Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 26, 1884, Page 4, Image 4

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    OMAHA DAILY BEE-MONDAY , MAY 26 , 1884 ,
Onifilm omcelN'o. 01O Fnrnivm Bt.
Council mtilT * Ofllco , No. oar
Street , Ncnr lJroftrtw y.
Now York Onioc , Itoom 05 Trllmno
PuWlihixl tvets trornlnff , " oicopt 8und j < The
enl ) Mondiy morning dully.
tuns M tutu
One Ycal . $10.00 IThroo llonthl , . $3.00
SIlUontM. . . . 8.00 | One Month . 1.00
Per Week , 15 Cants. , rCSLltllRD tVMT.WlDHMDAT
On Year . (2.00 1 Three Jfonlhi . f M
Bit Months. . 1.00 1 Ono Month . SO
Amorlinn Nowi Company , Solo Agcutf Nontdoal-
II la the United States.
A Communications relating to Now and Editorial
tt H r should bo ftddrcmod to tbo KDITOR or Tin
B.i ,
AllBtnlnou r < etter nml llemlttaneci ehonldSbo
ddrcssod to Tn BKK Poi UIHII50 oourAxr , QMAIU-
Drafts , Check * Mid Postofflco orders to bo inado p y
able to the order ot the company.
K. R03BWATBR. Editor.
A. H.nuh. Manager Dally Circulation , P
188 Omaha , Neb.
THE Flower boom Booms to have boon
born to blush unseen.
Gr.H. LOOAN has chartered a npccial car
for Chicago. So has Church IIowo.
JOHN SAIII.EU is looking very lone
Bomo , since Pat. 0. llawos and Walter
Bonnet hnvo loft the country.
Now that Conkling , Cameron and
Grant nro said to bo for Bliuno vro should
naturally prefer Arthur or aoino other
The bill creating n bureau of labor as
passed by the sonata is nothing inoro than
nn appropriation setting apart $125,000 to
enable the aocrohryof the interior to col
lect labor statistics.
The re-nomination of Congressman
Anderson , of Kansas , is n deserved re
cognition of his able and honest services ,
Bo is ono of the very few republican con
gressmen who uro not cappers for corpo
rate monopolies.
Now THAT Mr. Camoronhas boon good
enough to return from Europe , perhaps
bye and bye , ho will also condescend to
rcsumo his place in the sonata nnd make
ft feint of performing the duties ho was
elected to discharge.
Tin : conviction of llanlny puts an end
to prizo-fighlinc ? In Nebraska. Now if
the grand jury of Douglas county will do
Its duty and indict the roughs -who
engaged in the shooting affray , this will
no longer , bo a paradise for ouch out
SENATOR SHP.IIMAN modestly says that
ho does not expect the nomination at Chicago
cage , but is prepared for it if it does
come. It is also to bo hoped that the
senator is "prepared' for the millonium
for ono is just about as likely to coino as
the other.
THE proceedings through which" Young
Bill" English obtained the scat in the
house which belonged to Poollo wore the
most disgraceful that congress has soon
for many a day. Charges of wholesale
bribery are preferred against both Eng
lish and his father old Bill , and there is
no doubt that 101110 of them have just
THIS whirligig of tinio brings round Its
revenges. Major Babcook , who has boon
nominated for promotion to bo lieutenant
colonel in the engineer corps , now finds
the skeleton of the old whisky ring star
ing him in the face. As the charges
have not boon revived by enemies as a
matter if revenge , ho will probably sue
coed in the end in overcoming the
THKUK will bo a rise in real catato in
Bismarck now , The supreme court of
Dakota has forever settled the capital
question by deciding that the act of the
commissioners in locating the capital at
Bismarck was valid. Yanktonof course ,
will bo correspondingly depressed. Now
if the citizens of Yankton Trill go ahead
and omutoto the example of Omahawhen
flho lost the capital of Nebraska , nho may
yet ba a larger town than Bismarck.
Bon. Butler believes that it is the early
bird that catches the worm. IIo was the
iirst presidential candidate in the Hold ,
and will bo the first whoso history is to
bo given to the world in a glowing cam
paign edition. The lynx-eyed statesman
has ongacod Dr , George L. Austin , author
of the "Lifo of Wendell Phillips , " as his
campaign biographer. According to the
Jioalon Glebe ho will glvo the schollary
estimate of the general's character and
services that has long boon needed to im
partially and fully measure thorn.
HuiiAT. HAISTKD , who io a pronounced
Blaine man , delivers a stinging rebuke to
Wayne LlacYoagh for his open latter to
Bristovr. According to Halaod , Prcsi
dent Arthur importuned Mr. MaoYoagh
to remain in the cabinet whore Garfield
had placed him , and that ho "choso to
abandon his post and run away from his
official duties at the most critical in
ment. " In Halstod's opinion M&oVoagh
has only exposed hiiruulf to universal
contempt , The editor of the Commercial
Gazette concludes his article as follows :
'A proper sense of decency and the
fitness of things" should have induced
Mr. MooVeagh to have held his peace at
the present time , since it ouuht not to be
regarded us a crime or an act worthy ol
rgbu-o for Riiy republican to work and
apeak in lohulf of the renoinlnatimi of a
President who has won the respect and
conGdeuco of ( ho whole country , and ha _
had the hearty endorsement of every re
publican state convention save ono , H
would certainly be telling the country a
great deal , and at the same Ume retloci
latting honor upon tbo republican par
if it could be assured that tbo next ad
ministration at Washington would bo us
eafe , BS conservative , and aa free from
errors and scandals as the present one
TUB public service committee of the
Massachusetts house of representatives
las just reported n civil service law for
thostato. In many respects it is a re
markable mcaauro nnd might well form a
model to other states in the union. Mas-
lachusotls has always been the peculiar
lomo of civil service reform , and thcro
s no doubt that this law or ono like it ,
will bo passed at the present session.
In some particulars it is very much like
, ho national civil service act. Its aim is
o apply the principles of that measure to
iatoand municipal offices. In this * rc
ard it is the first law of the kind over
lovisod. It provides for the appointment
mont by the governor of three commis
iionora to servo three years each. These
are to select after a competent oxamina' '
ion persons "to fill offices in the government
mont of the commonwealth and of the
cities thereof , which are rcouircd to bo
illod by appointment , " and are to select
"persons to bo employed as laborers or
otherwise- the service of the common-
wcath and of the several cities thoroof. "
No recommendation given by any sena
tor , representative , alderman or council
man , except as to the character or residence -
donco of the applicant , is to bo en
torUincd by the commission. The
rules against political assessments are
very strict. No employe of state or city
is to bo allowed to solicit , nor give any
contribution for political purposes , nor
remove , prejudice , degrade nor threaten
any other employe for refusing to give
such a contribution. No oflicos are to bo
promised in advance forpolitical purposes
by any person holding any public oflico
or oven in nomination therefor. Elo v
tivo and judicial ollicorn , these whoso up
[ ointment in subject to the confirmation
of the executive council or city council ,
lieads of departments , public school teach
ers and the private secretaries of oxecu
Live officers , are , for obvious reasons , exempted
empted from the operation of the act.
The rest of the bill , which is vary long ,
relates chiefly to the manner in which
examinations hold , and the precautions -
cautions for securing their honesty.
Under this act all state and municipal
employes , such as wardens , commission
era , marshals , policemen , inspectors do
toctivcs , fireman , etc. , uro to bo elected
according to the principles of civil ser
vice reform. Instead of being appointed
for merely political or personal reasons
they are to bo chosen on the true business
basis of competency and character. Only
these who show good evidences of ability ,
if the act bo faithfully executed , can bo
appointed. The importance of this proposed -
posed reform in the public service is \ ory
Incompetent , dissolute and cornpt
officials have been the curse of ovcry
state and city in the union. As long as
mayors or governors have the solo power
of appointment an n reward for political
service , ward bummers , shysters and job
bers are chosen to fill responsible posi
tions. The experiment in Massachusetts
will bo watched with interest by men
who desire to elevate the standard of our
local government and eradicate abuses
that have bocomd a source of great danger
to American states and municipalities.
If President Gonoxlos resigns , as it is
rumored ho will shortly , Mexico will
Imvo good reason to congratulate herself.
Ho has boon , from the beginning of his
administration , a constant hindrance to
the progress of the country in any diroc
tion. Ho is as much of a despot as the
most absolute monarch , and as much ol a
robber and plunderer as a highwayman.
Ho is of a brutal and savage disposition ,
with an intense and bigoted hatred ol
Americans and all the improvements tlicj
are trying to introduce. Ono of his ty
rannicol acts was substituting nickel for
silver and gold coins.
By compelling the people to exchange
their good metals for the inferior money
: io cleared not less than § 5,000,000.
The Mexican treasury is clogged with
nickels but Gonalmi holds fast to his
llei/al gains , Although ho wont into power
a poor man Goimlca has accumulated
ilftoen millions by lawless and corrupt
schemes , Another of his despotic meas
ures was the stamp act , which almost
created a revolution. All the foreign
morclmnU in the country wore sudden
ly informed tnat after a certain
date no goods would bo allowed
to leave any of their nro
without n government tax allho , . * |
The price of the stamp wut t\ \ % l , „ , ! i
and the dooroo practically amounted Io
embargo on the foreign marclmnts
trodo. Under Gonzales' administration
the customs officers nnd the chiefs or
governors of departments ore aa despotic
and as extortionate 0.1 himself , Fines ore
levied on importers upon the slighcst pretext -
text , or upon no pretext at nil. The customs -
toms laws are strained to the utmost ex
tent to extort the last possible cent from
Americans. The chiefs of departments
near the border openly levy blackmail on
all Americans who attempt to do business
thoro. If it is not paid , u pretense of
taking a loan is trumped up , under
which all of the refractory Americans'
goods are seized and carried away. The
temper of the people is knpt constantly
irritated and exasperated against the
Americans. It is almost impossible for
merchants of this country to carry on
their business thoro. Even these who
are engaged in building railroads and de
veloping the resources of the country are
in constant danger of arrest on trilling
charges , and when once In jail are sel
dom brought out alive.
General Diaz , vrho is most likely to
be the successor of Qonzalos is a man of
broad liberal and progressive ideas.
While at the head of the Mexican re-
publio ho foaterered and enouragod ov
cry cuterpileo that tends to raieo the
Mexican people to a level with other
civilized nations.
Ono of the questions that will have to
answered at on early day is whether
' .ho city treasurer of Omaha has any right
, o keep in his own possession money paid
n by the liquor dealers and which bo-
ongs to the school fund. If the tnonoy
does not belong to the school fund , it
certainly does not belong to the treasurer ,
unless ho regards himself as staka-holdor
for the liquor dealers. Suppose a liquor
dealer , who has paid in § 250 or § 500 ,
but can got no license until ho has paid
the balance of the $1,000 , should die ,
which is liable to happen , to whom
will the treasurer account for the
money. It is not his own , because
ho can lay no legal claim to it ,
and according to his own version it docs
not belong to the school fund , because
the party , that paid it to him has no li-
conso. Suppose again , that a dealer
who has paid in § 250 concludes to give up
the liquor business at the end of three
months , and therefore never get * a 11-
ccnso , will the treasurer con'inuo ' to hold
that money and leop it in the bank on
interest ? Is the school fund to bo robbed
on account of a technicality ? Thcro is no
doubt that during the summer season
from fifteen to twenty men will want to
soil liquor in Omaha , for from ono to
three months. They will pay to the
troasuaor all the way from § 83 to $250
each , and the treasurer proposes very
cooly to put that money in his bank
on interest , instead of paying it over to
the school board. When the season is
over not ono of these mon will have a li
cense , and the treasurer will not only
have the uao of the money , but ho may
hold on to It until after his term expires ,
and refuse to hand it over to his success
or. This is a beautiful state of affairs ,
and certainly ought to bo attended to at
once by the mayor and council andboarc
of education. A very eminent attorney in
this city gives it as his opinion that the
city treasurer has no right to receive the
liquor license money , but that the county
treasurer is the proper custodian
oil school moneys obtained from liquor
licenses. The ordinance regulating the
sale of liquor in this city , which makes
the license money payable ( a the city
treasurer , is in conflict with the general
statutes , and hence it is void It strikes
us that the tinio has come for the city to
comply with the laws , and have its ordin
ances , regulitinc the sale "f liquors ,
legally fram d to tut the < 3 ilora who
are willing to lorap'/ with th > law can
havi ) pioper j.nuoution , i Q the oily
schools have the benefit of the fund aris
ing from the liquor traffic.
' 'Well , captain , what nro you driving
at ? " nshoil n prominent citlrcu of Captain
Marsh , who Imn juat returned from California ,
where ho lian been for three months fur his
hoalth. "I nm tnking it easy , now , nnd propose -
pose to continue to do BO for the rout of my
life,1' replied the cnptnln ; "I don't have to
work any uioro. " Captain Marsh lias boon a
nistlor nil his Hfo , nnd his ninny ft lands will
bo glad to learn Hint ho can at last take It
uttHy. Ho came to Nebraska tn the spring of
1850 , nnd located In Dakota county , where ho
cng.igod In the Btogo businota , runulnp n line
from Dakota City to Niobraru. Ho won the
first mull contractor In the territory of
Dakota , lib contract being from Sioux City
to 1'ort Hntulull , between which points ho ran
n atngo line for two yearn. In the fall of 180'J
ho bought nn Interest hi the Nebraska ferry
company nt Omaha , nnd tha next spring ho
took charge of the business. When ho cnmo
to Omahntho furry companv was running ono
boat , the Llzzlo lUylUx Whautho rullroadi
from the east ronchoil the river , ono after the
other , the company nildoil four boati to its
equipment , the Irimo , the Gi o , tlioNutt nnd
the fthmmiii. The ferry company continued
to run the boats am ] did u big business until
the completion of the Union 1'ncltio brldga In
the uprlng of 187U. Ono of the trims.
fcr IxinU , the ( Jhe , was used exclusive
ly for POVRCI gt > ra , mid frequently carilod
r > 00 persons on ono trip , npnti tha unhnl uf
iho trains from tha cast. The tnnel In these
tlnya wua ono'motis. ' The fnlglit trmiafoi
l > < mt.s carried fnur orlivofrilRht cars nt u time ,
The landing place on tin ) lown aide wns ut
u point just n lion t oimtito | | Fnrnnm street ,
nnd not far from where tno BlulFrt
waterworks pumping IMUSO la now locitttd ,
The mist rn ruilr ndu nil terminated thoio , UH
did idso tlio Council lllumi street railway.
The clmnnol of the ri\er ivan then much
farther east than U U now , nud to roach the
ilvor from this nldo rrqulrod n long driva ur
walk over n sandy bottom. The lundliig on
this bldn of tha rlvvr wan bhifted from tlmu to
tlmo. When the wrlttr landed here in 1871
the pntneiiKcr laiulh g vriui In n little bayui
just ubovo the Union I'urlliobildgo. The Unlun
1'ndlio p.ifKiinnor trains ran down to thia
landing. In thavlnter the furry company
built nn Ice brldgo across the river , nnd run u
transfer train of IU own. Thu Chicago
k Noithwcstorn road WPB the lirut to roach
the river , and for out ) winter U ran its solid
trains ncriMtt the lea brldga into Omaha. When
tha other loudu reached the liver , however ,
tliis wiw stopped . Among tlio old river men
who wcro employed by the fcrrv company
' "
lersim , Van Shall ,
t ii.iii"i | inMwu i. , > t fie Irene , Kiixiiioors
in i . ' .Itu Gaghegnu , Captain
' ' i. ' 1 both the Nutt and
iVlnnsou.i , < , . . .n. . , , , ho had chatgo of the
Glso , Cy. ClnwBOii , and another m&u
from Qulncy , whoso inamo has
boon forgotten , Dave Morrison la
now employed ut the Omaha imllivorka. .Too
( intfieguu ii also In Onmlm. Captain Hwoba now
runs thu Union 1'acilio transfer train for toame
nnd wnRons. Dan Blmll also rcnmlna in Oma-
hn. Wlien the Union IVicltio brldgo was uoin-
pitted that emlod the ferry business. The
stemner Gieo wont to Vlckgburg , the Nutt to
Memphis , thn Mnnsnn to Curomlelet , and the
Irene was crashed by the Ice and went to the
bottom. In tha Bpriug of 187J. In tha sum
mer < if 1873 CapUiin Mnrnh bought the Omaha
etroet railway of A , J. Hannoom , who had got
the property Into pretty goodshapo. It proved
u ImmUoma invottnient to Captain Mornh ,
who put his personal nttoutlon to
the business. extending tha track
nnd Iiicroatlng thu equipments from
tlmo to tlmo la answer to the public da-
maud , The road now lias ton inlltvi of track
- which la being extended all tha time WO
her OM ami 'JO cars. The property \voa vnlued
at fmOOO a short tlmo ugo. Captain
recently eold n threa fifths interest iu the
property to tha Union 1'ucllln , and If bo sold
( tontho nbmo valuation ho got SIM.OOO.
During the yearn that ho IIM beau running
the etroot railroad ho baa idso boon extensive
ly eugBged in atuglng and null contracting. Ho
certainly has In-en aery i ctuo man and U lane
no wonder that ho feola llku taking a long
"When I landed In Omaha five years rtgo , "
aatd Mr. Schoenfold , the "Antiquarian , " to
the UKK'H Muu About To\\n "I had juit
three dollars In money , I hail boon lu Texan ,
where I was iuarantln ) d In a town whcro tha
yellow fever wua piev.illlug , I concluded to
go we t , but my money would cxrry me only j !
aa for aa Omaha. I fUrto 1 In bunlneia with i
my threa dollar * , and Iho luiuiedtuto result ; t
iittaulihod nn. I went Into the so oud handj j
book businwK , lu a little atull , live font wide 11 I
and twelve foot long , on 1'arnam fttrcot , on
ho lot where I.ytle'a til > ck now stnndn , I bo-
C ii with six books which I fished out of my
runk , nnd dlnplnycil thorn in front
if my ' tota. ' Thn o t > ook ere Pilgrim's
'rogrcM.Sturm'n Htfiocttoni , HngaUky's Ool-
Ion Trcnfliirea , H rvt t AlcdlUtlonii , nnd two
) thum , Iho of which I forgot. My first
customer w n inlnlnttr who liought ono of
ny Imi.ks , The ccond man who came nloug
inppenod to ba ulint I call n 'lloneler. ' Ho
iad n fmkfol of old books , nnd offered them
'or aalo. Ho had neon my rign n few horns
icforo. It waJi , 'Second-hand books bought
nnd nolil , ' nnd ho Imd gouo tiomo nnd gathered
ip n bogful of bookfi , I ffftvo him Sl.fiO for tbo
jutfit , nnd out of that collection I told $18.03
worth of books that day Thin encouraged
no nnd I Itcnt right on bujlug and dolling ,
I'nr the fiiBt MX or eoven month1) ) I inada
fJom S10 to 830 n day. Meantime I
pent money to my family In Kngland ,
mid at the end of tlx inontha brought thorn to
Dmnhn , For two year * I did n bU htuilnoss In
that Httlo holo-ln the-widl. and clcarid $ lOtO
ibovo nil oxponicR , Including tlio cost of hoop
ing my family1 had to chntigo locations on
account of the building of I.ytie's block. I
Imvo tiovor done aa well fluco , OH my oxpcuscs
art ) heavier , and my location not BO good. Uo-
nldes iho second-hand book trade linn fallen elf ,
for various roneons. The trodo in naw booka
U not very lively cither , ns there Is BO much
lltornturo I'Bueil in cheap form. There teems
to bo something fitHciimtitig about old books to
ix certain clon of people. I mod to got
better prices for old books than I would for
now editions of thu iinmo works , I rnmomber
onn ilny I i old a 'IIoo Icr' nn old book for
S.lfiO , wlillo the prlco for n now edition of the
BAIIIO book was only 75 cents. The rogulnr
book dealers , when thoysiw [ wai lining n
big run rm ftocond-lnnil bnoki , put up rncks of
old boolcH In order to dhido the trndo with
mo. Uut I continued to got the cremn of the
business whllo I WAH In that Httlo frjino box
on Knrnntn Rtroct. Inc\er would have left
It had I not boon compelled to. The second
hand book buslncfB In these dayn reminded
mo of Iho solo of goods that \\-\\o \ \ boon dam-
oged by lira or water. There Is always thn \
rush for auch goods , that thu dealers frequent
ly datnaga goods on purpose to supply tha do.
mand. If I had itin out ol xecond hand
books , I wonld.hnvo bought n lot of now ones
and by n Httlo manipulation I would have
convert * ! ! thsin Into old'looking volumes , nnd
nold them for aocond hand. Thcro nro tricks
In nlltrudcH , yui know. "
* *
"Aloiljaska Is tlio most graceful woman
that I hnvo over soon oil the utngo , " rooiarkod
ntiXld thoatro-goojjjftcr ; the performance ol
"Aa You Like It. " "riho Is nn extraordinary
woman , " continued ho. " .Horn in I'olnnd.nuiJ
coming from n. auporlor family , ho received
all excellent education. Choosing the Htago
nn her profession sliosoon attained to emlnoncn
nnd fume. In 18G8 PIO nnrriad the Count
Io7untn. ! Owing t III health she went to
California and bought n ranch , upon which
si io Hvod n retired Hfo with Count liozontu ,
until fho had entirely recuperated. She tli-ji
concluded to return to the Rtngo , making her
firxt appoaruuco In San Vrniicleco , wheru
she Created n great furoro. This
was in 1877. During her much Hfo
she had Improved hnr tlmo by studying the
I'ligllsh langungo with \Iuw of malting an
Amerii nn tour. nCncournged by her success
In San Francisco elm jumped at once to Now
York , where , although unknown , she nt
ouco captured the city , BO to speak , by lior
brilliant nntlng. Since then her career in this
country has been mio continued round of suc
cess. In private Hfo etlio is n charming lady ,
nnd n dovotctl wife nnd mother. She in very
liberal , and has given away n great deal ol
money for charitable purposes , iter husband ,
Count Itozoutn , Is n business mun of consider
able ability , nud is her business manager1
Hastings claims a population of 7,000.
North 1'lntto his organized a base ball club.
Smllor Colfux lectured in 1'awuco city la l
Horse thlovCR are haivostlng In Kearney
The Seward creamery will soon bo ready for
There nro 2,058 children o school ngo in
Harlan county ,
Petitions nro circulating In Columbus for a
512,000 eclioolhonpo. ,
The amount of taxes paid into the Gngo
county treaauty duitng April waa S)9,94 J.'Jli
Over forty building Imvo boon erected or
nro Id courao of erection in Norfolk so far thia
Button now enjoys the distinction of being
the only town in Clay county that licenses the
sain of liquor.
A German boy , 12 yonrs old , living olghi
miles from Kit-ing City , weighs 230 pounds
and ho Is still rising.
A man by the name of Murray hai bough
up nearly nil tbo cattle in the vicinity of Shel-
Ion and Grand Island.
Conrtland , the railroad town in Gogo conn
ty , is not yet ripe for n- saloon , the potltioi
for oue having been refused.
Wymoro's now depot Is to cost ton thousand
dollnrs , nnd the bull Hog la expected to bo
completed within thrcomonths.
The Hastings Democrat politely nnd posi
tively asserts that Grand Island ' 'ban qulta a
number of polished and educated liars. "
The Nemnha Live Stock company Is the
nnmo of anew corporation just organized nt
South Aubiru with n capital stock of $20,000.
Conductor JiMulson , of the Union Pacific ,
wna robbed of 5100 , and bnt , cent nnd pants
Oiilo Bleeping iu the railroad hotel at Grant
Island ,
Huiilaon , the Ifooiior boy pronchor is blllnd
for n season of three weeks , next month , iu
Lincoln. At n suiil rulnor ho holds the per-
The famous ox-brlgnnd of north Nebraska ,
Doc MlddUton , U now running n shooting
gallery nnd bowling nlloy nt atuart , Hell
Orn Wplib has been jailed nt Alnnworth f ir
the shooting nnd robbing of ,1. N. Longear
in Uro A n county. The amount of the trouble
wns J200.
The iluto of the Nohr.vikn aunilay-achoo
convention baa boon changed from Juno 3 ,
nnd 5 , to June 21 , 25 nud 20. The convention
will moot nt Wuhoo ,
The chloroform burglars Imvo struck Lin
coln. They managed to burglarlz ] S. K.
Hnlna house Thnudny mornlug by chloro
forming Hole and his nifo.
The Seward coal hole Is down -UO fpot. wit
no Indlcatlona of coal as yet. The lust hun
dred feet has been through sand , whlcl
caused tha boring to ba very alow.
Killtor Vlfqualn of the Stjito Dpinocrnt , hni
found "t'mo"ln hlitarlif tlUciibtlons. It inn
line gold WHtcli , ngift fioui mmibcrs of his
family on his tilty-lhlrd birthday uiiuivoraary.
A VrOinMiRi\ log her name oa Mrs. M'ngglo
Cnlllnan fell from a train Ceiitralia
City , but , fortunately , waa not seriously hort.
Him was on her way to Hnrrlahurg , Pa , , with
her children.
The It. & M. has Inaugurated a fast freight
from Chioigo to Denver. Tno train in
scheduled at a epeod of thirty miles nn hour ,
nud tlio curs are supplied with air brake * . The
fint train past woat Thursday night.
U. P. aunoyora are exciting the farmers
north of Harvard in Hamilton county. They
are driving itikoa all over sumo of tha firms
and th'i farmers are confident they can furnish
tha trallio for them If they will make rntes
Wayne trots out Pole Coylo na the cham
pion pie eater of the atate. It la natd that
when Pets Coylea hi" mouth around n qiu ter
vect'ou ' of custard there is not enough left to
to whet the appetite of a grasshoplwr. 1'oto
takoi the platter.
J. HVldto , n section foreman rf the U , &
M. Ill G go county , while riding n handcar
with throe others , waa thrown from the track
by u spika placed ou thruil. Whltu received
InjuilcM from which he died Saturday uiorn-
lug. Tha other men were Hovercly uruUed.
It li ( aid the Wub 'b railroad baa offered a
8po < lul car to convoy the Nebraska delegation
to thu Chicago c n\e tlon , and tha courtesy
waa aoceptail. The delegation will leave on
Friday , Muy ! SO , and will be aiuod of a
pliwant trip to the city by tha lake.
Inaocta rcaoutbltng the Colorado potato
bug hiuo totally doatroyod blx arreiof cottonwood -
wood and box elder tree * ou the farm of John
Kearney , In Damson county. TholiuecU do.
l > oit their rgg ou the under aide of a 1 nf ju t
nit ha potato lug doea , and before leaviug
the tree btrlps It cutnnUtely of lea\e .
A NobrwUa City man hail o battle \\Ith n
family of lour > -easfls thootlit-r day. Ho hit
a Httla ono uilh LU whip and It made a tenl-
jble racket , whoruupou uie oil one attacked i
him and bit hlui auierely on tha back uad
houlucr , moiling tome lind wounds. Tlio lit-
Io ntilmhl wns oxceodlnglyIcloiii. .
Ftcietary Kurnnn , of the State Agricultural
ocloty , stated that Atbor dny reports show
nr mnro extnnsivo trea planting this year thft < >
ivor before. Nebratka trees are bring planted
ill ever tha torrltorloi also. Over 8.CCO In-
nnt maples nod the like hive t\kcn up In
s'cmfiln nnd Otoe countlca nlono this springer
or transplanting to tlio western counties nnd
ho states beyond the Hockloi ,
The Frenvmt Trllmno reports Hint some
armors of .Saumlcrn county hnvo dUcoxcrod
.hnt nn Inj-oct of some sort , orperhapH worm ,
< dcUioyinp corn to .1 conalilcrnblo extent
fho germ , nftor It has started , Is eaten out
ind Kced nnd plant tbm tpi lied. Gouigo God-
rey , wlio o form Is n fovv milon cast nf Kre-
nont , has alto had Idi fio.ds 'levastatod lu n
IKO manner nnd saya ho will Imvo to replant
itnoty acres.
Thcro was n free nnd fatil fiijht nt Tnckfon ,
) , tkotv county , on the ntglit of the IGth. The
ight bcg.tnln llcl cy'i ) saloon , and n number
if the participants wera cut. D C. Hoffomnn.
ustlco of tha pnncc , wni stabbed In tha pit i f
he Rtomach. Tlio wound Is believed to bo
'ntal ' , Otberfl of the mon Rtabhid were no se
verely cut thnt they tainted , The Interior of
.ha saloon wat n vast pocket edition of pandc-
nonlum for t few minutes. After the row In
.ho snloon had quieted somewhat mon were
iruncn.idlnp the Rtrcotn with shotguns nnd
ovolvcrx. In short , it wns an old-time Jackson -
son row , i
Tlio Outfipokou VIcwH of Well-known
l'c l > lo on a Htiliji.'ct. of Great
It la no easy matter to bring our mimls to Loliovo
; lmt uch men M Creur , CUcro end other ancient
wortlil s c\cr Ihcnl , owing to the ( let that they nro
so t r rcmo > cd by tlmo anJ Oletanco fiorn our onn
IIcs and surroundings. TUo simo | irlnclplo Is true
regarding sUtcmcnta and endorsements.Vo look
ulth mnrc or Icsa tusplclon uiun stttEmcnts coming
in unknoun soiircis , hut uhcru those Indorce-
monUnru mndoliy jicrioni wlioao oxhtenco and vo
raclty nro thoroLKlily known , their truth and \nluo
&ro licjonj iiucstlon. Such , p cclfltly , arotho > ol
unttty tetlmonlil9 which lollovv , and which alhtho
read civnnot fora moment question.
"Kidney nnd llvor comphlnt was my trouble ( or a
"KO-'O many ytnra KxcruchtlnK mlna nu OB my
"hldno > i > . Ianivnc89ln my luck , blllloasufBi head
"ache , elckuu-u at etoiuacli , ucn ril debility am
"oxh.-untljii liaic liucn the
totlurlnc Nyiu ] > tom3
'Doctors and tiuudreJd ol d ITcrdit icmeoliHtoio o
"no b ncllt to mo. 1 was continually getting woiso
"and without \Vi\rno ' HKK Ouro I woulil nuxor
"l\\ o found any icllct nor Imd thctlhtost ! ) clhiico
"ol KcttniK curiii ) . U U enough for me to Btatu that
' 1 am a liialthy ncruou to * ( a > ami ha\o hone o ( the
"allmcnUhkli ha\u madu hfu ( or mo mil ruble for
"iinny y.ari ' A. liicimtna ,
With Fosttr & Gray , wholesale lumber , coal and
lime , Omaha , Neb
"I waa troubled with my Iddnojafor excn jcars
"and tricil the mott eminent iibjtlclani In 1)1 ) in i
"and Miuhljtun without avail. I natu t kcn cnon l
"incillciiiu tu raalii ) any man pour and I almust Kavo
"up thoK'io ' t. I'ortunitcly lor irjel hojan tno nso
" ofV ruer'a Safe Ouro aa a last ro crt and a x ho.
"tlcacurod rno ot llrighl'a ili-c.iso o ( the kldneta
"It \ nondernl [ r > ruidy and the Satcl'lld which
' ( TO with the Sale Uani aru excellent If mt out
"only folKi.v the dlreUlons laid down they wll' llnd u
Vpotdy rolhf. " JKRCJII : U. HM.MS
Howard , Neb , January G.
Turing tha war , having served .13 a so'dler , I
"found wkh m ny others , at IU close , my kldncyi
"audurl aryorona enously nlTuctod slncj tlia
1 | irroil 1 ha\o , titil tains been laid up thrco
"an I lour months at a time. I suffered unt Id plua
"nc'os.s Iho bacK , nd m > tight and lull uldia , iron
"ihoKIdneja ilown , Incluilmj ; the acr turn , werocou
"lluuillyn wullcn. Oltontliiiei 1 wasunablutu vole
mine f it many hcura anil then again I was fnrtcd tj
'uilnLtc\erj { owmlnu'O'.My lluldmcroof bid c 1
"orandodcmivocdor , and burned 1 ko fro v1 n
"Icivlnt ! my body My liver wai torpid am tlujglsl
"and I was constantly lor cd otaluiillj ouvnciuto
"niv boi-oh. Ice nulled n Rront many phy Icliiis
"hut my case secmod to puzzle them all Ibcv wore
"unable tu Klve n o but temporary rilUf , autl uc'o o !
' the opinion tl at 1 would not o cured u !
"them pronounced my iase to bo II Ight'a ditea'o.
"Liitaoilng whin my bUtleringa were i > l an extreme
"i aturo , a frlind persuade J net ) tr > W.mer's S.ifo
"uro. ItproieitaO d-send ton.o. NJx bottles did
"what phytlolans an I hundreds of bottlo-uf mcdicliii
"f.llidtodo. UuaJolifo a pleasure hichhad been
"a tatnikn for many jeara 1 inw onjuy perfect
"health and am tat'efied ' that but for Wanici'o tafo
'Cure I would have found an untl. ol } grave. "
Lincoln , Nob. City Co .sUble.
"f o n cheerfully tc'tlf.v to the clllraof of Warncr'i )
"SifoCuro. It has been of crcat lenctlt to both mj
"nlfoanu mjccll In kidney and liver cuinplant A
"tiiruhun urcai irany cthoi remedies \Varncr'a
"Safo Cue : alone made the euro.
Ono II. BuRor.RT ,
Nebraska City , Nil ) . Cii } Treaturer.
"I cannot apeak too highly of the curative prop
"Mies of Warter's Sato C..ri' . It has done won 'era
"Ininj family. Mywlfo sufftred with kidney com
"plaint for several VCJIB The pains ccro-8 her back
" ere KI no'ere the vva not ahlo to leave wr b d fur
"da ) s at n time and w a unable ted ianj work , tihu
"wat. graJuilly growing weaker , lost ler appetite
' hid no slco.i for many nlghtu and aiRorcnt rectors
"failed to glvohcr niiy ro icf. Heo ng tha tcstlmo
"nl.I if.Mr K. I procured a bottle of War-
'ncr'a afuCuro. It helped her from the flist and fix
"Inttlcii complo ely cured her. Altrr Hit remark
"ulle cum my slater , w h > f n years h.d sulTer d from
"uurvous piostiatlon , fern' le wea ncsa and sl cnle-s
"ness , began taking the Ha'o Cure , Two bottloei
"iinilohera dlfl rent person. Shall bo pleased to
"answer all Inquiries. Cliu.V. . KIHMIUOX
Omnha , Neb. Constable
Mass. Institute of Technology
KxrunltmtloiiH in St. I/oulw.
Uicnlarfourjeurs oourscs In Civil , Ifochanlcal
IIInlngand tl ctrlul Unginioring Archl'eo ' uro
Ulaiii-lry I'llsin , Natural history etc Suuknt
nro alni ) adml 1od to i Brtial i r wp c al cnur es. Nex
ichool jcarbeclns Hcpt 29,1831 Entrance o am
Inationn uttho olllco Bupt ol IMWIo feclmoh , SV. .
coiner 7lh on I Cilcbtnilt Sti. JUv 21 and 3D. at IU
a. m. Appl < to Inf. K. W. Lug , I'objtic
Ilulldlng , til. Ixiiis
WK113TKII WILT : , Secretary.
KH\N IS A. , rrosldoot
d 111 & o2t a wk Im.
S TH YHD l-lt STOLI'.V-rrom Ire barn of vc8 !
Aniursnn , onoi ark bay hoi bo , 8) 'Id , white
ktrio round hlanic ! : sho.i . on funt foit. halur 01
sour arrcEs h H t n ant $25o rcwnrd will bo glv i
for hoisoand thkf , If ritiimul to Blue Darn on 1011
elicit. NEL-J. AN "KUSON. 43 , Up
OMAi'A Itap'oymrnt agericy. al klmli ol help
lurnlehul un thort noilce , 1214 ijunuy Nc U.
IhuclAiritir , 412Ip
: ( ) - . F DAVIS & C' ) . dealers In llea
Kiitnto and MorUaga Lo in , have iimovoil to
No. lit 3 Karimm street , lUBtalra r om 13 , ono door
vast of their former beat Ion. wtcru they may to
found until completion 01 the iievv building.
rTVlKKU Ul' Ono stray reil rein homo 3 ye ra old
JL ( 'all at A H. D.triuu'i ) , corner Caraphrll aoc
1'lunJu , N.V. . Oaialu. ! > 4 Cvv oov
STHAYEDOK STdLE.V-Oii Wednesday moriilnff
April 23d , auiudlum sized rod cow with culf ,
about Qjoars oM. ll&s an adilltioiu.1 teat. Kouan
cf < tO will bo paid if rotuuied to the SUtera o Mer
ry C'oiucLt , bt. Jlarj's&iiuuo. OiO tf
Heal Kktato and Mortgage Loanshavo rcmovei
to No 1603 1'nriiam street , up etairs , room II ) , one
door eaft of tholr former location , whoto they may
Ui found until uomplctlou cl their new building-
for ny cue rf Diphtheria
* ' vv. that cannot bo cunil by Dr. Jeffries'
( Council Illulf , ) preventive and euro Scud fir It.
roll KiM Ecuec ! ) eca Lota.
Yl > ll HVLK Sciiuiid [ ha3d"lsht top""biiViy'"inif
L' k'tnta ridlug taddlo Inquire at Tin til a c
Cuok' * aliou itoie , 1S03 Karnaui St. 10'J-tf
FOU HALE Iwoctor ) frame houte , 8 roon-sand
hill on O.m itrret , i or ILIIi. Uj h price , f I , 10.
I'OTl til le. LOUa 161S Karnam .trt'tt 4iO tf
,1OH HtLK-llic erod "ill and flttuits of the
_ J Crtltfhton Ho to , or wllUell any part of the din-
Inir room or LI rhru furniture k | urata.y , l a y tenni.
Apply n picmlsea. 783 t (
FOU HALUVery duiraulu ruaidonco tor mull
ftmlly , oie bloc' < off tic Mvry' * ivomie , to blr k
from uwtolHiM U < iitlon tine , < 3,5 ) . K4 y teitul
rOri'Ell It CODD , 16l5rMrnatu atroit. 6it-tf
FOll SALB A Otit-cJiM Voo b won 1'Uuo , at t
tirgiln. Inquire Edlioliu ft Krlckion'f. 62UI
POll BALK Two opju w.onJ-naud bugyloi and
one delivery w eon , cheip , t 131 ? llirucy H : .
F0118ALK A mall Monlcr , Cihnun tCg. , flri
proof M > < , almo t now , at tuU ottloo. tf
FOll SAI.E-Tlio gmd l'l ' and fixture * ot the
( telrhton llounf. Will kell thedtnlni room and j
kltchon furrl uio K'ja'ttely or my | a t of elthir. \
Will esihaimo for Undt , luti or any Mlo'b ) , com I
UKMlty , or will take tecured ootMou buy IIo In- '
ipjiro at Cr-ljhtou llou-e. It5-tf
1iXUSALK- no Vo-e and 3nn i > utm at a lur-
' gitln. Imiulre at F/ihcJiu and KrlcksouV
More , ou 10th Bt. SJ3-t (
The Pnlnco Hotel of Denver.
Oor , Seventeaath aud Lawrsaco SS3
Hoons : 76c to $2.00 fct ilny. SjKcUl Rntf by IhD Month ,
Conducted on the American nnd European Plans. Day
Board S7 per wook.
Double and Single Acting Power ano Hand
Engine Trimmings , Mining Machinery , Bolting , IIoso , Brass and Iron Fitting
Stoain Packing at. wholesale and roqail. HALLADAY WIND-MILLS , OHUROH
Corner 10th Parnam St. , Omaha Neb.
iho lunsnsTON TOWN SHE COMPANY win sen t puvio auctio <
DAY , MAY 28th , 1834
iness Lots ,
n ot
IUHNE&TON la sltuaten Iho 0. > tn. V Branch of the U. V. Hallway , about JO ml'cs muth of neat-
rice. Neb .nnd ISmllcanorthofMarji-vlllo , Kan. , and In the center of the former Otoo Indian Itescrvatlon ,
ft tnct of hud consisting of 45,0)0 ) acrea of th i finest agricultural lands In the United Sti tc , noirly every
< \inrtir section of vvhMi U settled tin and Imptovod bv an Inilustrlom. oicrgctlc mil InteHgent class of
citlz < ns. Tbo town llo la most bcauiifn ly locate I nn the banks of the DU Uluo Hlvcr , and It the Identical
cround Felcctcd by tlo chiefs cl the Ot o anl .Mlsinnil itibracf Inolana , on recount of Its location and
beauty , ami with a history , wnlch , when written , will have the most Interesting Icgmdtof a race now rapIdly -
Idly ajiprnnchlni ; tlnc'tlon
nlu 11 f llluo Hlver that tuns through the town Is well known to bo the Uncut trllllrg stream in the
.State , and .Iroady pt' been tikeu tou'lllzoaptrt ' ol th s magnllicent puwer. No better chance can
bu found nn.n . hero for business Investments , cither In trade or manufacturlrg.
The Stone Quarries ntui o In this p , rt of the btato are admitted by all to bo the best In the Woit , and
are unlimited and of ca y access to tt.n town.
Aa n ralln od renter , lUuicston Is dcstl > rd Io bo nn Important ono. The gap on thia lailroad between
JlnnhMtan anil Mnr.uvil'o , Is fa-t b Ing pushed to completion , and when fliiHncd will form a throuih ; line
from Omaha to Kan iii City and this town Is nearly cuntral between the tivo points.
Will bo run from ST. JOSEPH , MO. , LINCOLN , NKB , and Intermediate points , to BA11NE TON , at the
following very low rates , for the HOUND Tltll * .
Arrlvo at BAUNKSTON , 10 00 A. M.
Tra ns rclurnln ; leave Darccttnn In the evening of Itnilroad fir bptuccnany of tooabovo
mentioned stttlnns uPI hn rclnndod to pcr-onsbuyinir lots. Lotsvv'II ' b sold to the highest bidder.
TKI1JIS Ono half cash , bahnco In six months and ono vtar atSpero tt interest. 10 i or cent olT for cash.
JOUv KLI.H. H. atrlce , Nebrabka. II R.W IU11TWIO , St. Joseph , JIo.
B IKNES & IIAZLtTT , llarucston , Nebraska. I. N. SPEnll , Illawstln , Kintas.
Seina Victorias , Especiales , Roses in 7 Sizes from $60
to $120 per 1000.
Grapes , Thi&tle , Lawrence Barrett , Caramels. New Stan
dard , Greed Advice , New Brick.
&ttati3l ias
This cut shows a sectional
vew of our New Polar Air
Dry Refrigerator , manufac
tured iu the most perfect
manner of Kiln-Dry lumber
Charcoal Killed , Zinc Lined
Galvanized Iron Shelves
Black Enanifled Trim
mings Handsomely paneled ,
and designed for the wants
of a class of trade that re
quires the best class of
goods that can bo made.
Wo slia poll these Re
frigerators at manufactur
er's prices , with f reiglit ad-
derl. You are respectfully
invited to examine them.
Compare prices boforn buy-
V. L , \ \ HIQUT
Manufacturer's A u
317 S' 13th St. , OMAHA , NEBRASKA.