i 6 OMAHA DAILY BEE-COUNCIL BLUFFS TUESDAY , JUNE 3 , 1881 THE DAILY BEEr COUNCIL BLUFFS Tuesday Morning , Juno 3 , SUBSCRIPTION HATES. HT Carrier - - - - - - -0 < v > nt p r we By Mall . . - - - - 110.00 per jc OFFICE : No. 7 Foul Ctreot..Noar Broadway * MINOli MENTION , Sco J. Roitor'a spring goods. V * The city etono-nllo la dosorlcd. The dancing school moota to-night n thq rink. That patrol wagon for the police is no forthcoming yot. The fire limlta ro to bo oxtondcc down Bancroft street. Chnrlio Sanderson Is now made n ful paid man nt the Rescue house. Mayor Vnughan yesterday rccoivot from Memphis n full not of plans of BOW crngo. The park policeman has received or dorg to arrest everybody lying down in the park at night. The stocks yards hero now give enl ; capacity for thirteen cars , while the ; used to accommodate 24 cars. The Y. M. 0. A. of this city , is plan ning with the association of Omaha fo an oicurmon to Glcnwood at nn carl ; date. Jacob Harb haa bought out the inlet cat of Jacob Schmidt in the barber ahop in which both have heretofore been in teroatod. Mr. Covalt , the guardian of Baylis park , has already gathered 300 poundi o maple seed which ho has sold nt fivi cents a pound. The cityt waa full of aoworngo contract on ycatcrffljr./'itiboing the time for clos ing the bids on the trork to bo done b ] the city this.1 season. The receipts Mo the city clork'o ofllcc for Moyf-woro about 5,000 , of whicl $450 was from criminal coses , the real from saloon licenses , etc. Charles E. Taylor , ono of the engi neers at the transfer , haa captured n fol' on , nnd has It imprisoned on his big too , Charles now hau a graceful limp. There wcro seventeen oxtrn policomor put on duty last month , costing the cit } $95. This was mainly on account of UK races and of special raids on tramps. The hose for the W. R. Vnnghan loan arrived yesterday , and the boys are busj practicing , expecting to start in goot trim for the tournament next Monday. The Rescue steamer waa out praeticlnj a little yesterday , and getting limboroi up. It throw n pretty fair stream , bu not Euch a , utroam na the water whrka cai throw. There were only two cows in the poun yesterday and no dogs. The outhusiasr about enforcing the ordinances seems t bo dying out , like the fever of workitij tramps on the atono-pilo. Sixth avenue is in nbout as bad ahapi as it could bo. It has boon filled it patches , BO that it is almost impossible h gotovor It oven , with n light buggj and especially nt ulght it is dnugoronu. When tho'pollco , court finished up It Monday morning business j not A 'uingl prisoner was loft in the city jail , the firs' time UiOijaU. han boon empty in slxwooki It BOOQ Commenced filling up agaii though. A follow named Wnrron graj rocontl ; r finod'for botog drunk , and Mrt Ilouton for'whom ho'was at work , wonthla , aocur ity. Ycstordny , Barren 8tkipp9d fqrDn kola , leaving Houton to pay the bill , nni leaving several olhor mownors. } ] SOmfl complaint Is fnado that M color od. gentleman , n , his nnxloty.to socun foes , a not , patisCod , vith ? picking uj cows which are rpally ' junnjng at largo but occisionnlly tkkek'oiW from a man'i ' 'WSo-M/ owu yard and drives Iicrn | ) the > jpound ' The gift social for the h < Y. M. 0. A. next Friday ovonhigjilfldulc bo largely attended. There are man ] things wiloh Iho association needs chairs , io jloa and stands , pictures , books parlor oroamonta , aigns , etc. Lot ovorj friend a jud in some tribute. The resolution of the council ordorin ; thonhado trees trimmed is being forgot ' "ton . The chief pf the lire dopartmen 3 SSlerd yfound > cnrriago whip lodgoc of n tree , the whip hnv Ing evidently been pulled out of its aock' o'tby the l w hanging foliafjo. * * Muollorfa grand 81,000 piano , whic ] ia to bo given aa a premium at tin Nebraska s'tato fair , arrived yesterday and ia to bo kept on exhibition at th MainjBtreot music house for n short time Ittetipl worth BOoi"K.5nW8 | ta ( ] odds the finest piano ovorauowniip'lJon ; William Chick , night watchman at th 0. B. & Q. , got into a fight ycstorda ; with L. 0. Taylor. Taylor waa prott ; full , and it was claimed drew a rovolvoi and that Chick was acting in self dofons Taylor was not inVeondilion for a hoarini coutinuanc ! . . a Alderinan Slnhon , chairnun of tin finance committee , haa caused $1,500 t < bo transferred from the police fund to tin inking fund , for the paying off of out standing general fund warrants whicl will have an effect to send the warrant upalittlo. It is intended to kecp callini iu the old warrant * in their order o'f'iiU'uo no that they may not depreciate. - Tlio c , f o Utjalniit 0 , 11. Andaaon , wh- - was'charged by iho Iowa aud Ifebraaki iuauranco company with embezzlement Laa-been diimiMsd Andurson still hold contraots and othc papers , the retention of which by himlc to his arrest. Probably aomo civi action will bo started or other procoodin by the company to make him fork thor oror. oror.Holly Lewis , who has had his caa changed to Madison county , was her yesterday arranging lor a now bond. 1 will bo remembered that when Lewis wn arrested for the killing of Fngan the bon was fixed at only $7,000 , but ho prompt ! furnished n bond , the signers of whic qualified in the sum of $100,000. Th same signers have their names nttncho to the now bond. A. Oroto had his house broken into few days ago and $10 taken. Yostorda another attempt waa made lo aocuro som plunder there , but none was obtalnct Suspicion fell upon n boy nnmod Ilonr Schoustor nnd ho was nrrcstcd. It a ] pears that the boy had stolen n fine cai rlngo whip from another party. Th whip was recovered , and the boy'n cai will bo Inquired into n little moro. A boy named Bakoragcd twelve yoari waa thrown from a load of dirt yesterday ho nerving in the capacity of driver an the team getting fractious. The nccidor occurred on Willow avenue , and the begetting getting under the wheels , it was suppose nt first that ho was badly injured , bi : on being taken to his homo in Turloy glen , on examination showed no bones t bo broken , though his bruisca wet aovoro. The electric light company expect t startup fifty of the lights Wodncnda ovoning. The company would like I acc3mm date all nnd start up all th lights , but it can nt present only use th two now dynnmos , the third dynamo having boon injured in the firo. That i now being tested and thn nuisance mue bo adjusted nnd the dynamos put in poi foct order before it can bo used ; hone the delay of a part of the lights. Mayor Oaroy , of Dps Moincs , who i grand noble , order of the Qrnnd Orov of Druidsj writes to Mayor Vnughnn wh ( liolda the second chair , that on account < the firemen's tournament nt Don Moltu lie will bo unable to attend the mootln of the Grand Grove in Ottumwa noi week and Mr. Vaughon will have to pre siclo in hie placo. Mayor Carey close with "Wo will take good care of the 'W U. V. hose team in Dos Molnos. " It cost the city $69 for meals furninho the prisoners in May. The bill for foe Amorally runs between $10 and $15 , bt Una unusual Increase is duo to the tram ] : which have boon run In during the pas month , Financially it doesn't pay t run these tramps in , and possibly i doesn't pay in any respect. They ar run in , given a night's lodging , a meal a two , and then they nro turned loose , wit full atomnchs and rested legs , ready t continue their idle wanderings. Wm. Davy , on behalf of the Ballai Co. , of which ho is the senior momboi haa sent n petition In equity to Judf Loofbourow , to enjoin Mr. D. Toddi from selling liquor in Hastings , allogir that aald saloon ia a damage to hin bus ness in demoralizing his force of moi thereby preventing him from filling h contract with the 0. B. & Q. II. 11 , , li having given a bond of 55,000 for th prompt performance of his contracl The petition will have n hearing noi Tuesday. Hastings Chronicle. W. E. Mallory , who was formerly wit the Shugart Implement company , haa re turned to this city , and purposes oponin n branch hero of the fur hat manufactor of 12 , , A. Mnllory & Sons , Danburj Conn. Mr. Mallory made many friend during his residence hero , and ho and hi are gladly welcomed back , and it is to I hoped that the now enterprise may n coivo much encouragement nnd wl great success. For the present the oatal llshmont will bo located in Broadway , i the building lately occupied by Kirl land's jewelry stock. There is quito n clnmor for n fountni in Baylias Park. The lountain is nlroiul ordered by the city under the contrat with the water-works company nnd Ic catod by the old council which made th contract. An effort is being made to gc two or three other fountains with th view of having ono of them located i Bayliss Park , where there surely ougli to bo ono. Five of the now fountain cost $100 oach. And the other ono whic Is to bo locatnd in front of the Masoni Teraplo cost $350. The fountains will I useful as well ns ornamental , ns they fui nish water for drinking purposes for inn nnd boast. The follow Johnson who snatched $20 of nn Indianan named Donnelly , on th outgoing 0. U. I. train , ullll Hos in jail being unable to furnish bail. It will b remembered that ho induced Donnelly i lend him $20 , and as the latter pulled on his roll , ho grabbed the whole buudlo an get away with it. There were two charge .iqdgcd .against''him , ono of robbing nn ono'of obtaining money under false pn tenses. On the robbery charge ho wo hold in $1,000 ball , and Judge Aylei worth yesterday dismhsod the othe charge , on the ground that ho did not gc the $20 under falsa pretenses , but thn ho got it by robbery , as well as the $18C Sweet potato plants largest stock i : the west by W. II. Foster , Counci BHIus. Send for price list. Wantn. The following is n partial list of article needed to furnish tlio Y. M. 0. A. rocmi Center tablw , book case , two writin desks , a number chairs , thrco or foi Junda , pictures , whatnots , mirrori gamoa of chcas and table croquet an othulr items too numerous to mention. It is hoped that our people will bea thu in mind and como out to the fro Kift social held nt rooms No. 12 , Nort : Main atroot , on Friday evening , bringini aoiiio pieces of furniture with Them. STREET OARTRAOKPAVING The Union I'nclllo Not So Mticli In i Hurry AS It Wai. While Iho Union PAclOo was trying t induce the city council to grant aovora years time in which to pay for tlio pavlti ; of the atroot car track owned by Iho U P. company , the promlao was made thn in n few lioura of the perfecting of tli ngrcomont the now rails nnd atringcr would bo Inndod hero. The city wna aa aurcd that the old track would bo taken u ; at once , nnd thatthoro would bo no dola ; to the other paving , as by n few hour notice the company would keep ahead o the paving. The company does not BOOH to bo in much of a hurry now that th city 1ms made the dcaircd agreement. I was eaid on Saturday that n car load o now rails was already loaded in Omahn and that the wait waa for aom stringers. Yesterday the contractors an the alderman wuro anxiously walling stil for any indications that the U. P. coir pany wan about to commence work. The contractors arc at work now o that portion of Alain ntroot wlioro th track is , and there is need of all tha promised haste on the part of the con : pany. If the promises inndo are not bol tor Kept than the company's promises i regard to Union avenue and tlio tlumm trains , it will bo n long wait. 1'KltBONAlj. 3 II. 1'nitn wai la the city yontorclay. C. H. Clark has Rene to Chicago to take peep nt the national filiow , T. J. Hvnns loft Sunday for Chicago to si the grant men of the nation. . " Abbot crossed Iho " " "Tiidgo "big muddy" nt Bpont a few hours In Omaha yesterday. Alderman McNnumrn and contractor Mi Huijli , of Omaha , were n the city yentordny 0. J. Host , the city editor of the Count IMulTs Herald , loft yesterday on n short tr for rout and visitation of frlond.i cant , Iloh ; fltuck closely to his duilon , and merits a vnr tiou. During hU absence C. F. Adams wl look after the local liapponlngs. 'Sinlro Uurko han radolvod n loltor from h Ron Kdwhn li nownt Calllo.Mtilco. lie Ba ; It ID Kottlng terribly hot there and ho In tblnl IIIDC of moving to n cooler.cllmo. Ho Is cnthi glantla for Blalno bocnuaa lid koliovcs that ho wna president America would got bold protection. Ho wriloi th t where ho Is whc an American onglnoor rcim over n druckc Mexican ho li thrown into jail and kop > tlioi with6ut n trUl , but It It is an EoRllrhmi who In running the engine , ho is released i Boon on an Engheh olU-Ial domnnds It. _ * * * - I MMl MI To Whom It Slay Concern. Thos. n. Stewart is no longer in tli employ of SEAMAN'S Council Bluffs and Omaha Express ; Orders loft on alato nt atoro of II. 1 Seaman will rocolvo prompt jattontion. Jjltcrnry. This evening nt 8 * o'clock th6uflui , gathering for young mem/will bo hold i Y. M. 0. A. rooms , NoYl2 North Mai street. A vary good time ia oxpoctoe Young men should make special efforts t bo proaont. Ml Bo iHtcrnua Boyn. A number of young bloods woi ' brought' ; to the .front yesterday for di turbfng the pdaco Sunday night. Thai was n gang of thorn who in coming froi the boor garden broke in "upon the still night with attempts ntNiinging , cat cai nnd other hurrah notions nnd they wholl Ignored the warnings of Officer Brooki As n result Prank Cloud , William Swa Ion , Long Dave llentz , nnd Boaurcgan Miller were fined $9.20 oach. John Mt her was discharged for although ho wo in the party yet there seemed no evident that ho took any active part. Good-Byc , Old Ijiuulnmrk ! \ Yesterday the workmen commence tearing down the old frame building 1102 to JNonmayor'a hotel on Broadway. Thl building was ono of the old landmark ! It was put up In 1851 , and was for , year known as Boobo's hall , thus named aftc the builder , and it was hero thai' ' man who nro now groyhnirod , nnd nro'rnnko among the old citizens , indulged in inorr dances in their youngorjlays. Hero it we that the first thuntricajjmiows were give in Council Bluffk. When it was built tli town , ns it then stood , waa nil coat of il that building being then considered o : the western aldo of the city. The ol building haa fallen sadly into decay , nn for several yoolrajias boon nu ojd'i'ookorj It is now to bo replaced by a fine brie building , to bo put up by Ira Platnoi nnd to bo occupied by the grocery hous of Parks & Plainer. Tlio The following report of the city nuditc was presented nt the meeting of the cit council last night : To the lianomlle mayor aiul city council < Counci JltttfiO KTl.ttSlKN : 1 herewith mil mlt thu following roporf of city warrants li Biioil duiinjr the mouth of May , 1881. also tli total amounts paid out by order of the proaor council to May UUt ; roil MAY. TOTALS , General fund . , . S5.0I3.47 SlO.lW.f 1'ohco fund . 1 , 01."J 2290.l , Grand totnln , 37,804.79 glS.ia * f The total Mils allowed by this council ilu : Ing tha BBIHO time ( there hayo boon warrant issued , huwovvr , on lillU allowed , but nc drawn , by the previous city council ) are i followa ; Curbing . $ 154.4 ! Sowonxpo , , . , . 1,750.1- Rldowulk . 178 01 City engineer's otllco . . . 170,31 Judginnut fund . 1CG.CI 1'rlutlng . 337-W HrlilRM . , . 2,112.8 l' rka . 112.41 hta . 883.21 DunuKoa and ooudemnatlons , , , . . , . 240.04 Klro liopartinoiit. . , . 1/02 01 Goueral fund , proper . , . 1G'5.1I ' Htreotannd alloys . 2,2C5.2i 1'ollco department . 1.48S.81 Total , 812,990. II Kespoctfully Bubmltted , June 2 , 18S1 , V. A. llUllUK , city auditor. The rf port of the city treasurer. John Cla\ on from Mnv Bth up t < i May 3Ut , ehowa tli following oinh on hand , ; I'olica Vimd . , . . . , 8tC99.J Loan Fund. , . , , , , . , . , , , . H,712.1 Grade Fund . , . , . . , . , , . , . 177,1 .Sowcrugo Fuud. . . . . . , . 2,871,7 Park Jfaiul , . . . . . , . . . , . . . . , . , 82'J Library Kunil . , . " 02,8 Judfouieut Fund . 101.3 . Oeiioral Vnnd . , . 2.C12.C Paving Fund . , . , . . , C'J2 Levee Fund . . , , 0.7 Total each iii treasury , . . . , , . lb,218.9 . - „ „ for Nothing , Until furLlor notice wo give to cacfc twentieth customer his purchase , whatever over the pric * or-vnluo of the same maj bo. Our cashier will keep an accurate record of oVorjlvtransaction and when the twentieth ealo of any amount is made the purchaser wlllbo presented with the same. Wo have adopted for the prcsonl this system of advertising because it givci our patronti instead of the newspapers the five per cent , which it cost us , Clothlnc retailed at wholesale prices. Hats retailed tailed at caao prices. Furnishing goods , trunks , bags , umbrellas , etc. , etc. Everj twentieth customer presented with hii purchase , MKTCALP Bnos. Bushnoll aolla railroad tickets cheap t < all points. * COMMRHOIAIj , COUNCIL m.UFFfl MARKET. Wheat No. 1 milling 75@SO ; No. 3 C5 ( 70jrojectodCO. Curn Local purposes , 40 ® l5. ! Onto For local purposes , 33 ® 10. U y SIO 00@1'J 00 per ton , Kyo 10@15o. Corn Moid 1 25 per 100 pounds. Wood Qood Bupplyj prices nt yard * , 6 00J ( 700. 700.Cool Delivered , hard , 11 CO per ton ; aoft fi 00 per ton Lnrd Kalrbnuk's , wholesaling at OJc. I'lour City flour , 1 G0@3 30. Brooms 2 95@ ! ) 00 per doz , LIVB BTOCK. Cattle Butcher cows -100 ® 150. Butchc Btoore 50@5 00. Hogg 4 C0g4 ( 75. ANI > rnniis. Quotations by J. M. St. John & Co. , con nilffiion mcrrhanti ) , 538 llroadwny. Poultry Iloady Baloclilckonndrcssod ; , 12 > , i live , 9c : turkoyn , droaftod , 15c ; liyo , 12i Ducltn , drooped , 124c : live , PC. Oranges 5 00@,5 50 per box. Lemons 3 OOC4M 00 per box. Bananas 2 50@3 50 i > or bunch Butter Creamery , 20cj rolla. 10@13c. KKRB 12o per dozen. Strawborrlos 10 quart troy 2 002 25. Vegetables Potatoes , 33 40 ; onions , 75 cabbage , ! conta per pound ; apples , road Ralo nt 5 00 for prime stock ; Beans , 11 @ 2 25 per bushel , Railway Time Table COUNCIL BLUFFS. The following are the times o ( the arrival and d nurture ol trains by central standard time , at th local depots. Trains leave transfer depot ton mil lies earlier and arrive ten minutes later. CniCAQO , BURUNOrON AND QUINCT. LflAVK. AHRIV1 6:55 : pm Chicago Eiprcs ) 9:00 : a i 9:40 : a m Fast Hall. 7:00 : p i 6:45 : a ni 'Mall and Kxprcn , 7:10 : p i 12:30 : p m Accommodation. 3:30 : p ! 'At local depot only. RAKBAI CITT , BT. JOB AND OOU.VC1L BLUfFB. 10:05 : a m Mall and Express , 7:05 p i 8:06 : p m Pacific Express , 6:50 : p i CniCAOO , MILWAURU A.ND BT. PAUL. 6:25 : p m Express , 0:05 : a t 5:10 : a m Express , 0:66 : p i CHICAGO , HOCK ISLAND AND PACIFIC ) . 5:50 : p m Atlintlo Express , 0:0 : ( a i 9:25 : a m Day Express , 0:54 p i 7:20 : p m * Dc8 Motncs Acoummodatlon , 0:05 : p I "At local depot only. WADABU , BT. LOUIS AMD PACIFIC. 9:55 : a m Mall , 4:45 : p 1 4:60 : pm Cannon Ball 11:15 a I " ' " "At Transfer "nl cmcAoo and KOaTUWisniaif. 5:30 p m Exprenn , 0:50 p I 8:15 : a m Pacific Express , 0:05 : a i BIODX cm AND rAcino. \ 7:20 a m St. I'aal Express , % 8:50 a ) 7:60 : p m Day Express 6:50 : p i "CMOS rAinno. * , 8:00 : p m Western Express , ' 8:35 : a I 11:00 : a m Pacific Enprois , 4:40 : pi 7:40 : am Local Express , 0:51 : ni 12:10 : a in Lincoln KxprOHg. < ' . At Tr mfur only. . . , y ' ! DUMMT TRilXB TO 0 'ill vf S:30-4SO-6:33-fl.3Vll:05 : : p. in „ 8anrfiVY-S)0-Ill a.m. l:30..s:30-6:30-fi:35-llw : : : : ; ' plnlWWoT < rtal utosbefuro leaving time. i > - P * > " { * * " * SPECIAL NOTICES NOTICE. Special th verii&amonts , euc M Lo | Found , To Loan , For Sate 'To Kent , Wants , BearIng Ing , etc. , wIU.bo Inserted lij thli column at the lo rate ol TENTIJNTB PKR LINK for the first Insortii ; and FIVK CKNTg jitt LINE ! ( or each 8Ubco < tuent I eortlon. Leave adTCttUoraonta at Our offioo , No. Pearl Street , near lirok'drta WAIfTQ O ) PAPEU3 For Bale at B olfloo , at 26 Cent a hundred. WANTl'D Twa flrst-cl S3 Coat makers , Immod ately. Smith It Toiler , 7 and a Main street WANTED Every body m Council Bluffs to tak TiiKBit. Delivered by carrier at only twont , cents a week. TJtOIl SALK Top HIIIKT. Dexter springs , an I.1 slniile harness. Euqulro , II. E. Seaman , 4C Broadnay. FOll RENT Tbo omont House fc HOTUL on rcasona lo terms. Furniture will b sold to router. Apply on premises opposite Broad way dummy depot , Council Blulli , AC1ENT3 Ladloa and Rontlomen 'can make IIrf elis. ) wages by nolllni ; the "Cliamplou Bosoi Htrccthor nnd ronlni ; Boird. " llotalls at 1.W Any lady can do up a line shirt without a wrlnkl and Kloaj It as nlctlyasthoDcBtlaundrlescan.Addrci for paitlculars 0.1) ) . S. 11. Co. , Bai oSr * . for on mo'itb. As there are many So'Oallod Veterinary Surceoni ; In this city , uho are practicing their quickoiy o our poop'o , I dorm It bm Ju tl o to fay that I del' ' any ol them to pr < xl c a diploma , or zrtdontU's Indicating that they are giaduutis f any veterinary .nitltutu , and I do beruby caution tli a publli o0-iln 'ouch qtucks , ai I am ( tie Only Know n Giadoat IN WESTBltN IOWA. Office & Pharmacy , 126 B'dway ' AT BLUB 11ABN. T. J , CADY , MDV. S. ACOB SIMS. K. I' . CAPWELI SIMS&CADWELL , Attorneys-at-Law , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA Ofllca , Main Street , lloouis 1 and Bhngart 4 Me K honM Block. Will practice la State aud cden court * T. 0. CARLISLE , MO. VALLEY IOWA . , - - - "Send lor Circulars. " R. Rice M. D , ° ' oth r tumors removed without thi knife or dr wtnf | ol blood. CHRONIC DISEASES Over thirty years practical eiperlenco Office No 6 l'c rl utrcct , Council ItluHj . jMTConoultnllon tree ROUE RINK IOE CREAM PARLOR SKATING ON SATURDAYS ONLY HINK FOll 11ENT AT $15.00 PKR N1OHT. 43-LARCEST FLOOR IN TOWN , H. H , MARTENS , Prop'r At the wcll-lciiowu Establistnncn OF J. P. FBLBERT JJOl ) Upper Broaawuy , the 01 Council DluOi. Notlco our reduced 1'rlco LI : Wo give IS pound * KitnO Sugar for . . . $1 U pounds Granulated Suirar . 1 2 poundt Choice Oatmeal . . . 1 S3 pounds Navy Deans . 1 M ixmtKlu ll-st Hulk Starch . , . 1 . 12 pounds Carolina Hlco . I j 12 pounds Choice Irunta . 1 25 biM Buffalo So p . 1 Kitrn L ko Trout , per pound . Iiorrlllnrd'a 1'lug per Ib . 1 dozen Mackerel . Colorado Flour , Winter , per cwt . 2 10 1 ounds Ginger Suaps . 1 40poundah mloy . 1 ftuallorikrg Sytup . 1 White Fish , per kll . Mackerel , tcrklt . . . Dutca , per pound . 10 8 pound cans Standard Tomatoes . 1 pound tusk's Statdard 4 for . 1 I T. TB T All graJcs , according to quality , 150 to 80o 'pi pound Wo also carry ft full Una of Men's , Ladles' at Children's UNO Shoes ami Mon'i Kino Boots at > ci low prlotn. Also a full line ol Tlnwaro and genor merchandise. Call on ua and to convinced that yo can save money by dealing with us. Goods dollvero free In anv portof the city. Iu t , word , wo art bound to Bull and challenge audanla competition In this county. J. P. FILBERT' ' 209 u cr Uroadwn HEADQUARTERS BAVARIAN Persona wishing to engage tli is Ban for parties , sociables , serenades , etc , should call or address , JACOB P. SUHMIDI Manager , 25 North Main St. MINERAL SPRINGS Wo trUa-antco the cure of the followlnt ; named dl ecaseelprno pay : niicumatlsra , Scrofula , Ulcer Catarrh , a'l Blood and ( kin dlsoaics , Dv > pcpsla , Live Complaint , Kidney and Bladder Diseases. Gout , Nci rajla ! ; and'Asthma , Tlxed ] Springs are the ( avorll ceort pi the tired an.l'dobillutad , and are the FEEBLE LADIrS BEST FRIEND , Ooouliotel , livery nnd bathing accomodatlon bet winter and TOrmner. Locality ! highly plcturcsqi and' healthy , Ac < ; < ! 8 lbjo by Wabwh railway , i Kvotia.or CB. It Q. , iAlbany. . Corrcupondcn jbUcltod , 4tf llEy M. II. THOMPSON. ' ' ' 'y. Manager. Albany , Blloim .Spjlngs , jQentry Co. , Mo. AHA7.78IS. . .vV..v . . .1.00' ' . .Neutr fcrjja&ia ACldpos i 20 In. per gallc krOOqntfXCalclum. . . , 85,021 Oral Jftbonafo Iron 7,041 ! ' jSSjIphatoilasrnesIa , - ; . . : 8S80 " Sulphate Calcium , 1,116 "j Ublnrldo Sodium , . , 7,260 811'iJ * , . . ' . . , ' 1,668 "J „ 'Alumina / . ' . . , ' . . . . . . . . . .0,016 Orguiloand Volatilernatter andlosi..1,459 " , 'qtal BOlldj pergallon. , . ' . ' , . 07,174 " 3- " Vttiourlc MSBRILL , Chemists Justice of the Peace Omaha and Council Bluftr. f estate colloo ton agonOld Fo'.bv ruos. orncii , u. u. PUSBI. OFFICER & PUSE1 Council Bluffs I * . Established 185 - - ( Dealers In Foreign and omcstlo Exchanea ar MrsHJ , HOtODH. , D. , PEYSIOIAN & SUEGEON 222 Mlddlo Broi'lTiy. Council BluQa. WESTERN IOWA NORMAL -SCIENTIFIC AND- COMMERCIAL COLLEGE COUNCIL BLUFFS . . Will Open THE 23rd of JUNE 1884 A uomplcto course lor teaoliors nnd Ihoso desirln a higher l.isllsh education , a full business course ttlth tralulrgliiactiiil buslnrea practice and genci a coiri pcniicno ( , short hand , ornvnental pcniar tlilp , i locution. Ocrmtn and music. Bplondld room ! largu , light and veil furnlehed , charges tery modei ate , cot of living rcisona lo , society good , cxpar ! cnccd teachers , ror further particular * , Inquire ol BEA'lDdLKY & I'AULSO.V. Council Bluffs , Iowa. N. SCHUBZ. iMco of e Peace OFFICE OVER AMK1UCAN KXPIIKS3. COUNCIL BLUFFS , - IOWA BOOQE's sioux OITY'RAMS. ' J2. . FULLER , Commission Merchan o. S3 Pearl Street Ccuncll Bluff * , Wo Imvo the A Tlio latest uov finest stock and cities for Spriii | all tlio Idlest de Overcoats w signs to select have just re from. coived.Scothon ONE BUT TIID I.KADl.SQ KST OF SKILLED HANDS Eill'LOVKD. Merchant Tailor g 7 & 9 Main Street , COUNCIL BLUFFS H. H , HORNE & CO , , WHOLESALE DEALEIIS IN ne ars Wo rnnko a specialty , nt our EASTERN factory , of FINE HAVANA ml YARA CIGARS. All Olgars sold by ua nro of our own innnufacturo nnd warranted as represented. OPERA HOUSE OIGAll HOUSE , 552 Broadvrny , II. H. 1IORNE & CO. , COUNCIL BLUFFS , - - IOWA. E. E.o t 14 Main Street , COUNCIL ULUFKS , IOWA. In order to give my entire attention to the manufacture and ealo of IIAIR GOODS , my ntiro a of LADIES' FURNISHING GOODS AND NOTIONS Will bo sold at COST until all disposed of. MRS , D , A , BENEDICT , No. 337 , W BROADWAY COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. All kinds ol OT. 3E3C. ROOM 6 , m OPERA HOUSE , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA , t . cto. All Ordora by MalL Promptly Attended To. CO -MANUKACTOHEUS 01'- $ " . & CAnPCTS , CURTAINS , WINDOW FIXTUHE3 , and HliFAIRINQ i * X3ooox-o.tioxi.ra fx-tid TJi ; A Siicclilty. NO. 309 BROADWAY COUNCIL BLUF 1' ' The undersigned is paying the highest market price for Rags. S. GOLDSTEIN , " . . . . 540 Broadway , Council Bluffs WHOLESALE DEALERS IN 42 and 344 Broadway , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA Italic Caskets and Woodin Coffins of all Kinds. ELEGRAPH ORDERS PROMTLY ATTENDED TO. OPEN DAY AND NIGH KTo. 3-Oi 3NT. OVCcvixa. St. . CJoxxatioil ETSDJIC OF \f Perfect Fitting , Best and Cheapest. Flno Linen Collars aid CuCa. No. 716 Fourth , Street Council Bluffs , Iowa KNIGKERBOGKER PHOTOGHAPH GALLERY ! 220 South Main Street , Countil Blufl's , Iowa. s Wo guarantee our work na first-dais in over manner and style at low price Wo make a specialty of Groupca , Families , and especially children , whic wo take quicker than a wink. COME AND SEK US. SCHMIDT & RILEY , Proprietors. / NEUMAYER'S HOTEL ON THE Furniture and appointments all now. Nos. 208 and 210 Broadway , Council Bluff 29 Main Sireet Council Blutfs Office No. 337 W Broadway , Council Bluffs , MAYNE & PALMER , DEALERS IN AND WOOD , BULK AND BAIUlETi LIMK , LOUISVILLB AND PORTLAND CEilENT , UICHiaAN PLASTER , DAIB A NT1 RKWKIt PIPIC. NO , B39 Broadway. - . . COUNCIL BLUFTG. IOWA. 504 Main Street , Council Blufl's. MANUFACTURE ! ! OF TRUNKS , VALISES , AND SATCHELS SAMPLE CASES a specialty. Shawl , Tourist , and Trunk Straps. Twenty Years Experience. - - Repairing Neatly Executed. 'TQLO. ON IMPROVED FARMS IN IOWA AND NEBRASKA ! LOWEST IUTE3. O W Xr PO 8a P" * ' " ' STHEUT , BKSriKHMS. O , W. OC UU , CounoilU'utr , ) , Iowa ASADY , ORGUTT & FRENCH urtaluB , In Lace , fl'lr , Turcoman , Etc. Oil cloths , Mattings , Linoleums Eto Ihoicost and Best Selected STOCK m the WEST , omo and bo convinced that wo are headquarters for all Roods in our line , heapost place to buy CARPETS , Curtains and IIouso Furnishings in the O'ly. ' Nos. 5 , 7 and 9 MASONIC TEMPLE - - COUNCIL BLUFFS. Mail Orders Filled Promptly and with Care