Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 25, 1884, Image 1

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The Notification Committee Presents Its
Compliments to General Logan ,
The Next Vico-President Beplies
in a Felioitious Manner ,
State Conventions of the Demo
cracy in Missouri and Indiana ,
Missouri Evidently for Cleveland
Indiana for McDonald ,
New York Independents in Session
Sohurz Presiding
Somewhat Important Proceedings
Yesterday in Congress ,
The HOUHO I'nssosltlio
Ilopcnl Likewise nn Electoral
Count Bill ,
WASIII.VOTON , Jtmo 21. Chairman Hender
son and the members of thocommitteo charged
by the national republican convention with
the duty of formally notifying the candidates
for president and vicepresident ; of their nomi
nation , met nt noon to-day , nnd proceeded to
the residence of General Logan. They were
who red into a largo parlor. The general
Htood in the middle of the room , with M ,
Logan at his lefc hand , nnd was introduced to
the members of the committee by the chair
man. When this ceremony was performed
the company arranged themselves iu n circle
around the room to hoar the address. Chair
man Henderson then rend the formal notifica
tion to Senator Logan to
which as vice-president , to of
Mr. Chairman and gentlemen of the com.
initteo : I rcceivo your vieit with pleasure , thu
nnd accept with gratitude the sentiments you ing
have BO generously expressed in the discharga
of the duty with which you have been Jfr.
entrusted by the national convention. ing
Intending to address you n formal corn'
munication shortly , in accordance with usage , nnd
it would be out of place to detain you at
this tinio with remarks which properly belong
to thu official utterances of the letter of accept
ance. 1 inny be permitted to siy , however ,
that though I did not seek the nomination of
vice president , I accept it as n trust reposed
in me by the republican jmtj' , to the ndvanco-
ment ot whoso broad policy upon nil ques was
tions connected with the progress our govern
ment and our people I have dedicated
b Et , nnd with this acceptance , I may
properly signify mv of the platform
and principles adopted by the convention. I
nm deeply sensible of the honor conferred
upon mo by my friends in so unanimously
tendering this nomination , and I sincerely coats
thank them for this tribute. I am not un
mindful of thu grent responsibility attaching Indian
to the office , nnd , if elected , I shall enter
upon the per'ormnnce of Its duties with a firm
conviction that ho who has Biieh unanimous to
support of his party , friends at tha circum tume-j
stances connected with the noinin.Uion , and tions
your own words , Mr. Chairman , indicate , nnd of
consequently such a , wealth of counsel to draw are
upon , cannot ; fall in the proper discbargo of dations
the duties committed to him. I tender my ocrats
thanks , Mr. Chairmaln , for the kind expres sra
sions yon have made nnd I offer you and your suits
fellow committecmen my mo&t cordial greet tiona
ing. " music
When General Logan had concluded the all of
chairman stepped forwntd and shook him by
the hand , as did other members of thu com-
initteo and mutual
were ox-
changed. Mrs. Logan warmly thanked Hen
derson for the sentiments convoyed in IIH ad
dress. The members of the committee then internal
took leave , with the exception of a few who the
were engaged in conversation with General
Logan and his wife. respond
( JS3,5I3
ST. Louis , Mo. , Juno 24. The state demo , nppropri n
cratlc convention to elect delegates at largo to troversy
the national convention nt Chicago , and for for the
naming district delegates , mot at the Standard
thentro between eleven nnd twelve o'clock. The
The attendance was very largo , all counties of of report
the state being represented. Juo. 0 , Day , company
chairman of the stnto committee , called the the
convention to order and named Congiessmnn 5,500,000
M. L. Clardy as temporary chairman.
Delegates to the convention from various
congressional districts bold a meeting this .
morning , prior to the calling of the convention
to order , nm\ \ elected delegates to the Chicago Htato
conven Ion nt follows : I1.oi ; district , W. 11. A major
Seers , J. M. jlcr/nrd ; Second district , K. M. The
ilnrber , 1 . J. Cnrmody ; Third district. Gen nominatii
try , Thos. H. Frame ; Fourth district , Walter that
Young , Levi Xonkj 1'lfth district , E , L. Mar bo renorn
tin , Jt. I ] , Collins ; Sixth district , IJ. K. for llcute
ho -
K. T. Kalloy , J. L , Pace ; Thirteenth district , McDonaJi
O.D. Knox , W. U. Phelpa ; Fourteenth dis nominatii
trict , Newton Morrison , A. H , Livingston ,
On taking the chair , Mr. Clardy undo a
brief address. Ho arraigned the republican COI.UMUUH
iilatform and named the democratic candidates are all
before the party , Tildon's name was greeted which
with loud applause. Thunnan
' , Uayard and district
McDonald 'H names were also applauded but
the , nt which
gieatcftt demonstration was mudo over the
mention of Grover Cleveland. Mayor Kwiog
WAH then introduced nnd mido a Hjivccii wel
coming the delegntoi to the city. The usual
business committees wore then named nnd a
leeess taken until 2 . .
p. m. . '
The Grj
It was iioirlv : i o'clock when the convention
ra-nKsembleJ. The reports of thocommitteo on
credentials received. mid peinianont orgonizati n were
of Warrentnn , was made pennanent chairman
secretary , Nicholas Uell , St. Louis , with ; majon
ral nfsistaiit" , nnd ono vice president from hero this
eachcongrecuional diHtrict , clpnl busi
the master's
John 1) . O'Uay , of Springfield , nnd Dr. Norfolk ,
Mumford , of KHDH.-U City , wrio nominated reports
for di-legatea at lar e , whun , khortly after !
o'clock man of
, the convention adjouriKU until ,
noon lowed
. iff condition
TILDK.V CI.KVKMKII , of f tbo stat
Interviews with inatnicted delegates dis taken up
closed the fact that if T/Ueii / can not bo hod , charters
the deleftates will bo practically ( .olid for diem. TJ
Cleveland , not more than thn-o boiog for Day- to-inorrow
ard. Their
action will denand largely , however -
over , upon preferences of tno delegations from
.Now York and other eastern and duuhtful
After adjournment the convention was taken day CHICAGO leahln
jy leaking
to the fair grounds by
an entertainment
com- ( X j WCtcil
inittno of
leading cltlzeix.
iiigton ttri
Tlio ulatform , it is U4ld , Is to bo brief , and John i W.
consists chlelly of the reallirmationii of the will co-t
national and state platforn * of the
' parly in bo LYJOO
IK'li and 1882. The
recommendations n'gird- eleven toi
ing the tariff will be in harmony with the Septemboi utory
viewa of the moit advanced itivenua re
NEW VOIIK I.NIEI'K.NDi.VTrf : AT WOIIK , unruufing rain . Morm
June i11 , At a inciting of the cropi. N-
indoj > ondcnt republican committee to-day , Cnrl
Schnrr. presiding , nn cxccuthc committee WAS
Appointed , coniisting of Carl Schurz , Hornco
] ' . Demlnc ; nnd K. A. Doty , which is to
bo increased by two other member * , whoso
duty it will bo to praparo immediately a docu
ment J > Idrcs'ed to the republican votent
throughout the country , setting forth thu
roatont why they should not vote for lilnlnu
and liogim The circular previously issued
ha * boon widely distributed ,
WASIUXUTO.V , Juno 21. A resolution wna
mloptod directing tbo committee on vxpcmH *
turoi of public money to inviutlgatu the i-o-
cout defalcations in the departments nnd
frauds upon the navy department , nnd to in-
qnlro into thonyKtcm of making tllsburucmenti
and ptirchasesi of supplies , with \ipwto de
termining' whether it embraces willlcient wife-
guards against defalcations fr&uds.
' Itwnsngn'od that the senate meet nt 11
o'clock for the remainder of the pcsslon.
The consideration of the Mexican pension
bill was resumed.
At 3 o'clock the debate doled. The voting
upon the Amendments began. The amend
ment was ngreed to , providing that no person
shall bo entitled to moro than ono pension nt
ono time under the Inw of the United State *
unless that fact bo sx > cially stated. The bill
was then pnssccl yeas 3" naya "T , us follows :
YCJS Allison , lilnlr. IJowon , llutler. Cam
eron ( I'fl. ' ) , Cameron ( Wis. ) , Conger , Dawes ,
Dolph , 1'ryo , George , Hnlo , linrrison , Hill ,
one.s ( Nev ) , Lnmar , Lahainl ) ) < ogau ,
MuMlilan.Mohono , Mnudcrsnn , Miller ( Cal ) ,
Miller ( N. Y. ) , Mitchell , Merrill , 1'uluia ,
1'iko , 1'latt 1 , I'lunib , lUnsoni , Uiddlobargor ,
lawyer , Kowoll , Sherman , Van Wyck , and
Wilson 3" .
Nays Uayard , Heck. Urown , Call , Cock-
roll , Coke , Colnjiitt , Kdmunds , Fair , Fur- ,
ey , Garland , Groorno , Hamilton , Hnwloy
Jackson ' , Jona , Jones ( KlaAlnsey ) , Morgan ,
, I'ugh Saulsbury , Sinter , Vance ,
Vo t , Walker und Williams-.1 ! ? .
The following palm worn
announced : Al-
drich with German , Cnllom with Kvnnn
, It
\nthony with
Gibson , Hoar with Haniii.
The legislative bill was taken up. After
excutiv bession , adjourned.
The senate bill was passed granting letter
carriers fifteen days leave of absence each year.
Mr. Cury ( , from the committee on Indian at-
faiiH , reported a lesolution and
calling on the see-
retaryi of _ the interior or information relating -
the claims of certain
persons on a portion
land of the Xuoi Indians iu New Mexico
nnd Arizona , Adopted. the
Tin ) howe I then resumed consideration of the
unfinished business , viz : The bill repoal-
ng thopro-emption , timber culture nod desert the
laud laws nnd amending the homestead law. the
fr. Holman
olTerered an amendment provid- 103
ig _ thai ' hereafter no publio lands adapted to to
gricu'lturnl shall be old except mineral lands
nd townsmen ; but that they bo reserved fir
actual and bonn fide settlers under the home done
stead law. Agreed to.
The bill passed yea * 1-17 , nays -II.
The Electoral bill was then Ukpu up. The ment
house bill
wa ? adopted an n substitute for the in
senate bill yeas la ? , nays 82.
The senate bill as amended by the substitute
then read a third time and passed.
Access until 8.
Special Dispatch to the BEE. hanged
OmoAfiO , Juno 24. Navy blue chovoit down was
, while duck pantaloons and bugles
helmets is n costume in whicii a party of iifty
Indianians ! ; will attend the democratic national The
convention. ! The coining gathering bids fair killing
reveal ! .1 colored picnic in variety of cos Rates
- vnm by tha member * of the organiza
which proposed to make thu occasion one
great rejoicing and display. Application John
received by the hotels daily for accommo initteo
for I clubs and parties of patriotic dem into
from nil suctions of tha country. Clubs attending
to ba . the feature of the convention nnd for
) characteristic of the various organiza July
are on" feature in turn of the club.i , the North
brought by each association in another ; roads
tin clubs will be accompanied by bands. ono
WASHINGTON , Juno 21. The collections of Jones
revenue for thu first cloven months of been
fiscal year were 8112,280,020 ; for the cor the bo
responding ! period of the last fiscal year , Sliil- Now '
; deoranso 22,103,528. spoken
TJIK NAVV. broached
committee- conference on the naval that
appropriation .bill had n meeting resulting in position
disagreement on thu two chief items in con
, viz : provisions for steam cruisers nud
completion < of monitors.
fcOCTHim I'ACiriO I.ASD.S '
raitl'KITKI ) . dor ! for
house committee on jniblio lands will of a
favorably a bill forfeiting puch portions soon
lands granted ; the Southern 1'acific railroad Ing a
, of California , as lie nlong part of the
road completed ninco July 18 , 18HO. About in ? . I
acrexaie involved. placed
I.NDIANAl'OUH , Jnno 21. The democratic CHICAGO
convention will bo held here to-morrow , Dnimmon )
majority of the delegates are now here. court ,
probabilities nro thought to indicate tha oflVct ;
Of Isaao P. Gray for governor , nod eral years
the present democratic state olllccrs will tomplnted
rcnominated. There will ba a hot contest ceeded
lieutenant ; governor and reporter of the su-
court. There ha becnuomo talk of nom-
Senator Voorheos for governor , but SAN
to-nigl announced that ho would not be Valle ,
Candida Ijoudon
platform , will contain resolution * in- stitutu
the delegates to cast their vote for ) > lay isHUsj
, nnd Ileudricks will place him in ImmeiiBo
AHsistmi.\ ; ( !
, Ohio , Juno 21. Thu delegates lirlck com
in for ; thu democratic atati con\ontlon , Newark The comp
convenes at 1 . ,
p. m to-morrow. The laborers
delvgntcri held meetings thin evening ,
thu I committees of the convention and
and nltcniaten were selected ,
Grund in Annual Session
at Lincoln , Care 1
1) patch to TllK HUE. Children
8CU80I1S ! ,
. ! , Jnno 21. The grand lodge of como cro
of the state convened in annual Berfulou The Mood
afternoon : at four o'clock. Tha piin- invigorate
business transacted was tha delivery of "Last
' address by Samuel W. Hay OH , of nated l , Boo
and tha Becretary'n and treasurer's nhig sores
b W. It. llowcn them. Hoi
by . and Christ. Hart-
pli'tcly ;
vour city , resi 'ctively , all of which since , I
fraternity to ba inn mnrollnurlih-
than over bsforo in tlio history xavcd my
state. The evening kei ion was nmirily
with lepnrtH of the committee ( in
and diBpeiiHatloil , and rnlleago per Pt
The election o : nfiicera will take phco
, Hooil's
thrco pccul
d No\V Opera jeineillal
JIousc. jirocctt ot
, Juno 21.Papeis were sign'd to- lalltlcH ,
the now Chicago opera lieu , to reiiKlh ,
at thu corner of Clark anil Wash-
- Kcnd tor bo
ttreets. Tlie lociieo and manazer la "Hood's
Norton 3 , of St. Louis. The theatre IHirldes my
S22o,000 The Beating capacity will MTIIIS to in
The Oecra 1 louse block wi 1 ba an JBlstiir of
building , nnd will bo completed "Hood's
iBt , 1HSV It worth IN
iao Jiaulc at
A HlK Wind ul Dnlutli. Hood's
, , Juno 21.A fiirlouH wind and
thlu Bold tall
HMrfpt iwtion thin
IIOUM-I i and banis , and damaflii morning { , only by 0 ,
. fatilitlis reported , IOOBl !
The Obsonulrs ot iho Vctoran Motho <
tllst- Yesterday nt Plillmlclpliln.
Viin.AnGt.nitA , Juno 21 , Tim obsequies of
Bishop Simpson took plnco this aftcrnnon ,
Brief services were first held at tlio residence ,
nt which noiio but the family , the gunrd of
honor nnd intimntu
were present.
Prayer wns olTored by Itov. W. C. llobinion
I ) . 1) . The body w s then berne from the
home by Governor IVittisoii , of lViin yhani ,
Governor Itvausof Colornilo , ex-Secretary of
Interior llntlan , Alexander IJmdloy of IMU-
burnG. . II. Cornell of Now York , General -
Clinton H. Pinko of Now Jersey , .Inmea Lone
nnd Charles Scott of I'liilmlelplnn. i
The funeral cortege entered the church
ceeded by the bishop. At the head of the
line mnrchiHl Bishop BowniMi , by the dt-ath
of Bishop Simpson the sjidor in the episcopal
board , Bishop Hnnison , secretary , Blxhopi
AIndo nnd I < outer , Bishops Taylor nnd Mnl-
ulcux , Bishop Nicholsnn , of the Kcformed
Kplscopal church , nud Bishops Atulte\vn nnd
Aa soon OH the collin had boon placed nK | > n
the catafalque , the wrvicoj began. Tno liri < t
lecsonwas by Itishoii Hnrri and the second -
cond lesson by Dishup Aliulo. Vrayorn wci-o
nlfercd by Kov. Drs. IColly nnd Trmnbull nnd
11 shop Andretrfi. The sermon wns pivached
by HItlopPoiter , nnd was followed by lliahops
L'owlor nucl Bowman in brief nddrcHsJs oulogis-
tie of the dead.
Hev. H. C. Trtimbull read n hjnnn , the con-
clutling jiraycr wns offered by llnv. W. O.
ICelly nnd Dishop Nichulaon of the Keformoil
church pronounced the botipdictlon. At the
conclusion of the excrtisos n large canopy wns
placed over the collin , and tba church WAH
kept open to give nil nn opportunity to look in
upon tlio remains. The body will not bo taken
from the church till to-morrow mowing , when
Itrwill bo interred in youth I4aurel Hill cem
_ ! " _ _ _
Falls From tlio Tower of Grnco
Churoh , Now Yorlr , With Fntnl ate
and DlsiiHtct'ouH lill'ect.
NKW YOIIK 5 , Jnno L'I , The derrick on the came ness
tower of ( iraco church , used In hoisting htono have
building material for tlio now steeple , fell
to-day , carrying with It a mass of timber and Inrs.
ripc-'cg , nnd Joseph McCeo '
prcg , the derrick n'gger ,
Kob . Simpson , a mason , were caught ( In the
ropoi MoKeo was rescued nnd sent to
hospital where the wounJs were pro- Rio
nounceil probably fatal. Simpson cnught in bors
rigging somn diataucu below the edge of nil
tower , remained n long time suspended dealt
foil over the street , finally ho was lowered
the ground nnd sent to the hospital. His :
recovery is doubtful , Several largo ttones linn !
crushed through t the roof of the clmr.-h nnd mil
damage to the amount of S5.000. Thu
accident was caused by the foot of tno derrick
tipping as it was being raised. Great excite
wus created ; throngs of people gathered
lliOHtrectH to the of
see rescue of Simpson.
AH IiiforniBl of
, Juno 21.At 12:30 last night n of
of about fifty people wont to the jail , bat
down the door with a rail taken from
trn k , took Oliver Canfiold , who murdered
. Mollie Gherkin , some time ago , nnd
him to n telegraph polo. Tht body
left hanging 1 until 5 a. m. when It was Ait
by friends , The mob was quiet but de
tarminod The sheriff this
was nt the jail but was
overpowered and no resistance wns made. failuro.
murder was nn atrocious ono , Canliold NEW
the woman from jealousy.
ham ,
to I tlio Democratic Po\v-\vo\v. kiss was : ,
ClIICAC Juno 25.--John J'orsytho nnd landed
H. Cnlvin. of the local reception com chnngo
, nnnounco i that nil railroads loading closed
the city i have agreed to to carry persons Now
the national democratic convention to
ono faro I for the round trp ! , good from brpther-ln
5th to Mth , with the exception of the said :
Northwestern and Milwaukee and St. Fnul
, which will charge ono and one-fifth nud
nnd one-third fare : ) respectively , from non firm
competlni points. tint
Tlio Campaign Chief. Hotehkis
Pinsiiuna , Juno 21. It is said that B. F. speculatio
, an iron manufacturer of this city , his
selected for the position of chairman of two
national committee and this matter will very
settled at tlio meeting of the committee In what
York on Thursday. Mr. Jones when him
to admitted the subject had been night
to him and said ho had suggested his talk
the possibility | : of his nccoptnnco of the I finally
would depend on the fulfillment of I fodid
condition ) . notlco
fMurdor for Money. o'clock '
CINCINNATI , Jnno 2-J. A mysterious mur-
robbery has boon discovered. The body nnd
fine appearing young man who had boon into thu
drinking in several saloons and display- for him
roll of money , was found lying under knecH
Cincinnati & Newport bridge , this morn- mother
Ho was evidently killed and the body while
thcro to give the
impression that ho ran back
fallen from tha bridge , but a few bruises the floor
his person ] disproves this theory. Ho
Driiiiinnnul Ilcslgiif , AN
( , JnnoL'l. It is stated that Judge
At the
, of thu United Btates circuit
has forwarded hin torn ,
resignation to take
July 1st. It has been surmised for BOV- Western
that the venerable jurist hns con- down at
retiring from tlio bench. Ho HUC-
Judge David IJavis ns circuit judge.
An Heir Not Apparent. ST.
II'IIANCIBCO , Jnno 21. Dr. John K , Wabash
fellow of the
royal college of
surgeons , .
, attached to tlio Medical Hcaltn in- .ates
this tity , IK reported missing. Foul and direct
isHUsiiected. It is said ho in heir to an number
fiirluus in Jvngland. psny ,
mo now
Another Abscomlcr. pany
WIMIISOTON , Del. , Juno 21. Joseph J. ntfgivgato 20UinllIin
, president of the
I Newark Uelowaro for
r S31D.OC
company ] hai absconded with $ Ci,000. Michigan
company made an assignment to the
national bank. .lolimou loft the 87,000 ;
_ total of
Cholera in Homliui , These
, Jnno 2 1The first death hero ro- of ro.adn
from cholera occurred Juno 4th , but properly ,
secret. i iiuiro only
for the Children a/aitiHt Another 3 amount
feel the debility of the chaiiRltif ; tlio Appellate
evcinnorolliuii nilults , and they lio- lllinob' ,
cross ! , peevish , and imcontrollablu. the '
i receivers
Hhoulil lie cleanseil anil Ilio ) r lcm clainiH foi'i
* hy the use of Hood's Harunparlllu. as to save
BprliiB ] my two children were vaccl- chase now
Boon ; after , they hioke all out with run- Hock alrc/idy
, ho dreadful I thought I should lost ) ingH
Hood's Harsaparllla cured ( ijrration
them com- '
Thu court
nnd they have been liealthy u\er
) iwndini ]
do '
feel that Hood's Hamupurlllii cxuccd'iig '
children to mo. " .Mntf , U L. jietitioim
v , AVest Warren , Mans.
Purify the Blood Sr , I ouii
were cii culi
f arsaparllla Is characlcrlzrd by Hurritioii ,
pccullarltlcii i 1st , the combination of Iron company
agents ; 8d , the proportion ; 3d , the dther large
teciirlni ; the actlvo medicinal rrftjHed.
The result is riton etatoc
a medicine of unufiinl
efrcctliig cures hitherto unknown. tingle obJIg
book containing additional evidence.
Barnaiiarllla tones up my tn'slc/n , Tlio Ilor
hloou , Kharpeiis my ui > | n > tlo ( , and
mike : mo over. " J , I1 , TIIUJUWJN. MoNTHKAt
Deeils , Ixnvell , Jiass. Kenmiw
Harsaparllla lipats nil othcrn , nml using
weight In cnlil. " I , IlAUlilKU'lON. thu i Canadian
Street , New York City. bank iilono
< ' Sarsaparilla ly 'i 100,000.
lank \ U \ too-
druggists. $1 ; six tor (5. Made Muffur conili
L 1 HOOU & CO. , Lowell , Mass.
OOBDosos _ Ono .Dollar. YWK- nrj
Suspension of the Extensive Honso of
Morgan & SODS ,
The Failure Duo to the Shrinkage
of Values of Stocks ,
The Social Position of the Firm
Bated ad'Very ' ' High ,
Ono of Then Boinc Young Autrust
FnthoHn-Law ,
Pathetic Suioido of the Bankrupt
Burnham at Yonkcrs.
The Chicago ICornltaw Finn's Failure
HnvlnfC nnUntl . liffc at in
- 4.
NEW YORK , Juno 21. The suspension of
Morgan < t Sons Is Attributed to n shtinkngo
value of railroad bonds , of which they
were largo holders at high prices. Edward by
Morgan is expected from Kuropo in n few
days. Their llnlilliilcs
are mainly duo on ex but
change , but Imvo nn liabilities on the stock
exchange. Members of the lirm nro largo real
oslato owners , the Now York hotel boltur ono
their holdings 1 and it is believed their in
ability to realize on real estate Is the Immedi hax
, cause of suspension ,
M. Morgan : fi Sons has boon in busi since
in this I city for forty-fivo yoais. Tlioy
originally from Now Orlonux , and from
nlwnys boon tha correspondents of soyornl !
London liousus. 1 Tlioy rnto at one million' del >
. The suspension is duo to nhrlnkngo in
vnluos nt the stock exchange. The firm wax Ho [
Identified with the Denver & Itlo Grnndo nnd
IhoC. O & I. C. Willroad company. Henry
Morgan was for A director of the Denver &
Grnndo. ! Morgan & BOOH were not mem capital
of the stock exchange. T/ioy / nro known tsry.
merchant-bankers , drew exchange , and nn '
iu securities not on the list. TlmcH
The n 9igamwit 'was made to protect all an ;
creditors eiiinlly. ] Tha correspondent * of the phis
nro thu I Union and City banks in London M.
A. & < M. Heine , Mnrcuurd Andre , and I
Hnttinge & Co. , in 1'nris. There are corro- Now
spondeut alno in nil parts of Kuropo. 10,812
the members of - the firm is very high , the has
daughter I'Mwnrd Morgan bolug the ulfo and
August Belmont Jr. mid
, , Henry Moignn od
connected with thu family of Mr , Brown ,
Brown Bros. & Co. , by marriage. near the
Dies Because Disgraced. ( prize Teiin
NEW Yoliir , Junq < SJ. J. W. Burnham , of
Ilotchkisi ? , Btirnhnm & Co. , shot himself dead .
morning in cousequonco of the recent Kile feet
. y water
YOUK , Juui 24. Joseph W. Burn- ncrfH
who this inoniiri ? suicided in Yonl-ore , til I'ld'd
the junior j < mercSr of the firm of Hotcli- of f
Burnlmm & CjJj Ifow York , \vlut .iua- It IH
payment ] j/uil' before the Ntook ox- IOBH
chmed , the rfay the Metropolitan bank
, Ho formerly lived nt Windsor hotel
York , but on tluf 1st of Juno ho moved
Yonke : , nnd took up hia abode with bis
rpther-ln-lnw , 1' . W. Kinnaii. Mr. Kimian weather
Mr. Buriihamlins northoaflt [
Mr.K I'or '
failed , but ho IUM not been BO irrntiona easterly
ho could not wit his ollico fiom day to
Last week' , his partner , Horace L. Dove
? , who has been moro fortunntu [ .in
since ft'io failure than Biircham , NKW
him ho wns gojng into the country for attempted .
mnntl . Tnis seemed to nlfoct Biirnlmu nnd win
greatly. Ho iwid to mo , ho did not know covered.
ho would do , now his paitnor had lott thcHO
alone in his ti-ouble. After Biipper last time.
ho and I sat on tha plawn talking , but
wns so rambling and incoherent thnt
told him ho had bettor go to bod. OTTAWA.
so about 10p. in. lJin wife did not .Sunday
anything apccial durini ; the night , but A largo
morning when ho nwoko BOOH after 7 Illinois
ho took to bo the
kissed her over nnd over nfpin. She went
bath rooiij to get 'n pitcher of water Tlunuoui
nnd wlicn xho returned ho wax on hin lIlllillHOf
in prayer at the uhlu of the bed. Her ice and
called her Into the next room , and soiiin
thor the wjfo Jieaul n pistol shot. tSho U'liNion
into i the room mid liurnham lay on
by the ildu of the bed , pintol in hand. Tlio
never spoke nor recovered hi Bcnnos
ho lived 23 jnimitCH. Diiriilnun wau
Santa ] "
oin TUiBtir.KonAi'ii o vlction
beginning ot the recent ttriko of ononi testimony
liurnham camu to the atHiHtunco of the nrgninont.
Union , . t < * ) M elf bin coat , and eut
nn inxttuuiant durlntr throa nights ,
Tlio Weakened "Wabnuli , them
Till IlKOKIVinM AND TllK hUITB. yeHtordny
Loui , Juny 21.Tho lecolvom of thu nt Touui.v tliii
railway Mid n p9tition In the United
court to-dy , praying for the advice
direction ! of thu court concerning the largo Itoin : ,
of piiita now pending ngainst the com- ties , the
Thti petition roeitea that there nqitlnat
pending against tlio com- French
2(57 ( miiU in Missouri , of nn nnd had
of 83RO.OCO ; 1-12 iu lowu $210,000 ;
Illinois , for $100,000 : ltl ! in Indiana , The
. ; lit In Ohio , lor SKW.OCOj 2 in JlllOAno
, for 8102.000 ; I. in Nebraska for founilrr
and miveial ' other * in Now Yoik , Mas- is lying
, KWW'M and Arknnsas , making u fever ,
over two'million dollars , '
suits lire ! In the nature of clalirm of
kinds , gro > vlni ( out of th < ) coiiHtructlon
nnd Iho.toucivorH
think if they ore
or compromlsVl It will re-
' Tlio cclebr
from' lOO.COO to & ' 1G < ) ,000 ti > satisfy grounds io
petition recites thut judgments to
of % 217,000 bad ' 1f < x < n nmdeiwj A
thn comp'.uiy or are yo pending in Jno. H.
couits of Michigan , Indiann , 187K I was
inoliWisconHn | and Iowa , of cnncoioii
petition ! * \\cto received , unking that my llenh (
bi.1 empowered to udjtikt tlio I rooelvod
foi'daimigen to IH.THOII or proiwrty , no iloeod with
the I OXIJOUBU of JitlgatUm ; to pur- no crippled
cnmpjnorit and pay for rolling could ocarei
bought , arid fur various cthor mouth worn
eeineil UecensAry for the suucciuful to fall
of thu road. health ,
ordered thnt thu roccivors defend llfo was a
fiiliiiK'nultf , and ndJnnt the claims not ridden , nnd
§ 3,000 , und iiiderod that nil other prayed fori
In referred Hiecial | .Mauler Allen. whole outnl
ca o following
! Ht.yljoulH I-JinbarrauBtnotit , in turn neon
, M > , , Juny 21 , Vnguo nimora 110110 : of them
ciiculatodf. tiny or two pnst thut IMwin life i WOK IIIMI
of the Choteau , Jlurrison & Valla Inti : H. 8 ,
: , HUI ! connectotl with varloua In ton days
opterpiiiox , wai financially em- short tlino
Ina brief interview to-day liar * grown nut
that ) , o had not fulled to mootn returned ;
op , And ho thonglit that ufll- are i entirely
to n ( nero publlu iiiiuor. and 1 for the
Kvery sere
liorHlitnj' wolcth as mi
perfectly he
, June ' . ' -I , The failuio of .
C. .1. tt nnH of tin
K Co , , of Chicago , had most do Not only IH
ctfoct on the market hunt. Homo of lag
on my
bn.ikt are involved ; the M ntre/il od incurnbli
, i ) t/ere tad to the t-xtnnt of near- 1 loved uf
. TJia general mannger y the potaOi mixture
tottcortal'i extent secured , but will .VuatUo
conilderubh \ , free.
. TllBSwi
„ i *
I n Now Yorlr , j t . ( ja. , 15 ! )
YWKJHUV ! ! . Tlie fvaturo of thwjChotuut S
dry " , xd HIMkctto-day WM the auction inlo of
3.0C pnckAgiv < of brown , blue and othtr mixcyj
blnnki'ts. The price * wen' low , and return n
lo s to the malitilnctitrora of surely Ifl per cunt
Other than the obovo there bin Iwn vrry lit
tle dolncr , nnd the market is wearing the dull-
no a of the previous week ,
The PACO Dons lit Vull Klnst Durlnji
the Day NoKxnduH of Gamester * .
SpoclM Dltpntch to TUB BKB.
CIIHUOO , Juno I.M. Nearly nil the gambling
homes nloug I Olnrk utrect wcro open n little
before noon to-day , nnd itV H no trouble to
gain enlrnnco. The tnble * were nearly nil
crowded mid "businois"'wns golrgon ipiiotly.
"Who night comesthU pUeowill ucclomxl , "
paid n nun In No. IM , "nnd tluwvill 1m no
lisa of n Rama The polioo try to pUy tumrt
with the gambler * nnd theRnmblers in turn
hoodwink the jmlico. "
"Is there nny truth In the rumor thnt the
gninblan nro leaving the city1 ? wnt nskcd of
n111.111v [ touted in gambling cirolcH.
"Thurois not much truth in It , "answered
thomnn ns ho mulled , ' .they urnbo
the heart of thuclty for the outckutfl , but thcro
nro only " n very few who are nully leaving the
_ _ _ _
The Coming Cropn of Whont , ns Itull <
catcil tiy ItoporlK frntu tlio
Nnrt Invent ,
ClllC'A , Juiio2l. I'rom reports received
the Karmi'i-s' lioviow
ns to the wheat proa-
peels , there is
promise of n full nvorngo ctop ,
not an enormiotm
yield. Tim average
yield promises tu equal that of 1883 , with nu
increase , ncroncu. Iteports from Dakota am
nnifomly of A favorable character. Minnesota
H pronmo of "fi pur cent , nu nvorago crop ,
glvci promlsoof A full nveriigocrop ,
IVoipects in Indiana. Ohio and Illinois mo lii )
fail , nud hnvo shown no iinprovoment
the hiHt R-port. The yield in Michigan P.
Bromines to fall ihoit of last year. Itoports
Missouri nro illncoitrnging in tone. In
vnnsiH thu outlook is good , but not ipjitu HO
promhiitf ( ns n month c n.
Houoru Ills \itlicr nnd Drnw
$ inooo.
The holder of ono-fiftli ticket 10,812 , , the Ho
of $70.000 in the Louisiana State Lot
, Tuosduy : , Is Mr. Isano Ilninoi , engineer
the M. & 0. It. K , To n Chattanooga torj
roportori | ho snid : "I hanponcd to find
old SI ! bill in my pockotboook when in Men1
, nnd concluded to buy n lottery ticket of 2d :
A. Dauphin , Now Orleans , La. , by mall.
thought no moro of It. when n tologrnm from
owOrleans wna received today , that No.
hnd drawn the prlzo , ? 7f > , ( WO In the A
Loulsiann State Lottory. I found thnt my
corresponded with the number. " Ho
boon on i the M. k 0. li. 11. for 11 years , HIT
Is hold in high esteem. Ho has support- liiuu
two slstora nnd an aged father for years
Stovouson , Ala. A few months ngo , in
Louisiana Stnto Lottery , ho diow a largo
receiving ! $000 for his share. ' ' Memphis
) , Lodger ' , May 1(1. ( side
Cnlilornlft Flooan. cult.
.SlfKKT ! ( , Cal. , Juno 21. The break in
riiUo levee , Union Inland , is now forty
wide The olforts to ntoji the How of
liaH been abandoned , hoven thouHand
of wheat will bo destroyed. The efforts
' u the ] hmnch on thn hsveo lower diviHion parade
Iloboil , Inland Imvo nlso been abandoned , was
ImpoHrtlliYu yet td detorinlno the uvcutunl
in tl1"1"J ; *
The Weaiiiur To-Day. St.
WAHIIINIITON. June 21. Vor the Upper npolfx
litiHisslppi Vnlioy : Coojer nnd puitly cloudy parade
, light rains , wind ) shifting to the wnrni
nnd i Koutheast. truck1. (
the MiHHouri Valley j Local showoii' , Selmlt/
cooler , partly cloudy weather ,
Trout Ul li Jlrhl o in Doutli , Jacob
YOIIK , Juno L'l. Josepji Cilamoro ( Letii
to ( live from high bridge to-day , eevning.
killed. His body lias : Vt been to- four
. Very few witnessed the leap and river ,
only happened on the bridge at the
Calamero wns u Ilnrlem fruit denier.
Intcr-Stiuo H. H. Aasoinbly. In
. Kan. , Juno 21. The inter-stale nouncoin '
school iiKHKinbly bewail this aftenuion. alatlvo
number of vititorH from Indiana and
were proHont. The nHiombly pruniiHCs they ' .
largcht over held in the went. slonlst coinlnd
will bo
Some Duliiuo | Glrl'H Ualy. onts
, Juno UI. The decomposed ro
of an infant , wrapped In n piece of en'-
encased li ( n box , wi-rit discovrred by llural
boys nt the foot of the Hixth htreot ox- The
thin evening.
Cnrponlcr ] Hnnift Fo Scrip A dry
: , D. T. , Juno 21 , The Carpontur able
'o ! H crlp ciiso ondnd to-day In the con- cs , with
of Carpenter. The defense put in no pure
. , nnd iiibmittod to the jury without awampa
The Cholorii at Toulon. the
MJviwKIM.BH , June 21. TravelleiH nswit therefore
wen 18 deaths by cholera at Toulon find
, ing in
. , .TnnoJfl. NodrntliH from chc-lorn quality
Mar Ifiupltal wlnco Sunday. tlio
in in Pour the annu
Italy or Clioloni.
.Fmio lil. fn the chamber of deiiu * once to
iirlmo uiiniHter Hald in a precaution in
ciiolera the government Inn fnrhldilcn readers.
uhljiH free nratlijtio _ at Italian fortH , Just
instriictod ufmiirantine. ion is
tion on
" "
"SlocploNu Kyo"
ton of
, Juno 21. Allan I'inki'rtnn , thu IJiiUltlu
of the 1'iukorton
Motcctivo Agoncv ,
lit the point of dentil from malarial willing
- - wool ,
tit , JcanlJaptlHlo , wool ni
, , Jimo2l.- heavy rain to ilay country
with the Ht. .loan Unpiwlo fostivaf.
celi.'bration of at the
main exhibition
that it
till 11 '
wu delayed o'clock.
spite ; of
Cnso AVItliout JJono. might
Hooker I of Mncon " or muchj
, , On. , wrltosi "In
such aotii
attacked i by thu most ravenous nort
Hares , that nlo grout holes Into euucd
nnd preod rapidly ovtr my body. ncction
tha very best mudlcul attention : wns and that
mercury and potanh until Ivui portant
with morcmiul rheumatism that I
scarcely hobhlo about ; my tin oat nud joct upon
badly ulcornted ; my hair liCgun inonts
oul . Ho wrecked wai my genera' ' of f import
that I becaino a pliyrlcal ruin nnd my unjust
burden , Vor a , long time 1 won bed-
my aiifforlng win to Intense that I respect ,
fordeatli as aroliof , I exhausted the to moot
outaloguo of ii.itont modicliioti , In euch growing
the directions rollglimiily. Kuch to ) clothe
ncoinod to nggriivato the malady , and with all
bonelitted mo In anyway. Whun
inns wil
npnarontlv 1
hopeless uoinmoiicod Ink-
H. To this imoclfla 1 nwo my Illu. clothing
1 commenced Imiirovhig , and In a stract ( jut
was perfectly well. My hair has 'arid' ' is
thick ; my health and strength have tion as to
the ulcers In throat
my and month
Hsino terms
curudi my appdlto has rotiiruod ,
first tlino In yturs I enjoy my food. dustrics
has 1 diunppearod from my body. I Tlio Kt
much an 1 ever did In my llfo and am past expo
henlthy In every way. The very and money
cancer allllctlun nro dostroynii ,
the terrible malady that wim jiroy.
llfo , and which every ono prommnu- breeders
, entirely cured , but 1 am alto ro- nurt of th
the t bad clfucts of the mercury and has been
* that 1 was fed on for yours. " their habit
on lilood and tiklii Diseases mailed Hocks for
- Hret'iric Co. , Dinwor 3 , Allan > with the
W. 23d Ht. , N Y. , ami 1205 siblo imni
St. , i'Jilla. ( cccdcd , U
Ball ,
At Chicftgo Kn ton . 0 : ChlcngtMi , 13.
At '
Ht , 1'mil Minneapolis , 13 ; St. IVtul , 3.
Loniivllla-Loulsvillo. Cj
'AtTolodo-Toleilo. -I : lUUItnore , 3.
At Clo > eland I'hiladelphln , ( ! , Cleveland ,
t Must SoRhmw ( Ifcino called
, but ixst-
m nccotmt of ruin.
At - ( { , 10 ; Mllwnnkoi- .
At ilAUiinoru Union" , llnltlmori'
, 17 : Chi
cage , 8.
At lloston Unions , Cincinnati , 7 } Dostnn.
At Cinclunfttl Cincinnati , 12j'AHr-glnny ; ; ,
At At ColuinbuH-ColumbiH - , 81 Brooklyn ,
At ] Doti-oit-rnnidcneo , I ; Detroit , 0.
nndmiiRHlli | Athletics "
! IndUunpo-
At I'lillAdolphm , 1. Unions , Ht. iB , 17 ;
At St. Ij < mi St.
At T/ouix. 1) ) ; Washington , 3.
, I , Wnjhlngton-lvnnsaf City , 2 ; Nnton-
At Still wntor Still watoni , li IVoriax , 8
At Hiiirftlii-XowYork. 10j HiifTnloH , B.
At 13ay City ( rand Knpids , ( , ; llay
Citj' . 5.
Cim'Ano. Juno 21Tho legal move undo
to oust the ChicAfto base
lenpuo boll club fn > ni
its ernuiidH on thn Inku front have failinl ,
.Indgo Illodgfltt , of the fodornl court , this
afternoon pave n divlnion which parmitH the
wcuinnoy | of the grounds the propnt HVAIOII ,
but oujoliiH the city from loa-iiug the grounds
or nny purpose thereafter ,
RmldlnlinKB nnil Snlkoy ,
CIIIOAMO , Juno 2 1 , Ladlon Sti\km 2-yoar-
old filliesIhroocpirrter milolihodnna won.
Ida Hopo2d , Klrun i ] , time , 1:1 : ! ) .
Milo heats -Lehman won , Kdwiu 2il ,
Itowott 3d ; boat time , lilfi.
Mi-reliantH ntnkes nil ngoi milo and jv in
imnrtor Acconder won ; Dnvln 2d , ( Jnno ltd )
time , 2:121.
Stoonlechasohort '
coumo 1'icVctt won , '
hmora IM , Ohio Hey Jldtiim , : t:0l : ( {
- Lsbollo
. 1) . ( ? 2d ngiii won ; ing
, , AdviMitnn-r 3d ; timo. 1:17JJ.
lhreo-unrti'r ( milrH nll 8Uc.
acosNiplum won ;
SudioMcNniry 2d , Allct kl ; timi ) , I'.UI.
SHKKraniSAii U Y. Juno -Mllo-iuid-au- -
n'glilli. Maik Laud won ; Trankio B. 2d :
Hoibert 3d. Time , 1:5(1 : ( ? . ran
Milo nnd-n innrtor ] 3-ycar-nld ( lllloN--M'ol-
U. won , ; Miss Itrown 2d Louinolte
, ; , 3d. fej
Time , 2U.
Grrat Poit Htakiw
ton-mile I'lorlo won ; Loaudn , 2d , lirook- dull
wood. 3d. ; ' Time , 1IH. - for
Mllo-flvo-furlongs Trnfulghnr won : Blast ,
Drake Cartor. 8d. Time 2:52. :
Mile Lnteslring won ; John Lodford , 2d ,
Krupp Oun , M. Time , 1-I3J. : Juno
Steeple chn o Short
eouiflo KcnpItan
Abrnliaui : , 2d ; ( Jlennriii. 3d , 1:18 : $ . ; 7 the 65
iNniANAroi.iH : , .luiio 2-1. First day of mira-
HUM oting > 2:30 class
: llesslo won : best
2:3 : ! < j.
1'nclng1 Undo Nod won ; time 2:31. :
VANKTON'H xuur. cnttlo.
YAWKTOM , Juno 21. The three day turf The
meeting < > | x > ncd this afternoon with sixty out shade
horses on the ground. This is the third 185.
meeting of the Sioux City nnd Dakota cir ITH
. buyoro.
Kim. ,
LOUISVIU.K , Juno 21. St. John's dny wns (
colebrntt hero to-day with a picnic , drills ,
, and i droworks nt niglit. The weather
unfavorable in the nftornoon nnd the nt- fi@10o
known'1 comnnnd.erlos imrticip'ntiid In the inndn
nnd drills Do I ! )
: DoMnlny , of Louisville ;
Dcrnnrd. of CJiicngo ; Itnnier , of Indinn- for
; nnd Ivniilmo , of Sh , Louis. The
wns very fine , hut the weather wnH HO
thnt sovnral Sir Kniglitu
were HUH-
. The only serious cans wns Albeit
/ , of i Chicago. _
" i'u Dakoffe1 Arrival (
Juno 21. A horpo thief named
O'Nnil wns caught niulj lynched in Me
county , forty.fivo milrH north , .Sunday
. It is reported til's ' evening' thnt Sankoy
more of the gang were pnr/med / to Mouno ship
where ono was shot and tlirou lynched. sally
another column will
uo found the nn wo
nouncomont of Messrs , TIIOS. COOK & SON fore.
Agontu , 201 Broadway , Now York ,
vo to the very complete arrangements sections
have made for toura In Knrops the apart
Spring and Summer. "Cook's Kxcur- capacity
, " containing maps and full particular * , While
mailed to any address on receipt of 10 was
.Slice ] ) In Kuiisnu. "Did
Now Yorker. day ! "
Katumn Prairies nro , perhaps , the "Ever
sheep pastures in North America. morning
, porous soil , rich herbage , n favor- overflow
olintato , nnd nltnost constant brooz- granted
nn abundance of limo in the soil , were
water , and a romerlcublo absence of "Whai
c wet lands , oltogothor provide "Why
OEUontially nccoarary conditions for overflow
successful roaring of shoop. It is , church "
, no rest on Irt surprise to "Mr.
the flocks : ot Kims IB rapidly i nor on a- across
numbers as well ns improving in "No
, A good test of the condition , of days. "
flocks of any locality is furnished by "It
annual sheep shonringa , and a refer- boon
the recent gatherings of this kind "No.
Kansi may bo of interest to many work ,
. 1 Htoppet
now the subject of wool produc- "WJml
mooting with a good deal of atlon- uro ? "
account i of tlio unfavorable net- "Wo
congress in regard to the tariff. though (
although wool-growora may bo quito remain
tr accept any bonolit which sailed
from an import duty on foreign ion I
yet there can not bo a doubt thnt land ,
rnny j bo produced profitably in this was
in spite of the competition of received
other country in Hio world : nnd flUCBS
will remain a ataplo product in
any unfavorable action that
bo taken in thia direction , hotvov
muciunany wool-groworo might rcgrot
notion , Perhaps I might bo ex-
0111 passing remark in this con-
in ! favor ot tlio wool producers ,
la , thnt to single out this im-
agricultural industry as an ob-
which to try political export *
Joolcini ; towards the largo dccrouao
dutioj , is an exceedingly
discrimination , and that in tins
if i tiio American wool-grower is
the competition of tlio world in
wool i , at least ho should ba able
himself and provide himself
ether nuccssuricH of lifoon equal
with thooo upon which hit sheep's U
is produced. It isnotanub-
question with liim as to whether a
good or not , but a relative quoa-
wliothor ho is to work on the
as mon engaged in ether in.
or not.
Kansas shepherds have /or years
expended a groit deal of care and
in the improvement of their ?
in no other State , luvo sheep PURE
givou moro attention to this
thuir businoea , and their success , Si
proportionate. It has been In If ft Andrew him or
to mnk'i visits to each others' tlvd/pur
comparison and informutiou recfJvuilTro
, ton ; 21. lc )
purpose ] of uflecting every pos- llodo , Mllw
improvomcnt. How they Imvo sue-
the results will uhow. ' "
. 29'ioko"1 .
Chick's ' Grain Exchange Shows Con
nie SlreDElhYesierday ,
Wheat Onons Firm ,
Sharply but Aenin
, : ons.
Corn Olosos with a cational
Gain During th
? ort Dull and lard . lir DO
inand and Fi S' .
Jattlo Shows Better Prioos and
Demand for Lighter Stock ,
IORS Kvlnco a lUvoly Marker , will *
CHIOAOO , Juno 21. The markets exhibited
onsldenxblo strength to-day , which was well
Kiistaim In the latest tr.uisactloni thia nfter-
11(1011. ( The market for wheat opened firm nnd
ndvnuct nharply under good
demand , in-
lltiencei by n reduction In the visible supply ,
which exceeded ft million bunhols , nnd prices
ndvnnct 9 , when the reports of moro failures
New York caused a decline of .Jo , but again
mint steadier | , ndvnncing Jo , llnctuatod and
cliwed A tit fto ever the latest figurcn of .
day. On the afternoon board still another yoetor.
Hhnrp ndynuco ! of fl to } 'o occurred ; July clos
. nt Jilljc , August at SSfa and .September at
mlod n Kliado ttor. The visible supply
nho\vcd n i reduction of lens than A huudreil
thoutaui bushels. 1'ricos lluctnatoil within
range of go nnd clanod nbont io oier the latest
prices yentedny. On the afternoon board ,
prices advanced : Jo additional , July cloaingmt
, nnd August nnd September nt GO j. ' (
, but stondy ; latest quotations
for.Iulj , nnd l8o ! for August , 31SJ
Vorkery dull , nominally closing nt 910 for
nnd July , nnd 8 00 asked for August.
Lard iu i fair demand nnd firmer , closincron
afternoon board nt 710 for Juno and July ,
for August , nnd 7 05 for September.
The trade opened nctivo and prices ruled
medium ,
stn > |
. Tl
nnd feeders , with no injury nnd
. Hood to cholcu whipping , l , ' . ,
pounds , ( i 00@0 BO : cotmnun to modlam.
1,0001 ) . OpoundH , 5 15@505 ; grass Toxang ,
HOO@8W ) pmmdH , ! 17C@5 00 : corn foil Texans ,
87fig'J20 iMiuuds , 5 00@C 75. . '
The market opened fnirly nctivo nnd follj
higher than thu close of last night. " *
Ecomcd to. bo wanted , , nnd ' "
ntrl OUI 00"foF'skips nd' . . . . . ,
00@fl-15 for niBortod light , nnd t > UO@A
common to choice he.ivyj light , 1S0 2I0 >
pounds 70@fi SO.
of the Evungollaf ; in Now ;
Vorlc City Imst Night *
YOUK , Juno 21. Jfr. Ira P.
arrived to-night on the atoara-
Britannic. Ho spoke cntliuaiasti-
of the i work done by himself and D.
Jloody in Great Britain , "par
mootingi in Ireland wore very largo , but
did more in London then over ba-
Wo had two largo halls built' in
, so that they could bo tukea
and moved. Each had a seating
of between 5,000 and 0,000.
wo hold Borvcosin ! ) ono , the ether
being moved to another quarter of ;
oily , BO that wo never lost n day.
you have uprvicos every
"Every day , and thrco times a day
, , afternoon , and night. Wo had
meetings everywhere , and were
u concession which wo never
given before. "
was that/ / "
wo were permitted to hold our
meetings in the cstabl'shod '
, "
" . Moody I did not accompany you
, lie will bo hero in a few
wo reported that your voice bad
impaired , la it true ? "
. not at all. I did a great deal of
but I did not injure my voiqe , for
in time. "
are your plans for the fut-
Iiavo no dofinato plans as yet , al-
il is pretty certain that wo will
in thia country. Right before I
wo had received the largest petit-
over saw from the people of Iro-
asking us to visit them again. Jt
about twenty yards long. Wo also
a petition from India , but I
VfO will remain at homo. "
n py i nM 11
SlIOOp. Given
ftlnniornnylnjiirlonsciililuneeacaii bo { blind
Joarl Bftking I'owdor. Js l > of
. IMnscntlortcilanUtiatlmonluU
) sacli chemists as B. Uuna lInys.Dc * .
Dclafontame , of C'lilengo ; nuil
Mihvunkee. NevertoM Iu bulk.
287. :