Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 19, 1884, Image 1

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Democracy Preparing to EnttP ils
Contestant ,
But Differing as to Whom it
Shall bo ,
New York Factions Oom3 to an
Agreement ,
And Divide the Delegation Be
tween Them ,
Their Delegation to Chicago to he
Governed by Unit Eulo ,
How President Arthur Takes His
Defeat ,
Now York Platform Democratic
Conventions KlncvhoroIllinois
Prohibitionists Iti.tho Flclil
"With a Full Ticket
flthcv Notes.
SAKATOGIA , July 18. It is now bellovod the
difficulty with Tammany will bo settled by
allowing that organization thirty dolegatea in
the convention instead of twenty-four. The
county democratic caucus this morning passed
resolutions urging harmony.
The state democratic committee mot at 11
o'clock nntl adjourned to distribute tickets.
The committee moots at 1 o'clock. .At the
mooting of Tnmmany delegates at noon , John
Kelley presiding , Gen. Spinola announced
that by a conference between the chairman of
the county democracy , Tammany aud Irving
Halls , tha representation of Now York county
will bo as follows : County Democracy to ha
31 delegates : Tammany , 31 : Jrving Hall , 10.
1 r. M. About 12:30 delegates began to file
into the hall , There seemed during the morn
ing to bo considerable confusion as to the in
terior arrangements of the building and its ca
pacity to bold the pcoplo who rightly or wrong
ly succeeded in getting tickets of admission ,
thereby involving some danger of making con
fusion for tha deiogates.
Irving Hall nnd the county democracy held
caucuses nnd selected their delegates in accor
dant vv ith the agreement of their chairman
with Tammany. Irving Hall instructed their
delegates to vote for Cleveland ,
The caucuses of the county democracy and
the state democracy this morning adopted the
following resolutions :
WhereMjjTho Now York county democracy
in meeting with the democracy of the state , to
name candidates who shall receive the vote of
every democrat and of a majority of the
people for president and vico-prosfdont of the
United States , is prepared to make all noces-
eary efforts and concessions to assure
the democracy of the state and nation
that the regular organization in the
City Jrf , Newv York .has , .at heart
the true and .largoitainterests oljitho
everywhere ; * $ & & $ $ / & $ } * ' ' " >
forfranizatlou UDOI * 'uo 'atiiio committee bo
nnd tl'oy , * ro'iloroby appointed a committee
w.b , full power to use all reasonable efforts to
rjcuro harmonious presentation for the city of H
New York , at the Tammany caucus. :
General Spinola said Win. C. Whitney ,
chairman of the county democracy , would if
announce to the committee the apportionment )
agreed upon by the democracy of Now Yook
county and would offer a tdioit resolution
that that apportionment bo agreed upon. His
remarks weio applauded.
It became evident as the hour of the con
vention approached , that wbilo the building
will bo densely crowded , there will bo no con
fusion. The hall Is devoid of banners or em
blems of any kind. The platform will be
densely crowded. Before the convention
opened the scone- was that of a perspiring
crowd in doaporato effort * to cool a boated at
mosphere. The morning has boon spent by
various committees in tolerably successful of- ,
foita to purify the air. :
SAIIATOGA , Juno 18. Muring the roll call of
the convention the name of Samuel J. Tilden , 3. '
jr. , was called nud received the great outburst
of applatife. Jno. Kelloy'n name was also .
cheered. There is not a woman in the con
vention , and Jio pi ovision for their comfort.
At 11:30 : the convention was called to order by IK
D.m'l Manning of Albany. Wm. K Smith ,
the temporary chairman of the convention , in
his opening addrcs-j lai' HtreBS on the fact that
the democratic party gained largo accessions
to their ranks from rujiublicanfl. Ho said
democrats everywhere- looking nnxiounly
at the action of thii convention [ theore ] .
The roll of delegates was then called. Contesting - elW
testing paper * presented from the Ninth dis W ;
trict , King * county , by ndelcgutuvlionaid the na
; ' ' . Bitting members had a title that was given th
them only by fiwid , conuption , bribety , and 1"
other methods repugnant tu honest govern- it
jnent. Soon after the ramo of Wm. Purcell , ov
of Ilocheatcr , vvnn.called and -olicited ImmeiLSo Ci
cheers. Ho arose juid waid the delegation from at
tha Second district , of Jfonrou county , would IHnc
not .take part in the .convention unluHS their ncbu
rights were fully reoognuod. [ Checiu ] As- bu
mutant District Attorney Follows , of Now bu"J
York , oroso and ajd ii party was willing t/ > (
do anything for harinoiiy. [ UhoerH. ] of
Tha e imiiiitteo on credentials and a commit
ted of ona/rom each oougrtfiaional distiict t ) UI alto
select delegates to tha
national conveutiou to
were appointed. It wu dtcickd that tha to"i
county democracy have lour presidential elec "i
tor * and seven national diJegat'n , Tumnmny
three electow and noveu .delegates and Jrving ar
Hail oao elector and two delegate * . At i-15 ; HI
the conveutiou adjourned Jill 7 p. in. than
The convention reaswanbledat '
seven o'clock. ante
Cojiiuiitteea on cicdentiuluand renolLtions uot
being rtady to .report , /uither recom was
taken until 8:30. : to
The dt'tnociatic platform lit neat init In " 1 |
iidvnnco of prcHetitation to tha contention. Jt wi
M as follows sai
"Resolved , that tin democracy of the stat
of Nnw York , assembled to apinunt its delegates
gates to the untional convention of the ( virty
commitd to thosa delegates , in assoctatioi
with the representatives of the part
fromoilier states the genern
declaration of democratic principle : ! ) i.n
national issue * , at the sauio time rvcognlfiti ,
no issue , can bo mow important than the olcc
tion of president of the United States whos
character and public reputation shall givu t (
the whole people assurance of honest , impar
tial and elliclent administration of tho.lav .
without suspicion of personal ends or privat
Hosolveds That ns a declaration concerning
the matter of the seat of government , this con
volition adopts and nilirms the rraoluUmiM o
the conventions of the patty in 187-1 , 1870 ant
1882 , to | which tha people of the state gu
heattj Bapprovnl. That It recoguiyo th
duty of the legislature torfspecl the i > pular
vote In ' 83 for the abolition of contract systems
of labor , in prison" , and that It heartjly coin
memUauevv thoullicietit and upright admin
istration of Oovernur Cleveland.
Kesolvul That the delegate * to the demo
cratlo national convention to bo appointed are
hereby intru ted to tutor that convention as
a unit aud to act and xoto a < a unit in accordance
anco with the will of the m j"rlty of member ;
thereof. Kvory delegate on alternate occupy ,
ing tlio pi ice of a delegate to Do bound by thii
rule and in case of the absence of delegate am'
alternate from any district , the vacancy to bo
filled by the vote of the majority of dolega
The committee on resolutions , which to-daj
drew up tlio platform for the state Democratic
| > arty , met in the United States lotel. Nel-
on J. Wateibnrywiwcloitcdchairman. TVVH
labor parties presented resolutions , and made
speeches praying tlio.domort.itic . p.iUy
inseit in platform these principVs of reform
in prison contract s.vsU'in and the cheap labor
question which would insure the \ote of tha
labor party for a democratic president.
The following sub-committee was appointee :
io draw up a platform : Prances llettson ,
chairman , Judge D. C , Calvin , .1. S. Hess , C.
Amproso and H. U. Grant. They remained
out until 0:30 : when Hett'-on read the resolu
tions. Objection was ma 10 by Edward Coop
er to the tin iff plunk whjch ho assorted wag
a touchy subject and ono that should Ixi loft
to the Chicago convention. Genetal debate
followed whether this tarilf plank should bo
incorporated and adopted. The hour
for the meeting of the convention
bovcn o'clock , passed , and still the committee
on resolutions were hotly but good Immorally
discussing the tariff clause. The convention ,
in view of that state of affairs , adjourned
until 8:30 : p. m. JJx-Mayor Cooper , of Now
York , Judge Waterbury , Stcttson , and KOHI ,
who was the author of the tariff plank , each
in turn spoke for and against the clause.
Initially the uyes and noes were called , and rd-
suited in a decided majority against putting
tha tariff clause in the platform. Kadi clause
of the platform was then taken up and
In introducing the report of the committee
on resolutions , Nelson J. Waterbury said
that the candidate of the demo
cratic party for the presidency must bo
what the candidate of the republican uatty is
not. [ Loud applause ] , Hu must emphati
cally bo what the cindidato of the democratic
paity baa boon in the past. "Wo have soon
and we all know as a matte ? of fact in politi
cal history in our country that during a period
of more than fifty years government , this
country was administered vv ith honesty and
with wondei fill success. After referring to
the mifegov eminent of the republican party ,
and the opportunity that was now offered to
the democratic party , Wuterbnry read the
platform as given above.
The reading of the resolutions was inter
rupted by applause and cheers , for Cleveland
and counter-cheats for ITlowor. The resolu
tions were unanimoutly passed.
SABATOOA , Juno 18 The convention was AlA
jailed to order at 9:15 : by Chairman William A
Smith. The icport of the committee on
onteated seats was adopted. The committee
m permanent organization reported in favor
the continuation of the temporary officers
f the convention. Smith's name was greeted
vlth applause. Ono delegate from cvicti con
gressional district was named auvica-president
ind one as secretary. Rnport adopted.
Present ontumbents , Charles and Hews of
and Charles A. Itutholo were rononi- N
nuted judges court appeaU. ,
Whitney , of New York city , offered a rcM > -
utiou _ that the state committee bo ca
tuthorized to fill any vacancies which may 1C
iccurr in Haul committee or uny electoial or
jthcr ticket. Carried. The convention then CiTl
uljourutd. ni
A canvas of the Cleveland men hero shovvs nide
bcir claim to bo that the delegation from thiH vi '
onventiou goot to Chicago H to 1 in favor of
Cleveland. Many Flower man concede CIuvo- or
and a majority , but do not admit it even li ar
1.The th
The .it Daniel thTl
delegates largo are fanning , Tl
I'M ward Cooper , Lester V , Fuulkner and Jno. Tlix
. Jacobs. ix [
Daniel Manning wan elected chairman of
.ho new state committee.
special Dispatch to TUB ! ! EE.
CHICACO , Juno 18. Gowrnor Schuyler
Crosby , of Montana , is at the The ly
governor went eatton the adjournment of the at
epublican convention , and has been a great aiTl [ <
mrtof the tuna in WoHhington , Ho is very Tl
iluso to General Aithur , and sj > ealiiiig of the I.
vay In which the ] > rcsdent ! took his ha > .
I. ' :
lays that no man could have received Jt
ho the information with greater nolf- JtPi
* .e hion nnd more perfect good nature.
The president does nut feal badly
iver the ominatiouof Mr. Ulaini' , " n.oid Gov.
iwby. On the ooiitracy , ho told mo that he
ind m * fiiends Wi nld give the republican
lominccj their cordldl support. Theru IB
lothiiig of the dog in the manger in President
Vrtlmrs character. Ho dee < . howuver , feel
ludly over ono thiog. Said hu to mo ,
'Lohiug tliu nomination cloen not maku mo
el nny tniiig hku no cut up : u the action
certain prominent men wnu came to mo
niKollcltfd und declared their lnyilty and
illexiauou and then Hlezedtho firat opportunity
knife me , Tlut I cinnotget over " ho
"J'rexident Arthur"aiidUovernr ; Crosby .
'never iimntioned tin qiieHtion of xupport to .110
my man tint. Tha niutturVH alivajji forced
ipon him. However hu might feel , there H
no question that h ) H honest when he ays
hat lilalnujind Loau will luvo hln nupport
ml help. "
Governor Crouby said al o that though ho
KjrKonally would contribute hi < iuota of elfurt
ovvord the rejiublican Niicce'H this f.ill , lit ) wa f
Stave r.lklnVboast that \vo can show Ny
York how on'ilj' wo get nlong without it
but Klklns' claims lu\e not always IMH-U fu
filled , nnd republicans thniughout the countr
are looking v\ith wcll-fuunilcd apprehciifion t
New York state. There is no question tha
\vuaru handicapix-d with German soiiUmcn
oppossd to us. Them is no question , cither
that wo havy something to fear from the ol1
jectlon made by the liquor interest to Blaino'
pnihibltion loaning , and whether the euthu
viaim for the personal ( niallties of the tickc
\vlll overbalance tlu-so dl atlvautagt > s ix-mnin
to bo teen. I think wo have a true work be
fore us.
HAHATOOA , Now York , Juno 18. Wllllan
K. Smith being chojeti temporary chairman
lionaid : "Gentlemen of tlio convention ; ) w
havu met to-day under circumstances vvhicl
cannot but bo encouraging to over ) ' porsoi
vvhodesiiTu the succcis of the deinociatiocan
didato at the next election. The rcimbhcan
[ arty by the abandonment of these principles
which Fccurcd to it the confidence of the inn
jority of the people in the past has lost manj
tormer adhei-onts , while the f.icU which hftvi
ueen published dining thn past four VIWM oe
to the means mid methods by which the re
[ iiiblican success in the last national campaigi
w.vs accomplished , have convinced the pcopl
that , but for bribery and corruption , General
Hancock would to-day bu our president
The domocrniia l > irty , by its earnest advi c.ioj
of retrenchment nnd reform in national niu
vtato governments has reUlned all its former
strength'and ( rained many nc'uits ' from tin
ranks of Its opi > ouent8. Tlio inpoitiinco ol
lioli.ical istie at thu nix-sent tjmo cannot bo
over-estimated , nnd the position which the
democratic party will nsautno in the coining
invnssmay bo ton great extent dctoiininui
by your action to-day , lieports from all parts
of the country shov that thousands of demo
crats in uvety state in the union are anxiously
waiting tho" result of this convention. Trust
ng , gentlemen , that wisu counsels will prevail
n all your deliberations , I thank you forhunot
conferred upon me.
ATLANTA , Junu 18 , The stnto democratic
ouvontion met at noon and elected delegates
roni the stnto at luri'e. No instnictions.
CIIIOAIIO , Juno 18. In the first Illinois dis >
rict domociutic convention to-day the coil'
volition seated what is known na the Mackin
rowd , which was charged with having stuffed
hu ballot boxes at tlio primary elections. The
.tst , second , third and fourth district conven-
ions chose dole atos to the st ito conventioii ,
ud the third district nuined ICdward J. Gal-
erton and James H. Hildrcth as dolegutes to
lie national convention.
DiTlioir , Junoi 18. The democratic
onvention met in this city this forenoon.
Vfter the appointment of the usual coinmit-
icelj they adjourned until this afternoon. Thu
onventiou was fully attended aud was very
nthusiastic. The preference of the bojy was
mmstakablo- Cleveland us presidential
fanvontio'niiieoS'tci-diy ' utnoonr Hon. J. D. ' ,
V.tkius was ol ctad permanent chairman ,
Delegates at large to national convention :
Ubert A. McNoul , Theodora L. Wijllatm , S.
. Champion , JohnF. House. Adjournud to
jiup. in.
iNDlANAi'OLlfl , Junu 18. The republican
onvontion to nominate candidates for utato
ifficora ] iu to held in this city to-morrow. t
Nearly all tlio delegates ai o now in the city
nd canvassing in the interest of the varioim
andidates very actively. The principal intor-
st { centers in the contest for governor. The
cading ! condidnto being Cingressnmn W. H ,
Mallei in and Commissioner of Pensions Dudley.
L'he latter did not roach the city until list
light , and IMS lost some Voten because of his
lelay. 11 U frmnds n iw are pushing his chii'ng
'igoronaly. | The friends of 1'ostmastcr Gen-
iral Gicsliam held a meeting this afternoon
ind decided to present bin name to the eon-
entinn. Calkins is largely in tha lead nnd
he outlook now in that ho will bo nominated ,
Theio will bo a spirited contest for KOIIIO other
Haitians on the ticket.
COLUSIHUH , O. , Juno 18. The Htato piohibi-
ion convention nut to-day. 100 delegates
vero jireM'iit. The declaration of principles
hearbedtho damage to the liquor traffic , and
isserts the inability of the old parties to romc-
the evils , and reiterates the assertion of
; nllfgitl false count of the vote on the 2d
miendment lust fall , The Womeiis' National
YniiK-ranco Union I'H invited to co-operate.
flio noniinations were : Secrctaiy of Htatn ,
. J. Mortis , of Cincinnati , vupremo judge , .1.
V. Kowenburc , of J'nltoii county ; member of
I'inrd of public works , W. . ) . Kendall , of
lackson county , Ulectow at laigu , if. O.
'ayne , I'Vankhn ' and Ferdinand .SchumaclM-r.
The Woman .Snlfrjgu State association
lected congressman J zro 13. Taylor , piest. | j
BATON HOUGH , June 18. I'no democroUo
tate convention adopted a platform last night
angratulatltig the party on the brilliant pros-
iectn for victory , and to put thorns IVOB ia
Ino with the brethren of ulster Htatoi , ro-
IKrms the principles of tha party , hall with
ileosuro evidenced of fraternal union onuncl-
ted by various stita cunveutioiiH , that it la
duty of the country to protect all citizens , o
onaorvo all Induatrio.s , favora tariff for lovo-
limited to the necessities of government
cor.omlcally adi lnUterod nnd BO adjusted (
to prevent universal burden * , nncuurago
rotoctlon and homo indmtrioH , afford just
oinponsatlon to labor , but not to create or
wtor monopolies. Tno general government
liould care for And Improve the great water- t
rav o { the republic ; favor the nomination
Tilden M not only estontlal a ? a rabuko to
ruid and mtarfovernment. but u hereby do-
Urod to be the duty of thn dcwx-ratio pnrtv
Continual on Mft/t / jxii/e ,
ThcHonse fioDsite the Pacific Rail
road Bill ,
The Soimto Passes the Utah Bill
33 to 15 ,
Experts Make a Full Eeport Z
the U , P's ' , Condition ,
Sidney Dillon Stops Down and
Out ,
Lack of Funds in the Internal
Eovonuo Department ,
Itcrnlnmlt IV HI Itomnlti In
Franco Hovon Years Fit/
i Port or Disposed of.
Tlio consideration of the Utah bill was l
sinned ,
IIir offered an amendment to Etiiko out
the clause abolishing wonmn miffrngo In Utah ,
Thoao voting in the aflirmativo weie : Ulalr ,
Iluwon , Urown , Conger , Cullom , Daw en ,
Uolph , Georgo. Hoar , Laiham ) , Mamlernon ,
Jlitchell , Viilmer , Pile , Shonnaii , Ynncoand
Urovin u\pUiucd his xoto by saying ho wna
altogether opposed to woman suffrage , but
regarding it ai an entlivly htcal matter
and as it had been established In
, ho territory ho would vote against the Uiu-
; od States govccnment Interfering with It.
Tlmbill then pinned M yea ; 10 nnyg , as fol
ows : Yea , Allison , ] 3ock , Boweu , Cameron ,
Arazona ) Coltinit , Conger , Cullom , Davvcs ,
Jolch Kdmuuui < , Fair , 1'Vy ' , Garland , Harriet
ot ! , Ingallx , , ) iick on , Jones , ( Fla ) , Jones ,
Nev ) , Layliam. McMillan , Mol'Iicnon , Ma-
one , Mardoriton , Miller ( Gala ) , Mitchell ,
Merrill , Palmer , Pike , Pugh , IJfddleberger ,
Sawyer , Votli'Ds and Wilson -33 "
Nays : B.vyard , Brown , Coke , George ,
lantpton , ( ones , Keiiim , Lanmr , Ma\oy ,
Horgan , Pendleton , Hawson , "Vance , and
Vnllior 15. Adjourned. '
Thalionoo proceeded to consideration of the
'acifio railroad bill , known as the Thin-man
amendment bill It oxtoudi ) thu provision of
the Thurmari Act to the Kansas Pacific , Union
Pacific1 , and Central Patifio branch of the
Union Pacific. It allows the investment of
the Binklng fund of all companies in their own
first mortgage bonds or any United States
bonds or sncuritio' , or their application to tha
extinguishment of interest on , subsidy bonds
It rcqrirox one-half the Cannunl. coinponBnUnn'
for government services to boreal " ' " "
sinking fund , and also the annual
to tha Milking fund of thr * " ' -
Central'Pucifio.Co , andlTnl ;
" "
GdJiStSTO ) ; or
M much of said sums us will make' the total
animal payment to thn sinking fund equal tu
35 per cent of the net oaining-i of. the respec
tive companion. In casa tha nisiduoof net |
sariiing aionot sufficient to pay tha Interest on
1st mortgage bonds , tliu amount necessary for
that purpose may bo lemitted. The coinii.ui-
ies are required to pay into the Kinking fund
it or bofura January 1. 1880. the following
mum. less amounts duo them for government
lervice : Central and Union Pacific each
jSflOO.OOO , ICansiiH Pacific S20J.OOO ; Slmtx City
Pacific and Central branch of tee Union
L'acilic 850,000 each. It forbids payment of
llvidonds while the companion are in dofaulc
n respect to tlioir Mquiiemonls. The minor
ity report of the Pacific railway company pro-
fides for the uxtingii'Hhtnont of debt duo to
the government by issue , by companies in per
ettt nixty yearn redemption bonds.
SpeechcH were made by Throckinorton ,
'hompsnii , Post.Jord iiC.vBBedy _ and Hewitt ,
f Now York. The litter said ho wuild move
o recommit the bill wiih institutions direct-
tg the unc'etary of the treasury to report on
tu fiist Monday in Unconther aplun by which
loactof May 7 , 1878 should bo enlurtjed by
additional payincntH to bo inndo by thn rail-
omlcoinpanieu , so that the debt to the United
itatcrt ( inlncipal and interetshnu1d } certainly
10 paid at maturity , on the expiration of such
xiensloii as the secretary might deem ncces-
ary to bo marie.
Wltut he asked was that the houno Rhould
o with thoae oumpatiieH what evirv buiiiness
tan would do with a debtor. Nuiuu the
elitor and givu him an ojipoi tunity to pay
lis tlebts , instead of ciiixlnng him. The din-
IUHUIII was ccntinued by AndorBon , Luird ,
iclford and Sumner ( California ) . Thompson ,
laving clniigo of the majority bill ) elf > red tin
menilment making aggteg ta payment re-
ulred of the companies 51) per ctnt. instead
f 'in. The jirevious que tl < in wail ordered and
10 IIOUBO took n ri'ccHH until to-morrow.
WASHINHTON , June 18. The renort of goy-
irnmcnt ox per U on tha Union Pacific in in
irief as followH ;
Htatematit number ono shown the earnings
nd exjimmes of thn ont'io ' Hyxti'in. l"clu'l t1 *
10 HIIIM uvvnid , Ic'.Hi-J ui.d . oputilid , n , > , n
amiarv lnt to ftlny illnt 1HKI , ( irons earn-
IBH. .yj,212,7 ( . ( Jperatiug expenses SO-
I7,80L' . Htatement number two Known the
ovrnuu and oxponsi' ! * of the entire
10 comp my May 'II ' 84 , frott ) which it will
e Keen that the ginna floating debt amounts
811,400 ODD , made up by the following
ems ! liillK piyuble ; T ,8it ; ! , 131 ; accounts
ayublo , 1.4-12,107j p y roll aim vouch n , / , -
W.H.'l , riividHtidn uniiaid. $1,113 7-1' : COUIMIIIH
npaid , 8:198,01)2 : ) , called bonds , 811C , 00. The
uiipany ban certain available a neU which
tould bo deducted from this amount n fol-
own : Cash oti Itand , $810,377. Kinking fiiml
the hands of trusteei ( caih ) 8110,01)0 )
ilN and recount * receivablo. 8.'f , < iw'J02 :
xiinpany itockn and bondn owned by the coin-
any , 85,074,0(1 ( If tottl , ? ( ) , OIW,70J , leaving the
et lloatiligdobt , rii.' : ; 'i. Itunirt fuel , ins-
erlal nnd Htiren on lianil , * -.0",777 , not ru-
urdod as mi available offset by expert ! . State-
mcnt o , 4 dhows tlio rarnlnr . ' > V d il
and interest in branch lines c .
In I ho Interest of thn compw 3 .1. v.iu M
eiidmp leml T 31 , 83. Thn
r.vrning * , 9 , "tt9,4fO , e\i > eiiM8 inclnd
ii'jf ' taxes $ ll,3ir > , l > 30 Kurplui $ J ,
II2.S21 ; luimU oiiUtindimr , SIO.HWifX )
anmtnl inton t , $2 , 10UOi Ixmdn avvnoil by
I'll on Pucifio compnuy , $23ilfl.730 ( } annual
int. ro t to Union 1'ncific. SlWK > ,7Hl ! Kmdi
ovviutl by othom , 917S07,2 ! > . . Htitement
No. C , flious the revenue and tlioxponditur Ref
of the road JIMIHT , l-2t ) mile * , for tlnvo
iiidnlhs i-mllii Maroh III , ISvSl ! Gnw'iwnli
inc udingiticomufromiive ! tmo.itK , $ Ill7ft.P
nix-rating oxponB s and taxes and oil fhixl
cli.irgfrt , jri.OU..KSOjdcficIt Slf > 72,7l'S. ' State-
in lit No , 0 chows eiininjM nnd \IHMISCS and
accrued interest _ on the funded debt
of brnncli linr eoiup.irt < d with
1883. for thu thrco montlm ending Matvli Illnt.
The luterott on the boiuU exceeds the Hiirp'ii'
( arnings for 1881 by 9IM7S20 , whllo for t88I !
it wn only $2)8I ! ) > Statement No. 7 is n com.
jiarativn Hthtoincnt of the earning ! ) and n\ >
lx'ti oi of the entire system for four months
i'iuliiig April I0 ! , 188J , U H , mid 1S8I. A
companion > bo'Mren 1881 and lS8inho\\ !
deoroiKo in Mirplus onrningi of 81,252,328 i
let\veen 1881 aiid 1883 , hovvg R ilocivaio ol
$ lSI3Oii. : 188S was thoyrar of the largest
nwlpts in the history of the comp.iny State"
ineiitNo. 8 shown tlio iiivcvtmenti m detail
in bondn and ctocKs of thor companies , nd-
vnnccs to other companies piynblo in bond *
and Ntockx , nnd inincrllancou < t in\ oilmen ts ,
a iiounting tii tin ajigregato of 5llOiI8l' ' , " > 2.
Statement No. SI shown the compuiys
stocks and bondn owned by the
amounting to $2,071,101 ,
WASH IXUTON , Juno 18 , The sccrotai y of the
Interior received the following coimnunioatioi
from the chniimnn of the senate judlciaiy com
mittee :
Sir : In regard to matter * botwcon tin
United State * mid. the Union Pacific railvinj
company , arising under the act of 1878 , and
which the committee on the judiciaiy of tin
senate hns had for nome time under considera
tion ; 1 have the honor to infoini you that the
committee has this day adopted the lollovvinp
resolution :
Koolved. That this commiteo villlpostpono
until tliu first Monday In December , 1881 , the
further connidei'ttioti of nmtlerH aii lnj * uiidei
the act of May 7 , 1878 relating to the Union
Pacifio r.illvvny company , if caid cmiijiiny
Oiall immedintcly entry out the offer of Mr.
\damf , ns stated In hlx ccuiiiiunicatlnn , dated
luno 18th , 18SI , addiessoit to Hon. C ! . V.
Hoar , and on thoexptvbs undeistanding Unit
: liis action of the company and the United
States in receiving money and HccmUy in nil
communications muntioned shall have no
effect on auy _ penalty , or forfeiture ,
or other lights of the United
States , incurred , or arising or to occur ,
or arise against paid company , or any of its
oljlcerH , but that all lights , penalties , and Cot-
feitures nha'l ' stand as if tha-o nets had not
been done , which J fetid for your information ,
together with copy of the communication of
'Mr. Adams to Mr. Hoar , referred to in the
resolution. Jtespectfully ( signed ) , ( eo. I'd-
muuds , chairman of committee. _ ,
VJ'h" main points of Adams' proposition art ;
that the lailwny company shall innmim'nt > 'ly
pay to the United Stale * trfosury $718,000 ,
nnd tha Thin man act for 1883 that till raining *
for government transportation pliall bo retained
by government , und that no dividends shall
bo paid during the current yonr. All , other
matteis in dispute ate loft for adjudication.
The Internal Knvonuo Dclldlgiicy ,
Special DlBpatoh toTireJJisn. s Li'.jJ -.f
' * - * * ' = "
t ABmNbrps7j !
_ tliu ooramifawiv
allowance they have rofnsud to lunlui , _ cauHCii
the HaloouH at the capitbl to nib their uyes
and \Vhtttotiglittobeilonir1 "lam
sure" said Secretary Folger to your corres-
x > , ideut to-dny , "I see no way buttocloio the
dlhtilleries. There is n , statute which otpro sly
piohibitt our employing mini without having
money on hand to pay thorn , and another
which requires that these men shall be attend
ant upon distilleries whan running. The com-
mlssfoiior is between thn devil and the deep
sea and which ho will choose IH a question. I
ean BOO no way nut thodillictiltylnitto close the
distilleries until the end of thu libcnl year ,
lifter which wo shall again have money to pay
thcio ollicialH. "
"And In that your final conclusion , then ,
that thu distilleries must bo closed at once ? "
"I have not teached u final drtflrmination
yet , " hi ) answered , "at least not siiHicluntly co
take action , but I can at piecettt kco no other
way out of the dllliculty.
The Fitz John Porter bill has finally passed
both hout-os of congress.
Soltool ,
The nvorago girl at marriage is wall In
structed in Bowing. To take her place
at the head of a family without fair
knowledge of this useful household art ,
would bo to djsgraco her mother nnd
horaolf in the minds of nil tlioir acquain
tances. The average youni ; bride toca
to a homo of her own with a low practi
cal ideas on a matter which will have to
como before her thrice a day , nnd ono in
which the health and general prosperity
of herself and others most essentially do-
pond. Then , if ever slio acquires even n
passable skill in cookery it will douby
iessly bo through much wasting nnd wor
rying and manifold IIOM-HUCCOEBOB. (
Moan time dyspepsia , or other evil angel ,
its lurking in thu shadow of her tablo.
To the young wife and house-keeper so
circuiiifltuncnol half the terrors of the
ktchtm are nt once removed hy thu in-
tluoMon of the over-ready , always roll-
ulo , Royal Baking Powder. Vith its
proper uoo thcro can never bo failure in
bread , biscuit or cake , while the per
fect healthfullness of the food , produced
likewise so well assured that all who (
partake may defiantly onap tlioir fingpra
in I ho fnco of old Dyspepsia. This point
gained , the victory ever inorporienco nnd
bad luck in other things is spodily won.
The Iloyal Baking Powder , on account of
its superior powers as a lotvcning agent ,
the great facility with which it may bo
used , its proved economy , and it thoroughly
ughly established wholeaomncsH and puri
ty as established by the tests of govern *
merit chemists and o'hers , lias become
the general substitute for cream of tartar
and uoda in the making of nice , sweet ,
light , fhky , digestible broad , biscuit ,
etc. With its use , thu young mistress of
the house may tnko n pardonable pride in
the work of her hands.
UlH AVIfo DIspoNOH of Two lIuslmiiilB
His il5 Yrnrs Alisnnco
Hut Slio OrcotH Hint
no n AVIdovv.
MU.NCIK , Ind , , Juno 18. Last night Thou.
Walling , \vlui went to California during the
gold fever of My , leaving a wife and throe
children , roturiied from tlio far \\cataml spent
the evening In company with his wife and
grandchild roil. Mr * . Walling , who supposed
him dead , had in the meantime married tvvico ,
both hiHb.imln dying.
Special Dispatch to Tin : HKK.
MONCIK , Ind. .luno 18. This city and coun
ty Is in a fox or of excitement ever therutiiinof
Thomas Wnlling , fonuorly a nxidont of this
city , but for nun > than Unity yearn * u | > po ed
to bo dead , Mrs. Wnllingvhomholofta
jonncj wife vi ith throe childien , has boon mir-
lied tvvico and has lost both husbands. Hus
band nnd wife met last night for the first time
8lncol8IU ,
Kight yo.iM piinrlo that llmo , Ajiril 1st , 1811 ,
Thompson Walling nmiriod Sti nmiiih Shafter ,
the daughter of n prominent farmer , nud it
1811 * , whoti the gold fever was at its hcighl
Wnlling wont out with a number rf pnmiinen
citizens , among whom wns CluirloH McClaugh
lin , the California ml lonaiiivvli ! ) ( > was shot it
a San Francisco hotel by a railroad CMiitrnctoi
quito ux'ontly , because of the luttor'H inabililj
to collect sixty or Bovonty thousand dollars
due from McCl.iughlln , and in litigation be
tween them , From 185'J mi word was received
of him , and aiyearn paused he was given uj
as ( load. Hi * father's largo estate win admin
{ stored ns If such was the ca o , nnd Mm. Waiting
ro-manicd to Horatio V. Wilcovon in 18CIn
18ll5Wilco\cn was Killed in u sawmilliimlinlSo'f
lomniah Voach nmrriod the tvvieo desolate
widow , living with herat Siiringllold , Hotirj'
rounty , until hit death in 188'J * In thu moiin-
time Volnny Willsou , a prominent citirun and
staunch fiiund of Walling''novergavo himiip ,
but flooded the wont with letters of Inquiry. In
Kobuary hist , Walling , whllu deputy post
master , who had hinuolf boon abtent fnini hi >
family for twenty yours , picked up a letter
poitinarkod Munclo , nud dir. ted to the pont
master , and opening it found it WUH an lu
( miry for him. A correspondence with Will-
sou resulted , mid yesterday Walling re
turned and spent last evening with his wife
of 35 yours ago. The meeting was a snd and
impressive one , and tliu etangos by passing
years mid tumble had niatkod both with grity
liuirs nnd wrinkles ; \vhilochihlrcn , which wort
lit'.lo more than b.ibos when their ftithor lefl
lind giiivvn to ba men and women , with faml-
litu of tlieir own. It is moru thnn likely thai
ro-innrringe will close the romantic hlslun
hich Is ever Inoro Htrango than that of JCnoch
Arden ,
AVAH1UNO.TON , .luitulS ThoKtigliih invS- !
tlgntton wan continued to-day and tunny wit-
vvoro examined without dovclotiing
anything moio than Hiirmiso toatiinonv. AlrH
Woller and her daughter confirmed Represen
tative Wollor'n Htatoment conrohilni ? the tele
gram to meet thorn At the train. lion. Wm.
H. KiiBUnliovas preBent , but .asked his oxniti-
ination bapontponrljmtH4i !
June 18 At _ ' ; 30 thin morning
the domocratlo state convention , held at Puo-
bio , elected ixs delegates to Chicago Gov.
Grant , M. S. Waller , Mf S. Crow. J , D. Mo-
[ 3 lory , Dennis Sullivan and J. Jt. ] , otchor.
The delegation is unlnstritctoil but Oluvo-
and is the probable choice.
tin IrlNli Kdltor.
Duiu.lN' , Juno 18. The court fined Wm.
Vlirlon , editor of the United Ireland , 1'fiOO
or contampt in connection with the action
or llbol against O'lirlon by Dolton.
The JilnHl , of a Uoitil ) .
MADIUD , June 18. The public In alarmed
jy an explosion In Jn IIOUHO In Oallo Sovllln ,
: nuaod by bomb placed Insldo the doorway ,
flio door was blown out and the windows
shattered. Nobody Injured.
l''lro In Chicago.
CMICACO , Juno 18. The fire which started
ate last night on Dosplalnos street was eon
lined to the bullulngs in which It originated.
Loss 870,000 ; Insurance unknown.
LONDO.V , Juno 18. Patti hau nignod tin
igifcinent with MnplcHon to uing in America
text HOUHOII. .Shu In to leceivo tfi,000 for each
conceit und all oxpctiHeH.
PAHIH , Juno 18. Mayer has leased thn
I'orto Kt. Mm tin tbeitro , and engaged Sarah
Bui hard t for govern yearn.
QiiiiNHrowK : ! , Juno 18. The HtoatnHhip
Americamiide the trlji fiom Now Yoik in HX !
layn and fourteen bourn , boating thu bent pre
vious iccord by two IIOUIH.
In tlio Union I'nolllu ,
NKW YoitK , Juno 18. It Is stated that Bid
noy Dillon will to-day ronlga tha prosldoncy of
tlio Union Palfie and Charles Francis Adams
will bo chosen to fill the vacancy. The Now
Knglund stock holders favor thU change. The
Impression on tlio street IH that the July dlvl
lend will ba passed and recommendations bo
made at the directors mooting not to pay any
dividend the remainder of the year and then
roMimo on n filx per cont. basin.
IjATKit At the mooting of the Union Paci
fic ( llroctorn Dillon resigned ni president ,
Charles FruncUvdainn nccopts thu DOHltlon.
It wan voted that In llou of a dividend pay-
ublo July lat the sum of S718.81-1 bo
uuld from inonlo ] In the company H troau-
itry to moot the demand of the secretary of
the trofuiury for payments uti'lnr the Thurmnn
act for the year t tiding December 31st.
Gov. IJuckliiizliiiui'H Blunt" IJuvollod.
llAHrrniii ) , Conn , , Jimii IH. Mix tlionnind
inilltxry including the Seventh New York
regiment participated In the ee'emony of 1111-
veiling thii xtatuo of Gov. Hiicklngliam to-day.
Senator Plntt dellvoicil the oration ,
No Spopial Activity in the Ohi-
oago Markets Yostordn ; ,
An Over Supply of Loa
Scraggy Oattlo
But 3ood Doniand for Stookors
nnd Feodorsi
Eye aud Wheat Steady at
Yostorday'e ' Prioosi
Wlilln Corn HliovvH a Slight Adrnnoo
1'ork Active ,
Special Dispatch to Till ! HKK.
ClIlCAdo , t1uno 18. The market opened
( litict , nnd i tiled rather slow until late in the
forenoon , when there watt considerable activ
ity. It wan n lifeless day on 'change , Out i
orders were few , nnd what little buRlno's was
transacted wan on local account.
Some little shipping iiuiuiry wan reported
for cash wheat. About 110,000 bnsheln No. 2
spring being taken. The future of thomarket
is dependent largely upon the weather , which ,
to a co , tain degree , vv ill shape Its course.
Wheat was steady at prices of
the day. The only strength in tliu market
came UH a BOIt of overflow from com. July
sold up to 87J , went back to 87 $ , and clotcd
on regular board at 874. During the after
noon July fell oil to 871 ; August 892t Septem
ber DO.
opened quiet , but showed a good dnalof ilmi-
nosi on apparent liberal buying of ilmrt stulls
by the Nut Junes and Kldtedgo crowd. David
Down wan nlnoin Uioniaiketiu n buyer. Those
inlluoncen brought about an advance of § ,
which was tnoderatoly well Hiistnincd on thu
regular board. In the nftotnoon board the
advance wan partically lawting , July cloning at
Mil August , fi73 , Soptembur 67S.
wan very steady at G5J for cash.
were a Hhado easier for cash and near futures.
The latest were 3i } , Juno ; 3'Ji July.
ram :
wan very dull and fhovung no change ; closing
at 1 ! ) 06 for June , July and August.
umior , eloning on the afternoon board at 7 75 ,
Juno 7 85 , July 024 , August 8 15.
Big heavy cattle were Blow , as there were
no export orders , and vnlueH were generally
reported lower. Common gra's outtlowero
plentiful , and they were goneially ( pioted
lOe lower. Dintillcry stock sold at previous
prices , Hi also did the fair to good butchers
stock , Imt old cawg und loan aim ncraggy bulls
fold' ' lower on acoount if n big
. . . . .
' *'Jt-ITHin > AA * * ! AnilA. * Wti > La
. . , „ „ „ . . . very noor droviirn , nnd ijood to
ciiolcu shipping , 1,00 to 1,350 llm , noldat C IB
< ? OB' . Common to medium , LOOO to 1.200
llw , 0 UOfpiO 00. Qrtm Tcxnnn , 700 to SflO , ( ! 0
@ ( i 00. Corn-fed Toxann , 800 to ! lf > 0 Ibu , 0 00
@ 0 00.
fnirly active. Prices Oo to lOo higher. Sales
wore made at 4 00 to fi 10 for Mcipn , and light
ight G 10a,5 ( DO for assorted light , and fi 10 ®
i 70 for best heavy packer * and shippcm.
Light 170 to aiO Ibn , 5 00ta5 DO.
DKNVKU , Juno 18. The democratic utato
convention tit Pueblo adopted rotolutloim In
which they denounce thu cxtravngance and
dlfchoncnty of the republican party and the
continued encroachment of tlio federal govern-
mint upon thu reserved rights of thu Ktatcs.
Diey domanil the frco anil unlimited coinngo
ifhllver , favor aHtrotg and eUtcient navy ,
ind denounce thu iufamy of 1870 , when Til-
Ion and HomlrickH were dopiivcd by fraud
if oflicoa to which they had beoii elected *
LOUIHVIM.P , .rnno 18. .lohn Calahan & Co. ,
w holesulo limtor dealoiK nHsigned to-day ,
bilitiCH $100,000 , iiKNutn ! ? M0,000.
coinpllcatloiiH caum l thu ass gntnont.
SKOOO. Given
recofvud irom tuoli clienilslsiisH. Daiiallnyg.lloct.
ton ; M , Delufonlalne , ( if Clilcnuo ; and CJustuvug
lloao , Mllunukre. Never sold In IjulU.
B9 JjLko u > - 83 * . \Vnter64 , '