A- ' THE OMAHA * DAILY BEE. FOURTEENTH YEAR. OMAHA , NEB. , FRIDAY MORNING JUNE 27 , 1881. NO. 8 THE CAMPAIGN COMMANDER. B , F , Jones , of Pittslinrg , Selected as the National Chairman , The Executive and Finanoo Oonr mittees Appointed , The House Passes the Backbone Eailroad Porfoiture , EliH. Murray Nominated fortho Utah Governorship , Stephen B. Elkins Expresses Him self on the Situation , Xlhoilo Island and North Carolina fur Cleveland. THE NATIONAL COMMITTED ; . NEW YORK , Juno 20. The republican na tional committee met at the Fifth avomio ho tel to-day , John W. Mason , of West Virginia , temporary chairman ; George W. Hooker , of Vonuont , temporary secretary. At n meeting of tlio republican national committtoo every every state and territory were represented either by member or proxy , except Georgia , Minnesota , Texas , Montana , Washington Territory , Wyoming and Utah. The temporary chairman announced it in or der to select permanent officer * , llaynos , of Maine , moved the chair appoint a committee of throe to nominate permanent oliicors. Adopted. The clinir named J. Manchester llaynps , G. A. Hobcrt and J. K. Morov , committee , and the gentlemen retired. Pending ing deliberations the national committee at 111:35 : took a recess of half an hour. D. F. JONKS FOll CIIAIUMAN. The special committee reported D. J. Jones , of Pittaburg , for.chairman , Samuel t'esscnden , of Connecticut , secretary , and tha following executive committee : J. B. Chafleo , Colorado ; J. C. Now , Indi ana ; J. M. Mason. West Virginia ; J. M. Halncs , Maine ; W. W. Crape , Massa- chdsetts ; E. Sanderson , Massachusetts ; S. B Elkins , New- Mexico ; G. A. llobart , Now Jersey ; Goo. W. Hooker , Vermont ; John 1) . IJawscm , Now York ; It. p. Humphrey , North Carolina ; Frank Morris , Louisiana : A. L. Conger , Ohio ; John 13. Sanborn , Micliignn ; Church Howe , Nebraska ; Cyrus Lcland , jr. , Kansas ; John K. Lynch , Mississippi ; J. S. Clarkson , Iowa : D. J. Layton , Delaware and 32. H. Ilollins , New Hampshire. THE SINEWS OP WAIl. Also the following finance committee : D. J\ Jones , Horace Davis , John P. L.iwson , David T. Settler , W. W. Crapo. K II. Hoi- lins , James A. Gay and George W. Hooker. 1111. JONES , the now chairman , made n happy and modest address in accepting the honor , Ho asked for the benefit of the superior experience , judg ment and energy of the other members of the committee Keferring to Blainc , lie said : , "It is my good fortune to have known Mr. Blaine intimately for over 30 years. I have watched iiis career since that xtima with un usual interest , and I have never known any one to bo actuated by purer motives or governed by n > higher standard of morals. His lofty patriotism and Bplondid abilities are re- cognizcd'and acknowledged everywhere. He is always on the American side of every ques tion. These virtues and these accomplish ments account for his wonderful magnetism , .and for his nearness to the hearts of tbo Ame rican people. " After referring to Logan's magnificent rec ord as a soldier and statesman , said : "The democratic party must DO held to its record of free trade and tariff-for-rovonuo only , and that such candidates and buch principles are eet forth in our platform success is assured. Victory will be ours in November as surely ns the sun will bless us with its light. " At 3:15 the chairman again called the cora- mitte to order , and Secretary Fessendon road a communication from the Young Men's re publican club of Now York , suggesting that the club wwould bo able to contribute to the election of the republican candidates in No vember. The communication was referred to the executive committee. TUB HKAnQUAHTEIia. Senator Chafleo reported on behalf of the wib-committoo to select headquarters at Now York city , that 2-12 Fifth avenue could bo se cured. The report was accepted and the sub committee to complete arrangements. The committee then adjourned subject to tha call of the chairman. The executive committee met in the Bamo room and was in session two hour * ) with closed doors , BENATOU CIIAITBU was made permanent chairman of the execu tive committee , and Colonel Hooker perma nent secretary. The committee delegates its fnllpowor | to a Bub-committee to act during the recess , con sisting of Klkins , Chaffer , and Holiart. It is understood these three gontlumen will supple ment the work of the chairman on the active organizing and working force of the com mittee. This suh-committeu to-night resolved to add , under the power given by the general executive committee , the names of Conger , of Ohio , and CLAUKSON OP IOWA is to have more especially the care of the com- mitto'd and tliu party's work in the western &tatei. The general executive committee ad journed at five o'clock , subject to the call of the Bub-committee. The latter commjttoo and chairman will go to work and organize details of the campaign. The financial committee also had a meeting this afternoon. TUB IHON DUKE. PiTT.sinmo , Juno 20. When the selection of F , I ) . Jones , of this city , as chairman of tha national republican commlttoo was received with general satiafaction hero. Mr. Jones is president of the Western Iron mid Nail associ ntion and head of the firm of Jones k Laugh < lin ; Iho second largest iron firm in the United Htatos. His political experience ? has been limited , hut no is a man of grout executive ability and energy , Ho is one of the wealtlii- est men In the city , and about sixty yeura of fc'e. EMCINS' I OKAS WHILE INHl'KOTJNO TUB JIBAIXlUAHTEuS. New York Social to Chicago Tribune. Mr. Stephen li. Kllcina and several others this evening inspected the building to bo need as headquarters by tha republican national committee. It is the brown stone liouso at No. 212 Fifth nvenuu. "Tha basement , " oh- served Mr. Klkins in passing through the house , "will amply .accommodate the force of > clerks employed to issue campaign documents. Hero on the first floor will bo tha meeting rooms of the special sub-committees , while the apartments upstairs will ba reserved fur those IKADEH3 OK THK whose presence and advice are constantly nc cesnary. The only question In my mind , " added Mr. Klkins , "ii whether the honso will also hold the republican committee of the state of New York. The rent will lie 83,000. We will occupy the placn until tbu 15th of November a week after the election and if the state committee help * us to pay for It wo will IK > better pleated , " After a thorough inipactlonof the promises , and after inquiring what telegraph and tele phone communications could bo easily estab. lUhod , Mr , Klkliu departed , seemingly well satisfied. "We want our headquarters here this trip , " eaid ho , 'Tho presence of the democratic national commlttoo makes oun necessary to keep our chances to carry the elate. Otherwise I think ourhoadquartvra would bo in Columbus O , ' A COM.MITTEKMAN'S orixioss. ' Wo'ro. got the democrats jumping , " said Mr. Klkinj. "Kvcry three days you hear them Hiouline for a different ticket to bo nom inated at Chicago. To-day it looks to mo like 1'ayno nud Slocum Pnyno to carry the West and Slocum to offset our Gen. Login in the soldiers' votes. IJut ho can't do it. There is no man who can move the Grand Army of the Republic from tlioir allealanco to Logan. " "How about Gon. Stoncman , of California ? " asked the reporter "Tllh WKST 13 VOll nLAlNK , " returned his informant emphatically ! "Tho 1'acific states are irreversibly in IIIR favor. Tiiey will have nobody but lllaino. I don't too how the Plumed Knight i to bo _ beaten , although , of course , my liking for him may cloud my judgment. I really do not et-o how hois to bo beaten , " repeated Mr. Jttkini , ' 'though in tlioir desperation the democrats are forming nil sorts of combinations. For example , 1 should not bo surprised if those reports of deals between Gen. Uutlor and John Kelly were entirely true. Wo sh'ill carry New Stato. " "How do you account for the IIIBAKFKCTION TO 11LA1NE IS TUB EAST ? " "It is only in Now York and Boston , " rein in Connecticut , but I learn from Mr. FCSHOIJ- don , one of the best posted lawyers in that itatethat Connecticut will go for us and I believe - lievo him. You may think it early for a fore cast , " concluded Mr. Klkins'but I tell you Blaine will win. Ho is x courageous man , a [ Mire man , and hs ! friends will stick to him. " AVASUINGTON NOTES. oovnltNon ov UTAU. WASHINGTON , Juno 20. The president to day nominated l-'li II. Murray , of Kentucky , 'or governor of Utah. I10NDS CALLED IS. The secretary of the treasury has issued n call for ten million of bonds. The following ire the original numbers : $ . " > 0 , No 315 to 344 , botli inclusive ; 8100 , No.1,303 to 2,793 , both nclusivo , and No. 0,481 to 9,513 , both inclu sive ; S'OO , No. 1,151 to 1,333 , both inclusive , uid No. 3,991 to 4,000. both inclusive ; § 1,000 , No. ll.OS ! ) to 12,374 , both inclusive , and No. 22,8l3to22,8i5 ! , both inclusive ; § 10,000 , No. 20,203 to 21,170 , botli inclusive. ItlVF.R AND HAR110K HILT , , aa reported from the senate , is greater by 81,333,000 than the house bill. The following low items are added : Improving the harbor of Brazes , San tiago , Texas S25.000 [ cutwater , Michigan 15,000 Grand . . Marias , Minn 10,000 e- * ti t t - " nfu\ 3oosUay , Oregon 25,000 Cumberland river , above Nashville. . 50,000 3edftr Uiver , Mich 15,000 Mouth of the Columbia river , in Oregon gen and Washington Territories . . IfiO.OOO Mouth of the Conuillo river , in Oregon 10,000 Lake City , Minn 16,000 Continuingtho construction of a dry- dock at Des Moiucs Itapids canal , Mississippi river 30,000 Falls St. Anthony 10,000 The principal increases over tlio house bill are : Buffalo § 75,000 to S100.000 Sabine Pass and Blue Buck Bar , Texas 1DO.OOO „ 200,000 Mouthof the Muskiugum , Ohio 30,000 , , tiO.OOO Detroit river . . , 100,000 „ 200,000 NORTH OAHOIiINA , TUB DGMOCRAOr. IlALKinn , N. 0. , Juno 26 , The democratic gtato convention waa the largest held in North Carolina , The delegates at largb'to 'Chicago ore : Thomas Ruflin , William F. Dortch , Jul- an S. Carr and George II. Brown , Tlio en , ire delegation will meet in Washington July Ith. They cleave to the opinion that It Is ad visable to support Cleveland , while in symp.t hy with Bayard , THE PLATl-OnSf challenges comparison between tlio prosperity and good government attending democratic administrations and the crimes , outrage , and > candals of tlio period of republican admin- stratlon ; affirm adherence _ to former plat- : orms ; regards a free and fair expression of , ho public will at the ballot box as the only ; rue moans of preserving free American in stitution ; and denounces the corrupt use of 'edcral patronage to control elections as langerous to the liberties of the people ; favors , hu unconditional and immediate repeal of the whole internal revenue system as an intoler able burden and a standing menace to the troodom of elections and tlio survico of great corruption ; taxes should bo reduced to avoid a surplus in the treasury. TIIK TAIUKK. The following is the tariff plank : With respect to the tariff wo reaffirm funda mental principle * , leaving to detail thu method by which the constitutional revenue tariff shall ho gradually leached to the con gressional representatives ; but duties _ should uo levied for revenue and discriminations rhould ulace the highest rates on luxuries and the lowest rales on necessaries. SOUTH OAHOLINA. Tin : nKMOcnvno DICLIKIATES. COI.UMIIIA , S. C : , Juno 20. The democratic state convention met to-day. Wade Hamil ton , C , If. Suber , F. W. Dawson , L. T. Youmans were elected delegates at largo , Hampton an I Youmans prefer Bayard , Dawson - son favors Cleveland in his paper , and Subur's profcrcnco is unknown , but supposed to bo Cleveland , The district delegates have not indicated their choice. FI.OHIDA. THE DCMOCIIACy. I'KNHACOLA , Pin. , Juno 26. On the nixtli > alot ! in the Democratic state convention 1'erry was nominated for governor. roil LIKUTKNANr-GOVBHNOII. PKNHACOI.A , Juno 20 , For lieutenant-gov ernor M. H. Mabpy , of Sumpter , was nomi nated by acclamation. AltKANSAS. TriK DE1IOC11ATIO HTATE CONVENTION. LITTLE KOCK , Juno 2i. ( Tiie democratic gtato convention reassembled this morning , Pending the 31th ballot Fletcher WH with drawn and Kx-Attornoy Ueneral Hughes was declared tliu nornlnoo for governor by accla' mation. Itecess till ! l o'clock , INDIANA. ' [ TUB ASSISTANT WKJIOCKATH , I.ViHANAroLH , Juno 20. Tlio prohibition ists have decided to call a statu convention , to meet in tliU city July 17th , tonomlnlnate can didatcs for state oflico ? , electors for president , and vice-president , and Kfllectjtlologates to thu national convention nt Pitttburg , July 23d , HBINQ 1IOOMK ! ) IN h'AKKUIL HAI-f. . DOSTON' , Juno 20 , A duinonatration favor ing the nomination ol General Jiutlor for the preildency was held in I'aneiiil hall to-night. About 1M)0 ) jiereoni ) were prcuent , ItUODY , ALL l'Ol | CLEVELAND. I'JIOVIDKNCK , June 20. The Khodo Islaud democratic delegation in tmanimoua for Cluvelad. _ _ City Taxation of IiiHurnnco ICccelplH CHIUACO , Juno 20 , Several ye&rn ogu the city council paused an ordinance imposing a tax of 2 per cent on the gro s receipts of in surance companies doing buiimMH in the city , whoso headquarters were outsldo the state of IlllnoU. The matter remained In an untie- cided utatxj until a thort time ago when a teat cuse was Submitted to the Hupreino court , The decision of that court was made public to day , and hold ) the ordinance to bu iogul , A large amount of money was Involved. JAY-EYE-SEE. The Implement Kins ; Fails to Match With the Railway Kins ; . Vanderbilt Almost Indignant that Ho is Challenged , Ho Declares Ho Will Use Maud S , Only for the Bond , Ho Thinks Her "Perfection in Everything She Undertakes , " The Spirit of the Times of Opinion Oaso was Advertising , Yale Bents Harvard In tlio llont Kaco Other Sport Inj ; Matters , Vamlcrullt's Vcrtobrre. XOT HTIIT KNoumi TO TAKK ui CASK'S CIIAL * LKNOU. NRW YOHK , Juno 2(1. ( The Spirit of tlio Times of Juno 28 , will contain an answer to the challenge for the match of Jny-Kyo-Seo against Maud S. The Spirit will say : Vanderbilt - dorbilt was interviewed and expressed himself with much earnestness as follows : "I liavu lieard of the challenge , " said lit"sent by [ the owner of Jay-Kyo-Soo. Why ho , or anybody oho should have Impudence enough to alhnlo torn o or my mnro , as a challenged patty [ knowing , as every ono known , that 1 have In variably refused to allow her to bo trotted in a race or a match ) , is past comprehension. I keep Maud S roil MY OWN A.MUSBMKNT , and am well.Batisfied in my own mind fho is the fastest piece of trotting horuo llesli In the world. If aim is not the fastest she Is at least the handsomest and most perfect. When any imo oho gets and drives on the road a liner looking animal , independent of speed , I will probably dispose of Maud S. I have said on previous occabious that there nru nome horses , IF THEY COULD THOT A Stll.E IX A MINUTE , I would not have them ns a gift for my private use. I think Maud S Is perfection in every thing slio undertakes. " Continuing the conversation in n general way. Mr. Yanderbilt remarked : "It seems to me that tlio financial disturbances now preva lent Bhould affect adversely the interest and attendance at racing , and trotting meetings. " The talk then turned on the financial sltua- ion , and was concluded by Yanderbilt re marking : "O , no ; I shall not use Maud S for other than for road purposes this year. " OASK'H HUHKJIK. The Spirit of the Times comments as fol lows : ' There is really moro dignity than warmth in Mr. Vanderbilt's remarks , as Mr. Case knows ho has everything to gain and nothing to lese by making believe that ho is seeking to put his little black gelding against tlio queen of the turf , for ho must bo well aware that Mr. Vnndcrbilt lias s-t his face against him or other horses during her career on the turf. Mr. Case might just as well challenge Mr. Bonncr's Harus or Kdwin lor- rest It appears to us , his actual motive is n mere commercial schema to BCCUI-O liberal offcra from associations for exhibition huata by his horso. " " ' " Iho Oar. VALE UKATH HAWAII ! ) . NEW Loxnox , Juno 25. Yale won tlio boat race with Harvard , by three lengths. NKW YOIIK , Juno 2i. ( This was a bad day for " .Fair Harvard. " She was beaten by Ynlo "Varsity" by 17 seconds , the winning tlmo being 20 : 10 , , the fastest four-milo time record ed. Tlio rain which commenced Wednesday evening , making necessary tlio postponement of the Harvard-Columbia freshman race , con tinued until 2 o'clock , and then the nky biiglit- eded. This left the course In perfect condi tion , with the tide and wind favorable. The rain prevented mapy persons from coming , yet the race was witnessed by three thousand strangers , aside from the townspeople , lioth crown were In fine condition and in the bottiug the Harvard was the favorite. i'ho observation train nt the start wen filled with xtudcnts , when cheered the crown lustily , and gave them a hearty sand-off. At word ' Qol"both crewi took water together , both splashing and taking thirty utroke.i to the minute. Yale led by a trifle ; at the half inilo Yale was half a length ahead , and Harvard held her for a minute , when VALB WENT AWAY and led by a length. Harvaid spurted and the boats were side by eido for a qaartor of a mile. Yatce , the coxwain , then headed the boat n half point off the course. Harvard then took the advantage and led Yale by a quarter of a length at the milo flag. Harvard then in creased its lead to half a length. Ynlo made a a tremendous spurt and galnod on Har vard , and they were bow and bow at tlio two- milo flag. Just after passing this point , No , . ' ! In the Yale boat "caught a crab , " but re covered HO quickly that the momentum of tliu boat was not checked IIAHVABI ) HAW THE 11IHHAP and cpurted , leading Yale by a quarter of a milo. Yule then mudu an exhibition of the finest rowing ever seen on the course. Tlio crow rowed in perfect form ami pulled thirty- nine powerful strokes a minute , while Harv ard was rowing thirty-fivo ragged BliokuH and appeared demoralized , Harvard did ail ehe could , but it was no use , as thn race was virtually over. Vale kept up thirty-nine strokes the rest of tliu raco. At the twa and a half milo Hug Yale led by hall a length , iSho then HIIOT 1'ABT HAUVAIII ) , and'at the three mile htako led by three lengths , Harvards No. 7 iiuil 2 showed ign of weakness ami could not respond to a call for a spurt , Yale kept increasing the load to the finish- and crossed the line in 20:31 : , the best tlmo on record , The Harvards time was 20:40. : Kvon that beat the previous record , with ono exception , COI.UiHIIAH IIKAT HAUVAIII ) ALSO. Tlio racolhutwcun the CAlumhia-Harvard fn'shiuun follouod. Columbia started elf witli a12 stroke to tlio HarvanU li'J ; after a few htrokea the Columbia forged ahead , and kept theni. They rowed like clockwork , and at no time did their ntroko get below -10 , whllo Ilartard dropped to DO , The Columbia crossed the fillith , a victor by four lengths. Time : Columbia , UI2J : ; Harvard , 11:01. : Yale and Columbia united In a jollification this evening , in which nearly tliu whole town took part. HiKldlolmj-H and Hullcoy. MILWAUKEE HACKH. Tlio postponed races of Tueaday were run to-day , Three inlnuto clam Banner Chief won in Htraight heats , Joiio O. 2nd , Yumnito Mrd : best time , 'JUKH. 2:30 : claHS IJetsy Ann won in straight heats , Will Callendar 2nd , German boy Ilrd } best time , 2:23 , IXWAiuroLiH , Juno 20. Thrco-minuto trot Lookout won two boats , and Jasiniuu ono. Thenu horses , after two dead-hoaU between them , collided in thotirtll hunt. 1) . 1' . Ills- sell. Juxmino'H driver , wan con idorahly bniisod and tliu horses wuro Injured , no the race was [ xjHtpoued , Kreo for all pace Minnie K was In straights , Silver Tall 2nd , American Hey Uid ; bout time , 22li ; , OHICAQO'ri COUIIHK. ClIIOAQO , Juno 211. Track heavy. Cri terion Btukoa two-year-old colti , three-quar ter mile Troubadour won , Tenne s i2d1 Jt Iiinoia ; Derby three-year-old collu nJ fillies , milo and nhalf Audrian won , Venture second , Joqnlt * 3d , time , 2:375. : llnmllcajMiuwo milo and a iniarlor Imo- gonpwon , George L. JM , Itovoke 2dj time , ( ihrdon City cup all njfei two miles and a quarter April Fool , won ) Lucky It , second } John lavK ) third. Time , -IslA Handicap stooplochius-all ge * f nil courpo Scalpnr , won ; Ohio Hey , d'coiid ; Moulsey , thini. Time , 4rfKJ. ) MiliMiaHli all ages Valet , won ; Hydera bad , second ! Tonnynon , third. Time , Iil8. DKTnorr muniA DKTHOIT , , Juno 20.SsfiO class -St , Denis won in straights , A. J. I'letchor second. Itvno third : best tlmo 2:20. : 2:23 : clas < Felix won , Hello T.cho second , King Wllkos third , Algnth fourth ; best time 2:2.1) : ) , 2:10cla : George V. won second and third Iteatu , 'tea 11. first heat , Overman fourth ; best time 2:231. : Jtaco postpantd till to-morrow , BrxsO JUI1. OAMKS YKSTKIUUV , . \t KaslSaglnnw SogJimw , 21 ; Munkcgon , 5- 5At Cincinnati Metropolitan , 0 ; Cincinnati , ' At Hay City , Hay City , 8 ; Terra Haute , 6. At Detroit liostoiii. 21 : Hotrolts . At Louisville Louisville , 15j Washing- tons , 2. At Ciucmati Metropolitans. 0 ; Cincin nati * , 4. At St. Paul-StiUwfttev , 11 ; St. Paul , 7. At Columbus Allegheny , 3 ; Columbus , 0. At Toledo Brooklyn , 7 ; Toledo , 3. At Minneapolis Poorin , 7 ; Minneapolis , C. At Milwaukee Milwaukee * , 3 Ouiney , 1. At BulTalo-Uuiralox , Vlilladolphias 2. At St. Louis Athletics , 2 ; St. Louis , 7. At Indianapolis Baltimore * ; 3 ; Indianap olis , 1. At Cleveland Cleveland1)lj ) , New York , 2. The Gloves. THE I-LKAHY-XII.KAN FAKCK. NKW YOIIK , Juno 26. Four very mild-man- nered rounds settled the glove _ contest'bo- Lwcen Cloary , tit Philadelphia , and Klloan , of Boston , Five thousand people were present. The battle waa declared ; t draw amid hisses. BULLIVAN-MIIVIIELL. Tlio Sullivan-Mitchell glove battle in off for the present. Mitchell is down with the malaria. Unco Postponed. NKW LONDON , Juno 20 , The Columbia- llarward race waa postponed to 10:30 : this morning with the undoibtMiding that if not rowed tnon it should take place ono hour after tlio Yale Harvard raco. 01 was raining hard and the water rough at tb. t hour and the race could not bo rowod. SUICIDING WmijE INSANE. An Attempt to Kill Himself by Dr. AV , O. Houtz , o ( Lincoln. pedal Dispatch to Till ! "HEi : . Lixcoi-X , Juno 20. Tlio rumor that Dr. Win. G. Houtz , n well-known capitalist of this city , attempted aulcido to-uight , created con- iderablo excitement , for Jhu doctor is ono of the most popular man in the city , JIo Is a leading director in tha Lincoln national bank , of which his brother , J. K , Houtz , in presi dent. The most Btreunou.5 efforts were made to keep tbo matter qu6t ! , but it IK certain the doctor fired the shoU. in the direction of his head before his revolver was taken from him. Ho was laboring under. n itof temporary in sanity at the timo. Dr I fiuU.hna an elegant residence in the southuaLfcrn portion of this city. Ho eamn hero from Illinois about four years ago , but bad. r3tiw ivfrom orofosnional practuot ! although no Is'uno of the most skill- fnl physicians and surgeons in the state , KAUJWAY8 IN MEXICO 1 TUoy Blunt Erect Gaat-l'roof Fences and Submit ioj Other. Jncon- veulcnccH , LAIIKDO , Tox. , Juno 2B. Information received to-d y direct from the city of Mexico gives the startling news that the American railroads in Mexico are to ho handicapped by a law requiring that oil rallwayu In that country will bo required to foncu the en tire length of the lines with fences on both sides , which will bo stock proof , oven to tlio keeping out of goats. It is estimated that tlio Mexican Central will have to expend 85,000,000 lo comply with such a law. The Mexican government has ap- itointed an Inspector of railroads , whoso duties it uli all bo to supervise and regulate train schedules. No special train can run without first obtaining his consent. CONGKKSS. HKNATK , WAHIIINOTON , Juno 20 , Tlio consideration oE the legislativobill was proceeded with , and the amendment proponed by the seimto appro * prlatlun committee , to strike out the elnuso jmrmitting di tillorioH mashing ten biuhels or loss grain per day to bo a-iin without store keoiorg ] ; was adopted , ' llurrison , from the committee on epidomlo diseases , icporto'l and had recommitted to the committed on appropriations an amendment providing that the president bo aulhorioJ , in the case of threatened or actual epidemic , to U80 the unexpended balance of the appro priation made by the act of March. ! , IBS.'I , not to exceed 3100,000 , .In ud ! of state and local boards , or otherwise , in hi * discretion , in preventing venting the spread of the name and maintain ing ( | uurnntino at the points of danger. An amendment was adapted providing that reports in the Ceng rossiounl Ki-cord shall bean an accurate transcript of the proceedings aiul dobateit of the two houses pf Congress. Two omondmonts offered by Mr. Uock were defeated , and the bill then passed , The hi ) ; to forfeit the unearned land grant of thu At lantic k Pasifio railroad company was taken up , After executive Hcsiioa adjourned , 1IOUHE , Thu senate bill was passed authorizing the construction of a bridge ncrona tlio Miaaouri at Whlto Cloud , Kan. Mr. Uarrison asked unanimous cement t ( take up the bill for the completion of UK monument lo Mary , the mother of Washing ton , but Weller objected. Mr. Jirown , of Indiana , endeavored to have tlio house proceed to the consideration of tin Mexican pounlon hill , with the senate amend moiit , but tlio houho determined ( vens 135 , navH H.'l ) to cotniider the unfinished biuiucs being the bill to forfeit the land grant of the "Daekbono ralhoad" in LoniniiiiiD. MesHM. Outesand Viuj Katon opposed the bill. bill.Mr. Mr. Carter favoied It , Mr. Pay on inaiiitained that the grant wai not forfeltabla either in law or equity , am that for thu government to attempt to forfeit It would be akin to abinluto repudiation , The judiciary committea of thu homo has submitted an ojiinion denying the legal power of congruia lo declare u forfeiture , und J fen- Icy , in advocating the bill referred to thin opinion , and criticized thu committi e for hav ing confounded principles pertaining to pri vate with thoio pertaining t' ) publlo grantM , and for failing to make any [ dietmetloi between them , Lewis favored the forfeiture , The vote on the pAsiaga of the bill resulted yean 77 , nays 121. Heforo the announcement of tiie votoLowis , who had voted in tha affirmative , changed his vote to the negative and moycd a recoimidera lion. lion.Mr Mr , Ullis moved to table that motion , ant pending this Lewis moved to adjourn. Lost. Mesirn. Lnwis and White , of Kentucky , re sorted to filibustering tactc ! and finally to cured an udjourameot. The Seventh JlllnolH. ( JALVAuno"C ) , T/io / lepuhlican conven- tron for the Heveoth district , to-day nominated 'I'hmriiiM .1. irnndpruotl for cungfoaa by ! niviln nution. HUGGED BY A BEAR , Another Wall Street Banking Firm Goes to the Wall , And Squeals by Saying Quo of the Boars Did It , A "Boo" Oorrosiioiulont on the Modus Opornudi , For Onoo the Triok Oausos Indig nation Among the Brokers The St.PotersburgBankofPoun- eylvania Itrenlc in Hook Inlniul Stock Otlior Flnnnulnt IMnKorn. Ycstorilny'a Fnllnro , T1IICKKII 11V TIIK 1IKAIIS. YOUK , Juno 2tl. The announcement if the fallmu of Stout k Co. , bunkers on stock ovchauga , wns the feature of the forenoon , rlio head of the linn was nlwMit from the city xud his partner sick. Tlio board leprcsonta- , fvo who was on'clmngo was not u member of ho firm , Ono of II. N. Smith's brokers had atradowitli Stout & Co. of 100 nhnrrn of Now York Central. Tlio broker called tor nero maighiR , nud in the absence of the ro- iponsiblo members of tlio firm he was notified to clew out the deal , ami they would send him i check for the balance. Ho notified the 'liainnnn to take in the Rtock mder the rule , on account of failure. But it wns Hpocified that it waa n I'AlLUIUi TO 1IKLIVK1I. Tlio announcement was denounced on out- ageous by n majority of brokorV.and for a time Hont > t Co. , tried to weAther tlio storm it irouglit , but the pressure became two great , aud it wai finally necessary to finally snv > ond. The house has dona a great deal in Metropolitan Klovalod stock , and Is reported .o have lent a gco.it deal of money , but would , , heir frieiuls nay , have .weathered the gate if .hoy had not been forced to tha wall by nharj ) iroctice. Their credit has been good , II. N. jmiih Is ono of the TIUDJIVlllATK Or IIIO 11EAUS , \iul the belief that iio is at tliu bottom of the snaping game creates intense indignation among the brokers. StoutM father waa form erly president of the Shoo and Leather bank , uul until his death the firm was in high favor. I'ho prcsont.hc.id of the firm is a director , but .ho bank is in no way concerned financially with the failure. The unotrt and liabilities of ho firm have not been stated , but it Is osti- nated that the latter nio in tlio neighborhood of $1,000,000. TIIK HKFKOT ] m prices of Htocks w.is not very marked , and hero was little excitement occasioned by the inuoimceiiient of the failure , moio than the .empjrary flurry. A UUt'i ; 1HU\ND DHKAIC. After midday Hock Island stock broke from 105 to 103fc , and the gouoral lilt was weaker in sympathy , Aty. . in. the market waa firm again. Western Union was up to B2i. OrfK JlU.ttO DOLLAIIH. Youit , Juno 20S-Tiioja iotsiind llA" bilitica of Stout it : Co. , are cittimatcd about oiio million dollars , The most interesting fen turu of this failure was the action of 0 , I. Hudson & Co. , of which firm Henry A. Smith is special partner. On receipt of the notice froi i Stout k Co , , to sell quietly 200 shares NeW'York Central Block loaned Hudson k Co. , by Stout k Co. , tlio word "quietly" wai road 'quickly' " and at once sent notice to the chairman of the Htock oxehange to ell the stock under tlio rule on account of the failure of Stout k Co. No little feeling wai manifested by tliu members of tha exchange , because the action of Hudson & Co. was regarded an an attempt .0 depress the market. The matter was ironght to the attention of the president of , ho exchange , who decided that Hudson k Co. , vern jiutifiud in tlioir course by the rule ) of , ho board. "i nm.N'r INTEND DOINO A WUON , " Hudson naid this afternoon , "but supposed f was following instructions. The loan had been renewed nit thirty minutes before I 10- : aivod tha notice , which 1 naturally read liurrldly. My mistake exposed the insolyon- cy , which might have been concealed a little longer , that is the worst that can lie xald of It under the circumstances , although many per sons will say I did it for n purpose. I have made an tipoloiry to Stout k Co , for the error , and can really ( lo no moro. " The WiiHtecl Sr. LOUIH , Juno 2i ( , Tlio rocoivera of the Wubash road filed a petition in tbo United Ktaten "courts to-day , Mpocifying the bonds and other obligations of that load on which the Interest had boon defaulted , These em brace what are known as thu general mortgage bonds ; ulxo nil bonds and obligations growing out of the consolidation of November of 18711 , the aggregate Interest duo and in default on bonds , S1SOH20. ( ) The petitions titato that the receivers beliovi they can p.iy the running expenses of the road anifllqiiiilatu the other outstanding debts , but they diuilro lliu uourl to instruct them ns to what disposition can bo rnadoof certain branch roads ; also what amount of Interest nhall bo iKiid on thu bonds sot forth In tlio petition , The petition waa loferred to Spitcml Mimlci Alien , wlio will take thu depositions , A Toronto IJunlc In Trouble. TOKONTO , Jiine2U. All Horts of wild rumor. are in circulation about thn Kederalbnnk. H , H. Htralbee , manager , has roHigned ami been superseded liy W. J. Ingrarn , of Jilontroal. The ntcick of tlio Imnlc han fallen 'M poinU since Monday , Tlio excitement among thn Ktockholders is Intonao. The cause of tlio tumble is ascribed by rniiny to the fact that lingo liInclcK of Now York stock hot been Issued nome time ago and hold on _ margin by loan companies now trying to realise on It. Conlral 1'iiulllu'H iiionl. SAN PIIANCIHCO , Gala , , Juno 20 , The 1'osi liihlinhen an interview with Jlriinilcr , vice presidnnt of the Nevada bank , on the rumor that hln bank had rofuxud to loan to tiiu Cen trul i'acifio. Drnndor denies it an Absolutely falHo , Tin ) company had uhvayn rocclvoi every aceommodatiini asked for and tlio bank was loady to furnish them with all thu money they might need , Ten Conl H on.lho Dollar. CUAIII.KHTON , W. Va , , Juno 20. Ono of the roeeivcrn of the Htuto bunk of V ( 'Ht Ylrginii reported to-day that ten couti cm tha dollar will bo paid on dt > po itu. Tlio u * eti of tin hank ara nominally $80,000 , all of which , except cept uhout § 10,000 Isconaldercd worttilesa , FOHHION NKWH , Tlio Oliolara utTonlon , VAIIIH , Juno 20. The number of tick from ch'ilcru ' at Toulon IK Inconiideruble , nlthouxl the first case ocourrcd J nno 18th. The malady in not extending , 1'oixons who fled from Tou Ion had not prupagaled the diieajic. Touio.v , June " 6 , HU deaths from cholera to-day , Touixm. Juno 20. IvIghtMoaths from chol era reported yostorday. The iiuthorltliiH are vparlng no rlfert to mlnlmlsa tha outbreak , JilAlwiai.i.m , ihitiu 2(1. ( HIIIJHBBJ ! is at a ttandiitlll on account ef cholera hero and a Toulon , Thu public fotu for July llth Is given up. TouuwJuIy 20 , The uxodus continues. Many penuim are leaving tliu city dully , 1'ighth deaths from cholera to-dny. Twelve new caeiitru taken to tbn hospital. GlmlRtono Moving on tlio . IIOMIO.V , Juno 2rt. In thn house of coin- monsthli evening ( lladstonomoviil that tlio [ rnnclita bill bo enl n-d to n third reading. Ho denied that the bill Intended to make per manent tlio liberal administration. The gov ernment , ho fftid , had tried its best to avoid n conthcl with the house of lords , but nhonld u conflict ante , whllo ho would greatly regret it , ho hftd no doubt of the issue , ITreinoiulotn cheer * . ] SUITord Northeoto objected to i l tmo ; reference to the house of lonls. I lie lull wai ordered to a third reading on a immmous voto. Tlio result was received ivlth prolonged cheers , Uotl)3r'flIIori-ll | > lo Doom. BOAino , Jun < ' , < 2r-loIHrts ! of llio fall of llerbornroolllcinlly confirmed , lli-rlier was Mirjirlsed by the u'lwU at dny.break , May vt'th ' , and alter much lighting llunmoint IVlm Kliallfa , go\i rnor of llerW , turrendoreil. I ho iniwRncni of tlio Inlmhilantu followed. rlio women and children wvro ppaml. A fo\v men escaped. The others weru killed. Dynnniltoi-H In Ylonnn. YISNXA Juno2rt A bomb , filled with a powerful oxph lvo wai found In the thrub- wry near the oxhlbltlon rotunda. All imbllo Jiilldlngs are carefully wntchod owing to funs if outrages of anarchists. The main nownrs vhich the anarchists threatened are repeated nspoctod , Franco anil Clilnn. T.O.VDO.V , Juno 20.- The latest now * from Toiiquin has boon the mibjcct of much com- ueut and c peenlntion. It Is bollovod Franco vill now demand a heavy indemnity of the Switzerland unit tlio Vatican. lo\ir ! , Juno 26. The Vatican IIHH replied avorohly tothoroquoHtuf thn Swlsi govern , nent to noRotiato for the nottlemtmt of rclig- OIK dllllciilllos now existing1 , the nogotiatlona o comnieiico In July. Ffonult roUtlos. 1'AliIM , Juno 20. Kouvicr , member for Souchciydo Ithouo , wns soatejil in the chamber if deputies to-day. TA1HII3D1NSI13 Al ) Ol''TUUOTXJjED Dovll IMurrloH a Bonnttrnl Doinontod Girl lo Trade In Her Ylrtuo , Special Dispatch to TIIK BRK. MADISON , WIs , , Juno 20--A young man mined Lawrence Worth , residing near Bara * i , yesterday received a coat of tor and enthors by tlio indignant citizens of Baraboi. L'tio CIUIBU of this Nummary nctloirnn the part if tin ) citizens wan that Worth nemo weeks igo married n beautiful but rather demented ilcco of Col , Ableinan , Ho immediately com- uonced to trade In her chnrm , and finally tartod down the Chicago and North- vcsturn roiul , prontitutimr her forfgatn to vlionxoover wns vllu enough to do so. Ho otuniod yesterday to Bamboo , and WAR at nice taken In hand and roeoivod pniilshniont 10 HO richly deserved , THE 1'MUSl' DIHXHIOr. Tlio Gommlttco Organize An Antl- AVoavor 1'oollnjr , Spoclnl Dinpatoh to Tun BUK. LINCOLN , Juno 20. The control commlttoo otiinetjiaitha A. Ilolmos , of Tecutnsoh , was chosen pren Idout and John Hteoit , of Wuiioo , Becretary , It was decided to hold the congressional con vention at lioatrico on' the -Oth August. Tlio apportionment agreed upon was the vote for ] . M , Heath for Itegent , being one delegate- it large and ono for every one hundred and ifty voters or tha major part thereof. A decidedly anti-Weaver feeling wan pievalont , iHliough most of thu committee , like the irislimaii'H owl , did not nay much but auemed to think a great deal. CAPITAL OUHSI3DNE9S. D.-irlnjj niRhway ltollory nt Idn < coin. Special Dispatch to TIIK DICK. LINCOLN , June 20. About ton o'clock to night ft daring highway robbery was com mitted on the railroad track , near the li , M. depot , n German stranger being asoailnd and relieved of $25 and other valuables , Ollicnrs ( irciin and Mark , two of the most active policemen here , BOOH had four Hiiaplclous characters under niTPHt. ICach ono of tlio quartette was heavily armed , well dnnsed , and had plenty of filthy Iticro about his per mm. A NKW OliriHANH I'roporty ( n Iho Kxont ori : ( > UOUO or $ IOO,00 < ) DcHlroycd. NKW Oiiu.'ANH , Juno 20 , l-'Jro brolw out to-night in McCracken k Drowster'H furni tufo store , Hoyalo street lictweon the Cimtum 1 loiwo end "Uienvllle ntreetii. Thu building and content ! were iloitroyed. The fin spread to the adjoining biilMings , caiiHlng a loss vnrionsly estimatrd at from < 1100,000 to $100,000 Including ttocks and buildings as followu : McOrncken k Drowsier , 810,000) ) W. O. Telmult , furniture , $125,000 , ; .1. li. Solari k Sou , RrocoiioH and llcpiors , SfiO.OOO ; Lawrence H. Christian , furniture , $100,000 ; Lenfo k 1'ink , carpets , damaged 810,000 ; Henry M. Hiehiocht , fiirnituro und decorations , nU < ( lamugi'il. Tlio building on the opposite side of Kovala street wa damaged by lire and wa ter. Thi ) most of the firms are believed to bo well limured. lllulno und Hon. AUUUHTA , Mo , , Juno 2(1 ( , Mr , Dlaino am HoiWirrived from Luwlston. , LIWIHTOK , Juno 20. At the commence munt exorcises at liutus college to-day , lllaino and Governor Jtoblu attended , Tlio Fut uro Qrciit'H Llndoll. BT. Louiu , Juno 2(1. ( The assignment yesterday torday of the Lindoll hotel association does no affect that hotel , which la being conducted au usual , 1'ntont As a rule , have the reputation of imposing 01 tlio credulity ef the publlo In the shape e adroitly concocted advortlnmnontu , and other devices to catch the eye ef tluno who are Hiif faring. Hut wo desire to way that Swift's Spo cllluri ( H. H.Iau ) decided exception to tliij rulo. This remedy Is manufactured at Atlan ta , ( ! a , ) And In our troatlso on lllood anilOkli diseases wo give the oudorsemoiit of many ol the prominent people of our City and State It in true wo are spending a largo amount li udvertlnlng.for wo think It our duty to human Ity to do so , The wonderful development litho the treatment of Cancer aloiio , would make it our duty to hive It known to every aulloror in the world. Wo have mndleal olllcoa for free Consultation at Wo. 180 W. 23d St. , N , Y. 1205 Chestnut St. , I'hlladolphla , ami at tin homo oflico , Truatiiio on Blood and Skin Dlnoaio * mallei frou. frou.I'IIK tiwit't Bvtuivw Co , , Drawer 3 , Atlanta 0 , , 16U W. 23d St. , N. Y. , nnd 1205 Client nut St. , i'hlla. t ari'ho Yoluo uttliu I'uonlo. No fain lly Dyoa were over HO popular an the Dluiuom J/yiw. They iiover fall , Tliu lllack in far eu liorlor to lok-wooil. The other colors ara brll limit , Well * , Itlehardsou & Cy , , llurllngtoit A BIG DAY FOR THE BEAR -9 ConsideralilG BnsiDtss Transarf I Si ! the Chicago Market TcslcrJay e- The Small Fry Sell Every They Oould Lay Hands 0 Heavy Sollinc in Lard Brings th Prioo to $7,12 1-2 , A Slight Improvement in Oattlo Over the Previous Day , " f Cho Syran Company of Omaha. Makes a Sale at $6,75 , \ Singular IIojj ar rJcot Foiv Iluycrtf OHlOACiO'S MAKKKTS. CON'SIllKltAlILK ni'SINKSS T11ANHACTKI ) . Special dispatch to Tiiu Due , ClUCAdo , Juno 201. Uotwecn Iho scalpers , .lio Uilera and the umall fry generally , constd- irablo business w s done on 'change to-day. Clio first turned gentry demonstrated that tha iamo given their class was appropriately lies n , and the next named fraternity adhered vith fidelity to their proper position In the rear of the speculative comet , whoso head is ho cotcrlo of all the powerful manipulation nto whoso capacious more thu ontlro stake. * f the deal aru sura to coma sooner or later. n n word the small fry in all directions sent n tlieir contributions to a purely bear movo- lent , and Hold everything they could lay their amis on. Their offerings were quietly taken y the heavy tradcn , and quickly enough imrh of thn decline. Tiioro was n general reaknoas in all articles at the opening , owing o the canto mentioned above , and tha uufav- rablo influence of the stock inaikct. WHKAT. July wheat was first quoted at 803. It drop- icd consilcr.\bly below that fignrobut HubHO- [ iiently recovered to 80 , closing tolerably ( inn coiw Was active , nnd its jiricowas governed prin- ipally by the Inlluonces brought to bear by ho othoi markets. July oppnud at D4 { ; sold is low as 6I11 , and closed n little strong at 53 J. I'ltOVISIO.NH. A noixl deal was done In provisiona during ho day , with lard in the lead. 13. 1' . Hutch- iiiou is reported to have boon a heavy seller o ard , and pmb'ibly did us much ni any ono tu > iring the closing price down to 7 12 . route iponed quite weak , with the July deal it 18 7C , An advance set in soon after tlio pening , however , and continued up to close , vhlcli woa at 10 23. CATTLE. HeceiptH of Texans 1-100 to luOO. The uarlcct opened quiet , urlres ruling jutt about Btcady as compared with yesterday , with a fair lomaml from all classes of buyers. Quito n- lumber of fat cattle that were carried over nst night , sold for a shade bettor prices than could have been had at tlio close yesterday. Good to . . choice . . shlppiup . . _ _ _ . . , _ 1,200 _ , to . 1,350 . Ibt. _ , ftfii * rt * * „ .i. - - A --1--H.2 I.vArt x OUV 1U3. , 1 fUU ( U 'X fUUit to 000 Iba. , 5 OOo to 0 OOo. Tlio Swan distil lery company of Omalm had a car of fair ; rado UercforJa on sale that made 0 70c , TUB 110(1 1IAIIKKT wan in a curious condition this morning , rhoro Boomed to bo no regular eleven pricu or anything , sales iliowlng n dcclino of 10 © 20o on the very beat ; yet with those advant- icon buyers were backward. There weru about 2-1,000 on Halo. Hkliw and light liaht Hold atI 00@4 GO , assoHcd light at 4 80@5 25 , test heavy packera and Ehipiiora OOgD12A : ight , 160 to 210 poundfl.1 00 ® 5 25. A. llow in Iluuol. FAHIH , Jnuo 20. Hanoi dianatchos state the regulars with artillery ontronchad JioniBolvos at Langoon In violation of tlio treaty and attacked the French forces Mon day , on the march , killing some and wound ing -12. doncral Megrout Immediately eot out with rolnforcomouti. General Mlbot tolo- praphs the French mnnborod BOVOU hundred on the way to Laugoon. Although greatly outnumbered they routed the Chinese. The [ Vouch lost two oflicorg. Another U token Hank , ri TiioriA , PA. , Juno 2(1. ( The St rotors- mrg bank , of Clarion county , failed to open ts iloorH tills morning. Inability to rcallzo on Bocurltlos is the principal causa of thn failure , though uomo loss was unstained in the ell do * [ irosslon. It was considered ono of the itrougust banking Institutions In the atata out- ildo of tlio largo cltlo1) . No Btitoinont ham joon nniilo but It ii thought that it will bo able to moot all liabilities. Cropa Along tlio Minneapolis & St. Lou IB. M INN KAPOUH , Juno 25. The Tribune to morrow publishes n full crop report of Urn country along thu line of the Minneapolis & it. Louis road , showing that all grains , wheat ispoclally , is in fine condition und promlsa. ; ; u bountiful lurvest. Tlio Bit. VuInHkl Murder. ClUCAdo , Juno 20. The Journal's Lincoln ( IlliBi ) > ecial Bays : The jury In tlio Mt. I'nlaa- Itl murder coso returned a verdict of guilty against J , II. Hall and fixed hU punishments at imprisonment for life. Wm.l'errls and Mrs. Boll Hall were admitted. Tlio IVlilHlcy Tool. CIIIOAOO , Juno 20. A mooting of western dlstlllorB will 1)0 held hera to-morrow , and an attempt made to reorganize the whisky pool which went to pieces a nhort tlmo ago , _ Ads no us RYIHOTO HOLD DOWH EARLDAKINOPaWDE rrAMBOUHDTORISC _ HIRE CREAM TARTAR7 StOOO. Given Ifalumori. .vTiijurloiiuEUbstunccscau lx > fouatt l IrqW Pearl Making Powder. , I pos- aiultebtlmoiilau , . . rvWiivixi iruui BUUII v Hm * * " * * * ton ; M. Uclafuutaluo. of Chleaijo ; aud llouo. llllwaukeo. Never sold In bulk , jHs * A"i"aBft