Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 27, 1884, Page 2, Image 2

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A. nixnccrons Case.
RocnMTim.Janel , 18S2. "T > n
Ye ri Ufa I w i tt cked withtlio nxwt
Intenio wid donlhly Mini In my back nd
Kldntjl ,
4'Extending to the end of my toes nnd
my brain f
"Which mndomo doliriousl
From ngony.
"It took three men to hold mo on my
bed nt timwl _ .
"Tho doctors tried in rain to relieve mo ,
But to no purpose.
"Morphine and other opiates
"Had no effect I
"After two months I waa given up to
"When my wife
hoard a neighbor toll what Hop Bitters
had done for her , she at oncogot and gnyo
mo some. The first dosp cased my brain
nnd sooinod to go hunting through my
ey a lorn for the pain.
"Tho second dose cased mo ao much
that I slept two hours , something I had
not done for two months. Before I had
used Cvo bottles , I was well and at work ,
as hard as any man could , for over thrco
weeks ; but I worked too hard for my
etrongth , and taking a hard cold , I waa ta
ken with the most acute nndpalnfulrhou *
jnatism all through my system that was
over known. I called the doctors again ,
and after several weeks , they loft mo a
cripple on crutches for life , as they said.
I mot a friend and told him my case , and
ho said Hop Bitters had cured him and
would euro mo. I hooped at him , but ho
was so earnest I was induced to uao thorn
again. In leas than four weeks I throw
away my crutches and wont to work light
ly and kept on usint ; the bitters for five
wopks , until I became as well as any man
living , and hnvo boon so for six year
since , It also cured my wife , who had
been so for years ; and has kept her and
my children , well and hearty with
from to to three bottles per year. There
is no need to bo sick at all if tltcsobittors
aroused. J. J. Bniitt. Ex-Supervisor.
"That poor invalid wife.
"Mother !
"Or daughter !
"Can bo made the picture of health !
"With a few bottles of Hop Bitters !
"Will you Id them suffer ? "
Aa tiMllrat tpfrtlitmtoal * ercinltlUfliTer.tiovmtiinrOft
JtoU world , tuni I > jip-piift , Mmbok , * ? w < 4 * tw. t J All
f UorJm t > r ib Plt iU * OrcMi. A f * drew lai rt d ln i Htn rte
to ( lui ef ihuofMtM. fca4 U til iwiutt * * JrtiU Iff II. !
tvtr * f MUktrMl * . Ait your cro r * rdrvnlir r U * n aUif
- nuuiTM-tuttdb/ML/.U fi HlKOEATabOtB.
51 jwjo / > irarjv. r.
thriven on llorllck'n rood , " wrlto hnnilrrdrf of
Kratcful mother * , llolhcru' mill ! rnutnlim no
utareh. JIOUUCKS' 1'OOD roil I NIWNTbrco <
ttom utarch ) rcciiilnwuncooldnir 'J lie l * t food in
liCAlUi or klcknewi for INTAN'l R. TlioUl illotfor
DYSPEPTICS mid INVALIDS. IIlKlilyl-cncflcbl
to nursing mothernun ) ) drink. Price uni7Cc. All
drumdstn. Book on tlic tnntmintof clilldrcnfroo.
"I tclltra U ( o ta minerlor to mivtlilux of tb
kind fur chlllrrn " / ) . slnmmt , Jt.ti. , Atu Turk.
* 'UDti BluUns1y rrnnouutfl U the ln lualln
th niukel. " IT. JU.arrell , U. H . Potion ,
"One of the ! * it .ubttltutci for moU-rrnaUk. "
/ / . a. 1-rnten. Jr. D. , Jlmllyn , .V. Y.
Wll Ixi ncnt tr mull on reccli1 ol rrlco to nUmrn.
t , IinUMCIC'H I'OOI * CO. , Itnclnc. Wt .
Belgian Boyal and U.S. Mll.Stomcrs
flit Rhine , Germany , Italy , ttuVant awl Stance ex
Btoerajjo Outward , M ; Prepaid from Autwerp , Dig ; IT
Kxcuralon , (19 , Including be Jdlne , etc. < in. ;
Ilcund Trip , JOO.CO ; Excursion , 8100 ; Saloon from 85U llllM
to SO : Kzourelon 110 to 8100. M
nrl'ctor Wright & Bom , Don , Agents. 55 Dread- CO
w y N , Y. COWl
CaMwclL Hamilton & Co. , Omaha. P. E. Glod n i
man & Co. , 203 N. 10th Street , Cmiiha ; 1) . E. Klnj
ball , OnialiaAponto. to&t eod-ly
James Medical Instill im
Chartered by ( IicStntcof III' .
nol.i for tlicexprcispurtioba atm
of iivlnilmmcdlato rcllelln m
all chronic , urinary nnd pri in
vate dlscaiea. Qonorrhccn ,
aieetnndSyplullalnall their KOi
complicated forma , alio alt tin
dlicaceB ot th : Gkin and
Blood promptly rellevedand pa
permanentlycured by remc- frc
dicBteBtedlnuJ'ur < t/lVar
_ hi > eclull'ruithf * ficmlnal pr
iiiiit Losuca by Dreamt , Pimples on ox
. . . . . . , ,
Hwuwvab * nuuuvuii i nin fimicutiero nl
tatiocjci't-rliiHiiiliKi * Tin appropriate tc.r.cdy
u at once used In each case. Consultations , per- nri
nonnl or by letter , eacredly cQiifidentlal. Med- in
iclceo sent by Mall and Express. No marks on inwn
pacKage to Indicate contents or sender. Address wnHi
' " Hi
"o. 204Wa3hlnnlon Sl Chlcaflo. !
GIVEN AWAY Bill bu tni
Bmoken of IJlK-kwrU' * Genuine thi
Bull VurbuuBiuukuirToluccuwUI
rcoclra I'nmilunu w folluwo ou ha
JBCOO tertuiond condlUoni licraipcclfltxli bo
* 4rtO 1st PREMIUM. S5.0QO tinsel
JHiOO " " "
2d" 52,000 sol :
jt5O : ,
> B.'tOO " str
3d $1,000
$275 , cul
KttoUier Premium * ubcresuowa. wh
'llo SS iiremluini will U ) twtnlcd
December 9 , 1WL Jkt rnanluin HIH
gota to the IXTBOU from whom no re. pai
cclte llw Uivnt nunibtrof our empty paim
tolliCCO ItikMHar It lit' , 13. 3tivlll \ | m :
In irivon for Ilio iieit larvwt nnmlier wil
nn > l HUH. In tu > unler of I ho uuuilicr atn
cf empty bur ) twtlre-l fnirn rwicU ,
to tbo twenty Arn luccoHifiil can.
tuiUnti KuUi Inur > nu t Imr our
oriiriuil Hall Diirlitiii UUL U. a
Heveinm rump , sn.l . cuillon Notice.
Dim limit l i ilma iiiHitnlr | In * liOi
luckavo , with naiim mul ndi1n of
u nder , an/1 niimlvr nf bnifn contain.
cd. I'lllnly ' iiurknl un tltn uiili > M . tiui
unil must U" ent. ( uirm1 * rrcmlil , t'l
IllnrUui ll'i niirlmin Tulinrni top i
Co. , Duniuu. N ( ' rrtryiramUio can
idimmf Hull.
REMEDY. mil .
LUfBS rin-BicAi. * flcr
MiT .Msa ) wh
( OF 1IANLT VIOOnBi > cn > wtorr
jlicM , etc. , whcu nil other rurne woi
Jdloa till A evn auaratUtt > i , ROfi ;
HIM a botU , larua Txittle , fuui not .
time * the quiDtltv. (0. lly ei.
prc-M to auy fcdjromu Bold b/ Vfl
klldruirirUU. KNOIJBH UEDI- otli
CAt < INBTJIUTe , P/opiletoM , 718 OUro Btrtot , 8k. pla
"JbVB sold Sir AsUeyOooptr1 ! V1U1 niatoitn. veil
M vcAta. Itouj cuitouier f peak ! hltttly ol It I frUl
BbwiUtloglyeodoiVJ It M a remedy of tru merit
L. " 0. the
el-.l lb8l hit
The UnltnownTrlnls Which aWonmn
Endnrod Wltliotit Coniplnlnt--
Why They Vanished.
Near the close of one ot the moat try
ing of the few hot days of the present
year a pale , care-worn woman might have
been seen at the window of her dwelling
apparently in a condition of complete ex
haustion , llor efforts to meet the ae-
cumuiatcd duties of her household had
been great but unsuccessful , while the
care of a sick child , whoso wails could
oven then bo hoard , was added to her
otherwise overwhelming troubles. Nnturo
had done much for her and in her youth
ful days aho had been not only beautiful
but the possessor of health such as is sel
dom seen. But horns and family duties
and the depressing carca which too of ton
accompany them had proven greater than
her splendid strength , and she felt at
that moment not only that life was n bur
den but that death would bo n grand re
lief. This is no unusual experience. It
is , in fact , a most common everyday oc
currence , and a great prayer is constantly
ascending from thousands of homes for
deliverance from the deadly power which
is enslaving so many wives , mothers and
daughters. And yet these duties of lifo
must bp mot. No woman can afford to
turn aside from the proper care of her
homo and the ones who are committed to
her care , although in doing those duties
she may sacrifice her health , and possibly
lifo itself. The experience of one who
successfully overcame such trials and rot
retained health and all the blessings it
brings is thus told by llov. William Wat
son" , Presiding Elder of the Mothudiat
Episcopal church , residing at Water town ,
N. Y. Ho said :
"My wife became completely run down
through overwork and care of n sick mem
ber of our household , and I ontortainud
lorious apprehensions as to her future.
3ho waa languid , pale , utterly exhausted ,
Without appetite , and in a complete state
> f physical decline. And yet she did not ,
: ould not neglect her duties , I hnvo
icon her about the house , trying cour-
igooualy to care for the ones she loved ,
chen I could toll , from the linoa upon
tor face , how much she was eufToiing. At
imcs she would rally for a day or ttro
nd then fall back into the siato of nor-
ous exhaustion she felt before. llor
cad pained her frequently , her body was
ocoming bowed by pain , and all hope or
njoymont in lifo seemed departed. What
) do wo could not tell. I resolvedhow-
ror , to bring back her lifo and vitality if
ossiblo , nnd to this end began to treat
or myself. To my great relief , her eya-
nn has boon toned up , her
.rcnfith restored , her health com-
lotoly recovered , nnd wholly by
10 uao of Warnor's Tippocanoo , whioh
regard as the greatest tonic , invigorator
iid atomacho remedy that haa over boon
iscovored. I was led to uao it the moro
mdily 03 I had tested the health restor-
ig properties of Warnor's Safe Ctiro In
ly own portion and I therefore know that
> y remedy Mr. Warner might produce
ould bo a valuable one. I have since
icommondod both Warner's Tippocauoo
id Warner's1 Safe Ouro to many of my
ionds and I know of several doctors of
ivinity as well as numerous laymen who
o using both with great benefit.
If all the overworked and duty driven
omen of America could know of the
10 experience above described , and act
ion the same , there can bo little doubt
iat much of the pain and most of thodo- .
rossing influences of lifo might bo avoid-
l. Such truths are too valuable to re
am unknown.
trlpn Her Rival Stnrlc Naked mid
Covers Her tvltli fur from
Head to Foot. Nfil
loclal Dispatch to the Uluba-Domocrat ; tli
AunoiiA , lud. , Juno 25. The town ia HiP
aating over a capital sensation to-night P
the tarring of a woman by a divorced at
fp and three other jealous women , in to
licit the feathering was omitted on ao- fear
unt of n disappointment in not gottiui ( ar '
o material. Mrs. John llouton , or ino
thor the divorced wife of Mr. John ! o
outon , has had her joalouny pi
cited by the fact that John th ,
outon , her former husband , at
id rooms in the aatno building with a CC
ra. Amelia Owens , a widow , and ao- is
rding to Mrs. JJouton'w notions , wua tr ;
13 auspiciously a'tcntivu to her. It wau wi
tenement homo that was thua ocoupio.1 qi
r the auspoctcd pair , and Mra Jones th
red in the second atory of it. Mra. 113
ihn llouton , with throu sympathising
imon , eot out with a pot of tar and a
tint bruah this afternoon , They arrived
the house of Mrs , 0 irons at 4 o'clock
the afternoon , nnd proceeded to bus-
CB3 at onco. Mra. Otvona waa firat M
tijjod then ntrlppod otark naked and th
rown down while Mra. llouton , with her pa
int brush , painted her thoroughly B"
> m head to foot with tar. Thia roi
occfia waa kept up for a long time , in
pootation that a woman who was to got
ot of foatltoro for the occaaaion would DC
ivo with them , but aho failed to put ,
an appearance , and HO thu feathering tei
o omitted. The women then madu cli
rs. Owens promiio that aha would uot sin
real their names , whoroupou they toha
) k loave. Mra Otvons immodintdy ha
got her promian to keep the aucror ,
led her help to got the taroll'hor body , aei
d told the immus of her iioraooulors. yo
FB. Owuna eays aho will have them all to
pstcd to-morrow.
How much ground Mrs. llouton had tin
her auspicious against Mra. Owens hia i
ii uot bo estimated accurately to-night ,
t moro will doubtlcw bo known on the
to-morrow , asovory man nnd wo-
m in tlio town to-night fs invostiffatluK hal
9 co e. It required nearly two hours <
rd work by two of Mrs. Owens' neigh- tht
n to cleanse her body tolerably , which <
ay did at last by thu use of grease to chi
ton the tnr and dull cnso-knivos and
eng _ soup-Buds to roiuovo it. The dilll- rea
Ity in getting thu ntulT out of her hair , km
iioh won matted with it , wa greatest , km
il the effort waa attended with only obi
rtinl sutcefis. Then Mra. Owens' ap- for
rlivonU were loft in n tcrriblo plight , dot
th the lloor and the furniture tarred , toe
1 fragments of her torn clothing stick.
; frtst tin all sorts of plscos.
Dill U Will n Olilp.
iton Glubo.
Vn interesting story is told in 'connco- det
it with the olil state prison at Oharlus-
, which shows how Binulland iftignifi.
it a thing may gl\o liberty to a priso-
, A convict lind been auntenccd to
irlflonmont for Gftoon yearn for com. nbd
.ting a Bcriua of burglaries , and had BUM
vod botwven three and four years org are
ou ono day ho brought a small chip of Bto ;
ad from the ahoji where ho was on > pro
cd iu labor to his coll. This fnct was Idrl
worthy of notice at the moment , vor
ion , however , the prisoner , with tlot
em , had nmrehcd to their cells , he din
cod the chip in such a way as to pro- tun
it the bolt of the door of his cell from foci
toning. The officers on duty made did
on I
ir usual inspection , saw each man in hut
cell and DO reported , A/tur / the iu *
spoclion had been made the convict in
question opened hia cell door , closed it
again , and passed quickly out of a side
door into the yard. In a moment ho
had gained the shop where ho worked ,
lloro ho put on n pair of overalls belong
ing to ono of the instructors employed by
contractors , and from there ho got upon
the prison-wall , and entering ono of the
guard-houses ho found an overcoat , which
ho donned. Ho was now ready to bid
adieu to the prison. Ilia movements
Trcro in no way nlow , for ho know that
at any moment his absence might bo
noticed and the ofllcora bo upon hia track.
Leaping from the wall the convict waa
soon in the street and "off for parts un
known. "
At 1 o'clock , when the prisoners wcro
to return to the shops for the afternoon ,
the absence of the escaped man was
noticed , and , although diligent search
was made nnd the usual reward offered
for his nrrost , the follow waa never cap
tured , but made hia way to Halifax ,
where ho engaged in a legitimate busi
Changes hf temporturo are apt to occa
sion dangerous nlfuctiona ; in the full-
blooded , apoplexy is to bb feared. All ,
both young and aged , should have BKAN-
DHKTH'I , I'ILLS ready ; they are never-
failing. When you have pain in the
head , aru dizzy , feverish , rheumatic , , or
othorwino affected , take from three to
ton , according to bulk of individual. In
twenty-four hours , or less time , you will
bo content. Constitutions are much
alike. Vertigo , dizziness , and pain can
como only when impurity of the blood ia
too much for "the lifo11 in ua to carry
ivilhoiit a struggle. And it is this ntrugglo
that IKANIIUITII'H ! ; TILLS aid , and no mis
takes are made when you merely take
iway impurities from the blood.
V Queer-Shower lu Iialco
Jotrolt ( Mich. ) 1'roo 1'ross , Juno 21.
A most extraordinary and possibly in-
ixplicablo occurrence was noticed in
jiko Michigan on Thursday , the 12th
nst. The facia , as related by aDotroitor
rho is personally cognizant of them , ore
.a follows : On the day noted there was
i light , warm shower at "VVaugpshancc
jighthouso , which is in Lake Michigan ,
, bout 25 miles west of Mackinao , Im-
nodiatoly following the shower some
non who were at work on the foghorn
milding hoard rattling and crashing over
load and hastened out to learn the cause
if so unusual a demonstration. The roof
1 the building and the pier of the light-
IOUBO had in an instant boon covered
o the depth of an inch with a dry ,
halk-liko substance. The surface of
ho lake , too , as far aa they could see
ras covered with a like substance which
ho waves lashed into foam. This sing- 1
Inr occurrence filled the men at the
ight-houHo with dread ana dismay for
time , but OH no harm came they soon
cgan to look about for an explanation ,
'wo of them applied their tongues re-
catodly to the stuff , and the experiments
lade them noriously ill. A quantity of
; is now in the possession of James
lartlott , of tlio Buhl Iron works. It ,
noils strongly of lye , but it seems to
ave much loss appcifio gravity than
otash. Whatever it is there is evidently
"good crop" of it somewhere. The
uoation of paramount interest now is.
[ ow did it get Into Lake Michigan and
houco came it ? i
Allon'ft Drain I'oud Iiotnnlcal extract
.rongtlier.'i tlio Brain nnd positively cures
'orvou.n Dobtllty , Js'crvousnoss , Hondachch
niiitnralIoHfliMvftrn\ weaknusn of Genera ,
TO System ; it never fnllit. $11'kg. ' ; 0 for $ , ' ! .
-At drnraiata or Allen's Pharmacy , 315 l ira
.vo. N. Y.
Now York.
The number of oloctrio lights in uao in
'ow York at the city's exponsa is 122
[ ty-fivo cf the Brush and aixty-aevon of
10 United States company. The coat of
? hfa for thu city ia 70 cents each light
> r night. The companies furnish plsnt
id.lncludo ovorythiug. The coat of gas
private cousumora ia $2.25 per 1,000
ot ; to the city 1.50. Electric lights
'o at present on business streets and
parks. The Public Works Commie.-
n has just contracted with bath com-
inios to extend the olectrio light along
o wainr fronts and some other business
roots. There will probably bo in all
10 lights in the city when the contract
completed , covering by judicioun dis-
ibutlon , fifteen or twenty miles of
ittor front find the bushiest !
mrtora The population of the city bye iu
o last census ia 1,200,22 ! ) ; nascEned val-
ttion of real and personal property ,
,0 , 1OOU,235.
Aulil I'liosplmto ,
A valuable Itomrdy for Gnivel.
Dr. T. II. Nr.wiAM ) , Jr. , St. Louis ,
o. , says : "I have used it in diseases of
o urinary organs , such us gravel , and VI
rticularly sjiMinatorrhou , with very
od result , and think it very valuable
mody in those diseases. "
Havcd ,
itroit Free l'con , w
Ktrly ycaturd.iy morning n tramp on- N
: od the central station with hia tooth tliN
licking together and his lipa a popular tlivc
iido of purple , and naked for Domothing vc
drink , explaining that ho wai about to
vo n chill. " 1
'Let wo BOO if you are , " replied the th
goant , as ho came forward. "Off with of
ur coat and vest , and lot mo got down
your hide. " ye
\Vhcn the tramp had partly disrobed , oti
3 ollioor felt of hia pnws , pushed up vu
sleeves , and asked : or
"When did you take a bathl" , then
"About three " on
yoara ago ,
"I thought ao ; thoro'a a layer of dirt of
If an inch deep on your ekin. " sit
'And how can a chill got through ua
'It can't. You can no moro have a
11 than I can lly. " VI
That'fl good , and I fool bettor al- VIwi
dy ! If I'm cafe , that's all I want to wi
jw. I'm no doctor , nnd I didn't nl ,
ow how the old thing worked. Much wl
igod to you , and if them fellora nt the cd
ry wharf undertake to Band-paper mo rle
f n , as they threaten , I want to be pro- to
tod. "
Statement , | Tl
iton Tilot ( Catholic ) .
iVo repeat our belief that IJIaino and .
gun cnu boat Cleveland and any other I * "
uocrnt. , .
I am
1110 *
lion are frequently preceded by A netua of
K'ht In tliu back , luliiv nnd lower pnrt of the cot
li > inoncuuiiIiiK the tiatlont to Biit > | > od8 ha linn Uu
ia ixtleetlon of the kldnoyo or neighbor ! u #
atui. At times , * yin touts of InulgoHtlon
proaent , as Uatuency , uiiouinemi of tha No
macli , u'.o. A muUtcro llku ponplratlon ,
< ludur ( a Aory tlbaf rooabl imrticu-
ly at night after pettiufr warm lu ue > l , IU wa
y common iittomUnt. Inturnnl , Kxtenm' boi
1 Itching 1'ileii jleld nt once to the appllca- D 1
i of Dr. Bonaiiko'al'lle llouuxly , which ncU hoi
9ctlx * the narU ulltsctod
unin , nbaorblug the
lorn , alluylng tlio Inteuie Itching , nud cf. theme
.Iny a iMjriniuiuiit euro \\buru oUior remo- mo
l liavo fulled. Do uot iltluy until tlioilnJn
tbo tyntotu iiroduron jiornunuut ilUablllty ,
trv it mid i > run * ) , Behnitor ft Dfcht.
TradB euj > plitl l > y 0. P lui.
A Test Iloforo WnsJilriRton SolontlntH.
Washington Star ,
On Monday Miss Kuln Hurst visited
the laboratory of a well known scientific
gentleman In this city , and mot there a
number of gentlemen who had boon in
vited to witness an exhibition of her pow
ers , 'Miss Ilurn * WRI oc-nmpanicd by
horfathor and NOthot ftnft her agent and
manager. Bho vtua niiuwii to a small
room , which is used ns a study , and as
the gentlemen came in they were intro
duced. Among these prcsont were
Prof. Simon Nowcomb , Major J. . W.
Powell , Prof , llarkncss , Prof. Eastman ,
Dr. 13asil Norris , Col. Garrick Mallory ,
Prof. Gilbert , and Mr. Taintor. Miss
Hurst was requested to proceed with the
practical demonstration of her powers us
aho was accustomed to do before the
public. Ono at the chairs in the room
was placed In the center of the floor ,
and ono of the scientists grasped it firm
ly , Miss Hurst then placed the palms of
her hands on each side of the chair , and
the scientist was soon whirling around
the room nt a lively ratn in the vain ef
fort to hold the chair still. This was re
peated several times , as well as n sim
ilar test with a cane and umbrella , Care
ful watch was observed by the spectators
of Mies Hurst to ascertain if there was
any contraction of the muscles or other
evidence of the use of physical forco.
Thorp was but little comment made.
The violent and sometimes eccentric
motions of the persons who were en
deavoring to hold down objects touched
by Miss Hurst excited considerable
laughter. Attention was called to the
position of Miss Hurst's hands and the
absence of any sign of physical cxortion ,
Ono eager investigator took her pulse
after a _ somewhat oxcitcd contest and
found it but little above normal , while
her partner was blowing like a per
Prof. Nowcomb suggested that Miss
Hurst bo placed on a platform removed
from contact with the ground while ex
erting her power. A small platform was
procured , which was placed on brass roll
ers perhaps an inch and a half iu height.
Standing on this platform Miss Hurst
attempted to repeat nur experiment with
the chair while it was firmly grasped by
* man who waa standing on the floor.
For some reason the power was not ox-
artpd , nnd after standing some time
trailing for the chair to move Mis Hurst
laid she could not do it. Her father naid
n a reassuring tone :
"Just put your mind on it , Lula. If
? ou think you can do it you will succeed.
Cho trouble Is think ' "
, you you can't.
"No I don't "
, , protested the young
ady. "I want to do it. "
Another trial produced only a feeble
lomonstration of her .power. The pa-
onts were of the opinion that as the
> latform was a now experience it had
livorted nor mind. After slopping from
ho platform aho waa able to move chairs
, nd canes aa usual.
A Star reporter called upon Professor
iimon Nowcombat the navy department ,
0 obtain an explanation from his stand-
lointof Miss Hurst's mysterious strength.
"How do you know/asked / the pro-
ossor , "that I have ever laid eyes on i
lisa Hurst ? "
"I understand , " said the reporter , "that
ti the interest of science Mies Hurst gave
n exhibition at Professor Graham Boll's
esidenco , at which you were present. "
"Well , that's correct , " said Professor
Towcomb , "and I don't know as I have
ny objection to telling you what I think
if it all. In the first place , the exhibi-
ion is perfectly hpncst , there is no trick-
ry or pretence , or iny endeavor at con-
oalmont. Secondly , I don't BOO any
eason for supposing that what she does
rises from anything else than unusual
luscular strength. Still , I should bo
inch interested in investigating the mot
or further. The wonderful fact of the
xhibition is that she is not conscious of
ny exertion iu performing the oxtraordl-
ary feats of strength. The way wo Bat
ified ourselves on that point was to nr-
ingo tests which could not bo accom-
liahcd without consciousness of effort or
certion. In these instances Miss Hurst
Id not succeed. Besides that , however ,
10 physicians stated that there was not
to slightest change in her pulse after a
! St. "
"How can you explain the exorcise of
ich extraordinary strength without any
nisciouancas of it or signs of exertion ] "
iked the reporter.
"I cannot explain it , " was the reply.
1 leave that for physiologists to do. "
"Some people say that her powers
> mo from electricity , " suggested the Star
; portor.
"I don't believe in it at all. It can't
o. "
"Then at > ain , there is the will power , "
? ntnrccl the reporter.
" 1 never have Been any such exhibition
i will power , pure and simple , " en id the
"Well , how about mesmerism ? "
"Tho mesmerist munfc como in contact
ith or BOO the subject , " said Professor E
owcomb. " 'n
"Hang shoot between
iciii , and there is no mesmeric effect.
o , as I said before , I saw nothing but a
iry strong person. "
"But , sir , " interposed the reporter ,
liero h ono puraon , and a woman at
at , overcoming the combined strength
three or four powerful men. "
"Well responded the professor , "but
iu can't toll about this combined
rongth , Throe or four mon in endea
ring to withstand Miss Hurst may pull
push directly against each other , nl-
cmgh their intentions are good. The
ily way of obtaining n correct estimate
her strength is by oppoiing it with a Ai
iglo and known weight. That is all I
u * ay of the matter. "
Hunllnuem iu llio Hnovr.
rgiuU ( Nov. ) Katcrprtie.
Mount Davidson was again whitened
th BIIOW half way from summit to base
jht before last. The sunflowers with
itch the mountain Ho completely cover-
, till came up mulling soon after sun-
e. The sunflowers being "native nnd
the manor born , " do uot greatly mind
o little cllmnto eccentricities that have on
us far dlatinjjiahod the present season , lie
icy think it is all right.
Oo id Grounds lor a Bouroi/.a.
tUburg Chronicle.
"Tolk about real cstnto being high ! "
d Hoggs to hia wife , "Why , if you'd
ly bo a little saving with the stuff that's
t iu thu bottom of your colFoo cups you
ild own a lot of your own iu short
Four Nnincti lor Ono Biniill Baby. ,
w Vork World.
frodoric. % Uasieustcin Italia Bortot
the nnuiQ given to a b\by born ou
ird thp steamer Italin at sea on Juno
ast. The Uo lirat names were in
ior of the captain and the third after
i vessel , while the parents of the child
destly claimed the list.
i ut or N , 0 , Tobacco fipoat'iu the tht u
The Kidneys.
They nro tlio most important sec
retory orgnnp. Into nnd through
the Kidneys flow the waste fluids of
the body , containing poisonous mnt-
tor taltcn out of the system. If tlio
Kidneys do not net properly this
matter is returned , the whole sys
tem becomes disordered mid the fol
lowing symptoms will follow :
Headache , weakness , pain in the
small of back nnd loins , flushes of
hont , chills , with disordered stomach
ach trad bowels. You can thorough
ly protect the Kidneys by BUR
when nny of these symptoms mani
fest themselues you can quickly rid
yourself of them by this best of nil
medicines for the Kidneys. BUR
everywhere at $1 per bottle , and
ono bottle will prove their efficacy.
Science ot Life , Only $1,00 ,
lty , Kerrons nd Phreloal Debility ,
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nntold miseries cguUlng from Indiscretions or 01 *
onset. A book for every man , young , mlddlo-agod ,
and old. It contains 125 prescriptions for all acnta
and chronlo diseases o&chono ot which li Invuluable
So found by the Author , whose experience for 23
yean Is such M probably never before felt to the let
ot any physio an SOO pages , bound In beautlfn
French muslin m dossed covora , full gUt.frnaranteed
o be a finer work n every tense , mechanical , lit
erary and professional , than any other work sold In
thli country for 82.60 , or the money will bo refunded
In every Instance. Price only 91.00 by mall , poet-
paid. Illustrative sample 6 cents. Send now. God
medal awarded the author by the National UodlcM
Awoclatlon , to tbo officers ol which he refers.
The Sclenso of Life should bo read by the yonncr
Instruction , and by the afflicted for relief. li
will benefit all London Lancet.
There Is no member of society to whom The Sci
ence of Life will not bo useful , whether youth , par
ent , guardian , Instructor or clergymaa Argonaut
Address the Feabody Medical Institute , or Dr. W.
n. Parker , No. i BulOnch Street , Boston Mass. , who
may be consulted on all diseases requiring skill and
experience. Chronlo andobstlnatedlseasesthat hare
baffled the skill ot all other phys-UFI B dans
a ipedaltyi Much treated success-Hi. HL
without an Instance failure. TUV FI F
Imported Beer
Erlangor , Bavnria.
Culmbacher , , Bavaria.
Pilsner - . .tBohemian.
Kaiser . . . .4.Bremen.
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A.nhauser St. Louis.
Best s Milwaukep.
Schlitz-Pilsner Milwaukee.
drug's Omaha.
Ale , Porter. Domestic and Rhine
flie Steck is a Durable Piano.
Is warranted to wear longer , ill
, th form ncntcr , ami Klvo ncttc1
rcatlBfAttlun t'mn aJiyi.lln.rCoi * ,
( n tbu nmrLtt.or rirlco | * alt ! \ill
bo rdui iled. Tlio Inilurmmcnti ol
C/ilcairo's iMBt physicians
my arh Comet. I'rlco , llr.tHlocn Jean ,
repaid. ( I ' < > - /it vrmrnifnlmiitrortliiiLl.
. vwrasciiiiLu , JOSKI > U A of. .
ucrj , ulO a liia l
.T. H. F. LBHoMA-NN.
Will cnro Ncr oilmen ,
maUMM , I'm.
. . . _ . _ ! , KlAtlta.
Kliiniy. Hplnu imil I.hcr
illuntri , ( \vtlima.lteuit
UlM > ar , J yiM ( phJa , Coni M
i ncT J- liatlon. Kijfil , Cntnnli ,
vyfT " I'llci. LplUTHT , Impolfiicy ,
jinliAtriiB. 1'iiilnpnn Uteri , itc. Only * cl < iitltlahlei >
in licit In Ami rka th t roml < thu Kkctrlclty Hiid max
tlum tlirout'li thvliod > .AUdcaubore < : liurgeitinAnf
Wit by tlio Hulk nt.
SI.OOO Would Not Duv It.
DuJ UoP-n I wna atlUolod with rhcumatlrm and
ircd by ualnff n belt. To any ono alftlctcU wltli
nt tlbeaM , I nould B f , buy Horuo'i I'Joctrlo Kelt ,
Any one can confer with mo by wrtllnir calling
my itore , IKO Douglas itre t , Omaha , Nub.
UAIN OFFICE Opposite poetolCre , room t Fren-
r block.
CVForialBatO. F. Ooodman't Druj'Slor * ' 1110
tm&m tit , Omaha.
Orders fllled 0. 0 D.
UsoRldgcs Food
. . .BUne Mange of Deist * ,
lltlaeatlly prepared In
t f o w inlnn tea , and < nn
be tued with or with-
ou ) milk. lleclw ( or
both way * lor lilana
tlanReaad lorCusUnli \
Jdlngn , eta. , aroom <
may each can. ill Ige'i
rood li put up In tin
cam , tour > t > et , retail
ing at Sio. , e&r. , 11.25
anil Il.Tfi Dy all Dtaf-
rtuaait aluohi many Utotcti. WOOLIUC1C fc CO. ,
leTerylabcl. Fcr pamblet Ac. , ailJr 84ool. . I
hACo , 1'aluier "
IHISIIKLToritegcnrae IX
tor \ * made oprcealy ( or
the cure of derangement !
of tbo generative orxana , X
Th ro It no mistake about
this Instrument , the con
tinuous ttrcim ot KLKC-
Till CITY permeating F (
through the paru mu t res.
toro them to nralthy action
Da not onnlound thli ith
Elrctrte DeltnadtrrtUod to
re all all * ( ram liml to tie , H U ( or th ONE | ) to-
ipurpow. 1'cir clrculr * tihlng full Information ,
Ircaj Cheerer Uuctrlu licit Cy. , 103 Washington
laioneot the lanroit and tmcit ajuortment ol
lug and Summer Uoods fur EultUiga aud Tr owner-
a. All gnrmruU iraaruitcrd to flt and trimmed
h tbt > IJest Trlmiriit-a. MY I'ltlOEj AUC UWKIt ) I
n * ny.Merchant Tailor iu the city. 1(04 Farnarn *
* * . 1
Growers of Live Stock and Others.
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Its merits. Try It and Judg for yourwlToe. Prloo S25.CO per ton ! no charge fer sacks. AddreM
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ager of the Tea , Cigar and Tobacco Departments. A full line of
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stock. Prices and samples furnished on application. Open
orders intrusted to ua shall receive our careful attention
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Heating and Baking
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Stoves and Banges ,
i WE oe DOO&
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[ AHA .
> r Hides , Wool , Pelts , Etc. , niul consignments mndo to us will receive
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Iffice and Yard , 6th and Douglas ts , , Omaha flsb , .