Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 03, 1884, Page 3, Image 3

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    " '
The Nebraska National Bank
Fatd Dp Capital . 1 5250.000
Burping rued , NOV. i , lotfs is'eoa
ILW.YATES , President , V'for many 'years
Oashtor of the First National Bank of Omnhn.
A. K. TOUBAMN , Vlco Proildont , Boston.
W V. MOUSr. , of W , V. Morse & Co.
JOHN S. COLLINS , of G. II. & J , S. Col-
linn ,
M. WOOLWOUTH , Counsellor imdJAttor
noy at Law.
t. S , IlKKI ) , of Byron Uood A Co. ;
K. 1C HAYDKN , AsslsUnt Cashier.
THIS BANK opened for business April 27 ,
ERS nra amoni ? tlia 0"uliu < bmlno of Omn >
1m , anil Its biulnou la condnctod with especial
oforonco to the ho-it and incro-uingh Interest
its mercantile patrons.
COLLECTIONS rocolvo special attention
tul clnrRO.1 lowwt obtainable hero or else-
INTKIIKST allowed on tlmo deposits ttpon
nvorablo torma and upon no-Mimls of bankfl
nnd bankers.
Bends nnd County and Clt ysecuritloj bought
Bud Bold.
New YOUK , .Timo 2. Money llasy ;
at 2 ; closed offered 2.
I'nmo t.ipcr 5@6.
Sterling bills Steady ntI 83J ; demand ,
Govornmont1 ! Irregular.
Stocks ISeforo the opening the Btrcot was
flooded with reports concerning the Heading ;
In conacquonco there was a lower general mar
ket. In the early trading the boars made a
iharp attock on values nnd extended their
lines materially. 1'rlccH ( hopped i to < 1 | per
cent , hater there was n further decline , but
on the circulation of favorable reports con-
cornlnf Heading , Jersey Cuntrnl , Western
Union nnd New York Central the ehorta at
tempted to cover , but found the floating sup
ply of stocks eiuallcr thau expected. Prices
rose rapidly i@.r > 3 per cent. , the latter for
Union Pacific , which rose to17ic. . In the
afttrnoou the resumption of Fish & Hatch had
a buoyant cited. Near the COFO there wore
sales to realize , nnd prices reacted J to 1 J per
cent , except for Missouri Pacific , which con-
tinned strong nnd in demand , Compared
with Saturday prices are 4@3iic higher , ex
cept for Heading and .Louisville and Nash-
B'c 1005
4Va Coupons 111 *
U. S. now , IV 1208
Pacific 6'o of ' 95 123
American Express
BnrL , Cedar Itaplds & Northern
Central Pacific
Chicago & Alton
do do pfd
Ohl. , Burl. &Quincy. . . .
do pfd
Fort Wayne & Chicago
Hannibal & St. Joseph
do do do pfd
Illinois Central
Ind. , Bloom. & Western
Kansas & Texas
Lake Shore & Michigan So
Michigan Central
Minneapolis & St. Louis
do do do pfd
Missouri Pacific
v Northern Pacific
do do pfd . . -
do pfd
Now York Central
Ohio & Mississippi
do do pfd
Poora. ! Decatur & Evausville
Rock lalaud
Chicago , Milwaukee i St. Paul
do Jo do pfd
St. Paul Minn. & Manitoba
St. Paul& Omaha
do do pfd
Texas Pacific
Union Pacific
Wnbaah , St. L.&Pacifio
do do do pfd
Western Union Telegraph
Asked.HJx. . Div.
CHICAGO rnonccE.
CHICAGO , Juno 2. flour nominal ; un-
Wheat Quiet ; steady ; opened a shade easier
than last previous quotations , fluctuated ,
fractionally , rallied lz , declined Jo , closed
tyd flc higher than Tnursday. Sales ranges ; Juno
H990c , closing 8tg ! ; July 91i(2i92ic ( , closing
92Jc ; August 93fa93ic. closing 931c ; Septem
ber , 92f < t93 c , closing 02J@93o ; spring No. 2
89 @ 8'Jgc , cloeed , 89c.
Corn Steady , considering liberal arrivals ;
prices fluctuated within a range of Jo , closed ic
under Thursday ; cash 5"i(255Jc ( ; Jiina C5@
C5io , closed GHjc ; July 57@578c , closed 57ic ;
August 58i@58'c , closed CSjjc.
Oats VI ni ; MI ulo higher ; cash , 32e ; Juno
31J@32Je , closed 32Jc ; July 32 § ? 322o , closed
32ic ; August 29Jc ; September 28c ; the year
llyo Quiet ; steady ; C2c.
Parley Dull ; 05o.
Flax-Quiet ; SI < > 9@1 70.
Timothy Nominal.
Pork Trading limited ; nilod easy , declined
lB ( < $20c : early rallied 25@30c ; cloaod steady ;
cash. 18 7G@19 25 ; June. 19 00(2)19 ( ) 3D ; July
19 00@19 3.'A " , closed 19 30@19 32J ; August. ,
19 00rall9 ZO" closed 19 25@)19 ) 3U ; October
17 75@18 00 ; year , 13 9514 00.
Lard Fair business ; ruled irregular ; cash ,
8 COS 8 10 ; Juno , 8 008 15 ; July. 8 20@8 3.1) ,
closed 8 32J&8 35 ; August , 837i , closed
8 45@817J.
Boxed Moats Shoulders , G 15 ; short rib
ides 8 12i8 25 ; short clear 8 35.
Butter Unchanged ; choice creamery , 18 ®
20c ; fancy dairy. ICc.
Kggs Unchanged ; strictly fresh , 13@
Sugar Unchanged.
Chuuso Dull , easy ; full cream cheddars
and Hats , 11412c ; Bkiinmod cheddars ; Vit7 o.
Hides Steady ; green H lto 1 quoted , bull,7c :
damaKod ; C c ; light , 8J@8)fc ) ; heavy , 7ic ; calf ,
Tallow No. 1 country sold at Cc.
Lake Freights Wheat 2o to BuiTalo.
GALI , BOAHD. Wheat Easier , closed 89ie ;
Juno ; 91 c , July ; 93c August. Corn Ktay ,
E5Jo June : 60Jo Julv ; B8 o August. Oats-
Juno declined ic. Pork-July declined Cc.
Lard Juno and August declined 2c.
Nuw ORLEAKS , June 2 , Corn Scarcn ; lirui ,
mixed , WaUM ; fancy white , 77 ,
Oats-Higher ; .
Corn Meal Lower ; scarce ; 3 50@3 65.
Pork-Hcirco ; linn ; 17 25.
Lard-Steady ; tlerco , Defined , 850@900 ;
keg. 0 00.
Whisky Steady ; western rectified 1 05 ®
BALTIMOHE , Juno 2. Wheat Western ,
Irregular ; No , 2 , winter , red Hpot 1 011 05.
tgCorn Western l < lull.mUod spot 01ioli2J. ( (
Oats Kvsv ; dull ; western whltoj 39 ® 10 ;
mixed 37Ca 38.
jl > eQulo5G8 ; < 2 > 70.
Kg s Firmer 1 i@15.
Whisky-Quiet ; 111.
MILWAUKEE , Juno'2. Wheat Qaiot ; No.
2 Juim , O1fulv. ! . 93 ; August , 91J.
Corn Steady ; No. S flic.
Oats-Quiet ; tt.udy ; No. 2 315.
llye-Firmsr ; No. 1. tile.
Barley ( Julet ; steady ; No. 2 gprJDR 60.
NBW YoilK , JunoJV. Whaat lower ; options
opened J@t juwei-j later d JJfcJ ; mb.
nenticntly eailer ; foil bock J(3 ( > 1 , Ifiavfng oif nt
bottom rates. Chicago 931 ,974 ; No , 3 red t8 ;
No. 2 red , June 1 01@l 03 , July closing 1OIJ.
Ang ; 1 05J@1 Ofi.
Corn Spot iSf ( , options 23 ( lower : clo < -
! np weak 5 < G3 ; No. 2 CSt tHJ ; July 01.
Oata jffj lowers mUod western 3739 ;
- liito-10rf-11.
I'gps Wcitorn frc h , firmer ;
Pork Steady ! now mess 17 W ) . ;
l ard Steady ; western ( team spot 8 3C@
Butter Dull ; iwsy.
CIKCIKATI Juno 3. Wheat Steady ! fair
demand ; No. 2 rod 1 03.
Corn DullNo. ; 2 mixed , fi7.
Oats Easier ; No. 2 mixed 3l@3li.
Ilj'o 12asl r : No 2 , fi"p0t ( ; > .
Barley Nominally uncTiingod.
Pork-ulot : mess 18 00@18 50.
Lnnl Fair domnnd : 7 ! K ) .
Bulk Moats-Qnlot ; firm : shoulders d\ , >
short ribs SJ.
.Whlsky-llasicr ; 117.
LtVKnrooi. , Juno 2. Breadstufls , ( inlet ,
firm unchanged ,
Whont-Wlntor-Ts 7d.7s Sd. Spring ,
7s 3d.7n W.
Corn Now Cs3d. ; oldr.s-ljd.
TOI.KHO. Juno 2. Wheat Kaslor : No. 2rod
cash 97lf3')8. )
Corn-Unsettled ; No 2 cash 674.
Oat- < Steady ; good demand ; No , 2 , cash
Time 33J.
KANSAS CITT. Juno 2. Wheat Steady ;
82j@82ii ; cash. 80 bid Julys SO ailtod August
Uorti-Stoadyj-l-liO-ng ; cash ; -lOS July ; fiO
August ,
Oats-Steady ; 29. } .
Wheat Lower ; weak ; 103 Juno ; 1 004
July ; 1013 August.
Corn Lower ; ClJQfilJ Juno ; 52J July ;
il August ,
Oats Nothing dono.
CIUCAQO , .1iino3. Drovers'Journal reports :
Hogs 10@lGc lower ; rough packing , SI 7fi ©
5 10 ; packing nnd flipping , 5 00515 ; light ,
4 " © liijsklpi. 3 7i > r < bl 7.J.
Cattle Active , lOfl higher ; exports , JC fi.'i
y > 7 00 ; common to choicoshiupinp , 5 7ri@0 75.
nferior to good , 2 70@545j stockers nnd feed
ers , 350@fi.ld.
Sheep Stondv ; inferior to good , 3 OO I " 0
icr cwt. : choice to extra. 5 fo@'i 00. Special
cable to Drovers' Journal Liverpool , quotci
reaction in cuttle market ; thought mijmlios
American stock hoivy ; bostgrades , llJ@15Jc
> or Ib ; dressed sheep unchanged , 17c for
KANSAS CITY , Juno 2. The Live Stock
[ ndicator reports :
Cattle Active , firm ; natives. 5 80@G CO.
Hogs Weaker ; 1015e lower.
Sheep Quiet ; unchanged.
ST. Louis , Juno 2. Cattle Active , firm ,
; oncrally hold higher ; axporta , G fiU@G 75 ;
common to choice shipping , 5 40@G50.
Sheep Supply liberal ; prices weak ; na-
tivoa capped. 2 75@500.
Uoga Dull , lower ; Yorkers , 5 00@5 75 ;
packing 70@5 10 ; heavy , 5 10@5 35.
OniOAOO , Juno 2. Receipts nnd ehlp
monta of flour nnd grain for the past 48 hours
lave been as followa :
Receipts. Ship'ts.
Flour , bbls 10,000 7,000
Wheat , bushels 15.000 12,000
Corn , bushels 147.000 1VG.OOO
Oats , bushels 17,000 221,000
* yo , bushels 0,000 3,000
iarloy , bushels fi.OOO 1,100
NEW YOUK , Juno 2. Receipts and
hlpmonta of flour nud grain for the past 24 hours
lave been as follows :
Receipts Ship'ts.
Wheat , bushels 172,000 117,000
Corn , bushels 33,000 82,000
Data , bushels 1GS.OUO 51,000
CHICAGO , June 2. Receipts and ship-
monta of live stock for the post 24 hours have
ieon 03 follows :
Rooelpta , Shlp'ta.
Oattlo 0,000
Soga 2,000 . . . .
Shcop 300 . . . .
KANSAS CITY , Juno 2. Receipts and
shipments of live stock for the past 24 hours
invo been aa follows :
Receipts. Ship'ts
Oattlo 2,250
Boga 8,000 . . . .
Sheep 210 . . . .
ST. Lows , Juno 2. Receipts nnd ship
ment ' of live stock for tha past 24 hours have
boon aa followa :
Receipts. Ship'ts.
Oattlo 1,900
Hogs 7,800 . . . .
Sheep 4,400 . . . .
Wholesale Prices.
Monday Evening , Juno 2 , i
The following prices are charged retailers
> y jobbers , wholesalers and commission mer.
chant ? , with the exception of grain , which ia
luotedattho pricai furnished by the olevatora
and other local buyor.s :
Wheat Cash No. 2 , G9S)70Jc. )
Barley Cash No. 2 , 48@50c.
Rye Cash , No. 3 , 43c.
Corn No. 2 , 39@414c.
Oota No. 2. 314@33c.
Ijivo Stock ,
STKKBS 1255 50.
HOGS 4 50@4 76.
Sunup 3 50 ® 150.
OALVKS G OJ@7 0(1. (
General I'rnduco.
APPLES Occasional lots coming in selling
to homo trade only. Willow Twigs , $4.50
Wincsips , 81.50 ; Gonltans , 51.00 ; Bon Davis ,
BKAVB Receipts light and demand good.
4d picked navy , per bu , $2 50 ; medium ,
200(3225. (
BKESWAX In good demand. Choice btlght
per Ib , 2G@28c : common to good dark per Ib ,
20O25o ,
BUTTEK The market la in bad shape , being
crowded with liuttcr of the poorer quality , for
which there are no buyers except packers , who
will only pay a very little. A few choice
packages are aoccaslonly sold from commission
liouHcu at above 12cU but the average quality of
fresh grasa will not bring above 8@9cts. with
5@Gcts for hay aud mixed.
CllEK-"Ohio" per bbl , $7.00 ; "York State"
per bbl , 38 00 ; per J bbl , 91 76 ; condensed per
gal , 85c. Crab apple , per gal. 35c.
OHEEHB Full cream , western , 13) : Wiscon
eln now 114 ; young American 15lGo
CocOANUTtt-Por 100 , 84 75@5 00 ,
KQOB Unchanged , Steady at 13cts , and
as receipts continue light , prospect * favor
tiu advancement. Some bad eggs are showIng -
Ing up and it Is necassary now to candle before
selling ,
FoiiEldN FmilTfl Moislna oranges , per
box , SG 00 , Mojslnu lemons , per box , S3 75
red 100. Bananas , per bunch , $300
Kig , Ib. . IGo. Dato.1 , in frails , 7Jc ; dates ,
fard , In boxes , ISJu.
FBUIT BoTfKiw Apple butter , In 30 Ib
palls , per Ib , 7c. Plum buttnr , 74c.
Hay Baled , 38.00@10.00 ; looao , C10.00 ®
JELLY In 20 and SO Ib palls , C@7c ; In 2 Jb ,
jarj , per doz , 31 DO ; assorted tumblers , per
do : . 81 20 ; Echoonera , per dozen , $3 00.
MAPLI : SUOAII Pure. In brirku , per Ib , IGc ;
Ohio , K-ic ; small calces , ! ' „ ' } &
OAT MKAL Steel cut , per bbl , Srt 25.
O.s'iONHOld unions are virtually out of thn
inarltot. now Southern are coming'forward
and eollliig at 85.00(2)5.50 ( ) per barrel ; ' Bermu
das , 82.00 per bushel crate.
I'oi'COiiN- B < XX | demaudnt 2@2)loper ) Ib.
POUI.TIIY Demand for chickens only ;
drtu-aed MftrjUi ; llva j > or doz. $1,50 ; npiiui ;
uhlck'jns , t.Qtan.OO } , according to sizo.
. POTATOKH Moio firm and dciniud good ,
New potatoes arc ccuilng in from thq south
and nolHngat SI.OO per bbl. I'arlyRoia per bu
@ -Jf c ! VcacliUow , 4T > c ; Bulk receipts nro
hard to dicposo of nnd have to bo sicked here
* Mb p.MN ) SUwbarry ,
rnspberry , blivskborry , peril ) . 13c ; poaohos
chortled , pltinn , npricoU , tig-t , pjr Ib , U'o
cranberry sauce , jor Ib , So.
PROVISIONS Ham , 13tc ; 1) . bacon , lljc ;
c. B. bacon , llc ; il. B. fides lOje ; short rib
sides , lOic ; shoulders , 8 < c : moss ixirK. per
bbl. 818.60. Dried beef , 15c. Lard , P@ll > o.
VsoKTAnt.Ka Spinach , per bbl. 82 00 ; now
cabbage , California i > orll > . ,4c ! lettuce , t > or
doz. , l5e ! ; rodlaho * , per doz. , 25c ; turnips )
tier btl , BOc. boots , l > or bu , 7 ( > c ;
cucumbers , | > or doz. , SI 00 ; * Po ! plant
per IK 2c. caullllowor , t > or doz. , 3200 ;
asparagus , per doz. Mo. now carrots , i > or
11) . , 3c. California celery , $1 60. Tomatoes ,
J bu. box , SI C > 0@$1 7fi : < rcon po.-vs per hmliol
box , S2.2 , " > ; utrlng IHVMN per bushel box , SH.OO.
STIiAWlinimiKSKeoiilpts modcr.Uo and her-
rleg of hotter quality titan last week. Firm
stock soiling at $ l,50Ul5.00 ( per 21
Goosebonlos $ 'J 50 per 111 qt. ciso.
PiosFerr , TiurK , KTO. Pigs foot , 1C Ib
kits. $1 25 : pigs 10 Ib iir bbl , 82 CO : plgn foot ,
80 Ib half bbl , $5 00 ; tripe , 15 11) kite , $1 25 ;
tripe , -10 Ib qr bbl , $2 50 ; tripe , 80 11) half bbl ,
So 00 ; pigs tongues , 15 Ib kit * , 82 M ) ; pigs
toncucfl10 Ib qr bbl. ? (100. ( Lambs' tonpucw ,
15 Ib Idts , $3 01) ; 10 ib qr bbl , SO 00.
TIIDOI ) Axn OitKMiCAi.i Acid , cnrlxillc. R5c !
acid , tartarlo , 6oe ; bals.un cipibia , peril ) . .
[ V > clarksaMafrns ; ! , porlb. 12c ; calomel , porlb.
75c ; cliiohonldla , per oz. , SO.lVi ; chloroform ,
per Ib , , § 1.10 ; Dovors jiowilor , per Ib. , ? 1.25 ;
epsom salts , per Ib. , Sc ; glycerine , nurd , l > or
Ib , , 2Sc ; lo.ul ncotnlo , per Ib. , 22c ; nil , castor ,
No 1 per gal. , $1.6,1 ; oil , castor , No. 3 per
gal. , $1.10 ; oil , olive , per gal , , SI. 10 ; oil ori
ganum , BOc ; opium , 81.50 ; quinine , P. It W ;
nnd ] ! . &S. . .per oz. , $1.10 ; potassium , .
Iodine , per Ib. , $1.50 ; Baltdn , per oz. , 40c ; sul-
imatoot mori)1ino ! , per oz. , $3.76 ; sulphur
tlour , per ; strychnine , per oz. , Sl.U , * ) ,
lrv Gomln.
BROWN SitKKTiNOB Atlantic A , 7Jc ; Allan-
tie P , Gc : Atlantic LL ; 5Jc ; Brunswick , 7io ;
Beaver Dam LL , Glc ; Lawrence LL.CJc ; Pad-
fie II , 7Jc ; Koyal Standard , 8c ; Indian I load
A , Be ; Wauchnaott A , 7Jc.
FINK BROWN SHKETINQS Argyle , 74o ; Pop-
poroll 11 , lo ; Salisbury Jl. CJc.
Bi.KACMKi ) COTTONS -Ballon 4-4 , GSc ; Hal-
Ion 7-8 , CJo ; Cumberland M , 8c ; Uavoll DD ,
BJc ; Falrmount'He ; Fyiit of the Loom ! ! ,
l"c " ; Glory of the West , 8Jo ; Golden Gate , SJc ;
Hilt 7-8 , 8e ; Hill -I-1 , 9c ; Lousdalo 8Jc ; Now
York Mills , lljc : Wnmautta , lOc.
DUCKS ( Colored ) Boston , 8 oz. , HJc ; BOB-
ton , 10 oz , , lljc ; Boston , 9 oz , , lie ; Fall
lltvor , SJc.
DUCKS ( Gray ) West Point , 8 oz. , Ho
West Point , 10 oz. , lie ; Boston Boar , 8 07. ,
TICKINGS Amoskoag , lie ; Continental
Fancy , 9Vc ; Cordis , lO c ; Pearl Klvor , Mo ;
York , 12Jo ; Hnmloton Awnings , 12io.
DKNIMS Amoskoag , 14c ; Beaver Crook
AA. 12c ; Beaver Crook BB , He ;
Beaver Crock CO. 10 : Haymakers
8c ; Jaffroy D & T. 12Sc ; Jaffroy XXX. 12i'c ;
Pearl Kivor , 13c ; Warren AXA ( Drown ) ,
12c ; Warren BB ( brown ) , lie ; Warren CO
( brown ) , lOc.
OAMBIUCS Fifth avenue glove finish , 5c ;
Keystone glove finish , CJc.
Consirr JKANS Amory , 7ic ; Hancock , Be ;
ICoarsayor , 81c ; Kockport , 7c.
PniNTS Allons,5ic ; American , CJo ; Arnolds ,
Co ; Cocheco , Gc ; Harmony , 4c ; Indigo , 8c ;
Indigo 7-8 , lljc ; Indigo 4-4 , 12Jc ; cheap sale
4Jc ; Charter Oak , 4jc.
PRINTS SHIRTINGS American , Co ; Coclioco ,
Be ; Gloucostor,5cSoutlibridgo ; , 4lc ; Wuvorlys ,
" 'o ; Rosodalo , 4Jc.
GINGHASIS Amoskoag staples , 8c : Bates
staples , 8lc : Lancaster staples , 8c ; Plnnkot
plaids , 9c ; Hudson choclca , 8Jc ; Amoskoag
Persians , 9Jc.
DRESS GOODS Atlantic alpacca , 9Jc ; Per-
siano cashmor , 23 c ; Hamloton caahmoro ,
IClc ; Hamloton Faucus , ll c ; Hamloton bro-
uosj ICc ; Arlinpton brocade , 18c.
Wo rjuoto lumber , lath and shlng os'jon ' oara
at Omaha at the following prices :
JOIST AND SCANTLING 16 ft. and under
22 00 ; 18 ft , 23 CO.
TIMBERS 10 foot and nndor , 22 00.
TIUBEK AND JOIBT 18 ft , 23 50 ; 20 ft , 23 50 ;
22 ft , 26 50 ; 24 ft , 20 50.
FENOINO No. 1 , 4 nnd 6 In. , 24 00 ; No. 2 ,
22 00.
SHEETINO No. l(2d ( common boards ) , 20 00 ;
No. 2,18 00.
STOCK BOAKDS A , 45 00 ; B , 10 00 ; C , 35 00.
FLOORING No. 1,40 00 ; No. 2 , 35 00 ; No.
SIDING , clear 27 00 ; No. 2 , 25 00 ; No. S ,
CEILING I , 37 00 ; g , 25 00.
SHINGLES , best I 50 ; standard , 3 50.
LATH 3 25 per M.
LIME Per barrel , 1 25 ; bulk per bushel , 35o ;
cement , bbl , 2 25 ; Iowa plaster , bbl , 2 50 ; hair
per bu. 50c ; Torrod felt , .100 Ibs , 3 50 ; straw
_ oard , 8 50.
PaintaOlln and VrnlBlien.
OILS 110 carbon , per gallon , 13Jc ; 150 °
headlight , per gallon , 14 jo ; 17f > ° headlight ,
per gallon , 18c ; 150 ° water white , 17c ; Hn
seed , raw , ; pr gallon.G9c ; linseed , boiled , per
gallon , G2c Lard , winter str'd , per gallon , SOc :
No. 1 , 70eNo. ; 2 , GOc ; castor , XXX , per gal
lon , 1 GO ; No. 3,1 40 ; sweet , per gallon 1 00
sperm W.B. , per gallon , 160 ; fish. W. B. ,
porgallon , GCc ; neatsfoot extra , per gallon , 90c ;
No. 1 , 7oc ; lubricating , zero , per gallon , SOc ;
summer , 15c ; golden machine , No. 1 , per gal
lon , 85c ; No. 2 , 28c ; sperm , signal , per gallon
SOc ; turpentine , per gallon , 48c ; naptha 74 ° ,
per callon , IGc.
PAINTS IN On , Whlto lead , Omaha P. P.f
Gc ; white lead , St. Louis , pure , Gic ; Marseilles
green 1 to C Ib cans , 20c ; Froncli zinc , green
uoal , 12c ; French zinc , rod seal , He ; French
zinc , in varnish asst , 20c ; French zinc. In oil
oust , ICc ; raw and burnt umber , 1 Ib cans , lOc ;
raw and burnt Sienna , lOc ; vandrko brown.
13c ; refined lampblack , 12c ; coach black , and
Ivory black , IGc ; drop block , IGc ; Prussian
blue , lOc ; ultramarlno blue , 18c ; chroma green
can Vennilllon , I. & P. , 18c ; cliromo yellow
L. M. , O. & D. 0. , 18o ; yellow ochre , 9c ;
golden ochra , IGc , patent dryer , 8c ; graining
colors , light oak , dark oak , walnut , chr tnut
and ash ICe
Urr 1'nlntn.
Whlta load , 8c ; French zinc , lOo ; Paris
whiting , 2Jc ; whiting gildera , IJc ; wldtlng
com ! lie ; lampblack , Gennantown , 14c ;
lampblack , ordinary , lOc ; PniHHlan blue , 55c ;
ultrainarluo , 18c ; vandyke , brown , 8c ; umber
burnt , 4c ; umber , raw , 4c ; sienna , burnt , 4c ;
sienna , n. % 4c ; Paris green , genuine , 25c ;
Paris preen , common , 20cchrotno ; green , N. Y. ,
20e ; chroino green. K. , 12ct vermillion , Kug. ,
70c ; vermillion , American , 18c ; Indian rod ,
lOc ; rose i > ink , 14c ; Voriotlan rod , Cooluon's ,
2Sc ; Venetian rod , American. Ijfc ; rod load ,
7c ; chrome yellow , genuine , 20c ; chrome yel
low , K. , 12cochro ; rochelle , 3cociro. French ,
2o ; ochre , American , 2c ; Winter's mineral ,
2Jc ; lehlgh brown , 2Jc ; Spanish brown , 2Jc ;
1'rlnce'B mineral , 'Jc.
VAUNisilEa Barrels , pe galloni Furnl
tnro , extra , SI 10 ; furniture , No. 1 , 81 ; coach ,
extra , 81 40 ; coach , No. 1 , 81 20 ; Damar
extra , 31 75 : Japan , 70catiplmlturn ; , extra , 85c ;
shellac , * 3 50 ; hard oil finish , 81 60.
Oak < ole , 38c@2c ) ; hemlock nolo2Bc@35c ;
hou lock kip , 80o to 1 00 ; runner 65o to BOcj
hemlock calf , 85c to 1 00 ; hemlock upper , 22c
to 2 Ic ; oik upper .tile ; alligator , 4 00 to 5 50 ;
calf kid , 32@85 ; Grolsoii kid , 2 CO to 2 75 ; oak
kip , 80o to 1 00 ; oak calf , 120 to 1 80 ; French
kip , 110 to 155 ; French calf , 1 25 to 2 00 : ra-
sots , 6 50 to 7 CO ; linings , 0 00 to 8 CO ; top.
pings , 0 00 to 10 CO ; B. L. Morocco. 30o to 35c ;
pebble O , D. Morocco , 35c ; Imon,2 00 to 8 00.
No. 1 star oak , S/'o : No 2 do ;
35c ; No. 1 Ohio oak , SCc ; No. 2 do , 33oj No.
I Milwaukee 35o ; No 2 do Kip .
No. 1 Pitta otk har , S7o ; No. B Pitta [ oak
har , 35c.
HOHTT Hardwuro Ijlet.
Iron , rates , 2 60 ; plow atool Bixjclol caflt , Go
crucllilo , 7oj upodtlor German , ic ; cast too ;
do , 1C20 ; waou { pokca , set , 'i 25(2.3 ( 00 ; hubd
per not , 1 25 ; fo'loes eawod dry , 1 40 ; tongues ,
each , 70@8rxj ! azlos each , 76c ; Kfuaro ( nuts per
tt > , 7@llc ; waahorB cr Ib. 8l8c ; riveta , per
Ib , lie ; cell chain , per Ib , OfgJlUcj uialloabla , 8c
Iron wodgw , Co ; crovrbare , Co ; liarrow tooth
Ic ; spring teal , 7@8o ; Burdon'shoroohcxje 70
Uurtlon'a niulailioui 6 70 ,
DAUBED Wine-In car lots , Da per 100 ,
NAILH Iliitoa , 10 to CO , 2 8 J.
SHOT Shot , 185 ; buck ahot , 2 10 ; oriental
powder , fcefra , 0 40 ; do , , half kogn , 3 48 ; do , ,
quarter keg * , 1 88 ; blantluff , kcgi , 3 35 ; ftwu ,
per 100 fcot COc ,
LEAD Bar , 1 C5.
COAtf-Otunberland blacksmith , 10 00 ; Mor.
rlnnin Illomlmrft 1000 ; Wiltoliroant lumpi
B 00 ; Whltoliroiwt nnt , 5 00 ; Iowa lump , fi Wi
town nut , f > 00 ; Kock Sprlnp , 7 ( HI ; Anthrix
fits , 11 2 @lt 50) ) Cftnon CItr , 7 00 , per ton
Ttuo TOHAOOO Cllmfu , Wc ) ; Itnllton We ;
Itowwluxi , f > 0c : Star. t < 0c ; Ktuldy , 4r > c ; Her-
oy'fl10c ; Hlftcic , 8S@40c.
FINB Otrr Common , COGJ.'Wo ; pooil , 4r > f4
COo ! lloao Lpftf , 70 < S ! Promlntn , G.r c ; Ulamoml
Crown , Mcj Swcot SIxloon , Wo.
SitoKixa O. S. , 2ic ! ; Moorsclmnm , 30o | Dm *
ham , 8 07. . , 55o ; Dwrhnin , 4 or. , o7c ; Dnrlmir
2 or. . , BTw ; SoM of North Cnrollnn , H oz. , r > 5c
SflM of North Cnrollim , 4 oz. . 67c ; Seal o
North Carolina , 2 or. . , OOc ; 0. K Durham
or. . , JSc ! ; O. 1C Uniham , 2 oz. , SOcj Uncle
Nod , i'a 2oc ; Tom ntul Jerry , R3c ,
AtooilOt 188 proof nleohol , 221 per wlno
Rftllon oxtrn California Bplrltn , 188 proof ,
1 17 per proof gallon ; triple refined uplrlU
187 proof , 1 20 per proof ( jnllon ; ro-dlstllloil
whlsldos 1 00@1 5X ) ; fine bloinlod , 1 M@2 W ;
Kentucky bourlwni , 800 700 } Kentucky
ntul Poniisylvnula ryes , 2 00 { 17 00.
ln\Ninxa Imtwttod , C 00liJOOi doniciitlo
140 ® 100. IintKirlcxl , 4 CO@C 00 ; domestic , 1 40
KUMQ Imported 50PO 00 ; Now K
2 00@ t 00 ; tlomiuKc , 1 MOW 60.
OitAMrAaNca Imported per case. 28 00 ©
31 00 ; AtuoTlcan.'per cvo , la IV1G ) 00 ,
Qrocorn Tilit.
OANNtDOooiw Uy U > r ( ! ilantl.vilporcix80 ) ,
3 70@3 80 ; r.trawborrlo , 2 IS , per ciwo. 2 f > 0@
2 10 ; rnspborrioa , 2 Ib , per ciwo , 2 00 ; Itartlctt
| HMV , per ejwo , 2 40 : wliortloborrlos , | > or case ,
; 10 ; opg pliucB , 2 Hi. per C.MO , 2 IK ) ; preen
? ngos , 2 Ib , per ciwo , 2 90 ; plno npplofl , 2 Ib
[ tor cane , 4 80(35 CO.
HOPK- Sinai 4 iuch nni larger , lljc , 8 Inch ,
DC ? ; J Inch , lOjc.
UANDLES Uoxoa , 40 lb , 1C * , IPc ; 8e , ICc ;
joxon 40 llii , 1C oz. , Ca , Ific ,
AlATOHts Per caddie , 35c ; round , ca oa ,
2 nTi ; muiiro canes , 1 70.
SOOAIIH Powdered , 8j/c / ; cut oaf , 81c ;
fpranulatod , 78c ; confectioners' A , 7ja | : StnniU
ud oxtrn 0 , djc ; extra C , OJc ; moillum yel
low. OJc ; dark yellow , c.
OoiffKiia Ordlnarj-Rr.uloH , 12@12Jcj falrlS
glSJc ; good , 14o ; prime , ir @ir > lc ; choice
lfi@17c ; fancy green nndyollowli@10ioold ( |
rovornmont .Invn , 20@2Gc ; LdvorltiK's roaotoil.
17c : Arbucklo's roaktod , lOJc ; AlcLatiRhlltiV
XXXX routed , ICio ; mltatlou Java , 1GJ
© Wei Clnrk'H Aurora , lOJc.
Htort l ulslauH prmio to choice , 7c ; fair
Gic ; Patina , CJc.
FISH No. 1 mackerel , half brln. , 8 50 ; No
1 maukorol , cltn , 1 1C ; family mackerel , hal
brK , 7 00 ; family mackerel , kits , 95c ; No. 1
white fish , half brls. , 8 75 ; No. 1 kits. 1 Ifi.
Svitnr Standard Com. , SOc , bold ; Standard
do1J gallon kegs 1 85 ; Standard do , 4 gallon
Uoca 137.
SODA In tt papers , 3 80 per cane ; keg per Ib ,
PICKLE } Medium , In barroli. 8 25 ; do
In half barrels , 4 75 ; small. In barrels , 0 25 ; do
In half barrels , 5 25 ; gherkin In barrels , 10 25 ;
do in half barrels. 5 7G.
TEAH Gunpowder , peed , 45@55c ; choice GO
< a7Gc ; good Imperial , 40@13c ; choice , GO@G5c ;
Young Hyson , good , SG@Wc ; choice ,
05c@l 00 ; Japan , iiaturivl loaf , 35c ; Japan ,
choice , 607Bc ; Oolong , good,3510c0olonjj ; ,
choice , 40@55c ; Souchong , good , 35@40c ;
choice , 85@45c ,
WOOUKNWAHH Two hoop palls , 1 85 ;
three hoop nails. 2 10. Tubs , No. 1 , 9 00 ; Pioneer
neer waahlwards , 1 85 ; Double Orowu 2 90 ;
Wollbuclrota. 3 85.
SOAI'B Kirk's Savon Imperial , 3 45 ; Kirk's
satinot , 3 GO ; Kirk's standard , 3 75 ; Kirk's
whi to Russian , 5 25 ; Kirk's outoca , 2 15 ;
Kirk's Prairlo Queen , (100 ( cakes , ) 40c ; ICIrk'a
miu nolia , doz.
POTABII Pennsylvania cans , 4 cano , In cane ,
8 35 ; Babbltt.8 ball 2 doz. in caao , 1 90) ) Anchor
ball , 2 doz. in case , 1 CO.
OANDf Mixed , 12@13c ; [ nttck , lie ; twist
stick , lOio.
VINEOAB NowTtorlcnpplo IGc ; Ohio ap
ple , ISc.
SALT Dray loads , per bbl , 1 70 ; Aahton , In
sacks , 3 50 ; bbls dairy GO , 5a , 3 30.
STAIIOH Pearl , 4ic ; Silver Gloss , 8c : Com
Starch , 8c ; Excolalor Glons. 7o ; Corn , 74e.
Snots Popper , 17o ; , allspice , 16o ; cloves ,
25c ; cassia Ific. '
LYE American. 3 40 ; Greenwich , S 40 ;
Western , 2 75 ; North Star , 2 00 ; Lewis' lye ,
4 65 : Jewell lye , 2 75
FLOtm 100 Ibq , 1 85@2 25 ; patent , 100 bs
2 8i@3 ! 25 ; Gralmin , 100 Ibs , 2 00 ; rye , 100 Iba
2 25@2 55 ; buckwheat , 100 Ibs , 10 OOO10 50 ,
bran , ton. 18 00@20 00 ; corn meal. 100 Iba.
1 251 75.
GHAIN Wheat , 100 Ibs , 1 35@1 45 ; corn , In
sacks 100 lb , 12@115 : oats. 100 Ibs , 1 f > 0
@ 1 fi5 ; barley , 100 Ibs , 1 40@1 55.
HAY Baled , 22 00@30 < JO ; straw , 11 00 ®
12 00.
BUTTER Fancy , 17@18c ; dairy choice , I5@
18c ; common , 8@12c.
Eaas Fresh , 15@lGc ; ranch , doz , fresh
CllKKSB tftill cream , I5@10c ; Ltmburgor ,
18c ; Swiss , importoil , 'Me.
POULTRY l.Ivo , chickens old , doz,0 00@G W ;
spring chickens , 000@7 60 ; dressed Ib , 18@lGc.
PoTATOKS-Grooloy , 100 lba.100@110.
VnoETAnLiH Onions , now , 100 IbH , 4 50ffl
05 cabbogo , now , 100 Ibs , 3 00 ; boots , 100
Ibs 75c@l 00.
Fnuiis Orange Mesoioiia box , G 00@0 CO ;
lemons , choice MosHiiin. S 75@4 50 ; ai > p1os ,
California , bbl , 4 00 ; bananas , bunch , 3 00 ®
GOO.MKATH Hams , Ib , 134@14c ; bacon , break.
fastl'JV@llio ; lard , in tierces , Ib , lOc ; dried
beef , Kij ; dry salt slilos , Ui10c.
FISH Mackerel , No.l , 1 ( X ) , kit. 1 75@2 25
California salmon , hulf bbl , 10 CO ; Holland
horrinp , ko ? , 1 G0@l 75 ; trout , per Ib. 17@18c.
Inillan Allaire , Washington , April 23 , 1881.
Kciilcil proposals , Indorsed "rroposal * for llcol" ( blda
for beef must ho stilmilttci ! In separata cnvolopoa , ]
Ilacon , 1'lour , Clothing , or Transportation , & < % , ( a
tlio caio may boanil illructocl to the CoininUaliior
of Indian AllJlrs NOH. 05 and 07 Wooutcr street , Now
Yrrk , will bo received until 1 r. u. of Tuesday , Hay
27,1831 , for fumlahlnK for the Indian Honlco about
020,000 pounds Ilacon , 38,000,000 pounds Hoof oil the
hoof , 00,000 pouuda Heann , 40,000 | > onndii Making
I'owdtr , 780,000 pioinda Corn , 460,000 pounds Colluo ,
7,100,000 pounds r lour , 70,000 pouudu 1'cnl , lOfl.OOC
| > onii H Hard Ilroad , muH Ilninlnv , IK.O'ii
lunindii Lard. 7UO barrel out , . . H. J ,1 , j . - r ,
It 7,500 pound * 'IVu , (00 tiouiidi 'lobaccn ,
t . COO pounds Halt , I WoOO pounds Heap , 0,000JiOlimlx
a , . 8JUOOJ poiimh H K r , ami 40,000 poumlu
Also Illin'cotj'Wnil Cctton flood * , ( non-
part til Ticking , 20,000 ynnls ; Ktanilaril
; 136,000 jatds ; llrllllriir , 0.000 vardu ; luckU
ruin all elr.lni ; , 80,000 yariJn ; DonlitiD , 17,00
In ; QIiiKhani , HO.UOU jarJn ; Kontiioky Jeans ,
000 yard * ; Cheviot , 4tOO j arils ; Drown Bhcctlin ;
C,000 yard ! ) , Illoachod Shcctlug 15,000 yurdu ;
Hickory Hblitlii ) , ' , 10000 yardx ; Calico HhlrtliiK ,
0,000 jar In ; Wliiuoy , 1,000 yard * ; ) flothhiK. Oro.
ccrlcB , NotloiiH llaraware , Medical HupnlloB , Hchool
llookH , io , a.ida Ionic Hit " 1 inlHcallariloua artlcks ,
million Ilariicmi , l'lo\tn , Jlakm , 1'orkH , i . ( and lor
about 476 W > Koim ruiulruil for the ocrvlco. to liu
dcllvcroJ at Chicago , Kannas City , and Hloui C'lty.
All' ) lor BUI h Wagons a < may ho rccUlriJ | , ailaptod
to thu climate of the 1'acltia Coaut , vvllli California
Irakon ) , delivered ot fan Francisco.
Ainu , traimjxntation for eucti tf the articled , Kooda ,
and BiipjillcH'liat may not Iw contracted for to bu
delltvre < l at the AKemicB.
Bchuduloi bhciwInK the klnda and ijiinlltlea of
BUhnlsUinca supplier required for each AKenoy , anil
the kltida and iinantltlen In croia , of all oilier L'ooilu
and articled , together with Monk | iropo < ialiconilltlaii
to bo olinerved by bidders , tlmo and place of illIIvery
toinu of contract and I S inont , tranujiortatlnii root i.a
and all ether ntcm > l 1 Instruction * will bu furtdahud
ni > on application to tlio Indian Olllcu In Waahlnuton ,
or NOB. 05 and 07 Woo.ter Htrctt.Ncw York ; Win II ,
Iijon , No,4S3 Ilroudunv , Now York ; the Commit * ,
arlmof nubslatanco , U. H. A , at Clru ciino Chi-
ijtyo , Ixiavenwortli , Omaha , Halnt IxjiiU , Kalnt I'aul ,
fall Kranclacami Yaaktou ; thu 1'rmtiuaitsr at
hiourClty , and to the 1'ont'i oa'.cra at the follow In ; ;
named iilacoiln Kaioaa : Arkantaa City , MurlliiKtou ,
( I.ldwcll , DodL'u City , Kmpoila , Knroka , Ureat
Ilend , Howard , llutcnlimon , J.arnixl , Mo 1'hcrwiu ,
Marlon , Mcdidno Ixxlico , Nowion , OWKO City , Kodan ,
MtrlltJK' Topcka , WcllliiKton , Wichita and Win Ik Id
llliU wl'l ' Loopcnod at the Hour and day above
btatod , and blddcru are Invited to bo prcaon the
All bids mu t bo accompanied by cortlfioil chocks
uimn loine Unltul iitatei Depohftory ur thu r'lrst
Natluoal Hank at fiou Aiib'olet , Cal , , for at leant llto
per cent of thu amount uf tno liropotul
H , I'ltlUlI Cummltsloncr ,
H , K Corner 22d and On mliiK Ht ,
Orders will bo ( > roiai > tly attended to.
n\ \s o op
"oiilirrttnj ! in I'ulnn Depots nl Kitnsxsciiv
Oiniilmiuul Donvi'iltli tlironchti-.ims toi
And nil point * In the liioatVst
Cimnwtltiif In linincl Pnlon lUipotut rlih-ugo
with tlnoiiKli tiiiliiM ( or
XE nr r o it if , / ; o A" 2" o .v ,
And nil r.imlvru ntli'i.
At IVorl'i \ \ llh tlitxiinth tmliw tor Imllnimp.
ollt , ( Miiclntmll , ColnmlmH , mid nil points ( n
the ontli.r.n < t. At St. l.oiiu with tl
Unlns lor idl points South. Divy Co.iplios , I'm lor Cnrxllhllc. .
rllnliiK I'liutrs ( scuts tire ) , Smokltiu Cur * w llh
HovolvltiK rimlis , 1'ulliniiu I'nlnri ) SIciMiliiu
' <
riitulnlly tniuid fioni ( Miloiio | unit l\nn < < aiC'lt v ,
I'hlriiKUund Council IIIIH | | | uiilr > HK < > und Ili-s
Moliics , ( MiiriiKo , St. Jiwpli , Atclilion unit
lopoku without oiianito. Only Ihroimli line
lunnliiK tlion- own twins l > i > t 'oiMilrnii >
Lincoln und Donvur , mul ( ! hlonii > , KIUIHIIM
Cltv nuil Dcnvt-r. 'riinniKh OHM ln-twoon
Inillunninilh mul Conncll UUttls , vlu I'l-otln
< ! ( 1N(5 nOKTII AMI SOUTH.
Solid TniliH of KUwinl Ihiy Couched nnd
I'ulliiiuu rulneiiSlci < | ilnKCaiM i iiiniliuly to
nml rioin St. l.dtiH , vlu llunnllml , Ouiiicv ,
Kooknk. Itnilliiijtoti , rodnr HunldntulAllici t
LrntoSt. 1'iinl nnd Mlmtoniinlli , 1'iulin nu-s
with Itwllnliin ( 'hulla to nnd liom St l.oiili
mid rrnrln. diilyonr chmi ( oori'iira lii < t\ t > i > u
St. I.OIllHIlMlt ! ) ( MullK't , lottll , l.lllL-Olll. NO.
bniikn , nnd Denver , Colorado ,
It is nlso the only TlnoiiKli Line lx-i\\ eon
Itli known ai the piout TllltOlTitll CAIt
INT of Aincricn , nnd in unlvoi-Milly ndnilt
ted to ho the
Finest Equipped Ettilroad in the World for
all classes of Travel.
Through TleUMs via thlH line lor wile nt a
It. It. coupon ticket olllcea in tlio United States
It.ul Cnnudii.
> kc-l'rf 1.1. U < n. Itimcrr Of u.i'Mi.
Tim Btcvmlilps ot thil n ell-known line nro built ol
iron , \Mitor-tiRlil cumiattmcnt9 | , mul are tiirnlnh-
oil with ( nory rcinuailo to make the IIHMIKO liotli
Bifo ami agrccablo. lliov carry tlio United HlntcB
ami Eumiionn malls , nml IPITO Now Yorks Tlinrs-
jH anil SfttunUja for Plymouth ( LONDON ) Cher-
urir , ( I'AIUS ) mid IIAMllUMd
lUtcs : First Cabin , 56. 870 and JSO. Stccraifc , 820.
Henry I'niiilt , Hark HaiiBcn , F. K. HonroH.M. Tolt ,
cntnln Oinalm , Qronunlui ; ft Sclincntecn , agents In
Council Dlurrs. O. 11 : HIU1IAUI ) ft CO. , Gen. 1088.
ta. , fll Ilrooilwny , N. Y. Clms. ICozinlnxkl & Co- .
Uoncral Western Aiont9 , 107 Wnnhlnnton St. , Chlca
, III.
Jn i : . O.'H NUIITK ANU Ilium TnicAT.
HF.VI , ti Rimrnntanl epocilio for Hjslcrin , JJizzi-
nets , ( 'unvnlaioiiH , Vit , Norvoim Nonrnl ii ,
llpncl/iclio , Norvona ProHtratinn canned by tlio neo
of alcohol or tolmccii , WiitofiilnonH , Hlontol lo-
proBBiiHi , KiirtoniiiKof tlio Hrnin ri'millitujin in-
p-nity und IcndiiiK to mieory , ilorny nnd dentil ,
I'roniaturo Old Ano , llarriinnoas , J-HKH "f power.
in oitlior BOX , InrolunUiry LOSHCS nnd HiiormnU
orrhocii canrnxl by iiror-ozortlon of tlio brain , aolf.
tiliiifio or oviir-iiiiliilnoiici ) . Each box conlnine
onomonlli'H trputnicnt. $ l. ln lioi.or nii boiot
fur$5.XJBontbymail jircimidon receipt ot iirico.
4.iiAitAXTii : : MIX HOXIH :
To cure nny iviao. With each or Jor nicolvoa liym
for BIS lioii'B. nccomiinnlod witli IfJiXX ) , wornU
Bond the iMirulinuor our written Kunnuitou to re
fund Uio money if tlio treatment dooa not ouocl
ucuni. ( luuruntora ) BRiioaiiilvir
O. K , GOODSIANN , DnifrRlat AROII for Omaha
The remedy boltiK In Jcctoil illroctlyl ' thi Bulb o
the illtcaso , roriilrun ] nit charifro of illol r.i Duunootif
mercurial or pulsiinnun modlclnoH to ho taken Intel
nolly. When unod on a jirovuntlvo by either BOX , III'
iiiiomlblo to contract uny prlvtto dBeaiicbut ( ; In the
Cft o ol thouo already unfortunately adllctoil wo Knar ,
inteo three honen to cure , or wo will refund the mon
ey. I'rlco by inall , postage | mlil , $2 prr box or three
boxea for 85.
lesuod by all authoriiixl amenta i
Dr Felix LeBnm&Co ,
P.doodtnau , U ugglit 8oU Agent , for Oma
. Ita ly in
Vfheii i Kg y tuio i ur uiinenu merely to iop Uiom lor
< , tlmo and then liivaltjeni relnrn nitnln. I inmn ar > dl.
CHlruro. I Imvn niH.lo | | , o ( llion.u < if 1'IW , hl'II.Kl'Hy
or PAUJUOHICKNUHRallfuliiiiKii inly I rrBtio
ncfdi to cum thu mini ruioi , Ii < r > ui ullnri n n
illeJ la no mit-nii fat nnv i < w rorolvlne u cur * . unuOt
mm tot a ire tl o ami u 1'rnn liaillo ur nijr Itiuuiui
miivdy ( II vo Kipri'Ki iiml I'mt omcu. 1C cuM4 ] %
tut luu fur u trial , Ulul 1 wlllrurn ) t
Aildreic Iir. II. U IWior iHro rlBr. , > ' > * '
( HkfrljItK. ) , - . ,
, UXnttO-VOLTAIC HEIVT end other Kutcrnio
. I AiTiiASfi" ! nr tent cm BU 1 > ATI Trial 1O
, IKN ONLY , \OUNQ OH OI.II , who are nuffcr-
from NUKVOU8 Dniiurr , LO T VrriUTr ,
nxu XVriKNesiiu ) , und all thoia dlsraii-a of a
. NATUUK. rrcullInK fium Aiiunrji Mid
OTIIEII CAUBUI. ripixxly relief and rompltto
rwtoratlnn to UKALTII , Viuoit and
. Kenil at onto for
I'amplili t frw. Ailrireni
VOI.TAIO IlKI/l' ( ! ( > . . rlur hnll. MleU.
victim lit mrly linprudoiico , cauilng neryoua
( cullltr , prainaturo iliiny. etc. . Imriuu in-ni iu
yale OTorr known reniiily. Ins ( llw iitenjd a Mriiplo
pieAnnof tulf-viiro , wblilt liu will nuud I'll UK to
llowutfiTcrM. . AililrHKA ,
J. IL ItlSU VJH. ! < J ( Jli tli ui fit. . New Vort
than any llmliaut 'I'allcr Iu thu city
Syndicate Hill Addition , lota 9100 , $10 tvili , nnd
1 per month. BEDFORD it SOUKR , Agon i
Gilnun I'lftoo , lots $150 to $000. BEDFORD & SOUER , Agents ,
CliUh. I'lnco , lots $300 to $ COO. BEDFORD & SOUER. Agents ,
Tukoy it Koysor'flSub-Divlnion , lota $125 to'glRO. BEDFORD it SOUER , Agents.
Hawthorn Addition , lota $3GO to $050. BEDFORD & SOUER. Agonto.
K'rkwood Addition , lots $400 to ? 150. BEDFORD it SOUER , Agents.
Unnacom'a Addition , lots $500 to'OGO. BEDFORD it SOUER , Agonta.
Hundred Dollar ;
n ciioico lot in Syndicnto Hill Addition. This addition jdtaa' tiia
tlio Syudicnlo liuida in south Omiilm , and will rapidly buMd up with coin
fortiiulu lioiuos. These lots are bonutiCul nnd are near the stock yards
and packing houses , aud will bo occupied as homes by the employes of !
Jhcso works , and are undoubtedly the boat value for the price of any lota
in the market. Several have boon sold and the pricq will soon bo ad
vanced. Wo have the oxclupivo agency on this addition. Terms easy.
This is a now addition on LoavonworUi street in WcsfOmaho. A
low pnco has been put on them to start them. $150 to 8300 , Chi easy
terms , Tuo grading and improvements to bo made on Leavonworth St. ,
this springwill malco tliis very valuable property.
This is a sub-division of the Megeath property facing Uancoin'
Park on the south. Qjod location , near street car , line view and hag
Ssod growth of native timber. This is one o the finest additions in
maha , and will soli rapidly. Price $300 toB50. One-fourth naah
balance on good time. First come , first served. This is a splendid .op-
J * ' * ' for persons who intend building for n home.
Is a beautiful piece of ground lying one block south of Oilman place , '
West Omaha. The first of these lots will bo sold at $125 to 8150 , and
are a bargain. A nice sightly location , beautiful place for a homo and
fipleudid investment for a rich man or a poor man.
This addition lies between Capitol avenue and Cass street , ten blocks
from the High School , ono milo from the postoffico , and is what is known
KB inside property. The city is built up far beyond this addition and the
finest residences in the city are in this locality. The grade on Davenpor1
street has been established aud work commenced , and will bo completed
as soon as the weather permits. The contract has been lot for building
largo brick school house on Douglas street , three blocks from this nddi
tion. Wo predict that those lota will moro than double iu .alue before
August , as it is the most desirable part of Omaha and would have been
built up years at'O had itbeoniilacod on the market. , vPricoa
S35O TO seso
Adjoining lotslare being soldnt double the price we ask for these.
Wo have six lots left iu this addition which we ofier at e. bargain.
Wo have some improved and unimproved [ farms near Omaha , and
some well improved , farms in Sarpy county.
! rTiiM ! t1mr ttuSlM fmMmatzaMammma
Ilcamonco nnd Residence Lots in'all parts of tlio city , and
On all the best streets in the business center.
Wo have for ale lota in Shinn's Addition , Parker's Addition , iNolaoa'a Add
tion , Armstrong's Addition , Lovro'o Addition , Park Plaoo Addition , Isaacs & Sol ,
don'a Addition , McOonnick's Addition , Ilanscom Plaoo , Rodick'a Addition , Burv
Oak Addition , Johnson's Addition , Hood'u Addition , Kountzo'a Addition , Syndloato
Ilill , Oilman Place , Clark Plaoo , Tukoy & Koyaor'o sub-division , Hawthorne Addi
tion , Kirkwood Addition , Boyd'a Addition , Yatoa & Heed's Addition , etc. , oto. < J
213 SoutU 14t\Btreet , between Farnam and
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