Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 07, 1884, Page 4, Image 4

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O in film omco , No. 010 PAmnni Bt.
onico , No. on
Street , Nonr BromlWAj" .
Now York Ofnco , lloom 05 Tribune
Pablliliod every morning , * except Bund1 The
ot > l > Monday morning dfttlj- .
Ono Yo r . 110.00 I Throe Month * . $3.00
BHilontM . B.OO j Ono Month . 1.00
Per Week , 25 Oenta.
SKIT isi , rcBUsiinn ITHT wisxiio if
OnoTeur . { 2.00 I Three Months . I M
BlxUanths. . 1.00 | One Month - . M
American News Oompany , Solo Agent * Now do l-
ta In the United SUtos.
A Communication * relating to Now * and Editorial
re stUrs should bo addrconod to tha KDITOB or Tui
uromms ttimns.
All Baslnem totters and Heinlttanoes thould bo
ddresMd to TIM Dm PoiiitstiiNO OOMPAKT , qxAtu-
Draft * , Chocks and PostoHlce order ! to be made pay
blo to the order of the company.
B. nOSBWATER. Editor.
A. H.Fiteh , Manager I ) Circulation , P. 0. Ilex
183 Omaha , Ncl > ;
The republicans of the United States
bavo chosen as their standard bearers in
the national campaign of 1881 lhat
matchless leader , James G. Blaine , the
man who of all others is moat deeply -
ly enshrined in the hearts of his country
men , and that gallant veteran , Gen.
John A. Logan , who has achieved re
nown on the forum , on Jlio battlefield
and in the halls of congress. No man in
America inspires moro genuine and fer
vid enthusiasm among the republican
names than the "Plumed Knight , " and
no candidate could have boon named at
Chicago who could fan thn dull oinbora
of latent patriotic republicanism to moro
intense white heat than the Great Com
moner from the state of Maine. If bril
liant genius and aggressive leadership
id ono in its standard bearer wcroa guaran
tee of triumphant success , the republican
partyjcould fool assured on aglorious vic
tory in November. But while yielding tone
no man or journal in our sincere admi
ration for the uoblo and manly qualities
of James G. Blaine , whom wo have sup
ported aa our choice for president in
1870 and 1880 , wo realize that the re
publican party lias reached a crisis in its
history , in which the nomination of
James G. Blaine bcomca an extra hazard
ous experiment. It is not a question
whether the reliable republican status of
Kansas , Iowa and Nebraska will roll up
from 25,000 to 60,000 for Blaine and
Logan , but whether the doubtful states
of Now York , Indiana and Now Jersey
can bo carried in the face of the known
and pronounced opposition to Mr. Blaine
and among the independent voters of
those elates. It was bccauao wo have
boliovcd Chester A. Arthur , with his
clean-handed administration , discreet ,
conciliatory policy , was by nil odds the
safest man for the republican partyat thio
critical juncture that wo have urged his
claims abovo'thoso of all other competi
tors for the presidency. Wo fervently
hope that the choice of the national con
vention , inspired by zealous onUiusiadtn
rather than cool , deliberative judgment ,
will load the party to triumphant vic
tory. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
'RAH for Blaine , of Maine.
BLAINU takes the presidential cako.
THE dark horse remains in the dark.
BLACK JACK did it with his little tele
Till ! real estate boom in Omaha shows
no aign of weakening.
JAMBS G. BLAINU did very well for a
man who was not a candidate.
TUG most notlcoablo feature in sum-
in or millinery will bo a white plumo.
TUB nominating speeches in the nation
al republican convention were far below
the standard of thoao of four years ago.
AH usual there will bo no general
fourth of July colobralion in Omaha. Wo
have plenty of patriotism , but lack en
SENATOK EUMUNDH is part owner of the
biggest tombstone factory in Vermont.
It will not cost him much to mark the
pot whore his little boom is laid away.
TUB city council ought to hurry up that
street cleaning contract. The paved
atroots should now bo regularly and fre
quently cleaned.
PUESIDENT Annum ought to have on-
engaged an orator who know enough lo
make a abort smooch and not turn his
coat tails to the audience. 4
TUB Fourth of July orators are beginning -
ning to "brush up for the occasion. "
Omaha , as usual , will bo called upon lo
supply several oralorical windmills for
country celebrations.
OMAHA needs moro business buildings ,
but as long aa tenant * continue lo pay
enormous rents for old rookorioa bo-
cauao they happen to bo centrally located
aorno of tno best busincaa lots will remain
unlrnpr vwl. There ia plenty cf room for
good buildings on Faroain and Douglas
atroeta and the cro&i atroots , and it ia a
uhaino that BO much , valuable property
ehould be covered with old frame shells
that are hardly able to stand up alons
UAILWAT hospitals nro ft good thing ,
but the plan ol making the employee pay
for thorn by monthly assessments is simp
ly nn outrageous impoiltion. If an cm-
ployo is injured owing to the negligence
of the railway company it is not only the
duty of the company to take care of him ,
but to pay him a reasonable amount of
money for his injuries. If an employe
becomes nick , through no fault of the
company , ho is bound to pay the expensed
of his own treatment , and in the majority
of cases employes would prefer to do BO ,
as well ns to liavo their own physician.
It la a poor railway company that cannot
aflbrd'to take care of iU employes who
are injured through its negligence , with
out calling for a general assessment.
iMMicmATlo.v to this country this year
has fallen off about twenty per cent.
Our exports are also twenty per cent be
hind the volume of 1883. The wages of
labor Imvo boon reduced. Tlioro has
boon an unexampled decline in the prices
of Blocks. The prospective demand for
our exportable crops is not encouraging.
Under thcso circumstances , notwith
standing the country ia rich' and money
is plentiful , it is an excellent time for
economy and retrenchment. There
should bo no stoppage of business and no
hesitation as to investment of permanent
value ; but wo should go nlow and safely
until the season of recuperation seta in.
TUB national republican convention is
making good progress , and will probably
conclude ita labors Saturday night. Tlio
convention of 1880 mot on Wednesday
nnd effected n temporary organization.
On Thursday n permanent organization
was accomplished. The third day was
occupied with reports of committees nnd
the discussion of contested cases. Satur
day was mainly tnkon up with dilatory
motions and remark ; , nnd it was not un
til the evening of hnt day that the pro
ceedings got ns far as the nominating
speeches. The balloting began on Mon
day of the succeeding week , nnd wan con
cluded on Wednesday ,
AT this time it affords one pleasure to
read again the famous apooch of Col.
Robert Q. Ingorsoll , in presenting the
name of James 0. lll.iino at Cincinnati
in 1870. That grand speech applies as
well to Mr. Blaine to-day as it did eight
years ago. It was the eloquent Ingorsoll
who gave to Blaine the name ot "tho
Plumed Knight. " It was Illinois , through
Col. Ingorsoll , that presented the name
of Blaine in 1870 , and now , in 1881 ,
Illinois has the pleasure of at last making
"tho Plumed Knight" the nominee of
the republican party , and the next , pros-
idont of the United States.
TJIKHI : is probably no city in the
United States that gives to its laboring
men so much employment 03 Omaha. The
expenditure of money in the improve
ment of the streets , sewerage , and other
public works , increases the value of prop
erty , gives our city a metropolitan and busy
busy appoaratico , andfurnish employment
te a largo number of men. The people ,
who are beginning to BOO the benefit of
money rightly expended , will hereafter
bo quick to vote for all needed public im
TUB BEE congratulates itself upon hav
ing aaid nothing concerning James G.
Blaine which it would now Imvo to re
tract. "VVhilo wo were for Arthur , wo
aaid nothing to the detriment of
any ether candidate. This is more
than can bo said by aoino republican pa
pers , which in their zoa ) for their favorite
caudidato so far forgot themselves as to
heap undeserved abuse upon rival candi
dates. This of coureo puts Bitch papers
in rather an unpleasant position ,
Foil many years the latoGon. Babcock
sent n Christinas present of $100 to Mr ,
Sabin , of Sycamore , Ills. Bnbcock was
appointed to West Point by Sabin , when
ho was a cont'rosainan from Vermont ,
and he never forgot the favor. Mr. Sa-
bin is now ninety .one-years old.
AN enterprising Chicago clothing house
has engaged Col. Goshen , the ijiiuit , to
attend to its outside advertising. The
houses advertises that he is the largest
clothing man in the world a reminder
of its gigantic facilities for clothing
Tin : enthusiasm which prevails in the
national republican convention is indica
tive of the aggressive spirit that will char
acterize the campaign , which will re
sult in n victory for the party of free
dom and progress.
IIio Defeated Onmllilnto'a Farewell.
Faro theo wall , 0 grim Chicago ,
Tomb of my most precious hope I
I will leave without embargo.
For some snug and sunny slope
On the mountains west of Fargo.
Tut aw y my little boomlot ,
I'll not need II nny inifro ,
As I'm going now forever
Up to Salt Greek's glcomy shore.
England has boon shaken up again by
another dynamite earthquake , caused by
dynamite explosions , in the very heart of
London. The English people are- maddened -
doned by the thought that no life is safe
if such outrages continue to bo possible
in the heart of the metropolis. The explosions -
plosions followed shortly upon the intro
duction of Trovolyau's Irish land bill ,
The inference is legitimate that the
bafllod Nationalists had again vented
their displeasure in dastardly mischief.
Tlioro can bo no excuse offered for the
authors of the dynamite explosion in
London. It is a sousoless way to carry
on war , oven were thbro justification for
oxtrerao measures , aa it never roaches
thoao who are directly responsible for the
ills under which Ireland suffers , It has
has not oven the loqio of the nihilist , who
throws his dynamite bomb at the man
who represent * the powoi of the
Btato. In the case of this London ox-
plosion and the other dynamite plots
which have gone before it , innocent
people sufTor for the sins of the govern
ment under which they live. The thir
teen victims of this latest explosion had
no moro lo do in shaping Gladstone's
j I Irish policy than a * though they had
lived at the Capo of Good Ilopo. Viewed
In this light , the men who sot off thcso
explosions are nothing moro than mur
derers , and will bo treated as such , if
caught. They cannot como in under
cover of any political shield. Their crime
is a crime igainst humanity , and not an
olTonso against any form of government ,
and it does not deserve the sympathy of
any right-thinking man or woman. The
dynamiters are injuring the Irish cause ,
and the Irish people would take stops to
denounce the ttso of dynamito. Ho long
as the dynamite warfare is pursued they
can never expect any redress for their
griovancies or amglorallon of jtholr condi
tion at the hands of the English rulers-
What sympathy may exist among the
English people for suffering Ireland will
surely bo destroyed by dynamite. Does any
sane man suppose that if the explosions
in London had killed fifteen prominent
Englishmen , and destroyed a dozen of the
linoflt public buildings , Irish independ
ence would bo nearer by an hour than it
was before ? Docs any uano man suppose
that if to-morrow Victoria and Gladstone
should bo slain by Irish bomb or bullet ,
and Buckingham 1'alaco and 'Westminis
ter Abbey blown to atoms by Irhh mines ,
England would drop upon her knees and
beg Ireland to depart in peace ? la it not
ai cortninjas anything undetermined can
ha that if the patrons of dynamite should
achieve such diabolical success it would
bo the beginning of a tremendous failure ?
that England instead of relaxing her
grip on Ireland , would tighten it , and
that the advocates of mercy and moder
ation in dealing with an unhappy country
would bo swept out of sight by a storm
of popular wrath and vungoanco ? The
bitterest onpmios of Ireland can not wish
her a heavier or deadlier blow than
would surely fall if the hitherto compara
tively harmless attempts of the invinct-
blcs should bo followed by a wholesale
destruction of lifo and property. The
worst tyranny Ireland has over endured
from England would bo mild and benevo
lent as compared with the iron yoke
which English hands would rivet upon
Irish nocks. When such fanatical knaves
and fools as O'Donovan Roaaa and his
associates boast of the blessings which
dynamite will bring to Ireland , they show
stupendous ignorance of English nature
and of the darkest lessons in Anglo-Irish
Lord llandolph Churchill comes into
constant prominence as the coming man
inT the leadership of the Tory party.
There arc two men in this young scion
ol the IIouso of Maryborough. Ono of
them is a rough-spoken and ill-mannered
Esau , who seeks opportunity to mnko
himself offensive to bettor men than
himself. The other is an inchoate states
man , with broad views on many points on
which the arorago Englishman and much
moro the avontgo Tory , is narrow and
obtiiEi. The latter of the two has boon
coming to the front of late , moro than
the former. In opposition to the efforts
olpi Lord Salisbury to convert the Tory
party into an aristocratic clique , Lord
Churchill has insisted on an appeal to
the conservatism and rather "jingoiah"
patriotism of the common people.
lia1 this ho follows the ex
ample of Disraeli , who was
ready to boast of having boon an extreme
radical and an oxtomo conservative , but
never the compromise called a whig. In
his attitude towardslrish questions , Lord
Churchill has made a break from his
party. lie resisted the attempts to
amend the franchise bill so as to exclude
Itoland from its benefits , and otherwise
declared his openness to consider any
claims . that Ireland had to English con
sideration. On this point Lord Churchill
might : make a brilliant and successful
record , if ho had the knowledge and
audacity required for that purpose. IIo
iew a disbeliever in free trade , and ho
would find little difficulty in showing
that all the liberal attempts to settle the
Irish question failed because
they ; do nothing _ for the promo
tion . of Irish manufacture.
Unfortunately , it is ono of the matters
which Irishmen seem very unlikely to
take into the earnest consideration it de
mands. Mr. I'arnoll , like Gladstone ,
persists in regarding the land question as
the great iasuo. If the tprlos under Lord
Churchill were to strike in on thia line ,
they might nll'cot nn alliance with Orange
mut Green for the promotion of Irish in
terests , which would leave both the Koine
rulers and liberals very far to the roar.
Lord Churchill hns made an admirable
beginning I , although ho has so offended
the Irish lories that they Imvo cancelled
hia invitation lo uddroes them in Dublin ,
Tlio publio mind is somewhat pacified
us to General Gordon. It is now under-
olood thnt his present position involves
no further peril than during his former
residence in the country when suppressing
the slave trade. If ho has no organized
force nt his command , neither has ho any
organized enemy lo oppose , , tlio Mahai
boini ; very much in the same position nl
El Oooid that Gordon is lu at Khartoum.
The 1'aU Afntt Oascttci continues to
threaten the ministry with immediate de
feat if they submit to the "multiple con
trol" of Egypt. The Daily News and
other ministerial papers observe thai
while the treaty of July , 1840 , which sot
tied the status of Egypt , and the conven
tiou'of the following year remain in force
England is bound by her engagements to
all the othpr w'snatorios. Anything like
annexation or independent action wouli
bo a deliberate broach of good faith , ant
would at onoo reopen the whole cos ton
question. If England is desirous tha
Russia should keep good faith as to th
Black Sea and the road to India , she can
not sot the example of violating her own
An article atiributod to Mr. Gladstone
and signed G. , appears iu the Fortnight
Iy .Review. The writer points out tha
while the English are defending the !
own interests in Egypt , it is necessary t <
remember that Franco has colonial later
osts also , moro contiguous than those
of the English , and that it will bo time
enough fur England to act without consideration
sidoration for , the wishes of other power
when her own possessions are menaced
us at present they are not. IIo also ro
fora tu the Monroe doctrine , and points
out that so much political compllcatloi
arises because European countries do no
confine themselves within their natlona
Not A CUHO ,
Not a CMO of tbeutn&Uam , not a cueo
neuralgia , not a cue of lamoaeu , not a CMS o
l > alu or sprain not one hu failed to fro whe
.tacked by TAomai' < lteirie Oil.
kclchof the Career of the Ncxl Pre
sident o ! the Unilefl Slates ,
'arly Life of a Grcftl Sinn A "Won
derful Political Career Ills
Ijllernry "Work.
/onilcnscd from a Biographical Sketch ,
written by T. 0. Crawford , In the Chicago
Tribune. ]
James O. Blaine WM born ntlndlnn Hill
aim , Washington county , Pennsylvania , tlio
lat iay of Jnntmry 1830. Tlio boy had every
dvnnlago. Ho had f pedal instructors nnd
10 ndvnntngo of n preliminary training school
: Laiiaulcr , O. , whcro ho lived with hli rol-
lives , the family of Thotnm Kwing , the then
ocrotnry of tbo trcnmiry. Ho WM brought
i o contact with politics whan a moro lad of
I. Ho was graduated from tlio Washington
Jnhoralty of Western l'onn yhanla In 181"
oforohowns qullo 18. Hhcollfgo gtiardhn
/as his undo , John II , Kwing. a member of
ongrffii. Air. Blnino excelled aa n student ,
licro npponra no period in hla early lifo where
0 wan not successful. Indeed , In ncoordonco
Ith ordinary rules , Mr. lllalno should have
[ id much harder limes lo Imvo brought out
in powers. An n lonelier for several years ho
istenod his collcgo acquirements , while Ills
ibscquent ton years' ns n political editor tie-
eloped his powers nn n clear and roncly writer ,
hmrinnn ot the republican central committee
1 Mnlno at tbo ago of 25 , ho ha' slnco thnt
tno retained Lts ascendency ns a political
ndor , Coming to congress In 1SG2 bo soon at-
rnclccl Iho nttontlon olLincoln. It was Mr.
Inino's habit nt the outset of his career to
ako 'ory short , crisp npcecboK. lie never
: cupioil moro than n page of tlio Csngrov
onal Kocord. Ho novcr spoke unloja bo bnd
otnothlng to nay , Tills attracted Lincoln's
. .tentlon.Ifo was almost Iho first man to
Ivlno Bloino's future n d autually prophesy
hat bo would accomplish. At the ago of
J Mr. Dlalno was mndo Bpcnkor of the house ,
ml for nix years filled thnt post with nn nblll-
y tint wan conceded by all , nltbough bis eno-
lien regarded him as often arbitrary and high-
muled iu the administration of his powor.
Mr. Blaine is HOW In tbo prime of a vigor-
us manhood. Ifo la lit years of ] ngo. Hi *
tico shattered health Is restored. Ilia eye *
ro now na koou nnd clear ns when bo wan nti
n.pulsivo , mlicblovoua boy , while bU volco is
i ringing , deep , and strong ns lu hla palmiest
ays aa mi orator. Kotirod from active poll-
ics now for ever two years , bo has gained by
10 clinngo. Instead of dropping Into tlio ob-
ctirlty wbcro fnlla tbo nverago public man
ologntod to private lifo , bo lias bold hii own
n the public mind M no Btitopimn ever lias
oforo without the artificial aid of olllciid po-
Illon. Instead of retiring in bis privacy Mr.
ilnino linn , with the energy of genltw , imino-
lately found a now field to conquer. In tbo
ard nnd untried path of literature bo bus nc-
ompllshed In the brief period o ! ono year nt
rilllant a BUCCCKS ns baa over fallen tu his lot
n iictlvo politics. Hia political hUtory. tbo
rst part of wbicb la now completed , will do
moro to make his name memorable tbnn all
tbor nets of hla public career. llolcg ted to
rivnlo through no fault of bis own , through
bo calamity of GnrfioldVi assassination , Mr.
Maine lias idiown such courage , sucli pluck in
ubduIiiR tbo despair which would bavo over-
vbolmed an ord'nary ' man ns to commend him
o tbo faint-hoai lad forever as tbo very em-
lodimout of courage which acknowledges no
lefoat ,
'riiink of whrrt ho * been Mr. Blaino's loss ,
n tbo winter of 187C bo bad taken a Beat in
bo United States ncnato , where bo could
ia\o rcnialnrd f a long ns lie lived. Ifo bad
con elected In the face of iiu Accumulation of
very cbargo that bad over been brought to
ear against htm. The Now York Times and
! un tilled their wide columns with all tbo
hnrgoa that bad over been brought against
lin. Ho wns stigmatised at the worst nnd
nest venial of nil public men. Tboso papers
vero sent into Malno by tbo bale upon tbo
ve of tbo Bonntorial election. AVhat was the
csult ?
Tbo Maine legislature carefully considered
very cbargo ; revised every etory , nnd then
looted Mr. IJlnliio unanimously. Stirred UD
.o tbo depths of indignation nt what they con-
Idorod tlio innliKulty uf thcso remorseless
landorera , tbo mombo of tbo Maine legls-
Blaturo gave Mr. lilniuo tbo seal of their
unanimous approval.
That should put nn end forever to any difl-
usflon of Mr. Bluno's record. A man is
never n prophet in his own country. It ia
hero thnt his faults nro always magnified , and
ia virtues underestimated. If the members
> f the Maiuo legislature could find nothing in
.11 . that waa said at that time , when the rororii
f tbo charges was then in tbo mind of every
no , wbut point is there now in n > wearisome
ub-n-dub of dreadful things that can bo
irougbt up against Mr. lilalno if bo should bo
lomlnntcd ?
Ono would think that the mon who are the
dost ngitatod about Mr. Blaine and bis recorc
voro themselves recording angels Bitting aloft ,
.bovo . every temptation of this earth.
orrosKi ) TO THICKKKT.
Mr lilaino certainly needs no dofonao frqm
ho hands of anyone. Everything that ha.-
) oen used aeainst him ia so much burnet
mwdor. I should Hot nlludo to thia rocori !
nlk if it were not for the fact that n , corta n
: ! asa of ropublintni still poroist in tbo fiction
if boliovlng that ho Is really n bad , imtnist-
vorthy man.
But In order tonnivo nt a correct estimate
uf him ono should take bis entire llfu as . .
mis for judgment. No man ia parfoct. Mr.
Maine bns undoubtedly inido niialako' , nnd
10 has beim severely piinisboil. Hut tbero U
: io toasoiivby the mtutakcs elionld bo dwelt
ipon no tbo true inilicnllons of bla character.
IIo has fehown biimolf to bo as independent in
Bplrit an nny great party lender could have
'icon. It should bo remembered of him that
: io voted ngainst tbo juggling electoral com
nisslon bill , which wna denmndod by the
rigid pattUana of that day. Both Blnluo mid
Rankling , two of tbo highest typos of the ro-
mblic.ina of that ported , opposed that bill.
It wns through Mr. BlainoV ) Influence that
.bo force bill , a ineaeura of bis party , wna dc-
oated In tbo liouso. While bo bos boon al
ways loyal to tbo close union of tbo nations
m this continent with reciprocity treaties
jotwoon them ns against the old world wonli
mvo given a now to bis party when it wns
right , bo baa never hesitated to atsort bit In-
lopondonco when it claimed his allegiance in
a course which bo could not approve.
Tbo best thing about Mr. Blnino and it is
ono that should not bo forputton - in thn facl
that lie Is nn American. iUlo is a republican
in tbo best BOIIBO of the word. Ho is na much
opposed to orthodox forms In politics for
form'ii sake ns Ingoraoll la ia religion. Tbero
s nothing for which bo has so sincere a con
tempt na for affectation of any kind.
IIU magnetic power la thoaiibjoctof many
miners. The enemies of Blaine deride the
mon who are fond of htm by calling them vie
tims of this personal magnetism , Analyze
this personal magnotlim and'you will find I
Is nothing more than the fact of nnunaasumini
intellectual tuperlority , n keen , tronchan
common tanso that commands admiration
Very f ow publio men at short range fulfil the
popular Idea , They are ant to prove dliap
pointing through tha exhibition of eomo In
complete , undeveloped aide. It Is rate enough
that A public inau of prominence U a ploasan
Mr , BlalnoUsoinany-BiJed as to bo classoi
as a man of geniui. He IB an orator , a > pol-
Uhod writer , a student of history , a wide
reader of general lUorature , A successful finan
cler , thTJUgh mm of th world , a complete
master ot tha art cf pleasing In a nodal way
Asa cmverjaUonnHst Mr. Blaine haa few
equals Ho hog A koou appreciation of fun
and can toll a story with wonderful nlmplio
ity. Tlioro IB no dragging prelude , no verboni
details prrcodlng a stupid finale. The story I
presented always dramatically and fired al-
mojit ns if from a gnn when the point i
readied. Mr , Blaine a ability to entertain a
private circle , ft ) well as publio audience
dhows that ho has great power aa aa actor
Yet oven In Ills private talk he does not fal
Into tha habit of the average publio man o
making speeches or nolloqumng , IIo is quite
willing to lliton when any one hna anytbln
to Bay , and never ppe re moro at hu boa
than when he u taking part In a running fir
of bright sharp tallc.
The dluuo table in the Blaine bouso li th
plaeo whora the gayest ot good-natured cha
rules. From 6 to 8 the dinner speeds undo
cover of running talk upon the Incldonti o
tha day ,
Mr. Blalne U very happy In hla family
None of U * children appear to rcgart
him aa moro than a big. brother , Unleoa
called out by a dinner of aoma social gather
ng , Mr. Bl.ilna Is always at homo. Ho br
ing * to no club nnd kocpi moro to himself
: ian n mnn of his social inntlncls might bo ox-
octod to do. Ho docs not oven play the
nmo of poker , which Is so general an aocom-
IWimont with public men.
Ho has nclhlt'g ' of the reputation of n Purl-
nn , but In reality his private Jlfo Isai Irrc-
roacbablo as the most rigid morallut coul 1
itc. Ho is ono of the'ow ' mon in tmbllollfd
i lioso name has never' bcon coupled In the
mr-nt indirect way with nny intrigues with
romon. Out of noclety ho is n gallant ndmlr-
r of the fair BO.T. but there is yet to bo
roithod against him the first word of scandal
n this direction.
Ho Is n vfry tompcrato mnn nt the table ,
-.occasionally I drinks a glnns of wino , but ho
ever joined the whisky-drinking ranks in
thcr the house or the senate. Yet ono would
ot notice Mr. Blaino'ii temperance , ns there
no assumption of especial vlrttto put on
ith it. Ho nays nothing about it , nnd when
iked to partake socially with Ills public nsu-
latcs has nhvoys managed tonvoid Indulgence
ithout givlnp the Idea that ho has nnytpcclnl
lijoctlou to the habit or nny deslro to criticise
10 babltin ntliora. During the last year of
Is literary work Mr. Blaine has lived with
to greatest simplicity. Ho has retired early ,
i nq to devote the forenoon of his days to
ork. Ho has pertdstod in following the moat
gld system regarding his hours. IIo bM not
eon visible to callers any day until o'clock
n the afternoon. l'rom than on ho ho * do-
otad himself to social tnlk , riding nnd tlriv
g , nnd light reading.
The work upon the book has mndo n gront
raft upon Mr. Blnino'a physical resources ,
ut with n brief vacation ho hns gone rapidly
3 worlc upon the Bocond volume. Thin bo
111 Imvo completed by the first of nest T > o-
jmbor , notwitliatandim ? Ids nomination , bo
aving mndo his mind to thnt cIToct.
Ho has found n strnngo pleasure in wilting
sbook. llo linn boon nil bis lifo since hid
illoso-daya n student of American history ,
hero is no man in public or private lifo to-day
ho Is fo thoroughly familiar with the growth
itl progress of his own country ns Mr. Blnlne.
is memory Is a inirvcjous ono. Ho retains
Ithout dlllicitlty anything bo roads , nnd rare-
. . ' errs in his [ illusions. It is n mater -
er of gront piido with him that the first vol-
moot his history has not yet bad nny of its
icts questioned , It is his idea thnt n man
; ho writes history should have no other object
inn the honest recital of facts connected
ith the period which lie is necking tu du-
: ribo. Where history is written with a cor-
liu object in view , the history itself is too
[ it to bo colored to bo of value to tlio impar-
ill student. Mr. Blaine thinks that
13 ono fault of tka brilliant and
rent Macnulny'B History of JSugland
thnt it was written with the object ot BUS-
lining the Whig party. Ho has tried in his
urk to have no object in view beyond giving
i impartial record of the period covered by
Is hibtory , It is for tbo public to decide bow
ir ho has succeeded. Originally bo had nn
den of writing his memoirs , Thia would have
Ivcn an opuortuuity for n closer record of
ersonal observation , n d would have nleo
ivon room for a lighter vein of treatment.
VIth his fitrotig descriptive powers , hia oxcol-
> nt knowledge of men , nnd memory for oven
ic gossips ot hii time , his memoirs would
ave possessed extraordinary intsrest. It is
osslblo that Mr. Blaine may yet wiito bucb a
ork. With bis rcstdred health ho promises
o bo n figure upon the American stage for tbo
ext twenry yoara. Ho ia too active-minded
muu to o\cr remain idle.
Ho has n great fund of personal anecdotes
hi b bo employs in the most apt w.iy upon
early every oo.asion. Ho tolls bin stories ns
huenjojod them himself , and they very
ften emphasize his meaning aa no heavier ni-
uinent could do.
Summing up , ono finds so much to admire
n bia varied information , hia social culture ,
is power and individuality ns a statesman in
lie true Eonso of tbo word , that ono is cou-
tan tly tempted in tbo direction of oxtrovn-
ant eulogy. If onowislies to bo Mr. Bluine's
ncmy ho must keen nway from him , beyond
ho roach of hia voice , nnd clo3o bis eyes nnd
ars to anything but the ancient ntorio.j of his
ormcr enemies , many of whom nro to-dny bis
rlcnds. Criticism of this brilliant and nblc
nan thould bo left to those who know that
hey nro bettor than be ; by men who bavo
lever mndo nuy mistakes ; by tboso who bavo
.Iwnys done right , and whoso ono regret in
[ fo is the Borrowful fact that the majority of
niounro not like unto them in goodness.
HIS ronruNB.
The stories of his largo receipts from his
look have not boon at all exaggerated. Ho
eccivoj SO cents a volume from his publishers.
They now believe they will sell a half a mil-
ion copies of this book. This will give Mr.
Jlaino $100,000 , for his year's work. It is
tot unreasonable to suppose that these who
) tiy tbo first volume will jompleto their pur
chase by buying tbo aecond. This will give
Mr. Blaine ever 8750,000 as the fruit of his
irst venture into the rich pastures of histori
cal literature.
Mr. Blaino'd present fortune is ono that has
)0i3ii a subject of a great deal of gossip. It
ins been estimated by some romancers to be
ns high as two million dollars. This Is nn
mormons exaggeration. I In la undoubtedly
n easy circumstances , and hns enjoyed for
earn a liberal income from hia Pennsylvania
coal properties. Mr. Blaine once said to a
visitor that ho was richer than any of tbo so-
called millionaires of the day , because bo had
M that ho wanted. He ia not nn avaricious
nan. Ho is not niggnrdly in his expenditures ,
neither ia ho lavish. Ho seema to have joined
'u the liberal mid hospitable froo-baiuleduess
if tlio west tbo conservative carefulness of the
His style of living nt Washington has al"
vays been comfortable , uover extravagant ,
fin carriages and horses would never attract
lotico anywhere , while at iho same time they
are plenty good enough for any gentleman to
ube ,
In bla manners Mr. Blnina Is essentially a
lomocrat. Ho never yet in any of the van-
us periods of li's ' career boa shown any pride
< f place. Ho is ulmplo and unaffected. Ho
larbnrs few , if any , resentments , The gene-
nl public have supposed him to be agio-it
iiemy of ConltlitifrV. This is nut true. Ha
vould is willingly khako hand * with Colliding
o morrow , if Colliding would inent him halt-
yay , as he would with any of bis former asso-
Mutes. Ho Jinn intense pride , and a most
lory temper when provoked , but when bid
ugo explodes no Numbering resentment is left
lobind , Ho docs not bollovo In tbo utate-s-
mnnsblp of rovongo. Upon this mibject ho
aid ono day : " Lifo Is too short to Ho In waiter
or personal retaliation lor injuries recefvcd.
f you can strike out a good , strung blow nt
.ho . time well and good. But tbo world moves
.00 . fast for ono to waste Ins lifo Iu waiting for
nn opportunity ta gratify miiro personal
evenge. "
Tlio "I'lunied
Speech of Kobert G. Ingersoll iu presenting
tbo name of .Ins. U. Blnino for the presiden
tial nomination at Cincinnati In Juno , 1870. ]
Massachusetts may bo satisfied with the loyal'
.yof . Benjamin Brlitow. so am I ; but if nny
man nominated by this convention au not
carry the Btato of Massachusetts , I am not
atlslied with tbo loyalty of that Htato. If the
nominee of this convention cannot carry the
fraud old commonwealth of Massachusetts by
levcntyfivo thousand majority , I would ad
vise them to sell out 1'atuull hall' ' as a demo-
srattc headquarters. I would advise them tc
lake from Bunker Hill that old monument ol
glory ,
Tno republicans of tba United Stntos do
mind as their loader in tha great contest of
1870 a mftnof Intelligence man of well known
nud approved political opinions , They don -
n nd a statesman ; they demand a reformer
after an well aa baforo the election. They do-
naad a politician In the blgheat , broadest ani'
uest senss
They demand a man acquainted with public
affairs , with tbo wanU of the people ; with
not only the requirements of the hour , but
with tha demands of Iba future.
They demand a man broad enough to ; com
prebend tbo relations of the government t
tha other n&t'.ona ol t to earth. They domanii
a man well versed In tha powers , du-
tloi , and prerogatives of each and every de
partment of tbla government. They demand
a man who will sacredly preserve the tinan
clal honor of the United States : ono who
knows enough to know that tlio national debt
must bs paid through the prosperity of our
people ) one who knows enough to know tha' h
all the financial theories of the world cannot
redeem a single dollar : one of who knows ( U
enough to know that all the money must be
made , not by law , but by labor ; ono who
knowi enough to know that the people oi the
United States bavo the Industry to make the
money , and the honor to pay it over juit M
fast a * they make It. [ Applause ] .
Tin republicans of the United States do
maud a man who knows that prosperity am
resumption , when they como , mini como to-
father ! thnt when they como , they will como
land In nnnd through the cofden haivoit
toldai hand In hand by the whirling Bpindlei
nnd the turning wheals ; hnr.d In band post the
open fiirnaco door : baud In hand by the
ihimnoy with eager fire , greeted nnd gr.wpod
> y the countless BOIIS of toll.
This money Ins to bo dug out of the earth.
You can not mnko it by pa'sing resolutions
n n political convention. [ Applause. ]
The republicans of the United States want
nmau who known that this government should
irotect every citizen , nt homo and abroad ;
vbo knows tlmt nny government that will not
lolondslts defenders and protect its protoftors
n diograco to tlio map of the world. They
domnmlnmnn who bollovcfl in Iho eternal
icparatlon nnd divorcement of church nnd
itnto- They demand man whoso political
cputntlon is as spotlosi ns n stars but they
do not demand that their cnndidnto shnll
lave n certificate of moral r.lmrnctor signed
jy n confodornto congress. Tlio mnn who hns
nil theaa splendid qualifications la tlio present
raud nnd gallant lender of the republican
inrty James G. Blnino.
Our country , crowned with tbo vast nnd
narvelom achievements of its first century ,
Mks for a man worthy of the post , mid the
n-ophoUc of her future ; asks for a man who hns
ho audacity of gonuis ; nsks fdr n man \\ho
sthograndost combination of heart , conscience
\ndbrainbcnoatb her ting such n man is
Inmes G. Blnino. [ Applauso.l
For tbo republican host , led by ; this intrepid
nin , there cnn bo no
Tiilsii agrnnd year n year filled wlthrocol-
ectionsof tbornvo.utlon ; filled with the proud
ind tender memorloj of the past ; with the
acred legends ot liberty n year in which the
ons of freedom will drink from tbo fountains
? f enthusiasm ; n year In which the people caller
or n man who has preserved in congress whet
mr soldiers won upon tbo luttlo field ; n year
n which they call for a man who has torn
rom ( ho throat of treason tbo tongue of slnn-
Icr for the man who hns snatched ihomnikof
lomocracy from the hideous face of rebellion ;
or the man who. like nil " ' - otnnl ntholoto ,
ins stvod In tlm arena of uuuato and dial-
enged nil comera , nud who h still n total
trnuger to defeat. [ Applause , j
hike nn armed warrior ,
'amcs G. Blaine marched down tbo balls of
ho American congress nnd throw his shining
nnco full mid fair against the brazen fore-
lends of the detainers of his country nnd the
nnllgiiors of his honor. For the republican
intty to desert this gallant lender now Is ns
hough nn nrmy should desert th'ir general
ipon the field of battle. [ Anplnuso. ]
Jamas G. Blaine is now and has been for
oars the bearer of tha sncied standard of tbo
opublican party. I cnll it sacred becnuso no
luman boinp can stand beneath its folds with-
ut remaining free.
Gentlemen of the convention , iu the name
if the great republic , tbo only republic thnt
iver existed upon this earth ; in the name of
ill her defenders nnd of nil her supporters ;
n the nnmo of nil her soldiers living ; in tbo
inmo of nil her soldiers dond upon the field of
> nttlo , nnd in tha nnmo of these who per-
shod in the skeleton-clutch of famine nt An-
lorsonvillo nnd Libby , whoso sufferings ho so
ivldly remembers , Illinois Illinois iioiui-
latcs for tbo next president of tlus country
bat prince of pniiinmontnriana that lender
of lenders. JnmesG. Blnino.
Disfiguring ,
Itching and
Burning Tortures
tures ,
iating Erup
tions , such as
SALT lUinUM or Hczcma , Psorlail' , ScaM Head ,
Infantile or Birth Humors , and every form ol
tclilug , Scaloy , 1'Imply , Scrofulous , Inherited , Con-
: ailous and Copper-Colored Diseases ol the Blood ,
' 'kin nnd Scalp. with Loss ot Hair iroposithcly
cured by the Cutlcura Remedies.
Cutlcura Resolvent , the now Blood 1'uriflcj ,
cleanses ' the blood and perspiration ol Impurities
and poisonous elements , and thus rcmo\ the catiso
Cutlcura thcgrcat Skin euro , Instantly allays Itch-
JIR and Inflammation , clcara tlio Skin and Scalpheals
Ulcers and Sores , nnd restores the Hair.
Cutlcura Soap , an exquisite Skin Bcautiflcr and
Toilet Itciulsltc ) , prepared ( rom Cutlcura , is India-
icusablo in treating Skin Diseases , Daby Humors ,
iUn Blemlshe. , Hough , Chapiwd or Oily Skin.
Cuticura Itcniodlea are absolutely pure , and tlio
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at or U'getablo poison \\Iiatsoo\er.
It woulil require this entire paper to do justice to
adescriptlon uf the cures performed by tlio Cutlcura
Kcsoh cut Internally , and Cutlcura and Cutlcura Soap
Eczema of the palms of the hands and of the
ends of the fingers , \cry illfllcult to treat
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of the faco.
Scald heads ulth loss of hair v Ithout number ;
leads covered \\ith dandrud and scaly erup
tions , especially of chlUren and Infants , many of
ulilch slu co blrtli had been a mass of
Itching burning and scaly tortures thatbalUcdcvcs
cllef from ordinary rcmcdUa , soothed and healed an
iy miglc ;
rsorlasia , leprosy and other frightful forms of skin
diseases , scrofulous ulccrx , old sores , and discharging
Aoiuida , each and nit of uhich ha > obccn eiwedlly ,
K'rmruicntly , and economically cured by the Cutlcura
tcmedlos when ph blclaiis , liospitatti , and all other
Sold everywhere. I'rlce : Cutlcura , 60 cents ;
llcsolNcnt$1. Soap , 25 cents. 1'OTTEa DRUG ANU
; npjiiCALCo , BOSTON , MASS.
fceml lor "How tn CIIIB Skl-i < Jl 013 9 ,
find radical euro bjf inj'
method , based on recent sci-
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I cure equally the sad con-
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youth , nervousness and im
Flayer to Bend the Kzact ilcecrlptlnn of the Sicklies * .
Member of Several Scientific Societies.
( J , 1'laoo do la Nation 0-.1 , AB1S.
mio wcdisit
OX * ol
Authorized Capital , - $1,000,000 to
Paid-up Capital , - - 100,000
Surplus Fund , - - - 70,000 In
N. W. Cor , Farnam ana 12th Sts
PJLUII HuErnr , President. I Siu'LE. IIOOBES , V-P
Bis. B , WOOD , Cuhler. | LUTUIB DRIU , A
Fiuk llurjihy , SAmuel E. Kogen , Den. D. Wood ,
Chulti C. IIouHl , A. D. Jonei , Luther DraLo. f :
Truiitcl Central Jlxuklng lu lne . AU wht
vuftny Uuikln ; bu lnoM tt trinaact are Invltocl tc a
cll. No nutter bow l ry or inull the tranuotlon ,
will reoelre our cireluf attention , uid we promlit
.way ) oourteoiu trMtment.
P ) t pArtlcular attention to boalneet lor ptrtlet
realdinz ouUlde the city. Eichtuge ca all the prin
cipal cltlM ol the United SUteiat Tcry lowest ratoi
A coo uu tj ol litnka and Bukeri reoelred oa byor
able term * ,
Iwoe * Certificate ol Depotll bearing I pel eeo J
liuyiaod Mill Forcl o Eichange , Oountj , Oil
pital Prize $160 , 00
"IVe do hereby ctrtlfv that vumptrtiat tit or
rungemtntt for all ( AJfmiMfj / and .Semi-annual
Dimtingt i\f \ the Lw.itiana State Lottery Company ,
and in person msnagi and tontrcl the Dmrinji
thtmstlvtt , and that tnt tame ate conducted tnM
kcntcty.Sairnttt. and in goal/clta , tovartl all par ,
tinand ueauthoritt tht company to uit Mtjc.-
ti/icate , uithSaa-timiltt o/ our signature * afriwVM
in ttt adMttiitintnti. "
U Dyer Half a Million Distributed f
Lonisiana State Lottery Company ,
Incorporated In IBM ( or 56 years by the legislator *
or educational and chirltablo purposes with a cap *
tal of $1,000,000 to which n rcsorvo land ol over
50,000 his since boon added.
By nn overwhelming popular vote Ita franahti *
WM made a part ol the present Btato constitution
adopted December 2d , A. D. 187B.
Ito grand ample number drnwlnga will
takkplaco monthly.
It novcr ecalca or postpones.
Look at tbo following Distribution : ICOth
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Extraordinary Seiui-Aunnal Drawing
In tbo Academy of Music , Now Orleans ,
TUBS DAY , J UN IS 17 , 1881.
Under the special supervision nnd management ol
GEN. G. T. BEAUIIEGA11D. of Louis
iana , nnd GEN. JUBAL A. EAHLY ,
jUTNotlec , Tickets nro Ten Dollarj only , Halve * ,
JB. Filths , 82. Tenths , 81.
1 CAPITAL riUZE OP 8150,000. . . . $150,000
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t LAUOK PHIZES OF 6.000. . . . SO 000
20 rniZKS OF 1,000 . . . . 20,000
CO " COO . . . . 26,000 ,
100 " 300 . . . . 80,003
200 " 200 . . . . 40,000
000 " 100 . . . . 00,000
1000 " CO . . . 60000
JOO Approximation Prizes ol $200. . . . 20,000
100 " 100 . . . . 10000
100 " " 76 . . . . 71600
227D Prizes Amounting to 8522,500
Application tor rates to clut/e should bo tuulo oaly
to the oIKco cf the Company In Now Orloana.
For furthsr Information write clearly giving ( ull
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New Orleans , L& .
Postal Notes and oraluary letters by Mall or Kr-
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expense ) to
orM. A. DAUPHIN , Now Orloana La.
Plattsmoulli , - - - - - Neb.
? " VoiicR stock for sale. Correspondence solicited.
C17 St. Charles Sf. , St. Louis , Mo.
A regular graduate of two Medical Colle ea , tin liven longer
encaged In the ipeclal treatment of Cnuoiic , MBVOUR , SKIM
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Nervous Prostration , Debility , Mental and
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Diseases Arising from Indiscretion. Excess ;
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A Positive Written Guarantee
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We , money or poiUffei Baoie , lj [ cr cot en , V5c. Tbli b ofc
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llapplDcii are rromsuJ bUi advice.
. i.Kcrrno-VotjTAIO BELT ona otiicr ELEcrnia
f J ArruAM'rs nro Bent on au Dnrs * Trial TO
CIEII ONLY , \OUNO OU OLD. who nro Buffer.
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1' NiTUiu , n-fiultltiK from Anusrs and
OTIIEH Cinsns. Speedy relief anil rompleto
rufitoratlon to TTrALTii , V'.oon nnd HASIIOOD
ilUiiuNtEii : ) . Kciid at onca for Illuitrato < l
t'amphlet froo. Atlnresa
VOLTAIC' KI/1 < CO. . MurKlmll. Mich.
To thoco nuflcrinff froni tno
ollccts of southlulorrors.
> . . . . .n. > , . _ eomtn lwoilinw ! .oarlyd .
cay , lobtnmnhood , etc. , Iwlllkcnilyoujiartlculaniofa
Himplo nnd certain means of flolf euro , Ireo of clinrgo.
BonayouradilrosstoK. O. HMVLliU , MooUus , Conn.
initTuuuiMfXi MONF . In Month ,
' " -t-l-wlnAniurfrji. Alihitlntt'LVrtalnty.
A victim of earl/ Imprudence , caus
aebliilr. premature decay , etc. , bating vrimi m
Tata every known remedy , lias dlRcovemu 8impli
leans of f olf-curc , which lie will uond lltlili to
Science ' ot Life , Only $1.00 ,
Rxhanited Vitality , Nerroni and Phyiloal Doblllty ,
Premature Decline fn Uan , Eironol Youth , An the
untold muierles caultlng from Indiscretions or i-
ooetea. A book lor eycry man , young , middle-aged ,
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and chronic dlMaaei eacbon * ol which la Invalunblb
found by the Author , whose experience for 23
yeari la aucb aiprobably never betore fell to the let
any pbyilc an 800 pagea , bound In boautlla
Frenchmnilln moosMdooven , full giltguaranteed
be a finer worn every aenae , mechanical , lit
erary and profession * ! , than any ether work sold In
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every Inetanov. Prloe only $1.00 by mail , poet-
paid , Illtutratlviaample 6cent * . Send cow. God
medal awarded the author by the National ilodlo-l
AenocUtlon , to the offloeri ol which he refers.
The Bdenie ol Lite ibould ba read by toe yonnir
Initraotlon , and by the afflicted lor relief. II
will benefit all London Lancet.
There la no member ol society to whom The Sci
ence ol Life will not be tuetul , whether youth , par
ent , guardian , Instructor or clergyman. Argonaut.
Addreea the Pcabody Medical Institute , o > Dr. ft.
. Parker , No. i Uutflnch Street , Cotton Uau. , who
may be consulted on all dlseuea requiring aklll and
experience. Ghronlo andobstlnatedlsoaseathat have
baffled the tklll ol all otherpbys-IIr I dins
, apeclaliyt Bacn treated aucucM-nt-PL lolly
without an luatano aline ,
. * *
Compreaftort sw. < Ho/ttti t. cucaU
CiTiiYjl SlStofaL iVKKl , IWfiltWDt. ,