OMAHA DAILF BEE-TUESDAY MAY 27 , 1884. 9 TIME OUT OF 100 Dr. Thomas' Eclcctric Oil CURES Rheumatism and Nournlgin. 99 TIMES OUT OF 100 Dr. Thomas1 Eclcctric Oil cunra A Cold or n Hoarseness. 19 TIMES OUT OF 20 Dr. Thomas' Eclcclric Oil cunr-s Asthma and Diphtheria. 49 TIMES OUT 0 50 Dr. Thomas' Eclcctric Oil Group and Affections of the Throat. SOLD EVERYWHERE. Durham Ishlstorle. It wan neutral ground i1urlnitlhcarml tlceltwcenBlicrtnan nd Johiwon. Soldiers of both armlcn filled their | > oiichM it lUi the tobacco rstored there , nil , after the iiirreudcr. marched liomo. want Boon order * camofromr.ut. Wont , NorthandRoxiUi.for "moro of lhat elegant tobacco. " Tlicn , trn men ran mi tmVno n factory. Now It crnployn MO icnii vi the pink anil pick of the Golden licit , and the Durham Hull lathe traclo-mark of thin , the Imit tobacco In the worliL lllsckwcll'ii Lull Durham Bmtiklni ? Tobacco IIM the larxrM palo of any nmoklntf tobacco In the world. "Why ? Blmply liocnuro It Is Uio knt. AH doalcra liaro It. Trade-mark of Uio DulL LOOK OUT : DURHAM BULL If bo'djronft for a package - ago nf llliu-kwell'n Hull Durham Hmokliiff T bacro. an lin wan told , h wouldn't ha > n Iwn cornered by Uio bull. Ihriren on IIorllckM I'ood , " wrlto Imndrcdn of Rrateful uiollnni. MollicrH1 mill ; contalim no ftaitli. I10UUCKS' I'OOD IXH INrAHTKlfrto fromrtarch ) reniilrcfliiocooklnir 'Jboljchtfrml In licaWiori > lcknoH for INFANTS. Tliolicut diet for DY8PEPTICH and INVALIDS. Hlitlilybeneficial lo minting mother * OB a drink. IMro aand'Cc. All drunrl'ta. linokonthctrcotrncutnfchlldrcn.frcx ! . 'I li lleTB U to lx > Htiiirrlor to injlMnc or tha tlndror children. " / ' . iiratnoni , U J > . , Ar > York. "UnbelllttlDitlr prDnounce It the ltt FIHNI la tht millet. " If. tl. lUmll , U. / > . , llailan. "On of the il ubitltutm for mothtr milk.1 * - / / . O. / > ron. U. / > . , flrool/yn , .V. 1" . 1TIII ba rent by mall on receipt of pricn In ittampt. IinitMOK'S FOOD CO. . Itnrlnr , n-l . 4U'Uic llonuca'a Ultx UITJIAOT or MiLT"t Science ot Life , Only ' $1.00 , BY MAIL POSTPAID. KNOW THYSELF , A GREAT MEDIOAIi TVonK ON MANHOOD Exhausted VitalityNervous and Physical Debility , Premature Decline In Han. Hirorsof Youth , an tlie nntold mlaerlca osultlng from Indiscretions or ex. OCSBCS. A book for every man , young , middle-aged , and old. It contains 116 proscriptions for all acute and chronlo diseases eacbono of which Is Invaluab'o ' So found by the Author , whose experience for 23 yuan is such M probably never before fell to the li t of any phjslcan 800 paces , bound In beautlfn French muslin maomedcoven , full ( tilt , guaranteed to bo r > Dner worn every tonoe , mechanical , lit erary and professional , thin any other work sold In thli country for 01.60 , or the money will be refunded In every Instance. 1'rlooonly $1.00 by mall , pott- paid. Illustrative sample 6 cents. Bend now. Oed modal awarded the author by the National Medlo-l Association , to the offloera of which he refers. TheBclenaoot Life should be read by the young for Instruction , and by the ainlotod for relief. II will hennni alt London Lanoel. There Is no member of sooioty to whom Tlio Bel enoo of Life will not be useful , whether youth , par cr.t , Kuardlan , Instructor or clergyman. Argonaut. Address the Peabody Medical Initltute , 01 Dr. W IL Parker , No. t Dulffnch Htreet , Doston Mass. , win may no nonsuited on all disease ! requiring skill am experience , unronloandobstlnatodlsoasesthat ha\i battled the skill of all other phyi-lira. I elan * > speolaltyi Booh treated lUreon-HHHl full ] without an Instano allu i TUVPCIT * * . InlitLr To thoBOBuncrltutfror nHlnnllllll elTocta ' of youthful errors 111 fill IIU U U emhi l weakness , early do oa ; , lost manhood , etc. , 1 will send ran particulars of I Implo and certain moans of * Mf cure , free of chaw * Bend your addruutul' ' , U. t'OWLUIt , Moodus , Uoun ut This Out C _ AtOlOEII BOJOFOOOD ! lliai will briHif i.m la MORf MOHJY. In Onn Month , Irian anytlitnwtMHo In Aitiurf'-fi. AlwuiluMYrtjiliity , vudllutVllt > llliL\LYnunlrl7.1l > > Mwl < ll > l | V " ' f DR. f IDYESL t jilXOTKO-VOI/TAIO IIKLT Bnd olhtr Kucrni > \i Ari-uiscn are sent on Ui liaya * Irlal Ti MEN ONLY. 10UNQ Oil OLD , wbo ore lutTe Ing from Nrnyous DIUULITV. LOST VITAUTI wUTmn VfiuKHttazn , and nil these dlseaura of rciuoNAL M. < MTti " < r , rt-sultliiK from AVDSU nu Orimi C'iuau. "Bpewly relief ana complel n > toratlon to HKALTII , VMIOU and IUMIOO UUARANTICKII. Bend at once ( or Illuatratv l-amphldt free. Adarees YOI.TAIC' nii.T : < ; 0. . Mitrahnll. Bllet MANHOOD RESTORED , A victim of early Imprudence , causing nenou tblilly , premature decay , etc. . having tnvu i Vain every anowa remedy , his dlworered a slmpl pesos of lf-ounj. whku ha will senil 1'IllOJ I IllslellowiufTerera. . AddreM. r .JU. ItlCUVICU. U Uhatham BU. New VoH A Dookof ruarl/SOn pat MARRIAGE uunieroui n rirlocs ir rcali icrriti whl tlwie itjntf mpUlIni rotrrU , SECRETS lhouU kuow , Hundreds _ lUcrl | > U.ho locur I < 'M o > , . . , lecurtlr > l < 4 tMUtj ( bcmliul WeakticM TH..I lent M furfiO r | MiftZt lUio , - , AddrtM 1. wty nUL.ucai Av. . SULuulJ.&l 'iiflPROVED SOFT ELASTIC SECTI01 EU .TOITN n. F. Q ( ) lulcklr cued by I OIVIALB MKT1IUU. Adoi > t < dln allihellOSl'IT * OmtANCK JVuropt rtturn of VlOOit bm ! caauHto4. Bovfrnonts , j to IU I'amuh VKC. CIHalo DeiMdlal Ageno , 151 rulton ht. , h T GOSPEL ECHOES , Sermons Preached by Two Eminent DiYines Yesterday. Rov. Ai F , Shorrill Answers an Editorial of the Eepublioan , Wlillo Itov. il. 8. Dctxvllor TCxhorts Ills 1'coplo to Sncrlllco. The churches of this city Sundnj were well filled , nnd a number of good sermons were preached Among which were the following Fll-Hl At the First Congregational _ churcl : Sunday evening , Ilov. A. F. Shorrill , the prtator , took occasion to nnswor an cJi torial which nppoarod in tlio Hopubllcar Bomo time aincu. The aormon is printed as dolivorod. TUB HI'.HMON. Kcclcslaitics , 3 , 1 and 7. To everything there is a Benson and a tlmo a tlmo to speak , There nro those who alfcct to Ignore news papers. Tlioy dismiss thorn from attention ai unworthy their lofty notlco. lint newspapers are ono of the institution * of the ago. The loading newspapers of this country are mar- vein of energy , command lirst-rnto talent , and have great in if nonce. Along this longitude runs tliQ hinge of the two parts of thin continent. Atsoino point upon it nnd probable here , for this is doitlnod to bo a great city , will by and by lie minted the largest newspaper , most representative , widely circulate ) 1 and Inlhion tlal in America. Tlio boy Is father of the mtn. Tlio present importance of our newspapers in partly found in what they are to lin. Al ready they compara well with nny , In cities > > f this HO. Ills to-day worth the while of any onotogivo them attention , their information , suggestions , criticisms ! also in turn , tu do anything wo can to help correct thorn , when wobollovo them in error , as well as lend them our aid and endorsement in every right en deavor. The people may corro'.t and help the papers , as well as the papers inform nnd guide the people , if both will FO allow. .The papers of this city are a constant nnd goner- ons help to the churches , which should always bo acknowledged with duo grntltndo. Thit discourse is in the spirit of the ubovo words. Kiipoclully is there friendliness to-night In this pulpit , toward the paper , whoso article IH to bo referred to , and appreciation of its ver satile ability , wide mofnlnoHS and uniform good nature. And there In no Intended - od personality , Lait Sunday morning. In a loading editorial of The Republican , making comments on n funeral somewhere and the clergyman's remarks , occurred thli sentence , as pith and mibatanco of the whole , nnd for which I Bupposo the rest was written"duty iu the promises Is plain. Sunday after Sunday wo lUton to ministerial denunciations of un belief , and unqualified assertions Unit the man who doubt ? I * dimmed ami when the mini in dead , and his denouncers stand above his collin fapo to face with the great terror and mystery of dissolution ihoy recant , nnd wltth beautiful charity consign his faults tuob.ieurlty and hia soul to lioavon. " Clergy men and editors nro not expected always to ngreo , and minlstom may bo , as often , the ones In error , but that sentence la so far from correct and on so grave a thoino I thought It "tlmo to spoak. " I do not HOQ liow ono of nvorngo religious intelligence and canner could wrlto that sen tence , especially IIH tha central chief ono nf n loading article. It is not true at either end erIn In the middle , bul untrue In every part and all through. If handed mo nt random , I should say the only way to harmonl/.o it , with belief that the writer meant to toll the truth is to suppose the "we" used in n very editorial sense ; that the writer never goo ? to hoar tlio orthodox minister whota preaching ho is try- I ing to describe , only perhaps occusionly hear ing ono of thnso proachorn , who often repres ent us , as chlelly occupied in denouncing un believers , and saying "tho man wh- doubts Is damned , " and therefore ho honestly be lieves a chief part of the preaching , from the 70,001) evangelical pulp ts of Amoricn alone is fairly summed in that statement ami I could only account for tha last part of the sentence , that nt the funeral of the man wu yesterday consigned to damnation , wo "ro- cant" deny our creed and our own worda , and "send his soul straight to heaven , " on the ground , the writer almost uovorgoos to a fun eral , nnd when bo does stands outside in the yard witli m my others while the service POOH on. I say , that , or Its like , is the theory I could oiler though it is hardly tlio informa tion on which to justify RO grave a public chargo. The unbelief docribod plainly doe * not refer to conduct but to disbelief , c. y , in the existence of a God the truth or inspiration of tin Bible , tlio condition of salvation , &c und the unbeliever is presumed sincere , and not n trlllor or hypocrite. The charge Is thai Sunday after Sunday such unbelief ladonounc od and the man sincerely holding it declaroi dimmed. Then , what is a grayer clmrgi against the minUtor at the funeral , ho prove ; himself hoyoiid question cither a weakling n hypocrite by publicly recanting , denying tin solemn assertions oi yesterday , involving do id ill of what are usually regarded sumo of th moat radical truths of religion. The charg also lies agalin > t the moss of chiirclrgoui | I o'jplo through Christendom J Unit they pa ; money , lend attendance anil otherwise sup port such practical , and In some extent alien such men to guide them , oven in mutters th mobt sacred. How rhull I reply to the firs and middle imrt ? Sunday after Sunday u listen to inlnlstoilal denouncement * of unbolic and unqualified assertions that the man wh doubts is damned. 1 am an avorugoorthodo mlnUter , thnt is I preach for bubttunco , > s nl do. and 1 have boon proachin/ and toachhu after the usual way Sundays and week day for llftoon years , but I never once uttered th denunciations described , ur used tlioattsortlui or its equivalent , "tho man who doubts I dammed , " Roma are hero to-night who hiu hoard mo often , n few idl the lifteuu jo.trs. confidently appeal to them if I over did. c preached a sermon whoso imbalance could h surrendered In the above statoioiit. 1 neve had such ideas In my mind ur heart , I hav listened to many of the representative o'orgj men of our country , of tdl denomination ! from Boston to dan Francisco , from Caimd to Now Orleans , and I never hoard those di nuuulatluni or assertions. I do not know a evangelical clm'ymim imywhuro.of such I" " ' or practice , X not or read it , In t iM , . , , moil , or ( inpor or book , though J 'i ' \ 1 it of Hormuns by orthodox prouchui v , I r ICO yours. I sat under theologica. proiuwon three years , and read other systems , but novc hoard or found the above , iinr anything like II I was taught by my first religion * teahonUha ilncoro doubt in Eiunolhlnt ; to respect , tree patiently , and help , if possible. So I huvo a ways felt and said , and tried to do. I hav hoard sermons , road expositions and so oi upon such passage" as that telling the doul of Thomas , and Christ's treatment of It , nu the Instruction his always boon to respect an not rebuke doubt ; give helpful evidence , imsalblo , show the path by which self or othei have passed through similar unbelief into hi llol. und then wait on the Spirit of Cod I , guide Into truth. In mv last religious pain l occur two accounts , of different cleiiiymen , di Ing so , iu particular cases , with good rrsul They or every frequent. I have u long Us whlchI , hftto been Intrusted to gather. I late ! received letter from a iirofossional man , ft ml Ios away , once resident hero , in which 1 says , "You saytd us out of infidelity , " nil tha method , as In all similar casos.wlmjo nan Is Ifgli n , was not denunciation or the threi of damnation. There may bo the e , wt profess unbelief , as an lintvlnod Juittlicatloi for traiiKgroitlont of tha moral law. The 'i ' impatience iu some quarters , with a nu like Ingersoll , because of so much , in li words aud practice , which makes sober imoi | doubt hii sincerity , but I know of only oi spirit , In the church or among its ilerg toward a sincere unbeliever ; toward o : honestly seeking to know and nboy the trut it U not in po'ut ' , to quote other coutuili The question Is upon the present. T question Is not , whether you would de l uch an unbeliever , tn bo a teacher of yc 'hlldren , or tha preacher In your pulpit , he like bul on what la said to him by tvorago clergyman , when he 0011100 , In a f > l > ! rlt , tu hour anil understand. It In not t ustom Sunday alter Sunday , to denounce 1 loubU ur threaten him damnation. Gl lir o or four Hiuuloy's cubjeoU. But did i Jhilst , at putlig , thus charge h's ' ( Jo proidi my ho that bel evi ball ba saved , he that belleveth not ihall ondomnod" and , do not all nrlhodrn pronch orn make that their central text ) There nre wo large words In that tnxt , "Ooi 'bohevo , " for whone clear full moaning , Christ gave nil his ynur * W tftnchlrg and work/i , life ind death. I to Bummed nil , nt lant , In thono , wo WDrd * . I/ot tu not bo milled then , by rl > Ing different moanlngi to tha kntno word , fly " ( } o < pol" Christ moint the suhnUnco of nil his tcnchlugi ; nnd the baidi , bcglning of .ho goppol , I' , the moral law , the golden rule , .ho ton commnndmonU. It Is m < ro , but that s the \K\ \ \ * of It. "Uollova" an UBod thcro by four menm , nt bottom , obedience , iractlco , It moann moro. hut that Is the bo- ( inning nnd basis of it. The ba Ia of wlmt ho Hatho there IB : ho who obeys the moral law practices rlghtoouimc'i , thftll bo ra\od ; ho who IOQB not shall bo condomnod. " There IB more n It. hut that la the foundation of U , Moral iw U always Included In nny eenornl use of the words , "gositol" nnd "obedience , " in nny general uw uf the word "believe " No one iiippoaoa Chi 1st referred to n dimple abstract > olltf or not , In certain theological or philo sophical question * , either about himself _ or nd , or the human soul. When ho said , Follow Mo , " or "Ho that bollevoth In Mo lath ovorliMtlng life , " Ho meant at bottom and first of nil , obedience to his chief teach' tig * . "Why call yo Mo , Lord ! Lord , nnd du .lot the things which I sayi" A few sonton- cca before ho had given the Golden Hulo , Christ gave Illustratlonn nil the way , what he meant by bollovlng the ( ! u pcl. Ho wont : iotno with the grnsplng , dUhonoat publican. 1'horo wna dlscourBO.tho gospel was pronchod , In the morning teachers restore nil dlihonoat { aim , gives genorou ly , nnd therein mnken ilcdgoof future conduct. Ho has "believed" .hogoapol. There may bo more to It , but that a the bottom of it and Imllnpoimblo. The woman , panltont nt Chrlnt' * foot , nnd now going out ton now , pure life , had "believed" Lho ( toipol. Christ taught , hla apostles did , > rthodox clergymnn to ich , that In the way of Ife , nnd rntrlliutioii the alternative. In that Now Testnmont sense of , ho word "bollovo , " wo teach the duty if bollof , from the bottom up , and noealva- Ion otlmrwlao ; but that la not the way the word is used In the nrticlo roforccd to , as In haling conduct , righteousness. It U cliarac- oriatlcof our teaching , to throw n man back > n his coimclcnco. Christ , nnd all the Bible o dlroLt. It Is tlio motive intent of tlio lioirt , lot nbitract opinion. The "belief , " on which s conditioned salvation , always haa a moral [ uallty , und includesrii'hloousiicsH. Men BoniotlniCB fall todotliomsolven justlco. locontly , nt u public Unitarian gathering , in yhlcngo , Kd. ] ' < vcrctt Halo paid , for subitanco hrt by orthodox toacbingH , universal sufTrngc n to let dovlln vote , nnd to HOIK ! the average joy to school , Is to educate a little dovll and nich things. Ho knows Boston , its orthodox clergymen , na Phillip Drooks , itn scholars , IU Btroug men nnd women , muny of whom are of > ho orthodox faith. Ho sacrlricra his oxvn sail rcFpu-t , when ho knowingly makes mich mis- roprosHntntlon > f their teachings. Ho dues lot do himself justice. lie mustrogrot it. Any wpor of this city knows the weight of teach ng in nn > pulpit hero , or In it Sabbath School or the like , Is upon conduct , if for temperance , iharity , righteousness , good morals arid good lablt * , calling also raiiHgrcB'ors of moral law .0 repent and do works in ot for repentance , .hough there may bo Incidental npotior defects 'n our methods , nnd that the sanctions lined to .mrHiindo . or warn , nro what Christ used and ilstory has proved wlso. It nlno knowe tow great nro the temptations , ospoci- illy of young people , to ways that oad to dishonor and ruin , nnd N hen ono ropro-outs to such renders that n nnln part of the gospel and all thnt gees with t Iu the church , is to denounce unbelief nnd lour damnation on the of doubters , nny no who does that through the columns of an ufluoutlal paper la not doing a good thing , ind If ho bo otherwise a man who trios to dc service on the right nldo , ho la falling in fliicli in article , to do himself justlco , for the tatornont is not iruo nnd It IK not right U nako It It can ( In no good and some will bo leva it to their harm. It is hard enough here > nd elsewhere for moral teaching to get D loaring , e poclullyto liavo influence. Uon'l ry to check or disparage it anywhere , bul lelp It iu press , or school , or pulpit , and iivo all the sin and woo wo can , iVocan now bo brief with the lost part of tin charge , viz. that at , the funeral , the orthodu ) ninistor , 'denouncer' of the man wliilo living , 'recants , consigns his faults to ob curUJ elsewhere , "tho dead man's bins" ) and hisBOU o honvon. " it laxtatod as the "peculiarity" o Ills case that Mr. Butler -foiled to "recant , ' 'deny his creed , ' und "provide the usual as luranco thnt the dead man's soul had gem itraight to heaven. " The first part of tlio statement la meant t < m ) > roBj you oa stating what la the jlnrgo pan ) f preaching. This to toll you what it al amounts to and what is the inferred quality if the preacher himself. Out of regard "to thi oollnga of the living and the common reverence once of death , " ho doclaroj his usual chie teachings false und himself a hypocrite. Tin answer must bo in the facts , past nnd present Years ago it was common to have n funora discourse and for the clergyman to close witl a brief review of the deceased's character ant express opinions about his future state , witl nnv 'improvement of the occasion. " M ; 'athor WAS n clergyman , and it was ono of tbi ; rluln of his life that every now nnd then h "md to state for substance , the departed ha < ivod In transgression of Ood's laws , nnd diet without repentance. Dr. Kmmonu , In hi day , was n reppntlvo orthodox jiroachor o Now Kngland. Ilia son died in waywardncH In middle life. The first Sunday follawini the funeral hla father publicly stated , witl choking grief , hla BOH had died giving n uvldonco , and leaving no hope of his salvation Ko much fur the past. To-day the grow-in custom id to make no remarks but hold n ver slniple tcr\ Ice , a hymn , a few versos of scrlji tine nnd a prayer. If however the decease : has beou illustrioin for usefulness am giiodnttn , wo sometimes hold him ii | : lioth In gratitude and to command hU exam pie aa , In a larger way , many roprcsontativ citizen * * poke publicly of Bishop Olarkson , o upon the recent do tth of Col. llammon I , o Chicago , the Inter Ocean Bald for biibstanct "Ciinio see how a Clulatlan man can live am die. " If the dead lus born n upccklod or . really bad character , if I Bay anything ( am my liublt Is like otheni ) this Is its mib.'tance "The dopar oj has now gone beyond ou rencb. Ho la iu the hands of th of all the earth , who wil ilo right , " If ho had ono or two cluracterlstl virtues ; If ho was alwnjs truthful , gonorou to the floor or any such thing , I ftel ut libort ; to montlon and praise the virtua und rocoiii mend it to thellvlni | ; . I do not utat those are all or o\en the dote mln a to qualities of the man no Intimate they open ho.-uon to him. Whn opoim heaven's gntos to any ono , as I under Htand tha Bible , I teach elsewhere than at funeral. I reserve the right , if It otherwis Bcema host , in any pro once of death , to pa * " " ! " \ iiiIfiaud mine nro nls' t' . . . „ > n wo think wo bhal > 'oe ' 1 , t c ll\ , as to bo ready. " A , i H what "Uov. Butler Ul , unu . . , i.j i. . J Occasion to apolog ze , nor nny ono to take ofTonio. By thegrav f the moat ileprnvod , I repent the script re , "Then shall tlio dust return to the onrt It wils ; and thn upirt thull retuiu unto ( ! o rho pave It. " Ono who did not rellect ospec ully if bo seldom hoard preaching , might It erprot these words , as "sending the dead ma traight to heaven , " It morel moans ho has gone to his accoun "Aftordeath the judgement" Iu the II ilaco not there. I state over and o\or t ion , what the Illblo toathoa , ono mint do 1 fe to come to that account with joy and nt rlof , Some , we urn told , "will awake to ovei mtlug life , tome to ulismo and uverlastln xmtompt , " according to the deeds done In jody. I only speak of myself t > s the briefei way to state common practice , and now yo nustjudgalietherthoattteinoiit is corritci hat ut tlie funeral wo habitually "recant"- ieny our own uiutl toachhigs on these gra\o- homes , and sand every soul straight t leaven. Hometlmes In thagtneral f sympathy , a clerginan may speak moro fi orahly than Christ' * teachings warrant Tli AiupUtion Is that way , but such are exco | .lonal case Is no warrant for Ronerul stati nuut. We mutt remember and be true to i that Christ taught ' 'If ye die In your slni whither I go ya cannot < v > me. " To go beynu .hat li not to 1m "liberal" in any true senna i tha word , but it ts dangerous licenvo , for "III orda will not pass away , " Omitting inuc elite it siwuied time y to say w ) u I have , In r ely tn the statement , "wo Sabbtth after 8 1 hath doiuninco unbelief and declare the mu who doubU Is damned , then at tha funeral r cant , deny i ur creed und ourselves "pas * ov hit Sinn" and send his soul to heaven , " ui hen the paper making suuli statement on M r * Ihn harm. It or its like tends to do , It not believe It will repeat them , I aak your patient e to a final won ] . It do note a man for a clergyman or iiewsfiaii r mason burlal-nervlce tn rend his noul Hiaen no1 doom him to rptrlhutljii , for a inoital to so consign him , What wo isy m do ovll or good to the living , but It dooi not effect the dead , "day yo to the rightojus , it Khali bo well with him. " If. In lire , you "fear God and keep his commandment * , " or having transgressed , If you "respect and do works moot for ro [ > entanco" It will bo well with you In your death nnd eternity If you live and dolu ! tranngrewlon , no minister , society , pa per or nnyothor thing can sa\o you from the words , "Woo untn the winked , It shall bo 111 with him. " Kvcryone , Ju t M wo read of iTu- dM "to " determined by ( gees his own pltco , personal character. iNo morn Impressive or Biibllmo words nrn written than theto , upon the final state , "Ho that Ii unjust lot him be unjust still ; and ho which II filthy , lot him be filthy still ; and ho that Is righteous , let him bo righteous still ; and ho thnt li holy , let bin bo holy still. " Lot w , by God's help , walk hero , with these whoso lot wo moat desire U rharo , in the beyond. ENGM8H liUTHKUAN. At the English Lutheran church Sun day morning the following oxcollon sorinon was preached by the pastor , Rev J. 8. Dotwilor : THE SEIIMOX. " " "No Sorvin "Worship units something" or Without Socrtfico , " 2 Sam 21:21. : "Neither wil I offer burnt offering * unto the Lord of tha which rest mo nothing , " King David had bo n guilty of n great sin because once when ii.fl.ited with prldo and filled with protumptl > n ho was moved to tab n census of the people. Ho proposed to number bor the people at a time wlien ho was \erj rich , great , and in every wny prosperous , Ht WHS lorgotting God nnd beginning to dopom on himself and the might of his army. I'oi this presumption nnd pride h ) was punished The people wern visited with a deadly tiostll nnco , nnd David saw many of his people dlo , In ouo day 70,000 strong , able bodio linen the very ones on whom la\Id so much rolled dud. David was greatly alarmed ho saw bin mis take confessed his Bin , nnd prnyod to Got to stay the plague , In answer to his pray ei the prophet Gad was sent with instruction ! to David , "Goup , roar nn altar unto the Ion In tbn thrcaulng floor of Arnunnh the Jobu Kite. " David quickly Bet out to obey. Hi went to the place pointed out , found tin owner , and proposed to buy the thrushinf floor of Araunati for a Biiaco on which ti build an idtar nnd worship God. felt himself HO honored by this \islt of tin king , he couldn't think of taking anythl- " and very generously refused to take anyt ug offering thn ground to the king for not ) ng and tu addition giving him oxen and woo > fo the sncrlflce. All this kindness David courteously bu promptly declined , Raying , "Nay , but I wll surely buy it of theo at n price ; noitho will I oiler burnt offerings unto IIP Lord of that which doth cost mo nothing.1 So David bought the threshing tloor and tin oxen for CO shoklcs of silver. Thus you BOO how D.ivld would not worshl ] at another's expense. Ho was going to wor ship the Lord by n sacrifice and there could b no sacrifice without coat , for alt sacrilic moans the surrender of a lower thing for i higher. There must bo the devotion of one ii bolialf of another. Hence there is suggestei the theme , "worship owls something ; " "m Borvl o without nacrilico. " This thoino was ; frequent ono with Christ. Ho repeated ! ; talked about cross bearing , self denial and th Hko saying tlut who over would come afto him , and ba hla disciple must take up u cros must deny himself. He ppoko of this na , necessary element of chtUtian Borvtco am gave unusual emphasis to the thought by nl luding to himself as an example , particular ! upon one occasion , when word was brought t him that certain Greeks were stand ! ' g ther in the crowd nud wanted to "aoo Jesus. " H said "Kxcopt a kernel of corn fall into th trround and di" it abidoth alone. But if it di Ft bringcth forth much fiult. " . Ilo was th kernel of corn to bo aivon to the ground hi life was to bo surrendered to a greater gooi than it could accomplish by its witholiling Ilo was giving u service to God by his deat ! that his life could not render. A similar illustration is found on a lowc scale. In all forms of natural rollgio there is seen something of th same Idea. The very heathen had an ide that they could only serve their gods rightl by a giving of some kind. Kvory whore w may see bieedirp vjctims and smoking nttan Iu every 040 of the world and iu every coin try under heaven you BOB men making the ! Borvico to consist largely in a giving of aom kind. Nature prompted a service that coi lumethlng until the mother throw the bil : into tbo fiery arms of Molock and taught he son that th" higest service was to give liimfio to bo crushed by the heavy wheels of Jiif gornaut. How often is the Christian sham- by the heathen or the worldling. It costs vast amount of treasure to serve heathen god The expense attached to heathenism eoems li credulous to some , but it is a truth that almoi fabulous sums sro annually expanded. 1 servo the devil it coats iimiicso sums of mono and thousands of precious lives evciy year. Much leas should chilstiaus seek oxemptic from coat If our religion is worth anything , I na it must coi-t ua something. To enjoy it v must pay for it , Sacrifice becomes a cond tiou of benefit. The boy that earns a dolli by hard work known more of the value of d dlur than another buy who Dimply pots h from his father. On the same principal cliuri love i * begotten by nacilfico. The givlr church member enriches hlmeolf. The mo one does from n rluht motive , the moro bo il eiro.H to do. The flint contains the fire , but must bo struck in order to find ic. /eal I creases with nacrtfi o. Love prows with cos It would be a great misfortune to BO cheap' religion that it cost absolutely nothing. need thn exercise of giving becnuso the rxc else la followed by greater love for the can supjortoi. The greater the coxt , the mu wo feel what we do , iho moro highly do v pri/o our piivilegcs and opportunities. This hope of personal rowan ! in n stimuli to our zeal. The clnlstiiin is entrusted wil agioat work. To him U committed the wn ohip of God in this woild. It U not a matt of leisure or convenience , y u must make o ; portunltv. you muse linil time to attend the worship of God , Von mutt give ai work lor the Master at the cost of your tin and the oxponno of your footings. Kellglon not a matter of leihiirn or convenience , man cheats himself to much as ho who stmli to belittle rather than great In giving amid Ing for tbo church "It U more blessed i glvn than to receive.1 Wo who claim the advantages nudprivileg of the ciitirch pould cheerfully pay for tl "throehlng tloor , " oxen and wood. Lot 1101 " " their to tl claim exemption or "spongo" way Kingdom , lid above living off another bounty , If you oitbioad pay f r the llou If you arn willing to take the "water of llfi bo also willing to i > y for a "vosi > l of cluy If thoelmrchis worth anything It is worl paying for. L t it cost you nomotliliig. Not tug can bo higher on earth than tlm wunh : of Gol. as the highest service of Heaven worship. Tu maintain tliia hero nud contlm it yuudor you are asked to give time , toil an treasure. Put your time and mom into the church. Begrudge not what tlio wo ship if God costs jou , All that saves yoi pos cmloim and the world from utter ruin ; this moment Is the worship of ( iod. Tl ( rreut conservator of the world Is thn churcl The world stands and we live only by t ) Gruro of God , How necessary then for us touch men to adore the power fiat naves thoi Let men be taught to worship ( ! i.d oven at t ! exi > ento of your limo und money. Bo willli to pay for what you enjoy , and labor to h.t < otho H enjoy the sanm servieo of prayer ai liraUo Your prayer that God's name in y I ludlonedand Ilia Kingdom come In ym home. In your city ) In ymir landIn tha wor will In part bo answered by your wUllngne to spoiid > and be spout iu thu Mutter's servlc t ACaraofTtiankH , A take this means of express uiypral tudo to rny Omaha friends , Mr , Nuke nnd wife , who mot mo with ray two litt children on the streets , and provt thomaolvon true Christian snuiarafans my then friendless condition. Broth ! Luedam. pastor of the Ei hteentu stro M , E. Church , with Mr. Nickels , wo in thu truest sense Christian gentlomai They are among the fovr pure hoar'i rmpa who can do right for the aako ' right. Hay aucreaa crown their noli efforts. May their good fumiliea bo pr tuotcd and never fool the sorrow and pi vntions that have fallen on mo. Let r also remember the ladie-a' aid aociot Mrs. Doo'iUlo ' , Mrs. Dito And ma ' others too numerous to mention but vr 'r IUCCOSB is sure to crown. , . . Mits. of. MKKIIICK , , y West Des Lloinea Iowa , Mrs. And all other famous women have won a rep utation for facial beauty. A flno complexion makes onn handsome , oven though the face i < not n perfect mould. Iluntork Jllowl Hitters act directly upon the circulation , and FO gl\u the skin a clearness and smoothness otherwise unattainable. _ _ Mnlcsnml Matrimony. New York Journal , A young man from Nebraska lisa achieved sudden fame nnd nt < toriety by running off with his young and pretty aunt and the boat iiiulo team on the farm of his confiding undo. The undo , it ta reported , is inconsolable over the loss of the mules , which were the most beautiful in the county. Ilo can find another aunt for his truant nephew , but the loss of the mules is irreparable. The nephews of western uncles should bo moro consider- ato. If they must elope with their aunts they should not stampede the cattle on the ranch at the same time unless they have a clear right to do so. Good mules are scarce in the west and especially in Nebraska , while aunts nro as numerous as politicians. _ _ . With a majority of poonlo It is no experi ment that Dr. IJosankos Uough and Lung Syrup is a euro for Coughs , Colds , Pains in the Lungs , SoronoBS in the Chest , etc. , but for these who doubt , ask your neighbors who hnvo used it or got a free sample bottle of Schrotcr & llecht , the druggists. Kegular Biro CO cents and $1,00. Sold to the trndo by C. V. Goodman. ALONG THE LINK OF THE Chicago , Si , Paul , Minneapolis and OMAHA RAILWAY. The now extension of this line from WakcflolJ ur the BEAUTIFUL VALLEY of the QAN through Concord anil Colcrlilgo TO EC X2 = .m'I3 > a > C3t-TO3Xr , Reaches the beat portion of the State , Special ex cursion ra'ca for laml tockora over tills line t'i Wa > nc , Norfolk and Hartlngton , and \ la lilalr to all jrlntlpal poli.ts on the SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC RAILROAD Trilaa over tht C. , St. P. Jr. & O. Ilillway to Cov nirton , Sioux c-lty , 1'onci , Haitlngtou , wa\no and Norfolk , . For FreiLOnt , Oakda.c , Ncllgh , and through to Val entino. 3TFor I ate a and all Information call on F , P. WHITNEY , General AEont. The uao of the term " Shot Lino" In connection with th corporate numo of a groatroad : convcjs an Idea of uat what required by the traveling nub lie a Short Line , Quick Tlmi and the boat of accommodt H tlons all of which are furr shod by the greatest railway In Amerlci. QHIOAGO , And St. Paul. It owns and operates over 4,600 miles of Northern Illinois , Wisconsin , Minnesota , Iowa Dakota ; and aa ts main lines , brunches and oonnec .Ions reach all the great business centroa of tbi tforthucst and Far West , It naturally anawora tbi lc > crltloa | of Short Ltno , and Beat Route between Chicago , Milwaukee , St. Paul and Minneapolis. O'llcAcrii. Milwaukee , La Crosse anil Wlnona. Chicago , Milwaukee , Aberdeen and Ellendalo Chicago , Milwaukee , Eau Claire nnd Stlllwator Chicago , Milwaukee , Wausau and Merrill. Chicago , llilwaukco , Dcaver Dam and Oshkoah. Chicago , Milwaukee , Wauknsha and Oconomowoa Chicago , Milwaukee , Madison and Pralrlodu Chloc Chicago , Milwaukee , Onatonna and Falrlbault. Chicago , Dololt JnnosvlUo and Mineral Point. Chicago , Elgin , llockford and Dabuque. Chicago , Clinton , Itnck Island and Cedar Kaplda. Chicago , Council Blufls and Omaha. Chicago , Sioux City , Sioux Falls and Tanktoa Chiraco , Milwaukee , Mitchell and Chamberlain. Rook Island , Dubuque , SL Paul and MinnoapollJ. Davenport , Calmar , St. Paul and Minneapolis. Pullman Sleepers and the Finest Dining Cars In world are run on the mainlines ofthe CHICAGO MILWAUKEE & ST. PAUL RAILWAY ind e > cry attention ts paid to passengers by court * cms employon of the company. PROPOSALS FOR INDIAN SUP PLIES AND TRANSPORTATION. - OF THE INTEKIOU , Office c DHPA-TTMENT . WashlriKton , April ' . ! < . 1884.- calcd proposals , indorsed "Proposals for Beel" ( Id for Dccf mu-t ho eulimittcd In ncparatn envelopes , Uacon , Flour , Clothing , or Transportation , &a , ( a o the case m y he , ) and Directed to the Commlsslne of IndUn All-Irs Nos. 05 and 6' Woontor street , No Ynrk , will ho received until 1 r. M. of Tuesday , Ma 27,184 , for furnishing for the Indian scrvlcn ajou 620,000 imunds Uacon , 33,000 OiO pomi'ln ' Beef on th oof , 10(1,000 ( pouudK Deans , 45rx0 pounds Itakiti ; I'nndrr , 780,000 ui uuds Corn , 460,001 i > ounds Culfoc 7/00,000 pounds Flour , 70,000 | oui dt Feed. 105,00 poun H Hard Dread , , .1tOO pounds Hominy , 18,0 pounds Lard. 700 barrels mess ork , 180,00 pound Itlco , 7,600 pounds Tea , 100 pounds Tobacor JO(10 pounds rialt , I W.OOO pounda Soap , 0,000 pound oila , 830,00) pound I Mu ar , and 40,000 n ' "Wad C ttun Good ) , ( cert t ' part of TIckii'K , 20 000 yard ; ; Stanilar x . ' 1136,000 > aid > ; Drilling , 0,000 vards ; Duo , roe from nl - > U u , S1.001 yirdi ; Dun ) ua , 17,0 jttMla ; Oltiahnm , 10000 ) ard ; Kentucky Jean- i8000\urd ! ; Climlct 4,100 } arils ; lin wn Shrctln 176,000 jurils ; DIcao'Td ShecthuIB.UOI yards I'llcknry K'litlnir , 10000 janlfj Oallf-o ShlrtliK dCOOjarl : Wlnrey , 1,60 > junln ; ) Clothlnir. Hrc lull's , Nntioii" linn naro , Miullcal Su pile' , Scllo < II Kiks , iVc. a.idu lonir Hi. of m ecollanlous drtlcKi iiuchat Ha'iiorii , ri > vtn , Itakcs Fork , A.C. and fe ilxiut 470 W KUI13 icquircd for thu 8crv co to h dcllv ro I at 01 ( capo Kaunas City , nnd fjotix Cu > Aliii for RII h WB UDH a ina } he required , ndaptd to the cllmatu of the I'udflc Pnwt , hh C'ahlor. i llraken , iltli\er'd atan Frnnrlgro Alau , transp' tatKiii for > ucu f the articles , cooili anil piippl rs hat n ay nut bo contracted fur to b dclhered at the Agencies. Hum ui sr UK MAUK our ON cotEiiMirxT m-AXkt bo Pud tlio , bhoulnc the kliuls on < l ( ( iliilllm c subkUuncu aiippl'et ' rquired for coch Aifoncy , am Ihe kt ds and quantltlun In irro-n , of all o hui Kn"d mid art' ' elder with hUuk | ir | vo-alaciMnlit , on la be oluiuncd by biiidcm , tliiu- > d p'aru of iluliitrj Ifnv of i nl ra < t and pnj nicnt , trans | > ortatl n rnutr and all i ther pucn-nry'ctl na will ho fur' ' Ulio upon spiitlcatloii tn the Indian ODlcu I WasMtigton or N s. Ul and OT W i tor Strict. " < cw York ; Wm II Ljon , No 4S3 li'o dwav , ew York ; t o Comiii'i artcsol suhslvtancu , U H. A , at 0 ocnne C'h c ii > , Lcavtnwurth , Ouaha , taint L uN , Saint I'au ui Francleco , and Yft kton ; thu lVstnw ; r i > Hloitx City , and to the 1'ott as'era at the fo l < min nimi'dplacuslu Kan w. Arkantai City , KurllnKtoii O jd ell. I * dL'o I Ity , Emioih , hurcko , urea Ilend , Howard. Ilutcnln > n , turned , Mo I'hersoi. Marinn , Medicine * vti , No tt > n Osafo City , Salai : Sturllnt ; T > pek , Williiit | n , Wichluand WiunclJ llldi 111 o opened at thu ruur and dy abov Htutcnl , and Wdiltis are Imlti'd to bo presen th openlu/ . CEItTiriKD CHECKS. All bids must 1m acromjanld by rertlflrd check up < n rome UnltolHtalci Dcpisftory ur the "lr < National Hank al U < 8 Angeles Cal. , for at I ast tit of thu amount uf tre iirojui-al. II I'lll 'K C i ml alnnpr. Tllla I'Ki. I'urlti'Kcura- tor U made txpruiuly fc the cure of derangement -it the gnicnUlvu 'h ro i no inl-talo abou lilt nutruiiont , the cor tlnuinu Ktream of KI.Kl TIIIOITY re mwtln through the part' muit rei tore them tniinalthy actlo Do not cx < nf > und t Uviit _ _ ur. U 111. f m huMl 1 1 toe. U la for the ONK spe < tUpurpwe for rlrcubra gUlug full Inf.irmatloi iddrcex Cheever Klectrlo Bolt Co. , 1U3 WanhmL'to t. Chlrunlll. _ Nebraska Cornice -AND- ANDforts UANUFACTlJRERa OF ; ! GALVANIZED IRON CORNICES FINIALS , WINDOW GAPS , TIN , IRON AND SLATE ROO FIN L PATENT MCTAU10 BKVUQHT , Iron Fencing Creatlniri , Ualustraden , Verandas , Ortlcuand lUt tUlllnj. , Window and O.llar Guards. Kte POtt 0 , ANDCtn STOKE * , UNCXJLN NEB ARCHITECTURAL IRON WORK. Columns , Pilasters , Llntols , Poncing , Orostlnffi BalCSfi Etc. . Oast , and Wrought Iron Beams. for Tin ; Hl'ATT I'KIHMATIC IIGHT8 > THE MURRAY IRON WORKS CO. , Burlington. Iowa THE LARGEST IRON WORKING ) ESTABLISHMENT IN THE STATE. SPECIAL NOTICE TO Growers of Live Stock and Others , WE CALL YOUR ATTENTION TO Our Ground OH Cake. It Is tha best and cheapest food or Btoc * cf anv kind. One pound la ecoalto thrco pounda of com tock fed with Ground Oil Cake In the Fall ana lnwr , Instead of running down , will Incroiwo In w lht nd be In good marketable cowlltlon In the eprlng. Dairymen , M rfcll M otbors , who u o It can o tlty to tstnoritn. TrrltandJudrBjjryourpehcf. Price t26.00rwr in : no charge for neks. Addroefl wno w , jjwBKnnviir r-nni > NY Omaha Nob. TLE NEW HOUSE OF GARRABRANT i COLE Fine Htvvanu , Key West and Domestic Cigars. All Standard Brands Tobaccos. Trial Orte SoiicitGu , Satisfaction Guaranteed , I IS DEALERS IN , 's Safe and FIEE MD BURGLAE PEOOF XO33O WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN SASH , DOORS , BLINDS , MOULDINGS , LIME , CEMENT , PLASTER , &C- STATE AGENT FOR MILWAUKEE OEMENT COMPANY. Near Union Pacific Depot , - Omaha , Neb , STEEL ® , JOHNBON& CO , , H. B. LOCKWOOD ( formerly of Lockwood & Draper ) Chicago , Man ager of the Tea , Cigar and Tobacco Departments. A full line of all grades of above ; also pipes and smokers' articles carried in stock. Prices and samples furnished on application. Open orders intrusted to us shall receive our careful attention Satisfaction Guaranteed. AGENTS FOR BENWOOD NAILS AND LAFLIN & RAND POWDER CO PBEFECTION . " . T" - r. " - - " --.JUMTcvf : Heating and Baking In only attained by nainpj CHARTER OAIC Stoves and Ranges , WHIT WIRE ME OVER BOOR Fci ilo by JESID " < W , , CSrlO-jflk' r , ( SUCCESSOR TO FOSTER , & QUAY. ) LIME A8\8D \ Office and Yard , 6th and Douglas ts , , Oi1iail8 PROPRIETOR 218 South 14th Street , Omaha , Nebraska , "Correspondence Solicited. " 0. M. LEIGHTON. II. T. CLARKE. LEIGHTON & CLARKE , SUCCESSORS TO KENNAUD 11KOS. & CO. ) Wholesale Druggists ! DEALERS IN Paints- Oil * . Brushes , < " A 2 If LAGER FRANZ FALK BREWING CO. Milwaukee , Wis. GTJNTEEB , & CO. , Solo Bottlers. M , HELLMAN & CO. , Wholesale OIotMers 1301 AND 1303 FARNAM STREE1 CQfJ. VMABA ,