Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 20, 1884, Image 8

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    > MAMA BMLY UKE--TUESDAY ' , MAYT 20,1884 : .
Tuesday Morning. May 20.
A nnrabor of Rood printers can find steady
employment nt this office.
Sheriff Mljlor will arrive In the city wit
tlio murderer , Gnzolo , to-day.
A church soolablo will bo hold In the Ice
inro room of the Englijb Llitlioran church thi
The affidavit mill is now rnnnlng frf ful
blast and Is grinding out affidavit. ! by Iho
Ono car load of Italians wont west last
ht nnd another follow * to-night. Tliolr
destination Is San Francisco ,
On Friday evening last the Unlqtio club
gave a very pleasant party nt the residence of
U. Newman , No. 2322 Dodge street
A Imvp Soloist was pinyfiKT In Iho ro-
tpadia of the largo hotels and miccoodod In
picking up considerable change l < wt night.
A fire coftino was nt work Saturday nftcr
noon pumping out a cistern nt Iho corner of
Thlrtoonlh'nnd Karnman streets to raako way
for the sower.
The pining on Fifteenth street , between
Douglas and Dodge utrootn , wna finished yes
terday and teams were allowed to drive over
U last orcnlnc.
On fem ay evening Juno 2d , the Concor-
dla Maiinorchor.Schweltzor nnd Turner singly
societies will glvo a grand co-offtt j , , Qor"ma.
pia hall for the b ncu , ot In9 oormatt BChool.
Last 6V6ulnR WAS a very warm ono and
fenffictonUy pleasant to call a largo number of
the city people oat upon tbo street , notwith
standing the fact that yesterday was wash
It was reported yesterday that a manha'd
been hold up and robbed of n largo sura of
money Saturday night on Sixteenth strop't. A
through investigation falls to confirm ' .ho re
Thursday la what Is known In 4tho chris-
tlnn cbarch ns Ascension Day , ami
ate scrtlcoB will bo hold in n nntr.bor ot the
city churches , oitlicr during tha t'.ny or ! .u tbo
All mombesa of tlio C. Kof A. ate tit-
'pccted to bo Ir. attendance at tbo roi ular meofc-
ing at tbolr ball nt Orolgton Block , MIT
'Tuesday ovmitig , 20th Inar. , at 7:30 T. M.
Joiry lloblnson w/ji arrottcd yoatsrCn
charged vrlth Btoallng U iroo razoraJjom-obar *
ber In Ooasloy's bop. Mrs. Oiialey'won
Us ball in the sum si $100 foe xnr nnmwj Oil
inoinlrc ; nt 10 o'clock.
There Is a torrib'.lo stench nil aloni ; Fa j
iiamttrcot , from T'jnth to ToictofinUi stro < 4
It is probably tlio. Wfttcr p 3mpi'd oat of 'th
* oWur trench , bet wliatavor itis a disfofoc'lan
- of Homo kind'Jy nomlofl.
A vicioui co'/t Sundaytvenlurg , about
o'clock , on Willlnanu Btrofjt , nttiickctl a0 yon
* -oldboy of Mr. V. Flolo , rettdingQi Klovont !
street , noar'Wirdoims' 'SHno boy wns carrloi
lioino uiucb'bru Isod ami 'InnonaibJ 3 , but It i
hoped that lie 'Is not 0nngorortEljTlniurod ,
Asoocnd Kaiuolrabueon'tho High Schoo
and GrotRhton College 'tlnos ' 'Trna played < r
the B. & Mgrourula Saturday , nnd not wit )
standing the fact tltatfiavoral ciembora of th
nigh School nlna were nbsont the gaino toi
rolnatei in K victory Hi their-favor. Score 2
to U.
Icpollco cxxart yesterday two disturl
era of-ilio ] > oaca worcTmod $ C each aud costs
Ono flalu drunk WIH fined the customary $1
m * . ' and costs. Quo -man arrested for vugrano ;
m pleaded not guilty end said that ho waa
shovcler at Uio ttock yardo. The judge tel
him'to coma to tha front and ehow his baud :
which ho did. They were covered with ca
low , and the judge jiromptly dlncbnrgodiblr
The 1'oxton building seems to bo a
unlucky place. It is scarcely two weali
since Mol Salisbury was so fearfully hurt tliei
and on Saturday last , about D o'clock In tl
afternoon , a eeuffold pave away procIiUatb ( "
a workman Kovorul'foet to tlio floor Imuoat ]
A aumbor of hrlolcs nnd boards fell upon bin
lie was spondlly extricated by follow woil
if " < ,1 men and luckily was not injured farther thn
$ f" i " " bolng Bouiowhut irnlsod.
L - - n H & i
lira. F. B. Leoaso , Blair , ia nt the 2fotn
F.V . Cuokloy , 'Stromsburg , is at Uio Mi
Vf , J. Barton , of Chicago , is at the Slotn
poll tan.
TLi. L. Darling , of Decatur , Nob. , Is nt th
O. A. Fitzpatrick , of Linoolu , Is t th
L. 8. Myor , L'lattsmouth , Is rcgUtered u
the Motrojiolltau.
Miss M. McLaughlln , of Fremont , is
guest at the Motrgj > olitau.
J. D. Cram , of Hastings , is in > lho cit ;
stopping at the Metropolitan.
William W. Bride , Itirerton , Neb. , U i
journinf at tbo Motrop litan.
Messrs. J. 0 , an 4 W , J , Henry , of Kunti
City , are stopping at the Metropobtun.
John F , Ulbora , of the Ban I'rancU
Newspaper Union , rfs iu the city und is run
tered at the Kfotropolltan ,
Auslitant Qonoral Manager Ktmball an
party left for Chlcajjo yesterday aftornooi
General Manager .Clark will follow to-day.
Mr. J , W. Beatty , representing lire ,
Jones It Co. , has returned from the \Vea
And will remain iu town two or three woclu.
J. 0. 1'aynter , the old Mlllard Hotul drii |
gist , passed tlirough 0 in aba on Saturday la
from St. LouU whore bo hud been purchokli
a stock of drugnfor Ws store ut Yurkiu th
Yostordny'4 arrivals at the Taxton : O. J
Druse , K. M. Lamberton , J. H. Wonssu , an
.J. 0. McBrlde , of Ltucoln ; Jullui AlUhuk
* f Blair ; Hon. It. W , Furna , Drowiivllla ; J
6. 1'addock , Beatrice ; A. G Glenn , Colui
tu ; W. F. Wall and wife , of Albion.
Yeaterday'd arrivals at tha Mlllard : A. i 1
Cdbov , Scliuyler ; J. C. Illavkmau , Freumi
W. II , Ciuihlug , rUUuuutb ; F. M. Mi
queU , Lincoln ; O. W. Wftlnwilgut , BW ,
8. O. Sm'dey , OK , lUtcock , Lincoln ; K , '
Child , Liuoolu ; lid. Mlkhell , Liucolu ; W.
OrjtchtfeJd , Fulleitou ; M. D , BedU , J \
Jiilttan , DUlr ; D. 0. Howard , Keariiay ; G (
e , Hantiogi.
llie proof ) i the pudding n not in clmul
tha string , but in liaviuu nil upiMirtutilty
tut the article diioct richrot"r i J ! lit , t ;
DruvgioU , have a free trial | > ultle of l > r. li
ankoa Cough aud Lung Hyrui | fur ouch ui |
every ono % uV > U ufilict-xl with Cousin. Culi
Aethwa , CoonuuiiUou ] ur uy Lung Atfectlu
A Llvclr Hun AfUcr n Mnn AVli
Proved to bo nn lloncsl
W.rkln # At nn ,
Officer Whalon , who by the way is
f Hi tli fill nnd efficient ofllcor , waa
pretty nicely yesterday afternoon , ant
gave the boys on the force an opportunity
for a good laugh at his oxponso.
As ho waa walking hia beat on 10th
street , ho saw a rather aoody individual
standing nt the corner of the Planter's
iotol. Whalon thought ho saw beneath
.hoso shabby the
garments form of a
'vug , " so ho started to cross the street
ovrnrd Iho man. As ho approached the
follow turned and broke into n run. The
ofllcor gave clmjo nnd as
bothvero good runners ,
n lively go-ai-you-plcaso waa the result ,
The odlcor chased the oupposcd llcoing
criminal through alloys and back yards ,
the sweat running down hia limbs in
rivulets. The pursued was gaining ctw
ground , when , unluckily for him , ho w
crossed tlio path of Winn Orowoll , who , n
seeing the ofllcor in pursuit , gave the
pursued a tap behind the car which "sent
liim to grass , "
WhalcH was soOn Upon him and r
lively nculllo took placo. The fellow r
Fused to go with him nnd made n dcs- M
to struggle for freedom. Trfo clt ! j" r
who were passing were called ur ' t '
* ' ' *
the united <
the ofllcor aud with
of the thn > o it was necessary , " . ° ; ? ,
wagon [ r. which to convoy the pjjonor
* to
IJowaa loaded Into the .
an-d the ofliccr and his UT .SgJ-Kr1" * ,
* got
down hu g
Prt mid sat upon
tinucd to hpbt and by
vftsrcnchcahowaa n _ , ahno8t nulo
onditlon , his clotlur
j boon tru
ffonnininlhoBlr , fie was final-
y placed behind t' $ ; „ and thJ ( UCB
saisthitf , togotho , Y/lth i Dn-loor Whalon ,
nought a very i d and Ueapornto crim-
nal hod boon r
'Ono of the 4 ) jlopor3 ] said , ' "Why that
the Batno
my ijOUBO ja8t nght | mld
thought b a fMn - , ] inr(1 mnn > rjiho ether
sno Ban ojj. ja ] to Bamo nuin wile has
boon up , in our neighborhood for several
daysp' -rearing the children to death. "
ON' .cor "Wlialon vraa perfectly happy
and oontontod in hia catch , when in.
wal Jrod the clerk of the Planter's hotel
i" aoarcli of the man who had just boon
h * astlcd in. Upon being asked IT ho ,
' iuowhim ho said , "Why , ho has worked' '
in the house doing kitchen work for years'
mid has never boon caught in R amglo'
Bcrapo. Ho is a little flighty at times ,
md doubtless was frightened nt Booing
.ho dflicor coming towards htm , and run. ' "
Cfpon hearing this the man was ro-
eased , and the boys gave Whnlon thd
augh. Ho took it good iiaturodly , and
wont out upon his boat to pull in another.
'ho Notorious Jerry Kernaii
InVInll For StoulliiK
'Somo people have a otrnngo liking for
ooklng through the grated windows of a
jail nnd will not bo satisfied unless they
are in charge ot the sheriff. Such an
one , evidently , is Jerry Kornnn. Only
roatorday ho was rploaaod from juil
where ho had been put for stealing
ihoara from Himobaugh & Taylor's stori1 ,
md yesterday afternoon , iu company
with a gentleman of color , ho wont into
Icnloy , Haynoa & Vim Aradalo'a ntoro ,
on Farnum Direct , and committed a
no and the colored in in wont into the
ilaco together , und while the colored
man ongagud the attention of < the clerk ,
who waa showing him uomo stocking ,
ho Kurnan was padding the bosom of his
"B vest with Bilk handkurchiofs. Just as hu
"Bh. was getting lu his work in good ahnpo thu
in , clerk happened to glance around , and
k- behold the covetous Jerry. The clerk ut
ouco wont up to him aud torood him to
disgorge. 11 o had upon hia poroon ono
traight dozun of tlio handkorchiofd
After depositing thorn ho was allowed to
go , but in a short time U warrant watt
a worn out for Ilia arrest , and last evening
ho was run in by Oilier Donovan , and will
probably gut aovoral days ou broad , and
Iu just such cases aa this ia where the
jrout noud of a workhouse ia full , for
uch followa a.4 Kornan had rather lie in
jail doing nothing than bo at hid liberty
shifting for a meal of victuals.
A Ociiii > lliuoiit.
Members of Typographical Union called -
od at the corner of 12th and Chicago
ut street a few days sinoo and tried to got
.runted for n glass of boor , at the -cuuio
tiniu throwing slura at Tun Bun. They ,
were refused credit and kicked into thu
street for u lot of doad'baats uud black-
Tlio Iiato OhutloH O'Connor.
The following from The Nation , of
Now York , in regard to the late Charles
O'Couor , will doubtless bo of conaldw-
able Interest to many of the roadora of
TUB Bi'.r. :
"Charles O'Oonor , whoso long-expect
ed duuth ia announced , waa the laat of a
grout generation uf lawyers. Ha waa ro *
inurkublo evuu umong o host of distill-
guiblied competitors for legal attaiumonts
and muntal vigor , but ho waa ruuiurkablo
. Uofor _ something rarer otill in hia pro-
fuaaiftii , aa in most others , as the yuan
Ltt run by an independence of character
on which neither fear or favor ever inudo
thu smulU-at iinprt'ssiou , Thuro Imvo not
beoii nuny connpicuous men in any call-
) Mg in thin atatu. or in any other , who
combined through u long and laborious
ud Hfo no true to their own
ce , of character and aim OB
A. ho did , and who had , at the oWu of an
illuBtrinua career , BU litlly to look b cl :
on in the way of compliance or piirHint
: which they would huvo been uahAiuud t >
owu. It u n it oftou thut a lat\yur la BO
uuucoisful in reaching the "shining ublo
or land * " of prrfesitioiul fame , ur , in otlmr
lrI word * , in bocoining and ronminiug tlic
lrF kind of udvodatu whom Uio b > uku unit
F the c'lniiuuiiuinnunt unitor detoribu for
W the bam lit of the Nuophylua who ovury
oo. > uar Biitor on the thurny paths of tin
uw. Ho owud no inonoy and no roputit
t'ou to any act > , as Uurko aaid , but umi
) y ucU , No mail ovi'r paid him a feu foi
Ing iiiy thing but tbo IwnoUj aervico of hu
tch iiitin , or uvi < r long oxH > [ : icd from linn
h my borvlte which u jiKiiulvr of tliu bur
'J id iiight not to rt'iider , Ilu look with him
iiiti * awry court which hu tutored
thing whigh o pleqt | gwulil barium fur ,
and which could not bo ostimrlhil in
dollars and cents. A self respect
which mndo base shifts and devices im-
possiblei to him. Ho was wanting in
many of the things which in our time , or
perhaps m r.ny time , give a man what in
called Influence. Ho took but little ac
count of tlio forces which at the present
day makp the road of the good man w'no
seeks to leave his mark upon his cr
ation so full of deflections. His po .1'
ideas were worthier of Sir Thoma .
than of the *
American atatcsnv J , i
ho was a great example of * * ' . < .
which ia much dearer and mr " noll.nn8
than any sort of practical tal * ° "
tras a character which alw ' '
-o the strokes both of goo'1 * y * . l $
uno , and a simplicity c , "Jnd cv" . . .
asted into oxtrcmo old * lloart whlch
Ivcd all the honors nt' ° ' n"d 8U.r'
hoson and dearly lov / > nl Cowards of a
od calling. "
L I'Vnuil AVIM-
nosln/ /n Cork IjCft\Vho ia Ini-
/V\ton tlio I'lilillc.
"Siy , If ' . . .
tv ? " ajk . lWr ! , do you live here in this
ith ; a * ' * wo Bossed young man ,
niar * HJrlc log , nnd carrying a cano , of
al , i " - hdni ho nieton Farnam street on
Xliy afternoon.
A'do/'waa the reply , "what civa I do
' "SVoll , air , you can assist me 11 little
' , if you will , " said the follow T/ith the
cork log , in n imurnful lotig'tlrawn out
manner , "I am on my way to'California '
and havn't n rent to my natr.o. 1 have
[ > arlod with everything of value that I
liavo , Mid if I can't got n little money to
buy soraothini ; to oat I shall have to
pawn my ork log , I haven't had any
thing to oat ainco last night. Can't you
apare mo 'half n dollar 1"
"Notlhia afternoon , norno othot after
noon ; good nftornoon. " said the man
whom rtho follow had -nddreaacd. This
wna apparently a cold hearted shako , but
nevertheless it was justifiable. It acorns
that tlio hungry individual had struck a
Br.r .reporter , who had boon posted us to
Ilia rabkot. It wns only the night bolero
that the same follow atruck n railroad
man in about the name way , and obtain
ed a half dollar from him. A few min
utes afterwards the railroad man dropped
into a saloon and wna surprised to find I
the hungry tramp spending the half dollar
lar for a fifteen cent drink of whisky and
. The railroader
two-for-n-qunrtor nigara.
. i mooting a BKK reporter ahortly aftor-
warda. related the circumstances io him.
) ) The fellow a afraudnnd has been playing
Ilia game long enough. Ho spends his
money for whisky and in gambling , and
the aooner ho starts for California the
bettor it will bo for hia health. The police -
lice will very likely run him into jail , if
! io tioea not atop hia imposition upon a
charitable public.
Tlio'Clli/.cim ofSoiilh Flflcoiitli Street
ObjecL to the I Hinbllnliod
By the now grade ostabliahcd for South
Fifteenth atroot there will be n cut oi
Fourteen aud one half feet at the intersec
tion of Castollnr street. To thia cut the
property ownnra in that vicinity atronglj
object and while they Bay they will sub
mit to a reasonable grade they will no !
submit to auch a cut aa is proposed. Tc
the end of having fho grade changed , *
meeting of the South Fifteenth atrool
improvement association addition wet
held Saturday evening.
S. AI. Poll'waa chosen as chairman
and J. N. Stewart na secretary.
On motion the chair wna authorized tc
appoint a committee of live to draft n pe
tition to bo prueontod to the city council
to have the grade of South Fifteenth
Street changed from that aa now eatab-
lirthod. Tiie committee appointed ia ixs
followa : L. 11. Ciiao , S , K. FeltnnJohii
Priy , W. II. Gould and J. N. Stewart.
On motion thia coinmitr-oo wnn given
power to employ nn nttoruoy to draw up
the partition and report at the next
It WHS adjudged the eonso of the moot
ing that this committee act at ono and
report with petition at the next meeting
to bo held Tuesday evening , May 20th.
It wua moved and carriud that the min-
utiia of thu mooting be prosontoi to Tin
DAILY BIK : for publication , after which
the meeting adjourned.
LINDHY In thia city , Mny 18th , t 9:30 : n (
m. . LowU Lintloy , ago 1 month and 12 dnyn ,
Funernl toolc place yoatcrilwy ntOnm. ,
from the residence , No , 1112Soutli Thlrttontl
HKOW In this clt- , May ISth , t3:30n. : m. ,
Alfred , HOII of Mr. and Mra. Jainca Skew
iigtul 1 year and U months ,
"Funeral yontorday at 2 p. m. , from the reel
deuce ; No , 413 North Fourteenth uttvct ,
1'ATTHK In this city , MI Y 18th , after t
nhort illiiosH ( mm moailoa , GlndcyH , vounn'
i ft iliuiflitor ; of J , M. nnd Kimicii D , il'uttou ,
iigod 3 yo-UH , 11 uioutha and 1'J iluyn.
Funeral eorvlcoi May 20 , at 10 a. m , , al
Trinity cathedrul.
MAI.ON13 Iu thin city Mny 10h , Thomiu
Mnlono , iiged 33 ynara.
Funnral will tnko plituo Wodnotl y mornlnf
nt 0 o'clock , from 1011 Webtter utrout.
A NfW Mining Company ,
Mr. 0 , L. Hall han juat ruturnud from n
trip to Dtmvur , Paeblo nnd other western
places , lie has boon weat for the [ mr
pose of organieiug n mining cuinpntiy t <
opurato the niiniiig propertiua ovrntid by
himself and Mr. GOD. A. Jualyn , of tliii
city , nnd John D. Coplun nud Perry
Fiahor , of Denver. Aa a rosu't the nr
tiulea of inourponttioii have boon iilud for
thu S ii Juan Kid Mountain Gold and
Silver Mining Company. The author
iHpitil stock of the eumpitny ia
8 < i(000,000 and it ia tuiipowerei ) to do all
kinds of buiinoj * purtaining to milling or
iniiiiiig biisiiii M.
A Itunnl of diroctora hue
bien oVeted and is coiiiuiibod nf thu
poiitli-nun : 0. I. . Hull und
( Jan , A Jotlyu , of 0m ilm ; fJcorgitN it
nor , of Dm Mni-ios , lown ; S. Ot , of To.
P'k't , KuiiHjh ; Tlicmia .1. Mui tn , uf
IVuolo , Odl ; John 1) . Ooplt n , I'urry
.laiuoH 0 , Vo.tteli and Fivdunok
of Uunvrr.
will bo eoinint'ticed as BOOH as
the aim * ia out of the u y. Mr , Hall 10-
l > orli ) _ ( hut iboro am eight to ten tluuii
Kind idle m > n in Uonvor , Ilu Hixo Hays
> hat thu i-xoitimii'iit over thu n'Ov'itt
itrlkea in HIM Hud mountain Ima ILtdiliii
reid tM'Uocn Ouray and Montroae uiMi
travel by nwch , cnnijun In HU > > HB anil I
ninny are f K tiiiu it. Thu uih ia unpic-
odunted in tlm h < ator > of the country , ,
uudoumpi'titiuii bctwrtn iliuetoyo luiui i
nngliviry iiicn ia very aharp.
OottrWi * inmn llehm Jimfces nlllilnvlt
to the PHSSHKO of tlio It. At
M. Ordinance ,
Councilman John Bohm has mndo the
following affidavit relative to the passage
of the ordinance giving the Omaha &
Southwestern railroad right of way
through certain streets and alloys in this
, lohn F. Bohm being first duly sworn ,
deposes nnd says , that ho now is , and
for the two years laat , has boon a
member of the city council of Omaha ,
representing the second ward of said city
in said council. That ho waa a member
of said council at the time of the passage
of the ordinance granting to the Omaha
& South Western rail road a right of way
through certain streets and alloya 'n the
city of Omaha. That ho introduced said
ordinance iu said council , on the 13th
day of May A. D. 1881 , and the same
was passed on the 14th day of said month
and year. That ho know nothing of said
ordinance , or the propoeod passage there
of , until Tuesday the 13th day of May
A. U. 1884 , whun ho was approached by
Charles Green Esq. , attorney tor said
railroad , mid by him requested to intro-
difo snid ordinance.
, That ho told Mr. Green , that ho would
take said ordination and look it over , and
if upon examination its passage should
appear to bo for the beat interest of the
, city of Oiimlm , that ho would introduce
the same , end do nil in bis power t pro
cure the passage thereof.
It'hat ' this wan all the conversation of
any description whatever , thatuvor pass
ed btitwoen ho and Mr. Green , or uny
other peraon , persons , or employes of
said railroad relating to said ordinance.
That upon investigation of saidordinnco
ho waa convinced und persuaded that it
would prove a great and lasting banoflt
to said city of Omaha , to grant said right
of way to said railroad , and acting upon
such conviction , ho introduced enid or
dinance solely in diechatgo of his duty na
a councilman. That ho never has receiv
ed either directly or indirectly , nor has
there over boon offered to him any
money or other equivalent of any nature
or description whatever from Mr. Charles
Green or any other person or persons or
, employee of said road ; nor has ho over
been approached or spoken to or offered
any money or thing of any nature or des
, cription whatever , by Councilman Kauff
man orauy _ other person or persona to
induce him to vote for or procure the
passage ofsaid ordinance.
Subscribed in my presence and sworn
to before mo this llh ! ) day of May , A. D.
Notary Public.
Two Allldavlts.
In Saturday evening's Dispatch there
was published an interview with City
Councilman Ford in which Mr. Ford
waa reported as declaring that Council
man Kbufmann had approached him and
offered him § 150 of § 500 which ho ( Kauf-
mann ) said was given him by the B.&M.
Railway to influence the council to pass
the right of way ordinance ; and that the
§ 500 would bo divided between Kauf-
inann , Ford , Leeder and Bohm. The
Dibpatch also assorts that Loodor changed
sides on the vote between the two meet-
The following aflidavits concerning
the matter have been made by the par
ties interested.
Charles Kaufman , after being duly
sworn , deposes and says that the statement -
mont made in Saturday's Evening Dis
patch by Patrick Ford as to having made
any offers to him or to any one else in
behalf nf the right of way to bo grunted
to the B. & M. without any found
ation. AlHrint further "ays that on the
lllth day of May , in the afternoon , ho ,
the said nf limit , was approached by the
said Patrick Ford on his way down from
the City Clerk's to his own oflico and tvas
asked if ho knew where he , the said
rick'Ford , would find Charles Greene ,
attorney for the B. & M. Co. , that lie ,
the auid Patrick Ford , wanted to see said
attorney in regard to the ordinance giv
ing the B. & M. Co. the right of way ,
Btoting right then and there thai
his election had cost him , the said
Patrick Ford , between § COO and § 700 ,
and that ho wants to bo reimbursed to
extent by said company for his
apunt by him in last election.
Alli.iut . further miya that ho told said Pat
rick J'rd that ho did not think the B. &
M Go. would pay anything for that purpose -
pose , and that he , the aaid alliant , was
bound as a matter of justice to grant the
Kama privileges to the B. & M. as to the
U. P. railway in regard to the right ol
way. CiiAiaBS KAUFMAN.
Subscribed aid svrurn to before mo
on thia 17th day of May , 1883.
Police Judge , City of Omaha.
Hd. Let-dor , ufter being duly sworn ,
doprmux and rm\a ihttt lie liaa seen in Sa
turday'H Jit'cnhig Dlnpntoh nn interview
claimed to have boon ttad with Council-
mini Putrick Kurd , whuritiu it is stated
that Councilman Clias Kaufman offered
money for the piBsagu wf an ordinance to
.dvo the right and way to the B. & M
Co. Adi tin aavs that said statement is
fiilse in the whole and in evury purtic-
ulur , that such sum of money , or any
other inducement hud buon uffert'd tn
him by said Ouuncilninn Kuufmati or an )
tithur u.xrty. that ilm only iiiducemuut for
him , the situ ! nlliant , to votu for the pn
aao of the bill , W , B thutw \ coiuidored
the not jusit.uud right Alliaut further
aya ( hut he voted for the pita KO of said
ordiimiice , fiist , last und all the tlino us
inoro cHpeci lly ahotvn by the attached
ccrHHoito of the city clerk ,
r- El ) W. LEEDEH.
/ \ Subscribed nnd flwuni to be-
1 NKAL f f , n , , „ „ thii 17'h tiny of Muy ,
-r > 1881.
Police Judge of Uuuha
Councilman VorilV
U < IIIIH | | Ouuuty. /
Patrick Ford , being lint duly swornjde-
soflHud avs , tlmt on the Kith day of
Muy , 1881 , Clmrles Green and Mr. Hoi.
dridgo , c'.lk'd at nlll oit'a place and ri < -
qui'itifd him to vote for the poBqnKe "f
an ordinano < > t giving lh right of wny
over iic in e'ri'ntn m d alleys t ) tliu
Ounhn it S nitwi'itlcTli nillntad. Affiant
' told thum ln < did not uifiurotand the or-
diijniu'0 nor ih location of the nghc of
way Mr , Gn'tm asked utllaut tn call at
Jii i fllod mid a > 'o the prcpotcd road
IMI' < | nut on tlin map , lu tlu > Hfternoon
utlii < i > t cMtud Ht thu nflion of Mr flrui-u
liiu hova > not in. Atliu'it tlii-ii i 'limed '
dou FATUUIU trtjct aud met Mr. KiulT-
man , who called to" affiant and said lie
wanted to BOO him in his oflico. Wo
then went to Kauffman's office. Afliant
asked him if ho know anything about the
ordinance giving the Omaha & South
western railroad , the right of way that
, hey wanted passed that night.
man then answered , "Yes , yes ; did
call see youl'1
I then supposed something warj wrong
md asked Kauffman if there any
thing in it. Ho said yes , tb. < ro was 8100
piece for you , Lcodor , Bohm and him
self and then there would bo § 125 apiece
f Bohm was not auch a > \ d wolf as ho
md demanded 8150 , fet , tjiat ho might
raise the amount to 4115 M ao laa § 500
to divide. Afliant , ked Kaul&nan if ho
was sure of ; ho said yes , I
lave done wr-.rk lor the same company
) oforo anu tho'y always paid promptly ,
and if you wout the money I will bring it
to you now. . Afliant did not want the
then wout and saw Ed. Lcodor ,
and Mtl him about Kauflman wanting to
money out of the passage of the or
dinance , and requested Lccdur to oppose
the jmnicdiato passage of the ordinance ,
until the next meeting of the council seas
as to have time to consider it. Lcodcr
said ho would go and sue Kauffman about
it , and if there was money going ho
would have hia share , and wanted afliant
to go with him , Afliant refused to go to
Kauffman , but wont and told Councilmen
Uudlicld and Bechel that Kauffman was
using money to have the ordinance passed
that evening ; also told Councilman
Woodworth the same evening about the
money being offered.
Afliant further says that at the coun
cil chamber after thu council mot , Kaufl'-
m , i came to affiant's chair and whisper
ed that ho would make may share $125.
Afliant aaid ho would not vote for the
passage for the ordinance but would vote
to have it referred until moxb moot
ing. Kauffman said it was im
possible to have it referred
Afliant then told Councilman Thrano
what Kauflman had offered for his
vote and requested Thrano to oppose the
immediate passage of the ordinance until
such time as wo could examine it. A ( li
mit further nays that the statements in
Chus , Kuufl'inan's affidavit , as published
in the Sunday morning Herald tire wholly
untrue and fuuthor afliant aaith not.
Subacribcd in my presence and sworn
to before me this 10th day of May , 1884 ,
rav. rl MOSES P. O'BuiKN ,
ISEAIJ Notary Public.
JIorsford'H Acid Phosphate ,
in Constipation.
Dr. J. N. HCDINSON , Medina , O. , says :
'In ' cases of indigestion , constipation
and nervous prostration , its results are
happy. '
Card ot Thanks.
Wo hereby wish to express and heart
felt thanks to our many loving friends ,
the children of the Gorman American
school and their teacher Mr. Harthun
and also to Messrs. Haubons , Andrea ,
Cajori and Stein for their kind assistance
and sympathy shown us in our sad bo
reavcmont in the loss of our beloved little
son and brother Freddie.
wife aud children.
OMAHA , Mpy 19 , 1884.
And nil other famous women have won a rep
utation for facial boauty. A line comploxioi
makes ono hatulsnmo , oven though the face is
not n jxirfoct mould. Jlurtlock Mood JSittera
net directly upon the circulation , ami f-o ( five
the skin a clour need ami smoothness otherwise
in ' : ;
INESS DIUUCTOUY to bo issued in July ,
1884 , price § 4. 50. J. M WOLFE , pub
isher,20S. 1 14lh St. . Omaha.
KEDDING'S Kii ia Salvo moots with wonder
ful success in all C.ISCB of skin disease. Try it
Remaining in the oflico nt Omaha , May 17
1SS1 :
Autrust K Appledorn Mist M
IManchard Miss N liiowninfc'Mrn E
Barclay Airs J C liuclior MTH C
Buck II J Clnrk Mrs E L
Collins Mra A Oj IB Miss J
CursonH Mrs A J Carter Mrs M
O..dw ll AlraAD Church Mrs K
Uappago Miss J Darllupr Mrs C
Day M Davia Miss N
Uuvull F Doyboaa Mies B 3
Dyce AIiss M 2 Erickson Misa L 2
Kroobnrgo Mlsa 51 PrnensferMrsA
Gulo Jlida M liowoll Mrs M. A
Hairs A _ Holler Mrs T
IIulmoH iMi s II M Heuingson Mra M A
HorJuMra H At ] I ornu in Misa li
llanydtm Alra V G H ! r Mro e O
Il-wney AlruV W J Haminargron II
Hatcher Mlsa JI 2 Jlartuesa Bliss M 2
.lotisuu A Jensen H
Kerr iMirn G
Leddon Mm T l.o Jiroton Mrs
l inrop Mra It S Linard Mlsa F
Lytlo Mra S A Muaion Miss L
Aloutgomery AIra C M Alitcholl Alias T
AIucouMien T Moutgomory Mrs J
Norton AiiBa J T Olson Mns ! C
O'Utlen N O 1'otersoii Miss M
1'attoraon Mla Prttersen Miss J 2
naamuanou H HeUor Allua K
KoahUng Alru , f KlisuitMMisa
Severity Aim AC Smith J C
Smith Aliaa G I.iegol Mr F
S Itli AIra Al J Sclioano Mrs M
SweiiHon Alien Bwoellaud Mr U 3 2
Sehrwood It ThomiiHuii Mra AI
Whl to Mi a AT Whelan Mrs
Whlto Alia F II Wilson Mrs C O
Waldt Alioa AI
AIra AI Stewart Alias A Uood
AldenJW Allen KJ
ulorBOD G II Allur Al
dbiiKou D Addoy Cl 0
AuetCC Audornon J K
idi-rbuii J F Aiiiloisou W
Buckley W KlukoD
liilgga 1C liruwu G S
Brown K W , Bxck F
Uraut k 8011 Uouuott W 3
Bell A W Uriinela V
OuUollK.T Crouch 8 W
Callaimn J L
Uouiptoii J Jj Commlnu J
J Clmmbora II F
F Coulter F 3i
U < iiiii' ' > rn J CollinK J AI
Coumiin J Clark \V P
rU A Clurk A A
I'eheu A C niiudy AI
U < . lir iin A Cliwni . < li
ljvi G O
DouviuMr IJiovooit W II
tiibuck J Kiulrid J ! }
Hteiti Air Ukutroin J E
FriH'hlleli J K l-'itch W S
F nty fk U Fiaui.ii 1)
Kuri.1Biudley J'Jo.-K" A
F.irill- ' FunUo F
KDUUUII Inter J II lvrukr u W H
Fr.uii-oii U Urjiitl 3
Unwar O G .llaher J I * J
( MhroslhG 112
( irilllth .1 A < i.-U H N
lUlo.l II llttai'Uud II
IL.ll I ) 2 Hiuu. J
riiiiKton J
llttn f uAI UP
ll > , inliiM ) HiniiuO W
n.HOii O O T lluiherty O
Auli U H H.Mimuy F
HutuliliiMiu G W ] | uli'Mid G
II.nryJ lliuckley W H 2
11.IUH ) | ,1 fl lIuCklMlllHA
liiiixin .f W .luiue Air
Kftiio O r II P
Killen J. Kuohlcr G
KOMP f0n Y W l , hoe W
LftCRnon P J
1'rof I < ch AI At
' jemmcr M Laird A W
reltch T Lindner F
l/nchor M Mender F W
AtattJ McNamarn I )
Alullor M AtoKenuo .T O
AllllcrGS Moltotton T 0
Alc Vvln , T Aloonoy L N
AlcCay H Alartinll
AlcCarty K N Aluuso At
Alunn A AlatisHcld 011
Miller , f H Minor .1
Mehmson J Nllion J
Drag Newman O
Morthnip 0 Norgroon N
O'lConruo J AI O'Klynu li
O'Horko J M O'Urlon J
Paddock F Piitterson F11
Patter J I'ula A
1'dhlborg A llerrdon .T
Hathhurn I'r C II
Hntynu P lloo J W
lluao G 0 Koamcs 0
Scoliold J W Smith At
Scott W U Sllnginnn W
Speora C C Salnnt P
Smith F AI 2 Schollflolil A
Stoiihonson J Snybough 11
Slblo H C Stunner .1 T
Svvnrd J Strong li G
Slow-art J Thomas > T
Tlldpn A Townsend L W
Thomson Dr ThurstonTT
Valentino. I .1 Victor A
Van C/.nra K Winkolman G Jt
Wnlly J Wqlpiilo W N
Walt B Woingnth K 2
Wosta U C WnUcrtnati F
Wright V AVollt AI E
Wnlkor .T D Welch J
Welch S 1. Wiicox 1' W
Wylong A K Williams 0 A
Workmclstor 1) Williams W
Wyuu C I' Ycrkiiwslu U
J > t > It. with rieasuro.
WnnglcrBros. , druqglats.of Waterloo , Iowa
write : "We can with pleasure any that Thom
as I electric Oil gives the boat satisfaction of
any liniment wo ooll. Kvcryboily/vho buys
will have no other. Thii remedy 19 a certain
euro for nil achss , sprains and paina.
ThlB powdoi novoi TH ol.VA marvel ol pure
ttEKh and wliolcaomanmi. Uoro o/momlcal than
tn cdlnaiy klnda , and ewijioi bo eold In comtwlitio i
with tbo multitude ot low * : . short wclitl t nlum or
pha.j bate rwdera. SolJ oaiy In cans. Koyal Bak-
ng owdor Oo.
will Poaltlvelynot Do inserted
unless paid in advance.
TlfAIJTED A thorough nnd competent book-
VT Keeper Must bo well recommct-ded. Address
* " 0. A. .T " nn office. 345 21p
'ANTEDA ( ? oid cooh and laundress , Apply
to Mr . Kinsman , 504 rioarant street. 351-21p
U A Oormin girl at lira. II. Coop's restaurant
taurant , 215 ft. 12th btrcct. 3sU-21i >
aD Active ollloo boy about 12 years of
ace. Peck , Horn & Slbloj , llillard Uotol.
WAN1ED Kcmale cook , 1SH Davenport street
318 ! ! 0p
Girl at No. 1510 Sherman avi-nii
WANTED Two men ol good addrofs to canvasi
aad takoordor" . Good inducements to steady ,
reliable wen. CaJl 421 south 10th s.-et. a JO 22 ,
WAITED Immodlately , atcood kitchen girl , a
1409 1'lor e.rcct , north Omaha. B-85 waii
given. 3C6-2 p
WANTED A peed cook and cUoini : room glil Im
ra > dlatcly at liuckuyc meat market , corner ICt
and Mason. 3520p >
Colored boy at Oruncliaum Droi.
ISvD Farnam Direct. 394 ID
Four good men canvancrs Immediate
WANTKD . 10th street. SC3.U > i ]
- kto work with laundress
aud second girl. Wages 8'20 a mnhtli
11118 I'01'l'I.ErON ,
315-20p 1600 Shut ill n Ave.
WANTED Immediately , a good tccond girl , K "
wages and plcaiant homn at 14 0 1 ier S' . Ncrtl
Onuha. Uanu or Swo < c prcfeied. 320 19i
\T7ANTKD A competent girl ( or gcn'ral h > ute
V work Una' ba a good pi 11 co < k. A 1:001
IftundresHfgood wagoa good homo and no heavy * oili
lltforcnctn required wltli application Addri' Capt
( Julan , FortOinahk. 3IS-21p
" ' to a-li tli-ln
\ 7"ANTED-Immod'atoly , plrl - H
V Aicado Rcitaurant,1215 Douglas slreut , ! 5-20p
Girl to a * ' t with chnmlm m < ld am
WANTED ol a child. Apply 2107 Karmm ,
above 24tn etroet. t27-l' )
W PANTED Hsvcral good agents. Airly it once
2.618 Capitol 814 p
T > L\CKSJimi WANTFD-A inol utovl man
lj can find ctevly work the jcar kumrd with the
uaderuiirnod. Must t iroo.1 at plow w rk iurircnj
CL UK or d ,
31J-21 Crdnr s\Mt \ , Nell.
WANTED lady asslhtant for millinery depart
ini'iit. llubt > ] > cak KiiKlIali and Ocrinan flu i.tly ,
Apply New York Oty Uoodj ktoro. 1 10 and 13 2 1'ur
nain. srs0
VJ7ANTKI > A l&dy cook at tlio south Omaha
V > Hou o , I'acillobetw ecu Cth and 7th St. U. > ° nd
rlckton. 04-20
nANTKD A first class l > arbcr with a tint claim
T outfit to take the now lurljcrnhqi atthu Occl-
ilontal. ' 1 bobcat location and room lor the imrjioho
In Wyoming. Nona but a flruttlisa nun need ftj'1'ly
Actdru'aa JlcCray and Ilucll , liuHalo , Julinsixi Co
Wyomlijr , SOI > 2iii
\\7AN Kp ii,0'Kctloinon. : Salary or roinuilsslon
' ' Uill ( ruin tu H p. in. , or a jdreiJ Vf. . I' .
Lowry , 11T N. ICth St. -
, J airlforL'enetalhoutennr !
ruent bureau , 217 K , lii'h H'.l'lacci Irui
\\7AMf I ) Tinner tl take ctureu o ( thop. Good
T ? wnvotutdtcadyji' " . .Sl'jL-lo muu'ctrn'1.
Cutllilo Urtw. Mo. Vjlluy I a 251-tf
AT ANTED noj at corner 8tli ami Oapl'ol < ut.
> V
l7W-l p
I -A vuod bonk binder , 11 vm
vv inonj iirod , .r reavijt Nib.
"oEsTs" Lx-l ur 'lra\uliuc
A1 ipi lly liul.ciu lunt , acret > ' > lv
' .detail ) Itamod , Fiixirlincoiiot n < cu iary , Him.
lufite. ! ( . W , UUNIKOhS.Ualou , MIUi. 70-111
V\ ANTED A BMK ! rv nt itlrl.Ynft * 14 j er
> Apply U. 1C J ilinaon , oor. * 2d > ud
* ' lln o'cl > ck 01 after HI tf
\\TANTEI ) L. > dletor ifciitlBinan Innily ore nn tiy
\ t > take nice , lirfht ud p ! . > na.n' ork ut tlnir
own home * ; Jito > Uay iasil > mid iiilely | ! male
work tent by mail ; no ccnvaulrr ; no iTu > n > lot
e ly I'kMov\dta \ lUi.lililu Uitnu'aa'iulnir ' ' t'u. .
bl'adelphla. ' I a.
P A etuitlon ! by bhkunlth , luul S Jiar
ij < rlcnc on c .11 toco aiiU 2 J <
"i > . i , Y , " Uvo cilice. )
Job , HolTs Malt- Extract !
Oc ( tlio Otnnlno.
Highly recommended
by the Mrdtcal I'rolcs-
lion In all waiting dis
ease ? , tuch M
Connimptlon ,
General Debility ,
NenousncM ,
Is not n incdlcine , but cc
snu'rlthofiKxl , bulMlnn
up the fjntem by Iti own
tonle iwwcni , and by lt <
aid In assimilating all
other food , Beware ot
countcrtclt , Tlio gcntl.
'no Is alnajK put up In
tjle of bottle as In cut ,
ind bears the name cf
Tnrrant Ai Co. ,
Solo Agents for the Uni
ted States Mid nrltUh
Prox Inccs of Norlli Amer >
m , 273 OrcowUli St. , N.
Price 5/.00 / per dcz.
A : t"turn to n < with TtR
CIS. & ) " " ' " eetbymall
j thai will biiiiKiuulnMORt HOMEY. I" ono Month ,
BthanftnythtntrtwInAincrlc.i. Alwolow ortnlntT.
" jfixxl 110 capital. M. Yuunc.ln U reenwlcu BUN. Yorle.
ln ) K. ( . " , . WLST'H Ncuvr AND Ilit.-.ix TnsAT.
Nl , n Ktmrnntcod fcrjxnUo for Hjstorin , Dizzt-
nose. Convulsion" , i'lts ' , Ncn'ou Ncuralgin ,
Honaaclio , Norvonfi Prootrntitm caused by Iho ueo
of nlcuhul ortolncco , Wnkcfulnc" ' , Jlfntul lo- )
Miiut , IioftonttiK it tlio 1'fii'n in
finity mill lending to rmsri > iu ' . . .ntli ,
I'renmtuiu Olil ARP , llnrrr uoras , l. < it. < i IIOWCE
in cither nos , InvolunUiry I/nari nnd Bcrmnt -
orrhrca cniised byiiTCr-oxorUon of thnbrnin , Belf- _
tibuso or iivor-lndulcouco. Hiich tax contnina
ono inonth'B treatment. $1/1) a boxer six b xoa
for$5.tXnontbyiiiuil ) ) > rr guidon receipt of jirico.
ll'o euro nny nuso. With onchuruVrroc anynn
for c : : boxes , ncccnipanic-d with fa. ' .vo wiU
send the i > nrrfm ( r our written utir&r 3 to ro.
tiindtlio inouev if the trr tinotitilocinoteiruc4
acaru. Uuarauti'03 iKtuixiotiuin/
, UO OUSfANN , DniRKlst Amenta for Omaha
Tn these Puflerinff from tno
effects of youthful errors ,
. . . _ , BcminnlweakneM.onrlydo-
c y , lost manhood , etc. , IwlUneniljnnpirliculanofa
Klmplo and certain mp n of m-lf cure , frco of iliarse.
Send ) our address to F. O. rOWI.EH , lloodus , Conn-
DU. H H , KOK , c' the
_ _ _ _ Ilitma , naw olTet K Itcnifily wherefj/
PR * one run cure k1 n tif quIfLlr an4 palnlr 0r * for testimo
nial ! nd f nilnrncmentB Trent nunt > nt m dcal [ man Jtc. Kl treifl
. A. M. * U.U. . 100 IttlUin bU , Acir lork UU.
PERSONAL NATURE , r > < suitlnc Jit > m ABCSF nnd
OniEn CAtjana. Speedy idler anil oompleto
restoration to Ilrai.TH , VIOOK nnd MAMIOOD
uuAiUNTCKn. Scml at ouco fur Illustrated
Pamphlet free. AOnress
YOI.TATC > 5 LT TO. , tilitmlirill. Mich.
ffheu 1 e.iyiiitu l ur : u > imeim uitiroiy tobtoplhem lue
n tlmo and inon liaro them n turn Q nln. I nii r ,
calruro. 1 hiuo mmlo tlio fl P40 of FITS ,
emril * to curo.tho vnrst ciuo . llicauso ethers
txlloJ HiioronsiN fjriiiitlio 'roclrlngftcur .
orri , for a iruallBO ami a l'r , < o Bottle of my i
tttm'cly Glvo Exprofl ! , ntul r < t Otllco. It COM <
Jic for a trial , and I will nut * T. . . .
ArtCroso lr. U. G UOOT lul > ourlSt. . . ' > ] S/M1 ! < >
rA.T'ct'm ' ' ° * clrl1 impnidonco , cunning neryous
Sebiilty , promatnrol decay , cto. . ImvinB , nu , ia
mOTory knonrn remedy , n s discovered a fimnlo
ineunof Belf-coro. which liowill nend HIKE to
alofcIIow-nulTorern. Addnw.
A U. KliliVliS. O C'liathaui St. . Now Yorfc
Cliartercd by thcStatcof III J-
'nois ' forthecxpicsapurpobo
olc'vmcimmcdlatc ' relieiiC
all chronic , urinary and pri-
fvate diceascs. Gonorrhoea ,
Gleet andSyplulis in oil their
complicated forms , also alt
diseases of the Skin and
Blood promptly relieved and
permanently cured byrcme-
dieslc3tcdn ! a FurtyYrnrf
, , . - . - * vtn i > J"'ci < tlJ'rartlcr. Seminat
Weakness. NIEM Losses by Dreams , Pimples on
the Face.Lost Manhood , funltlvfly eiiml. Tl.ero
ittK > cfi > crl > nenHtiii. Ths appropriate remedy
sastonce used In eacli case. Consultations , per-
lonal or by letter , sacredly confidential. Med-
.clnes sent by Mall nnd Express. No marks on
fackaee to i ndicate contents or sender. Address
3B.JAMESNo. 204VVashlnfllon St.ClilMgolll ,
Taltennt. other
MJ . noiirleliment.
. 'luiirjuniiieiir.
f A aM\f\\ \ f" < H with
k JW M.Jvf lilm iwrfectly. "
| /f TV W writes a ruotli.
Vf AJf < T liimdrwtaor
l' ' nmllart < ' tinio.
1 th
CompreaBor. SO. fl'orfw Circul
ermfa Bwrofu , zasiic ? . uoriiteiot. . Hwejfc
A Dookofn
MARRIAGE nunitroui tnsraTln ji | re.
vcili ircrrli which
d ct > DtempliLtii } ( mtrrUgt
ihould kuow. Ilunilrrdi of
[ . ? * "
i Wtiliioii , fiu. , Hunt iccurrly icilrd
T. 0. CABLlttLE
"Send for Clreulin. "
A. P , GROSS , ,
nd al klndi of olllw work a npucjalty Call "rid
drtm 18M.Ucl.noi > Htru t , ottn\t , Nh , "IMI
' wJ ' - tfl ? " .t" t' < ' uu - ' -ll'ii"i-lli it
-j9.C'tJn ilM : : : ' a" ; - . l'r ' ; * i- i , Cuiif-l.
y7jCii-c- * " IjvfM * . . munli ,
DUM.II - . . . ttJrl"4 ! t-'lj"i'I" | ' | " " ' ' - ) ;
51.000 Would Not Qtiw
| tl ! h umall.m .rtl
j 4 bolt To w.y . < > nf amictf < l with
dld * c , i would r , buy l/un.t1. nctrc , ; Dell
Any oue can confer with we by writing cilllur
my .tore , 140 ttouitl * . , tru < , t. lm lia. Nit :
K OFKICE-0 , podu I torv
i.M''h'o ' V' HU
rdcr < ai ! d 0. O 1) .