OMAHA D AIL if BEE THURSDAY" , JUNE r , 188-1 THE CHEAPEST PLACE IN OMAHA TO BUY One of the Best and largest Stocks in the United States to select from. NO STAIRS TO CLIMB , ELEGANT PASSENGER ELEVATOR , ET SOME OP OJ Perfect Fittlup , Beet and Cheapest. FIne I.lncn Collars nud Cuffs. ITo. 716 Fourth. Street Gounoil Bluffs , Iowa ST , LOUIS PAPER WAREHOUSE , Graham Paper Go , , S17 and 219 North Main 8t , St. I-ouls. WHOLKSAtK DEALERS IN BOOK , ! NEWS ; f { BWVKLOrES..CAUD BOAIID AND UTCaih paid ( or Hass ot al Nebraska Cornice -AND- MANUFACTUUEI13 OF GALVANIZED IRON CORNICES F1NIALS , WINDOW GAPS , TIN , IRON AND SLATE ROOFING , PATENT METALKJ SKYLIOIIT , Iron Fosicin I Cresting , Balustrades , Verandas , Office nnd Eanl llnllingsYlndow and Cellar Guards , lite. COB 0. ANDCtli STllEET1 , LINCOLN NEB. ALONG THE LINE OF THE Chicago , SL Paud 'Minneapolis and OMAHA RAILWAY. The now extension ot this line from WaUeOold up 4ho BEAUTIFUL VALLEY of the GAN through Concord and Colorldgo Reaches the host portion of the State. Special ex cursion rates for land lookers over thin line to Wayne , Norfolk and Hartlngton , and via Blair to all principal points on the \ SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC RAILROAD Trslns OTor tht C. , St. P. M. i O. Railway to Cov neton. Sioux City , 1'onca , Ilartlngton , Wayne and Norfolk , Ooxxxioot At 331.ta.ix * Jtor Fremont , Oakda.e , Noligh , and through to Val entine. tfJTFor rates and all Information call on F , P. WHITNEY , General Agent. r HE BRUNSWICK , 1BALKE , COL- LENDER COMPANY , ( SUCCESSORS TO THE J. SI. B. k 15. CO. ] THE MONARCH The most oxtcnsho manulaclurcrl of IN THE WOULD. E09 S. Tenth Street , . ' 0\lAHA , NEB. SiTPtlcoa of nlllird and Pool Tatloa and materials , furnished on a J T > Billiard , Ball Pool , Carom , AND ALT. OTIir.U OAMltJO TAULKS , TEN 1'IN BALLS , CHECKS , irfC. 18 South 3d Street , St. Louis , ! 'Dolaward Btroqt Kansas City , Mo. , 1S21 ppugloB f. . Cmfih , Jfeb. , UENRY nORNBERGER , Agei t. \Vrlte lor Cataloitilos and 1'rico LW . Hmelia Bufroughs ' OBl'IOK AND 3.617 Dodge St. , - Omaha , TKLRPIIONK No 141. ' i-rec 33 HAS NO SUPERIOR. The Steck is a Durable Piano UK STECK HAS 9INQIN0 QUAI-tn' OF T.QNH FOUND IN NO 'OTIIrili T1ANO. SOLD ONLY JIY WOODBRIDGE BROS , , OMAHA NKI ! . U. P. BAKEEY , \i .1514 Webster St. , Omaha , Nob. ( Suoccasors to tha oM U. P. I3aVcry,16tl > St. , ) ALL HINDS OK BREAD , FANCY CAKES AND PIES ConjUntly on h nl Order * wl be promptly dod to. WAQNEll DUO'S , . ' rlcton. ipr-23.2ra l'roj > Spawns , Eclampsy and Nervousness are EALIOALLT CURED BY MY METHOD. The Honorariums are due only after success. Treatment by Corrcapondonco PROF. DR , ALBERT , Uvnnlcd the drat clan RoM JlotUl for dlBtlngnleheil merits by the "Soclctio Sclontlflno ( ) ra cnl80 , " ( tlio French Sclciitinc Society. 0 , Place tin Tronc , O , L'AIHS. The Pioneer and Still Ahead. Fast superseding the largest old fashlonad stoves nd ranges. It lias the nlmplcst mid moot efllclent 5to\o burners In the world , and with new Imple ments the easiest to operate. Absolutely safe with t patent resor\olr , now In aio the second season Ithout a elnglft aoeident. /tarsend / for Catalogue , Prloo List , Kto. HULb VAPOR STOVE CO. , CLUVELAND.O. e &wgpm 8-rn SEGER & TONER , MANUFACTURERS AND DEALEIIS IN WHIPS , ETC. Wo make avery flno llRbt harness , ( and haioal ways on band a full line of Horeo Clothing , Curry Combs , Brashes , etc. Ho , 116 H , 16th st ' - Onuma lafflesHedioallnstt ) Chartered by theStnteof 1111- Jnols foi'theexpress purpose of givinflimmedinto relieilfi all chronic , urinary nnd private - vate diseases. Gonorrhoea , , Gleet andSyphills In nil their complicated forms , nlso all diseases of the SMn and Ulood promptly relieved nnd permanentlycured by reme- . Seminal iKht Losses by Dreami , Pimples on tlie Face.Lost Manhood , jmsJHt'f/i/rHmJ.TV'er / * iaiiocJ-pcrlinciiiliiij. The appropriate ic.r.tdi' iaat once used In each case. Consultations , per- ponul or by letter , sacredly confidential. Med icines sent by Mall and Express. No marks on package to Indicate contents or sender. Address Cfi.JAMESNo.204Wa3htnfllonSI.CliIc ; > goin the changes that , in a few years , have taken place in the manufacture of Improvement after improvement lun boon inado , until to-day the clothing ofiorod by Sohlank & Prince , 1210 Farnarn street , is equal in every respect to the boat Custom Work ! WJiilo at the eamo time the lowncaa o price of the fmo grade of clothing , ihoy handle ia no loss natouLsh- in ? than the Perfection of Fit AND THR QUALITY 0V MATERIAL AND MAKE I IMIIIIIMI HIIII } , 1210 farnam Street , 1210 A DOMKSTIO ot n Hrnsltlvo Hiisbniul M\llj , iutto Intcr-Moimt.iui. A stor } * of n strnngo ntul unnnlurnl Ininostic incident , the nbsoluto correct- less of which is vouched for by n re- eponslblo gentleman , cornea up from the Jtuur d'Alono country. In Spokane Fulls hero lived n man unmcd Ivtnnuy with tia wife and one child. They kept n warding house which was under Alra. \iunoyfs charge , and her htisbnml , it nji- icnr was oiiRagcd in transporting in a pack train from the Fnl's to The nature of Ills occupation prevented - od his being nt homo all the timo. Ilia vrifo itnppeara had hired n French cook mmod Giroimx , nud iiuiatod on keeping lim in apito of the fact that her board ers were loudly complaining of hia oxe- : rablo cooking. Tins circumatnnco and .ho fact that Giroaux acumed to feel ] uito na much nt homo in the parlor ns n the kitchen aroused Kinnoy'a auspic- on for hiarifu was not like Ciujnr'a. To atisfy hia apprehensions , ho started n vcok ago Monday with hia mill PR on ono of hia regular trips te Eagle City , but camped when a few milea distant and , bout 10 o'clock that night ruturnud uddenly to hia homo. llo liapenacd with the formality of ( necking , and walked into hia bedroom vhoro ho waa confronted with convincing vidonco of his wifo'a infidelity. Fur nn uatant the injured huabnud was struck luinb with amazement. To think that ho mother of hia child , the woman who nly n year before had aworn to love , loner and obey him , the ono who ho uppoaod to bo honestly sharing hia trou- ) loa and joya in the hope of u future roapority , had ao basely betrayed hia onlidonco waa wormwood to liia soul. 3ut Kiiinoy waa not the poraon to waato imo in vain rcgrota. Ho naa n aonaitivo mn , and the sight which nt first fror.o iia blood the next instant caused it to ioil with indignation. Without a mo- nont'a hesitation ho nulled out n murder- us looking knife and waa in the act of pringing upon the guilty pair when lircaux waved him back and made the lie following cold blooded proposition. "Kinnoy , " aaid ho , " 1 have done you great wrong. Your wife no longer has claim upon you. You will not wish to ivo hero any longer. What will yon oku for your houao , your business and our family ? " Klunoy rellected on thia novel proposi- ion aomo timo. Finally greed overcame lie dcairo for vengeance. "Givo mo the uonoy , " ho hoaraoly cried , "and take vorything 1'vo got. " The money waa counted out at once by lie Frenchman. Kinney immediately loft or Eagle City whore ho bought nn inter' at in n valuable placer mine , nud liireaux , blowing out the lamp , entered nto actual posaoaaion of hia new proper- y. Mr. and Mrs. Giroaux are now in pokano Falls in the full enjoyment of omoatlc happiness , and the baby ia na crt aud chipper and aasay ns though it ad not been thrown in "to boot" when 10 purchase of its mother wna effected. First Unto Evidence. 'Of ton unnblo to nttoud businoas , being sub- oct to serious disorder of the Icidneys. After long BIOPO of sickness tried liwdock ] lloo < l 'ittcrs nnil waa relieved by half n bottlo. " Ir. B. Tumor , of Kocheater , N. Y. takes the us to write. Cnrrio Kurdcttc. The wife of Robert J. Burdotto , of the hirlington Dawkeyo , whoso inimitable vhimsicalitiaa Imvo fed the hungry prosa low thoao ton years , baa died at her homo n Ardmpro , Pa. She waa ono of the moat afflicted , but alao ono of the moat outlo , hopeful , intelligent and cheerful women I have over known. I spent n vrcok with the J3urdottca in n Nantucket .otol three yoara ago , and I shall never ergot the joyouanoas with which their irescnco filled the houao. Rheumatism lad crippled and deformed her aadly , BO hat aho could not walk or stand or hardly it in n chair , but -when the dinner-bell ang , and " Robbie , " an aho called him , : amo with n joke and n cheerful chirrup and took her tenderly in hia arms as if ho were a baby , and carried her down ho stairs , and aho chirruped back at him , lover murmuring , and they went laughing hrough the hall , till ho set his helpless mrdou in the chair nnd steadied her till ho maid could slip n etool under her cot , and she laughed cheerily again jccauao she had got some little extra dainty for the table , and never had told lobbip , and ho such a goose as not to ; ucs3 it , though it waa the very thing 10 liked beat when you saw and hoard all that , and a full day's other happy exchanges , you concluded that the Bur- dotto family could boar the worst rhcii- natiam in the world without being mis- irublo by n good deal. It was pleasant .o see him carry her and put her in a ittlo wagon and wheel her around the yard and down the walk , and she pluck- ly disdaining to complain , _ and cheery nil .ho time. Ho vrna her special providunco. iSho told mo , confiduntially , that ho was. .ho best man in the world , nnd there lover waa such another , nnd never could jo. Thcro was something grimly grotesque about it , though to aeo him mourn over her nwful afiliction nnd then go back , ) Ut on the maak again , and finish the junny sketch for the Uawkoyo. And i Ho had a tireless nnd unflagging bravery : lmt would have boatcn dqath if anything could. She was a woman of rare culture ir.d intellectual force , as well na posaeas- Ing the lovable qualitioa' amiability and Bojf.forgotfulnoaa in a high degree. V. A. CroffuU. JIow Much Will lo It ? How much of 3'ltomaa' Xcltclric Oil In roqulr- ed to cure ? Only a very little. A few drops will euro any kind uf nu ncho ; nnd but a trill a more ID needed for sprains nnd lamonop on. KliouinatlHin la not BO roudlly afTout d ; au ounce and sometimes two 6uicon ( are raruilrail. No modiclne , lipwo er , Id w > turo to euro with the Hume umiiber of appllcntiona , Oiruiia Slilp-Sliow Prlvllcgou. Newark Journal The "B.'do'ahpw1 privileges" covorq the right to exhibit , in n tout adjoining that of the big show , any nnd all aorta of al joged uttrActiona and supposed monntros itioB , with the inseparable adjunct of real ijionatrobitioi of paintinga ouaide | , to amuo and fascinate beholdora. The license granted to a circus ordinarily covcra all ita belongings , including the side-allow. The "concert " - privilege" cov ers tliu variety ohm/ given in the main tout after the ring performance oada. Though tia ! ) Hhuvr hua no liscnae or nd. Vortiaing cxpcnaea beyond sltch advor tiaementu na is given by bellowing fnl lovs ) offering tickpta for aale during Mio main porformauco ita outlay ia HODIO < times heavy in ita list of aalarics for flpcU' uillo pcrformcra , who are oftoii Jiigl ; priced. It , therefore , ia much letta proii table , propprtionately , than the sido-aliow but still ia quite u haudaome uourcu of revenue venue Tfith any good and nucccssful clr ens. The candy privilege" covers the aalo of confectionery , nuts , fruit , lemonade nade , etc , , in the main tent , The ' 'tick ot privilege" involvca the right to aol dally , in ndvAiico of the opening of the Lickot wagon , nt slight incrcivoof price , n certain stipulated [ numbr r of tickets to Jio mnin show. "Aeule-show priullcgo" ins been known to sell alone for § 150,000 'orj ' n single aonaon with n large nnd pit- lularcircua , nud n "ticket privilege" for ho same length of time has brought * " ,000. Sometimes circus managers who iid good popular unmet , but who were inancially ruined by n dlsastrmu season , > ave boon put on their feet again pccu- liftrily nnd started upon n now era of trospority by the sales , _ in advance , of heir privileges for n einglo season. Shows have been started entirely by the money paid for privileges. HXCtTKMKNT. "What caH Pi tlio Rront null nl Selirtiter k Wchl's lr p Store1 Tlio frpo .listrllmtlim of antnplo bottler of Dr. llo .inKo'n Cntigli niul } . njj Syrup , the moit popvihr remedy for Coiifiln , Gelds , CoiiBiunpUou niul Hronchiti low on the mivtkot. Kcgiilnr sl/o W cents nnd IOWA \ Swede college is to bo established nt Madrid. The poatollico at Oltumwa was robbed of $00 laat week. The poraonnl tAxes of Loiunra for 1881 oot up § 108,538. Fort Dodge ia oflcrcd n paper mill fern n bonus of $20.000. Two colored men nro nbout to start n > npor in loa Moiuca. There nro100 convicts in the Fort tladiaon penitentiary , nn incrcaao of LTi over Inat year. The first annual reunion of the Lee county soldiers' association will bo hold \t Ft. Mndiaon , Thursday , , luno I ) . The lown state fair promiuma amount .o ? ; ! 0,000. The fnir will bo hold nt Dea Moiiios , Auguat 27 to September 5. i The Cedar Rapids pork-houso has cut ip nearly J5,000 nioro hogs this season han it did during the same time Inat iToar. iToar.Tlio Tlio DrtrlingH and the Daisiea' ball clubs m > the pet names of rival baao ball clubs n Croston. In n recant game the Dnr- inga proved to bo export iXusycuttora. Biahop Perry reported at the l to Episcopal convention nt Davenport thnt luring the paat year ho had made 82 iaitationa , hold confirmation on18 occa- Ions , nnd confirmed IWO persona. At n baby show in Dubuque the com- nitteo decided to award the prir.o to n olored child , but the white mothers aiaod auch n row tha.t the committee wna 'bligod ' to reconaidor , nnd give tha prlxo gainat their better judgment. Speaking in regard to the rumor that ho Roman Catholic church in Iowa m y o divided into three diocesea , the West ern Watchman , published at St. Louis , , nd n lending paper of the Roman Catho- io church , thiuka it is very probable , nnd lint it had for n long time regarded the Novation of Dubuque to n _ metropolitan co aa only a matter of time ; that hia grace of St. Louis lias alwaya thought hat the different , sovereign states of the inion should have their own archbishops , The Watchman thinks , that in the event f Bishop Ilonneasoy's becoming an arch- ) ishop thnt there will bo smother opiaco- > al aeo , either in DCS Moines or Council 31nfla. It thinks the 'former ' has the sommorcinl ndvnntago , but that the latter a geographically preferable. CONVINCING. Iho proof M the pudding ia not In chewing , ho Btrfng , but in bavins nn opportunity to oat the article direct. Schroter k liocht , the Drupcistino n free trinl bottle of Dr. Bn- eaukoa Ooufjhnnd Lmig Syrup for each nnd every ono who ia nillictodvith Coii hs , Coldn , Asthma , Consumption or any Lung AlToctlou. MEN'S SUMMEH AVE < \K. From Nooktlps to I'limpH and From GIovcH to Hose. Dark-blue serge and flannel suits made with sncquo coats will bo extensively worn tills summer for every day. Gloves will not bo worn this season ex cept at very formal balls , and then ono may bo removed. When dancing the ; ontloman is expected to hold his liand- cerchiof agninat the lady's dross , so as not to soil it. Ecru mosquito-nutting flannel is a pop ular and comfortable material for under1 wear. Some of the newest bathing-Quits nro nndo of very dark-bluo serge , with n lit- Jo bmi'linr < f dark blue nnd buttons ol , ho anmo color. Thny are becoming , nnd a pleasant change from the once popular "convict " suit. Very fashionable summer ties nro made pf sateen nnd show fawn nnd lavender { rounds covered with small blue , gold or ilvor p'olkn dots. They nro reasonable .n price and wear well. The moat popular hnndkorchiofa for young men nro of fine cambric or linen , wjth a wide horn of rambrio , on which designs of rings are intertwisted , ci- ; noes , bows nnd urrpwu , oars , tonnia bats etc. They are carried in the upper out side pocket with just n little corner showing , All decided colors except dark blue are CBchovrcd in uecklies. Collars nro still high , but are cut off n little at the corners. The most fashionable hose are lisle thread in dulicato plaids , such na gray and blue , fawn and brown , olive green and brhk red , old gold nnd oltvootc , , Stripes in Uioso colors nro also uoen , and Bftlbriggnna arc * coming into fayor for tlio summer. Bright blue * and rods nro not worn , except in the silk , na the dye comes off on the focS JPatont leather pumps are fitill [ fashion- nblo for evening wear. | Straw hats are much tlio same as thoao ofilmtyoar , ' Coarse Milan straws ar < | > preferred by young man. , f \ 'The faabionablo shoes nro .nlill pointot bit | uro made much longer thtm the feat. They are therefore quite comfortable , bu nr'p only worn by men with small feet. 'J'onnis shirts Will bo worn at the sea niae and in the mountain. Dark-bluo with nn old gold or crimson lacing are the favor it on Boys will wear them ii Ix th city and country , wih ( lawn-tennis flhpcH and criinnon or dnrk-bllio surah silk tics. Lavcnclor and tan kid gloves are the only kind worn. JL'rniiiliuiiit Men. Bulletin. A Washington photographer , naya ho nulls more portraits of President Arthur thtm of any other public man. Speaker Carliflla * comes next. Mra. Logan'ti per tnjil.i are much iu demand. Ucn , Bherl dan's BO ! ! better than nny other , nrmy pfljcor. The artist has novcr succeedot in inducing either Mr. Conkliug or Mr I'latt to have his portrait taken , and the same ia true concerning Bmmtora Dot Cameron , Mahono , George nnd Bo wen It was hard work to get a picture of Bun a tor Edmunds , and Gen , ( irunt will nu have his taken any more. BUJIiHATTKN IN KENTUCHV , V WotulornillyAVoil-Told Mo Atiout n Mnn , Cincinnati TlmwSlnr. Jl'wo days nftor leaving Barbonrvillo Ivy. ) 1 spent the night nt the o\bin of n oor farmer among the hills , and nftor upper some ono spoke of Hector D.ivia , 'the man without bonea. " I Immediate- , naked what was meant by the cxproa- ion , when my host explained that Hector ) iwis was ono of their neighbors , living oiuo three miles further on among the .lountaina . , nnd that ho actually had not bono in hia body. Aa 1 expressed BOUIU skepticism , ho oluutoorod to show mo over to Hector's 110 next morning. Wo knocked nl the oor of the Davis cabin nbout D _ o'clock ho next day , and the first thing thnt truck my attention upon entering was n niddlo-aged man sitting bolt upright , nnd upportcd by n rtulo nnd peculiarly. Imped framework. Ho was introduced o mo as Hector Davis , I grasped his mud upon first entering , but hia fingers 111 rolled up together like a cabbngo loaf n a mushy sort ofray that imulo mo , lad to lot go ot them. Taking hold of iis limbs they yielded to the proasure mlil they were flattened out twice their roper width. The only indication of jonoTrnn in the skull , which , _ whtlo pli- blo almost na solo leather , still olVoroil a : ind of protection to the poor fellow's ir.iin. Ho shulllod oil' his slipper nnd cqucatcd mo to atop on hia foot. 1 did o , and it nt once aproad itnolf out until it ookcd na if a railroad train had pasaed vor it. It slowly resumed Ita natural liapo , but it waa fully u half hour before o wna nblo to get the foot in his lippnr again. "IVrhapa you would ko to tie my leg in a knotV ho aiiggest- d. 1 found no dilllculty in performing lia feat , while my friend accomplished lie B.imo with the other leg , nnd after wend nd nlao tied knots in both hia arms ho resented n very knotty problem indeed , nd ono thnt would have act n pro- cantonal contortionist craay. When wo ad unravelled nil the knots nnd trnightonod hislimbangnln , ho requested a to lift him gently from hia framework ud plnco him on the lloor. Thia wo omul no easy tusk , for hia body slipped bout in our nrma like nn eel , nnd it waa nly by securing n firm grip on hi * cloth- ng that wo managed to keep him from ailing. Wo tinnlly succeeded in straight- ning him out upon the floor , and then ly friend , who seemed to thoroughly un eratnnd tlio boneless man's progr.Ainmo , oizod a barrel standing near , nnd which nftonvnrds learned contained turnips , nd , swiftly up-ending it , nt once pro. coded to roll it over tlio proslrnlo D.xvis , mm his Iocs up to his chin and back gain to hia [ tuca. The only manifcatn- ions of pain ho made waa when the bar- el passed over hia heart nnd lungs , but tleft him in a horrible shape , I can nly deacribo it by comparing it to hat of n man made of mud nnd then hrown up aud flattened againatn wall. Vhilo his body waa wna aBauming its for- nor shape , 1 learned from hia old apoc- aclod mother that Hector , who WIIH 40 ears old , had always enjoyed excellent loalth nnd provided vrull for her until ho beginning of this peculiar nllliction wo yonra ago. She did not know what ho doctora might think of her Hector , a she "had not scon n doctor up in them hnr hills for nigh on to twenty year- " Til 15 MOON TOWIIH , VilliiKOH nnd Cultivated KlolilH Can bo Soon. At the astronomical observatory of Berlin , Bays a. translation from Nyn 'reason ' Holsliigor , n discovery him lately boon made which , without doubt , will aiiao the greatest sensation , not only among the adopts in science , but oven iniong tlio most learned. Professor ilondmann , in that city , has found , bo- rend a doubt , that our old friend , the noon , is not n mere lantern which kindly urnishoa light for the loving youth and gaii companies of pur planet , > ut the abode of living , intelli gent beings , for which ho is pre pared to furnish proofs most convincing. Ity accident Dr. IMendmann found lhat .ho obsprvations of the inoon gave but , r'ory unsatisfactory results , owing to the ntensity of the light power of thomoon'a ktmoaphoro , which is that strong that it affects the cqrrcptnoflfi of Hip obsorva- tipns in a very high degree. Ho then idncoivod the idea to make the obloct jkiBs of the refractor lena iionsilivo to the rays of light , and for that pnrppso he darkened it with the omoko of camphor. [ ttook months of experimenting before lid succeeded in linding Ins right degree of obscurity of tlio glass , and when finally found ho then with the re dactor took a very accurate photo of the noon's surface. Tina lie placed in n aim microsccopo , which gaVe the picture n diameter of fifty-five and one-half loot. The revelation waa moat startling. It overturned all hitherto entertained dcas of the moon's nurfuco. Thoao level ihiiim which formerly were hold to be oceans of water , proved to bo verdant iolda , and what formerly -wore oousldor- od mountains turned out in deserts ol sapd unit ocentls Of water. Towns and habitations of all kinds nro plainly dis < coiniblo , as > well au signs of industry nnd .rallic. The learned professor's study ind obserVntions of old Luna will bo repealed pealed every full niudn whou the sky ii sjoar , and wo venture to predict that the lime ia not far diatanl when wo ahall kiiow morp about the man in the moon tlijm as being an agent in Kt.glish pull ties. In 1674 , Dr. Hammond waa chosen Profcsaor of the diseases of the Mind and Nervous System in the medical department - mont of the University of the City ol Now York. IJo has since occupied that chair1 and haa won n magnificent fortune in'the'practice of medicine , His wife hat contributed vastly to his SUCCOHS. Uy her hand most , of the dqctor's ijioru famous works | iavo been trans9ribod from His notes. "Sloop and Its Derange ments , " "Insanity mid Its Medico-Legal Isolations , " "Tho Physics and Physiolo gy of Spiritualism , " and "Intimity in Ha Relation to Crime" have all been wrlttou ivith her loving aid. Two children hava hcon born to Dr. nudMrfl. yilliam A , Umuniond. The aon follows hia father's profession ? the daughter ia inuniod to an Jtalivn noblu man , ( he Marquis di lnm > ; o. The Columbia Democrat In counting tin clilqliend 110 f nro the HlielU uro cracked. Hun i * nu echo of tha cry which Imn heuu ralxml Ii Hhull Cificlc "I'.xult , ye lioitHnf iKniol. fo tha ilayjof ilallvoranculu ntliund ! .Icrlchola cumpannecl , tlio i > riu < ts nro mnrcliln itrouml iln wullj , the trimipotH aru | BuimilliiK anil Its battloinenU trouiblo froui turret to founila. lion utviiu. Ngvuniber will hoar the rrivuj nlnnit and the iliubriilti i > ( iluuiovrutlu victory will make the uld urchoa of huu > on rliif. 'i _ . , Elgutter'S The loven of need cloMn'ng who vish to'purchase Roods that nro qunl , if not bettor , thnn tlio host garments made by any merchant iiloriiiR houses in the United States. Slgut tor's cslnblislnnont has long boon rocogni/.ed us one of the lond- ng houses of the kind in the west. Krom Iho lint to the third fioor , in every department , the stock is com- loto , nnd comprises the latest styles o seasonable goods , Customers vill liiul In grcnt iibumlnnco. This house repfl the beat TAILORS TO ALTER , FIT AND PEESS. Tliia work ia nhvnys done in n Nntisfuctory inannor , nndvilliout extrn MAMMOTH OLOTJUNQ UOUSE , 1001 Farnam Cor. 10th. EAU CLA ] OJJi- North Eighteenth Street , Omiihn , ion Street Cnr Line. WHOLK3ALK AND HKTAlt Lumber Lime 11 , l JLIlFUJLlJj VI JLUUU II Mj Grades and prices as cjood and low as nnyju the city. Please try mo G. H. WOOD HUCOKHSOUH TO WKHTKUN HTEAM 1I1SATIXO CO. , PLTJIMIIBIEIIRS ISTEAM AND GAS FITTERS , 15 North lOtli Street , bot. Cnpltol Avo. nml OM A Ul A Davenport Slroot. Telephone No.i ! 5. UIVIM11M , The Finest Family Garden M THE CHTY. Music Every Evening , and Saturday * . II the noutlior In pleasant. An clegaut lunch will bo torvcd o\ory morning , and the cholcol ilquo rs and Cigars constantly on hand. HUNK MAUlVbU.irroprlotora Cor Oth and Farnun .recta. EDHOLM & ERICKSON , Al RETAIL JEf ] Jewelry of all designs made to order. Largo stock of Diamonds and Fine Gold Jewelry. AGENTS POK CJOllIIAUt MANUFAOT'NG GO'S STERLING SILVERWARE LA1UJK STOCK OF i Howard , Waltliam , Elgin , Lancaster and Columbus Watches SOLE AdENTS FOR THE CELEBRATED A. SCHNEIDER WATCH , DRESDEN. Cor. 15th and Dodge , opposite Postoflice. EBHQLftfl & ERBCKSON. AND JOBBERS OJS' ' DOMESTIC ' PROPRIETORS 01 ? TJIE FOLLOWING CELEBRATED BsRA' DS : ' ; Rsina Victorias , HJapociales. Eoses in 7 Sizes .from § 60 to $120pprlOOO : AND JCHE FOLLOWING LEADHTQ FIVE CENT OIQARS : ' Grapes , Thistle , Lawrence Barrett , Caramels. Hew Standard - , dard , Good Advice , Ne'w1 Bi'ick. DUPLICATE E&8TERN' TRICES BKND FOR TRICE LIST AUD SAMPLES. * 1 409 and 1411 Dodge St. , { } Omaha , "Neh"