Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 24, 1884, Image 1

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of a Man with a History a
Oakland , California.
A College Graduate , Lawyer ant
Methodist Minister ,
Ho is Executed as the Principal
in a Double Murder ,
He Hires Two Tools for $5 and a
Bottle of Whisky ,
He Protests His Innocence to the
Last and Dies Game ,
An Ohio Murderer Ijnunolioil A. Vflto
Murderer Expiates In New-York.
AN EX-MINISTEll aillllETEl ) .
OAKLAND , GALA. , MAY 23. Lloyd L.
Majors was hanged this morning. Ho
was 40 years old and was born near Uio
homo of GarGold in Ohio , graduated at
Ann Arbor college in 1870 , and began to
practice law but afterward joined the
Methodist ministry. After preaching
several years ho went to tha Pacific coast- ,
Bottled iu Los G vtos , where ho became
owner of a hotel.
Tiin i/omiLi : MURDER
for which ho was executed was committed
a year ngn. Ho planned it , leaving the
execution , however , to two tools , named
Jewell and Showers. They vrero both
tried and convicted , but before this all
the facts in the case , and the agency of
Majors , became known. The murder
planned was that of W. F. Ilenowdon , an
old > nan living in a cabin near Lou Gates ,
and the purpose was robbery. When
Majors' tools wont there they found , not
only llanowdeu , but a friend , named
Mclniyro , both of whom were killed.
Majors went there the aarao night , and
Bet tire to the cabin. Ho gave Jewell
and Showers a bottle of whisky and five
dollars for the deed. Ou last Monday
night the condemned man mad * a
Possessed of immense strength ho over
powered the two death watches and the
jailor who happened at the moment to bo
in iho coll. Wrenching the keys from
the jailor's grasp , ho dashed through the
door across the jail yard to the street ,
but just as ho thought he had succeeded
ho was encountered by two firemen who
had been attracted by the noise. They
recognized Majors , and another struggle
ensued so terrible that Ma jura' arm was
broken. Rendered helpless ho was con
ducted V ick to h'a neil and frutn that mo
ment ho abandoned hope. Ho sought
the consolation of religion. Up to the
last moment ho
. of "the cringe charged. In a conversation
with J. B Bonowder , a brother of tha
murdered man , ho said : "You may draw
my life's blood from my arm and with
this pen I will write my innocence of all
connection of the crime in my own
blood. " As ho spoke ho appealed to
heaven to witness the truth of his state
At ten minutes before the hour fixed
for his hanging he was led from the cell
to the scaffold , and though still suffering
from the effects of his late desperate ef
fort to escape ho walked the entire dis
tance with firm and unflinching tread.
About four hundred people had gathered
in the jail yard ; the roofs of surrounding
building were cohered with people to
witness the execution. Ho mounted
the * c.ifFold without assistance and took
up his position on the drop firmly erect.
It was expected ho would make a parting
speech , but he refused to say n word ,
maintaining throughout stolid silence.
At twelve minutes past 12 o'clock the
bolt was pulled , and Maj > ra foil with
His neck was clearly broken. In
eight minutes ho was pronounced dead.
In sixteen minutes tl.o body was cut
down and placed in a coflin for delivery
to relatives. Within the jail yard not a
sound was to bs heard. An awful ni-
lenco prevailed , only broken by the
jeers of the crowd outside , when they
learned that Majors ceased to livo.
WAVEKLY , Ohio , May 23. Laban
Stevens , the third man convicted of the
murder of Anderson Liokoy , near Jcffer-
nun , Ohio , was hanged hero to-day.
Tlmru was n largo crowd in town though
the execution was private. Stevens
slept well and made a confession this
m .ruing . to a relative of the victim , saying -
ing he had planned a robbery but not a
murdnr. The hanging took plaoo at one
Lrm/u VALLEY , N.Y. , May 23 Chas.
B. ninrko WHS hanged to-day for the
murdur.of his wife.
SAVANNAH , May 23 Loonidns John
son , colored , was hanged at MoDonog'huo
to-dayffor rape , and John MoKeithau ,
colored , at Way-Cross for murder.
Miss. , May 23. Dr.
R. G , I Penn , charged with killnng H. B ,
Rials/ was found guilty of murder in the
first'degree. Death sentence will bo
prouounced to-morrow. His brother ,
H.ll , Penn , vrhu aided in the killing ,
will bo tried immediately.
\ HIOAQO , May 23 The Journal's De
troit special says : The six year old
, diuiyhtf r nf William Dyke , living a mile
/ east of FTillsdalu , was outraged and murdered -
/ dered last night. Her body was discov
ered this morning. Her skull was crush-
in with a stouo. Great excitement pre
Tlio IlllniilM Win-lit Crop ,
OniOAdo , 111. May 23. The Journal's
SpringfieUl , 111. , special says : The condition -
dition of the winter wheat crop in Illinois
May 1 , as reported by the state board of
agriculture ia bettor in the northern por-
tion but not so promising in the southern
orn portion. The percenta o of the
winter wheat killed , is M per cent
in the northern poition ; the coutrnl di
vision , 20 per cent ; southern division
27 per cent. The average yield is now
estimated nt Ot per cent in the northcri
countitsj 80 in the central counties mid
73 in the southern counties. The southern
orn division represents half the ncrengo
of the stnto , winch makes the avorngo o
the state about 82 percent of nn avorngo
The U. S , Court Decides In Knvor of
Blsniiitok On Appeal of AVIiloh
Yanlttott Holds I'or Two
YANKTON , Mny 23. The Supreme
Court this afternoon rendered a decision
in the reversion of the Court below ii
the Capital commission case. Justices
Lludson , Church nnd Palmer assent , mid
Justice EJgorton dissents. The declaim
declares the net of the commission valid
and is in f.xvor of the claims of Bismarck
to bo the capital. The attorneys for the
people immediately proffered an appeal
to the United States Supreme Court ,
which operates ns n suporst'doas , nnd pre
vents removal of the capital to Dmnnrck
pending decision by the Unitnd States
Supreme Court , which takes at least two
years. The case has boon ably urged
by both sides , the chief point of contro
versy being the power of the territorial
legislature to delegate its pownr to n
committee outside that body who acted
nftor the adjournment of the legislnturo.
BIHMAUCK , May 23. The city is nblnzo
with bonfires , cannon is booming and
there ia general rejoicing over the deci
sion of the supreme court on the capital
It Cannot lie Ijcvicd on liy n Sheriff
So Says tlio U. S. Court ,
PiTTsiiuRO , May 23. The question of
; ho power of a sheriff to levy upon
whisky in bond was finally decided to-dny
in the United States court hero. A rule
was granted in the common picas court
of this county against Frank P. Case ,
collector of internal revenue , to show
cause why ho would not bo hold in con
tempt for refusing Allan , sheriff of this
county , permission to levy upon whisky
in a bonded worohouso. Ju-lgo Achnson ,
with the concurrence ofJJustice Bradley ,
of the United States supreme court , beFore -
Fore whom the rule had been cortiornried ,
discharged the case at the cost of the
sheriff , sustaining the collector in his
They Resist , tlio United States Troopa
Serious Trouble Feared.
WASHINGTON , May 23. The following
telgram concerning persona trying to
force their way into the Oklahoma lands ,
baa uee'n tranamittod'by noting secretary
of war to the secretary of the interior ,
under date of Fore Reno , Indian terri
tory , May 9 :
"To the Adjutant General , Department
of Missouri : A courier just from Lieu-
enent Day , who is on the Cammaron ,
reports the intruders made a serious re
sistance Day arrested 35 ; many moro
are coining and may overpower him by
lumbers. I send Captain Carroll , with
nil available cavalry , this afternoon.
ETavo asked the commanding officer at
? ort Sell for two troops of cavalry.
Signed , DEWEES ,
Major Commanding.
Loss of tlio French Brlfj Senorlne
Sixty-T\vo"LlvC8 Lost ,
ST. JOHN , Nr'S. , May 23. The
French brig Sonorino with 53 paeson-
; ers and i ) of n crow sank to the east
ward of the Great B inks. All perished.
She left St. Male , Franco , on the 25th
of March , laden with a general cargo ,
lound for St. Piere , and fiucuumbed to a
; ale on the 5th of May.
Iowa Medical MOM.
DEH MOINES , May 23. The state
medical society adjourned to-day. The
iflicers elected for the ousuiag year nre :
'resident , II. 0 , Huntsman , Odknlooaa ;
irst vice-president , H B , It'insomo. Bur-
ing ton ; second vice-president , 0. C.
infiith ; secretary , J. F Kennedy , Des
.loines . ; assistant secretary , G E. Craw-
urd , Cedar Rapids ; treasurer , R. Skinner ,
? odar Kapida. The jiliico of the next
neeting will bo Cudar ll.ipidu , the third
Tuesday in May 1885 ,
'Iho poof ) l tlio pudding Is not In chawing
ho string , but in having an opportunity to
out the article direct Sclirotor K liuclit , tlio
) rutrfjibtn , luivo ft free trial bottle of Dr. 15o-
mikoH Coughniul I.ung Syrup for each nnd
very ono who ia ulllictoil with OOURH | , Colds ,
Asthma , Consumption or any Lun # Affection ,
In AV ip.i Virginia.
WHEEI.INO , May 22. The Greenback
convent urn nt Buckhanuon nominated
'udge ' Edwin C Mnxwell for Governor ,
f. J' . Burtt for Auditor , Spencer \V.
jivim for Treasurer , J , K. Vondall for
Superintendent of Schools. Maxwell is
tu publican ; thn rest of the state ticket
a left tot the Republicans to naimt , and
ho two cartiea will fuse in the October
iltction us well us in the November.
i'ho electors , nomination was left to the
executive coiiilnatteo ,
BALTIMORE , May 23 In the African
rl. E. general Ounferonco u report rec-
iinmonding the biahopa to issue n proc-
aniution declaring a , union of the African
M E. church and the British AI , E.
hurch of Canada and thu British pro
cucoj was adopted 100 to 5. Biahop
* entered * .
ayno a protes
A I'ollociniiii liriiurd up ,
D , F.CollInn , member of police , seventh ward ,
loading , I' * . , talks tills way : "Sulf reil se-
eruly from rhnuuiatitin ; luithlni ; dlil mo any
oed till I tried Thomas' I electric Oil. It U u
ilaaauru to recommend It. "
Flro at Bloux KallH , Dakota.
Sioux FALLS , Dakota , May 23. A
fire partially destroyed the utnrast
House to-day ; .dtunagn to building $8G ,
000 , contents , $0,000 ; fully insured.
They Hare BO News from General Gor
don Since April 10 ,
Admiral Hewitt Fails to Bargain
with Abyssinia ,
A Virulent Oattlo Plague Eavag-
ing Odessa ,
A Phronix Park Assassin Testi
fies vs , Dynamiters ,
Germany's ' Commercial Circles
and Taxing Money ,
L'oumiR by tlio Million Subscribed
Toward the AlatioticHtcr Caiml ,
LONDON , May 23 In the Commons
to day Fitzmaurico , under secretary ,
stated that no news hxd boon received
from Gordon since April 10th further
than a confidential message sent from
Soudan. Ho believes the messenger
\rhu entered Khartoum was unable to re
turn to the Mahdi. Lord Edmund slid
at El Rabat it was reported his followers
prevent him from going to the NVIuto
Nile. Gladstone sUted that no dolimto
iio a had boon received concerning ntl'iurs
at Berber or Dongola , but reports nro
reassuring. lie refused to unxko any
statement about the rup6rta of Mudir
Dongola'a treachery.
LONDON , May 23. Lord St. Leonards ,
indicted for indecent assault upon n ser
vant girl , was convicted to-day. The
court reserved judgment.
Minister Morton has written M. Ferry
denying that the house of representatives
rejected the bill reducing the duty on
works of art to 10 per cent. , or that the
house applauded the vote.
MADRID , May 23. Murica is the prin-
pal city damaged by the floods in the
southeastern part of Spain , The roads
are impassable , bridges destroyed , and
travel on the railroads is suspended ,
Twenty persons are missing.
LONDON , May , 23 In consequence of
the porto absolutely insisting on the abolition
lition of the "favored nation" clause ,
the commercial negotiations between the
powers has reached a dead lock. Russia
and England especially insist that this
clause bo inserted iu the convontion.
BERLIN , May 23. Commercial circles
and liberal newspapers are indignant a <
the bill to bo introduced in the reichstaf
increasing taxes to 2 10 per $100 on ftl
money bargains. It is claimed such a
law will especially damage the bourse.
Its adoption is doubtful.
The police interfered with a mooting
of socialists to discuss the proposed tax.
There were cloven arrests.
LONDON , May 23 It is reported the
negotiations between Admiral Hewitt
and King John of Abyssinia have failed ,
Mahdi having promised the king a large
coast district , including Masaowah , and
several harbors on condition that ho re
main neutral.
SLIOO , May 23 Patrick Delaney tes
tified in the dynamite inquiry to-day.
Ho said his only object was to save inno
cent lives and prevent others from being
trapped. He was duped into assisting iu
the Phwnix Purk murders. lie was not
Diving evidence for money or liberty ; ho
jxpooted to return to a lifo of servitude ,
and admitted that ho richly deserved it.
LONDON , May 23 The promoters of
; hi ) Manchester canal are nuking ar
rangements to immediately raise 5,000-
JOO. The success of the venture is be-
ioved to be 11 curtain.
LONDON , May23. Fivomillion pounds
or the Manchester canal was subscribed
n three hours.
ODESSA , May 23. The cattle plague
ias re-appeared in the Odessa dis-
.rict iu its most virulent form.
MoNTiiEAt , , May 23. It is reported
, ho bank of Montreal exported eight
million of gold to Now York during the
recent financial troubles.
NEW YOHK , May 23 , Failures for
seven days 232 , an increase 01 33.
"iiuoit" HACK.
U. S Grant , jr. , came from Morris-
.own , N. J. , his homo , this moraim : to
lie nflico of Grant & Wurd. Ho laughed
it the rumor of his supposed flight to
Canada. Hn Hays ho hat nu intention of
caving and intends to remain to attend
ho business necessarily growing out of
lia financial troubles.
James Keene proposes to uettlo Sjwith
totes , payable at twelve and eighteen
in nths ,
NEW YOUK , May 23 James II
vounu cays he expects to piy his debts in
ull if his creditors will give him a little
tine. To this end he nukes u prppo
tion tohold rs of his obligations , adjusted
and unadjusted , to accept his no tea dat
ed May 1st , 1881 for tliu full sum due
Item on that day , payable in 12 und 18
uuntlis. For privileges not matured on
hat day ho proposes to give notoa for
unounts received by him when the priv-
egos were issued.
The Post nays it is reported that Fer-
linatid Ward intends making a confess-
PITTHUURO , 2:20 : r. M. The PoniiByl-
ani.v bank huvo nut opened their doors ,
) ut expect to do so in n few minutes ,
t was the oiiginnl intention to runumo
uymont at 1 o'closk , but the dutuils
sould not bo arranged. Aboutonu hun
dred persons are on the pavement And
stfpa waiting for the door * to open. Tlio
bank has boon receiving deposits nil dny.
A voroy small run ! s nitttcirmHl. Tlicro
is no excitement ill flntncinl circles , Con-
fidniico has been restored.
2:35 : r M. The doora wrro thrown
open at 2.30. The bank is crowded , hut
nearly as many are depositing as drawing
out.Tho doors were kept open until 5
o'clock. Long before that hour the rain
ci'nsed. It is cxpectuil to-morrow the
ecnro will bo over. Tlio deposits today
are paid to bo $50,000 in oxccsj of the
amount withdrawn.
The olHcera of the bank will soon bring
a suit against several prominent business
inon for maliciously circulating rumors
which mused the run and compelled the
NEW YORK , May 23. A syndicate
which hns tnkon the government bonds
from Fisk it Hutch is composed , of I. mid
S. Wormsor , Louis L Hoyt , J. B Col-
unto and the United States Trust compa
ny. It is stated that the syndicate took
all the linn had. By this operation the
banks and others hnvmtf lontm on bonds
are relievedand Fisk & Hatch nro placed
in a position to mljuit their atfitirs.
NEW YORK , May 23 The directors of
thu Erie railway issued a card to day ,
stating that the falling off in earnings for
first six months of tha present year nro
unusually largo. The _ coupons oil the
second consolidated nibrgAgo bonds are
paynblo the first of Juno , and under or
dinary circumstances the board might
provide to some extent for the deficit on
the first six months , relyiug on the usual
increase in the earnings tholnsthalf-yoar ;
but iu the present depressed condition of
the business of the country and of the
earnings of the Erie , as well as of other
companies , the board dnes not fool at
liberty to deal with anything but the
business and as the earnings as now as
certained , and therefore deem it wise for
the present to postpone payment of the
coupons duo , the first proximo.
NEW YORK , May 23. Half a dozen
detectives and deputy ofllcore watched
thojiouao of John 0. Euo to-night. The
servants admitted only jntiinato friends.
Eno is in bed sick.
A Bolt From tlio Clouds FircH OU
TankH at IMilladolplilix
$155OOO LIIBH , and
More Feared.
PHILADELPHIA , May 23. The lightning -
ning to-night struck a largo tank of crude
oil of the Atlantic Refining company on
the Schuylkill river , in the extreme
southwestern part _ 61 the city. The
flames communicated to another largo
tank and several small ones. It is fear
ed the oil in the other tanks will also
catch tiro. The loss up to that hour has
been estimated at 150,000. Several
vessels moored at ( the wharves were
towed into the river. Some of the
larger tanks to which the flaino had not
reached contain bt n no and paraHmo.
It is not ' prt/b'ttblo * toy also will bo
burned. _ *
Spring Sporla.
LOUISVILLE , May 23 2 your olds
fivo-oights of a milo Vallisia won , Rha-
doma 2 , Princess Ban 3 ; time , 1U2. :
Mile heats Chili won in straights ,
Egyptian 2nd in each heat , and Major
HughesSrd ; time , 1:45 : , 1:40. :
All ages Froeland won , Long Knight
2 , John Davis 3 ; time , 1:6 : ! ) .
2 yonr olds J mile Rudstono won ,
Kuokuk 2 , Socks 3 ; , 117.
CHICAGO , May 23. The entries for the
spring trotting meeting of the Chicago
driving park , which closed Monday , nro
nil in und will bo published to-morrou.
1'ho purses aggregate $15,1)00 ) for five
days , Juno 3rd to 7th , The entries
number about 100. Those in the faster
class , a are as follows :
J'J2 : , trotting Novu , Kitty Nan , Adelaide ,
Towutt uuil Nxvtilty.
li : ± J , | j.ieiui ; lltHtrovor , Truro , liomto M.
IVruu for ull lU'jom Uem , Klur.i Jiullo and
a:18 : tr ttorsDick Wright , 0 itchlly , I'hyl-
Iu , Uvoimuu und Tony Nowcll.
BALTIMORE , May _ 23. 1 mile all
ages Jiilu Wartiold won , Flotvor of
Mouth 2 , Uoel-und-Too , U ; time , 1
Ono and u half miles 3 year oldtt
Blloralio won ; time , 2'Mk :
2J mtlos all atus Bjue Grass Bnllo
won , Hilarity 2 , IWoroo 'J ; time , 4:02A. :
J mile heats Nimrod won iu atruiyluB,1
bunt timu , 1:10 } ,
Stouploohaae Bouverwyck won , Abra
ham 2 , Secret , 3 ; time , 5:2U. :
KANSAS CITY , May 23. Pacing Milo
icuti Nottio yluiw- won ; Little Jenniu
2nd ; bust time , 2:2Gj. :
Trotting mile heats Execution wan
n straights ; Bully Buy 2nd ; best time
0.0171 - . - . .
Novelty running milo and a half
Vulloto l t ; Frank Harper 2nd ; time
f > - r\
MM/ ,
PHILADELPHIA , May 23. Belmont
: 'ailc , 2.HU pucora Julia won ; boat
Hum , 2:2JA. : !
CUju 2riO , St. .Cloud , 2 , 1 , 1 , 2 , 1 ;
L'otten Notvoll , 3 , 2 , 2 , 1 , 2 ; Sh > upy Joe ,
1 , distanced. Tiuio-2:22 : , 2:2-1 : A , 2:21 : ;
2:23 : , 2:25. :
At ColuiubuB , 0 , Coiombufl , 10 ; St.
yjuis , . ' ( ,
At Cleveland Chicago , 0 ; Cleveland ,
At Toledo Toledo , 10 ; Cinsinnnti , I ) .
At Baltiinoro , Baltimore , 3 ; Brook-
yn , 0.
At Now York. Now York , 8 ; Boston -
ton , 7. Washington , 3 ; Metropolitan , 1.
At Buffalo. Bullttlo , 2 ; Detroit , 1.
At Altouiia. Altoona , 8 ; Nationals ,
At Philadelphia. Providence , 8 5
Philadelphia , 1.
At Philadelphia Allogheilya , 4 ; Ath-
etics , 9.
W. 15. Gllfurd. ] ' tor , M. 15. Clmrcn , Both.
veil , Unt. , wu > fir twu > euiu u MiHorcr whli
) y"iei | > lu In Iu wurut form , until ui ho nay ,
"I if n hdcuina un uctiitl bunion , " Ttitou bottloa
ot llurdock lllood Jlitlert cured him , und liu
telU un Iu a rut-oiit lutuir tlmt ha couuldoru It
thu best family niudldno iiuw txfxro the coun
try fur dyspqwlu uuJ liver couplnlut.
A SiDElo Trio at CMcaeo for the Con
dition ,
Ratlior Important Action and In-
oidouts iu Oongrossi
The Senate Oousidors tbo Sohomo
to Pay Railway Debts ,
That Body Also Passes the Labor
Bureau Bill ,
And to Plaoo in the Prosidont's '
Hands Power to Do So ,
SprliiKor Oppnacft Coining to General
Spoclnl Dispatch tt ) TUB HKK.
Ciuo.uu ) , Mny 23. Two dolegntes to
the national republican convention from
the 8th district of Illinois are the first
delegates , besidca Webster Flanagan , of
Texas , to arrive hero in anticipation of
the opening of the convontion. They
came up this morning from Uupiigo mid
Kundnll counties respectively , and were
immediately tnkou in tow by "Long"
Join's , and plnced in rooms nt the Urnud
arrived two wpoka ago , mid as ho had the
honor of creating n otimuon in the con
vention of 1880 , BO he had the honor , if
such it bo , to arrive hero iu navntieo ot
all other delegates. The others will begin -
gin to arrive here on the 20 th. The in
dications are that thoao coming on that
day will not bo numerous. By the
28th and 29th , however , heavy arrivals
will commence. The 1st and 2d of Juno
will wltnotB thu meet numerous arrivals.
Nearly all of the largo states have written -
ton that they will be hero on the night of
Juno 10.
With the exceptions of a few finishing
touches , the hull ia nv in readiness for
the opening of the musical festival next
week. The tootivul concludes on the
31st and there will be only two days in
which to mnko nnv changes for the con
vention The indications are that very
few cliangoi will bo necessary , thu hall
having boon designed with a two-fold
WASHINOTON , Mny 23. Senator Harrison
risen reported favorably to the Senate
from the committee on territories on the
house bill in relation to lholegislature of
Dakota , which provided that body uhnl !
consist of 24 members for the counci
and 48 members for the house , and thai
there bo elected at the next. Jjouaral elec
tion in the territory two mombors.fof the
council and four members of the house in
each legislative district.
The house bill , to provide for the mus
ter out and pay of certain oflicora and
enlisted men of the volunteer forces ,
was passed.
The senate resumed consideration of
the bill to provide for protecting the in
to rests cf the United States in respect to
any incuinbranccs on property wherein
, hey have interest.
Mr. Beck ( dem. , Ivy. ) said that under
ho letter of the act tlio president could
> ay off the Union Pacific railroad mort-
( ago. Ho objected to giving an oxecu-
; ivo officer such vast power and Mr.
Sherman ( rop. O ) aaid the ( government
frequently lost largo minis of money be
cause of luck of authority of executive of-
leers to pay oil' prior lion.
Mr. Slater ) ( dom. , Oio ) said that in
1895 , when the Union mid Central Puciliu
railroads mortgages will mature , tint
amount of all obligations mid interest.
will be $188,000,000 , and Die roads will
not bu worth that , na they could be built
for less.
After further debate the question wont
ovor.Tho annual pension ni propriatiou bill
was passed as reported by the senate
Thu labor bureau bill was taken up.
Mr. Blair ( rop. N. II , ) withdrew his
amendment , leaving thu bill us it came
from the house.
Mr. Aldrich ( rop. II , J. , ) moved a sub
stitute , which was ngreed to mid pussud
yeas 05 , nays 2 The nays being Col-
juitt und Suulsbury ,
The Utah bill was taken up. The
senate wont into unoxecutivo session mid
soon adjourned until Monday.
The house wont into coiiunittno of tlio
whole on the private cnlvmiur Bill pro
viding for the rutiriiuont of Culonel Har
ry J. Hunt , ns inujur guiiuinl , gave nsu
Lo good deal of diaomaion. In opposing
thu measure , Mr. Springer ( duin , III )
upoko in u strong Uiii.di lunation of the
bill to retire Oonontl Grant mill g vo
him n pension of $10,125 u year , simply
bosausu lie had bjen unlortuimtu in
Wall street. It was said Grant had not
been awuro of the dealings of his part
ners. Tht > fact remains that ho ns-toci
atcd himself with speculation involved in
the moat disreputable pructiuj ever liuaid
of in tliii country , mid only paralleled
elsewhere by the doiitli Sea bubble and
John Law's Mississippi schuuiu. This
was not the time nor wuru the circum
stances such na called upon congroju to
[ { o to Grant'u relief.
The bill was laid usido with a favor
able recommend ttion ,
The committee rose , and the houao
passed thu bill appropriating $300,010
lor thu payment of qiiartormustir claims
known us the 4th ot July claims ; about
lialf the amount goes to citizens "f Toiin-
Recess till evening , the session to bo
for pension bills ,
WAHHIISOTON , May 2J. ! The lubor bu
reau bill pasBod by the semite to-day ia
as follows ;
Bill to establish a bureau of lubor.
Bu it enacted etc. , That thcro ihall bo
Botubliahud in the department of the in
torior a bureau of labor , which shall bo
under the charge of a commissioner of
labor who shall bo appointed by the prcs
idcnt by mid with the consent of the
soiinto. The commissioner of labor shall
hold his olllco for four ycnrs and until
his successor shall bo appointed and
qualified unices sooner removed , nnrt
ahull recoivp n fnlnry of $3,000 per yonr.
The commissioner shall collect informa
tion upon the subject of labor , its rela
tion to capitnl , the hour * of labor , onrn-
ings of laboring men and women mid tlio
means of promoting their mntorial , socinl ,
intellectual mid moral prosperity. The
secretary of the Interior
shall appoint i.
chief clotk who Khali receive a salary of
? 2,000 per annum mid such other em.
ployes ns mny bo necessary for said bu
reau , provided the totnl expenses shall
not exceed $25,000 per annum. During
the necessary absence of the commission
er or wr.oii the olllco shall become vacant ,
thochuf clerk shall perform the duties
of commissioner. The commissioner
shall nnnunlly make n report in writing
to the sucrotnry of the interior of information
mation collected nud collated by him
nnd containing such recommendations as
ho may deem calculated to promote the
ollicioncy of the bureau.
WASHINUTON , Mny 23. The House
Committee on public health regard it ns
unwise to confer upon the national board
of health the management of quarantine
and epidemics that it is bust to lonvo it
where it now rests , under the charge of
Dr. Hamilton.
The senate hns conlirined John D. Sea
man ai rocoivnr of public moneys at
North Platte , Nob.
Tlio TOXIXH Torrentn.
OALVKSTON , TEXAS , May 23. llailrond
trnlllo throughout the Hooded district of
the atnto is still generally suspoiiacd. The
ilnmago to railroad property la estimated
at § 5,000,000 , Including the loss by
delay and probable decrease in agricultu
ral products. The nctual immediate
dnmngo is placed nt $2,000,000.
THE K. 0. , FP. H. ANUU.
It has boon agreed to report favorably
a bill granting the Kansas City , Ft. Scott
& Gulf railway a right of way through
Indian Territory.
The secretary of the treasury to-day
sent the houao n letter recommending an
additional appropriation of § 150,000 foi
salatios mid expenses of ngonts nnd sub
ordinate oHicors of the buronu , for 1884 ,
The commissioner says : "Tho increase
OB xpeiises ia entirely in the salaries ol
store-kunpors nnd the foes of gaugori1 ,
caused by the increased number of distil
lurioa in operation nnd the increased
amount of spirits withdrawn from the
warehouse upon the payment of tax and
for export. "
In executive session of the sonnto to <
day the nomination of Major 0. K. Bab
cock to bo lieutenant colonel was din-
cussed fourhours without reaching action ,
It is Understood the old charges of the
whiskey ring have boon , renewed for thi
purpose of defeating his confirmation.
I - i i '
' ThoKousb'at'Hi owning Baasion passed
40 pension bills , including ono $50 per
month to widow of Gon. Ord. Ad
NEW YOKK , May 23. Tammany hall
was crowded to-night on the occasion of
the mooting advertised as "Tho First
Gun of the Presidential Canvass. " Til-
con's name , whenever mentioned , evoked
long-continued cheers.
Congressmen Blackburn and Hurd
wore the principal spatters. Morrison
sent a letter reciting his well-known
Speaker Carlisle in a letter said :
"Since the close of the war morn than
four fifths of the internal rovonuu I.IXCB
have been abolished , while the tariff re
mains substantially unchanged. Indeed ,
on many articles of nece.Hiity in common
use among thu people the rates of duty
are higher nnw than during the war ,
while on nearly all of them the duties
nro much higher in proportion to the
market value of the urticles than they
were then. The taxes upon the vices
mid luxuries of the people have been
greatly reduced or entirely abolished ,
while tnxea on the necessaries of lifo mid
the tooli and implements of labor have
been retained , nud in mmio instances
increased. Under the policy , commerce
has been obstructed , and the coat of
production increased and the
These taxes are not needed for rovo-
enuc , mid they cannot bu legitimately or
boneiicially maintained for any other pur
pose. There iu not an instance in the
history of the world in which the govern
ment had made its people rich and pros
perous by imposing unnecessary taxes
upon them. Evury dollar taken by tax
ation is just HO much withdrawn from the
productive cnpltul of the country , and
from laborers their muaim of support ,
mid therefore thu plainest principles of
justice and sound policy demand that
to the lowest limit computable with pub
lic iiocossitiea. To tux u people for the
purpose of raising royonuo for public usu
is a legitimate function of the govern
ment , IB the burden U equally distribut
ed , no citi/.dti hua a right to complain ,
either of the tax or its incidental tiLcts.
But to impose a tax for any other pur
pose is a gross abuse of legislntiyu power ,
and will ulwnya provoke limitation , pro-
tint nnd resistance. Stability in the laws
affecting the industrial interests
of thu people ia absolutely essential to
the continuous and rapid development of
our resources , but stability can bo so-
cutud only by doing as nearly ai possible
exact justice to all whoso interests are
affected by such legislation. "
CEIMH UAI-IOH , May 23 , To-morrow'a
Llupublicmi will contain seventy respons
es to requests sent prominent New York
editors , outaidu of the city of Now York ,
for opinions an to thu strongest republi
can candidate in thitt pivotal state.
Twenty name Bluino , 20 Arthur , 18 Ed <
iiiunda , 7 Lincoln , 3 General Sherman , 2
Huwloy , 1 Andruw Whito.
into Absolntc Dnllncss ,
Oorn Dragging Beoauso of Eastern -
orn Demand for Oats ,
Oattlo Again Aotivo and With
Brisk Oompotit' f1
An Advanoo of 10 to uCents
and Everything
Hogs Aotivo with uyors
Than for Three I
An A Consequence- , Prices I tronj ;
nmin to lUoIIIf ; !
Spoclnl Dispatch to the DEE.
CHICAUO , May 22. The markets lapsed
into a condition of absolute dullness to
day , and the feeling was ono of weakness
mid depression outside of the provision
pit. Wheat opened weak mid loner ,
made a sharp rally before the 10 o'clock
close , but the ndvnnco was lust again oil
the afternoon board. Owing largely to
the depression iu the stock'inarket opera
tors , to sonip extent , were disposed to
close up their trades fur near futures and
trade more iu the now crop futures , and
fluctuations in July , though some times
sharp , were not attended with much ex
citement. July sold down to 91 J , up to
Jljf , and closed on the afternoon board
at UUJj Juno being quoted at 00 , and
August nt 01 j.
A dull and dragging business was re
ported in corn. Very few outside orders
wore received , and local operators also
manifested very little deairo to trade.
The shipping demand was light. The receivers -
ceivors report that the eastern demand ,
which has heretofore existed for feeding
purposes , has fallen oil' , and turned moro
to oats. Ou thu afternoon board the
fooling was the weakest of the day , nud
closing prices were only a shade ever
insidoprio a. Juno closed at ClJ , July
at GGg , and August 081.
was dull and a ahadn lower. June closed
at 31Jc , and July 32c.
Only a moderate business was trans
acted in provisions , and pork ruled low
er than yesterday. Juno and July
pork closed nt 18 CO ; August 1845.
Juno lard closed at 82UjJuly at
and August at 8 DO.
were again active , and undoiu brisk com
petition prices advanced 10 to 12\o \ per
lOOlb.B , making an advance of 1C to 25o
for the week BO far. At an early ho'iir
everything that was marketable was sold ,
tlio market closing strong at the advance
noted. There were several lota of dis
tillery Bteors tlmt mudo ( r& C10 ; hulhi.v. {
at 4 80 to 5 OOj fancy com fed To nsr' *
averaging over 1,000 pounds , sold as high
as 5 80 ; good to choice shipping , 1,200
to 1,350 Ibs , C 10 to C 50 ; common 'to
medium , 1,000 to 1,200 Ibs , 5 75 to.G 10 ;
grass Texnns , 700 to 000 Ibs , 4 25 toB5 00 ;
corn fed Texans , 4 75 to 5'80.
were active , with many morobuyera
.hau for the past , throe days and under
the activity and only fair receipts.prices
rulea strong and 5 to lOo higher. { .With
, ho fresh receipts there were ibout" 28-
000 on sale. Skips and lights , 120 to
152 Ibs. , 4 GO to 400 ; aborted jlight ,
125 to 209 Iba. , 510 to 5 GO : packers
and shippers , 213 to 306 Ibs.5 10 , to
5 05. vr
1 _ 0
Another Thieving Toller. ' - * -
NEW YORK , May 23 , Charles A.
ilinckley , paying tollurv < if the West Sldo
.milk , embezzled § ! > 0,000 of the bank's
unds , and lift a docjiiuped. This embez
zlement wa discovered Wodnosdny lost.
I'ho bank officers certify tlio pppital stock
if $200,000 is intact. There IB a surplus
of $100,182 , and also Hinakluy's $10,000
xmd , given by the Fidelity and ludoin-
lity company. The matter was kept a _
locrot until the investigation was finished.
Llinckloy haa been connected with the
) auk as paying teller ever since ita organ-
sation , 15 years ugo. Ho was regarded
as a man of rigid integrity.
Upset In u Collision. v
ROCHESTER , May 23. In the collision
of the St. Lnuis express with a freight
Tain , last night , seven cara were over
turned and twenty persons injured , nouo
Fatally. All wore taken to the hotel.
Tlio Ilallroiul CoinmlHHlniiSliiun.
JAOILSON , Miss. , May 23. The United
States circuit court has atlirmed the do-
citlou iu the railroad injunction cases
ngninst the railroad commission and
makes the injunction perpetual.
SlOOOn ( DSveB-8 ,
- Tfonn4
tout I ,
llodo. Milwaukee. NcvcrcnUl ill bulk.