Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 17, 1884, Page 4, Image 6

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OirMhn Office , No. IHO Furnam St.
Council Bluironico , No. 7 I'carl S
Street , Ncrir Brond\v y.
Now York onico , Iloom O5 Trlbu :
BnlUllng. _
every trorntng , ' except 8nnda)4 1
enl ) Uondty morning dally.
IMS T Mill.
One Year . liaOO I Thrco Months . | S
BlxUoncns . S.OO | One Month . 1
Per Wcok , 25 OonU.
TIEIB roamiD.
On * Tear. . 52.001 Threa Months , . . , . . , (
Blr Months. . 1.00 1 Ono Month. . . .
American News Comp.\ny , Sole Agent ; Ifewido
n In th United States.
A Oommnnlo Uons rcUtlntr to Newt and Editor !
matters should b addressed to the EDITOB or Ti
BP81NB33 tKmU.
AHBiMlnMS IjettersNtnd n inlttanoes should ) !
addressed to Tni Bin PctusniTd CoxrAxr , ox * "
Drafts , Cheeks and PostolDra orders to be made pa
able to the order of the company.
B. R03EWATBK , Editor.
A. n.Fitch. WinajerJilly Circulation , P. O.JBo
4)3 Omaha. Neb.
plank In the republican platform th
Mormon ranks continue to increase. Fiv
hundred Mormon converts have sailei
from Queonatown for Now York.
CLEVELAND will find ho has an up-hil
road to * travel in the democratic natlonn
convention. Tammany threatens to boi
if ho is nominitad. Iio is neb n gooc
enough democrat to suit the bourbons.
TUB Union Pacific is going into the
hands of a rocoivor. This is nothing now ,
The Union Pacific has had several re
ceivers. There was Cams ; there was
Church Howe ; there was Thurston ; there
was Frank Walters ; and others to men
SOME people may imagine that the
going into the hands of -receiver Is a
disastrous blow to the Union Pacifi ? .
This is not necessarily the case , however ,
as some railroads flourish bettor in the
hands of a receiver than they do in the
hands of the owners.
WHEN it was announced that thoUnior
Pacific was going into the hands of a receiver
coivor , Frank Walters bought two yards
of crape and dressed his stovo-pipo in
mourning. Wo don't blame him , as the
relation that ho sustained towards the
Union Pacific was of the most intimate
Ono thing that the grand jury ought to
investigate is the contractors' ring which
was organized for corruption purposes.
While , perhaps , the contractors had to
.form a syndicate , and put up money ,
owing to the obstinacy and ovorloioua-
ness of the mayor , it will do no harm to
ascertain to what extent they have been
bled ; to whom th.o money was paid , and
what it was paid for.
Ailasttho brigadiersarotobn called into
service. The court martial of Judge-Ad
vocate General Snraim , which takes place
some time this month , is to "bo composed
of brigadier-generals. Under the army
regulations no officer can servo on a
court-marrial who is Inferior in rank to
the accused. Under this regulation how
could General Sherman bo tried by a
court-martial , if ho should cpmmit any
offence which would warrant a trial ?
MISTAKES will happen in the best. reg
ulated newspaper offices. The St. Louis
Qlobc-Dcmocrat of Sunday , in its foreign -
oign dispatches' says :
"From Ems the Kaiser goes to fiainau.
There ho will have the company of his
daughter , LouUo Marie Elizabeth , the
Grand Duchess of Bidon , and from Hal-
nau the two will go to Boston. "
This will be news to the Boslonians ,
but Kaiser Wilholm will probably never
hoar of it until the Omaha BKU is laid on
his table.
Mu. EUOBNB FIELD , of the Chicago
Newt , touches the sympathetic chord
very tenderly , when ho makes the following -
lowing mournful allusions to a very
mournful subject.
Wo can imagine the poignancy of the
Borrow with which Dr. George L. Miller ,
editor of the Omaha Herald , will receive
the news of Sjtmuol J. Tildon's positive
retirement from the political arena. Hero
was a man who loved Tilden with a love
thatpassod all human understanding. At
the very mention of Tilden's name ho
would incline his head reverentially and
msrmue a paternoster or ave maria
LWICO a year ho journeyed from Ills Nebraska -
braska lair to catch words of inspiration
as they fell from the Jips of the Gramoroy
park saze , and whenever ho had occasion
to use Mr. Tilden's name in his paper ho
always did so in large , black , capital lot-
tors. And * s a crowning proof of his
Idolatry of his statomanly friend , ho
named his favorite old sorrel brood mare
'Samuel J. Tildon. " Wo doubt whether
the pages of history could furnish a more
pathetic instance of horolo devotion.
' " "
r V '
THE ardent zeal displayed by the
Chicago Tribune for James G. Blatne is
attributed by envious rivals to the desire
of its editor , Joeeph Medill , for office.
The Chicago /nter-Ooeaiihavlug charged
him with being ambitious
to fill the senatorial -
torial shoes of John A , Logan , Mr.
Medill has been compelled to oraphati-
cally refute the charge , M wen „ to
deny that he wanU any office from the
next president. Ho Bays that ho is f not
a candidate for senator or any other
ofllco in the gift of the people or the ap.
pointing power. " Mr. Medill appreciates
the fact that the editorship of a great
newspaper like the Chicago Tribune is a
more important and influential position
than United State * Bsnator , member of
the cabinet , or any other office except
that of prwident. At best the tenure of
any of thee positions is for B very brief
period , while the editorship of a great
4wyi ! a life offiee , and is entirely uu.
hampered by pUJJgfttions which make
the public man * tlt-vo to party and to
follower * .
Bishop Mathew Simpson , who is lyii
at the point of death at his homo i
Philadelphia , is one of the oldest , mo
prominent nnd influential bishops of tl
Methodist Episcopal church. His deal
will bo generally regretted , and his lei
will bo sincerely felt nnd mourned I
the Methodist denomination.
Bishop Simpson was a native of Oltii
having boon born at Gadlc , June 1
1811. At the ngo of eighteen year
while attending Manison college ) , subai
quontly merged into Allegheny collog
ho was elected n tutor in that institutioi
Ho graduated from this college in 183 !
nnd studying medicine ho was admitto
to practice in 1833. During this yoai
however , ho determined to enter the mil
! stry and WAS licensed to preach in tl ;
Pittsburg conference. In 1837 ho wt
elected vice-president nnd professor <
natural science in Allegheny collogi
Two years later ho was elected prosidor
of Asbury University in Indiana , whic
position ho filled for nine yoara
In. 1848 ho became editor of th
Western Christian Advocate , and i
1852 ho was elected to the high office o
bishop. In the discharge of his duties a
bishop ho visited and held conference
in all the utatas and moat of the terri
lories. Bishop Simpson was sent by tin
general conference as n delegate to the
Irish and British conference in 1857 ,
and was also a delegate to the Evnngoli
cal alliance in Berlin the same year ,
from whence ho extended his travel i
Lhrough Turkey , the Holy Land , Egypt
md Greece , returning in 1858. In 185C
lie changed his residence from Pittsburg
.o Evans ton , whore ho accepted the
losition as president of the Garrett Bib-
ical institute , to which , however , ho
lovotod but little active work. During
ho civil war ho delivered a number ol
iddrossos In behalf of tbo union , and was
irgod by the secretary of war to under'
ako the organization of the freedmen nl
ho establishment of the bureau , and wai
iftorwaid invited by President Grant tc
50 as a commissioner to San Domingo.
Doth of these offers ho respectfully do-
: linpd. In 1870 , at the death of Bishop
Kingsloy , ho visited Europe to complete
; ho work which had boon assigned to
lim on the continent , and also as a dole-
; ate to the English conforonco. In 1874
10 visited Mexico , and in 1875 again vis-
ted Europe to hold the conference of
xormany and Switzerland , and ata to
aoot the missionaries in different p.irtd of
ho continual. Ho has written "A Hun-
rod Years of Methodism , " and is editor
f the Oyclopiodin of Romanism.
Bishop Simpson has certainly had a ro-
jarkably busy career , and was truly a
roat man. His influence was felt
iiroughout the country , both in and out
lie church , llo was an orator of won-
orful eloquence , nnd always pommandcd
lie deepest attention from his audl
nco ,
Ho possessed superior business talents ,
ud to this is attributed his success in
10 business affairs of the church , Ho
as an ardent patriot , and during the
ivll war. lie rendered invaluable assist-
nco to the administration with whom ho
as on terms of intimacy. Salmon P.
hose has received credit for originating
iio greenback currency , but now
lat Bishop Simpson is passing aw y the
ict is recalled that Bishop Simpson had
ad much to do with that measure and in
uggosting many other financial measures
f almost equal importance. Ho took a
rominont part oho in organizing the
initary commission , and otherwise aided
i every way in his power the cause of
Iio union.
Otm city council has an imperative
uty to perform , which it cannot shirk ,
'ho mayor and marshal , the two chiot
xocutivo officers of the city , have boon
idioted by a grand jury for official
orruption , and they must answer to the
liargo in the criminal couit. While the
iw presumes every man to bo innocent
ntil ho is proven guilty by the unanim-
us verdict of a jury , the city council , as
10 guardian of the public welfare ,
innot allow the two indicted officers
ny longer to continue in the oxoroiso ot
10 functions of their ofllco. The coun-
11 must demand their immediate resign-
lions , and if 'thoy refuse it has
rounds enough for impeachment and
omoval. It is not necessary to await
criminal conviction in the courts , on
barges of bribery and perjury. There
i sufficient cause for the immediate
omoval of the mayor and marshal upon
hargos that can bo established without
tedious trial.
First , as to the mayor , the constitution
f Nebraska expressly provides that
runkonness shall bo cause for removal
rom office of any state or municipal offi-
or. The fact that Mayor Chaio has
rought scandal upoij the city by habltu-
1 drunkonoss ulnco ho has been in office ,
nd by his Intemperance lias boou ron-
erod unfit for the performance of his
fllcial duties , can be established Iby
sores of unimpeachable witnesses. That
lone would warrant his removal. That
is intomperatq habits , coupled with a
ocullar nervous temperament , hayo
erangod him mentally and made
im a moral wrosk , can also
o Bhown , and on this ground of disa-
ility the council would bo perfectly jus-
fled In removing him. Lastly , the
otorioui failure of the mayor to enforce
lie laws and protect the comunity would
e a sufficient ground for removal.
Second , as to the marshal , the fact that
e has utterly failed to perform his duties
s defined in the charter and ordinui-
es affords a basis for his removal , even
'ithout ' his indictment by the grand
y , The charter provisions ui to the
omoval of officers ore embodied in sub.
lance in chapter UO of the rovUod ordl.
anew , as follow :
SKOTIOK lf Wheneror Any officer of
thin city , whether appointed by the ci
council , or elected by the qualified vote
of the city , or of any ward thereof , shi
become habitually intemperate , or in at
wftjr incompetent to the discharge of tl
duties of his office , or become gross !
negligent in the discharge of his dutie
or shall rotuso to pay over any mom
in his hands belonging to the city , or
present his books or accounts to the pro
or officer or commjttco of the council f
examination , adjustment or sotttlomon
or shall bo guilty of any other misconJu
in office , either in refusing
obey the lawful orders or resolutions <
the city council , or to execute the ord
nances of the city , or in any other mat
nor , such officer ehall at once bo remove
from office , by the mayor , with the com
sent or by the advice of a majority of a
the members of the city council.
Section 4 says that at the close of tl
arguments the council , by a vote of ayi
nnd noos , shall determine as to the trill
of the charges or any of then
If the charge or charges , <
nny of them , are sustalnc
the council may take such action In d
daring the lotnoval from office of the po
son accused as to them may seem propel
The mayor by and with the consent <
the city council may suspend any offici
from office , whenever charges have boo
preferred against him , and pending tl ;
trial of the same , and may fill the tempi
rary vacancy by appointment , except I
case of the trial of any member of th
city council ; and to case tha mayor ;
suspended the president of the cour
oil shall act as mayor.
That the council can at once suspon
the marshal , who is dimply an employ
of the city is obvious by the above. It
right to suspend the mayor is recognize
by the ordinance which was drawn b
Mayor Chase himself. The 'charter i
lot very specific with reference to th
msponsion of the mayor , but the rigli
; o suspend is given by inference and su ;
ainod by prooddont. The section of th
jhartor relating to vacancies reads a
'allows :
"When any vacancy shall happen ii
, ho office of mayor by death , rosignatioi
ibsonco from tha city , removal fron
) ffico , refusal to qualify or otherwise , th <
resident of the council for the time bo
ng shall exercise the office of mayo
vith all rightstpririlogos and jurisdictioi
> f the regular mayor until such vacanc ;
jo filled or such disability removed. "
It is Bolf-ovidont that the claim "o
ithorwiso" refers to suspension from of
ice pending an Impeachment trial , els
vhat reference does the other clause havi
rhon it says that the president of thi
ouncil shall act as mayor until such va
ancy bo filled or such disability romov
id ? What disability is there that woul (
auso a vacancyunloss it bo the disability
aused by suspension ? In the case o
3x-Govornor Butler the aupromo court
t the request of the legislature , govo i
omi-offisial opinion that the psoaonta'
ion of articles of impeachment operatoc
s a suspension of the governor , which
ould only be removed by his acquittal
nd David Butler was accordingly BUS
icndod from the day the articles of im'
teachmont passed the house. Meantime
ho secretary of state performed the da
ios of goycmor.
In the BEE of last Friday there ap
ieared an article on the subject of Dan
or'e decay and Omaha's prosperity. Bo
ides noting the fact that there are a largi
lumber of vacant buildings in Denver
nd that business is almost dead , it wai
tatod that the ' $300,000 city bonds
rhich had been liberally advertised , a *
, n expense of § 500 in Now "York one
Boston , had no takers , and remained un
old in the city clerk's office. TJy way o
omparison wo stated that "will
) maha's bonds by the hundreds o
housands , bearing five or six per cent
: ommanding a premium , some as higl
is two per cent , at homo and abroad , wi
tan smile serenely at Denver's boasts o
inancial greatness and growth. "
City Treasurer Buck says that the BEI
night have stated Omaha's claims t <
innncial credit a little moro strongly.
For the last two years Omaha lias sole
1150,000 of G per cent bonds at from 8& tx
3g per cent premium , and § 270,000 of I
tor cent bonds at from par to 1 per con' '
iromium. Of those bonds $170,000 of t
tor cents were sold at about the satin
imo that Denver's failed to soil. Al !
his has been done without any ndvorliV
ng in papers outside of Omnhn. All the
dvortising for the sale of nearly half n
lyllion of Omaha's bonds has not coal
ho city S1CO.
This in certainly n very creditable show-
ng for Omnhn. There is no city in the
ountry that has bettor credit than Omaha ,
lor bonds always command a good pro-
limn , and are eagerly sought for by
astern Investors.
SuuvKYoii , GENKIUI , ATKINSON , of Now
loxico , Is still fighting for his retention
i oflico. Ho lias sent Col. Broedon ,
Ltorney general of Now Mexico , all the
ay to Washington to plead in his bo-
alf. Col. Breedon has the audacity to
ty that General Atkinson , in the dispo-
tion of hard cases , has secured to the
ivornment during his official career over
,000,000 , acres of domain , that ho has
squired on cxporionco and familiarity
ith Now Mexico land owners , which it
ould require a now man many years to
3 , and that General Atkinson has boon
at only a faithful but au honest official
id should bn roUinod. This is indeed
i audacious statement in view of the
, ct that Atkinson is the notorious head
id front of a ring of land-grabbers and
lundorors composed of such men iis Stove
Ikins and Stove Dorsoy. The retirement
f Atkinson moans the exposure of the
ookod operations of tha whole KanJi
id hence the desperate fight in his be.
lf. Atkinson has played a high hand
L Now Mexico , as well as a big game of
okor , and is charged with inisdemoan.
rs of all sorts that ought to have boou
10 cause of his removal loui ? ago. His
nmnlaslou expired last win or , and
Is further retention in office is not in
10 interest of honest government and
ublio morals. Ho is altogether too
unlliar with the big laud owners of
i ow Mox lee ,
THE assessment in this city * nd coun
hai boon an outrageous fraud and imp
sition for years. It has boon ridiculous
low , and as a consequence the taxi
have boon apparently high. Poop
make a mistake when they think that
low assessment is a benefit. When
Btrangor Is told that our assessment
very low , ho aaka how much our tax
arc , and when informed that they ai
about 5 per cant , it strikes him th
they enormously high. Now , if tl
valuation of property WAS a ny where no
its factual value , or oven one-half of i
value , our taxes would not bo over 2 p
cent. What wo want , qnd what the Bi
has boon demanding for years , is n fn
valuation of property and an i mparti
assessment. Under the present systo
the rich man escapes paying n largo pr
portion of his taxes , and the poor man :
the ono who rokily boara the burden i
taxation. Wo had hoped to see a refer ;
in the assessment this year , but wo lm\
boon disappointed. The returns mac
by the assessors ahow that they have m
raised the assessment this year over $ oOO
OOO'abovo the assessment of 1883. N
sane man will for ono moment believe tin
the value of property in Omaha hns IK
increased during the past fourteen yean
Everybody knows that business proport
has increased In value from ono hundrc
to five hundred percent , and that a groi
deal of outside real estate has advance
ten-fold. Yet wo find the aggregate ai
sossmont at about the name figures that i
was in 1870. The other day the Solomo
property , on Farnam street , was sold fc
$20,000 , and E. B. Callahan sold hi
property on the same street for $ I5,00 (
Wo venture to cay that the assessed vain
ation on cither of those properties is no
over $2,000 or $3,000. But tit is in th
additions to the city that the biggca
frauds are found. Lots which are uollin
at $500 are assessed at $25 or.$50. It i
high time for a reform in the matter o
assessment , and the BEE proposes to con
tinuo its efforts in this direction. If wi
cannot got it through the assessors wi
wo will got it through a revision of thi
laws at iho next session of the legislature
next winter.
The cpurt-martial of Judge Advocate
General Svraim will bo held in Washing
ton some time during the present month.
On account of the high rank and hithortc
excellent reputation of the accused , an < 3
by reason of the fact that the court will
bo composed of officers of equal or aupo1
rior rank , , the trial will attract more than
ordinary .attention. ' General Swaim'i
rank is ihat of brigadier-general , and
hence no officer below that rank cant ,
under the -.rmy regulation , serve on the
court-martal. General Hancock wil
probably a'-t as president of the court.
The eating of " .thq ourt-mirtial ia th <
result of ( the court ] of inquiry whicl
found ttat the evidence agains
General Bwaim warranted a trial. I
appears from the evidence that a Wash
ing ton broker , named Batoman , receive !
from General Swaim $5,000 on deposit
for which a due bill was given to Swaim ,
who , in the course of time , checked ou
the whole amount , and then brought
suit to recover on 'the ' duo bill. General
Swaim also induced Batemau to advance
money to Colonel Morrow on his duplica
pay account , Swaim , as it ia charged , did
this knowing that Morrow's pay account !
had bocn duplicated. Bateman , in ordo
to make himself whole , made charges ii
the war department against Swaim , bu
owing to promises of settlement of thi
matter , soon after withdraw them
giving us his reason therefor that ho line
induced Swaim to have the matter arbi
tratod. This course of procedure , however
over , did not moot the views of Sucre.
tary-of-War Lincoln , who dotermlnec
that , as'tho charges had boon made pub
lie and had caused a scandal upon the
irmy , the a flair could not bo dropped in
my such way. Secretary Lincoln accord.
ly summoned a court of Inquiry , consist.
) f Generals Pope , Augur and Sackot , ant
Major Scott , who reported evidence show ,
ng very discreditable and dishonest
.ransactlons on the part of Swaim. The
irobability la that General Swaim will be
ionvictod. His trinl will bo followed b ;
.hat of Col. Morrow , who is charged with
ibtaining money on duplicate pay no <
sounta , and ho , too , will vorv likely bo
:6nvctod. : ! Those convictions , no doubt ,
vill have a salutary effect upon such army
ifficors as are inclined to bo in any way
lishnnest. There certainly has boon , elate
ate yoara , a great deal of dishonesty
imong army officers , particularly in the
natter of duplicating their pay accounts
ind making fraudulent vouchers.
IF the Union Pacific does go into the
lands of a receiver , It is hoped that il
fill go outof the hands of the politicians.
Powcill Clayton thinks that the nun whc
Minim Uit takes the cake.
Qeorpo William CurtU and tbo other ludo
lomlont scullers sawed their own boats.
The Chicago Inter Ocuau oyg that chlckom
latched lu July alwuyii have the R t > ea.
It ii rumored that tha Kdmundi boom had
oeu purchuod by a ejndlcato of Chicago lco <
Keep cool and lit the iwlltlclauj do the per.
Yuur vote will count jit tha projter
Tha democrats urn now jiropirln ? to roll
liolr barrel * iuto poaltlou. .Their horns are
ettlng weighed
The favorite eoufr among the liulopendoiitu
tpioientl * . "O dou't you remember awout
Idtnumlu , lieu Bolt.
The country U wuUlnp with baited breath
> boar what Calamity Wellor has to iy of
Iio political situation.
Mr. Kutherford 1) ) . llaye has Stopped thoo.
ig bent long enough' to * ay he Ii nut of poll'
lea but favor * the ticket.
'Ilia Plumed Knight of Malnaand the Jllack
laalo ot Illlnoti to , In tha be t leiuo of the
inn "hall follow * , well met. "
lion Butler U the buiy be > i thut Improve !
acU ihtnlog hour , and ( 'athor * booinloU every
rhera with uuut magnetic power.
Kir. lilalue ! very healthy man , and yet
' ho ihould bo elected , and should hav nn
other tututroke , why , It would bo I'rctldo :
I/oCnn. )
As noon AS Mr. Tilden hoard that Itutli
hnd received the greenback nomination 1
withdrew from the gnmo. A full hand bo.iti
Charles Francis Adams , Jr. , will attend tl
democratic convention nt Chicago. This Ii
nuros a cool , comfortable atmosphere durlr
Wo have It upon Rood authority that C < i
Shurtr. hiui started In upon n crazy quilt an
will npt got it finished until long after tlio Ii
of November.
Kngono Halo wai busy dur'ng ' the campafc
and convention nnd hnd to go fiihlng. Tl
The fishing will bo good after election f <
Senator Halo.
Albion Tourgeo predicts Blalne'a dofon
This Is the niimo Tourgoo who but n few weal
ago yelled to the country that Kotcrt Llucol
won the "coming man. "
Tito country breathes n little easier , but !
was a terrible strain while It lasted. Ktrol
U Ia unneaojnarv to any , rhymes with Main
and Blaine , also champaign.
The political atmosphere will not cool o
until the November broozea blow. It wl
then bo n Cf Id dny for the man who falls t
capture the presidential chair.
And In Tnminany wan a voice hoard ; Job
Kelley \vo wcoplngforhts Tildon , and refus
Ing to bo comforted because ha was not 1
the rnco so that ho might knife him.
The democratic monogorlo will open at Chi
caro.Tuly8 with the largest nnd most varlo
collection of ancient and modern curlosltic
over placed before tha public in this country
Blnino'a name U coinposod of six letters
Ho was nominated on 1' ' rid ay which Is rpelloi
> s 1th six lottora , the plxtli day of the week , th
sixth day of the month and the sixth month o
the year.
If the ladles could vote they would all HUH
port Logan , brgauao ho has such an "awfull ;
lovely" muitacho. To tha mala eye , however
Black Jack's facial adornment Is moro awfu
than lovely.
Wnnted , n man to boat Blaino. Must not b
too old. and should have n bar'l with twi
bungholos. First class gnnrantco required
Adurosa for three weeks Chairman Nutlona
Democratic Committee , Chicago.
The Presidential Candidate's Life ir
I'lilltulolphln as a 'readier A.
Ilomarkublo Example
ot His Industry.
Philadelphia Press.
' , Yes , I remember young James G
Blaine distinctly , " said William Chapin
principal of the Pennsylvania , institutioi
for the instruction of the blind , yestor
day. "Ho was principal teacher hero on
the boys' aide for two years , and when
ho departed ho loft behind him not only
universal regret at a serious loss to the
institution , but an impression of his per
sonal force upon the workand its methods
which { survives the lapse of twenty
years. "
The Pennsylvania institution for the
instruction of the blind , at Twentieth
ind Race streets , is the second place in
which Mr. Blatno taught after his Rradu-
ition from Washington College. Ho
: ang the bell at the front door of the
juilding ono cummer afternoon in 1852 ,
u answer to an advertisement for a
: encher. "Thoro were thirty or forty
ipplicauts , " said Mr. Chapin , "but his
nanner was so winning and ho possessed
10 many manifestly valublo qualities that
L closed an engagement with him at once.
He was married , and his wife and little
ion Walker came hero with him. His
lualitios which impressed mo moat deep
ly were his culture , the thoroughness ol
Ilia education , and his unfailing self-
possession. Ho was also a man of very
decided will , ontt was 'very ' much dis *
posed to argument. Ho was young
then only 22 and was rather impulsive ,
leaping to a conclusion very quickly.
But ho was always ready to defend hit
conclusions , however suddenly ho seemed
to have reached them. We had many
a familiar discussion in this very rrom ,
and his arguments always astonished mo
by the knowledge they displayed of facts
in history and politics. His memory
was remarkable , and seemed to re
tain details which ordinary men would
' Xow , I will show you something that
illustrates how thoroughly Mr. Blaine
mastered anything ho took fold of , " said
Mr. Chap'in , as ho took irom a desk in
the corner of the room a thick quarto
manuscript-book , bound in dark , brown
leather , and lettered "Journal" on the
corner. "This book Mr. Bhino com
plied with great labor from the minute-
books of the board of managers. II
gives a historical view of the institution
from the time of its foundation up to the
tima of Mr. Elaine's departure. He die
all the work in his own room , tolling no
OHO of it until ho left. Then ho present
ed it , through me , to the board of mana
3ors , who were both eurprlaed and grati
lied. I believe they made him a preson
af $100 as a thauk-ofloring for au inval
uable work. "
Indeed , thla book , the first historica
tvork of Mr. Blaine , is a model of its
kind. On the titlopsgo , in ornamenta
I'on-work , executed at that time by Mr
Dhapin , is the inscription :
of the
for the
from Ita foundation.
Compiled from official records
by l
JAMEH G. 13 LA IN * .
"I think that the book , " remarked
Mr. Chapin , "illustrates the character of
ho man in accurate mastery of facts and
> rdorly presentation of details. Wo still
iso it for reference , nuct Mr. Frank
Jattloa , the Assistant Principal , is bring-
ng the record down to the present
The methodical character of the work
s most remarkable. On the first page
wery abbreviation used in the book is
mtorod alfabotically. The first entry
oads : "On this and the four following
> agoa will bo found some notes in regard
a the origin of the Pennsylvania inatitu-
ion for the instruction of the blind , fur-
lished by I. Francis Fisher , Esq. " From
his page to the 188th , In which is the
aet entry made by Mr. Blatno , every
ino is a model of neatness and acuracy.
Jn every page is a wide margin. At
ho top of the maix'ia is the year ,
n ornamental figures. Below it is a brief
tfttoinont of what the text contains oppo-
ito that portion of the marginal entry.
2very year's record closes with an olabo-
ate table , giving the attendance of mem-
ors of the board. The last puges of the
> ook are filled with alphabetical list of
Ulcers of the institution and statistical
ables , compiled by the same patient and
intiring hand. Ono of the lists la that
f the "principal teachers. " No. 13 is
allowed by the signature , "James G.
Jlainw , from August 5,1852 , to and
hen , in another hand , the record is com-
lotcd with the data November 23 , 1854.
"Irccsllono incidrnt , " Mr. Ohapin
ontiuuod , "which indicates Mr.
Ihiuo'fl.modo of discipline , and chews ,
too , that ho was in 'those days somowh
impulsive. It was ono of his duties
take charge of the boys at breakfast , at
sometimes there would bo a few hzy U
gards. Ono morning a whole room-ft
of boys , five or six of them , failed to a
poar. Mr. Blaine quietly walked u
stairs nnd locked them In. The boys hi
a screw-driver mi J they unfastened tl
lock : but by the time they reached tl
breakfast- room the tables hod bei
cleared. 'You can have no brcakfusl
wns the teacher's nnnougcomont. Tl
boys thereupon declared that tin
wouldn't go into Mr. Bluinci rUsacs.
reported them to mo. Altho gh
thought it perhaps a little sovrro to d
privo thnm of breakfast , I fol obliged '
sustain Mr. Blaine , nnd told them to f
to thhelr class-rooms as usual. Tin
still refused and I suspended them ft
the day. The next day they rose i
time to breakfast , attandod classes , an
the Itttlo rebellion was over.
"Mr. Blaine taught mathematics , 1
which ho excelled , and the higher brand
os. His wife wai universally bolovci
and often road aloud to the pupils. Whc
ho wont away to become editor of tl
Konnoboo Journal wo felt that wo halest
lost a man of largo parts nnd wo hav
watched his upwurd career with great it
torost. Yts , ni'iced , we're all for Blnin
lioro. Ho Im.i called hero a number c
times when ho stopped in rho city on h :
w y to and from Washington. The ins
time ho was hero ho heard with great in
; orcst of the progress of D. D. Wooc
Lho blind organist at St. Stephen
Church , who was ono cf his pupils , an
recalled Mr. Wood'a proficiency in matl :
omatica. "
Three per/eons no holding position
n ttho institution , Michael M. Williarm
William McMillan , and M'ss Maria Coi
many , were pupils under Mr. Blainc
Mr. Williams said yesterday : "Evorj
) odv loved Mr. Blaine and his wife
Both were always ready to do anythin ]
for our amusement in leisure hours , am
wo had a great deal of fun , into whic ]
they entered heartily. I think that Mrs
Blaine road nearly all of Dickon's work
iloud to us ; and Mr. Blaine used t
nako us roar with laughter by readin ;
jut of a work entitled 'Charcoal Sketch
) s. ' " Mr. Williann led the visitor to i
argo room at the right to the build
ng , separated by folding-doors from an
ithor room , and added : In the oven
ngs ho used to throw those doors opoi
ndsit there under the gaslight , roadiu ;
loud to both the boys and girls. Thoi
ro would wind up with a spelling-bee
Sometimes Mr. Blaine would give ou
ho words and sometimes ono of the''hi ;
ioys would do it , while Mr. Blaine stooc
ip among the boys. Then wo woulc
lave great fun trying to "spell the teach
r down. ' "
Would Not Buy the Watcli.
itlanta Constitution.
At the paisongor depot the other daj
well-dressed negro approached Unolc
'lato , and offered to soil him a watch ,
t appeared to bo a very good watch , bul
lie old gentleman looked at it suspici.
"Youk'n take her for $5 , " said the
"Wa't I gwino do wid a watch ? " asked
Inclo Plato.
"Wear her'roun' . Gimmo do raonej
n' take her 'long. "
"W't don ? "
"Den she's your'n. "
"Who scsao ? "
"I say BO. "
"So you does , BO you does ; but w'at J
wine do w'en de man come 'long after
0 watch ? W'at I gwino tell 'im ? I sa
hatter do mo * talkin' fer ter keep dat
ratch dan w'at you done for ter get 'im.
) on't you come woolin" yo" eye-balls at
10 , " exclaimed Uncle Plato in a loud
nd angry tone ; "don't yer do it. I
one bin knowin' niggers long fo' you
izborned. W'en I buys watches I'm
wine whar dey makes urn at. You keep
at watch. W'en man slips up an' slaps
ou in de chain-gang you'll need it fer
all you wa't time or day it ia w'on de
un git so hot. You put dat watch in
01 pocket , nn * g'lang whar you gwino. "
The negro promenaded.
_ and MALARIA.
From tlieso sources ni lao turco-lburtlis of
tlio ilUcuscs of the hunmn rnco. Thcso
f > ymptomslmllcatotiolrcxUtoncoIosiio ! :
Appetite , lioivrls contlvc , frilclt Hcail-
nclio , fullnoi nfter cntliif ; , aversion to'
exertion ot boily or mltiil , r.ructiitlou
of food , Irritability of temper , " Xow
Kplriti , A feeling oriiavlng neglected
1,01110 duty , JMzilucss.l.UutUTliiKut the
llcnrtl > nts before t'.io eyes , Iil"hly col
ored Urine , COA'STIPATIoS ? mul de
mand the wso of n. irmctly thnt nets dlroctl v
on the Liver. .AsaLtvor inodlclnoTOTT'fcl
J ir.rS iinvo no ] . Their actlonon the
Klilnoysnml Skin Ualso prompt ) removing
nil impuiltlcs through these tluco "ncnv-
engcn of the HyiUrn , " producing nppo.
tltu , Bounil ( llncsilon , regnlnv stools , a dour
Bkln and a vlisorous body. TUXT'H I'lr r/J
cause no nausea or gilplng nor iuterforo
v.-lth dally work nnd nro u , perfect
< oUlovcrywhrrea5c. OIUco.4 1 Murray St.N.Y.
Giur IlAin ou Wutsicr.its charmed ln
ttuiitly toiiULnsar BLACK byiiBlugio up.
plication of this Dvis. Sold by J > rugclsta ,
or sent by express on rocolpt of si.
Offlco , 44 Murray Struct , New York.
If it rldln _ VHMBH8Bi Vehicle mode
lde B emy P wltU one per
li oltlitwo > * * " i * Thn hprdiiEi
niilien am ] uliorlen p coord In it to Ilienelalil lliev
irry. Jinn ally well ndnpted to roiiRh countr :
d And flu * ilrli'ei ol cldei. Manufactured and
ldbyalltlivl adloeCrrlacenulltle andl > ealeri
eurr Tlu U . I n7 . Ht. I iuli. Sin
> team Bye Works ,
ttoff your work to the Bteam Dje Works under : he
illllird Hotel.
( ten's Clothes Gleaned , Dyed
and Repaired ,
CJTFcathen dyed and Cleaned. Lace Curtains
taned , and all
> O. T. I'AUUSKN ,
1J1Z Douglas St <
514 Webster St. , Omalia , Neb. ,
( Successors to the old U , p. BaVery.lOth Bt , )
mUotly oo h aJ. OrUrs wi be promptly uttcn.
OS ? "
Authorized Capital , - gll)00,00a )
Paid-up Capital , - - 100,000
Surplus Fund , - - - 70,000
N. W. Cor , Farnam ana 12th Sts
F AiK JfDRrnr , President I SAM'LE. Rooms , V-P
Bui. B , WOOD , Cashier. | LUTIIKB DSJLIM , A
Frank Murphy , Samuel B. Rogers , Ben. B. Wood ,
Charles C. House ! , A. I ) . Jones , Luther Drnko.
Transact a General Banking Business. All who
have any Banking business U transact am Invited to
: & 11. No matter how largo or small the transaction ,
It will receive our careful attention , and we promljo
always courteous treatment.
Pa\s particular attention to business for parties
residing outside the city. Uxjhange on all the prlo *
clpal cities ol the United States at very lowest rate * .
Accounts ol Banks and Bankers received on favor
able terms.
Issues Certlflcato ol Deposit bearing 6 pet ocn
Buys and sells Foreign F.xchango , County , Clt
and Oovernronnt
United Btates Depository
Oor , 13th and Faram Sts ,
The Oldest Banking Establishment
in Omaha ,
Orcanised in ions. "
Organleed as a National Bank In
ornoiM EmucroM.
Quuun Kotnrrzi , Prcxldent.
Jens A. CnncnToa , VIce President. '
A ouarca Konxni , 2d Tlco Prcaldtnl.
A. J , Pornro .
_ _ . f > H. DAVB , Cuahle * .
W D. HiavniR , Assistant Cushlor.
" Transacts a general banking bnalnew. Ibsaoa llmt
certlflcitca bearing Intereat Draws dralta on San
Francisco and prlnolpal cities In tbo United States
Also I * > ndon , Dublin , Edinburgh and the prlnolo a
Illnn nt the f ontlntrtt ot Fiirrp -
S , W Cor , Farnam and 12th Sts ,
Capital , - - $100,000.00
D. W. HAMILTON , Pros't.
S. 8. CALDWELL , V. Pros't.
m. T. BARLOW. Cnshlor ;
Accounts oollcltod and kept sub
octto sight chock.
Sortlflcatos of Deposit losuod pay
iblo In 3O and 12 months , bearing \ .
ntorostoron demand without In-
; oroat ,
Advances made to customers on
ipprovodoocurltlosat market rate
> f Interest.
The Intorosto of Customers ara
; losoly guarded and every facility
compatible with principles of
iound banking freely oxtondod.
Draw sight drafts on England , lro-
and , Scotland , and all parts of Eu-
Soil European Pasoa o Tickets ' /
Cor. 13 tli and Douglas Sts.
Capital Stock , - - - S150.000
lability of Stockholders , 300,000
w For Coiit Merest Paid on Deposits
AME3E.BOYD . President.
i. M. 11KNNKTT . Vlco I'roeldent.
f. A. 1'AXTON , . Maniiitlnj Director
OHNK.WIUiUU . Cashlwr
. W. OANNfrn1. MAX 11EXKU ,
_ _
tbo old etand 1417 karnara street. Orders by ( < Jo
iapb solicited and promptly attested to.
111 North 18th 8tre > Omaha _
[ etalic Cases , Coins , Catt , Slironfls ,
ETC. , ETC. ,
000 Farnnm St. , . OSI.VnA , NKB
orders promptly attended to. Coroner
otflea. Tele hona No. 821.
iQjnlx Awarano * Co. , ol ixradoa , Casb
' ' ' ' ' ' " '
pjtchester.'N.'Y./tipitii. . . . . ! ! ! . . . .
i * torcuauts.clNew rt N , J.O.plt l L
nntPlre.ltiUaleliUa , tplta ! . . . 1,8 IOOO.OJ
t..n. ' . fnnA CM til l.tM. IB 04
HesMnnoe No. HOT Jones St. Ofnoe. No , 160
main Street. Office hours 18m. to 1 p. UL , c (
) m 2 to S p. m. Telephone tor office V7 , ftildeocc.