OMAHA DAILY BEE WEDNESDAY , MAY 28 , 1884 , 'CRESTON HOUSE KVERYTUIWl Nos. 2 17 and 219 S. Main St. , COUNCIL BLUFFS DEALER IN ALL Tllfl LATEST DESIGNS OF f ALL PAPER Interior Decorations. IS S. Pcnrl Street nnd 20 N. Main Street , - COUNCIL BLUFFS. WHOLESALE b , , , COUNCIL BLUFFS jtsrSpoclaUUontlon to order * my Malt. ) IOK OUKAM. jATMU RESTAUE&NT AND CAFE Ojcvtox-oi- TJao 1 101 HroaJtt y , f e ls t Ml Hotiti. 1f Council Hindu. 1 Pftttlon a Specialty GALVANIZED IRON CORNICES , Fine Mantels and Grates , LYBIAN'S GASOLINE STOVES. Cell and BOO them before buying elsewhere. Stoves and Tinware. JOHN EPENETER , council iteAD"'AY : IOWA. Special Prices for the next ten davs -OUST TIPS. MRS. J. NORklS , 105 S.filain Street , The undersigned is paying the highest market price for Bags. S. GOLDSTEIN , " - - 510 Broadway. Council Bluffs WHOLESALE DBALBUS IN F 342 osid J544 Broadway , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA IN AND WOOD , HULK AND BAUUEIi LIME , LOUISVILLE AND PORTLAND OUitKNT , inCIUQAN PLASTKH , HAIR AND SBWKR I'll'E. Mo. 839 Broadway. _ - _ . _ COUNCIL BLTTFFB. IOWA. 50-1 Main Street , Council Bluffs. MAKUrACTUKEIl OF 5 E CASES a specialty. Shawl , Tourist , nnd Trunk Straps. Years . Executed. Twenty Experience. - - Repairing Neatly TO ICO-A-ICsT ON IMPROVED FARMS IN f I.OWESr U\TEH , Q TRT P p-j ( 19 PKAIIL STKEUT . , BEST TUUMS. O , VV . Council U'ufTs , Io &CO MANUFACTUItKKS OF GAUPUT3 , CURTAINS , WINDOW FIXTURES , and ICIfi'AIRINO tioo3.i A ) . NO. 309 BROADWAY COUNCIL BLUFFS Office No. 337 W Broadway , Council Bluffs , \ 220 Soutli Main Street , Countil Bluffs , Towa. Wo guarantee our work aa first-class in over manner and style at low prieo Wo make a specialty of Groupoa , Families , and especially children , whic wo take quicker than a wink. COME AND SEE US. SCHMIDT & RILEY , Proprietor. 7 IMPORTERS OF AND JOBBERS OF DOMESTIC OKMSJOBAGGOS , PIPES ISIQKEES' ' ARTICLES PROPRIETORS OF THE FOLLOWING CELEBRATED BRANDS : Eeina Victorias , Especiales , Roses in 7 Sizea from ( 60 to $120 per 1000. AND -fHE FOLLOWING LEADING FIVE CENT CIGARS ; Grapes , Thistle , Lawrence Barrett , Caramels. New Stan dard , Good Advice , Now Brick. WE DUPLICATE EASTERN FE10EB REND FOR PRICE LIST AND SAMPLfiS. BUB s s w/tL / iaer'iflKitxrs COUNCIL BLUFFS. ADDITIONAL LOCAL NEWS. A BIG RAIL RUMOR , Rnuiors FlYiutt that the C , B , & Q , Has Gobbled Up the U. p , Some Crctlenro Olvcn the Itonnrt Kroiti tlio Knot of the < J'n ltt\cnt > liifj Largely In Union 1'Aclllo Hlmrcs. C. 11. (51obo , May 2" . it was rumored on llio streets of this ity this morning that the great Hurling- on route hnd gobbled , or nbout to ako under its protecting wing , the Union 'acific road. An investigation of the umor by n Glebe reporter , who tackled ororal oflicials , resulted in the usual way n such cases "Wo know nothing about t here. " Ouo ollicial , however , said that "in n recent conversation with one of our > rotninont 0. D. t Q. ollicials ho Raid , liat it would bo cheaper to buy the U 1 * . entire than to build the various western extensions and branches contemplated by , ho Burlington , and alao the local mag- late said Unit there might bo moro in , ho report than merely n May bree/.o , jecauso the 0. U. , t Q liaa of late been nvosting largely in U. P. stock , and it would not be probable that it would do this if it did not desire to control the sooner or Inter. The recent strike on the 17. P. ntlcclod ts stocks considerably , which was taken id vantage of by the watchful Burlington. If the Burlington docs secure the U. P. , .ho roads in the western association will lave to dnnco to a lively racket , and it will probably result in the early disaolu- ion of the pooling arrangements. A BAD BILL , Ho Tries To llrcuk .lull , nml Aim > Helm Cell-Mute. Comanche Bill , who was locked up in ho city jail on the charge of assaulting some women , evidently fears that there will bo something moro serious for him to ace , and may not bo far out of the way , as ho has not the best of records , al- hough it has boon ditHcult to got proof against him. Do concluded ho would tiy nnd es cape , and getting the broken half of a stove cover ho used it in trying to dig hrough tha wall. After removing some of the mortar , ho evidently concluded .ho wall to bo too thick and so ho crawl ed up on top of the iron cells , between : ho top and the flooring and there lay liddoii. Davy Mottaz on opening the door nnd not cooing Camnncho Bill any vliero in the corridor , felt his nerves .winging and seeing the attempt made rO dig through the wall concluded that Bill had flown. Mottaz looked about , however , and inally found him thus secreted , llo was nmdo to coino down from his roost , and was locked up in the steel cell frith anoth er prisoner. When supper was served lone was given Bill , the jailor conclud- ng if ho could not make him pray ho : ould make him fast in a double sense. Supper was served , however , to Bill's cell-mate. As noon as the jailor had gene out Bill uaid to the follow , "You dirty jou haven't boon hero long enough to eat. I'll eat your supper for you and if you squeal I'll knock the whole top of your head off. " When the jailer chanced to open the door there ho saw Bill getting away with he meal in good shape , while his fellow > risouor was crowded timidly in onn : ornor. Bill was then given the cell all o himself , and the rest of the supper alien away from him. It seems to have ) eon his intention to have kept hidden on top of the cells , and to have there at- empted to break through the floor above , ind thus make good his escape. Cclcphono l Service. The Telephone Company will have completed arrangements by Juno 1st , which will place thorn in position to 'urniah reliable messengers cither day or evening , who will deliver packages , notes , invitations , messages , etc. , or per form any other Eorvico in their power. In taking messages by telephone for delivery by messenger , the Exchange will assume no liability in caao of errors in this class of the business , although every precaution will bo taken to prevent mistakes. Circulars , periodicals , anil all kinds of advertising matter promptly distributed in any desired manner at special rates. Merchants will find our messengers convenient and reliable in delivering packages to their customers during busy seasons , Chaigcs for messengers will bo as fol lows : Within 1 milo ot office 10 cent * liotwoon 4 nnd J milo from olllco in " Uetwoon 5 nnd 1 milo from ollico ' , ' 0 " Oycr 1 milo 10 contH for each .J milo addition. Charges in all cases payable to messen ger ut the time service u performed. Any detention of messenger will be charged for at the rate of . ' 30 cents per hour. Call Telephone No , 250 , Gio. : W. WALKKK , Manager. POINTS FROM POLICE COURT , John lUnfj , for AHHaiill , nnd IJattory on Paddy AVhlie , wan Jim Jlurphy , who waa arroatcd foi stealing a piano from IkoThiiop , w idis charged on payment of costa , it nppcnriuf. that ho wan too drunk to roali/.o that he was atoaling. , W. R. Lloyd , known ta "Cftinanclu Bill , " waa lined § ! ) yesterday for na saultiiig a colored woman. Ho waa nl lowed to go out and hunt up the inonoj to pay the fine , but the friend of whoir ho expected to borrow had gene to Oma ha and the judge told htm to hurry ovei tliuro and uot coino back unless ho hat the money. lie flow. Peter Jcuson , a plain drunk , was linot the regulation amount. 0. W. I''acklor , arrested for beint drunk , wei found to bo a victim o ! asthma ; and hnd BUffcrod so with it , that lie had not slept for two or thrco nights , and ho thorcforo took aomo niorpliiiiojxnd whisky , after which ho dropped into s\ chair nnd foil iwloop. The judge took > ity on him , and lot him go. O. E. Salborg was arrested sleep- ng in lloss" cooper hop , ho ha ing no business to bo thoro. Oscnr Stewart , n plain drunk , was assessed § 7 00. Air. Ilolmau ditto. Thrco tramps wcro run in yesterday afternoon , This arresting of tramps is a good doll of a fiuco. They are pulled in , jiven a night's lodging and BOIUO squwo ueals , and then turned loose iiRniu. The toiiO'pllo is dcsortcd , and there seomi no disposition to punish thesn follows , or oven make thorn do an honest day's work. DISTKIOT COURT , The UcHiilt of llio Torni Thus Knr. The cnso of William Woidncr vs. Wa- xa\\ \ railway , occupied the attention of ho court nil of yesterday and is not con- eluded. It is a case for damages 'or killing slock. It is the eec- oiid trial , the first ono having boi n de- ided in favor of the plaintiff. One hundred and sixty-seven cases have joon disposed of by trial , pleading , post- tenement and otherwise , about sixty of vhich came faom the circuit court by reason of Judge Lyman's interest in bom. In all probability the court will ml- onrn this noon until Thursday of next voek. The criminals found guilty during the ; ormaro as follows and sentence will be passed this morning ; John Evans , pleaded guilty to an as sault ; I'aul Blackart , tried by jury and 'omul guilty of an ansault ; G. W , Moore , jury trial , and convicted of larceny ; P. J'Connor , pleaded guilty to an asiault to commit rape ; Clillord Hough , ple.ulod uilty to larceny ; Charles E. Bailey , pleaded guilty to two cases of forgery ; John Hoot ? ! , pleaded guilty to burglary ; Charles Wilson , pleaded guilty to for gery ; David Dtinklc , pleaded guilty to nuisance ; Clillord llough , pleaded iuilly ; to burglary ; Frank Norman , plouloU [ Miil'ty to larceny ; John Johnson , pleaded guilty of an assault. ICcal KHtnto TrmiBf'ers. The following tr.msfors were filed May ' , 1881 , and reported by P. J. Me- Mahon , Council Bluff ) ; Harriet M. Wyman to Burton A. Wy- man , n hf. no qr , 27 , 7-1 , 42. ? 705. J. M. Scoficld to Magu'io 1. b'coliold , part sw ( ] r 10 , and no qr 20 , and mv qr SI , 75lit. . SGOO , Elijah M. Umnilton to C. P. llamil- ton , sw qr. 110 qr , Hi , 77 , 42. § 1,000. Robert Dott to John B. Boyd , no qr , dw qr , 4. 77 , 411. § 424. Maggie Naaon to Hubbard Corlics , lota 10 and 11 , Johnson's ndd. § 1,400. Totai sales , § 4,211) ) . COMMKKOIA.IJ , COUNCIL BI.WK8 MAUKKT. Whoat-No. 1 milling , 75SOj No. 3 05 © 70 ; rojectodCQ. Corn Local purposnaJOOlfi. . Oats Kor local purpodoa , 35@IO. liny 810 OOQlli OU pur ton llye 10@15c. Com Meal 1 25 per 100 pounds. Wood Good supply ; prices nt yanlo , C 00@ 700. 700.Coal Coal Delivered , hurd , 11 CO per ton ; noft , > 00 per ton Lard Falrbank'a , wholesaling at OSfc. Flour City Hour , 1 M@3 30. Brooms 2 J5@3 tlO per doz. Live BIOCI : . Cattle Butcher cows 400@150. Butcher stcors f > 0@5 00. Hogs--l 50@4 7f > . rllOIJUCK AND FllUITd. Quotatlonn by J. M. St. John & Co. , com- inlHflion morchnutfl , 538 UroiuUvuy. Butter Creamery , 20o ; rolls , llffi)15o. ) ICpga 12Jc pot dozen ; ready sale. 1'oultry itoady BalochickouailrMflod ; , ISJc ; io , Oc : turkoyn , droHsoJ , ICc ; live , IL'c ; Ducks , drosHod , 1-ic ; Ilvo , 8c , Ornnges ( X@l ) fiO per box. Lemons 3 CO ® 1 00 per box. Bananas 2 C0@3 CO per bunch Strawberries 21 quart case I CO. VogotabloB Potatoes , MigJlO ; onions , 70c ; cabbage , 4 cents ppr poniul ; npplo , ready flnlo at 3 2C > @ 4 00 for priino stoclc ; lioana , 1 CO @ 2 25 per buBhol. iV Nohrasku Cow liny iHT Chicago Herald. A cowboy from the North Fork of the [ liver I'latto got as far as the Union Stock yards llio other day on a visit to Jhicago. As tilings seemed rather homelike - like in that quarter ho tarried there for several hours , imbibing freely and talk- inu with unrestrained hilarity. Some of thn natives gathered around and took part in the conversation , nnd after uwlnlo when the fighting begun , ho decline J , as lie occasionally utoppcd to got breath , Unit ho hadn't had so much fun mnco lie loft homo. "Oh , that'H elegant , " ho would say an Borne big pork packer would bowl him ono against the side of the head. "That wus n beauty. What dn you think of that ? Well , now , I'm glad to make the acquaintance of you boyn. You do mo good. Pile on mo , why don't yon/ / Take that , yon long tenderfoot. Cotno at mo. Whoopl but that was a good ono. Who was that gentleman who hit mo under the car ? No shooting irons , now. Just plain fun. There , I've laid two of you out , I cue a , Cotno on , some moro of you. You ain't getting winded , are you ? Hit mo once , hard , There , that feels good , How do you like that , you mud rnwhor ? I'vo a good notion to hit you hard once. This re1 minds mo of a time I had last winter on the Nlobrarn , when the boys " Just then u policeman , who had boci advioed of the riot , crept in at the bacl door , and , coming up behind the cowboj softly , ko dealt him a blow on the skill that sounded like a rifle shot. The yon tloman from the North Fork droppot like a log , and , after lying inuenaiblo fo ; a moment , got up , looked around wildli felt of his head , and observed : "That's the first time I was over toma hawked. Blessed if 1 know you Jim Injuns down hero. How many wai killed ? Where's the troops ? " The HOIIHO of Touch. 1'cclv'a gun , They wore in the grocery store. Knit Brown ( aoeini ; a blind man about to enter tor ) ; "Wore you aware how delicate tin touch of a blind man is ? When natun deprives usof ono aunao uho makes amona by bringing the other nouses to cxtraomi imry acutonosn. Let mo illustrate b ; this gentleman , I'll take a scoop o sugar and lot him feel of it , and you HOI how quickly he'll tell what it is. " Tin blind man Imving entered , ho was put ti the test. Ho put his thumb and fingu into the scoop , and without hesitivtioi said : "That is sand , " Everybod ; _ laughed but the grocer , lie made thro' j several attempts at blushing , and thei wont into the back shop and kicked hi dog. OA tit KO KM \ UA .N N K UIHU. A SnmUCnttth of Hnlinon nml Yield oP Knilt. S n Vrmiclico Chronicle. The fruit cannon nro snnguino about .ho fruit crop and claim that the partial 'ftiluro of some varieties in certain dis- ricts will not nffcct the aggregate yield. L'hcy also claim to bo in possession of in * 'ormation showing that this year's crop vill bo increased enormously by now trees Doming into bearing. It is estimated hat this increase includes 100,000 now recs in Alamuda county , chiolly apricots , teaches , prunes , pears and apples with an immense acreage in vines ; i)0 ) 000 trees and ioO.OOO vines in Biitle : 5,000 trees ii\d \ 10,000 vines in Colusn ; 150,000 trees and 2,500,000inca in Contra Cosln , .220,000 trees and 4,000 acres vines in Lake ; 500,000 trees and 5,000,000 vines n Los Angeles ; 1,000 acres of vines n Matin ; JIO.OOO trees ami 80,000 vines in Merced ; 1,000 treed in Monterey , 500 acres of trees in Napa , ' 0,000 trees and 400 acres of vines in Placer , 75,000 trees and 100,000 vines in San Luis Obispo , 18,000 trees and 5000 vines in Stanislaus and 75,000 , trees and 150 acres of vines in Tularo county. I'lio reports and ostimutoi conaerntug 3iin Bernardino , Sitntn Barbara , Siuita lara , Shasta , Siskiyou , Solnnu , Sanoiua ind other counties ro less definite , but all state that there h a largo increase in ho number of bearing trees and vines. It is these reports which are said totbo esponsiblo for the apparent lack _ of in eu'ftt which the cannura are taking in .ho fruit market. So far there has boon 10 attempt to tonriiuuV.u ; the Packers Ex change on the basis of a close corpora- ion , similar to that which it was during ho first year of its existence. HMU.I , UAirn or SALMON. The reportn from the nalrnon canneries , m the Columbia and Sixcramunto rivers continue highly unfavorable On the 'orinor the soaaon'a pack is eaid to bo 50 ler cent short of that ot Inst year at the jorrospouding dato. The bo'xtii which last year caught from sovenly'-livo to 250 fish daily iiow average but thirty , and live canneries which up to the 8th of May , 188K , had 0700 cases canned now have only 850 , So fur the season's catch is said to bo 40,000 cases short on the Columbia. The fish sell from (10 ( to 70 cents. On the Sacramento livorthu catch so far is 20,000 cases behind that of last season. Hero the price of fish is 50 cents each. Portland is about to try the shipment of fresh salmon to E.istorn mar kets on a largo acnlo , with the aid of re frigerator cars , the shipments by express having been successful in every way ex cept the financial. Eight OTI h-tvo boon npoaially constructed for this purpose. The first car-loid was sent a few days ago. The fish nro packed into boxes , in ninglp layoru , between broken ico. There i ro nix or seven fish in ouch box and 100 Ijoxos to the A moesongor ae- compaiiiea the car and rnlills the boxes w ith ice as it melts. The euro are at Inched to the regular passenger triihiB and are expected to roach Now York in line days , over the Northern Pacific. A MuelHtroni of LtirdH. From the L'hlladolpliln 1'rom. "Run wifol Go below , or they'll bo driven to pieces ! " The keeper of the Atlantic City light- iiou o was watching the hydraulic floating lantern from the top of the tall tower last night , and ho just brushed a speck From ono of the prism glass sashes through which the intense rays from the , ; fixed light that warned off all float ing oscan lifo from destruction wore streaming , when , turning his head in answer to a strange flapping and whirring noise , ho uttered the exclamation. "What shall I do ? " asked the plucky little woman , who is in the habit of koop- ng him company during the early part of Iris vigils. "Go for the notl Drive thorn offl Pako my overcoat with you and save all Jn tlio almost whlto-hoat glow of the amp , outside of whoso rnys everything tvas impenetrable blackness , a spectacle , \aa prosontud unequalled in any of Doio's grotrtiquo imaginings. Through the ligU , like moles and thicker than nosquitos , hundreds of dazodnndfron/.ied ) irds , of varioui sizes , were circling and gyrating , performing a mad aerial dance iiound iiiulnround the lantorn. Mrs. Wolf came in directly. "I can do nothing with them , " oho said ; "thoro tro thousands and thousands of thuin. " From out the bulging pockols of the overcoat birds beg.m to ily , now dashing at the windows as if to gut _ out again , and the tliroo or four palpitating feathered mites she hold in each hand began strug gling to got frco , They worn of many lines , tlicHo southern travelers thus ar rested and carried out of their northward migratory course , although in the fierce splendor of the illuminated nro outmdo they had nil appeared luminous and white. Thcro wora robins , flickers , mud- lions , and.n few rail birds , and ono poor jittlo poo-wit , perching itaclf sociably on its rescuer's shoulder , uttered ita peculiar note. note."Did "Did you notice that scarlet tansigor in the house as you came up ? " asked Abraham Wolf , the keeper , of Iris guest , the scribe. "Well , that gorgeous follow not hero from the West Indies somehow. I picked him up in the not ono night , dur ing a heavy thunder atorrn. The not , you nee , is on the land side , whom all the birds como , and keeps thorn from spattering their blood on the glass. But tlio wild ducl'H , they tear the not ta shreds. Wu have had a few spring birds the last spring or two , but tlilo is the first largo flock. Our house during thu summer is nearly alwayo full of them , Wo leave them loose and lot them go where they want to , Ono night my wifu and I took over UOO birds alwo and lot them go next morning. Rail birds , cat birds , wood thrush , miusul tlmi h , thistle birda and all the ooft billed lly.catchore are the most numerous , but wo got al most every sort and keep a record of thoii visits for the American Ornithological Society to help throw light on migration , 1 like to throw light on anything , you know it's in my lino. " Historically Accurnlo. It is well known that Konciusko fell but vary few people know what caused his fall. It happened in this way ; It was BOIIIO years after the battle ol Waraaw that ICosciiisko and n party ol friends wore talking about old war times "Well , gentlemen , " remarked Kosci usko U3 ho ordered another round o beer , "you can talk aa much us you like but it wan at Warsaw that wo saw war. ' Hero ono of the party hit him with i atone mug nnd Kosciubko fell , while ; u intinmto friend of the Cioncrul'ti by tin name of Freedom shrieked , That's the whole businm in a bomb shell. THE CHEAPEST PLAGE IN OMAHA TO BUT One of tlio Boat and largest Stocks in the United States to select from. NO STAIRS TO CLIMB , i ELEGANT PASSEMER ELEVATOR , /Tirf4fflK * fa fTf ! * A Bk BT' A tmnnr K&IQT * A & M x A i Tn'W * OMAHA HATIOMAL BAKK [ U , S. DEPOSITORY. J. H. MIIJiiVHl ) , President. WM. WALLACE , Cnsliior. Capita ! and Surplus , S45O.OOO. 01AHA SAFE DEPOSIT VAULTS Fire and Dunrlar Proof Safoi for Uont at f m S5 to SoOpor niinutn. The Finest Family Garden IN THE CITY. Music Every Evening , and O. II the ncxthor It plautnt. An clojjaiit hmcliwlll liuecrvcil over lu nilnp , ntul tlmllno ) IJ < luor niul CI Art coiialantly on liniut. HNt' , V AUIlKlt , Proprietor * Co All J Faruam Sticcts. IIIOUAKDS & CLA11KE , W. A. OLAKKM , Proprialors , Suporinendent U. 1' . RAlljAVAY , 17TFI & 18TH STREETS MANDFACTDUEllS OF AND DEALERS IN WATER WHEELS , ROLLER MILLS , and Grain Elevator Machinery MILL FURNISHINGS OF ALL KINDS , INCLUDING THE Celebrated Anchor Brand Dufour Bolting Cloth STKAM POMPS STEAM WATER AND GAS PIPE. ARCHITECTURAL AND BRIDGE IRON. ( fif5Z& I fif5Z&o a o "Wo are propored to i'lirninh pinna and estimates , and will contract icr the erection ot Flouring Mills and Grain Elevators , or for changing Flouring Mills , from Stone to the Roller System 5 "Egpocial attention given to furnishing Power Plants for any pur pose , and estimates made i'or same. General machinery repairs attended to promptly. Address RICHABDS & CLARKE , Omiba , This cut nliows a sectional view of our New Polar Air Dry Refrigerator , manufac tured in the most perfect manner of Kiln-Dry lumber Charcoal Kill ed , Zinc Lined Galvanized Iron Shelves Black Enameled Trim mings Handsomely paneled , and designed for the wonts of a class of trade that re quires the best class of goods that can be made. Wu aim sell these Re frigerators at mamifactur- er'n price ? , -with freight ad' dod. You are respectfully invited to examine them. Compact * prices bol'oro buy- Itespw.t Cully , VL. . \ \ RIGHT Manufocturer'b 317 S13th St. , OMAHA , NEBRASKA