Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 16, 1884, Image 1

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Projects of Patriots and Partisans Im
partially Toll Below ,
Tammany Threatens a Bolt if
Cleveland is Nominated
Likewise Unless the County De
mocracy Conies to Time ,
And Allows Tammany an Equal
Ohanco in the Conventions ,
A McDonald Boom Organized with
a Club at Indianapolis ,
I'cnnsylvixnln First for Kamlnll , then
lot * Cleveland ,
Special Dispatch toTllK 13KB.
NKW YOIIK , Juno M. Tammany hall is
sued Inst evening nn indirect proclamation of
war against Governor Cleveland as n candi
date of the democracy for president. It also
throw down the gauntlet to tho.County Demo
crats , the regular oig.anization , and passed
resolutions generally of n lighting character.
The committee on organization , of which Kel
ly is the chairman , held a special inoo'.ing.
There was no expectation from the smaller
number of members than tint the riot net waste
to b i read , although when Kellv rapped for
order it was noticed that lie stooil up. He re
mained standing , and ho mido a speech which
was attentively and breathlessly listened to.
Tlie point he m.ujoyas tnat Tammany was
the largest organization in the party ! that it
had been ill-tie&tert In the past ; that it should
Insist on equal representation with the County
Democracy 30 each 1U for Irving hall. Ho
referred to the Tammany
BOLT or 1870 ,
and said that none of the then bolters regret
ted that action and would bo prepaied to re
peat if occasion aiose. Itusolutiotis wera pass
ed demanding equal representation with the
County Democracy , Kx-Setmtor Grady
made a fierce speech in suppoit of the resolu
tion and made a savage indirect attack upon
Governor Clm-cland ; no faid it would be death
not only to democracy hero but to the domo-
caatic party to place such a man in tlio White
House. It would bo better for the party to bo
kept out of Washington for twenty-four years
longer than have Four years' of democratic
administration with a president who would do
a much for thu republican party as ho would
do for the democratic party Senator Grady
baid among other things : "The time for sac
rificing is past wo must either march side
by side with the County Democracy or accept
the refusal of equal reprcsenation as a , declara
tion of war. There can bo no united front
this year unless Tammany has veto for vote
in thu convention with the County Democracy
that a man is nominated for president who
recognize this organization's claims after ho is
elected. Wo don't want a man nominated be
cause ho is calculated to do the least harm to
the better dement of the republican party and
to political dudes generally. 1 for ono want
the man who canbcat James G. Blaine to bo
a better democrat than James G. Blaine him
r self is. We can live through four years more
/ . of hostile administration but wo cannot be
smothered by an administration which will bo
only professuly democratic. "
The whole tenor of tlm meeting was to the
ellect that Tammany would bolt if Cleveland
were nominated.
Special Dispatch to Tim BEL- .
WASHINGTON , Juno 15. The democratic
\ Hituation presents no marked change. All
bcoms , big and little , aru being boomed with
undiminishcd energy. As far as can bo
judged Cleveland is still favorite , and yet ,
although ho is thi undoubted choice of the
majority of the democratic politicians here ,
his nomination is considered very uncertain ,
and even douqtful , owing to the discordance
of the various elements in his own
state , especially since the quasi de
claration of war against him by Tammany ,
Some of the T.uiimany people now hero mo
working against him. They claim ho has not
given them a fair i-how. but on the other hand
has given thorn a cold shoulder all through his
whole administi.ition. They much prefer
Flower , and if _ the claims of the latter's friends
nro justified , it seems as though ho will gain
considerable majority of the delegation to
Chicago. The general disposition is to await
thoiesultof the fight there. If New York
can liaiinoni/.u that stito can dictate the nom
inee for president ; falling in this , if the fight
is carried to Chicago , New Yoik will liavo to
bo content with the tail of the ticket or noth
The Post yesterday published an automcd
version of Senator Bayaid's famous upei-ch at
Dover , Juno ! ! 7 , 1801 , before the convention ,
opposed to the war , and it is thought this dis
poses of his chances.
Special Dispatch to THE BKI : .
1'ltIK , Juno 15 , A member of the I'cnnsyl-
vania delegation Bald to-day , that the dclega-
' veion will vote for ICandall in the Chicago con
vention next month for the first choice and
then probably will all vote for Governor
Cleveland for president.
Special Dispatch to the BEE.
CoLusinuH , Ohio , Juno 15. At the 1'ick-
awnycounty democratic convention the dole-
cnti-H were inbtiucted to vote for ex-Senator
Thurmnn as a piesiduntinl o cctor.
nousi : .
WAHHINHTON , Juno H. The house resumed
consideration of tlio amendments in dispute
between the two houses upon the po.stollicu
appropriation bill , thu pending amendment
being that incorporated by the nenato appio-
printing $185,000 for special mail facilities on
the trunk lines.
Mr , llorr moved that the IIOUM.I recede
fiom its disagreement to the ninemlmont and
agree to the amendment incrcnbintr tlio appio-
priation to § 250,000. Upon this motion a
long debate ensued.
Finally Mr , Horr's motion was agreed to
yens 120 , nays 71' ' .
Mr. llorr moved that the lieu o concur in
the lenmiuiiig amendment incre.xslnsc fiom
S 1.000 000 to 81,300.000 the appropriation for
railway postotlieo clerks. After debate the
motion was lost yeas 01. nays 118 nnil on
motion of Mr. Towmend the house furtherin >
cisted on its disagreement to the amendment.
Thii completed the consideration of the bill.
Mr. Thompson called up for discussion and
action various bills previously retried from
the committee on Pacific railroads.
The first bijl cousidoied was ono returning
the 1'ncitie railroad companies to pay _ tlmco-t
of conveying , surveying and selecting lands
granted to and rained by these companies.
Mr. Crisp JMo. ) made n strong argument as
to the necessity for the passage of this bill.
1'uniting fuither discussion the lioifo ad
WASIIIXOTO.V , Juno 11.--In the IIOUMJ Mon
day , after the usual cnll of stiles and terri
tories for the introduction of bills , it will bo
in order for committees to move to suspend
the rules for the immediate passage of selected
bills , one for each committee , or the assign
ment of special days for heir consideration.
Tlio committee on banking nnd currency Is
the first on the list , nnd will nsk the house to
tet apart especial day for the discussion of the
Mcl'herson funding bill , nnd the Dlngloy bill ,
which provides for the investment of the bank
note redumption ; fund in government bond * .
The other committees will offer motions ns fol
lows :
Commerce , to fix n. day for theconsii'oratlon '
of any or nil bills repotted from the com
mittee ; agriculture , for the pnssigo of n bill
making the commissioner of ngiicultmo a
cabinet uftlccr ; foreign nHairs , to lia day
for the consideration of its business military
affairs , for the passage of a bill providing for
the loan of cannon , tents , etc. , to military
jHTtc unfinished bushier s at the adjournment
yesterday wus a 1 ill to compel land grant
railroads to pay the cost of surveying nt > d
patenting lands. It is therefore entitled to
c me uj ) as the regular order Tuesday , but the
question of consideration will undoubtedly bo
raised ngainst it by members in charge of va
rious pthor bills which have been made specUl
order for that day.
CIIIOAQO , Juno 1-1. Tlio republican latifi-
cation meeting to-night was largely attended
end very considerable enthusiasm manifested.
The crowd at the ball numbeied between
1,000 and 5,000 persons. Various torch-bear
ing bodies from different parts of the city ,
headedby bauds of music , led the way to the
place of meeting and enlivened the scene in
nnd about the hall. On the platform were
about two hundred of the adverti ed list of
vice-presidents , among whom \vcro Joseph
Medtll , ! : . B. Washburne , Mr. Schneider ,
John Wentworth and C. B. Farwell. Senator
John T. Gilbert , of Now York , in the course
of a speech , said ho had attended the national
convention in the inteiest of another candi
date but nt the time ho willing to
. , ! , ! . ] , „ 1. . . At. . . .Ill same _ f il. . . .F _ * ? was i 1 * _ i.
lecord of the party and the two men who had
been named as leaders in the present cam
paign. They all touched upon the attempt to
inaugurate independent movement anil con
tended that its only effect would bo to reuse
the full strength of the paity which had
desired and succeeded in placing in nomina
tion the man of its choice.
DAVENI-OUT , Iowa , Juno II , Tlio republi
cans held a ratification meeting hero this
evening. The crowd that assembled was a
largo and cnthus'.istlc ono and the speecho's
liadatruo republican ring. The fiequent
Lmrsts of aoplauso showed how fully the crowd
was in sympathy with the sentiments ex
pressed by the speakers. The campaign in
th'B district is now inaugurated and the re
publicans are determined to make it a red-hot
ono ,
CINCINNATI , Juno 1-1. A Blaine ratification
meeting was held in Music hall to-night , ad
dressed by Emory A. Storrs , of Chicago , O.
W , Koot , of Newport , Kentucky , and Alurnt
HaKted , chairman of the meeting. Three
thousand to four thousand persons were pres
ent and gient enthusiasm was manifested.
Nearly every ward was represented by Blaine
IOWA CITV , Juno 11. Tlio republicans held
v ratification meeting hero to-night. Governor
Ivirkwood made a strong speech for Itlaino
ind Logan. Ho announced that ho would RO
nto the canvas for the ticket. Hon. Jno. W.
Akcrs , Dr. G. V , Clapp and other prominent
gentlemen also spoke.
Sr. Louis , Jnno 14. A German republican
netting to latify the nomination of Blaine
mil Logan weip held to-night in North and
South St. Louis , and weio faiily attended.
They were addressed by local hpfukeis , who' '
were well received.
CKDAH RAPIDS , la. , Juno II. A monster
Blaine and Logan ratification meeting vva
icldheio this evening , with fireworks , bonfires
milI speeches. Over (00 ( joined the I'lumed
Knight and Black Kaglo club.
INDIANAI'OLIH , Juno 1-1. A club of 100
iiomberH wni organised hero to-night to wink
'or the nomination of Joseph K. McDonald for
resident. The attendance showed union and
larmony among the 1 < cal dcmociatN.
Til 13 U. T.
Dillon to bo Succeeded liv Clinrlcs
BOSTON , Juno 11. It is officially stated that
a meeting of Union 1'aclfio diiectorf , nt which
the July dividend question will bo considered ,
will bo held on Wednesday , 10th , in Now
York. Vico-1'iosident Atkins states that Dil
lon , will probably tender his r > sigimtion and
that ClmtloH l-Yincis Adams will ! ) ) choueii
president , Thu earninuH of thu company for
May , though not fully made up , will now , it
estimated , show u decrease of $250,000 and
§ 300,000 net.
Prohibition In Camilla.
OTTAWA , Juno 10. Tlio prohibitory section
of the Canada bet has been declared in fmco
in the counties nf Oxford ( Ontario ) , anil Yar
mouth ( Nova Scotia ) .
Siiiltlon Death of Kov. A J , Uutril.
NEW YOIIK , Jnno 15 , Itev. Alexander J.
U.drd , J ) . U. , of Nashville , Tenn. , died sud
denly to-day in 1'urk uvemio hotel Jin was
on hm way to attend a meeting of the 1'resby-
trrian allinnco at Belfast , Ireland. Dr. Halrtl
was one of tlio most prominent preachers in
the Cumberland Presbyterian church , lie
took charge of the Nashyilln chntch nt tlio
close of the war , and was in bin i\tiotb year
nt the time of his death. IVivatoservices v\ill
bo held at the hotel to-morrow , nt which Nov.
Dr. Henry M. B.iinl , a cousin of thodeceauil ,
will olliclfttu. The body will be taken to
Nnshville , wheron public funeral nud inter
ment will take place.
They Hob anil Hunt n
llousc , Hnvo Their hovers Kill
u Detective , Mnrry niul
nro Dlscnvcreil m
Sj > ecial Dispatch to TltK BKK.
WllKKLlNU , W. Vn. , Juno 15. In the latter
part of August , 1878 , the liouso of George
Williams , itf Hoane county , was , and
burned to hide the crime. In September , of
the same year , Peter Cook , a special constable
went to the neighbors to look into the matter.
Ik'foro leaving no said ho had found the guilty
parties. Two days nfteiwardo the body of
Cook was found in n mountain road. An of-
foil was mndo to find the murderer * , but it
was unsuccessful.
Two VIMH ago two girls , named Mary and
I'Mdio 'ledson , were mairied the same day to
K. 1C , Iteyuolds and Tilburn Hall , oil ot ro-
speclnblo fntuiliu * . Uecently the two woman
were diosses tf the same material and alike ,
and a member of the Williams fn'i ily recog
nized the goods as p.irtof a pioo which was in
his housoat the time of the robbery. A search
levealed other articles tilvfn from the Wil
liams family , nnd also from Cook , theiimidered
man. A'I parties worn arrested Keynolds
made the following confrs.sion.
The girls vvero engaged to the men , after-
vratds tlieir liusbauds , at the time of the Wil-
liams.robbory. The girls asked their father
for mom y , an ' being i-efuscd made up their.
minds to rob Williams. They did MI nnd
burned the hou o to conceal their crime.
Their father caught them before they getaway
away from the hou'o. Ho paid Williams § 25
and a horse and helped rebuild the house to
keep him quiet.Vhcn Cook came into the
neighborhood the girls confessed totheirlovers
and asked for help , and tlieir father and the
men concluded to kill Cook null did en.
All three men are under arrest. Lynching
is freely threatened. _
His Court , Martittl Will 1)O the High
est Army Trlnl Known The
Court to Io nil Generals.
Special Dispatch to Tun BKK.
WASHINGTON , Juno 15. Much interest is
manifested in army circles legnrding the np-
proacbing court-martial of Judge Advocate
Gunoral Swnim , As hitherto stated tlio court
will I > B onlered by the president and a detail
of officers for duty will bo amiounceJ vyitliin
two or tinea days. It will bo the first trial of
an officer holding that position. Under the
regulation of the army no officer can nerve on a
court maitial who is inferior in lauk to the
accused , and as Swaim is a brigadier geneial.
this court will bo composed of generals of
high rank. _ It is expected General Hancock
will bo picsident of the court. General Ben-
et and General Kochesters are mentioned as
possible members. Secretary Lbic Jn has
stated that the court will convene in this city
Bonio time during the month and after dis
posing of the Swaim case will immediately
proceed with the case of Colonel Morrow.
They Onrry [ Uack to "Crncovv Tcrrl-
blo Stories of Destitution in ThlH
Country ,
Special Dispatch to THU BKK.
LONDON , Juno 15 A sensation has been
caused in Cracow in ] Austrian * Gnlicia , by
titoriea of hanl'hips and destitution endured
in the United States by a number of Polish
families who have just returned. They vvero
unabl they say to reach their bictlnen in the
United States , and were enable t to go back
by charity only. The returned emigrants
assert that theio are in the United Stater.
present over-1,000 Galicans utterly destitute
and unable to get out of their mis-rable con
dition because of the lack of intelligent nian-
meinent of Polish emigration to the United
States. The Gallicnns liavo started n relief
Fund for the benefit of tlieir unfortunate exiled
Se.vton , tlio Hllllnrdlst , Thrown Prom
HiH lJiif ; y on the Hoiilcvarcl
Ni\V : Yonif , Juno 15. William Sevton , the
billiard player , met with a serious accident to-
day. Ho was driving on the boulevard near
llfitli street , in company with Joseph Cartlor ,
and turned quickly out of the road to avoid n
collision with vehicle coming in an opposite
direction. His wagon wasupsetnnd b.ith men
tlirnwn violently to the ground. Sexton ro-
ccivuil a scjlo wound several inches long and
bad his left foiearm broken In two p'aces. He.
was picked up unconscious , and Ukon to n
h Brital vvhcin restoratives weionpplled , His
wounds were drehSFil nnd was then removed to
M < home. No dangerous icsultB aio anticipated
! .
_ _
Striking fur Buck Pay.
PiiiLADici.riiiA , I'n. , Juno M. A ] ) ecial
from Kaaton says tha engineers of the Lohlgli
branch of Reading road Intend waiting an
other week for pay for April and May. If
the paymaster Is not hero by next Saturday
a co nmlttoo will notify the company the fol
lowing Monday they inual h > wo money within
12 hoiiM or every train-man and truckman
from Kanton tit Green lildgo will ( ( tilt ind
refuse to return until the amount uuo is
paid. _ _
The , . O. H. & N. II. 11.
CHICAUO , Juno 10. The directors of the
Btnllugton , Cedar Kaplds & Noitliorn rail
road , are in session hero to-day. They elected
C , J. Ivoj , of Cedar Itapids , pionldont of the
road vice , Tracy , docoastd , and It , Williams ,
who lion bo ° n general euporintondoiit , In elect
ed vice president.
Henry / , Lally & Co. , wholesale plumbers ,
failed. Liabilities gOS , 00 ; assets , S100.000 ,
consisting of Btoek and outside accounts ,
I'JliLADELi'HiA.Juno 11. The attendants
upon Bishop Simpson report no material
change this morning.
Egypt Continuing 10 lie the Enpssini
SnUect of Dispute ,
England and Praiico Ooma to a
Secret Agreement ,
The People of Both Countries Dis
satisfied witk the Outooino.1
A'.Parliamentary ' Dissolution in
England Will Probably Besult ,
Gladstone's ' Eesignation Said to
bo Probable Very-Soon ,
The OraiiRO Mcotlnjit nt llclfaM.
Tln-uiitenliiijlho IjoriMdoiitciuuH
irilo Visits Them.
Franco ami Knglmul ,
Special Dispatch to TUB DEE. '
Lo.NDiiX , Juno 1C. M. W.idflingtoii , Trench
(2tnb.i-i ( ndor to London , hiul ? n long privnto
confenMicu with Gladstone ydsti-rdny. The
fnct caused much speculation tin newspaper
circle * , niul extraordinary tj3jrtnliivo ! been
made to ascot tain what transpired at the
meeting. It hat been learnodjiroiu good au
thority that at lo.iat ono thing ww decided on :
J t was agreed and ai ranged that Gladstone
.tint I'riuio Minister 1'oriy glionlil mnko ximi-
Inr ami simultaneous statement , the fornu'r to
the liousu of connnouH , the latter to the I'ronch
chambers , concerning a mutual , understanding
arrived nt by Ilia , respective governments concerning -
corning the nttit'iuhj they hnvq agreed \vlth
each other to afcsumottt the coining conference
of powers upon the Kgyptiaii question. It
wns decided to inako thexu statements either
Thursday or Friday.
There can bo no doubt that public opinion
in Knglaiid is bitterly hostile to the arrange-
inent with France , because Englishmen gen
erally believe it to bo secuvod by cotuwmma
derogatory to the national honor and prestige
of Knxlnnd. On ono hand , the French promo
uro equally opposed to tlio anntigeniout , be
cause they believe Franco did not ulitnin as
much us her allowance. distiicts
of Franco the belief is growing that GlAd-tono
has practically outwitted the French cabinet
and secured an allinnco for the conference , the
purpose of which ii certain to be resisted by
Germany , awl to bring now trouble upon the
republic. The belief s energetically stimu-
luted by Ferry's euemioH , nndIi nnding robust -
bust expieRsion in the provincial press.
The seriousness of the Kngliah political situ
ation , oHDecially since the confirmation of the
terrible nowa fiom Uerber , may bn inferred
from the fnctthi't GladbtonoBpent agie.iter
part of the ovouing in personal elfoiU to reach
by telegraph every ono of big supporters in
the lionso at present abroad and induce them
to return to London at once for llio
of being present at the mat weck'H threatened
stormy uubato.
LONDON , Juno Ifi. The Dajly News , ro-
furling to the agreement , says : "It gives
every practical guarantee for the maintenance
of English interests in Hgypt. A luutilovoto
in parliament will bo fatal to the scheme.
The dixsoliition of that body' will speedily
follow , tlio Kuropt-un conceit will ha dissolved ,
a fiicndly underiitandiuij with TV'nice will , ibo
succeeded by n jealous andX'it&tbostiJ <
feeling , the settlement of JCgyptkwillbor'iii
dafiidU'ly adjourned , the prospiU of n ] uro-
pean war become near , and distinct in reality
to bo upon us sooner than wo dream. "
Sr. Louis , Juno 15.Ouo comnaiiy , of
cavalry and one of artillery left last night ,
and nine companies of infantry started by
special train to-night , for lid/kpia ) to par-
tieip ito In the encampment. *
I'AHIB , June 15. Lo 1'arii ( government
organ ) says : Franco and Kngland have ngioed
to propose at the Egyptian conference , mea
sures looking to the neutralization Of Suez
canal. The preliminary agreement of Prnuco
mid Kuglund stipulates tint British troops
shall romuin in Kxypt until January 1st , 1888 ,
and may remain longer if JCnglaiut and ono
other great power judge it expedient.
Tlio MnHtmcro of IJerhor.
LONDON , Juno It. Egyptian advices report
an Arab nt Korosko , who claims to bo the solo
survivor of the Berber garrison , says ho was
proHont whan the robots attacked Uorbor , May
23d. The garrison defended tlio town two
hours , but the rebels foicod their way into the
city , whom they Immediately massacred 1500
mon of the garrison , nnd 2000 ot the mala pop
ulation. The women and childi en were spared ,
The tory is believed by Mnjor Klchonor and
UMBOII ot' Hussein J'liahn , Ivliallff and Gover
nor of JJorbor.
Tha Pall Mall says : "Wo must now ndd
. ' ) , > 00 more to tlio thousands already butchered
to make a holiday for Gladstorilan principles ,
Huniunity revolts at such a statu of things.
Somehow or other a stop should bo put to U , "
Tlio Expedition to Khartoum.
LONDON , Juno 15. The wnr QlHco and nil-
miialty continue prcpaiatiim fo , ' . tlio contem
plated expedition to Khartoum , A loport is
current that Wnlgluy ndvibes piifdilng ft cam
paign viu , Kuukim oil Massoway , instead of by
way of the Nile. Tlio ndmiinltjr haH applied
to team > hip conipunieH for the | iamo mm ton-
nags of veiMoU fortranspoit Kurylci ) , August
diaft of engineers ollieors and men for trans
port. The commiHHirint Mrvlco is being bur-
i led to Kgypt , moHt of them tfolug to Sniilcini ,
Nuvigating ollicoi-H < letniltd from 1iips at Hu-
nkim nro imying . 'iprnaclirs to ; r . '
maiking sites prc.u'.itiu | ) to thxaiiiyul ot a
largo number of tiaiispoilH. v
GlnilHtono Bonn to
LONDON , Jnno 15 , Sir Cljirlen Jilke '
paper , the Weekly linp.itcli , Bny < ( Gladstone
in frank convorHation with OHU of bin wann
est Biippoitrm , declared that h J. oxiMicted to
bo out of ollieo in a few weeks. The Dispatch
urges Gliidnlone , jf defeated on tht JCgydlinii
policy , not to resign but to carr/ the franchiHo
bill to the hoitho of lonln and [ then dissolve
parliament and appeal to the country on the
general policy of tlio government.
A Koyal UiiHrtluu
KT , I'irrKiisiiuitfi , Juno 15.- The inaniagaof
l'rlncei < s 1C i/.ab th of lloiso , and ( iiaud Duke
.Sergiil of ItiiKMiu wiw KlfinniMd in tlio chapel
uf the Winter julivco tn-diy. All the ffutlvi-
ties ueioon a scaln of umisnal inngnificonco.
" \ * i
Tlio Siluiiil MI at llprhor.
OAIIIO , Juno 15. Advicca ifrom Bi-rlior
nUt" that HiKsiau Tnclia Kolifa , gu\i > rnor of
Borlwr , fell wouudnl nud would bavo IKHMI
kilhM had not n sun of Hnssnu 1'ncha , n
brother of Mohammed , ru hcd to his ii' cw
nud hold the rebel tl g ovi-r him until the
light WBI tiuiihcd , Hawaii nnd Mohammed
liauo been in rebel cmnps e\etnl times
ilri" > sixl as dervishes.
The rebel * am within a week's tinvch of
] > > nignla and Horosko. The Koswt of romndar
gives n month's delay , nfterhich nothing
can lirovent the rebels any point wnitlt
of AR.slocet which itvilluii tweho lioui-a
innivh of
The K > tyi > tlun Cotiforcuco.
uno U > , Tlio niini < tciiil Mate-
inmt on the programmo for the Mgyptian
cotifiTi'tieo will 1)0 withhelil until a lysponse ii
i\vci > ocl fi-oin the powers to GrauviHo'a note
! u relation to tlio coiiforenco.
AgentH throughout the country nro ptup.vr-
ing for the election contest- ! .
Kl IMiilull Kriirolilni ; on
CAUIO , Juno M. The governor of Dougola
amioiinres that IVrber ban fallen , and that
1)1 ) Mahdi is advancing on Dongiiln. The
goveiuor proposes to ivacuato the city. The
fall of Heritor is ollicially crodital nt Wnily
llCt > nlllOUK . _ . _ . „ . . . . .
DKI.FAHT , June 15. A monster meeting of
Orangemen was hold in llolfast yesterday.
Threatening resolutions word ndopeil against
the lord licutciunt of Ireland , should he carry
out his intention to visit Itelfaat.
A Knllvvay to llui-bct * .
LON'DON , .lime 15. A p.itty of engineers
has been ordered to Kgypt to survey the dos-
ett between Kuakim and Bnrber with a view
to the construction of a i-ailway.
Snnlii nnd Italy VH. 1-Ynneo.
LONDON , iluno 15. The ministers of Spain
ami Italy have sent agents to Fox advising the
sultan of Morocco to refuse to tign the treaty
pit-pared by Franco.
I'rlnco Krnpntklno.
I'.vuts , June 15 , I'linco Kriipolkino'ri liber-
ntiou from Cl.iirvaux piison , .Inly llth , is
Sl'UlNG Sl'OUtS.
ThoGrciU Military Knouiiipniotit.
Dunt'yuK , In. , Juno II. All preparations
nro completed for the grand military encamp
ment to bo given her next week. The occas
ion will-bo Imr-nrtnut because of its being the
first time since the war when regular army
troops and military liavo boon encamped to
gether. Among the companion to bo proiontnro
Light battery "FIthnrtUlory ; battery "D1'
5th artillery ; companies of the fourth Infantry
of the united States Army ; national
rilloa. of Washington ; Mobile rillos , Tread-
way rifles and Branch guard * , of St. Louin ;
Washington artillery of Now Orloaus
cavalry aqundrons from Milwaukee ,
St. Louis nnd other points , bontdos many com
panies from Iowa. Illinois , Wisconsin nnd
Minnesota. Tlio display of artillery will bo
especially line , conntiting of mortars , galling
gnus , howitzers and others. Some of tha
troops arrived to-day , others Monday nnd
Tuesday. Tlio program consists : Tuesday ,
grand street parade and dross parade ; Wed
nesday , competition company drill for diamond
badges , batweou Mobile rillts/froadway rillos ,
National rillos , nnd other crack companion ;
Thursday , artillery and cavalry drill ; Friday ,
sham battle.
Among the prominent to bo present are
Gun. V . Kirby Smith , Govcrnorx Sherman ,
of Iowa , amlLusk , of Wisconsin , with their
stall ; Gou. Gibbons , U. S. A. , uiul General
Jalin.JT.JSvA. Them will bo many bands
< inat.tqiHliir66.ovor-thrcerhtindrod'rnusiciuns ; ;
Tho'oncom'pmpnt will bo under' direction'mid
command of Brig. Gen. O , S , Bentley , I. N.
G. of Uiibuquo.
DUIIUQUI : , June 15. The National Military
encampment which is to bo held in this city
the pit-sent week , bids fair to bo the most
pr < minout gathering of regular and citizen
soldiers over bold in the United States.
Troops nro in riving by every train and boat.
Among the companies on the ground are bat-
teryl ) , Fifth nitcd HtntcH aitillory , from
Foit Omaha , in command of Major ItoultH ;
the Fourth United States artillery , I nan Vt ,
Snellimr , in command of Mnjor Frank Smith.
The Milwaukee Light llnntoSipindion , con
sisting of thirty-four men and an equal number
( if trained hoi Fes , arrived thin morning in com
mand of Gaiit. SchoolTcl. To-day tlio camp
was visited liy n largo number of people. The
United States troops and visiting militia at
tended BOivico tins afternoon , which was held
in thoaniphitlientio nt the camp gumndu.
Hiv. ( i 1C. Gordon , chaplain of the Milwniikeo
Light ] torso Hipiadron , conducted tlio soi-
In tliu livening a sacred conceit was given
by the Fouttli LTnitod States infantry band
from Fort Omaha. A largo number of troops
will ani\o to-morrow , including suvoii cnmpn-
nlrs fiomSt. Louis.
NKW OliMSANH , Jnno 15. A detachment nf
the WiiHliiiiRlun uitillcry left this oyening ,
and the Jtinmi Light Guards last evening' , for
Onbuipie ,
Kiidillo IlnuHtinil Sulky.
CONKV IHIANI ) , Juno II. The track was
lieavy. Ifir t race , put MI nf ? 500 , thieo-ipiar-
tor inilo Hm-gom.iMter won , Itusior second ,
ltliicklminthiidtime ; , l Of.
Second raee , two year old fillies , five fur-
Savugo won , Theodnro second , Totwi ,
third ; timo. 1:07 : ? .
Coney Island derby , mile and a half Gioy-
utono won , Tmnala Kecond , Welcher thiid ;
time , 1:51. ! :
Coney Inland cup , two and n quarter miles
Gen , Miinrou won , llluegraHs Jk-llo necond.
time , . | : iy. :
. ndiuap HweciMlakes , mill ) and a quarter
Vocalic won , Miss liiownter xecond , llait
foul third ; time , 1:17. ! :
Sixth race , match for f.MKt a Kide , limn
( piarter mile Young Inchrns won ; time , 1:20. :
Seventh lace , handicap ftopplo clniHC , full
COIII-HO Woosti'r won , 'I'otii Nnvoii nccoiid ,
Major Wheeler third } time 0:11 :
ST. IjOUiB , Juno 11. Tim military cup for
the MisHomi mililiu hti oplecliaio llariy
U'l''ullon won , Mr , Furrais Hccond , Mr. I'n'ui
tbild , AN no rider went over the couiho , nil
bets wi-ro ( l : luicd nlf.
Tbreo-quartcr milo liallet won , Virgil
lleurno second , Tnublo llilid ; time , 1:1 : ! ) J.
Third race , BOVOII fuilmigs Jtevoko won ,
Nodawny second , J'hll Lewis third ; time ,
Itroweis' cup , two mllcH nnd a quniter
April l''ool ' uiui , John Davis second , Aiuliim
thud ; ti . , -liOliJ , .
Five fuihmgH lioat rnct > Mvtt K. won the
lirst and third lipat * , and Niphon the BICOIK !
heat ; time , l0li ; , 10J ; ( ! , liij. ; ( )
Threo-quaiter milo teeplecliabo NoraM.
, Von Moltko nvonil , Gilt thinl 5 lime ,
111' ' .
At Hock Island. Kock Islands , -1 } Union
rneitlrs of Omalu , 3.10 inning * .
At I'iltoburg , Gnmo iMistpnued , rain ,
Washington. Game ixwtpomxl , rain.
Chicago. Unions of Chicago , I ; Knnwvn
City , 8 ,
Isow York. Toledo , I ; Metropolitan , 10 ;
Hmiklyn , 3 ; Columbus , 10 ,
Miimovtiolis. Quincy. H ; Minneapolis , 0.
1 V-tn > it.-Chicago , U ; lotrolt , I.
Grand Hapids.-Grand Itapids , 8 ; Terre
Haute , 8.
Hoston. 1'rovidence , I ; Boston , ! t.
I'hiladelphiti. I'bllnde'phii * , 8 ; Now York I ,
Philadelphia.IndianaiMli * , 10 ; Athletics ,
Biltimom I'ostiwned , rain ,
Huiialo. Cleveland , fi ; Ituiralo , 8.
1-t. Wnyno - Minkegon , 1 | Ft. Wnvnc , 13.
Cincinnati. Union game postpouiMl , rain ,
hast Snguiaw.Sngm.iw , 7 ; Day City , 5.
Milwaukee. Milwaukw , 1 ! , 1't-orla , fi.
li\ir a I'rlro ,
MiXNKArroLH , June 15. A pri/o fight for
SiM ! ) a siilo took pl.ico foity miles from this
city , iu Carver county , this mmning , between
1'atsoy Millin , of Minneapolis , and Jack
ICeefo of Philadelphia. U lasted Ml mlnutesj
fomteen nmiids were fought Millin was
deejared the victor. ICeefo was pretty badly
bruised about the bead and cheat.
The Oar.
KOSTOX , Juno 11 , Tlio llnmm-llosmirraco
fias been postponed until Tuesday on account
if bad vu'.itlier.
DnUota'H Governor Claims Local
1'rojiullco Seouioil lllw liiillctiiiont.
YAXKTON , T\k ) , , Juno II. Governor N. G.
Ordway to-day nddivsseda letter to Hugh J ,
Cainlibi'll , United States dintrict attorney , in
\\hichhoiipeaksof the indictment retuincd
against him ( Ordwuy ) . which was procured , a %
ho contends , by local ] uejudici > , and nlno nil-
veils to the published Btitoment that ho is
seeking to evade n thorough inquiry into his comluct ns goveinnr. Addiyssing
Campliell in iieiBou , ho says : " 1 wijl join you
in n telegrapliio request to the president tlmt
Ah'Mindtr ' It. Botoler and W. llaight , exam
iners for tlio dopartmput of justice , scut into
the tettitory to exnmino Into the chnigcs pin-
foired nKnlnst you , bo also nuthoried and fully
ompo\\or4d to exnmino all witnesses which you
mny jiroscnt , Bhowing coriuptiou or midfeas-
enco in ollieo on my part while continuing to
make examination of chargosprofoiiTd against
you , nud if the liual repoit show either or both
to liavo netnl coirnptly ; either or both whall
immediately send u resignation to the presi
dent and thus relieve the prnplo of Dakota
from i-oiiiiptniul incompetent > .dicialn. " No
answer has yit been deceived ,
IjlNCOljN IilT UP.
of nlilvcry and Salon Stnblo
Nine IlorsrH Dcati-oycd.
Special Dispatch to TUB ] ) KK.
LINCOLN , Juno 15. About 1 o'clock this
moining a lire bioko out in the checkered
liain used as a sale and stock ntablo , on the
west side of Historical Square on Ninth street.
The lire Hpi-o.ul with giunt rapidity , the build
ing being wrapped hi llames almobt instantly
after the ihu was discovered.
The building vyiva occupiciUiy George 1'eu-
ham. Nine horses polished in the llaiueH with
other blooded stock. The building was totally -
tally dnstoycd..rTI > o exatttprigln' thu lire
iii unknown , " Ifut I'H thought to have Htnrted
from a lighted cigar. The loss ia about
The whilolownspeojlo ( turned out to wit
ness the fno nnd had there been n > Btrong
wind , from the west nt that time the city
vv'oiild how beinruInK. _
An IiiHiiranco Olliolal SulcliloH ,
Tourr-AXK , Mi ! . , Juno 15 Nicholas DoG -
G root , nssistant secretary and cashier of tlio
Union MutnalLifo Insurance Comp.iny , cnm-
iniUccl suicide to-day at his summer reHidenco
mi Little Diamond island. Ho has been suf
fering witn mental depression for tit weeks ,
and was evidently insane. _
'J'riulo .SlrlkUN iii
LONDON , Jnno 15. Three thousand em-
ployes of the worstoil mills of ] Sradford struck
yesterday for higher wages. There is great
disorder anil the windows of the mill were
smashed. The BtonoinaMins of Dradford ulho
at ruck. _
I'llll.ADnM'lllA ' , Jnno 15. The condition of
Bishop Simpson at midnight was without inn *
teiial clinngu , It is not possible fur him to
lecover , but the doctor sayn ho shows gient
vitality v\hich may prolong hia life a day or
two. _ _ _ _ _ . _
Dloi-i ) JMoriiKiiiH.
LONDON , Juno 15.Tho Klcuinur Ari/onn ,
fiom Quotiistown , to-day , fur Now York , took
/MRS / no us
SHOOO. Oiven
iralmnoraiiylnjiirlomi eiilitanc''ic'iii | ju found
In AndrowH * 1'oarl JJaklng Powder. Jt pos-
rfuclvcd Iro'inmitli cliwuMHaKH. Dana Hays , llos-
ton ; M. Dclafontalne , of Uldi-nio ; ; niul " '
llodc , Jllhviinlice. Kovcrsold In Imlk.
iTJ ijiko U | . U'JlU. W tcrB .
Collision Between Pennsylvania Excn
sionisls aiirt an AcMuioflalioii ,
SixPorsoiis Killed Outrieht ai
Others Wounded !
The Accident Caused by Non-
Reception of Telegram ,
Several Children Noted Among
the Killed and Wounded
Both Locomotives Demolished
Steam Adds to the Horror ,
Nearly All tlio Train CrovvH Among
tlio Killed or Injurcil.
ritiLADKU'iii.v , Juno 1Illy n collision
between an excursion train and an accomoda-
tion train on the Canidon road this morning ,
ICugincors I'alnior nnd Uaxtor , Conductor
Smith , llapgngonmstor Vaughn , Mall Agent
Wyllo nud I'iioninu ITnrbor were killed.
Many pontons injured. The excursion party
were of the Canidon Presbyterian church.
\Vlien thonowH n-acheil Cninden , n special
train VMIS inado up and n doreu i > hyi < iciaiis de-
liaited for Axhland. A wix-cking train was
\lso n.'iil to Ashland , The point whore the
collision occurred is considered the worst nil
; ho line. It is n hoavydown grndo and curves
n both directions. In the middle of the
-urvo Is a wooden bridge over Cooper's cieek.
1'hero is only n KUiglu track in the curve.
Mail Agent Wylio callixl from \inder the
debris ; "Ileii ) 1 am. " Whim taken out ho
was found shockingly lacerated nnd death
occurred in a very shorl time. Among the
moro m-iiously injuied passengers were John
mil Willie Cnskoy ; the former , aged 1- , had
Ids face badly cut , but the younger brother
vviu.iKiu.ini : .
The Hiiporvisor of the inad , Frank I'enton ,
was ivscnedafter laborious work of two hours ,
teriibly mangled , but did not survive lonz. At
the moment of the collision , Conductor Smith
was counting tickets in the front car. At that
instant also Supervisor lalo ) , who was in the
thinl car , jumped to the platform and assisted
a number of childtcn ami old folks to escape
through tlio windowH. The work of clearing
tlm road is not yet nccomplished.
Tlio accident was caused by the non-recep
tion of telegrapliio dispatches. Both engines
were smashed. The following were
i.vjtmim :
HKNIIY IIITB ) : , scaldid and hipbioke.
I .LKNIIAUII . JIUHCir , badly scalded.
I < "HANK MuCoimtCK. lepbioken and scalded.
Jons' OAHKV , slightly injured.
"U'jl. CAHKY , injuieil inturnally ami cannot
Jirt. ItOHKNIiAUM , uxpress ngent , badly hurt
about the back and brad.
Ai , . Gt.KN , conductor , injured internally.
CottA MAY LtiTKNc-orr and brother KUOKNH ,
sliubtly iniurud.
The injured were placed under immediate
medical attendance , and lemovod to Cnmdon.
* ,0no nf the pas cngciH said li t aftertnoJV
collision till f < crainbled out of the cars , eomoby
the windimH. Iloth loconiotives were demol-
Ihhed , and rscaning steam inuilo it impossible
for HOIIIO time for anyone to approach within
fifty feet of the wiecic Great excitement ex
isted nmong thu people in the twotralns , espe
cially iiinong the women _ and children. The
accommodation watt running twenty-two miles
nu hour when it entered the curve , nnd after
tlm two trains came together the utmost con
fusion piovailcd among the passengers , The
fli't man taken out was John Itoenbiium , ex-
piess agunt on thu accommodation train. Ho
wus teriibly cut about the head , fuco and
hands. lie wan found with a Jot ( if debris
covering him and oxtric.itod with dilh'culty.
The body of Fli email Nicholrf liarbrr wasnext
dlscovoieil under the wrecked tender , orribly
mangled. Fireman Louis , McClniro was
rescued unconscious nnd tciribly Hcaldcd His
bond Is swollen twice thu normal H zo. Drake
man John I agoi-was Imiled fiom the baggage
car into A pool of water nnd mud.
Another Flru lit St. Vaul.
Sr. PAUI , , Jiinoll. A flro broke out this
morning In n row of frnmo horses on Seventh
etrcot. A brisk wind WUH blowing and for a
time It looked ns If the flro would spread to a
number of brick businoas blocks , but filially it
was gotten tinder control , ttftor destroying
eight frame honeos and n number of sheds.
Loss , ubout S'JO.OOO , insiirnuco , S'-.OOD. One
man hndn leg brokoii and Ids hair burned elf ,
and was finally rescued. There were u num.
lior of other narrow oxcapcs.
Catarrh Cured
Catarrh Is .a very prevalent disease , wltli
distressing nnd olfcnslvo Hymploina. Ilood'a
Snrsnparllla given ready relief nud speedy
euro , from the fact It nets through the blood ,
and tliua readies every part ot tlio system.
" I snllcrcd with catarrh fifteen years. Took
Hood's HarsapaiIllunnd lam nottronl-leilnny
with catarrh , and my general hc.iltli Isiiinch
better. " I. W : ItiM.ii ) , Postal Clerk Chicago
& fit. Limit * Itallroad.
" I Buffered with catarrh o or 8 years ; tried
many wonderful cures , Inhalers , etc. , spend
ing nearly one hundred dollars without benefit.
I tried lluod's Barsapnrllln , and wan greatly
Improved. " M. A. Amiisy , Worcester , Mass.
Hood's Barsajiarllla Is characterized by
three. ] icciillnrltlea i 1st , the combination ot
remedial agents j 2d , the proj > urtlon3d , tlio
jiroccM of. BcctirhiK tlio nctlvo mcillcltial
qualltluH. The rcsiill'is a medicine of unusual
strength , effecting cures hitherto unknown.
Send for book containing additional evidence.
"Hood's Barsaparllla tones up my system. '
purlllcB my blood , sharpens my amiutlfu , and
seems to make mo over. " J. P. TiiosirgoN ,
Jteglstcr or Deeds , Lowell , Mass.
"Hood's Haraapnrlllii boatE all othera , and
IHvrortb UHwelglitln giilil. " I. HAUHINOTON ,
I'M Dank Htroct , Now Yoik Clly.
Hood's Sarsapanlla
Bold liy all druggists. $1 ; six for ? 5. Made
only by 0.1. IIOOI ) & CO. , Lowell , Mass.
IOO ° Doses Ono Dollar.
rgcogrjizeil " i Siiecau e