G OMAHA DAILY .BEE-COUNCIL BLDFFS , WEDNESDAY , ' J GNJU 18 , 1884. THE DAILY BEE. COUNCIL BLUFFS. Wednesday Moraine. Juno 18 , suBscmrrioN HATES. By Currier . . .so rents per wctlc By Mail - - - - 110.00 ftr jtu OFFICE : No. 7 Pearl Street. Near Broadway. MINOR MENTION , See J. Roller's Spring Goods. David W. Lehman , Hugh Waylor and "Wra. Wilson were fined yoatorday for being drunk. A team belonging to J. 0. noflmoyor got stalled in the mud at Sixteenth street and Broadway yesterday. The Main street cars now run to the 0. B. & Q depot as of old , the now track feeing completed that far. Keene appeared in Cedar Rapids Mon day night. If that city can afford such celebrated actors why cannot Council Bluffs. In the district court yoatorday the caao of Sapp & Lyman vs. Aikon Underwood Us Co. was on trial , it being a claim for attorney foes. Tco annual normal teacher's inatituto for this county will moot In the city Wed nesday , July L'l , and continuo In session three weeks. Everything argues well for the races lioro Juno 24 , 25 , 20 and 27 , with moro nnd bettor horses than at any mooting in the west. There will doubtless be races every day. John Hughes , yesterday , hod n man named Calahan arrested for stealing $3.50 from him while drunk , The accused via discharged. An attempt will bo made to got two or three hydrants placed in the Driving park before the races , and some of the otroets loading to the park so that the dust may easily bo laid. Complaint is made that the outhouses at the transfer have been pumpoU out , and the filth loft where it ia , not only annoying to residents In that vicin ity , but dangerous to their health. The city fathers have provided a place now where all can deposit rubbish. It is located on Sixteenth avenue , in Klein's addition , and will bo designated by a oign , so that there will bo no excuse now for dumping filth elsewhere. The poor aldermen have to piece out their meagre salary iu come way , and ono of the ways is to moot as a board of health just before each council mooting for a few minutes , which entitles them to so much extra. The city's health never re ceived BO much attention as now. The arrangements being made by the Hibernians are such as to assume for Council Bluffs a big Fourth of July celebration bration , The Hibernian societies of Omaha and Plattamuth are to join in the doings here , and a now Council Bluffs band is to make it debut thorn. It has boon decided to organize a club of the "boys in blue" to further the cam paign for Ulaino and Logan. At a pro llminary mooting hold Monday evening John Fox was chosen president and J. 0. Rhodabock secretary pro torn. It was decided to hold a mooting nt the court house next Friday evening to per fect the organization and elect permanent officers. All boys in blue are invited to bo present. William Btowor a colored boy , who ia pretty well known hero , has got into trouble at Newton. It appears that ho and another boy concluded to steal a ride on the 0. & R. I. to DCS Moines , and Lid in a box-car. Sorao ono came nlonj aud sealed the car , and at Kellogg was opened and the boys found inside. They were taken through to Newton and look , od up in jail there , and friends hero notified. The scales at the junction of Main and Pearl streets are to bo removed , ono of the causes of complaint of the neighbor ing business men , being that hay wagons gather and stand tboro , blocking up the street , scattering hay over the pavement and accumulating filth. It is proposed to put a fountain where the scales now stand. Ono. of the sly powers causing tills removal of the scales , is the fact that the scales are private scales , and interfere with the public wolghraastor , who has scales on a lot near by. Profotsors Boardsloy and Paulson scorn quite encouraged over the prospects ol their now western commercial college , which opens hero on the 23d. Every possible facility lias boon provided for these who dcslro to secure a higher Eng lish education , these who want to prepare for business , and these who intend to teach stenography , typo-writing , elocu tion , German and mualc , are among the branches to bo taught , besides many others , BO there is a wide range from which to Bolect. The college promises io get a good ntart this summer , and by fall will bo recognized as A permanent success. Chief Walters , of the fire department , denies the charge that the steamer taken to Des Moines to the tournament was allowed to stand on the side track exposed to rain and weather from-Satur- d y until Sunday. Ho says that it was covered with a tarpaulin , and that it did not reach hero until Sunday afternoon , aad wai not switched up where it could begot by the department until Monday morning , and was brought to the bouio about noon. He says -the council lent It to the boys to go to Dos Moines , and''tnat it ww , gor the time being , out of Ms control , and ho was not rosponsi ble for it. Aa to the lantern * stolen , ho the boys will replace those. FRISKY FERGUSON. Tto Mayor's ' Priralo Secretary Broniht Bacfc from Lincoln , HlB Auts nna Snyln/rB. Yesterday morning the chief of police Tom | Skinner , arrived homo , having in custody J. Alfred Ferguson , the mayor's private secretary , who was arrostoi in Lincoln. Ho returned with the officer without making any protest or trouble , and although evidently very nervous and rattled , yet ho made n bravo and not al together unsuccessful attempt to put on bold fAco. While Justice Vaughan WAS hearing some case that was before him , the chief with J. Alfred wore waiting in an adjoining room. While there "the private secretary" told TUB BKB man that the first h < ) know of any trouble being raised about hin going away , was what ho aaw Jn THE BKB while nt Lincoln. "Why , it seems to mo that everybody roads TUB BEE. Every follow I Raw had one , and it scorned to mo that every ono of thorn was reading that blasted piece about mo. Bul why can't you newspaper follows toll all the truth while you are about it ? " On being urged to toll his side of the story , : o declined until ho should have a chance to talk with Mr. Vaughan. "Thia afternoon - noon , " ho said , "I shall prepare and land to the proas a letter vindicating my self before this community. I want to confer with Mr. Vaughan about it first , and until than I will make no state ments , " nnd then ho settled back with lis usual pompous air as though ho was conferring a high favor on kis listeners to say oven this much to them. Someone suggested the query "Whoro'eMadam ? " referring to the girl with whom ho oloped. ' 0 , eho came back with mo as far as Omaha , and stopped thcro. Sho'll bo over this afternoon. Madam is all right. " 3y this time Mr. Vaughan had conclu ded the case before him and the hop- skip-nnd-a-jump secretary walked "nto his presence , or rather stumbled n and seated himself in n chair n front of him and player and employer moot for the first tlmo since the latp un pleasantness , "Well , Alfred , this is an unpleasant duty for mo , " and the little mayor began opening the information filed against the young man. "Never mind about reading these papers , -waive nil reading and all that sort of n thing and am ready for trial } " aud the young man norviously pmphasizod his words with a frequout tapping of his pencil on the table. It was then past the hour for dinner , and the mayor told him ho could do nothing with the case till afternoon , remarking , " You must got right down to business , now , Alfred ; 'gush and talk won't answer now. Take off your hat , sir , as you are in court. " Then followed a little talk. "J. Alfred" turned over lia ollico keys , and some papers ho had , imong which was a rate of about $30 loft with Vaughan by some ono for col lection. The mayor made him give an order on the girl for his baggage , there being ono valise which was said to con tain Borne important papers taken from the oflico. A mittimus was mndo out , and the young man was then taken down to jail by Chief Skinner. A jail dinner was not good enough for " the private secretary , " nnd giving the jailor a half-dol- ho ordered a special repast , after finish ing which ho lighted a cigar , and with heels higher than his head sat pretending - tending to road , when aomo of the news paper gang , who wont gathering up news about the old bnilding dropped in on him. Ho at Drat refused to make anystatomont , but said finally that ho was coming out of this all right , and would bo out of jail in a few hours. Ho didn't know what Vaughan intended to do , and ho did not "give a dam , " to use his own words. Ho thought the letter ho wrote Vaughan from Omaha explained matters sufficiently. It was true ho had lost some In gambling , but not moro than 20 , and ho did not ewe around town over $5. Ho had handled thousands of dollars ol Vaughan'a money , had kept all the accounts for the electric light company , and there had not boon a cent missed. Ho should defend his own cusp. "They say a manls a'foolwhs trios to o his own lawyer , but I'm going to try it , though this is the first tlmo I over wag in aide a jail , " "J. Alfred" had planned to marry his fond ono yesterday , and expected her to follow him over to this side of the aivor , but she remained in Omaha , at the Em- inott house , and the marriage did not take place. Lite iu the afternoon the young man was brought boforo. Justice Vaughn and the cases , ono for embezzlement and ono foi larceny , were continued , ono was sot for two o'clock Wednesday afternoon , and the other Thursday afternoon. The bonds were fixed at $200 and $300 and tbo prisoner wont out with Chief Skinner to got signers. Mr. Vaughn toll ing Skinner to keep him in his charge if ho could not give bond. Bankrupt clothing sale for ton days at 502 Broadway. All the balance of the Obijago defunct clothing house have to bo closed out inside of ton days regard less of price. Como before you are too late. l EUSON < Uj. Hurrj H. Home loft yesterday for a ttip to the cigar trade In Nebraska. Miss 1'hoobo Shoots who la to bo graduated tliia lurm at the High school , has boon offered a position as teacher iu the Avoca school , and will accujit , ) r. A. Doluon , % > ho has boon for eleven years an engineer on the Union 1'iiclfloaa hero yesterday completing arrangcmuuta to nmku Ills porwttifut homo in North 1'latte. Buthuoll noils railroad tickets cheap to all points. EVADING PROHIBITION , The Cfrdliiunoe I'naaod Ijioon8liiGln ] gor Ale niul "SIcU. " The ordinance introduced aomo tlmo ago liconalng the nalo of ginger ale , pop , etc. , liuat lost boon paaood by the coun * ci ) . It is ocknowludged to bo aimply an attempt to evade the prohibitory law , The ordinanoo is , of course , a farce and appears on it * face. It provides that only such drink * shall bo sold aa are not prohibited by stfito law , saying in effect , that only non-intoxicating drinks may bo sold , and yet it provides penalties for selling to a drunken person , as though it would do any harm to sell a glus of lemonade to a man who was drunk. The whole of the ordinance summed up in plain Kncrlish is to the effect that although there is a prohibitory state law , yet if the saloon men will pay the city $100 n year , and give a bond of $1,000 they may go ahead , nnd so far as the city authorities are concerned no trouble will bo caused them. This sort of an agree ment , made between the city and the saloon-moil , by which both seek to reap a profit by evading the state law , Is the numming up of the ordinance. Its ad vocates urge that saloons wilt run hero anyway , and that in viaw of this fact the city should take stops to got some special assessment out of them , to cover part of the special expense paused by them. liocal Crtimlw. Coyote Bill , who escaped from jail hero about a year ago , and who was so skillful a bridle maker , is now serving a term in the Lincoln penitentiary for horse stealing. Mary D , Ilisnor lias commenced divorce - vorco proceedings , claiming that her hus band , J. M. Ilisnor , to whom she was married in 1807 , deserted her in 18 ? ! ) , and had not roturnod. Mrs. Ida Ohrisman , who has boon showing signs of insanity of lalo , the cause of which is said to bo the murder of her husband about wo years ago , has suddenly disappeared with her little children. Arrangements were made to take her to the asylum , but while the pa pers were being prepared , nho escaped , COUNCIL BLUFFS MAIIKKT. Wheat-No. 1 milling , 7B@80 ; No. 3 C5@ 70 : rejected CO. Corn Local pnrposoa , 40@45. Oats For local purposes , 35@40. liny 310 00@ia 00 per ton ; baled , 60@fX ) Ilyo 10@45o. Corn Meal 130 per 100 pounds. Wood Good supply ; prices at yards , C 00@ 700. 700.Coal Coal Delivered , hard , 11 CO per ton ; soft , > 00 per ton Lard FalrbnnkV , wholesaling at Me. Flour City flour , 1 C0@3 30. Brooms 2 05@3 00 per doz. LIVE BTOCK. Cattle Butcher cows .3 7C@i 25. Batcher steers 4 C0@5 00. IIogs-4 00@4 25. FBODUOE AND FRUITS. Quotations by J. M. St , John & Co , , com mission merchants , G3S Broadway. Livu Poultry Chickens , C@8c ; turkeys , lOc. 0.1'cachoB J bus. box , 1 00. Oranges D 00@C 01) per box. Lemons C 00@0 00 per box. Bananas 3 00 ® 1 00 per bunch Butter Creamery , 20o ; rolls , choice 0@10c. Eggs 13o POT dozen. Strawborrloa Fancy homo grown , 15c per quart. Vegetables Potatoes , 3 C04 CO ; onions , 75o ; cabbage , 4 cents per pound ; apples , none in market ; Bo ana , ] f > 0@225per bushel. R. Rice M. D. ° * other tumors removed without lh knllo or drawing o Mood. CHRONIC DISEASES < * " " " * Over thirty years practical experience Offloe No. 6 Pearl Btreot , Council Bluffs 3rConoultatlon Irco SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE. Special a vcrtlscment , BUO as Lost , Found , To Loan , For Sale , To Kent , Wants , Board- lug , etc. , wilt be Inserted In thti column nt the loir rate of TUN CENTS PER LINE for the flnt Insertion and FIVE CENTS PER LINE for each subsequent n- Mirtlon. Leave advertisements at our office , No. Pearl Street , near Broadway WANTB. WANTED Oood cook , cool nages. Emmett House , Otb Bt. and loth AW. MllS.tt. DlinOAN. WANTED Tobuy atcoond , lia/llb' ] ' no In good oniidltlon. Address with/ . * < & & and price , "A" DSK oinco , Council Ulu . V TyANTKD A clrl for general housework. Call at BHK ofllco. FOR RENT. Bilok house four largo rquara roonn and pantry , and two large closets , cistern , well and barn. 816 per month. Location central. En- qulro J. Sullvan , 3.3 Broadway , OITUATIONWANTED-Byan experienced steno O Rraphcr and typo-writer operator. Best of isftr- cnccn. Address , Stenographer , box 1,168 , Janes- > lllo , Wls. WANTBD-Klvo hundred pieces of flretcla second hand carpet and two hundred heating stoves. A. J. 1IANDKL , 35 Drorulwoy. OU ) I'AI'KIIS For eilo at llx office , at 26 ceuta a hundred. \T7"ANTKD { Kiery body m Council IlIuOs to take VV TiiBUiH. Delivered by carrier at only twenty cents n week. FOR SALE Top Bu7gy. Dexttr springs , and single haruciij , Euqulre , II , K. Seaman , 405 llroadnay. HOTEL FOR llENT-Tho omont House for rent on reatona Io terms. 1'urnlturo will bo sold to renter. Apply on premlieg opposite Broad way dummy depot , Council Bluffs , AGENTS Ladles and gentlemen can make first dans wages by selling the "Champion Bosom Utrecther and ronlne Board. " Retails at 11.00. Any lady can do up a Ana shirt without a wrinkle and gloat ll u nlculy as the Dost laundries can. Address forpaitlcularsO , B , 8. & L Co. , BBS olllcv , for our month. Railway Time Table , COUNCIL BLUFFS. The following are the times of the arrival and de parture ol trains by ooutral standard tlmo , at the local deiiots. Trains leave transfer depot ton mbi a os earlier and arrive teii uluutos later. CHICAGO , BURUNQfOM AND QCUCT. LKATI. 1BUVI. 6:33 : pm Chicago Kinross 0,00am 0:40 : a m Fait Mall. 7:00 : p ir 5:45 : a in [ * Uall and Eiprcss , 7 ! ' J p m l :30itu | Accommodation. 2.40 pin At local depot only. KAYIil CITY , BT. 401 AND COUNCIL tLVfn. 10.06 a u > Mall and Express , 7:08 : p ru 8:06 : piu 1'aclflo Eipross , 6:60 : pm CIHCAOO , MILWACU AND NT. MDL. BS5 : p m Express , 0:05 : a m B18 ; a in Expreu , 0.6 p m CIUCAOO , KOCK ISLAND AND rACinC. 6SO : p m Atlantlo Express , 0:05 : a m 0.45 a iu Iay ExproM , 0.81 p m 7:20 p m 'Dei Uolne * Aooummodatlon , O.C6 p m At looxl dtjrat only. WAIAUI , BT , LOUIS AND rActnp. 0:65 : m Hail , 4:15 : p m 4Wpm : Cannon Ball 11:15 : a ta At Transfer-nl CIUOAOOOnd KOBTUWnSTlSX. 630pm Express , 0.10pm 02 ; } * m Tacina Express , 0.08 a m SIOUX CITT AtlD MCinO. 7iO ! p m 8t I'ml ExprvM , 8:60 : ft m 7Waui : Ctj Kxprui 0.50Jim 8.00 p in Western Kiprcss , 8 J5 a m llloOain I'tcino K | iru&i , :40pm : 7Wam : Local iCxpresj , O.DIaiu 12:10 : a m Lincoln Kiitco , At Traniler Duly , DDUMT TUildSTOOUilU. L a\e-7.-20-iiO-0.so-io3O-lliOii. ! : m. 130-1:30 : Z0-4ZO-t3'i-tSO : : 11:04 : 11. in Hunday O.fO-llMO a. iu. 1:30JSO6SO.SO11:05 : : : : p. ru.&rtlve 10 min utes beturo Icatuiff time Mew and Beautiful Attractions -I3XT- Dry Goods HARKNES Having just purchased in Emtorn Markets very ccoico stock of Spring and Summer Dress Goods , Ginghams , Table Linen , Crashes , etc. , wo nro prepared to offer ) au excellent selection of beautiful fabrics , and shall do so at UNUSUALLY LOW PRICES These goods Imve just been opened from the manufacturers , nnd comprise Hin latest designs nnd novelties of the season. Note below a few of the MANY BARGAINS wo are offering : SILIKIS , Summer silks , 35c ; Summer silks , 50c ; Summer silks , 75c. These are special bargains and cannot be duplicated. Good black silk at 50c , worth 75c. Choice black Radzimor silk , 81.00 , usual price. $1.30. Black Gros Grain silk , 80c. Pure Silk Ottoman at 81.75 , worth $2.25. Heavy Cloaking Tuniscinno at 81.75. All grades of the famous Lyons Silks J. C. Bonnet & Co. , and Autoine Guinet & Co. , at Lowest Prices. Good plaids at 5c , worth 10c Brocade dress goodsafc 8c , worth loc Choice colored cashmeres at 80c. Figured suitings at 80c. Very fine all-wool suitings , double width at 75c , and never sold for less than 81.00. Also beautiful combination suitings at very low prices. TABLE LINEN AND CRASHES Good all linen table at 30c , Good all linen table ah 40c. Choice all 'men ' table at 60e. Very fine all linbn table at 81.50 , worth 82 60 Table crasli 5c a yard. All linen towels at lOc each. All linen towels ab 12c each. Prints 3c. Good Bleached Muslin , ' 5c. Good unbleached muslin , Gc. A fin assortment of beautiful spring Shawls at popular prices. Pull stock of Domestic Paper Patterns. [ "Catalogues free. Very large stock of Ingrains , Tapestry and Body Brussels , Velvets , Moquettes , Axminsteis , &c. . at lowest pricea in the west. Darkness Brothers , 401 Broadway - - COUNCIL BLUFFS' ROLLER RINK JOE OREAM PARLOR. Taught by PROF. SCHNOOU Tuesday and Friday evenings from 8:30 : to 10:30 : o'clock. RINK TOR RENT AT $15.00 PER NldllT. CTLARCEST FLOOR IN TOWN , H. H. MARTENS , Prop'r. Mrs , HJ , Hilton , H.D. , PHYSICIAN & SUKGEON , 123 aitdcUa Bro diy. . Council Blufta. IESTERK IUVA NORMAL SCIENTIFIC AND- COMMERCIAL COLLEGE , COUNCIL BLUFFS - "MVA. Will Open THE 23rd of JUNE 1884. A complete course lor teachers and thoio doilrlng a higher Knullfh education , a full business course , with tralnlou In actuil bunlnras practice and grner- . a correspondence , short hand , ornamental | > cnnsn. hip , ( locution , German and music , tiplemlld rooms , large , light and veil furnlnhed , chances tery moder ate , cost of IMng reasonable , society good , expert- enocJ teachers. * or further particular- . Inquire of BKA'lDSLtY ti PAULSON , Council BluOs , Iowa. N. SCHURZ. Justice of e Peace. OFFICE OVER AJIKKIOAN EXPRESS. COUNCIL BLUFFS , - IOWA ; BOOQE'S SIOUX CITY HAMS J. Y. PULLER , Oommission Merchant No .19 Pearl Street . Council Bluff * , Iowa. HEADQUARTERS BAVARIAN BAND. Persons viuhing to engage Uiia Band for parties , aocUblos , eeronadoa , cto. , ahouldcall or address , JAOOU P , SOHMIUT , Manager , 25 North Main St. TUOS. orncu , OFFICER & PUSEY BANKERS. Council Bluffa U. Established - 1856 Dealers In Foreign and omeatlo Kxchinze an Securttl GASH TALKS ! Al the well-known. Establishment OF J. P. FILBERT , 209 Tipper Broadway , the PIONEER GASH Of Council BluQj. Notice our reduced Price List. We glvo 1G pounds Extra O Sugar for . $1 00 11 pounds Granulated Sugar . , . 1 00 26 i > ound4 Choice Oatmeal . . . 1 00 25 jiounds Navy Beana . 100 20 pounds IBt Bulk Starch . 1 00 12 pounds Carolina Illco . 1 00 18 pounds Choice Hun < 8 . 1 00 251 > arii Buffalo Soap . 1 00 Extra Lake Trout , per pound . 00 Larrlliard'B Plug per Ib . 40 1 dozen llacktril . 15 Colorado Flour. Winter , per owt . 2 DO 10 pounds aluecr Sua ] ) ] . 1 CO lOpoundah tnloy . . . 1 00 6 gallon keg Syiup . 1 70 White Fish , per kit . 80 Mackerel , pcrklt . , . 8S Dates , per pound . 10 10 3 pound cans St ndard Tomatoes . 1 00 All kinds California Krult . pound Ltisk'i Standard 4 for . 1 00 T. T. T. All grades , according to quality , ISo to 80s per pound Wo also carry a full line of iron's. Ladles' and Children's flue Shoes and Uen' > Fine Boots at very low prices. Also full line 01 Tinware and general morchandlie. Call on us and be convinced tha < you can save money fey dolling with us. Goods delivered free Inaoy part of the ctty. In a word , we am bound to sell and challenge all audaulo competition In this countr. J' P. FILBERT" 04 u .or Broadway As there are many So-Oalled Veterinary Surgeons In this city , who are practicing their quickeiy on our people , I demit but JustKeto lay that I defy any of them to prod ce a diploma , or ; ridcntla' > , ndlcatlug that they are graduates of any tctcrlnar ; nitltuto , and I da hereby caution the publl3 again * such quacks , ai I am Itie Only Known Giaduale IN WESTEKN IOWA. Office & Pharmacy , l25B'dway ' , AT BLUE BAUN. T. J. CADY , M. D. , V. S. SILOAM MINERAL SPRINGS. We guarantee the cure ol the following named dl teases , or uo pay : llheumatlsm , Scrofula , Ulcers , Catarrh , a'l Blood andiklndUeaies , Drtpenela , Liter Complaint , Kidney and Bladder Diseases. Gout , Nell- algU and Asthma , Thesa Springs are the favorite ctwrt Ol the tlrod anl debllliatad , and are the FKK11LK LADIKS BEST FKIKND , Good hotel , livery and bathing aooomodatloa both winter and summer. Locality highly plcturesqur and healthy. Accessible by Wabuh railway , KvonaorO.B. & Q. . at Albany. Correspondent solicited , UEV. U. U. THOMPSON. Albany , BUo.ua Bprlogt , .Gentry Co. , lid. ANALYSIS. SpeclUo Gravity , 1.001 Reaction , , , , . , Neutra Cubonlo Add Out. , , , , , 23ln. rr gallon Carbonate Calcium , , . , , , .Si.oil Grains Carbonate Iron T.cui i' Sulphate Magnesia 38 " Uulphato CaTdnm l.ltU " 1 Chloride Sodium , , , . , T.SOO M BlUlea. . . , , , , , . , 1,6M "I Alumlnt , . . . , . .0,010 Organloand Volatile matter and loss , . , . . 1,459 " til solids pergtOlon 07,171 " W&taut&Mt H. H. HOENE & CO. , WHOLESALED DEALERS IN Fine Cigars Wo make A specialty , at our EASTERN factory , of FINE HAVANA tnd YARA CIGARS. All Cigars sold by us are of our own manufacture nnd warranted as represented. OPERA HOUSE CIGAR HOUSE , I 552 Broadway , H. H. HORNE&CO. , | COUNCIL BLUFFS , - - IOWA. IE. STOOIKIIEIRT & OO _ _ or FINE PARLOR FURNITURE CAUPCT3 , CUHTAINS , WINDOW FIXTURES , and REPAIRING X xxto x'ioar 3Oooo3t-fvtlc . > xxi3 * va.d TTj ; NO. 309 BROADWAYA SpCC.U'ty' ' . . COUNCIL BLUP SMITH & TOliUEK. LEADING MERCHANT TAILORS 7 and 0 Main street , Council , BLUFFS , IOWA. Mixed Rags Wanted. The undersigned is paying the highest market price for Rags. S. GOLDSTEIN , ; . . . 540 Broadway , Council Blnfta otoetlf : QE : OJS. , WHOLESALE DEALE.US IN RATSCAPS BUCEGLOVES , and 344 Broadway , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA MAYNE & PALMER , , DMKRSIj * f * -m m Hard and Soft Goal , AND WOOD , BULK AND BARRET , LI1IE , LOUISVILLE AND PORTLAND CEMENT , UICmOAN PLASTKBHAIB No , 039 Broadway , - AND . BHWHR . FIFE . * COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. 504 Main Street , - Council Bluffs. MANUFACTURER OF TRUNKS , VALISES , AND SATCHELS SAMPLE CASES a specialty. Shawl , Tourist , and Trunk Straps. Twenty Years Experience. - - Repairing Neatly Executed ON IMPROVED FA'RMSTN" IOWA AND NEBRASKA ! LOWEST HATES , Cl TXT TTT3 flTraan'M X , HH ' 89 PEARL STIIEET , BEST TERMS. k5 , VV X JDIUJU OoUIN QC UU , Council B'ufffl , Iowa ASADY , ORGUTT & FRENCH / urtalns , In Lace , Cite , Turcoman , Etc. Oil cloths , Mattings , Linoleums Etc [ hoicest and Best Selected STOCK in the WEST , omo and bo convinced that wo are headquarters for all goods in our line , heapeat place to buy CARPETS , Curtains and House Furnishings in the City. Nos. 6 , 7 and 0 MASONIC TEMPLE - - COUNCIL BLUFFS. Mail Orders Pilled Promptly and with Care Ventilated Three Inch Part , Ladies' Furnishing Goods and Notions nt 0 > ST Until All Disposed of. MBS. D. A. BENEDICT , No. 337 Broadway . Council Bluffs. WHOLESALE r TIM'S ' Stock , Etc O-Speclal attention to orders by mall. COUNCIL BLUFFSl IOWA. ZPJRIOIEJS ON TRIMMED HATS. THIS WEEK. { MRS. S J. NOBBIS , } 3VXO23C3ST GRESTON HOUSE - EVERYTHING /1R3TCLASS. - Nos. 217nna219S. Main St. , - - COUNCIL BLUFFS O. DEALER IN ALL THE LATEST DESIGNS OF fALL PAPER Al UNDO ? SHADES Interior Decorations. 18 S. Pearl Street and 20 N. Main Street , - COUNCIL BLUFFS ICE CREAM. WATER ICES. RESTAURANT AND CAFE Ootox-oar -to tot Broadway. i t Meils at all Uours. Council Bluffs. / \ Parties sBpeclaltr.