THE OMAHA ? l DAILY BEE. FOURTEENTH YEAR. OMAHA , NEB , , riiU-RSD&Y , JUNE 20 , 1884. NO. V DEMOCRACY'S DAY. Three Slats CorolioDs Yesterday or Ohio for Tariff for Eovonuo Only , Except on Whisky and Wool , Also " So as to Encourage Pro ductive Industries at Homo , " Pondletonism Eooognizod in the Bosolutions-Ignorod Otherwise , A Eadioal Free-Trade Eesolution Voted Down Overwhelmingly , A Eesolutionto Vote for 'Ex- President' Tilden , Dead or Alive , Thurman , Durbin Ward , McLean ' for Delegates , with a Hoop-La , The Indiana Democrats Name Isaac P , Gray for Governor , And Indorse Her "Favorite Son" for the Presidency , Missouri Democrats Vote Down In structions for rilclon with a Howl. OHIO. DECIMATED DEMO OR ACT. CoLUMBCH.Omo , Juno 25. The democratic Btato convention was called to order in the opera house at 10:30 : this morning , with mea gre attendance as compared with any Btato convention in many years. K , B. Piuloy was electoil chairman. Ho spoke at length of the Importance of the campaign , predicting the democrats would carry Ohio in October , and reviewed the history of the party in this coun try. The platform was adopted reaffirming the platform of 1833 , and embodies the views of the party upun the tariff and wool in the following language : REVENUE ONLY HOT WOOL T.IKEWISE. The democracy of Ohio fuvors a tarilt for revenue limited to the necessities of the government , economically administered , nnd 80 adjusted in its application as to prevent unequal burdens , encourage pjoductivo indus tries at home , and afford a just compensation to labor , but not to foster or create monop olies. The just demands of the wool growers of Ohio and the country for an equitable ad justment of duties on wool ( unjustly reduced by n republican congress ) so that this industry shall bo fully and equally favored with other industries ought to bo complied with , nnd wo 'endorse the action of the democratic members of Ohio in their efforts to accomplish this result. " WIIIBKT AISO. The platform also declares for the regulation of the liquor traffic by a properly graded license system. rENDLETONIAN TOETBNCE. It declares for civil service reform , nnd de clares that the republican party having violated lated every pledge given foMhis demand , a change of the executive administration of the government , itself a reform , is first of all neces sary. sary.A A UAHICAIFIIKE TRADE AMENDMENT to the platform , offered by llussell , of Cleve land , was voted down overwhelmingly. Congressman Converse offered the following which was adopted with great enthusiasm and no dissenting voice : i'OK TILDE.V ANYHOW. Resolved , That it is the sense of this conven tion that Samuel J , Tilden , who was once legally and fairly elected president of the United States , but defranded of his office , should receive a unanimous nomination at the hands of the democratic convention which meets in Chicago .Tidy Cth. A motion to have tbo delegation vote aa a unit was tabled. DELEGATES AT LARGE , The names of John It. McLean , Lieutenant Governor Warwick and T. K. llowell wire ; presented as delegates-at-large , with long speeches , A motion was hero made to nominate Gen. Durbin Ward as ono of the delesrates-at-lnrgo by acclamation. This was carried by a call of counties amid great confusion. The same mo tion was made in thu case of McLean. Gun. A. J. "Warner moved to substitute the name of Allan G. Thurman. The convention went wild over the name of Thunnan. A friend of McLean moved that Thurman and McLean both bo chosen , and both were declared elected by a vote of DOO to 208 , amidst great confu sion. sion.Jacob Mueller was named as the fourth delegate. THE TICKET. The state ticket was named a ? follows : Secretary of state , Jas. AV. Newman , of Portsmouth ; renominated ; supreme judge , C. D. Martin , of Lancaster ; member of the board of publio works , John II. Benfer , of Tuscarawas , Adjourned , r MCLEAN. ' Developments after the convention show that it w < s intended to make a stiff fight against McLean , tha opposition onteiing against him , as I'ayne's friend , nnd as the man who opposed I'eudlcton , Thurman and Ward "sinl crust jn the recent senatorial con tent. Before going east Governor lloailly left a list of men tor delegates , including ( ' < " > 1 Morgan , Adjutant ] < 'inley , nnd T. K. Powell , and agreed to accept McLean as a com pi i. . . . u for the fourth place , lu thu districts llosd- ley controlled by a largo majority the whole delegation. Thn success of McLean Is attrib uted to the unswerving support of Hamilton county , which gave him all Its 63 votes. The election of McLean is causing qultu a sensation. Many of the older politicians are nmared and noino disgusted at the success of the man who boa been denounced all over the Btutc for hit audacity and outlawry in politics. Me L"an enja ho Is for Hoadloy , and this is regarded as a plain indication that there is A IIJTTEU in the Ohio delegation to Chicago. The utampedo started with the election of Ward wns to conclude with Tliunnan , I'endleton and Congressman Warner. The plan was nr- retted and the ncxtmovomont was to nominate by acclamation , to Mulch motion Thunnan was attached , and then McLean and Thur- man elected by ono vote , after which Lieutea- ant-Governor Mueller , a prominent Gorman , nnd a personal friend of 1'ayue , was elected , Tbo delegation is strongly ' FOIl A WESTERN fMAN for president , although unable to agrea on an Ohio man , and solid against any reduction in the tariff , the delegation stands -18 for cither 1'aynoor IfondleytoS against either ono of 'them , and will probably never vote M a unit. AUKANSAP , THE HTATE IIEUOCIIAOT. LITTLE ROCK , Junu 25 , The deraocMtic state convention , with a full delegation from every county , met nt noon and effected ft torn- l > or ry organization. INDIANA * THE t'OSaiLR TO THE FBOXT. iNDUNOroLis , Juno ; 23. Tha democratic state convention was called to order nt 10:30 a.m. by Joseph K. McDonald , who was loudly cheered. Daniel W. Voorhees was innilo permanent chairman. Tbo platform endorsed McDonald for the presidency. FOR GOVERNOR Isano P. Gray , M. I ) . Mnnson nnd David Turpiu were placed in nomination. Governor Grny was nominated on the first ballot. OTHER NOMINATIONS. Mnnson wns nominated for lioutennnt gov > enior by acclamation ; W. 11. Meyer , for tocro tary of state , and John J. Cooper , for trcas urer. THE rr.ATFonst adopted condemns the corrupt and extravagant expenditures which have been made at Wash- ineton , and declares that such expenditures of publio money may bo removed from the tax payers. It demands thnt the federal taxes bo reduced to the lowest point cons'atent with ef ficiency in the publio service , nnd demands the revision and reform of the prusant unjust tar iff. Jt favors n tariff which will relieve , ns fnr ns possible , the necessaries of lifo from taxa tion , nnd that any surplus of rovcnuo shall bu faithfully applied to the payment of the pub lie dobt. It favors the enforcement of the na tional eight hour labor law , m nlson reduction of the number of hours in a day's labor upon nil public works , state nud municipal. It fa vors the establishment of buroMia of labor sta tistics , utsto nnd national. It favors , ns fnr as practical , the use of prison and reformatory labor BO ns not to comxlo | with the Inbor of the honest citizens on the outside. B1ISSOUUI. DEMOCRATIC DELEdATlM AT LARGE. ST. Louis , Juno 23. The democratic con vention elected John O'Dny , Morrison Muni- ford , D. 11. Francis and Charles IF , Mnnsccr delegates nt largu. NO TARIFF NO TILDKN. The platform declares for a tariff for rev cnuo only , A resolution to vote ns a unit nnd ono to vote for Tilden were howled down. Adjourned eino die. THE PLATFORM IN FULL. The following ia the platform as reported by the committee on resolutions : The democracy of Missouri , in convention assembled nt the city of St. Louis , reaffirm the time-honored doctrines of tbo democratic party ns enumerated in its series of platforms and affirmed nnd emphasized in positive terms in the platforms adopted at St. Louis In convention in 1STU , and at Cincinnati In 1880. That wo especially declare in favor of a tariff for thu purposes of revenue , and that the taxing power of the government should Ijo thus limited ; and wo are opposed to all policies intended or calculated to foster mon opolies at the oxpcnso of thu people. The resolutions were unanimously adopted. BfcAINE. HIS VISIT TO LEWISTON. LEWISTON , Juno 23. James G. Blnino ar rived hero this evening and received nn ova tion from the crowds assembled at the railway station. Ho at once drove to the _ residence of Colonel Drew , whoso guest ho is during his stay hero. After tea n , procession composed of local military orgaizatiuns and a reception commit , eu , in carnages , went to the Draw mansion , where they received Blalnu nnd escorted him U ) the hall , which wasdousely packed. When Blaine stopped on the platform ho was greeted with tutnultous cheers , A. It. Savage , on the behalf of the committee - too on arrangements , delivered an address of welcome. Blaine replied in a brief speech of thanks , and nt the conclusion iof , his _ remarks held an informal 'reception , nt which many took opportunity to take him by the hand. To-morrow Blaine will attend the exercises of Bates college. ADMISSION TO THE CIRCUS. THE RUSH FOR SEATS IN TUB DEMOCRAT/IP CON- VENT10N. INDIANAPOLIH , Juno 25. Austin H. Brown , of this city , chairman of tha press committee of the democratic national convention , has already received and registered several bun drcd applications for press privileges. Those from daily papers alone will equal double the space allowed for special reporting. Many who expect dusk privileges will have to bu satisfied with seats in tbo auditorium. Brown reports that at the meeting of the sub-committee hold in Chicago last week , It was decided that no club or association bo admitted ns such , nnd that members of such organizations must look to delegates for tickets. TARIFF TINKERS. TRIPARTITE TALENT AT WORK. Special Dispatch to THE BEIT. WASHINGTON , Juno 23 , It is stated hero to-day that Itnndall , Morrison and Tucker tfo engaged In framing a tariff bill , making reductions in the tariff on which all can ngrco , and cutting down the revenues nbout50.- 300,000. The plan in to pass it through the liouso under n suspension of the rults , should they agree upon something satisfactory to Liotu wings of the democratic party. It is not improbable that they may ba successful , for theru is a strong feeling among the republi cans of thu north west in favor of u reduction. Michigan Olllclalu Save n "vVlfc-Mur- cloror. DETROIT , Juno 21. Andrew Long , the wifo-murderer , was taken from jail at lena this moruing nnd tnken to Muir for prelimin ary examination. Hero n mob took him from the officers and got a rope around his nock whun tha officers , by n desperate struggle , rescued him and got him to the hotel , wheru lia is nt present. The bheriff has telegraphed the governor for the assistance of troops. A \Yoonsockct Washout. WOONSOCKET , It. I. , Juno 23 , A thunder storm of unusual severity burst upon thu city to-day , with a delugu of rain , Many streets are badly washed , a bojo beinir made in ono avenue 100 ftet long and thirty feet wide , and from twenty to fifty feet deep. The fires in the gas works wore twicu put out by thu Hood , Damage about 810,000 , Tlio Cliolura. TOULON , Junu 23. Ten now cases of cholera wcru taken to the hospital yesterday , The alarm ii abating. The government jibysiclun confmns the spora Jio character uf thu main- 1'ostiiinntor Biim'l A. Hewitt , Of Monterey , Mich , , delivers himself in this wlso : " 'J'/iomas' electric Oil cannot bo beaten. I say keep it up to the standard , and it will satisfy the people , I shall send for a now supply BOOH. " A IMttalJiirK OH Failure , I'lTTHBURO , Juno 23. Thomas J , Watson , a heavy oil operator , who has bftcn pro nounced n "boar , " failed to-day , causing gieat excitement on thu oil oxchaugu , Miiiloll Iloiol AH lKimiont. BT , LOUIH , Juno 26. The Lindell Hotel usociation 1ms made an assignment for thu lenetit of thu creditors' , A Puffin 1'cniiBj'lvanln , I'ITTHIIURO , Juno 21. A storm in western L'enntylvnula Sunday morning killed a num- - > er of persoiu and greatly injured grain , Special from " \Vnltlmni. MASH. 1'iftoen hundred watches nru now tnadu daily atWaltlmm , and they ar better inqualityund lower in price timu ever before , w-m-e HORRORS HERE. The Chief of Police at Fremont Shoots DeaflaLiyerymaD , The Latter Frenzied Drunk and About to Axe an Officer , A San Francisco Dano" Kills His Inamorata and Suicides , The Glasgow Court Finds the State of Florida's ' Captain Guilty , A Soyenty-Tear-Old Iowa Farmer Killed by a Eunawayi Tlio ( Mexican 1'rcmdcnt'H Sou the Oauso nr n Double ? liwlcr In a Street Oar. lloiulcUlo nt Frouumt , Special Dispatch to THE BEE. li"REMONT , Nob. , Juno 23. At tovcn o'clock this evening Pat Jordan , a livery man , was shot dead by thu chief of rolico nnd a police officer. Jordan wns drunk nnd resisted nr icst. Hnving nn n\o in his hand when the policemen approached him , ho struck thu policeman twicu with it , chasing him ncroca thu Btroct , the policeman falling down with Jordan standing ever him with the uplifted weapon when hu was shot threa times , dying in twelve minutes. Great excitement pre vails. _ _ _ _ _ _ Two Dcnllis lr Ijovc. SAN FRANCISCO , Juno 23. Albertlnn An. dorsou was shot dead this morning bv AVilliam C. Milton , who then blow his own braius out. Cause , her refusal to marry him. Inn letter left Milton says Miss Anderson was known as Mrs. Brockmann , having onu child by Air. Brockmnnn , clerk to the Danish consulate nt Now York. Milton , who was n widower , left three young children confided to the care of the Danish consul of this city. Death iu both cases u as almost instantaneous. Seduction Near BiouxClty. Sioux Cur June 25 Adolph Dills , n Ger man farmer living In Wolf Creek township , this county , seduced n 13-yoar-old girl , the daugh ter of a neighbor nnm > d Group. The girl , becoming enceinte , Dills endeavored to have lier married to his 12-year-old son. l''njllug in this , ho took the girl nnd left , nlso talcing his uoy along. Warrants have boon sworn out , and officers will attempt to capture the ruun- ways , but there is in cluu to their where abouts. Dills is an old resident , nnd has a [ rown u ] > family , There is much indignation in the neighborhood. The Stnto of Florida Collision. GLASGOW , June 25. lu the matter of the collision of tliu steamer Statu of Florida , and the bark Poneinn , the court funnel that Thorn * son , the chief officer of thu Statu of .Florida , was to blame for the calamity , Tlio court advised the suspension of Thompson's certificate - cato aa master for six months , he , meanwhile , to bo allowed a mnto'g certificate. Murder In a Mexican Street Gar. MKXICO , Juno25. 1 .10 ( President's . -.20-yei treet wuTwith'Cnptaii nor In a military school , quarreled with Con- ! oral Major's son , who , with a servant , was was shot dead by Gnnzn. A yiolcnt Death at Seventy. TOLEDO , T.ima Co. , la , , Jnno'25. A farmer named Fcltor , seventy years of nge , was killed to-day by a runaway team. VILLAINOUS VANIJJIjA. Secreted In the Seductive Ice Cream , It Proves More Deadly tlian Dynamite , COAL BLUFF , P . , Juno 25. A party of 11 persons ate Ice cream in Conlin's saloon Satur day evening , nnd within two hours all were at tacked with vomiting and violent pain in the stomach , Thu party consisted of William Conlin , wife and child , JOB. Conlln. Mrs. Wil son and three children , Thos. Williams , Rob ert Cook and a colored man. One of tbo Wil son children died yesterday. To-night onu man died. Cook and Air. and Mm. Conlln nro not expected to live , and the children are vtry low. Vanilla flavoring is supposed to bo the cause. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ POIlTy-EIOIlTH CONGUKSS. BKNATK. WASHINGTON , Juno 25 , The consideration of thu legislative bill wan resumed. Air. Bock opposed thu amendment proposed by the senate committee on appropriations , striking out thu clause consolidating and roor- ani/lng the customs collections districts. Thu coping up of districts that did nut pay ex penses was merely to support a lot of election bummers ; that was the meaning of it. The employes wore kf pt because they contributed to the success of the party in power , I In had not wished to Hay this on the floor ( if the Ben- ate , but ho felt obliged tn say it. Tbo secre tary of the treasury , Iteck added , Admitted that fact. Messrs. Slater , Hawley , Half , Dawos , Sow clJono3 ] ( Fin. ) , and Lapham euppoited the committee's proposition. Air. Ingajls remarked thut if the houen of representatives should pass a sonatu appropri ation bill with n clause limiting the number of post offices in thu United Status to Ctho ( | case would be parallel with that under ditcusslon After further debate thucommltteo'd amend ment was agreed to , striking out the clautu directing thu consolidation yeas -11 , nays 13. The eenato committee on appropriations having proposed to strlka out thu clause per mitting tmall dlstllloricH to bu run without storokeencrH , Vtinco and Deck oppoied thoru- commendation and , Allison defended It. Thu debate continued until six o'clock , when the senate adjourned. IIOL'BK. Mr. Hewitt , from the committee on wnys nnd means , reported a bill to modify existing laws relating to duties on Imports and thu coi tion of revenue , Jteferred to the committee of the whole. Tlio bill passed authorizing the establish ment o" branch soldiers'homes in Arkansas. Colorado , Kansau Iowa. Minnesota , Missouri Mid Nebraska , the location to bo determined > y th board of manager * of thu Soldiers' Home * . Thu bill panned authorizing the construction if a horse railway on thu island of Itock Is- and , 111. , and the bridges leading thereto. Thu Ctialmurs-Mannlng contested election : aso 1ms been taken up. The majority reso lutions were adopted , Chalmers appeared at the bar of the housu and took the oath of of- ice. The house rcaumfd coniideration of thu Backbone railroad company T1II3 KAIIAVAY8 , All Serene on Imlco Superior UnslncHB WabnHli Oillolulu Go to ( ho Missouri 1'uclllo. CHICAGO , Juno 25. Thu differences In thn Northwestern Trnffic association on Laku Superior businesi , which at onu timu throat- iined to disrupt the jiool anil endanger the integrity of other western pools , wan aulcalby adjusted to-day , ftt n mcetintr of the general manager * , by mutual eoncessloin. It Is nnnorcd in railroad circle ! ) hero that H. M. HO.TIO , third vico-preMdent ) Gom-ml .Manager It. S. Ifnyos , \icc-prosldrnt , JUKI GcorgflOIdt. tmlho manager , nil of thu WnbnMi ro d , will noon retire from connection \\i\A\ \ that rend , going to tlio Mltsouri 1'acillc. THE CfiNi'UAli 1'ACIKIC. A Itoportthnt It will Blniut Off Its Employes for this aionth'n AVnjjcs. SAX riiANCisco , Juno 23. The Itnllothi publishes the following , this evening ) "It Is semi olllclnlly announced that the Control 1'nclfio railroad company will postpone for a time payment f.ilaries duo employes this month , in order to nccmmiUlo funds tu meet mom prosiing domfttads , in the nnturu of cur rent expenses. Theprossnt cramped condi tion of the company nri. es from the falling oft of traffic nnd the consequent tlecren'etif profits caused by disaster'eipocially to thu Southern 1'ncific and its briwlies. Timothy Hopkins , treasurer , wns the only iromlnont ollicial nt , present in the city , Ho declined to make any statement. Gonernl Maii'cor Towne , visiting Monte- n > y , was tolcgrnplicd on the subject. Ho re- phot ) , "Thero is but Jittlo foimdntion , in fact , for the statement thnt the company will post pone thn payment of the salaries of employes. It Is pos < ibli' , howovcr , tlmt the pay car nnv not l > u aont out over the entire system until nfler the first proximo , The o.umngs hold up romaikably well nnd operating expenses compare - pare favorably with those of lost year. " Charles Crocker , president of thu Southern 1'ncHic , and secoutl vice president of the Con- lial I'ncllic , nt present attending thn Col ton irlal at' 'anU liosn , VvasI ntorvlcd , Ho said , "Tho Bulletin statement was quito tmo. lln liai nsked the employes thirty days credit" IIu said also : "i'vo hoard no grumbling. This is the first time such doformunt h s oc- citrred. Wu'vogot 1)01110 ) pressing demands to moot nnd money ,1 no tight Imrdor than droning tcoth to tot any. Wo can't get moro than twenty-nvo cents on Southern 1'nclfio bonds. Ify tryinu hard to borrow lomo monuy , and thifik I shall bo nblu to got it , but all thu moneybags In the country nru just now drawn very'tiit. " Crocker , in a telegram to the associated [ tress , nays ! "Tho limort of the Bulletin N substantially tmo , although wo have not yet fully determined the matter. Should thu money market ease , ivo will pay as usual , " 'S FAME , Exorcises of the Convent School of the Holy Child JCSUN. Special Dispatch to Tin : BKK. LINCOLN , Juno 25. The convent of tlio So ciety of the Holy Child Jesus closed its first season's session this afternoon , nnd it was the most Interesting event of the kind , especially to the Catholics , thntkio\or took place here , Everything passed offoiii n most satisfactory manner , thu young Indies ngreonbly surprising their friends. Tills grand Institution Is in charge of the reverend Mother Superior Sister Agatha , and nix teachers nnd two assistants. Upwards of 100 yourof ladles havu boon In nt- tcndanca during the season. This convent > wes its oxlatenco to the public spirit of John i'itzgerald , who purchased and fitted up in a princely style for the sisters thu old university dormitory building , erected by the late Chan cellor Fulrlleld. What was 1'ftlrfield's folly has become I'ltzgoraVJ'a Jamo. Vi A Buyer Oanll6l' si ) If'15 per cent 'l1 ' " „ * , , NEW YonK , Juno 25. The produce ox chaugo has adopted a now nile by which the purchaser of cheese , If ho finds moro than 15 pur cent , is sour or dnmnfed , may at his op tion rcfuso to receive the remainder without prejudice or penalty to the seller ; but should the damage to thochouio bo not In oxccsa ol 1C per cent. , the purchaser is bound by his contract to reculvo what Is sound , The Dciilson Hand at Council BluflV ) , Special dispatch to Tim BIE. : COUNO L BLUFFS , Juno 20 , At 12 o'clock last night thu Donlsou band serenaded several of the citizens , including ox-AInyor Thomas Bowman , Mayor Yaughan , Henry EiBcm the Nonpareil and THE BKK olfices , where speeches were made by Spencer Smith and Air. Hubbard , of the Nonpareil , Mayor Vauglmn , Mayor Ledwich , of llarlan , and John W , Hosier , nf TUB JlKii , on behalf ol the Council Bluffs manager. At Tine BKI , ulllcu n vote of thanks was voted to thu band. Ilorofonlw from lllnfjhuid. Special Dispatch to Tim BICI : , Nonroi.K , Neb. , June 23. John Borland has arrived atStanton , via "S. 0. & l'"wHI two cars of full-blooded Hereford cattlo. IIu left Hereford , Ilngland , April 1st , and nrrivci ! hero yesterday. The cattle nro valued al twelve Jmudred each , said to bu thu ( incut lot uverlmported to this country. JIOTHCHllOO IjnlCC. To the Kditor of TUB BKK : Vonr OALHOUN , Juno 2U , ricaso inform the readers of your paper that thu Horxeuhoo Lake will bo spoiled frco forall kinds of boats , arid the picnic grounds will bo free for n bus- bet picum on the Fourth of July , under prop- 01 regulations. Cool drinks will bu furnished on the grounds , and boat racing will bo In The Oregon IiiHuranoo Bwliullo , 1'OUTI.ANI ) , Oregon/ Juno 25 , Lewis Kack ley , recently from Iowa , suspected of tutting liru to his house nt Hillsbuig , Oregon , and of burning a hlcoleton Intcuded _ to represent his own remains , BO tliat his wife could recover thu life Insurance , wan arrested U > - < lny In Ash land. Ho feigned insanity , GrliiH. Pleasant , healthy grins are BOOH only mi the faces of healthy persuns. The dysptptta nnd dobllltatod can smllo only In a hulf-heartod way. Purify the blood , tone the stomachand strengthen the tissues with JlunlocJ JIlvoJ Jilt fri , If you wish to laugh wetland Ho on , A llnIIrond Man Captures an Actress. COUNCIL BLUKKH , ; Juno 21 , Miss Katu L. James of this city , well known onlhuoporatio stage as Kathorlnu Von Arnulm was married to-Juy tu Win. A. Strong , a Chicuro mllroivd man. A Quadruple Killing. \VAUSAU , Win. , iTniiu 2C , A bollur in Smith's jilanin ? mill exploded thu morning , filling four peMuni and wuundiiig suvurai Dthers , A Gcor ltt J''ttHurc , HQ.MB , Ga. , Juno25-H. T , nnd 0 , H , Hur- grovu , bankers , failed to-day ; liabilities 800.- OOOj uuminall assets $76,000 , Itallwny Ulvldcndu NEW YOIIK , June 25 , The Alichigan Cen tral uijd Canada Southern huvu agreed to pass their dividend. NKW YoitK , Juno 2rt.- Morgan & Sons have rnadu au assignment to Win. Ji , Jicknon , Thunder it Dmvii the Tlut for Umontwa , jor rheumatism , for aches , for palnoi , and for Ipralnos Z r , 7'Aowuj" hclec- trio Otl Is a positive and rollublu remedy , Dr. Tkamai , lclcrli ( Oil cau bo purchauod of any diugglst. " ' KING KELLY. Tammany's ' Chieftain Names the Terms of His Snprl. Ho Must Bo Allowed to Name Now York's ' Next Mayori And thus Ooutrol tlio $30,000,000 , , Patronneo of Gotham , And this is What Cleveland Must Pay for the Boss's ' Backing , Kelly Now Doolaros Hiuisolf First for Bayard for President , Hut Iieixvos a tioop-IIolo to Crmvl Through nnd Hnppnrt Clovolrtiid. The HOHR' Now York Dispatch to Philadelphia IVs * . Thu position of Tammany towards ( iovcrnor 31ovelnnd's candidacy was put In n new light to-day by n gentleman who for a number of has stood in conlldontial relations to Tohn Kelly. "Tho patronage of Now York City , " ho said , "Is worth 8i0,000,000 ! n year. The pat- ouago of a national ailmil.V.tratliiii Is n baga- olio in comparison , no fnr an it can benefit , L'nmmnny Hull. Thu candidacy of Ifoawell . ' . Flower wnsu mere inaik , so fnr us AU but limself and a few of his intimate' , such ai [ josterll. Fnulknor , were concerned , mul thnt uask has already fallen nwny. Tnnnnany lees not coiileinplatu Air , 1'lowor as iv roat candidate , nnd nuvor did. It mipportcd him slmplyns nn opptniontof Cleveland , ( imply tu : orco nn issuu which would bring the governor , d terms , AH soon ns Air , Cleveland rualizos , hat ho cannot bu nominated without the uni ted vote of Now York , nnd thnt IM matters now stand , ho cannot nn\u that united vote , 10 will como to terms. TUB I'AHT TUB DKI.KdATia . "But ihisundorstnndlng must bo arrived at before thu delegation loaves this city. Alnny lelogntos who did not support Cleveland nt 3nrntopn bcliuvo him to lm n pura man , but they seu no pro-eminent ability In him. It is notorious that ho winks when David Dudley Kiold nods , and thnt the tmpport of Field will nnss nuy mens\iru and his opposition kill any bill which uomos before Clovolnnd. Still Tummnny will exhibit no public antipathy to , Clovpland , It will support him In the con vention nnd assist in casting fnr him the un- Llru vote'of Nuw York on the first and every t > nllot , on uno and only condition , that the Tammany bo allowed to name the next mayor of Now Yoik city. "Air. Kelly ( foes not want this honor him- Keif. IIu has not retired from politics , as he desired to do long since , however , that hu inl ht finally nchiovo a complutu tiluinjih , Thin triumph would bo sscured by his naming the mayor of Now York , and at the samu timu electing thu president of the United States. If ho may do the former , hu will elect Cleveland president. TAIUIANV'U rOWKU. _ "On n simple aldermanio uloction in this city Tammany polled ever 40,000 votes , Thu democratic majority In the stnto and city o Now York cannot bo reckoned greater thai COJOGO under the molt favorable' , circum stancca. This majority is Tnmmany and I Tamnmny'ri terms bo not acceded to there will bo no majority. If Tammany has any personal choice for thu presidential noinlu- tlon. it is Bnvard. Flower was simply n cloak to Bayard. At tlio xamo titno it was and is desirable to havu Flower in thu cam paign because ho has money and is not afraid to spend it. "Looking on the Tammany delegation , which , by the way , can control one of the delegates elected as n representative of the county democracy , and at least half of the Irving Hull delegate * , it Is evident tliat they can prevent , If they choose , the enforcement of the unit rule in the Nuw York delegation. It Is equally evident that It is to tbu interest of Bayard's friends that this rule should not bo enforced in any delegation , an the Doln- ware senator will got many scattering votes , but no slnglo solid delegation. But if Tam many's terms bu acceded to Clovelnnd will be ihunuxt democratic profilduiitinl nomlneo , mul nn old time majority will bu rolled up in Nuw York ami Brooklyn , "Otherwise Cleveland is dead. Hu woo elected by republican votes , and. although governor , has never buon anything but mayor of Buffalo , Why , Cleveland's entire ! demo cratic vote was within twelvu hundred thu highest vote for a Hancock elector. " NKW YOIIK. Juno 25,101111 Kelly maduthu foil ) wing statement to-day , In rcgnid to thu piusidential nominees : "I am opposed to ( jovcrmir Cleveland , but only because I believe - lievo them nro other men better fitted to nt- ceivo tlio nomination , I have boon brouhgt in contact with many men , both republicans ami democrats , throughout this city. All ox- presied thu wish that Bayard ulionld reculvu thu nomination , 1 hope so myself , nnd bu- llovo that if nominated ho will bu nice ted. The opposition to Bayard bcuausa of his HO- rallied secession , is fcbsnrd , "In fact , 1 think thu 'bloody shirt' buslnots is played out , " AToxnu Outr jo. DAF.I.AH , Jnnu 2S. A number of smnll bur- ghtrlos und other outragon nro of nightly oc currence Inln'.y. Toward daylight this morn ing , the residence of W , JI. i'lippcr , a banker. was entered by a negro through thu nocom. stoiy window , Airs. J''llpi or woke , and dls- eovurod the negro going through thu buroai drawers. Two email childrmi wcru In hot with the mother , Flipper being in Kuropo. Airs. Flipper HCI earned , the negro grabbed her neck , chocked her uavoroly anil otherwise mal treated thu lady , and then made his escape. Town IJiidart/ikors. AfAiiHnAi.i.TOW.v. Juno 25. Tlio State Un dertakers association co ! celltn imninl session to-duv , to iiirut mxtycnr in C < lnr Jlapiiln. The Hovslontlll liu devoted to private iixpusi- HOIIH of embalming nnd other matters of pin- fessionnl Interest. ( ! . V. Arnold , of Alnrshnll- town , was elected piesldont ; W , llohonucbuli , of Inwa City , vlco preiidcntj nndK.- * . Day , of Alusentlnn ; Hcxs/otary and treasurer , Uel-i- gates to notional convention , 0 , 1' , Arnold , W , Holieiischuli and J , L. Krebs , Will It really Ouro Uhouuiatlum ? Wo answer , honor brlftht , at will euro rhoii- mutism , and the sovoriat cases too. Dr. 'J'liotiutr Xclcctric Otl wan upoclally propnrod for tlio rhouinatla and lamo. Nntlco letters from the people rolatlvo to Its merit ] in nearly every paper In the country. KaimiiH Woman Toi'KKA , Kan , , Juno 25 , The statu conven tion of woman tulfraglstu met hero to-day. There was a small attendance. Addrosius weru mailo by Airs , Helen M. Qouger , of La fayette , Ind , , und others , A HoiiK-Wrliur'0 Had Knd. CINCINNATI , Juno 2fi. James K. Stownit thu well-known songwriter , died in thu work housu to-day , Jlo wan committed n few days ago for Belling bogus tickets tu publiu outer talnmenti. Yale Uufrco8 , NEW HAVEN , Juuu 25. Yale has conferred thu dogruu of Lh D. upon ( Jovernor Hoadloy of Ohio , nnd KI1U 11. Uobeits , the editor o : thu UtlcaN.Y. ( ) Herald. 'JClio Woiuiior To-Uay. WASIIINUION , Juno 25. For the Allsaouri Vnlley t TAK \ rhnwrrs , partly cloudy thcr , cnilcrlv In nonthoriy win , nii'l nearly stationary . . _ tomperninre. . . l. * AI. tt ; tf- * For the Upper Altaiwtpp ! Vnlloy ! Fair wonther In northern porllonn , light rains , fol < lowed by clearing wonthnr in the southcrr portlomj easterly winds in thn northern portion tion , north to cuit winds tn the southern portion tion , nnd slight changes in temprrntutv. AtAUONS. Scuniul Dnj'H rrocccdlnRs Election nnd luRtnlliucnt The Flniuicce. Special IttN'COiXi Juno 2Thn proceedings of the matonio convocation of the grand ledge were unusually Interesting to-day. G. M. Lin inger , of Omaha , presented the grand ledge with a ixirlriu't of 1 * . G. M. llobort C. Jonlnu. The following olllcorn were elected : M. W. Grand MnHter f. \\VmiiK 11. W. DonutvGinwl Master M. H Ueese. K. W. ( J. A W.-Charlos 1C. CouUut. 18. W. G. Hoctvtnry-W. H. Hotten. It. W. G. Treasurer Chri < . llartman. The olllceraoiii named mtbsccpiontly , nnd the Installation took plnco this evening. It was decided to perform the cnrcmony ot lay ing the corner-Ktouu of the new unplto ) , July Ifith , 18SI. TliisV B lho2Uh ( minimi convocation. The treasurer's report showed receipts to the amount of $10,130.07 , illabun < emeuliill2.lll. ( ; anil n balance on hand of $11.885.00. _ DiKiteiiJatiniH weiv granted for the forma tion of new lodges nt Brnlnard , Almn , Hardy , Doivhestor , Missouri Bond , Wnyue , Superior , [ ) iloll , Indlaiioln , Auburn , Geneva , Htorms- burg , Mliuk'n , Guidu Kock , Bluehill ami Surprise. Tlio following grand lodges hnd accrodlto3 reprp.Hontationa : Arkansas , Cnllforuln , Con necticut , Unorgln , Idaho , Manitobt , Novndn. Pennsylvania ; Vonnoiit , Nuw Mexico nnd Nuw Hampshire. sritiNQ sroiiTS. Jny-Eyo-Sco. OAMI : CIIAIJ , NOKH VANDKimii.T. NKW VOHK , iluiiu 23. The 'l\irf. Field nnd Vnrm snys : On Wudnesdny , the 2otli , a chock cnme to this olllco ilrAwn by J. I. Case to thu order of Hamilton Bushly for § 5.000 , which wo nro authorized to hold as a forfeit. The proposition forwarded from Cleveland \\ll\\ \ the eheck U this : "Mr. Cnso Is willing to natch .Iny-Uyo-Seo for a rnco or nn exhibition lent against any horse for $10 000 n side , halt orfoit , to bo trotted , cither nt Hartford , L'ruvlilonca or Chicago , as may bu mutually ngrcod Uononch | ; _ purty tochooso ono jiulgo , mil they a third , the Turf , Field nnd Karm to . ) the stakeholder. " The exhibition heat elnuia ix put In to meet any objection that Ynnderbllt may raise to trotting n throe In ivu tnco nccotding to the rulo. Cllng tonu and Inud S. nro thu horses tlmt Jny-lOyo-Seu anxious to meet. Unno Hall. YEHTKRDAY'H OAMIX. At Clovclnnd Clovolnndrt 1-1 , I'lilladol. ihlns 1. At Detroit DetroltH 0 , rrovldondcos 3. At Chicago 1o\guu : gamu postiionud on ao. count of ruin. At Minneapolis Minneapolis 3 , I'corins8. At Bay City-Bay CitynllO , TerraHautox1 ! . At , Saginnw Suginnws C , Musko- Jans 4 At Ht Vnul-Stillwalors 0 , St. 1'nul G. At Buffnlo Gnmo postponed. I'cdcstrlnnlsm , O'LKARV'H oo-AS-vou-rLKAHK. OlIIUAlK ) , Juiui 25. Twonty-two entries hnvu been n'colvud for Dan O'Lcary's llvo days g0-as-you-ploMo > pedestrian match Ii tlifu city ( luring tlio weuk of the national democratic convention * Among thoiu nro Frank Htttt-"of " Boston ! "Geo > l.lUNonnftc and Fro ID. Krohne , of Now York ; Peter J. 1'anchott , of Hnstlngn , Minn. ; Chaa. Doylu. of Cairo. Ills. ; Wm , J' . llockbud , of Council Bluffs ; Wm. Nolan , of Brnldwood , Ills. , and John Gilllgan , of Joliot. The Oar. HARVARD VH. COLUXRIA. NKW LONDON , June 25. The Hnrvnrd- Columbia frushman racu has boon postponed , STATE JOTTINGS. Twenty-five thousand brick a day nro being mndu nt West 1'oint. Al us worth precinct hnsf. prpulntlonof 1,4B3 , and jiropurty aBsessed nt ? liOOC8. ( , The valuation of Long 1'iifo nrccinct , asro- tarned by thu assessor , foots up S25OOD. Two boys woru rccuntly drownud on the L'laltu , near Kenesaw , whilu bathing. The aksossmnnt of the town of I'onca , just completed , gives the total valuation of $132- 1C0.25. An unknown man was drowned in the L'lnttu nt Kearney on Sunday , Hu was walking along the bank when It owed in , Three burglarious raids wore mailu inl'latts- mouth , Saturday night. Thu plunder gocurcil wan tiilllng , but nuvornl smoothbores have boon replenished with load for emergencies. Thu bad houses of Fremont woru pulled Insi Snturdny evening , and the hmil numboioc : twenty-seven persons cloven women nnd six teen men , Thn population of Holt county cm the 1st of March , 1H8I , was 11,250 , The assessment Is now about 81,000,000 , almoit threu tlmus an much us last year. The noted horse "IVrfcction , " owned by Otto Slnnton , wns fatally In lured by breaking through thn Moor of tlio iHkhorn bridge. Thu horse was worth $009. Persona ! property in Wnynu county in ns pessed at $ U-MittO.M : ; real estate , SMt,883.CO ( : There are 1'WU acres of land under wheat nnc 7,1,11 under corn , Jock Alexander , colored , of Blair , xhbt Wil H. Pnltner , alno colored , found buggy riding with Alexander's wife , Pnlmor.H wound it in thu left leg , deup but not dangeroui. The boom In the Second congressional dla triet for S. W. Wood as asuccesjorof Hon. miK Lnhil has been knocked in the head by Air. Woods declining to bu a candidate , J. Fred Johnson has entered suit In thu din trict couitat Nebraska City against the K , O road for $23,000. Fred struck a mlsplncui switch while mull ageiitlon the road , collide ! with n freight train and broke u log whlcl makes him n cripple for life. Itov. Thus. Harrison , thu boy preacher , in compelled to postporiu Ills visit to Lincoln owing to rbyiical uxhaiistlon cuusud by ban work , Tbo tank was too much for him and thu thought of It laid him out. Thu now Arusoiilo tumplo nt Lincoln was dedicated last Monday , Thu euremonie were witneHsoil by u largu niimbor of prominent maionu f i oin different parts of the utato. The iirlnclpal address was made by Hon. J. Al , Thurstoii August Sober has acquired an unenviable reputation in Hurt county , for a variety ol deeds not sanctioned by law or murals , nnd a temper the OHHOUCU of vfndlctlvenesH. llecont- ly the Jtoblnson family gave a paity to which tlio Sober family weio not invited. They went to the Robinson house , however , anil were Informed that their room was batter than their company , drunk or sober , Thuy were bounced. This led to a shooting match thu next day , in which August wns sobered up with a bullet in his aide. Thu Fremont Herald reports thnt nt noon Monday , a young woman named Nellie Booth , working nt tlin section house kept by Air. Darter , nt Timbervillo , was hoi n bly burned by the uxploiion of it kerouenu can , which slu was lining tu assist in starting a lira to pruparo dinner. Mho wns at once enveloped lu Haul's , und in her agony ran out doors , hug fanning thu breeze , JUr clothes weru neailv burnoi elf by the time help arrived , Thu Ilesh wa : nearly burned oil one arm , and her facu am hulr were nl o badly burned. It U foarei that ihu must have brouthed. BOIIIU of thu ( lama lulu hvr lunge , HOT CORN. ThoSnllryCorcalinNofyorUffccIs the Cliicap Markets , Lifjht Stocks and ProspootivoWofr Bulls the Prioo of Wheat , Oats Quiet , Steady and Sparingly * . Traded In , PorkDrops offHoavily ii * vfe tares with a Sharp Dooll Oattlo Dull and Slow : off 10 to 16o , Ilo r , nn the Contrary , ISO * Higher , bitt Iioso t ft,3r\ Ailvnuco. CHICAGO MARKETS. NOMEWHAT UNflKlTLEI ) . Special Dispatch to THK BEE. CIIICAOO , Juno 25. The markets on'change ? io-day were moro or Icnn unsottloJ , the Uis turbing causes being the retorted fatlura- of a prominent Now York bank and the posting of two lots of "hot" com in that city. WHEAT ipened linn and higher for wheat nnd through- nit tha day trading in that cereal was on o > noru extended realo than has been seen in , nnny weeks. July at ono time sold at B7a nnd August nt S ° ic , and the feeling generally vns bullish In view of the light Plucks and the ears of n wet harvest. Toward the clcno of hu regulnr board prices fell elf , July closing nt SMc , August 8Sjjc. On the nftornoon board ho fooling wns npain iniito firm , July closing- nt &y , August 88J , and Soptombor8& CORN ippned notlvo nnd firm , best prices of the day icing current nt tlmt time. Thu market iroku nearly n cent on the report of ' 'hot" corn in Now York , closing heavy at the de- illno. Cn this afternoon board prices acrnin ell off , Juno closing filj } ; July , o4 ; August and September , 854 , OATS , iponcd quiet nnd about steady , but very spar- ugly traded in. On the nftcrnoon board jirices dropped J@lc , Juno ; and cold closing it 31 c Mid August nt " 7lo. PROVISIONS. Pork displayed little moro life , distant fu tures dropping elf heavily. On the afternoon board another f harp decline for August nnd Suptcmbor occurred. Thu latest figures were H ) 00 for Juno nnd July , 18 CO for August , and 17 75 for September. Lard lower , closing nt 7 27 } for Juno and July , 8 421 f"c August , and 8 65 for Septem ber. CATTLE. Thu cattle market wns dull nnd slow anil quoted 10 to 15o lower on big conrso cattle , either grassers or corn fed ; but neat little cattle , especially corn fed , nru about holding their own. Butcher's stock of all descriptions IB nicotine1 strong competition with Tcxnns on sale ; it is elow nnd hard to sell imlcss at prices considerably under the Toxans. Good to. chuico shipping , 1,200 to 1,350 pounds , C 00 to 0 35 ; common tn medium , 1,000 to 1,200 pounds , 5 20 to 51)0 ) ; feeders 4 25 to 4 75 ; grass Toxansi700 to 850 pounds-a 00 v to .0 CO. 110(18. The market gonoinlly opened with a fair demand nnd Gg)10 ( ) cents higher on nil best heavy , but sales on light allowed no great change. Most of tha Halcsmon reported the ndvanco of the mornlngcntlrely lost , the mar kct than ruling dull with a largo number loft ovor. Sales weru at 4 00@4 00 tor skips and light light , 41)0@5.15 ) for assorted light , and bOO@o 05 for packers nnd shippers ; light , 180 © 210 pounds , ! 80@5 CO. THAT HOT COIIN. NEW YORK , Juno 25. Isnpootor-in-chie oE grain , on a roinspootion of thu Commorciil Warehousing company's stores , found about 27.000 bushels of No. 2 corn out of condition , being "musty and sticky. " Thu corn was posted on the produce exchange. The Oholorn. WASHINOTON , Juno 25 Secretary l-'roling- huyeon received to-night the following telegram - gram from Frank A. Mason , United States Consul at Marseilles , with regard to the recent - cent outbreak of cholera iu Toulon. MARHKILLES , Juno 25 State dopartmen , Washington : The cholera nt Toulon was kept secret until yesterday. On thu 1'lth thcro wns ono duith , on thu 10th one , ou the 20th two , on the 21st three , on the 22d thhteon , on the 23d five , nnd .yoatcnlay twelve. The cases aru of a mild character. Thoru has boon only onu death at the navy hospital. The deaths nro equally divided be tween civilians nnd military , and nro chiefly among ogod or young. Thu ( uicstlon whether it is Asiutlq or sporadic is still undecided , but the former is jirobablo , There are hopes of checking the emdomloby sanitary precautions. Thu condition of Marseilles is excellent , and thu death rate below thu average. Tlio Ohio Second Amendment CoLUtiDUs , O , , June 25. The second amendment advocates bold a utatu convention to-day , formed a voters' union , and adopted a constitution. It provides a regular Hit of officers to bu elected the second Wednesday in Juno of each year , with coinmitteemaii from each congressional district. Hon. MilU Gardner was made president till the next reg ular convention. A Child Murdered by a Drunkard. DunuquK , Juno 25 , John Burnoj , aged 13 , while playing thisoyening with n number of comrades near the resilience of Michael Hhotl- zen , was datigeiously shot through the groin by llhotizun , who was drunk , and for a trilling offense IIrod threa times at the boys. ARSHOUS YIHGTOHOLDCOYrH EARLCAKINOPOWDE ' "i * * - _ jj - | & i * PURE CREAM TARTAR. S1QOO Given , , ICnlnm or impnjurlous substances can bo found ! In Andrews1 Pearl Baking Powder. J pos- lively PURE , liclnt ; endorsed. unatckttmonlaU reccfvedTroiu ucli chemUU naB , I > aua llayu. Boston - ton ; M. Welafontalno , of Chicago ! anil UuaUwa llodo , Milwaukee. Novcrsolil In bulk. 2ST. i J & 291 U. Watt * St. '