Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 18, 1884, Page 2, Image 2

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A Ii nccroii8 Cn c ,
RocintmiJQnel , I88S. "Tta
Yearlogol wwattacked with the mo t
Intense anil deathly palm In my back and
KUnej-i ,
"Extending to tlio end of my lees an
my brain 1
"Which madomo doliriousi
'From agony.
"It took three mon to hold mo on m
bed nttimtsl
"Tho doctors tried in vnintorolioro tnt
But to no purpose.
"Morphine nnd other opiates
"Hi\d no oflbctl
"After two months I was given up <
"Whon my wife
hoard n neighbor toll what Hop Bitter
had done for her , she at oncogot and gav
mo Bomo. The first dosp cased my brali
nnd Boomed to go hunting through m ;
system for the pain.
"Tho second dose eased mo so mud
that I slept two hours , something I ha <
not done for two months. Before I ha <
used five bottles , I was well and at work
as hard us any man could , for over throi
weeks ; but I worked too hard for m ;
strength , and taking a hard cold , I was ta
ken with the most acute andpainfulrhou
matism all through my system that woi
over known. I called the doctors again ,
and after several weeks , _ they loft mo t
cripple on crutches for life , as they said ,
T mot a friend and told him my case , anc
ho said Hop Bitters had cured him one
would euro mo. I hooped at him , but hi
was ao earnest I was induced to use their
again. In loss than four weeks I throw
away my crutches andwont to work light
ly and kept on using the bitters for five
weeks , until I became as well as any mar
living , and have boon so for six yoari
since , It also cured my wife , who hat
boon so for years ; and has kept her and
my children , well and hearty witli
from to to three bottles per year. There
la no need to bo sick at all if thoaoblttcn
are used. J. J. BEHK. Ex-Supervisor.
"That poor invalid wife.
"Mother !
"Or.dao.gMor !
"Can bo made the picture of health !
"With a few bottles of Hop Bitters !
"Willyou Id thcmauffcrt"
Att tze.rUtt irrtUshtil lonU .ftil li1uflir r.n wu 4fTttb *
i * . ! nrld , e.t.V I > , iT i > ii , DUnlo , r.tir u.4 Ann. ud ill
JlMH tt ef th. i fi * * r
* or buati.n , .ai 14 all tamm 7rj II. M < |
BUI/.IU. Alk VMf ftofT 9T r UlttBltlQ
anki , n uund bIIR. . / u. tt n teen a o
nj. . w.
ir. _
Usoltldgcs food
DIanolIangoof Desert
It Is cully prepared In
t fewmlnutcii , and or
botuodwlth or with' '
out milk. Rcclpon (01 (
jotli wayi for Diane
kfariReand for Custard )
dliiRS , eto. , acoonv
oany ouch can. UlJgo'i
Food Ii put up In tin
can ) , four ilica , retill
IngatSJa. , C5c. , * 1.2 !
and 11.76 by all Drug' '
gilt * and also b ) many Urkcan. WOOUUCU ft CO ,
ou overt label. For pamphlet ! bo. , addroas Wool
jlch&Co. Palmer Uas
i OF MANLY ViaOR , Spermatorr
} ho , eto. , when all other rcmo
Idles fall A. evrf guarantee A ,
i > 11.60 a bottle , largo bottle , loui
' tlmeo the quantity , V , By er
prosi to any address. Bold bj
alldruggUta. KNOU8U UEDI
CAT. INSTITUTE , Proprietors , 718 OUve Btrctt , 81
Ponli , Mo.
"I have iold Sir AflUey Cooper'i Vital RostoratlTi
otTeoraErery customer tpoala hlzhly of It 1
onenltatlnglyendona It as a remedy ot true merit
" 0. V QOODtun , DruffKls
eb.l 1893 18-mt L
To the SMOKERS of
Blackwell's Genuine
Bull Durham Smok
ing Tobacco.
The genuine has picture of
\l \ BULL on every package.
i For particulars see our next
Chartered by theStateof 111 !
noli for theexpreiinurpoi
of clvlnelmmcdlate relfeli
ail elironlc.urmary and prl
vato dltcaici. Qonorrhcei
Oleet ndSy philli in allthel
complicated formi , > lie !
dlteBtei of the Bkln an
Blood promptly relieved an
permanentlycured by rcmt
'raeHtt , Bemlni
reami. I'lmplea o
lnoeri > crlmrtiHnq. Tht anproprlato
u t once used la each caae , Coniultatlon . per
aonal or by letter , ucredly conHdentlal , Med
iclne * lent by Moll cndEzpreai. No mark * o
package to Indicate content * or tender. Addrei
PB.JAME8.No. 204Wahlnglon St.Chlcagoll
7 warruUd la vc r longer ,
| th fonn lieilAT , oi t Biro bit
in trie market , or pad
ttUtf Cjt&fS-l U.t pun !
* any tub nonet fore , II t x.lrcu J
f fitful d. viIVAI * Tour iurtlint feT 1
7 7 * iTaiuiiiV 'i.J } > 1Ei'-- '
Wr uutta > tr , iUttiZViiUud
J. H. P , LE1TMA.NN & CC
CutThll AOClDtX (01 Of 1Uj' 034
tluui l' 4 JKU Anyuitiiic bl K t ! ! * I.Hi T. | ; gte
An Iiciient of the Campaign in tlu
Kaoawlia Valley.
Slinrpsliootliiff with n FUvorofMat
Ice In It A TrnRlu Sequel to n
Soldier's Knmlly.
From the Phlladolphla Times.
In the spring of 1801 Gen. Crook'fl d !
vision , of which I was a member , was or
dercd to strike touts and leave the groa
Kanawha Valley to join Gen. Hunter's
army in his campaign down the Shenandoah -
doah valley to Lynchbutg. A few weeks
later wo were near Staunton , enjoying a
brisk skirmish with the enemy. From
that day on I was duly assigned to the
petition of scout and sharpshooter , and
found my poit of duty in the ox Ire mo
skirmish line , whore I could pock at the
southerners at my will , and without being -
ing molested in my work by some over-
knowing officer in charge , who simply
vrantod to say something so as to fully
assort his authority. My position suited
mo to a T , and Col. Comly was only ton
well aware of the fact that ho had made
no mistake in selecting mo for the posi
tion. *
I remember the skirmish before Staun
ton. I recall how I chased n "rob. "
through fields and over fences for two
miles , and how at last ho sought refuge
inside a little stone milk-house right close
to the main Dike ; how , as I was climbing
a savon-rail foncn to got at the follow , my
, . . ng tr _
the half'open door , saw tho"sad fix I was
in , but instead o sticking his bayonet
into mo , as I expected ho would , took to
his heels once more and skedaddled clear
out of sight and reach.
It was in the skirmish before Staunton ,
where the builds scratched off the bark
of every tree that I saw fit to dodge behind -
hind , that I became convinced that some
Individual "rob" had a special purpose in
taking my life , But who could bo the
man , and what could bo his object in se
lecting mo for his victim ? 1 watched for
him high and low , but faiiod to discover
lils.whoreaboutB , though all the while
the bullota of the mysterious rifle-man
were playing merry havoo with my fears.
I was used to having bullota fly near me ,
but they came at random , for m the heat
of battle bnllots fly for no man ; only
they who by chance stand in the way di
rect are made to fool the kiss of the sting-
But I discovered my man at last. My
eyes dosciod the smoke of a gun some 200
yards to the right of my front , and I had
just time to dodge behind my tree when
a ballot came whizzing by , kdocking off
a piece of bark within a few inches ol my
face. Then as I looked out to see who it
was shootiug at mo I discovered a tall ,
heavy sot man , wearing a big slouch hat ,
sneaking behind a tree to open on ma
again , and ho did. Ho fired at mo again
and again , and every time his bullets
skinned the burk of the very trees behind
which I sought shelter. After the skirm
ish was over I told some of my comrades
of the eharp-shootor who took auch inter-
oat in picking mo out during thn after
noon for his especial enjoyment , but
the boys only laughed at my expense ,
and said that I only imagined it to
bo so that no sharp-shooter was such a
fool as to
WAIST ins rowDEn
on a boy of my diminutive form.
The next day wo advanced on Lexing
ton , and before wo had made much pro
gress in our journey the enemy opened a
pretty lively skirmish with us. Wo had
no moro than fairly got started in the
affray before I boc&mo convinced of the
fact that I was being marked by some
particular man , as certain shots came in'
a manner that meant business. Imagine
my feelings when , in looking over the
ground in front , I discovered the man
with the white siouch hat standing be
tween tire trees , coolly firing away at
mo. I do not know why it was , but in
that moment there crept an awful terror
over my soul as 1 realized that I was
marked and that a human being was
actually thirsting for my life's blood.
But the moro uneasy I felt over the terrible -
riblo discovery I had made the moro
determined I became to make things as
hot as possible before the mysterious
man with the white slouch hat got his
work in on mo. Fruin that time on I
became marvelously reckless and desper
ate. I felt that my life was doomed
that it was a question of a few days era I
would bo called away , and that I might
as well make my life glorious during its
brief earthly existence. I entered the
conflict with a renewed vigor with a
deeper and bitter vim. I loaded my
gun and fired with a ( juicknofls that was
surprising , and my aim seemed to bo far
moro cll'octivo than over boforo. My
fellow-skirmishers noticed the audden
change that had como over me , though I
did not BOO fit to explain matters , but
wont right on , rushing into danger and
what seemed certain death at every given
opportunity ,
Wo reached Lexington that night ,
( tor having enjoyed a spirited skirmish
all through the afternoon. The follow-
"ng morning found us on the road tc
Lynchburg at an early hour. But wo
: iad not gene far on our way before the
moray opened on us. and a hot skirmish
olio wed. It was on the extreme line ol
dvanco , and the man on my right was a
particular chum of mine. John Black ,
who. by the way was only 19 yean
aid ( three yean my senior ) , but a per
fect dare-devil of a soldier , After we
had been tklrmUhing about an hour ,
Black yelled out to mo :
"Woll , what ? "
"Do you BOO that tall 'son of a gun oft
rob , ' with a big wnlto hat , peeking awaj
at usl"
"No ! where Is hot"
"Do you BOO that apple tree in the lit
tie field just thU side of youde :
wood ? "
"Well , you just keep an eye open ii
that direction and you'll soon see tin
The next moment I raw a man stoj
from behind the tree I was watching
then I faw the smoke of his gun , and before
fore the report of the shot reached in ]
ears a mizzle of lead whizzed by , patsinj
within a foot of my head. It woa tin
man with the white slouch hat.
Then there came a lull over the scone
The fight rather subsided for a few mo
mouta or so , only , however , to bo renewed
nowed with a livelier vigor ; but durlnj
the lull Black and I cat behind the sara
tree and held a confidential chat. I role
ted my adventures past two days , how
tumbled on the man with the whit
slouch hat , and how ho had paid apecii
attention to mo during the lime , on
was still attentive to mo. Black we
amazed. Who could this devil with th
white nloucli bat bo and wh
hod ho picked on u mcro bo
like mo for his vlctimt "It
said he , in a serious tone , "and I can
for the life of mo understand it. It I
evidently plain that ho has marked yeas
as his own , and that as long as ho cai
find you ho is going to shoot at you. "
Black thought it would bo advisable
under the circumstances , for mo to rjui
the skirmish line and return to the ma !
body of the army , but 1 laughed at th
idea , and expressed the determination t
stick to the skirmish line while life laste
in splto of the man with the white sloucl
hat. "Then , " said Black , "lot's stlol
close together , and whenever ono of u
corners the 'son of a gun , ' we'll both joii
in to make it most interesting hot fo
him. "
The next day was a fearfully worm one
all around. Gen. lluntor had fooled hit
opportunities away until the foe had am
pie time to bo ro-inforcod from the armj
about Richmond and Petersburg. Tin
result was wo failed to capture Lynch
burg , Daylight had no sooner made iti
appearance before the advance guard ol
the Confederate army opened fire on us ,
In a moment our roar was protected by i
line of skirmishers , with Black and my
self at our favorite post [ of duty , and the
very first Southerner that my eyes fell on
was no other than the man with the
white slouch hat. I pointed him out to
Black and then wo fired at the follow
with a vehemence , but with the usual ef
fect. Ho , in return , devoted his solo at
tention to mo , never bothering Black ,
though wo were only some twenty foot
tpart. The enemy's advance line pushed
as closely and hotly all day long , and
Then darkness came both Black and I felt
i brief relief , as It at last gave us an op-
lortunity to cat a morsel of dough the
inly article of food left us. Our forces
copt up the retreat all through the night ,
Foiiccs wore burned along the roadway ,
10 as to keep the mon wide awake and la
ino , yet in spite of this precaution mon
icro and there , completely played out
'rom ' overwork and hunger , would drop
> ut of line only to bo taken a < i prlsonort
iy the Confederates , who followed dan-
porously cloao at our heels.
Daylight had hardly sot in before the
onoray were on our roar. Again the skir
mishers were lot loose to hold thorn at
bay , while the main body of our troopt
marched on in quick retreat. It wae
near 0 o'clock before Black and I caught
sight of our man , but wo discovered him
at last. Wo found him in our roar front
pocking away at mo for dear life.
"Lot's try and got bettor acquainted
with him , " said Black.
"Uow ? " I asked.
"Lot's try to pick up a handkerchief
flirtation with him ? " and with the words
Black pulled out a white handkerchief
und waved it in the air. But ho answered
him only with a bullet.
"Suppose you try him , Jeff. "
"All right. " And out went my hand
kerchief Vo the broezo.
"Hollo 1 Ho recognizes you , " exclaimed
od Black. )
Sure enough tho' follow was standing
out from behind his tree waving a rod
handkerchief in answer to my signal.
" fho son-of-a-gun , " exclaimed Black.
"Ho would not notice mo , but I will no-
lice him all the same , " and as ho spoke
ho brought up his riilo nnd .fired at out
man , who was still standing a few foot
from his tree , signalizing to mo with
wild delight. But Black miescd as usual
though the shot brought the follow tc
time , as ho quickly dodged behind hit
tree. .
Just before sunset thorocamoabriotlul
ever the scone of action. Wo had reach
ed a piece of natural fortified groundanc
our commandor-in-chlof concluded it bos ]
to show fight , so as to give the trains and
heavy artillery a chance to got out o :
reach of the enemy. The main body ol
our troops lay in ambush behind a lonj
ridge of ground. The enemy was advanc
ing slowly and steadily just on the othoi
aide of the ridgo. It was found necessary -
ry to display two or three skirmishers or
the top of the ridge , so as to watch the
movements of the enemy. But the top
of the ridge was n mighty risky position
for anyone , as there were only three
trees within a distance of 100 roda , and
not ono of those was ever a foot In di
ameter. This was rather thin shelter foi
a boy in blue within the reach of the
10.COO guns. But Col. Comlcy called
for two volunteers to climb the ndgo.and
watch tho. enemy , and the call was hardly
nndo before Black and I W6r6 6n out
Pot , and a moment later wo were on top
of the ridgo. Wo found the uhnrpshoot
ers just below us , within a hundred rodt
and just beyond them the enemy wore
moving through field and wood. It wai
a glorious sight. But Bomchow it did no
com so glorious when fifty or moro o
ho sharpshootors-bi'low us opened tire
? ho way wo hugged those apple trooi
vas a caution , and the way the bulloti
ilayod Ton the trees was anything bu
igrooablo. It was close quarters tot
lese oven for such reckless daro-dovlli
as wo had the reputation of being. Jus
uro as ono of us stopped from behind hii
ospcctivo trno to fire the very air woulc
jo resonant with bullets.
Wo had hold pur position some twontj
ninutes , expecting every moment to go
a dose of lead , when all of a auddon thi
sharpshooters lot up on us. Just thoi
ro caught sight of the man with tin
white slouch hat. Ho was
standing by a small bush in a small plow-
id field just beyond the foot of the ridge
The follow was all alone and evidently ii
a good humor , for ni
sooner did ho BOO us than h
lung his handkerchief to the breeze ant
waved it wildly. In a trice our handkerchiefs
chiefs were out and wo sot up a wilt
; hoer that surprised our comrades b
lind us , who were in the dark aa to th
fun wo were enjoying. But the line o
the confederate sharpshooters stationei
at the foot of the ridge took in the whol
econo and soeraod'to understand the al
fair between us. Not a shot greeted u
when Black raised his rifle and fired a
our man. But the smoke of his gun hat
not had time to clear away when the report
port of a gun in our front waa hoard an
it the same time Black was struck by
misslo of load and mortally hurt. Jue
then a shrill yell greeted our cars and a
at the same time a bullet swept past i
front of my eyos. I looked up but m
evil spirit was not to bo seen. I enl
caught a glimpse of a bit of smoke risin
in the air just above the bush but a me
mont before I had seen the man I we
"Ho must bo hid behind that bush ,
groaned Black.
"I'll BOOH find out" said I and raisin
my rifle I sent a bullet , ia the directio
of the bush.
There came a yell and then wo saw
man stop from behind the bush I ha
ahot at , Btaguor a few stops back , ac
then fall to tlu ground. I had klllc
the man without learning the secrecy c
hit enmity.
AnnoHturn Hitter * da not only dlitli
Kiilili themielves by their flavor anil aromat
odor above nil other * penorully mod , but tin
are olio a sure preventive for 11 dUaanoa or I
lutttliiK from the digeetlvo orgaui. liuware
couutorfelU. Atk your grocer or drupplit fi
thi ) genuine article , manufactured by lr , <
G. U. Helgert & Sou * .
The nrtoslan well nt Chamberlain la dowi
250 foot.
Ynnkton now has ton flowing wolla of th
artesian pattern.
Horsothtovfm nro kctlvo In various portion
ol the Black Hills.
The now nrto lan well ftt Aberdeen flow
1.000,000 per day.
The total valuation of Splnk county thi
year Is estimated to roach $3rXtO,000. )
Jorautd county proposes to sTilp 30D.OO
bushels of train this coming fall nnd winter ,
Milwaukee parties will erect n brewery Ii
Ulsmarck to co t between 585,000 to ? 50,000
lo Caes county there Is ono farm with 11 ,
000 acres seeded. It Is known ns the Altoi
There nro 102.080 acres of deeded land ii
Splnk county. The total area of the count'
U 007,080 acres ,
The Congregational church at Danklngtoi
IIM boon snpp.Iod with a boll ( .weighing 1,001
pounds and costing ? 1GO
The Bismarck Tribune says that crop :
never looked finer la northern lnkoU at thli
season of the year than they do now.
The largest quartz mill In the world a 2X (
stamp affair , is being built by the Uomostaki
mining company , in the Black Hills.
It Is reported that the Chicago & Mllwau
too railroad hag arranged for the survey of nil
-ho government lands in Campbell and Mc <
Thereon counties.
Thirty miles of the Dakota nnd Great South'
crn have been graded In Day nnd Sargent
counties The grade In some places Is six foot
abovotho prairie.
The rcsidcnco of Mr. Allen , a farmer living
joar Elk Point , was burned the other day ,
The contents ot the house , Including nearly
S100 In currency nnd 51'AO In notes , wore do'
strayed. , .
Surveyors nro now at work In Campbell
county , nnd will survey nbout twenty town
inlna which will probably not bo opened foi
illng upon before the middle of August or the
irat of { September.
The actual valuation of Chovonno is esti
mated at 80,087,205. ,
A woman and two children were killed bj
Ightntog on the llth , on Box Elder creek.
Laramie capitalists are organizing a Block
ompanr to purch > so GOO.OXX ) ocrcs of railroad
ana In that vicinity.
The firemen of Cheyenne will lead the pro-
icsslon on the Fourth. It will bo a lively day
n the territorial metropolis.
The mining interests of Wyoming are just
now enjoying a quiet boom. Prospectors in
arious sections are opening up both quartz
nnd placer claim ; , nnd working them with
Near Carbon the Union Pacific Is strength-
ning the road bed ; The recent rains have
voakonod the coal deposit bed to such nn ox-
ent that while it waa wet the trains had to
run quite slowly.
A maverick of the male specie , running
ooso at Cheyenne , assaulted thrao young
iris in one day , but failed to accomplish his
illalnoua purpose. The cries of the girls
irought assistance and the assailont was
Joao iJalou'rLacina , an Americanized greaa-
r , living nt Cheyenne , is sorely grieved nt the
lollco and press for charging him with an at-
lOmpt to kill his wifo. aho was once a duskoy
naldon of the Sioux variety , who , as claimed
> y Jose , needed frequent applications of the
trap as n patent clvlllzor. Jose languishes
n jail and his Siouxslo has skipped fcr the
rlgmam of her father with a paiutless warrior
or a guide.
The artesian well atZang's brewery in Den
ver Uows 432,000 gallons of water per day.
The graders on the Pike's Peak railway
mvo been discharged. The company is short
of funds.
Colorado Springs people have finally aban
doned all hope of obtaining artesian water
for their town. ' * * " "
Nearly nil local agents of the Denver & Bio
Grande in Colorado have been asked to re
sign at onco. Numerous charges will occur
July 1.
The Fplaguo spot of Denver , the filth of
which fills the nostrils of the natives nnd taints
the air even to the mountain tops is the Chinese
A Longmont 31aino man was thrown Into a
it by the announcement of a wag that Tilden
tad been nominated by itho democrats. Ho
lied in great agony.
Denver consumes dally 21,000 pounds of
joof , 4.000 pounds of mutton , 2,000 pounds of
iork , 4,000 pounds of poultry , 1,000 pounds of
mm , pickled pork and bacon. Total , 31,00'J
louncfa of meat per dy.
A roller skatink rink at Denver , exclusively
or colored people , was dedicated Monday
light. A number of Denver's brightest lights
made spocchoacongratulating the colored poo-
> 1 upon thorr advancement , enterprise nnd
> Iuck ,
A vein of coal is reported to have boon
ound near the quarry back of the insane nay-
urn at Kapa.
S. G. Cromwell , a peddler Of filthy pictures
n San X'rnnclsco , was convicted and sent tc
the penitentiary to paint the wicked in
A mortgage of 85COO,000. given by tho' Cal
ifornia & Sierra Nevada railroad company to
the Central Trust company of Now York , was
recorded in Stanislaus county lust week.
Grasshoppers are reported to be in posses
sion of the Chapman settlement , near FoUom ,
[ just week a party of Indians secured BOIIU
Uty sackfuls of thorn and had a grant
Tha Sharon scandal Is to bo revived in i
now quarter. The Oriental lodge of Masom
lave decided to proxocuto the desocratora o
the crave of Alison G. Oleson , wlioro Shorou'i
BOO KB were found ,
The heavy rains of the past two weeks , have
Inflicted grout damage to crops , Althoiig !
Juno rains are not unuRiial in the state , novoi
during any year since 1850 have they been B <
heavy as this yoir ,
A copy of the Inrt will and testament o
Montgomery Ulalr , deceased , late of Mont
jornery , Md. . aocompanlod by the necesiarj
authenticated documents , has been filed foi
probate at San Vrani Isco. The property lot
by decedent In San Francisco consists of sev
eral lota valued at about $1,000.
Hopt , the murderer who was condemned b
bo shot on the 13th , has boon respited by Act
ing Governor Tliwina * In order that hln oppea
may bo heard by the United States uupre.-ni
The rooeloti of bullion in Salt Lake city fo
tlio * eolc ending Jun llth , incluiivo , wa.
9131,654.82 ; of ore , $3,700. the first ore ro
colpta for more thin a month. The receipt
of the week previous were $114,783.60 in 'bql
Worm * and caterpillars ara threatening t
bo a terloua calamity In the eastern part o
Salt Like city. They have stripped the frul
trees and buihes of their follage.and the nakei
trunks nnd limbo stand out OB if dead. No\
the puts ore attacking the shade trees. The ;
are In such overwhelming numbers that no el
foctual remedy has been found.
Virginia City banker * have been maklni
largo shipments of gold dust this spring larg
er than uiual nt tbU soaion.
At H lena , last week , George Terrella coir
mercUl traveler who Attempted to oruda th
license laww s arrested nnd compelled to pai
up , the license , finen , oosti , eto. , amounting t
the sum of 8100.75 ,
Tha production of the mines of the IIocl
company , of Glendalit , In 188 : ) , was 2,002 no
ton of lead , 008,472.71 ouncoi of tilver. i > m
r > 02.n3 ounce * of gold In the load , and 03t,30
pounds of copper matte , oonUiulug 69,372 2
ounces of ullver , and 308,510 pounds of cop
Of the many remedies beloro the public fo
Nervous Debility nnd weakness of Nerv
Generative Syatein , there is none equal to Al
len's lind u Food , which promptly and penna
neutly reatoro * all loet vigor ; it never falli
91 pkg. , 0 fur 15 , A
The Kidneys
They arc the most important sec
retorv organ ? . Into nnd througl
the Kidneys flow the waste fluids o
the hody , containing poisonous mnt
t"r taken out of the system. Ifth
Kidneys do not net properly thi
mutter is returned , the whole sys
tern becomes disordered nnd the foi
lowing symptoms will follow
Headache , weakness , pain in tin
small of back nnd loins , flushes o
heat , chills , with disordered stonv
nch nnd bowels. You can tborontjli
ly protect the Kidneys by BUR
when any of these symptoms mani
fest themsclues you can quickly ri <
yourself of them by this best of al
medicines for the Kidneys. BUR
everywhere at 91 per bottle , am
ono bottle will prove their efficacy
The Steck is a Durable Piano
When I T cur * I cir not m tn merel/tn itop tbom Tot
time and intn hire them return acftln. I meitn ridi *
cil cure. I hire made the < llse ie of F1T8 , KPILErST
or PAUJNO SICKNESS Hfo-longBtody. Iwnrrutar
- racd ; to cure the wont cuei. Dtvanie otheri b t
fAllod Is no reason for not now recelrlng a cur * . 9eDdr4
onoa for a triatlte and a Prte Bottle of m ? tnuuuiw
nmwlf. Giro Expraiit and Poit Office. It coat * jvot
ie for a trial , nil t will cure yen } .
2ddnM DC. 11. Q. ROOT. Ill FearlSt. .
A victim ot e rlr Imprudence , c n 1njf nervous
( blllty. premature decay , etc. . baring tried la
rain every known romody. has discovered a simnlo )
means of self-euro , which be will
Ola follow-enfTerers. Addrms ,
1 H. 11KKVES. < - * iatha.T Kt- New Vnrfc
find radical cure by mj
I method , based on recent sci-
lentific researches , even in the
most desperate cases without
any trouble to the functions.
t cure equally the sad con-
jconsequences of the sins oi
lyoulh , nervousness and irn-
Prayer to send the Exact description o ( the Slckncsr ,
Member of Several Scientific Societies.
O , Place do la Nation 0 , PARIS.
mid wcd&sit
Belgian Boyal ndtJ.8. Mull Steamers
The Rhine , Germany , Italy , Holland and franct
Btoerago Outward , 920 ; Prepaid from Antwerp , tlR
Sxcunlon , > D , Including bedding , etc , Zd Cabin , $60 ;
Round Trip , $90.00 ; Excursion , $100 ; Saloon from $5 {
to $90 ; Excursion 110 to 8160.
J3TPetor Wright & SODS , Don Agents. 65 Bread
way N. Y.
CaldwelL Hamilton tc Co. , Omaha. P. E. Olod
man & Co. , 203 N. 18th Street , Cmaha ; D. E. Kim
ball , OmohaArentg. m&o cod-ly
Erlangor , . Bavaria
Qulmbacher , . Bavaria
Pilsner . .Bohemian
Kaiser . . . .Bremen
Budweiser . St , Louis
Anhauser . St. Louis
Bosb B . _ . MiHaukep
Schlitz-Pilsner . Milwaukee
Kruc'a . Omaha
Ale , Porter , Domestic and Rhim
Wine. ED. MAUKBR ,
121S ynrnnro Sf
Generative Organ
. cured bv th
CIVI > I.B METHOD. Adontwitn allthoIIOSi'ITAI ;
OKF11ANCK Prompt return of VIOOIL Slmiil
cases , f3 to SO. Sovcro ones , $3 to ? 12. PAmphlo
Frco. Cllalo Remedial Ageno , 16C r'ulton fat. , No\ \
I BELT and other KucTBri
. - ArrLUKcn ure aent on iJU Dayt' Trial TC
MEN ONLY. 7OUNO Oil OLD , wh we luffer
Wlsrixa WEAKNECSXS , and all thoaa dUeaiea of i
PziuoxjLi. NATVBC. rarultlng from ABOSIU one
OTUin Cicwc * . Bpixsly relief and oompleti
nttoratlon to HiiLTU. VIOOB and MKIIOOI
Bend at one * for
Pamphlet fro * . Addrea *
TOLTAIO BKI/T PP. . Marshall. Mich ,
i To thoie lafTerlnef roru tc
eflecte ol Tputhfal errori
lMmlnalwealmeM.earlrd >
ear , Ibai manhood , ta , 1 will nd jou particular * ot i
ilmple and certain m an of aelf oore , free of otiarg
tjenaTouraddnx to V , O. XYLKU. Mood us , Oeni
Will euro Kerronint
Luuib iolllif oniattim , l'i
pila , Conv'
' \ Catan I
OumliAKue. 1'iulaMua Uteri , rir. Only fclriitlno fclc
trio llrlt In Amertra tint Ktuli the Ui-ctrk-ltr ana ma
BI.OOO Would Not Bu It.
PR. HOUII I wa affilote4 with rbeumatlim an
jured by ualng a belt , To any one attlloted wit
that dlioase , I would lay , buy llorno't Electrlo Bel
Any one can confer with uie by writing callln
it my ( tore , liiO OouglM itreet. Omaha , Neh.
UAIN OFFJCK Oppodtt poetoffire , room i Fiei
let block.
fjTKor ule at C. P. Ooodm&n'i Druj Store1 11 ]
Aaraam Ut , Omaha.
Order * Oiled O. 0 P.
cr Wormy Veins of thi bcroum. q/in Hi
smcrc WORK--
WON mm
MAOH1REK * , .
* Fruit Evaponfi&t
Growers of Live Stock and Others.
Our Ground Cake ,
, food tor stock ot any kind. Cne ponnd Is vyaA to three pounds ot oorn1 *
In thii FAII mter , instead of running down , Till Increaee In weight
r : j , . ic , r . , j 1 " . " . ° _ "J'1 ; Dairymen . , asroll as others , who ueo It can ( entry t
Its morlla. Tij It and Jurlg for rour ! ve Price MS.Oo rmr ton : no ohnree lor aok . Aildrwa
Near Union Pacific Depot , - Omaha , Neb ,
H. B. LOCKWOOD ( formerly of Lockwood & Draper ) Chicago , Man
ager of the Tea , Cigar and Tobacco Departments. A full line of
all grades of above ; also pipes and smokers' articles carried in
stock. Prices and samples furnished on application. Open
orders intrusted to us shall receive our careful attention
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Heating and Baking
IK only attained by nalng
Stoves and-Banges.
Fct sale by
PaintsOils. . s Class.
Milwaukee , Wis.
QOTTHER & CO. , Sole Bottlers.
WVW t * K /Mt 9 t fl
Wholesale Olothiers !
&IA.HA. .
For Hides , Wool , Pelts , Etc. , and consignments made to us will receive-
prompt attention , for which immediate returns will bo mado.
13th Street , Bet , Dodge and Capitol Ave , , - - OMAHA , NEB
Office and Yard , 6th and Douglas ts , , Neb ,