OMAHA DAILY BEE-SATURDAY. MAY 2-1 , 1884. MRS. J. J. GOOD. 29 Main Street Council Blutfs NEUMAYER'S HOTEL ON THE American Plan. urnituro nnd appointments all now. Nos. 208 mid 210 Broadway , Council Bluffs. WHY DON'T YOU ETSOME OF FITGH BROTHERS' ' CUSTOM SHIRTS ? Perfect Fitting , Boat and Cheapest. Pine I.lnon ColUra a i J Cufts. No. 715 Fourth Strsst Council Bluffs , Iowa UNDERTAKER AND EMDALMER ! Metalic Caskets and Woodin Coffins of all Kinds. ELEGRAPH ORDERS PROMTLY ATTENDED TO. OPEN DAY AND NIGH 3XTo. Z.-Oi 3NT. 3VTn.iia. St. . Ootxxxoil KNICKERBOCKER PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY ! 220 South Main Strcob , Countil Binds , Iowa. Wo guarantee our work as first-class in ever manner nnd style at low price Wo make n ujiocialty of Groupua , Families , and especially children , whio wo toke * quicker than a wink. COME AND SEK US. SCHMIDT & R1LEY , Propriotora. MAYNE & PALMER , DKAtKItS IN Hard and S AND WOOD , BULK AMD BARREL LIME , LOUISVILLE AND PORTLAND CKUENT , MICHIGAN PLASTER , HAIR SEWER PIPE. AND No. B39 Broadway. _ - _ _ COUNCIL BLUFFO. IOWA. 504 Main Street , Council Bluffs. MANUFACTURE ! ! OP TRUNKS , VALISES , AND SATCHELS. SAMPLE CASES si specialty. Shawl , Tourist , and Trunk Straps. Twenty Years Experience. Repairing Neatly Executed. TO ON IMPROVED FARMS IN LOWEST & CO. , Tpooon Pointer f IdhbUidllllol Office No337 W Broadway , Council Bluffs , IE. STOOIKIIEIRT &D OO MANUFACTURERS OF FINE PARLOR FURNITURE V CARPETS. VUUTAINS , WINDOW FIXTURES , and IDooor actions vrxd TTx > o "v A fajwclalty. NO. 309 BROADWAY . COUNCIL BLUFFS inos. omcsR , OFFICER & PUSEY BANKERS. Council Bluffs Established 1856 Dealers la Foreign and omestlo Exchange an IOWA NORMAL -SCIUNTinO AND COMMERCIAL COLLEGE. COUNCIL BI.UFF3 - - . iu VA Will Open THE 23rd of JUNE 1884. A complete course for tcaclicrs ami those desiring a fdgher radish education , n lull huslnoo course , with training In actual bualaota practice a J genera - a correspondence , short hand , ornamental penman ship , f locution , German anil music. Splendid rooms , large , lissht and vvvll furnished , charxisery moder ate , co t of 11inj ; roasnnaMc , society k'ood , experi enced teachers for further particular * , Inquire of HEAKDdLEY & . 1'AULSON. Coiini.ll UluUii , Iowa. " ' * HEADQUARTERS BAVARIAN BAND. Persons wishing to engage this Band for parties , sociables , serenades , etc. , should call or address , JAOOIS P. SCHMIDT , Manager. 25 North Main St. EiceM. D. R , . . n > UP'DDQ or other tumora removed withouttho bilfl UDIUJj knife or drawing ot blood , DISEASES 1 xperlcne Office No 1 It.llU. ROLLER RINK ICE CREAM PARLOR. KOLLGK HKATJNQ ON HATUUDAYS ONLY. KINK KOK RENT AT $15.00 I'EU NIOHT. /tiTLARCEST / FLOOR IN TOWN , H , H. MARTENS. Prop'r. As there aru many 'So-Oallod Veterinary SureoonB In Hits city , who re practicing their quickeiy on our people , 1 deem U but Jiutlic to lay that I duly any of them to prod ice a illjiloina , or : r il ntia'i ' , Indicating that they are ciaduutei nf any \ etcrlnary Institute. and I do hereby caution tha nubll j agalntt jiueb ijuicks , I am the Only Koov/n / Graduate IN WESTEiCN IOWA , Office & Pharmaoyf 125 B'dway , AT BLUE IJAUN. T , J , OADY , M , D , , V , S , GASH TALKS ! At the well-known Establishment OF J. P. FILBERT , 209 Upper Broaaway , the 01 Council Bluflj. Notice our reduced I'rlce List. \Vo gi\o 15 pounds Eitra 0 Sugar ( or $1 00 U pounds Granulated Sugar 1 00 2t pounds Choice Oatmeal 100 2fi pounds Navy liciuis 1 00 20 pounds B at Bulk Starch , 100 12 pound * Carolina Rico 1 00 12 pounds Choice f rums 100 25 barn Buffalo Soap 1 00 Extra LakoTruut , per pound CO Urrllinrd'H I'lnj'per Ib 40 1 dozen Mackerel , 16 Colorado Flour , Winter , per cwt 200 10 pounds Olnu'or Hi.ajia 1 00 40 pounds li niloy 1 00 Bullion keg Syrup 1 70 White Fish , per kit 80 Mackerel , oer kit 85 Dates , per pound , 10 10 3 pound c-nim KtmJard Tomatoes 100 All kinds California Fruits pound Lusk's HtacdanU ( or 1 00 T. T. T. All grides , according to quality , 16a to SOo per pound. Wo also carry a ( ull line of Men'fl , Ladles' and Children's fine. Hhoci and ifcn'f Fine Hoots at very low prices. AUo ( ull line 01 Tinware and cenrral incrchaudbc. Call on us and bo convinced thai you can na\u money by deallnu' with in. Uooda dellvcroJ Itea In any part of the ctt/ . I < i a word , we am bound to sell and challenge all audaolu competition In tula countv. J. I' . FIM1EKTI 20111 or Broadway Mrs , H , J , Hilton , M. D. , PHYSICIAN & SURGEON , 323 Middle Bro lT" y. Council Blufii. N. SCHURZ. Jislice flffte Peace. OFFICK OVKH ASICUICAN KXl'RESS. COUNCIL ULTJPFS. - SILOAM MINERAL SPRINGS. We iruarantee the euro of the following named dig Bcasei , or no pay : Rheumatism , Scrofula , Ulcers , Catarrh , a'l ' Dlood aniliklndineaici , Dv | inla , I.lvcr Complaint , Kidney and Bladder Dlneasei. Oout , Neu ralgia and Asthma , Thc > 9 Sprlngiiara the favorite wort ol the tlrod an.l dubllltatad , and aretlie FKKDI.K LADIK8 DKST KKIKNI ) , Good hotel , livery and bathing ; accomodatlon both winter and lummcr , Ixxallty highly plcture ur and healthy. Aoccwtble by Wabuh railway , I Kvona , or a , B. & O , . , at Albany. Correitpoiideni olldted , RKV. U , II. THOMPSON. Manager. Albany , Blloam Sprlnni , Gentry Co. , Mo. ANALYSIS. Spidfio Gravity . . , , 1.00 ! Reaction , . . . . , , . .Neutra Carbonlo Add Goa , , 29 In. per gallon Carbonate Calcium 55,021 Gralni Carbonate Iron , , . , , . .7,041 ! ' Sulphite Uiitnesla . . .8,489 < Sulphate Gald'ini. ' . , 1,148 " Chloride Sodium , , . 7,2 0 Blllica , 1.6M " Alumina , , , ,0,016 Orvanlcand Volatile matter and lou..l,4&9 " Total clidj pir i'&llou 17,174 " WUIOUT& UIRBIUCbemliti MttRlo OH the Hull. Snore , utioro , onoro , In the ulccpor the llvolonp nlRlit ; And oh my oars with rotten Were tilled mid i < lu icd up tlhtt ) O , well that the ixirtorls do.if. To nil flouiul.i nftvo tha chink of ciuhl 0 , well for the inftti with the punch That he's busy mnktng n miuht Q , Hut the gultoral frrimU RO on , l.lko the \vnll of the toinpoat > test ; And oh , for n homo on the rolling deep , Vt'hon the nulso of the iioso la lostl Snore , onnro , snore , Through the dronrr midnight tldo ; An' Uioso nasnl eound < i will no'r 1)0 fttoppcd Till a clothes-phi xtta nstrhle. -T. [ H. 0. , inUrnko'8Tr\\olor 'MiMnzi o. THE YOUN& ARTIST , On n cold , cheerless aftoruooii in No- Tombop a young girl stood vrhoro the light foil through n sirmll , dingy window upon the still more choorlosa aspect of the room ho occupied. Poverty was plainly to bo soon in the scant furniture nnd in the clean but threadbare rug car * pot. Everywhere in short , want was in dicated. Before her WM nn onaol on which stood the canvas which was rapidly becoming n beautiful picture at every stroke of her brush. "Alicul Alice 1" called n querulous voice from the next room , and the young girl , hastily dropping her brush with n sigh , wont into the next apartment. Alice Ncrthraino's father had been n richmrm : but ono dny wlion she was about 17 the crash came which left him with out a penny , and his beautiful , selfish wifcall | unused to doing any thing for heraulf , leaned exactingly nnd selfishly upon her young nnd inoxporinccd , but bravo daughter , Alico. Then Airs. Northraino was smitten down paralysis , the doctors said and she became moro of a burden than ever upon Alice , who re sorted to painting , which had boon her favorite amusement in prosporty , to keep them from starving. Poor Alice ! What complaints nnd reproaches preaches she had to endure. And how bravely she endured them ; saying noth- 'ng , but working early and late , depriv ing herself uvuu the necessities of life ihut her invalid mother might have a few uxuries. "What is it , mamma dear ) Will you have your tea now , or seine nice toast , mammal" "Oh , tea nnd toast , toast and ton ! How I dotcat the very nnmo of them ! No , I thank you ; if you have nothing bettor than that horrid , inferior tea , and driod- up toast , with little or no butter for mo , I will do without. " And then ensued n period of coaxing and entreaty upon the part of Alicuuntil the womnn yielded , nnd ate the delicately brown toaat which the patient girl held before her. Thenrearranging the pillows nnd tuck- ng in the bedclothes moro snugly about the helpless form , Alice took her way with a weary stop into the now fast dark ening room beyond. She worked wearily , and often paused to wipe away the tears which would como dropping. At last , with n long , long sigh , she finished the landscape which she had been working upon , and said , half aloud : "How glad I am that it is finished ! IIow my head throbs and aches ! But it 's completed at last , nnd I shall , I think , jet enough for it to pay our rent and buy mother enough good tea and butter , with perhaps a httlo choice beefsteak , which she needs so much. To-morrow morning I shall carry the picture to Mr. Earlos , the picture dealer. " She was awakened the next morning by her mother's fretful voice , asking whether "sho meant to sloop forever , or would she got up and prepare break fast } " When everything was done , breakfast finished nnd the plates and cups washed and put away , Alicb made her mother comfortable , and , donning bonnet and shawl , kissed her and took her way to n largo picture-dealing establishment in the better part of the city. A stranger , n dark , tall , handsome man , stood looking at some oil-paintings , and , as Alice came in , ho gazed admir ingly at the sweet , palo fauo framed in the shabby bonnet. "Who is that lady ? " ho asked the proprietor - priotor of the store , after Alice had taken her departure. "That , " said Mr. Earles , na he rubbed his handstand smiled blnniily nt his rich customer ( for James Crawford was ono of the leading men of the city ) "that , sir , is Miss Alice Northraino , who sup ports herself and invalid mother by her brunh. Her father was a very wealthy man , sir. I presume the name is familiar to you , sir ? Used to bo ono of the wealthi est "men in Now York , sir. Specula tions unlucky , and complete ruin followed ; then the old gentleman died broken hearted. Miss Alice is a bravo girl , sir ! A bravo girl ! " "Yes , I know him. Let mo see the picture the young lady brought , please. " " 1 will buy this picture , Mr. Earlos ; bo so kind as to have it aunt to my house , " was the brief announcement , as Mr. Crawford finished his inspection of the picturo. "By the way , " ho said , turning back as if ho had forgotten some thing , "whore does the young artist live ? Because T may wish to visit her studio and examine some of her paintings , with a view to getting n largo land scape painted , I shall want ono for my parlor. " Sly man ! Ho did not say what other reason ho had for wishing to visit I ho studio die of the lovely girl artist. It was a caao of love at firnt night. James Craw ford , rich , handsome , courted and flat tered by the best society , had arrived at his 35th year "heart whole and fancy free. free.Tho The next day about twilight na Alice Northraino stood in her cold little studio she was surprised by a visit from the woman from whom she ranted the rooms , who announced a visitor below. "Shall I show the gentleman up Miss ? " said the woman. "Yes , Mrs. Carter , please , " said Alice , The next moment Mra. Carter reap neared at the door of the studio , followed by a tall , handoomo gentleman the gentleman , Alice remembered , with a warm blush , who had regarded her so in tently , almost rudely , she had thought , in the picture gallery the day before. "Mr. James Crawford , " announced Mra. Carter , showing him in. For a moment there was an ombar- rasod nilonco , which , however , was bro ken by the inevitable cull irom the bedroom of "Alice , Alice ! Who is it ? " Then Alice recovered her solfpoasoas. ion with an effort. James Crawford asked Alice to paint hid portrait. Ah , the slyness of men ) Talk about women's clover maneuvering ! When ho nroso to go ho had it all ar ranged , Ho was to como for his first flit- titig the following day. Ho shook hands with the now cheerful Mra. Northraino , and when ho parted with Alice held her hand a tritlo longer and pressed it a tritlo inoro closnly than was necessary under the circumstances. It brought an unwonted light to her eyes and a lovely rosopink Hush to her cheek. Well , these sittings were delightful af fairs to both parties. Also to the widow , who , however , could not soil the two people - plo in the next room. Nevertheless she kept up a running conversation contin ually through the open door. Ono day James Crawford came , nnd there was n strnngo light ! ' oyoa , which Alice had uovcr soon there boforo. Ho was unusually silent during the sit- tiiiR , nnd when ho wna released , to the surprise of Alice nnd the widow's resent ment , holnroao and deliberately ahut the door which led into the room where Mra. Northrnino was. Then ho ci\mo forward tohoro _ Alice sat , and , placing n chair beside the ono she occupied , aatdown. "Alico , " lie said , and there was n strange tenderness in his voice "Alico , I have boun wanting just this opportuni ty to open my heart to you over since I saw you in the plcturo-galloy that day when you came to soil your landscape. That picture , Alice , hangs in my room at homo , directly opposite my bed , where 1 can sco it always nnd thus have something - thing which will remind mo of yon. For I lovoyoumy darling , " ho continued taking her hand in his , "and 1 want you for my very own my dear , beautiful wife. Will you give yourself to mo , Alice ? I am aura you love mo just n Ht tlo , do you not ? " ho said , playfully lifting - ing her now blushing face until ho could look down into the pretty , bigoycs. The look that mot his was his ansivor , nnd ho clasped her to her breast transport of delight. "But mannna"said Alicewith n happy smile , as she yielded to the sweetness of the moment , "sho will think wo are neg lecting her. " Then Jnmcs Crawford nroao , his arm about the form of his beloved , nnd half carried her into the next room , where the widow was conciliated by the confession of the two lovers. Two weeks Inter there wns n happy little wedding in the little room , nftcr which Mrs. Northrnino , ns well as the bride , were convoyed in the elegant carriage of her son-in-law to his riage - - palatial res idence. She is no moro the invalid that she was , and is very proud' of the little fairy who calls her "panma. " COUNCIL BLUFFS. ADDITIONAL LOCAL NEWS. A MIGHTY MONSTER. Tlic Rciiiaitis of a Mastodon Foniia in a Clay Bant Here , Ilio Animal Must Have boon Immense In Sl/.o. Yesterday in digging away the bank for the now Stntsman street school some tiugo sized bones were discovered by Mr. J. W. Kelly , the contractor , who instead of carelessly tossing them aside as amore moro ignorant man might have done , took pains to scrape oil' the dirt , and thus giving an idea of the strangeness and value of the find , carefully laid the pieces aside and turned thorn ever to Mr. Graham , of Oliver & Graham , who took them to the store on Broadway , where they can bo soon bo soon by nny ono who desires. There have boon already a dozen or BO pieces of bone taken out , and others will probably bo found. These were found about twenty-two feet below the surface of the yellow soil , and it is estimated that they must have laid there 2,000 years or moro. Thoio pieces of bone are crumbled somewhat on the exterior , and are but broken portiona , but yet some of thorn are so well preserved that they give an idea of what the size of the animal must have boon. The best picco found yet is a part of a shoulder blade. The socket has n dia meter of ( it , inches , and around the " shoulder of "tho socket joint measures seventeen inches. The blade , where bro ken oil' , is 2& inches thick , nnd measuroa 07 inches nround. From thia piece of the shoulder , it appears that the bone entire must have boon nearly four foot across. Several vortobr.-u were also found , ono of which is quite well preserved , meas ures fifteen inches in circumference nnd is throe inches thick. A portion of the thigh bono was found 10 foot from where the shoulder blade was dug out , HO that AH idea cf the length of the animal may bo gained. A portion of ono of the bones of the log was also found. This is the first find of any mammoth bones in this part of the countrynnd will naturally cxcito much interest nnd com ment. . fjaivn ToruiiH. This afternoon , begining at 3 o'clock , the concluding games of the ladies nnd gentlemen's doubles and the gentlemen's singles will take place on the Council Bluffs Lawn Tennis club grounds , for the championship. The ladies and gen tlemen's doubles talco place batweon Miss Lizzie Brown and M. V . Unas , vs : Mies Nellie Chapman and Mr. 11. S , llyan. The gentlemen's singles are C. T. Of floor vs. R. S. llyan and K. E. Hart to play the winner. A match game will take place between 1. 'A. Haas ] and F. n. Evans on ono side nnd F. S. Pjsoy and R. S. Ryun on the other. Some line playing may bo expected , although lawn tennis has but recently become - como popular hero. The club has some fine plnyera. Ilciil Kutftto TranHlora , The following transfers were filed May 23 , 1881 , and reported by P. J. MoMa- hon , Council Bluffs : Frederick Flour to Frederick Fioaol- man , o , sw , 7 , 74 , 42. 82,800. n. W. Wilson to Frod. A. Worth , part lot 2 , block 40 , Alien and Ccok'a odd. to Hooca. $700. Bingham Graybill to Christian Ulfers , lot 17 , block 0 , Underwood. § 1. W. Siodentopf to Fred. Sperling , lots .1 , 4. . 10 , nnd 11 , block ! K ) , Burns' add. ? 225. A. T. Farley to W. T. Wilcox. port lota 1 , 2 , nnd 3 , block 1 , Arnold's 2nd add. to Oakland. 8050. Total aaloa , $4,300. Grain & ProTisMs , BOOGE'S ' SIOUX CITY HAMS. J. Y. FULLER , Oommission Merchant o , 8) 1'uirl fitrett Ojundl Uluff < , Iov . IS THE TIME NOW TO CURE SKIN HUMORS. "I T l t thl tcMoti when the pore pn frctly m1 , L the vernplrtitlcn In MmmUnt tlut l > l fiitirln llumnra , Htimlltatlng Kniptlont , It < WtiR Torture * , Suit Klinnn or Kcrcnm , liiorU l , Teller , lUnRworni , Haliy Humor * , Seri'tiiln , Sorodiloitu Sorc , Ali > ei MH | ri clmtKliis wonnil , fuxl \rry niH-cle * ol Itch- ln , noaljfttul 1'itni'l.V li i n ot the Skin ntul Scnlii are nin t * | > m1ily MI J cconuinlcallv cured liy the Cut ( > curA KcmedlcK. IT IS A FACT. _ Icttcw In our IMHICMIOII ( roplen ot . ldrh may he had by return uml ! ) hroour Authority lor the Rfwrtlon that Nliln , Senlp nnd lllmid Humors , whether Scrotuloui" , Inherited or Oontairlmn , may NOW be. permanently cured liv Cutlrurn lU'solv ent , the nevf Blood 1'ntlHcr , IHurctlo and Aperient , In I ternally , nnd Cutlcura and Cutlcura Soap , tlio great Skin Curc and lleautinem. externally , In ono Imll the tlmoiuidnt once halt the tupciuo ot any uther GREATEST ON EARTH. Cutlcura llemeillea are the cretvtest mcvllelncd on rartli. Hail the norat rave Bait llheiim In Ilia coun try. Mymotherrudlt twentyearn , ami Infacttlletl ( torn It. I liclle\o Cutlcurft would liiuo piued her lite , Myrm , hrrast ami head were rtnertvl lor thrroear < luYhnothlnt ; rclle\cil or cured until I U ed the Culteura llcnoUcntlntcrnally , and Cutlcura and Cutlcura 8011 eitiTiiallv. J.V. . ADAMS , New ark , 0. Croat Dlood Modlotnos. The hall ( I'M not breu told M to the treat curatha iwncru ol tha Cutlcura llrmedle * . 1 lia\opald hull- ilrcd ol dollarc ( or medicines t euro < ll cnncs ol the lilood and skin , and never lound anything Jet to equal the Cutlcura Iteuiedk'H. Iteuiedk'H.C1IAS. C1IAS. \YIU.1AMH. . l'roIdenco , 11,1 , CURE IN EVERY CASE. Your Cutlcura llcmedlc * outsell other inpdlctnr * I keep ( or nktn illsoiws. My cu toiner.i nnd | tlonts nay that the ) Imui elTocteil n euro In every Instance , \\hero other remedies have failed. H.V. . IIUOCKWAV , II. 1 > . Franklin 1'alK N. H. Sold by nil druirnlata. 1'rlco : Cutlcura , Mcts ! Ilesolveut. } l : rJoaivtficta. romullHUii ASuCunM. ICAt , Co , DiMtmi , MRM. "D TP A TTTV For Housh. Chapped and Orcany X > IJHLU Jl X skin , lllacldlead * . l'lmplc ami SkiulllcmlKhc. , amlIufantilo llmmirt ) , uio Cutlcura neap , a real ll.MUitlllcr T1IK MILD POWER OURES. HUMPHREYS' Iimiio30yciu . Knch number the tpeelnlrr - Kcrlptlon of nil eminent iilijiU'Un 'I ho nly Hliiuilo. HnfonuJHiiriiJIcillcllii'S tiirtho p' l > lo LIST riiiNCU'ii. xue. cunts. rnicx. I. 1'i'Tcm. ConReitlonInnnmntloni , .2(1 'i.Viiriiin , Worm lover , \VorniCimr , , .2 'I. Crvlni : < : < illc. orTci-thliiK-ofliifuiUH .3.1 I. Ilinrrhcn oMMlilri'ii orilulli. . . . .2 % ft. llturntnrr , drilling , lilllloii"Colk- , , < ! . ( Miulrrn Morbn * . Vninltliiir 7. ( ! ouiili . Cold , llroncliltl * .2 A M. > i > nrnlgln , Toothiiclio. 1 neciiPhi1 , . . . .2. % ! > . llondni'liri , Mclc Hondnehi < n , Vi'itlKvi .2.1 10. Dvipopiln , Hlllliiiis t-tninni'li 2. > 11. Hiiiijirrnoil or PnlnTnl IVrlod Vl 12. \ \ hllo , too I'rofino 1'rrloil.i .21V I.I. Croup. CoiiRh , DinieiiU lln-nllilnif 2V ( l-t. Knit Illinini , I'.nnliie-lni , Tini'lloni ' , .2,1 10. , IlntMiinntlu Tnlim , . . .25 It ) . I'Vvcr nml AEIII * . Chill , 1'ovcrKUC .ni > > 17 l'lle . lilliul or llleedliiK , fiV l ! > . lntnrrh. ! rcntoorclinmlc ; Inflnrnrn Alt 3I > . XVIiiiiipliiir Consli , violent cough * , . . .AO 21. ( icnrrnl llfljllllv , 1'tijnlcul WiMkium.AO 27. llldlioy DlnriKi * Alt 2-4. INrrTon. llcMllty I.OIt : IO. llrlnnrvVcnliiir. . . . Wiling tlio licit .Alt 32. IM-onnrorilie llrnrl , I'alpllntlon. l.OO sold liy ilniKKl i' < . orscMit liy ( ho CHIP , or Kin- plo \ liu , frcn of c'lmrco. on receipt of price. Xeml for Dr.lliiinnlirPVx Hook fin c. | 14 ( pnRosl. nUo Iliiulrntpd Cntnlnmio fr'HKB , : ii UninnlirtiVN iloinnoitiTf hlc iSfira * " .on Street. l\cw York. > 3CJVI3POH.TjA.3XrT PILEPSY ! Seisms , Eclampsy nnd Nervousness nro RALIOALLT CURED BY MY METHOD. The Honorariums nro due only after success. Treatment by Correspondence DR. ALBERT PEOF. . , Awarded the first class K U Modal for distinguished usorlta by thn "Soclotlo Rclentltluo | francaleo , " ( the French Selcntlllo Roclety. (1,1'liico < lu Trono , ( I , I'AllIH. in.lo wcd > V.sat EUROPE ! ! COOK'S C1KAND KXOUIISIONS Icavo Now Yorl ( In April , May and Juno , 1RS4. I'ASSAdK T1CKKTS by nil ATLANTIC HTKAMHKS. Hnoclal ( acllltloa for ocurlnK GOOD IIKItTlIS. TOUU1ST TICKKTOfor travelers In KUUOl'K , by a'l routes , at reduced rates. COOK'fi KXCUHSIONIST , with nmpa and ( ull pat- particulars , by mall 10 ccntH. A'ldrotis THOa. COOK & hOK'.t y Uroadnn , N. DR. STRONG'S TAMPICO CORSET PERFECT SUPPORT ' M ' ABCmUTELT UIIDREAKAILt A' REWARD UoUiirudloruturyiialrut Itv. riTJtlUNti'S TAOiriCO la which a Tampion stay brcilia. Iti Patent Trlplu Uncle jirevcnli l > uck-nclioiiliiullrrl tut Ion and allied dlicasoB ; occur ea a uniform trinporature around the body , proliiclluc luiiui and ipiue , no nocouary to health iu all cllinatoi. Kcr fc'ale by S. P. MOUSE , tCO. , Oranhn. Hlgham BAHDINSTI1UMENTS Bur in tin Wont p. ST , LOUIS PAPER WAREHODSE , Graham Paper Co. , S17 and 210 North Main tit , St , Loult WUOLESALK DKALKIlfl IN BOOK. ) /wnrriNa NEWS , | ( WUAITINO KNVt L01'K3.CAllD I10AIID AND PRINTER'S STOCK ti nal'l lor Han ol MARRIAGE nutneruui cugr vliifi | r * . tvrali ifcnti which tltJteiontcnjjUllnjin ; rrli ; o kuaw * lluudrtdi of lct > lllty ( hfinliitl Wimkimi , rtc. , cent ccurrly dated lorAO itnti ( tuoocy or | ot frt ftcuiju. ) Addrrii Jr ' ' ' * l.Cur Jlroicjuny and IIUAI Av. bU i < ouUJly. ACOB B1M8. K. F , 8IM8&CADWELL , Attorneys -at-Law , COUNOIIj I1LUFFS , IOWA Onic , Main Btrctt. Koomi 1 and tihugart t Uo- jfahon'i JJIok. Will practice In Htat aud edei l courtiW. W. R. VAUCMAN. Justice of the Peace , Omaha and Council Ulnlfr. 8tH oolleo Ion igcui Oil Kolli v THE CHEAPEST PLACE IN OMAHA TO BUT DEWEY & STONE'S , Ono of the Boat aud largest Stocks in the United States to select from. NO STAIRS TO OLIMB , ELEGANT PASSENGER ELEVATOR , C. F. GOODMAN , Wholesale Druggist ! kfljf t j ? AND DEALER IN OMAHA NEBRASKA. HALLET DAVIS AND GO'S PIANOS [ ENDORSED BY FRANK LISZT. ] aEBaaflEJES ; tfbSTON , March let , 1B91. KMKHION PIANO CO. CIimt.itxitN Your lintrumonU. ( Irand , Square and Upright , are really noble InstrumimU . and unrivalled ( or beAUty nt tone and llnlilu Allow mo to congrotuUtc ycm on _ yourBtcrllng _ _ , projrow. QUSTAVK SA1TKU RECOMMENDS ITSELF. ITSELF.SOLE SOLE AGENT , street , Omaha , Neb U , S. DEPOSITORY. J. H. MILLAIIU , Preaideut. WM. WALLACE Cashier. Capital and Surplus , S45O.OOO. OMAHA SAFE DEPOSIT VAULTS Fire nnd Bura-lnr Proof Snfos for Rout nt f m 85 to § 50 per annum. RICHARDS & CLARKE , W. A. CLARKE , Propriotora. Sni > oriiiondeiit. Works U. P. RAILWAY , 17TH & 18TH STREETS MANUFACTURERS OF AND DEALERS IN WATER WHEELS , ROLLER MILLS , and fkain : Elevator Machines MILL FURNISHINGS OF ALL KINDS , INCLUDING THE Celebrated Anchor Brand Dufour Bolting Cloth STEAM PUMPS , STEAM WATER AND GAS PIPE , BRASS GOODS AND PIPE PITTING ARCHITECTURAL AND BRIDGE IRON. O U' ISi 8O "We are prepared to furnish plans and estimates , nnd will contract fcr the oroctioa o Flouring Mills und Grain Elevators , or for changing Flouring Mills , from Stone to the Roller System &S ? tepecial ; attention given to furnishing Power Plants for any pur pose , and estimates made for sumo. General machinery repairs attended to promptly. Address RICHA.RDS & CLARKE. Ormlia , Neb'- The Finest Family Garden IN THE CITY. Music Every Evening , and Saturdiyn. II tbo weather It pleat antn dejaat.unch will be icrved ever morning , wd tlefiueot Lliiuoru Hid Clgtri uiiittuitly on baud. SKNf & AUUtflt. I'rojiildtora , Co tuudraroiiuStiect' .