Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 14, 1884, Image 1

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forencc at Boston ,
Eliot of Harvard , Seolyo , and
Others Leading a Bolt ,
A Committee of 100 Appointed to
Call a National Convention ,
The Milwaukee Dor Herald He-
fuses to Support the Ticket ,
Now York Democratic Chairman
Certain as to Tilden's ' Sincerity ,
And Now Comes the Story That
Tilden Was Born in England ,
The Eedster of His Birth to bo
Seen in Kent County ,
Massachusetts andNe 7 York Re
publicans Ratifying ,
Various Political Matters oC tlio Day
of Considerable Interest.
WH , TIII : i-Koru : or IN
] 5osTON , Juno 13. The independents of
Massachusetts who oppose the republican
presidential ticket met to-day in Menionan
Hall. Jlenry L. 1'ierco called the meeting to
order. He said the nominations made at
Chicago wcro not up to the liivh standard of
the republican party. Cha . W , Codman was
chosen president. The vice presidents in
cluded 1'resident Kliot , of Harvard , Julius II.
Seelyo and Samuel Hoar. _
Col. Codman upon taking the chair criti
cised the platform of the. republicans because it
declares that this is a nation and not u league
of states. The democratic party bus its oppor
tunity now
Col. HigRinsen in a speech alluded to Gov
ernor Cleveland , of Now York. The reference
was loudly applauded.
Jsmes I'reeman Clarke also spoke. Tlio
following preamble and
WHSUKAS , Wo are met in conference as
republicans and independents of the Massa
chusetts to take action in opposition to the
nomination of James G. Blame , for president ,
and John A. Logan for vice president of the
United States , and ,
WHEREAS , These candidates wcro namucl
in absolute disregard of the reform Bcntiment
of the nation , , and represent the i > olilical
methods and principles to wliich wo arc un
alterably opposed.
Jtcsolrcii , That it is our own conviction the
country could ba better served by opposing
these nominations than by supporting them.
Jlcsolvcil , That we look with solicitude to
the coming nominations ofthe democratic
party. They have proper men. Wo hope
they will put them before the peoplu for elec
licsolved , That an executive committee of
ono hundred bo appointed with full powers.
Resolved , That whatever action bo taken by
the democratic party in Chicago , we , republi
cans and independent direct our commit
ted to call a convention in such manner they
may deem expedient , after the [ democratic
candidates have been nominated , and not lat
er than August 1st , and to take further ucti : i
as may to them seem necessary to , carry out
tlw sense of the meeting with practical effect.
Mr. Uallowell offered a resolution declaring
any man who accepts the presidential nomi
nation from the democratic party thereby
forfeits all claim to republican support. This
was received with hisses and finally defeated.
Kallowell said ho could not vote with dem
of Harvard , in u speech seconding the fourth
resolution , said : "I must confess it will only
be by a dispensation of I'rovidenco that the
democratic putty will give us the candidate
wo want. If wu put on our platform their
candidate , it will bo better for tnem and per
fectly satisfactory , but political progress is to
secured only by conflict of national parties ,
and as a rule there uru two national jiarties.
Therefore ; 1 hope that out of this meeting will
grow a new party as ono was grown yean ago.
Wo want to
ill our country a party of national principles.
and ono which looks forward to national
tiiumph. "
The committee of ono hundred was appoint-
oil ; also a committee of twenty-fivo to go to
New York to confer with thu independent re
publicans of New York on Juno 17th. The
committee is headed by Colonel Codman.
I/jtttrH from Congressman Lyman nnd other
sympathisers were read.
MILWAUKEE , Juno 13. Abensationhasbeen
created by Der Herald , the moot influential
aud widely-circulated German newspaper in
the west and northwest. Hitherto it has been
u staunch republican organ. It announceH in
a double-leaded editorial that it will not sup-
] H > rt the lilainoand Logan ticket. Further
more , that in the event of the democratio
national convention nominating Cleveland or
liayanl upon a sound democratio platform it
will biipport Hiich a ticket without projudi o to
its returning to its allegiance to the republican
party In futuio ; ramp'igns. Dr. .Selliifr ,
editor-ln-clnef of Der Herald , in an interview
last night , raid ho believed tint this view
volcml thfl sentiments of u great mass of the
Germun republicans in thu west nn I ninth-
west. The action of the paper is ,
nd \ w the sole topic of c .mment amo g
Knglixh und German Hjeakingrepublicans yes
Chicago Tribuue.Augufita , Me. , Dispatch 1'Jth.
The aunouncemenl that Mr. lll.iino will at
tend the meeting of the national republican
' committee in Now York is not considered to
have much foundation , Neither have the
htatcmenta that ho will btump the .itates of
West Virginia , Ohio , New Yo/lc , Miusaclni-
wits , Connecticut , und Indiana uny authority
at tliu present tune. 1'our yean * ago Mr.
lUaino opposed Gen. Garfieldii trip to New
i York when the conference was * ppuinti < d to
harmonize republican difference * , and if ho
if now goo * theio himself it will be an act of in-
f consistency. Ho will bo the
and will therefor. ' , BO HS ho can , direct all
inovewnU from his head < iuart rii in this city.
Dolihttul rvjiublio.n § tite.s will 1m given us
much attention as poiwblo , but the provident
ial nomin tion c ining to him in the way it
did ho v.ill hardly fuel chat duty call * him to
iH'rHonally ent r into the duties uocuad.ry to
win elo tor 1 votes of iho o state * . His piv-
M-nca would IHJ 1 okwl iiiion a * a direct ( ml for
the o'ectoi-al ' vote. Wliutnvr opinion Mr.
IJIm'no may desire to expntw * to the new
national committee at their organization the I i
IMth iiibt. will undoubtedly bu conveyed by J
Maliclu-.ter Ilnyiu-n of thu . I
the Hon. J. , city. J
Mr. Haynes is n new man HJKUI the committee -
mitteo aud pucccedi such men as Mr. lUaine
and Swifttol V'ryo , who for years rf presented
this stato. Ho ban twlco been a member of
the state Ippi'la'uro , the last time serving u *
speaker of the hou o of representative' , nnd is
rapidly coming to the front as one of the most
prominent men in the state.
Mil W.AlNt's MKK
will bo well wiitton up. Up to the present
time there have bi en tivo biographers in the
city , ami three more are reported on the way
from Ohio and the we t. The others nrt gen
erally in the rinplop of Now Knglaiul lirinc.
Some of the iiub ishers are promlMUg to bavo
their biographies ready for delivery July 1.
iucAi-sK : OK iiF.isn nonN IN
Special Dispatch to Tim Hr.E.
Duni'ijUK , Juno I.1 ? . A fctory is publishinl
hero to the olfect that Samuel J. Tilden was
not born in the Unitwl States , and is theix1-
fore ineligible for the office of pi-ffident of tlu >
Uniteil Kt'Ues. It is given on the authority of
a prominent Englishman of this city , who pro
fesses to luvo mm the church register in tlio
county of Kent , Knglatid , showing Tilden's
birth there , and , when he was two and n hnlf
years old , was sold by bis father for n small
holding of hnd previous to emigration to
, _ _ _ _ _ _ _
UOHTON , Juno 13.- About ono hundred and
fifty friends of Jesse L. Clove and
Charles T. Gallagher , delegates to
the national republican convention from
tlio fourth district , met them at a dinner to
night. It was a. company of earnest Hluino
supporters. Kboii T. Mcl'herson presided.
Among those present wcro Lieutenant ( ! ov-
ernror Atues , A , W. Heard , Collector \Vor-
thington. Judge G. W. Rchell , Judge C. C.
Hunh , W. A. .lohnson , Henry I'arkman aud
O. A. Dennison , of California. ' 'peeches
of Bluino and Logan wen- made by Governor
Gallagher , \Vorthington , Ames , I'urkmun ,
Sclinell , Heard and DennKoii. J. A. Kinitb ,
of lioston , highly eulogized Ulaine and de
scribed a visit paid him in September last ,
whonMr. Ulninosuid , "I do notcare to be u
candidate ; I have got through with public
life , when Gurlield died my public career
closed. I am happy in the past ; I am happy in
the present ; I nm happy in my friends ; 1 am
happy in my following ; 1
and then to live for the respect of my fellow
men and for the gard of those about me. "
If over u nomination cunio from tha people , it
w.13 the nomination of James G. Itlaino. und
the people love him because he is thoroughly
and entirely an American citizen. A few tliew
spoke brielly. Loiters were read from Henry
Cabot Lodge , and I'ostmaster Toby expressing
sympathy with the objects of the meeting.
Special Dispatch to THE Ucs.
CHIOARO , Juno 13. The committee to nip-
ervlso the urrnngemonts for the hall , for the
democratic national convention , considered
the plans to-day , and decided to recommend
the removal of the stage from the north end ,
where it was during the republican conven
tion , to the west side. It ia thought this will
enable a larger number of persons' to hear.
Tlio bouth and east walls will also be moved
back , increasing the healing capacity
twelve _ hundred. Representatives ) of the
press will occupy tha platform in front of the
htage. surrounded by a railing. The epaco al
lotted to thorn will bo lebs than in the republi
can convention , the intention being to udmit
only these who are actually necessary to re
port the proceedings while in progiess.
NEW YOIIK , Juno 13. The Lincoln club
gave nn informal reception to-night to John
D. Lawson , on his return from the Chicago
convention ; resolutions expressing loyalty to
the republican party and Bluinu were passed.
The 21st assembly district republican club
adopted resolutions to-night ratifying the
nomination of IJlaino and Logan and pledging
tb'MiiselAes to work for the election of the
lib linees.
' . 10 German republican central committee
to-niftht passed similar resolutions. Both
meetings were largely attended , and much
enthusiasm was manifested. A committee
was appointed at the latter meeting to make
arrangements for holding a ratification mass
meeting. _
Sr. Louis , J-ino 13. Tha Evening Chroni
cle sent a dispatch to Samuel J. Tilden yes-
teiday , asking if ho would endorse the inter
pretation put upon his letter of declination by
the Missouri Republican , of this city. [ The
Republican claimed that , while Tilden was in
no soiiho a candidate , he would , novcrthclcss ,
not absolutely refuse to lead the democracy ]
Tilden turned the Chronicle dispatch over to
the democratic state committee , of New York ,
and at noon to-day the following was re
ceived :
Tildeii'fi letter means what it says. His dec
lination is absolute. Under nu circumstances
will ho bo a candida'c. ' DANIEL MANMNO ,
Chairman of the Democratic State Centra !
Committee of New York.
KANSAS CITV , Jnno IS. ThoTimes Olathe ,
Kan. : Governor St. John , in an interview ,
disclaims the published statements that ho de
clared the nomination of ISlaine ami Logan to
bo a disgrace to honcnt men , and recommend
ing all temperance people to oppose the ticket ,
Ho Hiys , however :
"I do Kiy that the acti.-n of the Chicago con
vention in ignoring the temperance ipiesii in is
an insult to the piohlbitiiinistH , and an act of
political co w.i id i cu which ought to bo con
demned by every Christian nun and woman
in tliocountiy , and as far as I ant peihonully
concerned , it ( Ouill never be endorsed by my
ballot. "
DELWATis po.yr.
Sr. Loum , Juno 13. Delegate I'ost , of
Wyoming , left for New Yoik last night.
I'Yum there ho will proceed home. Ufforo
leaving ho informed your , correspondent that
this was his last ler.n in congress ; that ho
would not bo a candidate again under any cir
Chicago Tribune.
The lion. Mark A. Ifauna , of Cleveland ,
who was one of the delegates at largo from
Ohio to the late convention , said yeatenlay at
the Gra-iil Pacific , in conversation with : i reporter -
porter of the Tribune :
"I have been home , and T find u very
healthy feeling in tegard to the ticket ; lie-
publii-aiiH are Jubilant and confident , while
democrats udmit its otrencth und coi.cede that
the result is doubtful. And now that Tilden is
out of the ijuiiBtinii it is K"'ig ' t" be a hard
matter for them to find two men to pitugainui
DUine and Logan with any prospect of me-
cesK. 1 cannot gpeak for New York , but
Ohio will ceitainly cast its electoral vole for
the republican ticket , and wo will give a good
lepoit in October , uhcn till ) keynote of the
campaign will bo Honndc ! . "
"What will bo the republican majority in
October. "
"Ohio at hunt is u close state , and of courno
the democrats will nut fmtli all their i.'iiergies
and make u desperate effort toeairy it. Then
there will bo xomo dinalfectioua among the
Gennaim. though not to any alarming uxtent.
I nee Judge i'oraker is jiulllr-t'them into line
in Cincinnati already. I tthonld bay that 1f > , -
IXf ) ) republican majoiity is n safe estimate , nnd
when you consider that Iloadly wan elected by
IL'.OOO majority ft year ago , that will be a I i
treniendoiuj gain for uu.
of Recent Failnrcs Show
NoBellurFacc ,
Middloton & Oo of Washington
Showing upMost : Disgraoofullyi
Oharity Funds , Property for Safe
keeping , Etoi , All Gobbled !
The Trial at Fittsburg of the
Poun Bank Dosporadoosi
Fish , of the Marino Bank , Indicted
by the U , S , Grand Jury ,
Tlio 1'cople'H Havings llaulc or New
Castle , Dcla. , In Trouble
Other llnflcnlllios ,
Tlio I'ciin llunk HiiBt.
I'm'.snuiiQ , Juno 13. llearlng wns had this
morning in tha ca os of The ? . .1. Watson , oil
broker , and cashier Uolbor , charged with con-
splrlug tu dofrnud the 1'onu btnk : , I'rostdent
Kiddlo was indicted on information but waived
hearing and gave ball for appearance in court.
The testimony wan mainly n repetition of the
facts already published , but touded to show
that Kiddle , Watson nul Keibor were
ussoclutcd in the oil speculations and the
overdrafts of fictitious limn ropraaont their
transitions in oil. One of the fictitious ac
counts wni opened with nn overdraft of $125-
000 und nt the close of the bunk there was
over $100,000 overdrawn. Thomas .MVatsonV
Individual account woo overdrawn S'-'o7,0)0. (
Charges ngainst overdrawn accounts were
made bv Iho direction of President Kiddlo
nnd Itcibcr was cognizant of the condition of
the accounts. The testimony for the defense
will be heard next Friday. Assignee Wnrnor
to dnystatcd that ho was getting the alTaira
of the bank in Bhapo nnd now thought instead
of paying only two cents it will pay i ! , " > cents
n the dollar.
Vllllanlous Hank
WAHHI.VOTON , .Tnno 13. The Star says the
disclosures in the failure of the banking house
of Middloton & Co. are not only the moat din-
graceful but ono of the moat disastrous on
record. 1'roporty loft for eafo keeping as
good margins on atocka , charity funds , all of
the deposits nnd in fact everything has been
swept away nnd mod by the firm until it is
doubtful if it pays n cent or oven n
mill ou the dollar. It is shown they
have been given funds to make purchases
which then have simply passed to their own
credit and spent. Some of the sufferers wcro
before thogrand jury yesterday , endeavoring
to secure iudlctmontj of the Middlotons for
obtaining money under false pretense. The
developments have not yet boou made public.
Another Slinky Bank ,
NEW CAHTI.K , Juno 13. The People's Sav
ings bnnk is embarrassed. President Wallace
has published a notice that owing to stories
having been circulated the bank would close its
dooiH and ho would moot those having interest
bearing deposits Saturday , Jnno lilst , when ho
will mnkon statement and proposition. Mean
while the batik will receive and pay out on
chock accounts , but will refuse all interest
bearing deposits. Depositors are satisfied that
they will receive every cent.
Fish Indicted.
New Yonic , Jnno 18. Jnines IX Fish , ox-
president of the Marino national bank , was
indicted by the United States grand jury to
day , for violating tliu banking laws.
NEW YOIIK , .Inno 13. There was a rumor
to night that James D. Fish had been rearrested
rested by the United States marshal upon
the indictment found by the United States
grand jury. It is said that after the arrest ,
1'ish was taken to n hotel by the custodians.
Tlio IlDttou AVcst Virginia Bank.
CIIAHUSTO.V : , W. Vn. , Jnno 13. Yester
day's uncasines * over the failure of the Stnto
bank lias Homcwhat subsided. There was .t
slight run on the Knnawha Valley bank early
to-day. All calls wcro met , und the run
stopped after a few minutes. The reported
nrrest of the officials to-night ia unconfirmed.
Tbo Bonato passed the IIOUBO bill providing
for the payment ef the Itli of July claims.
During tmbseqnent proceedings it was discov
ered that no fiuorum.was present. Adjourned
till Monday.
The Benato amendments _ to the consular
anil diplomatic and pension appropriation
bills wcro non-concurml in ,
1'ryor then took the floor on the electoral
count bill.
At the conclusion of Tryor's speech Mr.
Townshend ( dem. , 111. ) submitted a conference
report on the post oflico appropriation bill.
The report was adopted , us fur as the items
are concerned upon which an agreement had
b.ion arrived at.
Mr. llorr moved that the house recede from
its disagrc'tim'tit to the umendmunt increasing
from ! ? af.OO,0H ( ) to 3IXX ( > ,000 the appropria
tion for the pay of hitter-carriers. Carried
115 to HI.
The wnato amendment increasing from
.811,700,000 to S'J/.OOO.OOO the appropriation for
mail transportation by railroads was considered
in connection with an amendment striking out
the cluiiHO reducing to five percent the com
pensation to railways for mail transportation ,
ami providing that land grant roads anil
subsidy roads Hindi rucuivu only ( iO per cent of
the compensation allowed other rinds.
The house , on motion of Mr , llolman , ( dem.
hid. , ) insisted on its disagreement to the
amendment . Without acting nn the nmend-
mont providing for n apiopriation ofiJlHTi.-
000 for Bnecljl facilities or ujiou the ninend-
ment increasing the appropriation for railway
postollico clerks , the house took a tocess till K ,
tha evening w/Mion to bo for the cnnsiduration
of pension dills.
' 1 ho lioiiso at the evening HoxHion passed 70
sion bills and adjourned.
Chicago Time , lllth.
A leading mau factuier o * Cincinnati and
ono who has always buen htrongly identified
with the republican party fuid to a reporter
for the Times last1 night i "If you will not
riuoto mo by 1 will tell you o.vaotly how
the jiolitlcal Kltuation sUmls in Ohio , Jf
Charles l''oattr in kept out of the campaign and
not allowed to becoinu with tlio ro-
pubhcan management In any way , llbiino will
carry ( he htato by about Ifi.OOO majoiity , If
Foster runs the campaign or has any linger
in the piost all , JHainu will to beaten , 'iho
( joniian voters control the state , and , if not
alienated , will vote for tlio republican ticket ,
but they are not t'n favorably diapoxi.-il to-
waidsJMainu at tlio best , and if tlioiuiijs that
beat l ornker that is , iho license und .Sunday
( jiiertiunii got inivcd up in the canvas , Itlaino
will bo beaten in Ohio the numo us Koraker
was. "
"What elfoct will the withdruwul of Tilden
have ? "
"Tilden would have been a htrong candidate
in Ohio , but wi would Iloadly , Thurinan , Jlay-
urd , or Oleviiland bo , for that mutter , i'er-
liajis either Iloadly or Thunnun could carry
thu mute. "
"How about I'uynoJ"
"Jlo iii not and will not bo a candidate , 1
know that of my ] H-ri > onal knowledge. An
tiling nuw btnnd Jilaiai * "light to carry thu
Mate by 17.000. What ho will do rvmaiim to bo
dute.nmned. "
"How will the OctoK-r election gn ! "
"Wo hope then to carry Kobimon , tlu < can
didate for secretory of Htatt ; , through mi the
strength of ita Mug a presidential yrar nnd
thoeifect that hU nuccf s or deftnt will he
UIHIII the Noveiyln-r election. 'Hie Wool-
grow i-w threaten to bolt him bocau o rf his
nction on the wooMarllf iiwstion , but the
democrats ha\o not kept their proim rs to
that faction , and certainly tlio lately -ado if\ ( \
republican iilntform i dtrong onoi'ph on that
iiwuo. If Kobinson is elected , however , it
will bo hrrnumi natlonat qiutitionH have M far
overshadowed local issues tlmtt they nn- for
gotten. As I said before , IHainoV olmu-o of
L'arryiug Ohio depends entirely ou keeping
Foster nnd his peculiar ideas out of the cam-
Tlioll8Krni'eil Kv.Oovornor or Smith
Gnrnltim In a Now Hole Posl
n rt DnloKAto to Chicane
nnd linn-owing Money
to liny Wlilsltcv.
Special Dispatch to TIIR BKK. .
CIIICAOO , Jnno 111. Two or tlvroo days ago ,
on the complaint of n couple of nrominiMit
local physicians , a man gvinE' ! hJMi.moqf Dr.
Warren , of Philadelphia , but whomitwciinent-
ly said his name was .PamM K. Lawrence , of
Dover , Delaware , was arrested on thu chai-ge
of obtaining money under fnlso pretenses.
These fulso pretenses consisted inii'pivsenting
that ho was in nttundanco on tbn repulihcan
national convention and was out of money ,
and asking the professional courtesy of u loan ,
A reporter for the Inter Octnit hsd an inter
view with him , nnd that palter will publish u
statement in the moruhnj to the olfeet that
the prisoner confessed himself to be the notor
ious Hx-CoNernor Moses , of South Carolina.
It will be remembered tiiat after his term us
governor expired , Mosi-.s fell very low , nnd
was sent1 nee.1 to six months in Sing Sing
prison , Now York , for swindling. It was ho
who gnvo the order to lire on Kurt Knmptor.
Ho says he has been hero about thren weeks ;
that it wns his intention to redeem himself by
u correct life , and that ho intended to return
the bums borrowed ,
the Western Whisky Pool
from Mud to 13ml The Export
Association Dead ,
Juno IX A mooting of distillers
who are members of the Western Kxport
Association was held hero to day , and after
discussing the question of ruorganizing the
pool for the control of the production and
regulation of prices , which has been practi
cally a dead letter since the recent break In
whisky values , the whole ) mutter was turned
over to the oxecutlvo committee. That body
spoilt the afternoon and evening in secret
session. It is understood that tliu meeting
was a rather stoimy ono , charges of cutting
prices and over production bing made against
Cincinnati and DCS Moincs distillers. Finally ,
without reaching any agreement , the committee -
too adjourned smo die. The combination is
considered at an end.
HeCnllH for a GIIHH | of Wino ana u
CiRnrotio lloforo llclng HIIIIK ,
KKV WI-ST , Juno 13. Kecio , thu colored
Cuban convicted of murder , was -hanged to
day. The murdered man was also n Cuban.
The crime origimitod in a gambling quarrel.
Itecio denied the guilt of this oHeliso but ac
knowledged having committoi ) Ihreo murders
in Cuba. Ho says the victims vrero nil Span-
i.'iids. After being bound , Hcoio called for n
bottle of wino and u cigarette. 31o took the
drink witli the greatest coolness and invited
the jail officers to join him. Upon their de
clining , ho took u second glass , dropped his
cigarette , nnd said ho was ready. Another
Cuban , convicted of murder , hung himself in
his cell. Ho was to have been executed to
Annual Meeting of the Commercial
Travelers' Protective Ansoclatlon.
Di.-riiotTJunoif. : ThoTruvclersTrolectlvo
Association of the United States hold ita
second annual meeting in this city to-day. It
is composed of commercial travelers , has 2,000
members ; receipts for thy year , § 1,581 ; dls
bursemonts $1,10 ! ) . A publio reception was
given the association this evening with an ad <
dress of welcome by the president of the Merchants
chants nnd Manufacturers JCxehaugo , and the
animal address , recitation , musio &o. The of
ficers of lait year were re-elected J. M. Me-
Klnstry , of Cleveland , president ; J. It. Stoiio ,
of Cincinnati , secretary and tieasurer.
Caiiulon Haloon Men AK'tulctl ' Over
u Now"JII h IJIUUIIBO" Jjaw ,
K.V , N , J. , Junp IX Thuro was much
oxeiti'inout umong the liquor dealers to-day
when it became known that the city council
last evening decided to raise the license from
§ ! (5 ( to SUOO. The measino is known as the
"liigh license tax , " anil has figured jirominent
ly in the last two spring elections. The ordin-
unco also requires druggists toprocnro lirenws
in the same inani . ai"l at ti ! > .j . . ' . .i
the regular Kulooiii * .
JiliUHSEi.LH , Jnno l.'l , The excitement re
sulting from the liberal defeat Tuesday con-
tinupH. The street * last night were thronged
with tuibulont crowd. ) . Tha pollco disperucd
them , Furlhrr rioting is oxpjctod Sunday.
It Is orohablo the Honato , where tin liborala
have a Hinall mujoiity , will bo dissolved.
LONDON , Juno 13. ThoTlchborno claimant
will bo reloaded on a
OAIIIO , Juno 13 , Opinion hero favors tlio
theory oi the munscroof Berber.
I'AIIIH , Juno 13 I'rlnc Hohonlohn , Gor
man omlruiBador. declares public feeling in
Germany is envenomed iigalriatjKrunco by con-
nluut provocation from thu French proas.
DUIILIN , Juno 13.A landlord political fund
of Ireland has been organized , Lord Jtoss-
moro and Kir Kainuel Wi son n'u trustees , Thi.
object of tlio fund in to supply moans will ,
which to contest constituencies against the
nationalists ,
is preparing a general uiiprnl for a national
fund to bo used to pay Irish members of Par
liament ,
LONDON , Juno 13. Oliver Wendell Holmes
has written to Mr. Wiiislow Itnutm , the
oxporerof the Xoan in which ho cncloiio * 85
for the IJgyjitian exploration fund. Holmes
sayn : " 'Iho exploring spade has fnriiinlicd the
tribes of mankind with water , coal , iron and
gold , and is now giving them historic truth
from mines which have never U-on ojfjnud .in-
til our timea. It Keenm to mo the wholn
Christian and the wholu H brow worl I should
bo as much interested in the , excavation ( if
Xoan UK the tlunniu world wan in tlut of Troy ,
i id Assorf. hen doesn't
or My guinea lay
. . . .
' ! ! ! * i-
us many eggs lu the moro proliliio fowls on ono
of my neiKliboirt , but nucof them in at your
bcrvicu to hatch i H upadu \ for Xoau ,
Closing Day of llic FircniGii's ' Tourna
ment at DCS Moiiios ,
Tbo Hook and Ladder Sweepstake
Oapturod by Atlantic
The Vaughan Hose of Ooun o5
BlulTs Also Win $500 ,
The Latter Being Also Oontostod
for by tlio Omaha Thurstonsi
The U , Ps of Omaha Boat thoR
R , Ls--4to2 ,
The Dally lleooinl nt Uncos , Huso
Hall nml Other Amnmunciitn ,
lErt ) MoiNii ! * , Iowa , Juno 13. Owing to the
Kovero rain of last night it was thought the
: ist day of the tournament would have to bo
jiostponuil , bul the weather oleareil oil nicely
ind overylhiug weul off finely. The prixo for
the dulled company was uwaiiled to the
L. F. Walker C.vdet Hose , of Waterloo.
The hook and ladder sweepstakes purse of
STiOO went to tlm Pheoniof Atlantic , and u
similar imrso for the hose sweepstakes win
awanledto the Vaughan coununy , of
Council Bluff- .
The uwurdiug of the was made amid
the greatest enthusiasm. Tlio tournament H
closed , and every train going out is loadi l
down with firemen und apparatus on their
home. A great deal of enthusiasm has been
manifested and some splendid work done , und
the future- the association is certainly very
Hailillo Hans anil Sulky.
PEOUIA , Juno 13. Concluding day Milo
and repeat Ulla llowett won ; Alien Murphy ,
Hccond ; JooT , distanced ; time , 1:52 : , IM'.lf. '
Half mile and repeat. Miss Goodrich won ,
Terroll Dan , second ; Jim Fink , thinl ; time ,
Half inilo und repeat. Consolation for
horses that have not won in the circuit Miig-
gio Webb won , Coinancho , second ; Charlie
H , thinl ; time 53 and f > : tj. Comanchu won
second heat in 53.
Hnlf inilo dnsh , 2 year olds. r.onniu 1 won ;
Daisy , second ; Adventure , thin1 ; time fill.
BmairroN BEACH , Juno 13. ' ' 'rack heavy.
Tluce-nuarter mile Green-
- Hurrignn von , -
bush 2d , Queen Fun 3d : time , 1-IJ. :
Three-quarter mile Isletl won , UoyalArch
lid , Regret 3d ; time , Ijl'JJ.
Mile Kouletto won , Lutestring 2d , King
Tom 3d ; time 1:41) : ) .
Milo and one-eighth Chanticleer won , King
Tom 2d , John Ledford 3d ; time , 2:03' :
Seven-eighth inilo Treasure won , Ghost 2d ,
Hidedon M ; time , 1:3" : .
KALA.MA7.oo , Midi. iTuno 13. 2:21 : Class
Montgomery won , Lillie J second money ,
Nellie Harris third , Belle T. fourth ; time ,
" * ' * 5A ' * * ) ' } ' 'III "S ° 8
I'Yeo for all tiot Fanny Witherspoon won ,
Kdwin Thorn second money , ' Phyllis third ;
time , 2:23J : , 2:18 : ? , 2:17J : , 2lij : ) , 22-2.f. ;
2:25 : Race Minnlo It. first , Paddy Clinker
second , Jack Rapid third , Juliet fourth.
HAUTKOHD , Juno 13. Races postponed
from yesterday : 2:28 : class Whirlwind , ! , 1,1.
won in straight cents : Black Prineo Kecond
place ; lireuiu Medium , third place ; Guess Not
fourth ; best time , 21 : ,
Free for AH Pacing Buffalo Girl , won first
money ; I'lillor second ; Billy S. third ; Rich-
ball distanced ; best time , 2:17 : $ ,
Class 2:32 : Hevongo won straight heats ;
Onward second money ; Orange Boy , third ;
best time , 2:25. :
PlTTHliwta , Juno 13. Five-eightlm mile-
Amcriqno won , Toronto 2d , 'lallahemv 3d ;
time , 1:0 : lif.
Hotel Stakes 3 year olds inilo and aqnur-
tea Glenlmr won , Broiighton 2d , Major K.
3d ; time , 2:13. : Milo and a quarter Imogeiio
won , Fostorul 2d , lionero 3d ; time , 2jll
Helling race jiurHo § 500 inilo heats Keno
won 1st and 2 < l heals ; time hlltf.
Class 2032. Butterfly won lirst money ; Bes
sie , Hecimd ; Centilla , third ; Miss Legacy ,
fourth ; bust lime , 2:2I.J.
Class 2028. It. 11. won in straiglil heats ;
Lizzie M. , second ; Woslover , third ; best
time , 2:23f. :
HIIHO linll.
At Rock Island Hock Islands , 2 ; Union
Pacifies of Omulm , > l.
At Pitlsburg Cincimiali , 0 ; Allegheny , 2.
At Miiineniiolls Min'ie piliH , 2 ; ( Jiiiucy 1.
At Kurt Wayne Mnnkegon , 7 ; J'oit
Wayne , 1.
At Hay City Bay City , 7 ; Haginaw , 0.
At Now York Toledo , Metropolitan , ) .
At Providence Boston , ! ; Pnividence , 0.
At Detroit Chicago. 5 ; Detroit , li.
At Milwaukee Ppoilas II , Milwaukee * 2.
At St. Louis Unions , of St. Louis 10 , Cin
cimiati 11.
At Philadelphia Philadelphia 1 , Now
V. , : , ( I.
At St. Panl-St. Paul 12 , Htillwuters 8.
At Grand Itupids Grand Hapids 8 , Terre
Huiitcs 2.
At Itufrulo-ltuffaloH 12 , Clovehmds H.
At Philadelphia Indianapolis ? , Athletics
At New York-Columbus VH. Brooklyn
guniu WHH jiostpomil on account of the wet
At Bostoq Bultimoro Unions , 7 ; Iloilon ,
At Bultimoro Game postjioned ; rain ,
Sr. Louirt , Juno 13. The Ivunhoo Coni-
mandery of Knights 'IVmpl'ir of this cilv
have accepted all invitation fiom Iho Louis
ville Knighta to participate in the celebration
of St. Jolm's cay , Juno 21th. They will
leave on the evening of the 2ird : , aboiit10
Htrong. They will bo iiecomiianiod bv
twenU-fivo ladles , and will take their horses
with them.
Till ) IlOlll HlllllIlT IJOJ'H.
Sioux ClTY , Iowa , Jnno 13 , Battery D ,
Fifth regiinentof light artillery , which has
been hro several days , left to-day for the
Dnhiiinio encampment. TwocoiiipaniCH of the
ji'iuutli infantry arrived this morning and left
on the afternoon train for Duhmjuo.
A NiMilUlo In
BAIIDHIOWN , Ky. , Junol.'l. G. A , ,
( dork of tha Central hotel , wax fatally cut by
Win. Doom , a wortldou negro whom Hnghbn
was trying drive away from front of hotel
where ha wai lining vnlgir luiignigo , bjnwath
the window of the ladle * parlor. The negro
wai arioitcd and will probably bo lynched
when Hughei dies.
Tlio liitoriiutloiiiil ftiiiHlny HolioiiC | ,
Lnumvil.l.i : , Jnno 13.-Tho International
Sunday Kchool conventioniippoiiitodan execu
tive committee for the coming year. Tint
committee is comH | > ed of i no rnuretientativo
fnilu f-ach xtate , uml includes U , F. Jacobs , of
Illinois ; H , W. Cole , Iowa ; .1. B. Hartwell ,
of Nebraska. Addienses weio made by W.
P. Jacobs , of Illinois , on thu work of foreign
mission" . MIM Frances M , Wlllanl and Midi
Sally ( 'lupin , of .South Carolina , on temper-
aue.i.At thDniglilMvwiAn addresses were made
by Dr. B.uwU , of I own and others. The ox-
ivutinuc eoimnitteo elected the following oil- ]
cent for 1&SI 87 : Chnirman. H. F. Jacobs , of
rhicaso , tn-asurer , L. A. Bigelow , of New
\ork ; wvirtary , Jo . H. Phippof Haiti-
inori' : finauee eommittee , L , A lllgelow , of
Ni'\v York , K. S. Wugifoner , of IVnnsjlvanla ,
lot. B. Plnpps. of Hnltinion < Adjourned to
meet at n tune ami place appointed by the ex
ecutive committee.
The Trunk Iiluo I'ool to Ailvnnco
FrolwlitH KiiHt Ho oiiiliina "Itli ,
nml no AUilltlonul .Inly
NKW YOUK , Juno 13.-The joint executive
committee of tliu trunk line ( flight dopart-
inont ) conceded nn extended cession this af
ternoonan agreement to ndvanoe rates on o.i t
liound Irelght from Chicago wns divided unan
imously. The commissioner to make tlio ad-
vnncoficper hundred on giulu nnd Hour in
cluded In Class It , and HVi on provMont nnd
oilier articles included In Claw , , tlins making
r.iles on n hatis of lit ) o. for grain nnd ! IOc for
| iwisions from Chicago to New York. Tlm
low schiuitiUt will go into efTrctijnno .Mill , , nl
which tlino nlfo new interior freight pools for
Indianapolis , I'onria nnd Cleveland will L-K
nlo operation. It win nlin dectdetl to make
nnother advance of Tic per hnndivd on grain
ratedInly Ulst.
Nr.woitif , Juno 13--CommisKlotiPr Kink
sends the following to tlio associated prem :
Ala meeting of tlio Joint ovocutivocommittoo
his day It was agreed that tlio following
irltelcs in cur-loads , now in the eighth clusc ,
placed In a spoend elas * , vir. : Grain , Hour.
Vod , hran , nie.xl , middlings , olloako meid , und
cottonseed cake und ; nnd that , taking
tied Tuesday , .Inne 'Jlth , no\t , til" rates
thereon nhull bo on the built of0 per cent
iier hundred iiounds from Chir.igo to Now
Vork ; and taking effect .Inly " 1st proximo ,
the rate to bi advunced to a 1'i.xtin of l"i ! contH
per hnndroil pounds ; uUo that , taking effect
the same date , the rate on novenlh class nnd
line hogs will bo on u > basis ofVia per hundred ,
nnd on ninth clam , 110 cents | ier hundred
poiuidn , from Chicago to Now York ; unit
taking effect July'Jlst proximo , the rates on
these clu-nes bo further advanced to n basis of
ltd ooiitn on the hoventli class ntnl livn hogs ,
und,35 cents on the ninth class , from Chicago
to Now York ; al o that , taking effect Juno
ltth ! no\t , the rated on the following articles
bo on the following binds , from Chicugo to
New York !
JCighth class excepting articles included n
the above named special class , ! ! > " > ctH porlOO
Ibs. ; hizhwinen ( , wliisky , nlcnhot und domestic -
tic spirits in car loads over ! & ! 0 valuation ,
owner's risk of leakage , 35 cts per 101) llm. .
rates on highwines oto ; ou less than car Iwyltu
On grass t.eeds of nil kind * , In any quantity ,
to bo restored to the published tariff rato.i on
the several classes in which they nro plncod in
the oiliclal classiliatlon of east bound rates.
Heavy Floods In California Injuring
tlio nrops Tlio AViUor I < 'nll tlio
HcnvlcRt of any Juno
SAN KIIANUISCO , .Tnno 18. The heavy rains
of the past week have indicted great damage
on the crops. Although .Iiuui raii are no
nnuHual in this ututo , nuvcr during any yea
since 1830 have thuy been so heavy an thi
year. HeporU received to-day from lifteo
dilforunt locnlitiuH unnonncu that the hay cm
iH almost comjilotely ilestroyed. AVhent nni
bnrluy has boon Henounly inmicd. The losso
of Komo sections is estimated ax high UH 10 pe
cunt of the estimntuH two weeks ago , Khonh
the moist weather continuu much longer , the
present losses will bo largely increased , where
as a few days of cool nnd windy wcntho
would greatly remedy the ovil.
Not OR-
N , Juno 13. A caucus of ropnb-
HcniLHonntorB was held tills morning npbn tlio
Mexican pension bill , at which barely n quor
um wan prosont. After diacnsulon the mibjecl
was referred to the ciiucim oummlttoo to formulate -
mulato n course of action.
The treaty which lias boon under consldcra
tlon In the Honato commltte on 1'oroign ro
latlons , providing for International copy ligli
nnd n patent Hyutom , and which hn.i nlroady
boon ratified and promulgated by twenty-four
govormnontfl , wan reported adversely by the
cominlttoo to the Honato , and alter u brlof diu
cusslon wiw rejected.
WAHlilNnTO.v , .Inno 1 ! ) . The Illinois repwb
lican asaociation , cmripOHed of lllinoisans res
idimt in Washington , called on Heuator Logai
to-night and congratulated him on liiHiiominu
lion : n a trepnbhcan candidate for vico-iircH
ident. Tlio Kiiiialor made a brief Hpcocn n
thanks , in reply to the congratulations.
Mexican Contra ! Klnuncou
IlqsTON , .Inno III. The directors of tin
Mexican Central roilroad Have decided to limn
the next tlueo coupons on bonds , in live ycaiH
Kcrip , reilecmablo nt the plensuio of the com
puny , with Interest at the rate of 10 pur ecu
per annum. Theno coupons will amount ti
tf'.l , HIU.070 ; the script tu bo secured by con
[ ions and by Sri.TliO.fili- Miixicnn govern
inent Kiibuiify certiliratoH. This amount cover
ing the Hcript nn < l its flvo years iiilcrunt.
An Aiiirlcaiii ) . r < ! vloaii' > ICciinion.
MliXK'o , .Inno lit. The project of holding ii
St. Louis n reunion of American mid Moxiuan
veterans of the war of IHIIi is cmiliall.y en
il'irsud ' by Ueneral Dirvr. nml other promincnl
Aloxicans , us the best opjiurtunity to sual tlu
friundxhip between tlio republics , liunera
DinHiiya tliu .Mexican govoimiiDiit will all
the project in every punsiblo way.
A Now " \Vlro Itud Uonipiiny.
J'nTHiiuiid , 1'n. , Juno 13 , The now OIlvo
Kohorts' wlra rod rolling mill juH Ht'irtoi
siiccoaafiilly. Thin in the Hoconil wire rod mil
over orcclod in this nonntry , heretofore rod
used In iho inannfiicturo wire coming fron
( icrmany , Tlio now plant ] IM n capacity o
eighty tona and employs fifteen lamdrec
. . . , I'A. , Juno 13. Ono him
drod and fifty Irish and Kngllhh mliiurs , om
ployo I In 0 I'Vlcku ' k CO'H coke works , throw
1 1 own their pirku yiHtnrday nnd rofnnod t (
work bocauHo the firm hail employed novel
Hungarian mliiuis , Tliu coiiipuiy tlireatun t
tllnclmrgo the miners and troulilo u expected
OiiudltlMii ,
1'llll.AD I.riliA , Juno Kt. Illation Blnisoi |
IB xtdl vnry Iinv , I'liynlulunu have liUlo hope
of bin recovery ,
I'llH.Alil'U'lIM , Juno I. ! . Ilihlmp .SiiiipK )
Haynjio will live through the night but cunno
um vivo beyond to-morrow.
A AValmwu Out On' ,
Nuw YOUK , Junu 1. ) , Tlio Wuliiuli man
ugcmunt itnnouncoil u now pausnngor line bo
tvvoon Chicago mid JCiiiuiu-i City via 1'oorli
and ilauhsmivillo , commoncliif ; Holiday , um
innuing through ihdy each way , In twenty
four IIOUIH , without uhunge.
Itiirnoil ID lo\ili.
CINCINNATI , Jnno 13. ily the niillllng o
molten mutal at tlm Cinciunvtl nml Npwpor
iron and plpu Works , at Nowpoit , Ky. , a
noun to i lay , an ompluye namud Van Anulul
wa liurnoii to death und two othciu probably
fatally injured.
Mini. Jty 1IU Son.
CKDAU K.M'in.s , lowii , ,1 mo 13 , 1'ntrie !
Donno ly , u farmer near Indopundi'iicu , wu
shot to-day times by Ida s > on , t3 ! year
old , C.uin1 , family tronbli'ti ,
It is Retained to Seme Extent in the
Chicago Market Yesteriay ,
Heavy Rains on California Oropa
Appreciate Wheat Valuoai
Oorn Also Quoted Stronger and ' cv -
Closed Fractionally Higher ,
Oats Gaining at Both Morning
and Afternoon Sessions
jittlo Doing in Provisions , nnd
Prices Consequently Dropping ,
Cattle Generally " \Vcnk-A slmrp Io-
ninmljor Ilogn nntl Bettor
' ' 3
Special Dispatch to THE H" < s.
CIIIDAIIO , Juno 13. The markets showed
nion > steadiness to-day. Considerable weak
ness was shown in early in the day's
trading , but the reported heavy ruins in Cali
fornia , and the consequent damage to the
growing cnip , induced n firm feeling , and
prices advanced ono cent from the lowvst
point of the day. .Inly sold down to 873 ,
u'dvalieod to tiSjj HS } , and closed on tliu mjju-
Inr board ut J\SJ. On the afternoon boanl the
closing quotation was SS | for July , and fi'Jj for
was rather strong during most of thu session ,
advancing 4ji early , -asiil elF slightly , lluct-
uated and closed 3fic better than yestenlay ;
July closed ut oTiJc , August 5ijc ( nndrulnd the
H.IIIIO on the afternoon l > oi rd.tolk .jj > . . . . J
OATH " j T i -t
fit ier , junged i@j | higher. On the nftnmooii
boanl n furllior appreciation occurred.
The latest quolutioiiH were , 32Ju for Juno , 3'JjJ
for July and 2.Sgo for August.
There was very little doing in pnwisions.
The iirico of niess pork dropped elf Komnwhat
mil tint latest figures on tlo ) afternoon boanl
were 1 ! ) 70 for .1 line , July and August. *
closed ut 8 00 for June , 8 12J for July nml t > ? 2 >
'or August.
I'ho market generally , notwithstanding
light receipts , was fur from active , although
ono lot of fancy sold .it" 00 , the highest price
since a week ngo Wednesday. The general
market was rnther weak , nnd prices a shade )
easier. A good lot of Htiilcra made only 0 Go.
Grass cattle were selling at about tliu same AH
yestenlay. Range cattle were in fair supply
and in fuir demand nt the recent decline. Good
to choice shipping , 1,200(5)1,350 ( ) Ibj , ( i 10@G50 ;
common to medium , 1,000@1,200 Ihn , 5 20 ®
11 00 ; grass Toxnm ) , 700@.IOO Ibs , 37I > @DGO :
corn-fed Texans , 8 00@ll 00 ; Americans , fi 00
@ 000.
Theeci was , n sharp demand for choice pack"
ing and shipping , which Hold &BJ1U. c'nts
higher. Lig ht sorts were neglected and hard
to Bell. Skips nro plentiful , some very ( rood
lots of skips and light light sold atI 50@-1 75.
They wen ) shaped up and assorted at that.
Sales to-duy were made at 3 7fi@-l HO for skiiw ,
5 ir > @ 5 M for nssotted light und fi 10@fi 80 for
heavy ; packers and shippers light 170@210
Ibn.1 , ! )0@2 ) 05.
A Negro ExplntcH a Ncjfro' Doatli.
MoNTflOJIEllV , Ala. , .Turn 13 At Sealo to
day , in Russell county , Llewellyn Robinson ,
colored , won hanged for ihu murder of another
negro ( Troy Adams ) in March luet. Ho iliwl
in Hovcnteen mlmites , of Htrungiilation ; hm
neck was not broken. Ho confessed his guilt
on thegalloWB.
The KniiHiiH City AKrocinont.
ICANHAH ClTV , Juno 13. The passenger and
ticket agent's party to the ICaiiBus City
agreement held a meeting to-day , for thu con
sideration of certain existing differences , The
definite action of thu meeting was not made
public , but it is staled the points at immo
were amicably settled.
A Texas Town In a Tornado.
CoiiHiOANA , Texas , Juno 18. The extraor
dinary hot weather of the past week culmina
ted to-day in a small cyclone and a heavy rain
storm. Two business houses were unroofed.
Many trees are down mid a number of resi
dences damaged. It is thought thoKtonn
didn't extend into the country.
Tlio Orilwny Iiidloiniciil ( Jimslicd.
YANKTO.V , Juno 13. Jndgo Kdgerton linn
granted the million made to quash the indict
ment ngainst Governor Onlway , on the ground
that the grand jury has no jurisdiction over
tlio alleged olfeiiuo of the executive. HO fur an
his official acts are concerned.
Hopt Itoprlovcil In Utah.
HALT LAKK , Utah , Juno 13. Acling Govo-
nor Homac , this afternoon granted u reprieve
to Hopt until an appeal could bo heard in the
United Btatoa supreme court , Hopt was to
have been shot to-day.
ExploHlon In ArknimaB.
Lirri.K llouic , Juno 13 , An oxploHion at
the Loomis mills to-day destroyed the struu-
lure , killed Anderson , the carpenter , and thu
engineer , Klian Lee , and badjy wounded two
Tlio AVcnthor To-day.
WAHlllNaTON , Juno 13. For the UpMr | !
Missii < sipii ] and Missouri Valleys : ( lonerully
fair , uast In south winds , nearly utationary '
SlOpO. U8y B.
IfUnni ( of : , u\-Injurious Bubklnuccacan ( l/o round
Jlodv , JllHvnuliee. KovcrFolil lu l.'iilk.
29 Luke