Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 24, 1884, Page 6, Image 6

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Saturday Morning , May 24 ,
fly Canltt - - - - - - -to n nt r * ' wccl
. . . . c
By Mill - - " - | 1000per >
No. 7 Pearl Street , Hoar Broadway.
Sco J. Roitor's Spring Goods.
Jim Wilson has boon complained of bj
James Madden for running a gambling
John Oaroy for being drunk was yesterday
torday fined $7.CO. Ho hails from
Omaha. *
Permit to wed was yesterday gtvci
to Frederick Fritz and Eva Eckor
both of Mindon.
The school board moots this evening
The city council moots in adjourncc
session this evening.
The "Why Nets , " and the club fron
the deaf and dumb institution are to havi
a game this afternoon.
Seven bill boards are being erected foi
the uao of the two circuses which are t <
bo here Juno 2G , and July 4.
It is evident that the case of Dr. Cross
for killing Dr. McKuno will not bo
tried at this term of the district court.
To-morrow afternoon the goapol service -
. vice will bo hold In the same place at 4
o'clock. Both ladies and gcntlomon are
Mra. Weber has boon showing some of
Lor public spirit and generosity by plant-
a circle of pansies about the band-stand
in the park.
M. J. O'Connor's three months old
child who died of water on the brain was
buried from the homo , No. 718 Bluffs
I atreot , yesterday.
Cannot a charity concert , or some
thing of that sort , bo given to raise money
to help the poor Union Pacific to pay for
ita street car track in this city.
The grand jury completed its labors
yesterday , and were discharged. They
failed to find any indictment against the
Ohinamon who run an opium joint.
This evening at 8 o'clock the study of
the Sunday school lesson will be hold in
the moms of the Y. M. 0. A. No. 12
north Main street. Young men are in
vited to attend.
The conviction of Paul Blockort of
assault and battery will probably bn the
end of a case which has worried the jus
tices and grand juries for a year or more
The examination of Herman Frede
rick for burglarizing Louie's restaurant
J II was begun yesterday afternoon , but not
concluded. It will bo finished up to-day
Spirilual circle to-morrow ( Sunday )
Afternoon and evening in Spiritual hall ,
at 2 and 7:30 : o'clock. Entrance stairs on
Main and Pearl streets , two doors south
of the postoffico.
Footo , the Omaha traveling man ar
rested here for embezzlement , yesterday
concluded bo would go across the river
without any requisition , and accordingly
waa escorted over by the marshal yester
day afternoon.
Some of the workmen in the employ of
the water works comp'auy yesterday quit ,
and doclaro'.thoy will not start inapain un
til paid. Money ia ozpoctod from the
east but may not roach here before the
first of the month.
The only ono at work on the atone pile
yesterday wan John Wilson , the tramp
who trivd to frighten a lone widow into
giving him whisky by ahowing up a razor.
IIo ought to bo kept ut work , until ho
knows what work is.
Mr. Barko , the photographer , haa ta
ken some excellent viowa of the interior
of the now opera house. It was a diffi
cult task to got good light for the views ,
but doapito the difficulties , Mr. Barko
has succeeded nicely.
Deputy U. S. Marshal McOiatg yes
terday brought to tlio city J. 0. liana-
ford , of Bo Jford , and lodged him in jai
for failure to pay a fine imposed upon
him at the last term of the court for violation
lation of the rovcnuo laws.
Part of the gymnasium outfit for tin
Y. M. 0. A. has arrived , and is boinj
put in placo. There are Indian clubs
dumb-bolls , a punch bag , boxing gloves
foils , etc , , so that the young men can ox
orciao the physical as well as the moutc
and moral by visiting the rooms.
The Union Pacific Bays it la too pee
just now to rafao money to pay for it
part of the street paving here , and want
the city to loan it the money to hoi
it out. If the city goes into the bua !
nosa of loaning money to such corpori
tions it will have plenty of chances.
The now business college which is to I
opened here J uno 23d. under the inai
agomunt of Profs. Boardaloy and Paulac
is a very worthy enterprise and ono whii
will bo a help and credit to the cit ;
while the best sort of a practical cduc
tion ia assured those who attend the ins !
There seems to bo no law which a
plieB to the suppression of opium dor.
It had to ba etretchod to fine a Ohinami
the other day. Aa there is no atato U
exactly hitting the case , ( ho mayor h
suggested that a city ordinance- should
drawn , and the attorney haa been i
fitructod to carry out the suggestion.
The city marshal has boon inatruct
to tear down within ten days tlu c
Plainer building next to Newuayer'a i
tel and the building lately occupied
E. Knobe , they both being condemn
as nuisances. Mr. Noumaycr has long
boon trying to got the Plntnor buildinq
roraovod , and lately bought it for $100 ,
it having boon rented at $10 a month. Bj
removing it Mr. Noumayor will have
the Insurance on his hotel reduced $00
a year. As soon as Plainer hnd sold the
building the council , on the rccommonda
tion of Alderman Mynstor , condemned
the building at once.
A woman named Mrs. John Wilsor
was deserted by her husbahd at tin
transfer depot yesterday , They camt
from Buffalo and wcro intending to go tc
Lincoln. The man cnmo up town , toll
tolling .his wife that if he
could find work hero they might
remain hero. Not , returning sin
concluded that ho had got on a drunl
and .put the police on his track. I
scorns , however , that ho took the North
western train back to Chicago , leaving
his wife here penniless , with a little chile
three and one-half years old. The woniat
and child went to Omaha lost night ,
When the man loft ho had $100.
A few days ago THE BEE showed u [
the pranks of n follow with a cork log ,
vrho was playing on the sympathies ol
the Omaha public by claiming to bo hun <
gry and without money , and that he
would have to pawn his cork log for food
unless helped. The food in which ho
invested mainly proved to be corn juice.
Yesterday ho appeared horo. IIo struck
ono of the citizens on the cork leg racket
and won n good deal taken back when
told : "I'vo hoard of you before. I road
TUB BEE. " The follow who Is always
about to pawn his leg , turned away
angrily , and walked off , rather discourag
ed at the prospect of working this side of
the rivor.
There was not a very largo audience at
the opera house lost night to see "Tactics"
but there will bo this afternoon at the
matinee , and this evening. The play is
a. pleasing comedy. The actors are good ;
music better ; singing best. The jokes
uro excellent. And what in strange , they
nro now. A more enthusiastic reception
is seldom over given to a play than was
accorded to "Tactics" last night.
The paving of the streets and alloys
will do little good if persons are to bo
illowcd to throw out ashes and rubbish ,
Mid mud and filth are allowed to accumu-
ato. The first paving in the city was
; ho alloy back of Shugart's ; Whollor's ,
) tc. , on Main street. That alloy is now
: ovorod with mud. On Main street al
ready parties bogln throwing out ashes.
Che city should not only clean up , but
coop cleaned up.
The mysterious "X Y K" club of the
Congregational society gave an onjoy-
tblo "Tissue Tea" Thursday evening.
Pho repast served was a very beautiful
ino for tbo prlco charged , and the deco
ration of the room in tissue paper was
joty attractive while the four ladies who
mtertainod tbo company were no loss BO ,
vith the adornments of tissue paper ,
Astily and ingeniously arranged.
Oonstablo Wesley v ont out into the
own of Minden and there arrested Herr
Ichroodor on a charge of assault with in-
ont to do bodily harm , and Also for
hroata , the complainant being A. Gros-
an. Schroeder was brought before Jus-
ice Abbott , and took a change of venue ,
ho case going to Justice Schurz , who
; ranted a continuance until the 28th.
The social given last evening at the
Dgdon House wat a very pleasant affair
ndood and the attendance was such that
it scorned quite a financial help must
resulted for the improvement of St.
Paul's church. The ladies entertaining
were Mrs. W. F. Sapp , Mrs. Frank Pu-
soy , Mrs. D. W. Busholl and Miss An
nie Dodge. Music , ditncing and othoi
happy features were produced.
Lewis W. Ponnington , a boy aged
about fourteen , was arrested yesterday
on a charge of stealing a silver watch
from Samuel Eppoison. Epponon Lad
hung his vest , in the poctot of which was
his watch , on the limb of n tree near
which ho was at work , and it is claimed
that soon after two boys had boon neat
the tree the watch was missing.
The coroner's jury at the inquest on
the body of Clingorsmith , who was shot
at Qlonwood , returned a verdict holding
Wallace on the charge of murder- Bail
has boon refused until an examination
n bo had.
An alarm of burglars was given at UK
ulfalo house Inat night but upon tin
olico being summoned they failed ti
iscovor any thiovos.
Bushnoll nulls railroad tickets cheap i
ill points.
Yesterday' * Shoot.
The young inou'a shooting club hai
Another contest yesterday afternoon fn
.ho gold modal and championship of th
.ho club. The conditions of holding th
nodal are that it must bo wo
n throe matches. D. Stubl
las won twice and W. D. Hai
din once. Yesterday Hardin won ngaii
BO that the next shoot will bo a very e :
iting ono , as it will probably decide tli
championship in favor of ono of the ;
two , unless seme dark shot cornea to tli
rout , In yesterday's shoot Bert Kvai
came to the front in pretty good shapi
ho having killed all of his ton birds , bi
three fell outside the bounds. The fo
lowing is the score in full.
Sweet potato plants largest stock
the west byV. . n. Foster , Oouui
Bluffs. Bond for price list ,
Will tlio City Council Ilorrow Alone
I''or the Union PnclllcV
The city officials nro still discussing th
matter of paving the street car track
All agree that the law is very plain 01
the matter and that the company nwnin
the street car line must either pave th
same or neglecting to do so the city ma ;
cause it to bo paved and the coat assessoi
up against all the property of the compn
ny within the city limits , and if the as
scssmont is not paid within sixty day
then the city can proceed as in case c
other property delinquent for taxes.
The Union Pacific company has tel
the council that it cannot pay for pavin ;
just now , and that the city may go ahoai
and let the contract but wantfl the cit ;
to issue bonds and give the city oigh
years in which to pay the same as othc
property owners instead of foicing payment
mont within sixty days , City attorno ;
Holmes has presented to the council
way by which the city council may h
thinks , dodge the state law , and give th
company the time nsked for , and Ooorg
F. Wright , attorney for the company
has protoutcdhis scheme for dodging tin
The fooling of the citizens , however , i
atmnttly against any dodging. It seems
pretty evident that the Union Pacifi
company does not propose to pay fo
paving if it can got out of it , aid if then
is to bo litigation to any great extent
the city can ill ailbrd to makn mattori
worse muddled by doing an illegal act
The Union Pacific may promise not to
litigate , if the city will only do an illega
act , but as soon as the act is done , tin
Union Pacific would bo the first to taki
advantage of it , and get out of pavin ]
The only safe course ia for the cil ;
council to do what it iaaworn to dofolloi
the law , and then lot the Union Pacifi
borrow its own money instead of borrow
ing it for the corporation. Any dodginj
of the question , or evading the law , wil
simply involve the city in a litigation , o
else will result in the Uni"n Pacific getting
ting out of paying for the pavement.
It is nonaonao for the Union Pacific ti
aoy it cannot raise § 20,000 , while at tin
same time it has the cheek to ask thi
city to raise the money for it , and premises
isos to let it bo a lien on § 500,000 wortl
of U. P. property in this city. If thii
security is good enough for the city , whj
is It not good enough for some money
lender to advance the § 20,000 on. If it i
not safe for the money-lender to loai
$20,000 , it surely ia not safe for the city
The city is not in the monpy-londing bus
ineas , especially not lending money t <
corporations. But all this poverty ploi
of the Union Pacific acorns simply a pretext
text to got out of paying at all for the
The company may threaten to take uj
ita tracks , it may show its tooth , but it"
throats are no worse than ita promtsoa
nd even if the desired accommodatior
ivna done by an illegal trick , the company
would bo very likely to resume its throat
when collection of assessments were at
tempted. The council will only do thi
public will when it fol ows out the law
If the law is too ironclad , that is thi
fault of the legislators , not of the council
J. Fred Myers , of Denlson , IB in the city.
L. A , Walker of Bedford ia at the Pacific.
W. S. Pottlbono has returned from New
> rlenna.
Harry II. Horn haa left on a business trip
3 Nebraska ,
0. J. Harrington of Coder KopiiU ycator-
lay stopped at the Pacific.
J. K. Hawkins , , representing John Merrill
t Co. , pork packers , of Ottumwa , Iowa , was
n the city yesterday.
The Honshaw and Ton Broock companj
: ompoBod of Bovoateen members are stoppinc
it the Pacific House ,
Dr. C-II. Plnney of this city hai been elected
ted first vlco-proalilont of the medical alumn
association of the Michigan imlvoreity.
R. E , Barackman and II , A. WIckliam
agents of the Beaten Operatic Minstrels , nr
In the city arranging for the appearance o
their company here on the evenings of the 27tl
and " 8U , during the races.
At the Stuck Yards.
The following were the shipments o
stock at the yards yesterday :
W. n. Orjiivm , throe cars cattle , til
head , via 0. & U. I.
0. S. Bliss , one car hogs , 01 head , vii
0. & U. I.
Payotto it n. , ono car horses , 22 head
driven out.
tlio Whirlwind. "
is the title of a spicy little article foun
in the Juno number of The Century maj
azino. The subject matter of the prc
ductlon was taken from the late riot a
Cincinnati , Ohio. This justly populo
magazine has to-day boon placed on tilt
to rooms * of the Y. M. 0. A. , No. 1
North Main Street. Those rooms ai
ponod free to all.
Wheat No. 1 milling , 75@80 ; No. 3 G5j (
70s rejected 50.
Corn Local ( mrpoana , 40 45.
Onta Kor local purposes , U5IO.
lUy-10 00@V.J 00 per ton.
Uyo 10@45c ,
Corn Meal 1 25 per 100 pounds ,
Woou Good supply ; prices at yiirda , 0 OOi
Coal Delivered , hard , 11 50 per ton : sol
5 00 per ton
Lard VulrbaukV , wholcwallncr nt OJo.
VIour City Hour , 1 IX ) < & ; 3 ! 50.
iirooms-2 U3@3 00 per do ; .
Cattle Butcher cows 4 00@4 60 , Butch
Btoors 4 K > ( at5 00.
Hogs J 60(34 ( 7B.
Quotation ! by J. M. St. John & Co , , cot
mission merchauta , 533 Broadway ,
Nutter Creamery , 20oj rolU , Ilr315o ,
Kgga 12Jo po- dozen ; ieily Bale ,
Poultry Heady ualojchtckens , dressed , 121
llxo , 'Jc ; turkey * , drensod , 16o ; Hye , 1 !
Uucludr uedVJiatU\e,8o.
Orange * 1 00@4 fiO ( > erbox.
heinous 3 60ft > 4 00 per box ,
Bananas ' . ' 60(3)3 ( ) 50 per bunch
KUawberrlca-til quart cave 4 00.
Vegetables Potato * ! , 3Vo)40i ) onions , 71
cabbage. 4 cfnts p r pound j npplon , re *
.ale at 3 25@4 00 for prime stock ; Boani , 1
fo3 per buakel ,
AUKNT8-ldod ! and uentlemen can nuke fl
clui WH-OI by tollbi ; the "Champion IK *
-ttrvcther ml Ironing Uoirtl. " linUUi &t tl.
\ny luly conilouiik One ihlrt without k wrln
iml glfl * It at uloely an the u * t Uun Jrloacan. Addr
forpaitlculmU. U , S , 4 L Oo. , Itn offlou , lor <
FUllN'miKD ' IlOOM.-Flnoly luinlilnd , lor r
Location ccutrtl. Addrui i , W , U. Dti
New and Beautiful Attractions
Dry Goods
Ilnving just purchnscd in Ensfern Mnrlcots very cnbico stock of
Spring and Summer Dress floods , Ginghams , Table Linen , Crashes , etc ,
wo are prepared to oiler an excollcub selectio i of beautiful fabrics , mid
elmll do so at
These gooch hiive just been opened from the manufacturers , nnd
comprise Hie latest designs nnd novelties of the season Note below n few
of the MANY BARGAINS we are offering :
Summer silks , 35c ; Summer silks , 50c ; Summer silks , 75c. Those
are special bargains nnd cannot bo duplicated. Hood black silk at 506 ,
worth 76c Choice black Rad/.iraor silk , 81.00 , usual price , $1.'JO.
Black Gros Grain silk , 80c. Pure Silk Ottoman at SI.75 , worth $2 25.
Heavy Cloaking Tuniscinne at 81.75. A 1 grades of the famous Lyons
Silks J. C. Bonnet & Co , nnd Autoiiie Gurnet &Co. , at Lowest Prices.
Good plaids at 5c , worth lOc. Brocade dress goods at 8c , worth loc
Choice colored cashmeres at 30c. ' Figured suitings at ttOc. Very fine
all-wool suitings , double width at 75c , and never So"d " for less than 81.00
Also beautiful combination suitings at very low prices.
Good all linen table at 30c , Good all linen table nfc 40c. Choice all
'inen table at GOc. Very fine all linen table at 81.50 , worth 82 i > 0
Table crash 5c a yard. All linen towels at lOc each. All linen towels
at 12c each.
Prints 3c. Good Bleached Muslin , ' 5c. Good unbleached muslin ,
Gc. A line assortment of beautiful spring Shawls at popular prices.
Full stock of Domestic Paper Patterns. 8SJatalogues ( free.
Very large stock of Ingrains , Tapestry and Body Brussels , Velvets ,
Moquettes , Axminsters , &c. at lowest prices in the west.
Harkness Brothers ,
401 Broadway - - COUNCIL BLUFFS'
H. H , HORNE & CO. ,
ine Cigars ,
Wo rrmko n specialty , nt our EASTERN fixototy , of FINE HAVANA tnd
YAIIA CIGARS. All Cigars sold by us uro of our own innnufncturo and warranted
ns roproscntcd.
mEo d i s t
Water Waves and Hair Goods
tii.ClnaliiR ont Nntlnnn nnd Ladles * Fiirntnlilng Gnorla ftt
Fig loaves are out of style , BO are goat and slioop skin ; shawls nnd blankets have
Rene by. This is not intended for poetry , but if you want a suit of clothes to look
both neat and dressy , call on
Their Prices are Truly Reasonable {
urtalns , In lace , 'Ik , Turcoman , Etc. Oilcloths , Mattings , Linoleums Etc
jhoicest Stock West of Chicago
omo and bo convinced that wo are headquarters for all goods in our line
hcapost ( ilaco to buy House Furnishings in the O'ty.
Mail Orders Filled Promptly nnd with Care
We have the The latest nov
finest stock and elties for Spring
all the latest de Overcoats w e
signs to select have just re
from. ceived. See the m
HANDS EMPLOYED. MercbaDt Tailors
7 & 9 Main Street , COUNCIL BLUFFS.
Mixed Rags Wanted.
The undersigned is paying the highest market price for
S. GOLDSTEIN , ; - - 540 Broadway , Council Bluffs
# ' '
342 and 344 Broadway , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA
All kinds ol /
Engineering I
veylng.eartnl Land Sur-1
ta etc. V All Orders by Mall Promptly Attended To.
Geo. R. Beard ,
Largest Window Shades ,
in the City Materials ,
Lowest GORNI
No. 32 Main Street and 33 Pearl Street ,
OOTTlsrOIIli - - io w