Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 23, 1884, Page 4, Image 4

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    OMAHA DAILY BEE-FKXDAY , MAY 23 , 1884 ,
Ontfttm OmcoNo. 010 Famiim 8t ,
Council IMutTs onicc , No. oixi
Btrcct , Neixr ] ! rorttl\vr.
Now York Olllco , lloomOS Trlbun
" 8nnda < Tl
rnbllshed every n-ornlnft , eioopt
enl > Monday tnornlDR dally.
Oni tour . $10.00 I Three Monlli . W <
Bit Months. . . 6 00 | Ono Month . . !
Tor Week , SB Cents.
TERMS rosrrjuo.
OatYcar . W.OO I Three Monlhi . I j
Billionth * , . 1.00 I Ono Month .
American Now Company , Solo ARentf Nowgdea
II la the Unltotl SUtos.
A Communication * rchtliiR to Nown and Kdllorli
mitten ihould bo uddrwwd to the KDITOU or Tii
tmiivi txrniM.1
Ml IlurtnoM Utters and rtemlttanoe * houMil' '
addressed to Trm linn roM.mmxa OonnsT , QJ "J
bo rondo r J
i lts , Chocks and Postnillco ordcri to
bit to the order of the con > | ny.
B. R03BWATEB. : Editor.
A. n.Klteh. Manner l ) lly Circulation , I' , o ;
4S8 Omaha , Neb.
Now that Don Cameron has roturnci
Iho country i safe.
OUH Vnl has already 'commoncod hi
atill hunt for a fourth term.
The hand-bill business hna turn'od 01
to bo a boomerang for Swoosy & Co.
The Bchomo to buy up Cuba is morel
a plan to lot down tliu bnra for n fro
cigar business.
THE editor of the Jlcpublican is hodj ,
ing , and preparing to coroo down grace
fully to the aupport of Chootor A. Arthu
for president ,
CiiAULhs FIUNGIS ADAMS , junior , tel
a Chicago repoitor that "tho Union Pn
cific was atill thoro. " This means o
course Uiat nobody lias yet atolon tin
road. . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Ir the government wans to buy n telegraph
graph ayatom now is the time to buy tin
"Western Union for i > hat it ia worth ii
the niarltot. The water has boon noarl ;
all wrung out of that stock.
TUB handwriting nn the wall is boconi
ing moro visible from day to day as w
got nearer the national convention. Tli
dark horse of 1881 is a horse of another col
or. Mr. Chester A. Arthur looina U ]
very dcstinctlv.
The Episcopal council of Nobrnaki
doea not BOOIU to bo very unanimous it
its choice for biahcp. The favorite , si
far , ia Dr. Worthington , of Detroit , wlu
is only two votes ahead of the other can
didntui ? . The dark horse will probably
coino in ahead on the homestretch.
IT ia stated on very reliable authority
that Samuel .7. Tildou ia one of the meal
extensive amateur broedwa of fancy barn ,
yard fowl. Ho has all varieties of tur
keys , chickens , geese , ducks , etc. Alba
ny Times.
Wo hope not. Mr. Tildon is game , but
lie ia not in the chicken business , Mr.
Hnycs is running on the platform of the
American hot ) , and ho played Mr. Tjlden
fowl onco. Mr. Tildon may rcaumo busi
ness at the old stand. Mr. Bayos never
will. Kaiuaa City limes.
The old aland is in "Cipher Alloy , " but
Mr. Tildon is a good deal moro likely to
climb the golden stair than ho is to sit in
the presidential chair.
GENERAL BUISTOW'H reply to Wayne
MaoVcagh's bitter but uncalled for letter
is manly , dignified and complete. It
leaves Mr. MaoVoagh in a position but
little bettor than that in which
Mr. Edmunds left William Walter
Pholps. Ho refused to enter into all
the minute and potty equabblos with
which hia correspondent hud sought to
ougago him and put the whole question
of the presidency on broad national
grounds. In doing this ho Ima acted like
a statesman and n patriot , There is no
reason whatever why the question of so-
Iccting a president should bo dragged in
the dirt of personal jealousies and quar
rels. It is a matter of too grave Impor
tance for that.
AT lut the railroad commission of
Iowa is in njfair way' to bo something
than and woll-drcssod-
moro a well-paid - -
figuro-head. It has begun a suit at Ma
son City in the name of the State of
Iowa to comnol the central of Iowa rail.
roads to run its trains into Northwood.
The commission ordered the railroad to
do this several months ago. It persisted
in its refusal and the suit was brought
under the provisions of the net passed
by the last legislature. This ia not a
vary important improvement , because
the commission is atill powerless to pre
vent extortion or robbery or discrimina
tion. But it is still something that the
railroads cinnot laugh at every order ol
the comiuUslon. The result ol the trial
l bo wajtod for with great interest *
THE Philadelphia Jtccord gives American -
ican bankers some timely and wholesome
advice. They should * aya the Jlccord ,
co-operate with the merchants , aanu-
facturers , carrying companies , and othoi
corporate or individual investors and
other operators who are pushing forward
practicable enterprises , and with the far-
men and mechanics who give employ.
inent .to great number , of Uborers , it !
keeping the wheel * of legitimaU indu.trj
'r ' Ailing on. In taking care of th'
labor of the country the , banks are UUnc
careof themselves All their profit ,
grow out of labor. It requires no par
ticular acutenessof reasoning to follow
the sweat on the brow of the honesi
workinctinan until it is transmitted ink
the dividend that finds ita way into th <
banker a pocket. The b.nker , therefore ,
doea not under ittnd bis business whc
doea not wake his buiinew take care ol
his businw , . No honeat trader , factor ,
farmer or dealer who wanti a loan shoulc
CO away from a bank empty handed uov
a Ills credit has heretofore been unshak
en. When gamblers fall it furnishes ni
good raasou for diitrui. uig the weaver
The purchase of Cuba by the Unite
States is again boiug agitated. The di
patchns from Washington inform us tin
a part of Minister Foster's mission hoi
is to aid in the negotiations to bo take
by our government and that of Spain fc
the transfer of Cuba , nnd that Sccrotar
Frolinghuyson is anxious to buy , Spai
is willing to part with the Island for tli
sum of $50,000,000 , which is a low figui
when compared with the price montionc
when the matter was talked of during tl :
administration of ProsidontGrant. Fifl
millions is , indeed , a small prlco for BUC
a productive island , but in buying it v
would bo obliged to purchase , a wholcna' '
supply of revolutions and insurrection
and it would perhaps cost us moro to tal
care of it than it ia really worth.
might do for an empire to purchase Cub ,
but it would not do for Iho republic of tl
United States. Wo hove all the torritoi
now that1 can bo clllciontly governed an
utilized. Wo want no territory sopa
ted from the great body of the ropubl
by the ocean.
When Columbus discovered Cuba mi
lions of natives inhabited the island bi
they lirwo all long since disappears
having boon exterminated by the Spai
iards. The present population is 1,500
000 , of whom nearly two-thirds m
whites , the remainder being ncgroo ;
inulattocs nnd Chinese. It is estimate
that there are 200,000 Spanyarda by birt
on the island , of whom 30,000 are troopi
10,000 are oflicors , and all the rest ai
moro adventurers or fortuno-huntor ;
The Spaniards inonopoli7o all the place
of honor and profit under the goveri
montas well as moro than half the lucn
llvo positions outside of ollicinl circles
The Cubans who number over 000,00
fill the places that nro not occupied I
the Spanish , in morchantllo bnsinos
professions and trades. The negroes an
colored people comprise one-third of tl
population. There uro from 30,000 '
40,000 Chinese all men , forming an in
portant element ia the laboring force i
the island.
The island of Cuba is 700 miles Ion ;
and varies in breadth from 30 to 1 >
miles. It is a most productive counti
in nil the exuberant vegetation of tl
torrid zone , and yields many of the del
cious and valued fruita of moro temporal
climates. It has n perpetual summo
and two crops are oft n produced in
single year. It is rich in tobacco , suga
coffee , fruita ; it hns millions of acrca <
foroata of the finest and most value
woods ; rich quarries of marble that hav
never boon worked ; nnd mines of golc
copper , tin , silver , iron , coal and aspha
turn are there only waiting dovolopmcul
The history of Cuba ia one of oppro :
aion nt the handa of Spaniards , nnd it i
no wonder that the Cubans are anxiou
; o throw off the allegiance to Spain an
3ocomo annexed to some other countrj
or oUo become independent. Wo aha
not bo surprised if the proposition t
iiirchaao Cuba will moot with considoi
able favor at the handa of men who ae
n ita annexation a iiovr field for politics
oflico and now avenues to wealth , bu
ho United States cannot afford to bu ;
3uba merely to gratify lie ambitions o
uch designing persons. What thi
Cubans need moro than any
lung else is independence
f Spain offers Cuba for sale for $50 ,
300,000 lot the Cubans buy the intorcs
rf Spain and thus secure their freedom
jot thorn then establish a republic upor
ho model of the United States nnd man
go their own affairs. If the United
States can assist the Cubnna to attain
his desirable result our government
aught to lend a willing hand. The
nomont that Cuba becomes a republic ,
bearing the friendliest relations with our
government , it will bo invaded by enter-
irising Americans , with capital to invest
n the development of the country , and
ho people will take now life.
The democratic and greenback loaders
n Iowa have dctcrmiucd upon a fusion
or the coming campaign. The idea of
both parties is that by combining they
JM. carry the state , or at least elect a
dumber of congressmen. They base this
lope upon the results of the election of
ast year. The combined greenback and
ilomocratio votes on governor then was
only two thousand less than the republi
can candidate received , wMlo for supreme
court iudgo the majority for the republi
can candidate was only 817. . .On the
ogislatlvo ticket the result was apparent
y even moro encouraging to the combi
nation. It -possible Uioro to figure a
Bmall majority against the republicans ,
on the whole state.
Iris almost certain that the hopes of
the fusionUts will not bo realized. The
circumstances wore moro unfavorable
Republican succesi ia the camp >
of the fall of 1883 , than they can over
bo again. Gov. Sherman
was not a pop.
ul r candidate , A largo portion of his
urtyvra. disgusted with its course on
the question of prohibition , and another
partwai made bitterly the
deteat of Judge Day. Those circumsbn-
cos united to wolljthe Democratic
vote from 31 per cent , of all the bal.
ots cast in 1880 to 42
per cent , in 1683
The bitter nmmooities aroused by pro.
ubitiou agitation have been healed , the
objections to Governor Sherman will be
out of the way , and resentment over the
defeat of Judge day has subsided and
the presidential campaign is
sure to re
vive the enthusiasm of republicans
Besides thi , , General Weaver will
"T' " hu entire 8trensth
to the aid of the democrats. L t year
the greenback vote as only 23,089. K0
doubt a considerable number 0 , theg ;
.tnnghtout greenback , , ho cannot be
induced to vote with the democrats
under -
der any considerations.
The state , therefore , i , reMonably
euro to give from 25,000 to 30,000 .
publican majority. So far as congroa
sional district * are concerned , only twi
of these not now in the hands of th
domocrnU stand in any considerable dan
gor. These are the first , now represented
od by McCoid , and the sixth , represent
cd by Cook' In the former , the rcsonl
mont caused by the refusal of the dome
cratlo contra ! committee to permit a fuslo
two years n o will destroy a great deal c
enthusiasm. In 1882 Hagorman ,
bright young greonbackor , was in thi
way defeated , when ho had a fair clmnc
for success. This has never boon forgol
ton nor forgiven by his friends. No
that the democrats are anxious for
fusion on their own candidate , Hall , the
are likely to find out by defeat the oxter
of this animosity. Weaver himself wi
bo the candidate in the alxlh and wi
probably bo elected. Last year this dl
trict was carried by the democrats an
greonbackors by 101 majority. The
may carry it again next fal
This is about the extent of the poss
bilities of alliance. Unless grave blunt
ors arfi hiado In the nominations the r <
publicans will carry all Iho districts o :
ccpt the second , which is conceded i
democratic , nnd probably the ninth. 1
the fourth district "Calamity" Wollo
who wna elected by the grconbackera nn
democrats two years ago , will bo ro-nom
natod , but his defeat is n forgone col
AT the council meeting two weeks aj
Councilman Bcchol introduced n rcsoli
tion , which was adopted , requesting tl
mayor to send in n full list of his appoin
incuts for the ensuing year. At the no :
mooting df the council Mayor Chase aoi
in the name of one man , Uio chief of tl
fire department , John II. Butler , ai
made n verbal promise that ho wou
send in the remaining appointment
the next meeting of the council. Th
mooting took place last Tuesday ovonin
but Mayor Chnso failed to make good h
promise. This is trilling with the cou
cil , nnd shirking rosponsibilit
The only plain and pnlpab
motive is to kcop in ofll
an inoilieieut nnd corrupt marshal , wl
would in all probability fall to bo co
firmed if his nnmo was sent in. Noi
why should the mayor persist in kocpii
Una man in ollico , when ho knows th
by BO doing ho continues a reign of 1m
lessnosa and corruption ? MnyOT Chai
i not ignorant of the law. lie knoT
that It ia the duty of the mayor to S
each appointive ollico .t iho expiration i
the municipal year in April. It is no
almost Juno , but with the exception i
ono department officer and a few polici
men no appointments have boon modi
Wo nro putting it very mild when TI
say that Mayor Chase la moro or lei
mixed up with this man Outhrto in Iran
actions that are not vary straight. Th
impression has not boon creitfcd by now ;
paper talk as the mayor imagines , but
hna been formed by the coudctet of tl
mayor arxJ marshal , and the poiaiston <
with which ouo is uphold by tl :
other. Marshal Outhrio and tho-jwsye
have both demanded facts to sustnhv a
logcd irregularities in the police depart
mont. An overwhelming array of frxt
has been furnlshot > 'f ilot only by this ps
per , but by every ps)0r ] in the city , nn
yet the mayor turns deaf ear , and say
this is only idle clamor fromttwo or thro
men. There are none it ) lllind as thoa
who will not BOO.
may bo satisfied wit
Benjamin II. Briatow , but Wayne Mat
Veagji iwcr v. ill bo.
About eJiflit'mJJek northwest ef Rising Cltj
lives nGormku boy , tw'l ° Jett old wh
ivnlghs 230 VouB ! < k. 'i 1 | co rrty ih
itoly piond of hfin , nm
: r/ual. /
A neffro who stole h < n -10 from * '
Ivlngnoar 15urloy\illo , K * V.WftS
it indicott : , on eho L'Oth. Wl ' " ? on
o jail tlia no M hroko awayoa. . ' ' fau
ivortakon ho draw n rerolver , was rtm'
iirod before ho had done any irvJA" "
The Hosting * Oazotto.Jourett/ ola\ ( !
ears old , and loois back with p.T > ° ° , ° 11 I
rowth nnd the grmvth ol Ilnatrofs durln f ' ,
fotlmo. When UIP paper RntvA ) OI"Tl1 u
own was only llttla post ilacn' Wow
as a i > oputation of 7XX ( ) .
Lancaster county Is raising load I"0 } '
KMn t Urn dnlm of J. 1 { . Wofwter , .
rho wanti § 14,755 lor tha legal RervSa ' F :
Ming mainly of ndvico whlclihegaw
lie refunding fund. Weliator claims- ,
uodtho county $147,550 nnd wanci1 ol
that amount.
A DoJffu county farmer hud n narrow *
om death In a cyclone a few dnys sgo > 1
as plow Ing in afield near a grate of tme
mltuoof bis chllJron ciuno out to fcriu ,
I in a linicli. Ho saw the storm coining nmo
Mil the children to lmu on to the treos. U-a
rabbod ono litmHolf , nnd whou the storm
assod by it fairly raised his feet from tuo-
round , but they all managed to hang on.
elng undoubtedly sheltered somewhat by tha
oung and withey trees , which would bond to
19 ground without breaking. When tha c > -
onn had ptHsed ho drove homo and found
Is baru had totally dlsippo&rod , but his
ouso e c | > od entirely. At that place too
ath of the destructive oloinont was very nar-
NEW YonK , May 22. General Butler
xopts the nomioation of the national
iti. monopoly organization for president
[ tha United States. The following ia
is letter of acceptance :
l.ou ELL , Mass. , May 21. Gentlemen : I
e tha honor to receive your courteous note ,
\Iugme the action of tha convention at
hlcMo , on the 14th lost , of representative *
anti-monopoly. The honor of designation by
ich a body as a c&udidata for tha presidency
tha republic cannot be too highly appred-
d. Concurring in each manure of pub-
: iwicy ! set forth In th resolutions , I nee l
ely add thatif a vote of the elector * shall in-
uitmawlth the exocutha jxiwer * of tliat
gh office , It shall be fully , justly and ener-
itlcallv used , and every means of relief to
IB people and reform In the government
> intedoutby your platform of principle *
uhadbyiuy administration. Accept for
mrtelves. personally , my most rratelul
'iialderatloiis. ' Signed ,
The Clilcajro anil 8u Ixiuls I'ool.
OUICAQO , May 22 The representotives
! the Chicago t Alton , Illinois Central ,
ad Wabash roads , forming fho Chicago
ad St. Louis pool , met this aftenloon
ir the purpose of re-arranginjf per cont-
5os. Being unable to agrco the matter
as referred to an arbitrator.
Turning From a Imwycr to
Gnrrlson Cnso
ow York Tlmoi , May 18th.
" 'tho loaves of
"Somnbody says mpmor
cm to nifiku a mournful rustling in tin
' " ex-Senator Iloscoi
ark , observed -
onkling Jroamly , yesterday afternoon
These memoranda , " pointing to th
apors connected with the Mario-Qarri
on case , "may bo said to bo just th
nmo thing. " It was evident that Mr
onkling was in a philosophical mood
is client , Mr. Ilobort L. Cutting , wa
'so apparently far away from the suit ii
ucstion. His spirit was undoubtedly ii
Vail atroot. Nothing but his cornoron
ntity , wliich was , however , sufficient ! ;
xtcnsive , was brought into the littl
ourth atory room at No. 1C ! ) Broadwaj
oforo lloferoo Dwight.
"Mr. Cutting , " [ said lawyer Day , r (
ailing that portly gentleman from th
window where ho was straining his noc
o catch a glimpao at Wall street , "giv
s details of the expenditures and dii
ursomontsmado or paid out by you t
coasurcr or linancial agent of the con
littoo of stockholders of the Missou
'acific "
As uaual , objoclions were interposed i
lis query. "Wo don't ' want to know ,
xplainod Mr. Choato , "abcuc the
unchos , their drinks , their potty di
auchories , what they do by day an
? hat they do by night ; but wo are an :
nus to got at what they did inconsistot
7ith their claim. Wo wouldn't like tl
ucstion to bo to broad , " ho added amci
ily."Tho learned counsel , " observed M
3onkling , with his most seraphic o :
rcasion , "must bo still reeling amor
lie fumes and reveries of the Unic
Club , and his recent exploits in that r
ion. Still it is veiy kind of him
npport mo in my objection. I tend
5m my grateful acknowledgments. "
Mr. Choato , however , subsequent
haractorizcd Mr. Cutting's remarks ;
nconaistcnt , and brought a storm dofl
m his hond.
"I don't know any excuse , " said M
Conkling , "for a remark from M
Jhoato that reflects upon such a gontl
nan as Mr. Cutting. It will perhaps 1
locessnry to say that I utterly deny tl
tatomont of the counsel , and I donoun
vhat ho said as withoutwarrant and wit
iut oxcuso. "
"Am I to bo called to account for
lutsido this room ) " asked Mr. Choatc ,
"I don't know what your habits are
hat respect , " retorted the ox-Senator.
"Woll , " said Mr. Choato , in a concili
ory tone , "I vrill pacify Mr. Conklit
, nd say 'apparently inconsistent.
"Gentlemen , " said the Referee , "I a
. ; oing to bo very peremtory with yoi
'ho time for vacation arrives , and ho :
wo ore. "
"You must want n racition , " said M
onkling , "it would bo monstrous in i
o prevent your taking } < . "
"Novertholrss , " eaid Referee Dwis ? !
esigncdly , "I have given up my idea
( . "ing " to Europe. Marie versus Garrist
as put u stop to that. " .
"Iclo'think/'iaiaMr. Conkltefl , "tin
iis cats' h entirely unprocodonted-it is
mere indatSmto outstretching of steppii
tones into1 futurity. "
"I'll vacat'o the order of referents
ou will , " remarked Mr. Choato philai
'flndoedl" replied the gentleman vrl
waa once Senator's "The councol's munil
enco with what Aean't ' belong to bin
nd hia willingness to'give away oth
topic's possessions aroaublin . >
' Well1 quoth Mr.Ghoate , , "as thoi
s only ono stop from tUo aubllma to tl
idiculons , lot us take that' step and }
n with the Marie-Garrison case. "
How Artlmr'8 Frion-lB Figure- ,
A Washington telegram io The No
'osfc Sun says : Secretary ChandlcrHuc
mo in these , for him , bvny dayav (
mme himself with a little political calci
tinn. Hia little stub-pencil ota dow
ho figum to show that President Artht
ill bo nominated by the national coi
ontion ehhor on lite second or third ba
at. Sceaiint ; to n friend yesterday , an
ointing to his figures , Mr. Chandler sai
hat the onry doubtfwl quantity wna rej
esonted by the delegations from two c
iron of the southerw states. If tli
ionds of the president were as sure thi
icso delegations would not run awa
om their promisee aa they are of th
olcgates from some of the norther
tales who are not crediJail by the friend
f other candidates to Mr. Arthur , ther
ould bo no possible doolst about the n
ult , and the president mieht aa well b (
n to think over hia loiter of accoptanc <
said the alert and keen secretary <
10 navy.
There have boon some indications noi
ho past few days that Bloino's admire
iay have boon banking oa bcirowed cc
ateral. They have been claiming mi
f the Tennessee delegation , and tin
naco their claims with BO much assurran
hat it > aa geiuJrally bclisved. But , t
cordiut ; to Congressman Douck , in BO c
ng they have simply been following t
example of splendid audacity that Blai
himself sot some years ago when in ucti
politics. Mr. Hou6k knows a thing
two about republican politcs in Ton
see and ho says that the delegation i
civo Arthur 21 votes , BlaiiiQ 2 , and ]
Vnunds 1. "Bight , " , aaya Secretary Cha
ier. "Uouck is correct. " In Kentuc
too , Blaine is eroded with 8 voteo ,
the tall and graceful commissioner of
ternal revenue , Mr. Evans , has been i
aring his deputy to collect the taxes
hisky and tobacco , nnd , with gentle ]
* . wion , has had these whom he thou
' " ' e elected aa delegates from Kontu <
" * Evans thinks Uiat Mr. Blaino'a fric
' aomowhat mistaken about Kentm
* ® ' hat the delegation will give Arthu
tno. * . M ( with possibly two exception
Urf-wn a said that nearly all of the W
IM IJM igation will vote for Blaine ,
jgm dek Dome color to the report
. .harevrn was at oil events dead
ffichi'gan hur's nomination. The
L junit Art. mention of thai state waa
) uiliaui ) coui union that did not
inly ono in th. , ustration of the prcsi
losso the julmn ! t thu omission was
iut it appears thv ° oatmaator Angior
rork of t\a late 4 the president ror
Vathingtou , whom or two age , at
d from ofEoo a year off the head
aruo time that bo cut * four othoi
horuarahalaud three L sUr-routo
: ged friends of indicted tto the 51
ractor * . Mr. Angier wea\ . K appoi
an coiivcnciou , , got hiuut , ou rei
hairman of the cornmitVM.c < *
ions , drafted them , and 7u& 'lt ' ol
' .trough before anyone tSiona. c
mission. The Hon. Juliu * xi
lurrowa , th late Demosthenio o .
la house , dcelinod the appointmot
jlicitor of the trewury , after h 4
egged for It for a raoiiti , . becaus *
a set down ai the man to make tKi
urrah speech nominating Blaino. Thesa
iiings and some others seemed to justify
llaino B friends in clsituinc Michigan's
oto. But Chairman Van 5511 , of Michi-
an , vrho w s hero yesterday , aaid that
. s probable that nearly th& whole dele , '
ation from Michigan will rote for Mr 1
irthur. A. majority of them , in his
opinion , will certainly not vote for .Mr ,
But the moat interesting gossip we
invo had this past week about figurci
comes from Pennsylvania. If it is true ,
10 wonder tlio friends of Blaine are n lil <
, lo nervous , Congressman Bnrr , of liar
Isburg , Mscrts "that the vote of tlu
'cnnsylvnnia delegation at Chicago wil !
) o a nurpriso party to Mr. Blaine lit ht
ling calculations. " The subtle Col. Matl
uaynndtho handsome and plausible
Vlagco aowod seed last winter , nnd thoj
did so after n number of interviews witt
-lie administration that lasted till the cod
crow. So it happened when the convon
, ion motBlaino'a friends got the rcaolu
, ionn , but Quay nnd Magee took the del
gates , aomothing that hns happened be
: ere in Pennsylvania to the sorrow o
Mr. Blaino'a frionda. It ia now clamoi
by these who nro keeping tally of the can
vnss for Arthur's nomination that forty
thrco of the delegation will vote for Ar
thur nnd noventoon for Blaino. The ad
ministration tally.sheet , men also nssor
that nftcr Connecticut gives ita complimentary
plimontary vote to Hnwloy n majority o
ita delegation will go to Arthur. Thi
seems probable , because the two mug
wumpa of the Connecticut republicans
Hawley nnd Postmaster Sperry , of Noi
Haven , arc aa warm supporters of Arthu
aa there are in the country.
Such are examples of the way in whic !
the friends of Mr. Arthur arc sottin
down their figures , nnd if they nro coi
root Gov. Foster is probnbly right who
ho says that the convention may bo th
shortest ono on record. To bo euro , Mi
Foster also predicts that it may bo th
longest , but ho says that if cither of th
two lending candidates yets over ! (7 (
votea on the first ballot ho will bo nom
nnle'd without much CorOluony on. th
second , and Mr , Foster's condition I
precisely what Arthur'a frionda boliov
will happen. If , however , Blaine an
Arthur should about stand each other of
then there may corno n long contest , bi
caiuu all the politicians Ray it has bee
utterly impossible to make any conibim
tiona or subplots , and the new rules b
which the convention will bo guided wi
niako stampeding to tiny candidate almoi
impossible. It ia certain that there
much leas disposition on the part (
Blaino'a friends hero to toss their hats u
than thcro was a week ago , nnd there
something of n suspicion that aomo (
them nro whistling to keep Uioir cou raj
Arrest of a Mcmiorillc lc porado i
Noliiaska ,
SEXECA , KAS. , May 20. Ex-Bhori
Gloaaon , of McPheraon county , Kansai
passed through here to-day with n hori.
thief named Cornelius Ncchtigal. D
captured him near Bcatnco en Monda
nisht. Ho had sola the horao und hire
put lo , work on n farm. He ia a Mcnnoi
ho , about 22 year * oldand stele the lion
last June from n brother of the aarr.
faith. He- went firat to Texas , then int
the Indian nation , then into Missour
and finally toNebraska. The Anli-Hore
Thief association of McPherson count
have been on h * track a long time , an
ho is sure to servo the etato for sever ;
It is pretty ccrtaiir that ho was in
robbery and attempted' ' mnrdor case i
Tesaa. Ho has been attested before fc
horse stealing , but the tnrge could IK
bo definitely proven , nnd the jnry g&\
him the benefit of the doubt. Tl
sheriff says ho ia elected this time ft
the pen.
Nochtigal demurred at leavingNcbra
ka without n requisition from the govorm
of Kansas , bnt one night in the jail ;
Beatrice made him glad to wahro nr
technical scruples of that kind. Th <
don't furnish hone ihiovea with fcathx
beds in Nebraska.
Mr. Gloaaon ia entitled to great crcd
for the manner in which ho tracked an
aocured his man. The follow had
British bul ! dog pistol in hia coat pockc
but Gloason gob into hia room about
oVlock at night and had the drop on hit
te&'oro ho could got out of bed nnd socui
cd ; ho gun , which ho put in hh valie
afirr drawing > , ho cartridges.
On the wny down yoatorday the folloi
opened the valise while Gleaaon's ? bac
[ < waa turned aud took out the- pistol bu
I'ielt dhapointed to find it empty.
SABBTUA , Ks. , May 20. A. colorei
horse thief was arrested and jailed her
to-day for stealing a horse on the Nena
ha , below Soneca. A colored convict ea
caped from the Lincoln , Nebraska , poai
ientiary aoveral days ago , and there ia i
strong suspicion that the horao thief cap
tured to-day ia the ox-pemtentiary color
cd gentleman
Head what tns rcojilo
Faj concetnlngtbeahiU-
i ) of.Dr Thujias' Erin.-
trie O 1 to cure Obthuu ,
cat iuh. croup. , colds ,
ou. . Mas. Dora Knell
( it Uuflalo 8 y : "For
croup It l > decidedly
ctRcaciou.0. ' [ Mrs. Jacob MellUor , of Jlaric
i Ohln , 80)3 tlw siiuo thlnir.l S. S. Crates , AKir
X. S' , , write * . "IIa < l asthma of tin \\ortt kUi
took onu-aofu of Thomu * telcctlic CXI ml MM 7
lla > ad In > fovr mlnutca Would walk five miles I
this ruotalne and y ? 5 a bottle for It " 1'tws\ ' \
0. It. llj'J , ! ( j lle , III , SIJB : "Ciiivl in ulrtrat
throat for ma hi twenty tour hAura. ' "Sat up In bead
oad coal-w\ the clothing vaa > vut "II
tion , My wife huia'xl '
lint I use Thonua' h't-
IcctrluOll. TheflaMtca-
iK > onlul rcVe\cd mo. "
I1. U. I'oiklin , Creek
fntrc , N. Y. : Thoinaj'
. . Fclwt Ic OU In also a
1. I TIl'.TOr ojterual ap-
I p'lcatlon for rheum-
' , I liin , cuts , cad ! turns ,
it I bites , brulso , cto.
cist uk him % UiU bo
f1 1 knovtt o ! Dr. Thomaa'
, n I Kclectric Oil ; If he hai
I beu lonz In the driie
rI I trade , be > ure ho will
; lt lp ak Mghlr of It.
nit Phcanlztttuinso Co. , cl ixmdoECaah
M U . . , . , . . .
ho vratcticstur , S. T. , ( la ltfl . COO.Oi
of id kterclanLi , of K.rV. . X J. , UsrlUl
Ulrurt Fire. I'Ulacelj lla , olUJ , . . . l.KC.Oi
IVho | TUoin o' > rued Cat Ul -
- Tlie ttcamshli of thli well-ioown line are bu !
am Iron , In water tight compartment ! , and ate fun
ho eiery miuwte to make tUe
sate and agreeable. Tli v cvrry the Unltea S
lar and Eurrwan | mail ! . au > < l-a\a Xew York ! Tl
of da ) s aud tuturda ) * for Fl ) mouth ( LONDON ) C
of bourg. ( I'AlUs ) t id 11 AHUt'MU
Kites : riist C bln-5 , roandjatt Fleeiage
tad Henry iniodt. Mark Itanaen , K. K. iloAret.ll. '
he ajcnU In Omaha. Q ronewi z & Schot ntgen , arer
Council Dlufl * . C. B : KICUARD a CO. , Uen.
Agta. , 1 Broadway , N. Y.
' , S Tenth street , b t e a F.rnaiu atd
U < U w 1th the aid of guardian ip'rtts ' , obta
IAS. fUooe or the | ot aud ptc nt , au
oy , w , DdlUon In the Ivture. lk U and i
; rtalocc
\ .
Proprietors. Suporinendent
Mill and Grain ; Elevator Machinerv
Celebrated 'Anchor ' Brand Dufour Bolting Cloth
"SVe are prepared to turniHh plans nnd estimates , and Trill contract for
the erection o Flo-wing Mills and Grain Elevators , or for chnngirg
Flouring Mills , from Stone to the Roller System.
SS QiJEpccial attention given to furnishing' Power Plants for any purpose -
pose , and efitimates made tor same. General machinery repairs attended
to promptly. Address
The Palace Hotel o Benver.
Cor , Seventeenth aud La/wrance Sts
Rooms 76c-to $2.00 J T day. Special Rates by 3io Month.
Conducted on the American and European Plans. Day }
Board S7/per week.
1103 BRADY ST. , DAVENPORT , IOWA , U. S. A. Established 1878 Catar h ,
[ Deafness , Lung and Nervous Diseases Speedily and 1-ermanently Cured. Patients
jCured at Homo. Write for "TDK MEDicAL-Mi&siON. aY ; " for the People ,
irinnsultation and Corrt-spondence Gratia. P. 0. Box 292. Telephone No. 20.
HON. ED\VARD RUSSELL , Postmaster , Davenport , says : "Physician o i
Irxoa ADiuty auu Marked Success. " CONGRESSMAN MURPHY , Davenport ,
" ; tpq"An unnorable "Man. Finn Snccesa. Wonderful Cures. " I/onr . S
Double and Single Acting Power ano Hand
Engine Trirammga , Mining Machinery , * Bolting , Hose , Brass and Iron
StoamPackiug at wholeK le and roail. HALLADAY WIND-MILLS , OIIU HOB
Corner 10th Farnam St. , Omaha Ieb.
- The DAHSESTON TOWN SHE COMPANY Bllleall at publoauctlni - =
ON WEDNESDAY , MAY 28th , 884 ,
400 Residence and Business Lots.
ID the re\v and jtroiolilnf ; town ol
CAENESTOK U ltuat * oh the 0. & Il < V Branch ol the U. T. lull ay , about M ml'cs cuth of Beit-
rlco , > eb .and IS mllci north otMaryllle , Kan , and la the center ol the former Otoe Indian llcsmatlon ,
a trict ot unj ooniUtlng ; ol 45,0X1 icrJ ol tin finest agricultural lands in the United State * , nearly etery
quarter acctlon ol which liaetllcd on and linpioie'l liv an Induitrlou * . cnercetio acd Intelligent clasi ol
1 atlnnf. The town lle Ii moat beaulilull ) locatej un tlio lunki ol the HU Uluti Hh < r , and U the Identical
rround icltctM by tl e chiels ol the Ot eatH UUiouil trihti cflnuiani , on nccount of 1U location and
beauty , an J with a blitory , vfltth , when written , will hive the most Interesting Irgtndi of a race non rai > -
Idly approaching eitlnctlon
Ihe 11 gltlue Biter that rnni through the town Is well knonn to lx ) the flneit rnUllDg ttreara in the
State , and .ItcuJy tt | M ha\a bc n ttktn to utilize a | urt ol this magnificent iK > wcr , So bitter chance cut
b found an ) where for builueta InTtatmenti , either In trade or manulacturlrc ,
The Stoiio ( Juirrlf * aitua'e la toil part of the ttato are admitted by all to to the but In the \Vc t. anl
are unlimited and of cat ) access to the town.
Ai a ralln ad cenier. liatne.ton ttdrstlotd lobe an Important one. The tap on thli lailroad between
attan and Marj iril'a. It la t b-lng > u btd to com | > letlon , and when finUhed will form a through line
Omaha to Kama ) City and this town la oeirly central between the two pointi
mil be run from ST. JOSEPH , HO. . LIM'OUf , NEB , and Intenufdlate points , to the
follawiugciy low rates , for the 110UN1) Tllll' .
Time of U Vf Fare-
St. Jcsepb 0 CO am. $ i 6u
Wat na. , 8 S3 " i Si
Troy , 0 7 " S SO
Severance 7 15 " S 00
Ltoia , 7 30 ' 1 05
Koblnfon 7 4S " 1 65
Hiawatha 8 CS " 1 70
Hamlin 8 SS " 1 R5 Maiutille 11 to
Arrhe at IUKNE8TON. li OJ M.
Tte J ° 'l * * 6 , TtmeolUar'c Fire
Lincoln * l to ri kerell , . . . , „ . SSJam. $1 W
Jamaica , 7 53 " 1 { 0 Ilcatrico a tS " W
llanlon. 7 31 " 1 M Ilohnmlllo . D " 7 " 55
Cortland , . 8 U ' ISA lUuo bnclnct . . . . 945 " to
, ArrlioatBAlUiESTO.V.lO WA.M.
Tr 'n returidn ; leave lUrcerton In the etecluif of a me day , Railroad far * Wt ctn aar of tie aboio
' " - - iiUb relund iUoiH.Mon bu fnf lota. Lou will b told to tbo hlgbett WJdir.
it One half caab , balance In aix monthi aaj oat ) lar , ut 8 twr o i.t Intfie.t. lOierocitod tor csub.
x < i ° .1i'v. > lti > S'B < , "SS ! ' N * * - l-W. JUUTWIO.St Jcweph.Mo/
ItAKhU k ffAZtSTT , lUrneitou. NebruVa. I , N. Sl'EtU , Hiawatha , Kauu * .