Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 16, 1884, Page 2, Image 2

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A DnticeroiisCuse.
noctlMtitRJnn l , 1SSI 'Ten
Yc r wro 1 WM ftttackod with tlic most
Intense Mid deathly r-MnjInimy b\ckknd
"Extending to the end of my lees and
my brain I
"Which jnadomo doliriousl
From agony.
"It took three mon to hold mo on my
bed nt timbsl
"Tho doctors tried in valnto relieve mo ,
But to no purpose.
"Morphine nnl other opiates
"Had no cflbctl
"After two months I wns given up to
"Whon my wife
heard n neighbor toll what Hop Bitters
had done for her , aho at onccgotand gayo
mo somo. The first dosp cased my brain
nnd seemed to go hunting thiough my
system for the pain.
"Tho second dose cased mo BO much
that I slept two hours , something I had
not done for two months. Before I had
used five bottles , I was well and at work ,
as hard as any man could , for over three
weeks ; but I worked too hard for my
strength , and taking a hard cold , I was ta
ken with the most acute andpalnfulrhou-
matism all through my system that was
over known. I called the doctors again ,
nnd nftcr several weeks , they loft mo a
cripple on crutches for life , as they said.
I mot n friend nnd told him my case , and
ho said Hop Bitters had cured him nnd
would euro mo. I hooped at him , but ho
was so earnest I was induced to use them
again. In leas than four -weeks I throw
away my crutches nnd wont to work light
ly and kept on using the bitters for live
weeks , until I became as well as any man
living , nnd have boon so for six yean
since , It also cured my wife , who had
been so for roars ; nnd has kept her and
my children , well nnd hearty will ;
from to to three bottles per year. There
is no need to bo sick at all if thcsoblttcn
arc used. J. J. BKKIE. Ex-Suporviaor.
"That poor invalid wife.
"Mother !
"Or daughtorl
"Can bo made the picture of health 1
"With n few bottles of Hop Bittorsl
"Will you let them suffer ? '
t ! til ,
Aol. vnrlil , turn ] * n | > .ii. DtftnWft. F.t r .14 Ani . Ml tit
duordrr. of Ui. l > ipU Ow" A f drop. Imp" ' d.ltalmi
to ilwi.r U ! : , .gl u 411 lunintt Jrl.V. Trj It , 4
j. T7.
. y. r.
The Steck is a Durable Piano ,
When 1 tar euro i ur not rnnan merely to atop them for
fctlmo and tfun UJTO them return again , t m an radi
cal cnro. Ihara made tlio dlieano of FITS. KI'lLHrar
or PALUNOBICKHBHS * lifelong arudr. I warrantor
umcd5 to cure the wont CMOS. Umauie otuari bar *
failed it no roMon for not now receiving a cur * . aM 4ai
6nm i r a troatlie and Kr o lioltla or my tntaaaoi *
ta\ar4j. \ UlTO Kiprem and l'o l Office. It
jlugforatrliU. and 1 will euro joy ,
Iddrou Dr. U. (1.11OUT. Ill I'aarlBt. ,
A Tlctlm of c rlr Iraprudcnco , canning nenotu
teMlltr , premature decay , etc. . liartnic trim ! In
falncvorr known remedy , b ill coT r a ft ulniplo
nearw of Mlf-euro. vrlilcn lie will ao nu 1' lili teA
A Tlolnrn to m with Til
CTS. & > ou'U KOtbjriuu
ITua Mill hrmtc yuu In MtiftE MOHf T. In Ono Month
RtuLnhnythln Om.-lnAiiii9rrrn. AbwInlcCorlnlnlT
Kwxl noTeAnlua iUYo-uiu413l irwinwlnh bt-K.Vfufc
TntQumi RuHerlnufrarutni
.jelfocts of } outhful error *
aJ knoaiiearlxdo.
ill m v B W mliialv ii >
c J , lottinantiooil , clo. , 1 will Mod you particular , of i
clmplo ami certain me&ni ofnolf euro , frooof cliario
Bomlyour address to It U 10 WLKH. lloodui , Oonn
urrtH. )
-OTUO-VOLTAIC UDLT Rnd other KLrornia
ArrUANtni nro aeiit on W Dajra' lrl l TO
ONLV.OUHQ Oil OI.I ) , vho nro tuffrr.
me from Kinruua Umiurr. LOST VITAUTT ,
VASTISU AVr.iKNKASES , anil all tnoie dliexcs of n
PcnsoKAi. NATUKE , rieuHlng from ABDSCI null
Orucn UADazn. Hpeedy rellrf anil rnmplcto
rettoratlon to HCALTH. Viaou aud MADIIOOU
uuAiuXTKtn. Bfnd at once for Illuilratcd
I'unplilct tree. AdartM
VOLTAIC OKI/1' CO. . Marahnll. Mleh.
Science ot Life , Only $1,00
KxhuuUd TIUJU/I7ciroa aod 1'Jiy.Ioal DabUli
Premature Decline in MAO , Kiron of Youtli , m t !
untold mlisrlca oraltlng from ludlicrotloni or
owuei. A book for ever/mm , younp , mlciilltto ( ;
ma old. ItoonUIuilZiiircsarlptlouf for all ou
and chronic dlMaJM cxohpni ) pf which 1 | luvaluib
Bo found by the Author , vrhooo uxporlcccc tor
yeiri It mch aiprobabljr nerer before full to the I
< J any phyalc an BOO p xci , bound In beautl
French miulln maouedoOYen , full Kllt.irturantt'
to be a finer woru orcry eenw , mtdunloal , I
erary and prof ewlonal , than any other work told
thli country for , or the money will be refund
In arery Initino * . rrtoe only 11.00 by mall , po <
pall. Illiuitr Uve jiraiiilf6c < nti. Bend now. Oa
mftiUl awarded the author by the National U dc !
AesooUtlon , to the officeri oi which he jclcri.
Tbe BoJenw o | Ult tboold b read br the yotu
InitrncUon. and by the afflicted for relief ,
will benefit U. London Lancet.
There Ii no member of eoclety to whom Tbe Si
coce of Ufe rill not be u elul , whether youth , ft
not , inuriUaQ , Imtructor or clergyman. Arjomut
Addree * the P abody Uedloal Institute , or l > r. A
H. Parker. No. 4 nolflnch Btroot , Beaten Miti.Ml
may tie consulted on all dlecuei lequlrlnKektll u
Mp rlsnoa. C'nrocloandolxrtln tedl eaitcithit ba
Ufflwl th * ( kill ol all ctbtrpbyi-liCftl da
a [ > aialkyi &ch treated lucccM-Hl-HI lu ]
"rltbout ao Inrt no Uu n "
ormy Veins ot t"b fccruium. Won Iht ttnn
can tf .Lo anhood , Oebljltv , A <
tLu Elostfo CradU
tiAulnf. CXrcular Yin.
Now York SUB.
The narralivohcro presented is famil
iar to many who have heard from the
lips oi the gentleman who asserts that
ho played the most conspicuous part in it.
Ho is a man more than sixty years of age ,
active in business , and of unblemished
reputation wherever ho is known.
"It was in 1847 that my attention was
first attracted to the subject of animal
magnetism , by the appearance in the
western town in which I then lived of a
man named Kooly , who advertised to
give public exhibitions. His method wan
to noloct ton or fifteen persons , males
and females , from the audience , Boat
them in a half circle on the stage and
coin or metal in the palm of the hand of
each , request them to look steadily at it.
While their attention was thus concen
trated ho made a few passes over cnch
ono , Booming to obtain control over more
or less of the group , causing thorn to aid
him in what is now the familiar perform
ance of a mesmerist. Four of us young
fellows waited on Professor Kooloy and
requested him to teach us his tricks for
our own amusement. Ho replied that
ho know very little of this strange power ;
ho only know that some persons possess
a larger amount of personal magnetism
than others , and , where ono had a super
abundance and another very hlllo , the
ono with the larger supply , after gaining
the attention , often could control the
mind and will of the other. IIo showed
us how ho magnetized his subjects , se
lecting these of Bcgatlvo passive tem
perament , and explained that , after
having magnetized them once or twice ,
Ho had no difliculty In gaining entire
control by simply looking at thorn , In
pur experiments it soon became apparent
ihat J possessed a larger uniuunt of this
mysterious magnetic power than any of
the others , ana I used it in many cases
to such effect that I began to notice that
I wits being avoided by many of my old
friends among the strict church people
and whispers of pur employing our su
pernatural agencies and experimenting
in the black art were abroad. More than
ono old acquaintance whom I saw ap
preaching turned a convenient corner before -
fore wo mot. I began to learn how dif
ficult it was to atom the superstitious cur
"Ono evening my friend Wells ray
principal assistant and myself were sit
ting in my room. A tap came at the door
and there entered a man about fifty years
old. Ho said ho had hoard about our
having a strange power over the minds
nnd souses of many persona , and had
called to ask our assistance in detecting a
thief. IIo was the owner of a line ol
packet boats running between Cincinnati
and Toledo on the canal which passed
through our town. Ono of his captains
on his return trip had spent the night at
a tavern on the opposite sldo of the canal
much frequented by boatmen , had slept
with a roll of money tinder his pillow ,
had forgotten it and loft without remov
ing it from his bed the next morninglmd
returned for it within an hour , but it was
gone , and nothing had boon aeon or heard
of It at the hotel. Such crimes were rare
in these diys , and detectives were not at
hand on all occasions as now. This -would
bo a novel experiment , and at least prove
interesting. Hitherto the minds of our
subjects had simpty followed onra. Hero
was the opportunity of ascertaining if the
mind of the subject could lead.
"It had boon just a week since the
theft -was committed , which put us at
great disadvantage In point of time. I
had often soon the old tavern , but had
never entered it. I requested the packet
owner , Mr. Miller , to give mo a descrip
tion of the interior and of the room the
captain occupied , which was situated , he
Bald at the extreme end of the long hall ,
into which all the bedrooms opened on
the second floor , and close to the stain
loading to the third floor. A person pass
ing up or down must of necessity pass
this door.
, , . "Wo pledged ourselves to strict secre
cy. Only Mr. Miller , my friend Wells ,
my Bubjoct and inysolf were to bo prosonl
at our seances. I sent for a man of llu
name of Hooves , an honest , good-iuturoii
countryman , heavy and dull almost tc
Btupidfty , but ono of our best subjects
Of course ho know nothing about tlu
robbery , and it was not known to a dozoi
persons in the place. Wo subdued thi
light in the room , drew a table up noai
the window , scaled my friend Wells , none
ono end with writing materials to take
notes , the Bubjoot at the other , and Mr
Miller at the locked door to prevent in
truslon. I bandaged my subject's oyoi
tightly , and taking one of his hands it
mine , 1 made a few passes before hit
bandaged eyes with my free hand , unt :
requested him to go with mo inontullj
wherever I wont. I said to him that ii
was now 0 o'clock Thursday morning ( giv
ing the date of the morning of the theft )
and said wo were now going to Ihirim
tuyorn , Immediately ho scorned to conceive
coivo the idea that ho was leading mo ,
Wo passed mentally out of my room inti
the hall I keeping my mind closely tip
on the track we must. travel down the
stairs , through the passage , and into tlu
street , In order to roaoh the bridge
across the canal wo must turn to tin
right , go two squares further on cross thi
bridge , turn again to the right , and oni
block away roach the tavern. I obaorvot
with alarm for my experiment that as wi
passed mentally into the atroot ho eah
wo nro now turning to the loft when wi
should have said to the right ; but bofon
I could correct him ho spoke ot sooln )
old Dr. Powell at Ills gate as wo passed
and I know his residence stood at tin
right of my hotel. Ho bade the docto
good morning as wo passed by.
' "Nowwoaroat a grocery,1 said ho.
"Whoso11 ? asked.
"I don't know1 ho replied.
' "Can you not road the slgnV
' "I will go In and BOO , " Bald ho. Thoi
raising his head , as H looking at soin
object , ho said , slowly , as If spoiling i
out : 'John Green , flour , feed and gro
corios. '
"I know the grocery and saw ho woi
on the right track. Ho spoke to Severn
wo neared the bridge said : 'Hero come
John Bates , ho ia speaking to you ; wh
don't you answer him ? ' 'Never inind
said I , controlling my surprise. "G <
on. ' John Bates had boon dead si :
months. Nothing further occurred un
til wo reached the tavern , which ho in
slated stood on the loft of the bridge
When wo had reached the long- hall 01
the second tloor I said : 'Now stand her
and describe the people as they come ou
of their rooms. '
Presently ho n&ld : 'Thorp is ono coinin
out of that door. ' What is the numbo
of the room ? " I askod. 'I will go i
and see. " ho replied. Again I observe
the curious fact that , in order to road
sign or a number , ho had to- look at I
from the other side , lu a moment h
said : "It ia No. 12. " Ho describe
that man nnd , others , but their dcscripl
ions did not tally with that of the cap
tain , whoso per onal appearance ha
been minutely described to mo. 'Her
comes another man , ' said ho , 'from Uu
oem down lo the end of the hall , a big
ain with n red face. Ho loft hia door
pen. OUCBS ho ain't comin1 back. '
Her a moment ho continued : 'There's
nolhor comin' down them other stairs ;
io's a natty lookin * follow ; light skin ,
Ino oycfl , light brown hair , youngor'n
ny of the rest. Ho'a lookin' inter that
oem that big follor come ont of , right
hero by the stairs. Why , ho looka as if
io'd scon BOino'lun. ' Nowho's goln * in.
'ow he's comin' out again , puttin1 Bomo-
iin' in his pocket looks kinder scared
ko. '
"i directed him to keep his eye on this
man , and follow him wherever ho wont.
Vo followed him down the staira and
nto the street. 'Hero cornea another
oiler. Ho'a n spuakin' to him. IIo looka
n awfnl lot like him , only older. They
re whisporln' together. lie's goin' with
lim. Now wo nro goin' by the Method-
at meotin' house. Thorora Judge Clark
comin. ' Why didn't you apeak to him ? '
Go on. Go on. You will loao sight of
hose men , ' Bald I. Judge Clark , whom
very ono had known and loved , had been
cad three years. 'They arc goin1 inter
liat old lumber yard. They arc doin'
omothin' there in that corner. Aa auro'a
ou live they're a buryin' that little
oiler bundle tied with a pink airing.
lo got that outer that feller's
oem thia mornln. ' Ho'a a tollin"
low ho Been it stickin * out under
IB ! plllcr when ho wont by the door. '
ily subject had now boon under influence
.s long as 1 thought it safe to keep him
hero fur that duy. So I placed the
lotos my friend had made in the drawer ,
nbandngod his eyes , and brought him
jack to hia normal condition by a quick
pward motion of my hand. As ho
poncd hia oyoa the dazed , troubled cx >
rcssionsoen in the oyoa of a aomnambul-
at on first regaining consciousness
amo into thorn for a second , but ho was
itterly unconsloua of anything which had
ccurod , supposing it to have boon ono of
ur usual oxpirnmontn , and was the dull
nd indifferent to ask.
"At the aamo hour the next day wo
tgain mot at my room , according to _ ap-
lointmont , and took the same positions.
Jlindfolding my subject , I told him to go
> ack and take up the clow.Ho soon
ound the man again. I told him that ho
must now condense time , counting every
six hours as ono , in order to catch up in
ho week. Ho readily comprehended ,
although In his normal condition it would
mvo taken him a trook to have under
load mo , and imniodiatoly passed over
six hours. 'Now' , ' said ho , 'it is night ,
and ho if in bod. Ho fools bad , and can'l
sloop , turnin' and tospin' and gottln' up
every few minutes , wishin' it was morn-
n' . Jumping over another six hours he
described hia gotling up , his hurrlot
jroakfnst , hia worried nnd anxioue
nannor , his departure from the
tavern , his again mooting hia brolhor ,
who Boomed to bo waitnng for him.
'They ' are goln' down that street , ' aak
10. 'Now they're cllmln' up them stopi
and goln1 inter that door. Stand back ,
said ho , 'an' lot mo open the door.
3omo in. This Is n carpenter shop
They're" ' down by that old chest. They
lid It in the lumber yard once. Now
.hoy'ro liidon' it hero , on' whiaporin' to
golhor. The young one's ngoiu' out.
As wo followed ho again startled mo by
: alling my attention to mooting and _ bo
ng spoken to by n friend long ainco
loadl Wo had a descriptor
of another anxious restless night , am
another day my subject always leading
moand wo following the clow. Aftoi
llsmisfiing our somnambulist my frlont
and myself aa before wont over every roc
if the ground wo had juat boon travel
ng mentally and visited the carpontoi
shop , where the subject said the monji [
was hidden.Vo then understood wh ;
10 requested mo to stand back while IK
opened the door. Wo found that th <
stairs , Tfhich ho cllmod on the outside
od up to a small platform. The dpo
opened outward , and a person ontoriiif
must stop aside to allow it room t <
"At our third sitting wo had brough
the time down to within two days of ou
present date. This time , In following ou
man around , ho came across the bridge
ind stop by stop wo followed him to th
liotol , 'Now he's goin' inter the stagn of
[ ico.'aaidho. 'Ho's givin * Mr. Walton
the atago agent , a paper. It looks like i
n bill. Mr. Walton ia givin' him aom
money and tclla him to sign a paper
Head the naino ho signs , ' said I. 'I
can't,1 said ho , 'Mr. Walton has foldoe
it up an1 put It in the loft-hand corner o
his desk. There's a bundle of other pa
pore in their just like it.1 Without dls
turbing him in his comments 1 picket
up 'a acrap of paper and penciled i
note to Mr. Walton requesting him tc
Bond mo n package of receipts in the righ
liami corner of his desk. Mr. Miller too ]
it down and directly returned with thi
package , and aomo twenty or more , whicl
I did not unfold , but spread -around oi
the table within roach of our aomnambu
list's hand , which , as I have be'foro said
lie never removed from the tablo. Hi
liad never boon entirely unconscious o
what ho had done , but kept up his run
uiug comments , following the man bad
across the canal and to various places
when all at once ho moved his hand to
ward the papers and exclaimed , "Why
here's that paper now ; the very ono In
gave Mr. Walton. " Without hesitating
a second ho picked up ono of the foldoe
papers , and without unfolding it , alst
without oven turning his bandaged eye
toward it , ho road ;
KnceivoJ f ram Saniupl Walton , , Tune , 1817
una ilullur and fifty cotita In full of nil aa
Hero was the immo of our man at last
Wo know him by sight , Wells aud I , am
that ho had n brother n carpenter. The ;
were considered honest and rcspoctublu
Wo wore getting the thing down to u flm
point , but the difliculty would bo in th
proof , How could a man bo convincoc
on the testimony of a somnambulist
Wo were all greatly excited except ou
subject , who , unconslous of anything extraordinary
traordinary having occurod , took up hi
account precisely where ho broke oil' tread
road the receipt. Condensing anotli
or aii hours , it was evening. Wo fol
lowed Freeman into a livery stable
where his brother George joined him
and after a protracted conversation witl
the proprietor , a man by the name o
Sykea , ho said Freeman handed tiyko
the parcel , and the brothers wont awa ;
as if greatly relieved , Instead of follow
ing them ho followed Sykea bao
into & remote part of the stable , where h
described him us slipping back the atrin
on the package and taking out a bill. 'I
ia money , ' said ho , 'and that other elm
stole it and give it to thia 'un , aud nov
ho's took ono of them bills out , and tlo <
it up so no ono would know It had booi
opened. ' Right hero wo were interrupted
od by a knock at the door , which ou
subject did not observe. Mr. Millo
stopped our , but almost Immediately re
turned with n radiant face , aud withou
snoakiuK , hold up a little yellow parcc
tied with n pink string , which , Ihoug
never having aeon it , wo recognized at
glance a the lost uackago of money , Ou
subject followed the livery stable men t
Duma' tavern. Up the staira ho took u
again , through th hall to the foot of th
second flight , where , nearly oppoait
10 same room from which the
nonoy wr.i 11 n , ho discovered a
> asket of clean linen , with a pile of tow-
Is on the top. 'Why ho's atickin' that
mckago down under the towola. Now
io'a a hurryn' off. ' Suddenly ho ox-
Ittimcd , 'J'ho money ia hero , llight over
lore. That man 1ms got it iu hia pockot.
Ml but ono bill. The livery man'a got
"Wo dismissed our subject and rested
ur Ciiac. Mr. Miller opened the package ,
which had been sent over to him by the
andlord of the Burns house with a mcs-
tgo that it had been found In a basket of
inen , counted the money , which was all
n § 100 bills , and found ono missing.
Cloven hundred dollars were returned out
f the original § 1200 which the package
ontaincd. Later my friend Wells and
nysolf sauntered inlo the bar-room of the
turns houso. A good many men were
landing about , and the one subject of
iscussion was the finding of the money.
Jy this time ovorbody know that the
money had been lost and quito as myator-
ously found , it waa said , by a chamber-
naid among the linen , All aorta of aur-
misca and suspicions were floating about ,
lany looked askance at us aa wo drew
icar , and whiipered together , for eomo-
low it had leaked out that Mr. Miller
ad been closeted n great deal with _ us.
An uneasy feeling that aomo accusationa
might bo made was evident. Soon aflor
"Ir. Miller came up to the bar , and while
icing congratulated on all sides , smiling-
y said that ho never felt unottsy. Ho
ill Uiu time that It would bo
cturned. "But , " aald ho , "I am
8100 ahort ; I don't worry about
hat. " Seating himself nnd olovat-
ng hia lega comfortably to the back of n
hair opposite , ho said : 'That $100 is al !
ight , ' biting offtho end pf n cigar and
ightlng it : 'I will got it in a few daya.
Sverybody looked curiously at hia neigh <
> or , but no ono thought it boat to asli
or an explanation. Several wont aw j
soon afterward , As wo'passod out Uu
older of the Freeman brothers was jus !
ihcad of ua. The next day Mr. Millet
oft on ono of his boats for homo , thirl }
miles distant. Two weeks later ho calloc
at my room again and said that ho hac
ust received the other § 100 billl Twc
r'ounc ; mon drove up to his door ono da }
: ho previous week , ho said , strangers tc
iiim , and asked if ho 'was Mr , Miller ,
They declined to enter the house ; Bait
; hey were from the town where hia mon
ey was lost. IIo hoard that ho had inti
mated that they were in aomo way con
nected with the loss of money , or at loasl
with the $100 bill. Ho said ho had ac
cused no ono. Ono of thorn remarked
thatlt was hard to rest under a auspocion ,
and rather than have their names con
nected with it they would prefer to make
od the deficiency , at the same time
[ landing to Miller a § 100 bill. Ho to < l
it , bade them good day , and they drove
1'lloA nro frequently preceded by a BOIIBO ol
weight in the back , loins nnd lower part of tin
nbdomcn.cmiflinij the mtient to suppose hohtu
BODIO affection ot the liidnoys or nolffhborinf
organs. At tlmo.t , eyrn toms of ludigostlot :
are present , as llatuoncy , uneasiness of the
stomach , etc. A molstcro like perspiration ,
producing n Aory disagreeable itching imrticu
larly nt night after getting warm In bed , it ;
very common Internal , External
nnd Itching I'llos yield nt once to the npplicn
tion of Dr. Uosanko'srilo Komody , which ncti
directly upon the parts allectod , absorbing the
tumors , allaying the intense itching , nnd of
footing n permanent euro where otlior rcmo
ilioa have failed. Do not dolny until thodrnfr
on the system producoa permanent disability
but try it nnd bo cured. Schrotor & BochL
'Trade supplied by 0. I1 * , Goodman. "
Sim Didn't Give In ,
Boston Curler.
"I've had an awful discussion , " said i
Boston wife , coming into the seem whor
her husband was.
"With whom ? " ho aakod.
"With a woman over 'our bad
fence , "
"What about ? "
"Tho functions of transcendentalism
and wo tnlkod , , and talked , and talked
and talked , and "
"Did aho bent you ? "
"No , air , aho didn't. "
"Did you beat her ? "
"Woll no I can't Bay I did. "
"You didn't RVO ! in , did you ? "
"No , air , I didn't. "
"You didn't ? "
"No , air ; I gave out , and I'm just a
limy as a dish-rag after a hard day' '
washing. "
And aho hung herself over the back c
a chair to rocupurato.
In another column will bo found the ni
nounccinont of Messrs. THOS. COOK & SOI
Tourist Agents , 201 Uroadwny , Now Yorl
relative to the very complete arrangement
they have made for toura In Europs th
coming Spring nnd Summer. "Cook's KICUI
uionint , " containing mnpa and full particular !
will be mailed to any address ou rocoipt'of 1
Willing to dio.
Arkansaw Traveler.
General Forreat waa once approacho
by un Arkansas man , who asked : "Gen
oral when do you rocltin we're going t
got something to oat ? "
"Eat ! " exclaimed the general. "Dl
you join the army merely to got some
to oat ? '
Wall , that's about the size of it. "
"Hero , " calling an olllcor. "givo thi
man something-to oat and then have hit
shot ! "
The oflicor understood the joke am
replied : "All right , general.4'
The Arkansas man , exhibiting no alarm
said : "Bile mo a ham , Cap'n ; stow up ;
couple o' chickens , bake two or three ho
cakes , fetch a gallon or ao o' buttermilk
and load yor guns. With sick inducements
monts a man that wouldn't bo williu i
die is a blame fooll"
A hearty meal was prepared for th
soldier , but ho still lives.
Tired Languid Dull.
Exactly expresses the condition of thou
sands of people at this season , The do
nroislvo effects of warm weather , am
the weak condition of the body , can enl
bo corrected by the use of a reliable ton !
and blood purifier like Hood's Sarsapn
rills. Why Buffer longer when a romod ;
ia ao cloao at hand ) Take Ilood'a Saras
parllla now. It will give you untol
wealth in health , strength and energy.
"What's the matter , my boy ? " oskei
Mlsa Fauasonfeathor of little Johnni
Crimi > oub ak whom aho mot on th
stairs crying as if his heart would break
on her way to supper the other oven
"Mamma sent mo to bed with
out my aupper , " sobbed the boy.
"And you are crying because yo
can't have any of that nice cake I mak
yeatorday1 ?
"No'm ; not exactly that , " aaid th
big-headed boy , stopping his sobs for
second ; "but you BOO my brother Willl
will eat eo much ot that cake that I'i
afraid it'll make him deathly slck.-
[ Youkors Statesman.
Among the many symptoms o
Dyspepsia or indigestion the most
iromincnb nre : Variable appetite ;
aint , gnawing feeling at pit of the
tomncli , with unsatisfied craving
orfoodheartburnfceling ; of weight
ind wind in the stomach , bnd breath
ad taste 111 the luouth. low spirits ,
jcneral prostration , headache and
Constipation. Ihcre is no form of
lisease more prevalent than dyspep-
h , and none so peculiar to the high-
lying and rnpid-cnUiig American
) cople. 'Vlchohol and tobacco pro-
luce Dysuepsia ; also , bad air , rapid
ating , etc. BURDOCK BLOOD
BITTERS will euro the worsb case ,
> y regulating the bowels and toning
up the digestive organs. Sold overy-
To the SMOKERS of
Blackwell's Genuine
Bull Durham Smok
ing Tobacco.
The genuine has picture of
BULL on every package.
For particulars see our next
James Medical Institute
\ChartcrcdbythcSlateofIli : .
IJnola for theexpresspurposs
'of giving Immediate rellctlr !
IGleetandSyphilis in nil their
' complicated forms , also all
diseases of the Skin and
Blood promptly rellcvcdnnd
permancntlycured by reme
. Nptctall'racticc. Seminal
weakness. N iglit Losses by Dreams , Pimples on
the FaceLoat Manhood , positively cured. There
Isnocxprrlmcnllmi. Ths appropriate re.r.edv
13 fit once used In each case. Consultations , per-
-onal or by letter , sacredly confidential. Med
icines sent by Mall and Express. No marks on
package to Indicate contents or sender. Address
Brt.JAMES.Ho. 204Washinfllon St.CMcagolll ,
" " . " "
"in mi n mail ! i. l"
Is warranted to weir Ion -Bor. II
10 form neat < -r , and K\IQ \ boitf
. -ttlslactlon thftn anyothai
In the inKrkut , or prlco pajd vll
t > o refunded. TholndoiscmenUui
_ CMcaFo'a tx-it phraicloiaccon
lony eich Corset. Vrlcr , Itrit Huincn Jean. Poctice
mpald , Sl.nn. Ask your merchant . for tUont
. . . . .
iii/Tl" < fniil n. .HIHI-.I.II 4. t
l-Cuincturcn , U1U & JJS ItaudulpU SU.L'clcaBO.
% "
Erlonger , Bavaria.
Culmbacher , , Bavana
Pilsner . . . . . . . Bohemian
Koisor - t.Bremen
Budweiser St. Louis
Anhauser ! St. Louis
Best a Mibvaukep
Schlitz-Pilsuur Milwaukee
Kruc'o Omaha
Ale , Porter , Domestic and Rhine
nniitcd ( or autliciiti
edition of hla litu , 1'ubllshcd
nt An'ustn , lila homo 1-arR
_ „ _ _ _ . _ „ ojt , lianJjoinebt. chcapcsl
By the renowned liletorlan and biographer
Col , Council , uliosolito of Garilcltl , jiulillshod by us
nut-eolil the tuunty other * by ( I0. < 00. Outsells vor }
book over pulill'hcd In this world ; many agents ar
eclllnir Illty dally. Agents arc nmhlntr fortunes. Al
now bcglnnerii euccoasful ; grand rhanco for thorn
JU.ta mode by a ltdy ngont thellrjtthy. Turcn
most Ijcral 1'artlculara free. Ilcttor Bond2 cenU
for p tage , etc. , on free outat , now ready , luclut
liiK largo iirosncctus book , and save aluatla tlrr.u
Jo 10-lw ALLEN d CO , , Augusta , Me.
Notice to Cattle Men
ISO Ilcad of Steers Three Yean Old
200 .1 i. Two "
20 > " " Heifers , Two "
160 " ' htoeni , Ono "
120 " " Ilclfen , Ono "
Tbe above doacrlbed cattle Are all well bred low
cattle , straight and smootli , Thewj cattle will b
eold In lota to lult imrchoacr ) , and at reasonalil
prlooa. For further particulars , call on or address
Wavorly. Iliemir Co. . Io ri.
. . TlIISHKLTorllegenra-
tor la mad * oxpresaly fo
the euro of derangements
ot the generative organi
Th'ro la no mlilabe abou
this instrument , the con
tlnuoui dream of EI/KC-
TKIOITY permeating
through the naru must rei
tore them tohealthy actlo :
Do not confound thin witl
_ Electric Belts advertlted to
cure all alls from head Htoc. It U for the ONE peo-
Iflo purK | o. r'or circular * giving full Information
addreu Choever Wectrlo Belt Co. . 183 Washington
Bt. , Chicago , III.
I ?
Tlia stoauialilps of thli ucll-knonn line are built o
Iron , In water-tight compartments , and are turulih
olMlin etery reijuisita to nuke tUe nautgu both
ale and agreeable. They carry the united States
and Kurojiean oialli , anil Itare Now Yorki Tlmrt-
dajsaudBaturdajofor I'lymoiith ( LONDON ) Chit
bourg , ( I'AUIS ) and IIAUUUMQ.
Kites : Pint Cabin,8(5 , s7tand { .SO. Ete raget20
Henry I-undt. Uark Ilousen , K. K. Moore * , U. Toft
agentsln Omaha , Orouewtfg & Scliorntgenagents 1
Council Bluffs , a It : 1UUUAUI ) * CO. , Oen. I'M *
Agts. , 1 llroadway , N , Y , Cbas. Kozmlnkkl & Co-
Ueneral WciUJU Agants , 197 Wathlugtou St. , Chlca
Growers of Live Stock and Others ,
His the best nnd cheapest food tor Mock of any Kind. One pound la equal to three pcunda ol corn
etock ted with Or on ml Oil Cake lu the fall and Winter , Instead ol running down , will Incrcnco In weight
and be In good marketable coMl.tlon In the spring. PMryrcon. as well as others , Mho UNI It can testily t
ts mertta. Try It and Judgt fur youwlw. Prlcn 825.00 per ton' no cVmteo for mck . Addrcea
Flno Havana , Key Weet and Domestic Cigars. All Standard Brands Tobaccos.
Trial Orders Solicited , Satisfaction Guaranteed {
Li i Ul Qi -inl -
Near Union Pacific Depot , - Omaha , Neb ,
H. B. LOCKWOOD ( formerly of Lockwood & Draper ) Chicago , Man
ager of the Tea , Cigar and Tobacco Departments. A full line of
all grades of above ; also pipes and smokers1 articles carried in
stock. Prices and samples furnished on application. Open
orders intrusted to us shall receive our careful attention
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Heating and Baking
Tn only attained by nniii/j /
Stoves and Ranges ,
1IT HE E OVER 000 ?
Fci * lo by
Office and Yard , 6th and Douglas ts. ,
100 aud lOSJSouth 14th Street , Omaha , Nebraska. "Correspondence Solicited. "
PaintsOils. . Brushea ,
Milwaukee , Wis.
QUNTIER & CO , , Sole Bottlers.
MA. HI ,