OMAHA DAILY BEE---TUESDAY , JUNE LOOALBREVnm CnUorwood ulnga tV , E Mia M * o o commencement school at the high ( Council Bluffs. In jat William Work now punts ' ! ng a pair of pants from dealer on atroet this morning. thtovcfl on On Satruday night ' residence 01 \Vm. O. Chambers' articles ot | vi street , and took Bomo clue. John Spnahlvckand Mrs.Tolm with adultry wore examine * charged and bo Bonolco yesterday nftornoon In Uio " of court to the next term each. W anl Uicbit * -Frank Work , felonious fts Brock ch rgcdwith _ tlu held to bail m - Uwlll were IB-rank Bcneko. They . S700 each by Judge reloaicd nnd were the required bonds the name ol IlawWns A by man / tb / torday sentenced to ton days In water for vftgrano , and ' broad jail on like like charge was given n on ft \ Tan On several ot the front doors o ; the following no Sunday , was scon " It hi back door. admittance. Side or signed effect and the result waa a go bock door trade. . br The Musical Union Orchestra lurnlnhod the muslo for the republic ing Saturday evening nnd It was M I over hoard In this clt ; music M was have received their now uniforms wear them for the first tlmo thlf at tha opening concert on Jefferson s Mr. lleubon Wood , whoso odvo this In of the Club Stables appears old resident cf Omaha , having r an ' old days of 'I this city In the good his livery bus Wood will conduct guarantees sa and first class manner , in every particular. Complaint Is found with some of street. They Par-nam of granite on sides lea Inner the the sidewalk , and the buildings and are liable to fall at and ate very liable to Injure omo 01 contractor was notified In regard but has made no them last week , change It , "Wm.Byan was wrcatod yesta being drunk and creating a distur Barney Shannon's saloon. Officer made the arrest but Ryan did not pi submit and undertook to glvo the thrashing. Burgess Is a pretty good bis iists and proved it to Ryan's Ha ! After ho had dressed him down In g loaded him on and ho called a wagon , to the city jail and ho Is now playing with his nose. John Mulvlcka was arrested Sat being drunk and whipping his wlf torday in police couit ho ploadi guilty. " His wlfo and llttlo boy wo the stand and both testified tha upon of drunk and bo in the habit getting family and that ho struck his wlfo o Benoko fined htm ? & and i . day. Judge Jtontonced him to ton days in the coui hard labor. Th Judge also told hln before him again on , io over came charge that ho would give him the fti " of the law , ninety days in { all. OF N. 0. Tobacoo fines landOF l v at j m , . PERSONAL. t > il tl f > rJ Johnston of Iloldtcgo , ia at R. 8. , J. K. Hobson , of Lyons , Nob. , ilotropolltivn. -Goo. Oilman , of NobrofiVa City. Jlctroplitan. A. 1Mastcnnan , of Orleans , HotropollUn. 1' . E. Jackman , of Pilot Groto , 1 tlio Metropolitan. O. B. Avery , of Talnnont , SB B ! the Metropolitan. E. Briugs and daughter , of "West at the Metropolitan. Mr , J. J. Mclntonh , o ! Sidney , ; ' cd at the Pftxton. Mre. A. II. Bator and ion. of land , are at the L'oxton. M. A. Harttgan , of I'latumouth , city ( topping at the Metropolitan , ' John Laoslng and 0. J. Furor , o ! Neb. , are registered at tha Motrollt O , Specht proprietor of tbo Woati "Works , left yesterday noon for Lin Goo. "W. Cook , of the fimi ol < Coolr , left yesterday for a bus through thertnte , nnd will bo gent .Mr. A. II. Davenport , tb.o aftiri oommodatlnK room clirk at the Mil las taken hU family and departed They will bo absent about three i In ? which ttmo they will ondoavo themselves. 1. K. Kinnolly , Jackson ; C. JFairmopt ; 11. T , Maxwell , Clai Itailcy , Linoolu ; J , II. Johnson , I W. Xoll , Columbutj J. Draper , Nl T. Ward , Dakota City ? K. M. lfullerton ; Hon. Jno. B , JUrnm , 1 X. Levy Stantoii , were at Urn Mill day. day.K. . C , B wyer , Tainnont ; Pali O'Neill ; II. 0. Browu , Norfolk ; V , Albion ; J. l'Borimid aud II. Xlnutln ) A 1' , llowoi , Blair ; Kobe ton , Oretghton ; 12. 0 Jucknon Kenncy , Blalrj V , A. Wi > odwnn atul J. J , Mclutouh roistered yu tbo 1'avton. V SEAL of Naitli Cai-uluia Tola boat. DM 1) . 3lOlIDE-Theresl , d uRh'er of William Itahde , Ouue'ZJ , iijod [ G Funeral will UVo plaso Juuo 211 * n. , from Tnonty.firit and How Ifrlend * are Invited NF.BHABKA STATE ivtm DJIIKCTOUV to bu iestu-i 18ft-i , prloo H Ot ) . J. Myt hot 121 p , Mth St. . Oiiuiha. It it a f > ict thut mr mudical ] ud thu hale cquall * il by Th of Life , nr , Bull Prrifci vatimi , ' bonk i > ftiy M d KIICK tlm ji of Uncle VOIII'H 0 < tlini , tbirty y jdvertUeuunt. pomon aUundins Mi fine iihnrthnru cnttlo at will bo retuni"ri at ( j ) fire over the 1) & W , li R. Me Conncil Last NUt Prefer of Impeachment Against ( Suspend Him fromOl & .nd til Disposed of by that Almost TJnanli Clio Council the I'lnn to bo rnrirac regular moo At the adjourned ity council last evening Ml the roro present. Not moro thn were outside ozen spectators hen the session commenced , I nearly all thi , had adjourned jam was taken up. It was E irricd that the council prococ jgulixr order of business. COMMUNICATIONS AND PETIT he From the mayor , stating roved certain ordinances. Prom the samp , as follows : Gentlemen of the City Councll- necessary for mo. on account jtno ncoinylaBt communlo tion to you president of the council , Mr. * m xko clmrgo of city affairs as acting the rc This will explain to yon in not able this o > oiling to trannm otallcd statement of my reason ! ot resigning the mayoralty. Very roipoitfmly , Your obedient servant , CHAMPION S. Mr. Anderson moved to place file which was lunicatlon % pn moved to la ; Ir. Furay which was also i io table , ho latter motion having the pi vroa put by the chair am ngthy debate by Rodfiold wo Mr. Hascall then presented tl articles ot impeachment 0 | ig ayor' which ho had carefully Wo the undersigned councllmen r Omaha hereby prefer and prejon wing charges * against Champlou aynr of Omaha , and ask that lachod and removed from ills ta ayor. Int. Drunkonnoas , which has bee tied by the constant and oxccs roug and spirituous liquors am ink ! . . 2nd Incompotcncy to perform tl lu mayor , caused by dninkontiOH i mgomontof tbo nervous system , v fccted his brains and produced u [ mind. 3rd. Neglect of duty. Misconduct malfcoRnnco r 4th. , leaner in office , forthat the mid Cl ! hase did take nnd _ necuro bribes ' lew nnd othetR , which did corrupt' , im in the performance ot the dt ffica , and caused him to neglect t lent of laws and ordinances nccess oed government of the city and nc lie protection of life and property. 5th. Collapsing and conniving ' luthrlu , marahat for gain , rewards ) allow ftiiJ Hiitfcr the lawn and or u violated without prosecuting eta. Dated Juno 20Ui1881. 1 . J. Mun J. B. KEDI 0. C. Tau- W. F. DEC O. D. Woe JOHN F. B 1'ATllICK 1' JNO. n. Fi IRA.AO S. I CHAHU-S t 3Jn. W. Li ilr. Hascall then made the notion which was carried : That the council entertain t iroforrod against Champion nayor , and that Monday , Jun > . 1884 , at 10 o'clock a. m. of 10 fixed aa the time to comn rial of the same and that the c 11 moot in city clerks office in hat tlmo to proceed with the t A'motion was made to adji lascall stated there was othoi o perform and introduced the osolutlon : WUKHKAS , Charges in writiiif aado and presented to tliocounc nembcrs thereof agamst Clmmjiloi nuyor of the city of Omalut , askini inneachcd and removed from Haid WHKUBAH , The said Olmmplon tow under indictment for Crimea noanora committed while acting 01 ir , and fur malfeasance and in illico which tald indictment WK [ > reuouted at the present tcnn of and f jourt now in somion In Bounty , state of Nebraska , nnd the lias been arruHtcd and in held to an court for said crimes and lulbdcrac therefore , Kesolvud , By the city council of Omaha that Champion S. Cbasn b by is smpoudbd from said office of ing tha pendency of the trial of tl clmrguH against him by said cluvi of the council. Upon the adoption of this nearly all the members of t presented their views. Andi ho was opposed to the rosolutii ho thought the mayor was ontl investigation of the charges against him. Ho would bo \ morrow morning or any otlio any such proceeding to which was justly entitled , but ho \ < for its adoption novertholosr. Mr. Ladder then made a 1 ranguo , and ended by saying aa good a friend to the mayor who proclaimed it aloud , but v against the resolution. Mr. Furay said there was ot precedent for this impoachmni that ot David Butler. Upon formed by Mr. Ilaicall that t or'a functions were suspended pondeney of the proceedings a | ho declared himself in fayor < lion. Mr. Furay said it wai question of propriety than of li Messrs. Kaufman and Hi spoke upon the question , ft adoption nf the resilution , Mr. Tlodfield said ho was no of the resolution , as ho th proper procedure WAS by ordi supplemented his remarks by I such ordinance , which was re clerk. Oity Attmnny Council , be upon , g.ivo it na hia opinion tl moro n question of Iinv than The power to Kuspoud the may was fully given by the city ch council , but the ordinance \ defective , uml ho could not rarily nuanonJut1 , That ho cr peauhod and porninnontly ron not ( jucati < Ill'Jo ho pould moment. Tlio following resolution w troduced by Mr. Furay at a for UuBCdll'u Mr , Uaucall c its substitution , but finally uon votfd for it : Wn UKAH , Chninntim S. Clique th > * city i'f ' Omaha , li tt by vrittnu tlun ub licut il his I'lllco ' temp run th t th | res d nt i > f the couiuli a lu hit ttrad. mid WIIKUBAH , Clmriu liavo IMJ n7ai st tlio tukl Ch ui.pion . li. C of I In i. Ity of Omaha , for munUvn ca > fttitv uml mtill'KS nui in i ffive llet hud , That tli v luut ry u tlio said CWc , m ) or of hu city bo o vp'od nd bi I furlh r Hw 4 0'i , Th t Uiu the said Champion S. Ch f > c , i ] the pcnd pended from office during trial of tha aforesaid ch rgcs. , ' A motion , * w Iheh'madaUiaJ > " " " " whtcol.a by laid upon the table bo roconsid waa adopted. The mayor's communication placed on filo. Furray's subst olutlon was then adopted by n "i cloven to ono , Losdor voting The council then proceeded anco * on first reading. Mr. ntroducod an ordinance snspe . Haacall objected as h nayor. and in , t was unnecessary weakened the resolution just at recognising Ohaso as still mayo throe The ordinance was road which the co lossod , after ournod. EXO1XKMBNT. rush at "What causes the great ' Storor The free i Bocht's Drug ' bottles of Dr. Bosanko's of sample , Syrup , the most popular ung and Colds , Consumption Coughs , slzo 1 now on the market , llcgular $00 DISTRICT OOUK The PJnlntlfT Non.Sultcd In s , Rccd , Joncn In the District courtyostorda against Guthrie di Df the state Dn trial as expected. Judge Gi ias several cases pending in cou irhich ho is plaintiff , had como lomo to Omaha to bo present rials , These cases were taken ommodato Judge Gaslin , and nal docket sot over. his mornintr. Before Judge ho case of Parker against Rood the attention of Jo. occupied U day. In this suit the plain til ontof Saline county , in this e ovorfll yearn ago , with his parl bought of defendant ser ror , rorth of goods. As claimed I \nt they were obtained by .oncoa , the plaintifls misro ) heir financial condition. A iraa sworn out apainst Parkc ibovo charge , who was brought tied and found guilty. The akon up to the supreme court , where tlio judges decided thi county district court had no juri .ho case as the offense had bcc ted in Saline county. Faker and his partner Sawyi ngly brought suit to recovoi which they placed at $0,000 cause of thn action being falao mont and malicious prosocutioi The plaintiff introduced his and rested his case rosterdoy. Gon. Cowir for Hood , Jones & Co. , fi icy tion to non-suit the plaintiff f son that ho had not made out action against the defendant , maindor of the day waa BTI argument of the motion irl Wakoloy hold was well taken , ; ho caso. _ Grins. Floaaant , healthy grins are seen faces of healthy persons. The dy debilitated can smile only in a 1 way. Purify the blood , tone the e Htronirthon the tissues with Jtunlw tri , If you wish to laugh well and THE TEUTOlJlO TH X\vo Succcssinl Prcsoncatlo 8 tail t TbcatrolSunday I The Bummer garden Sunday o filled with a largo and highly a ] audience , on the occasion of th anco of "Wood and Tin , or Happy Musicians , " followed 1 mous musical farce , "Tho Tyr < or. " In the first play the prir were sustained by Mossri. Pechtol and Lindermann , and Ahl. The piece was on the boards , ai much applauded. "Tho Singer" , proved a very pret melange and was received i favor. There was some oxcoll singing which was performed nor which reflects great ere little Stadt/Fhoator company quito a treat for true lovers of At the close of the lustrion of the programme dancing WE in by all present to the dulcet the Musical Union orchestra. With Durkoo'a Salad IJroaai no waste or disappointment , certain to produce a good salad less than homo made , and ia , superb table sauco. A DRUNKEN BR1 A Sunday I'lcnlo Knda In i Affray , A Bohemian picnic was hole call'a park Sunday. By nigl bor of the attendants had got filled up and on the way homo dispute which terminated in a fray. A man by the name lUdil oponknifo Rdflucooodod in thorn moro or'fosa about tlio 1 the rumpus lUdil was down and aavuroly beaten , oual oral ( jashoa upnii nia head. Df. nlTiuixn waa called and his opinion that Radii would that too , in n very short tin could not sou it in that way nt alive and docs not appear to bi injured. Ed lllcho , Frank Durak ni Reauk were arrnated and place for aesiuiHiiig lladil aud urolic investigation. Tliuiulrr Ic lou tlio i Tint for lamonosj , tor theumat'sir ' fur iialnos , nnd for Bprnluca Dr. II trie ( l\l\ \ * a pnnltlvo aod rclial J/r , Tlutmai' tclec'.rte Utl can b \ uny nt llullovv On Siturday night a grocui Qolldvuo was burglarized. William HunricliBon and John i urruatod in city nnd pla county jail cliargcd with the Kruitur pnrthn of the atolen | baon recovered. All Adinlro n IlniulKomc A puie , clour skluI11 uuVa OD ; touio Munie4tly ( uiuthlnK wblu PUS uml nnilcticx tli6 blood will Jli tliu xvh'ilo porvou. All orupttiini n 'urt/oeX JUood Jlit ( llsn ) ) | > cur when plot I'd. Tliay are a vrgitable remi tliutblo value. OF TO-DJ A Ubok at , ( Btmclny ETCnfhjj. In the FiratM.Echurch Snnda Rov. 0 , W. Savidgo , the pastor on the oil ho following sermon Psalms r 5 } 9. ' 1 have seen v strife In the city. " SCWKCT : "Tho City of OmOia. th save , "Rod Uowpcr , poet , " country but man made the town. considerable part o IRVO pruned a country yet I have come to lo\o th I could not say what a fast yourj Bald , "I would rather go to jail In .own than to own n farm In th While ho had never owned a farm I try I am snro ho had been In jail several times , so ho spoke from 01 The city Is the world in inlnatu Irst look nt the bright side of the c la first the 6un.Bh.lno then the she I have never nulto aprood wit Jaxo In his well known poem On irst verso of which is : "Ilast over boon to Omaha , Whom rolls the dark Missouri Whora four strong horses scarce An empty wagon through the Tolm O. Baxo never saw the this city. When Mr. Moody was hero ROVO 10 said. "Omaha is a now Chlcagc I believe that this city has a gre > croun future. The position of the city beaneal rospcrity. She stands mldwa ; ho oceans , and has long had the ni 'Gate City , " Shontandt alono. < competitors. She Is the center of i vealthlest agricultural districts In Jast year Nebraska raised ono liu if iv millions of bushels of corn. valleys oi the Missouri ara brought state of cultivation it will bo as fei old and far famed valley of the Nil Omaha is a city of many rcsourci and must continue to bo a great ra , or. She is the depot of supplies fi west , Her mechanical and mai ntorosU nro considerable o\en i growth for the past fear years hat narkablo. During the year 1883 t of dollars were invested in now but now three or four hundred houses reeled for the accomodatlon of the mines and business. Omaha la de < onn of the great cities of the count ; I might say that Omaha too is ri and noble tnon having many whose ho synonym for integrity and good Let u now look a the flhady si loautiful picture has its darkly shoe ias this picture. David sld of tht the east , "I htwo seen violence and city. " The same Is true of this clt not stop to provo this position. It and will see ) ors Issued daily you Dn Sabbath , May 25 , n series of tV are committed In the city , ono rr down on a public stroit. On Sab 1st , a man is robbed on St. Mnry'e LO o'clock in the morning. Whllo is holding prayer meeting some th iiis two overcoats , A man cornea mo to marry him and a thief steal Crime holds the city in no iron gn ; mo say if the city Is notjwoll gover suffer loss. Cities fall by the ho Gibbon In the third volume of tl nnd Fall of the Roman Ihnr. llimo became great because of thi Virtue and Fortune. " And Home vlco and folly joined hands. Groe the downfall of great states , irreat great men.- Now lot us look the present sad state of affairs in t CAUSES. Strong drlnkl Strong drink , Is matter of ruined cities. There city 112 saloons , vending out the I day and night. For tlio expense these saloons the people of this clt 000. merely for the oxi wo are to remember that each mi profit on this terrible traffic. ' . great boor brewers of this city are rope with their families. The poet log men , whoso families stay at sonttheeo men with their faml pleasure trip. I have taken pi that the -groat crimes and wrong ! grace the annals of this city are lai to strhngldiink. ! Gnmbl.lng. This vice Is , mon and conducted in opposition known laws of the city. This vice has tendency to desti self respect and honor ; and to low man. Boys in this city have beet throw dice and many have star downward road to ruin and shame next to drink , is the causa of our t Sabbath desecration , too , is voi The saloons do business on the Ono liquor seller of this city SB twonty-fivo to forty dollars wort every day , but on the Sabbath ho ty dollars worth. He says he wo close up If ho could not sell on tl One man of very good judgmen opinion is that fifty per cent of th in this city , is sold on the Sa Theater Comlquo Is open on the ' a band of muslo call the people to ful show. And that too , though t Jimmy Nugent is just washed fro This place will yet call for the v Almighty God. Corruption of city officials. Thoi corruption ore two The love of d creed for ga'n. When two of the officers meet li .Incoln- they meet in a saloon. fficor of this city la a drinker of c nd when too much intoxicated the < ho bar akno. hU associates in oQ ip. What n awful picture for y ook upon. This officer admits th > een hi * ruin. It is currently reported that t are takers of bribes. Ask one of nen of 1833 where ho got that 510 10 got the new carpet for ono < The children of the Third ward a tlehts and hoar sounds that c < ' Would to God wo had irioro men Greek Arlstodges. or like that gn manor , William Pitt , of Hogland. men like Andrew Marvel , who sa Danby , "Take your money , for / vel has his dinner. " all the people sooak popull , vex Dell. " All honor to of this city for their , words of 1 < alarm. All honor to the grand j faithful work. Now let the pulp God give ui moro preacher , llko K Isha and John Knox , and K proved Charles the second for his Look for good men to , Tho. . people of this city ought nc .tvi . tAgt the condition of attain tlioy'Sciiow the character of the they placed afe tco load. The cl ID a day m n does not change not to vote for u man became he certain puitir. Tha tusn should party kecond. We nut auk for the blaming of copl the Lord build the house ; th vuiu that build It ; oxcwpt tha Lo ; city , the watchman wnlketh bn May wo ha\o the blesiluguf altnlf AVIiy IB It That the Bale of Elood'a Bnran iinues nt euch u rapidly inert 1st : Because cf the positi viluo of llood'a Bareaparilla it 23 : Becauto of the condush of remarkable euros effected b ; passed and taldom equalled bj medicine. Bend to 0. I. Hoi Lowell , Mass. , for book cental statements of euros , Closed for llex > alri The place on Douglas street the Turt and Exchange B closed up yesterday by ooneta ton. Flarehoim Bros , nnd Al the proprietors , being indobtc heimor , of St. Joe in the BUI tiiadou transfer ot their intoru creditor who through their i possession of tlio atoro. 'j amount to about 92,500. Fete < to unpnosed to have been th tkoir uuaucinl dovrufull. Uoadquartera for fireworks n Max Mryer & Go. ro&u X'oitordny'H Onmc. Owing to the- bad weather and Sunday pro renting ball pit Nationals , of St. Lonii , were upon to ntny over yesterday and of the three games arranged them. Abont 200 went to witness t which was anything but intorcs ar aa the homo nine was com noror showed tip to better ad vat yesterday , and played almost an ; nmo. Every ono of the team j his and it waken above average , akon a good nine to have boal yesterday. Duggan caught I who pitched a great gamo. > layod his position well , and Vi i most valuable acquisition to I HoKolvy , Bandlo , Dwyer and carried oil * the fielding honors. For the Nationals McKenna good game , and puzzled not a 1 : of the the homo team's host ball played well on third , and wore ilnyors in a team whore all nr ilayora as they the Union Pad iavo to play to win. The game throughout was irilliant plays. Below is the nnings : 1 2 3 4 5 C Innings Union Tacitus i 2 0 1 0 a Notional 000000 Brandt , rf the B. & M. , umpired ' and E Saturday On next J'ridny , .A tchisoii will Ixihero and play n gai lay. Absolutely Pi This powder never'varies. . A marvel and wholcsomcncss. lloie ceo strength [ lie rrdlnirj' Vlnil8ond caunotbe s < Id In with the multitude ot low test , thott w < phoephato powders. Bold only in en UAKINQ P WDEB CO SPECIAL NOT CTSpeclalB will Posltlvolynot t unions paid in advance. TO LOAH-Monev. jfONKYloancd on chattels , notes bou H lYl tickets aM. A. Forman , 13 S. 1 ! ONbY Loaned on chattel mortgo Woolley , room 20Omaha , National LOANED On chatto T > r ( MONEY , 213 soutH 14th street 1UTONBY TO LOAN The lowest Mtei 1YJ. BemlV Loan Agoncy. 15th k Dourl TO LOAN In sums ot tSOO. I iVl H/TONEY 0. F. Davis and Co. , Real Esta Airents , 150B Farnam Bt. HELP WANTED. TTTANTKD Agood girl for general he W Pleasant 8t Mrs. r.W.llead. - N.V. . corner ISthani WANTKD-At . Boy to told papers etc. WANTED Newspaper Union , 1217 U TT7ANIED Two or three first-class < VY Frank D. Meads , 209 touth 10 strec -Flrst class barber at 21s WfiFlrst First-dots Kill lor pei WANTED wage. . E12 Bouth 16th south ot I.eacaworth. . - steady glil lor gi WANTED-Oood between Jackson > TED Olrl lor home-work , Bingham , 810 south 10th Bt rrrANTED-Gtrlg ta repack fruit at I Girl about IB years ot igi WANTED oMt sldo 18th between Dodge , lire. II. A. Sturges. - at Wllkle's paper WANTED-Olrls Hth 8t. , between Dodge. Dodge.W NT > D-Flrst claw cook. Good i W W. V. Morse , 8. W. corner 19lh an TT7ANTED-A barber , 708 H. lOtn strt 910 SOp - plrl about 18 yean WANTED-Oowl family ot two. E " Bee office. - diessmaker ol fifteen WANTKD-A work In families. J > . " Bee offlco. UEhTd-To stll cur new UVULUM EUSindjI NTElVaSlm.RS. B roako liljr money. New goods. Fre IIUNTKU'8 falPlKRUTQ 00 , , Ifl , Cln ev sat 4t ANTED-A Klrl , 1US California st WJ TTITANlED-Situatlon by joungglrl t W work. Apply at 2113 Harney St. SI iooil packlnz kou e T1TANTED * ? V I per day. Apply at packing liou.c and Co. lauulynl tbree , acoi k , ANIUD-ln a V > and laundrets h will milk a cow a month. Apply at 809 l' rk ave V\r-AN1ED-alil for Rcncr.l l ) uw-w lOlhtit. Gill to go to Hillidale . WANTED . l > ro good KliK , one uurn WANTED hnure wrrk. Oo d wages petent i-di | , 310 North iOtli Street. XT/ANTED A cooV , mm or woma VV per week. If. Obent , Nebraska II Platt , Neb. TXT'ANTEll Qlrt at IC'.O h'hcrman B Vi J. U , Counsman , TTTrlTKD Acotrptitent idrl lor ce V > wnrk. Want's I W. a month. N , and Da\enport. \ITANTKD Oirllo * housawork at \ \ 781.1m IhU-diKKl UiBuwathor ami M.C WAN ! tauratt , 1(11 Dodge 71111 _ ANTBD-O4n\asjn | agent * to ha paUntud artltlo Onotillirei o.n e\rry fa-ully , ( kit on or adJicu "Elite UOreluht unlock _ ' A ( rood bather. Good pat WAN'TKD , North ilcud , Uodg fl76 linp 81THATIOKD WAKTSD , - ElJ A iltuitlon by u cirwrle \-\7AN \ keeper flood rcf r uces. AdJiix Eeiljc , Kicmont , hcb. MEKGEtL & BOSENZVpIQ-,1 , r Practical Painters & -Decorators , STOOK OF CARRY THE LARGEST AND FINESTJIETAIL WALL PAPERS AOT DECORATIONS 1515 Douglas street. uuiuijut .iorTPg onunnc Are pro' . , * , , . * 'OUtSIDE & In any branch , ' * On'Short Notice- ' HOUSE , SIGN , AND FRESCO PAINTING , DECORATING i Buffalo U. 3. Standard SCALES. Himebaugh & Taylo9 BEB. OMAHA , WESTERN AGENTS , R. R. TRACK , HAY , STOOK , DORMANT , WAREHOUSE HOPPER , * & COUNTER. PLATFORM , ALWAYS IN STORE LAEGEST STOCK IN THE WEST the United States Government. And is now in Use by all kinds repaired and sealed by U. S REPAIR SHOPS Scales o standard weights. ite for Estimates. 1405 Douglas Street. A sitnation as hostler or drl WANTED tamlly. Address " 0. O. " Doe a > Situation by German girl in WAN1EI . Apply at 209 Mason St. 1 . ANTED Situation fora steady young TTf.7 ' whi gentleman's family , V coachtnan In a useful. Tw tcneally himself mike Ing te Inquire frrm last employer reference city Ml lard Hotel. Bcballers , real estate offlco , married man wants situition * \ Young in establishment ± \ . keeper , In wholesale I Mi AddriM "O. " care Bee. ian Ion SUBCBLLAHBOUB WANTS. tor AL ANTED Four boarders in a private lai TXT Y\ Dodge street 11 to nine room houi An eight ANTED . Wit W barn , city water , gas it possible. ' addr minutes wait ol the pOktofBco. 1'leaeo thlsolDce. TXTANTED-Intormatlon wanted , concern YY wife who lelt home June \2th. Five dc her whei concerning ward fur any Information If lining or where I can f nd her body , It deai dress C. Ver Blest , Omaha P.O. Ate Boarders to know the Bt. Cha : 1TTTANTED St. between 12th and 1 YV tel on Barney , t the best table board lor 84 00 per wee si up " mice. . U. house In the city ol a oorrespondlr" ana tots. FOB , RBWT--aoases RKNT A cottage 26th street , one 1m FOR St. lUiVa a\e. 8 rooirs and kitchen 816. a month. W arren Bwitzler. \ 11EST lie u < o on 17th St. near Capit JP | j\On at * 16 per month. S. Lehman. 1(1 TTKm BENT Very desirable elcuantly K reasonable. Gil Heas t JD rooms. Terms street , T70R RENT Parlor bed room. Inquire nc 1 627 -T corner 8th and Howard. P Nlctly furnished front room > OT UENT Tj Jf without board. Inquire N.W. Cor. Zlst 1 a streets. pj _ R NT Ono neatly furnished room an nee FOR room 1016 Chicago. Ilou es012 and 010 Capitol a BENT TTIOR P 1 _ Jt ? Estabrook , 1018 Chicago St. at lor light Furnished rooms BENT P _ Jll keeping. S16 a month 2219 C&UtornlaSI Ing P _ T7 > OR RENT Kcgant rooms lurnlshed 1 Jt ? block corner 15 h and Capitol ae- no- use RENT A pleasant furnished room 4 FOR avo. m "C10R RENT-One store in Croun o' Block. ird. Hitchcock. P 1819 Farnan Furnished room FOR HEAT 0 W. P lurnlshed room , pleasi TTTANTED-Nlcely - which a libi for buslne's YV tton , and near will bo paid. Address " 0. F. " oare Beo. P _ lurnlshed cottage , 6 I teen T7\OUR NT Pleasant requlri J * 6X)5 north 18th street. References Bfl2 2Sp KENT" 4 good rooms south-east cor : FOll Gaming. 1818 Dodge T7IOH HEHT Furnished looms L1 835 2Sp BENT Purnls > eil rooms , with or _ FOB ' , 1011 DoQtte street. streetcar 1 TTlORRENT-Blxroomhouieon Address lmm < JJ convenient to business. on "Q. X. " Dee office. "It. Ilouse with b rooms and ( to BENT F kltcben.wlthcellar OB and olstern.l&lO8. lltl S ! Inquire 10 0 Cautellar street. TjAO U RENT Nicely furnished rooms 1C6 ito , RENT New store. Also roonj on 1 ! TV FOR . Apply E. Bavage. I TTiORIlENT A flrst Class s ore In good I JD Inquire at Edh Jm and Erlckson. t 2227 Dodgn. RENT Furnished rooms b r FOU < Itss 6 room cottage BENT-Flrst ' .CO pOB - 15th and Doui ely I ? 1'etcrsou , Bjuthont corner 74 l lp > OU r.ENT-Raoms la Nebraska Nations iO. oinfts n th duslrablo iO.P building. Moit P Supiillod with hvlraullo elevator and hea rth yearn. Apiily at Bank 10 room , 1 residence RENT Flegart to. * iiU FOR and cold water , bath rooms rcsldei K. flriit claw boardlnK hou-e or piivato ' ' " 14th8t.neirr "Puutteeu w , _ _ lor rvur u roomhouse 11AUKKB i . ifVvi J mper month. ISthamlFtf ' l cK. .itoturoi iloaUk'n l > 'Oil Hr.Nf In . Paulsen olBoo room. and good ? feetdooo ' " per i Kunini , room 8 , rth . Inquire atEdholmi UEW piano. * FOH ' . 1WJ fare am t room Tj > oU UENJ1 Sfra the r.c rooms oo ) th KKNT iMrnlahcd FOU . l lhaudCapltolaveau , tormorly Cn IIOUMu St. RENT I. jo futnlsre roomtogto at FOU , N. W. cor 16tb and Farnam. ! t'OIl BALli. jy BALK IK ( hsrei Omaha Ir an amlli la FOR itock Adoiess "Vf. F , " lc < auoclatlon ' I'D. I'D.Hi. Hi. ll5 will buy iiulthn ent o1 a di ir.blo DakvU tuc claim. lre 0. M ' liee otBoe. IS E.W Uthaii TTiO ll HALE Th pioperty J' ltd a > tn' e llou > e hasten roinu. AROI ncr lor vrcxery , saloon or urug buslntu. Icqi cr oldrrts tha premises D , F. 11HO l 927p SALE The property ot D. L. Carpenter at Tj > Oll JD Paplllbn , Nob. , consisting ot tnodnclhngliousca and store building will bo so'd cheap and on easy terms. Apyly to Goo. A. ilagnoy , Papllllon , Neb. 120 83p SALE-At a sacrifice II sold before July 4th. FOR and lot on south loth street , lot 03x110 ; and harness. Owner leaving town also a top buggy south ot next month. Apply on premises , 2d houie t&i-ZOp Centre. TTtCR SALE A lieu o with 4 roims closet and hall lot at reasonable price on the JD and a stable and a louth side ol Hickory , bet. 7th and 8th St. C01-S4p south IBth St , ne\r the iOR SALE Brink , on F nail works by Bailey and Proake 101-lp TT OR SALE Chfap , house ot 0 room ] in Qnt-chra JD order on i lot 1223 N. 19th St. 080-Z3p BALE Three ot the best lots In Ilonnoom TT\OK sold soon. Potter & Cobb , J ? place at a bargain It B31-tt ISlBFarnam. _ SHEHf A lot ot One Colorado grades SALE TjlOU 2 , 8 and 4 joats old. J ? consisting ot 800 ewes , limbs The ewea will and TOO bout 6oO jearltngs Information ad. ihear about 6 pounds. For further lroa MUay Co. , Ilalgler , B. & II. 1U It , Neb. 030 Imp . Rraln , Btotk and o al business m j . Butl- rlce and easy terms. Western Iowa. Low t > unusunl birgoln Invottlzallon. An will bear nesa " Omaha Etc. "Wlnchell" care offered. Address 039 SO _ _ _ _ _ Anlcocotttgoandlull lot , hall block TTtORSALE ' 13tn street. - residence , on E Bouth ot Hilton Hopo-s' . Lcatoaworth. Inquire ol IL Lee , Grocer , 2id and 017im V TTtOR BAIE At a bargain , a first class Zither. Ad- Jt ? dress "X. Z. Q" Bee office. 870-11 TpOR BALE The Omaha Bakery , established 1874. good str ck ol Fancy Goods and other JP Contains a . Choin lor flnst-clisj. Qatures , w agon , etc. Location How- and - 616 10th street , bet. Jackson cash. Apply 704.1m trd. _ [ SALE Two second hand pUnos , at Edholcn Troll JL ? & Eilckson's Muslo Store on 16th St. 800 tt T70R SALE The coziest and most desirable rea Hill. House contains 0 , room Capitol donee on besides JL closet * and store rooms , good cellar , city flood barn . Itrprorementa. Hater , and all modern . flrstclui shape. . Kverytblngln uid outbuildings. Full lot. Inquire otT. F. Ljoa on promises 842 , 2423 tl Capital avenue farm adjjliilnu Klktaorn Uta- TTMJKUALE 40 acre , . Will exchange - store at Waterloo. Jj tion saloon and drug ; lor Omaha property. J. B. SILVI3 , change Elkhom SUton , Neb. 10 24p Oil BALE A good paving grocery buslnest , stock and flxturce. Will Invoice { 2,600. Sale * Information , addreea turther . For 926,000 per year. 703-tt - lor two weuks "Z. " Bee offlco. lT OU8At.E-KKAIj FBTATE A peat bargain In JD GOloUln Reese's Place , on St. Mary's avenue itrcct car line , > t very low prlco I > r SO da > s. Applr to Joseph M. Ueeae , 211 South 14th street. 074-lmp OR SALE Thi good will and fixtures ol the F Crolgbton Ilouse. Easy' terms. 633-tt seoond-nand buggies and T70R SALE Two open JD one delivery wagon , cheap , at 1819 Carney Bt. 838-tt 17'OR SALE Cheapest house and lot in Omaha , la 1 ? Potter's addition , 8 seems , well , 300 barrel ds- tcrn oa two lots , li 0 feet front by ISO leet deep , lor J2,050. POTTER & 0 > BB. lt > 15 Farnam Bt. MB tt SiLE-Cheap lota In Shlnn's 2nd addition FOR and Pltlnvlew. POTTER & 128-U COBB 1616 Farnam street. - Omaha Carpet Co. , 1611 10 acre lota. Inquire 70 tt Douglas "treet BALK Farm II miles tram city , near Union FOB jards. Inquire at Mrs. Meyer , over . Hoe 872. ' and Webster. ler's Dru store , 10th - UP At my Place June 18tb , two coltsone -pAKEN dirk brown iM one JL a brown mare three yrars Xlorton , west ol the cU. Uyrus lorte two yean 1S3 2&p . Poor Farm. in ttllersvstrrn , dressmaking latest 1ES3ON3 given alio all kinds ot ty'e at home or In families , icwing > nlo ly done. Call at 207 north 16th street. 135 Up _ inAKENUP-Uay Mill , 1884. at my place one horw JL lorrel color and one pony mare la ) , black tail , iwidnurltonblp. Owner tan have u t e by prot- og property and paj Ing thargt s. Phillip Cassidy. Aietot plans lor the Trinity Cathedral IOST r. Any neletvlagHimoattha Cathedra ) .8th and Capitol ave , will bu liberally rmvjrdwl. . 034.23p _ oar Bu'wetn Be. JIary'a nvo and Uowey aud j Bione , hprobe lthclor head embroidered la' cntre 1'lcaseleatoatDeweyand Btons'iiand lec ewarq. and stock butlncto loca. PO KXCII ANQE-A gra n JL ted at ret or l stations In Western luwt tor a stork armor good lai.da ult ibis fo stock purpose * . 7 Ins ITer u 111 bear trlctNt Inventlgatlon Wrltu far P" liulara. Addrues ' Inchtll , " care Omaha Dte. 01080 _ _ _ _ , ONCfcllT at Hoiry Iluter'a Pa/lc every rundar U frnin 1 to 7 o'clock p. m. 5o'admli > slon Hot * Uce for family plc-olc * . 78S-3p Business , Traveling , Dress and "Weddings. HADEtOHEASUKE AND READY Dre&jlnga. New Bumintr Noultlej ,