Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 18, 1884, Image 8

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Wednesday Moraine : , Juno 18.
The noon train west yesterday was composed
of cloven can , and all were well filloil.
Thecoimnoncomont exorcises of Urownell
hall will bo hold this evening In Boyd's
opera liouso , '
All of the street gtnga wont to work yesterday
torday morning notwithstanding tbo fact that
It waa qulto muddy.
The city marshal has filed his bond In the
district court with Chris. Spocht as surety.
The bond Is the same aa that of the mayor ,
The Oregon Short Line was ro-oponod yes
terday , all the washouts havlng'beon rot air
ed , and the road plncod In good order ,
The hard rain of Monday nhowod some
places In the abwor troncheo which had not
been properly tramped. They will now bo repaired -
paired and made good.
The Thurslon lloao loam nro thorough
breds. They now propose to go to Santa I'o ,
Now Mexico , to take part In a big tournament
to bo hold in that city July -ith ,
The feather weight city editor of The Ho-
publican was knocked out In ono round by the
lioavy weight city jailor laat night , Soft
gloves , time of round j ) of a second.
Joseph Onrnoau , Jr.states that venomous
snakes bixvo boon imported from Canada , and
pl : oJ upon the high school giounda , and that
they prowl around there at night.
Mrs. St. Julian of 1400 Davenport street
nrrowly escaped death Sunday night by tak
ing a quantity of carbollo ncld by mistake. A
physician was called and her Ufa saved.
Yesterday was a very warm and disagreeable -
able ono from tbo fact that the ground was
clamp and the sun hot , thus creating a
steam which his been almost Intolerable ,
It fs reported that Mrs. Sam Donnelly ,
whoso husband was killed in the discharge of
Us duties as a reporter on the Now York Sun ,
receives a pension of $40 per week from that
All business blocks now building In this
city are balng rapidly pushed to completion
and the and of this season will show a very
material change In the appearance of all the
business streets ,
The Jackson street sewer Is being pushed
as rapidly as possible , as Is also all tributary
branches In that flowe.- district , When the
work Is completed the sewer facilities In that
district will bo first class In every par
In police court yesterday ono man for
disturbance of the peace was fined $5 and
cosia. Ono plain Slocumb waa assessed $10
and costs. Both wora aent up. Quo vagrant
was sentenced to ton days in the county jail
on broad and water.
Cholera morbus is new * hero In full force.
Green apples , have put in an appearance and
the small boy will now npond the greater
l > art of his time in holding his stomach with
both hands , while the fond and anxious
inarama sends hastily for the family physi
Yesterday at ono time there worn two
teams stuck oul'arnam street at the intonac-
. tloti of Tenth. Several bad holes aro' at that
point and are unavoidable at present on oc-
couns ot the grading of the htrcot. The worst
feature of those stuck loams U that they al
most invariably block the street car track.
The house of Paymaster Drown , of the
Union Pacific railway , who JIvcs on west
Dodge strctit , was entered by burgulars on
Monday nitfit. All the the plunder'tho rob
bers secured was a suit of cloth belonging to
Mr. Brown , buf the burgulara prupared them-
aolvus for another raid by carrying of ( tbo
night keyf
There la considerable dissatisfaction
among the biulnens men along Farnam street
because of the small force of mon and teams
employed by the contractor. From three to
five teams and from fifteen to twenty men is
all tbo force upon the street. There are plenty
ofrnon standing around tdlo and It Is hard to
figure how It costs any more to hire ton men
for ono day than to biro ono man for ton days.
If a lanror f orco was put to work and tbo street
finished up It would bo a big help to the bus
incus men while the contractor himself would
bo ahead In as much as ho would got his
money much sooner.
Yosteiday Mrs. Murk Hopkins , widow
of the former treasurer of tbo Central Pacific
road , passed through this city , east , In n spe
cial car.
Mr. W. P. Post , genial freight and passen
ger agent of the Nebraska division of thoBloux
City & Pacific railroad , with headquarters at
1'runont , ! v in this city.
GoorgoW , Taylor , a prominent young at
torney of Brownvlllo , after paying friends In
this city a abort visit , returned boms tills
Andy Borden tbo t-ouial and social ticket
agent of the B. & M. , has gene with his wife
to Chicago , whore ho waa called by the nick'
nuflHH of his wifo'u brother ,
\V , W. Koysor , Ksq. , ono of Omaha's ensr
gutit and rising young attorneys , left on Man
day last for Austin , Minnesota , where ho will
marry on Thursday of this week , a Mis3 Ellis ,
a lady of rare social and literary ontalmncnta
of that city.
Mr.IIarry G Umoro has returned from his prl
to Atlanta , Georgia , where ho attended tbo
Yardmen's convention for the United States
and Canada. lie reports an excellent thno
and a first-dona Bcaslonat which about ono bun ,
drod delegates were present.
Yesterday Mr. P. J. Nichols , general
superintendent of the Union Pacific road , loft
la his ipedal car for a trip to 1'ullerton. Tito
object of Ills trip It to Inspect tbo grading be
tween 1'ullerton and Oodar llapldn and as-
certn bow noon rail can bo laid.
L. K. Cole chief clerk in the nUway mail
service , located at Burlington , Iowa , was in
tb6 city yesterday , Mr. Cole was called to
Council Bluff * on official business , and came
over the river to spend tbo afternoon with tbo
jKBtal ofllcials in this city ,
Mr , Chaa. 1 * . Stephens , who Las been for
the past Uireo years with Max Meyer &Bra ,
starts out for Umtelf and has an office room al
Hotpe't , and 1m order books there and al
CaulCeldV. Mr , Stephen.1 tklll aa a piano
tuner baa been complimented by no lew an
jurtUt than NilUon , and is well known to
every ono , and ho I * alto favorably known as
thel projector of tbo Ladle * ' Amateur Mualcu
PHIMPS-/n tbi city , JUIIB 17tb , at 420 ; a
in , . U&DJauiln Thomas , Infant aon of Mr * .
Caledonia Pblllp * , sge 8 months.
ITiwMml to-d y ttt 3 p , in. , from the roi
Ideacc , 8:10 : North Nineteenth etreot. i"rl ndj
uvtcd.l !
The Mayor Sends in His Annual
Appointments ,
Which are Unanimously Confirm
ed by the Oounoil.
B , 0 , Oruthrio no Longer Oity
Oilier MlHcellnncoim Utislncaa Trmis
nutod ,
At the regular montlng of the city coun
cil laat evening the room outside the ral
waa completely fillud by thoao whom
curiosity had brought there to BOO whal
stops Omaha's nldormon vrould take with
roepcct to the the indicted officials.
When this subject had boon disposed ol
for the thno being , by the council.a ( peat
shnro of the crowd filed out , apparently
Batisflod with the result. .
Roll call found all members present
The reading of the minutes was disposed
of by motion.
From the mayor , giving notice that ho
bad approved certain ordinances passed
at the last mooting. Filed.
From same , appointing W. J. Halm ,
W. J. Broach , and Ooorgo 0. IJassott ap
praisora to assess the damages arising
from opening Nineteenth street. Con-
From same , appointing J. S. Wright ; to
servo as appraiser on the opening of St
Vlary'a avonuo. Referred.
From same , appointing W. J , Connell
city attorney , Andrew Bosovrator city
engineer , Thomas Oummings city mar-
hall , M , 0. Meany street commissioner ,
'osoph Redman sealer of woighta and
measures , P. S. Lolsonring city physician ,
and Thomas MoLano acting newer inspoc-
or. Confirmed.
From Omaha gas company , presenting
tatomont of the number of lamps lighted
or the first time on Monday. Referred.
From Charles P. Auroon , presenting
deed to city for right way through lot 4
n block 3 in Armstrong's addition. Ho-
From John B. Furay , presenting do od
to city of right of way through lot 0 and
u block S , Armstrong's addition. Re-
From F. Colpotzor , ollbring to fill alley
lotwoon Loavonworth and Marcy streets
rom fourteenth to fifteenth at eight
conta per square yard. Roforzed.
From H. Kountz , requesting that the
ill on St. Marys avenue bo rolled as filled
n order to make it compact for tie pave-
nont. Referred.
From Truman. Buck , presenting bids
on the $70,000 of sewer bonds and ? 100-
)00 ) paving bonds ; only onbtbid each be *
tig received they were accepted.
From E. F. SmyUwu 117 otehrs ask-
ng that the ofllco of dog caothor bo
created. Roforrod.
From Mrs. A. E. McCaffrey offering
o move the dirt in alloy of block 5 in E.
Y. Smith's addition without expense to
ho city. Roforrod.
From Ft M. Mooney calling the ntton-
ion of the council to tbo' necessity of a
; utter on Davenport street between Jof-
orson and Twenty-fourth otroots. Re-
From Omaha Gas company making
statement of now lamps light for the firsb
imo last night. Roforrod.
From City waterworks company mak-
ng statement of now hydrants put In.
From W. H. Ijatna presenting the
record of judgment of JoluvGauo againsk
, ho city for $800 and coat. Allowed.
From Truman Buck presenting the-
iond of J. Hough as drain layer. Ro-
From Maurice Sullivan , askinjr to bo
oimbursod for the loss of hin sidewalks.
[ Uferred.
From the Omaha BKI ; and the Evening
Dispatch presenting bids for city printing.
[ Icfurrod.
From H. Kountzo asking that the
; rado of Isaao street bo established. Re-
From same urging that the curbing and
{ Uttering contractructora on St. Mary'a
.vonuo bo required to begin work atonco.
From T. L. Kimball , presenting the
appointment of H. E. Payne , . as special
johcoman for the U. P. depot , Cour
From G. A. Hoagland , presenting pro
test against the changing of Sixteenth
street and declining to accept the award
of damages. Referred.
From James Oroighton , certifying that
; ho paving in districts No's 8-and 0 had
boon completed six months and is now in
; oed condition , Referred ,
From city engineer , presenting a re
port of sidewalks laid by Charles Gardner
up to Juno 4th. Reforrod.
From Jatncs Groighton , presenting os-
Llmates of grading done by sovorol con
tractors , Referred.
From aamo , presenting the bonds of
MoHugh & McGavock for constructing
Lho sewers contracted for by them. Ap
The bond of Aaron Heel as street
sweeper was referred.
From city water works presenting
claim for hydranta used by the city for
Lho year juat passed. Roforrod.
Tito bond of Thomas Oumminga aa city
marshal waa approved ,
By Furay , that the city clerk bo instructed
structod to issue a warrant to William
Fitch & On. , for the amount now in the
seventeenth street sewer fund. Adopted.
By Thrano that the Fire marshal
purchase an instrument for the testing
oils offered for nalo in the Omaha markets.
Anderson hero nrroso to a question ol
privileges and road a couple of extracts
from Monday morning's UEK of the ser
mon of Rev , J. W , Harris upon the
lawlessness in Omaha and supplemented
his remarks by a humorous resolution
which was tabled by the council ,
Judiciary , reporting two ordinances in
conformity with the request of the city
council , and to which couunittco yr a ro-
forrod Oity AtlornoyConnoH's opinion ,
The plat of Reeds addition was DC-
opted upon recommendation ,
The commlttco onrclaims recommended
the allowa.ico of $300 on Haas' claim of
of $1,000 against the city. The report
woi adopted ,
The report of the appraisers on the
extension of Loavonworth atrcot waa
recommended to bo adopted. The report
was adopted ,
The committee on sewerage , to whom
was referred the protest of Mcllugh &
McGavock against the board of public
works , reported that it had the right to
do as it did , and its action waa for the
best Interests of the city. Adopted.
The agreement between the Union
Pacific and the B. & M. to build viaducts
over Seventh street by Juno 1st , 1885 ,
was r.ccjpted.
An ordinance , establishing the grade ol
Madison Avenuo. Passed.
An ordinance , extending the Cro limits
of the city. Reforrod.
To create sewer district No. 10 ,
Regulating the license and sale of malt ,
spiritous and vinous liquors. The ordi
nance provides for the payment of $1,00 (
a year and is intended to take effect on
January 15 , 1885. This ordinance was
drown up by the city attorney. Roac
once and laid over.
Adjourned until Friday ovoning.
Dan CVHcRnn BlitRRCd and Terribly
Hcatcii by a Oottplo of Iliilllans.
Last night about 12 o'clock ' ns Dan 0
Itogan , editor of THE BEE , was
standing at the foot of the olaira loading
into his ofllco , ho waa accosted by a
couple of burly young men who nskcc
him if there waa any chance to got work.
O'Rognn replied that the cntca wcro nl
full and the show was not very good al
-present. The conversation was kept up
for a short time , when O'Rcgan
asked the strangers to stop
to the Trivoli and take a cigarwith him.
They wont with him to the bar and as
they were standing near it ono
of them strnok him with a sharp in
strumoutand felled him to the Uoor.
They continued to beat him until ho
finally managed to break away and ce-
capo throught the back way. Ho wan-
dared around through the streets until
lie was found by officer Ruane who con
ducted him to his office. When
brought in ho was covered with blood
From several wounds and cuts upon his
lioad. Upon examination throe cats were
found ono of which oxtodod clear across
the top of his head and the others from
bwo to four inches in length.
The Nt-\v City Marshal.
Thomas Cummings , the now' city
marshal , is a gentleman well knovm in
Omaha , having lived in this community
For the last seventeen years. During all
that tlmo ho has been in the omplojt of
the Union Pacific railway company at'the
shops in the smithing department. He
has boon more or loss in polities' ' for1 some
years post and has always identified him
self with the republican party. Ho bos
gene into.thn republican county conven
tion twics the last six years as a candidate
didato for the nomination of sheriff ; bub
each time was defeated. Ho has the
reputation in this city aa being a sober
and industrious man aud his administra
tion of police affairs in this city will un
doubtedly bo such as the law-abiding ,
) ooplo of Omaha domnad' .
.Tho Omaha Bolfcv rallvray commission
roatorday condemned , n strip of ground
LOO foot wide runJng ihrottgh the 30 acre
tract belonging to JlNipdloy \ , just
south of the pool faV , for the right'.of
way for that company. The amount of
and condemned was 3 3-10 acres , and
was valued at $275 per aero. The belt
road is now graded from the summit
.o the north line of the county farm ,
a distance of nearly two miles. Several
car loads of stuol rails have boon received
and the work of. track laying will proba-
jly soon bo begun at the summit.
Postofllco changes in. Nebraska , and
[ own during the week ending Juno 14 ,
1884 , furnished by Wm. Van Vloci , of
the postolllco department.
Established Athens , . Ouming county ,
Win. II. Hansom , P. M. JJordeaux ,
Sioux county. Peter B. Nelson , P. ' M.
Olmppoll. Cheyenne county , John 0Noill
P. M. Ohoso , Grocloy county , Rebecca
A. Lambert , P. M. Phillips Station ,
Hamilton county , . James 0. Baker , P.
linker , P. M. Poten , Ouster county
Jacob Roton , P. M. Swanton , Saline
county , Joseph T. Cook.
Discontinued Hooker , (2 ago county.
Names chanced " Pilzon , Saunders
county , to Plasi.
Postmasters appointed Belmont , Caw
county , Mrs , Moliaainth P. Stone. Sand
Crook , Saunders county. John Qidley.
Postoftico changes in Iowa during the
week ending Juno 14th , 1881 :
Established McOluro. Clinton county , ,
Qoo. T. BloOIuro , P. M.
Origin of Amninulii.
Ammoniais obtained in largo quantities
by the putrefaction of the urine of ani
mals. Encyclopedia Hri&mnlca.
Every housekeeper can test baking
powders containing this disgusting drug
by placing a can of the "Iloyal" or "An
drews' Poarl" top down on a hot stove
until heated , then rcmovo the cover and
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder does
not contain Ammonia , Alum , Lime ,
Potash , Bono Phosphates , ( prove it by
the above test ) , It is propped by a Physi
cian and Chomlit with special regard to
cleanliness and hoalthtulncss. iu-o-w-2m
10O Doses Ono Dollar.
Is iuseporably connected with Hood's
Sarsaparilla , mid is true of no other med
icine. It is an urtnusweraulo argument
as to strength and economy , while thousands -
sands testify to its superior blood-purify
ing and strengthening qualities. A bottle -
tlo of Hood'a Sarsaparilla contains 100
donoa and will last a month , while others
will avoraco to last not over n week.
Honcofor economy , buy Hood's
parilla ,
What If ) Ammonia.
The attention of the public has boon
od frequently of late to the subject of
"Ammonia In food" and the matter is
being so vigorously agitated that it nec
essarily arouses the curoaity of the public
at largo , and leads them to ascertain , if
possible ) what it is all about , In the
first place the question arises , what is
ammonia ? trhnnco comes it ?
Quoting "United States Dispensatory"
"It was probably originally prepared
from putrid urine. " Other sources arc
coal soot , stale urninc , guano , etc , "
The "Encyclopedia Brlttannica" says ol
it : "Carbonate of ammonia is obtained
in largest quantities by the putrefaction
of the urine of animals , or the dry dis
tillation of animal matter. " "Jloscoo'a
chemistry" states that "when homos or
clippings of hides nro heated ammonia is
given off ; hence ammonia was known as
spirits of hortshorno. " "Tho name am-
mania is derived from the fact that a
compound containing ammonia was fire I
prepared by heating camel's dune. '
"Ammonia is mainly obtained from the
ammoniacal liquors if gasworks. " Guano ,
the dried excrement of sea birds , and the
urine ot animals , likewise contain largo
quantities of ammonia. " Farmers know
its value as a fertilizer , and physician !
know ita value as a counter-irritant and
powerful stimulont. All physicians class
it among drugs , and as a drug it is a ques
tion whether it is not hotter to lot ii
remain in the hands of physicians anc
druggists , and leave it out of pur food.
A recent article , called "A Baking Pow
der Trick , " condemn as a scheme or trick
the simple method which has been given
through these columns , whereby u house
wife may ascertain , without the aid oi
chemists or chemical apparatus , whether
she is using on article free from disgust
ing ingredients ; and after once convinced
of the true source of ammonia , _ and its
presence in an article of food , it is hoi
option whether the use of it is continued
or not. The test may boa simple ono , bui
by its moans the unsuspecting find that
cans of "Baking Powder , " stamped on
the cover "Absolutely Pure , " contain
ammonia , and certainly no refined person
who has once road some reliable authori
ty on ammonia would bo likely to bring
homo for use an article containing so in
ferior a substance. _ Baking powders
have become a couvoniont , useful and im
portant article in millions of homes , and
every manufacturer should prepare and
sell u only as conforms to the well-known
conditions which insure health arid safety.
There is no difficulty in procuring a bat
ing powder that will stand the "test of
the oven" and doe.i not contain ammonia.
If an article has merit , and has once become -
como established in a homo , its merits
will always insure it a place there , but if
a product of daily use through unreliaUe
sources is made to appear bettor then it
Is , any moans , however simple , by which
its inferiority way be judged , ought be
thankfully received by an intelligent con
sumer , d-wlt.
In another column will be found the an
nonncemont ol Messrs. THOS. COOK & SON
Tourist Agents , 261 Broadway , Now York ,
relative to the Tory complete arrangements
they have made for teen in Europs the
coming Spring and Summer. "Cook's Excur-
Blonlat , " containing maps and lull particular * ,
will bo moiled to any address on receipt of 10
Opcii'Air Concert.
On Tuesday evening , Juno 24th , the
brass'bafed dftho'-'Mnsical TTmon orches
tra will give an open air concert in Jef
ferson Square. The band will bo com
posed of thirty pieced and will bo under
; ho leadership of Mr. Harry Irvine. Some
very fine music wDl bo rendered as the
) and > is in excellent shape and have been
laving'Bomo splendid practice. The pro
gramme will bo published in due time
tnd all lovers of good musio are invited
o attend.
Headquarters for fireworks and flags at
Max Meyer & Co. m&o-10dj7
SBAL. of North Carolina Tobacco is the
> ost.
The Old Missouri Glvhur. Slgna of An
other Iliuupngo.
Monday afternoon the river began to
iao and has continued to do so since. It
s noii coming up rapidly but slowly and
Seme say that it is only an excess of
urfaco water and is the- direct ; result of
tfonday'u hard rain * Others predict
hat what is known ns the Juno rise has
ot in and that the water will bo a great
dealhigher ! before it is any lower. Which
hoory is correct can only , bo dotormiuud
> y further developments.
Aa the water continues to rlno a num-
> or oC anxious faces are noticeable na the
icenos of 1681 and 1882 , are brought
> aok to memory. It is to bo hoped that
noiRuch floods as were experienced in
those years uill visit us this suason.
S. or N. 0. Tobucoo finest in tic
JIoraford'H Aoltl Phosphate ,
Incomparable lu.Slclt.Ileidacho.
Dr. Fred LToruer , Jr. , Salem , Ta. ,
says. "To relieve the indiguation and
so-called sick headache and mental do-
mission inciaont to certain atagca of
rheumatism , it is incomparable. "
The Bo so Ilaml.
Monday evening a band of GO pieces was
> lflying in Max Moyor'o muolchaU. Some
excellent musio was discoursed and a
argo crowd gathered upon the sidewalk
> olow to listen to the samo.
This hrqo bond has been gotten to
gether to attend the picnic of ihoMnalcal
Jnion orchestra on Sunday , Juno 20th ,
it the Union Pacific park. It 3a the
argoat band ov'sr gotten tcgothnr in this
; ity and will bo heartily appreciated. It
s under the leadership ot Mr. Harry T.
Irvine , who is laboring hard to m&ko it a
brilliant success.
Army Orders.
Recruits Charles Sshmidt and Charles
0. Mcfntyro , enllstod at Fort Omaha ,
Nnb. , are assigned to the 4th Infantry ,
Ilecruit Henry W. Gray , enlisted at
Fort Omaha , Neb , , is assigned to the 14th
Infantry , and will bo sent to the station
of his regiment at the first favorable op
portunity ,
Tno commanding officer Fort Nlobrarn ,
Neb. , will send Private Samuel Whin-
nory , troop D , Cth Cavalry , an insane
soldier , under escort of non-commissioned
officer and ouo private , to the insane as
ylum , at Washington , D. 0. The party
in charge will , report to the Adjutant
General of the Army , by telegraph , at
least twenty-four hours in advance of
their arrival , thn probable hour thereof
and the name of the railroad depot at
which they will arrive in Washington.
The Quartermaster's Department will
furnish the necessary transportation , and
the subsistence department commutation
of rations for < ho necessary number of
days in advance , at the usual rates , and
if it bo impracticable to carry cooked
By order of COLONEL OinnoN ,
Assistant Adjutant General.
Fourth of Julygoods , Fireworks , Flags ,
Firecrackers , Torpodos , Bucket Lanterns ,
etc. , at Max Meyer & Co.
m o,10djl7
The warm weather often has a depress
ing and debilitating effect. Hood's Sarsaparilla -
saparilla overcomes all languor and lassi
Casey nu u Gutter
Monday evening about 8:30 : Larry Casey
got into an altercation with Tom Con
nelly on South Tenth street. Words
brought on blows when Casey drew
knife and stabbed Connolly twice , once
in the arm and again in the sido.
Casey says that Connolly called him
names , struck him twice , threatened to
kill him and advanced toward him with
his hand in his hip pocket. Ho says ho
did not intend to cut Connolly but only
wanted to scare him.
Judge Boneko hold Casey until Connolly
nelly is able to appear , when ho vrill bo
given an examination.
INESS DIUECTOIIY to bo issued in July ,
18b4 , price $4 BO. J. M. WOLFK , pub
her 120 S. 14th St. , Omaha.
That Meteor AVas a Snide.
Many persons undoubtedly road with
much interest , and perhaps some fen
with fear , the BEE reporter's account of
that meteor which ho declares fell Sun
day evening from the western heavens.
Others also saw it fall , and admired it as
it cast its pale , soft light over objects in
its immediate vicinity , and a few there
were who saw it rise from in front of a
certain store at the head of St. Mary's
avenue wo were among the last men
tioned who were surprised at a common
rocket being taken for a fiery messenger
from the blue vaults of heaven. *
Malarial Poison.
HOME , Go. , Mny 23,1883.
With the hope that it will roach' ' the eye of
other sufferers , I tloslro to make a statement
of my case and my wonderful rescue from
death frommaUrialiblood poison by the use of
tho-Rroat S. S. S. ( Swift's Specific. )
In-1880 I came from the North to take
charge of the gas works in Rome , as superin
tendent , and after tbo overflow , which oc
curred in the spring following. I was very
much-exposed to malarial poison , 1882
found my blood BO contaminated with the
poison that I was forced to Rive up business.
I was treated by the Homo physicians without
relief , they advising me to go North , wnich I
did. The doctors North told mo that my
only hope was to return to the milder climate ,
and accordinitly I came back to Borne , com
pletely broken down , and'nearly ' a skeleton.
My trouble finally determined in an'abscess
of the liver , and nearly every ono , ( myself
included ) thought I was doomed to die within
a few days. In this condition I was advised
by a friend to take Swift'n Specific , and I
took it just as a drowning/mon would catch ,
at a straw , but as soon as my system got
under the influence of the remedy , the abscess
carne to A point and burst , passing off without :
pain. _ In fifteen days after this I was up
at my work , and have since enjoyed excellent
Every nufToror from mnUrial poison should
toke Svrift'a Specific. C. G. SPINCKK ,
Sup't. Borne Gas Light Co.
Treatise on Blood and Skin diseases mailed !
TUB SWIFP SPECIFIC Co. . Drawer 3 , Atlanta , ,
Go. , TKlVf. 23d St. , N. Y. , and -1205 Chestl
utSt. , 'Ehlla.
Real Estate Transfers ,
The following transfers were filed for
record'in ' the county clocks office Juno'HH.
and reported for the BBS by Amos' real'
estate agency.
Mary. Hayes ot al. to Hiram Gulp , part
n w BOO. 11 , 110 , r 10. wd , ( la ) . $100.
D. N. Miller , sheriff , to Henry
Schmidt , lot 7 block 187 , Omaha , deed.
John McC6rmlck toWm. . F. Swoozy ,
s5ft of ni " lot 5 , bloci 85 ' Omaha , wd.
Joseph M. Roes to Tumor Lawson , lot
04 , Rces rinco , wd. $550.
O. P. Chubb and wife to Martha M.Ijh ,
ot 5 , . Keys sub. of lot 9 , Capitol addi
tion , wd. § 3,200.
Alvm Saunders and wife to Jacob Ho-
lin. lot 0 , block W , Shinn's addition , wd ,
? 500.-
Absolutely Pur e.
Thli powder ntvcrric . A m&rl l ollpuronesi.
ilrouitfli nd wholonomeuew. ilwe economical tliui
the train ryklniUand cannot to s.W In coiniiotltloo
with the multitude ol low tcrt. ihort weight kluuYor
' " oi"y ln " " *
win Poaltlvelynot be inssrted
in advance ,
TO LOAH-Monnv.
MOHRYloanel on chattel , note * bouitJit , cut rate
t'ckctt ' i Id A. Kuriutn , 135 IStli Et0331m
MONEY Loaned ou ohntlel inortlface , by 0. H.
\ \ oolley , room M.Onmha National Bank.
MONEY LOANKD On chattel property by J.d
UjATTY , 813 omh Hta itroet. 778.1m
" "
M1 ONKY TO tOAN-Th lowcat rtUi ol intern )
' LpftnSWOT , Wtm Pwli S51-U
Practical Painters & Decorators ;
.laJMDDiiglas . Street. Omaha.
JITONKT TO IXAN In euros ol 1300. MKl upirwd
IVi. 0. F. IHvlj and Go. , llol EstoU will Lo n
Agents , 1606 Furnara St , 833-tf.
- cook 1015 Harr.n
VWANTED Younj gltl 811
: - ( or Nwlo'k Neb. 217
WANTiU-ChauibormaUl KJMBp
"TTT'ANTKD Klrst-class liook kcopcrftr rononslbl
W position. Inferences. Address " 1 * . F. Dee ol
Hoc. 015-lfp
A'XZANTED Two Rood gltli at the Ewtcrn Hotel
V > South 10th trccl.
T\7ANTEI ) A batber , 700 S. 10th strect Omaha.
\17ANTKD-A competent cook. Mrs. W. V. Moiso
Vl touth-ucst corner 10th and Capitol avo.
A competent girl Jor general houoo
WANTED W&RCS J20. n month. K. W. cor 18tn
and Davenport , 023-tt
TlfANTED-Olrl lor general housework. Apply
V > Sirs. N. J. Edholm. 2414 Ctlcago St. 027 10
WANTED A good girl for general housework at
DIG south 18th street. 026-19
WANTED For special engagement at 421 S. 10th
St. A man willing to work. Invest gato.
fANTED A nurse for child. References rctjnlr
> cd. Jlrs. F. It. Davis , SOth strtct and St. Mary's
nuo. OtO-lS
ISTANTED A good stenoRiaplior and typo writer.
VV O. II. Hltohoock. n. l > . Kstabrook. 008-iil
Oirl for general housa-work at 8103
Chicago St. 897.17
. D A girl for general house-work , 5016
California tt. 890-18p
TT7ANTKD At once a kitchen girl < nd rccond girl
V T Good wages at 1409 1'ler St. uoith Omnho.
" 1TTANTED A good girl to do waehluj and Ironing
V > 1814 Davenport St. 005-17 |
TT ANTED-An experienced travtllng salesman
VV wants n fltuat on In Omaha Is fair writer
understands the Vecplng of double or elngle entry ,
b n good collector. City references. Address "J. II O. '
Bee oillco. 877-tf
at 1513Hbward.
VITANTED-A flrst-class blacksmith. A steady
W situation and good wages paid tb tha-rteht man.
Fremont Foundry and Machine Co. , Fremont , Neb.
WANTED In a family of three , , a competent
cook and laundress , who will milk a cow. wages
J20.CO a month. ApolvatSOO Paikmoj 834-17p
First class pantry womam Cull at
WANTED House. 892-tl
" \Tf7"ANTKD FirBt-clasa pastry cook. 0411 at onco.
VV Coizcna House. 891-tl
TXTANTED SglrlsatthoSlaven Hotel 70t 3.101
W Street 80B-17p
Qlrl Immediately to sow and wait on
WANTED Onrlilental hotel. S85-tf
WANTED-FIrst-clasa barber. Will pay OOo on
the dollar , or $15 per week. XI ) . ( JOINS ,
822-17p KearnoyNeb.
WAOTBD-QIrl for housework at 2227 Dodge St.
"Ol'-lm '
V\T ANTED- Good dishwasher and tccond cook at
VV Panbaum'u rtmtaura&t , 1614 Dodeo Street ;
TT7"ANTED A rellabla and active man to represent
I V o fins doss portrait house , takln ; orders and
( lollvcnnif work in Omaha to the right partyi Big
commission vrlU b paU. Addreo UhlcaKi Portrait
Co. , , C8 , Block , Chicago. 723- lOp
WANTED A good barber. Good pay guannteed.
V. B , 7EIOLEU , North Bend , Bodgo Co.'Hob.
676 Imp
T\7"ANTEI > Canvassing agents to handle a newly
VV patented article. Ono to three on be sold la
every family. Call on or address "Enterprlss * " ' No.
14 Crolghtun Block. 532-tf
A' , Young mariled man wants situation as , book-
XJk , keeper , in-wholecalo establishment in iOmaha.
Address " 0. ' ' can Bee. 396-tf
TXTAKTED Situation as book keeper or salof man
VV by a mm with experience. Can elre good
rocommeadatlona Address "P. A. A. " 201SCumlDp
St ! 882-lOp
"ntTANTED By six young men , three rioms with
VV boanll Best of references given ajd > - required.
Address "S. A. J , " Coo office. 930-lOp
\7D7'ANTED Fbw respectable boardcrs-'ln private
> T famlljr , pleasant 8"Uih rooms , furnlebod or un-
urnlih , ) iath < room , pleasant home , terms reasonable.
635 Pleasant etrett , dose to St. Mary'a a\ei 0264f.
WANTED-A few table boarders at 1718 Dodga
Street. E32-18p
AlTANTED BOMders to know the St. Charles Ho. j
VV tel on liarnbr St. , b twoen 12th and 13th wil !
BI t up the beat table board for 84 00 pc ? week or auy
louse In the city of a corresponding nrtoo. 2JS-II
Ir'OH KENT Honuen onQ Lotn.
TjlOIl BSNT Mooly furnished rooir-a JCBN.lSbh.
032'23j )
F OK nENT JTew store. Also rooms ouJ3th and
Hltkory. Apply E. Bavago. 028-23p
FOIl KENT Two o ttago * near Et Mary's ave , ,
oa 20th St , $15 per moiiih jicli. Wnrron
Hwlrjdcr. OCi-17
FOU HEST Two Hve room cottages to bo leady
by July 1st. Inquire at 1110 Douzlaa street.
FOFt ItENT Cottage of 3 rooms. Alto 2 rooms In
the basement , to uno or two parties. Inquire at
lllODuuglaa or 18th And Williams. D13-18 | >
Foil HPNT Furnl'bed doullo rooms without
board 1814 lUvenpert St. C0l-21p
FOIt HENT-Sniall house three rooms S. W. cor.
Uarnoy and 20th. James Neville. E93-21p
FOR KENT A house with B rooms at 2-129 Da\en-
port M30. per month. Inqulro at 260 I me
I'Q't St. ooo I8p
FOIlnENT-FnruIshod rooms , with board , 816
South 19th etrect. OlO-lSp
FOIl IlKNT One front and ono back room furn
Ishod , 1015 Chlcagj ttrcct. 830ISp
F OH UK.NT-Slx room house on strict car Una and
con\enUnt to business. Addrcaa liomcdlatrlr ,
"G. X , " Bee oilico. 7Catf
FOIl IlENT-Houso wllh 6 roomi and good elied
littchen.wtllicclUr and dstern,16108. llth street
Inquire 10 8 Cagtollar street. B83-27i
FOH KENT Nuwh ruse , Oie rooms , flno location ,
and good nolghb ohood , Inqulro at 724 south
Oth itrtct. 893-17p
F01UIENT-To a small family , a bulte of Sorfl
rooms , 1112 South llth nrrects. 810-19p
FOH KENT Two furnlihcd rooms for bcht homo
leenag , liecmot'a Block , cor. 8th and Howard ,
SOU/ /
FOIl HENT A pleasant furnbhed room for gen
tlemon , at 1S Capitol av our. 83M8p
TTiOR KENT A flmt cltsa < ere In good locality.
J ? Inquire at Kdholm and Krlcksou. eoi-tf
FOR HENT Furnished rooms 2227 Dodge.4SOlm
FOR RENT Flrst-clisi 0 room cottage B. T.
Peterson , southern comer Uth and Douvlaa
FOR KENT Rooms In Nebraska Natloral Bank
building. Moot desirable ulllces In the city.
Supplied with hvdraulle elevator aud betted by
ttoum. Apply at Bank ( ) J8 tf
VT\OR KENT Klegait residence 10 rooms , furnace !
1 ; hot and cold water , bath rooms & .o. HulUblo for
Orst-claw boarding houto or piltate residence. 870
icr month.
Kourteou room homo new , 14th St. ntar Jonrs.'SID
wr month. 11AHKER & MAYNE ,
* I7-M I3tli and Farnao.
TT OU IIKKT A larga lurnlihed front room with
JL'aloov * and closot. suitable for Uo gentlemen ,
pOHUENT-Furnlshed locioi WIO DcdjoEtrctt.
JL W.M 40 1
Are prepared to do wet
In nny branch ,
On Short Notice
| T OR RKNT-ln Ilodlik'i bcX. Storeroom 120
JJ feet dcen and good oOlco r5 < Jtn. Paulsen & Co. ,
A J Fornam , room 3 , 766-tf
17011 HUNT platio , luqulro nyKc ) x < lin& Etlck-
L1 son's. 03-tl
rtOH KEN ! ' Store room 1609 St. , by
looi n.sNr rufnwnod looms on tan i
X1 cor , 15th and Capltolavenuo , formerly Cn . ' Dton
Houaa. l\ ) -t
F I OR RENr Lnrge fnintsno room tV
only , N. W. COT. JSth and Farnam.
[ 10H KENT CheAp , one piano , ono orrttn. A.
' " " , 15101)0 , 31. ' o Ira
BALK Three of the beat lot * In Ilamcom
place at n bargain It sold soon. Totter it'Oobb ,
Varnatn. 831'tf
FOR SAtiG A pay'ng ' boarding honss one block
from P. O , 217 N. 16 t St. 035-5Sjn' '
TTIOR SALR-snEKP A lot of line Colorado grs Jts >
JL1 corslstlng of 800 cwct , Z , 8 and 4 years cIJ ,
about OiO } carllng9 and ICO Iambs. Tlio owes will !
shear about 6 p < luids. Fur further Information ad-
dro s Ml Jay Co. , Htlgler , B , it II. 11. H. . Neb.
030 Imp
"l ORSALK A grain , Stock and oal business In
L. Low price and ( nay terms Bull *
nofs will bear nvrttlcratlon. An unusu l bargalu
offered , address "ATlnchcll" cn e Omtha Bfo.
FORSALE-A nlcocott go and fall Int , half block
south ol Milton Rige-s' rtsidencn , on 13th street
Inquire ol M. Dee , Uroccr , Ziil and Lcatonworth.
IOR SALE Two fresh milch cows , 611 South llth
street i , between Hon-ard and Jictoon. 020-lOp3
| j > OHSLUA good paj ing. meat market , or good
JL' partner wanted. For partlculors call at 1102 Da
vcnport street. OU-18p
FOH SA1 E At a bargain , a first clrtw Zither. Ad.
dress "X. / "
< Q" Bco offlco. 878-tf
FOR SALE A ko ) stone ranga No , & Price $30.
Inqulro 1147 south Oth ht. 878 Zip
TpORSALE Two scoond hand1 pUnoj , at Edholm
JU & Eilckson's ilusla Store on 10th St. S90-tt
" 17011'SALE The coziest and most desirable resl"
J dcnoo on Capitol Hill. House contains 0 .rooms'
besides closet * and store rooms , good cellar , city
water , and all modern Irrprovcmenta. Good bam
and outbuildings. K\en thing In flrst-class shape.
Full lot. Inqulro of T. F. Lyon on premise ; , 2429
Capital avenue 842-tf
TjM'U ' SALE -40 aero farm , adjoining Elkhorn Sta-
JU tlon ; ealoon anddrustOro at Waterlbo. Will ox-
chai go for Omaha property. Ji B. SILVIS ,
810-2tp Elkhorn Staten , Neb.
FOR SALE The Omahix Bakery , established 1874.
Contains a good stf ok of Fanor Goods and other
fixtures , wogon , etci Location flnt-clkss Cb < np for
cash. Apply 616 10th street , bet. Jackson and How-
aril. 7D4-lm
FOR SALE A good paying grocery business ,
stock and fixtures. Will Invoice 2SOO. ; Sales
! 25OCO per year. For farther Information , address
for t o weeks "Z , " Bco ofllco. 703-tf
OIl SALE REAL FSTATE-A great bargain In
fX ) lota In Reese's Place , onSf. Mary'o-avenue
street car line , nt very low price f ir 30 days. Apply
Lo Joseph 1L Itceac , 211 South Jith street. 074-Imp
OR SALE Tin good will and fixtures of the
Crelghton I House. Easy terms. 038-tf
FOR SALE Two open necond-nand bugglea and
ono delivery wagou , cheap , at 1319 Barney St.
TJWR SALE A choice Improved farm of 240 acres ,
JD well watt red. good buildings , largo orchard 80
acres fenced , within 1 } miles of new etock } art'sand '
only 5 nJles from city , at ? 55.C Ter acre. Also 240
acres oJJolnlng the abovei that can be sold In EO arre
farms at $45 and $47.69 per acre. Terms easy. POT
TER &CUBB , 1615 Farnam street. 40-Uf-
FOR BALE One plaao , as good as now. Cheap
at Hospo , 1510 DoOgo. 409-lm
TT'OR SALE Cheapest house and lot In Omaha , In
S } Potter's addition , 8 seems , well , 300 barrel da-
orn ou two lots , li 0 foei front br 180 feet deep , for
(2.050. ( POTTER & 0 > BB1515 : Farnam St. 406 tf
S4.LE Cheap lots In Shlnn's 2nd addition
FOR and I'ltlnvlew. POTTER & COBB
1515 Farnam street.
FOR SALE Twenty acres of the Griffon farm , Si
miles from the Postofflde , and tnly two-blocks
from Pratt's sub-divlaloa. . . Will bo soldi In 2J , 6 or
10 acre lots Inqulro Omaha Carpet Ccv , 1511
Oouelas "treet 270 tf
I7 < Olt SALE Farms mliea from city , near Union.
JT Stock jards. Inquire atlira. . Meyer , over Roa
der's Drue ( .tore , 18th and Webster. 872-
FOR SALE Cheap , One-driving horsej bucgy and
harness. Apply room-24 , Omaha Natlcrml Bank
Building. 205-tf
OTRAY * D Dark red aow , white mark on- face and
tOsmall whit ) spot on left tl&nk , 3 yeara oiH. Parties ,
will be tultibly rewarded' by returning/ bringing
nformatlon to Granback' , Otb and'PocIQc Sta.
TAKEN OP One f straybay mare four yean old.
Call at R. D Haccarthy's , Juet soutti of Res-
rvolr , on Loueavo and Burt St. C21-oen5wp ,
rpo EXCHANGE A grain end stock builncss loca-
JL ted at tovoral stations In Western Iow tor ostock
( arm or L'ood la ds Bultiblo ( or stock purposes. This.
Oder will boar strictest imostlRatlon. Wltojor par
ticulars. AHilrpHft "rtluchcll , " care Cumin. Bee.
/"lONCEHT at Ilonr ? Uuser's Park ev ry fcundaj
\J Iroir 2 to 7 o'clock p. m. 25o adnUsulon Bom
place (01 lauiil" plo-nlci. 783-23JI
T OST - - Buuday ! icrnoon at Hajiseom Par ! :
J _ > neck ch n and cross. Finder will bo rowiroed
ty leaving at Doran House , 013 Farnam St. VCOtf
The Pioheer and Still Ahead ,
3.ooooo TJso ,
Fast Bujierswlhig the largest old faehhniul
and nnfoi H lu * the simplest and most efficient
etovo burners In th orld , &ud nltli now Imptote.
ments the euloit to operate. Absolutely safe with
ta patmt reservoir , now lu use the eecoucl soosoa
without a elngle accident.
jtSrSeocl ( or Catalogue , I'rlco List , Kta.
6-tw5f pm 6-m
. . . ,
Block ! V V
is : EX
For B sin ess ,
Travelitig ,
Uress and
fiT.Vcck Prculng * . K w Hummer N9T HI l.jBJ