NO. 313 NATIONAL AND POLITICAL , Tfe Progress of Laud GralDE Coming to a Terminus , Ooncrossional Legislation Put ting a Stop to the Business , Many Railroad Grants Forfeited for Non-Earning , Democracy Turning Yory "Bitterly Against Mr , Tildon , 'They Claim He Should Have De clined a Pew Months Sooner , ProcccodliiRS ofConRrcns Vitiniiola Troubles , Etc. FINANCIAL TUOUUIjES. IN MIMVAUKKK. Special Dispatch to TUB BEE. MILWAUKEE , June 10. Humors of the fail ures of several laiga IIDUSCS have been freely circulated to-day , but members of the firms implicated most emphatically deny these reports. It is very likely , notwithstanding these denials , that ouo or two old houses will go to the wall within the next day _ or so. It is .ilso reported that ono of the city banks will clo < o its doors to-morrow. The vice president when asked about the matter simply said : "We cannot say anything about the matter until to-morrow. Wo may close or wo may not. " I'roni other sources it has bson asccr- tained that the president of the bank is raising funds to pay oil dollar for dollar on demand , and if ho succeeds will quietly suspend , when the affairs of the institution will bo wound up. GRAUBED TjANDS , . ' THE FOHl'EITIXG 1MIOOESS. Special Dispatch to THE BEE. WASHINGTON , Juno 10. The members of the public lands committee wear a very satis fied look. They set to work at the beginning of the session to forfeit all the laud grants in the country , and they have pretty nearly suc ceeded in doing so. Indeed , it wai understood v that the committee was created for this spec ial puipose. Cobb , of Indiana , was very active in the last congress In his war upon land grant railroads , and insisting that un earned prants bo forfeited. Paysok , of Illi' i nois , devoted his t\n\f during ; the recess bo' f tween the last congress and this to invostigat f ing the subject. The work of the committee lias been well don" . It has promptly brought in bills forfeiting everything unearned. MILLION'S OF ACHES , which were claimed by railroads as having been earned , have been included in the foifeituro bills. Of these but two or three have been passed by the house. The week of the repub lican convention was devoted to this subject , and quite successfully. "Wo have forfeited , " eaid Cobb , talking to your correspondent ou this question , "more tlian 75,000,001) ) acres al- iewly in th > house , and I think wo shall get the remainder of the work off our hands with in the next two or tluee weeks" . "WHAT OTHER I'OIIPEITUHE bills are now remaining for aetion.Mr. Cobb ? ' "Tho Northern Pacific and the 'Backbone' land grants are the most important now ro maimng. " "And do you expect to bo able to pass thofio ? ' "I think we shall , though I look for n pretty hard fight on both of them. " TALKING OP TlfcPEN. UEMOCKACY KICKING ITS DEAD LION. Special Dispatch to THE BEE. WASHINGTON , Juno 10. There have been many pi etty compliments said about Tilden during thu past few months. The chief of which was that the party could only hope for success through his leadership. Just now , however , there ate being said some uncompli mentary things. The leaders are complaining that ha allowed the party to drift along with in almost a fortnight of the convention before givingit even an intimation that he would ' , not ba a candidate. The result is that they .ire now all at sea. THE ANTI T.UIMANV DQOSr. The Cleveland boom is assuming magnifi cent proportions. There is more talk of Cleveland than anj-other man. It is urged that he would bo moie likely to carry Now York than any other democrat ; that the people > plo there are showing their affection and on < for him by their instructions to del egates and that he is tha direct legatee of Tilden. SIOUX CITY AND TIIK U , P. Tllll HILL KOIl A NEW IIOAI ) . WASHINGTON , Juno 1 ( ! A good deal of in terest is felt among lowj , Minnesota , Wiscon sin nnd Nebraska people hero regatding to morrows action on the bill authori/'ng thu construction of a road fiom Sioux City , Iowa , to connect with tlio Union Pacific road west of tliu 100th meridian , which bill was pending when the house a journed Saturday. It is understood that the opponents of thu bill will fight it with various. _ special orders now pending and may defeat it. Should the bill become a law it is understood that a coinpiny -f- stands ready to at once begin the construction - of the nnd , which will place Sioux City , St. Paul and Minneapolis " 00 miles nenier the Pacific coast than now. BL-AINU AND LOO AN. HIM rASMAKTIlr.OUII ( ! MAINK. PoiiTU\Nl ) , Me. , Juno 1C. Logan passed through the city nt noon. AUGUSTA , Mo. , Juno 10. Logan will prolia- ably addiebs the soldiers to-moirow ( Memorial - ial Day ) at the soldier's home. I.OGANlVT AVOUSTA , _ AUGUSTA , Juno IB. John A. Logan and Senator HJO ! arrived heia at 3:15 : p , in , by fast express. They weio cheered at all kta- tions plong the line. They remain with JJlaino to-night , to morrow they go to JJllsworth , re- taming to Washington Wednesday. JSIainu vvill bo invited to accompany the party to Kllsuorth. On alighting from the train here the distinguished party wore received -with rounds of cheeres. THey were met by Walker Ulaina and drlvui to Blainu's residence , Mr. Blaine was In readlnois at his homo to igive his associates on the ticket a hearty wel- come. General Logan comes here at his ug- tMtion , so thiit they may confer together ou .ho work of the campaign , and iirinclpally on .ho letters of the nccoiitance , before the com- nlttee , which Is to convey the olficial Infonna- .ionottlicir r.ominittlon , arrives horo. This committco is vc\pectcd TriJay novt. Mr , llhlno's U all written , but phraseology may bo dterered in one or two pluces before It Is juoii out. It is undoistood It will bo of con * dderablo length. ffi ( IKSKIUt. 1.0H VN'sf 1.CTTKR it i * thought will bo brief. At H o'cloek thii evening a procesiimi formed in which there were over 100 Mterau soldiers and marched to Ulalne'M ie idence. The strteti were thronged with people. General Connor , in a few elo quent lemarks , introduced General Logan. The latter stepping forward to the porch of llliine's mansion ] > eke a' follows ! Lidles , gentlemen anil comrades , 1 most fully appreciate this kind compliment to night. I am truly glad to meet s < many citi zens of Ausuita. 1 mitot coufcis that I feel umbarra'snd in attempting to say anything after listening to what hai been said by Gene ral Connor. It Is tiuo that the oldiom of Maine In the same contest stood side by side with tlio- from alt other pirts of the country , and did their iluty for tlio pr ervation of this great nation. .It was proved by ' their enerpy , their patr'otismBind prowcs . Dohind them stood the loyal utizcni of this grand republic giving them their suppett and piayers , with their heat ts full of hope for their success. And as liberty lint found birth on the Atlantic slope , well may it luvo found true hearts for the preservation , not only of this country but of tn.\t liberty which God intended - tended for nil men. Let that which follouod as a result of its pi enervation not now bo lost. Tills can only bo done by keeping the con nil of the institutions of this country in the hamh of tluiM- who sought to maintain thorn. This peopli ) be'ia\es In fundamental principles of republican government. Toe same iide nHo applies to their selection of agents for the administration of governments. The voicoof the majority of republicans ol thU mighty nation , has chosen us standard bearerj of that great paity in the coming con test for the presidency of the United btatcs , your fellow citizen James G.lHaino ( applauiu ) and you need have no fear of the rciidt of the contest. It will bo A OI.OUIOU8 VICTOIIT , fall nnd complete. Illinois in 1SGO gave this country its first republican president , Maine wai then nsMiciated with Illinois. In 1831 Maine will give , as the gallant president ol his republic , n man who has been elected by his people. Citl/eu.s of Maine : 1 fool honored nnd complimented by being associated ou the tikot with the man worthy of the confidence of the people , and in every way capable ol filling the hJKh boner to himself and to the country. [ Tremendous applausa and chcen for Logan. ) HKtfATOK I1AI.K was called for and responded briefly. At the close of his remarks loud calls were maJo for Mr. Jilnine , who appeared at the door and gave a invitation to all those present , or as many as could do so , to enter the housu ami take General Logan by tuo hand. The reception lasted until a late hour , j FORTY-EIGHTH COXliKESS ? SENATE WASHINGTON , Juno 10. Tlio following reso lutiou ottered by Mr. 'Van Wyck was laid ovoi till to-morrow : llosolved , That the committee on juJiciarj ba directed to enquire whether the Union -jr Central 1'acitic Hailroad companies have be come responsible for orgnMuteed the interest on any bonds otlier than these specifically au thorized by congress or outstanding at tilt date of the passage of thu act making appro piiati > ns for the legislative , executivu and ja dicial t'Xpcimes of the government for thu year cndiog iliiuo 3i ) , 1874 , and if so , to what ox1 tent and under what actual or alleged author ! ty ; also whether any new stock has beea _ is sued by either of said companies in violatioi of said act. Mr. Plumb , from the committee on appro priations , reported tlio aimy appropriation bil as agreed upon by the committee. It appro priatss SaoD.OOO more than the house bill. Accusation was created in the senate to-da ; by Ingalls , who intimated that Seiutor Hiou'i had inserted in the report of the debat ( words not Bpoken by Ingalls , thus committing a forgers' upon the records of the senate. The chair called Inpalls to order , and after considerable- excited talk the inattor went over till to-morrow. Butler called up his resolution providing for the examination of New York banks liy a committee of the senate. Merrill moved it be referred to thu committco on finance. A slier debate ensued and the matter went over unti to morrow. The senate concurred in the action uf the houseon the senate amendment approprJatinf , $180.000 for necessary and special facilities 01 trunk lines. The house increased the amount to $230OUO in which the senate now concurs The senate unanimously insisted upon its tlneo remaining amendments , Tlio consideration of the Utah bill was resumed sumed , Brown haying the lloor replying ti : Hoar. Brown mid tlio senator fiom Ma < sa- clmsctti had charged him ( lirown ) with having for a great part of his life sustained institu tions which pi ohibited legal marrl.ixcs amoii ) . part of the people of Georgia. The system ol slavery to which the senator from Massachu setts liad called attention to originated ii : MasmchuHettM and the south derived much ol its slaveiy from that state , Mr. Uiowu read fiomUlliottVi History ol New Kngland to show that of these Massa chusetts bought held as slaves wore Scuthmen , Jiishmen , Indians , Negroo ? anil mulattocj , and that they sent cargoda of mm to Africa , exchanging rum for slaves , some of whom thav sold ; tint they kidnapped Indians and sold them Into slavoiy ; that gomopiohih- ited baptism to their slaves ; that the marriage ( elation w.isdisrogardoJ ; that they sold iiegto men , women and chi dren in open market , and advcrti'ul a woman with child six months old to be uod ! "together or separate , to euit the purchaser ; " That they ijused slaves for mniket and when they found it unprofitable to raixo them in the climate of Massachusetts , they gave away the negro childien like puppies , to any ono who would take them. The charter of Georgia , llrowii coiitinutd , originally forbade slavery , and while Mrtwachubctts was impoi ting slaves and selling them for profit. Georgia was 10- fusing to hold them , Finally Georgia adopted slavery , purchasing part f her slaves fiom Massachusetts' ' . The senator from AIns < aehu- actts had said theio was a largo nimmbur of mulattoes to be accounted for In the bouth. Ho did nU claim the south was guiltless in this particular. Ilia effort bad bun to show no section WUB guiltless. Jle lead from his torical woiks to show that Surge numbemof mulatto1 s weru always found in Alassachusettt during the time that slavery prevailed tliore , and when , in 1788 , Massachusetts jiassed an qct expelling from the stute all negioes , the eftmits held the act applied to mnlatloes. Is may Imvo been very natural to expel negroes from Massachusetts , but it seemed a little un natural to uxj > el mulattoes. Not that they were akin to the people of MaBsnchtiHetts , but pojsibly bccauM climatic influences had changed their color until they vseru more in tha likcnt-HS of the good people of M ettK. The cold bleaching wiudsof Ma'sachu- etts , ( ir some other cau < , had uodified the natural ebony color of Vfric.t in that state , nnd had iufu ed n com- i und of yellow , fo that they arc no longer ailed negroes but mulattoes. A'ter the o milattovs , whether naturally or unnaturally , lad been expelled from Majsaohuiitts they loubtli'M took refuge in the southein statei aultliDir , de.iceiid.ints kavc been multiplied , till trAiismitting the modified color inherited rom the etiumtic Inlhteuces of Majs ccu etts. Irown , lu the course of his ii'iuaiks , regretted he absence ot Senator Hoar. As ho concluded Hoar entered and slid it vas hardly necessary to reply to what the lion- irable gentleman had said , ns looking into the clumber during his ( Hrown's ) rcmarLs he had noticed that scarcely a human being was Us- .oiling to the speech. lirown retoried by faying the country would Hiton to it. llrown's amemliuent peimittiiig a divorce 'or only ouo cause in places where the United States lias executive control , wai rejected yeas , I llitiwu , Duller , George and A'ati Wyck-nayK , 12. itiiar submitted , in order to have it printed , in amendment intended to be proposed to the li'dl providing that no building shall bo for feited that is held and occupied exclusively s a housfl of religious worship , Mr : Vest oneied an amendment providing that in no case hi i ill tha husband or wife be n oompeteiit witness except as to the fact of law ful inarriagii having been contracted be tween the witness and the patty defendant. After a shin t debate the nenate , without action , went into executive action , and soon adjourned. WAHIIINOTOX , Juno 10. Secretary Teller has not yet decided to give out tlio report of the government oxpeits who examined thu books of the Union Pacific railway company , He said the olliiials raised a protest ngainst it ns incomplete , incoi reel and unfair. Under the circumstances liu feels inclined not to re poit for the present at least , and may con elude to order a i-e-oxnmlnatum of the ac counts , HOUHK. A bill was introduced and referied by ] > 'ol lett , granting ICO acres of the public domain to every honorably-discharged Union wildiei or sailor of tlio late war. Mr. Lovvry , from the committco on elcc lions , submitted thu repent on the contested case of Catiybill vs. Morey , declaring the con testant entitled to the seat. Laid over. Mr. Handall moved the house go into committee mitteo of the whole on the deficiency appro priatiou bill. Mr. Aikon , though favoring an early ad journment , did not think the appropriation committee should monopolize the day. Mr. Kumlnll paid thu house had fixed June 30 as the dale fur final adjournment , 2:30 : p. in. , and ho understood the senate was likely to fix July 3. If cither of these dates wen determined ou the consideration of the appro priation bills must bo pressed. .Randall's motion was agreed to 10i ( to 5 ami tlio house went into committee as indicated , Dunn in thu chair. Cannon moved to strike out the paragrapl relating to compensation of fourth class post masters , confining it to box rents and commis sion on sale of uasto paper , postage btamps etc. , not to exceed 51,000 a year. After a long discussion the motion , whicl in the interest of postmasters , was adopt ed.81 to 01. The house took recess till 8 , having disposei of 38 pages of bills. At tlio nvening session tlio house resumei the consideration of th < > deficiency bill. Ac tion was taken on a number of minor amend incuts. Adjoin ned. THE t ouxn. HOW IT STANDS AH TO A GAKIHIIATK. Special Dispatch to TIIK Una CHICAGO , Juno 10. Two delegates from the far Houth tu the democratic national conven tion are in the city at the Grand Pacific hotel They nra Capt. C. A. Johnston , of Columbus ultd N. D. Barker , uf Macon , Mississippi They are heio for tlio purpose of bottling th headquarters of the delegates from Mississipp to the convention. They say the delegate , from Mississippi have been elected and tha _ they will come to Chicago unpledged. Unti the publication of Tildeu's letter they were a unit for "the sage. " Sinca he has declined however , they are all at sea , and Captaii Johnson gave it as his belief that they vvouh not know who they intended to Hupport unti they got here , " ' "ISN'T iiAVAnn the choice of the southern democrats ? " Capt Johnson was usked. "Bayard , " ho answered , "is veiy favorabl ; regarded by the southern democrats , but h has no stronger hold upon tliem than Mo Donald has. McDonald is v ery well regarded but I do not believe the South will come her with a candidate at all. Tlio southern dele gates will come tn Chicago unpledged and prepared pared to vote for tha Iran who Is most accept nbla to thu party. Who that man will be wo cannot now say. " "What have you , as a eoulhcni democrat to say to tha republican bo.ibt that the state ofNOHTH NOHTH CAUOMirA , ri.OIUDi AND WKST VIHOINIA can bo carried for IJIaino nnd Logan ? " "I can answer tlui question , " Mr. liarke interposed ; "they cannot cairy any ono o those htates. I'lorida Is the most doubtful o the throe , yet it will ho carried by the demo crats th's ' yoai ; and North Cniolinn and West Vjiginift ruei certain. The 15,000 majority ii West Vhginia cannot bo overcome by any candidate the republicans can put up , ] don't care who they uio. Any democrat nom inee is us usCURTAIN CURTAIN OK Till ! hOI.II ) SOUTH this year as I am tlio mm is now bhlning. ' "Tho negroes , " Captain .Min on said , "would not vote. They weio not comced , intimated or driven from the polls. In tlio municipa. elections it was the mojt difficult thing t'i ' get them to go to the polls. They had simply quit voting. " BOSTON INIKrKNDKNT.S. IJosro.v , Juno Hi. The 'independent com" inittoo of ono bundled , appointed at thomeot- ing last Friday night , orgMiiral to-night by choosing Colonel Charles II. Cmlman as prcsfj dent. Montana UnljhurB Ciijilurcd , MONTANA , Juni 10. Tha possu of deputy sheriffs have retiiined from pursuit of the jangof horse thiiives vvho stele fifty horses near Helena , The thieves were overtaken ibout midniuht in houses near Hlckerville , r < Uho. The posse stood guard till the gang vero at breakfast when a rush was made upon liem. A hliarp fight en ncd and Geoigo Muuiiivax killed ; the others , O'Neal , Mur- ) hy , and John and Henry JCdinunson , sur- dimerod on piomise that thuy would not be ynchnd. ' , They are in jail at Virginia City , L'ho I'MmundHotiu mo supposed to be the men who lobbed the Jienton coach May 11 , To\nn GainlilorH Hinlrato. DAIMH , Texas , June li. ( Thu war ngainst ho gamblers terminated to ( Iny in one of tlio ndicted gamblers paying a fine of § 1,000 in comproinlso and agreeing novurj ngain to ramble in Dallas county. All the others have oft rather than pay the largo compioinlso. SPORTS OF THE DAY. The Encampment at Dnbiip Opens Win Militia and Regulars from all Parts of the Country , Jem Geode and Jack Killian to Bos at Chicago , Joe Aoton Wins the Wrestling Matoh With the Jap , Result of the Various Horse Ocii- tests Throughout the Country , The Dully KM oh of Huso Null llocortV jtncr HiiortlnjrNotcN. SPUING SPOUTS. Unso Mall , ( IAMK3rSTEIlllAY. . iH Washington Indianapolis , 0 ; Washing ton \ . At Cincinnati Unions St. Louis ; Cn ! cimiatl , 1. At Philadelpliia.-Ciuclun.itts , lii ; Athlo- tics. I ) . At (5rand IJspids. Grand Itapids , llj ! Terre - ro Haute , 0. At Now York , Columbus , 7j Metropoil tans , L' . At Nullah ) , Buffalo , L'Oj Chicago , U. AT I'lTrsmiitu. Prrrsnuiio. Juno lO.-TVoyearoldsfi year ling * . Tnlla lieim won , Tomntu 2d , Tenfellowi 3d : time , 1:07. : Second race , 1J aid ou II year olds miloj I'o tor Li. won , Ghana 2d , Major 3 , tiuiol:51. : Milu nnd quartfcr Ascondo won. llruns wick 2d , time 2:114- : Pittsburg cup sweepstakes , inllu and quarter tor Walunseo won , llino 4:11 : ; } . All ages , Uireo-qnarter mile llaronclli won ; Tabltha 2d. tilne 1:18J. : Sixth race KIKir won , Callao 2d. time 2:01. : milGHTON IIKACH llAOfS. RmailTON IJiuoir , Juno 10. Tlirt'o quarter milo Shobby Barnes won , Glen Alluu 2d Ghoast 3d ; time , l:10f. : Seven furlongs Vnnderer won , It.iska 2d. . Black Jack 3d ; time , 1:30J. : Seven furlongs Hunger won , Hickory Jin 2d , Lord Edward 3 < 1 ; timo. 1:20 : ? . Three quarter mtle. maidens all ages Aspa sia colt won , Huby 2U , Leroy 3d ; time Il7f ; All ages , five furlongs Little Minch Korfan 2d , Craftio 3d ; time 1:02 : $ . 8T. LOIJIH HACKS , ST. Louis , Mo. , Juno 10. Track very mud dy ; Powcts & Son's colt , "Volo , " struck hi leg in "inovo" and IB thought to bo brokui down. First race Turcnulhcrar won , Boulovari second , JOD Starks third. Time 'J:51 : J , Homebred stakes. two-yeor-olds , tlireo quarter mile , Koouuk won , Lew Clarke Hccnnd , Khadamaiitha third. Time , 1:25. Merchants exchange stakes thrco-year-ok fillioaono and ono-oltjlitli miles. Mona won Hannah second , ICastei third. Time , 2:01 : Threu-quartcr nrilui heats , Nimblcfoot won Manltou second , llydrobnth third , l-0i. : Jem Geode Taken aGlinllongr. CuioAao , Juno 10W "Paraou" Pavres to night , on behalf of Join Uocjdo , the Kll lix pugilist , telegraphed the acceptance of tli ohalloncro by Jack Kilrnin , of Boston , for prizo-fightot'fiva i minds. ( Jucensbury mien to ba fought at Chicago July 3. PltlLADKLi'lllA , Jnno 10.Tlio wrestlini match between .Too Acton , "Champion uf th World , " nnd Matzada .lorakiech , the Jopa ncso wrestler , for a pursu of ? 500 , was won by Action. NEBRASKA. 11ATIFCATION AT TPKAUAII. Corroepondeiicd of TUB BEE. TUKAMAH , Neb. , Junu II. The republican of Tekamah and vicinity met ; hero Saturpay ovoniog , as per notice , to ratify the late nom illations at Chicago and form a Blainu am Logan club. The gathering was in the open air upon the park , and wax enlivened will music , bonfires and fireworks. The meetini was called to order by our woithy mayor , M It. llopewcll , who nmili ! a very stirring speed to the largo and enthusiastic crowd , ] ' . L Itork , a farmer of Arizona precinct , watt next calllcd upon , His reniarka weru pointed aiu were well luceivcd. Hu being nil old noldier of course could not help heaping imcnniums upon Oen. Logan , who no dohbt adds greyi strength to the ticket. UK.V. TIfAYEH having heard of Tukimah'u well kopl hotel and quiet H.thhath manneni , came all the way from ( inrml Island to enjoy our comforts am hospitalities over Sunday and BOOH as the fuel of liia presence in the city was known Uioio wen ) loud cries for "Tli.weiA com mltteo was appointed to Hcarch for the genera and piuvail upon him for a speech. The gen Linn in wan soon found , hut would not eonscn io Hpeak until tlio committee gave him fid assuianco th.'it whatever he Haul upun thij occasion would , in no wine , bo consliuod tut it the IntereHt of any particular candidate for CONttllKtfH IN TIIK 1IIIKI ) DIHTIIItT. Tlio a'uuranco Ijeiug voncliHaftd , the Nonatnr wan introduced and made a very good Hpcech , meeting with ficquont apjilauru , The contest for coneiexsionid lionciM prom- ICCH to 1)9 ( julto njiiiited in tlio 3d IJormiy leading , Tlmyer coining next , and an innuiii- Tftlilo host follnwiiiK with only hope buoyiug -licin on. After tlio npeaklnu tlio oinolnetit if noiiiCH to tli' ) "Tekainali lilajno and Logan Jlul > " WHS proceeded with , which luiultul in lipniag of 10' ) or moio name * . Tlio demociutHaio very much confuted mid livided an to their Htandmd beater mnco the ludinutlun of "Sammy. " Tlio Dyiiiuiille.rH. LONDON. June 10. In the commoiiH , the indor foreign necrot.iiy Htatud iiuiuoiieitpond- mnco with the Amoricniigoveininoiit on the uljjcct of ( lyiKiiniti'i-a , uubHeipiont to that already bofora pniliaincnl WUH leMiimed May Otli and had been continued over Nince. Jlo ould not enter into detalln nor fjivo dated. Havolln LONDON , Juno 10. Jack Williamn , an Kn- ; lisli tight wright , mid JohnniA lla\eliu , rham- lion llnlit weight of Xinv r.nuland , fought ? i\ \ Mindtitli ooft Rlo\et to-night , John Sulli- an , roforee. linri'liu defeated the l uuioiu r , vho wan quite Kiilly U'-ixl up. A FI13ND1SU rho Horrllilr , Jlaniuir In "NVtilot * Slio Trontcil Her ] luslniil'H Dispatch U TIIK HHK. CIIICARO , JIIIIP 111.Tho ollin > r of tlm Hu- nauosocloty , of this city , ha\a ju < t irturned rom Moree , Mill county , this htato , audbilng n story of tire moot dreadful cruelty. Hei man 1 in tor , a railroad Inboicr of Moroelio Is at umioonly once a month , Ism niiHl to hi second wlfo ( Sophia ) , and lias two chlldiou 'apedllvo and two ) by a fnnniT lfi . The present Mti. llinter also has two chil- Iron by a former huahind. Slip , it BCIHU' < , conceived nu nlmosl iimano Imlreil of her step children , and in the ab cnco of her limlmud ; roi\ted them with ( ivtremo cruellv. The eldiut WRH driven fiinu the houxn witti blown , and wandoicd about the town and wai only navod from starvstion by the chanty of the ; owuspoople. Tliin led to nu ItnotUcrntioii , ho otlicoijt found thci two year old bubo locked up in n f\u\\ \ \ in the mint pitiable con- lition imagiiinhlp. Thew werainidvacos that n iU ia\enoim hungi'r it hud eaton bitn of -rajs wliioli grew through the cuioks in iU | > ri < on and li.ul dovunn-il diiwl innmiro of animth ulii h had < foimeily t > ccuptcd the sheds. lUi-iucl tieatmeut had roudorcd it Idiotic. I'hysiuiannBay it can never tocovoritn n.lnd , lt little body was covered with wounds and Kcars from hand to foot , some pf them ( loop enoiiRh to Iny oiiy'M linger In , and to mid to thn brutal atrocity of the hoartlccs mother. sholmd iutlictod on tlio little fellow ether nauioleHA niniigllngg. When auvstcd ho sub- rtantially iidmlttod her lioinoiw crimes , but assoi ttxl that her husband abetted her in them , and mlvisod lior to innko away with the child. She is held for ttiivl. The hutb.uul denied ali knouledgoof horciuelty till within a few days. _ _ The Union I'nclllo Collnpuc. Special Dispatch to TIIK ] ) RK. CHIOAOO , Juno ll > . l > rlvatoad\icea received by broken ) here , pay the Union 1'acilio la goIng - Ing into the hands of a receiver , It la naitl the forthcoming report of the RUN eminent di rectors ia most unfavorable. An important mooting of the directors la now in session In Boston. _ Tlis Knuninpmoiit. at DuhiKiiio. B _ lunuarJK. la. , Juno Hi. About 1,000 nol diern are on the giounds heio t ) nttend the tend the national military encampment and about HH many morn nio oo the way. The follouinjj companies have nlieudy arrived : Ford XouaNCii. of Chicago , witli dnini corjjiH ; Onngu , lovra. band ; 10 compinicH , numbermu 300 men , Third Missouri regiment ; Co , "IV legiment of St. I'luljWaBhuiL'tonlight guards , of wow Orleans : Waukin. wihcoattin , guards. The natjonal guanln of Miehigiimvill not fir- mo until Wednesday. The city In Imnd- Homcly decorated with llngn and bunting ; Among the many notables pretoutaroouoral ! Kirby Smith , Adjutant Goiu-ral Wwldell , of Missouri , Gov. Jtusk , of Wiscoiiein , and stair. Gov. Sherman and Htaff , of IOWA , and Genera ; Chatham , of Tennessee. An American Uonoul Shot At. ] ! oimnAU.\ , Juno 15 A balloon aurauslon took plnco at Quincano yesterday. Gcorgo W. Koosevolt , United States Consul , and wllo were pruJOnt. A Trench soldier fired a plato at the AmorlcauB , the bullet iiaiRcd througl lUoso\olt'H ) hot. contused Ida hoadnnd knock cd him over. The wounded mun pointed ait IhiBold'or ' , but , lho luttor with two compau It Is supposed the soldier mistook the con mil for an olllcor in civllllau'a drtwa , agalns whom ho had a grudgo. The commundor o lionloatix has ordered an liupdry. Tlio McAlcnii I'ciitilon Bill. WAHHINdTON , Juno 10. The ropubllcai senators hold a caucus this morning upon the Mexican ponelon bill. Ingalls' amondmnn proposing to remove limitations to the aroars of poneioiin V'.M so modified ! w to oxtoud the arrears act only to casoa fdod before the firs of next January and in this shape it was an proved by a majority of the caucui. The Hub juctof final adjoiirnrnontwaa not alluded to Anotlior Uynninltcr , LONDON , Juno 10. An explosion occurroi thla morning In n private honso In South Lon don , which the pollco have boon watching fo a long timo. The pollco found the occupan mixing chomlcala , and had ono of Iiln liaiulrt blown otf , The pollco believe they have made a discovery which will load to important ro suits. Tlio AVoatlmr To-day. WAfiiiiNfiro.N , Juno 11) ) . l 'or the Uppo ; Mi niHKlpl Valley : Generally fair , followe < by local Hhower < < ; southerly winds , xtatiotmij Icnijii.Tatnio , evcapt for the extreme noithori poitloiiH , Hliuhtfall of tiiiniH'i.ilnrc , For the Migfunn Valley : Looul HhowerH , piitly cloiiilyHllKlitthango3 in tumpeiutura , vaiiable A Slave Hhiil Wreulcod SAN II'IIAKCIHCO , July 10. Now advices by tlioMtcumorZoalaml , which arrivoi' thh afternoon , Htitto that the lritl ! h Iron shl ] Syria for Calcutta and I' ' lgt , hiving on bourn 180 Cimllr.H , ran on Nasull Iteuf. Suvonty Coo ] I OH drowned. All the cntv but tlireo are NKW Yaw : , Juno 10. I'roMdont Arthur and Secretary Lincoln are out Hilling to-day lit tiinall Oyster bay , Long Island. An Indiana Ilia AC , TKI.II OITV. I nil. , Juno 115. A I ! 10 hint night mined tliij Toll city fuinitiiio factory , LOHH , IX,000 ( ; iiwured , Si 2,000. On lu Jiiliiiic. | OAIHO , III , . Juno 10. The Afuhllo rlllos ian nd throiigli hero last night ontholr way to he Dubiiqnu reunion. TI-OV'H Knlnliifr IMlllH. Tuoy , ilimi ) 111. The movement for a gen ial tfliul nowu in tlio knitting milltfhiM failed. Al'alrof'Kin , UOHTON. May Ifi. Logan and family loft icro for Augtuta this morning. Tlio KnlKlitH < > t Honor , LOUIHVH.I.V. Juno 10. Judge Slim-all ; ianted an injunction in the viuu chuncelloiu : ouitto-d y agahmt the reiinival of thu ollicen of lipadquarloii ) of the ICnighUof Honor out if Keiittnky. Genural Frank J ) , Hloat , of S'ow Haven , Conn. , dictator , who in now icrc. h.n issued a notlco Ihat nlthough trin- orai i'y lujoined from n'imuing the ollicex tn U lioiil ; mrasurtK are being taken to carry ut the will of the mipromo lodge , and thu lemlwrxldp need not bo alntmed ; warrants on 10 treanury for death benefits are paid HIHHI ireseiitatiou , nor will the decision cnu'o nny Miousontfiuglement in the IIURIICM | winking ' tlie ordi r. ' IdNCOliS'S hli'IONll VIUK. ol tlio Kro ) lu tlio Iilnvoln Stnlilo. LINCOLN , Xeb. , Juno 10. William A. \ker \eteiitiary mirgeon of doubtful repute esidiiig here , was aie tcd to-day , nn the hatgo of seltinp tire tti the Checkered barn arly this morning. Ho was held to await lie Action of the grand jury , thn oudenco bo- \eryKtroug against him. Akerw ban Just i en tiled for diKiHuing ( if mortgaged prop- ity If ho In guilty ho should milfor the o\oiol t penally of the Uwj an the llro endau- ijored the safety of n thickly Fettled portion if the city and the Arlington and 1'eoria lotelg , A named Milton Vauco was arrested heio his afternoon , clmrgeit with fcigery , and .aken to Nebraska City. A Mllxvnultoo Itniik MlMVAUKKK , Juno 10. Itl tumoivdthal ha Manufacturer bank In in trouble. It is a inal I concc in , not n member of the clearing lou-H ) , and IIAH b ou ugarded with distrust In InnucUl rlrcloH for mmin timo. Mr. COIIH ) , lit ) president , has ( ilferod to furnish security .nil see that u\ery debt is paid , no that the lejunitom lose nothing. Cashier Cando ayi ho trouble IK owing to a cnutlnuous run on ho bank over since thu trouble in Now York. I'o-day a rumor was current that they had old and they were forced to p.iy fonr-llftlm of heir deposits out , The rumor tva.s false , The Milk in likely to clo o out its htnincr.ii. ItuicH ami Locnl ClllUAdo , Junu 10. There is tnmhlo be- , ween the membern of the Western Trunk , i o nssociatieti and the ICastoin Trunk lines rogsrdi.ig the lates on wool from thu Mnssip- | ii river to tlio seaboanl. The western trunk lues demanded the light to nmVo through nxtes. This hat * been refused by thu eastern iuefl , through their their joint agent here. ho western linen ansoi t that the through rate linnlil be 15 | ier cent morn than the rate from 2hlcoKo , and assorts that they will demand their full pro ratn ou that basit. nilnncfiotn'H Member of tlio Xntioiinl Committee. XA , Jumil ( ! . M. G. Norton , of thin city , elected at Chicago n member ofi the na- .ioual republican committee for Minnesota. ias Hcut bin lesignatiou to the xtato central committeo.owlng to oxteusivo piivato inter- ests. It IB thought the committu will appoint HyGo\enuir Davis , who neconded the tiomiu- tit ion of Itlaine. A Half llrnrtoa Strike. I'lTTSiiuiui , June 10. A genera strike of the ivercoal mineis , onlered for to-day , indicates ack of unanimity. Work ban H\i \ pended in Hevoral iniiiei but tlio majority are Htill in oieration. | Tliern in 'no enthusiasm among thu miners , and one man seenm to bo waiting on mother to take thu initiation. TIlO SIOOplCHH MllltllBt. ST. I'KTKUMiiujui , Junu 10. On the entry of Drake Serghw into the city Saturday , house- luiUlcm weio foi bidden to admit Htrangere into tlieirhouses. and wained that disobedi ence would entail veilnus conBequenoes. A Now York IlroUoi-B' SuHpcnsloii , Ni\v ; YQ IIK , Ounu 1(1. ( JudgmcnU to th amount of jiibont 125,000 woia entered u to-tlay xni'l(1t ( O. > l. Uottart & _ Co. , bunker and hiokoiH , wiio recently failed. Amont tlio larger 'cioditom are Mary S. Stickwoll ? I2,000 , nnd Mary II. liuriihaiii , ? 50,000. Ttiuilccr Hill Day in BoRlnn. UOSTON , Juno 10. TJio IJunker Hill daj celebiatiou waH opened in Charleston to night with a grand torch light pnmcHxion tin der the auspices of the Myntio Older of Owlx 1'ublio nnd neatly all private buildings wen decorated and illuminated. to Turlcoy. LONDON , Juno 10. The 1'all J\Iall \ Ga/ottc yH : Knglaud on Juno 12th withdrew the proposal to Tuikoy to send troops to Soudan and informed Ttirlcey that If nliu lefused tin invitation to bo piesentattlie conference Ihvy would meut without her. AiiintcurH. I'AIIIH , 111' , Junu 10. Tn a quarrel at an amateur minntrol cnterlainuient at n country school honue near heie , on Saturdny niglit , Albert Metcaif , aged 17 yearn , fatally stabbed Aithur McAllister , who died before moining , .MotcuU in in jail heio. Fatal Quariel on Hoard n Slounior. GAMNA : , Iiln. Juno 10. August Lmi and T. Hclehau ( piairelled on boaul an oxciirHion lioat between Galena and Savanna. The formrr tlnew the latter ovvrboiud , and lie WIIH drownpil , r O.itnnh Is u very prevalent dlscaso , with illstiesaliiR iniil olTcnslvo ( iympteniH. liooil'3 KarNUirliia ] glvcD loaily lellot nnd speedy eiuc.fiom the fact U acts tinough tlio blood , and tlin.H leaclic ! ) cveiy part of lliu syttcni. ' " 1 Buffered \vllliealarrh fifteen years. Took Hood'H HurH.iparllla and 1 am not troubled any with c.ntarrli , iind my general health IH much better. " I. W. I/IM.IH , 1'ostul C'lcrk Chicago & HI. I-oulH Kullroail. "iHUlfercilwIlhcntarrhOorB yearsj tried many womlerful ciirun , Inlialers , etc. , spend- iiiKiiearly one hundred dollaru without benellt. I tried Ifooil'H H.irgaimrllln , nnd was greatly Improved. " M , A. Aiini'.y"V7orccstcr , Mass. Ilnod'H Barflaparllla la cbaracterlzed by tlireo pcciillarltlcM : l t , Urn combination ot remcillnl ngents ; Sd , thu projmrtloni 30 , the jmicaa ol securing the active medicinal qualities Thu result IH a medicine of unusual titnnntli , ciTcctlng cnrca liltlicrlo unknown. Hunil for book cotnlulng additional evlilcncu. "Ilooil'H Harsanarllla tones up my ovalcm. liurltlex my bloud , nliarpeiii ) my appetite , and Hi-eniH to nialio mo over. " .1 , r. TIIOMI-HUK , JteglHlurol Deeds , Lowell , Mass , "Hooil'H Hnrsapaillla beats all otliern , nnd In worlll Its VU'lKlltlllgolil. " I. JIAKJIINU'ION , 130 Jianlc Htiect , Now Yorlc City. Hood's % Sarsaparilla Hold by all druggists. $1 ; six for $5. Made only by O , I. HOOD Si CO. , Lowell , Mass. I IOO ° Do8os Ono Dollar. BULLDOZED BULLS , Spnlation Slapant Among the Chicago cage Scramblers for WcallL No Features of Interest The Visible Supply Dd os. _ _ \ w-J \ Oats Steady , but Value y Little tlo Ohan rod\ \ \ f Oorn Dull and Showing \ v" Little tlo Ohaugo in Vail Trade in Pork Eoported , Almost at a Standstill. Iiowi-o Qtiolnllons Otlicr Mnrkct Afattcrn , OlIICAOO'S MAUKRXS. ' WIIKAT. Special Disp.itch to TIIK HKIS. CuiCAoo , Juno 10. Speculation was at the point of stagnation to-day. There were no features of interest in tlui trading on 'change. It win reported that the \isiblo supply ot II ; w heat would show a Inrgo decrease , but tliia was offset by fine weather for growing crops , and rumors of trouhlo in the grain trade at Milwaukee. Wheat ranged at 87jj to 87J for .Inly , closing at S7. ( ou the tegular board ; and 87(5 ( on the afternoon board ; tlio latest figures for August were 894 ; for September 80S. COHN was dull and showed very little change. The latest quotations wuro 65J for July , COS for August , 50j ( for September. OATS were nte.idy and ( inn , closing at 32 Juno and July , 1 ! J for August. 11YK. Cash i yo advanced to 05. roiiK. Trading lu pork was almost at n stand still. Thu latest figures w ore 11) ) CO for Juno and July , ID 50 for August. LAUD lower , 7 80 for .June , 7 00 for July , 8 0"i for \ugust. * OATTI.K MA11KKT. The best grades were linn and lOo higher. The best sales to-day wcru a couple of lots of native corn fed , and ono or two lots of stillcrs , at 0 70 to 0 70 , with a lot or two of Indian teiritory corn fed , making ( > 00 to ! ) 2o. Grass cattle sold at 5 Vi ( to 5 75. Good to choice shipping , l.L'OO to 1,350 llw. , 0 15 to 0 CO ; common to medium , 1,000 to 1,200 Ibs. , H 25 to 0 00 ; grans Texaus , 750 to 875 Ibs. , 3 0 to 450 ; corn feil Tcxans , 800 to 1,100 Ibs. , 475 to li l5. ! HOfiU.Q - The nun kut wai rather slow to open on ac count of thu ] big run ; thu talcs men hardly know w hero to place their property and buy ers were slack to make offers. J'iimlly thn first sales of good nveti packing hogs were made ut about $5 50 ; and iv strong 10 cents lower than Saturday. About then thu name quality dropped to 5 30 to 5 45 , fully 15 cents < lower than Satmday. and at about that decline - | cline thu lulk | of the hogs were sold. A few fancy 1'its imipu at 5 CO to 5 DO , Thu range on packing and shipping was 500 to 0 05 ; bulk at 5 40 to D 50 : atsortcd light ruled dull and extremely weak at 5 00 to 5 50 ; shippers and light-light were entirely neglected at 4 CO to U 40 ; light , 1 80 to 2 10 Ibs , 4 85 to 5 45. Failed After it ( ) Years. NKW Yonic , Juno 10. S. Simmerich& Co. , wholesale milliners , have made nn assign ment. They Imvo beau In bniinoss over 30 yeurp. They failed in 18G1 and compromised ot25jipr cent , and failed again in 1875 with liabilities of $80,000 , mid compromised 35 per cent. , Another Powder HOHHO Calamity. ) AlCHONi O. , Juno 10. Thin evening a boy named Woods recklessly throw a light into a deserted powder magazine , northwest of the city , causing an explosion which instantly killed Tory Peck , aged 14 , and slightly in- juicd Bovcral other Imln , A Johnstown , lu. , SUHitoiiBlon. JoiiNHT9WN , Pa. , ' , Juno Ifi. The Woodvalo woolen mill suspeuded _ operation to-day for an indefinite period on account of a lack of older * . 300 employuiiuuldle In consequence of the Kuspanslon. _ Now Whoftt $1 per Sr. LOUIH , Juno 10. Tlio first new of tile ceaHon iinived heio to-day fiom NowMud- lid , Mo. , and sold at auction for one dollar p r bushel. RYlNGTOHOtDDOVTN EARIDAKING POWDER , ITAMDOUIIDTOniSC/ F - M * v m PURE CREAM TARTAR , a iralum or any Injurious tubsliiuccscau bo round In Andrews' Pearl Baking Powdor. Is po * . lively PU RE. Jlelng endorsed , anil testimonials received I rom suoli chemists asS. Dana Huys , llos- ton ; II. Dcliifontalne , of Chicago ; and Uiutavui llodo , .Milwaukee. Naverbolil tn bulk. 1 .1