Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 19, 1884, Page 2, Image 2

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For JNcnrnlgin
For Neuralgia
For Neuralgia
For Nnurnlgin
For Rheumatism
For Rlioumatism
For Rheumatism
For Rheumatism
For n Lame 13nck
For n Lame Back
For a Lame Book1
For a Lame 13nck
Doctor Thomas' Eclcctric Oil
Doctor Thomas' Eclcctric Oil
Doctor Thomas' Eoloctric Oil
Doctor Thomas' Eclectric Oil
. .JX CTKO-VOWAIO nELT nnd other KLicrnio
, * ArruAvcKi nro sent on a ) Days' Trial TO
lIENO.SLY , VOU.SO OH OLD , who nrn sufferIng -
Ing from Ncnvofs DntiUTT. LOST Vrriurr ,
Wisnia WKAKKKSSW , nml nil thono diseases of a
I'ciuoiAt , NATUUE. resulting from Ancsit.i nnd
Ornin CACSKSBr * ' < < < ly ri-llcf unit romplcto
rtutorallon to HriALTir , V'oon nnd MiMiioon
ilUituKTKrn. BcnA at once for Illmtratca
I'amrhlct frco. Aaarcss
TOI.TAIO Jini.T CO. , nfnrnhnll. Mich.
I To tboso Miflcrlncf rom too
HoITectn of youthful oirora.
J mlnnlwifi . rlr < l < > -
mimrummmm < w i < > ! " > " y
eVr"lo.t ininboo.l. etc. . I will semi jrou nirtleaUn of a
simple and certainmo n of.self euro , frooof chargo.
Bend tour address to F. O. FOMLKU.Moodus.Oonji
To the SMOKERS of
Blackwell's Genuine
Bull Durham Smok
ing Tobacco.
The genuine has picture of
BULL on every package.
For particulars see our next
Erlanger , . . ' . . ' Buvaritil
Culmbncher , . . Bavaria.
Pilsner . . . Bohemian ,
Kaiser .Bremen ,
Budweiser Sfc , Louis.
Anhauser. . . . . . .St. Louis.
Best s Milwaukee.
Schlitz-Pilsner Milwaukee.
Knur's Omaha.
Ale , Porter , Domestic and Rhino
Wine. ED. MAURER ,
121 Fnrimra8fc ,
0 < mcratlvo
. , quickly cured by the
OFFIIANUE. Prompt return of Y1U011. Blmt.l
cases , $3 to W , Severe ones , > 3 to 812. 1'amiihlo
Free. C'lvlalo Ilomcdlal Agono , 1GC Fulton Bt. , Now
\Vlien 1 i ir lure i or tint locan merely to .top lUira Jot
ttlmoanuthon liivothtin return UT | III IUCBH r Ji.
C > 1 rurn. I hnvo iniu ! tl.o . dl oaio of F1T3. KrlLlil'ar
tmotl ; to cura tlm wont ruei. IIt uul ollitri t ti
nlled Jt IHI roaion lor nut now rocrlrlug a cur * . Mu4S4
OHM for treuiltu ami a Kroo Uattl * of ray inrauzj
niafj. Olro l.'xproj and I'oit Ulllco. It cuMa fvt
f Jug tor u trial , mil I win mm T. , . . .
iddresu Vt. II.I. Ituor. leiroirieu.yfvtirio
.A victim ol early Iraprudeuco , cautmir iicrrous.
flobliltr. prcmaturo ilocay. etc. . having trim ] In
rain eterr known rerowly , Iiai dlncoverod n ilmplo
ean * of Bolt-cure , which lie will mjnd VllRIJ to
-ufrerer < . Addrvu.
, JlltliVKH. - rtbatuHt. Now York
James MoallnsU
Chartered by tlicStatcof 1U1
noln for theexptcaapurnoca
of civinclmmcdlatc rclfcllr
all chronic , urinary and prl <
, vate dUcntca. Qonorrhtra.
OleetnndSyphills In all their
complicated forms , also ol'
diseases of the Bkln and
Blood promptly relieved and
permanentlycured by reme.
dlcs.Uatedln D FortuYcart
. . . - - , - Hi > cclall'racUte. Seminal
WcQkncsi. Ni7 : tit Losses by Dreams , Pimples on
thePareLostManhood. } < u < llrrft/riirnT/er
lanoexiierlinrniliHi ; the appropriate rc.r.edy
13 ut once used In each case , Coniultatlons , per-
nonnl or by letter , sacredly confidential. Med.
idncs sent by Mall und'Exprcss. No marks on
ace to Indicate contents or sender. Addresi
DB.JAMESNo.204Wa h nolonSt.ChIcafloljli
C iuf ; This Out AD01DEH tOIDrOOODI
i LrlUtf v
W IVUjitAl. A
. euro KenrouuteM.
Lunibar < > , Ulicaruatl < iii , 1'ar
&jr > l > , NvurulKlk , HcUtlca
Kidney , Bplno and Unr
, " H e Elcctrltlty ( id m.if
* 1 7 > * n < 1 c * " r r * < 1 ' " " "
I.OOO Would Not Bu * It.
D * . Uoaas-l was
rorjd by ufag T < 4t"To with ur oJ. .fSoUd .ith and
that dliease , I would t r , buy l/ora ' s Electrlo Ilelt
Any one can mfcr with 'me , by writing c
at ajr store , 14JO Douglas rtreet. Omibi , Ifeb.
K. Goodman's Drugstore' 1110
JUmau Ut , Omaha , 4W
Orders filled C. O D.
MftUcfH of Interest For Km pin ) or
nd Kmplojetl.
An Inlornntlorml Convention of Win
dow-glass Worker * is to bo hold at St.
Union's , Lancashire , England , on July
J8. Delegates will bo present from the
United States , Great Britain , Franco ,
Belgium aud Italy. It will to the largest
convention of the kind over hold , and it
ia expected that very important results
wilt bo arrived at. Uno of the questions
to bo discussed will bo the emigration of
skilled workmen from ono country to an
other nt the instance of employers who
are engaged in contests with their work
men. An effort will bo made to cqualizo
wages in all countries as far as possible ,
considering the cost of living. The glass
workmen of the world are already organ
ized to n certain extent , but when this
convention closes it is oxpontcd that
measures will have boon adopted to pre
vent the frequent contests that hava
taken place during recent years.
The steve manufacturers nro only on-
oring upon the contest with their work
men. ThodifllcuUios between employers
and workmen may bo traced in part to
the action of Perry & Oo. , of Now York ,
who frequently have had 1,000 convicts
* n their employ at 50 cents per day , frco
) f rent and taxes By convict labor this
firm has boon able to undersell the man
ufacturers of the United States nnd drlvo
horn to the wall. The recent reductions
n wages were brought about by this firm
ind the workmen throughout the west
ms stubbornly refused to submit to the
onviet-labor basis. An effort is being
made in the west to start with non-union
abor , but with unsatisfactory results.
Tlioro ia trouble on this question at Cln-
u'nnati , St. Louis , Chicago , Moline nnd
iovoral umallor towns in the interior. The
western manufacturers have joined hands
jth their Fittsburg brothers to oppose
ho union.
Philadelphia hau 002 establishments
ovotod to the making of men's nnd
oy'o clothing , in which are employed
0,102 men , 10,200 women and 035 chil
dren , turning out goods valued nt $31-
The pig-iron trade of the south is slow
ly improving.
The Self-Acting Sowing Machine Com
pany of Loading hall street , London , has
taken out and ia working a patent which
will save the necessity for the use of
either hands or foot. The now motor
drives the sowing machine by a process
of clockwork , neither bulky nor compli
cated. The motive power is completely
under control , DO that while it can bo
made to drive a needle at the rate of
about 1,000 stitches a minute It can al
so bo worked slowly.
At a recent mooting of the Syndicate
of French Tailorlsm in Paris , a member ,
M. Duohor , made a complaint which
would neom to show that the taste for
garments cut in the English style is rap *
idly spreading among Frenchmen. So
recently as 1875 , M. Duohor said , there
worp only thirteen English tailors in
Paris , doing businocs at the amount of
1,400,000 franc a year , whereas at pres
ent there are thirty-nine , whoso dealings
amount to 13,500,000 franc. M. Duchor
wont on to give it as his opinion that
English taste in dross is "horrible , " but
at the same tiino ho appealed to the pat
riotism of his follow countrymen to sup
port the native tradesmen
Some of tho'Bhoomakora of Philadel
phia are contemplating establishment .
000,000'pounds of paper ? ' Half of this
is used in printing generally , while GOO-
000,000 pounds are used for newspapers.
An average of olovoiTnnd a half pounds
is used by every Englishman , and ton
and a quarter pounds by every Amer
The latest novelty in Sweden is an en
ormous engine which daily produces
1,000,000 boxes of matches. It receives
the raw material ( blocks of wood ) at ono
end gives up at the other the matches
neatly arranged in their boxes , ready to
bo packed. The wood , which In the
course of lost summer , was brought over
to Jouknuiiig to bo made into matches ,
filled twenty steamers.
The Willimantio Spool Thread com
pany , _ in Connecticut has boon compelled
to limit its production and sell out a portion
tion of its great establishment to the
Pullman Palace Oar company. When
the last congress was in session this great
monopoly produced statistics to show
that its branch in England was losing
money , while the business in this coun
try would utterly break down but for
protection , But by last accounts the
EnglUh concern was doing well.
The Blauoh Chunk ( Ponn. ) Democrat
says that the workmen in the Lohigh ore
mines got sixty cents a day and live on
raw bacon nnd dry bread.
A good many of our locomotive works
are short of orders , but otill gome of
them are well supplied. The Ellis works
at Schenectady , have orders on hand to
keep them nil summer. Work ia being
ing prosecuted on the McQueen locomo-
tiyo work , at the oamo place , and work
will bo turned out this fall and winter ,
Some locomotive works are offering spe
cial terms to railroad companies , who
who plaio orders for the summer , in or
der that they may continue work.
The powder manufrcturors are bowing
to the power which ia everywhere coin-
polling restriction of production ana
combination for mutual protection. The
Dupont Company , in paying the Vulcan
Manufacturing Company § 75,000 to BUS-
ponpcnd production for n j oar , Una sim
ply followed in the wako of other manu tl
facturing interests in its efforts to arrest tlII
competition nnd prevent prices from IIci IIT
dropping below remunerative limits. ci
The tendency to combination is do- cift
yclopjng everywhere. The railroad pool ft
ing inaugurated this departure. The ftft
iron makers , lumbermen , wire manufact ftre
urers , textile manufacturers , nailmakora re
and hardware people have all combined , ti
and now comes a proposition to pool the
milling interest * , but as long as it is im si
possible to pool sunlight and air it is not sitl
ikoly that this will bo accomplished. tlw
Michael Molzlor , of Philadelphia , is II
unking a nice fortune dealing in bad w
eggs , which ho gathers up wherever ho it
can got them , Ho sorts them , divides itd (
-oiks from whites , and in manufactured 8C
erin soils the substance to tanners , mor 8Cbi
occo dressers , confootiouors and paper '
nakcrs , sii
Oliver & Roberts , of Pittsburg. have
ust started their now wire-rod mill the ro
ccond in the country. It is a superb an
truuturo ; it will employ 400 men , and Gi
rill enable Oliver it Itoborts to make all be
ho raw material for their barbed wire ,
which they have heretofore had to import fowi
com abroad , placing their orders elx wire
months ahead. ro
The carpentori , coopers , stairbuildera , an
sabinotmakcrs and w ook carvers of ull the anwi
srgo cities are well employed at good wiwi wiM
Glovomaking is unique as on employ- da
nent for women. It utands midway
between the textile industries which can Bt <
nly bo carried on in largo factories , and
the ordinary hand-sowing which is done
by seamstresses nt homo , for making a
glove rs a very elaborate affair , consistini
of many processes , each of which has ita
own special workman or workwoman
Out of the 10,000 or 15,000 women who
nro more or less constantly employed in
making the gloves sold by the great firm
of Dent , Allcroft & Co.r only 300 or 400
nro nt work in the famous Worcester fao
tory , which may bo regarded as the head
quarters of the English glove trade. The
rest work nt homos but , as they go from
the factory to the homo , so they return
from the homo to the factory , for the
plain sowing is only ono of the many processes -
cesses through which the skin passes in
its progress from the back of the kid to
the hand of the wearer.
To supply the requisite materials for
the gloves sold by n single firm alone
which , however , it is fair to say , has more
than half the trade in its own hands
nearly 5,000,000 kids and lambs are
slaughtered annually. That is to say ,
10,000 of 2-months-old innocents are
killed every working day , year in and
year out , to supply "Dent's" with materi
al for their gloves. More gloves , how
ever , are sown by women at homo , and
the employment thus afforded for the
spare hours of wives and daughters in the
counties of Worchoator , Hereford , Ox
ford , Somerset , Devon Glouchestor , is
onoot the most important sources of
fonmlo income. The whole system is
very elaborately organized. The gloyo
making counties ore mopped out into cir
cuits , each of which has its sowing clerk
or commercial traveler. The firm em
ploy a number of clerks , who have cash
their own districts , and around those they
travel every week , taking a cartload of
gloves each round. The glove sewers
of the district assemble at a fixed place
generally the village inn and receive
their work , which they tnko homo and
deliver next week when the clerk comes
around again. As n rule , there are
twenty to thirty workers in each village
who do the plain sowing , some by hand
and Bomo by machine. They earn from
5s. to 8s. the week , which is the pay for
ono to two dozen pairs of gloves.
In another column will bo found the announcement
nouncomont of MOB-RIB. T1IOS. COOK & SON
Tourist Agouti ) , 2C1 Broadway , Now York ,
relative to the very complete arrangements
they have made for toura In Europs the
coming Spring and Summer. "Cook's Excur
sionlit , " containing maps and full particular * ,
will bo mailed to any address on receipt of 10
In tlio Darkness.
M. Quad.
Wo marched by the loft flank along n
blind roar in the woods until the trees
no longer hindered our movements , and
then the brigade came to n "front" and
advanced in lino. Hero and there wo
cnmo upon our dead or wounded skir
mishers , and before wo were quite clear
of the wooda wo opened the lines for a
dozen or twenty men to pass to the roar
driven foot by foot by an advancing lino.
There was omoko hanging low over
woods and fields , but now and then I
caught sight of flags and men and horses
in our ( front. Cannon were booming ,
muskets popping and officers shouting
orders , and amidst the terrible racket wo '
suddenly quickened our pace and drove I
straight forward at the battery. The
distant was perhaps a hundred rods. It
was likrfjaahing into n fog. I stopped
over twoSroundod and throe dead men ,
stumbled over a horse lying on his side ,
and looked up to notice that our line was
' 1"J--
on the loft1/ /
wo moved forward. Now the noaros
man waa ton foot away.
Now wo hnlt now wo close up now
I hoar man cheering , and wo breast for
( raid into a fog which is out and atreakec
with long , reel tonguoa of llamo. In
minute moro I can BOO the cannon wheel
and the logs of the gunners under th
smoko. I1 oar ? No I It is a wild exultation
tion a fooling-that may truly bo calloi
devilish. I want to shoot and stab am
kill some ono. I yell at the top of m.
volco. "L grip the arm of the man on m ;
loft to hurry him forward , and I chuckl
as I notice how fierce his look how th
hungry tiger can bo read in his eyes
Then 1
The sun had gone down. There was r
spiteful roar of artillery a vengeful sputtering
toring of musketry a trembling of th
earth which hurt mo. All this came re
mo as I opened my eyes , but it came slow
ly. Doud ! I wondered for a momcn a
whether I was or not. No ! I had boon
hit wounded. Where ? Thcro was n
pain not the slightest twinge. Ah
come to remember , I had stumblot
against a corpse just as the picture of the B
battle-field faded before my eyes. Ouri n
pus that T should have lost consciousness. oltl
in the fall. I would got up and hurry on tl
and rojoiu my company. tlP
I rose to a flitting position , and then w
well , my right log stuck fast to the grass tlfc
The blood hnd poured out and dried to t fc
paste , and all of a sudden a twinge o ; st
pain racked my very soul. AH arouni bier
mo 1 saw the bodies of my comrades. ] or
called aloud , but not a soul answered , orol
Not a man of us reached the battery fo
Grape and canister had saved the guns. foof ofo
To move was to fool the sUbs of a dozen to ;
knives ; but I drew myself along , inch by or
inch , to R stump. Then I had a prop at ov
my back nnd could wait. The roar ol
the battle was dying away and grim nlghi >
was mercifully hiding the horrible sights
of a battle field.
4'Help ' 1"
A shadow passed mo , never hooding r
thtj call , and knelt bnsido a dead body. . vv
was that of a young Lieutenant in the do
Twelfth Now York. I remembered his cat
crying "Forward I" just as I fell. I cah t
looked again , and the shadow covered its h
face with its hands and reeked too and mi
fro ever the dead and moaned :
"My husband my darling ! They have
robbed mo of my treasure they luvu
turned my joy into deepest sorrow 1"
A shadow on my right. It moved :
slowly , with hands tightly pressed over [
the heart. It was timt of an aged nv
woman , The hair was snow white , the
limbs ; weak and trembling , and the volco f
was choked and biokon as it called :
"Whoro is my boy where U my lying n
ieadt" I pointed to the body of a youth , vn
icarco 18 , which was lying beside a Bohi
bush whoso every leaf and twig was hi
mattered with blood , and she sank bo- ar
ildo it and sobbed : 01u
"And this is the glory of war ! They u
a poor old mother of her lost born t
md then ring the bolls for victory ! Oh ! t
3od ! lam heart broken ! Let mo die e
jesido him , " i
Shadows | on my left. There were n
'our of thorn. The I'rut ' was that of a <
vifo and mother the others her child lie
on. They looked at mo in mute appea nd
ind I beckoned them. At my foot IIIV
vith his broad breast shattered and torn V
vas n stalwart Sar eaut of the Becon ,
Mastachusottt. It was ho who had 1
Uthed into the front ranks and oncourd im
iged us when wo wavered under thu no
itorm of grapo. They sank down be- ock
ildo him and while the children moaned M
and sobbed Pie mot'-cr raised her hands
to heaven ana crioa.
"Widowed desolate brokent-hoar-
tedl What is victory to mo when hero
lies the corpse of husband and father ) , '
And yet another shadow camo. It
was that of n fair young girl. Eer beau
tiful face was deadly pale , her brown
eyes were filled with horror , her white
tooth were shut tightly , ns if she feared
that she would ncrcam out nnd awaken
the dead. Ah ! I know for whom uho
searched. When our right flank was
doubled back on the centre nnd the re
giment confused nnd mingled , I found
him at my cido , Ho belonged to the
Sixth Rhode Island. I pointed to the
spot whore he lay , halHiis handsome
face shot nway by the terrible grape , and
with n shriek she knelt beside him. I
RAW her white fingers toying with his
brown curls. I saw her hold his hand
and Kiss it again and again. By-and-by
she rose up and with hand outstretched
toward the ragged clouds of night she
cried aloud :
"And you call this victory ! You crip-
pie and kill and break hearts and make
widows and orphans , and you wave your
flags in rejoicing ! "
Wol lo Bloycr.
It It now undiftpnted that AVIo Die Mcy-
cr'B Ontnrrh Ouro Is the only treatment
that will absolutely euro Catarrh fresh or
Chronic. "Vory efficacious. Snml Could ,
Weeping Water , Neb , " Ono box cured mo.
Mm. Mary Knnyon , 13I marck , Dakota. " "It
restored mo to the pulpit ; . Kov. Gooreo K ,
Kel , C blovlllo , N. Y. " "Ono box radically
cured mo , Kov. 0 , If. Tnhlor , 140 Noble
street , Brooklyn' " "A perfect euro after 30
years nufferlnir , J. D. McDonald , 710 Uroad-
way , N. Y. , &o. , &c. Thousands of tostlmo.-
ntala are received from all Darts of the worldl-
Dollvorcd , Sl.OJ. Dr. Wei Do Meyer's Iby
liielratcd Trrntlce , " with statements of
the cured , mulled free , D. B. Dewey & Co , ,
112 Fulton Street , N. Y
tuo-t.hurs & snt-mMem
A Swindled UarJcoy.
Texas Sittings.
"Sandy" Jim as ho is called , is ono of
the most quarrelsome negroes in Austin ,
but ho always gets the worst of every
fight that ho gets into. , Ho always
starts the fight , and invariably gets
Some daya ago ho was fined ton dollars
for not complying with some sanitary
ordinance that required him to clean up
his back yard. As ho paid ever the
money , ho sighed and groaned as if ho
was sick , and shaking his head , said to
the justice :
"Dia hoah money am joss as good ns
frowod away. Hit don't do mo no good.
When I hat dot furso wid Jim Webster ,
and got my arm broke , I only had tor
pay five dollars , and I was laid up a whole
week. I don't mean nufiln pussonal ,
jpdgo , but hit don't scorn to mo I was get-
tin' the wuff ob my money. "
"That's noh my fault , Jim , " responded
the justice. "If you don't clean up your
yurd , you will have to pay for it. "
"But , jedgo , foah God , you is asking
too much. Ton dollars ! Whew ! Down
in Galboston I only had tor pay ton dollars
lars for do furse I had wid a white man ,
who fruwed a handful of buckshot inter
me , and put mo in do hospital for six
munts. If I hud been busted obor do
head wid a pish 1 by do p'licoman who
'rested mo for not cleaning up dat yard ,
wouldn't hab said a word ; but tor put
down ton dollara for nullin , when I'hasn't
ebon been kicked , or called a black
scoundrel , why , jedgo , hit's puffecly
ridicklis , " and ho went off grumbling and
shaking his head , satisfied that ho had
boon doarhipd of his constitutional
eiaWti , ,
word's A\siTrfioBpf/ZBte ; -
Incomparable In Sick Headache.
Dr. Fred Horner , Jr. , Salem , Va. ,
says. "To rpliovo the indigestion and
so-called sick hco'clacho and mental de
pression to certain stages of
rheumatism , it ia incomparable. "
Some Mistaken Ideas A bout It Wuon
It Blooms ,
Clcavland Herald.
Said a well-known florist to a reporter
yesterday , in response to the quoory
whether ho over saw a century plant in
bloom : Only once , nnd that was a great
many years ago la a conservatory in Lon
don , when a plant , gonoinlly supposed
to have attained tCo ago of 100 years , be
gan to .show signos of life by sending cut
atom in the con tea , which grow from
seven to eight inches daily. It at once
began to attract general i.uontion. The
stem grow larger OVHI y day. The plant
was moved from plo.u ttf place , for the
glass roof waM not hiijn enough , until at
last resort it was placed under the cup
ola. Before many daya the stem reached
the cupola roof , and , in order that its
progress might not bo retarded , the glass
was removed nnd tho-roof raised , when
the stem had attained a height of about
forty-Qvo foot , if I remember rightly , it
stopod growing , nnd numeroos small
branches grow out of the maid stem ,
each of which was stopped with a cluster
magnificent greenish-yellow flowers ,
forming a solid bush of beautiful flowers ,
about ten foot in height. It seemed
mo all London ( lucked to BOO that flow-
, aud it was the topic of conversation
ivorywhoro. "
"Js it a fact that they bloom ole every
no hundred years ? "
"That's a" mistaken idea , which has
eng ago boon exploded. The American
iloo , or century plant , as it is commonly
cnown , will somoiimo bloom when but
.wonty-fivo years old , It altogether do-
lends upon the cjimato and upon the
saro. At times it will not bloom unless
has attained the ago of 100 years , but I
hero are not many aloes in northern cli-
nates which attain such an ago. "
"Aro they a popular house plant in
his region ? '
"Yes , they are growing in popularity
ivory year , but , as a rule , people do not
novr how to treat thorn , and the nonso-
iionco is that they die before they are S
kind of an ornament. "
"What do you consider a proper mode
treatment of that plant ? ' !
"In the first place they must bo placed
a wooden pot , pa 1 , or keg earthen-
rare pots are liublo to bo injurious.
ioforo planting them it is essential that T :
darmagr should bo perfect say Uiroo
irgo round holes iu the bottom and bo-
are placing the earth iu the vessel a
urntiiy of broken crockery or pebbles
the bottom will improve Its drainage , I
also requires constant watering , and re Hoi > *
great dual os cpro nnd attention. "
"Will a century plant bloom moro than one
; ( en
"No , sir ; after the disappearance of bre
flowers the plant withers nnd dies , will spc
no core in the world will sayo it. ' I
I )
Wlint Cnn'c 11 o Ouroil Must Ho Adi
Kmluroil , ' * Sal.
This old adifja does not signify that wo 11.tbi tbir
met cutter the miseries of dyapepilo , when a r
ludlclua with the curative nroi > ertlo of Jlur- or ' I
lilood Jiitttn Is available' It li one of I'cr
Lioinoit lubdUndol aud reliable roraedlo *
to-day. J
uinRiMiDT. An
unfailing cure ( or
Bemlnil Weak-
n < w ,8pcrmatorr
ho * , Impotflnoy ,
and all Diseases
that follow as a
sequence of Self.
_ _ Alm e ! aslosso ( _ _
* . ud
In the Back , Dimness o ( Villon , Prerna Ag <
anil aitny other diseases that load to Ins on
sumption and a Premature Orate.
BIWARR o ( advertisements to rotind ( nnney , when
druggHti ( rom whom the medicine Is bou tlo fief
refund , but refer you to the manuactnrers , and the
requirements are such that they are teldom , < / ever
compiled with. Pco tholrwrltlrngu rantoo , Atria
ol ono single pnc' < ivgo ol Gray's Spoolflc will con > lnoo
the moit skeptical ol Its real merits.
On account o fcountorJeiters , wa have adopted the
Yellow Wrapper ; the only genuine.
JTFull particulars In OUT pamphlet , which wede-
slro to scnu ( rco by mall to e\ cry ono. jtlrtho 8po-
clfloMedl liiomnold by all druggists at Jl per package
ago , or six packages ( or ? 6 , or will bo sent frco by
mall on the receipt of the money , by addressing
find radical euro by ray
method , based on recent sci-
outific researches , oveinn Hie
most desperate cnses without
nny trouble f o the f unctions.
I euro equally the sad con-
consequences of the sins o
youlh , nervousness and iru-
Prujcr to send the Exact description ct the Sicklies-
Member of Several Scientific Societies.
, 1'lnco do la Nation 0 , 1'AUIS.
m&o wcd&sit
The Steck is a Durable Piano.
Homeopathic Physician.
Hocra-At Residence , No. 1443 8. 10th Street , till
10 n. ill. , Hnd alter 3 p. m. Hours At office , No. 103
intl 105 8. Uth St. , Room 7from 10 a. m.toBp. m.
N.B. ThoTapo Worm nlll bo removed , w taou
dtnrnr. In tune ol tram 3 to 8 houix.
Science of Life , Only $1,00 ,
Exhausted Vitality , Nervous and Physical Debility ,
yonmturo Decline fn Man , Errqrsq } ifontfc. . ' < Tj. _ ) > .h
mtold irJsorles/Tqr / every r " " '
d. It contains 125 proscriptions for all
and chronic diseases each one ol which Is Invaluable
Bo found by the Author , whooo experience for 23
years Is such as probably never before ( oil to the let
( any physic an 800 pages , bound In boautlfo
French muslin moossodcovers , full gilt , guaranteed
to bo a Oner war * n every sense , mechanical , literary -
erary and professional , than any other work sold In
this country ( or 12.60 , or the money will be refunded
In every Instanco. Price only 91.00 by mall , poet-
paid. Illustrative sample E cents. Send now. Oo d
modal awarded the author by the National Mcdlc-1
Association , to the officers of which he refers.
The Bclonso o ( LKo should be readbr the young
luttrnctlon , and by the afflicted ( or relief. It
will bouefll all LondonLanoot.
There Is no member of society to whom The Sci
ence of LKo nlll not bo useful , whether youth , par
ent , guardian , Instructoror clergyman. Argonaut.
Addrcea the Feabody Medical Institute , or Dr. W.
n. Parker , No. 4 Eulflnch Street , Boston Maes. , who
may bo consulted on all diseases requiring skill and
exppilenoo. Chronlo andobstlnatodlsoascsthat have
baffled the skill of all other phys- C A I cl"n <
specialty : Mucb treated Buocoss-iItHl. fully
without nftofcir. an Inituno Mlu oj TUV PI F
{ iiuhlc VrliTlnnrv hprclllc * fio\o been used l > y
I'ltrmcra , htoclt llrrrclcr , f.lvrrvMnlilonnil
, Turfl'icii. Ilur o UqllriisdvplniHilnptiircrii.
lIAiil Mlno t/'oinpniili'n , 'I rm'B Illniimlrnmi-f
nml Mi-nnm-rli-H , and other * banauug etocL
V. Ill ) IK-rfl'Ct KllCCCCi ,
lliiiiilihruyn' Vrferlnnry Slnminl. (3SO ( pp.
"nt fri-o tiy jiioll on receipt of iirlcis Hi cents
CVl'nmpliU'ts soul frco on nppUcoUou
noipimivs noMioi ATiii ( ; : ,
10'J Pultou Klrcvt , Kc\v Vorli.
Vital W < * aknc3i and Pros *
HUMPHR t ration from over work o
Indiscretion , . radically
nnd prom curud by it.
Doon In ti . . , H
l thonio t ucci' s _ . _ i liu ,
tul roiiicxly known. Price 81 per viol J.oravfaljn
lurgovliil of powder for $3 , " nt post frnoonra
Cfl tofjpr ! Ire. lliniipliri'VM' lnini | * . Alnl. CM ,
fiut. 61 ittiosuu fri-u , ] 1011 fultou bt. . rt. V. .
Public Sale
At Lincoln , Neb. ,
, .26TH ,
1884 , nt 1 O'Cloek p. in. F (
will sell 45 bead ol lervchota" well bred Short
oren , frominy OMU herd of Neqraska bred cattle , I !
rtd on Ncbranka graMus.
ANa O. BIIUOl'SHIItE , ol Lfoburif , Kentucky ,
ft the oldott Kentucky liroedors , will sell vlth
lelfilieailol superior anlmtlsoi high Dreeding 7
males and 8 bull * We oAraettly solloJt the cattle
reodcrsand farrucn of Kebraika and \lclnlty to In.
pcct this lot of cattle , ni we think their lujicrlorlty
commend them to jour /nor ,
My oflerings eon I ti In IS females nJ 10 bulli ,
iprcicntlnv the lollonlng famlllts :
! lo , ( by lUrnaby ) , Iluby's. Lady lubcth's ,
> i'l Matilda's , I'rlncUMS Jane's. Z lle' * Ltdy
Bd , with othcty. Cattla Mill be at the Checker.d
Hi It aooln , Neb. , from the 20th day ol June , to
Mu , day of tale.
Kui further tunloulars , addreu Fred. If. Wood ,
O , M , IJruco , Lincoln , Nebraika , or Wm. Dally ,
, Ni I ) .
KnKa u. WOOD ,
L. i > . uuiu.
* U'T St&d j 15 to ti cod Auctioneers
( M > THE ? ftK
: efttttM &f ; : * * % % , , WORK ,
mi i UH .
Growers of Live Stock and Others ,
III ) the beet nncl cheapest food lor etocstc or any kind. One pound Is equal to tliroa pounds ot com
etock ted with around Oil Cake In the Fall ana Winter , instead ol running down , will Incroano In weight
nnd be In good marketable ooud.tlon In the eprlnir. Dairymen , rw well M others , vrha ura It can tettlly t
Its merit * . Try It and jurfg * for youreolvc ? . Price 826.00 txir ton * nn chnrcn ( or Bfinkn. Aililrf us
and Look Comp'y
Near Union Pacific Depot , - - - Omaha , Neb ,
H. B. LOCKWOOD ( formerly of Lockwood & Draper ) Chicnijo , Man
ager of the Tea , Cigar and Tobacco Departments. A full line of
all grades of above ; also pipes and smokers' articles carried in
stock. Prices and samples furnished on application. Open
orders intrusted to us shall receive our careful attention
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Heating and Baking
IB only attained by using
Stov6s End Rpixig pj / *
fllTf f .OVER DOOB
Fci sale by
Milwaukee , Was.
QOTTHER & CO , , Sole Cottiers-
: .HELLMAN & CO. , - ,
1301 AND 1303 FARNAM STREE7 r.OR. 13TH
WA.HA. .
i'or Hides , Wool , Pelts , Etc. , nnd consignments rondo to us will receive
prompt attention , for which immediate returns will bo made.
3th Street , Bet. Dodge and Capitol Ave , , OMAHA , NEB \
Office and Yard , 6lh and CciifilBs ts , ,