Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 17, 1884, Page 8, Image 10

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    8 OMAHA DAIL * MM- " TUESDAY JUNE 17 , 1884.
Tuesday Mornine , Juno 17 ,
Tlio case ngalnst Thoi. Currol , chftrgod
with assault and battery , wns continued In po-
llco court yeatord y morning.
Tlio now car track on Ninth atroot Is newly
completed nnd the work of laying the trAck on
FurnRtn street will bo commenced In n few
days ,
The granite paving on Thirteenth street
is nearly completed ivnd nnothor day or
two's work will finish the Asphalt paving on
that atroot.
The Woman's Christian nsioclntion will
mcot this nftornoon nt 2:30 : , In their
rooms. A full attendance of nil Interested Is
The drivers of Ice wagons ahntild ho pro
hibited from throwing chunks of Ice nt their
horsos. Such largo nnJ jugged piocoi as some
of them nto In the hublt of pelting tholr horses
with cannot como far from crnolty to nntmnls.
If tlioatroot commissioner would ralso the
cross-walk - on the north nldo of Farnnm nnd
Nineteenth strootn , to the present grade , ho
would roeoivo the thanks of five hundred people -
plo who are compelled to wndo that crossing
nftor every rnln.
Chorloy Mock , conductor on the dummy ,
train received sad news yesterday. Atolo-
gram announced the donthof his Infant child In
Iowa , where It was on n vlslt with Its mother.
Mr. Mock loft for the place ycstord&y nf
CapUln Treloar , of the cricket club , has
received n postal from Captain Cameron , of
Lincoln cricket club , stating that ho will bo
in this city to-day to arrange for n gnmo
of cricket on the Cth of July , between the
Omaha and Lincoln clubs.
A fine rnln foil ycntordny. It wnihod the
dirt from the tides of houses , the pavements ,
nnd caused all vegetation to look hright nnd
froah. It WM n welcome visitor , but the con
tractors In different pitta of the city prefer to
have It rain nights nnd Sun Jny , BO that the
hired men can rest.
It U truly wonderful the manner In which
the paving umlnosa is bo'ng mshod nlong this
Reason , nnd to nil npooarancon excellent work
Ia being dono. At the present rate nil the
paving laid out for thU aonion will bo com-
p'etod long b-jfora froit puts In an appear
* '
. In police court yesterdny two drunks
were each fined $5 nnd costa nnd both woto
aontup. Three vagrants were disposed of ns
follows : ono was discharged , ono wns aont up
on broad nnd wnter for fifteen days nnd the
ca o against the third was continued oil ac
count of the Illness of the defendant.
On this ovonlng , 17th Inst ,
there will bo a regular mooting of the 0,1C. of
A. nt which the aoml-annual report of the
treasurer nnd recording secretaries will bo
submitted to the socloty. All the members
nro urgently required to bo In attendance ) nt 8
p. m. in hall nt Crolchton block.
Whllo upon Capitol hill Sunday n
reporter stood In closa proximity to n lady
who was looking out upon the surface of the
Missouri river nnd across to the bluffs on the
other sldo. It did look very hazy nnd the lady
was heard to remark : "It looks awful Hayosy ,
I wonder why it docs not begin to look
Blttlnoyt" The reporter remarked that the
democratic convention would nasemblo In July
and Til-don wo would wait patiently for the
' -Somo cowardly scoundrels supposed to bo
bummer printers , had the meanness to throw
several rocks through the windows of the BEK
now * room Sundty evening , the mission barely
missing two or three of the compositors. Two
of the parties are known , and as they are no
torious boarding house dond-boats , It Is sup
posed their first Intention was to come Into the
lumber yard to sloop , and on aoolng the com
poll tors nt work In the full glare of light , throw
tha missies from the cover of night , llko the
cowardly assassin who stab * Ia the dark. They
will not escape with n whole hide the next
time should they muster up enough cour&go to
While down on tlio bottoms Sunday
evening , looking nt the river , with n frlonil ,
Harry McOluiky , n carpenter wan bltton on
the calf of the leg by n dog belonging to
Mat. Davis. Ho domnndod that the dog bo
killed , when the woman o mo out with nn ax
nnd told him that It ho Itlllod the dog'aho
would split his head opon. Ho then came up
town nnd reported the case to the police who
told him to go and shoot the dog. Ho said
ho didn't fcol like getting a revolver to shoot
the dog and than pay § 10 for carrying concealed -
coaled weapons. Ho also said that ho nuked
the marshal whtiro ho could find the city
physician and that the marshal refused to
give htm any answer.
Ou Saturday afternoon , n man named N ,
O , Cunningham , entered Barney Shannon's
yard nnd got Into nn altercation with him.
Ho was forcibly ejected , In about nn hour ho
entered Shannon's saloon with an open knlfo
In his hand nnd made two or three passes nt
Shannon , scratching htm a couple of times on
tha breast Shannon grabbed hia hand nnd
prevented him from doing further injury. Ills
bartender then came to Shaunou'a nulstauco
and Cunningham was given n novcro drubbing.
He was arrested and taken to Jail nnd yes-
) onlay it WM reported that hia skull was
fractured. Ho lives Ia Platssmouth nnd had
In his pocket o certificate of deposit for 510.
A. Iloblcr Bella Boer to nn Eight
Year Old Boy who Is
Yesterday Coroner Maul hold on
inquest at Florence upon the remains of
James Oowan , an eight year old boy who
was drowned in a crook near Florence
Sunday afternoon.
At the inquest it was ascertained that
a roan by the name of A. Robior is run-
niiig a grog ebop In Florence , and that
ho is unprincipled enough to even sell
iquor to bojs eight years of ago.
Sunday James Cowan deceased , end
verol companions obtained from Robior
Bovcral cans full of boer , upon which
they became intoxicated , They wont in to
bathe and young Cowan was so much
tinder the influence of the boor that he
wtus Tunable to help himself and in that
condition wan drowned ,
The jury found a verdict that James
Cowan came to his death by drowning
which under the influence of beer , sold
by A. Robier. Florence people nro vorj
indimiant over the ctTair aa they raaj
well te.
The Position Taken By the Various
Upon Tlio Hiiflpcnulon or Jtcmovnl
From Office of tlio Mayor
mill Marshal ,
Since the indictment of Marshal Guthrie -
rio and Mayor Chase , the question has
boon asked repeatedly , "Can the city
council remove the chief executive , and
if this body has the power , will it do BO ? '
Thcro Booms to bo n division of opinion
upon the first proposition but the great
preponderance is that it can bo done.
When their indichnont waa first men
tioned it was thought by many that
that thing in itself would remove
them , bnt this conclusion instantly
. nnishod upon a close examination of the
city charter and the ordinance.
Vt'ith a view of obtaining the position
of the several members of the council
upon these propositions n reporter inter
viewed them upon those subjects yester
day and found them almost unanimous
upon the removal of these officials from
their present positions , but upon the
legal side of the question some were in
doubt , others claimed to ha/o no opinion ,
while some were positive it could bo
done. Below are given the positions
taken by the several councilmen :
I am in favor of giving thorn a fair and
mpartlnl trial. If they can bo suspended
during the pandoncy of those indict
ments I am greatly in favor of it. I have
not much choice in the matter but I hope
ho mayor and marshal will bo able to
irovo themselves innocent. If they are
uilty I want them to abide the conso-
.uoncos. I want a trial to bo had to dc-
ermine this question. The trial will
probably take place in the near futuro.
and I am in favor of letting the district
court decide this matter and not bring
the question of impeachment before the
city council. That body [ has much to do
now and the trial would take weeks and
weeks , and this for ono reason is why I
want the district court to try them.
As yet there has boon no concerted
plan of action adopted by us. I think
these officers should ( bo removed but how
it can bo done I am unable to state. I
have consulted able counsel upon the
question ? which this case presents but
as yet have not boon given their opinions.
I have not as yet determined what I
can or shall do in those promises. When
the matter comes before the city
council to bo acted upon I shall have a
decided opinion and have it tremendous
I am in favor of keeping them in
oflico until they are proven guilty. I am
going to sustain a man so long
as ho is innocent and until they are
proven otherwise will endeavor to hold
them in office. No marehal that wo have
liad ainco John Butler's time has done BO
well or carried out the wishes or resolu
tions of the council bettor or stricter.
My opinion is that it will take a dozen
Philadelphia lawyers to decide the mat-
tor. So far aa the suspension of the
mayor and marshal ia concerned , I have
not made up my mind. I have not given
the matter any thought. I have been
informed by good legal authority that
there is no law by which the mayor and
marshal can bo impeached by the city
ouncil. I havii openly expressed my
pinion that if I were in their places 1
rould resign , or go before the city coun-
11 and ask tojbo suspended for the time
Mil. ItEDFIELI ) .
I rather think it ought to bo done , but
don't BOO our way clear out of it. There
* s au ordinance which provides for the
nannor In which the suspension shall bo
irought about and howjan ofllcial shall bo
omovod , but it ia somewhat vague and
uncertain so far as the impeachment of
.homay or is concerned. I am in doubt as
.0 what can bo donu under the ordinance
which is very short and unsatisfactory ,
containing only three sections. The mayor
and marshal may have their CMOS continu-
id to uoxt term. I think it is a duty which
ho council owes to itself to investigate
, heso charges thoroughly. It is not
ight that those men should control the
municipal affairs with these indictments
> ending against them. The council will
ako nome decided notion in the promises
n the near futuro.
There can bo no question upon this
matter. There is only ono course for the
iouncil to pursue. I think they both
ihould ask the council to bo relieved *
Mil. TUllANE.
My individual opinion is that wo
ihould suspend the mayor for incapacity.
When this is done , wo can easily rid our
selves of the marshal. I think wo should
do all wo can to got these men out of
Dillco. I should much rather aoo tlio
mayor resign , but , aa I understand that
lie has refuted to do so before the grand
jury , and if that bo true , wo cannot ex
pect him to resign before the city council.
Whether they had a speedy trial or not ,
t ia our duty to remove thorn. Wo ewe
.ho . public that much at least. I am in
aver of ousting them for all time ,
whether it bo by impeachment or other-
, viso.
MIL rout ) .
I am in favor of impeaching the mayor
.nd the suspension of the marshal. Wo
cannot afford to have men in oflico under
such charges. 1 am not in favor of this
stop but want it taken immediately.
Mil. IIA80ALL.
I think this thing has gene BO far and
stops should bo taken to bring about their
removal. Our power to remove the mayor
haa boon questioned but if the city charter -
tor is closely examined you will find that
the council is invented with this authori
ty. I think this removal can bo brought
about by a simple ordinance only , with
out oven preforing charges against him.
The marshal can also bo removed but this
must bo done by Impeachment.
Mil. UKHM.
Thin question has como upon mo and
denly and I am not fully prepared to say
what I shall do. I have employed able
counsel to ad vis o mo but as yet have no1
consulted him. I think this matter hai
gene ton far but the plan ir ) purauo is no *
pet marked out. I am in favor of romov
nl from oflico if it can bo done.
RqnalUini ; tlio Inequalities ,
The board of equalization began its
work proper yesterday. For two week
it has sat hearing only complaints , am
and yesterday the commissioner * began
the work of adjusting the inequalities.
ho country procincU will bo disposed
of first. It U the intention of the board
to make A personal inspection of all
property in the city complained against ,
in order to pass intelligently upon the
The inequalities in Union , Jefferson ,
Chicago and Millard prccincU were di -
nosed of. But few chances were made.
The number of cases in which the assets-
monta were lowered was about equal to
the number of these raised. The as-
scssmont for the year shows nn increase
of about 10 per cent over that of 1883.
MliforltinrB Never Como Singly.
Joseph Mfttza , who lives in South
Omaha , seems to bo the victim of mil-
fortune. About four days ago his little
daughter while playing near her father's
house was attacked bv n neighbor's cow
nnd terribly gored. Had not the neigh
bors who siw the little girl's danger in
terfered , tlm child would undoubto. A
liavo been killed by the enraged bcastdly
doctor was summoned , who dressed the
child's wounds , and it is now out of
On Sunday his little son , aged 20
Tionlhs , was severely scalded , and ono
irno WAS thought to bo in danger. The
shild is now doing well , and will soon
mvo rocovorod.
PlNlrict Court.
In the district court yesterday the
case of Rodick against the Omaha &
Southwestern railway was on trial before
Tudgo Wnkrley.
Before Judge Neville the case of Rod-
lis & Thrall against 11 ousel occupied the
ho attention of the court. .
The grand jury was in session all day
Hit presented no indictments. The
coopers of several disorderly houses were
vitnoesos before this body. It is pro-
umod that the case of a. certain police-
mun who haa boon charged by rumor with
cceiving money fr&m those disreputable
vomon to escape arrest is being investi
Peter Matza , who has been for several
roars ono of Omaha's most cfllciont mom-
> ors of the police force , yesterday ton-
orod his resignation to the council , Mr.
klatza haa boon afflicted with inflamma-
ory rheumatism for some time past and
ma been unable to attend io hia duties ,
.lid for this reason ho has determined to
onvo the employ of the city. Ho will
vork again at house painting , his trado.
a i
ApprnlBlrs Appointed.
AR. Soucr and G. M. Hitchcock -vroro
'oatorday appointed appraisers by the
ounty court to assess the damages aria-
ng from the condemnation of property
or the right of way for the Omaha &
Southwestern railroad. They will take
ho places on this commission of John L.
ilcCaguo and S. E. Rogers resigned.
F. A. Hoyden , of Fremont , is at the Met-
opolitan. ' '
C. J. Gloason , of St. Paul , is at the Mot-
opolitan ,
icorgo T. Grisamnn , of Kearney , ia at the
Orlando TaUt , of Avocn , Neb. , U at the
Metropolitan , i -r. > . , ,
II. Hatch , of Nbraskv City , is stopping nt
.ho Metropolitan ,
A. Shopman , of Sterling , Nub. , is stopping
at the Metropolitan.
L. 11. Carrier nno wife , of Ilidt.'ovillle , Jud. ,
are nt the Metropolitan. *
T. J. Brown , of Kmuraon , Neb. , la regie-
ered at the Metropolitan.
John II. Johnson nnd wife , of Blair , are
gucats at the Metropolitan.
Tlio general solicitor of the Wnbash railway
103 employed Hon. J. L. Webster to defend
.hat . railway In the suit for 380,000 , , which has
boon brought against It bjr the "Union TociUc.
Mr. llonry t5noas < mbnjh , superintendent of
tho\Vlllow Springs Distillery , loft Sunday
afternoon f or n four months trip to Europe.
Ho loavoH on the steamer Ullbe , from Now
York on the 25tli Inat. IHsirany frfonda In
.Mi city wish him a pleasant voyage anil a
safe return.
W. 11 , Post and ( Jeo. H. GodfreyFremont ,
1) . lllaco , Blair , Thus. II. Uogera nnd wife ,
jiiido Hock , Mrd. 0 , II. Kaditili , Niobrara ,
[ iuio POWITH , Jr. , nnd wife , Dakntu City , W.
:1. : 1) ) . Stout , Lincoln , F. Burku vnd wife ,
Blue Spring * , nnd W. II. Suk , Loup City ,
rrgiatoml nt the Millard yusterdny.
L'utiick Flnlmtty , Cedar Hapidn , K. Murphy ,
) unlnp , John G. Nordgri'im , Hamilton coiuir
yj.Tohii Xt'hrimig Lincoln , MnnlyHogem ,
'Vrmnnt , K F. Warren , Nebr.iHka City , J.
F. Johnson. ; i'iorco , Lorn i Clntk , Albion , C.
) . Hackney , Ashland Joseph A. Carter ,
. 'Intmnouth , ami S. W. Powers. Kearney ,
vuro guests of thu Puxton yesterday.
The Misses LUIlo and Clara Jackson , Allco
liooth aud Messrs. A. It , Cook nnd John ,
Jtorkof our alstor city , Miss Miunmlo Perry-
nan , of St. Louis , were In Omaha Sunday ,
nnd together with Mc-ssrs. Andrew Jackson ,
G. J , Stornsdorf nnd Miss May Crawford ,
procooJod to mnko the afternoon pleasant
ono by riding nround the city and calling on
n number of frionda , All were pleased very
much with the nfternoon'a enjoyment , and
parted nt ovonlng wlihtng kto BOOU moot
for a similar occasion ,
A Nopliew or 1'ontnuuter Uonornl
QrcHliaia Arrcutcd lor
Htoallni ; .
Oa Saturday evening Sheriff Miller got
word that the man who robbed Shaw , the
.winter of $00 , in this city last week , was
n Sioux City. Sunday night the sheriff
wont to Sioux City , and ycstordoy ro-
Lurnnd with the prisoner.
Ho said his name was J. M. Grosharn
and declares that he ia a nephew of Post *
maatcr-Qonorol Grosham. Ho does not
deny taking the $00 , but on the contrary
idmits his guilt. A a it ia a case of grand
larceny three can nltornativo but a
triu to Lincoln.
Ho had no money when arrested.
DIIS1) .
AVATiKER Monday , .Time lOtli , at 3 a. ro. .
Mildred May , Infant daughter i. ( Mr. awl
Mil , Ucorgo M. Walkiu , ORod ulna months.
Kuuoral notlco hereafter.
Blayor anil Marshal ,
M'ayor Ohaso appeared before the dis
trict court yesterday and his bail was
fixed nt $1,000. Ohris. Specht and Joe
Itodmau went upon his bond. Up to D
o'clock ' in the afternoon Marshal Outhrio
hud not filed his bond ,
One of Judge Neville's ' Booses EG-
slroyeil liy Fire ,
A Harmless Gnfiollno Slovo Itobs D ,
Mills and Ills Family ol
Tliclr Home.
About flfiocii minutes past eight yea *
torday nu alarm of tire was turned in
from box 01 , corner of Sixteenth street
and Capitol avenue. The fir a department
responded promptly and found the blaze
to bo la a two story frame home , located
at the corner of Seventeenth and Dodge
streets , owned by Judge Neville and oc
cupied by D. Mill ) , a conductor on the
Union Pacific railroad , and family.
.The fiio department arrived promptly
and in a very short time after the alarm
was given all three companies had a
stream of water upon the building.
By the time the alarm was turned in the
ear portion of the house was enveloped
n flames which were rapidly spreading
throughout the building. Under direc
tion of Assistant Chief Oalligan the de
partment did ofllciont work and soon had
the lira under control , but on account of
.ho . tardiness of the alarm the building
was greatly damaged ,
The building , which wns built over
twenty years ago by Governor 0. D.
[ lichardson , father of Mr. Lyman Rich
ardson , is now owned by Judge Novillo.
[ t was valued at $3,000 and was insured
for $2,000. The loss to the buildinp
will probably reach $1,600.
Mr. Mills and his family had moved
nto the house about two weeks since and
lad just gotten nicely settled. A great
deal of their furniture was totally dc-
troyod and that which was taken from
the burning building was greatly damag
ed. There was no insurance upon the
urnituro , hence Mr. Mills' loss is very
icavy. Besides the loss of the furniture
nearly all the wearing apparel belonging
, o the familywna lost.
The servant tjirl stated that the gaso-
inc steve used in the kitchen , exploded
and in an instant the entire room was in
latuoi. After the tire was extinguished ,
the steve , in a demoralised condition ,
vas soon where it had boon standing and
jcaido it on the iloor was a can contain-
ng gasoline and the supposition ia that
, ho servant girl must have attempted to
ill the reservoir of the stove without ex
tinguishing the burners. The flames ig-
nltod the gasoline causing the explorion
and fire.
Mrs. Mills , the lady of the house , said
oho was in the front room sowing , and
when her attention was called to the fire
aho rushed back into the dining room and
'ound it filled with flames and smoke.
Her hair and face were badly burned be-
: ere she could retreat. A young lady
who was visiting with Mrs. Mills was also
severely burned about the face and hands
and her hair was badly singed.
A young man escaped from the build-
ng at n late hour , with a satchel which
contained some money and other valua-
) lea. Ho waa nearly drowned by the
streams of water from the hose before he
could make hia exit.
"When the fire was hottest and the
smoke ; was .thickest , , .ft jnan rushed into
; ho yard and cried out to the firemen
; hat the lady of the house had been seen
to ontor-tho burning building in search
of some valuables and had not since been
soon. In a moment a half dozen bravo
loarta and hands belonging to aa many
different fire laddies rushed into the jaws
of death to save an unfortunate one , if
such an ono there was. A search through
iho various rooms failed to find any limn-
mate form , overcome by the smoke , or
any charred or blackened remains.
About this time it was announced that
the lady was safely housed in the homo
of Dr. Amelia Burroughs , nnd all
> reathod easier oncomore.
It was a hot fire and but for the great
efforts of the fire department the build-
ng would have boon burned to the
A Few 1'olnts on tlio Business Out-
of Tlint State.
Mr.V.0. . Tuylor , Snporintcndont of
the Brndstroet company at this place , ro-
, urncd ycst inlay from a trip thrcugh
Colorado. Mr. I'oylor was ' scon by a
E reporter and ho reports
lusinosa up through Colorado aa being
very dull nnd says thnt nil the merchants
are complaining n great deal.
In Douvor ho looked into the real ca
nto buainosa quite thoroughly and found
that it VTM just holding its own , and that
the merchants ; in that city do not talk
with that dpgreo of certainty with which
they do in this city.
At Lcadvillc , Mr. Taylor auya , that the
vote taken this apring uhows n decrease
n the population of that place of from
ire to BIX thousand during the past year.
The railroad are looking for n largo tour-
st business but the inhabitants of the
small towns tire fooling very blue.
On Friday the euporintondant of the
Colorado Central road took Mr. Taylor
aud a party of frionda upon a little ex
cursion. They trout to Georgetown and
rom there they were taken up a now ox-
onsion of the road which has not yet
> eon opened for business. It is seven
niles long and the terminal point was
lamed on Friday , Gray Mount. It ia
; wo miles above Silver Plume nnd Mr.
Taylor saya the piece of road between the
.wo places is this greatest picoo of enpln-
Mring in the country. An ascent of COO
'cot is'mado in two miles and the track
croascs itaolf five times in going that din-
Job , Eoffs Malt Extract !
Get the Genuine.
Highly recommended
by the Medical Profes
sion In all wasting dla-
uosoa , luoli aa
UoiuuuiptloD ,
QiiiierU DaUllty ,
Nerioutucil ,
It not iiMidlclne. but
anu'ritlxifood , tulldlng
up the sj stem by IU own
toiilo powers , and by It *
aid In OMluilUtlug all
other fiud , lieu are of
xHintcrtvlU ) , Tlio gtinu-
Int U Uay4 put up In
In cut ,
Sola Agcnti for tha Uni
ted Bute * and Urltlih
I'rov Incwi of North Auier-
a , STBOrcowkhKt. . N ,
Y , I'llee J1.W pr d s.
Itonl Kotnto Transfer * .
The following transfers were filed for
record in the county clerks office Juno 13 ,
and reported for tbo BEE by Amos' real
estate agency.
John M. Daughorty to Caroline Sticker
or , 50x150 ft in lot 2 , block 11 , Kountz's
3d add , w d , 81400.
Rosalia Brash to Jaa. Fox , lot 1 pt n o
n o POO 4 , tp 15 , r 13 w d S3150.
Mary Dunk and husband to John C.
Liughlin , lots C and 7 block 7 , Florence ,
w d § 250.
Ellen Carey to C. 0 , Uousol ot nl , q c
d , n 88 feet of o i lot 4 , block 251 , city ,
fr Patrick F. Murphy nnd wife to Rosalia
Brash , w d , lot 1 , block 2 , sub 5 of Capi
tal add , w d , § 1200.
George P. Bonn's and wife to John L.
MoGapup. w d , lot 4 , block I , Lowo'a ' 1st
add , $100
Ezra Millard nnd wife to Southwest
1'rosbytorinn church , w il , lot 1 , Millard
Place , $1000.
Miiry E. Morford and husband to
James Hainill , wd , lotO , block 44Crodit
Foncior , $850.
As a rule , have the reputation of imposing on
the credulity of the p'jblla in tha nlmpo of
mlroltly concocted ndvertlnninonts , nnd other
davlcoa to catch the eye of these who ore Buf
fering. But wo doslro to say that Swlfl'a Spe
cific ( S S. S. ) Is n decided exception to tliU
tulo. This remedy Is manufactured nt Atlan
ta , Go. ; and In our treatise on Blood nnd Skin
dlsonscjj wo giro the endorsement of many of
tlio prominent people of otir City and State.
It Is true wo nro spending a larqn nmount In
rulvortlelnftfor tlilnkit our duty to humnn-
ity to do so. Tlio wonderful development In
the treatment of Cancer nlono , would mnko It
our duty to have It known to every sufferer In
; lie world. We have medical oflicoa for free
Consultation at Wo. IfiO W. 23d St. , N. Y. ,
L205 Chestnut St , Philadelphia , and at the
liomo oflico.
Treatise on Blood nnd Skin Diseases mailed
TUB SWIFT SiTCinc Co. , Drawer 3 , Atlanta ,
Ga. , 159 W. 23d St. , N. Y. , nnd 1205 Cheat-
mt St. , i'hlla.
Army Orders.
Recruit John Foley , enlisted at Fort
D. A. Russell , Wyoming , is assigned to
company K , Fourteenth infantry.
First Lieutenant John Scott , Fourth
Infantry , is relieved from temporary duty
nt Fort Omaha , Nob. , and will join his
company at Fort Robinson , Nob.
Tht ) travel directed is necessary for the
public Borvico.
Under authority contained in paragraph
1002 , army regulationsall post and depot
quartermasters in this department are
appointed inspectors of fuel when the
cost thereof , purchased under contract or
otherwise , includes delivery at posts or
depots at which they nro serving.
All boards of officers and inspectors
sailed to examine damaged or deficient
: uel , forage and straw at pests nnd depots -
pots in this department will investigate
: aroully nnd state in proceedings and on
inventory aud inspection reports whether
Dr not the supplies acted on by them have
boon procured and stacked , corded or
piled , or otherwise cared for , as provided
in the contracts or agreements under
wliich they were purchased.
INESS DIRECTOHY to be issued in July ,
18b4 , price $4.50. J. M. WOLFE , pub
or 120 S. 14th St. , Omaha.
Tills powder never varlfB. A marvel of purcncs ? ,
strength nml uholesoinenms. Mote economical than
llio < rcllniry Mnds.andcai.ttotbo s.Id In competition
with the multitude of law test , short weight alum or
[ ihocnhato jiowders. Sold only In cans. UOYAL
xarspccials will Fozltlvolynot ba inserted
unless paid in advance.
MONKY Loaned on chattel mortgage , by C. R.
Woolloy , room iO.Omalia National Hank.
M IOSKV IOANED-On chattel property by J.d
BKATTV , 213 aouth llth street. 776.1m
MONEY TO LOAH-Tho lowetl rates ol inUiest
Bemls' Loan AKCIIOT , 15th & Dourla 231-tf
Tl/fONKY / TO LOAN In eums of tSOO. nd upward
1TJ. 0,1' . Davla and Co. , llc l EsUte and Lotn
Amenta , 1605 Fnrium St. SJS-tl.
WANTKD-For special engoifenieiit at 121 S. 10th
St. A man willing to work. Investigate ,
to csmass for jjod selling
article. 6j per cent on all sties to agents.
Ladles profoared. Call at lite North llth ttrt'U.
a'ter fi p. in , DOl-lOp
WA\1' D-A good crl for general work. Will
pay top price for a good looking , ainbth girl w ho
wlllitay. 2wXCasa ) street , rlty. 011-tf
" \\7ANTED Anurto for child , References rcrjulr.
> > ed. lire , V. II. Davis , 2Cth strict and St. Mary's
a\cmio. 8.9-18
A good stenographer and w liter ,
WANTKII . II. 1) . Kstabrook. 003-V1
WANTED Olrl for general hougt-work at 2103
Chicago St. 697 17 *
ANTKD A girl for general house-work , 2016
California tt , 890-18p
T17ANTKD at once a Kitchen girl nd * econd girl
11 Uood wages at 1108 1'icr 6t. north Omtho.
\7irANTED A good girl to do waahlnjr and Ironbic
V V 1811 Daveojiort St. 005-17p
TXTANTEU-An eiperlcnoed traveling salesman
VV wants a iltuit'ou In Omaha. Is a fair urlter
uuderitands the Ut | > lng of double or tingle entry ,
4 a good collector. City rofcrciicei. Address "J. II a'
llco ofllee. 877-tf
r\i ANTED -A traveler la tbe liquor line , only ex
M pcrlenccd n an need I'lly. Good references
uquirixl Addrens John A. Frejhan.No. 1S05 IXiuf.
hi street , Omaha Neb. 8 = 0-18
TyANTKD-Hooond gU | t 1613 Howard.
V > 879 Up
TWANTKU A girl for general housework. Muit
TT Ioagocdcook , ISuauliKagostreet. 6S7-16p
\17ANTED-A flnt clat * bltcksinlth A steady
T T situation and good wages paid to the right man.
Fretuout Fouudry and Machlnu Co. , Fremont , Nub.
\T\/"ANTEU / In a family ol Ihno , & coniiwtcat
T V cook and laundress , who will milk a cow.Vigcs
8S17i >
Practical Painters & Decorator * )
* 1515 Douglas Strnfit. Omalia.
Buffalo U , S , Standard
K-J % / Ju JL J J JL.J
Himebaugh & Taylo ,
11.11. TRACK , , HAY ,
A3 si btho United States Government.
REPAIR SHOPS Scales of nil kinds repaired and scaled by U. S
standard weights.
for Estimates.
1105 Douglas Street.
WANTED First-class pantry woman. Call at
once , Cozzena House. 892-tt
" \TTANTBD First-class pastry cook. C ll at once
VV Cozicns Uouie , 31-tt
TXTANTED 3 girls at the Staven Hotel 701 S. 10th
VV Street. 805-17p
\TlTANTED-Oirl Immediately to BOW anil wait on
YV table at Occidental hotel. 8S5 tl
"TT ? ANTED Several thousand yards dlitatStli am
VV Lcavenworth. F. H. DAVIS. 862-18
WANTED First-cla 8 b&rber. Will pay 60o on
the dollar , or 815 per week , -j ; XD. ( JOINS ,
822-17p Kearney , Neb.
- at 217 N. 16th atreet.
WANTED Girl ( or housework at 3237 Dodge St.
701-1 m
- dlsbwashcr and second cook a
Dnnbaum's restaurant. Ibli DoJjro Street ,
WANTED A reliable and active man to rcpresen
a first class portrait houo , taking ordera and
delivering work In Omaha to the right party. Bl ;
commission will ba paJ. ! Address Chicago I'ottral
Co. , CO , Uetrapolltan Ulock , Chicago. 723-lOp
WANTED A Rood barber. Good pay guaranteed ,
F. B. TEIGLEK , North Bend , Dodge Co. Neb. -
678 Imp
"VJITANTED Canvassing agent3 to handle a newly
T V patented article. One to three can be sold la
every family. Call on or addtoas "Enterprise. " No.
11 CrelehUm Block. 632-tf
A Young mariled man wants situation as book
keeper , In wholesale establishment in Omaha ,
Addreea "C. " care Bee. 896-tf
TTTANTED Situation ashouie keeper and aoam
VV stress by n middle aged woman city or county
Call or addresj Mrs. Palmer , 1007 South llth St.
WAb TED Situation aa book keeper or ealotmui
by nman with experience. Can give good
recommendations. Address" ! ' . A. A. " 2010 Cumin ?
St. 832-lOp
WANTED-blhiatlon by a roepcctablo youn ? lady
as second girl In small family. Innuiio 117 nertn
llth street. 8S9-lCp
WAbT'D Situation by steady and reliable man
to take care of horses and do garden work. Ad
dress "a U. " Bee office. 833 38p
WANTED A few table Doarders at 1718 Dodge
Street. E32-18p
WANTED Board for gentleman and wife In prl-
% ate family. Fnrnlly without chl'drcn prefer
red. Addicsa ' ' 17"Bte office , atatlngtoims and lo
cation. OM tf
WANTED Boarders to know the St. Crmlo * Ho
tel on Kariiby St. , between 12th and 13th will
stt up the best table boaid for 8100 per week of any
house In the city of a correspond ! ) " ' urlcc , 228-tf
FOll HOT Two citUces near St. Mary's avo. ,
on 10th St , § 15 per month each. Warren
Snlrzlor. 001-17
OKlinST Two five room cottages lo bo ready
by July lit. Inquire at 1110 liotiglas etrect.
T7 > Olt RENT Cottage of 3 room ? . Alto 2 rooms In
X1 the basement , to ono or tno pirllea. Inquire at
1110 Douglas or 18th ind Williams. 013-lBji
tJlOH KENT rurnlthod double rooms without
JO board 1314 Divenpert St. 934-21p
FOIl KENT-Small house three rooms S. W. cor.
llarnoy and 2Uth. James Novillo. 03-21p
IpOR RENT A house with rooms at 240 Davcn-
port St$30. per mouth. Inquire &tSM)4 ! ) Da\on
port St. OOO-lSp
[ 7IOUHE.NT KurnlshoJ rooms , with board , 816
P. South KUi btrect. O10.8p |
FOR RENT1 One front and ono back room furn
ished , IClfrClilsaip street. 8t > 9-18p
F 011 HKNT-Slxrooru house on streetcar line and
convenient to buslnom. Address Immediately ,
"O. X. " Btd offlce. 768 tf
FOR UKNT House with b room ) and Rood sited
kitchennltlioclln : aa , cIsternlC18S , llth street.
Inquire lei 0 Caatellar ttrcet. 833-27p
FOIl IlENT New In rule , flto room ) , flno location ,
and food nclghbchooU , Inquireat 721 south
Olh ttrtct. 893-17p
UKNT To small family , a sulto of 3 or Breams
roams , 1112 South llth streets. 810-lUp
FOIl UKNT Two furnbhcd rooms far IiRht house'
kceplip ; . Btcintt' * Block , cor. Uth and Howard.
tj OK HK.NT Two unfurnished roornj. Inquire t
I1 221 nortn 12th St. 88.18
RENT House on Chicago St. between llth
FOll JOHN SW1W. 800 lOp
) IIKN'l A pleasant lurnlihcd room for gen-
1 tleircn , at ISl'O ' Capitol avenue. MM
KENT Furnished looms 1810 Dodgu Street.
IlENT A large furnUhed front room with
FOR and closet , suitable for two gentlemen ,
No 2121 Dodge ttrect. 821-Up
FOR IlENT Furnished rooms with board , 1811
Daxuport tt , 707-lOp
IlENT A house of 0 rooms , half block from
FOR 1' , depot. Inquire of M. Lev , grocer , 22d a d
LtavoQHorth BtrccU. 037-10
FOIl RENT Four plcasint and convenient chain-
bon for houie-kecplng for man and wife without
children , no boaidtrn or roomers allowed , 810 north
17th St. , S Mocks from 1 * . O. 012-tf
RENT In Redlck's block. Storeroom 120
feet deep aud good otlloo room. 1'aulsen & Co. ,
' rooms , 7 e-U
TTiOll HEHf pIino. luqulr * atEdholm& Eilck-l
JL1 sou' * . 833-U \
I7\OH \ UKNr dtor ( Oem 1619 riinam Su , by
Are prepared to do work
In > ny branch ,
On Short Notice
FOR RENT Furnished rooms on the no rthwe
oor. 18th and Capltolavonuo , formerly Orelgnton
F I OR RENf Largo furnlsno room to gentleman
only , N. W. cor. 16th and Farnam. 435-tf
Fi 1'OPgRENT ' Cheap , ono piano , ono organ. A.
Hoipe 1 , 1610 Dodge St. 410 1m
FOR SALE A good paying meat market , or good
partner wanted. For partlculora call at 1102 Da ,
\cnnort street. Bll-ISp
TTtOR SALE At a bargain , a- drat doss Zither. Ad-
J drcsa "X. Z. Q' ' Bee oOieo. 870-tf
flOHHENT A first class atoro in good locality.
Inquire at Kdhilm and Erickson. COl-tf
'OK RENT Furnished rooms 2227 Dodge.4SOlm
Full KENT First-rlaas 0 room cottage S. T.
Peterson , south cast corner 15th and Douglas.
RENT Rooms In Nebraska National Bank
building. Host desirable unices In the city.
Supplied with hydraulic clovator and healed by
steam. Apply at Bank. 626 tf
FOR RENT hlegact residence 10 rooms , furnace ,
hot and cold water , bath rooms ka. Suitable for
first-class boarding home or private residence , $70
per month.
Fourteen roam house now , llth St near Joncs$50
per month. BARKER & MAYNE ,
837-tl 13th and Farnara.
F I OR SALE A keystone range No. 8. Price $30.
Inquire 1117 south fith tt.
TOIl SALE Two second hand "pianos , at Edholm
JD & Erlckson'a Music Store on ISUi St. 890-tl
TT ORtSALE Thorcozlcst and most deslrablo resl-
JT deuce on Capitol 'Hill. Bouse contains 0 .rooms ,
besides closets and etoro rooirip , good cellar , city
water , and all modern IrrnroTt-ments , Good barn
and outbuildings. Kveri thing In first-class shape.
Full lot. Inquire of T. F. L > on on premises , 2123
Capital avrnuo. 42-tf
FOR SALE - 10 aero firm , adjoining Elkhorn Sta
tion ; saloon and drug storeat Waterloo. Will exchange -
change for Omaha property , J. B. SILVIS ,
810-21p Elkhorn Staten , Neb.
T7IOR SALE The Omaha Bakery , established 1871.
JC Contains a good atcok of Fancy Goods and other
fixtures , wagon , etc. Location fimt-clasa. Cheap for
cash. Apply 616 10th street , bet. Jackson and How
ard. 73 Mm
T7IOU SALU A good' ' paying grocery business ,
JD Block and fixtures. Will Invoice $2,500. bales
$26,000 pir year. For further Information , address
for two weeks "Z. " Bee office. 788-tf
FOH SALE A nlco cat t'go and full Int , half block
south of Milton UcgO's' resldencn , on 13th street.
Inquire of H. Leo , Grocer , . 2M and Lcucnworth.
"IjlOK SALEHEAT. . ESTATE A great bargain In
Jj ( JO lots In Ho'.so'd Place , on St. Mary's avenue
street car line , ot ery low price for to ilays. Apply
to Joecph M. llceac , 211 South 14th etrcet. 674-lmp
FOR SALE Thi good' will at-d fixtures ol the
Crclghton House , Easy terms. 033-tf
1T\OU SALE 'JVo open nncond-naiiil I ugple.1 unit
JL1 ono delivery wagon , cheap , at 3813 finrncy St.
T7\01l yALli A choice lniini\od | farm of ' 'lo acres ,
X' well wntrrcil , good bulldncr ! < > iartio orchard , 60
acres ( cncod , nltliln IS miles ci now stock jarilsnnd
only 6 miles from city , at 155.CO per acre. Also 40
< i'rei od joining the above , that can be eolJ In SO aero
farms at15 aud7.f ! < 0 per aero. Terms easy. POT'
TKlt & U011U , 15 Farnam utrcct. 401 tt
EOT. HALK Ono piano , oa good as new. Chop
atlioapo.lSlODndgo. 400 1m
FOlt SALE Cheapest house and lot In Omaha , In
Potter's addition , 8 eooms , well , 200 barrel cis
tern , on tuo lota , HO fiiit front bv 130 feet deep , fcr
2,050. rO'lTIill It UoBB. 1515 Farnam St. 403 tf
FOR 8 VLB-Cheap lots In Shtnn's 2nd addition
Klrkwood und Pltlnvlew. I'OTTEIl & COBtt , < r
1615 Farnain struct 423-tf " " '
F OH 8ALB Twenty acres ol the Griflcii farm , m
miles from the I'ostolllce , and only two blocks
from Pratt'8 uubrilvlslou.V11I ba sold In 2J , 6 or
10 aero lots. Inquire Omaha Carpet Co. , 1011
Douglas "trect 70 tt
Oil HALE Farm 8 milea from city , near Union
Stockyards. Inquire at Mrs. Meyer , o > er Roe
dor'a DniK btore , 16th and Afobstor. 872.
FOIl SALE Cheap , flue driving horse , buggy and
harness. Apply roouail , Omaha National IJank
Building 216 tf
QTRAYEDOll STOLKN-Ono tmillbay horse ; sev
Ocril small eaddlumarka on thotatkaim 1 white ,
hoof behind. J. F. Hammond , 1111 Hainev street.
/CONCERT at Heerj' P.user's Park ciery Sunday
\ - / from 2 to-T o'clock p , m. 25o admission Bout
place for family plo-nlc * . 785-3p ! !
T OST--BuuJay afternoon at JIanscom Park
JLJ Deck ch n and cross. Kinder will he rewiracd
ly leanng at Doran House , 013 Facnam St. 7Mtf
HPAKKN UP One stray red roan horse 8 yeara old.
JL Call at A. 8. Ottrom'i , coiner Campbell and
Dlondu , N. W , Omah > . 2216w oew.
. . ,
For Bsiness ,
Traveling ,
Dress and
JTiTNeck DrodiUur. New Sumuior NoMiltll ) . JET