Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 23, 1884, Page 2, Image 2

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Imlnlffonco and Ktccsncn.
Whether overeating or drinking are
made harmless by using Hop Hitters
freely , giving elegant appetite nnd enjoy
ment by using them bcforoand removing
nil dullness , pains and dlstrossnftorwards ,
leaving the head clear , nerves steady , and
nil the feelings , buoyant , clasticand moro
happy than before. The pleasing effects
of n Christian or sumptous dinnorcontin-
uing days afterwards.
Imminent Testimony.
N. Y. WItnos' , Aug. 1818SO.
"I find that in addition to the jnirc
spirits contained in their composition ,
tnoy rontain Uio extracts of hops nnd
other well known and highly approved
medicinal roots , loaves and tinctures in
quantities sufficient to render the article
what the makers claim it to bo , to wit , a
medicinal preparation nnd not a beverage
unfit and unsafe to bo used except as a
"From a careful analysis of their for
mula which was attested under oath
I find that in every wine-glassful of Hop
Bitters , the active medicinal properties
aside from the distilled spirits are equal
to a full dose for an adult , which fact in
my opinion , subjects it to an revenue -
onuo tax ns n medicinal bitter , "
GUEKX B. UAUM , U. S. Com , In. Rev.
Burdened M\cr.
Five years ago I brpko down with kid
ney nnd Liver complaint andrhoumntism.
Since then I havobuon unable to bo about
nt all. My liver became hard like wood ;
my limbs were puffed up and filloi' with
water. All the best physicians agreed
that nothing could euro mo. 1 rcsolvod to
try Hop Bitters ; * ! have used seven bottles
tles ; the Hardness has all gone from my
liver , the swelling from my limbs , nnd it
has worked a miracle in my case ; other-
Aviso I would have boon now In my grave.
J. W. MOIIEY , Buffalo , Oct. 1 , ' 81.
Poverty niul SiiITorlnfr.
' 'I was ilraRRCil down with debt , i > < norty nml nut-
fcrlnif for joir , caused l > y a tick f.imlly anil largo
lillln ol doctoring. I WM completely Illitcourancil.
until ona ) cnr RO , l.y Uio ndvfca nt my pastor , I
commenced using Hop Hitters , ami In onu month
wo were all well , mil nonu ol us have Been n tick
day alneo. ntnl I want to any to all foor ini-njoii can
kocp your families welt joirttlth Hop HUtT * for
losstlitn ono doctor's vhlt will cost , I know It"
i < ccMorotl | n lor
cnlauolctl sistcnn ,
miITcrliiK from agon
cralunntnf tmio.aml
Its umml concomit'
until , ( lj ) icisla | nml
NcnousncHH , Is eel.
\ ilom iltirUablo from
the use ol n nour-
_ tailing < Hot niul slim-
, f : u I ol appetite , tin-
52nliloil , A incdklito
that \illtelTcct ft ro.
moval of tliospoclflo
obstacle to rciiuwtd
health andvlgor that
In a Rcnuliia corroo-
tho.isthorcal need ,
It U tlio ] io > soi ton ot
this grainl require )
incut which nukes
i Haitottor' Stomach
_ _ Hitters eo clIootKn
03 an Invltrortnt. or sale by all DrugKltts anil deal-
crt generally ,
An elUil frMliln ( al feiquUll * flavor , now *
dl * rd ri f Ik * l'ltlTt Ortfctn , Aff * 4topc Input § . - * ttor
(9 KlM f cIw p K t u < l t * JI mniBv drink I B4
tevM * rf emintr' ll4. > > k rnur crw r r flmrfUl ref
ouufketuixl b1)11. ) . J. U. l BllOCUT ABOMH.
j. w. vruiTEiiuAinvgpLn AQIIH
. JV 3 ?
Bolglaii Boynl andU.S. M llBtomucrs
The Rhine , Germany , Italy , Holland and France
Bteorago Outwarcl,820 ; I'ropald from Antwerp , tin ;
Erounlon , $ S9 , Including lioilillntr , etc , Hd Cabin , $ .10 ;
Round Trip , { 00.00 ; Excursion , $100 ; Buloon from $60
to { 90 ; Kxounlon110 to 8160.
jtaTPotor Wright ft Sons , Oou , Agents. 66 llrcod-
w y N. Y.
fCaldwell. lUmllton & Co. , Omaha. P. B. niod-
man & Co. , 203 N. 10th Street , Cinnha ; D. K. Kimball -
ball , OmalmAKODto. mio cwl-ly
SOK , MANLY Viaon , Suermntorr
a , eta , when all other rcmo.
s f IL A our * guaranteed.
PSl.&Oabottlo , largo bottle , lout
tluicH the quAntltv , | 6. Ur oz.
press to any kdJrom. Bold b ;
MlUrugglita. KNQLIdll MKDI.
CAb INSTITUTE , Pioprloton , 718 Ollvo Btroot , St.
loul/i , JIo.
" 1 ha > o Bold Sir Aatloy Cooper's Vital RoBtaratm
ot VHOTO. Every customer ipoaks hlubly ot It I
BhoElUtlnjI/cnJoreo It M a remedy ot true merit
"C.F QoODMiK , Druggla
eV.1'1883 via-uiatt
IIII llflllMlliMITIMI till till II
Tell the children to cut out and live the comic
tllhouctto pictures u they rin.'ar from luua to
iuuo. Tho/ will bo plcuod irlth tlia colloctloa
< .t
.This . Bpooe In owned by
Of eonru n mtu tht ftmovi intail app ui0g
on Uio Ubcl of every ( tnulae packigoof Uluk.
well' * Dull Durham bmoUnr Tobacco. Every
dealer keep * tali , the ! M ( Bracking1 Tobacco made.
None genuine without trade-mirk of the Dull.
v. uiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
T , 0. CARLluLE ,
r ,
MO. VALLEY , - - - IOWA.
"Band tot CIrcuUri. "
Furuislied on Short Notice ,
a W. Coi. IZtli and Dowm , , - - OMAHA , NEU
How He Rose from Chore-Boy to Mill-
Ills Marked SUCCCRH'AH Prcflltlcnl ol
Uio Krlo ItnllrnnilAn Kntlmnto
of Hid Wcalili. A Scir-Miulo
Now York Journal.
In a httlo villngo in Western Ohio the
present president of the Kno Head was
born , some fifty-six years ago. 13 o was
n poor hid , nnd hud poorer advantages.
IIu did the chores nn a small farm owned
by his parents nnd devoted the winter
evening * to study. Among his father's
limited library were n few well-thumbed
law-books. Among them were IJlack-
stone's Commentaries , and young Jowott
pored over them until the tallow-dip was
low in the socket.
Young Jowott , by the severest econo
my nnd with the nBststancoi his father ,
was enabled to enter Hiram College ,
Ho was n classmate of the martyr-resi
dent , James A. Garfield , nnd as schoolboys -
boys they passed many pleasant days.
Soon after young Jowott'a graduation ho
drifted into Cleveland.
There were n few dollars in his pocket
nnd ho was sadly in need of employment.-
Ho was family engaged at clerk and gen
eral ofllco boy for a lawyer. Ho received
the munificent sum $1 per week. In
epnro moments ho devoted his attention
to his employer's library. Long after ho
had departed for homo young Jowott
pored over the dry and musty volumes ,
and when a few years later ho developed
a loaning towards politics ho had the am
munition to subatanciatcl his position.
Ho frequented thn town political meetings
and soon was recognized as a careful nnd
intelligent speaker.
Several years later ho represented his
district in Congress. Ho was a vigorous
supporter of President Lincoln , but op
posed President Johnson most bitterly.
When General Grant came in Mr. Jowott
became one of his staunchest admirers
and BO continued until ho recognized that
politics were an expensive venture.
Like ox-Senator Colliding , ho believed
his profession would bo of greater mone
tary advantage , and resigned his scat in
the liouau mid settled in Now York. Ho
opened a small ofl'tce , but soon became
known as an nututo railroad lawyer. At
one time ho was associated with lion.
Samuel J. Tildcn. Ho attracted the notice -
tico of John A. Uix and Jim Fisk , of the
Erie road. Mr. Dix was then the presi
dent of the road. When it became neces
sary to place the road in the hands of a
receiver Mr. Jowott was selected.
The history of the Erie railroad almost
from its inception presents n chequered
story of alternating failure and partial
success , and although the road occupies a
position of almost national importance it
has boon perhaps moro than any other
railroad property , the peculiar I'sport" of
stock jobbers , under whose control it has
several times boon thrown , and its man
agement up to President Jowott'a advent
was a byword and a reproach in railroad
circles of the whole world. Such a state
of affairs exists no longer in the Erie rail-
Mad. Owing to Mr. Jowott's judicious ,
honest and olliciont management it has
made marvellous strides toward becoming
ono of the most profitable railronds , and
this has boon duo to the management of
Mr , Jowott.
Twice since its completion in 1801 has
Erie Railroad , the nucleus of the
present Now York , Lake Shore nnd Wes
tern system boon placed in a receiver's
hands owing to bad management and
causes , the last occasion (187& ( ) being dis
tinguished by the apparently hopeless
condition of its finances and the serious
disadvantage the road labored under of
being the only broad gauge trunk line
in the country. It was during the last
receivership , and while under the man
agement of Mr. Jowott as receiver that
the Erie road first promised to emerge
triumphantly from its trouble , and al
ready in 1878 , when it was sold under
foreclosure and shortly afterwards recog
nized under its present title- with Mr.
Jowott as president , the improvement be
gan to make itself apparent.
The first stop toward placing the road
on a paying basis was the arrangement of
the tracks for broad or narrow gungo
traffic , and this under Mr. Jowott'a man
agement has been accomplished without
interfering with the business of the road.
This waa followed by the extension of
the tracks into the immense coal , mineral
and lumber properties owned by the com
pany in Pennsylvania , and for this , pur
pose the Bradford branch was construct
ed , The coal and Iron and lumber mined
by nnd carried by the Erie in this section
alone has rendered this an enormously
profitable venture , besides which the
company has contracted for the entire
carrying trade of the Pennsylvania Coal
Company's out-put over the now Erie
& Wyoming Valley railroad.
There luwo boon many other improve
ments of the Erie'sa Hairs and all Bof
them have boon consummated under
President Jowott'a management. By his
judicious course the business of the road
has boon increased to an almost unprece
dented extent , while the track and equip
ment were never as good as at the proa-
ont timo. 185
Mr. Jowott receives a salary of $75-
000 per annum and has numerous out
side ventures which not him nn annual
income of fully $150,000. In addition
by hit frugal habits , ho has accumulated
ono or two bales of Erie second consol
Mr. Jowott'a wealth is estimated nt
810,000,000. Ilia mansion at No. 289
MadUon avomto , in this city , is a bower
of luxury and refinement ,
Mr. Jowott Is often heard to recall the
old days when lie was a poor country boy
without a dollar and no prospect of get >
ting ono. In fact it acorns to bo a pleas
ure for him to apeak of his early trials
and troubles. Ho is singularly modest
and retiring in his personal affairs and
has no greater pleasure than in taking
his country relatives around the city.
For the skilful nursing that Mr. Jew-
ott has given to the all'airs of the Erie
Head ho will long bo remembered in the
financial world. _
Allen's Bruin Food botanical extract
streiiRthur.s the Uralu and ixwitlvoly cures
Nervous Mobility , Nervousness , llondachef
unnatural lossoa , mid all weakness of Genorft-
tlva Svttom ; it never falls. $1 pkg , ; 0 fur $5
At drurelata or Allen's I'lmrmacy. rat
Ave. N , Y. _
Ho Got the Jol ) ,
Ho called at the house and asked if
she had any carpets to boat , adding that
ho had been in the business over twenty
"How much to beat that parlor car-
pot" she askod.
'One ' dollar. "
"Why , that'e awful. There was a man
hero yesterday who ofl'orod to do the iob
for fifty cents. "
"Extctly , madam ; but how was ho
. prepared ? "
"Ho had a club in his hand. "
"I presume BO. Ho intended to take
the carpet out on a vacant lot , didn't
ho ? "
"Vos sir. Our yard is too small , you
know. '
"Exactly. That is a tapestry Brussels
carpet. It is badly worn. It 1ms num
erous holes in it. Ho would make a
great aliow in getting it out mid in hero.
Out on the lot ho would give you away
to everyone who asked who the carpet
belonged to. Is that the way to do a job
of this sort ) "
"Ilowdoyoudo it ? "
"I take the carpet out through the al
loy. I wheel it homo. I boat it in a
yard surrounded by a high-board fence ,
and while I am returning it , all nicely
rolled up and covered with a cloth , if
any ono asks mo what 1 have , I reply
that it is a velvet carpet for No. 224
Blank struct. If no ono asks any ques
tions , 1 call at the house on cither side
on either aide of you and ask is they have
ordered a now Wilton. They watch mo
and BCO mo come in hero. Madam , in
iho language of the Greeks , do you
twig ? "
Ilo was given the job.
JIornford'H Acid
Decided Benefit.
Dr. John P. WIIEELEU , Hudson , N. Y.
says : "I have given it with decided benefit _
efit in a case of innutrition of the brain
from the abuse of alcohol. "
Tlio AVifo o an Old Plantntion Nc-
Kf < > I'urHHCH lilni North.
Now York Journal.
In those days now past and ne'er forgot
when the slaves lived on the plantations
in the South , tllcro lived Matilda and
Loftrigo. They were born slaves nnd as
such were married according to the cus-
tome of Virginia. Aftur the war An -
drew came North , telling his wife to wuit
until sent for , and she lingered there un
til a few weeks ago , when she came to
this city and claimed to Judge Murray
that her husband had abandoned her.
Ho was arrested and brought to the
Yorkvillo 1'olico Court.
"Is this your wife , Andrew ? " the court
"IV do Lawd horaint no such a thing
sail. "
" 1 jea' reckon I is , jedgo. Is do _ rr.ud-
dor ob dat 'ar man's offsprings , I is , an'
I'so ' a gwino ter toll yor so , " retorted the
ebony lady with vim.
" Where were you married , Mr.
Loftridgo ? "
"I aon't ' hab no weddin" " wid her. Wo
lib togodder ; dats all , Jodgo. "
"Yes , salt , wo don't hab nowedding ,
for do mar'scr , ho too mean , ho whar , forte
to gib de fiddler pay for do music at such
a solomification.
"Your wife says you have boon away
from her sinoo the war ; how many chil
dren did you loayol" his honor askod.
"D.U'a it , dat's it , sail. How many
children did I hab ? Sahl I had tree pic-
cannincs , and now dis cullud lady hab
five or six. "
"Ef I hab five or alx coons wat ob
dot ? "
"Yafl , wat ob dat , jodgp , wat am dat.
I'so boon informed dat dis lady hab gone
an lubbod anodor man. "
"Course I hab , but I'so a member ob
do church , I is , and won dat 'ar Jake ho
said tor mo , 'Tilda , I lub you , don I toledo
do congregationan da said 'twas all right ;
doronow. "
"Did you over got married to another
lady , Andrew1 the judge interrogated.
"Yes , sab , fo' suah. Dar am Molio
Johsing , ob Thompson street. She hab
cabtivntod dis lonesome heart iron doro
was none to lub mo. I married dat lub-
ly gal , 1 did , for she war do pictur dat hab
ben engraved on dis heart for mos' all do
po' slave's life. "
"Oh , you niggar willinl dat am wat
you say tor mo won wo was Tfid ole
'Your wife of the slavery days must
bo suportod , sir. Will you give her
money ? " the Court asked sternly.
"Yes , sah. I'so done got no money ,
but I'll gib her all I hab ot , " ho an
"On that condition you are discharod ,
and Mitilda , if he fails , do you come
hire anjt see mo. Qo homo. "
And the two ancient relics of bygone
days slowly limped from the court-room ,
bearing their burdens of many years in a
quiet , dignified fashion.
All persons nfUictod with Dyspepsia , Dlarr-
luua , Colic , and all kinds of indigestions will
find inunodlato relief and nura euro by using
Angostura Ulttcra. The only gctiuiro is
manufactured by lr. J. G. U. Siogurt & Seng
Not So Very IJc i.
Wuklnwton llntchot ,
There was a tromondlous crowd at
Barnum'a ' circus on last Monday. Just
when the people were crowding through :
the main entrance at the liveliest to
n long , lank man from Fairfax y ,
Virginia , _ came Gambling up , accompa
nied by his wife with a baby in her arms
and a boy some ton years old. The man .
presented two tickets to the doorkeeper
and said :
"Yes pass deaf pussons in free , don't
yor ?
"Yes" replied the tickot-takor. "Who's
doof ? "
"This boy , " answered the man.
"Oh 1 p p , I ain't doof" replied the
"Shut up yo fool ; yor know yer are
doof. "
But it was too late ; the doorkeeper
was to his appeal , and the valiant Vir
ginian had to ante up another half dollar
to got a poop vt the sacred elephant.
B. II. Douglas & Song' Capsicum Cough
Drops are manufactured by themselves , and
are the result of o\or forty years' experience In
coinpoundliiK.cougli medlcluoa. mo.lO-3t.
Homo Ilcmurlcs on the 1'anlo.
John A. Logan : I really hope they
won't got up a run on my boom.
llowell P. Flower : If things keep on
this way I shall have to suspend.
James G. Blaine : I feared a panic
but I had sot the date early in next '
Ilonry B. Payno. If anybody wants
to take stock in mo , now is a pretty good
Samuel J. Tildon ; The closer tbo mou
lt oy market , the moro demand for the old >
- George F , Edmunds : I wonder if tint
, wouldn't bo a good time for mo to make
an assignment.
Joseph Mcdill ; Ki yi , but didn't I dis.
pose of my Logan stocks and bonds isat
about the right time ?
Benjamin F. Butler : In rough-and-
tumble times like those I feel that almosl
anything may happen ; and that would bono
good for mo.
An J2yo
Sckrotor & Ueclit tht Drugxiita , are fal.
ways wideawake to buelneaa and eparo nc
pains to secure tha bout of every article Infer
t their lino. They have secured the agency for
[ Kemp's llalsam for Consumption , Coughs ,
j Colds , Asthma , llrimchltis. ami ill affection >
I of the1 throut uml luuga. Hold ou a positive
guarantee. 1'rlco 60a and 61.00.
An Electric liter to be Used oil the
East Cleveland Railroad ,
Two Iiofidcil Cixt-H to bo Hun nt the
Unto of Ton Mflcfl nil
Cleveland Leader.
Some four months ngo a street car that
had boon worn out In service on the
Woodland Avenue Railroad was taken
from the birna at the corner of Wood-
Innd nnd Wilson avenues to the Brush
Electric Works in Mcllonry street. A
short line of railway was laid in the
yards and a young man possessing con
siderable inventive genius began a scries
of experiments which have at last culmi
nated in the construction of what is
termed a perfect electric motor for the
propulsion of street cars. A reporter
learning yesterday that the East Olovo
Street llailwny Company were soon to
dispense with horses , and run their cars
by electricity , started on a tour of inves
tigation. Ho learned that the rumor
was only partially correct ; that electricity
was to bo tried only on one line , as nn
experiment , which , if successful , might
in the near future. Mr. Wnltor Knight ,
the gentleman who had conducted the
experiments at the Brush Works , was
invited to attend a meeting of the direc
tors of the East Cleveland road , which
was hold Friday nt the ollleo of Everett
& Wcddoll. Ho explained his invention
to the street railroad men and they offer
ed to give him an opportunity to try it on
the Quincy street branch of the Garden
line , with the understanding if it proved
n success it would bo used by the road.
Mr. II. A. Everett , treasurer of the East
Cleveland road , said , "No final arrange
ments have yet boon made , but they will
doubtless bo completed within n few days.
If this motor proves a success wo shall do
away with horses on the Quincy street
line at least. " Mr. Everett convoyed
the impression that the directors looked
with much favor on that system of ope
rating cars , and seemed to think there
was no doubt about the success of this
Mr. Knight , the inventor , was sron
last evening at his residence , No. 50J
Davenport street. Ho was
for the reason that no Qnal agreement
had boon entered into between himself
and the railroad company. "Matters
are in a very chaotic state at present , "
ho said , "and I hardly know what to say
to you about it. I have as yet made no
proposition to the railroad company but
think there is no doubt about the motor
being tried on their road. But it is about
a mile and a luilf of track will bo laid in
Quincy street. "
"What is your system ? " was asked.
"It consists of a conductor luid in a
slot between tne rails like a street rail
way cable. This will bo charged with
electricity by stationary dynamo engines
at either end. The car will bo operated
by means of an electric motor attached
to the axlea under the car , the electric
force being obtained from the conductor
by means of a brush connection. "
"What will bo the weight of the mo
tor ? "
"Eleven hundred pounds. That seems
very heavy , but It will weigh only about
Iono tenth as much as a locomotive. "
* * <
The motor will take up no room , how-
over , being attached to the bottom of
the car in such a manner as not to inter
fere with the occupation of the car. "
< t Will it bo oaiy to handle ? "
"Very. It will work with a lover ,
which anybody that once understands it
can work with oasy. "
"What speed can you attain with the
aid of this motor ? "
"Ton miles an hour. It will operate
two loaded can at that rate of speed.
That ia something which has been ac
complished by none of the other electric
railways now in operation. None of the
motors now in use will movu moro than
ono car. "
"Will there bo any danger attached
to this system ? "
"None whatever. The conductor will
bo put into the struct car in such a man
ner that it cannot bo got at. It will bo
impossible for a person to rccoivo a shock
from it , oven if ho deliberately attempted
to got shocked.1 '
It is probable that the electric motor
willl bo put in operation inside of a
month it aatiafactory arrangements can
bo mado.
Many cosmetics for the complexion has
from time to time been put upon the market.
Hut none have stood the tent iut has l'ozzoui'8
medicated complexion powder. It is ixn abso
lute curative for blotches , discolor.Uions , freck :
les etc. For sale ) by ilmi Ista.
A Bad Case.
Just a month ago , Judgp Reid of Lit. :
Sterling , Ky. , was caned in his ollico t.ay
an attorney who had lost a case before
) him , and strong efforts were made to induce -
duce the judge to either challenge the at
torney or shoot him on sight. The judge
firmly declined to adopt any such meas
ures to "vindicate his honor , " and isof
course public sentiment in Kentucky was
much disturbed by the judge's defiance
of the code. Last Thursday morning
Judge Reid blow his own brains out while
suffering from mental depression.
Whether the caning had affected his
head or the subsequent trouble had pray
ed upon hia mind cannot bo known , but
it is probable that his insanity waa in
some degree caused by the alluir.
Letter From J. Malcolm Smltli , Clerk
of "Wcitcliester County , Now
York , for Nine Years.
, PLAINS , N. Y. ,
May 7,1883.
I have for many years boon troubled at
times with muscular rheumatism and
pleuritic pains , and have always found
Allcock'a Poroua Plasters to bo quick and
ofllciont in affording roliof.
In December laatvl had nn attack of
Pneumonia , which loft ono of my lungs
in a weak and extremely sensitive condi
tion , accompanied at times with severe
pain. The application of ono plaster re
lieved the pain in a short time , and II
- have worn ono almost constantly siuco ,
as a protection to the weakened lung ,
I have used AUock'a Porous Plasters >
. for myself and family for over twenty '
five years , alwayatvith speedy beneficial 'i
results , and I do not hesitate to recom
mend them for their mild counter-irritant
qualities , and for their efficiency in
relieving soreness of the lungs and pains
of a rheumatic or neuralgic character.
Bo euro to obtain "Allcock'a" Porous
Plaster , us all others are worthless imita ;
Tlio Testimony or the Doctors on n
Hulijcct of Present nnil Vi
tal Importance.
The Into lamented Dr. < T. C. Holland , in
ono of Ills most popular work/i , paid n high
eulogy to tha medical profession and the work
they accomplished , IJr. Holland wnt himself
once a practitioner of medicine , nnd his wonts
coma with the authority of experience. It la
n matter of Importance , therefore , when
meinborii of the nrofes'lon of such n-
questioned standing us those whoso names ard
herewith nppemledglvo their outspoken opin
ions on n subject so vlUlly essential. Ihat
such Is the case the following letters with fac-
tinllo slgnaturei , abundantly attest.
NEW YonK , August 15 , 1883.
/ / . / / . Warner .fc Civ
GlXTf.EUANOver two years are my atten
tion was first called to the use of Warner's
SAKK Cure for Drlght's Disease , Nohvitatand
ing the peed opinion I had everywhere heard
of it , I somewhat hesitated to recommend it ,
but a personal friend whoso application for
insurnnco on his llfo was rejected on account
of ISrMit's Disease , came to mo. A chemical
mid inicroRcopicnl examination of Ills urine re *
\calod quantities of albumen nnd granular
tube casts , confirming the llrlght's .Disease.
Jflcrtryinp all Ike usual remedies in rain , I di
rected him to wo Warner's Safe Curo. I was
proitly surprised tool > < ior\o n decided improve
ment \vtttiln a month , Within four months
no tube casts could bo found , ntul only a trace
of nlbumon ; and as ho expressed it , ho "felt
perfectly well , " After this demonstration of
its power , I prescribed it in full doses in both
acute and chronic ISrlght's Dlsoiuo , with thom
m < * t satisfactory results. In n largo class of
nllmenU whcro the blood is In nil unhealthy
state where there Is no evidence of organic
mischief , whcro the general health is depleted
the face is sallow , _ urine .colored , constituting
the ' 'bilious" condition the advantage pained
from WarnorV SAKE Cure Is remarkable. He-
longing an I do , to a branch of the profcssior
who bolle\ that no ono school of inodlcino
knows .HI the truth regarding , and
being independent enough to use any remedy
that will rolloxo my patient without reference
to tha source from which it comes , I am wil
ling to acknowledge and commnnd thus frank' '
ly the \nliio of Warner's SAKK Cure.
Dean nnd 1'rofessor of Surgery of the United
States Mndical Collepo , Editor of "Modica"
Tribune , " author of "U unit's Now and Im
proved Handbook of Hygiene aiul Domestic
mostic Medicine. "
IJ.VI.TIMOIIE , Md. , Aug. C , 1S83 ,
Messrs- . It. Warner , fc Co :
OENTI.ESIKN' A publication appeared In tin
Baltimore papers some months ugo , purporting
among other things , to net forth the particulars
of my euro from liright'a disease by the use
of your SAE Cure , That card roprasenta only
an outline of the facts in the caso.
AI.DIA , In.May2G , 1883.
Afessri IT , jr. Warner it Co :
GKNTDEMKN I hereby certify that I hnvi
been a practicing physicia for twenty-seven
years , and for many chronic cases in my prac
tice do reccommend your SACK Cure. It waa
upon my nclvico that G. W. Stamm , editor o'
the Industrial JIra , of this place , obtained you :
valuable remedy which entirely cured him.
< * o
Mos. 08 AND G9 BIIILE IIousu }
NK\V YoitK , Juno Gth,1883.
H. H. Warner > ti Co. :
OENTI.BSIEN : The very marked testimonial :
from College Professors , respectable Physi
clans , and other gentlemen of intelligence am
character to tha value of Warner's SAFE CUBE
published in thn editorial columns of our bos'
newspapers , have greatly surprised me. Man ;
of these gentlemen I know , and reading the !
testimony I was Impelled to purchase som
bottles of the S.ifo Remedy and analyze them.
Besides , I took some , swallowing three times
the proscribed quantity. I am satisfied th
medicine is not injurious , and will frankly adi
that if I found myself the lictim of a serious Kid
ncy trouble I sltoitUl use your preparation. Tli
truth is , tno medical profession stands dazei
and holplots in the presence of moro than om
kidney malady , while the testimony of hun
dreds of intelligent and very reputible gentle
men hardly leaves room to doubt that yo
have fallen upon ono of those happy discover
ion which occasionally bring help to suilcrin
Si'mxamu ) , III. , Juno 9,1883.
STctsra , IT , H. Warner & Co. :
GENTLKMEN my Medical experience
ha\o hoard such unuetial roxults attrihutod
your remedies thnt at lost I rcsolvod to expor
ment with thom on ray own behalf. While
BO fur , the trial has not been as complete as
wUh or as 1 Intend to miiko it , jet it has convinced
vincod mo that the medicines possess mcri
and In certain cases uro doing work that nether
other agents can take the ] ilaco of. Notab
is this so with your SAK * Cure , Frequent !
I have used them in connection with otlu
medicines , but all , BO far , with best results c
my patients ; and it has given mo confu
oiico enough to prescribe or recommend the
In the future as in my judgment modicin
of this class may bo required.
WILI.MINOTON , Del. , Aug. 13,1883.
Mesurs. If. 11 , Warner it Co :
GENTLEMEN IB a physician and also In the
capacity of a druggist , I have recommended
and proscribed the use of Warner' * SAKE Cure
to at leajt fifteen persons all of whom were
aflllctod with kiduoy trouble , and in each and
every instance they were cured.
AI-IUNV , G . , Fob. 8,1883.
a. JI. Warner A Co :
GENTLEMEN ; I used Warner's SAFK Cure In
the case of my eon for diseased kidneys , fol
lowing heminorhaglo yellow f over with perfect
Were the above testimonials given by men
of ordinary capacity or atandlog , their value
might well bo questioned , but coming as they
do from physicians prominent In the higher
ranks of their profession , and drawn from ex
periences such as only physicians con have ,
they most conclusively prove the manual and
almost marvelous power of the remedy of
which they apeak.
AVIiy Ho Quit Piloting.
Arkansaw Pilot.
"I've abandoned the river forever , "
tald ono of the boat known Arkansaw
River pilots. "I am not fitted for any
other buaineas , and 1 don't know what to
do. "
"Why did you quit ? " some ono asked
' Well , you ace , 1 was coming up the
river the other day on the Jim Brown
Whili wo were out in the middle of the
troHin I happened to look toward the
bank , when I saw a fellow dressed in
dark clothes waving a white handkerchief.
I blew the whistle and landed. 'Jhen
the boys laughed mo off the boat. The
hail was from a little black cow with a
white tail. That settled it with mo , for
I thought that if a cow couldn't lash the
flies " without landiug my boat. I'd simply
Columns , Pilasters , Llntols , Fencing , Cresting , RalCv < r , Etc. .
Oast , nnd Wrought Iron Beams.
THE MURRAY IRON WORKS CO. , Burlington , Iowa.
Growers of Live Stock and Others.
His the boal md cheapest teed tor rtoclt ot any kind. Ono pounilli e < ; n l to three pounds of corn
stock ted vrithOrounOil Cake In the Kail etia Wlntor , instead of running down , will Increase In weight
nd bo In good roAikctabla coiu'ltion In the uprine. Dilrjmen , v .roll ta otlicre , who use It can testily to
Itimorlta. Trr nd Judf * for youwlvcs. Ftlcaess.copQr < .iDochireLlor : ( ; " c.H ? . . . Ad _ < lrc' " ' . . . .
Fine Havana , Key West and Domestic Cigars. All Standard Brands Tobaccos.
Trial Orders Solicited. Satisfaction GnaraiilCEfl. I
5 J I 'J '
Near Union Pacific Omaha Neb
Depot , - - , ,
H. B. LOCKWOOD ( formerly of Lockwood & Draper ) Chicago , Maw-
ager of the Tea , Cigar and Tobacco Departments. A full line of
all grades of above ; also pipes and smokers' articles carried in
stock. Prices and samples furnished on application. Open
orders intrusted to us shall receive our careful attention
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Heating and Baking
In only attained by nsinft
Stoves and Ranges ,
Fci sale by
Office and Yard , 6th and Douglas Sts , ,
218 South 14th Street , Omahi , Nobriska. "Corrcspondeuco Solicited. "
Wholesale Druggists \
T TS A f Y7ITW * ! * * IW
PaintsOils. . Brushe * .
f " v. 4 a v *
Milwaukee , Wis.
. QUNTEER & 00 , , Sole Bottlers-
Wholesale rf
1301AND 1303 FARNAM STffEEJ COR.l3Th