Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 19, 1884, Page 8, Image 8

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Thursday Mornine ; , Juno"
Complaint lias boon filed against
Kitchen for keeping moro than three 1
ol oil In his place , 1408 Sannders utroot.
Complaint haa boon filed against
Kane by John C. Durbln , charging htn
Mt * Daisy Jewolt , daughter ol
Clerk Jowott , w s married yostor < !
A RonUoman from Chicago by the rmi
Locko.A woman waa fonnd at the C. , M. ,
I1. & O. depot yesterday overcome t
heat. She WM taken to the city jixll an
Chief engineer Duller has filed a com
ngnlnst the Consolidated Tank Line confer
for ] keeping largo quantities of kntlat
material at their ware houses on Ninth
Meeting of the Woman's Christian
poranco Union , on Thursday , Juno 19th ,
o'clock p. in. , In First M. J5. Church. .
nttomlanca Is requested , by order of pros
T. G. Charltou , secretary-
-Considerable Intllffnntion is felt by 1
tlzonsmor the way In which nn unfort
sick man Is treated. Whether bo Is a crier
or not lie Is taken to the city jail end UK
lowed to Ha until cloith comoi to hit rein
J. Schneider , the man \\lio wnssuiistru
Sunday , lay In tha rlty jail until yost
ovonlng when ho waa taken to the c
farm In a dying condition. The boys
jail do nil in their power for a sick mai
they have no conveniences to odor , not c
bod. The city physician should ordo
removal of such persona oa nro tick to th
pi til and not allow thorn to dto In the jn
Mr. and Mrs Goo. M. Walker loft for
homo in Norfolk , yostorday.
Wm. IT. Fay , the manufacturer of ]
'Manilla , who , with his wlfo , has been s [
ing a few d ya in Omaha with J. S. lllcl
son , his tronarnl agent for the west , dopr
to-day for Philadelphia St. Louis.
Mr , C , S. Haymond , wlfo and family ,
rived in thta city yesterday. They are
Clinton , lown , but will , In the future , r
Omaha their homo. Mr. Raymond hoi
years been the loading jeweler of Clinton
being moat favorably Impressed with this
has concluded to locate hero. IIo ban
posed of his business Interests In Clinton
also hla real estate and will at once Ida
himself with the interests of this city ,
bos obtained a five years lease of the bull
now occupied by Bushman , at the corm
Fifteenth and Douglas streets , and will
there in a fuw wooka. Tha store will bo 1
oughly renovated and refitted inaldo ani
and will bo mode ono of the moat nttrai
business houses In this city. Mr. llayr
comas to Omaha with the best of rocommo
tlons as a business man and citizen and
ba a valuable acquisition to the trade \ \
his family will fill an Important nook In
society corner.
A Batch KcturneO. by the Grand J
Th'o ' grand jury returned another b
of ihdictraonto yesterday , There was
against Marshal Guthrie for perjury
against Thomas Murray for pormittiri
house of prostitution to exist ; ono agi
Sarah Bernstein and Abraham Borni
for permitting a houao of prostitut
ono against Seth 0. Baldwin , .Oh ;
Branch , Hiram B. Kennedy , Go
Bruckor , James 0 , Morrison , 0. S. ,
gins , William Sodorstrum and Lutho
Wood , for being gamblers , also
indictment against the same for koo
gambling houses.
After presenting the above indicCrr
the grand jury walked back into 1
little room and wont at it again.
A. Misplaced Kali Ditches the <
non Ball on the B , & N ,
Yesterday some ono moved a
on the southern line of the B. & M.
" Ball" I
Ilubboll , aud the "Gannon
was thrown from the track.
The express messenger was sorio
hurt ; the conductor had both logs b
en ; a brakomttn had ono log broken.
Nona of the passengers were iuj
to speak of.
Hammocks , , Croquets , Lawutoi
Base Balls , etc. , at Max Meyer & C <
m&olOd.j ]
On a Wheel.
Tuesday a pontloman rode
thin city oa a bicycle and etopj ed a
Planters hotel. Ho registered as " 1
Stevens , bicycle tourist from San
ciscp to Constantinople , Turkey. "
rides a machine with a fifty inch wl
He left San Francisco , April 22 , and
been on the road fifty-six days. Ho
remain in this city until to-morrov
which time ho expects the roads wil
perfectly dry If the weather U fai
bio ho expect * to reach Chicago by
28th of June , and New York by the
of July. Ho will spend the entire i
mer in crossing Europe and expect
reach Ooustantinoplo about the fin
November. Ho is keeping a daily j
nal of his travels , and intends writ !
book at the close. Ho is halo and li
ty although ho lias lost twout-tlvo pot
since starting.
An Officer' * Death.
Col. Black , with headquarters at.
Wayne , Mich. , lias sent out the folloi
notice in regard to the death of
PI P Lieutenant William ] ? , Bice , qua
I master of the Twonty-thlrd infantry ;
Fonr WAYMK , Mich. , Juno 12,188
It is the paiuful duly of the regime
commander to announce tlio deatl
First Lieutenant William F. Rice , f
termastor of the regiment , which oi
rod early on the morning of the Ctli
' 14 etant , while ho was in the zealoui
charge of bis duty ,
Following this announcement a
number of resolutions and also a tl
of decaaaed'o military career and
one of great briliancy , He waa u
tha coinmaud of General Crook ;
number of year * and as aa Indian C |
lothwl hiiutelf wth glory.
! > ix of Them ( Mate From BN
Hall Last Eyefc
Interesting Commencement J
u oisos at the Boyd Last
Night ,
n. &o. Tlic
Bcntntlon ol Pn/cs nrul
Diplomat. '
Over a thousand people nssombl
Lho opera houao laat evening to
the closing oxorciscs of the Bn
[ Jail students for the year 1881.
ludionco was composed of many ;
ivin ? outsldo the city in various pti
Nebraska and Western Iowa who a
created in the oucccsa of this insti
ind its students.
Upon the stage , which had boon
ifully arranged and prepared fc
> ccasion , were seated the Hon.
iVoohvorth , the Rov. John Wil
octor of St. Barnabas church , the
Llobort Doherty , rector , Mrs.
Windsor , the students and thogradi
ilasa of the year.
The exorcises of the evening
jponcd by a chorus , "Tho May Qu
jy the school , This was followo'd
liano duet by Miaacn Clarkaon
Jatham , after which began the re
itorary prograrrtlno of the evening.
The Grat oxorciao was nn essa ;
f Fremont , Nebraska , on the sul
'Woro the Crusadea a Failure ? " '
10 will of the Divine , " road the c
i , "that nothing shall bo lost , "
icao wars to wrest the Holy
om thoinfidol Turk troronot altog
L vain. By those wars the natioi
uropo became acquainted with on
: her and knowledge was acquired t
y. The ponplo of Europe also let
i respect in a great dogrco the folk
: Mahomet. There are cruaados i
10 same as in the past. The cru
us his sword , his armour and his cc
lail , and so has the Christian ,
ill conquer in the end , therefore 1 <
D on the safe side and look for vie
ho essayist closed hot theme by mi
beautiful comparison bet
10 crusader of the past and pro
ho oasay was well road , The art !
on of the reader was vary distinct
.though she road in n very low
> uld bo hoard plainly in any part c
The theme ot this young lady's i
as "Friction. " "Friction , " said
iador , "in its broad and unrostr
nso has played no small or moan
. the history of the world. " It b
onoy into the national treasury ,
cans of this great element or prin
10 consuls of Rome were enable
lorn their triumphs. The aavnj
ibjugatod and conquered not so i
> civilize him aa to obtain posseasic
islands ; nevertheless the savage bj
on from hia conquerors loams as to
is wild atato and become a civilize
ig. The friction of sorrow and
as much to dp in forming our cl :
> ra. Wo are like the diamond. A
rocious gam's brilliancy is incroasoi
10 number of its aides so is the hi
> ul moro fit to wear the immortal c
y the trials and * Borows of their
This young lady was chosen by
! ais to lift futurity's veil and roa
ich claaamato what the great futun
i utoro for her. "Human lifo , " sai
rophotcss , "is a flower that
ito a blossom , withers , diet ) , aud i
otton. So is childhood. " Her <
latos , she naid , had placed her in
Imractor of oracle to them , but c
Dunt of the thought that they T
) on all bo eoparatod. aha did not
mch like inudulging in
iing not of n serious no
ho , however , road to her five claasi
brief history of their lives. They
icollont little romances , and liki
thor romances , the subject come
ictorious in the end. When shi
included her predictions of her con
ma her own future was handed her v
10 road. Miaa Oremor'a production
irvcs oBpocial mention. It was wi
i a most charming style , was fi
lauy pithy snyinaa , and bore ovidut
mch atuOy and labdr upon it. To
> this , it vraa well read by the y
idy , whoso manner was so froi
ley , and articulation ao distinct , th
juld hoar aud appreciate it.
lioao for her subject "Eocontric
'Tho ' weak , minded and capricous
lioir eccentricities , It is now the
! mt ocviontricity is n mark of genius
110 greater the eccentricity the gr
tie gonlUB , Odcar Wilde had atuU ( <
! io peculiarities in order to bocom
ccoutrio. Good old Dr. Jphnao
bom Macaulay hod written
lid BO much was an eccentric
ere Alexander Pope and Oliver <
initb. In great contrast with thorn
ir Walter Scott , who waa so simple
ifinod , who never had an omony ,
10 plcvuro waa anything but a plo
DO to beheld ono full of eccentric !
hich mar the beauty aud ayminot
10 mind. The essayist closed wi
rautiful comparison of the inn1
aturo made him with the aymino'
ak as it atands in the forest.
ext road an osnay entitled "On I
[ eight there lies Repoao. " " On c
and , " aoid Mi a Wilnson. " pooplt
yiiig to climb above the level v
ito has left them. The laborer 1
> r ropouo , BO do the men of the w
ten in the/so / degenerate daya graaj
lings aubstautinl , but every man's
lould bo unselfishness. Whonovo :
idul o too deeply in ploaturo wo at
eodimont that leaves us pain. To
BO high wo must have courage ,
r'ercomo loat ground only strong !
i. Is ropoao expected to follow uj
fo of upathy ? lleposo is the rowa
10 taau with noble nspiratioua
: arches the garden of his heart t
iat no noxious woods are growing t'
wlf t was a genius but Iviugs call
IB moat of unhappy of men intollhj
oes not bring ropoao. Repoio doe
opedd upon outward circumstances
pen the Innermost nature of the
lacauluy w&a an oiamplo of ono dc
JR repose.
Thoyftlodictoryof the class was rci
rho choao for her subject the wollki
quotation from Shakcsphoro : "And
Man in Ills Time Plays Mnny T
Wo nro moro Impressed by what v
Inking place before us than by wha
may hoar in dry discourse. The i
showed how the stage
boon Ukon into neatly every quai
the globe , that wo expect to BOO n
tion received and blunt truth roj
In. her valedictory she roforrcd in
ing terms to him who had always
present nt their commoncemonta bt
that she nc
was no moro , continuing
thought of their partiug , but , only o
mooting. Farewell was then said
rector , Mrs. Windsor , the facult ;
her classmates ,
Thcso exorcised , which were inter ]
with vocal ana inntrur
music showed that no palm
boon spared to makothom what they
Their delivery , Hubjocts , style , a !
those qualities that go to make up i
production of thoia kind were fou
them. Then came the diatrlbuti
prizes , as fellows :
The Yatcs prize for writing-
Olova Polio.
Yates prize No. 2 for composi
Miss Minnie Ilambloton.
The Hawkins arithmetic pmc-
Dlnncho fiuckwortli.
The Uanklns grammar pri/o-
Addio Anderson.
The Kountzo priro for languago-
Bcssio Yules.
The Olinso prize for rholoric-
FJoronco Yatca.
The Patterson prize for coraposit
Alias Osio Abbot.
Mias Bessie Yates , honorable mei
The Wonlworth prize for higher i
onmtica Mias Anna NiUaon.
The pri/.o for boat graduating ca
Mias Anna Thomas.
The Dundy prize for music
Daisy Itccao.
The art prize Miss Mabol Orclm
The rector's prize for improvcmoti
loportmont Miss Jennie Cooper.
The Windsor primary prizo-
2dith Iscr.
The Windsor intormcdiato prize
3mma Filloy.
The Dlnamoor prize for phyaioli
Hiss Doaaio Hall.
The Meyer prize for music
ftmnio Latham.
Dean's modal Mias Jennie Kollj
The modal for scholarship in the
fiats department Miaa Anna Then
The bishop's modal for character
loportmont MUs Lulu Cromor.
SEAL of North Carolina Tobacco
) Cflt.
iVIiy It , O. Guthrie Hosl ricd
Gould not Knforco tlio Laws
II. 0. Guthrie yesterday tondoro
csipnation aa city marshal , giving t
oaaon for BO doing that ho was unal
nforco the lawn because of public
on. It is an interesting epistle am
lublishod for the amusumout of
oadors of TUB Bun :
Ion. 0 , 8. Chaao , Mayor.
DEAU Sin : In conecquonco of tl
lictmont of both you and mo b ;
lourt , and of the various charges at :
acka made by some of the city no
ioVa upon you and your administi
) f the municipal nlTuira in the mayoi
io , and upon mo as your subordina
; ho capacity of city marshal , such a
ic fooling has boon created and is
'ostorod by pur enemies , that it is
ligh impoaaiblo for mo to onforci
aws and ordinances of the city ; thot
voll knowing how groundless ,
nid malicious such charges
lot only as concerns myself , but y
roll , and , fooling assured that who
iropor time arrives our innocence o
nalfosanno in oflico will bo clearly c
ished , I have thought best to pit
rour hands , to use as may in your
nation noorn best , this my rcsignati
ho oflico of city marshal , which I at
> olled to do for the reason stated i
.8 well as for the factthat our inter/e
mu always boon exceedingly pleas :
it least tome ; you having always tn
no with such courtesy and considora
hat it affords mo pleasure now , to 01
ror to reciprocate , by leaving yoi
rammoled , by any consideration fein
n any stops you may take toward r
ng the above mentioned accusation.
Permit mo , however , to assure
hat in withdrawing from my official
ion , I am making no sacrilico. It i
ixcoedingly onerous and unpleasant
it best , with a salary attached , oxtre
ncagro in consideration of the labc
10 performed , thu responsibility aasi
nd the vindication subjected to , ni
tad fully determined long before tin
liratiou ( April last ) of the term
finch I was appointed to reaped
leclino a ronppomtmont , should yoi
: ind enough to tender it to mo , and
inly continued to perform thn dutii
ho oflico bccauso of the charges i
igalnst my ollicial conduct , with the
hat an investigation would bo ort
ind that I might have an oppnrtunit
'indicating myself. However , now
'ou have also boon asgailcd it is my
> ire tn leave you free to act.
Thanking you for your kindness in
last and assuring you of my best w
or your future welfare , lam
Very respectfully yourx ,
U. 0 , G tram
S. or N. 0. Tobucoo finest ii
Headquarters for fireworks and fit
lax Meyer & Co. nuto-lOd , ,
Attention Police.
OMAHA , Nun. , Juno 10 , 181
EUITOU OPTIIK BEB : I wish to in
ho police authorities through the
hat it would oo very desirable to
hem clean out , without delay ,
irostitutos who have settled in Join :
7onnoll"s ( ox-candidate for the
ouncil ) frame house on the west aid
'cnth street between Douglas and I
s they are getting rather conspicioi
o tolerated any longer.
Five Mornlmllctrncnta Found Af
the Mnyor anil Marslml nn
the End Not Yet.
Wednesday afternoon the gram
returned five moro indictments a
the mayor and marshal and the end
yet.In all the indictments the crime cl
is that of bribery and that the i
received by the mayor and marahi
for the purpose of bribing thorn s <
they would not pstform their <
duties so far as gamblers and gar
houses were concerned and thn
money was paid by the keopera of
ling houses for that purpose.
.One of the indictments specified th
mont of $250 by Charles Branch t
mayor and marshal for thin purpo
the ICth of September , 18&J , on
other names the 13th of October ,
a * the time , and § 200 as the an
Mayor Chase hag also boon indicted
for receiving $300 on the 15th d
July , 1883 , from Charles Branch , :
as the agent ot the Ramblers , for all
them to pursue their business unrr
od in violation of the the twont
chapter of the criminal codr of the
and against the gaming ordinance (
city of Omaha. Manual Guthrie i :
presented singly , on two indlatn
for like felonious conduct. The t
lions against Guthrie are that on th
of July , 1883 , ho accepted $300
Charles Branch as a bribe for not
Iiis duty , and on the 19th of Novo
1883 , $1GO from James E. Smith
similar neglect.
The grand jury are still busy ai
examining a number of the sportir
mun of the city in regard to the pa ;
of certain sums of money for the pi
of having the ordinance romovir
houses of prostitution two blocks
the third ward school houao chi
When the next batch of indictmou
brought in there may bo sumo poop
tibly Hurpriaod.
Fourth of July gooda , Fireworks , .
Firecrackers , Torpcdos , Bucket Lan
iito. , at Max Moyur & Co.
m&o,10d ,
INESS DIRECTORY to bo iaaued in
I8b4 , price $4 50. J. M. WOLFB ,
her 120 S. 14th St. , Omaha.
On Monday evening an. adjo
Hooting of the trustees of Bollovuc
lego was hold , It was decided to b
lormitory to bo called the "Goo. 1
; lo Memorial Hall , " provided sufl
'unds can bo raised by subscriptiot
The board of aid for colleges o
Presbyterian church will bo askci
J2.000 for the coming year.
The committee on lands and lots
nstructcd to plat the 2GG acres of
1 coded by Mr. H. T. Clarke , into 1
ivo acres or moro , with authority tc
ho same for a period not to exceed
, eon years.
Following were the oflicora olecte
\\o ensuing year :
President Henry T. Clarke.
First Vice President Rov. J. T. ]
Second Vice President Rov. G
r. Crisaman.
Secretary T. , A. iCroigh.
Treasurer. L. B'Williams. '
Executive Commtttoo - Rov. M
Harsho , of Omaha ; John R. Olarl
Lincoln ; Manloy Rogers , of Fromo
Absolutely Pure
Thli ponder never varies. A mnricl of p
trengtn and Kholesonioncus. Moo economic
'iotrdln ry MnuXandoumiotbo u Id In comp
rlth the multitude of low test , shoit weight
hotpbato iKittilorK. Bold only In cans. I
arspeclals wui Poaltlvolynot bo in a
miens paid in advance.
TO LOAH-Money.
ONhYloanod on chattel , notes bought , c
M ticket ) sld , A. Forman , 135 13th Et
* , TONKY Loaned on ohatlul niurtgige , bj
.Tl Woolley , room SO.Omalm National Dank
. . . _ 010
MTONEY LOANED On chatto property
ML llKATTy , 213 outtH4th Uoef. ' ,
VfONKY TO LOAN-The lowos * rates ot L
LU Bcmls * Loan Agency , 16th * Dourta i
\TONEV TO LOAN In sums OII300. and ill
LYJL O. F. Davis and Co. , Ueal Estate ant
lirtnts , 1608 Farnam Ht I
V\7ANTEI > Situation lor a steady young i
11 coarhuan In a gcntleirau'ii family , who
ng to mike hlmulf vcnfally uulul. Two
Ity rettrenco fr in last emplojcr Inquire a
tohalltM , rtal citato olllre , 111 lard Hotel. i
- competent girl for general
WANTED-A farnljy of t o. Apply at 2JII
riTANTED-An active young man ol b
TV ipjalllles , li14 ! Ilarney street , t l
riTANlED-Competent gtil for hou evtork.
II oookcornvrBauudeisand Indltna street
0n MRS. H. T. LKAV
llJANTKD-Qood conk , good wages , Kminet
TV flih street and 10th avo. Uri. 11 , V
ouncil UluOs , loAa. 91
lX7ANTEt-Qlrl at 1610 bherman avenue.
IT J. II Counsniaii , V
9 A good cook washer and Iron or.
Crar,2id and Bt , Mary's aro. DM
"VTANTKD At once , ft good kitchen girl a
rV 1'ler St. , North Omaha. 951
r\7ANI D-A cook 1015 HatnoyBt ,
- girl 611 Dodge Bt.
-Chambermaid Or Norfo'k Nel
r"V S.lOthSt. KM
; i7ANTKD- men lor Ilallioad work , ro ;
IT Street. | 9fl > 18 ] II. MANNWtILt
Vlmt-tUn book kctper lor reff
WANTED nelerenccs. Address "P. I' . '
flee. 01
\Tt7ANTED-Twotroodgltlsat the Easterr
\ > South 10th street. 01
YVANTKD A barber , 7081) ) . 10th street , Ot
V BI9-S3p
- cjmpeter t cook. Mrs. W. V
WANTKD-A corner 19th and Capitol ave ,
A competent girl for general
WANTKD Wages $20. a month. N. W. c <
and Davenport. I
\XrANTED-Olrl for general houunork.
> \ Mrs. N. J. Kdholm. 2414 Chicago Bt. C
" \\7ANTED A good girl for general houses
> > CIS south 13th strtct. I
for epf clal engagement at 4 1
WANTED man willing to work. Invest gn
D A nur o for child. References
ed. Mrs. F. H. Davis , 20th strict and St.
avenuo. 8
A good stenographer and typo
WANTKD . U. f > . Katabrook.
\\TA 'ri'D Agltl for gencial houseorl
California ft.
. - A llrstclasi blacksmith A
sltuatlcn and gocxl wages paid to the rial
Fremont Foundry and Machine Flo. . Fremont ,
Klrtt class pantry woman.
once , Cozzens IIouso.
V\7ANThD-rint.cla6s pastry cook. Call ai
> I Corzcns Houio ,
\Tl7ANTED-Olrl Immwllatcly to suw and w
\ V table l OivlilntiUI hotnl. i
AKTiD-Olrl for housework at 2227 Doi
TCI-lm _
and fccond c
\ \f
V Danbaum's rcatauraat , 1514 Dodgu Strce
741 tl
r\7ANTjD ; A reliable and active man to ro |
it a first cla s portrait hou o , taking ordei
dcllxcring work In Oovhato the right party
onnimisiloc will b pat.1. AOdroo Uhlcax ) V
Co , CO , Block , Chicago. 72 !
\ \ AiNfti ) J iua3hiK agents to handle a
tislirco n bo t
II patented article. Ono c
every fatiilly. ( all on or address "Enterprlso
nioek. C
14 CreUliton _
A good barber. Good pay gtiari
WANTED , North Bond , Dmlgo Co.
070 Imp
orroATicwa WAMTBD.
Situation by uian nndlte
WANTED ' placo.Vilo lor housonoin
M uoachman. Goud references given. Addrc
Ij " llco ottlco. 041
A sltuatl'-nln a store by njout
WANTED * both Englleh and Gorman.
to 1010 Cuntor strctt , South Omaha. 0' '
VtTANTED An experienced traveling sal
T V wants a ( Ituat'on in Omaha. Is a lair
umleratands the keeping of double or clnglo
is n good collector. City references. Address "J '
care Mail Carrier No. 4. 87'
"TJI7 ANTED Situation by a lady to do Eccom
V > "C. D. " Bee offlco. 05 !
By a young Gerrmn ol correct
WANTED i-u&Iness experience , a potlt'on
ho can learn the English language and An '
binluoss. Saliry a secondary consluoratlon ,
rccommcndatlous. Call on or addrcsi D. W
I'lattsmouth , Neb. U5i
Young manled man \vants situation as
A keeper , In wholesale establishment in C
Addrest " 0. " care Beo. 81
TTC7At < TED Situation as book keeper or sal
VV by a man with experience. Can give
recommendations. Address "P. A. A. " 21 C
St. SS !
Some person to buy my fur
WANTED , cauie for selling , going cast.
chanco. Address "Jax , " Bee ollleo. 0.1
TITANTED Tw o good girls , ono nureo and i
IT general houao work. Good wages paid t
pctsnt help , 310 North Mth Street. I
" \X7NTBD By six young men , thrcoroom
Vl brard. BrRtot references gH en and rci
Address "S. A. J. " Boo otlico. U3
I'ow rcepcctablo boarders in
WANTED pleasant south rooms , furnlthcd
furnUli , Ixith room , plcacant homo , Urms reas
635 Pleasant ttrint , close to Bt. Mary's avc , i
- A few table boarders at 1718
" \XTANTED Boarilers to know the St. Char
I V tcl on llarnoy St. , between 12th and i ;
s t up the best tabfo boaid for ? 4 00 per neok
house in the city of a corrcspondlr" urlco. !
FOB KEJ1T lioneeB ana Lota.
RE > Tr FurtUhcd cottage in north (
FOR car line , N. W. cur. Pier and Son ard.
RENT Furnished rooms 1810 Dodge i
835 25p
HEVT Furnlsl od rooms , with or
1 board , 1011 Uougo street. 04
TjlOR RENT Nicely lurnlshod rooms 305J
RENT Now storo. Also rooms on 13
FOR . Apply E. Bavogo 0 :
Two ( ho room cottages to bo
by July 1st. Inquire at 1110 Douglas strt
012 ISp
T7 < Oll RENT Cottage of 8 rooms Alto 2 re
I1 the basement , to ono or two parties. Inq
lllODuuglas or 18th ind Williams. Oil
Furnl-hcd double rooms v
FORHKNT Davenport Bt. 00
RENT -Email house three rooms 8. '
FOR and 20th. Jamo * Ne\illo , I
KENT A house with 9 room * at 2170
IriOll ' bt , ? 30. nor montn. Inquire at 504
| > ort St. 001
Fun Uhod rooms , \\lth boar
F01UIENT vtrcct. Oil
HKNT Ono front and ono bock room
FOU , 1616 Chlcajj ttrcct. 83
- streetcar lir
onnvcnlrnt to business. Address imuicil
"Q. X. " IJco ollleo. 1
OIl RENT Uousa with b rooms and ROOI
F kltchou.wllhccllar and clstcrn,15108. llth
Inquire 10. 0 Caetcllar street. 88 !
To a ( mall family , a siilto of
rooms , 1112 Bouth llth mrtets. 810
HUNT Two furnlthod rooms for light
FOR , IKomci's Block , cor , 8th aud How
UUNl' A pleasant lurnlihed room fo
FOK , at ISVO Capitol anu . 8
HKNT A flrst class store In good lo
Inquire at Kdh 1m and Erlckson. CO
HUNT Furnished rooms 227 Dodge.
FOH 481
UKNT-Kirst-chM 0 room cottage
I'utorsou , B-uthoant corner 15th and Doug !
ITtUK KKNT llooms lu Mo > ruka NaUoral
1 * bulldlui ; . Jto.t deslrablo otlkes In the
iuppllod with hvlraulle cldvator and beat
iteain. Apply at Bank C
17011 UENT Elegor t roildence 10 rooms , fu
f hot and cold ate r , bath rooms 1o. Uulta
Int claoa boarding homo or private resident
icr month.
Ki uitcoii room house now , llth Bt , near Jon
Millionth. UAKKKU&MAYN1
( U7-tl 18th and Kara
. OR UKNT-ln Iledlck1 * block. Btorerooi
r. leet deep and good offlco room. 1'aulsen .
, room 3 , 768
I70R UKNT-plauo. Inquire atlMholmi
K son's. 0 !
poll UENT atom room 1DW Karuam Ut
I 1 1'AULHEN & CO. _ 4C
( TIOK IICNT FurnUhed rooms on the noi
U cor. IBth and G pltcl vtnu , formerly Crcl
louse. If
IT'Oll HEN1 L ig fuinlsne room to gtutl
V only , N. W. cor. Ibth nod Farnam.
r 0lUENT Che p , ono piano , one organ ,
L4 lloiiw , 1510 Do.tge Bt. 410
fOtt liALB ,
[ 7011 SALE IIo isehold goods In a cottage o
L' rooms , and cottage to rent. Apply on i rci
roa Uurt street. 047-
[ 7011 SALK-Three of the but lot * In liar
L1 placu at a bargain it lold soon. 1'ottcr A ; i
ilSVarnaui. 83
[ 7011 SALE Aitayiptr boardtng bouts one
L1 licrn I' . 0. S17 K. lO'.h bt , 835-
UcUIIdlUlo )
1515 Donglas Strnot. Omaha.
Are prepared t > do wo J
in any branch , "
On Short Notice
Buffalo U , S. Standard
Himebaugh & Taylor ,
11. II. TRACK , HAY ,
And is now in Use by the United States Government.
REPAIR SHOPS Scales o all kinds repaired and sealed by U. S
standard weights.
for Estimates.
1405 Douglas Street.
S ALE-8HEKP-A lot of fine Colorado Ki
coiBlstlngof SCO cues , 2 , S Hud 4 Joais
about OiO jcarllngs and LOO Iambs. The owes
Bhcar about B ununils , Pur furthcrMnfonimtlon
ro.f. ill lay Co. , Ilnlglcr , B. & M. K. K. , Nob.
030 Imp
SALE A grain , stock and coal buslnc :
\\cfctcrnlowa. Low iirlco and easy terras I
nets will bear investigation. An unusiul bat
offered. Address "Wlnchcll" care Onuha Beo.
SALE A nlco cottigo and lull lot , half I
south ol Milton Rogers' residence , on 13tn eti
Inquire ol it. Leo , Oroccr , 2id and Lca\eanortl
T7IOII RALli Two ( roeh inllch cows , 611 South
JD streetbetween Ilonard and JicKson. 020-1
TJ OUSALE A Rood paj ing meat market , or
JD partner wanted. For particulars call at 110 !
IOK SAI K At a bargain , a Orel class Zither ,
F dress "X. Z. Q" Bee olHco. St
OR SALU A keystone range No. 8. I'rlco
F Inquire 1417 south 9th bt. 878 S
TT'OU SALE Tno second hand 'phnos , at Edl
JD & Erlckson's Music Store en 10th St. 8CC
T OIISSAT.E The 'coziest r.nd most desirable
JL denco on Capitol Hill. IIouso contains D tro
besides clcfiti and ttoro rooms , gcod cellar ,
water , and all modern Improvements. Gold
and outbulldlnKs. Kverythlngin ( list class st
Full Int. Inquire olT. F. Lyou on premises ,
Capitol avenuo. 81'
40acrolarm , adjoining Elkhorn
tlon ; saloon anddrugstoro at Waterloo. Wi
charRo for Omaha property. J , B. SILVIS
10 24p Elkhom Staten ,
HALE The Omaha Bakery , established
Contains a good etrck of Fancy Goods and (
futures , \\agon , etc. Location flrst-cUss. Chea
cash. Apply 616 10th street , bet. Jackson and 1
ard. 734
HALE A ( food P ylnit grocery busti
stock and fixtures. Will invoice $2,500.
$25,000 porjear. For further Information , ad
for two weeks " / . " Bee oflloo. 7
JD BO lots in Kceao'a Place , on St. Harm's av
street car line , \erylow pricu for 80 ilaja. Ate
to Joseph tl. Itcose , 211 South 14th street. 074
SALE Tim good will and fixtures ol
FOR IIouso. Easy terras. 63 !
T7OR SALE Two open seoond-nand
JP one delivery wagon , cheap , at 1319 Barney S
TjtOIl SALE A choice Improved farm of 240 a
JD well watered , good buildings , lar o orchar
acres fenced , within li miles of new stock J aril8
only 6 u.llcs from city , at $55.00 per aero. Als
that be sold in 80
acreso < lJoining the above , can '
farms at $45 and 817 BO per acre , lerma easy.
TEH & OOBB , 161S Farnam street. 404
SALE One piano , as good as now. Cl
FOR Hospo , 1510 Dodge. ' 409 :
TT'Olt SALE Cheapest house anil lot In Oman
I1 Potter's addition , Ssooms , neil , 300 barrel
tern on two lots , 1(0 feet front bv 130 loot uccf
< 2OM. I'OTrEH&aoBD. 1516 Farnam St. 4
17IOH S\I.E-CIieap lots in Shlnn's 2nd o > ldl
JL } Klrkwood nd PUlniiow. I'OITEU & C (
1616 Farnam street 423
SALE Twenty acres ot the Orltfon fart
FOIl from tha I'ostolllco , and only two hi
from Fratt's eub-dlvlslon. Will bo sold In 2J , I
10 acre lota. Inqutro Omaha Carpet Co. ,
Douglas trect 70 tl
ITIOIt HAlitS t arm It miles from city , near U ;
JD Stock yards. Inquire at Mrs. Meyer , over
der'a Print store , Iftth and Webster. 872-
BALE Cheap , One driving horse , buggy
FOR . Apply room2i , Omaha National E
Dulldlng 216
I' I/iuckn otfli
\t \ Continental haiiximl I .ink Chicago. II'
ppenrd mid closed , lllxc'l ac.oui U bdju ted. It
cst CbluKO and Omaha references. Am upon to
uaneut engagement Adiresa care Morclmnts
.lonal National Buik , Omaha. 040 :
QT11AYKD OH bTOLEV-Ono sin ill bay horsej
Oerkl small saddle marks on the liak and 1 w
loot behind. J. F. Hammond , 1114 llarnev stre
* D-Iark red cow , white mark on face
STItAV whit j spot on left IHnk , 3 year * old. Pai
wi I be lultubly rewarded by returning or brini
nlorinatlon to Granback's ttoro , fitb and raclflo
920 Itin
f > ne cttray bay nuro four yean
JL Call at n. D Uiccarthys , Just souU ol :
rtolr , en Louoavo. aud Uurt St. 021-oew
rpo EXCIIANGE-A gram and stock builness I
X ted at ie\er > Utatlons In Western Iowa lor ail '
arm or good la ds tulUble for stock purposes.
offer will boar itrlcteat Investigation Write for ;
icularo. Address " \ \ inclicll , " care Omaha Beo.
/10NCKRT at Henry Iluser1 * Park every Sun
kj from 2 to 7 o'clock p. m. 25o admission I
ilaca for family plo-nles. 785-2S
For Business ,
Traveling ,
Dress and
DrcMlogi. Kew Summer NoteltUs ,
. . , . , ,
Physician & Surgeon
( Formerly ot Morey Hospital Chlcajo )
Nervous Diseases and Diseases onto
Eye aiU Ear a Specialty ,
/3-Offlce Odd Follows1 Mock , N. W. cor. Mth
and Dodge streets , Omaht , Neb. Offlco honts 10 to
12 a. m . 2 to 4 and 7 to 8 p. nu Sundays 10 to 12 a.
m. AH casej promr tly attended.
To Contractors Dredging.
Sealed propoiala lor tbo following work of dredging
will bo recehidattho nlllcoot A A. Thrrnas.O'unty
Clerk ol Uurt county Nobroelia , at Tikamab. Neb. ,
( duplicates to bo iikd with tbo County Clerk of
Washington county , Nebraska , at Blair Nebraska )
until July 15th , 183' , at 12 o'clock Jt to bo opened
Ihose filed with eald county cl ( rk of Hurt countv , on
July I6th , 1834 , at 1 p. in. in the DHrU Court room ;
and those filed with said county clerk ol Wisuiugton
county , on the 10th cf July 1854 , at U o'clock a. m. .
la the District Court locm.
The w < rk ti bo done , N constructing eight lateral ,
or spur dltchis In salt counties to wit :
Spur Number 1 , Is about 8SO rods long ;
Spur Number 2 , Is about ISOrodi long ;
Spur Number 6 , la about 721 rods long ;
Spur Number 7 , l about 100 rods long.
The above are each to bo S feet wide at the bottom
3 feet deep , atide feet wldonttho top ; the dirt to bo
removed it feet from the brink of tbo ditch , txccpt
Spur Number 7 , which Into bo removed 0 feet from
brink to south side of ditch.
Spur Numtcr4la about 860rods long ;
Sour Number li , Is ab ut 080 rod * lng
The above are each 13 bo 4 foit wide at the bottom ,
4feotdonp and B loot wide at the top , and diitto
be removed 4 feet Irom brink of ditch.
Spur Numbir 8 U about 15i rods locg ;
hpur Number 0 Is about GS4 rod/long ;
Th9abovoatoojchtobo2feetwldeut bottom , 2
feetilcnp ani4feetwldo ! at top and dirt to ba re-
mcned 3 feet from brink of ditch.
All of said work to be done according to plans and
spcciflcitlons on file lu the oKco of eald County
Proposals to bn fnrwholowork , entire , nlso In w ork-
Ing sections , and bids will be rccchcd for worklnc ;
BO-tlona separatrjy for each ot said spur ditches.
Each bid filed In Hurt coun'y ' muti bo accompanied
withcortUlu'l check pajablo to Its County Cltrk or
order , for the turn ot at leant $25 for each working
see ion covered by the blJ , but In case of no mia blci
need exceed 250 , each check to bo if bidder
ente'S Into contract with good and sutllclcnt sureties
for Its performance ; also in case contract ta non
awarded to bidder , otherwlsat o same shall b < for-
ieitod. Each bid must alno bo accompanied with of good and sufficient Burette * to satlstactlon
of undersigned for performance of contract. No bid
to bo cntcrulncd for any of sa d w ork which exceeds
the estimated cost of construction of the working
tcction or sections upon which tl e bid is made. Work
under contract to bo completed In 150 da > s from
tlmo contract I ) let , unless extended for good cause.
D'ank proposals will bo furnished oa a ; plication to
elthrr ot aald couuty clerks.
The light li reserved to reject any and all bIJs.
Bald work b being done under proceedings hod by
thn county commissioners ol > ald counties , under tbo
act ol the Legislature proving lor draining mariti
and swamp lands In Nebra ks ; approved Feb. 28th ,
1881 , towhlch the proceedings , thoprotlle , pint , re
port estimate , mil apportion muit of the engineer of
eald work and pvticularly to the proceedings of
saidommlsslouirain joint teflon , held at Blair ,
Neb , , FebruatySth 18SJ. andt ojiln session hld In
lekanuh , Nebraska Slay voth , 1K-4 , of the rouuty
commissioners of Hurt count } , and the tujiervlsurs ol
Washington comity ; all on tllo or of record in the
offices of said county clerks , rclercnce la hereby mule
as part hereof.
John Spemcr , L. C. W > ber ,
rhos Haller , John Kir tz ,
James Denny Hcnty Prahm ,
3. C. Rose , T. M. Carter ,
IV. P. Vlelo , Sail Splkcr ,
Leo Johnson , Dick talaco ,
'o Bupervitors of Wtehlngton County.
3. T. Urlflln , T. E. Kail ,
( lea. A. Crannell ,
County Commlssloriora ol Uurt County.
The Pioneer and Still Ahead ,
V ,
Lee , ooo I0rox7TZTso. .
Fast superseding the largest old fuhhnad stores
nd rtngoi It ha. the simplest and most efficient
to e burners In the world , and with new Improvo-
icuU the catlett to uperato. Absolutely sate with
8 patent reservoir , now In use the second season
ithout a single accident.
jUrtiend fur Catalogue , Trice List , Kto.
e iwjfpin 0-m
vcr Contl's Drug Store , Bouth Uth Street , near
Offlco llouri 8 toO.M a. m , 1 to t.31 and 0 to 7:30 :
in. J.'Uht calU pxompt.y attended.