OMAHA DAIL * BEE-TUESDAY JUNE 17 , 1881. For Neuralgia For Ncurnlgin For Ncurnlgin For Nournlgin For Rheumatism For Rheumatism For Rheumatism For Rhoumntism For n Lnrao Back For n Lnmo Back For n Lnmo Back For n Lame Back Doctor Thomns1 Eclcctric Oil Doctor Thomas' Eclectric Oil Doctor Thomas' Eolectric Oil Doctor Thomas' Ecloctric Oil SOIDBY AIA PUUGGISTS. { JOd-THOMAS * EOLKOTRIO OIL- $11,950 IN CASH GIVEN AWAY To the SMOKERS of BlackwelPs Genuine Bull Durham Smok ing Tobacco. The genuine has picture of BULXr on every package. For particulars see our next announcement. JatnesMcallnstitulo Chartered by UieStateof 1111 nols for theexprcaipurpoio ! ofclvlnelmmedlate relfetlQ all chronic , urinary and pri vate diseases. Qonorrhcca , /Gleet ondSyrihills In oil tbelr complicated forms , also all dlueases of ths Skin and Blood promptly relieved and permanently-cured by reme- . diestestedina.Z''orft/rctr , _ _ _ tipcctall'ractlce. Seminal Weakness. NTnht Losses by Dreams , Pimples on the FaceLoot Manhood , < ojlMt'cft/nrf era into experimenting * The appropriate rerr.edy 13 at once used In each case. Consultations , per * Bonal or by letter , sacredly confidential , Med. clnes Bent by Matt and Express. No marks on package to indicate contents or sender. Address DnJAMES.rjo. 204WajhFnfllon S . IMPROVED SOFT ELASTIC SECTION Ts warranted ( o wr r longer. Ill tha form neater , ami ( rTu t > cltc * F a < factlon tliaii any other Corw : In tb nmrkdt , or | > rleo paid vrll. b refunded. Tbolmlonumentiui C'Iilc tro' ! ' physician ) , tccov. Price , IlrstHBlecn Jean , I'oiCitrt _ . .ik Tourruerrlijintforthciii. UATItSOIIILD. JOSia-ll A 00. , nacturers , 8tO A ilta ItaudolpU Be. , Unicaeo. IP * .T. H. P. LEHMA.NN & 00. I CURE FITS ! When 1 s r euro 1 tlr nut raein to .loptEim R Ulmoand Incn bare them rsturn a Ui. I raein a radi cal euro. I hare tbo dliotia at V1T8 , KrlLBrar T HALUNO SICKNESS * lire long ; uay. Iwamniny lemed * to enra tha worst cuts. U < auso other * bar * ( ailed I' no nason for not now receiving enr . MulM oiu mr a tr U and a Xr.o llullle of rar InnuauM . Ulro Kipress and 1'oit Offlce. U COM * jrwa ir for atrlftl , and I will cum TfcS. Iddreu llr , U. ( ) . HOOT , lit fo l fit. . A > ictUn of eaTIr IraprudencoTcanilnglieiToas ' ' Ubllltyi prematare'decay ? b'aTlnR * ( , etc. -ilnir trinj In am orery Jcnpwn rurocdr , b.ts dlMore slrnplo ana.of MU-ouro , vhl bo xlll send I'llltli V > , mRU NewVnr- J1EI.T and other J'.LCOTKIO i ArriJivcn nro sent on si ) Pars' Trial TO lIES ONLY. T.OUNO OH OLD , who ftro nutlcr- [ mi from Kitnvous Demurr. IBT > YrmJTr. WJSTIIG WtAKNKSSES , nml all these disrates of a I'EMosit , NATUUK. rt'sultlnic from Ancsu and Oruzn Ciosiia. Bricedy ri-llrt and complete e toratlou to HEALTH , Vtaou mid MANHOOD UoiiuKTKro. Bend at once for Illuitratod Pamphlet free. Adoreoa HKI.V CO. . MaTalinll. Mleh. those sudf rlna from tno JTo ot youthful errors , irtulnal woakaeu , tatlr u ° - caj , lost uanhood , etc. , Ivrlllund jrou ( itrtlculanota alinpla aud certain means of R 1f euro , free ot charge. Bend TOUT addreu to V. V , li'UWLliR. Mooduj. Oooi. HAS NO SUPERIOR. The Steck is a Durable Piano I1E ETECK HAS SIKOfNa QUALITY OK TON , FOUND IN NO OT1IEK 1'IANO. BOLD ONLY BY WOODBEIDGE BEOS , , OMAUA NE FIRST ANNUAL SALE . -or Pure Breed Short-Horn AND Aberdeen-Angus Cattle From the Turlington Herds , Will be hold at the farm near lurllngtou 8ti Uou , OtoeConnty , n TUESDAY , JUNE 17 Ainnoff tba Bbtrt-Uorni to be cattbirucd are Hod ROM f riaccuci , lUnlck Hoot d BhSffut , ( loaudlny oaje of tb foppy branck ) Uazurkai , JJowi Llutcli MUt , EiiUrd j , llo Qiond , Voimr Uu/1 ! 0 % . (43. (43.Tne At > erd eD-AiiKUi will ewtnce Ericas , Byllli , J114f , K'ttft. Durhewt * of Uarroa , PuchM * s o ; ysroylUlt , Fyvlt Floweri , Paumlo Lucyi , eli Bali wUIatartatlla. to. B nd lot catalogue. AddrcwT W , IJABViEY , r , O. Turlloiftoa , Nebranka. Col , L. P. Mtiw , l.AMjinn , . , . . THE OM > PllINXER , Its Ijivst "StrlnR. " nncl How "Ilio Boys" W lclic l Over Ills Do * dining Hours. Jncoln .TournM Topics. Boh Burdotto toll * how the old printer pnsacd nway in that awootly palhotto atylo < hia thnt stirs the heart to ita profound- st depths. Thcso veteran printers arc n queer and interesting sot. They * ro walk , ing encyclopedias of recent history , and current events. They comprehend ovory- .hinc from Gladstone's foreign policy to .ho intrigues of a Kansas congressional district. They nro true Bohemians , and ore acquainted with every city In the Uni ted States. They hnvo soon every public man in the country , and flock to national conventions and other notabio gatherings with the unerring certainty of delegates. They want but llttlo of this world's goods , and generally want it wot. In the summer a plank makes thorn a bed \nd the sky a roof , In winter they hib- arnato in nome town , only to start out .recuperated in the spring for a tour. But wp digress , ' An old printer walked Into Lincoln a few days ago. Luck had boon against htm. lie was tailored of raiment' feeble of stop and unanpoosod of nppotito. Too proud to sollclto aid , ho wont to work on a frame placed at his disposal by n follow craftsman' in the Journal newsroom. Ho sot silently about his task , drawing with trembling hand a pair of ancient spectacles from their hiding place in his bosom. Ho toiled on quietly and patiently until past midnight , when ho told the foreman ho was played out and would likp to rest. Ho sat on the foreman's chair till the night's work was done and the dupes posted. The boys crowded around him , but ho said ho did not fool able to talk. Would somebody cash his stringj It was done and the poor old man tottered oil' to a tenement house where ho could got cheap lodging. IIo did not coma around next day , and onoof the boys who wanted a sub wont to look him up. Ho found the old man lying on the lloor of a bare ittlo attio room in which ono could icarcoly stand oroot utterly devoid of urnituro. Ho wan sick and worn out could not work. The compositor came back to his associates and told the tory the chapel relief committee bestir1 od themselves and a collection was token up. Printers are proverbial for their kindness to the distressed pf their guild , nd In an hour the poor docropid old man was lying upon a comfortable bed , his wardrobe replenished , a nurse pro- turod , a bath administered , his raiment ihangcd and a snug Bum of cash rososod n tno now pantaloons that hung over .ho . foot of the bedstead. Chairs and tale - lo were added to his comforts and his oem rent was paid a week in advance. The old man softly murmured his thanks us the boys retired the poor old fallow's "God bless you" rang sweetly in their tars. Next morning ono of thorn wont to the room to BOO how the object of ; heir whole-souled kindness was getting ilong , and to minister to his furlhor locds. Ho paused at the door , ntruok < iy a eonso of silence and loneliness , and > i presentment locked in his heart that all was not well , IIo bent and listened a moment , but not oven the sound of iroathlng could bo hoard. Ho turned .ho latch and ontorad. In the silent watches of the night the old printer had passed away. 80 had the bed and the bedding and the furniture and the now clothes and the money and the nurse. And so , too , 'had ' the sweat spirit of iharity , JIorsford'H Acid Phosphate , As an Appetizer. Dr. Morris Glbbs , Howard City , Mich , aya : I am greatly pleased with It as a tonlo t is an agreeably and a good npotlzor. " A Good AVoIL Arlconsaw Traveller. . Sovorol days ago a northern gentleman came to Little Rook and announced hia ntontipn of buying a homo. "I am not BO particular with regard to the house and ground , " Bald ho , "ns I am about the water. Tlioro must bo a well of cold water. " "Think I'vo ' got the very placo"ropllod an old follow whoso shirt bosom was streaked with tobacco opit. "Goodwolli" 1'Finest in the land. " "Cold " watorJ" "Coldest you over saw. I wouldn't Boll , but I'vo ' got another ploco which I'm tired of routing. Suppose you como up to-morrow nnd look at it. " ' All right. Moot mo horo. " The next day the old follow came down and conducted the Northern gentleman to Ilia promises. "Houso is not very good , " said the Northern gentleman. "No , norhin' extra. " "Grounds nro not very pleasing , " * 'No great shakos. Lot's try the water. ' 'IIo drew a bucket of water from the well , and when the northern man drank 1iis tooth chnttorod , "Why , that B the coldest water I over drank , " said he. "Coldest in the land , I toll you. So cold that it killed all the flowers when I watered 'em with it , " The northern gentleman was so much pleased that ho bouuht the place without further questioning , seeing that the old follow was not anxious to soil , and fear1 inu that ho might change lib mind. Several days afterwards the northern gentlemen sought the old follow and said ; "I ought to take a gun and shoot you , you swindling scoundrel , " "What's the matter , " looking up in surprise. "Matter ) why that water is so warm I can't drink it. I bought it with the un derstanding that it was cold. " "It " was cold when you bought it , part ner , "But it's " warm now , "Yos , for you BOO the ice has molted. No trouble to make that water cold , podnor. All you've pot'.to do is to throw In a car load of ico. No well is any ac count unless you take care of it. I'm in the ice business ; would like to have your trade. " "Wlmt Can't Bo Cured Miut IIo Eatlurcd , " This old adage does not signify that wo tnuat aulTor tha mUorlou ot dyspepsia , whan n medicine with the turutlva properties of Itur- dotk Mood Jlitttr * \ available' It It one ol the inont BulwUncIal and reliable remedies told to-day , To IIo Abu nod l > yn Unite. Chicago Herald ( Independent ) . It is positively stated that George Wil Ham Curtis nnd his indecent "Journal o. Civilization" will onposo Blaino'editorial ly and plotorially. " Anybody who has taken the trouble to watch the course of Harper's Weekly in political campaigns since the war will know who that means , It moans s graceful and dignified opposi tion to the Maine chloftaiu on the page presided over by Mr. Curtis , and a fiend. Ish warfero waged in the same direction on the pages conducted by iho caricaturist Nast. Nast.No decent ] man , whether opposed to Mr. ' Blaine or not , will bo pleased to know that this fellow's pencil is to bo re- employed in American politics , Ho has libeled many of the best men this count ry has over produced. Ho drove poor old Ilornoo Grooly broken-hearted to his grave. Ho has pictorially slandered every ' man who chanced to encounter his narrow contemptible opposition. Ho has ontragcously abused every Democratic loader since the days of Douglas. Sav agery run mad could not have invented and the barbarians of the jungle would not have published , had the faciltios , the miserable travesties on humanity which his malignant brain has conjured up , and which his publishers have printed eager ly for gain. Probably when this infernal warfare on Mr. Ulnino shall begin wo will hear an outcry in some quarters which once were silent when this follow was busily engaged in their interest. But ho will bo neither better nor worse this summer than ho wafl in 1872 , when ho assisted Grocly , or in 1870 , when ho slandered Tildon. Ho will bo the same dog at his old tricks , with novr victims , Demo crats who may bo pleased with his veno mous shots at Blaine will not bo able to forgot that the same pencil has villiflod them and all that they hold dear politi cally. Republicans who writhe under his newest exhibitions of savagery and malice may perhaps recall the time when they encouraged him by were and purse in that very business. Both would hon or their manhood and tbo country is they would frown upon him and his works , ank cast him and thorn out as unworthy of the attention of decent men. There ought to bo no glace in our politics for the brutish Nast. CONVINCING. i Die proof M the pudding is not m chowjng | the string , but In having an opportunity to test the article direct. Bchrotpr & Bocht , the , Drupglsta , hnvo a free trial bottle of Dr. lio- sanko s Cough and Lung Syrup for each and every ono who IB aflllcted with Coughs , Colds Asthma , Consumption or any Lung Alfoctlon VEIIY YOUNG MASONS. Eight Rnthcr Frightened Boys tied .Blindfolded Into LaSlncorito Iiodgo. ! Now York Sun. The ceremony of Masonic baptism and adoption of children was performed last night in the Grand Ledge room of Ma sonic Temple , Twonty-third etreot , by the French Ledge LaSincorito. This ceremony has rarely boon performed in public In this country , and the proat hall was crowded with invited guests of the ledge , including many ladies and gentle men in evening dross. The members of the ledge formed open rank in the center aisle , with crossed swords hold high , while at a given signal eight boys were brought in blindfolded , led by their parents , their ages ranging from three years to ton. Some of the boys looked'a little friphtonedand grasp ed their parents' hands rather tightly. Brother Hordot received them at the top if the stops , and at a given signal the bandages woto removed from the young sters' eyesevidently much to their relief. They looked about in a dazed way , and timidly walked upon the platform. The youngest , to the great amusement of the audience , stoutly resisted being put iii the place where no wds expected to stand. His mother was obliged to go upon the platform and assist in the ceremonies. The sponsors of the ohiiuron took the solemn obligation to aid tbo children to the utmost in performing the duties or. Masonry. Than the children were in turn taken to the font and baptized by washing of their hands , and thence to the altar , whereon was a blazing fire , and where they kholt. The youngest of the eight kept up his reputation , and con tinued to amuse the audience by stoutly resisting , and his mother was obliged to join the circle at the altar. Next the members of La Sincorito Ledge took the solemn vow binding them to accept the children , which was duly confirmed , the members of the ledge rising and chapping their hands In unison at a signal. The children were them Invested with aprons and jewels of Masonryall of them but the youngoso being highly pleased with their regalia. The youngest , how ever , was again obstreperous and had to bo persuaded by his mother , and possibly by surreptitious candy. Finally the youngsters stors were all settled. Then they were consecrated , and the orator of the lodge , Brother Lannonrand , made an address , Brother Oharlos T McClenachou ex plained in English that Ln Sincorito ledge had pledged itself to guard and pro tect these little children and BOO that they were educated in Froomasonryto restrain them from vice and keep thorn from the snares that surround the young. The ceremony of the washing of hands was not intended to in terfere in the slightest degree with ony religious faith , but was symbolic of ap preaching the throne of divine gracowlth pure hearts. "Spout Filly Dollars In doctoring for rliomnntlim before I trlod Thomas' Xcltctric Oil , Used n 60-cout battle of this niodlclno , and got out in ono weak. For burns and spralna it U excellent,1' Jan , Durham , Kast 1'ombroko , N. Y. Praying for the Knoiny , Arkansaw Traveler , Just before a famous battle a confeder ate soldier dlioovorod an old man knee ling by a log praying. "Oh , Lord , " said the old man , "havo mercy on the federals this doy " "Got up from there , " exclaimed Iho soldiers , "Got no better sense than to come around hero praying fur the d- Yankees ? " The old man looked up and requested to bo lot alone , The soldier demanded that the prayer should bo discontinued Just then on oiUoor called the soldier and said : "Why in the thunder don't yon let tha man alono. Don.t you know him ? " "No ; who is hef1 "Stonewall Jackson. " KXC1TIQMIONT. "What causes tha rrroat ruilint Bchrotar& 15ocht' Drug StoroT' ' The free distribution of uainple bottles of Dr. Uaaanko'u Cough and Lung Syrup , the moat popular remedy foi Coughs , Colds , Consumption nud lirunchltl now on tho. market , llcgular nUo CO oouts ani .00 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Danlol W. Dales was standing in his atoro door , -when a lady wearing an im memo hat passed up Austin avenue. "Did ydu over see anything morn ridi culons ? " asked Bates of old Colonel Gibson - son Tyler , who wai present. "I think that big hat very appropriate It preserves the unities. " "How so11 "Well , you BOO , she has to have some thing on iior shoulders. The head dou'l amount to onythitng , so what is lacking i made up in the big hat. " Texas Sif tings LOVKS OP NATUIIES FHBAICS. Some Old Connubial Ventures by Ab normal Htunanltv. Uuffnlo Timen. "Yos , sir ; the freaks have hearts just like the rest of us , and loose them , too , " said Prof. Ryder , the custodian of Bun- nel's cash-box , its ho added $827 to .tho profit column in the museum lodger and closed the books for the day. "You remember Maj. LllllofinRor , " don't you ? Well , ho's living with his second wife now , and the first Mrs Lit- tlofingor , a dwarf like her husband , is fast osloop under the dasies. "Whilo the Jiiilus who were hero a few weeks ago were in Now York , at Broadway musovm , a pretty French girl came to BOO thorn ono day. It was no ticed that olio lingered about the bar barians , for a long time , apparently un mindful of the other curiosities. She came again and again , and ono day Mr. Bunnoll was amazed when Charlie , the larger of the two Zulus , stopped him and said they were engaged to bo married. And the match came off despite our ef forts to prevent it , bat it proved unhap py and a separation Boon followed. "Beauty No. CO , at our Now York contest - test of beauty , married the living skele ton. The wedding took place at the museum , and was talked of all over the country. They afterward took a tri umphal bridal tour through the whole museum chain , and were received by'vast crowds everywhere. Ai far as I know , they are still living together. ' 'Miss Louisa Colton , of Brooklyn , fell in love with ChoMah , the Chinese dwarf , while ho was on exhibition in the 'City of Churches , ' and her affections were warmly reciprocated , aho followed him to Chicago , and while there they wont tea a priest to have the marriage ceremony performed , but as aho was a Catholic and her ] ( abbreviated lever a pagan , the priest very properly refused to perform the coromony. "A daughter , of John O'Brien , the circus man , married Walter Stuart , the armless and legless troak. They have two children , both perfectly formed , and find much happiness in their connubial relations , ] "Jessie Waldontho giantess , who died irm this city a abort time ago , married a man of ordinary BI'ZO and each thought the world of the other. "Walter Payne , the armless wonder , married a Now York lady in good stand ing. She accompanies him on his tours , nd they frequently drive out together in .ho moraine. "Col. Goshen , the b'g ' giant , gave his heart and hand and half , his fortune to a woman who was below the average stature. "Mdllo. Christine , the two-headed ightlngalo , has had four or five good of- 'era. She Is a colored woman , but has a _ reference for white men. She says she will marry some day , when she receives n offer she believes to bo inspired by a deeper fooling than the love for lucre. I wonder if the courts will call it a case of bigamy I "Baron Llttlofingortho Italian midget , uccumbod to the fascinations of a woman nearly six foot in height. Ho has three children , each larger than himself. His wife spanks the babies. His brother , Count Roaobud , tried to make a match between the Baron and ono of the Adams Bisters , but it was no go. Ho had his heart sot on a largo woman , and would have no other. "Col. Bates and Pat O'Brien , the lants both married giantesses. Neither couple have any children , BO the prospects for a race of giants are very slim. ' A well-known long-haired - lady was 'mashed on Copt. Constantine , the tatoo ed Greek , and wrote him several loiters , but her affections were not returned. "As for our tatooed ladies , snake charmers , Circassian women ; boarded woman , etc. , they are all the while hav- 'ng their romances , und aoonor or later nearly all of them succumb to souio mat rimonial temptation , and 01 change the latform for tha hearth. "Ono of the most inexplicable love af- 'airs that I over learned of in all my museum experiences , however , happened right hero during the past winter. You remember Xio Iho 'what-is-it ? ' Not ex actly the kind of a man to captivate woman's fancy , in ray ostimacjon. Well , do you believe it , a little sixteen-year- old school girl became so fascinated with something about him thut aho visited the museum a dozen times a day in succoa sion. She would sit on the platform and talk with him while the atago ahow was going on , and acted so peculiarity that linally word was sent to her family very estimable people living on West avenue. I do not know what they did , out she never came again. Zip soumod quite despondent for two or three days , and kept an anxious watch of the door but ho watched in vain. "Lucia Zatalo , pur 4 pound midget , is engaged to a distinguished Chinamen whom she first mot while on exhibition in Paris. No date hnaboon fixed for their marriage , but both consider the compact binding. Lucia is very fond of her Ce lestial lever and , unlike many larger girls , regards any encouragement extended od to other admirers as perfidy to her plighted troth , She is of ago and 1 sup pose is entitled by law to select her owr husband , A Gniney Fowl , nttsburg Coimnorclal-Qazetta , John Franklin , a noted chicken fanoior up in Elk county , tells this story , which ho avers to bo as true as preaching "Thorn was a largo hawk that inudo its his business to coma and take oil ono o' my small chickens each day , andon hoar' ' ing my chickens givn the well-known alarm a few days ago , I ran out only to see the hawk ily up with n chick in his clawsclosely , pursued by my gamoroosto which , when the hawk had lit , fell upon him , tearing out and making the feathers Ily i.t such a rate that I could BOO neither hawk nor chicken , when a moment late the hawk foil to the ground dead , being spurred through the heart. When th chanticleer's triumphant notes were heard ho was crowing over the body of his fal Ion victim , at least 125 foot from thi ground , in the top of n yellow plno , from which ho flow to .ho ground , Happed hi . I wings , crowed , and walked off with til air of perfect satisfaction. " AVol do Rioyor. It It now undisputed that Wlo Hie Mcy or'a OttlnrrliCuro U tha only treatment that will absolutely euro Catarrh fresh 01 Chronic. "Very olficucloiu. Baml Gould , Weeping Water , Neb. " One box cured me , Mrs , Mary Kenyou , Bismarck , Dakota , " "II roHtcroil ino to the pulpit , Itev , CJooruo U , Hols , Coblevlllo , N. Y. " "Onn box radical ! ' cured we. Kov , O , H. Tfthlor , 140 Kobl' street , Brooklyn' " "A perfect cure after 3D yeani sulTertiicr , J. D , McDonald , 710 Itroail way , N. Y. , 4a , 4o , Thousands of Uwtluio. nloli ere received from all unrta of the worlill Delivered , 81.00. Dr. Wol Do Muyor'a Ib ; luitrntud l'roatlc , " with itatementu o the cured , mailed free. D. 11. Dewer & Co. 112 I'ultou Street , N. Y tuo-t.hura & aat-mJcSoin The finest mayonaiso dressing for al kinds of salads , cold meats , raw tomatoes pickled salmon , cabbage , etc. , is Durkoo'i Salad Dressing. It is , besid&i , wor economical than homo-made. QUAYS Bl'KOIFIO MEDICINES. TRADEMARK miUMUT& . , „ , , , ) _ MARK usnRxxiDT. An unfailing can for Seminal Weak ness , Spo rmatorr. htm , , iicpotenoy , and all Diseases that follow as a sequence of Dclf < Alnue ; as lorn of' n the Back , Dimness ot Vision , Trema Age ind jinny other dlseatea that lead to Ins on. umptlon and a Premature Grave. BEWARI of adrtrtlMments to refund miney , when niRjrlstii from whom the medicine Is boil do not tfunl , but refer you to the manufacturers , and the .equlrcmonts are rich that thuy arc leldom , if ever compiled with , fee their written guarantee. Atria > f ono single package of Gray's SnedOo wUI convince > h most skeptical of ltd real Ks riu. On amount o foountoi/elten , we hare adopted the 'ellow Wrapper ; the only genuine. fVFull particular * In our pamphlet , which wede- .Ira to Bend free by mall to ever ; one.aThe Spe- clflo Modi Ine is sold by all druifglste ) at tl per pack age , or six packages for ? 5 , or will be Rent frco by all on the receipt of the money , by addressing TOK OKAY MEDICINE CO. , uuDalo . , N. T. . " " - - old n Omaha ) Science ot Life , Only $1.00 , BY MATT. POSTPAID. KNOW THYSELFvlflF $ > A GREAT MEDICAlj WOUK Eibauitcd Vitality , Korvous and Phyotoal Debility , Premature Decline In Man , Errors ot Youth , an the onlold miseries csultlng from Indiscretions or ex * OOMCS. A book for every man , young , middlo-agod , and old , It contains 126 prescriptions for all acute and chronic diseases each ono of which Is IntaluabTe Bo found by the Author , whose experience for 23 yean Is such aa probably never before fell to the Ute o I any physic an SOO pages , bound In bcautlfa French mnslln moosscdcovers , full giltguaranteed to bo ft Oner worn every sense , mechanical , lit. irary and professional , thin any other work sold In Ibis country for 92.50 , or the money will be refunded In every Instance. Price only $1.00 by mall , post paid. Illustrative sample 6 cents. Send now. Qo d medal awarded the author by the National Mcdlo-l Association , to tha officers ol which he refers. Tha Bclonso of Lit o should bo road by the young Instruction , and by the afflicted for relief. It will beatfll alL London Lancet. There Is no member ot society to whom The Bel- nco of Life -111 not bo tueful , whether youth , par * int , guardian , Instructor or clergyman. Argonaut Address the Peabody Medical Institute , or Dr. W. H. Parker , No. 1 DulOnch Street , Boston Mass. , who may be consulted on all diseases requiring skill and experience , Onronloandobstlnatodlseasestbat have baffled the skill of all other phys-lltfl I clans a spooialtyi Uucn treated Bnooceo-flCHI , fully without an Instano lUu a , TUvQCJ t SMOKE THE BEST. \Vc beff to Inform tha pnbllo and smokers genet * .llf. that wo h Te secured a Inrge stock of the Torj holce't grades of thorou hl/ cured GOLDEN VIRGINIA , PERIQUE AND TURKISH ) btccos , which vre are using In the manufacture of oru lelebrutcd brands of cigarette * and molting to. JUCCOB. And hareadde < rtnour stock a larce shipment if tha I'lnrit Imported French ICIeo I'npcr. fiuch stock made up br the hlsheil class of skillful ibor. ire feel confident , cannot Tall to satlsf/ the tastes fall good judges. . STAXDATtD JIKAXUS : lapnral Caporal } f Sweet Capornl St. James ) ( . Kln > ley Bros. Straight Cut In Full Drew Packages , etc. , etc. JUST OUT-SPQRTSMANS OAPORAL/ uoaufucturcd by * | ieclal request. . < i H Kitnrjzr xoitAcco co. , 1 Buccossors to Klnncy Uros. , Now York. BR , HORHE'S ELECTRIG BEL ? A\lll euro Nerrounnofs. LumbacrodlheunmtlMii , I'ar. oJT ls , MlMliolelu , Sciatica. Kidney , Hplno anil Mver „ cIlM-n ( . < , Gout.Asthma.llcort y , ) } > ipi'la , Conpfl- 1'nllon. iiffpela : ) * , Cntarrn , Piles. ErlU'iti-r , linnotc-iicy , Dumb AinuI'lolnptm Uteri , eU1. Only rclintltlo Dec * Inc licit In Amcriciitlmt i-cmls the Electricity nml nun ? ivtlmn through ( lie body , and can lie recharged In an in- ittmt by the imtlvnt. SI.OOO Would Not Bu It. Da. noRNn I was afflicted with rheumatism and cured by using a belt To any ono afflicted with ' .hat disease , I would say , buy Homo's Electric Belt , Any one can confer with mo by writing calling at my store , 1120 Douglas street. Omaha , Neb. WILLIAM LYONS. UAIN OFFICE Opposite postoffloe , room t Fron- ter block. OTFor sale at 0. F. Goodman's Drugstore1 1110 Aarnam at , Omaha. Orders filled C. O D. Agents wanted for authentic BLAINE edition of his life. Published at Augusta , his homo. Larg * _ > _ _ _ _ _ _ _ est , handsomest , cheapest , . By the renowned historian and biographer , Col. Conwcll , whoso Hie of Garfleld , published by us , out-sold the t enty others by OO.IXX ) . Outsells c\ cry book over published In this world ; many agents are selling fifty dally. Agents are making fortunes. All new beginners successful ; giand chance for them ; $ -18. fo made by a Udy agent the first clay. Terms mo bt bcral Particulars free. Better send 21 cents for p tago , etc. , on free outfit , now ready , includ IDC largo prospectus book , and saro > aluable time , joll'-lw ALLEN b CO. , Augusta , Me. Notice to Cattle Men , 900 CATTLE FOB SALE. 130 Head of Steers Three Years Old 200 Two " 20J " " Heifers , Two " ISC " Btoers , Ono " 210 " " Heifers , One " Tbo above described cattle are all well bred lena cattle , straight and smooth. Tlicso cattle will be sold In lots to suit purchasers , and at reasonable prices. For further particulars , call on or oddrces M. F. PATTOtf , Waver ! ) ' , BremsrCo. , Iowa. THIS BKLTorRogenra-e tor Is made expressly foi the euro of derangement of the genoratUo organs , Thro U no mlotake aboul this Instrument , the can tlnuoui ) stream of KLEC- TKIOITY pcrraeatii through the parts must restore toro them to healthy action Do not confound this with _ _ Electric Belts advertised t euro all alls from head tnjtoe. H Is for the ONK spec Illo purpo&o. For circulars giving full Information. addrcsjOaee\cr Klcctrlo Belt Co. , 163 Washington St. , Chicago , III , DUFRENE & MENDELSOHN. ta-UKMOVED TO OMAHA NATIONAL HANK 11UILDINQ. HAMBUBQ-AMERIOAN DIRECT LINE FOK ENGLAND , KUANCK AND OEIIMANV. The steamslilpg of thli uell-biown line are built o Iron , In water-tight compartments , and are furnish cdnltb. every requisite ta make the pawage both safe and agreeable. They carry the United States and European malli , and leave New York ) Tlmrv dajs aud oatiir Jays for Plyrnoutb ( LONDON ) Cher bourg , ( PAU13) ) and IIJVUBUMG. Kttcs : First Cabin , 165 , f70andSO. Steerage , $20 , Henry Pundt , Mark Hanson , F. E. Moorosli. Toft agentsln Omaha , Gronewlcg & Schwntgen , agents Ir Council BluRs. 0. B : UIOUAUD ft CO. , Gen. Paoa Agts. , fll Broadway , N. Y , Cbos. Koimlnskl & Co- General Weetein Ag uti , 107 Washington St. , Chlca jo , 111. or Wormy Velna " ' " " txtotum. vnm ( * \ . . - f * & w" . " ° { , L9at Wllnll09 < OpbliUVt * ° - > quickly an * i > a ( Irii7y oirnl ty ( lit ElOBtlo Cradle * SirPJVt5So/j.0f.i'j2U-i { V . . , Cu ul rrej . ° f the Qeneratho Orgaoi 'quickly cu'vd by tb . Adopted In all the HOSPITALS OFFRANUK. Prompt rtturn of VI001L , Simpl 00901 , f3 to M. Severe ones , { 3 to $12. Pamph Kr > . Ctvlalo lUimedlal Agouo , 16C Fulton bt. , York. NOTICE TOOATTLE MEN _ COO CATTLE FOR SALE. 600 Cows and Heifers , lee One-year Steers The above described cattle are all uelllbred , na the Nebraska ai d loua. Tlic4o cattl * * U1 bo soil m bts to suit purchaser , For further particular * call on or addrew , L. W. PIMNK , Albion , Nob. < t ru-lurn ta ni with TIN CI S. 4 yuu'U BV by nUIl C AootDtH eaioroBOD * rMij MONT AuaiuteCerUlutr. to on Momb. -umLiNaTON ; IOWA , rue IWBCT mow vrohxs IMTHCSTAft ENCIN ES I BRIDGE WOKK , pjtiiff * Com 3litjfe { $ , SPECIAL NOTICE TO Growers of Live Stock and Others , WE CALL YOUR ATTENTION TO Our Ground Oil Cake . It Is the best and cheapest food tor stock of any kind. One pound la e < ; aal to three pounds of corn .lock tea with Ground Oil Cake In the Fall ana tTlnter , Instead of running down , will Increase In weight ind be In good marketable ooid.tlon In the spring. Dairymen , as .roll m others , who use It can teitlfy t its merits. Try It and Judg * fur youriwlvcp. Prior p r tin * tin charge for sacks. Address . WOOD1IAN LINSEED OIL COMPANY , Omaha Neb. W"TTOT.TnB A TTP. TOBACCO i TEE NEW HOUSE OF. . CARRABRANT COLE FIne Havana , Key West and Domestic Cigars. All Standard Brands Tobaccos. Triai Orders Solicited , Satisfaction Gnaranteefl , { "O DEALERS IN Hall's Safe and .Lock HUE AND BUEGLAE PEOOF ' .BO. JBItr-oot. C3 J. A. WAKEFIELD , WHOLESALE AND nETAH , DEALEIt IN wj J JLJULMJ SASH , DOORS , BLINDS , MOULDINGS , LIME , CEMBNT , PLASTER , &C- STATE AGENT FOR MILWAUKEE CEMENT COMPANY. Near Union Pacific Depot , - Omaha , Neb , . STEELE JOHNSON& , CO. , Wholesale Grocers H. B. LOCKWOOD ( formerly of Lockwood & Draper ) Chicago , Man ager of the Tea , Cigar and Tobacco Departments. A full line of all grades of above ; also pipes and smokers' articles carried in stock. Prices and samples furnished on application. Open orders intrusted to us shall receive our careful attention * Satisfaction Guaranteed. AGENTS FOR BENWOOD NAILS AND LAFLIN & RAND POWDER CO PERFECTION Heating and Baking IB only attained by asing Stoves and Ranges , MIT mi mn OVER BOOR Fct ale by MILTON ROGERS & SONS iWAHA _ ( SUCCESSOR TO FOSTER & GRAY. ) LEME AStiD Office and Yard , 6tti and Douglas ts. , 0 RIB lie ? PROPRIETOR PIPER 100 aud 108 South lith Street , Omaha , Nebraska. "Correspondence Solicited. " 0.M. ; LEIGHTON. H. T. CLARKE. LEIGHTON & CLARKE. SUCCESSORS TO KENNAllD BROS. - CO , ) Wholesale Druggists -DEALERS IN- PaintsOils. . Brushes NBBTIA.SKA. LAGER ! FRANZ FALK BREWING CO. . Milwaukee , Wis. BEER. . QUNTHER & CO. , Sole Bottlers. M.HELLMAN & CO. , Wholesale Olothiers ! 1301 AND 1303 FARNAM STREE1 CQQ. 13'fh