Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 24, 1884, Page 2, Image 2

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A strictly vegetable preparation , com
posed of n choice nnd skillful combina
tion of Nature's boat remedies. Th
discoverer does .not claim it n cure fo
nil the ills , but boldly warrants it curce
every form of disease arising from n tor
pid liver , impure blood , disordered kidney
noy , and whore there is a broken dowi :
condition of the system , requiring :
prompt nnd permanent tonic , it neve
fails < [ 0 restore the sufferer. Such i
by all druggists , who are authorized by
the manufacturers to refund the price to
nny purchaser who is not benefited by
their use. Price , § 1.00.
Will euro j , > nron nr ,
LumbagolllieniiiatlMn , l' r
KlThVy , spiny n < l ' l er
tllra usOout.Aitnmallpan
illiriro , HjMwpMa , Coiw'l'
Mtlon. Pr f | la . Cnlnnri ,
IllM. WKrsT..lniPplMicJi
nVtl.nV throiiEh the tiodj. and ean
Itont t j the tiallrnU
JI.OOO Would Not Bu It.
Da. ffoa-tii I was afflicted with rheumatism and
cured by using a belt. To any one afflicted with
that disease , I would Bar , buy Uorno's Electric Holt ,
Any one can confer with mo by writing calling
at my tore , 1420 Douglas street. Omaha , rfeb.
MAIN OFFICE Opposite postomro , room 4 Fron
XJ-For s le at 0. P. Goodman's Drugstore1 1110
rnum St , Omtha.
Orders filled C. 0 D.
Tales nb other
, nourlnlimmit.
TFVTJ 1' with
1 JJ\/ him aureos perfectly , "
fW -arltwi a moth.
MM § rr. llundrcdsof
SF" _ HmU rte tlmo-
nlals , a * w ll an thofo irora reputable phriilclarm
throughout the whnlo U. H , t flfyu > the worth of
Itoqulrca no cooking , llwt food In health or nick.
EMI < oand75cW. Ilyalldruvvlstx UookMntfrro.
IIOIU.IGK'H l''OOI < , < > . , KnclnrVlft. .
Kf Sent by mall on recelptof prl coins ! un | > s.-u
Health is Wealth' '
UEN7 , n Runmntoocl upooilio for Hysteria , Dizzi.
nnss. Convulsions , 1'ils , Nervous Neuralgia ,
Iloniiacho , NOFTOUB ProMrntioncnuBod by the use
of alcohol or tobacco , Wnkofulnoes , Mental Do.
nrossion , Boftonine of the llraln resulting in in/
rinity nnd loading to misery , decay mid dontb ,
1'romaturo Old Ann , Hnuonncsa , LOBH of power
rn either BOX , Involuntary Ixisscs nnd BpcrranU
cnhocn caused byovor-oxortioa of. thobratn , uqlf-
nbuEoor over-induJnonco. Each box contains
ono month's treatment. $1.00 u boxer six boxes
for $5.00 , sent by mall prepaid on receipt of prlco.
To cnro any COBO. With each order received uyn
for ci = boxes , accompanied with $5.00 , wo wiW
eond the purchaser our written Runraiitoo to ro.
fund the money if the treatment does not effort
Bcnro. Guarantees itwuou onim ?
O. F , OOODilANN , DniggUt ARonta for Omaha
Tha remedy being Injected dlrootly ] V > thf t it'o
the disease , requires no chtniro of diet 01 nuuoout ,
tnorcurUI or poisonous mcdldnci to bo Ukon Inter-
Dally. When used M a preventive by either MX , It 1 >
roposslblo to contract any private disease ; but In the
OHM of thooa already unfortunately afflicted we guar-
inteo thtea boxoa to cure , or we will refund the mon
ey. Price by mall , pottage paid , | 2 pet box or three
boxes for JS.
tuned by all authorlicd agents a *
Dr FelixLe Brun&Co.
0 F. Goodman , DruggUt Solo Agent , for Omaha
James Medical Utt
Chartered by theStateof Illi
nois for tlicexprcsspurpoco
ofclvlnclmrncdlate relfetln
Ball chronic , urinary and prl-
Evate diseases. Gonorrhoea ,
iGleetondSyphillBln all their
'complicated forms , olio all
dlscnseo of the Skin and
Blood promptly relieved and
pcrmancntlycured by reme-
. dies.teotedln o J''or//rc rJ
_ _ _ _ _ j ) cfalJ'racHcn. Seminal
Weuknew. Kht Losses by Dreams , Pimples on
ianoexperlnietiHttQ. Thn appropriate remedy
u at once used In each case. Consultations , per
sonal or by letter , sacredly confidential. Med
icines sent by Mall and Express. No marks on
package to Indicate contents or sender. Address
DR.JAr.1ES.Ho. 204Washlnfllon St.ChIcagoj .
Science ot Life , Only ' $1.00 ,
Exhausted Vitality , Herrons and Ph\sloal Debility
Premature Decline In Man. Kirorsot Youth , an th
untold miseries esultlng irora Indiscretions or es
cesses. A book ( or every man , young , mlddlo-agei !
and old. It contains 116 prescriptions ( or all acnt
and chronic diseases each one of which Is luvaluabl
Bo found by the Author , whose experience ( or 23
years Is such tsprobably never before ( ell to the U
ot anv physic an 800 pages , bound In beauttt
French muslin maotsedooven , full ellt.puar&ntee
to be a finer worn every sense , mechanical , II
erarjr and professional , than any other work sold I
this country ( or 12.60 , or the money will bo refunds
In every Instanoe. 1'rloe only 11,00 by mall , pot
paid. Illustrative sample B cents. Send now. Go
medal awarded the author by tbe National Uedlc-
AaeocUUon , to the officer * of which he refers.
The Bdens of Life should be readbr the youn
lor Instruction , and by the afflicted lor relief. I
will benefit au. London Lanoot.
There 1s no member ol society to whom The Be
cnoe ol Life will not be useful , whether youth , par
ol , guardian , Instructor or clergyman. Argonaut.
Address the Pcabody Medical Institute , or Dr. W.
B. Parker , No. t Bulflnch Street , Boston Mass. . who
may be consulted on all diseases requiring skill and
experience. OUronloandobstlnatedlseasesthat have
baffled the skill of all other phys. II r 11 dans
( peoUlt/i Bach treated suooeu-nCHL lollr
wltboat an Initano allu ti TUVQCI C
altolutely pur"
Cocoa , from which the excess ot
OH basbctn removed. ItIm fAr <
tlmei the ttrtngth ot Cocoa mixed
with Btarcj , Airowroot or Sugar ,
and Is Uieri-fvro la moro ccououiJ-
cal. U Is delicious , nourishing ,
strengthening , easily digested , and
admirably Adapted for invalids u
will as for ] > crsous In health.
Bold DJT tlroceritrerrnhere.
DorcliGStBr. Maai
.fliif This Out
. * "
= _ L" * ADOIBW eoi oroooDs
uu lu Neat MOHtr , I
* . - < <
Tp MM. Ella \Thcclop Wllco * .
At Iwt they ay ths nlyor o l chunirod.
A Sun hath ri.on In the Wot. The Kftst
Is ghnmod , ( or Western unot > f lry Jootl
HftTolottn flower tliw rt the moon. The
H vo neon and Mink their eye to music ,
Men . _ _
Need ulncr no moro , but lonR to hoar. Tlio
Columbus Rftlned hath found Its nnthom hero
Within Ito lirtftot. The West. Your Woat
Thny bartered
With Iho IndlMis lirat , but now the Inml
Uelongd to them by Hong. And mounting
morn .
Shall mivko 5U measure by your raiwo nnd
Bland , ,
Kroct mron your Into to wnko the earth
Around. No need to train the wayward vino.
We'll lot It wm Ing burden lean to windward ,
Or to Ice , nnd drink the wlno yon tnako
For us , yet drink but nftor you.You
You left
So Htlla room to ulng that weaker minds ,
For iplto , could only consiiro In tholr rough
Unwlnnowod husks , onvloun of your rank
In high noblesse and horndlry to Rod ,
Abe > o where feeble floah prov&Ils. You
Beyond the iralntod forohoadfl of the foola
And woke no ochoo * In the dusty hollow
Of thctr bones. Sing on ! thou Rwoot. Tho-
Of the lionrt. Slngonl n lexicon ot Love
That charlntanii shall four , obovo nil prnlao
Or blame , nnd bond your rival's knee
For very nhntno.
Well : now your oars are full
With my wild wordy weather nnd lee long
1'fttlont of my benumbed lay. And eo ,
As homeless winds take Ronio perfume from
The llllloa that they pant , I'll a"k forglvonosa
i am but maklntr room for my farowoll.
faiArciuls Du 1/otivlllo.
Now York , Mar 1" , 1881.
High coIfTurcfl and high collars are the rogo
Capon and pelorincH nro cxtoselvnly fashion
1'oathor fans tnko precedence of all others.
.Tornoys of ribbed tilk hnvo lace strtpos be
tween the ribs.
Thopoko of Orlontal lace Is the bonnet to
wear with muslin drussoa.
It coat $7 to buy n novelty in the form of a
garden hat of colored mull.
Crepe veil * nro coming Into fashion , and
are becoming to the complexion.
A novelty In shoulder capon is In gray lace
trimmed with stool beads. 1'rlco 820.
Bridesmaids' fans ara made In the ahapo of
hearts , bavo long handles , and are covered
with ( lowers.
A buttercup bonnet U covered in f rot
Inside and out with solid wroatha of doubl
and Binglo buttorcupn.
The crusade og&Inst corsota should now
COO80. Advlso the girls to wear Mother Hub
bard droaaoa. Bradford Sunday Mall ,
Kentucky girls wear rod rosen for ornamontH
to harmonize with the noses of tholr escorts.
Bismarck Tribune.
A Burlington girl linn n diary doToted en
tirely to noting down the vlaltn of her beaux.
She calls it her court docket. Free Press.
A Philadelphia girl , whose admirers are ev
idently very nloiulor dudcn , says that women
will never give up coraota until mon'a arms
get stronger.
Ono of the successful druggists of Now Or
leans Is a woman. Her greatest dilliculty has
boon tn keep from fooling Insulted when man
af tor soda water wink at hur.
Now York girls now uao an Invisible lip
ointment , flavored with honey. Kisses como
high , but they must have thorn. Toxaa Sift-
Cotton Slcillonao , n soft glossy material
closely rosombllng ailk , is used na n founda
tion for dresses made of Oriental nnd other
fancy nets aud laces.
"A fomnlo horse thief" han been arroatod
In southern Illinois. That's singular. Wo
never thought a horse thief was particular
about the gender ho stole. [ Burlington Hawk
Boston girls have started a walking club.
They sometimes walk five miles out on the
country roads before returning. The mo
ment , however , that they BOO a cow they turn
right back.
"Tho Girls' Cigar School"is the latest mor-
cantllo idea. Just as if our girls didn't got
all the instructions necossaryon the subject of
smoklnj ? in the parlor Sunday nfghta after the
old folks have "turned in , " San Francisco
Among tha latest designs for evening fans is
ono with a charming ornament , consisting of a
bouquet of fresh llowors fastened to the frame.
Those are placed in a small metal holderwhich
by moans of a spring holds the stocks of the
flowers fast to th ) fan.
Kinbroldory without doubt in to rage again
this season. Every sort of dross is trimmed
with this beautiful garniture tn some way or
other. Kvory fabric , either silk , woolen or
cotton , comes In patterns with BO many yards
of embroidery attached.
Broad and stocklntrs are tho'choapost articles
In Norway , The reason Is that no girl Is al
lowed a beau until iho can bake the ono and
knit the other. There should bo a law in this
country forbidding any girl having a beau
intil she Is nblo to go around the streets with-
> ut the aid of a dog on a string.
During her latent visit to America , I'attl
ilocodu "crazy quilt , " six foot square , com-
> osed entirely of lilts of plush and velvet , of
ivhich no two were alike in color , and not ono
argor hanono of her hands. She took it
ionic with her. "to line It with swan'u down
, nd then give it to bo rallied off at n swell
iharity fair. "
NocKorchlof of fawn-colored or pale-cream-
ntod China washing silk , dotted all over the
urfaco with small bouquets of gay rosebuds ,
nil bordered with a wfdo rulllo of Spanish 01
Irioiital lace , are dainty and novel ; eotno ol
lese are so largo an to quite cover the shoul-
tors when adjusted , answering very well for n
lalnty wrap when but Might protection Is
Until the suu becomes moro powerfulplaids ,
ilaln cloth dresses , and twcods will continue
o bo worn. The "tallor-mada" dross consists
: sxally of but ono fabric ; but lately thora np
.loars to bo a mixture of materials In the for
mation of these trim lady-Ilka costumes , am
iomotlinos la aeon a mixture of tliroo inato
lals. This is , however , not in the ologam
asto of a dross of ono plain color , simply
> ralded or trimmed with IIat rown of braid o
a deeper thado than tha dress fabric. Amor !
can women seldom or never fool comfortable 01
woll-drosBod Iu an ontlro plaldod costume.
A now fashion has fouud favor in certah
Parisian drawing-rooms. As the guests or
rlvo , In response to an invitation for a solroo
dansanto , they nro mot at the door by a young
lady who gives a small boquet to each person
tuid insists that the flower shall bo attached tc
the buttonhole of the gentleman or corsogo o
the lady. Koch gentleman Is thou ox pec ted
to soak out the lady who wears a nosegay tlm
liar Iu every respect to his own , and he , there
upon , with the customary salutations , became
her partner for the rest of tha evening. Th !
compulsory coupling when skillfully organ
Ued , favors many Intrlpuea , promotes match
making , and affords a good opportunity fo
tha display of splto by bringing unsympathet
lo'porsons together ,
Yellow gloves are again struggling ( or su
IIU Mfttlnoe.
IIU Mattlo was a pretty girl ,
As fair as one could Ito ;
And every time tier lovur called
Ho had a Mat on knee ,
{ Southern Coach Maker.
And when ho came to press his suit ,
Ho hadn't loni' to stay ;
For papa lifted high his boot ,
And roared out ; "Mattlo ! Nay ! ! "
- { l'villo World.
A new vcrilou of the German blblo has
beeu piepar < d and is now In the press.
General Booth , of the Salvation army , ha
sent orders that every soldier at li:30 ! ever
day shall make the sign of the letter S t
show that he Is saved.
Biihop Green , of Mlsilsslnpl. the oldes
bishop of the Episcopal church , has transfer
red to Itev. Dr. Hugh Thompson , his ussocl
ate , all the administrative work ot hit ollico
i. Before leaving St. LouU the very old boy
proacher.Harriiou , li llnged to have present
I ed to Lu employ erg a bill for the com union
of 1,300 oul nt $1 each M "tlia results of n
roccnt revival
Ilov. Aug. Bwwonla * of Indianapolis has
tut lb n Invested by the 1'opo with the
; ltlo Mid dignity of Montlgnor. Ho has boon
connected with the work of his Church In
Indiana ilnco 1830.
The Moravians have just been celebrating
heir 427th anniversary , Thta leaves the V.Mn-
itirg tencontonary far in the roar , The Mo
avlans claim to bo the oldest Protestant sect
n Christendom , Tlioy nro able to go buck to
ho year 14.17.
A correspondent of the llatolgh , N. 0. .
iJhronlclo nays : "I saw the other day n good
argo Methodist church In Haywood county ,
no nr I'lgoon river , that wan built , shingles ,
mlplt , JIOWB and all , frum the timbers obtain-
d from one trco that grow on 1'lgoon rlvor.
The southern Baptist convention , jintcon
cluded nt Baltlmoro , win made up of Ix him-
Irod delegate * , from thirteen ftouthorn and
outhwostcrn states. The will to churches
number about ! 0,000 nndtho colored 833,000. ,
The total Riim nf money railed during the
roar for religious purposes was reported to bo
UHO,078.44. , ! The theological seminary nt
/oiilsvlllo , Ky. , him 120 students , real estate
amounting to $100,000 , nnd Invested funds of
$220,000. $ The convention was ono of unusu
al Interest.
It Is now moro than throe conturlos nnd n
lalf slnco nny hutnn Italian lion sat on the
'apal throne , Adrian VI. , n Hollander , who
died in 1623 , being the lout , but the largo In *
union of the foreign element which is now
aklng place may materially Influence future
lections. The great reforming popes , llko
Illdobrand , who In former ngos did no much
o restore the falling fortunes of thotr church ,
wore of Teutonic , not Italian , blood. It used ,
Airing the last Pontificate , to bo n favorlto
ry among thosostyled liberal llornan Catho-
tea : "Wo want n Teutonic I'opo. "
Kate Claxton wan enthusiastically received
t Buffalo lost week.
Ixwlan I'oinoroy Is playing with good BUG-
CM nt Portland , Ore ,
Mlns Koto Kytlngo will como to the front
ext noanon In "La Charbunnlero. "
Frauloln Marie Soldat Is n popular and nc
ompltshod professional violinist iu Austria.
Yon Bulow Is delighting London critics his
udloncos nro small by n series of piano ro
Klralfys' "Ilxcolslor" has boon played 300
Itnes , nnd the gross receipt ! hnyo bean over
It IB pleasant to know Hint Snlvlnl OB-
) thollo will not cut his throat , but will jab
imsolf with n dagger.
Joseph Jefferson will cloao his season onMny
t , nt Saratoga , Ho ban determined to play
nly twelve weeks next season.
It Is rumored , not with much show of au-
liorlty , that Mllo. Nevada will coma to this
ountry shortly nnd concertino.
Fred do Bollovlllo has ittgnod with the Mi
ner "Silver King" company for next * eason.
Jo will play Wilfred Denver.
Pretty Annie Kussoll. the original "Kamor-
Ida , " will travel with the Wallack company
Ids Bummer. She joins them uhortly at Boo-
Mr. Carl Rosa has added to the good work
10 han done to English musical art by produci
ng Mr. Vllllors Standard's "Canterbury I'll-
rFms. "
Fanny la > onporthna cleared nearly $ ! > 0.-
00 on her first ' 'Fedora" season. She Is rest-
up n few days In Boston , but she will go to
ow York shortly.
Maurtco Grun's French opera troupe will
> pen WaUack's theatre next season. Theo has
> non engaged to sing the leading part In
'Madaino Bonifnco. "
There will bo ton representations of Parti
al in Bnyrouth this season , beginning on July
! 1 nnd ending on August S , performances bo
ng give every other day.
Agnes llorndon has accepted Milton No-
ilcs' oIFnr of an engagement for the next Ban-
on at $200 per woek. Mr. Nobles was well
leased with her work In "Love nnd Law. "
Henry Irvlng's two sons , Itenry nnd Law-
inco , give Bomo promlso of success on the
; ago , nnd have lately appeared with much
iplauso as the two Surfaces In ' 'Tho School
or Scandal , " in an amateur charity perform-
nco nt Kensington.
Miss Mattlo L. Mcgee , n young 1'hlladel-
tilan , who wont abroad last fall to complete
ler musical education , has been engaged to
ng soprano solo parts in the next Binning-
mm musical festival. Mies Megoa Is still
ursuing her studies In Paris.
A loading actress who had the misfortune to
) roak one of the bones in her ankle in Port-
and , Oregon , during n performance recently ,
ent through the part of Claire the next after-
eon in an invalid's rolling-chair , her first sue-
ossful appearance on wheels.
In the repertory of the Italian opera nt Co-
out garden , London , Yerdi heads the neil
1th eight operas , Donizetti comes after him
1th seven , Moyorbeor follows with six , Jloa-
nt and Aubor have four , Bellini nnd Wag
er throe , Flotow and A. Thomas each two ,
nd llublnstoln and Bizet ono oach.
Franz Listliavlng recently left Buda
"osth for Weimar. Ills secretary writes to n
rlond of hla in Kneland : "Wo desire to
( Tor you our Hungarian hospitality , and our
oar Llnzt bids you hearty welcome , nnd
oga tint you will consider the proposal , as
10 can no longer croes the seas. Ho has
njurcd his eyes from constantly wrltlngmu-
Ic , and that is why ho asks mo to write to
/ou lor him. You will hoar with pleasure
, ow well ho boars his Jsovonty-four years ,
jizt'd departure for Weimar loaves agroat
ilauk in the Ufa of lUuln Posth wliich cannot
lasllybo filled , Ho has such n grand no-
uro , Biich n wonderful mind and such n
nobla heart , "
The 1'owor oT Woman.
When lovely woman gflU n hubby ,
She twists him ruund her linger small ,
And if ho doesn't llko n snub , ha
Never dares protest at nil.
Ho only can regain his freedom
Within the grnvo socalin and still.
Alas ! men's hopes should HO mislead 'cm ,
K'ou then hli wlfo can lieakhis will.
[ Washington Hatchet.
It has been pretty well demonstrated that
Wall street is no place to raise mushrooms.
Three of a kind boat two In n Texas town
ho other day. The three happened to bo de
fectives ,
Ono of the hardest things to accomplish late
to waken a man In n railroad car who In occu
l > ying two seats.
Summer Is hero , and soda water fountains
will soon begin to bunt In nil their pridi ol
concentrated energy nnd loveliness.
In the stomach of a cow killed In Logan
county , Ky. , were fouu-1200 hair pins , The
Ferocious animal must have swallowed n wo
A machine has boon lately patented whlcl
makes two hundred cigarettes n minute. In
cubfttors for hatching out dudes may bo the
next thing ,
The Tartars pull n man by the ear when
they Invite him to take a drink. In this coun
try they ilmiily pull the cork out of a bottle
and let him help himself.
"At Alliance , Ohio , n child hai been born
with a transparent head , says an exchange
That child will never nchleve success as n ) x >
ker player , Boston Star.
"I would die for you , " ho oxclalmed.plllow
Ing her head hla shoulder. ' '
upon 'Oh , no. you
ueeJu't , darling. " was his quick reply. "I Ilk
rod hair. " Burlington Proa Press.
The latest utilisation of Long Island Is a
baby with three legs. Hurrah ) there's now a
a probability of ft now race of young men wh
vvou't have to carry canot. Chicago Sun.
A scientist asiorta that a beacon only stint :
once In two minutes. Wo hope no one wl !
endeavor to change this law of nature on ou
account. A boo that can't put enough ambl
tlou into a mau at ono serenade to lost him
two minutes Isn't fit to bo In business , nui
ought to 10Uro and give some of his friends a
"Wanted s A good , steady barber , ono who
does not drink. Apply ' There Is seine
sense iu that. A barber who has to put n box
alongside the chair you sit In to shave you , so
he can stand on It and not tread on the Buakea
never glvos a man M comfortable n closi
shave as ono who tickles his throat on the eli
plan. Pittsburgh Chronicle-Telegraph.
A physician , Hissing a stonemason's rhoi > .
bawled out f "Good morning , Mr. D , Hard
t work , I soo. You finlih your grate-atones
M far as 'In ths memory of , ' and then wait , I
suppose , to see who wants n monument next. "
'Wftftl , y < M , " replied the old man , "unless
somebody' * sick , and you're doctoring him ,
and then I kdop right on , "
A Western man brought homo the bodv of
a dead man and Informed the widow of his
leath by nuking ! "Aro you the Widow
Smith ! " "Ho could not have been moro Inv
mlltlc , " observes n Denver paper. Yes ho
could. Ho might have loaned the corpse up
gainst the front door , rnnjr the bell and then
an away.
LIfo In Arizona ! Two drinks. Two moro.
'riondlv game of i > okor. Moro drinks. Jack-
rot. More drinks. Four tons. Lively bet-
Ing. Four acen ( Seventeen pistol shots. One
nnuost. Much public enthuilosm. A lariat.
Ono posao of citrons. A battering-ram. A
necktie party. Editorial In local piper on
'Strides of Civilisation. "
The Slory of Life.
nt JOHS n. HAS *
Say , what Is lifol Tistoboborn
A helpless bobo , to greet the light
With n sharp will , as If the morn
Foretell ft cloudy noon and night
To weep , to sleep , and weep again
With sunny smiles between -and then ?
And then npnco the Infant prows
To bo n laughing , sprightly boy ,
Happy dosplto his Ilttlo woos.
Wore ho but conscious of his joy I
To bo , In short , from two to ton ,
A merry , moody child and them ? ]
And , then , In coat aud troxsors clad ,
To learn to say the decalogue.
And break it , an unthinking lad ,
With mirth nnd mischief all agog ;
A truant oft by field and fen.
And capture butterflies and then ?
And then , Increased In strength and size ,
To bo anon n youth full grown ,
A hero In his mother's eyes ,
A young Apollo In his own ;
To institute the ways of men
In fashionable sin and then ?
And then nt lost to bo a man.
To fall in lovoniid woo nnd wodl
With soothing brain to scheme nnd plan
To gather gold or toll for bread :
To sue for shaino with tongue and pen
And gain or lota the prlro.
And then In gay ant ! wrinkled old
To mourn the speed of life's decline ;
To prnlso the scone our youth beheld ,
And dwell In the memory of lang syne ;
To dream awhile with darkened ken.
To drop In the grave and then ?
V family in Albany liai the brown
then pitcher from which John Brown drank
while in jail in Virginia.
A doublo-hoadotl calf has boon born iu Lower
tforryall , Conn. The calf did not live , but
IB body will bo preserved by the state board
if agriculture.
Near York , In KnRlond , n fortnight ago ,
vaa caught n roynl sturgeon over 7 foot long
ind weighing nearly 13 stono. It was takou
jy a salmon not in the Ouso.
The body of Walter lloam , n soldier who
died twenty years igo , was removed to tlio
oldlors' lot in the Knoxvlllo , Iowa , cemetery
ant wook. It wna completely petrified , the
'onturos being ao well preserved that the body
vaa instantly recognized by these who had
cnown him In II Co.
An Easter egg was made by a Parisian house
or a present to a very wealthy Spanish lady ,
it n cost of SlUOO. It was formed of white
inamol ; on the inside was engraved the eoi-
> ol for Easter day , and by some ingenious
iiechanlsm , a Ilttlo bird lodged in this dainty
cage sang twelve atra from as many popular
Mrs. Elizabeth Gordon , now n resident of
Canterbury , claims to have been born April 0 ,
782 , among the Whlto Mountains. She never
lad n doctor for a dlsoaea in her lifo , and
worked erery day until she was 0. , Kven now
ho takes a short walk every day , nnd does
xld things nround the house. Her greatest
omfort is her pipe , which she smokes contin
A dentist at Calvary has been busy lately
ixtracttnp teeth from Indians. It is stated
hat before the advance of civilization , when
ho natives subsisted solely on buffalo moat ,
lecayed teeth were unknown among them.
Jravoa who stand the torture of the sun-
lance without ( Inching are reduced to a state
if abject terror when they * fool- the cold grip
if the forceps.
Mr Edward Jones , who reside ? in Alexan
dria , Va. , was splitting some oak wood ono
ivening , recently , when ho came across ono
.iloco that was very bard so sdlit. Ho was
ibout to give it up when it came apart. Near
he center of it was a snake about ten inches
n length , around which the wood had grown ,
'ho piece of wood in which the snake was
ound wns eighteen inches in diameter , and
onxcquontly the snake must have been Inhere
hero many years. A largo number of peiuons
ave called to see it , From the size of the
vood and it * slow growth , it is thought the
optilo must have bccomo imprisoned a bun-
cod years ago. The most most curious part
f the affair is that the snake Is not hard and
lotrlfied , but , on the contrary , is soft and Ilex-
bio. Mr. Jones has had several offers for the
ileco of wood In which tht snake Is Imbedded ,
nit refuses to sell , and will take It to the
National museum in Washington.
M. Alfonso Milne-Edwards presented at the
noeting of the Academy of Science ! ) a few
weeks ago a photograph of n young male
; orilla recently imported from Gabon , and
vlilch Is now a pertioiiuniro at the Jardln deti
L'Untca. This is sold to bo the first time that
a representative of this great family of
tnthropomorphous apot has arrived nllvo iu
I'ranco. It is about tliroo or four years of ago.
ft has nil its milk tooth , its canines being
sharp and much longer than the other teeth.
[ t body is well dcv eloped , the trunk being
much longer than the legs , having the appoar-
nnco of the body of n giant placed on the legs
of a dwarf , Its Una nro loan mobile than those
of the chimpanzee , particularly the lower Up ,
which it cannot USD for drinking. Its nyos
are extremely mobile , the superciliary ridges
very prominent ; Its nose Is flat , and the
nostrils oxtraordinaiily largo , giving it n
peculiar expression. Its intelligence appears
little developed , and far inferior to that of the
gibbons. It in of an Irascible temper , nnd la
l > y no moans so docile as the chimpanzee or
.ho orang-outang , and will not fraternize with
ts keeper , notwithstanding tha advances made
by the latter.
Take Tlnio by the Forelock.
Yo who have rooms and beds to spare ,
And "grub" of safe Inventions ,
Era many days had best prepare
I'or National Conventions.
The visitors from far and uoar
Who rush into Shecargo ,
In squads and droves will soon appear
Thcro being no embargo.
We'll1 feed them on the best of "hash , "
When in our town they gather ,
And lot them cut n lively dash ,
In Juno's delightful ttoathor.
[ Chicago Sun ,
Now York Kraphlo : A recent newspaper
article states tha presence of a plumber in
Heaven , This would appear to Indicate that
St. rotor's eyesight in not as good as it used
to be.
The Canton , Ohio , ladles think of prosecutIng -
Ing the policemen whojwero placed In charge
of the surnlus stock of candy , cake , ice cream ,
and the llko after a church fair lost week , and
ate up the subject ! of their care.
.Tub is always quoted as having bean a
most patient man , but we would like to offer
a largo amount to any one v > ho will prove that
his wife over in ad a him tack down a stair-car
pet with the back of n hair-brmh ,
An Individual in Jacksonville , Texas , ad.
vcrtises a Ilvlue heidloja rooster on extbltlon ,
nnd says he will donate ono-fourth the proceeds -
coeds of the exihltlou to the Jacksonville
Sunday schools. The cause of religion and
the church is receiving jpjoer financial assist
ance lately.
An oxchanga considers It "the height of
'cheek' to say grace over meat for which the
butcher his never been aud never will bo
paid , " Well , there may be something iu that ,
and yet from another polnt'of qlow it looks a ?
though thanks were especially in order iu a
"No lady or gentleman , " emphatically re
marks a Vermont paper , "no matter how
costly or fashionable their raiment , will sit iu
! church and eat iieanuts. " And It might have
ftdded that they will uot send out for a pitcher
fboer , cither , nnd drink it while the col.
octlon Is being taken up.
( Sen , Booth , of the salvation army , claims
o have invaded eighteen countries. Now
und then a soldier is captured by the enemy
mil locked up on the charge If disorderly con-
net but that only serves to advertise the
auso , nnd Is nothing to the Immense amount
> f salavge that the general's troupe are path-
ring In from thovireck of a wicked woild.
At some religious ceremony at which Arch-
jishop Whateloy was to officiate In the conn-
ry n young curata who attended him crow
/cry norvoui ns to their being lato. "My
good young friend , " said the Archbishop , ' !
an only say to you what the criminal going
x ) bo hanged said to these nround , who were
lurrying him , 'Let us take our time ; they
an't I'Cjrin without us , ' "
A lady entered n Plymouth store , saying
bat she wanted to purchase n blblo to present
o her husband on his approaching birthday ,
iho wns shown what she wanted , nnd , having
nndo her selection , wns about to retire , when
he suddenly remembered nomothing olso.
'Havo you playing cards ? " The shop keeper
ad playing cards and the lady selected two
jacks. As she was coin ? out nn old gentle-
nan remarked : "That's Plymouth religion
11 over ono blblo and two packs of cards , "
I think 1 shall go to tha circus this year
when it comes around , " said the minister to
Ms wlfo.
"Why , my dear. " she exclaimed , shocked at
lie idea , "you wilt surely not act so Inconi-lst-
ntty. You have always boon opposed to
o theatres , circuses and things of that kind. ' ,
"That is t'uo , but the circus this year has n
acred elephant , nnd of course there [ can't bo
ny harm in going to sea that. "
' Certainly not , my doorj wo will go togoth-
r. "
Lost Sunday ono of tha pastors of the Ilttlo
lllnpo of Povvnal wns walking to churchwhen
10 saw a man with his coat oif , digging in his
arden , Tha good mnn behold with grief and
.stonishmout , andcoming up to the fence , bo-
tan to rotlto In a nolemn voices "Ilomombor
ho Sabbath Day to keep it holy. Six days
hou shalt labor and do all thy work "
"See hero. " enld the mnn In the garden ,
oo'iclngup , "bo you talkln'to mo ? "
" Yosmy poor man , I am. "
'Wai , you needn't worry about mo thon. I
ain't ngolu' to do any work : I'm only dlggin'
wo'oms to gi afishln' with. " Burlington Free
Miss Rannoy , daughter of the member of
congress from Boston , is ongagud to the son of
ho late Thomas Allen of St. Louis.
Some silly young people In Carlisle. Ponn. ,
.ro amusing themselves by indulging iu mock
marriages. Their parents should show them
what n serious thing real matrimony is by
{ iving them a sound spanking.
The difference between the Quaker form of
narrlago and the Episcopal form is , that in
, ho farmer thobrido does not promlso to obey ,
mt does obey , while iu tha latter the bride
does promlso to obey , but does not oboy.
) rnko's Traveler's Magazine.
The oldest son of the famous singer Jenny
'jiud , now Madame Otto Goldnchmidt , was
atoly married to an English Jadyat the house
) f her lather , Colonel Danioll. Some of the
oaturos of the wedding , which was in church ,
ittractod n good deal of attention. The brido's
rain was berne by a page in block velvet , and
he four bridounaids were attired in different
costumes of lilac , yellow and white cashmere
and muslin. The bride's traveling dross was
stool gray and salmon colored cashmere.
Dr. Jasper Benson , who is eighty years old ,
vas recently married at BoykinS. O. , to Mies
Constance Bell , a school girl of twelve. They
tad only known each other for two weeks.
3r. Benson was sick at Mr. Boll's house an d
Constance nursed him , and as soon as ho got
voll the two wont off together and got mar
led. The doctor being rich , the marriage
was not opposed by her parents. The 111-
natod couple ro spending their honeymoon
u Florida , where ho owns two orange planta-
lons. The doctor thinks ho will live twenty
oars lonper.
It is announced that Mr. Joel 0. Harris ,
vhoso quaint sketches over the non do plume
if Uncle Homua have proved n valuable foa-
uro of the Atlanta Constitution , is about to
> o married to Miss Dora Wnttorson , the
roungest daughter of Col. Ezra K. Walter-
on , the richest cotton planter in Georgia ,
itisi Dollio has gene to Now York with her
mother to eelect her bridal tronsseau , which
vill bo exceedingly elsborato. Tha young lady
s a petite blonde , very pretty and very ac
complished. Her father is a cousin to the
ilon. Henry Watterson , the eminent Kon-
; ucky journalist , and was colonel of the Gth
jleorgia cavalry at the battle of Yicksburg
lauding , whore ho lost both his los. The
roung couple contemplate a bridal trip to Kay
A dreg-gist , dependent largely for his sup
iort on the patronage of Yale students ,
.dvertises . IB follows : "Arnica , sticking-
ilas tor. splints , bandages and other base-ball
; oods. "
A class of Ilttlo kindergarten children in a
ioor district of Boston , who , although in very
destitute circumstances , have become thor
oughly imbued with the spirit of Froebol's sys-
em. wishing to help in tha effort to extend it
, o tuo Infant blind , have raised among thorn-
elves , by contributing the few pennies in
heir possession , tha sum of forty-one cents ,
vhlih they have sent to the manager of the
Doctor Cello , of Paris , has found that twon-
, y to twenty-live per cent of children hear
only vvithiu a limited range. A practical re
sult of this discovery is that children are now
ilacod at such a distance from the teachers'
leak as will correspond with their strength of
tearing. The matter does not appear to have
juon thought of before , but its obvious impor-
lance is now likely to attract attention from
our teachorH.
The annual report of the superintendent of
public Instruction , in New York , shows that
bore were in that ntata lost year 11,014 school
iouss worth § 31,011,211. The number of
ichool children in attendance was 1,011,080
n number greater than the total population of
nny ono of nineteen states in the Union.
There were 31,570 teachers , 24,847 of them
loing Yiomon ; the avorugo annual salary
of the teachers was § 391 , the total expense
of maintaining tha common schools was § 11- ,
The Springfield MaB. , Union discusses the
subject of moral teaching In public schools nnc
declares that a misconception of the principles
ot moral growth underlies tha demand for text-
Look lessons in ethics sandwiched in somewhere -
where between the arithmetl > and the pram-
mar. "What the boys aud girls supremely
need as they appro icfi tha years of responsi
ble activity , " sav- > The Union , "is not an easy
familiarity with a set uf moral rnloi though
that is good as far an it goes but a quicken
ing of the moral feelings. There is no sura
way of becoming good as through the dally
effort to do good. Let the teachers ancourago
their pupils in doing helpful things for each
other. Lnt them foster a generous cooperation
tion , so developing what we may call the active
moral faculties. "
For several months the Yale faculty have
been discussing radical charges in the course
of study with a view of making the general
system of scholarship in tha College moro co
herent aud continuous than it has been here
tofore ,
' For tha Freshman and Sophomore years
the schema will ba substantially as It is now ,
with an option for the student between Frond
and German , The student can continue
these two studios , or either of them , through
the whole four years of the course , and the
name Is true of classics and mathematics. Iu
Junior years seven-fifteenths of the student's
work will bo given to the two required cour
ses for that year , constating (1) ( ) of astronomy ,
logic , and psychology , aud (2) ( ) of physics am :
geology. Iu senior years moutal and tnora !
philosophy are the only studies absolutely re
quired In distinction from optlonals. Tha
work of that year Is Intended to supplement
the courses of tha earlier years , aud to bo
adapted to the particular calling which tin
Senior Intends to adopt In life. Political
economy apnoara In tha tlnal year as a Senior
optional , English literature comes iu as an
optional study of Junior year , aud can be
pursued until graduation.
"For ttdmUaioii to the College the quallfica-
ttont of applicants are to to slightly increased.
One modern Innguaca ( French and German' '
wlllba reunjired Tha mathematics will be
ulwut the eamo us now , and there will be a
sight lowering Iu the quantity of required
Latin and Greek , with special stroja put upon
translation at sight.
"If approved by the corporation , the new
scheme will go Into effect next September ,
with the exception of the requirements foi
ailu'lsiton ' , which will apply to candidates
entering La 1BS5.
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