Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 11, 1884, Image 2

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A IAnccron CABC ,
ROCHMTMIJune 1,1882. "I > n
Y ari ago I M attacked with the rnixt
latenM and deathly palm In tnr bock and
Kldneyi ,
"Extending to the end of my toes ant
my brain I
"Which rrmdo mo delirious !
"From agony.
"It took three men to hold mo on my
"bed nt times 1
"Tho doctors tried in vaintoroliovo mo ,
But to no purpose.
"Morphine and other opiates
"After two months I was given np to
"When my wife
heard a neighbor toll what Hop Bitters
had done for her , she at oncogot and gave
mo soino. The first dose eased my brain
and seemed to go hunting through my
system for the pain.
"Tho second dose cased mo so mud :
that I slept two hours , something 1 had
not done for two months. Before I had
used five bottles , J was well and at work ,
as hard as any man could , for over three
weeks ; but I worked too hard for my
strength , and taking a hard cold , I was taken -
ken with the most acute and painful rheu
matism all through my system that was
over known. I called the doctors again
and after several weeks , they loft mo i
cripple on crutches for lifo , aa they said.
I mot a friend and told him my case , ant
ho Raid JIop Bitters had cured him ant
would euro mo. I hooped at him , but ho
was so earnest I was induced to use them
again. In lets than four vrcoka I throve
away my crutches and went to work light
ly and kept on using the bitters for five
weeks , until I bocAtno as well as any man
living , and have been so for nix ycari
since , It also cured my wife , who hat
been so for years ; and lias kept her ant
my children , well and hearty will
from to to three bottles per year. There
is no need to bo sick at all if thosobittcrs
are used. J. J. BEIIK. Ex-Supervisor.
"That poor invalid wifo.
"Sister !
"Or daughtorl
"Can bo made the picture of health !
"With a few bottles of Hop Bitters !
"Willyou let Ihcmsuffcrt"
A itMtltal ipf tlilctlanU f itqtljlu CktirMVDM vnrfkt
' > > , " r i r f.twix * - HMTfc S r.t.f U,4 4nw.U HI
Mr.rtb Mtnu * A f. dr.p lutMrl d.ll lMi fltt.r
to | UJI t bMit | < i. kal U Alt iwmnw drlikl Trj It. * K < ]
t. w f wau > f.iu. A.k J9vt | t * r .rdrvtrUlfgr CL ,
anl UBU ( liin < lb7lia./.U D BlkOiniiSO.IS.
J. V. TOJFTZmiW , DOLB iailfT.
ai 7 ( o/i/m'xr. jv. r.
UBOlUd/jcsFooil /
Diane JlanRoof Desert.
It l > cailly pitparcil In
k fevrmlnutcn , and can
bo usoil with or with
out millc. Iteclpes for
> oth aj for blano
Mango and for Custanlt
i'udillriKS , etc. , acoom-
nany cathcan. HUjto's
FooJ Is put up In tin
cam , four sizes , retail-
UK at B5o. , 050. . Jl.M
tnd $1.7fi by all Drug-
many Urix-ura. WOOLHICII bCO. ,
on every label. VorpamphloU&o. , aOdrou Wool
ilcli ft Co. , Palmer , Uasa.
Belgian Boyal and U.S. Mali Btoamcn
The Rhine , Germany , Italy , Holland and France
Steerage Outward20 ; Prepaid from Antwerp , UR ;
Kxounlon , | ! D , InoluJlng bedding , etc , 2d Cabin , fSO ;
llound Trip , ttO.OO ; Eiounlon , 1100 ; Baleen from Ji (
to too ; Exouralon 110 to IIDO.
trrtltt Wright A Sons , Qen , AgonU. 65 Br ad <
way N. Y.
ColJwclL IlamQton ft Co. , Omaha. P. K. Qlod
man & Co. , SOS N. 10th Street , Omaha ; D. K. Kim
ball , OmahaAeenlM. mtn
I OF MANLY VIGOR , Bpermatorr
ooa , etc. , when all other rotno
lM ( all. A. curt guaranteed ,
.CO a bottle , largo bottle , fou
time ) the quantity. ( D. lly ex
preM to any addresa. Sold b
_ alldrugglsU. ENQLISH MKDI
CAt , INSTITUTE , I'roj.rlctors. 718 Ollre Street , 81
uol , Uo. - *
"I have old Sir A tley Cooper1 ! Vital Reatoratir
oevi * . Every ciutomer apealu highly ot It
nhonJUtlnglycndoroo It M a rcmodr o ( true merit
" ( X F QOODMAR , Druggla
K 1 iwa IB-mfU
Steam Dye Works.
Bring your work to the Steam Dye Works under : ln
Ullltrd Hotel.
Men's Clothes Cleaned , Dyed
and Bepaired ,
jUTKcatheni dyetl and Cleaned , l.vx Curtain
cleaued , and all
I 1J Doa la Etr
1514 Webster St. , Oraalm , Nob.
( Suoceucm to UM old U. P. Dtieryietb Bt , )
OonttanUy oo band. Order * wl ba promutly attou
d d to. WAONEIl llllO'b ,
l'roml tnr .
1 rxt
IMpe amolUnxli the r al te > t of tobacco.
It t * the re0al war of unoklnr. You f et
mor * directly at Uia Oat or and f rairranc * .
You take tha amok * cooler , and th * tonlo
deanller and ufer. lip * oiokioi' 1 *
mokliur reduced to fine art
Tb * more th * quetllon ot adulterated
tobaooo ( oreM | teU on th * attention of
amokera , the mor * dedrabW It become *
to know prdaef | what you an uuokini ; .
In BUckwcll' * Dull Durham Bmokloc To.
baocQ yon hat * arutran too ,
alm.7 * . that it I * Nature' *
ownuDdulteratedi > roiuct.
IU fncrance , fltror , and
un urpaiB J quality , rede-
rlred from Ihaaoa and air.
Trr It. and you irlU b MI.
lMoo * renuln * with ,
out trademark of U Bull.
I nocouful rUhtrmenand Sport * ,
iota amok * UlackwtlT * Uoll Durham
f Tobacco , acd Uuy enjoy It
It took 119,000 to pay the running Mpon c
of Arapfthoo county during April.
The drowning of eleven cowlrayson 1'ronch'
man creek proven to have been canard.
About $3r ,000 has been subscribed in Denver -
vor to RVO ( thn exposition a Rummer boost.
The Gorman national bank of Denver has
InrreiMod li capital from 8200,000 to $100-
Ono million young Miad have been placed In
, he Colnilndo river , along the line of the At'
antic A , 1'ao fie rallrjad.
Work on the Bent county canal prosr < vso.i
rapidly , and the acrengo of grain rained in
.hat county thin your will probably bo larger
.ban fiver before in It * history.
A plan for running a canal from the South
[ 'lotto through the now gold field * at Jvllza-
> eth and Ca < tlo Hock han already boon form
ulated , and will Boon bo in operation.
The colt crop of Colorado will this year ntim
> cr a hundred thousand , These of thorough
irod will not exceed a thousand , The l&rgor
number * f this now crop will bo thonatlvo v -
rioty , and will dovclopo saddle homes on the
The rjimninon chamber of commerce Is pro
taring to oiler A donation of ? M,000 In money
md prnporty to any man or company that
will build and Miccofmfully operate n amolter
and roductlmi wnrk in GunnUon of n capaci *
ty of from 70 to 100 tons n day.
A band of Arabs in working the bead racket ,
or the purpose of building an orphan wiylum
n the Holy Land , at Colorado Springs. When
the wild and untamed Arab takes to oroctlnz
orphan a < yluin It In about Imo ! for the half'
civilized L'iuto to begin oatlng withaknifo
and fork. b . nui rr n m „
> Running on tho" range of Tom Karnc t , In
Colorado , there n a bull branded with sexornl
"haMi-kiilvoi" and the words "Indiana b d as
i 11 : July 4. 1871. " On one of the Platte
ranges a cow ninn branded. "Tholajit , thank
jlodl" the words liavlng evidently Loon put
on by the cowboys at the close of a long acrloi
of branding ,
Thn iKiliontim loco wood Industry will pro-
luco this year In Soguncho county , over $ ! > , -
XX ) , Until It became n commodity
of commerce the wood wan hardly
uiown thoro. It Is estimated that every nicer
.hat has dlod from the effects of tills wood bane
: o t the utato 51,000. chiefly duo to thelnvont-
vo genius of tlio eminent statesman who in-
Todiiccil the bill paying a royalty on Ita culti
The Denver critics wore not as badly Rmlt-
en by hangtry'n charms as thoao of Omaha.
The News nays of her in "A Wffe'n 1'orili"
'Making nil duo allowance for the fact that
ho has had but two years' oxporicnco on the
tugo , it I ) still difficult to Imagine how any
voman of her Intelligence and experience in
Ifo would undertake such n character and
> ortray it in such a wooden and utterly ama-
ourith Way. Of course nho was beautifully
roseed. Her costumer did bis part well.
Jut fine clothes do not make fmo actresses.
? ho murmor of admiration which greeted her
owns and her laces stopped when attention
was called to what the wearer of the gowns
and laces was saying and doing. In the
trugglo which ho had Invited with her
washed out lover In the third act , she made
omo attempt at dramatic Intensity , but her
ulluro won almost pitiful. "
Day county lias nn nssnssod valuation this
year of $500,000 In excess of last.
The first payment on the Etta tin mine ,
amounting to ? 2GOO , was made May 15th.
Deadwoods floating debt Is a Httlo over two
thousand dollars. Her bonded debt ia 520-
Grand Forks Is Infested with fire bugs , and
all suspicious looking characters have boon
oumlocl up and given an hour in which to
otivo ,
Flpo laying for the Sioux Falls water works
commenced on the 10th. The pipe is arriving
at the rate of four cars a day.
At Pierre , a tenderfoot named \V. Coryoll
) ocamo Etaga struck , when nemo follows con
nected with a variety show agreed to ( rive him
a cbanoo. Ho was asked to take the part of a
negro and ho the wretches blacked him up
vlth a mixture of ink oil greaao and lamp-
dock , which ho has not yet been nbla to re-
novo from his face , even with the help of
chemicals. iThoy also filled his hair with tbo
compound and ho ban had to bavo his head
ahavod , _
The admirers of Blame In Cheyenne not
only illuminated but painted the town a
carmine hue In honor of the nomination.
Cheyenne thieves will toke anything pcriab.
> lo , even to a rod hot stove. They recently
aided the chapel of the Congregational church
and carried OH the paint and mushes which
workman were using on the building.
Another newspaper Is to bo launched upon
.lie sea of fortune in Cheyenne , In a abort
time. It ia to bo started with 3 ,000 capital ,
will bo published dally nt 4 p. in. , and pro
poses to bo neutral In politics. The gentle-
non who will bo Interested are J , 11. Mor
row , recently of The Loader , T. V. McCandlUh
and two outside parties.
The Cheyenne Loader says Mr. Iba reports
the oil claims in Hattlesnako mounatlns prom
ise to yield a largo quantity of nature's lubrl
cater ns soon as the necessary machinery is
provided. A largo amount of machinery for
the working of the oil mines lias been taken in
thereby partial wko havolargolnteroststhoro ,
nd everything nt present points to the fact
that the mines will soon bo In fine running or-
.lor. Ho boa faith to bollovo thatfortttuos will
bo made out of tlioso miudg ,
Milton Koberts , a brakeman on the Union
1'atllic , was crushed between the cars on D.tlo
Creek bridge , on the 0th inat. The head
was completely sovtrud from the body anil
foil to the ground Mow. The young man
who was thus luddenly taken out of Ilfo it
pretty well known In Clieyonno nn an otn-
iloyo lust Hummer on U. 1) . ( iooJoll's ranch.
Uo was about nine teen years old and has
Dean in the employ of the road only about
( ivo month * , His pareuU reside about four
miles from Cirand Iiland , Neb. , and are
pilto oldoily people , to whom the death of
their sou will como with crushing effect.
John Angrovo , n Coriilahman , fell to thn
bottom nf a shaft ; 176 foot , at Butte , and was
flattened Intu n ihapoloea inosa.
The a iie < amont roll of Jlutto county , it It
estimated , will foot up 810,491,218 , , thli your ,
an iucreiuo of $1,100,000 over last year. The
population of the cuuuty la 10,000 ,
The unpaid employes of the National 1'ark
Improvement company btlll hold possession of
the company's hotel at the Mammoth Hot
Stirlujra , and all effort * to effect a uottlemont
with them , short of paying the full amount of
tholr claims , are futile ,
The Helena Independent lays : "Miners In
the upper district of Mill Crook , Uallatlu
county , say that never in their experience of
many yearn have they soon In that locality
inch terrible enow slides aiha\o occurred there
during the past week or two. The enow lay in
great maaioa on the mountain sides until tha
late warm weather , and now It comes down In
the form of avalanchtw , carrying everything
before it , stripping hare the tldoa of the moun
tains and fillfufr tha ravlucg with mingled
- ' snow , rock and broken Umber. "
Tha wool crop In Oregon , Washington Ter
ritory and Idiho tills season will be larger than
ever lioforo knowu ,
Ktgbtoou thousand sheep wore driven
lirough linker City , Or , , a few days ago , and
0,000 more will follow next week , destined
or Wyoming.
More th n 3000 men are at work on the
Oregon Short Line railroad In the vicinity
of liakor City and U Is expected that through
onuectloua will bo made by the tint of
) ctobor.
Complaint I made In the ngrleultuaal part
if N vada that deur are no abundant as to be
i > nuiaance ,
About twenty yean ago Horace Greeloy and
ome associates built a dam and quitrtt mill at
ho outlet of the aink ol the Humbuldt liver ,
n Nevada. Ureoley cunlc nbout $ 1(5,000 ( in
.ha operation. No teturiu ) woreeier obtained
'rom the enterprite. and tuo mill finally weut
dowu ttream luo ireehot. The dam portly
hsld , howaver , and was rebuilt , and this year
tiM backed up the water In the Humboldt ao
K to submerca about fifty thousand acres of
land In the Vicinity , much of which has been
tinder cultivation. The principal damage la
tround J/ovelocks station , where aovoral fami
lies have boon driven from tholr homes by the
The IJrtghum Young estate h fl boon sued
by the Cummings family for a pleco of valuable -
able property and $14,000 damaget.
The town of Socorro N. M. ! allowing algns
nf a. now era of prrigrossion and advancement ,
The business outlook li encouraging. There
In no reason why this place fhould not make
a .ity of considerable prominence , for ahe
has many natural advantage ) . Her location
is all that could be desired. Hho has a
country tributary that Is teeming with the
precious metal * .
In digging the wnll to nuptily the railroad
tankn at Palouao Junction , W. T. . the workmen -
mon passed through strata of alkali , clay and
finely broken basalt rock , to a depth of 185
foot , where water of great purity and limit
less < | iiantty ! was found. The water in the
well Is five feet deep , and o steam pump ,
actively worked , makes little Impri union on
the quantity. The most curious thing about
the well Is the fact that In digging the last
fifty feet tlio workmen in tha well had to
wear heavy clothing and wrap their foot and
legs In gunny bngs to keep from freezing ,
while the men In the open air worked in their
shirt sleeves ,
Caldwell , Idaho , is in ft fever of excitement
over the discovery of some fabulously rich
placer claims near there on Snake river.
There have boon parties out all spring qutptly
prospecting and locating claims on Snakorlvor
which were known to contain paying quanti
ties of flour gold , but not enough to create any
excitement or activity. For aovoral days
the current of Snake rivorhaa boon making a
sweeping change and loft the old channel bare
for several inllei , Kocontly two parties of
non began to prospect tbo old channel and
round the sands to bo Immensely rich with
jold. Several nuggets were found nnd the
washings wont fiftyto sovontv-fivo cents to
man. ± * r\ ; --TT * " -"e"fl' 23 itiV
Bon Butler Is said to carry n pocket mirror.
Mr. Blaine ia n cousin of Mrs. Gen. Slier-
nan.Tho L'mum Abbott Kiss baa sailed for Kng-
It. li. Hayes , of Ohio , wears his last sum
mer's ntraw hat.
John L. Sullivan and liob Ingonsoll draw
the biggest crowds in IJoeton ,
Miss Blalna la twenty years old. and has
beavonly blue oycs and heavy arched eye
Francis Murphy is In Chicago and reports
that his business is in a most discouraging con
Freddie Gobhardt has had a canal boat
named after him. Froddlo ought to lead In
tho.toam that pulls It.l jjicijaia. " " , . . " " & " "
Ella Wllcox , nee Wheeler , has just sung , "I
will 1)0 true , though thou art false to mo. " la
.hero trouble already ?
That Bimrldlng younf beauty , Gail Hamil
ton , would bo the center ef much life and
gravity at the white haute.
Dr. Mary Walker has declared that she
will wear trousers or nothing. Oh ! don't do
anything rash , Mary ; keep thorn on.
Darby Green is a Connecticut Yankee who
was'scran years old when the Declaration of
Independence was signed. He ia still vigo
rous and happy ,
There is a Cherokee Indian named Jack
Womankillor. An [ Indian cogomens gener
ally go by contraries that follow is probably
anything but a mnshor.
.lohn IJ. Gotigh has gone to Denver to lee-
Lure there for the first time. Ho will take a
: ow quarts of water along to make the people
comprehend what bo Is talking about.
Edmund Yates says that American women
are the most restless in the world. Probably
Mr. Yatcs hai boon talking with some of them
Wo don't wonder h * found thorn rcstlost.
Ono of James It. ICoono's extravagances was
a private harbor , who traveled four miles dally
to scrape the fjico and nib the head of the de
throned Wall street king , who now owes the
barber $1,000 for service rendered ,
Mrs. Scovlllo , sister of Gultoau , is in Wash
ington , 1'a , Slio goes under a fictitious name
and is selling pictures , as she states , for tbo
purpose of raising money with which to prose
cute those who were instrumental in the hangIng -
Ing of her brother.
Congressman Money , of Mississippi , is to
lie the editor of a now paper in San Francis
co. It is eoldom that such a striking exoin-
plication of "tho eternal fitness of things" oc
curs. If his name la a criterion , bo will not
bo compelled to lift his volco for cord-wood and
potatoes on subscription.
Senator Coke , of Texas , has a remarkably
powerful volco , and It Is enld that when ho
was discussing the plouro-pneumonla bill and
jot his throttlo-valvo wide open , the p&ges
put Ecotton in their ears and wedged the
window sashes to keep thorn from rattling and
broaklnf the glass. At the climax of his vn-
ciforationi Coke announced that ho intended
to apeak so that the whole country would hear
him ; and then as ho paused for breath Bock
remarked , "Guess they will , Coke , if they're
not stone deaf. "
SlcullH , Tombstones and Com us.
Chicago Herald.
The report circulated and speedily de
nied , tlio other day , that Mr. Tildon's
health had taken a suddou turn for the
worse , and that the gravoat alarm wan
felt concerning him furnishes a fair illus
tration of the kind of campaign the dem
ocrats will bo compelled to endure with
him aa their candidate. When things
are going on moat swimmingly for them
they will bo thrown into a panic by a
solemn report from Oramoroy square or
Groyatono to the clluct that thotr nom
inee haa had a sinking spull , and that it
b feared ho will not survive the night.
Two or three plausible storica of that
kind will cause more hnvoo in the demo
cratic ranks than a dozen old-fashioned
campaign lies , for the deadest thing on
earth is n , dead presidential candidate.
Life is full of sudden changes. The
strong man of to-day may bo cut down
to-morrow , but in Ttldcn's case there are
excellent reasons for the belief that ho is
an invalid to bejiin with , and that his
days are fow. With such an impression
abroad it will not toke a very talented
falsifier to throw a dampener on the
democratic campaign every fortnight as
long as it lasts , whether Tildon gains or
loses in physical strength as the canvass
proceeds. That the opposition will resort -
sort to these devices cannot bo doubted
for a moment. Witli Tildon as a candi
date wo may expect to BOO the most
shocking caricatures , the meanest flings ,
and the most ghastly witticisms over perpetrated -
potratod during a campaign , and all
ut infirmities to which mortality iu general
oral is heir.
True Moiic Alone ,
hu "given Allcock's Porous Plasters the largest
sale of any external remedy In the world. If
you have been uning any other kinds of plas
ters trial of "AlloockV
one will convince you
of their wonderful superiority ,
New Yorx , March 2 , 1883.
Having been cured of a severe attack of
ihmmiaUsm of the neck and ahouhlera by using
Allcock'a 1'orous Planters , I feel It my duty to
oomineml their u o to any one similarly af
flicted. For c , period of tovcral months I had
nxhauttod many other so called middles with ,
out obtaining the ( lightest relief. Finally I
applied one of Allcock's Porous Plasten , and
Jomid myself almost Immediately cured.
I consider thorn a true blessing.
Faithfully ymirs ,
When It Strikes Him.
Norrlitown Herald ,
Herbert Spencer's lucid remark that
"an incidental
force falling on an aggre
gate containing like and unlike units ,
-grcgates the like units and separates the
unlike , " never strikes a younj , ' nwn so
forcibly as when a tailor refuses to trait
Mia lot a uevr spring suit.
Towns , VIllnRos , nntl Cultlvntca
FloUln Oftn Ho Scon An Import-
At the astronomical observatory of
Berlin , says a translation from Nya 1'res-
non HoUlngfor. a discovery has lately
been made which , without doubt , will
cause the greatest sensation , not only
among the adopta in science , but even
among the most learned. Frof. Blend-
mann , in that city , has found , beyond a
doubt , that our old friend , the moon , is
This question has agitated humanity
from time Immemorial , and haa been the
object of the greatest interest , But the ,
opinions have always differed very widely -
ly , and no two minds hold one and the
sumo. Already in ancient times thn be-
Hot prevailed that the moon was inhabi
ted with Homo higher organized , intelli
gent beings , somewhat resembling man ,
and in order to communicate with them
the earthly enthusiasts planted rows of
trees eovoral miles in length BO as to
form the figure of the Pythagorean the
orem. The celebrated astronomer Schro
der , in the beginning of ( ho present cen
tury , fancied that ho could detect places
on the surface of the moon which peri
odically grow lighter and darker , nnd
From this fact ho derived the conclusion
that the phenomenon was a proof of ex
isting vegetation. During the last few
decade * , however , the idea of life on the
moon has boon hold up to ridicule , and
totally scorned by mmi of learning. But ,
nevertheless , It haa now boon proved to
bo correct.
By accident Dr. Blcndmann found that
the observations of the moon gave but
very unsatisfactory results , owing to the
intensity of the light power of the moon's
atmosphere which is that strong that it
iflects the correctness of the observations
In a very high degree. Ho then con
ceived the idea to make the object glass
of the refractor loss sensitive to the rays
of light , and for that purpose ho dark
ened it with the smoke of camphor. It
took months of experimenting before ho
succeeded in finding his right degree of
obscurity of the g laas , and when finally
found ho then , with the refractor , took
a very accurate photo of the moon's sur
face. This ho placed in a sun microscope ,
which gave the picture n diameter of
fifty-five and a half foot.
The revelation was most startling. It
perfectly overturned all hitherto enter
tained ideas of the moon's surface. These
level plains which formerly were hold to
bo oceans of water proved to bo verdant
fields , and which formorally were consid
ered mountains turned out as deserts of
sand and oceans of water. Towns and
habitations of all kinds were plainly dis
cernible , as Troll as signs of industry and
traffic. The learned professor's study
and observation of old Luna hill bo re
peated every full moon when the sky is
clear and wo venture to predict that the
time is not far off when wo shall know
moro about the man in the moon than
as being an agent in English politics.
Piles are frequently preceded by n sense of
Weight in the back , loins and lower part of the
abdomencausing the patient to suppose he has
aomo affection of the kidneys or neighboring
organ * . At times , aym "toms of indigestion
are present , as flatuency , uneasiness of the
stomach , etc. A moistcro like perspiration ,
reducing a Aery disagreeable itching particu-
K irly at night after getting warm in bed , its
very common attendant. Internal , External
and , ItchlngPiloa yield at once to the applica
tion of Dr. Bosanko'aPilo Keinody , which acts
directly upon the parts affected , absorbing the
tumors , allaying the intense itching , and ef
fecting a permanent cure where other reme
dies have failed. Do not delay until the drain
on the system produces permanent disability ,
but trv it and be cured. Schroter & Becht
"Trado supplied by Cl. F. Goodman. "
Settled tlio Milk War.
ndianapolls Sentinel.
Some of the remarks that children
make would cause a laugh anywhere.
An exchange tells of two children quar-
celing over a cup of milk , when a third
thilda misa of 4 years old , said : "What's
the use of quarreling over that milk when
rhoro is a whole cowful out in the barn. "
That settled the mil < r. war.
Angostura Bitters are endorsed by all
the loading physicians and chemists , for their
purity and wbolesomeness. liewaro of coun
terfeits and ask your grocer or druggist for
the genuine article , prepared by Dr. J. G. 13.
Siogert k Sons.
The Alternative of Matrimony ,
Burlington Free Press.
"Don't you want a few good teachers
in your public schools ? " naked an educa
tional bureau roan nf the superintendent
of school * in Shuftabury.
"Woll , I guess not ! " was the decided
"Why not , may I ask ? "
"Because Shaftsbury is the greatest
place in the country for toachars , Why ,
there hasn't been a girl married hero for
four years. "
A CARD , To nil who are euflcrlnff from carer *
and ludUcrctioim of jouth , ncrvmis weakness , early
ilo ay , ICMS of nnnliio i. etc I will semi a reel , o tint
will cure Jim , ntKt : OP CHAHOK. Tub grunt run
cdy was discovered l > y a n.l olonory In South Anicrl
c % . Sonil sell aiMroocil onvulonj to HKV JOSEIMI T.
INUAX , BUtlon D. Now York. < ly a 111 Si cod
Patents Tor Aiui-rioaiiH Only.
Springfield ( Mass , ) Republican.
Senator James 0. George , of Mississi
ppi , thinks ho knows a way to settle the
patent question. Ho has got through a
letter instructing the Committee on pat
ents to draw a bill to prevent the grant
ing of a patent to any person not a citi
zen and resident of the United States.
The committee is also instructed to in
quire into the expediency of providing
that all patents hereafter grautdo shall
bo subject to purchase by the United
States for public use , upou a fair valua
tion. _
Allen's Drain Food botanical extract
strengthens the Brain and positively cures
Nervous Debility , Nervousness , Headache * ,
uuiatural losses , and all weakness of Genera-
Vb Syr tern ; it never falls. ? 1 pkg. ; G for $5
At druggists or Allen's Pharmacy , 315 First
Avo. N. Y.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
VVliy He Failed.
Philadelphia Times.
A Phlladelphian who couldn't moot a
little bill of $15 or $20 felt called upon
to explain that ho had been dragged
down by the failure of a certain crockery
"And the crockery house , you know , "
ho added , "wai involved by the suspen
sion of the Drovers' bank. "
" Why , I didn't know that you had
any business dealings either with the
firm or the bank , "
" You didn't ? Why , the senior partner -
ner had made all arrangements to back a
note for $100 with mo at the bank. If
that wasn't business dealings I'd like to
know what you call it. "
IIorsrortl'8 Aoltl Phoni > lmte ,
For Overworked Female ) .
Dr. J. P. COWAN , Ashland , O. , says
"It proves satisfactory as a uorvo tonic ;
also in dyspeptic conditions of the
stomach , with general debility , such as
wo and in overworked females , with
norroui headache < uid its accompani
ments. "
Among the many symptoms of
Dyspepsia or indigestion the most
prominent nre : Variable nppetito ;
faint , gnawing feeling nt pit of the
stomach , with unsatisfied craving
forfoodheartlwrnfeeliiJK ; of weight
and wind in the stomach , bad breath
bad taste in the mouth , low spirits ,
general prostration , hea'lachc rihd
constipation. Ihere is no form of
disease more prevalent than dyspei > -
sh , and none so peculiar to the high-
living and rapid-eating American
people. 'Vlchohol and tobacco pro
duce DysBepsia ; also , bad air , rapid
eating , etc. BURDOCK BLOOD
BITTERS will euro the worst case ,
by regulating the bowels and toning
up the digestive organs. Sold ever3'-
or Wormy Veins of the i-crotum. qritn the tinnt-
t'tatd muii o/ Lost Manhood , Debility. Ac. ,
gjltklT 0Jranl ( ( ilinrf-l bjrth.eiiatlo Ornclle-
ComPrOB SO. at ? * , tuiny. Circular Frra.
avuwt c AOEICT , i6oriueact..H wreri.
\Vhpn 1 my euro i ur not mem merely to gtop tuem lot
B time and than hAve them return again , I roehnartdi-
c l core. I h vo main tha Olicmo of FITS , BI'ILErsT
or FALLING SICKNESS 11 to long Midy. I warrant t >
remedy to core the worst CMC ! . Dtvanit others nir *
tilled Is no reaion ror not now recelt Inr a cor * ,
coca for a treaties and K Krta Dottle of rar '
' , Give Kipreti and Poit Office. It
for a trui. nd t will cure you.
, ddre Dr. It. O. HOOT. Ill m r ) BL.
Science of Life , Only $1,00 ,
Exhausted Vitality , Nerrona and Physical Debility ,
Premature Decline In Man , Errors ot Youth , an the
untold mlsorloa esultlng from Indlscretlona or ex-
ceeaca. A book for every man , young , middle-aged ,
and old. It contains ISO prescriptions for all acute
and chronic dlaeaaoa each one o ( which la InvalnabTo
So found by the Author , whose experience for 23
yeara la anch aa probably never before fell to the lit
of any physic an 800 pages , bound In beantlfn
French muslin moosaodcovore , full glltruaranteed (
to be a Oner van n every sense , mechanical , lit.
erary and professional , than any other work sold In
this country for 12.60 , or the money will be refunded
In every Instance. Prleo only $1.00 by mall , pott-
paid. Illustrative sample 6 cents. Send now. Oo d
medal awarded the author by the National Modlc-1
Association , to the officers of which he rcfcre.
The Sclenso of Life should be read by the yonng
Instruction , and by the afflicted for relief. It
will benefit alt London Lancet.
There la no member of society to whom The Sci
ence of Llfo will not bo useful , whether youth , par
ent , euardlan , Instructor or clergyman. Argonaut.
Address the Peabody Medical Institute , or Dr. W.
n. Parker , No. 1 BulQnch Street , Boston Maes. , who
may bo consulted on all dlaeaaes requiring skill and
experience. Onronloandobstlnatcdlseaseathat have
baffled tha skill of all other phya- f I dana
a apeclaltyi Unon treated euooceallUHlfully
without an Initano alia e ,
WENT , n ( rnnrnntood Bpocifio for Histcria , Dizzi.
noea , Conruleions , Fits , Nervous Neuralgia ,
UendaoheNorTou8ProntrntionciuEedbyth9UB8 (
of alcohol or tobacco , Wakef ulnoss. Mental De
pression , Battening of the Dram resulting in in-
fruity and leadinff to misery , decay &nd death ,
Premature Old ARO , jjarrrnncss , LOBS of powei
in either BOX , Inroluntnry Lessen and Bpormat.
orrhcea caused byuror-exortinn ot thobrain.Belf.
abasaor ovor-indulgoiice. Each box contains
one mimth's trontmpnt. $1.00 a box , or BIX boxot
forf5.CUBontbymail prepaidon rtcoipt of price.
To euro nry case. Witli each order received Dyru
for c : boxes , accompanied with S&.QC , wo wiU
Bond the pnrcnasor our written guaractee to rev
fond the monpy if the treatment doea not effect
a euro. Guarantees insuoaonurDT
0. F. OOODIIANN , Druggist Agen ( o Omaha
The remedy being Injected directly' to tYi suit o
the disease , requires no change of did ri causooui ,
mercurial or poisonous medlclnut to be taken Inter
nally. When uscJ as a preventive by cither sex , Ills
mpasslblo to contract any prhato disease ; but in the
case ol those already unfortunately afflicted wo guar
tntee throe boxes to cure , or wo will refund the inon
ey. Price by mall , pootago paid , 12 prr box or tbret
boxea for fS.
leaned by all authorized ageata
Oiod 11 in , DugjUk fiolti ARcnt , fur Onu
&e ly m
thrtTC * on Ilorllck'a Food , " vrrito hundreds of
irrittful mothers. Mother's milk contains no
lUrcli. An artificial food for Infant * should
contain no itarcn. The best and tnoet nutritious
food In health
or lUcknfis for
Rtarch and require * no cooking.
lUooinmrndea br PhtrlcUu * .
HlKhlr benendal to Nurilnit
Mothers a * a drink ITIce 40
ndTbr Hook on the Treatment of Children , free.
"Kulli dllilltl 1 oltltl ul. " O.W , BMtf ,
* fc Ma < 8.f..M . d , , , , . --ir.r. JMJ ,
rll n. Ktnia.
"Kt btillim ; tm pn oocl H p rlor to my.
Iklic - 8. C < m , If. O . Trrf , ft. T.
VTul be wut lir mall OB recel | < t of iirlc * In stampi.
IHIHMCK'ri FOOU CO. , Hnclne , WU.
La warranted to lonirar. lit
Ittij form neAtir , anil ITJVB beitr
'Mtltractlon than D/ other Cert
Ni tha market , or price uM < l wa
ViiDUi * s.rrn1td' Tliolndorjanienboi
_ kM ui cturera , atU ! lij UaudultifBujc1 lc eo ,
T. H , P. LEnMA.NN & Ot )
ft Hctcm to n with TtH
CTJ. < V you'
C you'ioi OfCOODl
in MOJtHOHtT , In Ono Month ,
America. Al olut
A victim of carl/ Imprudence , caoiTng nerraiu
( bllltr. pramatur * decay , cte. . h lne irw.1 In
talneTBrrknowa itmed/.haidlicoTf red a sl
B 01 L'E ftj
Growers of Live Stock and Others ,
C i
It Is the host and cheapest food lor ttook cl tnr Mod. One pound Is equal to three poundi of corn
( lock feu with Ground Oil Cake In the I'M ni Winter , Instead of running down , will Increase In weight
and lie In good marketable In the rprlng. Dairymen. M < roll a other * , who use It can testify t
Its merit * . TIT It and Jui'g * fur yourwh op. Price nut ton * DO charea for arV > . Address
Fine Havana , Key West and Domestic Cigars. All Standard Brands Tobaccoa.
Trial Orders Solicited , Satisfaction Gnaranteefl ,
, 's Safe and Loci
Near Union Pacific Depot , - Omiha , Neb ,
H. B. LOCKWOOD ( formerly of Lockwood & Draper ) Chicago , Mau-
ager of the Tea , Cigar and Tobacco Departments. A full line o
all grades of above ; also pipes and smokers' articles carried in
stock. Prices and samples furnished on application. Open
orders intrusted to us shall receive our careful attention
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Heating and Baking
IB only attained by noing
Stoves and Eanges ,
Fci lo by
Office and Yerri , Cth and Coi'las ' [ ts , ,
108 and lOf JJouth llth Street , Omaha , Nibrwka. "Correfpradenro Pollcl'ol , "
Wholesale Druggist s n
PainteOils. . Bru he * ,
Milwaukee , Wis.
GTTNTHER & CO. , Sole Bottlers.
M , BELLMAN & GO , ,
Wholesale OlotMen
7507 AND 1303 FARNAM STREE1 MR. 13TH