surgeons
In this city , who sro prootlcinff their quackery on
our people , Idoemlt but Justkoto cny that I defy
nny c ( them to produce a diploma , or : rodontla1g ,
ndicatliig that they are giaduates of any veterinary
mtltuto , and I do hereby caution the publlm alnj '
EUdi quacka , ai
I am ilie Only Known Graduate
Office & Pharmacy , 125 B'chvay ' ,
T. J. CADY , M. D. , V. S.
R. Eice M. D.
or other tnmon removed without th *
knlle or drawing o blood.
Orcr thirty years ; practical axporlenoa Offloo Ho.
1'enrlntrect , Council Klufli.
riTConculUtlon tree
At the well-known Establishment
209 Upper Broaaway , the
OJ Council Bludj. Notice our rodncoa Prlco List.
We gno
15 jxniuiU Kitra 0 Su ar ( or tl 00 i
11 IIOUIK ! : ! Granulated Huurar 00
25 pouniU Choice Oltmoil , . OQ
25 pounds Navy Beani 00
20 polling 11-atHul ! ; starch , 00
12 poundu Carolliu Hlce DC'
12 pound's Choice i'ruma ,00 '
25 ban BuHuIo Soap. 1 00
ISxtra Lake Trout , ] r pound U3 :
Lorrlhard'a Plug per It ) 40
1 dozen Mackerel 15
Colorado Flour , Winter , per cwt 2 DJ
JO ] OunilB Glnircr Haapj 1 00
40 pounds hsniloy 1 00 '
fiction keg Syrup 1 70
White Kish , per kit 80 :
Mackerel , lierklt 85
Datc , prr pound 10 ;
10 S pound cans ijtindard Tomatoes 1 00 :
All kinds California Fniltl .
| iouuJ Lnek's KUnJinl 4 ( or 1 00
-T. T. T.
All grades , according to quality , IBa to 80o par
We l o carry full line ot Mon'n , I.adleV and
Children's Una Hhocii and Kuti'n Floe lionH At very
row price * . Ali'ik ( ull line oi Tin ware ami central
tnorcliindlge. Call on 119 and bo convinced that vou
nn sat o moimy ky ilovlln ; wltli u . Goods delivered
froolnaa\urtoi tlio ell/ .
Ia word , w srj bound to sell and challenge all
tuJaole competition In tins count v.
J , I' . VI
209 u , .or Oroadway
Railway Time Table , ;
The ( olIoirlnK are the times ol the arrival and de ;
parture ot trains br central lime , at the
| ( K 1 derate. Tralui leave trinnfer di | > n ten loin.
nearlier and arrive tea minute * UUr ,
CUIOAOO , Buau ro AJIO ijuuior ,
t > M p m Clilraico Kipreaa. 0:00 : * m
9:49 : a in Fail Mall. 7:00 : p m
1:45 : a m ( 'Mall and Kiprcat , 7i * } p m
12:30 p m AccomnioiUtloti. 2.40 p m
'At local dejiot only ,
siiiais cirr , IT. JOK tnu COUNCIL nun * .
10:09 : a iu .JUI1 and Kipreai , > 705 ; p m
SXt p m I'actdo Exproad , 6 0 p m VI
6:25 : p m IhprcM , o.os a in
:15 : a m Cxprtiw , 0X6 p m
biSQ p m AtUntlo trpreau , 0.05 a in
o.i'j a m Day Kxprnu , 6:6 : | i m [
7:20 p m [ 'Dos Motnoi Aooonunodatlon , 6:18 : u in U
At locil depot only , <
VABUII , BT , t/it'is ADO rAcrno ,
0 5 a ro Mall , 4:45 : p m
4:30 : pm Cannon B 'l ' 11:16 : a ui
A Tran.ler " < il
icAbo and MOKTirwmriBV ,
630 p m KxprtMH , BB : p m
9:2) : u Ul Puiflo KKprew , 8:05 : a m
( ion cm AND r cinc.
7:43 : p m St. IVul Kiittb | , 8:60 : a m
7JJam ; Day Rx\rwi \ 0:50 : piu
8 0pm We t rn Kiprem , 8:35 : am
11:00 : am IVlilo KIPMM , < : l'pn >
7:40 a m Local Kiprc1) , e-M a m
12:10 : a m Lincoln Kxprera ,
llWa. m.
Huuday 830-11:10
m p. in. AnUolOmln
tu u
Jnflgc LonfliOuiw and Jnflgc Lyman
Pnlonihc Republican Mot
Witli a Hurrah ,
A Struggle For District Attorney
But Thornell Gets There , . ,
Fcnst AVInU-up.
The republican convention of the judi
ciary district was hold yesterday. The
convention was called to order at 11
o'clock by T. R. Wallace , of Atlantic.
B. F. Clayton , of Pottawattamio county ,
was elected temporary chairman , nnd J.
A. Rhodes , of Green , temporary Secre
The following were .selected as committee -
too on credentials : J. A. Nash , of Au.
dubou ; J. E. Gridith , of Carroll ; 0. II.
Scott , of Cass ; Dr. Waterman , of Craw
ford ; Nero Webster , of Fremont ; M.
Head , of Greene ; L. 0. Oaborno , of
Mills ; J. B. Mattock , of Pottawattamio ,
nnd 1I.11. Myorly , of Shelby.
A committee wns also chosen on per
manent organization , after which the
convention adjourned until 2 o'clock in
the afternoon.
On reassembling the committees re
ported. There were no contests in the
delegations , and the temporary organiza
tion wns made permanent in accordance
with the recommendation of the com
Kir. Clayton made n brief talk in ac
cepting the chair. Ho said that the re
publican party was congratulating itself
on the nominations made in Chicago , nnd
was in good humor with all mankind. It
had boon so busy ratifying this ticket of
the people that it hadn't had time even
to engage in the laudable business of
abusing the democratic party. This con
vention should follow the example of the
Chicago convention , and select candidates
whom the people wanted , and act in good *
nature and with duo wisdom.
Mr. George Bowlon , of Cornwall , was
selected assistant secretary.
The business of the convention was
proceeded with very speedily and with
great harmony and enthusiasm. Judge
Loofbourow was nominated by acclama
tion and unanimously as candidate for
district judgo.
Judge Lyman'a name was then pre
sented to the convention for candidate
for the circuit bench. His former law
partner , , Col , Sapp , in seconding the
nomination , paid a glowing tribute to
Judge Lyman a character , his ability in
the law , and his bravery as a soldier.
Judge Lyman was , by an enthusiastic
and unanimous vote , made the nominee.
Tlio nominating of a candidate for dis
trict attorney was not so quickly disposed
of. A motion was made and carried , that ?
the convention proceed to an Informal
ballot for candidate for district attorney.
Mr. Wilkinson , of Crawford , named the
present district attorney , J. P. Connor ,
which called forth much enthusiastic en
dorsement. Mr. Wilkinson made an
alogant picturing of the victories which
the republican party was about to win ,
Mid urged the claims of Mr. Connor
strongly as a worthy bearer of ono of the
J. B. Rockafollow , of Shelby , thought
that county had not had ita past share ,
in the past and urged the claims of Shel
by county's candidate , Cyrus Board.
Chas. M. Ilarlo , in behalf of a part of
the Pottawattamio county delegation ,
presented with a high tribute the irnino
of Col. D. B. Daily. It was the best
nominating speech of the day , and called
forth cheer after cheer.
Mr. Lewis , of Mills county , placed
before the convention the name of A. L.
Major Anderson , after saying a good
word for all the men previously named ,
is being fit candidates , named A. B.
Ihornoll , of Fremont county , as being
the choice of that county.
Major Anduraon then proceeded with
rattling sort of n speech. Ho thanked
jlod that this year there wan but ono [
jamp in the republican party. Chas
tened by iho minfortunos of the paat , the
republican party wan novr ono happy
'mnily. It was a consternation and iiiys-
ery to the democratic party who hud no
grand principle around which all could '
ally the democratic party with its face
ilways turned to the roar , and longing \
'or the things of the past. Tlio ropubli-
an party was ono of progress. Ho then
amo back to the consideration of the
laims of the man whosu name lie had men *
.ionecl. In urging the claims of Thornull '
10 aaid ho did not want to ay anything ' .
igainst the record or the ability of the
present incumbent ? Ho throw out the
lint , though , that Mr. Conner ehouhl not :
ook for a ronomination , ns it was not in , '
locordnnco with the precedents , no jauch
renomiuation for this ollico having been
jiado since the organization of this ju-
licial district , IIu touched up sharply
in ullusion to the next congressional con-
lost in ado by a previous speaker , and [
Iriftod off into & little speech to the effect
thu cruel war of the last congressional
ontost was ended and the next congres
sional contest should not bo dragged in
lioro , but that they should only cross a
riror when they got to it. Then ho cl
amo back and asked the convention to :
nominate Thorcell and nominate him
The informal ballot wits then taken re 01
sulting Conner 801 , Board 18 , Thor-
riell 15 , Young 12 , Daily 10J. Whole at
number of votes 80 , nocetairy to choice atai [
PotUwattnmlo county was equally di
vided between Connor and Daily.
The formal b llot resulted : Conner
V\ , Beard li , Thornell 14J , Daily DJ ,
Young 0 ,
A second fonnal ballot was necessary ,
t roiultwl : Connor 40i , Thornoll 22 ,
Heard 14 , Daily Oi.
The third ballot stood ; Conner 39 ,
rhornell 28 , Beard 12 , Dalley 0.
The fourth ballot was taken na follows : ,0 ,
Connor 30 , Thornell 28 , Beard 11 , T > ti- if
iy7.A .
A fifth ballot WHS token and proved the
leciding onu , it resulting Thornoll 40 , or
Jon nor , ' ! 0. The announcement of Mr. : r
fhornoll'a nomination was received with
ippluuso , end it wan made unanimous ,
A district committee was then chosen ,
xmsuuing of ono from each county as Cl
'ollown :
Audnbon J , .A. JS'ash.
Mill * -W. H. Jewit.
C'.iiv 1. Lici/.yc V , J'.iU'j.
CMS-T. II. Wallace.
Crawford-H. 0. I.nmK
Fremont Nero Webster.
Gr n U , A. Smith ,
I'otUwAttMnte . M , Hurley.
Bholbjr-J. I. Myoily.
There were then calls for Thornoll ,
nnd ho was ushered in nmidst wild ftp-
plnuso. Mr. Thornoll said ho was not
accustomed to being struck by lightning
nnd did not know what was appropriate
to say on such an occasion. Ho wanted
to thank the convention though Fremont
county republicans did not know how to
talk oxcnpt nt n funeral , nnd there had
boon so many funerals there that they
had lost their solemnity oven. In fight
ing against the big democratic odds
there , though , they hnd fought like
heroes , nnd felt that they were entitled
to some recognition , mid as far ns ho
was concerned ho felt grateful nt the
honor bestowed.
Judge Lymnn wns called out with oven
n greater outburst of applause , Ho made
n brief expression of thanks for the
compliment paid him , choosing his words
wisely. Ho felt proud , ho said , to have
his name on n ticket nt the head of which
were the "Plumed Knight" nnd the
" Black Eagle , " nnd thanked again nnd
ngnin the convention for honoring him.
By this time it began to bo n regular
hurrah camp mooting sort of n time
in the convention , nud the enthusiasm
wns worked up to the highest pitch ,
when Judge Loofbourow was called out ,
Ho threaded his expression of thanks
with a vein of humor. Ho thought it
wns n good time to bo on n republican
ticket. Ho did not fool that political
graUtudo which consisted in the expec
tation of favors yet to come , but for the
kindly treatment already given him.
On motion ot Col. Sapp , the conven
tion adjourned with three cheers for
Blnino nnd Logan , nnd throe cheers for
the ticket nominated this day.
The Illgh School Graduates Join in n
Blurry Sinking.
The thirteenth annual reunion of the
alumni association of the Council Blulls
high school took place nt the Bloomer
school building last evening. The pro
gramme consisted of music , brief address
es , social chatting nnd banquet The
roll of the nlumni has now become
quite n largo ono , nnd upon it appear the
names of many who still make this city
their homo , while those who have gene
olsonhoro are by no moans forgotten. Six
have gene never to return , their names
being > indicated in the following list ,
those marked with an * being the de
ceased :
Clasi of 1871 Mr. Orville DoICny. Blr.
John W. Bnird , Mra. Lena Barnett Clmso ,
Mru. Kate Stonu Molps.
Clasi of 1872 Misa Vornio Koynolcls , Mrs.
Mnry Warren DaUey , MM. llivttio Williams
C5r y , Mrs. Lizziu Oliver Glcasna , Mrs. Id.i
ICirlt patrick Bhepard , Mrs. Inglccttii tjiuitli
Class of 1873 Mr. Herman I'arUch , Mr.
Fiuloy A. IJurlio , Miss Stella Gruvus , Mr *
iMngRio Fiuld Glover , Mrs. Klla I'diuphiuy
SUnsou , MTU. Clara Newton Hope , Mrr. Kva
Burroughs *
Class of 1874Dr. . Frank W. PorlerfiuM ,
Mr. George ForruHt Sniitli , Mr. Henry Jj"e ,
Mr. Charles HI. Harle.Mra. I'arthcniailclTriua
Hurke , Mrs. .Tciiulo L'attnn Woidcniall , MM.
Lizzie Cassaday Jiurke , * Crs , I'mnlcio Hioo
Glass of 187G. "Mr. Martin HoTiiolds , Mr.
tiuguno A. lioughton , Air. Arthur L. Alun-
or , Mr. George D. Kici1 , Mr. Horncu Evans ,
Mr , Krnost Is. Hart , Miss Llllio Miliard ,
Mrs. Lottie Oblinppr Hnrlo , Mrs. Lizziu
IConbo Baralow , Miss Gortlo Sharp , Mrs.
Kmma Slytcr stownrt , Miss Bullo Merwiu ,
Miss Jlary Mlchelaon and Misa Coral I'loiu-
Class of 187G. Dr. Horburt A. Woodbnry ,
Nfr. Alvin J. Caughoy , Mr. Charles J. llnkur ,
Mrs. Anna Hlnncnand J > ntrlkin , MrH. Nulliu
Blaiiclmrd Swnn , Mia Lizziu Stuart , MrH ,
Kv Hewitt Uo h , Mn. Klla Uowitt Cow-
Ion , Mrs. Raclmul Fisher Harmon Mrs. , Car-
rlo RicoJack'on , * AIi AdaCrockwoll Koath ,
Mra , Nclliu Jravpa UO'H. ' Mrs. Lillie Keller
Ilro\vr ) , Min Ik'llo l'iiirm n , Minn llottlo
Ross , Miss Lizzlo Crocker , Mm. Mainio liuo
Wriiiht and Mrs. ] 0va DoKny Stuatt.
Clans of 1877-Mr. F/aak II. Kvanc , Mrs.
Constance Willlainn Usnson , Mrs. Lucy Wil
liams Smith , Miss Susie UaMwiu , Ml s Kate
Payne , Mrs. Knto Hooton SproKuo , Mrs. Liz-
zio Randall Odull , Mre. Jouio Knabo Tate ,
MIBS Liur.i Scott.
Class of 1878 Mr. Walter J5. Toatovin , Mr.
Walter Smith , Mr. Kdfjar A. Scott , MM.
Alice Mottaz Cooper , Rl IBS Carrie Thickstun ,
Miss Uottlo Gravoi , Mrs. KHlo Pattoon Bow-
fnan Mra. Jlnry Hooso McMillan , Miai ICatu
lilaxim , Mru. May Bakur Jtestarick , Mrs.
Laura Cacy Molirido , Mis < JJIla Thrall , Mrs.
Ida Noack Fra/.iur , Miss Ida Hnrriti.
Class of 1878-Dr. Fred W. Houghtan ,
MTH. .Tniinio JlilUrd Auhton , MIHS Anua
3ourholtzur , MIsi Jenniu Btielm.
Class of 1880-Mr. Galen Allison , Mr. WIN
iani Baiid , Air. DM Morcran , j\lr. \ Georgu
Wittam , Miss Barbara Auderson , Mrx. Itla
7ooUHill1 . Henrietta Doimhoy. Miss
Mary Manthnll , Mrs. J'ltta Tabor llurfre.
Class of 1W1. Mr. .1. J { . Tnto , Mrs. Carrie
Diuiuan Jlanna , Miss Lou Mlllard , lias J unn
iVilson , MIHK Carilo Shonard , MHI ! < Katu
rreynor , Misi ( ilivo Woixlbury , Mies Kato
ClasHof 1882. Miss Tilllo Aiitonrlolh , Jliss
S'ollio Cl.ucndoii , Mrs Mollie Kuatloy fihat-
tick , Min Jtomio Lyon , Mi > Ivllin Moon ,
\lita Mniy MottaMm. . Vinulo Itoosa OH-
tonie , Miss Is'clllo Jaln , Alias Nellie 1'utvtHun ,
Ilsa Nellie Sackott.
ClaHs of 1883. Mr.Charlcs Woodbnry , Mini
iraco Swuaringen , Miss Carrie Xnrinuulilcn ,
kli a Lucy Blanchard , MPM ! Knto Itonan , Mjo
'MSDK Voune , * Ml us Allie A. Baker , Miss
\ \ : \ Mclntosh , Mis * Myrtio Boardinati ,
Class of 1881 Miss AKHCH Dlanchard , Misa
Vuna Muyarx , MI'AH Clam Mityurs , Mr. Win.
:1.1'lumor , Mlas Marx Swanww , Mini May
iiiuH , lisH Jaiictto ( jainur , Mim Huth M ,
'hillips , Mina Janle Bulihvln , Miss 1'hooho
lor , CJTIIS Haiulln Itcnl ni tlio I'msi
torato of tlio OoiiBrex tloimI '
Gluiruli , j ,
At A mooting of the Congrcgatinmtl '
hurch Monday evoning-a roaulutlon WAS
asking the pastor , Rev. Cyrus
Qatnlin , to recall hit resignation prof-
irrud A short time beforo. On Wndneeday
v nlni { the committee reported that he
till desired to have action taken upon it ,
ind consequently tnu rumination wn to
Lccoptad , The following roaolutlun *
roro tbou adopted by a uiunlmcjiu und
ising vote :
WiifitKAH. Hov. Cyrni Ilnmlln , nur he
aved imutor for tlia jiost HOVCII yiarn , IIIIH ten-
lerod liia runigiiation to taltu ulfoct Aiuuut 1st , so
188 , end
i lltliEAH. In rmHiiio ( In the request of d
church 1m in iinwilihif ; tu rccill it , there dti
brubu It tiU
Hctolvcd , That in nur nccciiUnco of Iiln rin < U
gnotloii , wit deslruuitli onu heart mid inlnd b
brar tcHthnoiiy n ( Lin ability ns A V ,
thu H'10' ] ' * to n ! < loyalty to thu iulflriiUx nf n
jlinsvi kinxdnin and tu hi * HcU-iuuritiiunu ill-
rotlou to tlio wulfaroof till * cliurch ; tlmt'us
nubility of hU cbriitlRii
, the purity of hit iirlvuts lifu anil thu ittl
of bin daily oxMiiplo , tltl
Itu9olvcxl , That ubilu we deeply rraroit i hl tl
imn , wo reco nfzo thu , tla :
the work ho hai donn , imj t to
with thu belief that thu IntcruitH of
Jhrint'H kingduni will bu furtlicrod by thu cin
mm fultl/ful work In another Held. cih
SEL of North Carolina Tobicco is tlio w
The Bport to Cominonco AVIicro lt\v
Broken Off.
The races which were so summarily interfered
torforod with by the a.iorm Wednesday
will bo resumed Una afternoon if woatho
permits. The sun came out yesterday
so drying up the track , thai races migli
hnro taken plnco in the nflornoon , but u ;
till noon the clouds were so thrcatonhi |
that tlio management announced tin
postponement nnd could not afterward
change again.
It Is now planned to hnvo the race
this afternoon , the sport to go on fron
where it stopped. The races sot for
Wednesday will como of this afternoon ,
nnd ns much of Thursday's programme
will bo carried out ns time will permit.
The races will commence sharply at ono
o'clock. The classes for to-day will ,
therefore , bo the 3:00 : class and 2:21 :
class. Then , if time permits , there will
bo Thursday's programme entered up ,
vrhloli consists of the 2:38 : , the 2:33 :
claas , nnd the frco-for-nll pacing.
Pinko * Until ami RC ( . n Knt
Koll ,
Burglars viaatcd the residence of B. F ,
Lnnkton , No. 122 , Seventh street , some
time Wednesday uight , nnd when ho
awoke yesterday morning ho found thai
his pocket-book nnd130 wns gone. The
money mostly belonged to the Omaha
firm for which ho travels , and
consisted of S190 in currency and $140
in checks. The thieves had thrown away
the chocks , nnd they were found lying in
the front yard. The theory held by Mr.
Larkton is that ho nnd the family must
hnvo boon chloroformed , ns they did not
wnko until very Into , nnd felt quoorly.
It wns nlso conjectured that the thief or
thieves must have slipped into the house
bpforo the doors were locked for the
night , and kept secreted until nil had
gone to sleep. The police , of course ,
have no clue to the robbers.
ItOnudci an Omntin Gouplo to ho
Yesterday afternoon n lady nnd gentle
mnn from Omaha cnmo over tu this eido
and were very quietly married by ono of
the justices of the peace. The gentle
man occupies n responsible position in one
of the departments of the Union Tactile ,
nnd the marringo wns n peculiar one for
it nppoars that they were mnrriod in 1878 ,
and hnvo been living hnppily together
ever since , but the certificate was lost
nud the locord was burned in the do-
ntnictioii of the court house in Cincin
nati nt the time of the riot. There being ,
therefore , no record nnd no certificate ,
they concluded to quietly got the cere
mony performed over again nnd make n
now record.
The Nominations.
Ono of the most interesting features of
the convention yesterday wns the speech
of Major Anderson in nominating Mr.
Thornoll for district attorney. As pro
dieted by THE BUB two weeks ago Major
Anderson had massed some strength for
the convention , not to bo used for
himself directly , but ' simply ns
n club to rnp some of those
who sulked under the band wagon while
his congressional trumpet wns being
blown so lustily by John Chapman. Ills
speech was ootonsibly for the purpose of
nominating Thornoll , but the interesting
part of it was the way in which ho struck
out ri ht nnd loft , tapping those
whom ho was anxious to mnko fool
his power. Mr. Thornoll has been
n thorn in the flesh to Anderson
and for n number of years l\ai bothered
him greatly. By , therefore , whipping
about , nnd supporting Thornoll for Mio
diutrict nttorneyship , ho got an excellent
chancy for while ho did not love Thornoll
more , ho still loved some others loss.
Anderson's ' speech , nnd the hard nnd
successful work ho put in for Thornull ,
not nil the political tongues gossiping.
Mr. Thornell , the nominee , who came
out victorious in the contoit , in H man
who in highly spnkon of. Ho utudiod in
Mr. ROSA' law ollico in ihia city , nnd of-
terwarda wont io Fremont county where
ho has practiced with auccoia for years.
This i.i hiu fir at reaching out for publi'i
position , but his friends claim that ho
will show surprising Htrength.
The nominations of Judge Loofbourow
and Judge Lyman mot tlio expectation
and the unanimous wibh of the republican
can party , and there is HO little oppos !
turn oven in the democratic camp ns to
rob their nomination of interest BO far aa
any political fight is concerned.
CA.WJ con aiousroNS.
A Scut of IjRttcr Iny Hnlntn tlml.
ilio "Wholo DOHO Kx-
cepl Polygamy.
Bnhtnn Transcript.
WjshT ilAitwioii MABH. , Juno 17.
West Harwich iu it clean , lively little
town with good accommodations for sum
mer boarders at moderate prices. This
was quickly learned , nnd wo started to
see the "Batnts , " whose houaoa occupy
two long streets or roadu down to the
Port. I'll OHO dwellings uro comfortable
In nppoaruncu , nnd have gardens about
them. ! A modiTuto-eized building larger
UIAU the houses , we worn told "is the
place vfhtTo the 'Saint * ' have their
Our driver WM true to his principle of
roticcncu concerning the Mutinous , but
excused it with the promise to llnd Cupt.
IIowtM , " one of the moat prominent of
the "SalnU. " who would tell us nil wo
wauled to know ; mid , suiting the notion
the word , he drove onto the wharf nud
called out to an amphibious looking indi
vidual Hitting in ft bunt that was closu to
the dock :
"Captain , hero's some folks from over
far that want to see you. "
The captain stared , and BO did the
iloron or no fishermen loitering about and
talking of iho mcrning'd cstch of I ) , 000
mackerel that wan to bo scut to Bootun ,
but after n moment ho called out that ho
would como ashore , The nea was slightly
milled with an oaat wind , but w.ia oi that >
Jeep blue that artistn lure to picture , and
iway out were the Hulling smacks coining
Into port with their burdens. Wo had
turned and been driven under uheltor by
the time "the captain , " made his appear
ance , and okmor observation proved him
bo u liurcly snecunun of lift ) piculiur
sailing ; tall , lithe , kcen.oyed nnd of a
rather intelligent visage. "Yea , " snid o
, aa if ho had hastily made up liia mind
what to soy , " 1 nm perfectly willing to
talk of ; w >'sicu. We arc M-rjivu tf
the kind called Mosophitesj't wo nro the
true 'Latter Day Saints ; ' wo do not bo-
lotvo in plurality "
"You moan polygnmy } "
"Yes , thut is whnt 1 moan. When th
Mormons separated , nt the time of Joseph
soph Smith's death , some of thorn wen
oil to their destruction with Brighnu
Young ; but wo don't couvtonnnco thorn
Joseph Smith , Jr. , of Piano , 111. , is ou
loader "
"And his fnlhor , Joe Smith "
"Wo believe his fatherwas n true pro
phot. Wo believe in immersion as the
true baptism , because Christ , wns baplizin
in the Itivor Jordan ; wo believe that no
one will bo eternally lost , although tho\
IIAVO to sutler for their sins , nud wo thlni
Christ is coming iu person to reign eve
us. "
"How nbout your form of worship ? "
"Well , we hnvo n bible that Elder
Pratt translated it's like the Kiuj ,
James bible , only it explains things need
; oed deal , makes thorn clear. Wo ilng
nnd hnvo prayer-mooting , nnd n Sundny
school , nnd Sunday services , just like
other pooplo. "
"You liavo n good many religious
mixed tip in ono ? "
"Yes , tlio best of nil of them pu
together. "
"And the Book of Mormons ? "
"Well , that is n history of Mormoi
hat Smith found written on some gok
slntes. "
' Whowrotoit ? "
"Idon't ' know. "
Ho then went on to etnto that ho had
nlwnys resided nt Donuisthropp ; that ho
wai converted by nn older , n Mormoi
uissinimry , and ( but .loo Smith , Jr. , had
attended ono of their conformities , two ol
vhich arc held in Oci\m Uiill nt Weal
.lunvich ouch year ; that these meetings
ire largely attended by Mormons resident
n New Knglnnd , who are colonized in places at Fnll River , Providence ,
Joston , and ehewhero.
"I wish 1 had time to talk more of
our pooplo. " concluded the fisherman ,
'but you must go nud see the older , "
tnd ho turned away with n little twinkle
n his grey oyos.
The older was ill or forewarned of our
coming , nnd wo did not see him , but
rom n losa cautious person wo gathered
omo signiticont statements respecting
he "saints. " While
they profess not to
believe in "plurality , " they act in num-
srous coses upon the principal of "alllu-
ty. " Marriages among them hnvo In
this way boon frequently broken nnd re-
umcd. Ono woman wont to Utica , wan
gotio twenty years and returned to her
old martial relations. Our informer ,
when wo expressed surprise nt this nnd
other statements of n like character , said :
"Why , It's right enough ; people can't
iclp liking each other if they nro mnr
ied. "
The conferences thin person mentioned
is moat enjoyable occasions , with "good
peaking from real smart men , " mid n
; onoral utlcmlaitcu of the people in the
luighborhood , nome of whom , It is said ,
are generally made converts. It wns im-
) ossible to loam just how many Mormons
hero wore in Donnisthropo really n
> art of Went Harwich but there nro
moro than fifty of their dwellings , nnd
over 100 residents in them may bo fairly
The children of this colony nttond the
roe school with the other children ol
Inrwich , nnd there is n general tolerenco
of the "saints , " old nnd youu ? , by tlio
osidonts in the vicinity in n business , il
lot in a social way. An intelligent man ,
> orn and brought up on the Cape , in
peaking of them imld : "Thoso Mor-
noun are Industroua and behave well ; bul
of course they've got some black shoei
ktnoug them like nny other body of re
Igious people. " Another e.iid , in oxcusi
or ono of the "S.ilnts" who depnrtoi
rom the colony with nn "nfliulty" "Why
10 cnmo buck and lives huro now. "
Fourth of.1 uly At tlio Ijlnio Kiln ,
) otrolt Free 1'rotn.
" Diss club has concluded not to cole-
> rnto do IVth of July , " remarked Bruth-
r Gardner ns tlio mooting opened , "One
enson am bocaiu'we am nil patriots ebory
ny in do week , an * minder reason is dnt
o lemoiindo of din kentry has so dcgon
irnted in tone datn true patriot him no
u'ziu'ea wid do utull. We could whoop
n' hurrah nn' oat cokernutn nn' wnvo
ags nn' send up sky-rockets , but on do
ox' doy we'd hnvo to pay cash for mut-
< jn jlst du Name , an' our old clothes
would look jist as old , nn' do landlord
would como nroun' fur do back rent jist
B hnrd no if do declaration of indepen
cnco had nobor bin writ.
"Donn" bo too patiidtlo. I cnso of warren
ron will bo suspected of fiflliin' fur guv'-
nent cnntrnoto ; and in cnso of pcnco you
vlll bo called a blow-hard nn' n donm *
"Lub your koiitry , but donn' lot do
tontry jjit nhoad of you.
"Let your voice bo rained furpoacobut
.onn' ' pay nny revenue tax you kin git
ut of.
"Bo proud of our republic , but romcm-
> or that republics kin bunt any monarchy
t corrupshun.
"Ronpect our lawe , but romombor" dnt
> r > 00 and n good law yea will cl'tir n mur-
eier iiinu tiincu oiil , of ten.
"Hevorrnce do conntltulion , but ru >
nember dut uny Btutotiniati kin interpret
t to rend nny wny or mean anything.
"Let your heart swell will pridoui you
cmeniher dnt yiiu nro nn American , but
oun' forglt to apply to doEugllahcouuiil
: you wuntpurteckshun whunnwny from
"Lot us now purceek to transact sich
) izneeu of nanhuiiil ) importance as may
OHIO bofo * do uicettn' . "
Xlio llnitlo of Clio Ulriln.
There is nn onnunl battle bolts eon
Atnorlcun martens and English sparrows
it Midvale , N. J , , for thu poBsotsion of u
wx fixed ujioii n pole , wherein the mir-
onn have nested for many yenrn. The
mx is coveted by thu parrown , nnd
very npring , before Iho nmrtrns return
rom their uiilumtial migrations , they
lulld tlicir neuts nnd sot up houBukuo- ]
ng iu it. Tills year they wont through
lie performance , und when the martens
aino they found their lionn ; * In the pos-
esslou of strmifor ; . After flying nbout
ho box for somu time , the whole Hock of
narlons betook themselves ton neighbor ,
ng tree , mid thuru kept up u chattering ,
which had nil thonppuuranco of iiu indig-
utiiin meeting , Then they made nn ut-
uck on the box , and for emu time there
wuti n lively ncriinmago among the fonth-
rs. The American birds succeeded in
mstini ; iho JpugiHHtlo foreigners after n
isrd light , nnd then began n houso-cloaii-
nii , The nu ts of tlm epurrowH wcro
uthhtntly drugged to the opening of the
ux , from which they were thrown to the
round. Kvory bit of straw or other inn-
oriul composing the sparrows' nests wnn
irown out , mid the dicuonsolato spur-
ows had to seek n now humo.
To Itronk ( ho Holld Houth ,
Inclnnntl Commercial ( Kcp , )
It Is the temper of thu Hliiino army to
try to carry the aolld Houth by t < > riii ,
ud end thu shotgun Bovorignty once und \
orover , or make it iiianifchl for thu hut *
xd auil liuror of all oh jli
Quo of the Best and largest Stocks in the United State ?
tojselect from.
Fine Healthy Homes ,
Where They Can Enjoy Pure Air & Water !
And nil oil tlio good nnd pleasant things tlmfc go to mnko up a com
plete nnd Imppy oxistonco.
The town o South Onmlm is situntod south of the city of Omaha
on tlio line o the U. P. .Railway , nnd it i3 loss than 2 nnlea from the
Omaha post oflico to the north line of the town site.
South Omnhn is nearly H milns north nud south by 2j cast nnd
west , nnd 'covers nn nroft of nearly foursquare miles , ,
The Block yards nro nt the extreme southern limit.
Ncnrly 150 lots have boon eold nnd the domaud is on the incroaao
The yards nro being rapidly pushed to completion.
Tlio 500,000 beef packing house ia progrossinc : finely.
The $30,000 Water Works nro keeping pace with the other im 3 ,
r cmcuts , nud the Hotel nndExchnngo Building will be erected at once.
The B. & M. nnd Belt line Rnilwnys have n Inrgo force of men at
work nnd will , in connection with thoU. P. Railway , have n union depot
near the park nt the north end of the town. Suitable grounds will be
furnished for Church and School purposes.
Now is the time to buy lots in this growing city. They will never
bo cheaper than they are to-day.
fj57"Apply at the Company's oflico , cor. of 13th and Douglas streets
over the Omaha Saving's Bank.
Assistant Secretary , ' '
Tlio Pnlnce IIolol of Denver.
Cor. Seventeenth and Lawrence Sta
Koomn 7(0 to 83.UO jicr ilny. Special lUtca l > y the Month.
Conducted on the American and European Flams.
Board $7 l > er week.
lOOnn.l 10H Month 14th Htreot , Om&b * , Nebroakk. "Corrcspondonco Solicited. "
Double and Sinylo Acting Power ana Hand
EiiKino TrimminK , Mining Machinery , Bolting , Hose , Brass nnd Iron Fittircja ,
mm I'ttckinu ut wholojalo and retail. UALLADAY WIND-IULLS ,
Corner lOtli Farnarn St. , Omaha Neb.
yUO South Muin Street , Count il lihiftd , Iowa.
Wo guarantee our work as first-das ! in over manner and otylo at low f prices.
\Vo malcu a opecialty of Groupes , Families , and eapocially children , which
wo take quickur than u wink. COME AND SElfi US.
SUUMIDI & RILCY , rzopiictoro.