Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 18, 1884, Image 1

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_ _ _ _
The Political Pot Boiling dyer-All
tbe Democrats Ionia Sacri
fice Themselves ,
'Bayard Oasts His Eyes Anxiously
Toward the White House.
"McDonald Would Play Seoonnd
Piddle to Oarpenteri
'But Hendrioks Looms up as ' 'A
Dog in the Manger , "
Ben Butler Accepts the Green
back Nomination ,
Ho Writes mi KvceciliiiRly llncy Letter -
tor ot Acceptance The Boston
Kickers tti Now York.
NEW YORK , Juno 17. Tn response to formal
Announcement of his nomination by tlio green
back labor national convention General Butler
sa :
LOWKLI , Ma s. , Juno 12. Gentlemen of the
Committee : I received at your hands the offi
cial announcement of the action taken by the
convention at Indianapolis with deep sensi
bility. In ordinary cause of political events ,
the choice of a convention of representative
moa from nny considerable portion of my fel
low citizens according to mo this highest honor
that thov can confer would caN for grateful
acknowledgement , oven though it might bo a
Detection to represent the thought of such a
convention upon questions wich commonly di
vide political parties , the views upon such
questions may have boon an out-
irronth of measures merely of admiuir' on. questions you present aroluW. . . and
grander than any mere political measure ,
Nearly a quarter of a century ago when the
very existence of the repabllc and the estab
lishment of democratic representative govern
ment hunt ; trembling upon the Issue of the
greatest civil wur the world has ever known or
may ever know , by the wisdom born of an im
perious necessity , a financial system sprung
crom the patriotic'impulso to save ho nation s
life and rescue the hope of free institutions ,
for nil men , from going down forever in dark
ness and death , was devised by the gre.'it and
good men of that day , to whoso care a repub
lican government to be administered for the
people and by the people had
boon trustingly confided. That system
of finance for a free people in its infancysavod
the life of u nation perishing without it ; and
broke the chains Which edslavcd four million
men. It give to this country war raging a
prosperity it had iwver known. It enabled
people to us ess upon themselves and pay
taxes to an extent before unknown in any
country. It made it possible for the govern
ment to repay ttliree-fold all the loans it had
received from any creditor or give to him a BO-
curity more profitable and staple than had
over been issued by any power in tha world ,
and made ths financial system of our at once
the envy and admiration of all men.
This was done by the legal tender currency
while questions as to its stability were raised
by the very foim of the legislation by which it
was enacted , and while still graver doubts
prevailed in the minds of many wise and
patriotic men as to whether a legal-tender
currency , inexpensive in fact , resting not on
the intrinsic value of thu matter on which it
was coined , was within the constitutional com
petency and power of the legislative brenches
of government. That question having been
three times submitted to the supreme court of
the United SUtes , the very highest tribunal
of constitutional construction , was at last de
cided in the affirmative with such unanimity
that there could not possibly bo any reason
able doubt against it.
One purpose of your organization , and of
thosa who thought and acted with you , al
though not of it , was to support and sustain
this money as the currency of the people This
people's currency , you all remember , was do-
signaled by its friends by the pet name of
the "Greenback" two years ago. I did my
self the honor to say that that currency , so
commended hy the merit of its great deeds ,
wrought for the people' * safety and pros
perity emoted by the highest legislative pow
er , adjudicated by such a court. With
the decision about to bo reaffirmed was an ac
complished fact never again to bo disturbed or
doubted , to that its friends might well Hay ,
"See , the end of our labors in this regard
has comof BO lot us rejoice ; " let those
who aided in thii great work press on to that
deal with equally important , unsettled and
necessary mo.isurcs for the welfare of the
whole people.
The legjl tender ha\ing become the very
foundation of , as well as a measure of value ,
ontcrtainad with all the business of the people ,
the engine of thu prosperity of the nation , it
seems to me almost an act of cruelty to dis
turb causelessly a financial question which has
been so fcet at rett with thu assent of all good
men , as much so as was thu question of the
right of man to hold his brother man in
slavery , thpiefore , I said : "I am glad that
that question has no longer a part in political
consideration and that statesmanship may
now 'urn from ic as the country has turned
from tha quest ion of
lint , alas ! the power of the darkness , of the
error , of the rcsunoctionisls. of thu false ideas
of the dead past , have dug up the remains of
contention from thu peaceful graves whore
they slept , and threaten by a re-hash of ex
ploded Resolutions formulated into a platform
oy n party convention , to revivify and agitate
controversies which will unsettle commercial
values , lander and delay the business encigics
of our people , and with but a single object to
extend a sys.em of purely paper cuirency ,
isduod.h corporations established by govern
ment indeed , out for private emolument and
gain to corporators which currency itself ia to
, bo Vflluahla only because it is made redeem-
nb'e in tlioveiy greenback which this ghaul-
lika agitation sculis to repudiate , ovoitbruw
and destroy tuch currency.
with presence and wisdom of a statesman by
the iron baud of a soldier sustained by the
. democracy of mora than a generation sgo , had
.vhoi v crushed put and in Jiopo of wisu and
good had burled forever as onu of the grievous
errors of nil administration which had Intuln *
onsly crept into government for aggrandizement
of n few to the destruction of the people. As a
democrat taught in J < cks n school in my early
youth , with my judgment matured by many
years converse in public affairs , bided by earnest
and deep study , with Intensity of puri > ese ,
\\hlchtopieco of such magnitude affecting
every interest of the people , imy,4i i may bo ,
the U'ry existence of fixe Institutions demands.
1 am constrained \ \ ere it thu last net of my
life , in view of thii attempt to undo what
.Jackson hnd so well done.
Coining from whatsoever question it liny ,
to * ay to you , gentlemen , there seems a wis
dom , indent , n necessity , for thu further con
tinuance of your organization in this renewed
exigency , and therefore , upon this contesta
tion , I am with you , and If there were but two
of us wo ought to eland together against this
great wrong , and call upon all tnui men to
itandith us , cither imido or nitsidu , ns the
case may be , of the oilier political organiza
tions which m y aim to perfect other measures
for the good of the country. I thank you for
your suggestion that In other nutterj towards
which tlio organization turns , the interests of
labor , thepioservationof the land of the people.
For the benefit of the people the olllces cre
ated by the go\ eminent , to bo mod for the
goad of the people , to regulate and control n
system of interstate commerce \\hich ( hall
control and cheapen transportation of persons ,
freight and intelligence , and to protect all in
their just right ! , and confine all to their true
duties , tj the end that there may ; bo in thin
country , equality of right ) , equality of _ bur-
deuce , cqu ility of privilege } ntul equality of
powers to all persons under thu law , has been
the political rule of my life. I havu the honor
to bo with personnl esteem , very respectfully
your friend and servant ,
UE.VJAMIN P. lirr.uii. !
Waiting the Result of the Saratoga
Convention. ,
Special Dispatch to the BEE.
CAIOAUO , Juno 17. Kx-Sonator Jooscph K.
McDonald is still at tha Grand Pacific hotel.
Ho is overrun with c&llerj. As his Chicago
stay ia being prolonged , well grounded suspi
cion has found lodgement in some heads that
ho is seizing an opportunity to look after his
fences. Among his callers to-day were Colonel
Dowdall , of Peoria , and Judge A. L. Koache ,
of Indianapolis. Dowdall spent pretty much
all of Monday with him. Ho is a McDonald
man and thinks that Illinois will support him
for the second place , but not for the first
place , unless New York state should instruct
lor him. This is not likely and
Senator McDonald Is thought to _ bo
wise in keeping the vice-presidency in view
along with the first place. Since McDonald's
arrival at the Pacific , there have been a num
ber of parties of Illinois democrats making the
samu hotel their headquarters. To one of his
visitors Mr. MoDonald to-day said that ho
would remain in Chicago until after the Sara
toga convention to-morrow. He is awaiting
tha result of the gathering with a great deal of
intciest because it ia believed that whatever
thu candidatu the Now York delegation comu
hero to support will bo nominated. The Na
tional convention is supposed to hinge on
New York this year moro closely than it has
ever been known to do so before. Now
York has the dictation of the nominee- _ This
is the feeling in Illinois and a very prominent
democrat in the ttato declared this morning
that the feeling was shared throughout the
country. "The democrats must have New
York to succeed , " said this gentleman.
"And wo are centering all of
our energies upon that state on this account.
If Now ifork should declare for Bayard ho
would bo nominated. If it should declare for
Cleveland he would be nominated , or for
Flower , or forony man. And good democrats'1
throughout this country are willing to give
New York the position , because wo are
anxious to secure the New York vote. I pre
dict that the convention will be short if the
Saratoga convention to-morrow instructs for
a candidate. Among the talks which
Mr. McDonald's preaenco provokes ,
is the statement that Governor
Itendricks is favorable to McDonald's candi
dacy for presidency , but that he does not be
lieve the idea of his fellow-statesmen working
for the second place. The gentleman quoted
above , who talked long with Mr. McDonald ,
says tiiattho ex-senator's greatest obstacle is
Hendrick's opposition to having the vice-
presidency go to any other Indianian than
himself ( Hendricks ) . His attitude is likened
to that of the dog in the manger. But , like
Senator McDonald , Hendricks is waiting for
the Saratoga convention. If it Instructs for
Cleveland or Flower , it is thought it will bo
doubtful whether Hendricks will come from
Indiana as delegato-at-large.
Democratic Conventions.
NBW YOIIK , Julio 17. Four hundred mom
bora of the county democracy started for
Saratoga this morning , also COO Tammany
Hall delegates. John Kelly said ho expected
a quiet , peaceable time. Tammany Hall al
ways supported the nominee of the national
convention and always would. One hundred
Irving hall delegates also loft on the same
BANOOII , Juno 17.J-Tno democratic state
convention mot at 11 a. m. A. Lavensdor
was made temporary chairman. In tha open
ing addresses the names of Tilden and Hand
ricks weie enthusiastically received.
NEW YOltir ,
SADATOOA , Juno 17. Of the three hundred
and eighty delegates of the democratic state
convention are hero. All the delegates are
expected this afternoon. As n result of the
meeting thu state committed to-night are
anxiously looked forward to. Friuirds of both
Cleveland and Flower are. both equally posi
tive in expressions of belief of thu success of
their candidate. The inuin point of tha
frimuh of Cleveland is to secure thu vote of
the convention for him as state nominee HO as
to send a solid plighted vote for him to Chica
go. This v > ill bu done if the unitrulois
adopted by the convention. The Tammany
men hero ro not in favor of the rule and
unless Kelluy's influence bo for it they will
likely opponu it. The question is likely to
form onu of the principal points of thu htatc
committee's deliberations to-night.
The Orangemen.
DUBLIN , Juno 17. Karl Spencer , lord lien-
tenant , started for Belfast. A meeting was
called by thu Orang men to protest against
the order regarding the public demonstration.
Great excitement at Belfast. The absence
of decorations Is generally remarked. On
ono building the Uiiioii Jack at half mn > t ,
another suspended.across the atieet through
whiih Spencer uill pass , has tha following
words upon it , "Jtemeinbur Mowry and Koa-
more , " Four hui.dred mounted extra policu
and troop lancers have arrived.
The Ere of Anxiety at S&ratoEo' & '
The Friends of Both Cleveland
and Flower Oonfidont.
Condition of the Manufacturer's '
Bank , of Milwaukee ,
Delaware Declares for Bayard and
Maine for Tildon ,
The Ohio Liquor Law Again Before -
fore the Supreme Oourt.
A Variety or General News ,
WASHINGTON , Juno 17. In the senate , after
the reading of the journal , Brown rose to n
question of privilege. He had the clerk rend
th'o remarks that Ingalls madu yesterday in
reference to his ( Brown's ) remarks made In
thu debate of FridaV last. When the clerk
had concluded the reading Brown said he had
not replied to lugall's remarks yesterday 4ba-
CHUM ) liu did not wish to speak under thu irri
tation vtliich IngaH' lemarks were calculated
to provoke. In what ho had to say hu would
keep In the decorum ( if the senate and had re
duced his remarks to writing. Ho celled
thu attention of the euuato to tha
insulting and approbrlous language used
by the sanator from Kansas ( Ingalls ) toward a
member of the senate who could not ropclVich
insults without violating thu rules which all
senators yero in honor bound to obey. Brown
did not wish to glaze over this matter , Thu
charge of the senator from Katm was that of
falsifying the record ami committing forgery
upon the records of the senate. This language
was deliberately plannoi ) , an insult mid not
only In violation of tha rules of thu sounto , but
in defiance of the authority of tha presiding
The Chair said the senator from Georgia- was
out of order
Brown Thou , sir , tha remark' is with
drawn under the ruling of the chair ,
That senator shod Ink water. Ho was very
courageous with thu pen. . Ingalls would not
bo diverted from thu real question ot issue.
That question was whether thu records of the
senate had been falsified by interpolation of
matter personal in its character susceptible
only an olfonsivo interpretation after the re
cords ha\tt been made up by report , This
would not havu been donuln tha ordinary af
fairs of life between ono gentleman anil an
other. Thu chair thougnt this remark out of
order. Ingalla then withdrew the remark
and said to the chair that it would
not appear in the record.
Ho inquired how it would bo if n senator
should s mo day appear hero to represent
Alaska , mid ho ( IngaU ) after a debate witli
that senator should unite Into the debate state
ments to the effect that the senator from Alas
ka was n cunning and sanctimonious hypocrite
who was ever washing his hands with an in
visible soap > in impercflptablo water , and that
they were apt tobe eVer clean morally after
tliat-perforraance ; suppose ) ho were to bo char
acterized the senator from Alaska after the de
bate had closed as "Uriah
Heep" of the senate. Suppose
ho were to say ho was the Joseph Surface of
American politics , that ho was a snivelling , n
political 1'ucksniff , who had bcqn upon all
sides of every political question , who liad belonged -
longed to every political paity in his lifutime ,
and belonged to none that ho had not betrayed ,
would not that bo in the privileges of the
debate , or in accordance with thu proprieties
relative to the proceedings ?
There was no place as safe as the senate
chamber for a man discrete in courage to
blunter and parade his vituperative rhetoric ,
no other senator would have used Much Ian-
guagu as the senator from Kansas bad used
under the protection of the senate , and he
( Ingalls ) would not use it except under the
protection of the senate. Ingalls said that if
the senator from Georgia would allow the re
marks made this morningto stand ns they hid
been delivered , ho ( Ingnlls ) would bo content
ed , but if tliCBO remarks weru to bo amended
by interpolations and observations delivered
alter they hod been Kent to the printing house ,
ho ( Ingnfli ) preferred to wait before canvass
ing the vote until all the rotunm were in.
The senator from Georgia , Ingalls said , was
mightier with thu pun than with cither thu
tongun or Hwoixl.
These observations Ingalln ho used a ? illus
trations. They had no personal application
as to imputations of benator fruin Georgia
upon his ( IngiUls ) personal courage and up-
nearanco , he begged to say to thu senator
noin Georgia that ho ( Ingalls ) hero distinctly
avowed nil that ho had hitherto said in any
Kcn-o , that if thuuenator from Georgia n\\v fit
to attribute to it and that ho ( Ingills ) did not
shield himself behind thu privilege' ) of thu
senntu chamber , ( the usual bicathlng pause
following the duhi cry of this Huntencii was
characterized by the dead nllenco in chamber
and crowded galleries , whun I galn ! odd ) ,
"This is all I duiire to Hay now in lospontu to
the gentleman. " A general buzz wua heard
aruHlio gallflies weru instantly half emptied.
WASHINGTON , Juno 10. Slocum prawmted
the conference reort ] on the Fitz John 1'ortur
bill , the effect in to striku out of thu bill the
words , "Toother with all rightu , titles and
prlvilcgm , " and to insert the Woids , "Pro
vided that Haiti Pit/ John John Porter shall
receive no compensation or allowance whatso
ever prior to his appointment under this act , "
instead of following the words in the bill ,
"But this act shall not bo construed aa author
izing pay or compensation or allowance * prior
to hm appointment under it. " The conference
report wan agreed to ; yuan , 158 ; nayH , 111 ,
PuyBon , oi the committee on public lands ,
reported back thu bill , to restore nil l.nds held
indemnity limits for railroad and wugon rood
The house went into a coinmlttti-o of the
whole ( Dunn in the chair , ) on the deficiency
Several amendments were offered and re-
When committee reached thu end of bill ,
Itandull moved as an additional uection his
proposition ag Inxt political assessments.
Cannon made a point that the amendment
was one so conducive to public morals that it
was out of order , sustained thu point of order ,
The committee then rose , and the hou o
OB reed to all thu amendments repotted , Thu
bill was then passed.
How itt , of Nc-w Yrtrk , of the committ < > 3 o
And ruported the bill to -
ways mean ( can- }
into effect the convention between the Unlt'-t
StnteJ nnd MMico , signed 20th January , 18S3
with favorable rcitort. The ri'ivrt wn
ordered to bo printed , and bill placed on the
calendar ,
The house thpn proceeded ith the coiuM
oration of th * bill , rvix > rted from the committci
on Pacific railroads , to nmcud no\eral Pacific
railroad acU. A votn was taken on pnungo
to substitute thu bill and amendments , II
pnividnthat if railrqad companies shall nol
\\ltliin sixty dajsfroXrt receipt of liollco pa )
the coits of BUrvoyHf ( Iho livud , then their
titles to tlio landf.'sllyll conic , end the lain !
Mull bo restored to the public domain.
Financial Sltnntlnii nt Milwaukee ,
MILWAUKEE , JuneS ? . Oco. 1Sanborn ,
receiver of the Mnnnftctaror' | Bunk , fnuU the
labilities about SlOu.Oi'Oj ns oU nominal ! }
.t ' , but cannot rrhlizo on them. Out-
riders say they will nculcely pay fiOcenlxon
the dollar , uulots President Cotiro holds to his
[ iromi o to tea that alt 'debts are paid. No
; > ther banks ro effected. No business house *
are troubled. The heiivy depositors worn for-
tuiuto in having \vithdrawn their funds.
Humors have- been rlfn for snino time that tlio
batik wiui nimby. Thv'T.ako Shorn fc Went-
ern raijroail hud just withdrawn $702,000 in
Bocuritien. s '
S | > oclal Dispatch to THE BEE.
Mti.WAUKKK , Junoj\7. Alexander Mitcliol
iw asked nbout theuillect of the fniluro , nm
said it might hurt \o'iinliviilui l firms , bill
in n general way it would hnvo no etVV ct. The
bank was not n member of tlio clearing house
nnd hail no tight of finanehl lucking. There
is still xoino talk of due or two houses going to
the wall , hut they' nro' moving everything to
tiridgo over the troubli with sainu hopeof sue
HATAll ! ) ASA CANDIDATE. , Dot. , Jniih 17. Thu democratic
state convention was called to order at 1:1)0 : )
[ ) .ni. Chairman Reynolds , of the state committee
mitteo , in his remark's ' mentioned Bayard ,
whoso immo was npplmulotl , Thu committee
on resolutions reportix ! as follows : 0
WiuiiNuroN , IcL'Juno ) 17. The follow
ing resolution waa ailoptul by the democratic
state convention nt Jftver to-iloy : "Tho dem
ocratic party of Delaware declares Its steadfast
ndhoronco to the doctrines of the party , the
principles nnd policy avowed In thnpUtforn ] nt
at. Louis , in 1870 , roraated at Cincinnati in
1880 , nnd which hnvo been approved by time
nnd experience , nnd wa trust our delegates In
the approaching convention in Chicago will
co-operate in adopting them to the present
iioedsof the country. Wo present to tha
wholn country our follow citizen , Thorn-
no Francis Bayard , us n statesman
who , through ft long public career , has
enunciated and Illustrated the enduring prin
cipals of democratic fulth , and whoso nomi
nation for the presidency will furnish nt onca
a platform nnd candidate whoso election will
satisfy the highest osperatlons of the Ameri
can people. "
Jno.f. . Causey , in moving the adoption ol
resolutions , made short speech , saying , liku
Webster , ' Bayard was enough for both candi
date and platform. ' Tlio resolutions weru
adopted mind cheers. The convention then
liitiuor Iilccnso In Ohio ,
COI.USIBUS , Ohio , Juno 17 : The supreme
court amiounco'tl Ujjislons to-day in the Scott
liquor tax law CMUfej Ji ) that of King vs. Cn
pollar , judgmont'iiPflJ afltrmod. In that o
Bulzman vs. WhirebioV , judgment was ro
versed. Ihiffclo'claroi' Jlin second section o
tha law portaimng vfattHiV lion tin the pram
Ises unconstitutional ami leaves the rest of th
law valid nnd operative as heretofore. Th
question as to the constitutionality of th
whole law was held not to bo raised in
the cane nnd the court stops with the record
The liquor dealers will therefore bo roquiroi
to pay the Juuo collodion tax under the law
leaving- the matter open to a further teat ho
fore the goml-amiual payment in December.
The officers of the Humane society of Chicago
cage have arrested Mrs. Sophia Hintorat Mo
noinoo. 111. , for starving Into idiocy , boating
with Bavago cruelty , nnd maiming in a nameless
loss way , her two year old stepson.
Joe Pondergast of Brooklln says lie is ready
to thump the prlda out of Cloary , the Phlla
dolphlannt any time , for any amount of cash
Eight frame buildings onl'ourth street ,
Sioux City were burned Monday morning
Loss $30,000 ; insurance $25,000.
Three hundred omuloyoj of Bridge , Bocl
& Co. , stove manufacturers , St. Louis , havi
struck against n 15 for cant reduction o
King John of Abbysslnnia , will undertake
the relief of Kassala.
It is reported on good authority that Gen
erals Dia/ and Trnvlnu have Bottled tholr dlf
feronco , nnd tliat ( ! en , ITrovino will bo mailo
secretary of war on the ncco'slon of Dinz to
the presidency of Mjxico , This settles all ap
prehensions of nn early revolution.
Wo doubt It llicro Is. or can bo , a specific )
remedy for rheumatism j but thousands wlio
have MifTcrod Iti pains have been greatly ben
efited Iiy Hood's Sarsaparllla. If you have
failed ro find relief , try this great remedy.
"I was allllctcd with rheumatism twenty
years. 1'rcvlous to 16831 found no lelief , but
grew worse , and at ono time was almost hclj-
less Hood's Sarsaparllla did mo moro good
than all tlio other nicdlclno 1 over had. "
If. T. IIAI.COM , Sldrley Village , Mass.
"I had rheumatism three years , and got no
relief till I took Hood's Baraaparllla. U lias
done great things for me , 1 recommend It to
others. " J.r.witf UUUUANK , lllddeford , Mo.
Hood's Sarsaparllla Is characterized hy
thrco peculiarities : 1st , the combination of
remedial agents ; 2d , tlio proportion/ , tlio
process of securing the ncllve medicinal
Dualities , Thu result Is a medicine of unusual
rUrcngtli , effecting cures hitherto unknown.
Bend for book containing additional evidence ,
"Hood's Hirsaiiarllla tones up my system.
pnrlllfH my Mood , sliarpnns my awietllo.aiid
HOIMIIS to make mo over. " .1,1' , TJIOJU'HUN ,
Iteglster of DcciLs , Lowell , Muss.
"IIood'M Sarsanarllla boats all others , and
Is worth its weight In gold. " I. HAIUHWUTON ,
J30 IlauU Btrcct , Now York Clly.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Bold by all dniRKlsts. (1 ; ( six for $3. Made
only tty 0.1. HOOD li CO. , Lowell , Mass.
IOOsDosos Ono Dollar.
A Committee to Investigate English
To-Morrow ,
Who Will Answer to the Ohnrgo
of Lobbyingfor His
The U , P , Land Grants Oomo up
Before The House.
Senators Brown and Ingalls Have
a Wordy Battloi
The Oonioronoo Oonunitto Report
Against Baok Pay for Portori
The House Agross to the Report
by a Vote of 158 to 61 ,
HoportB Itecolveil IVon the SoutlnvoHt
liulluntt ) a OuttloDrlvo Kvcccd-
IIIR that of Imst Year.
WASlllNOTON.Junol" . Asi > ocialcominitteo
nppoiuted to investigate charges ngainst the
Hon. Win. II. Kuglish of lobbying In tlio
liouso in the interest of his son in the con
tested election case , Knglish vs. 1'eelle , began
the examination ofitne. . es to-day. Kopru-
scntativo Wellcr ( Iowa ) WOH examined.
Aftoryoujiod voted to lay the motion of
reconsideration on thu table thu day that JCng-
i h was seated , did lloprenentativo 1'usoy
Io\vajio < iucat you to go to the democratic ]
bide of thohoiiHa ? askud a rupresentntivu ,
Wellor said tliat Pusoy came to
ijm aud iiKiuIrod about his health , anil liu told
lim he was firsl-rato , nnd was going to thu
lepot to meet bin wifu and daughter. 1'usry
asked him tu stay uud vote on tha JCngliiih-
L'ecllo caso.
( Juostlou. "You evadu the question , did
L'usoy n k you to go to the other nidu of the
Answer. "I don't remember , "
CJ. "Did you follow Pusoy iu n very few
minutes ? "
A. " 1 can't tell you that. "
( i. While ho wasnittingliy you was there
any discussing regarding election case ? "
A. I dontremombor. "
Q. "When you wont to the other sldo of
the house ( democratic ) did you HOW Kiiiiiish ,
thu father ? "
A. "I think not "
Q. "Did you sco the son ? "
A. "I did. "
( J. "Did yon converse with him ? "
A. 1 did. 1 saw him on my way as I was
passing out of the hall. "
Q. Ho\v BOOH was thin after Pueey had been
to > our m-at ? "
A. "I Don't know. "
tj. "Can you tell what time you locclvod a
telegram from your wife ? "
A , "I can not. When I got homo I found
1 } iad made a mistake of nbout an hour In thu
time of the arrival oftho train "
It"Had you tfcdrr URlishfUm father , pro
vlous to balloting ? " .
A. "I was introduced to him on the floor o
the house by Homo one , I asked if ho was re
latcd to the democratic candidate for the vice
presidency four years ago , and ho said ho was
thu Identical man , M. English never madu
an offer or any suggestion tliat Ishould rocolvo
money. "
"Tfieio is no charge of that kind ngainsl
you. "
' , Tlio next day after a vote won taken.
When I had made a personal explanation on
thu floor of the house , Mr , Wilsoa , of Iowa ,
said ho was sorry I had made nn explanation.
Hu said that Mr liaynu. when ho referred the
day before in his speech to some onu having
loft here , did not mean mu. " _
W.H. English Is to bo examined tc-morrow ,
Indicted ,
NEW YoitK.'June 17. The United States
grand jury handed in an indictment against
James 1) . 1'iali and John 0. Kno , charging
them with misappropriating the National
bank funds , also nn indictment aiminst Kurdi-
nand Win Jj charging him with aiding and
abetting the officers of the National bank in
illegally applying thu funds of thu bank.
Calllo Drive /or 1HHI ,
LITTU : HOCK , Ark. , Juno 17. Reports re
ceived from the stock-growing Hcictioim of
Tuxas and thu southwest generally indicate
that the ( line thin Ke.oxon will bo equally M
Iniguif not gi eater than tliat of 18811. Care
ful estimate * put thn iniinbor of cattle to ho
taken fioin Toxiw alonu at W,0n ( ) head. Tlio
following aru the namcH of ou-neru and mini
H.Tnf cattle which havonlieady started up
Iho tiail : John Dlocker , il.OOO ; ( lllburt &
Wulls , 1,200 ; HII H Konilnll it Co , , 1,500 ; 0.
W. Miller , 1,800 ; .1. fi. llradloy , 500 ; Hnydcr
battle company , lO.IMX ) ; HimpHon & HughcH ,
7KX ( ) ; Ulchards < fc Sncni , 1,500 ; 11 , JSlocker ,
) . -IOO ; JilockcrDiort , , : i,100 | Houston & Jeff-
IiH , 2,150 ; I'umphnty k Kuykondall , II.IOO ;
\rmstiong ft. JSoycu , 3,1(10 ( ; N. Bowling , ii.CCO ;
Imlson&WalterH , 2UOO. The bulk of the
bovo huids will go to Ogalalla. Neb. ; the ro-
nainder will bu illHtributul throughout thu
veHtorii terrltoricH. Htock in reported OH
> uing in good condition and free from disease ,
I rut a on thu trail is good , nnd water nbiin-
A Ke.ntiiolcy ; iHHiiKHirmllon ,
fJnKE.NBIiuno , Ky , , Jnnu 17. 0. 0. MnrrlH ,
prominent , wni assassinated yottur-
uy. Ho loft his homo In the am n try on
lorno back , on his way to town. Shortly nft-
rwurd firing wan hoard , His son and n
elghbor found hU body lying In the rcud ,
lorced by six bullota. Ills pockutH were
iirncd limldo out , but It Is not fiiipponod that
obbory wn the CUIIBU of the deed ,
Condition ol' tlio I'Yonoli OropM.
Special Dispatch to THE NEK.
OIIIOAQO , Juno 17. D , W. Tallwadgo ,
hamborof cominorco Htatintlclan to-day 10 *
ceivod the following letter In regard to tlio
> 'ronch ciops from Clmrlcw Itugol , liigh author
on ciopi ;
I'AlilH , 1'Vftnco , Juno ! , Thanking you for
your oj denied favor of fny 20 , 1 hep to gio
you Iho news you wish in regard to our rrnjw , Mora wliont WM down than last
year Weather nudcnndltioiiN up to this titnr
\ery good. Tlio indications nro tliat the yield
will bn rather ntmvo the nverago , Tim condi
tion of rye midiiringr nnd the yield uill slight
ly bo under the n\erago. DAM nnd Kirlnyhnd
a rood dUrt , but hfor nulForcd from wnnt of
rtln , wenthor is now more fnvor.iblo. If the
weather remain * point xvn expect nit bo to
ceronl crops to bo better than lout year.
Yours , etc
Fntnt Hnlh-oml Aocliloiit $ ! UM)0 ) ) ( )
ST. Louis , Mt > . , Juno 17. A dispatch fnnn
J > ovv Laredo , Mexico , pa H information win
receded theio that n terilbln accident hnd ixs-
ciirred nn llio Tnmpico branch of the Mexican
Central railway , by which two American and
twelve Mexican laborers were killed , by the
preinitturo explosion of n bloat , on the works
of 1'rico , Mc ( nviick * Tntc. Ono of tha
Amoiicans killed wnHMikoMndlgAii. formerly
of St. Iioui , well kiiimn nmong railroad cmi-
traatoM. Another dlxpntch nay * tliu entire
business part of the town of I'IHH | Alto * ,
Mexico , was destroyed by fire on May 21) ) . The
losi Is ptatod nt $ JOlIOil ! ) ( ; no Iniuraiioo. Con-
xtderAblodlntiess existed auiongthotnhabitnnU
for want of food.
An Ovor-liHo of JMorplilno.
lwMiKU'llIA , iluun 17. It N now made
known that lli-lntor Clymer look n iliwo of
morphine tlio iivotilng befoni his death. It it
said that financial rovenen whihi in the iron
t ratio lint him to take th < t stop. Ho drovv up
Ilia will two weeks 1x40 giving ovcrthing to his
Mife. PhyxiciatiH walked him up and down
lim room all night having relays of men , nnd n
stomach miuipvnt used f.tom niidnight to ( i
i. m. Hid wife in the meanwhile was going
Into hysterics every fu\v moments. Clymen
died In terrible ngony. A strong elfort was
made to keep the matter quiet , but the coroner
ner was notified this afternoon nnd the body
iiinyyotbo raised niul nn inquest held. His wife
in lying \eiy low from the Knock and ttlsques-
tlonahlu if uho will ix-cover.
Tlio Independent
NKW YOKIC , Juno 17. The independent ro-
[ lublican committed appointed at lioaton to
confur with the New York independcntx ,
nirivini thin morning , They hold n pilynto
meeting thii forenoon to niriuigo tlio prelimi
naries ; general conference this evening ,
AHTON. P. . Juno 17. Peter 0. Small , n
horfio thief , wlio became notorious Innt full by
fnatlng In jail Huveral weeks mid \vho hubno-
qiiently escupod , has written n letter
[ torn No\v Yorkt to the local paper. Ifo Bays
jio duos not consider his casu a bad ono nt nil ,
in view of thu operations of the Marino bank ,
Ward , L'lsh nnd others , and intimates n da-
niro to Gen. GrnntVAribian horse.
A reward in still standing for IIB ! nrrcflt. "
Now Yorlc Dry Goods Mnrlcct.
NKW Yniiic , Juno 18. The feature of the
market to-day has boon the auction Halo of
woolens which cninprittoil 10,088 pieces J and
2 , III ) : ! pieces 0-1 silk mixed all wool nnd union
As \\holo the sale wai disappointing , thu
bettor poods being very low but for union
goods much better , The sale was largely at
tended mid the goods well distributed , but tlio
purchasers would pay only auction piicoi on
dull market. Othorwisa the mnrkU was very
quiet. _
HIIRO llnll.
At IJoston Now York 7 ; Uostou 0.
Twelve innings , Tlireu thousand people \vit-
uen ed the gnmu.
At Itoston Philadelphia 7 : oston 2 ,
At St. TooriivlOrSlVP\ul2. \ . '
At Ft. Wayne 1't , Wuyno ,10 " .Terra *
HautoS. -
At Chicago Chicago Uniontj 12Knnsaa ;
City 5.
At Cleveland Cleveland 0 ; Detroit ! ) .
At Haltlinoro St. Louis 7 : Ualtimoro 0.
At Now Yoik Metropolitan 7 ; Oulum-
bus 5. '
At Now Yoik Urooklyii ( ! ; Toledo 4.
At Providoncu Providence ) 0 ; Nuw York 0.
At Minnoipolis Minneapolis O'J ; Milwnu
keu 0.
At Pittsburg Louisville 7 ; Allegheny 0.
At Cincinnati Cincinnati Unionu it St ,
Louis 0.
At lUy City Sagiimw 7 ; Hay City 0.
At Washington Washington 7 ; Indlannp
olis 11.
_ _
Tlio AVoiUhor To-dny.
_ WASHINOTON , Jnuu 17. For tlio upper Mis
sissippi , light local rains , partly cloudy
weather , Houtherly _ winds , shifting to west
erly ; northern portions nearly stationary tem
perature except In thu extreme northern por-
tioni , slightly cooler ,
I'or the Missouri vnlloy , local showers fol
lowed by fair weather , light variable winds ,
stationary tcmperatiuo.
M ADltin , Juno 17. In the senate to-day
Count Kancor gave notice that ho would In-
iiilro | about the policy of ( ho government In
Murrncd. and the protection which Franco is
giving .Sliorlf Waxah , Ho oho called atten
tion to affairs in Cuba and advocitod admin
istrative , commercial and political autonomy
of the Island , Count Vuldoroa , minister of
the culonlns , nald the situation of Cuba was
not OH doHpornto as doscrlbad , The govern
ment Is doing everything tu Improve it.
HtlllpHOIl'H COIKlllloil ,
] > llllAlHrjllA.Tnno ) 17. lilahon Simpson Is
very low this morning aud la growing weaker ,
oN , Juno 17. The Post tomorrow
row will piint an Intprviuw with liupicsonta-
ivo Moroy , of Mississippi , In lefeionco to the
wxidi'iitlnl candidacy. .Inatico h'ield and the
'iuws of the hitter with regard to thu lucent
action of the California dmnociatlo state con
vention at Stockton , Moruy said ho had just
( turned from a visit to Jndgii l''leld. That
'ield had ox pi rased jiimsulf substantially to
bin effect : "Tliero in a radical element in
California politics that nhtniiH the Coniorvn-
Ivu men In that Htatu , without regard topaity
irganiMtion , uu dangciroim to the rights of
iropurty , I liuvo nuvur swerved from my duty
o pander to that olument uhlch in thorefom
loutilu to tno , but politicians have done HO and
his is tha secret of resolution * which have
iiiini'-d nt nie. The element does not
lonstitini 'i majority of the d'imocralio party of
'alnfonijui but is largo onoiigh to Intimidate
U organization. 1 liuvu not nought thu nom
nation , nnd if 1 have allowed my name to bo
UHud it wai in dufciimco to thu opinion of
lemin diffuruut partu of tlio country who have
acted without reference to California Huntl-
nentH and thu matter Is with thorn nnd nut
with mu. 1 do notsuppiiHo tlinso guntleiiion
will modify their action became they fail to
rocclviiHiippoit in quarters wlioru tfioy never
expected it. "
A Belter Feeling anuHpmicliyity on
Wheat Advancing b ? ' k Takes
a Downward
Oats Holding Its OT id Other
Ooroals Dj
Luke Phipps , the Wife-Killer
Hanged .Yesterday.
The State University Commence
ment at Iowa Oity.
Tlio Outlook for Crops Iti Frnnco very
Fix vor Mile.
CuiOAfio , Juno 18. There WOH n greater
show of activity on chbnge to day and in spite
of thu email reduction In visible supply.
The feeling was firm for that cereal. Prices
rose IQ for wheat until tlio viniblo supply re
port was posted when a declinu ( if Jo occurred ,
but it rallied jjo on receipt of export orders nnd
cloned on regular board at 88J. | On aftoinoon
board tlio price for July rose to 888 , and closed
at that figure with August 1)01 aud Septem
ber 003.
ruled modorntely and quiet , but firm mid
closed on regular board , jjo over latent prices
yesterday. On afternoon board advance of 2o
to 4o occurred ; July closing strong nt CC9 ;
August 571 ; Sept. 57i
fairly active , firm ; latest quotations being SUir1"W *
Juno ; 32J July ,
showed very little life , closing at 19 60 for
June , July and August.
ruled xhado higher in latest transaction of the
day , closing nt 7 82J ; Juno , OL'i : July , 8 10 ;
August , 8 20 ; Sept.
! Keco.ipts were only fair , with the supply of
good , BO lid , corn fnd cattle rather short ; and
this fact , together with thu urgent export
order , caused a slight but sharp upturn in
pricctvtho best lots Helling almost us soon as
they arrived. Ufst corn fed 0 75 to 8 00 ; best
distillery fed fl 08 to 0 75 ; fair to good corn fed
(120@OoO. ( Grass ealllo selling all way from
5 23 to 0 00 , according to quality , principally
however , at fi 25 to 5 50. Good to cholco ship
ping , 1,200 to 1KO : pounas , 015 to ( i 50 ; com
mon to medium , l000 ; to 1,200 pound" , 5 25 to
025 ; grass Toxnns , 700 to S.riO pounds , ! CO to
5 00 ; corn fed Texans , 800 to 1,000 pounds.
5 00 to (100.
Market opcmod ipdot | .it about same range
of prices ns at close on 'yesterday , ' With the
2.IJUO fresh receipts' and the 18,000 loft over
tlioro were -13,0110 , on sale. A much larger
number could h vo boon disposed of. Trade
became dull and prices , toward the close , were
a nil Ada lower , Light , 170 to 200 pounds , 4 80
(35 ( 40 , ?
A Wife-Killer Hiinpr. - ' , ,
ETJIOIT , Juno 14 , Luke Phipps , who shot
lim wlfu on a ferry-boat between this city and
Windsor ono night in August of last year , who y
was urrontod and lodged in the Sandwich ,
Out , jail , when ho Hubacquently escaped , but
finally was rcarrestcd in Chicago , wan hanged
this morning at Sandwich. Ho mnt his fate
with fortitude , and died almost instantly , The
crime was committed under the influence of
liquor. Thu parties had separated some little
time loforo ; the shooting.
loivaOlty University.
IOWA CITY , Iowa , Juno 17. The otato
univorbity commencement to-day was taken
up with graduating exorcises of law , n class of
'JO graduates receiving diplomas. The Alumni
association hold its business and literary
exerciseR this afternoon. To-night the clastt
of 1874 hold a reunion at the residence of a
member , Mr. Herbert S. Pairfall , editor of
Iowa City Republican. Mis * Lbring mad nil
Alumni poem. To-night President Packard
gnvo reception ,
< A I/yricher at Iilborty.
NKW LKXIKOTON , Juno 17. .Tamos Glfford.
confined in jail charged with the murder or
lUchard Illckoy , by lynching , wus a released
jy a friend lost night , who Biiccondod in ovor-
loworingtho jailor and securing the key to the
SHOO ® . Given
fnltim or miy injurious tuustancwcun bo found
n Andrews' I'oarl UnklnK I'ovrdor. , Is pos- *
'velyPUREi ' Jleinteiilori.i'cl , and testimonial ! < i. :
reccui ilTroin uiich chtmilsU nsH. Dana Hays , llos-
nut M. Pclnfontalne , ofClilcatjo ; in id
louo , illhvauUce Kovcr solil In bulk.
Jjiko ? S7. Stf , ft
"Because everv
- g il
fo 5