THE OMAHA DAILY BEE THIRTEENTH YEAR. OMAHA , NEB , , WEDNESDAY MORNING , JUNE 11 , 1881 , NO. 308 \ THE OMINOUS OUTLOOK , It is Brightened Up Somewhat by In telligence from Washioston , A Prospect that Several Southern States May bo Carried. And Thus Counterbalance the Northern Elaine Defection. Proceedings of Congress Yester day at the National Capital. Italy Growing Very Angry Over Oar Art-Tariff Dues. Further of tlio Flnro Up by tlio Cnllforninno In jMnlnc. 1M103PECTS. WHAT KIND OF A CAMI'AION. Spoctnl Dispitch to Tint BKB. WAIHINOTON Juno 10. What aort of a campaign shall it bo is now the ques tion which agitates the breast tf the average - ago republican politician. Of course , with the name of Blaine , it is looked up on as an aggressive campaign , and it is possible that this idea will prevail in the months that come between this and No vember. Preparations have already boon made for work. The campaign fund will bo largo aud its use will not bo confined tn the doubtful states of Now York , Ind iana and Ohio , but will be extended to the south. Interviews with politicians from the southern states show that the ticket ot J1LAINK AND LOOAN is the most popular ono that could have been nominated for the South. Such men as Randolph Tucker , of Virginia ; Skinner , of North Carolina ; Barbour , ol Virginia , and others , say frankly that if any _ ticket can carry the states of Vir ginia , North Carolina and perhaps Flori da and 'Louisinia , it is the one nominat ed at Chicago last Friday , With this idea it is understood attention will bo turned toward the south , and that the doubt vrhicli attaches to the possibility of carrying Now York will bo mot with an elfurt to carry the southern states. CAMPBELL VS. MOUEY. The house commstteo on elections it Ohio contested election case of Compbol VB. Morey , by a vote of 8 to 4 , agreed tc report in favor of unseating Moroy , and seating the contestant. SECOND CLASS MAIL MATTEU. The president to-day signed the ac fixing the rate of postage on mail matter of the second class , wheu sent by persons other than a publisher or news agent. SWAIM. A COURT MARTIAL ORDERED , WASHINGTON , Juno 10. The record o the court of inquiry in the case of Gen Swaim , judge advocate general of the army , reports the facta as developed by evidence , and concludes as follows : "Tho court of inquiry is of the opinion thai while it is not prepared to say that any V qpecific act developed by the evidence is \ actually fraudulent , yet evidence does show that a aeries of transactions discrcd itablo to any officer of the army , especial ly demands the severest condemnation when engaged In by an officer holding the high position and the peculiar relations to the administration of justice in thi army , he-Id by Brigadier General Swaim.1 The secretary of war laid the report before fore the president to-day , and it was de cided to order a court martial for the trla of Swaim. The detail for the court wil bo made in a few days. TriKE.TAHIFF. A NIJVT YOHK C'LUK. NKVT YoitK , Juno 10. A tariff roforn league was formed hero to-day , with W B. Anderson , of Rochester university a president. The vice presidents include Jlenry Ward Beochor , George W. Curtis and ex-Governor Robinson. The league is to hold nn annual convention. Ad dresaoa were made by David A. Wella General Dovino.ThomnHG. Shearman ant others. Mr. Wells was requested to frame a pnmphlet on the tariff quostioi to bo distributed among the people. SPRING WHEAT. THE OFFICIAL HETUUNS ENCOURAGING. Special DUpatch to THK BEB. WASHINGTON , D , C. , Juno 10 , The Juno report of the depai tmont of agri culture , for which data have boon com ing in for several days , will show a very satisfactory condition of the spring when crop , throughout the country , ao far a can ba learned. These reports indicate a alight increase in the acreage , aud a prospect for about an average yield Thrro is considerable increase in acrongo in Dakota and for the northwest , while the remainder of tho'spring wheat sootioi practically holds its own in acreage There is a tendency on the patt of agri culturists in the wheat sections , omitting the extreme northwest and west to decrease crease the acreage rather than increasing but as the number of ngriculturibts in croasea the total acreage keeps up to about iti former standing. Altogothe the prospect for winter and spring whoa s considered by the department as quite atlafactory. WASHINGTON , Juno 10. The Juno rep roportof the agricultural department hews nn incrcnss in the area of pt n ; wheat of nearly ° 00,000 acres , or S ) per cent , The condition averages 111. The ! ondition of whiter wheat conlinuoi ligh average * 9 > , against 91 a mot th ngo. The increase ii : thu area uf oata is I per cent. The average of rye advanced "rom 07 to ! ' 7. The barley average baa 'alien from 101 to ! )3. ) MADiM&COAllONI. AUTIST1O ITALY AXOKUIU ) AT US. ROME , Juno 10. Signer Mancino , ninistor of foreign allairs , addressing the chamber of deputies to-day , said that if ho bill before the American cousrcss , ) laciug foreigners upon the same footing as Americans in rcgnrd to duties on in- .reduction into America of works of art , ihould not bo considered by tlio 21st .nst. , as demanded by Italy , ho would jtko measures to obtain compensation , as ho considered the treatment of Italian aubjocta unfair and at varianso with the .roaty of commorcoi between tlio two countries. The ministers of foreign at- 'airs and commerce and finance were con sidering a bill regulating the matter which might bo brought into oper ation after an agreement with other Eu ropean governments. Borraci in reply said if the American government persist ed in its present course , Italy should abolish differential duties or denounce : ho treaty with America. NEVADA. DEMOCRATIC CONVENTION. AUSTIN , Nevada , Juno 10. The demo cratic state convention mot at noon. Geo. W. Baker , of Eureka , was elected tem porary chairman. The platform adopted affirms the national democratic platforms of 1870 and 1880 ; demands the nomina tion of Tildon and Qondricks ; the removal - moval of all restrictions on silver coinage ; opposes the acquisition of largo tracts of public land by aliens , and demands the absolute exclusion of Chinese. AHor the appointment of various com mittees the convention adjourned till to morrow. ? Third congressional district , assembled in caucus , elected delegates to Chicago pledged to Tildon and Hondricks with Thurmau as second choice. IN MAINE. I'ERIGRINATIONS OK THE 1'ACIPIO COASTMKN. AUGUSTA , Mo. , Juno 10. The western delegation , accompanied by several prom inent persons of this city , visited the Na tional Soldiers' Homo this afternoon. They were received by General Luther Stephenson , governor of the homo , am saluted with thirty-eight guns. The hul was surrounded by a largo body of sol diers in lino. The governor delivered n brief address , giving a short history ol the homo. In the evening there was an informal private reception given lj Blaine to the delegation. A small num ber nf invitations were issued to promi nent citizens , and about ono hundroc persons were in attendance. The gupstt were received by' ' Mr. and Mrs. Blaine A very pleasant hour was spent in socia conversation. ST. LOUIS HAPPY. INDORSEMENT OF I1LAIHE AND LOOAN. ST. Louis , Juno 10. The republicans held a ratification mooting at Mercan tile hall to-night. The hall was packed. A great deal of genuine enthu siasm was manifested. Ex.-congresemai Finkelburg presided. Speeches were made by General John B. Hender son , Chauncy I. Filloy , Colonel D. P Dyer , J. Milton Turner and several oth ers. Both factions of the party wore well represented and the utmost liar moiy prevailed. 'ItAH FOR "RET. " AN IOWA IILAINE EDITOR'S WELCOME. DES MOINES , Juno 10. Mr. J. S Clarkson arrived homo from the Chicngi convention to-day. Ho was soronadet by bands to-night , and fully a thousam citizens visitednia residence and tondercc congratulations on his labor in behalf o the nomination of Blaino. A number ol speeches were made by proniinon citizens of the state. Mr. Clarkson re sponded in an able apouch of ten mir > utcs' duration. Great enthusiasm prevailed vailed , FORTV-K1GI1TII CONuKESS. HKNATK , WASHINGTON , Juno 10. Thoconfiidorntiui of the Mexrnn pensions bill WOH resinned. Tlioaincndinontfuilfered by Harrison , Inten dod to limit the bonolicltrio9 bid to tin HO win had BOOH socvico. wore laid on the table. yea 25 , naya 20. The pensions bill was then displaced by tin regular order , ( the Utah bill ) , which was In formally laid nsldo to ndmit consideration o tlio consular and diplomatic nppropriatlor Allison explained that the amendments pro nosed by the oonato commlttoo nn nppropih tlonn , nddod § 800.000 to the bill as it cami from the houso. The IIOUHO had npproprlntoi § 500,000 losa than the appropriation of Ian year , The nmoiidmonts proposed by tin senate coimnlttoo wore nsfroed to except tin provision appropriating $ if > 0,000 to moot tin expenses attendant upon the execution of tin neutrality act. After secret eess.on , ad jourued , HOUHL- , On motion the clnlrman of the committee on ways nnd moans reported a roneurron resolution provid lib' for the final adjourninen of conurcsa Monday , Juno SOth nt 3 p. m A loptod without dUcuadlon , 1'ayeon from th'i commlttpo on public hind * reported a bill forfeiting part of certain land granted Iowa to nld the construction of rail roails within that utato. The consideration of iho spoclal order beln ( ho hill for the forMttiro of the Now Orlotni , Inlon Koupo A VicltslnirR land Rrant , wan lostponcd until to-morrow , nnd the hotno vent Into oommtttea of the whole , IWcll- lourii In the chair , on the rlvor nnd harbor Numerous amendments wcro odcroil but otod down. On motion ot Holoinnu ( dom , , hid , ) the Inwa making nn npproprlntlon for the 1m- irnvomant ol the l.ltuo Konnwn river wna ttlcfeon fiom tholilll. Without fnrthor nctlon , the romtnlUoo oso. oso.Thoronato nniomhncnta to tha District of > Uimbla appropriation bill were nun concur red In , The home then took n roeosj till S p. 11. 11.Tho hona nt the evening session , ilcbntod lie bill directing the cocrotury of the Interior n obtain from the Red Lnfen Chippewa tn. llnim , nrolliKinlshmont of their title to the .tod l.ilvO rosimntUm In MlmioMitn. Without nctlon , ndjonrned , H3iV 1UO Itli.V/.K AT ST. PAUIi. V Destructive Klro This Mornliin lit tlio Union Donul IJOMM , $ : H)0OOt > Dancer of a Hprontl , ST. PAUL , Juno 11. U 12:50 : the ungniPiccnt Union depot hero was dis covered to bo in Humes. The proapacta are that it will bo a total ruin. The fire caught in the kitchen of the restuurant , located on the third floor. It pread so rapidly thab the employes of the restaurant escaped only with their clothes. The depot waa-owned by a aleck company in which the railroads centering lore are the principal Stockholders. The loss will roach $300,000 , insurance ample. A. temporary shod will bo erected for the accommodation of travelers. The t'opoi " the only ono in the city. 1:30 : A. M. The depot is in total ruins. It is feared the nro will spread to the mmonao wholesale grocery houses of P. [ I. Kelly & Co. , and Boaupre , Keogh & KANSAS CITY OUSSKDNESS. Either n Had Kinployuo or Bntl Km- jtloyerH A Case of IIoHtn o anil , Iiitcrnntioiiiil Trouble. KANSAS CITV , Juno 10. The disap pearance of Alfred Sheldon , agent of the Blue Springs Milling company , noted some weeks ago , becomes more mysteri ous. Sheldon is a wealthy Englishman , When ho disappeared there were rumors of a shortage in accounts. Mrs. Sheldon has since received , in a hand which she recognizes as her hus band's ono dated Kansas City and the the other Blue Springs in which Shel don says ho is hold in durance by com mand of members of the Milling company who claim a shortage and demand settle ment. Friends of Sheldon in England have referred the matter to British govern ment , and the authorities huvo instructed the English consul at Now York to in vestigate the matter. Letters from the consul have boon received hoio by the police officials. BITJBIG AT MINNEAPOLIS. Tlio Juno Festival Doubly Discounts all of Chicago's Efforts. MINNEAPOLIS , Juno 10. Five thou sand people assembled at the Coliseum this evening at the opening concert of the Juno musical featival. "Tho Messiah' was rendered by the orchestra led by Tannarotti and Theodore Thomas am the choral societies of Minneapolis am St. Paul , with Mmo. Nillsaon , Mme Wlnant , Theodore Taodt and Frank Rcmmortz as soloiats. Mmo. Nillseoi received a perfect ovation when she np poarod , and was triply encored after each number , and then again and again re called. Financially and musically thi festival promises to bo a great success the advance sales of Bcason tickets run ning a thousand dollars ahead of the sales at Chicago. To morrow and Thura day the Wrtgnerian festival proper begins gins , with Matcrnv , Winklomnn am Scaria soloists. Not A single seat for the remaining concerts romaim umold. 11KD MEN .RAVAGING. Trouble Aiming the Krulo Hlou.v In OlAllN. YANKTON , Juno 10. A special frorr Springliold says : "Indians bring report that last week some Brulo Sioux at th .Rosebud agency got into a fight amoii ] themselves. Three were killed , Th balance of the band , which number about ( ! ,000 , have taken sides , and a general oral engagement is in progress. Th Indians are all well armed and mounted This information comes wholly from In dian runners and may not bo reliable. LATEH Information from Yanktor agency makes it appear that the report of lighting in the Rosebud agency wer caused by last week's difliculty , in whlcl three Indians were shot by other Indians The agent at Rosebud has sent runner to the _ Yttiikton agency with the nowa The opinion hero is that the roporta ar greatly exaggerated. A Hrnlo Itiilletcd. WINKLOW , Texas , Juno 10. A nogr mined Joe liritt attempted to outrage 12 year old vrhito girl on Sunday. II was captured yesterday , At 4 o'eloo thin morning a mob broke open the dee of the calaboose nnd shot Bntt betwee the eyes with a rillo , killing him instant ly. No arrests. BANS-ATLANTIC TROUBLE , Dglaiii Addresses tbc Friendly Power or tbc U , S , as to Dynamite , on , Gordon's ' Sister Refuses to Assist a Hostage Fund. ho Claims it is England's Duty to ROEOUO Hhui Horrible Mftssdoroby "Eobols" Rtt > .tad atJkrbor. Gladstone Explains Turkey's De mands asHo < Egypt. S John , of Abj'Kilnln , Seen liy llowolt , Without Hcsnlt. KOKK1GN NEWS. OMl'LAINl.NU TO WAflUINflTON OK 11VNA- MOCB11R. LONDON , Juno 10. In thu commons day , FitxumuricoTUiidor foreign score- ary , slntod that roproaontations touching lie duty of friendly powers regarding ynamito hnd been Addressed to the gov- riuuont \Vashington , but no reply ad boon received. WASHINGTON , Juno lO. Uoforring to ho cablegram publwliod this afternoon SecretaryFrelinghuyson says the state epartmont has received nt communica- ion on the aubjoot Jfrom the British gov- rnmont since the recent dynamite out ages. KNC1LAND AND TUISKKY. LONDON , Juno 10. In the commons o-day , Gladstone stated that the rumors hat Turkey hod asked to pacify Soudan roro unfounded ; but negotiations with Turkey were progressing looking to Turk- y's occupation of certain Red Sea ports. ASKNBIBLE HISTnu. Gordon's sister has refused money for ho rescue of lior brother. She says Gor don is a British oflicor and it devolves upon the government to rescue him. KINO JOHN , OP ABYSSINNiA. Fitzmaurlco , under foreign secretary , stated that advices from Admiral Hewitt ndicatcd that ho had an interview with { ing John , of Abysinnia , on May 22d. Ho hoped to start homeward Juno 5th. A MAHSAOnS AT 1JK1111EH. OAIKO , Juno 10.-It is reported that , ho rebels nine days ago massacred.Ilus- loim Pasha Whalifa , commander at Bor der , and all of his family , the garrison , which was faithful to the IChodivo , and , ho European traders who remained hero. l "OATHS" IK ENGLAND , TOO. LONDON , Juno ,10. The Poll .Moll 3azotto'a article rojativo to the Anglo- French agreement , , , cn the basis of a i Egyptian conference , tyjui the invention of the London corrcnpondont of an Aus trian newspaper. EDITOIIIAI , CttlMINALB. VIENNA Juno 10. During the trial ol Stottmaches ho was ahown tn have boor the editor and manager of Herr Moat's paper , the Froihart. The proceeds ol murdora and robberies were shared with the editor of the anarchist paper , Dei llad'oil and DioXukumft. < II1E CHOPS. A Chicago Papor'n Estimate ol the Coining Grain I'rodncta. CHICAGO , Juno 10. The widely ox. tended crop reports received by the Farmer's Iloriow allow no material change in the winter wheat since the last report , except that the general condition is not 90 good. The weather has been excel lent for upring wheat. In Minnesota nil the counties report wheat looking finolj except one or two counties where tin average yield , It is estimated , will fall below that of last year. Roporta fron Nebraska only indicate an average pros peot for wheat and corn , The majority of the Ohio reports nro not such an to in dicate anything more than a fair whoa ! crop. Indiana has a promise of an nvor ago crop , except in the southern portior ot the state , where the outlook is gloomy The same is true of Illinois. Iowa re ports good wheat. Corn prospects am the wheat yield in Kansas promise to be very large. The wheat prospects in Ken tucky are not as promising us u year ago , In Missouri nn average crop is predicted NORTH 1MJATTI3 NOTES. Tlio TrnKlcs Death til' Mr. Gowdy , o Council Hlum NUICH Other Town Talk. Kpoclal to TllK DKK. NOIITH PI-ATTK , Juno 10. Train No 1 arrived this morning on time , bringinj u silent passenger , v/ho met u fatal ncci dent at Warren , allag station thirty mile east. The testimony ut the imjue.s allowed thu deceased to bo T. M. Oowdy of Council IMnlft , a real OB tutu and loai agent , Jt appears that the train miasii catching the mail , and Htnppcd for tha purpose , when Gowdy got oil" the sloepoi and in attempting to get on fell in undo thi ) wheels , which completely severe the head and right arm. The body wa irouiht ; hero , and will bo suit to Council ulFi to-night. Gftudy was OM route for 'onvor ' , was well dressed , a d evidently ell-to-do. Tlo verdict of * - - : the jury ox nerato the railroad , and decided the oath accidental , He leaves no family. Mr. Thomaft Stevens , the bicy lo wist , from S.ui Francisco , paucd hero o-day , on route to Constantinople , lie ft San Francisco April 22nd. The Boston excursionists , bound east , ook supper hero. Business here is very healthy nnd im- roving. B. & M. folks have been surveying tha onto from Hastings , North Platte is spoiling for a.demo- iratio newspaper to express the vex opuli. GOl'UAM HOTTKNNICSB. loport of tlio Hpeclnl Ornuil to tliu Olllclnl Corriiption. NK\V YORK , Juno 10. A special panel f the jury in the Oyor & Torminor court > -day made a report of their investlgn- on into ( ho finance department of/ / the ily government presentment. It do- lares there are radical objections to the axatioti'of personal property in this city , ml that should bo abolished , as it ia npossiblo to attempt an , equable aawss- lent of personal property. The report lakes a number of recommendations olativo to existing abutoa concern- orning the coupon frauds. The prcsent- lentsayB there is no evidence that pro- ioua tn 1870 there was any fraudulent Mtymont of interest in the registered Lock of the "Carroll Coupon. " frauds , ' 'ho presentment says : "Carroll is the uly criminal , but the moral rcBponsilnl- ty ia on a number of persons. " The rand jury Bay they do not suspect the ox- ntence of fraudulent or unauthorized is- uoa of city bonds ; if bonda should here- ftor appear they will not bo considered nlid claims. This grand jury has been 11 session 111 days. The expenses are ' 11,021 for exports , testimony , services o ccountnnts , etc. OUT. Ontohor KlllH a Clilnn- innuVitli n Beer Bottle. IlAHUisuunn , Juno 10. John Grady , catcher of the Holding Actives , while under the influence of liquor this after noon , entered a Chinese laundry and in- ted a female inmate. lie was ordered out by Sam Goo , the proriotor , who fol owed him with a flat-iron. Grady picked up a boor bottle , and hit Goo , inflicting a probably fatal wound. 10 WAKimOATION. Tlio AKrlonltnrnl College Squabble Shows Ono SUlo of Knoll' , Juno 10. Aspocialtotho Stnto Register says Ec-Prosidont : Welch , of the State Agricultural college arrived at Ames to day and vma mot at the trair by the entire senior class and professors Speeches wore made and a reception hole in the evening. California Domourntfl. STOCKTON , California , Juno 10. The democratic state convention mot thii morning , John n. Wise in the chair. Mr. Wise in an eloquent speech said : "Lot us democrats of California send a delegation to Chicago for the old ticket Tildon and Hondricks. If Tildon is noin- nated , wo can pledge California against the "Plumed Knight" ol Mai no. The mention of Tildon'a name was greeted with tremendous applause ; all jumped to Ihoir foot , waving hats and canes , and for several minutes the speaker was unable to proceed. When quiet was restored nominations 'or temporary chairman were called , Stephen M. White , of Los Angeles , thu anti-monopolist , was elected by acclama tion. In taking the chair White , in the course of his speech , said it was the duty of the democrala of the entire country and throughout the entire country to nominate Tildon to the prcHidoncy. D. 12. McCarthy , E. P. llardoslyJno. H. Dennis , U. Sadler , T. Lemon and Matt Cavana were elected delegates t < ; Chicago , all pledged for Tildon and Hen- dricks , Adjourned. Dry GoodH In New York. Nuw Yoitic , Juno 10. Dry goods , ni usual to the Tuesday market , wore vorj dull. Purchases vrero from agents foi small assortment of a necessitous chariic tor. The feature of the day was an auo ticn sale of Bullock's standard dingonu and worsted coatings. OHorinf.B wore bo twcen 7,900 and 8,000 pieces , 0-4 goods Considering the dullness , the demand fo : clotliinc and woolen diagonals did al ovorwell. Other Rtull' did not do si well. DoHtriicllon oCit 1'owiler Dr.NVi'.ii , Juno 10. The Giant Powdo Company's nmga/.ine containing ten thou sand pounda of Tenite powder , locatei three and a half miles east of the pliuled with terrible force thin niorning A large number of plate glass IronU o the husineHS jiortioim of the city wen wrecked , A new farm IIOUHO three him dred yards distant was completely dumol ishud , the occupinU ; mirauiouuly cscnpu { Injury. No clue to the cause of th explosion , Ann In Corhln , JU'BTON , Juno 10. The Toledo , Gin cinimtl it iSt. J oiiis ( southern division rail road bondhulders have voted t iinnimoiiily add the name of Austin 'orbin ' to their commlttoo. Snbsoquont- } the Iron division's iucomn bond hold- nnppoltitod a coinmitteo to confer with ' 10 tirst mortgage bondholdora commit- HI with a view to ascertain their rights xacty and report them , S 1MUNG H1'OHTS. Hailillo niul Hulkoy. I'KontA , lll . , , tnno 10. The llrst ineotlnir ' the IVorla , Decaliir nnil Bvanmllla circuit egau Utility , Them are ono hundred line ornoa on the ground * , making n bolter fiohl ! tlyorn Unit over hcforo gathered nt any nro In contrnl Illinois. To-liny' * contests wora Interesting and thn Buy' Dwnoil by n I'ooria Inily , ills- nncnil M fimrconiiollUirnln | tlio first hcixt of lin tlucn inlimto tint , nnil won tlio rnco : ttuio : ! U } , The ilofontoil lwr on were Hill Free nii , l'ock'l ) il Buy , Knmoui ami " In tlio 'JillS rneo , Bto fttnrtcr * , < Tnn , \liulinll , Tolm T. , I'ooria Boy nnil l.ub 'no. M , Klinlmll won tlm 1st , - > 1 niulHh loats mill liiibbor tlio "it ; Unto ' ! : : < ' . ) : -tO : ; ; Xi1. \ilihor won aocoml nionoy niul I'torlA my llilnl. In tlio unnlng rnco , omvlmlf inllo niul to- > ont , thorn worn ton n tar torn. l.lzzln Jvstm /nu tlio Ut dnoli , niul < llin V'ink the LM. 111 ! lie llnnl brush l > ' tca bnnt I''l ' lc ; ttmo M ; niUI Thn rncoa coiiUnuo till l ridny. I'inHHUUil , luno 10. Inniiunrnl rn h J ullo Cnnoritl HnnlliiR won , BnuiRhton U , iDthschlld 3 } tlmo , HIT } . Iron Btftkrs U-yimr-olils Mlle ixnd n Irnlf - .opluii won , Rloiihar ' . ' , Mnjor K 3 ; tlmo , SollliiR nlloivnncat Mtlo honl. Keno won : i fltrnlglitij llonnrnnml Iiuo onn were 1 ! niul In the roiGctlvo ! liontHj tlmo. ll"i' , li-IOS-n OAMKH YKHFRIIUAV. At WariiliiKton Toledo * 7 ; Wnshlnptun , ? . At BnlUmuru liullnnn | > ollH , ( ! ; Bnltlmuro , 3. 3.At IMttnlmrc Onmo poHtiM > nod ; rnln. At Uny City -liny City , 3 ; Fort Wiiyno , i. . At Snglnaw Baiflnaw , 0 ; O.raiul -I. At Dotrolt-llnlu. At IJimton 1'nnlilonco , liBonton , 3. At Ht. 1'aul St. I'nul , 5 : Qulncy . At Now York , Now York 10 ; I'lillnilcl- t Now York. Ciiirlnnatt 8 ; BnxiUyu 0. At rhllndelpltlo.Columbia 0 ; Atlilct- cal. cal.At At KntiBan City. Unluiu ot Katun1 ! City 3 ; ! hiimpo 10. At Now York Loulsvilloa , 7 ; nn B. At Ktllhvfttor Mlmio.ipolts , 8 ; At 1'corU Milwaukee , 4 } 1'oorln , 8. THE 11KNCI1 HIIOW AT CII1CAUO. ClIU'Ado , ,1 uno 10. The eoooiul IntornntJon- bench ( how of ilogn oponoil here to-ilay. There were nbont tliroo hunilrod iloi'fl In the lovantv-tflftht clnsaoa ( sporting niul mm-Rport- UK ) Nonrly nil the states uf the union , Onglnni ] , Hcollnnil. 1'rnnoo and Cnnmln were roproHoutod. Tlia fiillowinR nro the principal rnt proniliiinn nwanloil to-Jny : Clminiilon of ICiiRllah aottar Jotl , Fnul Glndntuno , owned by W. B , ( inton , of JIoui- ibl , Tonn. , vnlnotl nt St 000. Kxtra clmnnilon nf lOngllsh pnttor bltcliOH , -Clmmpion IJlilii 2d , owned by W. B. Shat- ,1c , , of Clnulnniill. Dido IB n uiitoj prlr.o wlf.fiuf'nnd io vnluoil , t § 1C,000. loxva Klroninn. AT DEB J101NHS. DKH MOINKH , Juno 10. The flratday of the Btivto nroman'B tournnmont WBH npont In n husluosn inootlnR and the trials nnil contcatn will commence to-morrow. Bnnda of firomor nre nrrlvlug on every trnln. The Codnr Hup Ida city council and firi'inon nnd pollco ar' rlrotl on n special trnln nt noon. The do- jinrtmont of thnt city will nrrlvo tn the morn ing on another spoclal. Our city U bounti fully docorntoil with archoa ncrons the Rtrootn , innttooi ) , oto. | nnd nonrly every buslncaa IIOIIBO in tostonilly dccorntod also. I'tilly Jlvo thoiisftiid fironiou bnnda anil ntrnngers hnvo already arrived. Tun Oar. TIIK ATLAKMU TACI1T OLUfl. NEW YOHK , Juno 10. The nlnotoonth an- nnnl regatta of the Atlantic Yncht club to day was the most Bucconufnl In mmio ' years , Twonty-Hovon started. The wiunora were : Cla n B , Trenton nnd Aunca. 0 , Mischief niul ] 'aimlo. 1) , 1'niiHu nnil lloainor. K , Crocodile. Class V , Iloinoyn and Daisy. Chum U. Ainuzim , The Knnlta , GoorRO ( lonhl's yacht , nlso wn the l-ivlngHton inoiiiorlnl prize. HlUiO I'OOlH. A Hill , I.Kit A1II1RHTEI ) . NEW YOHK , .Tnno 10 , lno. ! ! . Kelly , t .noinbnr of the linn of Kelly & Bliss , has boon jirnifltod nn n chnrKO of violating the Inwa ol eel tlckota nt tlio.Ieromo 1'ark races. American Civil Buri'ALo , Juno 10. Tlio Amoricati society of civil engineers convened to-day , about 400 delegates. Papers vroro read by distinguished members on oiigiiioorint quostioiiB. At the evening aossion President sidont Whittmoro delivered the annua nddrotB , Resolutions were paused asking President Arthur to appoint Prcaidoni Whittmoro a delegate to the internationa standard time conference. From Poverty tn $ 2(10,000. LOUIHVIM.K , Juno 10 , John ant ChurlcH Kennedy , two laborers of thi city , received word to-day that they hai fallen heirs to $200,000 from an uncle who lately died in Australia. The uncl who formerly lived at Louisville , loft aud dcnly , and for ! 10 years had not sine been hoard of. 1'cmiHylviuilii MlncH. PiTTHiiuuu , Juno 10 , The coal mine of the first , second nnd third pools hav decided to demand M cents per bushel i as the mining rate fur nil miners on tli river , nnd to strike the 10th hint , if tli operators refuse to concede the advanci AVoHtci'ii Union Dlvlilond. J KW Youic , Juno 10. The Wester Union declared a ( ( uurterly dividend < 1J per cent. A surplus of § 200,000 wl 6 bu left after the payment of the dividem d A MILD-MANNERED MARKET Not a SDarkofiifii Evident on Chicago's ' Stormy Board of Trade , The Temperature of the Day Causes a Drop in Wheat. . Corn and Oats Make Pretensions as to Prices , Moss Pork Bodooms the Market with a Slight Increase. Oattlo Fairly Active and a Shade Firmer. Gain to to in Cents , "With nil Sold. CHICAGO MARKETS. . NOT A BI'AIIK Of LIFK. Social Dispatch to TIIK BKK. CHIOAHO , Juno 10. The markets dragged heavily to-day. During the entire - tire season not n , spark of Hfo was im parted. 'Wheat opened Jo higher , owing to the cold weather and the anticipated reduction in the visible supply , and fluctuated within range , go , until the report wna posted , and when it showed a decrease only of 380,000 bushels , a sudden collnpao in prices occurred , July sold down to 8jj ! ) , reached n shade , and closed 8'Jj to 89JJ. On the afternoon board the fooling was again ono of heav iness , and the market closed at 89JJto 89f for July. CO UN was extremely quiet and nvoragod a shade lower , Receipts continue free , while foreign advices wore strong. July ranged at C i to GUg ; closed at 5gj to 50g. On the afternoon board prices weakened jto jj , July closing at 50. OATS continue steady and firm , July closing on the regular board at JJsU , but shaded off | on the afternoon board. FKOVI8IONH. Alois pork was in very light demand , but prices were nevertheless forced up 20 to 25 for Juno , July and August , closing at 8 ! )2J ) to 8 05 for July. On the afternoon board pork and lard wnro steady and unchanged. TUK UATTLE MA11KET was fairly active and a shade firmer on all grades , and closed steady. Corn fed cattle cold at 0 D00G 80 , and second class 5 10(30 Ho , grass and part corn fed from 5 25 to 5 90. There were but few Toxaiu on sale , but they may bo quoted at a 25@3 35 for poor grassera , 4. 00(34 ( 50 for part grass and part oornfed , and 4 75 at 5 25 for corn fed. Oodd to choice shipping , 1,2001,350 pounds , 0 16050 ; common to medium , l,00001,200ponnds , 5 2000 00 ; grass Texans , 550(3800 ( pounds , 3 754 50 ; American , 4 76 ® 550. noas. The market was active and 10 to 15 cents higher on all norts : sales at $3.75 to 84.90 for skips and light light , $5.10 to $5.85 , for assorted light , and $5.20 to $5 80 for host heavy. The market closed steady , with about all in first hands sold , speculators , however , carrying a few lots over. Soles of light , 180 to 210 pounds , at $5.15 to $5.75. The "Weather To-Bay. WAHHiNdTON , Juno 10. For the Upper Mississippi valley : Warmer and fair weather , variable winds , and lower bar ometer. For the Missouri valley : Warmer and fuir southerly winds , lower barometer , followed by local rains during the night. Hninlay Holioo ) Convention. LOUIHVILI.K , Juno 10. The interna tional Sunday school convention moots hero lo-mojrow. Canada and every state in the union will bo represented ; over 1,200 delegates expected , among them many distinguished men. ARSMQUS FWIHG TO HOLD DOWN EAm.DAKIHOPOY/DEK / ITAMDOUUDTORISC PURE CREAM TARTAR. © 1JOOO. Given IfnlnmorimylnJiirloiHBulsUmw.3Cuii Lo found In'ov/dor. Js jxw- 'iyely PUEE , Jlcliiten | < lorj c < lniiiltestimonial ! reci'lvuairomHUeliclieinUlsasa.DanaHaj-s.llos- rn ton : JI. Dcliifonliilne , ofChluiiso ; and GusUivi of lliHlc , JUIIunnkco. Never sold In bull : . ill ,