Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 17, 1884, Page 5, Image 7

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017 St. Charles St. , St. Lonls , Mo
rctolir cr 4mt et t Mr ait l Colle . t I ttn lan
f Cmvrn , Ki.tnt . s
. .
l 1'Loc.c. in ottitr rh ; ltl nln Bt.lxrW" .
u t Itj r r < ri .how .B J .11 e rtiM at IM .
NervoiiJ Prostration. Deblitly , Mental und
Phyilcal Weakness ; Mercurial nnd other Altec.
tlont of Throat , Skin or Bonr s , Blood Poisoning ,
old Sores and Ulcers , , M * Mt i ith < mr > nii < iod
wtMMonliiititM tl ifrliicliN. K ' lr , rnAiclT.
Diseases Arising from Indiscretion. Excess ,
Exposure or Indulgence , rhitti rroJoee om or th
1tllo | g ( ttelti ntntiinm , itcl.lHtT . , dlnntti or ilth !
Bldfffclltonitmcry.ilmrUinn tlie f IN , | > tjiltil d Jy ,
nmlrauibj iMlMf o r fc m l , ronfurui ot IJf , ni ,
rendering Mnrrlnco Improper or unhappy , w
fT- " " " * * -11' ' ' rifi ) B " > .
- " , - - - -
nr xlilrrx , Oomulutlon Hot-
" "orbjra.lUrrt.udinTlwa. Writ * tor qucitlMii.
A Positive Written Guarantee
Ktr In Jl Mll , , Mtdletnt * .col .wjirhtM.
Famphleti , Enpllnh or Oerrann , 04 pneei. do-
criblnc above dUe ie , In male or fem l , rilEE.
WO r'KtS tn plttn , IllnilrXfJ la tloth tail tilt blnillne.
M . i > Dcr rVi ( f i i M > | * r term , S . Thu book
toaulni ll the eurloni , doubtful or iQanl.lllM w.nt u
know , A two * ofitrnt Inicrcil to ill , Utnth.
UirrbM" ' rroaitclif \ In tJtleo , w >
1,000.00 I
find mrtlilo
of Mercury , Potash , Iodine , Arsenic , omny fol
sonous ubst Mv > In
W I F T ' S fj P E C I F
"Ilmvn cured Blood Tftlnt by Iliou'o-ot Swltt *
Specific iflerl liiul most ilgnally rallctlnttb the Her
cury and 1'otaih Trotttncnt.
P. A. TOOMCIl , Jf. D. Petry. Oa ,
"Swl't's ' Specific ha * cured too ot S.rofulaof 12
jonra standlnir , Had sore ) m largo ft * mv hand , am
every 010 thought I was daomod. Swift's Specific
cured mo alter phjfldatu and all nthor turdlclno line
'ailed. ' n. L. IlIQII , Lonoko , Ark.
11'11 ' not purchase from no nlm
Swllt'u Sjiccino hai d"no for me. It
cured mo of Itlieumatlsm Mused uy malaria. "
AKUII1K THOMAS , SprlugBoK ] , Tcnn.
Our Treating on Blood and Hkln Diseases nulled free
to applicants.
Drawer 3 , Atlanta , Oa.
1. V. Office , 15B W. 23d St. , bet 6th nud 7th mcnuos ,
Philadcldhbtinice , 1200 Chestnut St.
Plattsmouth , - . . .
stock for salo. Correspondence eollcitcd
Urands silrcrtlFcd ns absolutely jmro
Placoa can topdown on a liotstovo untilhcatcd.lhen
remove tlio cover nnd tmell. A cliemUt will not l n-
Quiruu todctect the prusouco of ammonia.
In n million home * For ii'quarter of a century tt lias
teed the constructrolinhlo test ,
_ _
Dr , Price's ' Special Flavoring Extracts ,
Tbe tronjtit , mott ddlclout and nalura I filter knownand
Dr. Price's Lupulin Yeast Gems
J'cr Light , ncnttliy Drcul , The Dot Dry Hop
Vrattlu the World.
iiv WAV or
Connecting In Union DopotH nt KniiMisCliy ,
OiiiiilmunU Denver wllh thnjiigh tr.ilna lor
And nil polntH In tlio GiuntVijt. \ .
ConnecUiii ; in Cnuul Union lcKt | nt Chicago
wllli tlirongli tiiilnti fur
* NEW 1TOJIK , 11 OUT ON ,
And nil UaRlorn Olllu4 ,
Atl'corll with tliruiiKh trains lor Indlanun.
olU , L'lnclnnutl , Columbus , nnd till pointH In
the South. Knat. At 81. I.ouls with tliiougli
iniliiH fur ull points South.
Klcgnnt I .iy Conclma , 1'ailoiCiira , with lie.
clInliiK Clmlrx ( uuatH licn ) , SmolcliiK Ciii-ii with
Kuvolvlng Oluiliu , 1'iillinan I'ulivto Sleeping
r Oars iiiul tlio rnnoiia c. 11 , & ( J. ninliifr COM -
run tlully.tobiiil from Chicago nmlKausnsClty ,
Clllcngo mill Couuell lllulU ; Clilca o nnd Dea
, Chicago , Kt , Joseph , AU-hUon and
without oluiiKo. .Only thioiiKh Him
their n\\n trulna hcuvecu Chicago ,
Lincoln and DunVur. and ChluoKo , Kunsas
City and Denver. Through cars between
Indlutmpolla und Cunncll lllullif , vlu I'eoria.
Solid Truing of Kloirant Jay Couches mid
Pullman 1'alacoSleoplnir Cnrs uio nm dally to
mid from St. I.ouls ; via Ilannlual ; Qulncy ,
Kroknlc , llnrllnirton , Cedar Itaplda and Alhert
J , < aUoSt. 1'iuil und MluncapolU ; 1'nrlorCara
with Hccllnint ; Clialni to und fioni Hi. I.ouU
and I'eoria. Only 0110 change of ours Ijctwi'i'n
Pt , I.ouUundUc Molnc0 , Jowo , Lincoln , .Ne.
urasUii , nnd Denver , Colorado ,
It is iilso tlio only Through Line htlwcen
It is known as tlio ( 'rcat THUOUlJII OAU
I.l.S'i : of Aineilcn , und is universally admit.
ti'il to lit ) the
Ticcst Equipped Railroad in the World for
all classes of Travel.
Through Tlehcis via this line lor w.lo atc ! <
li. U. cou | > oii ticket olllces In llio UnilodStatoa
l ad Caimdu.
Vlcc-1'rti. A G a Mtnwer Qtn "ui
N. E. Cor. 10th aud PaciGo Sts ,
Prosclptlons A Specialty. j :
A.'Wajroti ami Driver Upset bf nu En
Kino nt tlio Elovomh Street
A oorious nccidont occured yostordny
at the crossing of the Union Pnclfia
tracks on Klovcnth street.
William PAIOOO , n boy about fifteen
years of ago , who is omplqyod ni a driver
of ono of Mr. St. Felix's grocery w/igons / ,
was waiting at the Eiovonlh street cross
ing for switch engine No. 93 to clour the
crossing , The engine backed up just
clear of the wagon track and the boy at
tempted to drive across. Just as his
wogon was in front of the engine and
only a few inches from it , the engineer
started ahead. The engine struck the
wagon , overturning it and vhroiviug the
boy to the ground.
In his fall his head struck upon a rail
and ho was picked up and carried into
Boll's drug store for dead. A physician
was called and when ho arrived blood
was flowing from the boy'a mouth nnd
oars. Ho was soon resuscitated , however ,
and Mr. St. Felix , who had boon notified
wont down with a carriage nnd took the
boy to his homo , on Fnrnatn street , between -
twoon Fifteenth and Sixteenth. Ho is
not' so badly hurt ns was at first thought
and will got along nil right.
The wagon and groceries wore badly
demoralized and the horse ran away.
A. Beautiful SlRlit In tlio Western
lien von H Humlny Night.
Sunday evening about 9:30 : , a beautiful
sight was to bo seen in the western heav
ens. A BEE reporter , who happened to
bo at the corner of Eighteenth and Jack-
sou streets at that time , had his attention
attracted by a report , as of a pistol , in
the heavens abovo. Looking up , a largo
star was soon , Burroundou by sparks of
fire. All at once tlio sparks faded from
view , and the star , which was an unusu
ally largo ono , began to move slowly
across the heavens in n northwesterly di
As the reporter looked ho was moio
astonished , for almost in the twinkling
of an eye , the color of the heavenly visi
tor changed to a blood red and it was so
bright as to give a reddish glow to the
heavens for some little distance around
it. It continued to move and finally sank
below the horizon , leaving behind it a
reddish glow.
It was probably a meteor and it will
doubtless bo heard from as falling somo-
wboro out in the state. It was a beauti
ful sight and all who saw it nro moro
than over impressed with the greatness
and wonders of this immense univorso.
Ijist , ol Letters
Remaining in the ollico at Omaha , Juno 7 ,
188-J :
Ambrose C Amlorron J P 1t
AlsouWir Abbott W 11
Ashburn G Anderson A L
Sordino O M Baker C A 2
Baldwin G P BealaW
Boydon W P Brown W
Bracklrj G Bnler J M
BostL Belmont A E
Brand H Bowman H
Uoono T R Brown A W
IJrown A G Bartels A
Jooton A Baur J
lastighous L Crenty C
! otton J M Coles G
lanfiold C CeryW
Ihurch W E Craft F
lurtis L D Colcman II
'ochran ' H Cawley D C
Ilifford 8 F Clifford T P 2
'ochran ' A Downey , T W
Joe J A Donohti J
Duncan J E Doarbon FII
) illon 0 Dovol & Wright
Jownoy W Dlmhin II O
Jekina 1' Doolittlo D M
Dally W
Dyamond W Edwards J
Field B Foutz G
Fuehrmann F Fischer C
Faulkner D W GradyT J
Good ( Tin W Greenwood T A 2
Garno ! G Gallagher P J
Goodwin W Harts W
llermey E 2 Hucficr J
Hartly J Host ! en J
Herald S A Hurd S A
Hoiirin N J Hecpteia H
Ilnwloy J Heneko A
llornor J Hayward F
Jlorao Fancy W'k Co Harrison O D
llerum G 1' Herald S A
Hull 1' .Tungo C
Johnson G Jainos J IL
Jensen E Jonaou L
Johnson II0 .Tncoba K
Krai in J Konp , T
Kelt 0 Kuhl C
Lessmann 0 Lee B 2
Llnd II L Loosli F
Lowery J Marsh , T J
Meoks J I ) Miller J A
McCoy W A Murtha J
Myers , T , T Morrow J
Morgan J M ! MeyC
McGoldrick P MeJquht A J
Helicon J Mcfiiocr II
Maxwell II McKcnua E
Morrison E M Norton D M
Peterson ! ' A Pcnner II
Preston J T PoolSJ
Pluininer.Perry & Co Peck 'J
Poteraon II Pike JV
Phillips J C Perlham I
Ilawloy E A Itoberts J W 2
Hachelmau M Koonoy W & K
Klley 8 K Ilickard J
Klndicler II Sweotland H
Schwoiher L Sutnner J A
Stecn 0 Sturges J B
Stagaard C Strayerll A
Scaudlen M Sanstrom A
Stark 0 Sanders A
Smith O 'i'rolonll
Voltiorll Williams 0 J 2
Workman II M Wilson Ii F
Williams A M Wliitto E
-WlngllD Wnlkor 0 N
VarrenO Wyblral J
Andernon Mi s A Anderson Miss ( >
Allen Mrs L
Albortaon T Balis 31lmi K
} uiat3Ilss3I Buist Mrs O A
Bunn 31ies IV. Brad Mrs W
Irown 3Irs W A Blodgett 3Ii * * 31
5rady 3Irs T Bale J :
iarncs Miss J Beck Mrs 1C
ilakeman 3fra 31 Bailey 3Irs W A
Bahi 311ss E Cherry 3Iiss 0
Jolck 8 E Corcll Mrs Jt
'rovon E iMnitt 3fs ! ! B
Child Miss E Carney 3Iiss A
Jhrlitianson 0 J Crumley C L
Jarltson Misa ] } 0 Dyreson Mlas A C
) yo31rsA Dean 31ni J
) re.yfous Miss B Dissel 3frs T
) avis31raD A Delcb Miss E
CJ wards Mrs IS Frail lnct Miss P
' 'elton L Fredericks 3Ies W 3t
Garity Mrs U
iibbons KA Gilbert 31
lasUns Mini L Hurtou 31
lallakoo Mrs L Hard wick 8
fall Mien li Jacobs Mr' F
inkes 3IIis N Johnson Miss I A
oliuson II Johnson Mm 31
Clmmel Mrs F Kenuelly 31ro 31
CatloMIsa Kennedy 31ri A
Colsoy Mrs L King M > s H
> andon O 3 Lbutk Mra 3
.Iltlo M rs F II Low Mlas L
, undtry 31 Larson MisjE
ilaniiliiK Mra 311)1 ) * O F
Miles 3Ii > s N M-oore 31(88 ( E
Muruhosta Mill E MSL-OW Miw 0 2
Metz Mra Ii ulono 31(8 31
Matter Misa S
Newotlrg MBS ! 31 Mleon Mrs 0
MM H Frmenter Mrs C 0
1'Arson Minn A 2 Phillips 3tls9 M
Podonl r Miss II Koblas Minn 31
liclloy 31l < > s A Stephens Mrs II
Stonestrcot Miss It Sttmon Mrs J
ShropMiIro M ra H Soyon Miss M
SuppMUsJ Sdiweitor MM P
Spltoohn Mrs A Thnlhi 3Irs A
Vosburc Mrs A Ynllanco Mi"
Wrcd MligC WtiihtMlsaBJ
Wells M Us WVstovcr MM J
Wlwlan Mrs A Wilco.x 31rs S S
Pot tmiwtor.
Tlio Trip Tlmt JlnUo the Fortune of i
Tioooinottvo llulldcr.
"An old i-nginccr" in the Xow York Sim.
"Speaking of Rogers the locomotive
builder , reminds mo of an intoroatiug in
cident connected with the early days ol
locomotive building and railroading in
this country. Commissioner Swinburne ,
who died at Patterson last fall , was ono
of the first practical locomotive buildore
and ho commenced business on a small
BC.ilo about forty years ago in that city.
Rogers was then laying the foundation ol
the works that nro now known all over
the world. Swinburne and llogors were
The Erie road was then in operation
only as far as Middlotown. Both of the
1 attorson locomotive builders had turned
out locomotives for the road nnd there
was great diversity of opinion among the
engineers as to the fastest of the clilFor
out machines. The The Swinburne on
gilios had a firm friend and advocate in
Josh Martin , and the llogors make was
championed by Gad Lyman , two of the
original pioneers on tlio Erie , nnd two
of the best that over opened n throttle.
In 1830 the company purchased a loco
motive from the S winburno make. S win
burno wa > not looked upon with much
favor by the powers of the road at that
time , and the hope of iurnidg out n miv
chino that would make him solid , ho did
tlio most of the work on this locomotive
with his own hands. She was called Np.
71 , and when she was delivered to
the company to bo tested ,
Swinburno requested that she
bo placed on John Martin's run. Bui
she wasn't. Gad Lyman wns told to
handle 74 , nnd ho took her. Ho reported
after every run that ho couldn't make
time with her , and declared that ho must
have n Rogers engine. Josh Martin was
sure that ho could do good work with
71 , nnd ho bogfiod for the chance ,
but she wus taken off regular work
and put to duty aa a gravel train.
' Well , Josh Martin almn < abroko heart
over that. Every chance ho'd got ho'd
run down to Piormont , took 74 over , and
appeal to Master Mechanic Brant to give
her a chance with him. Swinburno was
knocked flat by the failure of his pot ,
and ho joined in with Martin for a now
trial. At last Brant got mad. Ho told
Joah to take 71 'and go to with her. '
Josh had her taken back to the shop to
have her overhauled to see what was the
matter with her. .Nothing wrong could
bo found. Then ho tried her on his run.
His first report of.hor abilities was that it
was all ho could do to keep her from
getting to Susquehauna an hour ahead of
timo. That was a big feather in Swin
burne's cap , but two mouths later 71 and
Martin gave him a boost that started
him on ths road to tho3,000.000 ho loft
"Tho Erioroad was opened to Dunkirk
in May , 1851. Early in that month Gad
Lyman was notified that ho was to take
his onaino , No. 100 , and run ono of the
excursion trains ou that occasion from
Piermont to Dunkirk. The 100 was a
Rogers' engine. Lyman started with
the train. It had nine cars , but they
were too heavy for Gad Lyman's engine ,
and when they reached Middlotown the
train was almost an hour behind time.
Then Superintendent Charles Minot telegraphed -
graphed to Port Jorvis to have old 71 and
Josh Martin on hand to take the place
of Lyman and his Rogora online. Josh
and 71 were waiting when the train got
bo Port ) Jorvis. They coupled on.
Swinbutno was one of the excursion
ists. When ho found that his pet engine
was to try and redeem the character of the
road , ho came near fainting. But away
Joah wont , an hour behind timo. If over
a railroad train sung along the precipices
of the Delaware valley , it did that day.
Lld ) Joah whirled that excursion train
: nto Narrowaburg in just thirty minutes ,
lud the distance is thirty-four ratios.
When ho reached Depoalt , sixty miles
further on , every minute of the lost time
vias made up , and 71 tore down Lake
Erie into the western terminus of the
road only _ n few minutes behind the
schedule tirnc. Swinburno was made ,
and Josh Martin made him , The former
gathered in his millions , The latter was
running n switch engine at $00 a month
the last I over hoard of him , boiiif ; too
old for regular train scavico. "
SMOKE Seal of North Carolina Tobacco.
A.nOliioMonBtro8ltjYwltli nn Animal's
Nature nnil u Voice Lllco u
ChilIcothoO ( , , ) Loader.
Marvellous as are the "freaks" ghth-
jrod together by the show people , they
wven't anything in the way of n human
curiosity to compare with a remarkable
being confined in the county infirmary
of Pike county , The creature is a man
but his right io that title rests solely
upon the fact that ho was born of wo
man. In every other respect ho differs
[ rom his kind and possesses no attributes
in common with ordinary ropregonta-
tivoa of his sex , Ho bears upon hUpor-
eon , his habits and vocal organs , till of
the characteristics of n bull , in as nearly
a perfect form as possible for a two legged
feature to possess them. This remarka
ble creature is named John Ilaincs , and
s 40 years old. He is the son of very re
spectable parents , who at thn time ot the
monster's birth lived in Pebble township.
Twelve years ago the mother who gave
birth to this unnatural object died , but
lits father ia still living , Prior to the 4
mother's death John was watched and
; arod for at homo , but since her demise ,
10 has been confined In the infirmary ,
Iho existence of the monstrosity it
known to comparatively few people , and
many of the o who do know of his be
ing have never seen him , being dotorrcd
from viaiting his cell because of the terri 1
ble eight that would meet their eyes.
Jlaines , or "John , " as ho'ia called by
everybody who has , occasion to speak
about him , has boon confined at the in
firmary for twelve years. Ho is of med
ium height , with a very large lioad , and
the forehead brood and bold , with a
strongly marked ridge running down the .
center of it. The nidus of the head are a
flat , running back almost at right angles
with a forehead , while the top of the :
head slopes backward and downward at
g. vli&rp incline , leaving the cranium
without brain room , /tcoiadurk
skinned , heavy and brutish in express-
ion , and very ropuloivo , The oyus nro
like those of u bovine , and roll about in j
his head in an aniroalith sort of way A I
iicnvy jnoulli , in which u rosUiw tongue | li
is almost constantly rolling A quid , stren
gthens the creature's lik'oncss tc a bull.
His largo oars sUnd out from his head
like these of nn at armed boast.
The long , thick , nnd bushy hood is cov
ered by n close growth of short , coarto
stubby hair , his shou'.dora ' nnd breast are
romarknblo features of the monster , they
being extraordinarily thick and hoayy.
Ho has n remarkable depth of cheat , the
formation of which bonrs n strong resom-
bianco to that of his shaggy counterpart.
From the breast downward his body
grmlunlly tapoas to the thighs. His 1 iw-
or limbs nro slender nnd joined together
like thoio of n noble steer. The foot and
hands nro these of n man.
John in a remarkably strong nnd vigor
ous combination of flesh nnd bono , and
prior to his confinement In thoinfirmary
ho was noted for his wonderful speed on
foot. II o would dart nwny from his
homo into the wuoda and run like a hound
for miles , inakitip the air melodious as ho
went , hollowing like _ n bull. His action )
are nil governed bv instinct. His reason
is an inftnitosMtnal quantity.
Ho lacks the power of speech , and the
only words that ho can Bay that possesses
meaning to his hearers is , "bicca. " Ilo
is intensely fond of tobacco , and the first
thing a visitor hears when nearing his
apartment is his cry , "Baccal Baccal"
When ho is given n piece of the palata
ble loaf , ho tears it into little pieces , put
ting them into his mouth ono nt n time.
Ho rolls tlio tobacco around with his
tongue like n cow chows n quid of grass
nnd finally swnllows tlio moss tobacco ,
snlvn nnd nil. Tobacco is a luxury that
fills the poor devil with keen delight ,
nnd when ho sees * n pouch produced his
eyes roll in pleasurable anticipation.
John is kept in constant confinement in
n little eight by ton cell , the
entrance to which is Jmd through
u barred door of heavy hickory strips.
Just In the rear of this is an inclcsuro.
twenty or thirty foot square nnd unroofed.
The fence surrounding it is about twenty
feet in height. This ia John's prorcisiug
yard , Ho possesses the instincts of a
bull , and is strongly affected by changes
of the weather. Ho becomes greatly
excited just before a. rain , thunder ,
now , or wind storm , and will plunge out
into 1iiat exorcising pen , tear round at n
fearful rate , pawing up the earth and
hollowing most frightfully. Ho has n
voice of wonderful power , nnd the bullish
uoiso ho makes can bo hoard for a mile
around They cannot bo distinguished
by a stranger from these of n gorgeous
bull. So unerring is John in his demon
strations , that the residents of that local
ity rely ou him as their barometer , and
ho never failuoacquaint thorn with pending
ing meteorological changes.
Ho wears men's coarse clothing , after
a manner peculiar to himself. Ho can
not bo induced to use suspenders. He ia
frequently presented with these useful
appendages to n male a toilet , but it mat
ters not how bright nnd gaudy the colors
may bo , John will tear the suspenders up
and ornament his nock , arms , andl ega
with the pieces. Ho keeps his pantaloons
in place by constantly holding them up
by the band in front. When cup hand
is tired ho catches n fresh grip with the
other and struts around his dismal quar
ters with all the pomp and circumstance
cf a prize bull at an ugticultural fair. Ho
sleeps upon a small cot in ono corner af
his cell , having for his bod-fellows 3
number of old tin cans , bones and brick
bats. He never removed his pantaloons ,
and nothing can induce him to wear
shoes. Ho is a ruggad , healthy creature
with o body' llko 'b4H"YWrf-\i ' \ voioo like
n cyclono. v
The man's history is a sad ono. His
mother , a very pleasant and intollgont
woman , was ono day crossing a field not
far from their homo a few months prior
to John's birth. A vicious bull was pas
tured in the fold , and when ho caught
sight of Mrs. Haines ho came plunging
toward her at full tilt , snorting angrily.
The terribly affrighted woman ran with
all speed to the nearest fence , and suc
ceeded in getting on the other aide of it
before the bull , which was close in her
wake , could harm her. The shock was n
terrible ono , and Mrs. Haines suffered
for days from nervous prostration. The
terrible effects of that fright were Im
pressed upon her unborn child , and when
lie was ushered into the world the poor
mother found that her offspring partook
uoro of the nature of a bull than ho did
that of a human being. Her grief over
this misfortune was pitiable , and for al
most thirty years her lifo was embittered
by a contemplation of the hideous child.
When the wretched woman died John
was removed to the infirmary , and has
been confined there over sinco.
of North Carolina Tobacco is the
boat. _
Boo Ijliioljouoiiiot I vo Service.
From the ClcnchuiJ Herald.
The Boo Line railway is conducted on
the strict civil-aervico-rcform prinoip1 ! } .
When engineers nro needed u certain
number of reliable firemen are examined ,
first by the divison superintendent with
reference to their knowledge of the
rules of the company , Then the master
mechanic examined thorn OB to their
knowledge of the engine , and If they paes
they are given certificates as engineers of
the second class nnd are placed at the
throttle of yard engines. One
of the points on which an en
gineer is expected to mal'o a record is
with respect to economy in fuel. After two
years' aorvlco as yard engineer they are
nligiblo. If they pass a second examina
tion , to promotion to the position of
road engineer. The company then gives
them certificates of the first-class , simi
lar in form to those given by the gov
ernment. This ataict system has and is
working wonderw. In April , 1883 , it
co t the company 17,21 cents per milo to
run its locomotives , and lait April this
bad been reduced to 14,30 cents , and
that , too , without cutting down the
wages of the engineers. Indeed , when
it obtained control of the I , & St. L. ,
the Boo Line raised tlio pay of engineers
From 3 to 3J cents per milo. The sav
ing in repairs was the difference between
2.00 cents per mile in April , 1B84 , and
70 in 1883. fuel 4 , M cent per mtlo as
compared with 0,00 cent in 1883 , stores
,30 cent as compared with ,05 cent , and
wages 0.04 as compared with 0,31 in
April , 1883.
The newspaper pictures of John A ,
Logan do not do that gentleman justice.
At his best Logan is not a beautiful ob-
iect , but ho is by no moans the cheap
ookinx nreaturo the newspaper portraits
would load ono to suspect. Logan is not
an Indian doctor nor n patent medicine *
von J or , When ho attires himself In hiu
itoro clothes and gets his hair and IIIUH-
.acho nicely ponionted , ho really presents
very attractive appearance , Ho has an
irect figure and his bearing , is soldierly.
IU whplo expression is ono of vitality
and manliness. But the pictures of him
uow beiu ; ; circulated throughout the
country prints reprt'so.-it im as a dishev
eled bumpkin sulloriug with an acute liver
complaint. _
S. Of N. 0. Tobacco finest in the
land , i c
1404 FamaniSt'OMAHA. ' .
Half lot nil Cu > 9 direct , cloto to licit Iliir , $3,0'P.
Lot 40)xlS2 ) , line brick lm ) < ro\rinc ts , < lfK nt bin-
IIIMS local Ion , tpcrlnl baruMu , ? 10,000.
Lot dOiHO , on ISUi itroit , good business property ,
Flno let (18x152 ( on Cumlnpti Uroct , n good house
on the grimml. Tlio fticct Is curb'd and guttered
Mid teen to bo ( iBMid , fiood business imipctt ) ,
Special bargain on ICtli direct , near Cnuilngn , lot
A fu I lot. ImproMd property on 10th street , bring
ing a rental ot 16 per cent on tmo-tment.
Bolt Una property on 10thstreet 44x77 Sl.fOO.
Iflth stuct , Stxl32 , line brick IniprovomeuU oplcn-
dlil location.
Xiuo corner llth and llirnoy. A rnro chonco to
tccuro K flno buslncni pioportj.
A flno Improved Farnamitroot property , near 12th
street. 1'rlco tld.OOO.
SS feet front rn South 18th street. Will cell the
whole or ono half A good chance to secure deilra
bio Insldo property ,
Residence Property.
Splendid lot louth'frtnt , Caldwell street , near
Saunderi direct , 11,200.
8e\en lots , three blocks from North school for
IIouso , barn and flno lot on South anemic , no r SI.
Mary's m omio. A barpiln at ? 2,6CO.
HOIIM 0 routes on Casi street , mar 10th street.
Good location ,
Choice lot In Patrick's flrtt addition. Assuredly K
tni-galii nt ( WO
Cnolca acre lot , r rk 1'lacu , near Tauralln'a adill-
Urn , only Ji.IOO.
Chotoa lots In lUnncom I'laco , select resilience property -
porty of Omahi.f rom $ > upwards.
Lot 83iU2 feel , ralutblo tnpro\cment < , onlyfUo
mliiutos walk from Hinrnm btrcot , Minoil In the
heart of the city , $0,00.
IIouso , bto lotto ! dull TnolotaSuiluutcsnalk
from depot , o hr $1,110.
Hvo lots near 22il nnd Gra'o JSOO oieli.
Aero coricr ot en Cunilng St. .1 blocks cast
' Sacred Heart temarkably cheap ,
l/ol for salcl all additions of ( ho cltv.
Agents for tko ncm addition "Clifton , "
.S ) > leTullillow of city and country.
Lots from 81K ) to $2,60.
Xlegaot roKldcnco corner ot 76x132 , mury thing
comiiloto. KlcK-ant homo , eplcndld location , § l,0u. , ;
Hiv\o fortaloor will luitlnlly eioluiiRO f r city
property nn eUicsiil fatni , jileuty of fruit , Vl inlUa
from Stock yards.
Will oxchuipo realdcnco property In St. Calr ! Mich'
Igan , nlsa flna iMids In Hagluaw Vallty for rlty | > ro | < -
crty or Ntbraska lands.
lUvo for B lo n ( lie Improved stock fnrm In Iou& .
7CO acres will sell with or without ktuck ; also 'J.OCO
&orca near Grand Island well idavtcd for clock rail-
IDK , aUo 100 acres Ju tl inUea from Fast oillco at
tea per acre.
IIouso 7 rooms , well , clltoru , barn full lot , 91,203.
C. E.
. .
Odors n large list of Real Estate
for Solo , including tlio following
described property.
OH. Bclnllcr ofTcrj lots near HansJ ( { AHA
com'ri Park > D 1 vUy
11. Kctrailer will eoll lnt on Caw QflA
_ niid Ualltornla troet MOOJo OUJ \
K. HcTinlIcrTm two ul tlio fluent / ,
lota In cltv , on C'anH > lrcct. l )
1 U.bclialler will 8oll lot mar HaunI
i dom elroot , on Htroct g.rn ( 7) ) 1
( , Hclinllcr olfcrs 4 acren i uar U. ' . > r I \ A
Cl 1' . track , Ql. ) _ _ ) . > ) UU
, Hcliillur Ins In llirker'H mill- i
Olt | , vliloiilHhHt.huimiMiil lot ( B3) ) I
It. Hchaller will nil DM H.lltllHt , ,
. * _ .
CK , Hchalhr lll till near Luwatf Af\ \
line , lot 125iUOJ ( ( ) _ ' \tl\l \
. Kchallrr ban lots In KOMIU of
CK. new addition ! to the city at
reduced ratc .
U. b'challor Imn for nalo proi rty
paylnK a rental w purchase I rom
1U to 20 | < tr cent aud of Iccreu-
\ni \ ( \ luo
. Hjoallor olfcrd lot on Cumin ; ; K
, Btnet , OTJxtTO-rujIdcnco (01) ( ) )
U. Hchallcr ban for n lo ono ct oil O
. Cm utroct. went -iU , _ a j
. Bchallor nlll sell ouo block In 1
. lloyj'a addition , 1 ,
It. Hchallir .offers a flnebiulncsi )
. prouorty at
OU. Bclmllor will soil 12.4UO acres
In a body Block farm
. Hchallor-For sale Ifllh street ,
brlekhouno , lot 00x283.
. Sch ller-Uarnoy itroot , lot 47 O
Gil. , fine mUcnce , 10 rooms , Uj
Hohallcrhai for ilo on eouth f ) Kf\f\ \
CK venue , i lot and ronldonoo , tt\J\J\J
, SchalUr will sell 1.120 oereii , 2 OQ
OU c , 2 largo liarDB , wljidaO )
li , ucalei , eta.
. Belialler-Dodge Co. fann , JM)0 CC
OR. , houe , btrniwid valuable U Jj
. Sclikller offeri Roma ot tli greatest targtloi
CU. Heal KdUte anvwliern
Sell or Purchase
Hti liul S5 vein * viperlonco In - . , _ . . . . „
liiHKAI < KHTATK ndinay afely buoom
ultwl ui tu Invcutmentii and on contem ,
platnl linirjvtintntji | to Ihu City. Hai
eiunalvo Euitetu and Eurujxau con.
lioctlon * '
lUiniihluts tnd Mil * of City luued
free. Call ut the Jllllard Ilutoi and tot
B. H. JIOWKtX , I'rceliloct.
(1. It BCHALLKIl , Vlca-1'retldcot
Tlio GKNUINB ilODI.DKIUndCuloradii co\l. A >
thr&clto , low * . MI uourlIUIu < iU , UUIBU. Coal V iii
y rcU.
OKFICia-117 B , II BtrtcUuJ Ullbrd IMtl ,
The largest Stock in Omaha and Makes the Lowest Prices
Just received an assortment far surprising anything in this rrmrkot , comprising
ho Intost Mul most tasty doalgna mmiufnoturou for this spring's trade and covering
mngo of prices from the Olu-.ipost to tlio most Expensive.
Parlor Goods Draperies.
Nowrauly for thoiiiaiioctiou o cus Complete stock of nil the latest
tomers , the newest uovolti'H in styles in Turcoman , Mndrns and
Suits mid Odd Pieces. Lnco Curtning , Etc. , Etc.
Paggongor Elevator to all Floors.
1200,1308 mid 1210 tfarnam Street , - - - - OMAHA NEB.
. &HLL.L1.HI IHLQBg wWyiXltl
' - "
For Hides , Wool , Pelts , ] ? tc. , and consignments inndo to us will receive
prompt nttontion , for which inunedinto returns will he made.
13th Street , Bet , Dodge and Capitol Ave , , - - OMAHA , NEB-
Willimnutic Spool Cotton is entirely the product oE Hoaio Industry
and IB pronounced by exports to bo the heat sowing imichino thread in the
for finla by HENLEY , HAYNKS & VA T ARSDEL ,
m&o Omuhfi. Nob.
The Finest
Music Every Evening , and
Cor. Oth and Farnim Btrotta.
103 BRADY ST. , DAVENPORT , IOWA , U. S. A. Established 1878
Doafno&a , Lung nnd Nervous Disooaoa Speedily nnd 1-ormanontly Ourod
Cured nt Homo. Write for "Tim MEDIOAL-MISSIONAUY , " for the Pee
Donsultation and Oorrcanondonoo Gratia. P. O. Box S92. ! Tolephon
HON. EDVVARD RUSSELL , Pontmaator , Davenport , naya : "Pa
ilon ADlllty ana Mnrkod SUOCOM. " CONGRESSMAN MURPHr , D
iifl : "An rionornbln Man. Fine SUCCCBB. Wonderful OnroB. " Hoc
1409 ami UN Dodge St. , I \ .Omaha , Neb
BOSTON , March lat , 18U.
KMKIHON PIANO CO. Onfrutust Your Initriimonti. Grand , Square and Upright , are really nobb
nitruuuiiti and unrlvallwl far liotuty ul tonu anil fluUh. Allow we tu conKratnlilo you on your stcrllaf
Iiro rt . C1UHTAVE 8ATTKK ,
. -UlL'LJ'CDJL ' ' n1510 Dodge Street , Omaha , Neb
Stove snflKAB
Headquarters for Iho Colnbrntcd Wrougbt-Jron
016 and 017 North IttUi St. , lot. California and Wobstor.
may 2-d eod-w oow-Zia
l n
J. H. MILLARl ) , Premileufc. WM. WALLACE Cashier.
Capita ! and Surplus , S45O.OOO.
Fire and Uurclar Proof Safua for Hout at f m ? 5 tu $70 per an nun ) ,