OMAHA DAIIA BEE FRIDAY MAY 21 ? , 1884. 3 The Nebraska National Bank OF ORIAIIA , NEB. paid Up capital faoo.oo surplus Fund , HOT. 1 , IRSS 18 coo D1UECTOR3. IL W. YATES , President/lor mnny ypftrs OwWor of the Klrat NixUonal Bank of Omaha. A. E. TOUXALIN , Vlco rrostJont , Boston. W V. MOUSE , of W. V. aiorso & Co. JOHN 3. COLLINS , of Q. II. & J. S. Col- M. WOOLWOUTII , CounioUor raid AtUr nay t Lnw. L. S , IlEKD , of Byron Hood k Co. ; K. K. 1IAYDKN , ABstntant Caahtor. THIS BANK opened for business April 27 , 882. ITS DIRECTORS AND STOOKUOLD BUS nro nmonR the oadlnR bnslno jof Omrt. ha , nnd Its businois la con duo toil with ostiocirxl oforonco to tlio boat and Increasing ! ! interest ltd morcixntilo patrons. COLLECTIONS receive special nttontton and charges lowest obtainable bora or else where. I. INTEREST nllowod oil time deposits upou favorabla tonns and upou acTounta of banks nnd banker ? . FOREIGN EXCHANGE Govoramont Bonds and County and Cit ysocurltlos bought ml sold. FINANCE AMD COMMERCE. YORK , May 2i. Money En y at 2@3 per cent. Closed at 1J@2. 1'riino paper lrariper cent. Sterling bilh-Wcakj S3 } ; demand , 485J. ( Jux-ermnents , lower and shares feverish and depressed , especially coaler's Union nnd Cen tral Pacific ; Union I'.xcific dropped from \0\ \ \ at the close yesterday to ! tj { . A report that Charles Francis Adams in an Intonioxv at Chicago stiteil the company h id not oaruod its dividend for the current quarter and that none would bo paid. The bears sold the stock hoiwily on hoarirg these reports. Late in the day the following was received at the Union Pacific olllco in this city : ' "Tho reports nro out of whole cloth. You can safely make such dental as you may deem expedient of everything nllodgod to emanate from tis. " Central Pacific dropped from -1'Jf to 39J In sympathy. Pacific Mail , ( after an early advance - vance t 3D , sold down to 35 on the unfound ed rumor that the Fryo shipping bill had boon thblod. In tlio last 15 minutes a moderate buying movoinont sot : n , and price ? rallied Jo to l e.Vesorn Union , Central Pacific , Northwestern , Heading , nnd Jersey Central wore most prominent. Louiaxillo and Nash ville was strong throughout the day. The market left oil quiet and firm notwithstand ing the announcement of the failure of E. H. Shaw. COUPONS 8's 100 4J's Coupons J12J U.S. now , I'P 120 Pacific fa 8 of ' 95 liO BTOOK8 AND BONDS. American Express SO Burl. , Cedar llaplds & Northern CO Central Pacific 40 ? Chicago & Alton ISOJ do do pfd 142 Chi. , Burl. & Quincy 1154 Erie 14 ? do pfd 33i Fort Wnyno & Chicago 127 Hannibal & St. Joseph 3SJ do do do pfd * 8Si Illinois Central 122 Ind. , Bloom. & Western 1H Kansas & Texaa 15 Lake Shore & Michigan So 81 j Michigan Central 08 Minneapolis & St. Louis 12g do do do pfd 1H Missouri Pacific Northern Pacific do do pfd Northwestern do pfd Nw York Central Ohio & Mississippi do do pfd Poorla , Decatur & Evansville Rock Island Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul do .Io do pfd St. Paul Minn. & Manitoba St. Paul & Omaha do do pfd Texas Pacific Union Pacific \Vabash , St. L. & Pacific do do do pfd Western Union Telegraph Asked. GRA1X AND PROVISIONS. CHICAGO rnonucE. CHICAGO , May 22. 1'lour Quiet , un changed. Wheat Regular , unsettled , fairly nctho. Opened ic lower ; declined a trfie , advanced JJcj receded l@l c , ralliedl. declined ; closed Ic below yesterday. Cash 8ifi@89 : May 89 ? ; Juno 00 @ 90.j ; July y2i@U2fo August 028. 028.Corn Corn Dull , -weak ; opened unchanged ; de clined gc , rallied 3c , closed easy. JJ under yes terday ; cash 51J@51 ? ; May 51j : Juno fi5j > @ July 578@D74 ; August 58 } ; rejected 51J. Oats Quiet und steady ; cash 314 ; May 312 ; Juno 321 ; July 32g@32i ; August 29 ; year 274 @ 27i. Rye Steady ; 014. Parley Nominal , 72. Timothy Nominal. Flax-Quiet ; No. 1109. Pork Irregular ; active , opened stronger declined SOgSSc ; rallied 25@30c ; Cash and May Ib21830 ! ; June 1850@1855 ; July 18 55(318 ( 57J , August 17 2fi@17 30. Lard Unsteady , business moderate ; de clined 7A(3310c ( , recovered 2i@5c ; Cash and May 8 05 < A8 17 } ; Juno 8 15@8 174 ; July 330 @ 8 32J ; August 8 4'2J@8 45. Sh'ouldera G 15 : short ribs 810 ; short clear 8 45. Whisky Unchanged , Butter Easy ; tholco creamery 19@20c ; fancy dairy Ifi@l7c. Cheese Quiet ; full cream Cheddars now , 12124 ; skimmed Cheddars , 4@7 } . Kgs ( ? Northern fairly active ; 131 ® 14 Southern , dull. 13J. Hides Moderate request ; unchanged. Tallow ifo.l soldG. CALL BOAIID Wheat-Juno and Aug. Jo- ower. Corn June J higher. Oats August ! lower. Pork Juno 24 higher ; August 5 higher. Lard Unchanged. BALTIMORE. BALTIMOKE , May ! . Wheat Western , higher , closing easy ; No. 2 , winter red , [ pot Corn Western , dull , firm ; mixed , spot , 404 ® He , Oats Active ; western , white , 41(3130 ( , and mixed 37@40o. Ilyo-GS@70c. 1'Vgs Lower ; 13@13c. Whisky-Nominal ; 3l 1C. VKW OIlLttANB. NKW OIILEASH , May 22. Corn Good de mand , higher ; white , 08@70c. Oats Qijlet and easier , at 12@13o. Whisky Steady , unchanged. CINCINNATI. CINCINNATI , May 22. Wheat Fair do- mind , unchanged. Corn-Strong ; No. 2 mixed. 59@CO. Oata Firm ; No. a mixed 3i. ( Kyo Fair demand ; No a C8@C9c. Barley -Dull and nominal. Pork-Dull i mess , 18 00. Lard Demand active ; 7 00. Bulk Meats - Dull nnd unchanged. Whisky Nominally unchanged. Sales , 1C barrels , at 1 01 ; challenged , but not decided , NEW yOItK rnODCCE. NEW YOIIK , May 22. Wheat opened 4@i higher ) afterwards declined $3 ; No. 2 , red June , 4 03J@1 WJ } July 6 OSJ l OCJ ; Auput OC3Soptomlor ! 1 OOJ ; October 1 0g@ 08 ; Dccrmber 1 09J1 10J. Corn Opened i@lo hlfihor ; foil baclc 3 ( < ? J mired western , spot , fiidtOJjj fnturo , b2J@ . Oats l@lo lower ! western. 37(3531 ( : Pork -Dull ! now miws 17 7517 " "j. Lard Dull ; steam 8 35. KANSAS CITT rRODVCK. KANSAS CITT. May 22 Wheat Higher ; 8IJ@S4 | cash ; 83 bid ; Juno , No. 2 soft , 51 03 asked. Corn Higher ; 4fiJ@4V ( cwh ; 4Ci May ; I , " bid Juno. Onta Dull and nominal , 29i bid. MILWACKSf. MILWACKM. May 22.Vhpnt oa ler ; No. 2. mid May , Uljj Juno , 02 ? ; July , 1)11 ; Aug. , J" * | Corn Scarce , firms No. 2 f > 5. Oats Irregular ; No 2 , delhcrod , 30. Kyo-rirm : No. 1 , COJ. Barley Lower ; No. 2 spring , OS. 8T. ST. l oi'H , May 22. Wheat Active high- Tjfor cash , May nnd June , lower ; for other options ; No. 2 red ? 1 14 cash. 1 Ifi ; May wash ed Juno lj@l ) > Cjj ; closing for July , No. 3 rod , 1 02 bid. CAM , BOARD Wheat - May and June .oxvor , other options bettor ; 1 11 May ; 1 O'.y ' Tune ; IWSOGJ .lulyj IBAiiR.j WdD'J-i for the yoar. Corn-Steady : 01 } May ; 61 J.Jlino ; r > 2J@53 July ; 532 Anc Ortta NothitiR dono. TOI.KDO. M y 22. Wheat-Scarce , firntj No. 2. red t > ( ) 01. CornJulet , steady ; No. 2 soft May CS@ O'rxts Steady , firm ; No. 230. uvKiirooL. hlVKitropl , , May 2'2 liroadstufTs Qutot- , sprinp , 7s. > Id.7B.Od. ; winter"s.Oil. ® 7s. Sd. Corn-Now fia 3d ; old fit ) . -IJd. IjlVK Si'OCK , , KANSAS CITY LIVB STOCK. KANSAS CITT , May 22. Yho Live Stock Indicator reports : Cattle Firm ; lOo higher ; Natives 533 © 0 15 , other * unchanged. Hogs Weaker ; 5mlOc lower , 5 05@5 30. Sheep Quiet ; natives4 00 ® I 23. CHICAOO LIVB STOCK. CHICAOO , May 22- Hogs Ifocolpts 21.000 ; fairly active ; prices 5@15 lower ; light , § 4 i)0 ) @ 5,55 ; rough packing , SI 90(5)5 ( ) 30 ; heavy ship- pint ? and packinp , § 3,31(3)5,00. ( ) Oattlo llecelpta 50 000 ; strong exports , SO 50 @G 75 ; good to choice $0 00(2i ( ( 10 ; common to fair S3 50@0 00 ; butchers , § 2 75@3 25 ; stockers - ers and feeders , S3 00@5 50. ST. LOUIS LIVIC STOCK. ST. LODIS , May22. Cattle Active , steady exports 0 40@G 75 ; common to choice sliip- ping 5 10@(5 ( 10. Sheep luiet ; common to choice clipped. 325(2550. Hogs Hocewdd 7200 ; active , heavy , C 10@ 5 50 ; packing , 5 00@5 40. TRAFFIC. TLOOB AND QBAIN. OniOAOO , May 22. Kccolpta and ship monta of Sour and grain for the past 24 hours have been oa follows : Receipts. Sliip'to. Flour , bbls . 11,000 14,000 Wheat , bushels . 19,000 41,000 Corn , bushels . 09,000 1JO.OOO Oats , bushels . " 155,000 132,000 Ryo.bushels . 4,000 21,000 Barley , bushels . 10,000 9,000 NEW YORK , May 22. Receipts nnd shipments of flour and grain for the past 24 hours have boon as follows : Receipts Ship'ts. Wheat , bushels . 128.000 25.000 Corn , bushels . 147,000 27,0fl ( Oats , bushels . 18,000 93 LIVB STOCK. OHIOACJO , May 22. Receipts and rhlp ments of live stock for the past 24 hours have been as follows : Receipts. Ship'ts. Cattle . 21,000 Hogs . 5,000 - Sheep . 2.200 KANSAS CITT , May 22. Receipts and shipments of live stock for the post 21 hours have boon as follows : Receipts. Ship'ts Oattlo . 1,030 . . . . Hogs . 500 . . . . Sheep . 800 ST. LOOTS , May 22. Receipts and ship ment' of live stock for the past 24 hours have boon na follows : Receipts. Ship'ts. Cattle . 2,000 Sheep . 1,700 OMAHA JIA.KKEI8 Wholesale I'rlcoo. Omen OF TUB OMAHA BEE. I Thursday Evening , May 22. J The following prices ere charged retailers by Jobbers , wholesalers and commission mer chants , with the exception of grain , which le quoted at the prices furnished by tho'elovatore and other loca buyers : Uram. WHEAT-NO. 2 , C9@71ic. BARLKV-NO. 2. 50@55c. RYE No. 3. 40 0. CORN No. 2,38J(3llc. ( ! OATS No. 2 30&33. General Prndnco. APPLES A'fow sina. . consignments have been received which sell mainly to city trado. Willow Twigs , 31.50 Wine ps , S1.50 ; Gent ians , $4.00 ; Bon Davis , SO.00. BFJLVS Receipts light and demand good. EiU.d picked navy , per bu , $2 50 ; medium , 2 00@2 26. BEESWAX In good demand. Choice blight per lb , 2C@28c ; common to good dark per ib , 2025o BUTTEH Choice table butter is selling read ily to the trade yet at ll@10c ; gras ) color am flavor preferred. Inferior grades and mUoc packing are accumulating fast and bought by packers only who v.111 not pay above 10 cts. and 8a for poor. Tubs holding about 40 Iba have the preference. CIDEK "Ohio" per bbl. 87.00 ; "YorkStato1 per bbl , 8800 ; per 4 bbl , $1 75 ; condensed per gal , 85c. Crab apple , per gal , 35c , CIIEKHB Full cream , western , 13 } : Wiscon sin now 1-U ; young American 15@lGo COOOANOTS Per 100 , $4 7B@5 00. Kfifi.sSteady at 13cti , and us receipts con tinue light , prospect * favor an advancement. FoilEiaN FIIUITS Moislna or ugen , per box , 35 00. Messina lemons , per box , * 3 75 & i 00. Bananas , per bunch , S3 00 Figs , lb. . 10o. Dates , In frails , 7o ; uutos , fard , In boxes , 12Ji ! . FBUIT BDTTEIIS Apple butter , In 30 lb polls , per lb , 7c. Plum buttnr , 74c. GAME Ducks , Mallard , per dor , 2 00 ; teal , $1 50 ; mixed , $1 50 ® 1 75 ; goose , 83.00@3 60 ; snipe , 81.25. Hay Baled , S8.00@10.00 ; loose , 110.00 ® 1000. JELLY In 20 and 30 lb palls , 8@9a : In 2 lb , jam , per doz , 81 50 ; assorted tumblers , per dot. $1 20 ; schooners , per dozen , $3 00. MAPLE SUQAII Pure , in bricks , per lb , ICc ; Ohio , 13c ; small cakes , I'-'Jc. OAT MEAL Steel cut , per bbl , 30 25. ONIONS Dull , only tdo best of old onions will sell , Bermudas are taken In preference ; old onions , per bbl , , 32.25 ; Bermudas In crate 2.25 POPCORN- good demand at 2@2\o \ per lb. POULTRY Demand for chickens only ; dressed 11(5)15 ( ) ; live per doz. 81.50 ; spiiug chickens , 81.00(2.0.00 ( , according to size. POTATOES Moro firm and detniud good. Now potatoes nro coming In from the south and Helling at 85.00 per bbl. } 2irlyRoio per bu @ 40c ; Peachblow , 45c ; Bulk receiptsaro hard to dlspoaa of and have to bo sacked here. l'RE3EBVE < i { In 20-lb palU ) Htawberry , r spl irry , blackberry , per lb , ISc ; poarhns , chcrriui , plums , apricots , figs , perlb , 12o ; cranberry tauco , per lb , 8c. PROVISIONS Jlam , 13c ; b. bacon , 11 Jc ; c , i. bacon , lljc ; d , e. Mat 10c ; short rib Men , lOjc ; shoulders , 8 c : niws portcw bbl. ? 18 f-0. Dried beef , 15 0. Lanl , 0@H\3 VKOETAniKs-Spliidch , per bbl. 5300 ; now Cftbbapo , California per IK , 4c ; lettuce , t > cr doz. , 60o ; rcdlshcs , IHJT doz. , 60c : turnips per bu , COc. boot * , i > or bu , 76cj cucumbers , per dor. . , SIM ; Pie plant per lb. "o. cauliflower , i > or doz. , $300 ; ospftrngu" , per doz. oOc. new cnrrotc , per lb. , 3o. California celery , 91 50. Tomatoes , J bu. box , SI fiO@Jl 75 : < per Innhn ] IKIX , S2.25 ; string bonus per binhol box , 83.00. STluvvncRRlKS Receipts Increase and prices declining. Finn stock felling at SI 00 ( $1 50 per case , Pies KECT , rmrR , KTO. Pigs foot , 15 lb kits , 81 25 : jilgs 40 lb qr bbl. $2 50 : tilgs foot , 80 11) Imlf bbl ; 85 00 ; tripe , 15 lb klU , 81 25) ) trlpo , 40 lb qr bbl , S2 60 ; tripe , SO lb half bb ) , $ , ' > 00 ; pigs Uniguon , 15 lb kits , $2 60 ; pp ! onguoa , 40 lb nr bbl. Sd 00. Lambs' tonpuos , 15 lb kits , S3 00 ; 40 lb qr bbl , SO 00. DRCOS AND CIIGMICALH Acid , carlx > llc. 3 , " > c : acid , tnrtarlc. 550 ; bal < nm cnpabla , per ll ) . , Wcjbarksassafrai , iwrlb , lc ; calomel , porlb. 75c ; clnohnnldln , per oz. , 80.05 ; chloroform , > or lb. , SI 10 ; Dovors iiowdor , per lb. , 81,23 ; jpsom salts , per lb. , 8JC ! glycerine , pure , per b. , 2Scj load acot.ito , par lb. , 22c ; oil , castor , Ni > 1 per gal. , 81.5. ) ; oil , castor , No. fl per gal. , 31.40 ; oil , olive , per gal. , SHO ; oil orl- jfttuim , f'Oc ; opium , St. 50 ; iiulnlne , P. t W ; Hid R. * S. . per oz. , Sl.40 ; pota'slum , . odlno , Jior lb. , Sl.OO ; saltctii , poroz.I0c ; sill- iihatoof morphine , per oz , S3.75 ; nulphur [ lour , per lb. . Ic ; strychnine , per oz. , SL25. Urv Goods. BUOVVN SHEETINQS Atlantic A , 74c ; Atlan- tie P , Cc : Atlantic LL | fijc ; Bnmwick , 7ic ; Beaver Dam LL. Oic ; Lawrence Iilj. 5Jc ; Pncl- fioll , 7 c ; Royal Standard , 8c : Indian Head A , Bo ; Wauchnsott A , 7Jc. FINK BUOWN StiEETiNns Argyle , 74c ; Pop- poroll R , | c ; Salisbury R , fijc. BI.FACHKH COTTONS -Ballon 4-4 , Ojc : Bal lon 7-8 , rjc ; Cumberland 1-1. 8c ; Davoll DD , 8c ; Fatrmount , 44cl'mlt ; of the Ivoom 4-1 , 8c ; Glory of the West , SJc ; Golden Oato , SJc ; Hill 7-8 , So ; Hill 4-1. Oc : Lonsdalo , 8Jc ; Now York Mills , lUc : Wnmsutta , lOc. DUCKS ( Colored ) Boston , 8 oz. , llic ; Boston - ton , 10 oz. , 114c ; Boston , 9 oz. , lie ; Fall River , Sic. DUCKS ( Gray ) West Point , 8 oz. , lie ; West Point , 10 oz. , lie ; Boston Boar , 8 07 , tic. tic.TICKINOS AmoskoaR , 14c ; Continental Fancy , 9 c ; Cordis , lOJc ; Po.wl River , lie ; York , 12Jc ; Hamloton Awnings , 12ic. DENIMS AmoHkoagi He ; Beaver Crook AA. 12c ; Beaver Crook BB , He ; Beaver Crook CO. 10 : Haymakers 8c ; Jaffroy D & T , 12Vc ; Jallroy XXX. 12Jc ; Pearl River , 13c ; Warrsn AXA ( brown ) , 12c ; Warren 15B ( brown ) , He ; Warren CO ( brown ) , lOc. CAMIIRICS Fifth nvonuo glove finish , 5c ; Koystouo glove finish , 5Jc. CORSET JEANS Amory , 7ic ; Hancock , 8c ; Konrsayor , 81c ; Rockport , 7c. PRINTS AJloni,64c ; American , fijc ; Arnolds , Go ; Cxhoc : ( ) , Cc ; Harmony , 4c ; Indigo , 8c ; Indigo 7-8 , 114c ; Indigo 4-1 , 124c ; cheap Bale IJo ; Charter Oak , 44c. PRINTS SHIRTINOS American , 5c ; Cochoco , 5c ; Gloucostor,5cSouthbridgo ; , 4Ic ; Wnvorlys , 4Jo ; Rosedalo , 4Jc. GiNailA is Amoskow ; staples , SJc : Bates staples , 8Jc ; Lancaster staples , So ; Plnnket plaids , Oc ; Hudson chocks , 8Jc Amoskoog Persians , OJc. DRESS GOODS Atlantic olpacco , 9Jc ; Per- stano cashmor , 234c ; Hainlotou coahmoro , 15c ; Hainlotou Fancus , H4o ; Hamloton bro cades , 15c ; Arlington brocade , 18c. ImmDcr. WHOLESALE. Wo qnoto lumber , lath nnd nhlnglosl on oars at Omaha at the following prices : JOIST AND SCANTLING 16 ft. and under 22 00 ; 18 ft , 23 50. TIMBERS 1C foot and under , 22 00. TIMBER ANP JOIST 18 ft , 23 50 ; 20 ft , 23 50 ; 22ft , 2050 ; Sift , 2650. FENDING No. 1 , 4 and G in. , 24 00 ; No. 2 , 2200. SHEETING No. l(2d ( common boards,20 ) 00 ; No. 2,18 00. STOCK BoAnns A , 15 00 ; B.40 00 ; 0 , 35 00. FLOORING No. 1,40 00 ; No. 2 , 35 00 ; No. 3,2500 SiniNO , clear 27 00 ; No. 2 , 25 00 ; No. S , 2000. CEILINO-I , 37 00 ; f , 25 00. SHINGLES , best 1 50 ; standard , 3 50. LATH 3 25 per M. LIME Per barrel , 125 ; bulk per bushel , 35c cement , bbl , 2 25 ; Iowa plaster , bbl , 2 .r > 0 ; hair per bu. 50c ; Tarred felt , 100 Jbs , 3 50 ; straw _ oord , 8 50. I'aints.Olla and Varnlalion. OILS 110 carbon , per gallon , 13Jc ; 150 ° headlight , per gallon , 144c ; 175 ° headlight , per gallon , 18c ; 150 ° water whlto , 17c ; lln seed , raw , ; pr gallon.BOc ; linseed , boiled , per gallon , G2c Lard , winter str'd , per gallon , 85c : No. 1 , 75cNo. ; 2 , G5c ; castor , XXX , per gal Ion , 1 CO : No. 3,1 40 ; awoot , per gallon 1 00 sperm W.B. , per gallon. 100 ; fish. W. B. , porgaUon , G5c ; noatsfoot extra , per gallon , OOc , No , 1 , 75c ; lubricating , zero , per gallon , 30c summer , 15c ; golden machine , No. 1 , per gal lon , 35c ; No. 2 , 28c ; sponn , signal , per gallon 80c ; turpentine , per gallon , 48c ; naptha 74 ° , per pallon , ICc. PAINTS IN OIL Whlto lend , Omaha P. P. G.Jc ; whlto lead. St. Louis , pure , C4c ; Marseilles green 1 to 5 lb cans , 20c ; Froncti zinc , green noel , 12c ; French zinc , rod seal , He ; French 7Jnc , in varnish aest , 20c ; French zinc , in ol osHt , 15c ; raw and burnt umber , 1 Ib cans , lOc ; raw and burnt Sienna , lOo ; vandvko brown , 13c ; refined lampblack , 12o ; coach black , anc : ivory black , ICc ; drop black , ICc ; Prussian blue , 40c ; ultramarine blue , 18c ; cliromo green L. M. & D. , ICc ; blind and shutter green , L M. & D , , IGc ; Paris green , 18c : Indian red , 15c ; Venetian rod , 9 TuHcan rod , 22o ; Ameri can Vermilllon , I. & P. , 18c ; chrome yellow L. M. , O. & D. O. , 18c ; yellow ochre , 9c ; golden ochre , IGc , patent dryer , 8c ; gralninp colors. light oak , dark oak , walnut , chi tnul and ash 15o , llrr Palnta. Whlto lead , 8c ; French zinc , lOc ; Paris whiting , 2Jc ; whiting gilders , Ifc ; whiting com'l lie ; lampblack , Gormautown , 14c lampblack , ordinary , lOc ; Prussian blue , 55o ultramarine , 18c ; Vandyke , brown , 8c ; umber burnt , 4c ; umber , raw , 4o ; sienna , burnt , 4c , sienna , ru'v , 4c ; Paris groan , genuine. 25c Paris green , common , 20o ; chrome peon , N.Y. , 20c ; chroino Kroon , K. , 12o ; vonmlllon , Kng. , 70c ; vormlllion , Amorlcan , 18c ; Indian rod , lOo ; rose pink , 1-lc ; Venetian rod , Cookson'n , 2c ; Venetian rod , Amoriuan , lc : rod lead , 7jc ; chrome yellow , genuluo , 20c ; cliromo yellow - low , K. , 12cochro ; rochelle , 3o ; ochre. French , 2c ; ochre , American , 2c : Winter's mineral , 2c ; lelilgh brown , 24c ; Spanish brown , 2Jc Prince's mineral , 3c. VARNISHEH Barrels , pe * gallon : Furnl ture , extra , 8110 ; furniture , No. 1 , 81 ; coach , extra , $1 40 ; coach , No. 1 , 81 20 ; Damar extra , 81 75 ; Japan , 70c : asphaltum , extra , 85c , shellac , $3 GO ; hard oil finish , 81 50. lionther. Oak sole , 88cg42c ( ; hemlock eole 28c@85o hou lock kip , 80a to 1 00 ; runner CCo to 80o hemlock calf , 85c to 1 00 ; hemlock upper , 22o to 24o : oak upper. 24c ; alligator , 4 00 to 6 CO calf kid , 32@35 : Uroisen kid. 2 60 to 2 75 ; oak kip , 80s to 1 00 ; oak calf. 1 20 to 130 ; French kin , 110 to 155 ; French calf , 125 to 2 00 ; res HARNESS No. 1 star oak , 37c ; No 2 do ! 35cs No. 1 Ohio oak , 30oi No. 2 do , 33c ; No. 1 Mllwankno 35a ; No 2 do TOr . No. 1 Pitt * oak bar , 37c ; No. B Pitta oak bar , 35c. HOATT Hardware Iilut. Iron , rates , 2 50 ; plow stool special east , Co crucible , 7c ; special or Gorman , * o : cast too ; do , 15@20 ; wagon spoked , sot , 2 25(23 00 ; hubs per set , 1 25 ; fo'loos uawod dry , 1 40 ; tongues , each , 70@85c ; axles each , 7Cc ; Hquaro nuts per Ib , 7@llo ; washers er lb. 8@18oj rivets , per lb , He ; cell clmlnt per lb , C@12c ; malleable , 80 iron wedges , Ccj crowbore , Gc ; harrow teeth 4o ; spring tool , 7@8c ; Burden's hornohocs 4 70 Bnrdon'a muleshoes C 70 , BARBED WIRE In car lota , Bo per 100 NAILS Rates , 10 to 00 , 2 90. SHOT Shot , 1 85 ; buck shot , 210 : oriental powder , keg , 6 40 ; do. , lialf kegs , 8 48 ; do. , quarter kegs , 188 ; blasting , kogn , 3 83 } fuse per 100 feat COc. LEAD Bar , 1 05 , COAL Cumberland blackmnltli. 10 00 ; MOT- riIurIJ,1Tbur'fl 100 ° ! Whltobrowit lamp ) 5 00 ; Whitebroaiit nut , 0 00 ; Iowa lump , DXX' ' Iowa nut , 5 00 ; Rock Spring , 7 00 ; Anlr cits , 11 25@U 50 } Canon City , 7 00 , per ton XoiiacooB PLCO ToBAOoo Cllmor , 60c ; Bullion COcj Uowcahos , 60cj Star , OOcj Kuddy , 45oj II r. iv'g , 40c ; Block , 8S@40A FiNR Cor Common , 20 < aSO ( ! peed , 45(2) ( ) COci Rooo LoAf , 70c : IVonilum , G5cj Dlnmend Crown , 65ci Sweet Slxtocn , COc. SUOKINQ O. S. , 22c | Moorochaum , SOc } Dnr ham , 8 oz. , 55c | Durham , 4 ot. . 57oj Durhatr 2 ot. , 55c ! Seal of North C.uollnv 8 oz. , 65c Seal of North Carolina , 4 oz. . 67c ! Seal o forth Carolina , 2 oz. , OOc ; 0. 1C Durham , 4 or. . , 28c ; O. 1C Dutham , 2 or. , SOc ; Undo Nod , l' 25o } Tom and Jerry , 2Sc. tiiqnors , AlconOL 183 proof alcohol , 221 per wlnt gallon extra California spirit * , 188 proof , 1 17 per proof gallon ; triple refined spirit * 187 proof , 1 20 nor proof gallon ; ro-dhtlllcd whiskies 1 00@l 00 ; line blended , 1 W < a > 2 50. Kentucky iKiurbons , 200700 ; Kentucky nnd Pomwylvanlft ryes , 2 lXXo17 00. BRAN1ME8 Imported , GOO@1GOO ; domostlo 1 40@4 00. GINS Imported , 4 60@000 ; domoitlc , 1 40 @ 300. ROMS Imported , 4 Wl fl 00 ; Now England , 2 00@4 00 } domostlc , 1 50(313 ( f > 0. PKAOII ANI > ATPLB BRANDT 1 75@ 1 00. ClIAllPAONCS Imix > rtod per case , 2800@ 34 00 } AmoTlcaiCpor cv o , 12 00@10 00. Grocorn Iilnt. OANNim Goons Oysters (9tandi\rdpor ( ) CJMO , 3 70@3 80 ; strawberries , 2 lb , per coao , 2 fO@ 2 10 ; raspborrlos , 2 11 > , per awe , 2 90 } Bartlctt iioarB , per case , 2 40 ; wnortloborrlps , per case , J 10 ; egg plunjn , U lb. per cvso , 2 W ) ; green gages , 2 lb , per case , 2 00 ; plno apploo , 2 Ih [ > or case , 4 B0@fi 50. HOPE Sisal 1 inch nnd larger , 91c , B inch , 9cJ : } Inch , lOic. CANDLES Boxes , 401 bs , Ifis , 15c ; 8 , IBoj boxes 40 llm , 10 ot. , 6s. Ifio. MATOIIES Per caddie , 35c ; round , CJMW , 2f > 5sqnnro ( cases , 170. SUOAIIS Powdered , Sjfc ; cut oaf , 8\o \ : granulated , 78n ; confoctlouorH1 A , 73c ; StaniN rd extra 0 , CJot extra O , Cjc ( ; moillum yo'- low , 0c ; ilork yellow , c. Ordinary pradpa , 12 < pl24c ; fair 13 17c ; Arbuclclo's roasted , Kile ; McLaugblIn'i < XXXX iwwtod IGlo : mltatlon Java , If ! 18 c ; Clark's Aurora , Ifl c. RIOE Louloinna prinio to choice , 7c ; fair CJc ; Patma , G'ja. FISH Nu. 1 mackerel , lulf brls , , 850 ; No 1 mackerel , ftlta , 115 ; f.unity mackerel , bal brls. , 7 00 ; family mackerel , kits , 95c ; No. 1 wbito fish , half brls. , 8 75 ; No. 1 Win. 115. StRUr Standard Com. , SOc , buls ; Standard deli gallon kegs 1 S5 ; Standard do , 4 gallon s 1 37. SODA In lb papers , 3 80 per case ; keg per lb , 24c. PICKLES Medium. In barrels. 8 25 ; do In half barrels , 4 75 ; small , In barrels , 9 2ft ; do In half barrels , 5 25 ; gherkins In barrels , 101T > ; do in half barrels , 5 75 , TEAS Gunpowder , good , 45@5Ic ; choice CO @ 76c ; good Imperial , 40@43c ; choice , CO@C5c ; Young Hyson , good , 8C@riOc ; choice , C5c@l 00 ; Japan , natural loaf , 35c ; Japau , choice , G0@75c ; Oolong , good , 35 ® 10c ; Oolong , choice , 40@55c ; Soucliong , good , 85@40c ; choice , 35@45c. WOODENWARH Two hoop palls , 1 85 ; three hoop nails. 2 10. Tubs , No , 1 , 9 00 ; Pioneer neer washboards. 185 ; Double Crown 2 90 } Wollbuckots. 8 85. BOATS Kirk's Savon Imperial , 3 45 ; Kirk's satinet , 3 CO ; Kirk's standard , 3 75 ; Kirk's whlto Russian , 5 25 ; Kirk's outoca , 215 ; Kirk's Prairie Queen , (100 ( eaten , ) 40c ; Kirk's magnolia , doz. . POTASH Pennsylvania cans , 4 coso , in coso , 3 35 ; Babbitts ball 2 doz. in case , 190 } Anchor ball , 2 doz. in coso , 1 50. CANDY Mixed , 12@13o ; stick , He } twist stick , 104c. VINEOAU Now Ifora : apple IGo ; Ohio op- plo. ISc. SALT Dray loads , per bbl , 170 ; Ash ton , In socks , 3 50 ; bbls dairy GO , 5s , 3 30. STARCH Pearl , 44c ; Sliver Gloss , 8c ; Com Starch , 80 ; Kxcolslor Gloss , 7c ; Corn , 7Jc. SPIOES Popper , 17c ; allspice , 15c ; clovoa , 25o ; cassia 15c. LTE American. 3 HO ; Greenwich , S 40 ; Western , 2 75 ; North Stir , 2 00 ; Lewis' lye , 4 65 : Jewell lye. 2 75. DENVEll MAllltKT. FLOUR 100 Iba , 1 74@2 f.O ; patnnt. 100 bs , 27fi@300 : GrahanvlUO Ibs , 15K2 ) 00 ; rye , 100 Ibs , 233@2 50 ; buckwheat , 10J Iba , 8 00 © 8 50. ' GRAIN Wheat , 100 lln , 1 JV > © t l" ; corn , in sacks 100 Ibs , 1 12@1 II : oat < , 100 Iba , 1 fX ) @ 1 52 ; barley , 100 lb , 1 301 40. HAY-Biilod , 20 J00@21 .OU ; stravy , .10 00 ® 1200. / BUTTER Fancy , 35@3Cc ; dairy Jhoico , 25 ® 27c : common , 8@12c. Koos Fresh , 18@19c ; ranch , doz , fresh 1920c. CHEESE Full cream , 15SJlGo ( ; Llmburgor , 18c : Swiss , imported , 32c. POULTRY Live chickens , doz , 3 50@7 00 ; turkeys , lb , 20@22c } dressed geese , lb , 1C- 17c POTATOES Eastern , 100 Ibs , 40@15c } Groo- ley , 100 Ibs , 90c@t 00. ' VKOETAIILKS Onions , 100 Iba , 2 502 75 } cabboRO , 100 Ibs , 2 50@2 75 : boots , 100 Ibs , 1 00@1 25 } celery , per doz. 1 30. FRUITH Oranges , Mossfun , box , 5 00(20 ( 00 } lemons , choice Messina. 3 75@1 50 } apples eastern , bbl , 0 50@7 50 ; grapes , Malaga , regu lar , 7 00@7 50 ; bananas , bunch , 3 00@0 00. MEATH Hams , lb , 14@144c ; bacon , break- fast.l2J ( 13c ; lord , in tierces , lb , llio ; dried beef , lOc ; dry salt sides , 'JMlOlo. FISH Mackerel , No.l , 150 , kit , 1 75@2 25 California salmon , half bbl , 1050 ; Hollam herring , keir , 1 C0@l 75 ; trout , per lb. 17@18c JASH.PEABOJY Jtt , u. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON , Residence , No. . 1447 Jonoi Rt , OfOoo. No. IGO artmm street OIBoo hourj 12 m. to 1 p. in. , an om 2 to G p. in. Tolo honu lor olllji ) 97 U tl-fnoo GEORGBARMEUST , 8 , K Corner 22d anJ Cumlng Bt. TIN ROOFING GUTTERING , SPOUTING ETC Orders Mill IH > jiromptly attended t . F. SCEEUEkMAIM , M. i/ HKOULAU QRUSIAN Homeopathic Physician. SPECIALIST OF WOMEN , CHILDREN & OIinONIO DISEABKa. Hours At HeBldenoe.No. 1U3H. I Oth Street , til 10 , m. . and alter 8 p. m. Hours-At offlw , No. US nd 106 8.16th St. Iloom TfroralO . m.t r. m. N.I1. The Tape Worm will Iw icra v J. w tbou ii nir. . In Hm nt ftnm 2 to S hnnri I WOIIK , SUCH AM COUNTERS/ BARS , IOJ3 BO ES , /LIBRARIES , andal klndi/l olllco work a ipoolaltr Vuil "f d 1308 Jackson Htrinit , Omaha , Neb , 'R. KALiSH , rn Has Just renrlrod a full line ol Imported Pauoy Hull. Iniii and f ital on ol the lavcit styles Also guarantor lluo HttluKS and t DO trimmings. at LoMust I'rlce , Also CIoatlvK lyt > liii { and Itejialrlntf , B. K , Corner lOtli and Uavenoort Htreeta A CARD. To all who are eufforlai ; from mtit and IndlKrntlonii ol youth , nertou * ww.knu . early do-ay , lust ol manhwl. tto. I will bond b rt-cli.u th t will t.ure you , KKKK. OF L'HAUUK. Thlt Knit rein xly wa > dltcorercd by a u.1 nlonury In Bou'Ji Amcrl * la. Beud fdf addrenMd envtluus ( u IlKV , J'jHirii T SUtlurj p. N * Yoilc. Uy o in it ead Railway Time Table , In r.ftcct M y mth , All twins arrlre t and driuiri from Omaha on Central StAiidsrd Tlrao , which l Zi minute * faster hm dim tlmo. Kvcci't SatimUy , Kxrrpt Sunday , t Kncit | Mon- I'Voni Union Vnulllo Depot ; Tenth SC , U. r. II. 11. , MAI.NJLI.VK. . ARRIM. lalUnil r.xp..ll'40 am AtUntlo K p. . ,7.V ; ) a m utlo Kxp . .S. p in I Mall and K i > . . . . 00 p in Dull } . UKI'Um.lOAN VAU.KY DIVISION. . I * nni\n , , lnooln K | i. . . 15:65 : pin | Lincoln Kxp . . lMpn\ : DUMMY TUA1NS-UHIDUK DIVISION. Ix-avo Omaha ; fl 40 , 8'00,0:00. : tO.OO , 11:15 : ft m. , 1CO : , : W. 3 00 , 4:00 : , 5:00 : , 8-OO , 10 3S i > . m. On SnmUn : 8.4\t : ( X ) , 11:15 : a , m ; 1:00,3 : CO , , fl-00. 10.SS p in Arrl\o tt > Mi"Ioriloi > otS inliuitcti Inter ; llrovlnar , Council lllnlTii , 20 minutes Inter. \o Council llluT ( , lr ! > vl J depot , 7SO : , 8.SO , 9.SI , 10:311 : 40a.m. ; 1:30,2:50,8.30 : : , 4SO,6SO(1.35 : : ( , I1 : p.m OnSnnilaj i7SO : , 030 , 1140 ! iv. m.lU' ; : ! ' , 1SJ.430 , flS3 : , 11:05 : | > m. Auho nt Transfer 7 mln itvulatir. ta > o Council llhitTs Trnncfcr depot : 7.IM , 8..17 , 0 37.10.S7 , llU : a m : 1 37 , S'37 , 3 37 , 4:40 : , 6:37 : , 8:45 : , 11:18 : p . in. Arrive Onmtia 13 mlnntvs later , TKANSFKK TUAINS. Lit u x. ARRIVK. S. No. t . . . .S'lB n m Pom. Ko. a llIF > nm " fl RMnm " 61 . 10SS : a m " 4 4:25 : tun I 15..rJVt : > p m " 8 8.10 11 m ' ' ' " 10 7M5 \ > in II . . ! ! , ! m Ha MISSOURI ARR1MI. Mall' . lOPOnm Omihi Kxp..Po ; ft m St. Louis Kxp..SS5 pm.MnlU | . 6.10 pm S. 0. & P. 11. It. LKUK. AHRI\K. rt > 40 a in Rt. Pnnl Kip ll-.tfi a m St. 1'nnir.sp . 7:15 : pin Mall 7100 pm pinDaily , 0. & N. W. U. K. L1HM. I AllllHIt. Mall" < lXl ( am KiproH ) 10f.O : nm Kipreral I'M pmlltall * 7:00 : pin o. , u. n & P. it. n. I ARRIXK. Wall * 000am Kijiriwl 10'FOnm Kiproott ( . : uopm I M ll' 7oopm C. , M. & St , 1' . II. H. . . AHIUVK. UaltA Ex > DOOain 1'acino K pl..lOMam : Ul ntloiit Mall k Ftp' . . . .7:00pm : 0. , II AQ xlaCoimrll niulTn. ) LKxxr , I AnuiXK. llxll . .OCOam Impress 10.50 a m Ecprcsi 5.0X ) p m I Mall 7COp : m IHIIx- . WAHASH , ST. LOUIS .t PACII'IC. I ii U , I AIIIUXK. Cannon Hall 1.00'pm | Cannon Itall . . . 2:40pm : Pallj. K. 0. , MT JOC * 0. II. ( x lit Council I LKAX.K. AUItUlL. Atall 9 00 a in "pri-Hs 7fOam : .7:15 : p m Mail 7.00pm AUKANUUMKNTOP SUNDAY TltAlNS DutliiM | y Sititnlay , Sumlny and Mnnda } Chicago trains w III rotate HH follows ; - t-nturilayexinliiKtniln lcnxoMfly.Id and LMthxIa C M fcht. I'i.Maj 17th xla the fiiirtli-WcNtcrn , May IIth ami rlsti the Hm-k InUnd Arrho In the wxme order the Mondav fi > llo\xiti , biiniUy morning trains ih'part nnd Humliy oxcnlni ; tniliiSftrrlvcMaj 4th and "JMxla \ the Itnck Inland , May nth x la the North-WeHtirn , and May 18thlathe UM&St P. From n. & ; HI Depot ; Tcnlli Strocr , D. fc M. HAIUtOAn MAIN LINK. xruiuia. MATI. ARUIVIt Omaha. . . . < 1:10 : | > m 7:50aro : 7:00pm : 10 : < iRmu Ashland. . . 8:27 : pm 10:08 : am 4:62 : pm 8l2am : Lincoln. . lO.'O pm 12'um : 8:50 : pm 7 : 5an Crcta . 11117pm 12:540im : ] 2:11 : pm 8Man : Hiwtlii 3. . 5linm ; ( 4:16 : pm ll:5r : > am 10:50 : pn Hod Cloud. S 00 am 0.0 1 pm 10:23 : a'n ' 8:25 : jm McCook. 10'51am D1G ; pm 8:15 : am 4:10 : pn Akron. . . 3.45pm 2:10 : am 12.50 nm lliPfinn Denver. . . 7:25 : pm 015nm 9.2Spm 7:30 : nm Dally. OJrAH.V AND PtATTIMOUTIt TRAINS : Ir. Oinalm nt 7:50 , and 8:45 : n in ; 4:50 : , 0:10. : 7:45 : p n Ar. Omaha tO.25 , 8.40 aiul lou5 : a m ; 7.00 , 7.30 p n 0. B. .V Q. U. K- ( via I't.Utamouth. ) irxxi. I Aiuuvil Eiuttcrn I'\p.,8.45 n m Omaha Kxp . 8:40 : n n Chicago Uxj . 4:50 : ji m | Western Kxp. . . .7:30 : 11 I Dally. * 1C. O. , ST. J-AC. TirxlaTlitt nniutn. ) - j I.BAVH. I AUIUVIt Mall . 8:45 : n m rviircs3 . (1.25 a i Eipresa. . . . . 7:45 : p in I Mall . 7:30 : pi Dally. From O. St. 1 * . M. .to. Doiiot , l-llli nnc Webster Strcetw. 0. , St. P. II. t 0. LKAVTC. AUIUV No2 ras ciiKcr..R.Oain I No 3 Mlxal . 11:15 am No 4 Mixed . 2.30pm | Nol PaeHCDRcr ti20pii : Sundavs Kxcci > ted. PROPOSALS FOR INDIAN SUP PLIES AND TRANSPORTATION. DHPARTVENT OP TUB INTKUIOK. Olllco o IniDau Adalrw , WanhlliKton , April 23 , 1884. Healed prnpoHalx , inJorml "Proposalu for licet" ( bid for beef miut lie nuhmlttcd In separate cm elopes , Bacon , Flour , Clothing , or Tramiportatloii , 4a , ( a the aura may hoand directed to the Commletlno ol Indian Alfalrx Noa. 05 nnd 07 Woontor Btreet , Now Yrrk , will ho received until 1 r. u. of Tuesday , Ma 27,1884 , for fimilehlntf for the Indian ncrvlco abou 520,000 | ) < mml Ilacon , 88,000,000 pounds Doct on th lioof , 100,000 iwimils Iloaim , 45WiO pounda IlaklnK I'owiler , 780,000 pounds Oorp , 450,000 pounds UofTuo 7FOOOOO iiniinilH Flour , 70,000 ponnda Food. 105,001 pounc'H Hard Dread , 43UX > pounds Hominy , lgoo ( pounds lAtii. 700 barrels miss pork , 180,00 poll nil lllce , 7,500 pounds /Tea , COOtpounda Tohacoo 20 ,100 iwunds Salt , 1 W.OOO jioiindsHoap , 6,000 pound oil a , 850,000 poumfo Sugar , and 40,000 pound Also , Blankets , Woolen and Cotton Goods , ( con sting In part of 'licking , 20,000 yards ; Htaiiiiard alien , 18&,000'ards ; Drilling,0.000vards ; Duck.O roe from nil IH e , 80,000 yards ; Uonltns , 17,00 yuril ; Glniihain , 10,000 yards ; Kentucky Juani M.OOO yan ) ; Cheviot , 4.COO J arils ; Drown Shevtlm ; 175,000 \ ril : Illeachcil Hhoctlliif , IC.'OOO yards Hickory Oblrtlnir , 10 000 yards : Calico Shlrtlim. 0,000 > arItMntey ; , 1,500 yards ; ) t'lothlnir , Ore corlcs , NiitlonsIIaroviaro , Medical HuppllcB , Hclioc Donks , c. ntid a Innn Hue of inlscallanloua articles siichas llfurionK , I'low , Hakes , Forks , ILO. , and for about 475 W iuiii required for the ecrvlco. to bo dellV'reJ at ( iMungo , Kaunas City , and Hloux City. Alia tat mull WSKOIIS an may ha required , adapteil t < ) the climate of the I'aclllo Coast , with CallloruU llralius , dcllxcrrd at Han Francisco , Also , transportation for ouch ol the article * ! , goods , an J supplies that may not ho contracted for to he dullvcred at the Agencies. BIDS MD8T UK MAD OUT OX OOVEtlNMKXT II1.ASKS. ticlicdiile bhowInK the kinds and qualities o : eiihulnUiiico nippllcs required for each AKcncy , am ! Iho kinds and quantities In urots , of all oihur uoodn and articles , to uther with hlankpropoKals , conditions to ho ohBorxed liy hlddcrs , tlmo''U > d place ol delivery Ij'lilt < if cahtrart and payment , Iransjiortatlon rout is and all ether niccsaary Inttructlons will ho furnlnhec upon application to.Uio Indian Olllio In WasldnKton or Nus. U5 and U7 Wmetcr Htrtct.New York ; Win H. L > onNo,4S3 Uroadway , New York ; the Coinmls arleg ol uuuslstancu , US. A . at Cheyenne Chi ( ago , Ixtavonwortb , Omaha , halnt Loulu , Halrit Paul Fan Frandeco , irna Ya'jkton ; the Puslma tr ' Hloux Cityvnd tu the I'outnasters at the following named places In Kansas ; Arkantas City , Hiirlliintoii C < ldwell , DodeoClty , KmpoiU , Kuroka , Urea' ' Hcnd , Howard. Hulcnlnson , I.ornixl , Mo 1'herson Marlon , Medicine Ixidk'i ) , Newton , Osajfo City , Hculan SterlinK , Tonoka , WollliiKton , Wichita and Winllcld Hid * will lo opened at the hour and day above stated , and hidden are Inxlted to bo proton Iho ojwnlu/ . ciaiinici ) CHUCKS , All bids must he accompanied hy nertlfleil chocls upon loma United Statoi DejiOHitory or the Kinl National Hank al Ix > u Anelei | , Cal , , for at loastllxu tier Uint ol thu amount of tnu primeval , II. I'ltlUK Commlwlonor. IJ ALONG TIIK LINK OK TIIK , Chicago. . St. . Paul , Minneapolis and OM/\HA RAILWAY. The new oiteiiBlon ol thin line from Wakcfleld up Uio BEAUTIFUL VALLEY of the GAN through Oonoord and Colurldgo Koifchci the teit portion ol the State , Hjioclal ei > curolou rates fur Und ivikurs over thin line to Wayna , Norfolk and HarthiKton , and via Illalr to all l > rlnd | > al jiolnts on the SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC RAILROAD Trtlnj over tht 0. , Ht. P. if , If 0 , lull way to Cov nxton , Sloui city , I'oau , HaitlngtotiVayno and Norfolk , OorLXLoot nt 331 .lir For I'/emont , Otlida e , Nellgh , and through to Yal entliiu. AffFvt tatc ) ind all Information colt oa K , I' . WIUTNKY , General Afcnt , DUFRENE & MENDELSOHN. OMAHA NATIONAL BANK Syntlicnlo IIillAiWiUon , lota $100 , S10 | aah , nnd $10 per month. { 3 BKDFORDZ& SOUER , Agonta. Oilman I'lnco , lots $1GO to $300. BEDFORD SOUER , Agonta. Clnrk Plnco , loU $300 to $000. BEDFORD it SOUER , Agents. SOUER , Agents. SOUER , AgonU. SOUER , Agonta. iixnacom's Addition , loU $500 to $050. -.BEDFORD & SOUER , Agonta. ition \l \ lOne BEDFORD & SOUER , One ; Hundred Dollars" ' 'or a clioico lot in Syndicate Hilt Addition. This addition joins the .lie Syndicate lands in south Omaha , and will rapidly build up with coin Portable homos. These lots are beautiful and are near the stock ynrda ind packing houses , mid will bo occupied ns homos by the employes ofi [ hose works , and nro undoubtedly the best vnlno for the price oC any lota in the market Several Imvo boon sold nnd the price will soon bo ad vanced. Wo have the oxchmvo agency on thisnddition. Tornis easy. OILMAN PLAGE , is n now addition on Leavouwortlx streob in West'Omahc. A low price has been put on them to start thorn. $150 to 8300 , Ou easy terms , Tno grading and improvements to bo made on Lcavonworth St. , this springwill make this very valuable property. CLARK PLACE. This ia n sub-division of the iMegeath property facmg Hancom" Park on the south. Gbod location , nonr street cnr , line view and has 83od growth of native timber. This is one of the finest additions in , malm , and will noli rapidly. Price $300 to050. One-fourth i-ash balance on good time. First como , first served. This is a splendid -op- . , . nm4.i.u f who intend orjporHoiiH building for a horac. 1 LIKE Y &KHYSOR'o SUB-DIVISION IB a beautiful piece o ground lying one block south o Oilman place. 3' . West Omaha. The first of these lots will bo sold nt $125 to 8150 , and nro n bargain. A nice sightly location , beautiful place for a home and splendid investment for a rich man or a poor man. HAWTHO This addition lies between Capitol nvonuo nnd Cass street , ton blocks from the High School , one mile from the postoflico , and ia what is known as inside property. The city is built up far beyond this addition and the finest residences in the city are in this locality. The grade ou Davonpor4- street has been established nnd work commenced , and will be completed ns soon as the weather permits. The contract has been lot for building largo brick school house ou Douglas street , three blocks from this addi tion. We predict that these lots will more than double iu , 'alue before August , ns it is the most desirable part of Omaha nnd would have been built up yonra a o had it beenplaced on the market. Prices . S35O TO seso Adjoininglotsare | ! beingfsoldntdoublothe [ price we ask forSthese. KIRKWOOD. Wo have > ix/ots / loft in tliisjadditionjwluchgwe Wo have some improved and unimprovedfarmsj'near ; [ 0mtthaand some well improved farms in Sarpy county. IHIOIMIIES Residoncojand Residence Lots in all parts of the city , and TTSXJSTDEISS X.OVS On all tlio best streets in tlie businofs center. Wo have for nalo lota in Shinn'u Addition , Parker's Addition , JNolson'a Add tion , Armstrong's Addition , Lowo'a Addition , Park Place Addition , Isaaca & Sol don's Addition , McOonnick'a Addition , Oanacom Place , Redick's Addition , Burr Oak Addition , Johnson's Addition , Rood's Addition , Kountzo's Addition , Syndicate Ilill , Oilman Place , Clark Plaoo , Tukoy & Koyaor'a aub-divinlon , Hawthorne Addi tion , { Kirkwood Addition , Boyd'a Addition , Yatoa it.Rood'a Addition , etc. , etc. _ t3 BEDFORD & ] SOUER. 213 South 14th Street , betweengParnam andQDoviglas ] f ,